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DECEMBER 6, 2015
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 1
Team Members:
1.) Damond Allen (804) 855-9083
2.) Joseph Freeman (804) 712-2560
3.) Gagan Marwah (804) 245-1623
4.) James Carr (804) 543-5212
5.) Taylor Graf (804) 931-6655
Team Leader:
Joseph Freeman
Team Strengths:
1.) Prior classes together
2.) Windows Server 2012/ Windows Server 2008
4.) Management
5.) Project Management
6.) SQL
7.) Customer Service
8.) VMware
9.) Military
Team Weaknesses:
1.) Scheduling
2.) Personality Conflicts
3.) Organizing ideas and opinions
Agreed upon Meeting Times:
1.) T & TH: 5pm-5:25pm
2.) M & W (Virtual): 4pm-4:30pm
Team Rules and Expectations:
1.) Give Feedback; must be constructive
2.) Follow through with obligations
3.) Attend at least two meetings per week
4.) Give one week advance of schedule conflicts or prior obligations
5.) Inform team members when contact information changes
Code of Ethics:
1.) Integrity- Each member should use their own creative ideas; work that is taken from other
sources must be cited and credible (no Wikipedia)
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 2
2.) Communication- Each member should reach out for help when needed; do not wait till the
last minute
3.) Commitment- Each member should commit themselves to assigned tasks; success is
dependent upon the team not the individual
1.) Damond Allen: I was born and raised in Richmond, VA and enlisted in the service after
graduation. After completing four years of service I enrolled in school full-time and have
officially reached my senior year. I am an Information Systems major and just secured an
internship working as a Windows Systems Engineer. I am highly motivated and looking to
maximize on the time I spend here at VCU.
2.) Joseph Freeman: I started my college career at Richard Bland College in the Fall of 2011
after working full time as a carpenter after high school. I transferred to VCU last semester to be
able to obtain a degree in Information Systems. I am a commuting student for now but soon will
be moving to Richmond. I work full time as a cook at a local restaurant my hours though are
very flexible.
3.) Gagan Marwah: I Transferred to VCU in spring 2014 from John Tyler Community College
and I am pursuing B.S. in Information Systems. Worked at Dominion Power in the Business
Solutions department, doing analysis and looking over business processes. I currently work with
.NET group at Dominion Power developing web apps.
4.) James Carr: I transferred to VCU from J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and after
my first semester here, changed my major to Information Systems. I have been a chef my entire
adult life including a Sous Chef position at Firebird’s Wood Fired Grill for five years. I now look
to expand my horizons and pursue my passion of technology with a computer science based
degree. I am a team player, with a positive and energetic personality that can help implement fast
and effective solutions in various environments.
5.) Taylor Graf: I transferred to VCU from John Tyler Community College in order to pursue
my B.S. in Information Systems. I’m also working part time as a manager of a retail store named
Vans that’s located in Short Pump. Motivating and leading a team to reach clearly stated and
attainable goals is the biggest aspect of my job position.
Signature Agreement to applying by the codes and ethics as read previously and also in
agreement to complete all work assigned on time.
1. Damond Allen
2. James Carr
3. Taylor Graf
4. Joseph Freeman III
5. Gagan Marwah
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 3
Husky Air has created a program to connect people with a specific combination of travel and medical
needs to volunteer pilots who will transport them to their destination of need, free of charge assuming
certain criteria is met. Husky Air currently has pilots on file willing to donate their time, planes and other
costs to help patients meet their needs, however there are certain logistical problems. Volunteer’s
schedules, their plane’s capabilities, patient’s needs and other information needs to be recorded and
readily available to make the good intentions of this program a viable reality. BLIS has been awarded the
project for a system’s development to help maintain and manage the volunteer program.
