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Analysis of Recipe Cards.

    Stephanie Westerman
Festive Filo Pillow –
 Front page.            The writing style that has been used on this card is clear and easy to read, to do
                        this they have made the font quite big and done it so that it’s a bold colour that
                        stands out from the rest of the card.
                        In the image on the front of this page they have also used a shallow depth of
                        field, this means that whatever is in the front of the image is clear and
                        whatever’s in the background has been blurred so that all your attention is
                        focusing on what's in front rather than behind.
                        The use of a big image will also give the audience a idea of what the food is
                        without actually reading about it, it will help to catch the audiences eye.

                        By the food being cut open or looking as if half of it’s been eaten it will give
                        people a rough idea of the kind of ingredience that’s in the food.
                        The company logo is also on the page. This will show the audience which
                        company has made the food and it also shows that the food will be vegetarian.
                        By using the word ‘seasonal’ it shows that it’s a important time of year for
                        They have also used the word ‘sumptuous’ by using this word it’s showing that
                        the food is fancy and luxurious.
                        By using the colour gold its giving people the idea that it’s a Christmas
                        meal, this will also happen because they have used a spiral swirly design which
                        gives the card a Christmassy feel.
                        To stick with the Christmas feel/theme they have also used golden tones in the
                        food, as you can see in the background they have also used greens which is
                        another Christmassy colour, this could be to represent a Christmas tree.
How does the overall layout look?
I feel that the overall layout of this image isn’t too good, I think this because it’s supposed to be a Christmas
      theme and it doesn’t look like it on the card. I think that they could have used more colours, for example
      red, a traditional Christmas colour.

The look of the layout is also quite simple and like there's not been much effort put in to making the front of
     the card, there’s nothing interesting on it to make it stand out from the rest.
    It all looks a bit too tidy and like there's not much too it, just a image with the name of the food on the top
     and then the logo and a slogan to go with it. They could have made it look more Christmassy with maybe
     some snowflakes, a red background, and snowmen, etc.
Festive Filo Pillow –
 Back Page.
                        The picture of the meal is shown to remind the audience of what it is they are
                        cooking and what it looks like without having to keep turning the page over.
                        Showing how many people the meal will serve so that the audience will know.
                        Preparation time and cooking time is a important thing for the audience to
                        know so that the meal is cooked correctly, by showing this it make sure that
                        they make the food correctly.
                        ‘CAN BE VEGAN’, this is a good thing to point out so that its not just specifically
                        for vegetarians.
                        To stick with the Christmas theme they have also used babuls, they have
                        also used a golden colour to give it even more of a Christmassy effect.
                        Stuck with the gold colours for the subtitles so that there's a running theme.
                        Gives a list of other things to do if there’s some left over ingredients.
                        Gives a website for vegetarians to go for more meals.
How does the overall layout look?

Again I feel that they layout for this image is too dull and boring to say that it’s supposed to be a Christmas
    theme, a happy time of the year. I think that they could have added more to the card so that it looked
    more seasonal, like snowmen and Santa's.

Looking at the card I do like how they’ve stuck with the colours they’ve used, purple and gold, because it makes
    the card look more professional, though purple again isn’t a Christmassy colour it’s more of a Halloween
    colour so they could do with re-thinking about the colours they have chose. They could have put some
    more Christmas colours in, for example, red. This is a traditional colour for this time of year.

Who is the Target Audience?
The target audience for this card is Vegetarians and Vegans, simply because of the fact that there is no meat
in the meal and because there isn’t anything that comes from animals in the recipe.
Not only can you tell it’s for vegans as well because of what's in it, you can also tell because on the back of
the card it says ‘CAN BE VEGAN’.

The target age for this group I would say is middle age and the older generation, you can tell this because of
the way that the page has been done and because of how formal it looks. You can defiantly tell that it’s not
for children because there’s no images or anything on the card to even represent children in the slightest.
Raspberry, marzipan & brandy ice cream
with lemon palmers –
 Front page.
                       The title of the food so the audience knows what it is they are going to be
                       The writing on the card is easy to see and stands out well from the rest of
                       the image.
                       The colour of the ice cream and the colour of the text also ties in together
                       because they are both similar colours.
                       The colours that have been used fit in with the image on the front of the card
                       because they have used the colour red which is the same as the colour of the
                       The image has also been taken using a shallow depth of field, you can see this
                       because this time the foreground is quite burred and the center of the image is
                       clear there's no blur.
                        The company logo is on the front of the page to show who's recipe the food
                        is. This is good because the audience might want to know who's made the
                        recipe because they might only eat food made by certain people.

