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Applied Safety Science and
Engineering Techniques (ASSETTM)
The Evolution of Hazard Based Safety Engineering into the
Framework of a Safety Management Process
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )

Applied Safety Science and Engineering
Techniques (ASSETTM)
The Evolution of Hazard Based Safety Engineering
into the Framework of a Safety Management Process
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM) merge hazard based
safety engineering and safety science principles in an overall framework of a safety
management process to achieve, maintain and continuously improve safety. The
ASSET process has been synthesized from current, industry-standard risk assessment
and risk management guidelines, including recent International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) publications.

Basic relationships are explored among hazards, exposure and harm to persons,
property and the environment. Various potential approaches to protect against harm
are then explored in the framework of safety management, systems engineering,
quality management systems, concurrent engineering, human factors and other
relevant principles.

This ASSET safety management process has potential application in virtually any
industry and product segment to support informed decisions on solutions to difficult
safety issues, using sound safety science and engineering experience and judgment.
This paper covers the ASSET safety management process, its guiding principles and

ASSET Objective
The objective of the ASSET Process of Safety Management is to utilize Applied
Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM), together with existing standards,
codes and regulations, to achieve, maintain and continuously improve the safety of
products, processes and services for safer living and working environments. ASSET TM
is a trademark of UL LLC.

page 2
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )

Background                                     National Lab, 2011 Today’s Engineering       of identified standards, codes and/or

This paper follows the introductory paper,     Challenges – Tomorrow’s Solutions            regulations that may potentially apply.

Applied Safety Science and Engineering         Technical Conference and Exhibition.         The scope and context of the assessment
Techniques (ASSETTM): Taking Hazard Based                                                   itself is also established, including
                                               With essential technical input and
Safety Engineering (HBSE) to the Next                                                       boundaries, and scope alignment on
                                               development of Bob Davidson and
Level, which was presented at the 2010                                                      all three counts is sought. In this early
                                               strategic leadership of Dan Bejnarowicz,
International Symposium on Product                                                          stage and throughout the process,
                                               ASSET was developed in the safety
Compliance Engineering (ISPCE) of the                                                       potential gaps need to be identified and
                                               management process framework.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics                                                     bridged. A gap may exist for example,
                                               Notification has just been made that this
Engineers (IEEE) Product Safety                                                             if a product, process or service – in the
                                               ASSET work has earned a 2011 IEEE Region 1
Engineering Society, and had established                                                    context of its application – does not fall
                                               Award (Northeastern US) in the category
the case and set the stage for ASSET.                                                       completely within the scope of existing
                                               of Technological Innovation (Industry or
                                                                                            safety standards. Another gap may exist
A similar paper was published by the           Government): For significant Patents, for
                                                                                            whereby a product, process or service
American Society of Safety Engineers           discovery of new devices, development of
                                                                                            falls within the scope of a safety
in their Safety Health and Environment         applications or exemplary contributions
                                                                                            standard, but involves features, functions,
(SH&E) Standards Digest, a publication         to industry or government.
                                                                                            technologies or applications that may
of their Engineering Practice Specialty.
ASSET also reflects concepts of the
                                               ASSET Application                            introduce a safety hazard, and not
                                                                                            be anticipated or addressed by the
ANSI/ASSE Z690 series, the US national         The ASSET process has application in
                                                                                            requirements in the standard.
adoption of ISO 31000, ISO/IEC 31010 and       areas including the development of
                                               safety standards, codes, and regulations,
ISO Guide 73, initiating membership on                                                      ASSET and Standards
the ISO Technical Advisory Group (TAG)         and the design, evaluation, compliance,
                                                                                            ASSET provides a process and
on Risk Management.                            certification and safety management
                                                                                            methodology for complementing
                                               of products, processes and services.
Certain ASSET principles have been                                                          existing standards in evaluating the
                                               As such, ASSET applies to functions
applied and presented in recent                                                             safety of products, processes or services;
                                               and responsibilities including safety
conferences including the 2009 NASA                                                         assisting in the evaluation of products,
                                               designers, regulatory compliance,
Aerospace Battery Workshop ("FTA {Fault                                                     processes or services not within the scope
                                               product safety certifiers, standards/codes
Tree Analysis} / FMEA {Failure Modes and                                                    of existing standards; and evaluating
                                               developers and product and program
Effects Analysis} Safety Analysis Model for                                                 product features such as materials and
                                               safety managers. ASSET can also help
Lithium-ion Batteries"), ASEAN/ ACCSQ                                                       constructions, functions, technologies or
                                               to integrate and address the needs of
2010 ("ASEAN-US Enhanced Partnership                                                        applications not anticipated or covered
                                               various stakeholders including
Workshop on Hazard-Based Engineering                                                        by existing standards. In these situations
                                               regulators, AHJs, standards developers,
Principles for the Electrical and Electronic                                                ASSET can be applied to help identify
                                               trade and professional organizations,
Equipment: A Risk-Based Approach Applied                                                    hazards not anticipated or covered
                                               consumer groups, government agencies
to Li-Ion Battery (LIB) Hazards"), as well                                                  by existing standards and the need
                                               and the public.
as ICPHSO 2011 (International Consumer                                                      for additional requirements to meet
Product Health and Safety Organization,        For example, relevant safety                 the safety objective or intent of the
“Hazard Analysis: Hazard Based Safety          requirements are generally determined        standards, and help identify alternative
Engineering & Fault Tree Analysis”).The        by first establishing the scope of the       protective measures not anticipated
ASSET Safety Management process was            product, process, or service in question.    by the standard but which can achieve
presented for the IEEE and Argonne             This scope is then compared to the scope     an equivalent level of safety to the