BLIS will create a system that will keep track of:
 Pilot Angel volunteers including personal information as well as their plane(s) information.
 patient’s personal information requesting service (including accompanying passengers)
 hospitals/clinics
 organ banks
 Pilot Angel flight data
BLIS hopes to bring massive value to Husky Air in the form of timely efficiency in managing the Pilot
Angel program allowing that within itself to expand and become a socially responsible and marketable
dynamic for Husky Air as a whole.
B.L.I.S is proposing an entirely new implementation of the process and because of that it is necessary to
structure the phases for the new process accordingly to ensure a smooth implementation of the new
process. Since we are moving to a digital platform our prominent focus will be to develop a new business
process that encompasses the current needs, which will be much more efficient. Once the new process
is agreed upon, we will then introduce it to our developer. Initially the developer will design a mockup of
the application before creating a working application. The clients will review the mock-up and either
agree or provide feedback. The new process will put in to developing phase once the mock-up is
approved. The developing phase would be the one which takes the most amount of time. During this
phase we will hold weekly meetings with our developers to ensure everything is running smoothly and
on schedule. We will also meet with our clients during this period to provide updates on the progress.
The product will be put into the testing phase after its successful completion and will be tested by our
business analyst along without clients.
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 4
The project team has decided to adopt agile methodology to keep the project in budget and on time.
Concluding our evaluation of the current process and to overcome the challenges, our team is
confident that developing a responsive ASP.NET web application would prove much beneficial that
developing a mobile application. Where mobile application can only serve mobile customers/end users,
on the contrary responsive ASP.NET application can be accessed from PC, laptop, mobile and tablet
After a thorough analysis, team has started working on the functionality of the new web application.
Team has identified few more areas of improvement in addition to address the current challenges. The
new application will introduce an entirely automated process.
 Patient Account/New Patient Registration: Patients would either have to sign in or create a new
account in order to request flights. This step will record patient’s information in the database
and some of information will pre-populate on the Patient Flight Request Card.
 Pilot Information: Pilots will be able to login to the application to update their availability and
update the information regarding their plane. For ex: Weight allowed etc.
 Patient Flight Request Card: Patient name, DOB, age, will be pre-populated from patient’s
account. In addition they will be asked to input their weight, additional passenger and their
weight, date of flight requested and hospital/clinic information.
 Pilot’s Availability: Pilot’s will be revealed based on Patient’s Flight Request Card.
 Flight Map/Flight Time: This feature will use geo-locations to determine the flight time and will
be updated to the databases after the pilot confirms the flight time.
On completion of our product, the project team will conduct training and testing of the new product
on BLIS facilities. BLIS will provide two - three day training of the new product, which will be free of
cost. Additional training or any training that is not conducted on BLIS facilities will be billed to Husky
Air. During the training we will go over the new functionality and features offered in the application and
we will take the user step-by-step process so they build familiarity with the new process. After the
training is concluded we will provide clients with two weeks’ time frame to test the product. Testing
can be performed on-location or off-location. We suggest our clients to be under one roof to perform
testing, as we will provide them with the setup and tools needed to conduct the testing successfully.
This way the testing can be performed more efficiently so that if any, the defects can be tracked easily
and gets worked on quickly. During the testing period we will not only work on defects but also will be
open to any feedback that increase the efficiency and reliability of the application. Testing period will
conclude once all the testers have approved the product.
*Note: Project team will accept suggestions and feedback within the scope of the project, which
increases the MOV.
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 5
The project is scheduled to begin on September 1st
2015 and is scheduled to end December 24th
It will take a little over four months to complete the project including training the clients, testing the
new application and evaluating the project success. Since we are building the application from ground
up we need to invest more time building a strong business logic. We will begin documenting our
system proposal once our strategic plan is put in motion. System proposal is subjected to change as we
discover new modalities to design a new system. System proposal will be discussed with the clients to
seek approval to move onto the design phase. The design portion of the application will also require
much needed time to deliver a quality product. We will take the process step by step. We will move to
next step when the clients approve the logic, design and finally moving on to building the actual
application. We will brief the clients on the new technology and business process used for the new
application throughout the project period. This will serve as training to help the clients so they become
familiar and comfortable with the new product. Project team believes that this approach would prove
much more beneficial to our client’s time and finances as we would not need to wait until the
completion of the project. Clients can focus on just testing the application once it’s complete.