                        The layout of this card is simple yet busy, this is because the top and bottom
                        of the card is nice and simple to look at whereas the middle of the card has
                        a image which is quite busy to look at.
How does the overall layout of this page look?

I think that the overall layout of this page is really good because I like how the card looks tidy and professional
      but at the same time busy. I think that this is good because the audience wont get bored of looking at the
      card there is always something new to look at.

This card is also strong because of how they’ve used the colours to make the card look stronger, they have
     done this by using colours as close at they can to the actual colour of the food.
Raspberry, marzipan & brandy ice cream
with lemon palmers –
 back page.
                       The title on the top of the page will constantly show the audience what it is
                       they are going to be cooking.
                       The preparation, cooking, chilling and freezing time have been written down
                       so that the audience know what time scale they have.
                       The amount of people the food serves has also been written down so that the
                       audience will have a idea of how many they can serve.

                       The title of the food being made has been written again so that’s more
                       reminders of what the person is going to be cooking. Though this isn’t as
                       noticeable because they’ve used a pale colour which blends in to the
                       A image of the food has been put on the back again to keep reminding the
                       audience of what it is they are going to be cooking, although this time the
                       image has some of the information cropped out of it so that you can see more
                       detail in the image.
                        A email address, telephone number and charity number has been given so
                        that they can gain access to more ‘meat free’ recipe’s.
                       Company logo on the image again.
                       The colour theme has stayed the same throughout the card.

                       The font that has been used is clear and easy for the audience to read.
How does the overall layout of this page look?
I feel that overall this is the best card that I’ve seen, this is because everything is set out nicely meaning its not
      difficult to read.

There has also been a running theme throughout the card with the colours red and white which I think helps
    the card to look stronger and more confident in a way.

The only thing I don’t like about this card is how the logo has been put on the back of the card because I think it
    makes the card look a bit messy and the logo just looks out of place.

Who is the target audience?
I think that the target audience for this is vegetarian because there’s ice cream in the dessert which means the
milk to make it would come from a cow so this shows that the dessert isn’t for of how everything has been set

I think that the age group for this card would be middle age and elderly because of the way the cards been set
out again and how formal it is.
I don’t think its for young adults because the colours that have been used are quite sensible and aren't bright
and bold, because the writing on the back of the card down the right hand side of the page is all fancy this also
makes me think that this food isn’t for young people although it could be.

I also think that the gender for this group is more women because men don’t really seem to eat ice cream it’s
more the women that go for this type of dessert.
Vegetarian pregnancy, vegetarian babies –
 Front page.
                      The writing is clear and stands out from the rest of the cover so it will be
                      easy for the audience to read.
                      The plain background looks quite boring and dull to look at which could
                      put the audience off if they think that the book is going to be boring to
                      A example of vegetarian food has been put on the front cover.

                      Parents holding there babies looking proud to be vegetarians, this might
                      make people that aren’t vegetarians want to try new things.
                      The card has the photo’s set up neatly in to different sections for different
                      people showing the progress.
                      The top row is for the man and his baby, the middle is for a woman and her
                      baby and the same for the bottom row.

                      The card is informing the reader that the card isn’t just for them it’s for
                      there baby as well.
                      The company logo on the front of the card showing who’s made it.

                      The colour of the banner fits in with the colour of the company logo.
How does the overall layout of this page look?

I think that the overall layout of this page is again quite boring because they’ve not used many colours.