page 3
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )


                                                                      DETERMINE SCOPE / CONTEXT

                                                                      IDENTIFY / ANALYZE HAZARDS

                     ASSESS / DECIDE ON ACTION

                                                             SPECIFY / IDENTIFY / DESIGN PROTECTIVE MEASURES

                                                                     EVALUATE PROTECTIVE MEASURES

                                                 NO               ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF SAFETY ACHIEVED?


                                                                      CONTROL / MONITOR / REVIEW

                                                 NO                PRESENT LEVEL OF SAFETY MAINTAINED?                 YES

                                                               IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT

Figure 1: ASSET Process of Safety Management

protective measures specified in the                  ASSET Safety                                             Safety Engineering (HBSE) was originally
standard, thereby meeting the safety                  Management Process                                       conceived by HP/Agilent, and targeted
objective of the standard.                                                                                     typical types of hazards and forms of
                                                      The ASSET process of safety management
                                                      was developed as the evolution of                        injury involving electronics products,
In fact, the ASSET process stages include
                                                                                                               such as information technology and
repeated “spec-checks”, whereby the                   hazard-based safety engineering
                                                                                                               office equipment.
initially identified requirements are                 principles and safety science into
assessed at each stage.                               an overall framework of a safety                         The ASSET process is based on a number
                                                      management process. Hazard Based                         of acknowledged risk management / risk

page 4
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )

