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Examples Of Semiotic Analysis
1. Introduction and Background In this essay I will evaluate the various components used to
construct meaning in Figure 1 by means of a semiotic analysis. I will discuss the theory of certain
semiotic concepts and apply them to Figure 1 throughout the text. The image in Figure 1 delivers a
visual message and it is supported by illustrated text, three captions, and two logos. The knowledge
necessary to interpret the illustration is knowledge of writing and English (Barthes 1977: 153). This
analysis is applicable to an adult audience familiar with 'food'– and 'diet' ideologies, as well as
concepts of celebrity endorsement. 1.1 Context and Representation of Figure 1 The People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were founded in 1980 more content...
The consumption of meat becomes a moral issue. If consuming meat is considered to be immoral,
then a vegetarian diet is the morally acceptable option. This logo challenges the morals of the
viewer and is used to illicit a guilty response (Bailey 2007: 44, 50). Connotatively6 this sign can
imply that, unlike animals, the reader does not have a 'heart' until he/she embraces a vegetarian diet.
This connotation contradicts the primary phrase in Figure 1; "All animals have the same parts".
Another connotation deliberately used by PETA, is the image of the blue silhouetted cow; its shape
is popularly associated with dairy and beef products within the consumer market. Through this the
reader immediately associates the symbol with food products and
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Analytical Essay Othello
Shakespeare is prominent in his use of recurring themes throughout his works, particularly those of
love, death, and betrayal. All these themes are present in Othello. Most dominant, however, are
manipulation and jealousy. Jealousy runs the characters' lives in Othello from the beginning of the
play, when Roderigo is jealous of Othello because he wishes to be with Desdemona, and to the end of
the play, when Othello is furious with jealousy because he believes Cassio and Desdemona have
been engaging in an affair, but manipulation the prominent action that fuels the jealousy within
Othello. Some characters' jealousy is fashioned by other characters. Iago is involved in much of this,
creating lies and implementing confusing more content...
He is clever in his diction to avoid confrontation that can easily erupt. An example of Iago's
manipulation is when he and Roderigo confront Brabanzio about his daughter. Brabanzio does not
believe what the two say about Desdemona, calling it ridiculous, and he becomes angry because he
has been woken up in the middle of the night. Roderigo immediately starts to explain, which only
angers Brabanzio even more. Iago, on the other hand, responds by actually complimenting
Brabanzio. Brabanzio yells, "Thou art a villain" to which Iago responds, "You are a senator". The
father is taken aback by this surprising comment and it causes him to step back and re–examine the
situation, which eases his anger and causes him to believe the two storytellers, especially when he
finds Desdemona missing from her bed chamber
However, along with his word choice, Iago is clever at the timing of what he says. He knows
exactly what to say and when to say it to incite jealousy within anyone he wishes. He uses this
particularly well with Roderigo and Othello. An example of Iago's timing of jealousy is when he
speaks to Roderigo of the suspicions regarding Desdemona's love for Othello. "Mark me with what
violence she first loved the Moor but for bragging and telling her fantastical lies. To love him still
for prating? Let not thy discreet heart think it. Her eye must be fed". In this excerpt Iago represents
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Examples Of Discourse Analysis
A.Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (1989, 1995)
1.This theory is used to critically analyze relationship between language, ideologies, and society to
reveal the portrayal of women in the film.
2.Fairclough (1995) clarifies that discourse is not only written and spoken language, but it also
visual part that has meaning (p.54).
3.According to Fairclough (2010), in Critical Discourse Analysis, language is viewed as a social
practice because it shapes and is shaped by society.
4.According to Fairclough (1989, 1995), Critical Discourse Analysis is used to analyze
communicative events by analyzing the relationship between three dimensions, including the micro
dimension, the meso dimension, and the macro dimension.
a.The micro more content...
Related previous studies
A.The first research entitled "The representation of gender roles in the media – An analysis of gender
discourse in Sex and the City movies " was constructed by Therese Ottosson and Xin Cheng in 2012.
1.The aim was to study to see how gender is portrayed in the movies, Sex and The City season 1 and
2.The theories that used in the study were theories of representation and Critical Discourse Analysis.
3.The results showed that, gender roles are unequally represented in SATC1 and SATC2.
a.Men are always portrayed in a typical manner and have a superiority.
b.Women are presented as subordinate role. They must be beautiful and look young as much as
possible and work for men.
B.The second research entitled "Women's representation and gender identity in "Desperate
Housewives" was conducted by Eveliina Salomaa in 2010.
1.The aim was to study how women are portrayed in "Desperate Housewives" and how the modern
women have similar identities as traditional housewives.
2.The theories used for research were Critical Discourse Analysis and Gender Identity.
3.The result showed that, at the surface level, women are portrayed in "Desperate Housewives" is
much different from other TV–series, however, in deep level, women still similar to the norms and
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Journal Article Analysis Essay example
Journal Article Analysis tgkoontz University of Phoenix
A Week 3 assignment in the class, PHL/717 Constructing Meaning, required a philosophical analysis
of an article in the Journal of Psychology. The article investigated how the connection between
knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. The
analysis included identifying philosophical assumptions, explaining practical significance and
applicability, and relating assumptions and methodology to class readings.
Journal Article Analysis An article in the Journal of Psychology investigated how the connection
between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. more content...
The scientific community has debated the methodology of the attainment of knowledge since
Aristotle. Social science, such as the study analyzed here, wants to develop a more engaged
relationship between knowledge and practice (Delanty & Strydom, 2003). Conceiving their study on
previous research done about the nature of knowledge and the nature of learning that influences
thinking, Schommer–Aikins and Hutter (2002) introduced an additional element of contemporary
controversial issues encountered in everyday life. Their research looked to populations outside of
academia to support their hypotheses. Generally, they were able to prove a relationship exists
between individual beliefs about knowledge and learning and the ability to demonstrate higher order
thinking. Education and critical thinking influence these beliefs (p. 16). The nature of knowledge
and learning beliefs influence thinking in everyday life.
Kuhn (1996) describes a paradigm as the accepted norm of a science. The standards, rules, and
scientific tradition one follows in a particular area of scientific study comprise the paradigm.