I like how the pictures have been sectioned off in to different things, for example,
The top row is a man with his baby, the second row is a woman and her baby and the same for the bottom row.
      As if the photographer is following there life story and progress with the baby.
On the images of the parents with their children they also look quite happy as well, this could be because of
      what they are eating, trying to influence others.
Vegetarian pregnancy, vegetarian babies –
 Back page.
                     Kept the same kind of colour theme apart from this is a lighter green.
                     Subtitle stating what topic they are going to be talking about so that the
                     audience knows rather than them just changing subject and being confused
                     as to what they are talking about.
                     Diagram showing the kinds of things people should be eating to have a
                     healthy diet and how much they should be eating.
                     Telling the audience about the things in the different sections and what
                     you should and shouldn’t do when eating them.
                     The writing stands out and is easy and relaxing for the reader to read.
                     The subtitle has been wrote in a different colour so that the audience knows
                     that they are moving on to something else.
                     The colours around the edge of the images are close to to the colour of
                     the actual image. This makes the page look a bit more interesting for the
                     The writing in the text is also feminine, you can see this because of the way
                     some of the lettering has smooth curves on it, this would be called sans-serif.
                     The article is talking about being healthy, so because of this they have done a
                     big section full of fruit, your eye is also drawn to it not only because of that
                     but because its brighter than the other sections.
How does the overall layout of this page look?
The layout is boring, plain and simple. They may have done this because with pregnancy your eyes can
     sometimes become sensitive so if there was a lot on the page it might be too much to look at so I can see
     why it’s been done like it has.

The article is about pregnancy so obviously the book will be for women but for some reason they have used
    green as there colour theme which I think is weird, they could have used a more feminine colour like pink
    and purple so its suited to them more.

Who is the target audience?
The target audience for this book will obviously be women.

The age group for this book will be young adults to middle age.

This article is also fit to both vegetarians and vegans because it has something in there for both of them, for
-Fruit (Vegan and Vegetarian).
-Bread (Vegetarian).
-Milk (vegetarian).
-Fizzy drinks (vegan and Vegetarian)

Perfect Pasta –
 Page one.
                  By writing ‘Perfect Pasta’ on the front cover it’s not only telling the audience
                  what the dish is called, it’s also telling the audience or giving them the idea
                  that the pasta is perfect.
                  The depth of field has been changed on this so that the subject in front of the
                  camera is clear and so that whatever is in the background is blurred out, making
                  your eyes look at what’s in front rather than behind.
                  The meal looks like it would be for young adults of children because of the
                  polka-dot plate and also because if you look at the end of the fork there’s a
                  smiley face, making the card look playful or immature.
                  The amount of people the food serves, prep time, and cooking time has also
                  been written so that the reader is informed about how many they can feed and
                  how much time they will need to create the meal.
                  The ingredience for the meal has also been written in bold so that it stands out
                  from the rest of the card and is noticeable for the reader.
                  The title of the dish has also been written down again but this time it has
                  additional information about the food.
                  The text has also been done in bubble writing and looks like it has been colored
                  in by a child, proving that this is more for the younger generation.
                  The colour scheme that has been chosen is green, this could be so that it
                  matches the table mat.
How does the overall layout look?

I think that the the overall layout is ok but not the best I’ve seen after doing analysis’ on others.

The card is easy to read as it has been put In to different paragraphs/sections so it isn’t confusing for the
    reader. They have also made it easier to read by putting the ingredience in bold.

The image of the food also looks quite squished so they could have taken a bit more space so to make it look

Who is the target audience?
I think the target audience for this card is young adults that haven’t quite matured yet or children. This is
because the bubble writing that goes down the side of the page looks quite child-like because of the way that
It’s been colored in, they have also made the card look child-like because of the fact that they have used a
polka-dot plate rather than a plain one.

I think that this meal is fit to both boys and girls because it isn’t showing any segregation between the two, but
if you concentrate the fork has a smiley face on the end of it which is blue and also the colour green is quite a
masculine colour.

This food can be for Vegans and Vegetarians, though it can only be for Vegans depending on how the pasta is
made, if it has eggs in then they won’t be able to eat the product.
Strawberry Knickerbocker Cheesecake –
 Page one.
                   Large image on the page, this is good because the audience can see what the
                   dessert is straight away but it is also silly at the same time because they could
                   have made it smaller so that they could put writing on it rather than two sides.

                   The focus of the image has been changed to a shallow depth of field so that
                   the front ice cream is in focus and the back one isn’t.
                   A minimal palette has been used so that the image looks more professional.
                   The colour of the table is also the same colour as the biscuit in the bottom of
                   the ice cream.
                   They could have used red spoons to bring the colour of the spoon and
                   strawberries together.
How does the overall layout of this page look?
The layout of this page is ok, there's not really much too it so there's nothing really I can say about it, just

Its good how they have tied in the colours of the background and spoons with the colours of the dessert.