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12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 7
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 8
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 9
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 10
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 11
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 12
Resource Role
Joseph Freeman Project Manager
Jimmy Carr Consultant
Taylor Garf Business Systems Analyst
Systems Architect Damond Allen
Developer Gagan Marwah
 Internet/ Wi-Fi- allows effective communication and information sharing
 Server- to provide service to the client workstations
 Modem/ Router- provides access to the internet
 Switch- Connects network devices together
 Thin Client Workstations- members of the client network used by employees
 Printer/Fax - accept typed text and graphic images from a computer and transfer it to paper.
 Internet Service Provider- provides business with access to the internet
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 13
 Team B.L.I.S will perform hardware and software configuration at our local facility. After the
initial configuration of the system we will install it at the customer site
 Training - B.L.I.S will host training sessions (5) for all applications and software on client’s
a. A threat occurred in the planning phase of the project
b. It’s an unknown- unknown Risk
c. The risk is external and the project team should not be held responsible
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 14
d. The source of the risk in the organization, Client wants to reduce schedule by 10% and reduce the
budget by 20%
e. The impact of the risk affects the Project’s Schedule and Budget
1.) Develop Project Charter and Plan:
A. Threat: Team will have to meet more often than originally scheduled to discuss and
implement the new changes. This will affect the salaries of the team
B. Owner: Joseph Freeman
C. Strategy: Contingency Reserve- This reserve will be used to pay the salaries of team BLIS
when they reach overtime
2.) Conceptualize and Initialize
A. Threat: Team plans to move to all data to a digital platform; the risk is potential data loss due
to less time and money
B. Owner: Damond Allen
C. Strategy: Exploitation- We use this risk as an opportunity to carefully evaluate and conduct
the data migration
3.) Evaluate Project Success:
A. Threat: Customer could potentially disagree with the changes made to meet the new
B. Owner: Gagan Marwah
C. Strategy: Acceptance- we are not certain that the customer will not like the system; however
we are aware of possibility and will deal with the matter if it arises.
4.) Close Project:
A. Threat: Because we are conducting many tasks in parallel there is risk of reaching the end
stages with incomplete tasks.
B. Owner: James Carr
C. Strategy: Enhancement- James will have to authority to add another resource to help
manage tasks
5.) Execute and control:
A. Threat: There will be issues with that will not be realized until this phase
B. Taylor Graf
C. Strategy: Mitigation- Taylor will focus on unseen events and tasks that may be required to
lessen the risk
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 15
Integrate the new information system with Husky Air Pilots’ existing systems. Any work or task
that supports achieving the MOV is considered to be inside the scope boundary. Any activity that
does not support achieving the MOV is considered outside of the scope boundary. The
sponsor/client will need to fill- out a scope change request to make changes to the scope. A copy of
the scope change request form can be found below.
Team BLIS was created in 2015 to provide services to the business world. We are based in Richmond,
Virginia and our team consists of five individuals.
The quality of service that we provide is important to our business because we value our end users and
their experiences with us. Team BLIS strives to provide clients with excellent services that meet and
exceed their expectations.
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 16
The following measures and procedures are set in place to help our team provide complete customer
satisfaction and continuous business process improvement.
Type Metric Description
Process On Time Delivery The percentage of deliverables on time without defects
Accuracy The percentage of processes without defects
Product Stakeholder Requirements Met The percentage of products that meet expectations
Client Engagement Index to measure client involvement
Project Resource Utilization Measure of over/under allocation of resources
Gross Margin Profit provided from the project
Verification Activities:
 Technical Inspection – A group of individuals peer review applications to discover errors
 Business Review – The project is verified to fit within the defined scope
 Management Review – The Project Manager provides the clear status of the project
Validation Activities:
 Functionality Testing – Tests the application for specified requirements
 Benchmark Testing - Tests the system to measure performance and provide feedback
 Requirements Testing – Certifies that the end user requirements are met after testing is
Change Sponsors:
Joseph Freeman (Project Manager): Will oversee the entire project update and delivery including
training provided to the clients.