Research, such as the one described here, "is a cumulative enterprise, eminently successful in its
aim, the steady extension of the scope and precision of scientific knowledge" (p. 52). The study
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Situational Analysis Essay
Team A– Situational Analysis
Karmarie Maldonado, Thomas Granvang, Thomasina Campbell, and Kanesha Madison
STR/GM 581: International Strategic Planning and Implementation
January 30, 2012
Jill M. Hagist
The situational analysis is one of the four elements in a strategic management process and is an
important step in the success of a business. This paper will present a background history of Toyota
and provide the company's mission and vision statement and values. The paper will provide the
environmental forces that affect the company and the potential for global expansion. An assessment
of the automobile industry structure using Porters five forces. In addition, a SWOT analysis will be
conducted to understand more content...
Organizations need to incorporate the SWOT analysis into its strategic planning techniques (Barney
Toyota expressed conduct guidelines and expression of values for all the employees of Toyota.
These guidelines were based on the principles of Challenge, Improvement, Respect, and Teamwork.
Within eight since the dissemination of these principles, Toyota became the largest automobile
maker for the year 2008 and assumed the titled of the most profitable automobile maker along with
increased sales globally (Liker, 2004).
The resource–based view of Toyota's Annual Report (Toyota Company online library, 2009)
illustrates as a multinational automobile maker, Toyota has a competitive advantage in accessing
regional and international markets effectively. This equips the company with a vast market portfolio
to optimize the economies of scale. In addition, the diversification of the products Toyota
manufactures endows the automobile maker with the propensity to satiate various segments of its
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis examines Toyota's organizational structure and will provide a summary of
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Toyota Motor Corporation continues to be innovative with the product lines. For example, the
Camry this model was reinvented for 2012 and still maintained its number one position in sales for
the tenth year in a row.
The creation of the new
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Business Analytics
Content Business Analytics Part 1. What Business Analytics is: The Basics I.Introduction History of
Analytics Types of analytics Domains within analytics Part 2. How Business Analytics can be used
to gain advantage in a competitive marketplace Benefits of Business Analytics to an organization for
competitive advantage A Case study of competing on analytics Conclusion Business Analytics Part 1.
What Business Analytics is: The Basics Introduction Business analytics, in a nutshell, is usage of the
type of data that can help one analyze a particular business situation and decide how to improve it.
Instruments used for such an assessment include statistics, and both quantitative and qualitative
analysis, as well as predictive and explanatory modeling. Business analytics is different to Business
intelligence which also uses statistical methods. Business analytics uses statistical methods and data
to arrive at fresh understanding and illumination of a situation, whereas business intelligence uses
statical data to serve as querying, reporting or alerts. Business analytics, therefore, is, one may say,
the detective side of business using the statistics to develop and progress the business or direct it in
new directions rather than revamping it with existent and supportive data. Business intelligence, in
other words, uses the data to inform stakeholders and others what is occurring with the business,
what the action is, and what steps are being taken.
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The Highwayman
Analytical Essay Sample INTRODUCTION – (1 paragraph) STRUCTURE 1. Opening sentences
which introduce the poem, its author and its form.Explain why the poem is of a particular form
(either a ballad or lyric poem). 2. Thesis statement: A general statement about what the poem
communicates about life and life experience. 3. Signpost: briefly outline the more specific
reasons for how/why the poem conveys this life experience and / or message. (Introduce the main
features which will be explored in more detail in the body of your essay). | INTRODUCTION 1.
"The Highwayman" is a ballad poem written by the author, Alfred Noyes. Many features of the
ballad are evident in this poem; it tells a narrative story, it has a regular rhythm, more content...
Direct quotes must be accurately referenced to and drawn on in outlining your point. c. Extended
reasoning (elaborate on your point). Here you reason through the logic of your point in more
depth. Extend reasoning allows you to explain and justify further why the poet has made such a
choice. d. Summary sentence. Your concluding sentence should summarise the central idea
presented and link to the thesis. | BODY PARAGRAPH 2 a. Secondly, the author, Alfred Noyes
uses imagery to effectively to communicate his message to readers. His use of metaphor, simile
and personification all help convey the message of forbidden love and tragedy. b & c. In the
first stanza, Noyes uses metaphors on almost every line. For example, "The wind was a torrent of
darkness...","The moon was a ghostly galleon..." and "The road was a ribbon of moonlight...". All
these metaphors effectively create a dark and scary atmosphere at the start of the poem. Similes are
also used throughout the ballad to create interesting descriptions of characters and actions. For
example, "Dumb as a dog...", "his hair like mouldy hay" and "He spurred like a madman...".
Finally, personification is used to convey the love and tragedy of the tale. For example, "The hours
crawled by like years...". d. Through his use of imagery devices throughout the poem, the author's
main message that
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Essay On Business Analytics
Application of Business Analytics
An increasing amount of businesses are exploring this new concept of analytics. In today's
tech–savvy era, the use of analytics can be seen as a necessity rather than a competitive advantage.
More companies are realizing the benefits that come with the use of analytics within the business
environment. Like anything else, there are both pros and cons that come with this approach.
However, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Business analytics are the future of the business
world. This paper will describe a general overview of business analytics and its application to the
real world.
Definition of Business Analytics
Analytics can be a difficult term to explain. In simple terms, analytics converts more
It is through these three types of analytics, that business analytics can be distinguished from just
being the plain process of analytics. These three types of analytics help make this process useful in
the business environment. It requires "a clear relevancy to business, a resulting insight that will be
implementable, and performance and value measurement to ensure a successful result." Business
analytics includes a combination of all three types to generate new information used for business
organization decision–making. Descriptive analytics basically gives you a general idea of the data
you are looking at. Predictive analytics takes the next step and predicts what is likely to happen next.
Finally, prescriptive analytics figures out what is the best course of action. All three of these types of
analytics can be very useful when used in combination with one another. Business analytics can be
instrumental to a business' success when implemented properly. (Schniederjans et al., 2014).