Who is the target audience?
 The target audience for this dessert is vegetarians, this is because they can eat things like milk, which is in the
 ice cream whereas vegans cant, so unfortunately this dessert wont be for them.

 I also think that the target gender for this dessert is women, simply because the dessert is feminine and it’s
 really masculine enough for men, although they could have it if they wanted too. The spoons are also red and
 pink so this will push this dessert more towards women than men.

 The target age for this could be any age women/girl, this is because its something fun to make and it looks
 elegant and sophisticated yet childish at the same time.
Strawberry Knickerbocker glory –
 Back page.
                    The title of the dessert on the back page again so that the reader is constantly
                    being told what it is they are making.
                    The serving amount, preparation time. This will allow the reader to know what
                    time scale they will be working with and also how many they can serve.
                    The text for the page has also been done in red, this ties in with the colour of the
                    strawberries and also gives the reader the idea of what colour the dessert is
                    going to be.
                    The ingredience has also been listed so that the reader knows what they are
                    going to need to make the dessert.
                    By displaying the word ‘YUM!’ it will give people the idea that the dessert is
                    delicious so that it will make them more anxious to try it.
                    A picture of some of the ingredience that is going to be used will also tell the
                    reader what in it before reading in to it.
                    The card also gives a description of how to make the dessert and what
                    equipment you will need to use to make it.
                    Tips are also given to help the audience make the dessert quicker and easier.
                    Sans-serif font has also been used, this is more a feminine font as well
                    because of the flicks on some of the letters.
How does the overall layout look?
I think the overall layout of this card is simple yet cute, there's nice colours in there and also some creativity
      with the drawing of the strawberry on the back page.
They have also made it look cute because of the shades of colours that they have used, they aren’t too harsh
      they are nice toned down colours.

Who is the target audience?
The target audience for this is females, I think this because there aren’t any masculine tones in the card, they
are all red’s, pink’s and only a little bit of blue.

The target age for this group I would say is young children, middle age and elderly because it’s something fun
for everyone to do and the layout looks as if it fits to all ages.

This dessert is also for vegetarians, this is because it has all the things that they can eat, whereas vegans can’t
because of the cream as the stuff to make the cream would be coming from a cow.
Quick Korma –
 First Page.
                The title of the main has been written at the bottom of the page rather than
                the top, this might make it less noticeable to the audience.
                The image in the middle of the page has also been made 3D, I don’t think
                that this looks very professional, it looks as if someone has been asked to
                make a card as a amateur and made it 3D.
                The place matt on the table is also the same colour as the korma which I
                think works well and ties the two things together.
                The colour of the green beans also fits in with the colour of the logo as they
                are both green.
                The rice and the rest of the food has been split in to two different
                half’s, giving the idea that the picture has been split in half.
                The food also looks quite greasy in the image because of the way the light
                is bouncing off parts of it.
                The background of the image is quite detailed giving the eye lots to look
                at, this means that the card is busy.
                The colour of the title of the desert is also the same colour as the place
                matt in the image and the food.
                The logo is on the bottom left hand of the page so that the audience know
                which company made the main.
How does the overall layout look?

The layout of this card looks quite unprofessional and tacky so for that reason I really don’t like this card at all, I
     think that it is the worst one I’ve analyzed.

Its good how they have used specific colours to match the food but other than that I don’t like anything about
      the card.
Quick Korma –
 Page two.
                The orange theme has been kept though the card.
                On the top right hand side of the page it tells you how many people it
                serves so that the audience knows.
                The title of the main is again on the top of the page so that the
                reader is being reminded of what it is they are making.
                A description of how to make the main in 3 steps is given, this will
                make it easier for the reader and quicker for them to make.
                It gives you a simple list of the ingredience you will need, this will
                make it also easier for the reader to see and know what they need
                A list of new things to try, this will be good for the audience if they are
                bored of having the same kind of korma.
                Preparation and cooking time is given again so that they know how
                to cook the food correctly and how long it will take to make.
                A part of the ingredience has been placed on the page, this could have
                been smaller so that it doesn’t take up as much space so that there is
                more room for text.
How does the overall layout of this image look?

