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COMPANY REPORT                           Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA

25 Years
                                                                                                 •	The	power	of	this	company	is	its	robust	
                                                                                                 signal	analyzers
                                                                                                 •	Company	plans	worldwide	expansion	with	
                                                                                                 its	internationally	compatible	analyzers

                                                                                                 •	Special	test	signal	generators	for	receiver	
                                                                                                 •	Special	attention	to	ergonomic	operation

                                                                                                 •	Technical	customer	service	an	important	
                                                                                                 highlight	of	the	company

                                              TELE-satellite Magazine
                                    Business Voucher
                                     Direct Contact to Sales Manager

■ Applied Instruments leases two suites in this
industrial complex from which digital TV signal
analyzers are produced.

126 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1
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                                                         1                                           — 10-1
                                                                                                                                          1/201 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine
                                                                                                                                              1                                                 127
COMPANY REPORT                          Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA

Signal Analyzers                                                                        ë       Indianapolis

Made in USA
■ General Manager Tom Haywood in the showroom with
a selection of products from Applied Instruments. He
owns 50% of the company while his partner Jeff Haas,
Director of Engineering, owns the other 50%.

128 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1
                                                     1/201 —
■ Jeff Haas is Director of Engineering                                                                                                                                                                                     ■ A motorized C-band dish on the wall
            and prefers to work at this shack. He is                                                                                                                                                                                   as well as numerous other dishes
            co-owner of Applied Instruments.                                                                                                                                                                                           on the roof are all used by Applied
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Instruments to develop and test their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       signal analyzers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              APPLIED INSTRUMENTS                                                              Company Details
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, USA                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ▼                                 ▼
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0................................ 25 .................................. 50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0................................ 10 ................... 20 Mio U$D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Production Certificates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Production Categories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               own brand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Main Products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cable TV Signal Analyzers, Satellite TV Analyzers, Noise Signal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Generators, Noise Power Ratio Test Instrument

