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2015  2016 EDITION
Table of Contents
Eller College Student Council serves as a direct liaison between students,
faculty, college administrators, and the Tucson community in an effort to
better the Eller experience. Eller College Student Council holds a high
standard for our members. We believe in promoting a well-rounded member-
one that is involved in the University community, the club, and their
academics. We encourage our members to build their professionalism
through their network, experiences, and social media by providing them with
the tools necessary for success.
We were founded in 1976
That’s 40 years ago. We stay a strong
club by holding reminding ourselves of
our mission in everything that we do.
per month:
4 Meeting Time:
49 Members
11Executive Board
22New Members
90%Average Meeting
100%Outside Event
Not Nationally
Status &
Place in club Olympics
(First year particpating
over 20+ clubs)
representing ECSC on
Homecoming Court
PR Committee
PDC Launch Party
Career Showcase
Eller Mentors
Faculty Appreciation
Skills Workshops
Eller App
Eller Scholarship
Lower Division
Case Competition
Be Heard Week
Senate Initiative
Contents // 2015- 2016 VOLUME 40 NUMBER
##|22 UNDER 22
Playing off Forbe’s 30 Uner 30 list,
22 under 22 recognizes Eller’s top
senior graduates and game
changers. Behold the future leaders
in pretty much everything.
Dream Careers:
Each new member presents their
“Dream Career”. This gives
younger members the opportunity
to begin to learn presentation
skills and to start thinking about
their future career goals. Older
students in council with similar
goals can offer insight and share
relatable experiences to
individual members.
Each returning member
presents on a topic of their
choice. We have had
presentations on
Entrepreneurship, Foreign
Business Customs,
Visualization, Sales,
Professional Admissions, and
even Grad School. This allows
each member to leave their
own personal legacy and
knowledge with the club.
People are so passionate about
a variety of things and it is fun
for all of council to get to
know each member better
through their passions.
Professional Presentations:
PR Chairman:
Last year, each committee did a
presentation to Pam Perry &
Anne Pagel (Associate Dean &
Advisor) at the end of the first
semester. Our committees
disbanded after that semester.
This year we decided to continue
committees to follow through on
the ideas they had created. If a
committee was project-based it
was assigned a new project in the
Spring. On March 30th we will
present to Pam Perry & Anne
Pagel for the second time this
ECSC decided to participate in
Club Olympics, the SAA First
Annual Rivalry Run, SMORES
Volleyball Spike-Out, and ASUA
Club Awards. We hope this
continues to help build our name
to the rest of the University.
This year ECSC celebrated our
40th anniversary. In order to keep
in contact with our alumni we
created a database to track our
alumni’s contact information,
location, and current job. We also
created a highly detailed form for
our 22 seniors to fill out before
they graduate.
Dean Recognition:
Semester Updates:
Alumni Database:
We are a known club in Eller, but
we decided we wanted to be a
force to be reckoned within the
University Involvement:
In order to celebrate and welcome
our new Dean Paulo Goes, the
faculty appreciation committee
put together a “freshman year
survival” basket. Dean Goes
received the welcome gift on his
first day in office.
The PR position was created to
allow a younger member to serve
on executive board to combat the
all senior elected board. The PR
position serves as the PR
committee chairman, delegating
marketing materials, alumni
communication, and social media
responsibility to committee
members. The PR committee
serve as an “In-House Agency”
for council marketing initiatives
and has promoted “Straight Outta
Eller” shirts, Mama’s Percentage
Night, Eller Case Competition,
Career Showcase, and Skills
Workshops to the college,
university, and community.
Each meeting, two Seniors are
recognized as a “Senior Star”.
They share when they joined
council, their favorite social and
professional memory. This
engages new members and shows
them events to look forward to.
Senior Stars:
Round Robins:
In order to overcome an
executive board of only Seniors,
we created monthly Round
Robins to document and track
each executive board members
progress. This would provide
their successor an idea of how
their position was run in the past.
The three sections of each Round
Robin are In Progress,
Accomplished, and Goals. This
way executive board members
can continually check up on the
projects they have in progress and
ensure they align with their goals.
At the end of the year, we will
print out each month's Round
Robin so each new executive
board member knows what we
accomplished each month.
This year our elected executive
board was entirely Seniors, so
we decided to create Committee
Chairmen positions to inspire
leadership. Students indicated in
a survey their committee
interests, and if they would like
to hold a leadership position.
Committees are based on various
projects (Be Heard Week, PDC
Launch Party, Eller Mentors,
Career Showcase, Eller Case
Competition, Eller App, etc).
Due to the demographic of the
executive board, we opened
our executive board meetings
for general members to attend
beginning a month before
elections. This allows
members to get a better idea of
a position that would be best
fit for them, and to take notes
on our current practices.
Open Executive Board:
Committee Positions:
We implemented a point and
attendance system (3 council
points, 2 philanthropy points)
and tracked it. Over half of the
council members complete two
to three times the allotted
requirements. This ensures that
each member we have dedicates
time to the club. 100% of our
club members met the point
requirements last semester.
Point System:
In the past, our President and
Executive Vice President would
choose the new member class
without a scoring system or
member input. We implemented
an application and interview
scoring system, and opened up
discussion after interviews to
everyone in the club. We targeted
our marketing efforts to pre-
business student leaders and
reached out to clubs such as past
ELITE members. As a result we
had double the applicants from
our 2014 recruitment. We added
22 new outstanding members to
our organization.
As an effort to demonstrate the
continuous achievement of our
alumni we created an “Alumni of
the Month” recognition. Each
month, one council alumni is
chosen to be highlighted during
our meeting and on social media
to share their career path,
favorite council meetings, and
advice for current members.
Our club wanted to improve our
relationship with our alumni.
Therefore we created a digital
newsletter to be sent out to our
alumni. The newsletter includes
photos from this year’s club
activities and articles about
professional, philanthropic, and
social involvement of the club.
Alumni Newsletter:
Alumni of the Month:
Recruitment System:
Each month, Student Council
recognizes two general
members who have gone
above and beyond the
necessary duties of a member.
We give them gift cards and
ensure they realize how much
council appreciates their hard
Member of the
This year the PR committee
decided to extend the number of
social media platforms that ECSC
uses by creating an Instagram.
Currently we have 57 posts and
160 followers. The content
displayed on our Instagram page
includes everything from member
highlights, postings on current
events, and advertisements for
Career Showcase.
This year, ECSC decided to try to
host a fundraiser to make more
money for the college. We held
our first ever percentage night at
Mama’s Hawaiian Barbeque and
are still waiting to hear our profits.
Our Executive Vice President
created a semesterly calendar
(updated monthly) sent out before
each semester. This has enabled
our members to better schedule
their time and has resulted in
increased event attendance. We
also have an online calendar that
can be downloaded to a phone for
easy use.
ECSC has always held various
socials throughout the year
including: semesterly Cabin
Trips, semesterly banquets,
Stud Bud Reveal at Get Air, a
California trip and a
Halloween Party. This year we
decided to add a few more
socials. We did a White
Elephant Christmas exchange
and a welcome back from
winter break bowling night at
Lucky Strike. We also added a
Senior Dinner at the beginning
of the year to kick off the final
year together.
In the past Executive Board
is elected the last week of
April. With Seniors
Graduating the transition
always felt rushed. This
year, we have decide to
push our elections earlier in
order to have an effective
transition period. The last
meeting of the year will be
run by the new executive
board and will honor the
seniors in whatever way
they see fit.
college. By removing
some of the positions on
our executive board we
have allowed for more
structure and less overlap.
We also believe that if fit
the executive board can
appoint members to the
executive board where
they see a need (it is
constantly evolving from
Executive Board Transition
ECSC has chosen to
restructure the executive board
for the next year. We want to
provide more leadership
opportunities to members,
therefore we want the newly
developed committee
chairmen to play a larger role.
We will have the AVP in
charge of committee head
monthly meetings to continue
to carry out projects for the
Executive Board Restructure:
Each semester ECSC
hosts one “fun” meeting
(although all of our
meetings are very fun).
First semester, we broke
into teams and played
Jeopardy with
information on our
current members other
involvements, majors,
internships, and goals.
Our next “fun” meeting
will include similar
bonding activities and
will be a pajama party.
“Fun” Meetings:
Bryce Patrick competes in the
Homecoming Club Olympics Mud
Lauren Kenney and Hayley
Schwartz representing ECSC on
the 2015 Homecoming Court
Club Changes
Change what?
ECSC wants to
continue and grow,
here are some
ways we can
improve next year:
Next year we are designing our executive
board so committee chairmen report to the
Administrative Vice President. Additionally,
the AVP will have monthly meetings with
these chairmen. This should help add a formal
structure to the committees and encourage
additional involvement.
Committee Chairmen Meetings:
Explicit Point System
We want to implement a solid
timeline outline of treasurer
communications regarding dues
(i.e. reminder email to individual
members etc). We use a late fee
but we want to set a solid
timeline so members know up-
front what the follow through
will be if they do not pay.
Improved Payment Plan:
Since this was the first year we used the point system, many members
were confused. We want to implement a timeline for the secretary
(send out point updates on this date, inform those who have not yet
completed requirements on this date, etc). This semester we started
sending out updated points weekly, and we want to continue that into
next year.
Each year, returning Student
Council members receive new
members to be their “Stud Buds”.
Aside from Stud Bud reveal, and
the Halloween party, Stud Buds
are not utilized aside from what
members choose to do on their
own. Next year, we want to
implement more Stud Bud events.
Stud Buds:
about our current system:
Learn a little
3 Council Points
2 Philanthropy Points
1 additional point after 3 excused absences
1 additional point for each unexcused absence
Zack Zemer, Joe Carillo, and Steve Wolsfeld our council Grill
Masters cooking at our first semester cabin trip on Mount
Meet our alumni, employers, business
connections and friends
Nancy Gay is worked for Microsoft for 25+ years in all areas including
consulting, MIS, management, and CRM. She hosted an open
discussion about her experiences, providing students with insights on
how to manage work-life balance, improve their strengths, and how to
set themselves apart from other job candidates.