Jimmy Carr (Consultant): Will provide updates on the new functionality.
Taylor Graff (Business Systems Analyst): is point of contact to ask any business related questions and will
provide training throughout the implementation cycle.
Change Targets:
Pilots: Easy to update and review their schedule and record the plane information.
Hospital and Clinic clients: Access to the pilot’s schedule and availability anytime. Scheduling
transportation is much easier.
Change Assessment:
The new application will provide a feature rich experience to the users with enhanced capabilities. The
new process will be concurrent to the existing business process while making the process only
automated which presents less room for error and keeping track of business related logs such as pilots
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 17
schedule, miles driven etc. This will help pilots to easily access the website and update their schedule
and review their schedule anytime. This application will provide a great benefit to the hospitals, clinics
and organ and blood banks, because they can remotely access the availability of pilots and enter the
information for delivery, transportation or pickup.
Change Strategy:
Team BLIS is very confident that new process will immensely benefit the employees at HUSKY Air and
the users for hospitals and clinics. We have automated the process so that information is accessible for
both parties at all the times. This presents an efficient way of conducting the business. The current
business process remain concurrent with the new functionalities provided. The user experience was
greatly considered when creating the new system to aid novice users. We will provide free training to all
the employees at HUSKY air and the business clients at the hospitals and clinic to establish a level of
comfort to easily adapt to new functionality.
Tracking Progress:
Progress for this project will be measured in terms of efficient delivery of the new system and
comfortability and adaptability of the new system. We have created the test scripts where users are
provided scenarios to complete a transaction. This will allow clients a perfect opportunity to learn new
system and become comfortable to adapt new ways of completing transactions.
Team BLIS has formed a team after evaluating the complexity and the scope of the project. Team
members working on this project have experience to handle and deliver quality service on projects big
and small. Team members will perform the role of project manager (Joseph Freeman) consultant (Jimmy
Carr), business systems analyst (Taylor Graff), Systems Architect (Damond Allen), and developer (Gagan
Marwah). The size of the project team suits the complexity of the project and is in budget to carry out
the project for five months period.
Conversion Strategy: Parallel
Team B.L.I.S has decided to use the parallel conversion strategy; this strategy allows the old and new
systems to run concurrently. This is beneficial because should a failure occur it could have a major
impact on the organization. Another benefit of this approach is that it will allow the customer to
develop confidence that the system in functioning correctly. The direct cutover strategy was not used
because of the technological training required for the customer to effectively use the system. This
conversion strategy will place more pressure on the project team to train the customer and keep the
project on target for its release date. The phased strategy was not used because the customer’s
organization is not segmented in such a way that the system can be implemented in phases.
Project Evaluation:
Did the project achieve its MOV?
B.L.I.S successfully implemented a new information system that manages the following: employees,
pilot information, patient information, planes, flight logs, organ bank information, record transactions,
hospitals, health care agencies, and schedules.
12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 18
Is the sponsor/customer satisfied?