Pros and Cons
The benefits in relation to business analytics far outweigh the negatives within any business. Despite
this, however, there still are drawbacks related to business analytics. The three major issues relating
to business analytics are ease of use, speed, and scalability. These three factors are the main priority
executives are looking for when it comes to data analytics in the business environment.
Unfortunately, many executives feel as if they are not
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Literary Analysis Of Two Texts Essay
Literary Analysis of Two Texts
Renita Redding
Instructor: Irene Robles–Huerta
ENG 125
March 21, 2015
The short story, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been", by Joyce Oates, (1966), and the
poem, "What it's Like to Be a Black Girl", by Patricia Smith, (1991), are both about the coming of
age of young girls and the conflicts that they encounter. The two pieces explore issues that most
young girls have with their bodies and others during their puberty years. The literary elements that
will be compared in this essay is imagery and symbolism. The main conflict in both pieces that will
be explored is individual versus self. These literary elements and conflict will help us to explore the
issues that these two individual young more content...
"First of all, it's being 9 years old and feeling like you're not finished". It's as though, the changes
that are to come are going to be better than what's already been. The main change she hopes is that
she will be considered beautiful because unlike Connie in the first story this 9 year old girl don't
believe she's pretty at all. So she's hoping that, what's to come? Is better than what's been?
Although there are many different literary techniques used in these two pieces imagery is an
element that is depicted in the both of them. Imagery is a literary technique that appeals to the
senses of its readers. It gives the reader a visual of what the writer is feeling about what he or she
is writing. In the poem, "What it's Like to Be a Black Girl", by Smith, (1991), imagery is used to
display the writers feelings of being black and not necessary proud of being black, "it's dropping
food coloring in your eyes to make them blue and suffering their burn in silence". The writer
could be using the word blue as a way to depict the wanting to have beautiful blue eyes like many
White women as opposed to the dark brown or black eyes that she probably possessed. Imagery is
also seen in the way how the writer explains her encounter with the opposite sex. "It's finally having
a man reach out for you then caving in around his fingers". It is having a man finally paying
attention to you but not knowing that he only wants to control your body.
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Essay on Self-Analysis
Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical
procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not
allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for
simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread.
My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing
because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.
In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and
some that I already had. Before more content...
I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other
elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve
many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming
better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the
little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end.
This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it
will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities
to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing,
analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how
to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes
because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate
sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along
because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better
Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I
know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as
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Textual Analysis Examples
The two items I chose from the Speed museum were the two vases by Fulvio Bianconi and
Vicktor Emanuel as the modern pieces and the ancient Egyptian canopic jars. Upon first sight, my
first thought was that the purpose of these items is obliviously to hold and serve as containers for
other objects. Though they are different in size, it's clear they serve that same idea. Both items are
also shaped in sort of a rounded and spherical way; the edges are smoothed out and they all have a
nice organic flow to them. There is nothing geometric or jagged about any of the pieces. While
reading deeper into the description of the Egyptian jars, I found out that they were used to store the
deceased's organs during the process of mummification. These more content...
Though the vases themselves aren't geometric in shape, the design in the painting creates a bunch of
abstract squares and rectangles. The design on the other vase looks to be like a tree growing
upward. The black strokes seem to represent different size branches as those found on a tree or a
plant of some sort. Another noticeable difference is that the modern vases are European, one being
from Sweden and the other from Italy. The ancient jars, as previously stated, are Egyptian. The
sizes seem to differ between the modern and ancient containers as well. The modern vases appear
taller and leaner compared to the shorter and more rotund jars. This may be because the jars did
not have to be very tall in order to hold the organs; they were able to serve their purpose at a
smaller height and a wider circumference. The tall and slender shapes of the vases were probably
just a design or style choice the designer made to achieve his vision. The materials used to create
the pieces are worth noting as well. The vases were probably glass blown and then hand painted
while I couldn't really tell for sure what the jars were made of but it appeared to be some sort of
stone or clay. Either way, the Egyptians used organic and natural materials found in their
environment and carved and chiseled them by
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Example Of Analytic Epidemiology
The main purpose/focus of analytic epidemiology is to thoroughly research, analyze and/or test
predictions and possibilities of exposures to diseases as well as hypothesis outcomes.. The analytic
area of epidemiology focuses on answering the why and how questions. This method/area helps
determine what caused the disease. Two main factors are exposure and outcome. The two primary
categories that the analytic method utilizes is experimental and observational studies to test the
hypothesis. Experimental studies generally include randomized clinical trials. One example of this
would be vaccine efficacy trials. The observational studies can be one of three different types, case
control, cohort and cross sectional. The method that is used is always
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The Scientific Revolution would make Europeans the most skilled social orders on the planet. It
made individuals significantly more beneficial by making machines that could do drudgerous
work and utilize various wellsprings of power from wind and water to coal and steam. More
people could be supported, dressed, and housed with less work. More wealth could be set aside a
few minutes for more people. Advancements in military machines and systems made Europeans an
energy to be figured with. New schedules for trade and business made trade with distinctive nations
more advantageous, spreading extensively more data. Francis Bacon was an English academic,
statesman, speaker and scientist. Bacon is seen as the 'father of prompting' for his work
more content...
Through this, two or three women could get a little effect in the decisions of rulers, impact political
conclusion, and effect insightful and stylish taste. Two or three women who expected a noteworthy
part in the Enlightenment were Mary Astell, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Madame Geoffrin. Astell
upheld consistency in marriage and direction for women. Wollstonecraft similarly maintained
extended preparing and she required women to have proportionate rights in financial and political
life and also alternate points of view. The base of their disputes was for the same reason that out and
out rulers were right away
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Business Analysis : Business Analytics Essay
Business Analytics Business Analytics, is a system that use various techniques and processes to
gather information to used be used to make business decisions. The data is used to answer a
question. Often this is used in marketing. It helps to take away some of the "guess work" out of who
market will target. This process has been credited with increasing the ability of organizations to be
more competitive. Just as important as collecting data is the ability to interpret and apply the data.
Essential to a Business Analyst success is, the support from an International Technological (IT) team.
If costly technical systems are not used and maintained properly, it could the system to malfunction.
This could produce inaccurate results in the data. Incorrect data could cost the organization greatly.