  A small family business has managed                  son Tom Haywood explains to us where      From here the path to satellite signal       not all that much different from being      to noise testing”, comments Tom Hay-                                                  USA and Canada, with only the remain-
to become one of the most well-known                   the name came from: “We apply a solu-     analyzers was not a long one. “In 1998       a building designer who must also be        wood.                                                                                 ing 5% being shipped abroad to coun-
names in the North American cable and                  tion to every problem and provide the     we introduced the first satellite signal     creative and a problem solver.”                                                                                                   tries like Switzerland, Sweden, Great
satellite TV signal analyzer market. It’s              instruments just for that purpose – Ap-   analyzer from the ‘Buddy’ series”, com-                                                    General Manager Tom Haywood ex-                                                     Britain, Belgium as well as Australia”,
the perfect reason for us to go and pay                plied Instruments.”                       ments Tom Haywood.                             When his mother, the wife of founder      plains to us their product palette: “80%                                              comments Scott Haywood.
Applied Instruments in Indianapolis, In-                                                                                                      Doyle Haywood, began to have health         of our sales are made up of reception
diana, USA, a visit only to find out that                The new company originally began          The Sat Buddy quickly became known         issues, his father decided to leave the     signal analyzers, 10% are test genera-                                                   But this is what will change in the
the company is expanding into the in-                  with three employees, one of whom was     and loved by North American satellite        company and sell 50% ownership of the       tors with the remaining 10% made up of                                                company’s 25th year of operation: “We
ternational market with its products                   David Poelstra, a research engineer       installers and over the years was con-       company to Tom Haywood. The other           complete systems consisting of signal                                                 are actively looking for competent dis-
that are Made in USA.                                  that worked together with Doyle Hay-      sistently improved and fitted with new       50% was sold to Jeff Haas. Both are en-     generators and signal analyzers.” And                                                 tributors in Europe, The Middle East
                                                       wood in the first company. In 1990 they   features. Scott Haywood, Tom Hay-            thusiastic with the opportunity to fur-     as far as sales figures go, he tells us,                                              and Asia.” It is critical for Applied In-
  Who’s behind Applied Instruments?                    released their first successful prod-     wood’s son and third generation in the       ther expand Applied Instruments.            “For the past several years sales have                                                struments to find technically competent
It really is a family-owned business.                  uct to the market – a cable TV signal     company, is a sales manager at Ap-                                                       been stable at about US$ 5.5 million                                                  partners: “Our products are not throw-
It was founded exactly 25 years ago                    analyzer that not only was easy to use    plied Instruments and tells us about the       But the company doesn’t only manu-        but for 2012 we are expecting roughly a                                               away products; they are solidly built
in 1986 by Doyle Haywood, the father                   but was also affordable. Over the years   newest Buddy version: “It’s the Super        facture signal analyzers that are used      10% increase.”                                                                        and can be repaired if the need were to
of the current General Manager Tom                     other analyzers appeared. “In order to    Buddy 29 and in addition to letting you      at the receiving end. An especially in-                                                                                           ever arise.” Technical customer service
Haywood. His son Scott Haywood also                    test long cable lengths, we produced a    measure satellite TV signals, it can also    teresting highlight is the Noise Power        Where will this increase come from?                                                 is actually quite important when deal-
works for the company as a sales man-                  Return Path Test Set”, remembers Gen-     be used to install the Wildblue Internet-    Ratio testing product that manufactur-      Sales Manager Scott Haywood has a                                                     ing with products like signal analyzers;
ager.                                                  eral Manager Tom Haywood, “It consist-    via–satellite service. These LNBs re-        ers of amplifiers, optical transmitters     few answers for us: “We are currently                                                 professional installers use signal ana-
                                                       ed of a CW Test Signal Generator that     quire 29 volts that the Super Buddy 29       and receivers, and other active devices     developing a signal analyzer for DVB-S2                                               lyzers on a daily basis and can thereby
  When we look back at when it all start-              was attached to one end of the long       can supply, hence the ‘29’ in the model      can use to test the operating range of      that will become available in the fourth                                              document a proper installation. Reli-
ed, we find out that there’s even more                 cable and a receiver at the other end.    name.”                                       their products. It consists of a noise      quarter of 2011. We are also working                                                  ability and help with technical problems
history behind the company’s founder                   In this way we could check the quality                                                 generator that sends its signal to the      on terrestrial signal analyzers for ATSC                                              are excellent reasons why an installer
Doyle Haywood: he founded a compa-                     of the cable.”                              Tom Haywood, the current General           receiver to be tested and a correspond-     and QAM that will appear in the first                                                 would want to choose a quality product
ny back in 1973 that produced signal                                                             Manager, is actually a construction en-      ing signal analyzer that measures the       quarter of 2012.”                                                                     from a manufacturer that he knows will
analyzers for cable TV. In 1979 he sold                  In 1994 MMDS (Multichannel Multi-       gineer but always enjoyed lending a          output signal from the tested receiver.                                                                                           support him later on.
that company to a large corporation.                   point Distribution Service), also known   hand at the company. In 1996 he de-                                                         Applied Instruments is looking at sat-
But when he came up with the idea to                   as wireless cable, gained widespread      cided to work exclusively for his father’s     “Our NS-3 Broadband Noise Genera-         ellite signal analyzers as their way of                                                 “We produce everything ourselves”,
develop clean reliable test signal gen-                use primarily in rural areas and Ap-      company: “The creation of solutions          tor is often used by receiver manufac-      expanding into the export market. “Up                                                 comments General Manager Tom Hay-
erators for CATV, he quickly founded a                 plied Instruments was there provid-       and the ergonomic products have al-          turers and satellite service providers to   until now, 95% of our products have                                                   wood referring to his nine production
new company: Applied Instruments. His                  ing the appropriate signal analyzers.     ways fascinated me”, he reveals, “It’s       simulate rain fade and conduct carrier      been shipped to North America, that is                                                employees, “Our R&D team consists of

130 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1
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                                                         1                                                                                                                                        — 10-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1/201 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1                                                                                                                                131

                                                            3                             2

                                                                                      seven engineers, the repair team is made up of five en-
                                                                                      gineers and our technical customer service has four en-
                                                                                      gineers.” On top of that are three employees in admin-
                                                                                      istration as well as two sales managers so that a total of
                                                                                      30 employees make up Applied Instruments all of which
                                                                                      work in an 11,000 Sq-foot office/production facility lo-
                                                                                      cated in an industrial zone southeast of Indianapolis.