Ralph Nader is a recruiter for Viacom. He gave us a webinar about
professional development, career goals, and how to stand out amongst
other applicants. He also told us best practices to get into the industry
you want to be in, even if you cannot start in it.
Craig Sedoris is a Store Department Manager who presented to
council about how to interact with recruiters in various professional
settings (i.e. career fairs, recruiting events, interviews, etc).
Kylie Dodd is the Recruiting Manager for E&J Gallo Winery in Southern
California. She, along with her colleague, came in and spoke to ECSC
about their rotational program for graduating seniors.. They provided
helpful tips on how to make your resume stand out and how to properly
prepare for an interview.
Alec Demetre is a recent graduate who was highly involved in the
University and Eller community. He set up a networking event where we
met with 3 Eller graduates in different departments of the Phoenix Suns.
He set up a great event for us, and we look forward to repeating the
Communication is a goal we
continuously strive to increase
General Member Communication:
Before each ECSC meeting the VP of
Correspondence sends out a reminder email
with an agenda and the updated point
document included. After each meeting, we
send out an email with the meeting minutes
The Executive Vice President acted as a
“New Member Educator” throughout the
beginning of their time in council. In order to
better communicate with our new members
we set up a separate meeting for them. We
discussed Eller and council specific
terminology, our goals, and roles in current
projects (i.e. what is our role with the new
PDC?). By having a separate meeting for the
new members, they were given the
opportunity to ask the President and EVP
questions that were repetitive to current
New Member Communication:
both internally and externally
Faculty/Admin Communication:
In order to communicate with our
administration the President and Executive
Vice President have bi-weekly meetings
with Pam Perry and Anne Pagel. In
addition the President is in constant
communication with facilities, marketing,
the PDC, career coaches, and many other
members of faculty primarily through
email communications. All of the projects
we have been able to accomplish this year
demonstrate our club's strength in
communicating with the faculty, staff, and
administration of the college.
We decided to create an ECSC ritual and
hold a Welcome Ceremony for our new
members. Each current member presented a
new member they connected with during the
application process with their council shirt
and stated why they were chosen to be a
Welcome Ceremony
By use of our social media pages,
Facebook events, flyers, and speaking in
classrooms, we were able to communicate
information to the students and faculty of
Eller. We are also working on
restructuring our LinkedIn to be a method
of communication with alumni
Communication to the College:
Alumni Contacts:
We communicate with our alumni through
our VP of IT and PR Chairman using
email, Facebook, phone numbers, and
other information found in our database.
Learn how ECSC communicates within the organization internally
This year, we increased our recruitment with
targeted efforts. We decided it was not about
getting the word out to the most people
possible (since we accept so few) but to the
most qualified individuals. Through these
efforts we decided to reach out to lower-
division members who sought to be leaders
in the college. We reached out to the ELITE
alumni and have been building this
relationship throughout the year (i.e. Club
Fair Attendance, Be Heard Week
Presentation, Spring Fling involvement). We
plan to reach out to the current ELITE
members next year during our Fall
Delta Sigma Pi and Eller College Student
Council partnered up to host a “Professional
Admissions Workshop”. This workshop
occurred a week before professional
admissions and covered interview
preparation, cover letters, resumes, and
professional communication. We hope to
continue partnering with other clubs to host
events like this in the future.
Admissions Workshop
Spring Fling:
At the beginning of the fall semester,
ECSC spoke to ELITE about potentially
partnering for a booth for Spring Fling.
They were eager to work with us, and after
continuous communication, ELITE will be
directly participating in Spring Fling for
the first time alongside ECSC. We have
built a stronger relationship with them
through our efforts to plan for our food
booth and to ensure member participation
from both clubs during the event.
Be Heard Week demonstrates our ability to
communicate with students throughout the
entire college. Student Council is meant to
represent the voices of all students. This
year we have tried to gain additional
feedback through the Eller Case
Competition, class presentations about
council’s past and current efforts, and focus
grouping different clubs and organizations
within the college.
Be Heard Week/Scholarship Competition:
Our ability to host Skills Workshops
demonstrates our strong communication
with the PDC, and students in Eller. 4/6 of
our workshops have reached capacity, and
students are willing to pay to offset costs.
This demonstrates our ability to show the
value and effectiveness of our programs to
the college
Skills Workshops:
Eller Mentors:
Eller Mentors aims to communicate to
underclassmen through the Eller Insider
Newsletters. These newsletters will act as
a resource for career fair preparation,
college survival tips, internship tips, Eller
Professional Admissions tips, etc. In
addition, the Eller Mentors Committee is
preparing a “people book” that advisors
will have access to and share with students
who want to talk to fellow students about
topics of interest.
Suns Trip:
This year ECSC collaborated with a
brand new club in hopes of building a
strong connection for future events. We
teamed up with the Sports Analytics Club
and attended a networking event with the
Phoenix Suns. Since the Sports Analytics
Club is a new organization for Eller, we
wanted to reach out and help them gain
professional experience while building
their brand within Eller.
Resume Checks:
All freshmen and sophomores
were asked to submit a resume to
be reviewed by an
upperclassmen. Each student
received one-on-one assistance
with building their resume and
improving their professional
Ralph Nader, Viacom
Recruiter, held a workshop
assisting members on how to
build and format your resume,
reach your career goals
through related positions, and
to stand out amongst other
Professional Workshop:
Professional Presentations:
ECSC hosted a Professional
Admissions Workshop with
Delta Sigma Pi in order to
prepare our members for the
process. Those applying to Eller
rotated through cover letter and
resume edits, mock interviews,
and skills assessment practices.
ECSC welcomes all of their new
members by providing them with
a respective Stud Bud. A Stud Bud
is a current member, who has been
a part of the organization for at
least one year, and who acts as a
“Big Sister/Brother” to new
members. The Stud Bud program
is meant to make the transition
into ECSC easier for new
members by giving them someone
to turn to if they have questions,
need advice, or just want to talk.
Admissions Workshop:
Stud Buds:
Each semester we arranged for at
least two outside speakers to
come into our meetings and talk
about their professional
experience. Some of these
speakers included E&J Gallo
Winery, Target, and Microsoft.
These speakers talked about
opportunities within their
respective companies while also
providing professional tips and
advice that can be applied to any
job or industry.
Outside Speakers:
Returning members give a
presentation on any topic of their
choosing. Members sign up for a
date at the beginning of the
semester and for a topic. Each
meeting there are usually two of
these presentations.
Record Keeping
Minutes are taken every
executive board meeting that are
kept for the next executive board
the following year. Meeting
minutes are also taken during
the Wednesday meetings to send
out to all of the members
Currently, we document the
history of our council members
through our alumni database.
Alumni Database:
Council members Lauren Thorell, Steve Wolsfeld, Joe Carillo, Dylan Chriotpher, and Bailey Moses working our annual
“Welcome Back Week” table
Our alumni newsletter is a way
to document the “history” of
our year in Student Council for
future Councils to use.
Alumni Newsletter:
We keep an annual budget
updated bi-weekly in order to
track our expenses.
Our ECSC members Bryce
Patrick, Steve Wolsfeld,
Hannah Sullivan, Keesha
Rutledge, and Hayley
Schwartz have been
members of the club all
four years of college. They
all sit on the executive
PDC Donation:
Eller College Student Council
decided to focus our funds into
something we felt passionate
about- the new Professional
Development Center. ECSC
purchased a team room and made
a 5 year commitment of $40,000
to the college. The Eller College
Student Council Team Room will
facilitate collaboration,
something the council believes to
be essential in the Eller
New Chairs in Berger:
ECSC conducts Be Heard Week
each year. Traditionally we go
into classrooms and administer
an online survey to collect data.
This year we additionally went
into major based clubs to collect
major specific information. We
also gave a small presentation at
the beginning of classes to talk
about what ECSC has
accomplished so far in order to
better direct responses. Be Heard
Week committee presented the
information to Pam Perry &
Anne Pagel, and have begun to
make changes to the college with
the information we have
Students in the marketing major
feel they cannot learn graphic
design skills, and other critical
skills in the current curriculum.
There is a need for a class
(preferably an elective) that
covers these skills. Students are
going to the art college to take
some of these classes currently.
We are setting up a meeting with
the marketing department to
present our findings.
National Board of
Advisors Lunch:
Be Heard Week:
Marketing Meeting:
With results from our annual “Be
Heard Week” council decided to
take initiative and host “Skills”
workshops to build skills that
students felt they were missing in
their education. The following
include the workshops we have
put on so far this year:
• Excel
• Photoshop I & II
• Retail Math
• InDesign
We are in the process of putting
on these workshops again and
adding an “InDesign II”
Excel Meeting:
Students attended the Board of
Advisors meeting in Phoenix.
Council members interacted with
prominent donors and members of
the college, including Karl Eller
The past Student Council
President along with the Student
Body President advocated for new
chairs in Berger, and received a
grant from the UA Foundation to
redo the auditorium and bring
power to each and every seat.
Student Council acted as donor
hosts at the PDC Launch Party
during Homecoming. Students
interacted with prominent donors
and faculty and spoke of their
Eller and Professional
Development Center experience.
Additionally our President gave a
speech along with Pam Perry, and
Dean Schatzberg about the
importance of this project.
PDC Homecoming
Skills Workshops:
ECSC has been compiling Excel
knowledge regarding what
necessary Excel related functions
students lack in the current
curriculum after shifting through
student feedback. We will be
meeting with the MIS department
in two weeks to present our
100% Engagement:
ECSC was used as a focus group
and provided feedback to the
college regarding the 100%
engagement initiative.
PDC Student Launch
Involvement :
ECSC decided to put on our own
launch party to raise awareness of
the new Professional
Development Center. We handed
out food, created flyers, and used
materials from the college to
educate the student body about the
construction that would begin
after Winter Break.