The data can be used to detect fraud, as well as exploring science. The Business Analyst must delete
the data that cannot be used. The data produced patterns is then analyzed. Then information is
forwarded to the appropriate people. The information is used to create a plan. The role of a Business
Analyst is valuable. So are the tools they use. Multipolar Analytics A system that collects data, then
analyze it in multiple places in the organization is using Multipolar Analytics. The exact system
component will vary depending on the type of data and analysis the system will need to output. The
Multipolar Analysis include systems that use traditional operational
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Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay
A Taste of Shakespeare– 'Romeo and Juliet'
William Shakespeare is widely known for all of his literary works; one of his most famous love
tragedies being 'Romeo and Juliet'. A Shakespearean definition of tragedy exemplifies the sense that
human beings are inevitably doomed through their own failures or errors, the ironic action of their
virtues, or even through the nature of fate and destiny (Sayour, Susan, 2007). Romeo and Juliet is a
tragic tale based on two young star–crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding
families. Throughout the play, Shakespeare intentionally draws on text structures and language
features in order to replicate the attitudes, values and beliefs of Elizabethan audiences and intertwine
it into more content...
However, Juliet soon stumbles upon her fate when she finally meets Romeo and instantly falls in love
with him, despite him being the son of her family's enemy. Shakespeare's text structure depicts Juliet
as someone who is reckless, and does not stop long enough to evaluate the full consequences of her
actions. "Farewell!–God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through
my veins. That almost freezes up the heat of life. I'll call them back again to comfort me. –
Nurse!–what should she do here" (4:3:14–18). Shakespeare uses paradox, hyperbole, apostrophe and
oxymoron to convey the violence of emotions in Romeo and Juliet as also the 'sweet lyricism of
young passionate love' (Albertan A, 2003). His clever use of dramatic structure enables the audience
to switch between comedy and tragedy to heighten the tension, leading up to the heartrending
climax. "O, look! Methinks I see my cousin's ghost Seeking out Romeo that did spit his body, upon
a rapier's point: – stay, Tybalt, stay!" (4:3:19–21). This apostrophe is a solitary example of the
establishment of tragedy within the play, showing how two star–crossed lovers have a destiny with
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is undeniably one of the most eminent tales of tragedy ever
written. Act 4, Scene 3 has ingeniously demonstrated how the plot and themes, and characterization
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Rhetorical Analysis Sample
Instant Message for an Instant Enhancement Jenna Wortham, the author of "I Had A Nice Time with
You Tonight, on the App," writes about technology for the New York Times. Wortham's work has
appeared in Bust magazine, Vogue, and Wind. She is a cofounder of the zine, Girl Crush. This
column first appeared in the New York Times on April 6, 2014. In the article "I Had A Nice Time
with You Tonight, On the App," Wortham writes about her experiences with apps allowing for
communication and suggests that technology is necessary to maintain relationships particularly
long–distance ones. She explains that her smartphone apps allowed her to maintain and improve
relationships with her long–distance boyfriend as well as her nearby friends and family because more content...
Being published in a newspaper column, Wortham writes in a less formal language to explain her
thoughts on communication through smartphone applications. By including personal stories
behind her usage of technology, she is able to reflect on those and validate her opinion of
messaging apps. She is able to connect with their reader on a more personal level because the
reader can relate to her experiences. Due an excessive amount of technology use from people of all
ages, Wortham's article can reach anyone that uses messaging applications including couples of all
ages. She does not single out long distance couples because she also includes the benefits of having
these applications with family, friends, and coworkers. In her essay, Wortham straightforwardly
states her thoughts on apps such as Facebook messenger, Snapchat, and even Tinder, leaving no
room for the reader to become confused. In addition to her own opinions and statistics from Pew
Research Center, she uses Sherry Turkle, who disagrees with messaging applications, to
acknowledge that both sides understand that there is not an application on our smartphone that can
replace a face–to–face
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Analytical Essay
Discourses have powerful social effects and can empower some, while marginalizing others. In
the texts Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding the dominant discourse is relationship. The
audience is positioned to see Josh Tambling from Lost Property as having tough relationships as
he is the one who is expected to pull through. While Muriel Heslop from Muriel's Wedding is
portrayed as unreliable and selfish as the story is told. In the early stages of both texts it is obvious
that Josh and Muriel have different relationships, as Josh is respected and dependable while Muriel
is rejected and a failure. Josh is trustworthy towards his friends which make him respected in his
relationships. For instance, he shows his loyal and respectable more content...
Michael, Josh's older brother finally comes home, not by himself though, he ends up bringing his
girlfriend and with them their new born son. "Mum and Dad, this is Kelly," Michael says proudly,
"and this one your grandson, Stuart." (p266). On the other hand, Muriel's Wedding ends
unfortunately with Muriel's mother dying as she commits suicide from the pressure of her
depression. But not all is bad for Muriel as she returns to Sydney with her friend Rhonda, after she
is in a wheelchair from not recovering from her cancer. Although both texts end in a different way,
the audience is still positioned to see Josh and Muriel as people who have difficult relationships but
in the end rewarding. In conclusion, both Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding mobilize the
discourse of relationships. The reader is positioned to see Josh and Muriel as being pleasing people,
who would do everything for their friendships. Throughout both texts Josh and Muriel are
constructed as characters who display loyalty and respect towards their friends, supporting them
through the harsh periods in their
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Art Analysis Essay
Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first
impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a
painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its
color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed,
these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they
allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us
the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker
or lighter colors can play a role in how more content...
The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly
straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary
humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain,
consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its
members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of
years later.
The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are
tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion
on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in
quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is
no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the
loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The
sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its
purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death
is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what
happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights
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Decision-Making Model Analysis Essay example
Decision–Making Model Analysis
Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! How do you make decisions? Have you ever asked yourself, "How
did I make that decision?" Whether big or small, important or not so important, decision making is
a process. Some people way the pros and cons while others may just flip a coin. Are decisions based
on feelings, outcomes or information? Often times if we just go with our gut feeling will be miss out
on important information that should be included in our decision.