                                                                                        After 25 successful years, Applied Instruments is
   1. Sales Manager Scott Haywood enjoys reading TELE-satellite.
   “I’m especially interested in the satellite DXer reports”, reveals                 ready to plow into the international market. The en-
   Scott, “It shows the enthusiasm they have for their hobby.” It’s                   thusiasm of the engineers and the requirements that
   an enthusiasm that Scott shares and that can be readily seen in                    customers have for their signal analyzers provides this
   the company’s signal analyzers.
                                                                                      company with an excellent chance to grow in the world
   2. Diana greets visitors at the reception desk.
   3. Camille Edmonds keeps track of finances and organizes the
                                                                                      market over the next 25 years with their robust signal
   books.                                                                             analyzers.

132 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1
                                                     1/201 —

1. One of Applied
Instruments’ most                             2                                       3
successful products: the
Super Buddy, a satellite
signal analyzer that is
especially popular in the
North American market.
2. The Noise Signal
Generator NS-3 is another
successful product from
Applied Instruments
used by satellite receiver
3. Another Applied
Instruments success
story: the Noise Signal
Generator NS-1 is used
by installers to check the
condition of coaxial cable.
It is handy and easy to use.
4. Marketed only to
real professionals,
this Noise Power Ratio
Test Instrument costs
around US$15,000 and
is commonly used in a
production environment
by manufacturers of
amplifiers and optical
transmitters and receivers.


134 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1
                                                     1/201 —
1                                                                                                                                                6


                                                                                      1. The typical desk of a highly creative puzzle-lover: Luc    5. If there’s a problem with one of their products, the repair team
                                                                                      Nguyen works in the Technical Department.                     jumps into action: Jeff Milner (left), Oren Williams (center) and
                                                                                      2. Scott Larson is Technical Service Manager and helps        Ryan Ramsey (right) quickly solve any problems.
                                                                                      customers with more complex problems.                         6. Dave Clodfelter is one of the production technicians. He is
                                                                                      3. How do you properly connect the signal analyzer? Craig     seen here assembling a CATV Return Path test set.
                                                                                      Shockley can always be reached by telephone and helps         7. For RF Engineer Russ Phillips there’s nothing better than
                                                                                      customers with technical questions. The most frequently       to be deeply immersed in the technology. His work station is
                                                                                      asked questions have to do with Applied Instruments’          fully loaded with test instruments which he uses to constantly
                                                                                      successful product, the Buddy. Here he is holding the         improve Applied Instruments’ products.
                                                                                      newest Super Buddy 29 model.                                  8. The hardware is one thing, but a customer has to be able to
                                                                                      4. To the right is the parts storage area and in the middle   operate it. Robin Ross is responsible for the software; he fine
                                                                                      is production. Nearly all of Applied Instruments’ products    tunes each operational step to make it as easy as possible for
                                                                             2        are low volume products and are assembled manually.           the customer to use.                                                      7


                                                                             3                                                                                                                                                8