Eller App/ESMS:
ECSC members met with Chris
Jansmann the Business Systems
Architect and the Eller College of
Management to give student
feedback about ideas for an
“Eller App”. They presented
ideas they came up with for their
committee presentation to be
included in this App when it
ECSC will be holding the first
annual Eller College Student
Council Blood Drive on April
18th. For our first drive, we have
a goal of 30 people. This goal is
not large, but we plan to grow it
immensely in the coming years.
We hope for the Eller College
Student Council Blood Drive to
develop into a known event that
students in the Eller College look
forward to every year.
Occurring after Spring Break,
this week is made to honor our
faculty. Student Council
donates food and collects
nominations from students for
the outstanding small and
large class faculty.
Additionally this year, we
provided stars for students to
write messages thanking
faculty members.
Faculty Appreciation Week:
Blood Drive:
ECSC is one of three clubs that
serves on the “Senior Week
Planning Committee”.
Additionally, ECSC donates
heavily to the Senior Class gift
each year.
Eller Insider:
ASUA implemented a new
structure for their elections that
requires one senator to represent
the Eller College. Student
Council has brainstormed how to
get the senator involved on the
council and integrated into the
club in order to accurately
represent and reflect the needs of
the college. Eller Mentors will allow students
to access a database of fellow
Eller students they can contact
about anything. The students on
the database are Eller College
Student Council members with
various areas of expertise and
interest. This program will
provide undergraduate students
with an extra resource and
improve their Eller experience by
creating early connections to
experienced students.
Eller Mentors:
Senior Week:
Straight Outta Eller:
In the Fall, council decided to
host the first ever
Undergraduate Office
appreciation day. We felt that
the professors often got
brought to Student-Faculty
breakfast and not members of
the undergraduate team. We
provided a surprise bagel and
coffee breakfast for all of the
advisors, staff, coaches, and
student workers in the
Undergraduate Office.
UGRAD Appreciation Day:
ECSC created the Emerging
Leader Scholarship for that
member of an Eller FESO club
that has demonstrated exceptional
leadership and drive not only
within their organization, but in
their academic endeavors and
extracurriculars. Each president of
a FESO club can nominate one
member of their organization to
receive this $250 award.
Emerging Leader
Welcome Back Week:
Each year, student council hosts
“Welcome Back Week” after the
summer. We tabled to hand out
free food and simply welcome
students back for the semester.
ECSC chose to sell “Straight
Outta Eller” shirts to the entire
college because our shirts were
demanded by so many students.
We sold over 100 shirts and
made over $500 in profit.
Senate Initative:
The Eller Insider will make
underclassmen more confident
about their early college
experience. The newsletters will
provide helpful information
generated by students for other
students, which will give
underclassmen a new
perspective on the Eller
The Eller Career Showcase is
one of the largest fundraisers
for the college put on by Eller
College Student Council and
Delta Sigma Pi. About 95% of
our club attends or volunteers
at the Eller Career Showcase.
This event raises about
$12,000 for the college from
the Eller College Student
Council end. Additionally, our
work has helped provide
students both inside and
outside of the college with
jobs and internships.
Career Showcase:
Each year, upper-division
ECSC members work Cohort
Onboarding as table hosts and
panelists. They offer their
insight on the Eller
Experience to newly admitted
students. We help with
onboarding each
semester.Cohort Onboarding
Cohort Onboarding:
ECSC members took an
active role in selecting
the new Dean of the Eller
College. Our President
was the student
representative and
coordinated the student
committees to meet with
all three Dean
Candidates. We also had
10 upperclassmen
members participate in
the various forums
meeting the different
Search Committee:
Our Career Showcase Coordinator Lauren
Kenney along with the Delta Sigma Pi
Coordinator Pamela Contreras posing with
Pam Perry and Wilma at the annual Launch
Grimaldis No Kid Hungry:
ECSC members donated over
$400 for the nationwide charity
No Kid Hungry in September at
our first meeting with our new
ECSC formed a team and
participated in the SMORES
SOS Spikeout Volleyball
Tournament this spring.
Although we didn’t win, we
enjoyed helping to raise money
for Suicide Prevention by
playing some friendly volleyball.
ECSC will be heading to the
Ronald McDonald House in April
to make dinner for the families
staying there. We are looking
forward to making a difference in
these families lives by getting to
know their stories as well as
providing a meal.
SMORES Spike Out:
Ronald McDonald
Eller College Student Council
participates in the Susan G.
Koman Think Pink event every
year. This event helps to raise
money for the Susan G. Komen
foundation and also exposes
students to the stories of men and
women who have had breast
Make A Difference Day:
Think Pink:
Eller Make-a-Difference Day is
another event that ECSC
participates in every year. ECSC
participated on both days. This
year, ECSC was assigned to
Felicia’s Farm.Walk for Wishes:
ECSC had a team in the Make-a-
Wish Foundation Walk to raise
money for children with life-
threatening diseases. This was the
first annual “Walk for Wishes” in
Tucson and the event helped
better the university by exposing
students to a phenomenal cause.
ECSC participated for the first
time in the Eller Charity Cup. We
always have a strong turnout for
the event and love supporting
other Eller organizations.
Eller Charity Cup:
Beer Fit Run:
This event was new to Tucson
this year, but ECSC will
definitely be participating again!
Our 21+ members helped with
the event by handing out beer to
the runners and cheering them
Left: Members at Think Pink Fashion Show
Right: Members at Walk for Wishes
Scott Barnett:
ECSC members attended the Scott Barnett
(CEO of Bubba Gump) event hosted in the
fall. About 10% of our members attended.
ECSC formed a team to participate in the
SMORES Sophomore Honorary
philanthropy event. We didn’t take home the
gold, but we had fun participating and
raising money for charity. About 20% of our
members participated.
SMORES Volleyball
Eller Admissions Party:
In the Fall ECSC members attended the
No Anchovies Welcome to Eller Party.
About 20% of our members participated.
Many ECSC members attended the PDC
workshops in which we hosted. About 50%
have attended various workshops.
Skills Workshops:
ECSC members are responsible for
running a booth during Spring Fling.
Members will prepare and sell Sonoran
Hot Dogs to the public. 95% of members
are signed up to participate in this event
Spring Fling:
UA Club Olympics:
ECSC participated in the University Club
Olympics for the first time and placed 3rd
out of over twenty clubs. About 70% of
our members participated.
ECSC participated in the SAA Rivalry
Run for the first time this year. We won
the title “Best Representation”, because
we all showed up in our famous “Straight
Outta Eller” shirts. About 20% of our
Eller Leadership Fest/ELITE Fair:
ECSC attended both the Fall & Spring
Leadership Fests even though we only
recruit in the Fall. We also had
representatives attend the ELITE club fair to
prepare for recruitment next year. About
25% of our members participated.
UA Homecoming:
Our two ECSC nominees for homecoming
were selected to be two of the five female
members of the 2015 Homecoming Court.
About 70% of our members participated.
Career Showcase:
The Eller Career Showcase is one of the
largest fundraisers for the college put on
by Eller College Student Council and
Delta Sigma Pi. About 95% of our club
attends or volunteers at the Eller Career
SyFy Presents: The Magicians Tour
ECSC members attended “The Magicians”
premiere on campus featuring a live
performance by Bebe Rexha. About 20% of
our members attended.
SAA Rivalry Run
PDC Donation:
This year Student Council
committed $40,000 to fund a
team room in the Professional
Development Center over the
next five years. This is very
important to us because as
students we saw the need for
more space to meet and interact
with teams. We thought it was an
investment that would not only
benefit the college, but future
student council members, and
current members that will use the
team rooms upon completion.
Eller College Student Council
has put on skills workshops to
help students gain additional
skills they felt they were
missing in their jobs and
internships. This year we
began an Adobe Photoshop I,
Adobe Photoshop II, Adobe
InDesign, and Retail Math.
Skills Workshops:
Eller Insider:
ECSC helped Gina Wallen and
Pam Perry recognize and thank
the custodian staff. We also
created Christmas cards for the
Our goal for the Eller College
Student Council Blood Drive is to
make it a large enough event that
everyone at the University of
Arizona knows about it. We plan
to market it very well this year, so
that next year we can double the
event in size. Blood donations are
always needed and we think this is
a great way to improve the Eller
College, UA and Tucson
Mentor Program:
ECSC Blood Drive:
The mentor program will be
implemented in the Spring of
2016, allowing advisors to link
ECSC members with
underclassmen who want
someone to talk to. This will help
students that want to interact
with other students about their
career goals, major advice, etc.
Emerging Leader Scholarship:
The Eller Insider newsletter is
currently being developed, and
will be implemented in the Fall of
2016. We plan on sending out the
newsletters periodically
throughout the school year. This
will help new students be able to
see an “inside” perspective into
different “tips and tricks” to
succeed within Eller. Examples of
insiders include “Cat Card vs Cat
Cash”, “How to Calculate Your
Grade”, “Preceptor, TA, Professor,
What’s the Difference?”.
FM Appreciation:
This scholarship was started with
the idea to continue to motivate
future college leaders. We felt
that by providing an award it
would motivate each individual
selected to be nominated within
their own respective club to
continue to strive for excellence.
As ECSC we want to build future
leaders in all areas of the college
and we felt this was a great way
to motivate students to do so.