assessment principles and processes,           components, subsystems, environment            This stage has goals to establish the
for example those found in publications        and boundaries with interfaces and             safety objective(s); determine the need
including but not limited to ISO/IEC Guide     interactions; intended implementation,         for protective measures; identify the
51, IEC Guide 116, ISO 31000, ISO/IEC 31010,   operation, use, users and others affected;     potential protective measure strategies,
ISO 14121, ISO 14971, IEC 60300-3-9 and        conditions and requirements for                categories and mechanisms; analyze
ANSI/ASSE Z690.                                installation; recommended procedures           and prioritize protective measures;
This process involves stages to formulate      for maintenance and repair; potential          and specify, design and implement the
the right types of questions to identify       effects of packing, shipping and storage;      protective measures.
the scope of the product, system or            reasonably foreseeable misuse by using
                                                                                              Evaluate Protective Measures
service to be evaluated for potential          a sub-process developed to determine
                                               degrees of reasonable foreseeable misuse       The goal of this stage is to determine
harm; identify and analyze hazards and
                                               and associated guidance; other                 whether protective measures are
potential sources of harm; identify,
                                               conditions or factors of potential             adequate and effective by evaluating
analyze and evaluate protective measures
                                               impact; and applicable standards,              whether and how protective measures
to reduce the risk of harm such as risk
                                               codes and/or regulations.                      meet specific safety objectives;
of injury from products; assist in the
                                                                                              identifying safety attributes that
determination of whether or not an             Identify / Analyze Hazards
                                                                                              are being relied upon and need to be
acceptable level of safety is achieved;
                                               The goals of the stage are to identify         controlled; and evaluating those safety
understand and apply methods to
                                               potential types and sources of harm            attributes. In order to determine if
maintain and continuously improve
                                               (hazards); determine how harm can occur        the goal of this stage is achieved, key
safety. This can help explain, apply and
                                               such as hazardous situations, hazardous        questions are asked which include
enhance existing requirements, and help
                                               and harmful events, and the severity of        the following:
address emerging technologies, products
                                               the harm; sort consequences by the level           •  Have all the hazards
and applications.
                                               of severity, in which initial consequence            been identified?
This ASSET process was developed to            evaluation is akin to worst case scenario,
address a broad spectrum of applications                                                          •  Have the safety (risk reduction)
                                               with guidance on severity factors, and
and each stage has different needs                                                                  objectives been determined?
                                               consideration of extent and exposure of
and significance for the assessment of         harm; and determine if the applicable              •  Have the protective measures
different products, processes, services        standards, codes and/or regulations                  intended to address the hazards
in different applications. The following       address the identified hazards, or if there          and achieve the safety objectives
provides a brief look at each ASSET            are gaps that need to be addressed.                  been identified and designed?
process stage and its objectives.
                                               Specify / Identify / Design                        •  Have tests and evaluations been
Determine Scope / Context                      Protective Measures                                  conducted to demonstrate that the
                                                                                                    protective measures are capable
The goals of this stage are to determine       In this stage, protective measures
                                                                                                    of achieving the safety objectives
and attempt to align the scope and             are specified, identified or designed,
                                                                                                    with acceptable results?
context of the following: the product,         depending on the given function and
process or service to be assessed, the         responsibility being fulfilled. For example,       •  Have the constructions,
assessment itself and the initially            a protective measure may be specified                components and materials that
identified requirements. Relevant topics       by developers of standards, codes and                are relied upon for the protective
include the subject of the assessment,         regulations, designed by a manufacturer              measure to meet the safety
including systems aspects of materials,        or identified by an evaluator.                       objectives been identified?

page 5
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )

    •  Have their safety-related              This may involve revisiting earlier process   present level of safety is not being
      characteristics (safety attributes),    stages or discontinuing.                      maintained, there is a different need to
      factors which may degrade those                                                       assess and decide on action. Again, this
                                              This point of the ASSET process
      characteristics, and the tests and      generally involves conformance and            may involve revisiting earlier process
      evaluations needed to determine         compliance activities.                        stages or discontinuing.
      their adequacy been identified?
                                              Control / Monitor / Review                    This point of the ASSET process generally
    •  Have the necessary evaluations         to Maintain Safety                            involves activities including certification,
      / tests been performed with                                                           market and conformity surveillance,
                                              At this stage, if determined that an
      acceptable results?                                                                   follow-up for certification mark integrity,
                                              acceptable level of safety has been
                                                                                            updates in regulations, standards and
Through this point in the ASSET               achieved, the goal is to ensure that
                                                                                            codes, and assessment of new/emerging
process, these stages generally involve       safety is then maintained by establishing
                                                                                            technologies that may either benefit or
activities such as hazard based safety        controls throughout the life cycle,
                                                                                            threaten safety.
engineering, safety research, safety          up the supply chain, to ensure that
design, conformity assessment and new         safety is maintained; monitoring field        Identify Opportunities for Improvement
standards development. It is also noted       performance down the supply chain             The goal of this stage is to monitor and
that the evaluation of certain protective     and factors that may impact safety            identify the opportunity, or the need,
measures, including life safety devices,      by means of surveillance and follow           for improvement in safety and safety
may effectively begin at this stage.          up; and periodically reviewing and            standards and the processes, methods
Decision Gate: Acceptable Level               assessing results and deciding on             and tools used to determine whether and
of Safety Achieved?                           appropriate actions.                          how safety is achieved and maintained.
                                              Decision Gate: Present Level                  These opportunities are then assessed
There are two basic outcomes of this
                                              of Safety Maintained?                         to decide on action, which may involve
safety decision. If it is determined that
                                                                                            revisiting earlier process stages.
an acceptable level of safety has been        Similar to the prior decision gate, there
achieved, then there is a need to control,    are also two basic outcomes of this safety    Activities involved in this stage of the
monitor and review to maintain safety.        decision. If determined that the present      ASSET process include improvements in
However, if an acceptable level of safety     level of safety is being maintained, then     regulations, standards and codes, as well
has not been achieved, there is a different   there is a need to continue to control,       as improvements in safety assessment
need to assess and decide on action.          monitor, and review. However, if the          processes, methods and tools.

page 6
Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )

Meeting the Objective
The stated objective of the ASSET process of safety management is to utilize Applied
Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM) together with existing standards,
codes and regulations to achieve, maintain and continuously improve the safety of
products, processes and services for safer living and working environments.

By this we mean to determine and achieve an acceptable level of safety, based on
specific safety objectives; maintain that present level of safety throughout the entire
lifecycle of the product, process or service, under all anticipated conditions, considering
upstream (suppliers) and downstream (users and all affected) the supply chain; and
continually seek and assess opportunities for improvement,based on the availability,
need or demand for improvements.

ASSET stresses the importance of assessing the sources, causes and conditions of harm,
as HBSE always has, as well as the risk of harm including severity, likelihood, extent,
exposure of harm. ASSET also addresses different forms of potential harm to various
entities, including injury or health risk to persons, harm to property or the environment
and even continuity of critical operations and functions. Sources are categorized in
terms of energy or matter/substance that may be harmful, from different sources in
various forms, conversions or conditions. The standard HBSE tools of the 3-block energy
transfer model for injury and HBSE process to evaluate a safeguard and standard injury
fault tree are adapted and expanded.

Then the most effective protective measure strategies can be determined, with
appropriate identification, evaluation and control of safety attributes - the very
properties and characteristics of protective measures relied upon to achieve, maintain
and improve this level of safety.

The ASSET process supports informed decisions using the best available information,
data and other resources, based on the best available knowledge and experience, at
progressive stages of development. This can help identify the degree of confidence in
the decision and the relative need and value of additional inputs or analysis. ASSET can
also serve as a tool for effective communication and interaction to share information,
as needed by various stakeholders.

For more information about the Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques
(ASSET TM) white paper, please contact Thomas Lanzisero, Senior Research Engineer at

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Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM )

The author wishes to acknowledge the indispensible technical and strategic
contributions of Robert J. Davidson, Jr. and Daniel E. Bejnarowicz of UL University.

ASSET is now the subject of a 2-day workshop to put your skills to the test by applying
ASSET analysis to example products and prepare to address difficult safety issues using
a multi-disciplined, team-oriented approach, supported by science as well as your own
experience and judgment.

