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Application Security: Safeguarding Data,
Protecting Reputations
Assessing IT systems and network vulnerabilities in today’s
interconnected digital world is a daunting endeavor. By embracing
penetration testing’s best practices and procedures, organizations
can proactively and affordably address security loopholes before
hackers undermine customer confidence, brand reputation and
financial well-being.
Executive Summary
In today’s connected digital ecosystem, applica-
tions are center stage, influencing all the ways
in which we interact and communicate. These
applications contain sensitive data and deliver
business-critical information services, and as
a result even the smallest security loophole is
exploited by cybercriminals looking to wreak
havoc. While numerous cybercrime incidents have
occurred over the years that damaged customer
confidence and brand reputation, solving inherent
information security challenges remains a work in
progress for many organizations.
The hacking challenge is so steep, that born-
digital companies Yahoo and Google recently
partnered to create an encrypted e-mail system
that allegedly cannot be decrypted even by the
companies themselves. Clearly, our lives are
increasingly reliant on digital devices, many of
which are prone to security hacks. As a result,
there is a grave concern about security, reinforced
by recent events:
•	In January 2016, a large Belgian bank was
attacked by cybercriminals that cost the bank
70 million euros, although no customers were
affected by the breach. This type of attack is
called a whaling attack or spear-phishing.
•	In August 2015, the U.S. Internal Revenue
Service reported that about 300,000 taxpayers’
personal information was compromised when
hackers cracked the agency’s multi-step
authentication process and were able to make
fraudulent claims for tax refunds using stolen
•	In November 2015, a Switzerland-based
encrypted e-mail provider’s Internet connection
was held for ransom by hackers in what could
be described as a distributed denial of service
(DDOS) attack.
cognizant 20-20 insights | june 2016
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights
cognizant 20-20 insights 2
•	In October 2015, a UK phone and broadband
provider’s website was hacked by cyber-
criminals who may have pilfered confidential
banking details and personal information.
This type of attack could be described as a
sequential attack or SQL injection.
•	In February 2015, a large U.S. health insurer’s
database was breached, and sensitive informa-
tion that affected about 80 million customer
records was stolen. This was described as
a sophisticated advanced persistent threat
(APT), where a malicious user gains access to
internal networks primarily to steal data.
This white paper talks about the importance of
penetration in the digital arena and the process
involved in preventing it. It also talks about the
types of penetration testing, testing strategy and
the costs involved in cybersecurity.
Debunking Security Myths, Working
Proactively to Plug Vulnerabilities
Information plays a crucial role in every aspect
of today’s modern digital world. Companies have
launched more efficient ways to swiftly and safely
deliver information and application services to
end users inside and outside their firewalls. Safe-
guarding such high volumes of data from cyber-
attacks is a cumbersome task for most organiza-
tions. Let’s start by debunking some myths that
surround the concept of security testing (see
Figure 1 below).
While most organizations implement firewalls,
SSL encryption and secure policies, every now
and then they still become victims of cyber-
attacks. The aforementioned incidents are
proof that cyberattacks are not specific to any
industry and can cause business distruption or,
worse, undermine brand confidence or unleash
financial damage that could challenge the very
existence of any company. Attacks involving the
loss of customer data and/or theft of important
company information begin with the realization
that the enterprise has been penetrated, followed
by concern over what the breach has actually
damaged. By then, it is often too late for the
company to protect itself and its customers.
Incorporating security testing early in the
software development lifecycle can help orga-
nizations identify application and infrastruc-
ture vulnerabilities before cybercriminals strike.
Periodical penetration testing helps unravel the
organization’s current security posture.
Incorporating security testing
early in the software development
lifecycle can help organizations
identify application and
infrastructure vulnerabilities before
cybercriminals strike.
Myth 2
Myth 1 Myth 3
•	Myth 1: We have
firewalls in place, which
can protect our digital
assets from threats.
Fact: Firewalls can
protect the system at
the network level to a
certain extent, but an
attack could permeate
through the application
layer which cannot be
tackled by firewalls.
•	Myth 2: Our applica-
tions are internal and
thus are not exposed to
the Internet.
•	Fact: Many orga-
nizations prioritize
protecting the corporate
information jewels
from external attacks,
but insider attacks are,
sadly, more prevalent.
Insiders have authorized
system access and
are familiar with the
network architecture
and policies.
•	Myth 3: Secure
sockets layer (SSL)
technology protects
a website from
Fact: Implementing
SSL is not enough
to protect websites
from hackers as these
can be exploited by
forcing the browser
to use low-encryption
algorithms and
decrypt the traffic,
which leads to a “man-
in-the-middle attack.”