The layout of this image has been poorly done. It looks unprofessional like a miner has done it.

I don’t like how on the back page they have used a high quality photograph of a piece of broccoli as I don’t
     think it look as if it fits in compared to everything else, this is because everything else has been done

Who is the target audience?
The target audience for this Is more men than women, this is because women don’t tend to eat spicy food’s its
more the men that do.
Also masculine colours have been used so this pushed the food more towards the male society.

The age group for this could be middle aged or elderly, just because of the type of food it is.

This mean is also for vegetarians and vegans, this is because there's nothing in this mean that’s made from
animals at all its all fresh food that is to be hand made yourself.

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Analysis of recipe cards

  • 1. Analysis of Recipe Cards. Stephanie Westerman
  • 2. Festive Filo Pillow – Front page. The writing style that has been used on this card is clear and easy to read, to do this they have made the font quite big and done it so that it’s a bold colour that stands out from the rest of the card. In the image on the front of this page they have also used a shallow depth of field, this means that whatever is in the front of the image is clear and whatever’s in the background has been blurred so that all your attention is focusing on what's in front rather than behind. The use of a big image will also give the audience a idea of what the food is without actually reading about it, it will help to catch the audiences eye. By the food being cut open or looking as if half of it’s been eaten it will give people a rough idea of the kind of ingredience that’s in the food. The company logo is also on the page. This will show the audience which company has made the food and it also shows that the food will be vegetarian. By using the word ‘seasonal’ it shows that it’s a important time of year for everybody. They have also used the word ‘sumptuous’ by using this word it’s showing that the food is fancy and luxurious. By using the colour gold its giving people the idea that it’s a Christmas meal, this will also happen because they have used a spiral swirly design which gives the card a Christmassy feel. To stick with the Christmas feel/theme they have also used golden tones in the food, as you can see in the background they have also used greens which is another Christmassy colour, this could be to represent a Christmas tree.
  • 3. How does the overall layout look? I feel that the overall layout of this image isn’t too good, I think this because it’s supposed to be a Christmas theme and it doesn’t look like it on the card. I think that they could have used more colours, for example red, a traditional Christmas colour. The look of the layout is also quite simple and like there's not been much effort put in to making the front of the card, there’s nothing interesting on it to make it stand out from the rest. It all looks a bit too tidy and like there's not much too it, just a image with the name of the food on the top and then the logo and a slogan to go with it. They could have made it look more Christmassy with maybe some snowflakes, a red background, and snowmen, etc.
  • 4. Festive Filo Pillow – Back Page. The picture of the meal is shown to remind the audience of what it is they are cooking and what it looks like without having to keep turning the page over. Showing how many people the meal will serve so that the audience will know. Preparation time and cooking time is a important thing for the audience to know so that the meal is cooked correctly, by showing this it make sure that they make the food correctly. ‘CAN BE VEGAN’, this is a good thing to point out so that its not just specifically for vegetarians. To stick with the Christmas theme they have also used babuls, they have also used a golden colour to give it even more of a Christmassy effect. Stuck with the gold colours for the subtitles so that there's a running theme. Gives a list of other things to do if there’s some left over ingredients. Gives a website for vegetarians to go for more meals.
  • 5. How does the overall layout look? Again I feel that they layout for this image is too dull and boring to say that it’s supposed to be a Christmas theme, a happy time of the year. I think that they could have added more to the card so that it looked more seasonal, like snowmen and Santa's. Looking at the card I do like how they’ve stuck with the colours they’ve used, purple and gold, because it makes the card look more professional, though purple again isn’t a Christmassy colour it’s more of a Halloween colour so they could do with re-thinking about the colours they have chose. They could have put some more Christmas colours in, for example, red. This is a traditional colour for this time of year. Who is the Target Audience? The target audience for this card is Vegetarians and Vegans, simply because of the fact that there is no meat in the meal and because there isn’t anything that comes from animals in the recipe. Not only can you tell it’s for vegans as well because of what's in it, you can also tell because on the back of the card it says ‘CAN BE VEGAN’. The target age for this group I would say is middle age and the older generation, you can tell this because of the way that the page has been done and because of how formal it looks. You can defiantly tell that it’s not for children because there’s no images or anything on the card to even represent children in the slightest.