The project sponsor is satisfied with the functionality of the information system, the customer agrees
that the system does what it supposed to do and will continue to evaluate the system for the next 3
Name Title Date
Joseph Freeman Director and CEO 12/6/15
Jimmy Carr Consultant 12/6/15
Taylor Garf Business Systems Analyst 12/6/15
Systems Architect Damond Allen 12/6/15
Developer Gagan Marwah 12/6/15

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Job portal project documentary

Angel Pilots Program_FInal Assignment

  • 2. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 1 ANGEL PILOTS PROGRAM TEAM CHARTER Team Members: 1.) Damond Allen (804) 855-9083 2.) Joseph Freeman (804) 712-2560 3.) Gagan Marwah (804) 245-1623 4.) James Carr (804) 543-5212 5.) Taylor Graf (804) 931-6655 Team Leader: Joseph Freeman Team Strengths: 1.) Prior classes together 2.) Windows Server 2012/ Windows Server 2008 3.) ASP.NET 4.) Management 5.) Project Management 6.) SQL 7.) Customer Service 8.) VMware 9.) Military Team Weaknesses: 1.) Scheduling 2.) Personality Conflicts 3.) Organizing ideas and opinions Agreed upon Meeting Times: 1.) T & TH: 5pm-5:25pm 2.) M & W (Virtual): 4pm-4:30pm Team Rules and Expectations: 1.) Give Feedback; must be constructive 2.) Follow through with obligations 3.) Attend at least two meetings per week 4.) Give one week advance of schedule conflicts or prior obligations 5.) Inform team members when contact information changes Code of Ethics: 1.) Integrity- Each member should use their own creative ideas; work that is taken from other sources must be cited and credible (no Wikipedia)
  • 3. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 2 2.) Communication- Each member should reach out for help when needed; do not wait till the last minute 3.) Commitment- Each member should commit themselves to assigned tasks; success is dependent upon the team not the individual Biographies: 1.) Damond Allen: I was born and raised in Richmond, VA and enlisted in the service after graduation. After completing four years of service I enrolled in school full-time and have officially reached my senior year. I am an Information Systems major and just secured an internship working as a Windows Systems Engineer. I am highly motivated and looking to maximize on the time I spend here at VCU. 2.) Joseph Freeman: I started my college career at Richard Bland College in the Fall of 2011 after working full time as a carpenter after high school. I transferred to VCU last semester to be able to obtain a degree in Information Systems. I am a commuting student for now but soon will be moving to Richmond. I work full time as a cook at a local restaurant my hours though are very flexible. 3.) Gagan Marwah: I Transferred to VCU in spring 2014 from John Tyler Community College and I am pursuing B.S. in Information Systems. Worked at Dominion Power in the Business Solutions department, doing analysis and looking over business processes. I currently work with .NET group at Dominion Power developing web apps. 4.) James Carr: I transferred to VCU from J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and after my first semester here, changed my major to Information Systems. I have been a chef my entire adult life including a Sous Chef position at Firebird’s Wood Fired Grill for five years. I now look to expand my horizons and pursue my passion of technology with a computer science based degree. I am a team player, with a positive and energetic personality that can help implement fast and effective solutions in various environments. 5.) Taylor Graf: I transferred to VCU from John Tyler Community College in order to pursue my B.S. in Information Systems. I’m also working part time as a manager of a retail store named Vans that’s located in Short Pump. Motivating and leading a team to reach clearly stated and attainable goals is the biggest aspect of my job position. Signature Agreement to applying by the codes and ethics as read previously and also in agreement to complete all work assigned on time. 1. Damond Allen 2. James Carr 3. Taylor Graf 4. Joseph Freeman III 5. Gagan Marwah
  • 4. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Husky Air has created a program to connect people with a specific combination of travel and medical needs to volunteer pilots who will transport them to their destination of need, free of charge assuming certain criteria is met. Husky Air currently has pilots on file willing to donate their time, planes and other costs to help patients meet their needs, however there are certain logistical problems. Volunteer’s schedules, their plane’s capabilities, patient’s needs and other information needs to be recorded and readily available to make the good intentions of this program a viable reality. BLIS has been awarded the project for a system’s development to help maintain and manage the volunteer program. BLIS will create a system that will keep track of:  Pilot Angel volunteers including personal information as well as their plane(s) information.  patient’s personal information requesting service (including accompanying passengers)  hospitals/clinics  organ banks  Pilot Angel flight data OBJECTIVE BLIS hopes to bring massive value to Husky Air in the form of timely efficiency in managing the Pilot Angel program allowing that within itself to expand and become a socially responsible and marketable dynamic for Husky Air as a whole. ACHIEVING MOV B.L.I.S is proposing an entirely new implementation of the process and because of that it is necessary to structure the phases for the new process accordingly to ensure a smooth implementation of the new process. Since we are moving to a digital platform our prominent focus will be to develop a new business process that encompasses the current needs, which will be much more efficient. Once the new process is agreed upon, we will then introduce it to our developer. Initially the developer will design a mockup of the application before creating a working application. The clients will review the mock-up and either agree or provide feedback. The new process will put in to developing phase once the mock-up is approved. The developing phase would be the one which takes the most amount of time. During this phase we will hold weekly meetings with our developers to ensure everything is running smoothly and on schedule. We will also meet with our clients during this period to provide updates on the progress. The product will be put into the testing phase after its successful completion and will be tested by our business analyst along without clients.