Risk management - Principles and guidelines, ISO 31000, First edition, 2009-11-15
Risk management - Risk assessment techniques, IEC ISO 31010, Edition 1.0, 2009-11
Risk management - Vocabulary, ISO Guide 73, First Edition, 2009
Risk Management Series: ANSI/ASSE Z690.1-2011 Vocabulary for Risk Management (identical national adoption of ISO Guide 73:2009);
 ANSI/ASSE Z690.2-2011 Risk Management -Principles and Guidelines (identical national adoption of ISO 31000:2009);
 ANSI/ASSE Z690.3-2011 Risk Assessment Techniques (identical national adoption of ISO/IEC 31010:2009)
Safety aspects, Guidelines for their inclusion in standards, ISO IEC Guide 51, Second edition, 1999
Guidelines for safety related risk assessment and risk reduction for low voltage equipment, IEC Guide 116, Edition 1.0, 2010-08
Hazard Based Safety Engineering, Student Guide, 2nd Ed (B.03), Hewlett-Packard Company,
 Agilent Technologies, Inc., Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 2001
Hazard Based Safety Engineering (HBSE) UL Supplement, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 2003
Risk Assessment Guidelines for Consumer Products, Official Journal of the European Union: OJ L22 Vol 53, 26
 January 2010, Part IV, Appendix 5
Dependability Management, Part 3 Application Guide - Section 9 Risk Analysis of Technological Systems, IEC 60300-3-9, First Edition
Safety of machinery - Risk assessment - Part 1: Principles, ISO 14121-1:2007
Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices, EN ISO 14971
W. Hammer, Product Safety Management and Engineering, 2nd ed, 1993
Fault Tree Handbook, NUREG-0492, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 1981
Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications, NASA, Washington D.C., 2002
Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Design (Design FMEA), SAE J1739, 2009

UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012. No part of this document may be copied or distributed without the prior written
consent of UL LLC 2012.
© 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/publish this material for advertising or
promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted
component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.