Decision–making can be a cognitive process of selecting a course of action form various options.
Some of us are logical. Some of us are risk taking. Either way such characteristics play a role in our
decisions. In my experience decision–making more content...
Step One is to identify the decision to be made. In my case, the decision was whether to take a new
job opportunity or remain in my existing position.
Step Two is to do a self assessment. At this point, I began to consider my needs and wants. Would
the new opportunity really be something I would enjoy? Would it be challenging? This particular
new opportunity was an office position. I am accustomed to working in the field. So I had to ask
myself how will I adapt to the everyday office environment.
Step Three is to identify the options. I began to gather information about other potential opportunities
that may soon be an option. Should I settle for this opportunity or what for one more suitable for
me, is a question I proposed to myself.
Step Four is to gather information and data. I reviewed the salary potential of the job opportunity. I
considered the current salary and potential future salary increase.
Step Five is to evaluate options that will solve the problem. In trying to make my decision, I listed
the pros and cons. I thought about the potential disadvantages of leaving my current position.
Step Six is to select on of the options. At this point, Roberts believes you should have enough
information to choose an option. In my decision, I had all the information I needed to make my
decision. While, the new opportunity offered a higher salary, the responsibilities where not tasks of
Step Seven is to design a course of action to
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Analytical Essay Sample

  • 1. Examples Of Semiotic Analysis 1. Introduction and Background In this essay I will evaluate the various components used to construct meaning in Figure 1 by means of a semiotic analysis. I will discuss the theory of certain semiotic concepts and apply them to Figure 1 throughout the text. The image in Figure 1 delivers a visual message and it is supported by illustrated text, three captions, and two logos. The knowledge necessary to interpret the illustration is knowledge of writing and English (Barthes 1977: 153). This analysis is applicable to an adult audience familiar with 'food'– and 'diet' ideologies, as well as concepts of celebrity endorsement. 1.1 Context and Representation of Figure 1 The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) were founded in 1980 more content... The consumption of meat becomes a moral issue. If consuming meat is considered to be immoral, then a vegetarian diet is the morally acceptable option. This logo challenges the morals of the viewer and is used to illicit a guilty response (Bailey 2007: 44, 50). Connotatively6 this sign can imply that, unlike animals, the reader does not have a 'heart' until he/she embraces a vegetarian diet. This connotation contradicts the primary phrase in Figure 1; "All animals have the same parts". Another connotation deliberately used by PETA, is the image of the blue silhouetted cow; its shape is popularly associated with dairy and beef products within the consumer market. Through this the reader immediately associates the symbol with food products and Get more content on
  • 2. Analytical Essay Othello Shakespeare is prominent in his use of recurring themes throughout his works, particularly those of love, death, and betrayal. All these themes are present in Othello. Most dominant, however, are manipulation and jealousy. Jealousy runs the characters' lives in Othello from the beginning of the play, when Roderigo is jealous of Othello because he wishes to be with Desdemona, and to the end of the play, when Othello is furious with jealousy because he believes Cassio and Desdemona have been engaging in an affair, but manipulation the prominent action that fuels the jealousy within Othello. Some characters' jealousy is fashioned by other characters. Iago is involved in much of this, creating lies and implementing confusing more content... He is clever in his diction to avoid confrontation that can easily erupt. An example of Iago's manipulation is when he and Roderigo confront Brabanzio about his daughter. Brabanzio does not believe what the two say about Desdemona, calling it ridiculous, and he becomes angry because he has been woken up in the middle of the night. Roderigo immediately starts to explain, which only angers Brabanzio even more. Iago, on the other hand, responds by actually complimenting Brabanzio. Brabanzio yells, "Thou art a villain" to which Iago responds, "You are a senator". The father is taken aback by this surprising comment and it causes him to step back and re–examine the situation, which eases his anger and causes him to believe the two storytellers, especially when he finds Desdemona missing from her bed chamber However, along with his word choice, Iago is clever at the timing of what he says. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it to incite jealousy within anyone he wishes. He uses this particularly well with Roderigo and Othello. An example of Iago's timing of jealousy is when he speaks to Roderigo of the suspicions regarding Desdemona's love for Othello. "Mark me with what violence she first loved the Moor but for bragging and telling her fantastical lies. To love him still for prating? Let not thy discreet heart think it. Her eye must be fed". In this excerpt Iago represents Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Discourse Analysis A.Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (1989, 1995) 1.This theory is used to critically analyze relationship between language, ideologies, and society to reveal the portrayal of women in the film. 2.Fairclough (1995) clarifies that discourse is not only written and spoken language, but it also visual part that has meaning (p.54). 3.According to Fairclough (2010), in Critical Discourse Analysis, language is viewed as a social practice because it shapes and is shaped by society. 4.According to Fairclough (1989, 1995), Critical Discourse Analysis is used to analyze communicative events by analyzing the relationship between three dimensions, including the micro dimension, the meso dimension, and the macro dimension. a.The micro more content... Related previous studies A.The first research entitled "The representation of gender roles in the media – An analysis of gender discourse in Sex and the City movies " was constructed by Therese Ottosson and Xin Cheng in 2012. 1.The aim was to study to see how gender is portrayed in the movies, Sex and The City season 1 and 2. 2.The theories that used in the study were theories of representation and Critical Discourse Analysis. 3.The results showed that, gender roles are unequally represented in SATC1 and SATC2. a.Men are always portrayed in a typical manner and have a superiority. b.Women are presented as subordinate role. They must be beautiful and look young as much as possible and work for men. B.The second research entitled "Women's representation and gender identity in "Desperate Housewives" was conducted by Eveliina Salomaa in 2010. 1.The aim was to study how women are portrayed in "Desperate Housewives" and how the modern women have similar identities as traditional housewives. 2.The theories used for research were Critical Discourse Analysis and Gender Identity. 3.The result showed that, at the surface level, women are portrayed in "Desperate Housewives" is much different from other TV–series, however, in deep level, women still similar to the norms and traditional Get more content on