  • 5. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 4 PROJECT SCOPE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT The project team has decided to adopt agile methodology to keep the project in budget and on time. Concluding our evaluation of the current process and to overcome the challenges, our team is confident that developing a responsive ASP.NET web application would prove much beneficial that developing a mobile application. Where mobile application can only serve mobile customers/end users, on the contrary responsive ASP.NET application can be accessed from PC, laptop, mobile and tablet users. APPLICATION FUNCTIONALITY After a thorough analysis, team has started working on the functionality of the new web application. Team has identified few more areas of improvement in addition to address the current challenges. The new application will introduce an entirely automated process.  Patient Account/New Patient Registration: Patients would either have to sign in or create a new account in order to request flights. This step will record patient’s information in the database and some of information will pre-populate on the Patient Flight Request Card.  Pilot Information: Pilots will be able to login to the application to update their availability and update the information regarding their plane. For ex: Weight allowed etc.  Patient Flight Request Card: Patient name, DOB, age, will be pre-populated from patient’s account. In addition they will be asked to input their weight, additional passenger and their weight, date of flight requested and hospital/clinic information.  Pilot’s Availability: Pilot’s will be revealed based on Patient’s Flight Request Card.  Flight Map/Flight Time: This feature will use geo-locations to determine the flight time and will be updated to the databases after the pilot confirms the flight time. APPLICATION TESTING On completion of our product, the project team will conduct training and testing of the new product on BLIS facilities. BLIS will provide two - three day training of the new product, which will be free of cost. Additional training or any training that is not conducted on BLIS facilities will be billed to Husky Air. During the training we will go over the new functionality and features offered in the application and we will take the user step-by-step process so they build familiarity with the new process. After the training is concluded we will provide clients with two weeks’ time frame to test the product. Testing can be performed on-location or off-location. We suggest our clients to be under one roof to perform testing, as we will provide them with the setup and tools needed to conduct the testing successfully. This way the testing can be performed more efficiently so that if any, the defects can be tracked easily and gets worked on quickly. During the testing period we will not only work on defects but also will be open to any feedback that increase the efficiency and reliability of the application. Testing period will conclude once all the testers have approved the product. *Note: Project team will accept suggestions and feedback within the scope of the project, which increases the MOV.