Figure 1
Defining Penetration Testing
In simple terms, penetration testing is an
in-depth security assessment that identifies the
security loopholes in a system, from applications
through infrastructure, which hackers use to
exploit the system. It is an attempt to examine
and evaluate by safely exploiting the vulner-
abilities that may exist in operating systems,
services and applications due to improper con-
figuration management, insecure coding, weak
design elements and incorrect implementation
of security policies and procedures.
Once vulnerabilities have been successfully
exploited on a particular system, the compro-
mised system can be used to launch attacks on the
interconnected infrastructure to achieve higher
privileges and take down the remaining portions
of the network and related systems. Moreover,
preventive measures taken by organizations to
safeguard assets against such occurrences are a
hallmark of effective penetration testing.
Penetration testing helps customers protect
company assets from cyberattacks. It helps define
the vulnerabilities as identified by Open Web
Application Security Project (OWASP), SysAdmin,
Audit, Network, and Security (SANS) and Open
Source Security Testing Methodology Manual
(OSSTM) standards. In addition, it allows business
leaders to understand the impact of those vulner-
abilities in the real world.
Where Penetration Testing Fits
Today’s technology-intensive world pivots around
applications that are complex to build, and that
must scale internally and externally to fit most
business needs. Though Web applications are
now the predominant means for delivering infor-
mation services to customers and internal users,
there are many layers between the users and the
database that house critical data. Hackers who
can compromise the security of Web applications
would gain access not only to sensitive data but
gain the keys to the enterprise information archi-
tecture kingdom.
To prevent this from occurring, penetration
testing can be applied to:
•	Identify security breaches that could result in
business loss.
•	Comply with industry standards and regula-
tions by ensuring that applications comply with
industry standards such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS,
NIST, FISMA HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley.
•	Enable an organization to avoid penalties
for noncompliance by demonstrating a
commitment to security due diligence and
The Penetration Testing Process
Our security assessment methodology covers the
following security assessment guidelines:
•	OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities.
•	OWASP Application Security Verification
Standard (ASVS).
•	SANS top 25.
•	Web Application Security Consortium (WASC)
These standards define the process of penetra-
tion testing using the following steps:
•	Manual inspections and reviews.
•	Threat modeling:
>> Breaking the application down into its com-
>> Classifying the assets protected/contained
by that application.
>> Exploring vulnerabilities, threats and other
>> Creating mitigating strategies.
•	Source code review (static application security
>> Manual and automated scans for trojan hors-
es, time bombs, backdoors, etc.
>> Procedures for deployment that may expose
•	Penetration testing:	
>> Web application penetration testing (dynam-
ic application security testing).
>> Infrastructure penetration testing.
Penetration testing helps
customers protect company assets
from cyberattacks.
Hackers who can compromise
the security of Web applications
would gain access not only to sensitive
data but gain the keys to the enterprise
information architecture kingdom.
cognizant 20-20 insights 3
cognizant 20-20 insights 4
Formulating an Effective Strategy
A comprehensive security testing approach can
help uncover systems and network vulnerabilities.
•	Understand the security architecture and test
the architecture rather than focusing on vul-
nerabilities as listed in OWASP or SANS.
•	Verify whether the system has followed
essential security principles such as:
>> Fail securely.
>> Defense in depth.
>> Separation of privilege.
>> Least privilege.
•	In the case of a multitier architecture, the
approach should cover testing all tiers and all
horizontal layers such as network, OS, server
container frameworks and the server container
that houses the application. Required sample
tests include:
>> Firewalking: Sending crafted network pack-
ets to predict the firewall rules.
>> Web application penetration tests.
>> Web service tests.
>> Database penetration tests.
>> Network penetration tests.
>> OS hardening tests.
•	In an ideal scenario, it is a good practice to test
all the tiers and components involved, but in
reality there is hardly enough time and budget
to perform all of these tests. In such situations,
risk-based testing can be conducted to:
>> Analyze the level of changes made to each
>> Analyze the risks from previous security
scans on the same components.
>> Assess a threat advisory issued on specific
•	A risk-based comprehensive approach provides
the desired level of security validation in a cost-
effective way.
The Cost of Security
The cost of security incidents depends on the
type of incidents experienced and the number of
incidents that have occurred. Generally, security
incidents increase year on year. According
to security software vendor Kaspersky,
the most expensive types of incidents involve:
•	Worm, spyware and other malicious programs.
•	Vulnerabilities in existing software.
•	Accidental or otherwise sharing of data by
•	Loss or theft of staff mobile devices.
•	Network intrusion or hacking.
The cost of a security breach will always be prohib-
itive when compared with the cost of protection.