  • 4. Journal Article Analysis Essay example Journal Article Analysis tgkoontz University of Phoenix Abstract A Week 3 assignment in the class, PHL/717 Constructing Meaning, required a philosophical analysis of an article in the Journal of Psychology. The article investigated how the connection between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. The analysis included identifying philosophical assumptions, explaining practical significance and applicability, and relating assumptions and methodology to class readings. Journal Article Analysis An article in the Journal of Psychology investigated how the connection between knowledge and learning influenced individuals to think about controversial everyday issues. more content... The scientific community has debated the methodology of the attainment of knowledge since Aristotle. Social science, such as the study analyzed here, wants to develop a more engaged relationship between knowledge and practice (Delanty & Strydom, 2003). Conceiving their study on previous research done about the nature of knowledge and the nature of learning that influences thinking, Schommer–Aikins and Hutter (2002) introduced an additional element of contemporary controversial issues encountered in everyday life. Their research looked to populations outside of academia to support their hypotheses. Generally, they were able to prove a relationship exists between individual beliefs about knowledge and learning and the ability to demonstrate higher order thinking. Education and critical thinking influence these beliefs (p. 16). The nature of knowledge and learning beliefs influence thinking in everyday life. Methodology Kuhn (1996) describes a paradigm as the accepted norm of a science. The standards, rules, and scientific tradition one follows in a particular area of scientific study comprise the paradigm. Research, such as the one described here, "is a cumulative enterprise, eminently successful in its aim, the steady extension of the scope and precision of scientific knowledge" (p. 52). The study provided Get more content on
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  • 7. Business Analytics Content Business Analytics Part 1. What Business Analytics is: The Basics I.Introduction History of Analytics Types of analytics Domains within analytics Part 2. How Business Analytics can be used to gain advantage in a competitive marketplace Benefits of Business Analytics to an organization for competitive advantage A Case study of competing on analytics Conclusion Business Analytics Part 1. What Business Analytics is: The Basics Introduction Business analytics, in a nutshell, is usage of the type of data that can help one analyze a particular business situation and decide how to improve it. Instruments used for such an assessment include statistics, and both quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as predictive and explanatory modeling. Business analytics is different to Business intelligence which also uses statistical methods. Business analytics uses statistical methods and data to arrive at fresh understanding and illumination of a situation, whereas business intelligence uses statical data to serve as querying, reporting or alerts. Business analytics, therefore, is, one may say, the detective side of business using the statistics to develop and progress the business or direct it in new directions rather than revamping it with existent and supportive data. Business intelligence, in other words, uses the data to inform stakeholders and others what is occurring with the business, what the action is, and what steps are being taken. Get more content on
  • 8. The Highwayman Analytical Essay Sample INTRODUCTION – (1 paragraph) STRUCTURE 1. Opening sentences which introduce the poem, its author and its form.Explain why the poem is of a particular form (either a ballad or lyric poem). 2. Thesis statement: A general statement about what the poem communicates about life and life experience. 3. Signpost: briefly outline the more specific reasons for how/why the poem conveys this life experience and / or message. (Introduce the main features which will be explored in more detail in the body of your essay). | INTRODUCTION 1. "The Highwayman" is a ballad poem written by the author, Alfred Noyes. Many features of the ballad are evident in this poem; it tells a narrative story, it has a regular rhythm, more content... Direct quotes must be accurately referenced to and drawn on in outlining your point. c. Extended reasoning (elaborate on your point). Here you reason through the logic of your point in more depth. Extend reasoning allows you to explain and justify further why the poet has made such a choice. d. Summary sentence. Your concluding sentence should summarise the central idea presented and link to the thesis. | BODY PARAGRAPH 2 a. Secondly, the author, Alfred Noyes uses imagery to effectively to communicate his message to readers. His use of metaphor, simile and personification all help convey the message of forbidden love and tragedy. b & c. In the first stanza, Noyes uses metaphors on almost every line. For example, "The wind was a torrent of darkness...","The moon was a ghostly galleon..." and "The road was a ribbon of moonlight...". All these metaphors effectively create a dark and scary atmosphere at the start of the poem. Similes are also used throughout the ballad to create interesting descriptions of characters and actions. For example, "Dumb as a dog...", "his hair like mouldy hay" and "He spurred like a madman...". Finally, personification is used to convey the love and tragedy of the tale. For example, "The hours crawled by like years...". d. Through his use of imagery devices throughout the poem, the author's main message that Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Business Analytics Application of Business Analytics An increasing amount of businesses are exploring this new concept of analytics. In today's tech–savvy era, the use of analytics can be seen as a necessity rather than a competitive advantage. More companies are realizing the benefits that come with the use of analytics within the business environment. Like anything else, there are both pros and cons that come with this approach. However, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Business analytics are the future of the business world. This paper will describe a general overview of business analytics and its application to the real world. Definition of Business Analytics Analytics can be a difficult term to explain. In simple terms, analytics converts more content... It is through these three types of analytics, that business analytics can be distinguished from just being the plain process of analytics. These three types of analytics help make this process useful in the business environment. It requires "a clear relevancy to business, a resulting insight that will be implementable, and performance and value measurement to ensure a successful result." Business analytics includes a combination of all three types to generate new information used for business organization decision–making. Descriptive analytics basically gives you a general idea of the data you are looking at. Predictive analytics takes the next step and predicts what is likely to happen next. Finally, prescriptive analytics figures out what is the best course of action. All three of these types of analytics can be very useful when used in combination with one another. Business analytics can be instrumental to a business' success when implemented properly. (Schniederjans et al., 2014). Pros and Cons The benefits in relation to business analytics far outweigh the negatives within any business. Despite this, however, there still are drawbacks related to business analytics. The three major issues relating to business analytics are ease of use, speed, and scalability. These three factors are the main priority executives are looking for when it comes to data analytics in the business environment. Unfortunately, many executives feel as if they are not Get more content on