  • 6. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 5 PROJECT PLAN SUMMARY The project is scheduled to begin on September 1st 2015 and is scheduled to end December 24th 2015. It will take a little over four months to complete the project including training the clients, testing the new application and evaluating the project success. Since we are building the application from ground up we need to invest more time building a strong business logic. We will begin documenting our system proposal once our strategic plan is put in motion. System proposal is subjected to change as we discover new modalities to design a new system. System proposal will be discussed with the clients to seek approval to move onto the design phase. The design portion of the application will also require much needed time to deliver a quality product. We will take the process step by step. We will move to next step when the clients approve the logic, design and finally moving on to building the actual application. We will brief the clients on the new technology and business process used for the new application throughout the project period. This will serve as training to help the clients so they become familiar and comfortable with the new product. Project team believes that this approach would prove much more beneficial to our client’s time and finances as we would not need to wait until the completion of the project. Clients can focus on just testing the application once it’s complete. PROJECT SCHEDULE
  • 11. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 10 PROJECT BUDGET
  • 13. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 12 PROJECT RESOURCES PEOPLE Resource Role Joseph Freeman Project Manager Jimmy Carr Consultant Taylor Garf Business Systems Analyst Systems Architect Damond Allen Developer Gagan Marwah TECHNOLOGY  Internet/ Wi-Fi- allows effective communication and information sharing  Server- to provide service to the client workstations  Modem/ Router- provides access to the internet  Switch- Connects network devices together  Thin Client Workstations- members of the client network used by employees  Printer/Fax - accept typed text and graphic images from a computer and transfer it to paper.  Internet Service Provider- provides business with access to the internet
  • 14. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 13 FACILITIES  Team B.L.I.S will perform hardware and software configuration at our local facility. After the initial configuration of the system we will install it at the customer site  Training - B.L.I.S will host training sessions (5) for all applications and software on client’s facility. ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS RISK ANALYSIS REPORT IDENTIFYING RISK: a. A threat occurred in the planning phase of the project b. It’s an unknown- unknown Risk c. The risk is external and the project team should not be held responsible
  • 15. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 14 d. The source of the risk in the organization, Client wants to reduce schedule by 10% and reduce the budget by 20% e. The impact of the risk affects the Project’s Schedule and Budget FIVE THREATS: 1.) Develop Project Charter and Plan: A. Threat: Team will have to meet more often than originally scheduled to discuss and implement the new changes. This will affect the salaries of the team B. Owner: Joseph Freeman C. Strategy: Contingency Reserve- This reserve will be used to pay the salaries of team BLIS when they reach overtime 2.) Conceptualize and Initialize A. Threat: Team plans to move to all data to a digital platform; the risk is potential data loss due to less time and money B. Owner: Damond Allen C. Strategy: Exploitation- We use this risk as an opportunity to carefully evaluate and conduct the data migration 3.) Evaluate Project Success: A. Threat: Customer could potentially disagree with the changes made to meet the new demands B. Owner: Gagan Marwah C. Strategy: Acceptance- we are not certain that the customer will not like the system; however we are aware of possibility and will deal with the matter if it arises. 4.) Close Project: A. Threat: Because we are conducting many tasks in parallel there is risk of reaching the end stages with incomplete tasks. B. Owner: James Carr C. Strategy: Enhancement- James will have to authority to add another resource to help manage tasks 5.) Execute and control: A. Threat: There will be issues with that will not be realized until this phase B. Taylor Graf C. Strategy: Mitigation- Taylor will focus on unseen events and tasks that may be required to lessen the risk
  • 16. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 15 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION COMMUNICATIONS PLAN: SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Integrate the new information system with Husky Air Pilots’ existing systems. Any work or task that supports achieving the MOV is considered to be inside the scope boundary. Any activity that does not support achieving the MOV is considered outside of the scope boundary. The sponsor/client will need to fill- out a scope change request to make changes to the scope. A copy of the scope change request form can be found below. QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN: Team BLIS was created in 2015 to provide services to the business world. We are based in Richmond, Virginia and our team consists of five individuals. The quality of service that we provide is important to our business because we value our end users and their experiences with us. Team BLIS strives to provide clients with excellent services that meet and exceed their expectations.