page 8

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  • 3. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM ) Background National Lab, 2011 Today’s Engineering of identified standards, codes and/or This paper follows the introductory paper, Challenges – Tomorrow’s Solutions regulations that may potentially apply. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Technical Conference and Exhibition. The scope and context of the assessment Techniques (ASSETTM): Taking Hazard Based itself is also established, including With essential technical input and Safety Engineering (HBSE) to the Next boundaries, and scope alignment on development of Bob Davidson and Level, which was presented at the 2010 all three counts is sought. In this early strategic leadership of Dan Bejnarowicz, International Symposium on Product stage and throughout the process, ASSET was developed in the safety Compliance Engineering (ISPCE) of the potential gaps need to be identified and management process framework. Institute of Electrical and Electronics bridged. A gap may exist for example, Notification has just been made that this Engineers (IEEE) Product Safety if a product, process or service – in the ASSET work has earned a 2011 IEEE Region 1 Engineering Society, and had established context of its application – does not fall Award (Northeastern US) in the category the case and set the stage for ASSET. completely within the scope of existing of Technological Innovation (Industry or safety standards. Another gap may exist A similar paper was published by the Government): For significant Patents, for whereby a product, process or service American Society of Safety Engineers discovery of new devices, development of falls within the scope of a safety in their Safety Health and Environment applications or exemplary contributions standard, but involves features, functions, (SH&E) Standards Digest, a publication to industry or government. technologies or applications that may of their Engineering Practice Specialty. ASSET also reflects concepts of the ASSET Application introduce a safety hazard, and not be anticipated or addressed by the ANSI/ASSE Z690 series, the US national The ASSET process has application in requirements in the standard. adoption of ISO 31000, ISO/IEC 31010 and areas including the development of safety standards, codes, and regulations, ISO Guide 73, initiating membership on ASSET and Standards the ISO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and the design, evaluation, compliance, ASSET provides a process and on Risk Management. certification and safety management methodology for complementing of products, processes and services. Certain ASSET principles have been existing standards in evaluating the As such, ASSET applies to functions applied and presented in recent safety of products, processes or services; and responsibilities including safety conferences including the 2009 NASA assisting in the evaluation of products, designers, regulatory compliance, Aerospace Battery Workshop ("FTA {Fault processes or services not within the scope product safety certifiers, standards/codes Tree Analysis} / FMEA {Failure Modes and of existing standards; and evaluating developers and product and program Effects Analysis} Safety Analysis Model for product features such as materials and safety managers. ASSET can also help Lithium-ion Batteries"), ASEAN/ ACCSQ constructions, functions, technologies or to integrate and address the needs of 2010 ("ASEAN-US Enhanced Partnership applications not anticipated or covered various stakeholders including Workshop on Hazard-Based Engineering by existing standards. In these situations regulators, AHJs, standards developers, Principles for the Electrical and Electronic ASSET can be applied to help identify trade and professional organizations, Equipment: A Risk-Based Approach Applied hazards not anticipated or covered consumer groups, government agencies to Li-Ion Battery (LIB) Hazards"), as well by existing standards and the need and the public. as ICPHSO 2011 (International Consumer for additional requirements to meet Product Health and Safety Organization, For example, relevant safety the safety objective or intent of the “Hazard Analysis: Hazard Based Safety requirements are generally determined standards, and help identify alternative Engineering & Fault Tree Analysis”).The by first establishing the scope of the protective measures not anticipated ASSET Safety Management process was product, process, or service in question. by the standard but which can achieve presented for the IEEE and Argonne This scope is then compared to the scope an equivalent level of safety to the page 3
  • 4. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM ) START DETERMINE SCOPE / CONTEXT IDENTIFY / ANALYZE HAZARDS ASSESS / DECIDE ON ACTION SPECIFY / IDENTIFY / DESIGN PROTECTIVE MEASURES EVALUATE PROTECTIVE MEASURES NO ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF SAFETY ACHIEVED? YES CONTROL / MONITOR / REVIEW NO PRESENT LEVEL OF SAFETY MAINTAINED? YES IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Figure 1: ASSET Process of Safety Management protective measures specified in the ASSET Safety Safety Engineering (HBSE) was originally standard, thereby meeting the safety Management Process conceived by HP/Agilent, and targeted objective of the standard. typical types of hazards and forms of The ASSET process of safety management was developed as the evolution of injury involving electronics products, In fact, the ASSET process stages include such as information technology and repeated “spec-checks”, whereby the hazard-based safety engineering office equipment. initially identified requirements are principles and safety science into assessed at each stage. an overall framework of a safety The ASSET process is based on a number management process. Hazard Based of acknowledged risk management / risk page 4