Moreover, a constantly evolving threat landscape
adversely impacts the cost of security to be borne
today and in the immediate future.
Kaspersky also reported, “Roughly 90% of the
companies with which we work or have spoken
with confirm that they consistently confront
security incidents that vary from malware
attacks, to DDOS, to targeted intrusion attacks.”
Given the variety, it is worthwhile to understand
how common security attacks differ.
•	Phishing: This type of attack entails tricking or
attracting a user to reveal sensitive information
for malicious purposes in electronic communi-
cation. The simplest example in this category is
the “Nigerian e-mail” scams (where the sender
asks for access to banking information).
•	Malware: Malicious software attacks occur
with the insertion of small bits of code, or
self-standing installable code, that will run
according to a predetermined trigger or event,
causing anywhere from a mild annoyance to
more sophisticated data/processing breaches.
One of the most famous of these is the
“Dyre or Dridex Trojan” malware attacks that
essentially is a redirection attack (sending
the user to a spurious site rather than a real
one, for example, during a banking operation)
that utilizes a Microsoft Office attachment
containing a poisoned macro.
•	DDOS: This is one of the most common to hit
major sites. The modus operandi here is to
simply overwhelm a site by hitting external
facing IP addresses with a flood of service
requests, to the point where the website infra-
structure is unable to keep up, resulting in a
site outage. Banks and financial institutions
face multiple such attacks on a weekly basis.
•	Premeditated hacking: These advanced
forms of persistent threats include a com-
bination of attempts to maliciously target a
website or application and steal/deface intel-
cognizant 20-20 insights 5
lectual property. The attacker uses a combina-
tion of measures including phishing, malware
and DDOS attacks. Such attacks are usually
successful if the attacker has insight into
network traffic flows, has access to entry and
exit points via IP addresses and can exploit
inherent vulnerabilities to gain access to confi-
dential data that is not encrypted.
•	Network “worms”: Network travelling worms
are essentially virus attachments to traveling
packets of data, which are then either spread
by launching remote copies of the same code
or are used to penetrate computer memory.
Beyond these most common types of attacks,
a wide variety of application-based attacks are
used which are equally effective, which include
attacking mechanisms such as SQL injection,9
password and hash cracking10
and cross–site
Figure 2 depicts a sample of the items
that a vulnerability assessment should cover
when looking at applications.
Keeping Security Testing Effective and
Much of the cost for fighting cybercrime should
be contained within the overall quality assurance
budget. Genuine penetration testing, however,
depends on the complex scenarios identified by
the organization with respect to its infrastruc-
ture and the amount of human or manual effort
required to deliver and complete a successful test
strategy. One such mode is IP-based testing.
For example, more complex models of penetra-
tion testing require a detailed understanding of
the workload or traffic payload flowing through
specific IP addresses that pose a security threat.
Once the traffic workload has been calculated,
based on services that are connected to the
external network, a price per testable service can
be determined. Penetration testing can then be
tailor-made to the requirements of an enterprise
and its budget.
SAST and DAST Decoded
Over and above penetration testing, code and
application level security testing – specifically
static access security testing (or SAST, which
is code-level security scanning) and dynamic
access security testing (DAST) – are usually
in budgets for application development and
deployment projects. As many testing efforts
in SAST and DAST are tool-based, tool license
pricing forms a large part of the expenditure.
Factors often looked at in pricing include
but are not limited to: lines of code to be
scanned or number of scans to be performed;
types of scenarios to be scanned; and checking
and rejection of “false positives” data and
support available.
Assessment of Potential Threats
Figure 2
Internal, External, Humanly Motivated, Ethical Hacks, Serious Hacks, APT, Accidental Arch.,
Design, Code, Application Front End, Database, Middle Web Services & Infrastructure, Social Media, Cloud Hosting and Mobile
Front Tier, Middle Tier, Back Tier
Lack of Encryption in
Sensitive Data,
SQL Injections
Flaws in
Authenticating and
Authorizing Identities
DTD Entity
External XML
Entity Attack
• Web Applications
• Mobile Apps
• Cloud-Hosted
• Social Media
• Network &
• Internet of Things
• End Point Security
Web/App Server
Layer Security
Handling Exceptions
Session Hijacking &
Cookie Replay Attacks,
Cross Site Scripting
Black Box
(Manual &
White Box
(Automated & Manual)
• Threat Modeling
• Code Review
• Application Scan
• Database Scan
• Infra Scan
Database Server
Lack of Encrypting
or Hashing
Sensitive Data
Web Applications
cognizant 20-20 insights 6
Looking Forward: Security Questions
Every Organization Must Answer
•	Did your organization undergo a recent merger
or acquisition? Chances are some of the appli-
cations acquired through mergers could have
vulnerabilities that may not be protected by
the existing perimeter defense’s rules.