  • 6. Raspberry, marzipan & brandy ice cream with lemon palmers – Front page. The title of the food so the audience knows what it is they are going to be eating/cooking. The writing on the card is easy to see and stands out well from the rest of the image. The colour of the ice cream and the colour of the text also ties in together because they are both similar colours. The colours that have been used fit in with the image on the front of the card because they have used the colour red which is the same as the colour of the raspberries. The image has also been taken using a shallow depth of field, you can see this because this time the foreground is quite burred and the center of the image is clear there's no blur. The company logo is on the front of the page to show who's recipe the food is. This is good because the audience might want to know who's made the recipe because they might only eat food made by certain people. The layout of this card is simple yet busy, this is because the top and bottom of the card is nice and simple to look at whereas the middle of the card has a image which is quite busy to look at.
  • 7. How does the overall layout of this page look? I think that the overall layout of this page is really good because I like how the card looks tidy and professional but at the same time busy. I think that this is good because the audience wont get bored of looking at the card there is always something new to look at. This card is also strong because of how they’ve used the colours to make the card look stronger, they have done this by using colours as close at they can to the actual colour of the food.
  • 8. Raspberry, marzipan & brandy ice cream with lemon palmers – back page. The title on the top of the page will constantly show the audience what it is they are going to be cooking. The preparation, cooking, chilling and freezing time have been written down so that the audience know what time scale they have. The amount of people the food serves has also been written down so that the audience will have a idea of how many they can serve. The title of the food being made has been written again so that’s more reminders of what the person is going to be cooking. Though this isn’t as noticeable because they’ve used a pale colour which blends in to the background. A image of the food has been put on the back again to keep reminding the audience of what it is they are going to be cooking, although this time the image has some of the information cropped out of it so that you can see more detail in the image. A email address, telephone number and charity number has been given so that they can gain access to more ‘meat free’ recipe’s. Company logo on the image again. The colour theme has stayed the same throughout the card. The font that has been used is clear and easy for the audience to read.
  • 9. How does the overall layout of this page look? I feel that overall this is the best card that I’ve seen, this is because everything is set out nicely meaning its not difficult to read. There has also been a running theme throughout the card with the colours red and white which I think helps the card to look stronger and more confident in a way. The only thing I don’t like about this card is how the logo has been put on the back of the card because I think it makes the card look a bit messy and the logo just looks out of place. Who is the target audience? I think that the target audience for this is vegetarian because there’s ice cream in the dessert which means the milk to make it would come from a cow so this shows that the dessert isn’t for of how everything has been set out. I think that the age group for this card would be middle age and elderly because of the way the cards been set out again and how formal it is. I don’t think its for young adults because the colours that have been used are quite sensible and aren't bright and bold, because the writing on the back of the card down the right hand side of the page is all fancy this also makes me think that this food isn’t for young people although it could be. I also think that the gender for this group is more women because men don’t really seem to eat ice cream it’s more the women that go for this type of dessert.
  • 10. Vegetarian pregnancy, vegetarian babies – Front page. The writing is clear and stands out from the rest of the cover so it will be easy for the audience to read. The plain background looks quite boring and dull to look at which could put the audience off if they think that the book is going to be boring to read. A example of vegetarian food has been put on the front cover. Parents holding there babies looking proud to be vegetarians, this might make people that aren’t vegetarians want to try new things. The card has the photo’s set up neatly in to different sections for different people showing the progress. The top row is for the man and his baby, the middle is for a woman and her baby and the same for the bottom row. The card is informing the reader that the card isn’t just for them it’s for there baby as well. The company logo on the front of the card showing who’s made it. The colour of the banner fits in with the colour of the company logo.
  • 11. How does the overall layout of this page look? I think that the overall layout of this page is again quite boring because they’ve not used many colours. I like how the pictures have been sectioned off in to different things, for example, The top row is a man with his baby, the second row is a woman and her baby and the same for the bottom row. As if the photographer is following there life story and progress with the baby. On the images of the parents with their children they also look quite happy as well, this could be because of what they are eating, trying to influence others.