Professional, Social, Philanthropy, University, &
Community Events
8/21-8/23 Eller Dean Search Interviews
8/24 Cohort Onboarding
8/25 Leadership Fest
9/1- 9/3 Welcome Back Week Tabling
9/2 First ECSC Meeting
9/2 Senior Dinner - Guadalajara
9/9 Meeting with Applicants
9/10 Recruitment mixer - Auld Dubliner
9/11 ECSC Application Due (1st cuts)
9/14-9/16 ECSC Interviews
9/16- Eller Dean Candidate Meeting
9/18- Decision Letters Available
9/18- FESO Eboard Mixer
9/23- No Kid Left Hungry
9/23- New Members Only Meeting
9/24- Facilities Management Appreciation
9/24- Scott Barnett Bubba Gump
9/27- Stud Bud Reveal
9/28- Eller Dean Candidate Meeting
9/30- Gallo Meeting
11/6-11/7 Eller Make a Difference Day
11/13 SAA Rivalry Run
11/16-11/20 Be Heard Week
11/16 Senior Speaker Auditions
11/16 PDC Appreciation Day
11/17 Beta Alpha Psi BHW Club Visit
11/17 Student Faculty Breakfast
11/18 AMA BHW Club Visit
11/18 BHW ELITE Club Visit
11/20 Photoshop I Workshop
10/1-10/2 Cabin Trip
10/5 Eller Dean Candidate Meeting
10/7 Think Pink Event
10/14 Welcome to Eller Party
10/20-10/22 Club Olympics
10/23 PDC Launch Event
10/28 Excel Workshop
10/29- Halloween Social
Professional, Social, Philanthropy, University, &
Community Events
12/1 PDC Launch Party for Students
12/2 Presentations to Pam/Anne
12/3 Christmas Cards for Facilities
12/5 Eller Charity Cup
12/9 ECSC Banquet
1/13 Cohort Onboarding
1/14 Leadership Fest
1/20 1st ECSC Meeting of Semester
1/20 The Magician’s Tour
1/22 ECSC Welcome Back Bowling
1/29 Adobe Photoshop I Class
2/3 Nancy Gay Microsoft @ Meeting
2/3 ECSC Group Photos
2/12 Photoshop II Workshop
2/12 Professional Admissions Workshop
2/15 Showcase Launch Party
2/17 Career Quest
2/18 Career Showcase
2/19 Phoenix Suns Trip
2/23 Retail Math Workshop
2/24 Meeting with Target
2/26 Eller App/ESMS Meeting
2/28 SMORES Volleyball Tournament
4/1-4/3 San Diego Trip
4/6 Executive Board Nominations
4/8-4/10 Spring Fling
4/12 Student Faculty Breakfast
4/13 Executive Board Elections
4/13 Senior Speaker Auditions
4/18 ECSC Blood Drive
4/19 Executive Board Transition Night
4/20 Senior Speaker Audition
4/24 Ronald McDonald House
4/25-4/28 Senior Week Tabling
4/27 Last Meeting (Ran by new Eboard)
4/27 Senior Dinner
5/6 ECSC Banquet
3/1 Open Eboard Meetings Begin
3/2 ELITE Club Fair
3/4-3/5 2nd Semester Cabin Trip
3/5 Beer Fit Run
3/9 Viacom Workshop
3/22 Mama’s Fundraiser
3/22-3/24 Faculty Appreciation Week
3/28 ASUA Club Awards
3/28-3/30 Case Competition Marketing
3/30- Presentations to Pam & Anne
Q&A’s with our FESO Representative Taylor:
Q: What did you like best about FESO this year?:
T: This year, FESO was very organized. Information that was sent out was very clear and direct, so we were
able to relay it out to our members so that everyone was well-informed. I felt that FESO worked really hard to
communicate effectively with the clubs and make sure that each club felt that it could rely on FESO and
address them with any needs or concerns.
Q: What would you suggest in order to strengthen the relationship
between the clubs?
T: I would suggest organizing more events for all FESO clubs to attend such as the mixer at Gentle Ben’s
earlier in the year. This would allow members from separate clubs to get to know each other and socialize.
What would you suggest in order to strengthen the relationship
between the clubs and the Eller College of Management?
T: I think encouraging clubs to put on joint events through the Standards of Excellence would be a great way
to improve the relationship. Also adding a mixer the 2nd semester for all FESO clubs to interact could be a fun
What services would you like the Undergraduate Office to provide for
your club?
T: Since ECSC put on so many events for the college, it could be helpful to get a calendar at the beginning of
the year with all the set college events. This would allow us to better be able to plan, prepare, and organize for
the following years.
Our FESO representative Taylor Rodriguez-Kempton
At the beginning of this
year, we had 22 seniors
and 5 members of other
ages! We made sure to
spread out our age range
for the class we accepted
this past Fall
Bailey Moses:
Post-Graduation Plans: Music Industry Endeavours - Studio Manager
of Lathe Cuts
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Zipperman Scholar, Case
Competition Winner 2014 & 2015
Additional Involvements: BCOM Department, KAMP Student Radio,
Students for Sustainability
Brittany Nordlund:
Post-Graduation Plans: Macy’s Buying Program
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List with Distinction
Additional Involvements: Alpha Phi
Bryce Patrick:
Post-Graduation Plans: Territory Sales Manager at Altria Group
Distribution Company
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Case Competition Winner 2015, Top
25 Homecoming Queen Nominee, Dean’s List
Additional Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Sigma Pi
Cameron Steiner:
Post-Graduation Plans: Launching Entrepreneurship Project – ROVR
Significant Achievements: Top Salesman of the Year, Most
Outstanding New Member Phi Gamma Delta
Additional Involvements: Brand Ambassador at Tilt, Chief Marketing
Officer Elevated Greek Apparel
Dylan Christopher:
Post-Graduation Plans: Bank of America Investment Analyst
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Macia Scholarship (Kappa
Sigma), Campus Leadership Scholarship (Kappa Sigma), Service
Leadership Award (Enactus USA)
Additional Involvements: Kappa Sigma, Enactus
Hannah Sullivan:
Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided
Significant Achievements: Wimberly-Johnson Scholarship, Bear
Down Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Chi Omega, UA Residence Life, Eller
Service Honorary
Hayley Schwartz:
Post-Graduation Plans: Entertainment Industry in NYC
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List with Distinction, Eller 50
Collegiate Women of the Year, Leadership in Marketing Award,
Undergraduate Dean’s Award, Order of Sage & Silver Scholarship,
University of Arizona Awards Finalist, Homecoming Court Member
Additional Involvements: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Sigma Pi,
Chain Gang Junior Honorary, Warner Music Group College Marketing
Representative, Eller Student Worker
Heather Francisco:
Post-Graduation Plans: PwC Risk Assurance Associate, Masters in
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List with Distinction, Zipperman
Scholar Merit Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta
Hisham Saifafi:
Post-Graduation Plans: Human Resources Analyst at SABIC
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Beta Gamma Sigma, Make a
Difference Day Leadership Award
Additional Involvements: Eller Unity Board, Bluechip Leadership
Irena Krstic:
Post-Graduation Plans: EMC Sales Program
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Dean’s List, Case Competition Winner
Additional Involvements: Eller Professional Sales Club, Chain Gang
Junior Honorary, Wildcats Event Board
Jazmin Beltran:
Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided (Advertising Industry)
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Dean’s List, Eller’s Top 50 Hispanic Scholars of the Year, Arizona
Board of Regents Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Arizona Ad Fed, National Student
Advertising Competition, Eller Hispanic Honorary
Joe Carrillo:
Post-Graduation Plans: Intel Corporation Financial Analyst
Significant Achievements: Eller Student Council Member of the
Additional Involvements: Kappa Kappa Gamma Hasher
Kaylie Burton:
Post-Graduation Plans: PwC Internship, Masters in Accounting
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Case Competition Winner 2014,
Dean’s List, Schmidt-AB Scholarship, Larriva-Francies Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Eller Paraprofessional Advisor
Keesha Rutledge:
Post-Graduation Plans: Executive Department Manager for Target
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Dean’s List
Additional Involvements: Eller Service Honorary
Lauren Kenney:
Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided - Sales
Significant Achievements: Bear Down Scholarship, Homecoming
Court Member, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Claude H. Moyer
Revolving Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Alpha Phi
Leslie Cole:
Post-Graduation Plans: Technical Recruiter for TEKSystems
Significant Achievements: McCord Scholar, Eller 50 Collegiate
Women of the Year, Dean’s List, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Professional Women in Business
Association, Pi Beta Phi
Mariam Nikola:
Post-Graduation Plans: Masters in Management Information Systems
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Zipperman Scholar, Eller 50
Collegiate Women of the Year
Additional Involvements: Bear Down Camp, Spring Fling
Natalie Sokol:
Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Dean’s List, Eller Multicultural Excellence Award, Shamrock Case
Competition Winner 2014, Arizona Excellence Scholarship
Additional Involvements: Delta Gamma
Nicole Barron:
Post-Graduation Plans: Pepsico Beverage Sales Management
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Shamrock Case Competition Winner 2014, Eller International Photo
Contest Winner, Planetary Art Competition Finalist in Fine Arts
Additional Involvements: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Sigma Pi
Sean Luther:
Post-Graduation Plans: BaGoldman Sachs Investment Banking
Significant Achievements: McCord Scholar, Finance Department
Head’s Award for Academic Distinction, Undergraduate Dean’s Award,
2015 Financial Executives International Award
Additional Involvements: Phi Gamma Delta
Steve Wolsfeld:
Post-Graduation Plans: Masters in Accounting, PwC Assurance – Real
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Regents High Honors Tuition
Scholarship, Claude H. Moyer Scholarship, Wimberly-Johnson
Additional Involvements: AMA Treasurer, ASA
Zack Zemer:
Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided
Significant Achievements: Eller College Student Council Member of
the Month
Additional Involvements: Investments Club
Bryce Patrick:
Post-Graduation Plans: Territory Sales Manager at Altria Group
Distribution Company
Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year,
Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Case Competition Winner 2015, Top
25 Homecoming Queen Nominee, Dean’s List
Additional Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Sigma Pi
Cameron Steiner:
Post-Graduation Plans: Launching Entrepreneurship Project – ROVR
Significant Achievements: Top Salesman of the Year, Most
Outstanding New Member Phi Gamma Delta
Additional Involvements: Brand Ambassador at Tilt, Chief Marketing
Officer Elevated Greek Apparel
Dylan Christopher:
Post-Graduation Plans: Bank of America Investment Analyst
Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Macia Scholarship (Kappa
Sigma), Campus Leadership Scholarship (Kappa Sigma), Service
Leadership Award (Enactus USA)
Additional Involvements: Kappa Sigma, Enactus
22 UNDER 22
Playing off Forbe’s 30 Under
30 list, 22 under 22
recognizes Eller’s top senior
graduates and game
changers. The process is
intense- dozens of students
apply. And the results are
ver impressive-behold the
future leaders in pretty much
Contents // 2015- 2016 VOLUME 40 NUMBER
##|22 UNDER 22
Playing off Forbe’s 30 Uner 30 list,
22 under 22 recognizes Eller’s top
senior graduates and game
changers. Behold the future leaders
in pretty much everything.