•	Are your business-critical applications risk-
rated or do they have enough protection
against known threats? Have you evaluated
them against your organization’s risk appetite?
Evaluate your application’s security posture
through a vulnerability assessment exercise
and ensure your business-critical applications
stay within your organization’s risk appetite.
•	Is your development team’s choice of
technology, framework and software develop­
ment guided by documented and approved
security standards? Establish a standards-
based development methodology and
confirm security assurance through vulner-
ability assessment.
•	Does your organization use custom applica-
tions often developed under tight timelines?
Chances are your development team might
have been forced to cut corners and develop
vulnerable applications. Identify such applica-
tions and conduct a thorough vulnerability
assessment of these applications to avoid mis-
adventures in the future.
•	Even if the application has not undergone any
change, has your organization thought about
how vulernable applications are to new or
emerging threats/vectors? Perform periodic
security assessment to assess the security
posture and the frequency of assessment as
defined by a risk score based on the criticality
of the application.
1	 Collins. Katie, “Yahoo and Google to collaborate on encrypted email,” August 8, 2014,
2	 Zorz, Zeljka, “Belgian bank Crelan loses €70 million to BEC scammers, ” January 26, 2016, www.helpnet-
3	 Ashford, Warwick, “More than 300,000 US taxpayers affected by data breach,” August 18, 2015,
4	 Thielman, Sam, “ProtonMail: encrypted email provider held ransom by hackers,” November 5, 2015, www.
5	 BBC UK, “TalkTalk cyber-attack: Website hit by ‘significant’ breach” (, October 23, 2015)
6	 Riley, Charles, “ Insurance giant Anthem hit by massive data breach” (, February 6, 2015)
7	 Batt, Tony, Kaspersky Lab, “Kaspersky Global IT Risks Survey Report,” October 31, 2013,
8	 Batt, Tony, Kaspersky Lab, “Kaspersky Global IT Risks Survey Report,” page 15, October 31, 2013,
9	 SQL injection is defined as the insertion of malicious SQL statements for execution primarily to exploit
database or data storage content.
10	 Hash cracking is defined as a tool or methodology used to recover encrypted or “hashed” passwords/
other security information.
11	 Cross-site scripting is defined as the injection of client side scripts often of a malicious nature into web
pages to overcome security features.
Establish a standards-based
development methodology and
confirm security assurance through
vulnerability assessment.
About Cognizant
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business
process services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Head-
quartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technol-
ogy innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that
embodies the future of work. With over 100 development and delivery centers worldwide and approxi-
mately 233,000 employees as of March 31, 2016, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P
500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest
growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant.
About Cognizant Security Testing
A key component of Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance business unit, our Security Testing
practice provides end-to-end security testing services and ensures our clients’ IT applications are pro-
tected from security threats and their customers’ data and privacy is protected. The group is comprised
of over 300 certified security testers who have successfully delivered security testing engagements to
100-plus customers. Our application security assessments focus on a benchmarked review of vulnerabili-
ties against various standards including the OWASP (Open Web Application Security) top ten list, comple-
mented by support for remediation and compliance management services. Our security testing solutions
preempt security vulnerabilities of the modern digital ecosystem and improve organizational resilience.