  • 12. Vegetarian pregnancy, vegetarian babies – Back page. Kept the same kind of colour theme apart from this is a lighter green. Subtitle stating what topic they are going to be talking about so that the audience knows rather than them just changing subject and being confused as to what they are talking about. Diagram showing the kinds of things people should be eating to have a healthy diet and how much they should be eating. Telling the audience about the things in the different sections and what you should and shouldn’t do when eating them. The writing stands out and is easy and relaxing for the reader to read. The subtitle has been wrote in a different colour so that the audience knows that they are moving on to something else. The colours around the edge of the images are close to to the colour of the actual image. This makes the page look a bit more interesting for the audience. The writing in the text is also feminine, you can see this because of the way some of the lettering has smooth curves on it, this would be called sans-serif. The article is talking about being healthy, so because of this they have done a big section full of fruit, your eye is also drawn to it not only because of that but because its brighter than the other sections.
  • 13. How does the overall layout of this page look? The layout is boring, plain and simple. They may have done this because with pregnancy your eyes can sometimes become sensitive so if there was a lot on the page it might be too much to look at so I can see why it’s been done like it has. The article is about pregnancy so obviously the book will be for women but for some reason they have used green as there colour theme which I think is weird, they could have used a more feminine colour like pink and purple so its suited to them more. Who is the target audience? The target audience for this book will obviously be women. The age group for this book will be young adults to middle age. This article is also fit to both vegetarians and vegans because it has something in there for both of them, for example, -Fruit (Vegan and Vegetarian). -Bread (Vegetarian). -Milk (vegetarian). -Fizzy drinks (vegan and Vegetarian) ETC.
  • 14. Perfect Pasta – Page one. By writing ‘Perfect Pasta’ on the front cover it’s not only telling the audience what the dish is called, it’s also telling the audience or giving them the idea that the pasta is perfect. The depth of field has been changed on this so that the subject in front of the camera is clear and so that whatever is in the background is blurred out, making your eyes look at what’s in front rather than behind. The meal looks like it would be for young adults of children because of the polka-dot plate and also because if you look at the end of the fork there’s a smiley face, making the card look playful or immature. The amount of people the food serves, prep time, and cooking time has also been written so that the reader is informed about how many they can feed and how much time they will need to create the meal. The ingredience for the meal has also been written in bold so that it stands out from the rest of the card and is noticeable for the reader. The title of the dish has also been written down again but this time it has additional information about the food. The text has also been done in bubble writing and looks like it has been colored in by a child, proving that this is more for the younger generation. The colour scheme that has been chosen is green, this could be so that it matches the table mat.
  • 15. How does the overall layout look? I think that the the overall layout is ok but not the best I’ve seen after doing analysis’ on others. The card is easy to read as it has been put In to different paragraphs/sections so it isn’t confusing for the reader. They have also made it easier to read by putting the ingredience in bold. The image of the food also looks quite squished so they could have taken a bit more space so to make it look better. Who is the target audience? I think the target audience for this card is young adults that haven’t quite matured yet or children. This is because the bubble writing that goes down the side of the page looks quite child-like because of the way that It’s been colored in, they have also made the card look child-like because of the fact that they have used a polka-dot plate rather than a plain one. I think that this meal is fit to both boys and girls because it isn’t showing any segregation between the two, but if you concentrate the fork has a smiley face on the end of it which is blue and also the colour green is quite a masculine colour. This food can be for Vegans and Vegetarians, though it can only be for Vegans depending on how the pasta is made, if it has eggs in then they won’t be able to eat the product.
  • 16. Strawberry Knickerbocker Cheesecake – Page one. Large image on the page, this is good because the audience can see what the dessert is straight away but it is also silly at the same time because they could have made it smaller so that they could put writing on it rather than two sides. The focus of the image has been changed to a shallow depth of field so that the front ice cream is in focus and the back one isn’t. A minimal palette has been used so that the image looks more professional. The colour of the table is also the same colour as the biscuit in the bottom of the ice cream. They could have used red spoons to bring the colour of the spoon and strawberries together.
  • 17. How does the overall layout of this page look? The layout of this page is ok, there's not really much too it so there's nothing really I can say about it, just boring. Its good how they have tied in the colours of the background and spoons with the colours of the dessert. Who is the target audience? The target audience for this dessert is vegetarians, this is because they can eat things like milk, which is in the ice cream whereas vegans cant, so unfortunately this dessert wont be for them. I also think that the target gender for this dessert is women, simply because the dessert is feminine and it’s really masculine enough for men, although they could have it if they wanted too. The spoons are also red and pink so this will push this dessert more towards women than men. The target age for this could be any age women/girl, this is because its something fun to make and it looks elegant and sophisticated yet childish at the same time.