  • 5. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM ) assessment principles and processes, components, subsystems, environment This stage has goals to establish the for example those found in publications and boundaries with interfaces and safety objective(s); determine the need including but not limited to ISO/IEC Guide interactions; intended implementation, for protective measures; identify the 51, IEC Guide 116, ISO 31000, ISO/IEC 31010, operation, use, users and others affected; potential protective measure strategies, ISO 14121, ISO 14971, IEC 60300-3-9 and conditions and requirements for categories and mechanisms; analyze ANSI/ASSE Z690. installation; recommended procedures and prioritize protective measures; This process involves stages to formulate for maintenance and repair; potential and specify, design and implement the the right types of questions to identify effects of packing, shipping and storage; protective measures. the scope of the product, system or reasonably foreseeable misuse by using Evaluate Protective Measures service to be evaluated for potential a sub-process developed to determine degrees of reasonable foreseeable misuse The goal of this stage is to determine harm; identify and analyze hazards and and associated guidance; other whether protective measures are potential sources of harm; identify, conditions or factors of potential adequate and effective by evaluating analyze and evaluate protective measures impact; and applicable standards, whether and how protective measures to reduce the risk of harm such as risk codes and/or regulations. meet specific safety objectives; of injury from products; assist in the identifying safety attributes that determination of whether or not an Identify / Analyze Hazards are being relied upon and need to be acceptable level of safety is achieved; The goals of the stage are to identify controlled; and evaluating those safety understand and apply methods to potential types and sources of harm attributes. In order to determine if maintain and continuously improve (hazards); determine how harm can occur the goal of this stage is achieved, key safety. This can help explain, apply and such as hazardous situations, hazardous questions are asked which include enhance existing requirements, and help and harmful events, and the severity of the following: address emerging technologies, products the harm; sort consequences by the level •  Have all the hazards and applications. of severity, in which initial consequence been identified? This ASSET process was developed to evaluation is akin to worst case scenario, address a broad spectrum of applications •  Have the safety (risk reduction) with guidance on severity factors, and and each stage has different needs objectives been determined? consideration of extent and exposure of and significance for the assessment of harm; and determine if the applicable •  Have the protective measures different products, processes, services standards, codes and/or regulations intended to address the hazards in different applications. The following address the identified hazards, or if there and achieve the safety objectives provides a brief look at each ASSET are gaps that need to be addressed. been identified and designed? process stage and its objectives. Specify / Identify / Design •  Have tests and evaluations been Determine Scope / Context Protective Measures conducted to demonstrate that the protective measures are capable The goals of this stage are to determine In this stage, protective measures of achieving the safety objectives and attempt to align the scope and are specified, identified or designed, with acceptable results? context of the following: the product, depending on the given function and process or service to be assessed, the responsibility being fulfilled. For example, •  Have the constructions, assessment itself and the initially a protective measure may be specified components and materials that identified requirements. Relevant topics by developers of standards, codes and are relied upon for the protective include the subject of the assessment, regulations, designed by a manufacturer measure to meet the safety including systems aspects of materials, or identified by an evaluator. objectives been identified? page 5
  • 6. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM ) •  Have their safety-related This may involve revisiting earlier process present level of safety is not being characteristics (safety attributes), stages or discontinuing. maintained, there is a different need to factors which may degrade those assess and decide on action. Again, this This point of the ASSET process characteristics, and the tests and generally involves conformance and may involve revisiting earlier process evaluations needed to determine compliance activities. stages or discontinuing. their adequacy been identified? Control / Monitor / Review This point of the ASSET process generally •  Have the necessary evaluations to Maintain Safety involves activities including certification, / tests been performed with market and conformity surveillance, At this stage, if determined that an acceptable results? follow-up for certification mark integrity, acceptable level of safety has been updates in regulations, standards and Through this point in the ASSET achieved, the goal is to ensure that codes, and assessment of new/emerging process, these stages generally involve safety is then maintained by establishing technologies that may either benefit or activities such as hazard based safety controls throughout the life cycle, threaten safety. engineering, safety research, safety up the supply chain, to ensure that design, conformity assessment and new safety is maintained; monitoring field Identify Opportunities for Improvement standards development. It is also noted performance down the supply chain The goal of this stage is to monitor and that the evaluation of certain protective and factors that may impact safety identify the opportunity, or the need, measures, including life safety devices, by means of surveillance and follow for improvement in safety and safety may effectively begin at this stage. up; and periodically reviewing and standards and the processes, methods Decision Gate: Acceptable Level assessing results and deciding on and tools used to determine whether and of Safety