To learn more, please visit
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About the Authors
Nagaraju Padavala is Associate Director of Projects within Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance
business unit. He has more than 14 years of rich non-functional testing experience. Nagaraju has played
various roles ranging from a performance test consultant to performance delivery head for major accounts
across a wide variety of clients in all geographies. He currently leads the Security Testing Practice and
other digital NFT solutions such as SMAC performance, IoT NFT and OAT within the company’s Non-Func-
tional Testing Center of Excellence. Nagaraju holds a masters degree in engineering, power systems, has
earned Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and is an HP LoadRunner Certified Product
Consultant (CPC). He can be reached at
Madhu Jatheendran is an Associate Director, Projects within Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and
Assurance business unit. He has 19 years of experience in IT in a variety of roles from programmer to
program manager with experienced running teams of 250-plus personnel for a variety of clients. Currently,
Madhu leads non-functional quality assurance from a vendor perspective for a major retail banking client
in the UK. He is also responsible for non-functional testing services in the UK/CE region, including security
and accessibility testing. Madhu has a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from Bangalore
University, an MBA from the University of Oxford and MSP certification in program management. He can
be reached at
Kavitha Jayaraman is a Senior Manager of Projects within Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance
business unit. She has 12 years of experience in the IT industry, including 10 years of rich experience in
information security. Kavitha has played various roles from security analyst/consultant to building security
centers of excellence for various organizations such as Hewlett-Packard and Symantec before joining
Cognizant. She has authored and presented application security white papers at various conferences such
as Swiss Testing Day and ISQT, among others. Kavitha holds a degree in electronics and communication
engineering from Bharathiar University. She can be reached at
Codex 1869

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Application Security: Safeguarding Data, Protecting Reputations

  • 1. Application Security: Safeguarding Data, Protecting Reputations Assessing IT systems and network vulnerabilities in today’s interconnected digital world is a daunting endeavor. By embracing penetration testing’s best practices and procedures, organizations can proactively and affordably address security loopholes before hackers undermine customer confidence, brand reputation and financial well-being. Executive Summary In today’s connected digital ecosystem, applica- tions are center stage, influencing all the ways in which we interact and communicate. These applications contain sensitive data and deliver business-critical information services, and as a result even the smallest security loophole is exploited by cybercriminals looking to wreak havoc. While numerous cybercrime incidents have occurred over the years that damaged customer confidence and brand reputation, solving inherent information security challenges remains a work in progress for many organizations. The hacking challenge is so steep, that born- digital companies Yahoo and Google recently partnered to create an encrypted e-mail system 1 that allegedly cannot be decrypted even by the companies themselves. Clearly, our lives are increasingly reliant on digital devices, many of which are prone to security hacks. As a result, there is a grave concern about security, reinforced by recent events: • In January 2016, a large Belgian bank was attacked by cybercriminals that cost the bank 70 million euros, although no customers were affected by the breach. This type of attack is called a whaling attack or spear-phishing. 2 • In August 2015, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service reported that about 300,000 taxpayers’ personal information was compromised when hackers cracked the agency’s multi-step authentication process and were able to make fraudulent claims for tax refunds using stolen identities. 3 • In November 2015, a Switzerland-based encrypted e-mail provider’s Internet connection was held for ransom by hackers in what could be described as a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack. 4 cognizant 20-20 insights | june 2016 • Cognizant 20-20 Insights
  • 2. cognizant 20-20 insights 2 • In October 2015, a UK phone and broadband provider’s website was hacked by cyber- criminals who may have pilfered confidential banking details and personal information. This type of attack could be described as a sequential attack or SQL injection. 5 • In February 2015, a large U.S. health insurer’s database was breached, and sensitive informa- tion that affected about 80 million customer records was stolen. This was described as a sophisticated advanced persistent threat (APT), where a malicious user gains access to internal networks primarily to steal data. 6 This white paper talks about the importance of penetration in the digital arena and the process involved in preventing it. It also talks about the types of penetration testing, testing strategy and the costs involved in cybersecurity. Debunking Security Myths, Working Proactively to Plug Vulnerabilities Information plays a crucial role in every aspect of today’s modern digital world. Companies have launched more efficient ways to swiftly and safely deliver information and application services to end users inside and outside their firewalls. Safe- guarding such high volumes of data from cyber- attacks is a cumbersome task for most organiza- tions. Let’s start by debunking some myths that surround the concept of security testing (see Figure 1 below). While most organizations implement firewalls, SSL encryption and secure policies, every now and then they still become victims of cyber- attacks. The aforementioned incidents are proof that cyberattacks are not specific to any industry and can cause business distruption or, worse, undermine brand confidence or unleash financial damage that could challenge the very existence of any company. Attacks involving the loss of customer data and/or theft of important company information begin with the realization that the enterprise has been penetrated, followed by concern over what the breach