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Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM)
ISSN: 2455-3689 Volume 1 Issue 4 ǁ June. 2016 ǁ PP 38-50
| Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 38
An Objective Review Of The Organizational Behavior For The Successfulness
And Essential Characteristics On The Performance Of An Organization, Case
Cairo-Amman Bank In Jordan According To The Strategical Thinking And
Yousef Ahmed Hussein AL Safad
(Business Management, / Girne American University, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC))
Abstract : The most important items to be taken into consideration in order to create and maintain a competitive advantage for any
Bank are the strategic thinking and planning as firstly, and secondly is the human resources management. Truly, the consideration
of human capital is in the top list of current managerial bothers in the Banks in all over the world. In spite of the concern of
industries with human resources, the strategic thinking is considered as a glaringly separated from the function. This separation is
apparent in two levels as firstly, nowadays leaders are failing in completely considering strategic thinking effectiveness when they
are planning for long term process. In real case, all administrators avow the importance of strategic thinking in any implementation
process in strategic plans. Where, the triumphant framework seeks to take strategic thinking into considerations during the strategic
formulation process for its importance in each plan. The consideration of the strategic thinking as strengths and weaknesses is
mostly examined as enabling this function which is the responsible for the implementation process of the plan, while it is ignored
within the initial plan stages. In this paper, a survey is conducted in two banks in Jordan as a special case of study in order to
detect the role of strategic thinking and planning on the performance of the banks.
Keywords: Strategic Thinking, Cairo-Amman Bank, Strategic Planning, Organizational Behavior
I. Background
This represents the actual changing around the worldwide business picture and demonstrates the pertinence associated with strategic
leadership rehearses on this perform. Furthermore, a percentage of the issues confronting Cairo-Amman Bank will be portrayed.
Lastly the particular high-risk means, the lack of ideal authority practices in Cairo-Amman Bank association will be defined and
compared with Kuwait Bank in Jordan.
1.2 Statement of Research Problem : Earlier and in addition latest scientific studies help to make in which obvious, there are a
higher outside as well as inside uncertainty because of growing options together with dangers, insufficient the particular Awareness
of requirements along with the genuine companies connected difficulties as well as environment as well as inadequate training
program. Quite a few businesses dedicate many period of time knowing and also re-acting in order to unforeseen modifications as
well as difficulties as opposed to planning on as well as be prepared for all of them. This is just what called uncertainty direction.
Companies grabbed sleeping may dedicate quite a lot of minute, money, and energy experiencing get current. They'll make use of
upwards their particular vigor working with immediate problems with very small energy remaining should be expected as well as
plan for one more problems. This kind of aggressive cycle locks Many businesses in to a reactive placement. These studies examine
is always to measure the impact linked to strategic considering business performance, that using the long term increases company
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.3.1 The general Objective :The general objective of this study is to investigate the impact of strategic thinking and its impact on
performance of Cairo-Amman Bank as a special case in Jordan.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives : This study aimed to the following: Identify the level of strategic planning and thinking in the
foundations of the selection and appointment.
1. Recognize the reality of the foundations of application selection and appointment at the Strategical thinking and planning.
2. Measure the degree of influence of the foundations of the selection and classification in human
resource management on the quality of the output provided to customers in the management of human resources.
3. The possibility of obtaining results from which to formulate some recommendations that will
help decision-makers to continually develop its branches.
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| Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 39
1.4 Significance of the Study : In this section, the findings of this study are predictable to help multi-groups of people:
Researcher :This study will give the ability to the researcher to achieve his diploma in Business Management. Moreover, it is the
first requirement for the partial fulfillment of this diploma in Business Management. Finally, the researcher will understand the
effects of strategic thinking and how they can impact on the organizational performance.
Participating Organization : In this part, if the selected organization of this study can be considered by the management of
participating companies, this organization can act as the resource material in order to refer when formulating strategic thinking and
planning. Finally, the selected organization can learn and improve the areas of gaps where weaknesses are detected. Moreover, the
selected organization will be the source of knowledge, as much as it will be used by leaderships as a guide for implementing strategic
thinking and planning.
Other Researchers : For future researchers who are interested in this area can use this work as a reference or literature review for
their research.
To Cairo-Amman Bank : This work will be as a reference in the Bank and a helpful material for employees who are willing to
increase their level and their education in the related studies.