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  • 1. COMPANY REPORT Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA 该独家报道由高级编辑所作 25 Years • The power of this company is its robust signal analyzers • Company plans worldwide expansion with its internationally compatible analyzers Applied • Special test signal generators for receiver manufacturers • Special attention to ergonomic operation Instruments • Technical customer service an important highlight of the company TELE-satellite Magazine Business Voucher Direct Contact to Sales Manager ■ Applied Instruments leases two suites in this industrial complex from which digital TV signal analyzers are produced. 126 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1 1/201 — 1 — 10-1 1/201 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 1 127
  • 2. COMPANY REPORT Signal Analyzer Manufacturer Applied Instruments, USA Robust Signal Analyzers ë Indianapolis Made in USA ■ General Manager Tom Haywood in the showroom with a selection of products from Applied Instruments. He owns 50% of the company while his partner Jeff Haas, Director of Engineering, owns the other 50%. 128 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1 1/201 — 1
  • 3. ■ Jeff Haas is Director of Engineering ■ A motorized C-band dish on the wall and prefers to work at this shack. He is as well as numerous other dishes co-owner of Applied Instruments. on the roof are all used by Applied Instruments to develop and test their signal analyzers. APPLIED INSTRUMENTS Company Details Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, USA Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees ▼ ▼ 0................................ 25 .................................. 50 Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates) ▼ 0................................ 10 ................... 20 Mio U$D Production Certificates DVB Production Categories own brand Main Products Cable TV Signal Analyzers, Satellite TV Analyzers, Noise Signal Generators, Noise Power Ratio Test Instrument A small family business has managed son Tom Haywood explains to us where From here the path to satellite signal not all that much different from being to noise testing”, comments Tom Hay- USA and Canada, with only the remain- to become one of the most well-known the name came from: “We apply a solu- analyzers was not a long one. “In 1998 a building designer who must also be wood. ing 5% being shipped abroad to coun- names in the North American cable and tion to every problem and provide the we introduced the first satellite signal creative and a problem solver.” tries like Switzerland, Sweden, Great satellite TV signal analyzer market. It’s instruments just for that purpose – Ap- analyzer from the ‘Buddy’ series”, com- General Manager Tom Haywood ex- Britain, Belgium as well as Australia”, the perfect reason for us to go and pay plied Instruments.” ments Tom Haywood. When his mother, the wife of founder plains to us their product palette: “80% comments Scott Haywood. Applied Instruments in Indianapolis, In- Doyle Haywood, began to have health of our sales are made up of reception diana, USA, a visit only to find out that The new company originally began The Sat Buddy quickly became known issues, his father decided to leave the signal analyzers, 10% are test genera- But this is what will change in the the company is expanding into the in- with three employees, one of whom was and loved by North American satellite company and sell 50% ownership of the tors with the remaining 10% made up of company’s 25th year of operation: “We ternational market with its products David Poelstra, a research engineer installers and over the years was con- company to Tom Haywood. The other complete systems consisting of signal are actively looking for competent dis- that are Made in USA. that worked together with Doyle Hay- sistently improved and fitted with new 50% was sold to Jeff Haas. Both are en- generators and signal analyzers.” And tributors in Europe, The Middle East wood in the first company. In 1990 they features. Scott Haywood, Tom Hay- thusiastic with the opportunity to fur- as far as sales figures go, he tells us, and Asia.” It is critical for Applied In- Who’s behind Applied Instruments? released their first successful prod- wood’s son and third generation in the ther expand Applied Instruments. “For the past several years sales have struments to find technically competent It really is a family-owned business. uct to the market – a cable TV signal company, is a sales manager at Ap- been stable at about US$ 5.5 million partners: “Our products are not throw- It was founded exactly 25 years ago analyzer that not only was easy to use plied Instruments and tells us about the But the company doesn’t only manu- but for 2012 we are expecting roughly a away products; they are solidly built in 1986 by Doyle Haywood, the father but was also affordable. Over the years newest Buddy version: “It’s the Super facture signal analyzers that are used 10% increase.” and can be repaired if the need were to of the current General Manager Tom other analyzers appeared. “In order to Buddy 29 and in addition to letting you at the receiving end. An especially in- ever arise.” Technical customer service Haywood. His son Scott Haywood also test long cable lengths, we produced a measure satellite TV signals, it can also teresting highlight is the Noise Power Where will this increase come from? is actually quite important when deal- works for the company as a sales man- Return Path Test Set”, remembers Gen- be used to install the Wildblue Internet- Ratio testing product that manufactur- Sales Manager Scott Haywood has a ing with products like signal analyzers; ager. eral Manager Tom Haywood, “It consist- via–satellite service. These LNBs re- ers of amplifiers, optical transmitters few answers for us: “We are currently professional installers use signal ana- ed of a CW Test Signal Generator that quire 29 volts that the Super Buddy 29 and receivers, and