has actually damaged. By then, it is often too late for the company to protect itself and its customers. Incorporating security testing early in the software development lifecycle can help orga- nizations identify application and infrastruc- ture vulnerabilities before cybercriminals strike. Periodical penetration testing helps unravel the organization’s current security posture. Incorporating security testing early in the software development lifecycle can help organizations identify application and infrastructure vulnerabilities before cybercriminals strike. Myth 2 Myth 1 Myth 3 • Myth 1: We have firewalls in place, which can protect our digital assets from threats. Fact: Firewalls can protect the system at the network level to a certain extent, but an attack could permeate through the application layer which cannot be tackled by firewalls. • Myth 2: Our applica- tions are internal and thus are not exposed to the Internet. • Fact: Many orga- nizations prioritize protecting the corporate information jewels from external attacks, but insider attacks are, sadly, more prevalent. Insiders have authorized system access and are familiar with the network architecture and policies. • Myth 3: Secure sockets layer (SSL) technology protects a website from intruders. Fact: Implementing SSL is not enough to protect websites from hackers as these can be exploited by forcing the browser to use low-encryption algorithms and decrypt the traffic, which leads to a “man- in-the-middle attack.” Figure 1
  • 3. Defining Penetration Testing In simple terms, penetration testing is an in-depth security assessment that identifies the security loopholes in a system, from applications through infrastructure, which hackers use to exploit the system. It is an attempt to examine and evaluate by safely exploiting the vulner- abilities that may exist in operating systems, services and applications due to improper con- figuration management, insecure coding, weak design elements and incorrect implementation of security policies and procedures. Once vulnerabilities have been successfully exploited on a particular system, the compro- mised system can be used to launch attacks on the interconnected infrastructure to achieve higher privileges and take down the remaining portions of the network and related systems. Moreover, preventive measures taken by organizations to safeguard assets against such occurrences are a hallmark of effective penetration testing. Penetration testing helps customers protect company assets from cyberattacks. It helps define the vulnerabilities as identified by Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security (SANS) and Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTM) standards. In addition, it allows business leaders to understand the impact of those vulner- abilities in the real world. Where Penetration Testing Fits Today’s technology-intensive world pivots around applications that are complex to build, and that must scale internally and externally to fit most business needs. Though Web applications are now the predominant means for delivering infor- mation services to customers and internal users, there are many layers between the users and the database that house critical data. Hackers who can compromise the security of Web applications would gain access not only to sensitive data but gain the keys to the enterprise information archi- tecture kingdom. To prevent this from occurring, penetration testing can be applied to: • Identify security breaches that could result in business loss. • Comply with industry standards and regula- tions by ensuring that applications comply with industry standards such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NIST, FISMA HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley. • Enable an organization to avoid penalties for noncompliance by demonstrating a commitment to security due diligence and compliance. The Penetration Testing Process Our security assessment methodology covers the following security assessment guidelines: • OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities. • OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS). • SANS top 25. • OSTMM. • Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) guidelines. These standards define the process of penetra- tion testing using the following steps: • Manual inspections and reviews. • Threat modeling: >> Breaking the application down into its com- ponents. >> Classifying the assets protected/contained by that application. >> Exploring vulnerabilities, threats and other issues. >> Creating mitigating strategies. • Source code review (static application security testing): >> Manual and automated scans for trojan hors- es, time bombs, backdoors, etc. >> Procedures for deployment that may expose vulnerabilities. • Penetration testing: >> Web application penetration testing (dynam- ic application security testing). >> Infrastructure penetration testing. Penetration testing helps customers protect company assets from cyberattacks. Hackers who can compromise the security of Web applications would gain access not only to sensitive data but gain the keys to the enterprise information architecture kingdom. cognizant 20-20 insights 3
  • 4. cognizant 20-20 insights 4 Formulating an Effective Strategy A comprehensive security testing approach can help uncover systems and network vulnerabilities. • Understand the security architecture and test the architecture rather than focusing on vul- nerabilities as listed in OWASP or SANS. • Verify whether the system has followed essential security principles such as: >> Fail securely. >> Defense in depth. >> Separation of privilege. >> Least privilege. • In the case of a multitier architecture, the approach should cover testing all tiers and all horizontal layers such as network, OS, server container frameworks and the server container that houses the application. Required sample tests include: >> Firewalking: Sending crafted network pack- ets to predict the firewall rules. >> Web application penetration tests. >> Web service tests. >> Database penetration tests. >> Network penetration tests. >> OS hardening tests. • In an ideal scenario, it is a good practice to test all the tiers and components involved, but in reality there is hardly enough time and budget to perform all of these tests. In such situations, risk-based testing can be conducted to: >> Analyze the level of changes made to each system. >> Analyze the risks from previous security scans on the same components. >> Assess a threat advisory issued on specific