Scholars :As finally, this study will be some benefit scholars, theoretical and practical works in filling the gaps in literature
review as a complete study in the impact factors of strategic thinking and planning on the performance of an organization.
1.5 Limitation of the Study :According to this study, the researcher targeted leaderships, directors, managers and secretaries of the
selected Bank in order to have faster response because of the limited period of the study, there was something called bias on the
provided information, so that they tried to respond positively on the study’s questions. Moreover, one of the faced problem, the
tongue language is the Arabic one, so that the employees in the Bank faced some problems in understanding the meaning of the
questionnaires, the researcher assigned assistants in order to help him in helping the other employees and helping them to
understand the required questions.
1.6 Scope of the Study :This work which is entitled “Strategic thinking and its impact on the performance of an organization”
aimed to report as a survey research in order to identify the roles which played in the performance of an organization to improve and
increase the level of it to a higher situation. Furthermore, limited research has thus far been conducted exactly on the impact of
strategical leadership on the Strategic thinking and its impact on performance of the business organization in Cairo Amman Bank
and the Kuwait Bank. Moreover, according to the gap that culminated, this work aims to answer the research question: “What is the
impact strategical thinking on the performance of this organization”?
II. Introduction
Company behavior research the impact people, clubs, as well as structures possess upon human habits within organizations. It's an
interdisciplinary area that features sociology, Psychology, connection, as well as administration (Anderson et al., 2003). Company
routines suits company basic principle, which will focus on company and also intra-organizational issues, and in addition fits
human-resource research, which may be much more tightly targeted on every day business strategies (Argo et al., 2009). Nowadays,
the new technology using TVs, personnel computers (PCs), network media, internet, pocket tablets, and brief cases, are considered
as the essential means in the success of any organization. These medias became exactly some addict-able systems, so that people
cannot leave them or stop dealing with them (Doherty et al., 2003). While organizational behavior concentrates on the impact factor
of the individuals, groups, and the behavior of the human within any organization (Morris et al., 2012). This study can be considered
as a department which includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management. Moreover, organizational behavior study
also can be considered as the organizational theory which concentrates on the organizational and the intra-organizational items, as
much as the study of the complements of human resources, which concentrates on daily business as shown in Figure 1 (Fogg, 2009).
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Figure 1: Behavior Model According to Fogg Model (Fogg, 2009)
As shown in Figure 1, behavior depends on three items: motivation, ability, and triggers. Moreover, in a successful management not
only the understandable of the technical skills is enough, as much as the continuously competitive and the demanding workplace
which is not available in the managers and their understandable of the technical skills. While, summarizing the roles of managers as
(Fogg, 2009): Managers have ready things through other employees, Decision making, Resource allocating, and Attaining goals by
directing others activities. These points are considered as a social unit with conscious coordinate, which is composed of more than
two people in order to achieve the required goals (Nagel, 2006, and Bakker et al., 2008). Summarizing the functions of management
as (Robbins, 2012 and Nagel, 2006) as shown in Figure 2: Planning, by defining and sharing the goals, strategy establishment, and
plans developments. Organizing, managing the required tasks to be done, assigning these tasks to the employees as group work, and
making decisions, Leading, motivating the employees, directing the other employees, managing and deciding the effective channel
of communication, as much as determining the conflicts between employees, and Controller, controlling all required activities in
order to be sure that all activities are accomplished according to the submitted plans and correcting all considerable perversions.
Where the roles of the managers are classified as:
A.Interpersonal Roles
a. Nominal Leader
b. Leader
c. Contact
B.Information Roles
a. Monitor
b. Propagator
c. Representative
C.Decisional Roles
a. Contractor
b. Problem resolver
c. Distributor of resources
d. Negotiator
3. Triggers
1. Motivation
2. Ability
Target behavior
Low Motivation
High Motivation
Low Ability
High Ability
Increasing likeliness to perform target behavior
4. Triggers
2. Motivation
3. Ability
Target behavior
Low Motivation
High Motivation
w A
High Ability
Increasing likeliness to perform target behavior
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Figure 2: Managing A Learning Organization (Nagel, 2006)
While, organizational behavior which is considered as the applied behavioral science which depends on the contribution obtained by
number of behavioral precisions. The triumphant areas of the organizational behavior are: psychology, sociology, social psychology,
anthropology, and the political items (Bakker et al., 2008). As much as, any organizational behavior can be considered as a
combination of more than one force which has interaction and modification that runs or decide any evolution of that organization at
any time as shown in Figure 3 (Beer, 2010).