  • 17. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 16 The following measures and procedures are set in place to help our team provide complete customer satisfaction and continuous business process improvement. Type Metric Description Process On Time Delivery The percentage of deliverables on time without defects Accuracy The percentage of processes without defects Product Stakeholder Requirements Met The percentage of products that meet expectations Client Engagement Index to measure client involvement Project Resource Utilization Measure of over/under allocation of resources Gross Margin Profit provided from the project Verification Activities:  Technical Inspection – A group of individuals peer review applications to discover errors  Business Review – The project is verified to fit within the defined scope  Management Review – The Project Manager provides the clear status of the project Validation Activities:  Functionality Testing – Tests the application for specified requirements  Benchmark Testing - Tests the system to measure performance and provide feedback  Requirements Testing – Certifies that the end user requirements are met after testing is complete CHANGE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Change Sponsors: Joseph Freeman (Project Manager): Will oversee the entire project update and delivery including training provided to the clients. Jimmy Carr (Consultant): Will provide updates on the new functionality. Taylor Graff (Business Systems Analyst): is point of contact to ask any business related questions and will provide training throughout the implementation cycle. Change Targets: Pilots: Easy to update and review their schedule and record the plane information. Hospital and Clinic clients: Access to the pilot’s schedule and availability anytime. Scheduling transportation is much easier. Change Assessment: The new application will provide a feature rich experience to the users with enhanced capabilities. The new process will be concurrent to the existing business process while making the process only automated which presents less room for error and keeping track of business related logs such as pilots
  • 18. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 17 schedule, miles driven etc. This will help pilots to easily access the website and update their schedule and review their schedule anytime. This application will provide a great benefit to the hospitals, clinics and organ and blood banks, because they can remotely access the availability of pilots and enter the information for delivery, transportation or pickup. Change Strategy: Team BLIS is very confident that new process will immensely benefit the employees at HUSKY Air and the users for hospitals and clinics. We have automated the process so that information is accessible for both parties at all the times. This presents an efficient way of conducting the business. The current business process remain concurrent with the new functionalities provided. The user experience was greatly considered when creating the new system to aid novice users. We will provide free training to all the employees at HUSKY air and the business clients at the hospitals and clinic to establish a level of comfort to easily adapt to new functionality. Tracking Progress: Progress for this project will be measured in terms of efficient delivery of the new system and comfortability and adaptability of the new system. We have created the test scripts where users are provided scenarios to complete a transaction. This will allow clients a perfect opportunity to learn new system and become comfortable to adapt new ways of completing transactions. HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN: Team BLIS has formed a team after evaluating the complexity and the scope of the project. Team members working on this project have experience to handle and deliver quality service on projects big and small. Team members will perform the role of project manager (Joseph Freeman) consultant (Jimmy Carr), business systems analyst (Taylor Graff), Systems Architect (Damond Allen), and developer (Gagan Marwah). The size of the project team suits the complexity of the project and is in budget to carry out the project for five months period. IMPLEMETATION AND PROJECT CLOSURE PLAN: Conversion Strategy: Parallel Team B.L.I.S has decided to use the parallel conversion strategy; this strategy allows the old and new systems to run concurrently. This is beneficial because should a failure occur it could have a major impact on the organization. Another benefit of this approach is that it will allow the customer to develop confidence that the system in functioning correctly. The direct cutover strategy was not used because of the technological training required for the customer to effectively use the system. This conversion strategy will place more pressure on the project team to train the customer and keep the project on target for its release date. The phased strategy was not used because the customer’s organization is not segmented in such a way that the system can be implemented in phases. Project Evaluation: Did the project achieve its MOV? B.L.I.S successfully implemented a new information system that manages the following: employees, pilot information, patient information, planes, flight logs, organ bank information, record transactions, hospitals, health care agencies, and schedules.
  • 19. 12/6/2015 Angel Pilots Program 18 Is the sponsor/customer satisfied? The project sponsor is satisfied with the functionality of the information system, the customer agrees that the system does what it supposed to do and will continue to evaluate the system for the next 3 weeks. APPROVAL Name Title Date Joseph Freeman Director and CEO 12/6/15 Jimmy Carr Consultant 12/6/15 Taylor Garf Business Systems Analyst 12/6/15 Systems Architect Damond Allen 12/6/15 Developer Gagan Marwah 12/6/15