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Annual Report ECSC 2015-2016

  • 2. Table of Contents 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
  • 3. OUR MISSION: Eller College Student Council serves as a direct liaison between students, faculty, college administrators, and the Tucson community in an effort to better the Eller experience. Eller College Student Council holds a high standard for our members. We believe in promoting a well-rounded member- one that is involved in the University community, the club, and their academics. We encourage our members to build their professionalism through their network, experiences, and social media by providing them with the tools necessary for success. We were founded in 1976 That’s 40 years ago. We stay a strong club by holding reminding ourselves of our mission in everything that we do. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
  • 4. Meetings per month: 4 Meeting Time: 7- 8:00pm 49 Members 11Executive Board Members 22New Members 90%Average Meeting Attendance 100%Outside Event Attendance Not Nationally Recognized FASTFACT S: //Meetings Members Status & Awards 3rd Place in club Olympics (First year particpating over 20+ clubs) 2Members representing ECSC on Homecoming Court Committees: PR Committee PDC Launch Party Career Showcase Eller Mentors Faculty Appreciation Skills Workshops Eller App Eller Scholarship Lower Division Undergraduate Engagement Case Competition Marketing Be Heard Week Senate Initiative Committee
  • 5. Contents // 2015- 2016 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 1 ON THE COVER ##|22 UNDER 22 Playing off Forbe’s 30 Uner 30 list, 22 under 22 recognizes Eller’s top senior graduates and game changers. Behold the future leaders in pretty much everything. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
  • 6. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS Dream Careers: CONTINOUSLY STRIVING ALWAYS IMPROVING By: ECSC EXECUTIVE BOARD Each new member presents their “Dream Career”. This gives younger members the opportunity to begin to learn presentation skills and to start thinking about their future career goals. Older students in council with similar goals can offer insight and share relatable experiences to individual members. Each returning member presents on a topic of their choice. We have had presentations on Entrepreneurship, Foreign Business Customs, Visualization, Sales, Professional Admissions, and even Grad School. This allows each member to leave their own personal legacy and knowledge with the club. People are so passionate about a variety of things and it is fun for all of council to get to know each member better through their passions. Professional Presentations: PR Chairman: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Last year, each committee did a presentation to Pam Perry & Anne Pagel (Associate Dean & Advisor) at the end of the first semester. Our committees disbanded after that semester. This year we decided to continue committees to follow through on the ideas they had created. If a committee was project-based it was assigned a new project in the Spring. On March 30th we will present to Pam Perry & Anne Pagel for the second time this year. ECSC decided to participate in Club Olympics, the SAA First Annual Rivalry Run, SMORES Volleyball Spike-Out, and ASUA Club Awards. We hope this continues to help build our name to the rest of the University. This year ECSC celebrated our 40th anniversary. In order to keep in contact with our alumni we created a database to track our alumni’s contact information, location, and current job. We also created a highly detailed form for our 22 seniors to fill out before they graduate. Dean Recognition: Semester Updates: Alumni Database: We are a known club in Eller, but we decided we wanted to be a force to be reckoned within the University. University Involvement: In order to celebrate and welcome our new Dean Paulo Goes, the faculty appreciation committee put together a “freshman year survival” basket. Dean Goes received the welcome gift on his first day in office. The PR position was created to allow a younger member to serve on executive board to combat the all senior elected board. The PR position serves as the PR committee chairman, delegating marketing materials, alumni communication, and social media responsibility to committee members. The PR committee serve as an “In-House Agency” for council marketing initiatives and has promoted “Straight Outta Eller” shirts, Mama’s Percentage Night, Eller Case Competition, Career Showcase, and Skills Workshops to the college, university, and community. Each meeting, two Seniors are recognized as a “Senior Star”. They share when they joined council, their favorite social and professional memory. This engages new members and shows them events to look forward to. Senior Stars:
  • 7. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTSCO Round Robins: In order to overcome an executive board of only Seniors, we created monthly Round Robins to document and track each executive board members progress. This would provide their successor an idea of how their position was run in the past. The three sections of each Round Robin are In Progress, Accomplished, and Goals. This way executive board members can continually check up on the projects they have in progress and ensure they align with their goals. At the end of the year, we will print out each month's Round Robin so each new executive board member knows what we accomplished each month. This year our elected executive board was entirely Seniors, so we decided to create Committee Chairmen positions to inspire leadership. Students indicated in a survey their committee interests, and if they would like to hold a leadership position. Committees are based on various projects (Be Heard Week, PDC Launch Party, Eller Mentors, Career Showcase, Eller Case Competition, Eller App, etc). Due to the demographic of the executive board, we opened our executive board meetings for general members to attend beginning a month before elections. This allows members to get a better idea of a position that would be best fit for them, and to take notes on our current practices. Open Executive Board: Committee Positions: We implemented a point and attendance system (3 council points, 2 philanthropy points) and tracked it. Over half of the council members complete two to three times the allotted requirements. This ensures that each member we have dedicates time to the club. 100% of our club members met the point requirements last semester. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Point System: In the past, our President and Executive Vice President would choose the new member class without a scoring system or member input. We implemented an application and interview scoring system, and opened up discussion after interviews to everyone in the club. We targeted our marketing efforts to pre- business student leaders and reached out to clubs such as past ELITE members. As a result we had double the applicants from our 2014 recruitment. We added 22 new outstanding members to our organization. As an effort to demonstrate the continuous achievement of our alumni we created an “Alumni of the Month” recognition. Each month, one council alumni is chosen to be highlighted during our meeting and on social media to share their career path, favorite council meetings, and advice for current members. Our club wanted to improve our relationship with our alumni. Therefore we created a digital newsletter to be sent out to our alumni. The newsletter includes photos from this year’s club activities and articles about professional, philanthropic, and social involvement of the club. Alumni Newsletter: Alumni of the Month: Recruitment System: Each month, Student Council recognizes two general members who have gone above and beyond the necessary duties of a member. We give them gift cards and ensure they realize how much council appreciates their hard work. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS// CONTINUED Member of the Month: This year the PR committee decided to extend the number of social media platforms that ECSC uses by creating an Instagram. Currently we have 57 posts and 160 followers. The content displayed on our Instagram page includes everything from member highlights, postings on current events, and advertisements for Career Showcase. Instagram: Fundraising: This year, ECSC decided to try to host a fundraiser to make more money for the college. We held our first ever percentage night at Mama’s Hawaiian Barbeque and are still waiting to hear our profits.
  • 8. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTSCO Calendar: Our Executive Vice President created a semesterly calendar (updated monthly) sent out before each semester. This has enabled our members to better schedule their time and has resulted in increased event attendance. We also have an online calendar that can be downloaded to a phone for easy use. ECSC has always held various socials throughout the year including: semesterly Cabin Trips, semesterly banquets, Stud Bud Reveal at Get Air, a California trip and a Halloween Party. This year we decided to add a few more socials. We did a White Elephant Christmas exchange and a welcome back from winter break bowling night at Lucky Strike. We also added a Senior Dinner at the beginning of the year to kick off the final year together. Socials: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT In the past Executive Board is elected the last week of April. With Seniors Graduating the transition always felt rushed. This year, we have decide to push our elections earlier in order to have an effective transition period. The last meeting of the year will be run by the new executive board and will honor the seniors in whatever way they see fit. college. By removing some of the positions on our executive board we have allowed for more structure and less overlap. We also believe that if fit the executive board can appoint members to the executive board where they see a need (it is constantly evolving from year-to-year). Executive Board Transition ECSC has chosen to restructure the executive board for the next year. We want to provide more leadership opportunities to members, therefore we want the newly developed committee chairmen to play a larger role. We will have the AVP in charge of committee head monthly meetings to continue to carry out projects for the INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS// CONTINUED Executive Board Restructure: Each semester ECSC hosts one “fun” meeting (although all of our meetings are very fun). First semester, we broke into teams and played Jeopardy with information on our current members other involvements, majors, internships, and goals. Our next “fun” meeting will include similar bonding activities and will be a pajama party. “Fun” Meetings: Bryce Patrick competes in the Homecoming Club Olympics Mud Tug-Of-War Lauren Kenney and Hayley Schwartz representing ECSC on the 2015 Homecoming Court
  • 9. Club Changes Change what? ECSC wants to continue and grow, here are some ways we can improve next year: Next year we are designing our executive board so committee chairmen report to the Administrative Vice President. Additionally, the AVP will have monthly meetings with these chairmen. This should help add a formal structure to the committees and encourage additional involvement. Committee Chairmen Meetings: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Explicit Point System We want to implement a solid timeline outline of treasurer communications regarding dues (i.e. reminder email to individual members etc). We use a late fee but we want to set a solid timeline so members know up- front what the follow through will be if they do not pay. Improved Payment Plan: Since this was the first year we used the point system, many members were confused. We want to implement a timeline for the secretary (send out point updates on this date, inform those who have not yet completed requirements on this date, etc). This semester we started sending out updated points weekly, and we want to continue that into next year. Each year, returning Student Council members receive new members to be their “Stud Buds”. Aside from Stud Bud reveal, and the Halloween party, Stud Buds are not utilized aside from what members choose to do on their own. Next year, we want to implement more Stud Bud events. Stud Buds: POINT S about our current system: E C S C Learn a little Requirements: 3 Council Points 2 Philanthropy Points 1 additional point after 3 excused absences 1 additional point for each unexcused absence Zack Zemer, Joe Carillo, and Steve Wolsfeld our council Grill Masters cooking at our first semester cabin trip on Mount Lemmon.