Figure 3: Consistence of Organizational Behavior (Beer, 2010)
Nowadays, any successful organization has to enforce its employees to innovation section or this organization will vanish if its
employees are not considered as master the art of change. Any organization’s employees are considered as the impulse of innovation
and the change for that organization (Alvero et al., 2001). Successful organization depends on the manager and his ideas by offering
gifts as well as increasing in the salary for the active employees (Greve, 2003). Nowadays, increasing salaries can be considered as
an old motivation, while offering the employees as the available in Cairo Bank in Jordan a smart phone for each manager, this gives
the employees the power in order to be connected all the time with his/her leader as a feedback, controller, supporter of information,
and helps the manager to give the right decision by taking approve from his leader. While the OB is understood to be the actual
methodical research and application of information about how people as well as organizations act inside the agencies where these
people perform. when critiquing matters for example character as well as motivation, once more critiquing research through the joy
of Mindsets (Ashraf, 2011). The main topics group procedures depend on the concept of sociology. In the section relating to making
decisions, he/she will find the impact regarding overall costs. Any time studying energy and influence inside organizations, he/she
be lent heavily coming from political sciences. Actually medical science plays a role in the concept of organizational behavior,
especially to study regarding anxiety and it is outcomes on people (Bauer et al., 2010).
Establish a Strategy
Redesign the
Organization’s structure
Reshape the
Organization’s culture
Managing Learning
Behavior/Culture Organization DesignPeople
Leader and Top Team
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2.1 Importance of Organizational Behavior : Importance of OB is mattering in three critical levels. This importance because it can
be considered to be all about what human care about. Moreover, OB have the ability to help its users to be a member in the
organization. Obtaining together with others, acquiring a fantastic job, reducing stress stage, producing more efficient selections,
and dealing efficiently inside a team, they are just about all wonderful landmarks, and also OB deals with them (Dhar et al., 2007).
The most common and important items in the personal qualities within the OB are: Skills in communication as oral and written,
Fidelity, Communication between people, Motivation, and Manner.
2.2 Technology Development : Nowadays, the technology the widely increasing and spreading all over the world, it has the most
important role and the effective support by the developed programs. Granters and their agencies militate in order to discover and
invent better response for old and the newer challenges in order to launch in all over the world. Moreover, the technology and its
innovations hold all promises of producing newer solutions in order to be benefit for all people, no matter rich or poor. This appears
from the analytical studies on smart mobiles as mobile-banking in using the biometrics for cash transfer, central of global
developments (CGDs) are helping in order to reshape the integration of the technology and its developments (Gelba et al., 2016).
2.3 Strategic Planning : In reality, it is found that strategic thinking has the negative image in most hospitality organizations,
which is considered as a sad result. While clearly consideration of strategic thinking in any organization as an employee by itself or
even an advocate function which is considered as the softest part of the business. While strategic thinking has several functions of
considerations as: firstly, cost center, so that strategic thinking cannot produce income to the organization, secondly, strategic
thinking can be operated as the administrative support that organizes the organization completely, and thirdly, strategic thinking is
the real responsible item for implementing strategy. The negative image is taken for one of the reasons that the narrow application of
the process of strategic planning which is taken by many leaders. It is well-known that strategic thinking has a subservient role in
any business plan as almost situation, while some situations are taking the strategic thinking into considerations just during the
strategy implementations. In real, the predominant models in any organization planning have to support this disagreement (Luo,
Business models and shapes are widely increasing since so many years as much and more business in order to make more money
within the internet called business model, as much as strategy users. Masanell et al., (2009) briefly examined the definitions of most
used terms business model and strategy. Moreover, as (Seddon et al., 2003 and Masanell et al., 2009) proved that these two terms
are so widely used and till this moment no real and no accurate definition found. In this work, a research is done and more than
millions of the web pages are found using revision of the literature and examining the definitions of leading authors. As much as,
they found so many overlaps between these two items as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Overlap possibilities between Strategy and Business Model (Seddon et al., 2003)
One of the aims in this work, is to squabble that and according to Figure 4 which is more suitable and more correct to define the
relationship between the two terms “Strategy” and “Business model”. It is found that, this relationship and any question belongs to
it, is not helpful, that is, no accurate answer for this relationship (Nickols, 2016). It can be concluded that, these two items are
considered to be the same. Moreover, there is so small differences between them, but the item strategy is commonly used, while the
term strategy is more considered with the competitions between banks in Jordan. Whereas, the term business model is considered
more with the quintessence logic, which gives the bank the ability in order to create or obtain values for its clients and owners
(Porter, 1985). While considering business model is more used by some people with information technology (IT) than people with
management background who are using strategy item. Also, some researchers are considering both items to be exactly same, even
Business Model
Business Model
Business Model
Business Model
Business Model
ba c
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they give example for both items to be two sides of a coin (Ulwick, 1984). However, according to the aim of this work, it should
debate that there is an item called business model following the usage of so many researchers and professionals who are using this
item and considering it to be different than the strategy item, this means that it has value. As expressed in Figure 5 and defined in
(Seddon et al., 2003), any business model can be considered as the abstract of any quarter of a foundation’s strategy.