components. • A risk-based comprehensive approach provides the desired level of security validation in a cost- effective way. The Cost of Security The cost of security incidents depends on the type of incidents experienced and the number of incidents that have occurred. Generally, security incidents increase year on year. According to security software vendor Kaspersky, 7 the most expensive types of incidents involve: 8 • Worm, spyware and other malicious programs. • Vulnerabilities in existing software. • Accidental or otherwise sharing of data by staff. • Loss or theft of staff mobile devices. • Network intrusion or hacking. The cost of a security breach will always be prohib- itive when compared with the cost of protection. Moreover, a constantly evolving threat landscape adversely impacts the cost of security to be borne today and in the immediate future. Kaspersky also reported, “Roughly 90% of the companies with which we work or have spoken with confirm that they consistently confront security incidents that vary from malware attacks, to DDOS, to targeted intrusion attacks.” Given the variety, it is worthwhile to understand how common security attacks differ. • Phishing: This type of attack entails tricking or attracting a user to reveal sensitive information for malicious purposes in electronic communi- cation. The simplest example in this category is the “Nigerian e-mail” scams (where the sender asks for access to banking information). • Malware: Malicious software attacks occur with the insertion of small bits of code, or self-standing installable code, that will run according to a predetermined trigger or event, causing anywhere from a mild annoyance to more sophisticated data/processing breaches. One of the most famous of these is the “Dyre or Dridex Trojan” malware attacks that essentially is a redirection attack (sending the user to a spurious site rather than a real one, for example, during a banking operation) that utilizes a Microsoft Office attachment containing a poisoned macro. • DDOS: This is one of the most common to hit major sites. The modus operandi here is to simply overwhelm a site by hitting external facing IP addresses with a flood of service requests, to the point where the website infra- structure is unable to keep up, resulting in a site outage. Banks and financial institutions face multiple such attacks on a weekly basis. • Premeditated hacking: These advanced forms of persistent threats include a com- bination of attempts to maliciously target a website or application and steal/deface intel-
  • 5. cognizant 20-20 insights 5 lectual property. The attacker uses a combina- tion of measures including phishing, malware and DDOS attacks. Such attacks are usually successful if the attacker has insight into network traffic flows, has access to entry and exit points via IP addresses and can exploit inherent vulnerabilities to gain access to confi- dential data that is not encrypted. • Network “worms”: Network travelling worms are essentially virus attachments to traveling packets of data, which are then either spread by launching remote copies of the same code or are used to penetrate computer memory. Beyond these most common types of attacks, a wide variety of application-based attacks are used which are equally effective, which include attacking mechanisms such as SQL injection,9 password and hash cracking10 and cross–site scripting.11 Figure 2 depicts a sample of the items that a vulnerability assessment should cover when looking at applications. Keeping Security Testing Effective and Affordable Much of the cost for fighting cybercrime should be contained within the overall quality assurance budget. Genuine penetration testing, however, depends on the complex scenarios identified by the organization with respect to its infrastruc- ture and the amount of human or manual effort required to deliver and complete a successful test strategy. One such mode is IP-based testing. For example, more complex models of penetra- tion testing require a detailed understanding of the workload or traffic payload flowing through specific IP addresses that pose a security threat. Once the traffic workload has been calculated, based on services that are connected to the external network, a price per testable service can be determined. Penetration testing can then be tailor-made to the requirements of an enterprise and its budget. SAST and DAST Decoded Over and above penetration testing, code and application level security testing – specifically static access security testing (or SAST, which is code-level security scanning) and dynamic access security testing (DAST) – are usually in budgets for application development and deployment projects. As many testing efforts in SAST and DAST are tool-based, tool license pricing forms a large part of the expenditure. Factors often looked at in pricing include but are not limited to: lines of code to be scanned or number of scans to be performed; types of scenarios to be scanned; and checking and rejection of “false positives” data and support available. Assessment of Potential Threats Figure 2 Internal, External, Humanly Motivated, Ethical Hacks, Serious Hacks, APT, Accidental Arch., Design, Code, Application Front End, Database, Middle Web Services & Infrastructure, Social Media, Cloud Hosting and Mobile Front Tier, Middle Tier, Back Tier Insufficient Authentication Parameter Manipulation Lack of Encryption in Sensitive Data, SQL Injections Invalidated Inputs Flaws in Authenticating and Authorizing Identities DTD Entity Reference Attack Database External XML Entity Attack • Web Applications • Mobile Apps • Cloud-Hosted Solutions • Social Media Integration • Network & Infrastructure • Internet of Things • End Point Security Integration Server Web/App Server Insufficient Transport Layer Security Security Misconfiguration Handling Exceptions Insufficient Authorization Session Hijacking & Cookie Replay Attacks, Cross Site Scripting Black Box (Manual & Automated) White Box (Automated & Manual) • Threat Modeling • Code Review • Application Scan • Database Scan • Infra Scan Firewall Technologies Database Server Lack of Encrypting or Hashing Sensitive Data Web Applications REST API MQTT coAP Custom