  • 10. PUBLIC RELATIONS Meet our alumni, employers, business connections and friends 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Nancy Gay is worked for Microsoft for 25+ years in all areas including consulting, MIS, management, and CRM. She hosted an open discussion about her experiences, providing students with insights on how to manage work-life balance, improve their strengths, and how to set themselves apart from other job candidates. Ralph Nader is a recruiter for Viacom. He gave us a webinar about professional development, career goals, and how to stand out amongst other applicants. He also told us best practices to get into the industry you want to be in, even if you cannot start in it. Craig Sedoris is a Store Department Manager who presented to council about how to interact with recruiters in various professional settings (i.e. career fairs, recruiting events, interviews, etc). Kylie Dodd is the Recruiting Manager for E&J Gallo Winery in Southern California. She, along with her colleague, came in and spoke to ECSC about their rotational program for graduating seniors.. They provided helpful tips on how to make your resume stand out and how to properly prepare for an interview. Alec Demetre is a recent graduate who was highly involved in the University and Eller community. He set up a networking event where we met with 3 Eller graduates in different departments of the Phoenix Suns. He set up a great event for us, and we look forward to repeating the event.
  • 11. Communication is a goal we continuously strive to increase General Member Communication: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Before each ECSC meeting the VP of Correspondence sends out a reminder email with an agenda and the updated point document included. After each meeting, we send out an email with the meeting minutes attached. The Executive Vice President acted as a “New Member Educator” throughout the beginning of their time in council. In order to better communicate with our new members we set up a separate meeting for them. We discussed Eller and council specific terminology, our goals, and roles in current projects (i.e. what is our role with the new PDC?). By having a separate meeting for the new members, they were given the opportunity to ask the President and EVP questions that were repetitive to current members. New Member Communication: COMMUNICATION- IT’S KEY both internally and externally Faculty/Admin Communication: In order to communicate with our administration the President and Executive Vice President have bi-weekly meetings with Pam Perry and Anne Pagel. In addition the President is in constant communication with facilities, marketing, the PDC, career coaches, and many other members of faculty primarily through email communications. All of the projects we have been able to accomplish this year demonstrate our club's strength in communicating with the faculty, staff, and administration of the college. We decided to create an ECSC ritual and hold a Welcome Ceremony for our new members. Each current member presented a new member they connected with during the application process with their council shirt and stated why they were chosen to be a member. Welcome Ceremony By use of our social media pages, Facebook events, flyers, and speaking in classrooms, we were able to communicate information to the students and faculty of Eller. We are also working on restructuring our LinkedIn to be a method of communication with alumni Communication to the College: Alumni Contacts: We communicate with our alumni through our VP of IT and PR Chairman using email, Facebook, phone numbers, and other information found in our database. Learn how ECSC communicates within the organization internally
  • 12. Recruitment: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT This year, we increased our recruitment with targeted efforts. We decided it was not about getting the word out to the most people possible (since we accept so few) but to the most qualified individuals. Through these efforts we decided to reach out to lower- division members who sought to be leaders in the college. We reached out to the ELITE alumni and have been building this relationship throughout the year (i.e. Club Fair Attendance, Be Heard Week Presentation, Spring Fling involvement). We plan to reach out to the current ELITE members next year during our Fall recruitment. Delta Sigma Pi and Eller College Student Council partnered up to host a “Professional Admissions Workshop”. This workshop occurred a week before professional admissions and covered interview preparation, cover letters, resumes, and professional communication. We hope to continue partnering with other clubs to host events like this in the future. Admissions Workshop EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Spring Fling: At the beginning of the fall semester, ECSC spoke to ELITE about potentially partnering for a booth for Spring Fling. They were eager to work with us, and after continuous communication, ELITE will be directly participating in Spring Fling for the first time alongside ECSC. We have built a stronger relationship with them through our efforts to plan for our food booth and to ensure member participation from both clubs during the event. Be Heard Week demonstrates our ability to communicate with students throughout the entire college. Student Council is meant to represent the voices of all students. This year we have tried to gain additional feedback through the Eller Case Competition, class presentations about council’s past and current efforts, and focus grouping different clubs and organizations within the college. Be Heard Week/Scholarship Competition: Our ability to host Skills Workshops demonstrates our strong communication with the PDC, and students in Eller. 4/6 of our workshops have reached capacity, and students are willing to pay to offset costs. This demonstrates our ability to show the value and effectiveness of our programs to the college Skills Workshops: Eller Mentors: Eller Mentors aims to communicate to underclassmen through the Eller Insider Newsletters. These newsletters will act as a resource for career fair preparation, college survival tips, internship tips, Eller Professional Admissions tips, etc. In addition, the Eller Mentors Committee is preparing a “people book” that advisors will have access to and share with students who want to talk to fellow students about topics of interest. Suns Trip: This year ECSC collaborated with a brand new club in hopes of building a strong connection for future events. We teamed up with the Sports Analytics Club and attended a networking event with the Phoenix Suns. Since the Sports Analytics Club is a new organization for Eller, we wanted to reach out and help them gain professional experience while building their brand within Eller.
  • 13. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Resume Checks: RAISING THE BRIGHTEST BUSINESS LEADERS By: ECSC EXECUTIVE BOARD All freshmen and sophomores were asked to submit a resume to be reviewed by an upperclassmen. Each student received one-on-one assistance with building their resume and improving their professional development. Ralph Nader, Viacom Recruiter, held a workshop assisting members on how to build and format your resume, reach your career goals through related positions, and to stand out amongst other applicants. Professional Workshop: Professional Presentations: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ECSC hosted a Professional Admissions Workshop with Delta Sigma Pi in order to prepare our members for the process. Those applying to Eller rotated through cover letter and resume edits, mock interviews, and skills assessment practices. ECSC welcomes all of their new members by providing them with a respective Stud Bud. A Stud Bud is a current member, who has been a part of the organization for at least one year, and who acts as a “Big Sister/Brother” to new members. The Stud Bud program is meant to make the transition into ECSC easier for new members by giving them someone to turn to if they have questions, need advice, or just want to talk. Admissions Workshop: Stud Buds: Each semester we arranged for at least two outside speakers to come into our meetings and talk about their professional experience. Some of these speakers included E&J Gallo Winery, Target, and Microsoft. These speakers talked about opportunities within their respective companies while also providing professional tips and advice that can be applied to any job or industry. Outside Speakers: Returning members give a presentation on any topic of their choosing. Members sign up for a date at the beginning of the semester and for a topic. Each meeting there are usually two of these presentations.
  • 14. Record Keeping 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Minutes: Minutes are taken every executive board meeting that are kept for the next executive board the following year. Meeting minutes are also taken during the Wednesday meetings to send out to all of the members Currently, we document the history of our council members through our alumni database. Alumni Database: Council members Lauren Thorell, Steve Wolsfeld, Joe Carillo, Dylan Chriotpher, and Bailey Moses working our annual “Welcome Back Week” table Our alumni newsletter is a way to document the “history” of our year in Student Council for future Councils to use. Alumni Newsletter: Finances: We keep an annual budget updated bi-weekly in order to track our expenses. FUN FACT : Our ECSC members Bryce Patrick, Steve Wolsfeld, Hannah Sullivan, Keesha Rutledge, and Hayley Schwartz have been members of the club all four years of college. They all sit on the executive board.
  • 15. COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY INVOLVEMENT PDC Donation: Eller College Student Council decided to focus our funds into something we felt passionate about- the new Professional Development Center. ECSC purchased a team room and made a 5 year commitment of $40,000 to the college. The Eller College Student Council Team Room will facilitate collaboration, something the council believes to be essential in the Eller Experience. New Chairs in Berger: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ECSC conducts Be Heard Week each year. Traditionally we go into classrooms and administer an online survey to collect data. This year we additionally went into major based clubs to collect major specific information. We also gave a small presentation at the beginning of classes to talk about what ECSC has accomplished so far in order to better direct responses. Be Heard Week committee presented the information to Pam Perry & Anne Pagel, and have begun to make changes to the college with the information we have gathered. Students in the marketing major feel they cannot learn graphic design skills, and other critical skills in the current curriculum. There is a need for a class (preferably an elective) that covers these skills. Students are going to the art college to take some of these classes currently. We are setting up a meeting with the marketing department to present our findings. National Board of Advisors Lunch: Be Heard Week: Marketing Meeting: With results from our annual “Be Heard Week” council decided to take initiative and host “Skills” workshops to build skills that students felt they were missing in their education. The following include the workshops we have put on so far this year: • Excel • Photoshop I & II • Retail Math • InDesign We are in the process of putting on these workshops again and adding an “InDesign II” workshop Excel Meeting: Students attended the Board of Advisors meeting in Phoenix. Council members interacted with prominent donors and members of the college, including Karl Eller himself. The past Student Council President along with the Student Body President advocated for new chairs in Berger, and received a grant from the UA Foundation to redo the auditorium and bring power to each and every seat. Student Council acted as donor hosts at the PDC Launch Party during Homecoming. Students interacted with prominent donors and faculty and spoke of their Eller and Professional Development Center experience. Additionally our President gave a speech along with Pam Perry, and Dean Schatzberg about the importance of this project. PDC Homecoming Launch Skills Workshops: ECSC has been compiling Excel knowledge regarding what necessary Excel related functions students lack in the current curriculum after shifting through student feedback. We will be meeting with the MIS department in two weeks to present our findings. 100% Engagement: ECSC was used as a focus group and provided feedback to the college regarding the 100% engagement initiative. PDC Student Launch Involvement : ECSC decided to put on our own launch party to raise awareness of the new Professional Development Center. We handed out food, created flyers, and used materials from the college to educate the student body about the construction that would begin after Winter Break.