  • 10. Literary Analysis Of Two Texts Essay Literary Analysis of Two Texts Renita Redding Instructor: Irene Robles–Huerta ENG 125 March 21, 2015 The short story, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been", by Joyce Oates, (1966), and the poem, "What it's Like to Be a Black Girl", by Patricia Smith, (1991), are both about the coming of age of young girls and the conflicts that they encounter. The two pieces explore issues that most young girls have with their bodies and others during their puberty years. The literary elements that will be compared in this essay is imagery and symbolism. The main conflict in both pieces that will be explored is individual versus self. These literary elements and conflict will help us to explore the issues that these two individual young more content... "First of all, it's being 9 years old and feeling like you're not finished". It's as though, the changes that are to come are going to be better than what's already been. The main change she hopes is that she will be considered beautiful because unlike Connie in the first story this 9 year old girl don't believe she's pretty at all. So she's hoping that, what's to come? Is better than what's been? Although there are many different literary techniques used in these two pieces imagery is an element that is depicted in the both of them. Imagery is a literary technique that appeals to the senses of its readers. It gives the reader a visual of what the writer is feeling about what he or she is writing. In the poem, "What it's Like to Be a Black Girl", by Smith, (1991), imagery is used to display the writers feelings of being black and not necessary proud of being black, "it's dropping food coloring in your eyes to make them blue and suffering their burn in silence". The writer could be using the word blue as a way to depict the wanting to have beautiful blue eyes like many White women as opposed to the dark brown or black eyes that she probably possessed. Imagery is also seen in the way how the writer explains her encounter with the opposite sex. "It's finally having a man reach out for you then caving in around his fingers". It is having a man finally paying attention to you but not knowing that he only wants to control your body. Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Self-Analysis Self–Analysis Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer. In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and some that I already had. Before more content... I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end. This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better grades. Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as Get more content on
  • 12. Textual Analysis Examples The two items I chose from the Speed museum were the two vases by Fulvio Bianconi and Vicktor Emanuel as the modern pieces and the ancient Egyptian canopic jars. Upon first sight, my first thought was that the purpose of these items is obliviously to hold and serve as containers for other objects. Though they are different in size, it's clear they serve that same idea. Both items are also shaped in sort of a rounded and spherical way; the edges are smoothed out and they all have a nice organic flow to them. There is nothing geometric or jagged about any of the pieces. While reading deeper into the description of the Egyptian jars, I found out that they were used to store the deceased's organs during the process of mummification. These more content... Though the vases themselves aren't geometric in shape, the design in the painting creates a bunch of abstract squares and rectangles. The design on the other vase looks to be like a tree growing upward. The black strokes seem to represent different size branches as those found on a tree or a plant of some sort. Another noticeable difference is that the modern vases are European, one being from Sweden and the other from Italy. The ancient jars, as previously stated, are Egyptian. The sizes seem to differ between the modern and ancient containers as well. The modern vases appear taller and leaner compared to the shorter and more rotund jars. This may be because the jars did not have to be very tall in order to hold the organs; they were able to serve their purpose at a smaller height and a wider circumference. The tall and slender shapes of the vases were probably just a design or style choice the designer made to achieve his vision. The materials used to create the pieces are worth noting as well. The vases were probably glass blown and then hand painted while I couldn't really tell for sure what the jars were made of but it appeared to be some sort of stone or clay. Either way, the Egyptians used organic and natural materials found in their environment and carved and chiseled them by Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of Analytic Epidemiology The main purpose/focus of analytic epidemiology is to thoroughly research, analyze and/or test predictions and possibilities of exposures to diseases as well as hypothesis outcomes.. The analytic area of epidemiology focuses on answering the why and how questions. This method/area helps determine what caused the disease. Two main factors are exposure and outcome. The two primary categories that the analytic method utilizes is experimental and observational studies to test the hypothesis. Experimental studies generally include randomized clinical trials. One example of this would be vaccine efficacy trials. The observational studies can be one of three different types, case control, cohort and cross sectional. The method that is used is always Get more content on
  • 14. The Scientific Revolution would make Europeans the most skilled social orders on the planet. It made individuals significantly more beneficial by making machines that could do drudgerous work and utilize various wellsprings of power from wind and water to coal and steam. More people could be supported, dressed, and housed with less work. More wealth could be set aside a few minutes for more people. Advancements in military machines and systems made Europeans an energy to be figured with. New schedules for trade and business made trade with distinctive nations more advantageous, spreading extensively more data. Francis Bacon was an English academic, statesman, speaker and scientist. Bacon is seen as the 'father of prompting' for his work more content... Through this, two or three women could get a little effect in the decisions of rulers, impact political conclusion, and effect insightful and stylish taste. Two or three women who expected a noteworthy part in the Enlightenment were Mary Astell, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Madame Geoffrin. Astell upheld consistency in marriage and direction for women. Wollstonecraft similarly maintained extended preparing and she required women to have proportionate rights in financial and political life and also alternate points of view. The base of their disputes was for the same reason that out and out rulers were right away Get more content on
  • 15. Business Analysis : Business Analytics Essay Business Analytics Business Analytics, is a system that use various techniques and processes to gather information to used be used to make business decisions. The data is used to answer a question. Often this is used in marketing. It helps to take away some of the "guess work" out of who market will target. This process has been credited with increasing the ability of organizations to be more competitive. Just as important as collecting data is the ability to interpret and apply the data. Essential to a Business Analyst success is, the support from an International Technological (IT) team. If costly technical systems are not used and maintained properly, it could the system to malfunction. This could produce inaccurate results in the data. Incorrect data could cost the organization greatly. The data can be used to detect fraud, as well as exploring science. The Business Analyst must delete the data that cannot be used. The data produced patterns is then analyzed. Then information is forwarded to the appropriate people. The information is used to create a plan. The role of a Business Analyst is valuable. So are the tools they use. Multipolar Analytics A system that collects data, then analyze it in multiple places in the organization is using Multipolar Analytics. The exact system component will vary depending on the type of data and analysis the system will need to output. The Multipolar Analysis include systems that use traditional operational Get more content on