other active devices developing a signal analyzer for DVB-S2 lyzers on a daily basis and can thereby When we look back at when it all start- was attached to one end of the long can supply, hence the ‘29’ in the model can use to test the operating range of that will become available in the fourth document a proper installation. Reli- ed, we find out that there’s even more cable and a receiver at the other end. name.” their products. It consists of a noise quarter of 2011. We are also working ability and help with technical problems history behind the company’s founder In this way we could check the quality generator that sends its signal to the on terrestrial signal analyzers for ATSC are excellent reasons why an installer Doyle Haywood: he founded a compa- of the cable.” Tom Haywood, the current General receiver to be tested and a correspond- and QAM that will appear in the first would want to choose a quality product ny back in 1973 that produced signal Manager, is actually a construction en- ing signal analyzer that measures the quarter of 2012.” from a manufacturer that he knows will analyzers for cable TV. In 1979 he sold In 1994 MMDS (Multichannel Multi- gineer but always enjoyed lending a output signal from the tested receiver. support him later on. that company to a large corporation. point Distribution Service), also known hand at the company. In 1996 he de- Applied Instruments is looking at sat- But when he came up with the idea to as wireless cable, gained widespread cided to work exclusively for his father’s “Our NS-3 Broadband Noise Genera- ellite signal analyzers as their way of “We produce everything ourselves”, develop clean reliable test signal gen- use primarily in rural areas and Ap- company: “The creation of solutions tor is often used by receiver manufac- expanding into the export market. “Up comments General Manager Tom Hay- erators for CATV, he quickly founded a plied Instruments was there provid- and the ergonomic products have al- turers and satellite service providers to until now, 95% of our products have wood referring to his nine production new company: Applied Instruments. His ing the appropriate signal analyzers. ways fascinated me”, he reveals, “It’s simulate rain fade and conduct carrier been shipped to North America, that is employees, “Our R&D team consists of 130 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1 1/201 — 1 — 10-1 1/201 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 1 131
  • 4. 1 3 2 seven engineers, the repair team is made up of five en- gineers and our technical customer service has four en- gineers.” On top of that are three employees in admin- istration as well as two sales managers so that a total of 30 employees make up Applied Instruments all of which work in an 11,000 Sq-foot office/production facility lo- cated in an industrial zone southeast of Indianapolis. After 25 successful years, Applied Instruments is 1. Sales Manager Scott Haywood enjoys reading TELE-satellite. “I’m especially interested in the satellite DXer reports”, reveals ready to plow into the international market. The en- Scott, “It shows the enthusiasm they have for their hobby.” It’s thusiasm of the engineers and the requirements that an enthusiasm that Scott shares and that can be readily seen in customers have for their signal analyzers provides this the company’s signal analyzers. company with an excellent chance to grow in the world 2. Diana greets visitors at the reception desk. 3. Camille Edmonds keeps track of finances and organizes the market over the next 25 years with their robust signal books. analyzers. 132 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1 1/201 — 1
  • 5. 1 1. One of Applied Instruments’ most 2 3 successful products: the Super Buddy, a satellite signal analyzer that is especially popular in the North American market. 2. The Noise Signal Generator NS-3 is another successful product from Applied Instruments used by satellite receiver manufacturers. 3. Another Applied Instruments success story: the Noise Signal Generator NS-1 is used by installers to check the condition of coaxial cable. It is handy and easy to use. 4. Marketed only to real professionals, this Noise Power Ratio Test Instrument costs around US$15,000 and is commonly used in a production environment by manufacturers of amplifiers and optical transmitters and receivers. 4 134 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1 1/201 — 1
  • 6. 1 6 4 1. The typical desk of a highly creative puzzle-lover: Luc 5. If there’s a problem with one of their products, the repair team Nguyen works in the Technical Department. jumps into action: Jeff Milner (left), Oren Williams (center) and 2. Scott Larson is Technical Service Manager and helps Ryan Ramsey (right) quickly solve any problems. customers with more complex problems. 6. Dave Clodfelter is one of the production technicians. He is 3. How do you properly connect the signal analyzer? Craig seen here assembling a CATV Return Path test set. Shockley can always be reached by telephone and helps 7. For RF Engineer Russ Phillips there’s nothing better than customers with technical questions. The most frequently to be deeply immersed in the technology. His work station is asked questions have to do with Applied Instruments’ fully loaded with test instruments which he uses to constantly successful product, the Buddy. Here he is holding the improve Applied Instruments’ products. newest Super Buddy 29 model. 8. The hardware is one thing, but a customer has to be able to 4. To the right is the parts storage area and in the middle operate it. Robin Ross is responsible for the software; he fine is production. Nearly all of Applied Instruments’ products tunes each operational step to make it as easy as possible for 2 are low volume products and are assembled manually. the customer to use. 7 5 3 8 136 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 10-1 1/201 — 1 — 10-1 1/201 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 1 137