  • 16. Eller App/ESMS: ECSC members met with Chris Jansmann the Business Systems Architect and the Eller College of Management to give student feedback about ideas for an “Eller App”. They presented ideas they came up with for their committee presentation to be included in this App when it launched. ECSC will be holding the first annual Eller College Student Council Blood Drive on April 18th. For our first drive, we have a goal of 30 people. This goal is not large, but we plan to grow it immensely in the coming years. We hope for the Eller College Student Council Blood Drive to develop into a known event that students in the Eller College look forward to every year. Occurring after Spring Break, this week is made to honor our faculty. Student Council donates food and collects nominations from students for the outstanding small and large class faculty. Additionally this year, we provided stars for students to write messages thanking faculty members. Faculty Appreciation Week: Blood Drive: ECSC is one of three clubs that serves on the “Senior Week Planning Committee”. Additionally, ECSC donates heavily to the Senior Class gift each year. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Eller Insider: ASUA implemented a new structure for their elections that requires one senator to represent the Eller College. Student Council has brainstormed how to get the senator involved on the council and integrated into the club in order to accurately represent and reflect the needs of the college. Eller Mentors will allow students to access a database of fellow Eller students they can contact about anything. The students on the database are Eller College Student Council members with various areas of expertise and interest. This program will provide undergraduate students with an extra resource and improve their Eller experience by creating early connections to experienced students. Eller Mentors: Senior Week: Straight Outta Eller: In the Fall, council decided to host the first ever Undergraduate Office appreciation day. We felt that the professors often got brought to Student-Faculty breakfast and not members of the undergraduate team. We provided a surprise bagel and coffee breakfast for all of the advisors, staff, coaches, and student workers in the Undergraduate Office. INVOLVEMENT // CONTINUED UGRAD Appreciation Day: ECSC created the Emerging Leader Scholarship for that member of an Eller FESO club that has demonstrated exceptional leadership and drive not only within their organization, but in their academic endeavors and extracurriculars. Each president of a FESO club can nominate one member of their organization to receive this $250 award. Emerging Leader Scholarship: Welcome Back Week: Each year, student council hosts “Welcome Back Week” after the summer. We tabled to hand out free food and simply welcome students back for the semester. ECSC chose to sell “Straight Outta Eller” shirts to the entire college because our shirts were demanded by so many students. We sold over 100 shirts and made over $500 in profit. Senate Initative: The Eller Insider will make underclassmen more confident about their early college experience. The newsletters will provide helpful information generated by students for other students, which will give underclassmen a new perspective on the Eller experience.
  • 17. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTSCO The Eller Career Showcase is one of the largest fundraisers for the college put on by Eller College Student Council and Delta Sigma Pi. About 95% of our club attends or volunteers at the Eller Career Showcase. This event raises about $12,000 for the college from the Eller College Student Council end. Additionally, our work has helped provide students both inside and outside of the college with jobs and internships. Career Showcase: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Each year, upper-division ECSC members work Cohort Onboarding as table hosts and panelists. They offer their insight on the Eller Experience to newly admitted students. We help with onboarding each semester.Cohort Onboarding INVOLVEMENT // CONTINUED Cohort Onboarding: ECSC members took an active role in selecting the new Dean of the Eller College. Our President was the student representative and coordinated the student committees to meet with all three Dean Candidates. We also had 10 upperclassmen members participate in the various forums meeting the different candidates Search Committee: Our Career Showcase Coordinator Lauren Kenney along with the Delta Sigma Pi Coordinator Pamela Contreras posing with Pam Perry and Wilma at the annual Launch Party
  • 18. TUCSON INVOLVEMENT Grimaldis No Kid Hungry: ECSC members donated over $400 for the nationwide charity No Kid Hungry in September at our first meeting with our new members. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ECSC formed a team and participated in the SMORES SOS Spikeout Volleyball Tournament this spring. Although we didn’t win, we enjoyed helping to raise money for Suicide Prevention by playing some friendly volleyball. ECSC will be heading to the Ronald McDonald House in April to make dinner for the families staying there. We are looking forward to making a difference in these families lives by getting to know their stories as well as providing a meal. SMORES Spike Out: Ronald McDonald House: Eller College Student Council participates in the Susan G. Koman Think Pink event every year. This event helps to raise money for the Susan G. Komen foundation and also exposes students to the stories of men and women who have had breast cancer. Make A Difference Day: Think Pink: Eller Make-a-Difference Day is another event that ECSC participates in every year. ECSC participated on both days. This year, ECSC was assigned to Felicia’s Farm.Walk for Wishes: ECSC had a team in the Make-a- Wish Foundation Walk to raise money for children with life- threatening diseases. This was the first annual “Walk for Wishes” in Tucson and the event helped better the university by exposing students to a phenomenal cause. ECSC participated for the first time in the Eller Charity Cup. We always have a strong turnout for the event and love supporting other Eller organizations. Eller Charity Cup: Beer Fit Run: This event was new to Tucson this year, but ECSC will definitely be participating again! Our 21+ members helped with the event by handing out beer to the runners and cheering them on. Left: Members at Think Pink Fashion Show Right: Members at Walk for Wishes
  • 19. Scott Barnett: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ECSC members attended the Scott Barnett (CEO of Bubba Gump) event hosted in the fall. About 10% of our members attended. ECSC formed a team to participate in the SMORES Sophomore Honorary philanthropy event. We didn’t take home the gold, but we had fun participating and raising money for charity. About 20% of our members participated. SMORES Volleyball ELLER/UA EVENTS ATTENDED Eller Admissions Party: In the Fall ECSC members attended the No Anchovies Welcome to Eller Party. About 20% of our members participated. Many ECSC members attended the PDC workshops in which we hosted. About 50% have attended various workshops. Skills Workshops: ECSC members are responsible for running a booth during Spring Fling. Members will prepare and sell Sonoran Hot Dogs to the public. 95% of members are signed up to participate in this event Spring Fling: UA Club Olympics: ECSC participated in the University Club Olympics for the first time and placed 3rd out of over twenty clubs. About 70% of our members participated. ECSC participated in the SAA Rivalry Run for the first time this year. We won the title “Best Representation”, because we all showed up in our famous “Straight Outta Eller” shirts. About 20% of our members Eller Leadership Fest/ELITE Fair: ECSC attended both the Fall & Spring Leadership Fests even though we only recruit in the Fall. We also had representatives attend the ELITE club fair to prepare for recruitment next year. About 25% of our members participated. UA Homecoming: Our two ECSC nominees for homecoming were selected to be two of the five female members of the 2015 Homecoming Court. About 70% of our members participated. Career Showcase: The Eller Career Showcase is one of the largest fundraisers for the college put on by Eller College Student Council and Delta Sigma Pi. About 95% of our club attends or volunteers at the Eller Career Showcase. SyFy Presents: The Magicians Tour ECSC members attended “The Magicians” premiere on campus featuring a live performance by Bebe Rexha. About 20% of our members attended. SAA Rivalry Run
  • 20. NEW EVENTS: PDC Donation: CREATING INNOVATING AND IMPROVING OUR COMMUNITY By: ECSC EXECUTIVE BOARD This year Student Council committed $40,000 to fund a team room in the Professional Development Center over the next five years. This is very important to us because as students we saw the need for more space to meet and interact with teams. We thought it was an investment that would not only benefit the college, but future student council members, and current members that will use the team rooms upon completion. Eller College Student Council has put on skills workshops to help students gain additional skills they felt they were missing in their jobs and internships. This year we began an Adobe Photoshop I, Adobe Photoshop II, Adobe InDesign, and Retail Math. Skills Workshops: Eller Insider: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT ECSC helped Gina Wallen and Pam Perry recognize and thank the custodian staff. We also created Christmas cards for the staff. Our goal for the Eller College Student Council Blood Drive is to make it a large enough event that everyone at the University of Arizona knows about it. We plan to market it very well this year, so that next year we can double the event in size. Blood donations are always needed and we think this is a great way to improve the Eller College, UA and Tucson community. Mentor Program: ECSC Blood Drive: The mentor program will be implemented in the Spring of 2016, allowing advisors to link ECSC members with underclassmen who want someone to talk to. This will help students that want to interact with other students about their career goals, major advice, etc. connect. Emerging Leader Scholarship: The Eller Insider newsletter is currently being developed, and will be implemented in the Fall of 2016. We plan on sending out the newsletters periodically throughout the school year. This will help new students be able to see an “inside” perspective into different “tips and tricks” to succeed within Eller. Examples of insiders include “Cat Card vs Cat Cash”, “How to Calculate Your Grade”, “Preceptor, TA, Professor, What’s the Difference?”. FM Appreciation: This scholarship was started with the idea to continue to motivate future college leaders. We felt that by providing an award it would motivate each individual selected to be nominated within their own respective club to continue to strive for excellence. As ECSC we want to build future leaders in all areas of the college and we felt this was a great way to motivate students to do so.