  • 6. cognizant 20-20 insights 6 Looking Forward: Security Questions Every Organization Must Answer • Did your organization undergo a recent merger or acquisition? Chances are some of the appli- cations acquired through mergers could have vulnerabilities that may not be protected by the existing perimeter defense’s rules. • Are your business-critical applications risk- rated or do they have enough protection against known threats? Have you evaluated them against your organization’s risk appetite? Evaluate your application’s security posture through a vulnerability assessment exercise and ensure your business-critical applications stay within your organization’s risk appetite. • Is your development team’s choice of technology, framework and software develop­ ment guided by documented and approved security standards? Establish a standards- based development methodology and confirm security assurance through vulner- ability assessment. • Does your organization use custom applica- tions often developed under tight timelines? Chances are your development team might have been forced to cut corners and develop vulnerable applications. Identify such applica- tions and conduct a thorough vulnerability assessment of these applications to avoid mis- adventures in the future. • Even if the application has not undergone any change, has your organization thought about how vulernable applications are to new or emerging threats/vectors? Perform periodic security assessment to assess the security posture and the frequency of assessment as defined by a risk score based on the criticality of the application. Footnotes 1 Collins. Katie, “Yahoo and Google to collaborate on encrypted email,” August 8, 2014, 2 Zorz, Zeljka, “Belgian bank Crelan loses €70 million to BEC scammers, ” January 26, 2016, www.helpnet- 3 Ashford, Warwick, “More than 300,000 US taxpayers affected by data breach,” August 18, 2015, 4 Thielman, Sam, “ProtonMail: encrypted email provider held ransom by hackers,” November 5, 2015, www. 5 BBC UK, “TalkTalk cyber-attack: Website hit by ‘significant’ breach” (, October 23, 2015) 6 Riley, Charles, “ Insurance giant Anthem hit by massive data breach” (, February 6, 2015) 7 Batt, Tony, Kaspersky Lab, “Kaspersky Global IT Risks Survey Report,” October 31, 2013, 8 Batt, Tony, Kaspersky Lab, “Kaspersky Global IT Risks Survey Report,” page 15, October 31, 2013, 9 SQL injection is defined as the insertion of malicious SQL statements for execution primarily to exploit database or data storage content. 10 Hash cracking is defined as a tool or methodology used to recover encrypted or “hashed” passwords/ other security information. 11 Cross-site scripting is defined as the injection of client side scripts often of a malicious nature into web pages to overcome security features. Establish a standards-based development methodology and confirm security assurance through vulnerability assessment.
  • 7. About Cognizant Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Head- quartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technol- ogy innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 100 development and delivery centers worldwide and approxi- mately 233,000 employees as of March 31, 2016, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. About Cognizant Security Testing A key component of Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance business unit, our Security Testing practice provides end-to-end security testing services and ensures our clients’ IT applications are pro- tected from security threats and their customers’ data and privacy is protected. The group is comprised of over 300 certified security testers who have successfully delivered security testing engagements to 100-plus customers. Our application security assessments focus on a benchmarked review of vulnerabili- ties against various standards including the OWASP (Open Web Application Security) top ten list, comple- mented by support for remediation and compliance management services. Our security testing solutions preempt security vulnerabilities of the modern digital ecosystem and improve organizational resilience. To learn more, please visit World Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Phone: +1 201 801 0233 Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 Email: European Headquarters 1 Kingdom Street Paddington Central London W2 6BD Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 Email: India Operations Headquarters #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Chennai, 600 096 India Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 Email: ­­© Copyright 2016, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. About the Authors Nagaraju Padavala is Associate Director of Projects within Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance business unit. He has more than 14 years of rich non-functional testing experience. Nagaraju has played various roles ranging from a performance test consultant to performance delivery head for major accounts across a wide variety of clients in all geographies. He currently leads the Security Testing Practice and other digital NFT solutions such as SMAC performance, IoT NFT and OAT within the company’s Non-Func- tional Testing Center of Excellence. Nagaraju holds a masters degree in engineering, power systems, has earned Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and is an HP LoadRunner Certified Product Consultant (CPC). He can be reached at Madhu Jatheendran is an Associate Director, Projects within Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance business unit. He has 19 years of experience in IT in a variety of roles from programmer to program manager with experienced running teams of 250-plus personnel for a variety of clients. Currently, Madhu leads non-functional quality assurance from a vendor perspective for a major retail banking client in the UK. He is also responsible for non-functional testing services in the UK/CE region, including security and accessibility testing. Madhu has a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from Bangalore University, an MBA from the University of Oxford and MSP certification in program management. He can be reached at Kavitha Jayaraman is a Senior Manager of Projects within Cognizant’s Quality Engineering and Assurance business unit. She has 12 years of experience in the IT industry, including 10 years of rich experience in information security. Kavitha has played various roles from security analyst/consultant to building security centers of excellence for various organizations such as Hewlett-Packard and Symantec before joining Cognizant. She has authored and presented application security white papers at various conferences such as Swiss Testing Day and ISQT, among others. Kavitha holds a degree in electronics and communication engineering from Bharathiar University. She can be reached at Codex 1869