  • 18. Strawberry Knickerbocker glory – Back page. The title of the dessert on the back page again so that the reader is constantly being told what it is they are making. The serving amount, preparation time. This will allow the reader to know what time scale they will be working with and also how many they can serve. The text for the page has also been done in red, this ties in with the colour of the strawberries and also gives the reader the idea of what colour the dessert is going to be. The ingredience has also been listed so that the reader knows what they are going to need to make the dessert. By displaying the word ‘YUM!’ it will give people the idea that the dessert is delicious so that it will make them more anxious to try it. A picture of some of the ingredience that is going to be used will also tell the reader what in it before reading in to it. The card also gives a description of how to make the dessert and what equipment you will need to use to make it. Tips are also given to help the audience make the dessert quicker and easier. Sans-serif font has also been used, this is more a feminine font as well because of the flicks on some of the letters.
  • 19. How does the overall layout look? I think the overall layout of this card is simple yet cute, there's nice colours in there and also some creativity with the drawing of the strawberry on the back page. They have also made it look cute because of the shades of colours that they have used, they aren’t too harsh they are nice toned down colours. Who is the target audience? The target audience for this is females, I think this because there aren’t any masculine tones in the card, they are all red’s, pink’s and only a little bit of blue. The target age for this group I would say is young children, middle age and elderly because it’s something fun for everyone to do and the layout looks as if it fits to all ages. This dessert is also for vegetarians, this is because it has all the things that they can eat, whereas vegans can’t because of the cream as the stuff to make the cream would be coming from a cow.
  • 20. Quick Korma – First Page. The title of the main has been written at the bottom of the page rather than the top, this might make it less noticeable to the audience. The image in the middle of the page has also been made 3D, I don’t think that this looks very professional, it looks as if someone has been asked to make a card as a amateur and made it 3D. The place matt on the table is also the same colour as the korma which I think works well and ties the two things together. The colour of the green beans also fits in with the colour of the logo as they are both green. The rice and the rest of the food has been split in to two different half’s, giving the idea that the picture has been split in half. The food also looks quite greasy in the image because of the way the light is bouncing off parts of it. The background of the image is quite detailed giving the eye lots to look at, this means that the card is busy. The colour of the title of the desert is also the same colour as the place matt in the image and the food. The logo is on the bottom left hand of the page so that the audience know which company made the main.
  • 21. How does the overall layout look? The layout of this card looks quite unprofessional and tacky so for that reason I really don’t like this card at all, I think that it is the worst one I’ve analyzed. Its good how they have used specific colours to match the food but other than that I don’t like anything about the card.
  • 22. Quick Korma – Page two. The orange theme has been kept though the card. On the top right hand side of the page it tells you how many people it serves so that the audience knows. The title of the main is again on the top of the page so that the reader is being reminded of what it is they are making. A description of how to make the main in 3 steps is given, this will make it easier for the reader and quicker for them to make. It gives you a simple list of the ingredience you will need, this will make it also easier for the reader to see and know what they need quick. A list of new things to try, this will be good for the audience if they are bored of having the same kind of korma. Preparation and cooking time is given again so that they know how to cook the food correctly and how long it will take to make. A part of the ingredience has been placed on the page, this could have been smaller so that it doesn’t take up as much space so that there is more room for text.
  • 23. How does the overall layout of this image look? The layout of this image has been poorly done. It looks unprofessional like a miner has done it. I don’t like how on the back page they have used a high quality photograph of a piece of broccoli as I don’t think it look as if it fits in compared to everything else, this is because everything else has been done graphically. Who is the target audience? The target audience for this Is more men than women, this is because women don’t tend to eat spicy food’s its more the men that do. Also masculine colours have been used so this pushed the food more towards the male society. The age group for this could be middle aged or elderly, just because of the type of food it is. This mean is also for vegetarians and vegans, this is because there's nothing in this mean that’s made from animals at all its all fresh food that is to be hand made yourself.