  • 21. ECSC CALENDAR Professional, Social, Philanthropy, University, & Community Events 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 8/21-8/23 Eller Dean Search Interviews 8/24 Cohort Onboarding 8/25 Leadership Fest AUGUST 9/1- 9/3 Welcome Back Week Tabling 9/2 First ECSC Meeting 9/2 Senior Dinner - Guadalajara 9/9 Meeting with Applicants 9/10 Recruitment mixer - Auld Dubliner 9/11 ECSC Application Due (1st cuts) 9/14-9/16 ECSC Interviews 9/16- Eller Dean Candidate Meeting 9/18- Decision Letters Available 9/18- FESO Eboard Mixer 9/23- No Kid Left Hungry 9/23- New Members Only Meeting 9/24- Facilities Management Appreciation 9/24- Scott Barnett Bubba Gump 9/27- Stud Bud Reveal 9/28- Eller Dean Candidate Meeting 9/30- Gallo Meeting SEPTEMBER 11/6-11/7 Eller Make a Difference Day 11/13 SAA Rivalry Run 11/16-11/20 Be Heard Week 11/16 Senior Speaker Auditions 11/16 PDC Appreciation Day 11/17 Beta Alpha Psi BHW Club Visit 11/17 Student Faculty Breakfast 11/18 AMA BHW Club Visit 11/18 BHW ELITE Club Visit 11/20 Photoshop I Workshop NOVEMBER 10/1-10/2 Cabin Trip 10/5 Eller Dean Candidate Meeting 10/7 Think Pink Event 10/14 Welcome to Eller Party 10/20-10/22 Club Olympics 10/23 PDC Launch Event 10/28 Excel Workshop 10/29- Halloween Social OCTOBER
  • 22. CALENDAR CONT: Professional, Social, Philanthropy, University, & Community Events 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 12/1 PDC Launch Party for Students 12/2 Presentations to Pam/Anne 12/3 Christmas Cards for Facilities 12/5 Eller Charity Cup 12/9 ECSC Banquet 1/13 Cohort Onboarding 1/14 Leadership Fest 1/20 1st ECSC Meeting of Semester 1/20 The Magician’s Tour 1/22 ECSC Welcome Back Bowling 1/29 Adobe Photoshop I Class DEC/JAN 2/3 Nancy Gay Microsoft @ Meeting 2/3 ECSC Group Photos 2/12 Photoshop II Workshop 2/12 Professional Admissions Workshop 2/15 Showcase Launch Party 2/17 Career Quest 2/18 Career Showcase 2/19 Phoenix Suns Trip 2/23 Retail Math Workshop 2/24 Meeting with Target 2/26 Eller App/ESMS Meeting 2/28 SMORES Volleyball Tournament FEBRUARY 4/1-4/3 San Diego Trip 4/6 Executive Board Nominations 4/8-4/10 Spring Fling 4/12 Student Faculty Breakfast 4/13 Executive Board Elections 4/13 Senior Speaker Auditions 4/18 ECSC Blood Drive 4/19 Executive Board Transition Night 4/20 Senior Speaker Audition 4/24 Ronald McDonald House 4/25-4/28 Senior Week Tabling 4/27 Last Meeting (Ran by new Eboard) 4/27 Senior Dinner 5/6 ECSC Banquet APRIL/MAY 3/1 Open Eboard Meetings Begin 3/2 ELITE Club Fair 3/4-3/5 2nd Semester Cabin Trip 3/5 Beer Fit Run 3/9 Viacom Workshop 3/22 Mama’s Fundraiser 3/22-3/24 Faculty Appreciation Week 3/28 ASUA Club Awards 3/28-3/30 Case Competition Marketing 3/30- Presentations to Pam & Anne MARCH
  • 23. Q&A’s with our FESO Representative Taylor: Q: What did you like best about FESO this year?: 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT T: This year, FESO was very organized. Information that was sent out was very clear and direct, so we were able to relay it out to our members so that everyone was well-informed. I felt that FESO worked really hard to communicate effectively with the clubs and make sure that each club felt that it could rely on FESO and address them with any needs or concerns. Q: What would you suggest in order to strengthen the relationship between the clubs? T: I would suggest organizing more events for all FESO clubs to attend such as the mixer at Gentle Ben’s earlier in the year. This would allow members from separate clubs to get to know each other and socialize. What would you suggest in order to strengthen the relationship between the clubs and the Eller College of Management? T: I think encouraging clubs to put on joint events through the Standards of Excellence would be a great way to improve the relationship. Also adding a mixer the 2nd semester for all FESO clubs to interact could be a fun idea. What services would you like the Undergraduate Office to provide for your club? T: Since ECSC put on so many events for the college, it could be helpful to get a calendar at the beginning of the year with all the set college events. This would allow us to better be able to plan, prepare, and organize for the following years. Our FESO representative Taylor Rodriguez-Kempton FUN FACT : At the beginning of this year, we had 22 seniors and 5 members of other ages! We made sure to spread out our age range for the class we accepted this past Fall
  • 24. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Bailey Moses: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Music Industry Endeavours - Studio Manager of Lathe Cuts Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Zipperman Scholar, Case Competition Winner 2014 & 2015 Additional Involvements: BCOM Department, KAMP Student Radio, Students for Sustainability Brittany Nordlund: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Macy’s Buying Program Significant Achievements: Dean’s List with Distinction Additional Involvements: Alpha Phi Bryce Patrick: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Territory Sales Manager at Altria Group Distribution Company Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Case Competition Winner 2015, Top 25 Homecoming Queen Nominee, Dean’s List Additional Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Sigma Pi Cameron Steiner: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Launching Entrepreneurship Project – ROVR App Significant Achievements: Top Salesman of the Year, Most Outstanding New Member Phi Gamma Delta Additional Involvements: Brand Ambassador at Tilt, Chief Marketing Officer Elevated Greek Apparel Dylan Christopher: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Bank of America Investment Analyst Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Macia Scholarship (Kappa Sigma), Campus Leadership Scholarship (Kappa Sigma), Service Leadership Award (Enactus USA) Additional Involvements: Kappa Sigma, Enactus
  • 25. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Hannah Sullivan: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided Significant Achievements: Wimberly-Johnson Scholarship, Bear Down Scholarship Additional Involvements: Chi Omega, UA Residence Life, Eller Service Honorary Hayley Schwartz: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Entertainment Industry in NYC Significant Achievements: Dean’s List with Distinction, Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Leadership in Marketing Award, Undergraduate Dean’s Award, Order of Sage & Silver Scholarship, University of Arizona Awards Finalist, Homecoming Court Member Additional Involvements: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Sigma Pi, Chain Gang Junior Honorary, Warner Music Group College Marketing Representative, Eller Student Worker Heather Francisco: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: PwC Risk Assurance Associate, Masters in Accounting Significant Achievements: Dean’s List with Distinction, Zipperman Scholar Merit Scholarship Additional Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta Hisham Saifafi: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Human Resources Analyst at SABIC Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Beta Gamma Sigma, Make a Difference Day Leadership Award Additional Involvements: Eller Unity Board, Bluechip Leadership Program Irena Krstic: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: EMC Sales Program Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Dean’s List, Case Competition Winner Additional Involvements: Eller Professional Sales Club, Chain Gang Junior Honorary, Wildcats Event Board
  • 26. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Jazmin Beltran: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided (Advertising Industry) Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Dean’s List, Eller’s Top 50 Hispanic Scholars of the Year, Arizona Board of Regents Scholarship Additional Involvements: Arizona Ad Fed, National Student Advertising Competition, Eller Hispanic Honorary Joe Carrillo: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Intel Corporation Financial Analyst Significant Achievements: Eller Student Council Member of the Month Additional Involvements: Kappa Kappa Gamma Hasher Kaylie Burton: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: PwC Internship, Masters in Accounting Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Case Competition Winner 2014, Dean’s List, Schmidt-AB Scholarship, Larriva-Francies Scholarship Additional Involvements: Eller Paraprofessional Advisor Keesha Rutledge: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Executive Department Manager for Target Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Dean’s List Additional Involvements: Eller Service Honorary Lauren Kenney: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided - Sales Significant Achievements: Bear Down Scholarship, Homecoming Court Member, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Claude H. Moyer Revolving Scholarship Additional Involvements: Alpha Phi
  • 27. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Leslie Cole: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Technical Recruiter for TEKSystems Significant Achievements: McCord Scholar, Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Dean’s List, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship Additional Involvements: Professional Women in Business Association, Pi Beta Phi Mariam Nikola: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Masters in Management Information Systems Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Zipperman Scholar, Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year Additional Involvements: Bear Down Camp, Spring Fling Natalie Sokol: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Dean’s List, Eller Multicultural Excellence Award, Shamrock Case Competition Winner 2014, Arizona Excellence Scholarship Additional Involvements: Delta Gamma Nicole Barron: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Pepsico Beverage Sales Management Associate Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Shamrock Case Competition Winner 2014, Eller International Photo Contest Winner, Planetary Art Competition Finalist in Fine Arts Additional Involvements: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Sigma Pi Sean Luther: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: BaGoldman Sachs Investment Banking Division Significant Achievements: McCord Scholar, Finance Department Head’s Award for Academic Distinction, Undergraduate Dean’s Award, 2015 Financial Executives International Award Additional Involvements: Phi Gamma Delta
  • 28. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Steve Wolsfeld: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Masters in Accounting, PwC Assurance – Real Estate Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Regents High Honors Tuition Scholarship, Claude H. Moyer Scholarship, Wimberly-Johnson Scholarship Additional Involvements: AMA Treasurer, ASA Zack Zemer: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Undecided Significant Achievements: Eller College Student Council Member of the Month Additional Involvements: Investments Club Bryce Patrick: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Territory Sales Manager at Altria Group Distribution Company Significant Achievements: Eller 50 Collegiate Women of the Year, Wimberley-Johnson Scholarship, Case Competition Winner 2015, Top 25 Homecoming Queen Nominee, Dean’s List Additional Involvements: Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Sigma Pi Cameron Steiner: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Launching Entrepreneurship Project – ROVR App Significant Achievements: Top Salesman of the Year, Most Outstanding New Member Phi Gamma Delta Additional Involvements: Brand Ambassador at Tilt, Chief Marketing Officer Elevated Greek Apparel Dylan Christopher: Email: Post-Graduation Plans: Bank of America Investment Analyst Significant Achievements: Dean’s List, Macia Scholarship (Kappa Sigma), Campus Leadership Scholarship (Kappa Sigma), Service Leadership Award (Enactus USA) Additional Involvements: Kappa Sigma, Enactus
  • 29.
  • 30. CLASS OF 2016 Our 22 UNDER 22 Playing off Forbe’s 30 Under 30 list, 22 under 22 recognizes Eller’s top senior graduates and game changers. The process is intense- dozens of students apply. And the results are ver impressive-behold the future leaders in pretty much everything. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT
  • 31. Contents // 2015- 2016 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 1 ON THE COVER ##|22 UNDER 22 Playing off Forbe’s 30 Uner 30 list, 22 under 22 recognizes Eller’s top senior graduates and game changers. Behold the future leaders in pretty much everything. 3 | COUNCIL 2015 – 2016 ANNUAL REPORT