Achieved? appropriate actions. how safety is achieved and maintained. Decision Gate: Present Level These opportunities are then assessed There are two basic outcomes of this of Safety Maintained? to decide on action, which may involve safety decision. If it is determined that revisiting earlier process stages. an acceptable level of safety has been Similar to the prior decision gate, there achieved, then there is a need to control, are also two basic outcomes of this safety Activities involved in this stage of the monitor and review to maintain safety. decision. If determined that the present ASSET process include improvements in However, if an acceptable level of safety level of safety is being maintained, then regulations, standards and codes, as well has not been achieved, there is a different there is a need to continue to control, as improvements in safety assessment need to assess and decide on action. monitor, and review. However, if the processes, methods and tools. page 6
  • 7. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM ) Meeting the Objective The stated objective of the ASSET process of safety management is to utilize Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM) together with existing standards, codes and regulations to achieve, maintain and continuously improve the safety of products, processes and services for safer living and working environments. By this we mean to determine and achieve an acceptable level of safety, based on specific safety objectives; maintain that present level of safety throughout the entire lifecycle of the product, process or service, under all anticipated conditions, considering upstream (suppliers) and downstream (users and all affected) the supply chain; and continually seek and assess opportunities for improvement,based on the availability, need or demand for improvements. ASSET stresses the importance of assessing the sources, causes and conditions of harm, as HBSE always has, as well as the risk of harm including severity, likelihood, extent, exposure of harm. ASSET also addresses different forms of potential harm to various entities, including injury or health risk to persons, harm to property or the environment and even continuity of critical operations and functions. Sources are categorized in terms of energy or matter/substance that may be harmful, from different sources in various forms, conversions or conditions. The standard HBSE tools of the 3-block energy transfer model for injury and HBSE process to evaluate a safeguard and standard injury fault tree are adapted and expanded. Then the most effective protective measure strategies can be determined, with appropriate identification, evaluation and control of safety attributes - the very properties and characteristics of protective measures relied upon to achieve, maintain and improve this level of safety. The ASSET process supports informed decisions using the best available information, data and other resources, based on the best available knowledge and experience, at progressive stages of development. This can help identify the degree of confidence in the decision and the relative need and value of additional inputs or analysis. ASSET can also serve as a tool for effective communication and interaction to share information, as needed by various stakeholders. For more information about the Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM) white paper, please contact Thomas Lanzisero, Senior Research Engineer at page 7
  • 8. Applied Safety Science and Engineering Techniques (ASSET TM ) Acknowledgment The author wishes to acknowledge the indispensible technical and strategic contributions of Robert J. Davidson, Jr. and Daniel E. Bejnarowicz of UL University. ASSET is now the subject of a 2-day workshop to put your skills to the test by applying ASSET analysis to example products and prepare to address difficult safety issues using a multi-disciplined, team-oriented approach, supported by science as well as your own experience and judgment. References Risk management - Principles and guidelines, ISO 31000, First edition, 2009-11-15 Risk management - Risk assessment techniques, IEC ISO 31010, Edition 1.0, 2009-11 Risk management - Vocabulary, ISO Guide 73, First Edition, 2009 Risk Management Series: ANSI/ASSE Z690.1-2011 Vocabulary for Risk Management (identical national adoption of ISO Guide 73:2009); ANSI/ASSE Z690.2-2011 Risk Management -Principles and Guidelines (identical national adoption of ISO 31000:2009); ANSI/ASSE Z690.3-2011 Risk Assessment Techniques (identical national adoption of ISO/IEC 31010:2009) Safety aspects, Guidelines for their inclusion in standards, ISO IEC Guide 51, Second edition, 1999 Guidelines for safety related risk assessment and risk reduction for low voltage equipment, IEC Guide 116, Edition 1.0, 2010-08 Hazard Based Safety Engineering, Student Guide, 2nd Ed (B.03), Hewlett-Packard Company, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 2001 Hazard Based Safety Engineering (HBSE) UL Supplement, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 2003 Risk Assessment Guidelines for Consumer Products, Official Journal of the European Union: OJ L22 Vol 53, 26 January 2010, Part IV, Appendix 5 Dependability Management, Part 3 Application Guide - Section 9 Risk Analysis of Technological Systems, IEC 60300-3-9, First Edition Safety of machinery - Risk assessment - Part 1: Principles, ISO 14121-1:2007 Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices, EN ISO 14971 W. Hammer, Product Safety Management and Engineering, 2nd ed, 1993 Fault Tree Handbook, NUREG-0492, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington D.C., 1981 Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications, NASA, Washington D.C., 2002 Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Design (Design FMEA), SAE J1739, 2009 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012. No part of this document may be copied or distributed without the prior written consent of UL LLC 2012. © 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/publish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. page 8