  • 16. Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay A Taste of Shakespeare– 'Romeo and Juliet' William Shakespeare is widely known for all of his literary works; one of his most famous love tragedies being 'Romeo and Juliet'. A Shakespearean definition of tragedy exemplifies the sense that human beings are inevitably doomed through their own failures or errors, the ironic action of their virtues, or even through the nature of fate and destiny (Sayour, Susan, 2007). Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale based on two young star–crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. Throughout the play, Shakespeare intentionally draws on text structures and language features in order to replicate the attitudes, values and beliefs of Elizabethan audiences and intertwine it into more content... However, Juliet soon stumbles upon her fate when she finally meets Romeo and instantly falls in love with him, despite him being the son of her family's enemy. Shakespeare's text structure depicts Juliet as someone who is reckless, and does not stop long enough to evaluate the full consequences of her actions. "Farewell!–God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins. That almost freezes up the heat of life. I'll call them back again to comfort me. – Nurse!–what should she do here" (4:3:14–18). Shakespeare uses paradox, hyperbole, apostrophe and oxymoron to convey the violence of emotions in Romeo and Juliet as also the 'sweet lyricism of young passionate love' (Albertan A, 2003). His clever use of dramatic structure enables the audience to switch between comedy and tragedy to heighten the tension, leading up to the heartrending climax. "O, look! Methinks I see my cousin's ghost Seeking out Romeo that did spit his body, upon a rapier's point: – stay, Tybalt, stay!" (4:3:19–21). This apostrophe is a solitary example of the establishment of tragedy within the play, showing how two star–crossed lovers have a destiny with death. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is undeniably one of the most eminent tales of tragedy ever written. Act 4, Scene 3 has ingeniously demonstrated how the plot and themes, and characterization Get more content on
  • 17. Rhetorical Analysis Sample Instant Message for an Instant Enhancement Jenna Wortham, the author of "I Had A Nice Time with You Tonight, on the App," writes about technology for the New York Times. Wortham's work has appeared in Bust magazine, Vogue, and Wind. She is a cofounder of the zine, Girl Crush. This column first appeared in the New York Times on April 6, 2014. In the article "I Had A Nice Time with You Tonight, On the App," Wortham writes about her experiences with apps allowing for communication and suggests that technology is necessary to maintain relationships particularly long–distance ones. She explains that her smartphone apps allowed her to maintain and improve relationships with her long–distance boyfriend as well as her nearby friends and family because more content... Being published in a newspaper column, Wortham writes in a less formal language to explain her thoughts on communication through smartphone applications. By including personal stories behind her usage of technology, she is able to reflect on those and validate her opinion of messaging apps. She is able to connect with their reader on a more personal level because the reader can relate to her experiences. Due an excessive amount of technology use from people of all ages, Wortham's article can reach anyone that uses messaging applications including couples of all ages. She does not single out long distance couples because she also includes the benefits of having these applications with family, friends, and coworkers. In her essay, Wortham straightforwardly states her thoughts on apps such as Facebook messenger, Snapchat, and even Tinder, leaving no room for the reader to become confused. In addition to her own opinions and statistics from Pew Research Center, she uses Sherry Turkle, who disagrees with messaging applications, to acknowledge that both sides understand that there is not an application on our smartphone that can replace a face–to–face Get more content on
  • 18. Analytical Essay Discourses have powerful social effects and can empower some, while marginalizing others. In the texts Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding the dominant discourse is relationship. The audience is positioned to see Josh Tambling from Lost Property as having tough relationships as he is the one who is expected to pull through. While Muriel Heslop from Muriel's Wedding is portrayed as unreliable and selfish as the story is told. In the early stages of both texts it is obvious that Josh and Muriel have different relationships, as Josh is respected and dependable while Muriel is rejected and a failure. Josh is trustworthy towards his friends which make him respected in his relationships. For instance, he shows his loyal and respectable more content... Michael, Josh's older brother finally comes home, not by himself though, he ends up bringing his girlfriend and with them their new born son. "Mum and Dad, this is Kelly," Michael says proudly, "and this one your grandson, Stuart." (p266). On the other hand, Muriel's Wedding ends unfortunately with Muriel's mother dying as she commits suicide from the pressure of her depression. But not all is bad for Muriel as she returns to Sydney with her friend Rhonda, after she is in a wheelchair from not recovering from her cancer. Although both texts end in a different way, the audience is still positioned to see Josh and Muriel as people who have difficult relationships but in the end rewarding. In conclusion, both Lost Property and Muriel's Wedding mobilize the discourse of relationships. The reader is positioned to see Josh and Muriel as being pleasing people, who would do everything for their friendships. Throughout both texts Josh and Muriel are constructed as characters who display loyalty and respect towards their friends, supporting them through the harsh periods in their Get more content on
  • 19. Art Analysis Essay Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed, these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker or lighter colors can play a role in how more content... The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain, consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of years later. The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights Get more content on
  • 20. Decision-Making Model Analysis Essay example Decision–Making Model Analysis Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! How do you make decisions? Have you ever asked yourself, "How did I make that decision?" Whether big or small, important or not so important, decision making is a process. Some people way the pros and cons while others may just flip a coin. Are decisions based on feelings, outcomes or information? Often times if we just go with our gut feeling will be miss out on important information that should be included in our decision. Decision–making can be a cognitive process of selecting a course of action form various options. Some of us are logical. Some of us are risk taking. Either way such characteristics play a role in our decisions. In my experience decision–making more content... Step One is to identify the decision to be made. In my case, the decision was whether to take a new job opportunity or remain in my existing position. Step Two is to do a self assessment. At this point, I began to consider my needs and wants. Would the new opportunity really be something I would enjoy? Would it be challenging? This particular new opportunity was an office position. I am accustomed to working in the field. So I had to ask myself how will I adapt to the everyday office environment. Step Three is to identify the options. I began to gather information about other potential opportunities that may soon be an option. Should I settle for this opportunity or what for one more suitable for me, is a question I proposed to myself. Step Four is to gather information and data. I reviewed the salary potential of the job opportunity. I considered the current salary and potential future salary increase. Step Five is to evaluate options that will solve the problem. In trying to make my decision, I listed the pros and cons. I thought about the potential disadvantages of leaving my current position. Step Six is to select on of the options. At this point, Roberts believes you should have enough information to choose an option. In my decision, I had all the information I needed to make my decision. While, the new opportunity offered a higher salary, the responsibilities where not tasks of interest. Step Seven is to design a course of action to Get more content on