Figure 5: Relationship between Business Model and Strategy (Seddon et al., 2003)
2.3.1 What is Strategy : Defining the term strategy, needs gathering and collecting all definitions used by researchers, as corporate,
business, functional strategies, the process, analytical, competitive, also resource based view, competitive dynamic and industrial
economics view of strategic to the name, while some (Team FME, 2013; Welch et al., 2008 and Masanell et al., 2009). Moreover,
defining the item of strategy in the business context, which is improved all over the years. Evolving the formulation of the strategy
item according to the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats shortly (SWOT) in Cairo-Amman Bank (Nickols,
2016) which is considered as the latest analysis including the deepest sights for both industrial organization economics (Myerson,
1999; McAfee et al., 2003; Tirole, 2006; Lahti, 2006; Lanlois, 2000 and Klein et al., 2009) and competitive dynamics in economics
(Schimmer, 2011; Mathews, 2002; Ferdinand et al., 2004 and Martins et al., 2013). Where decision making strategy (Philbin, 2005;
Papadakis et al., 2009, and Boulding et al., 1994) and in research method (Wacker, 1998; Ryan et al., 1992, and Greener, 2008).
This evaluation in order to understand the strategy within two casting two new ideas shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Evaluation of Strategy in Cairo-Amman Bank
Considering Cairo-Amman Bank is the strongest bank in Jordan, as much as it is thought to be the leader on strategy, Michael E.
Porter who is considered the main spokesman following his publications as Porter, 1980 “Competitive Strategy”, Porter, 1985 in his
entitled paper “Strategy and Competitive Advantage”, Porter, 1996 “What is Strategy” and Porter, 2001 “Strategy and the Internet”
Increasing Abstraction
Model world
Real world
Business Model 1
Business Model 2
Evaluation of Strategy
B: Industrial
organization Economics
C: Organization
A: Strengths,
Opportunities. Threats
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supports the most authoritative and up to date for the available formulation of strategy. Explaining the quotations thoughts by
(Porter, 1985; Porter, 1996, and Porter 2001) as:
1. “Competitive Strategy offered a rich framework for understanding the underlying forces of competition in industries, captured in
the five forces." (Porter, 1980)
2. “Successful strategies are grounded in competitive advantage. This goes for offensive strategies too.” (Porter, 1985)
3. “Competitive strategy is about being different.” (Porter, 1996)
4. “Operational effectiveness and strategy are both essential to superior performance, which,
after all, is the primary goal of any enterprise. But they work in different ways.” (Porter, 1996)
5. “Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of
Activities.” (Porter, 1996)
6. “Strategy is making tradeoffs in competing.” (Porter, 1996)
7. “Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than rivals perform them.” (Porter, 1996)
8. “Operational effectiveness and strategy are both essential to superior performance, which, after all, is the primary goal of any
enterprise. But they work in very different ways.” (porter, 1996)
9. “Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of
value.” (Porter, 1996)
10. “In the rush to launch their Internet businesses, companies, both old and new, have abandoned the principles of competitive
advantage.” (Porter, 2001)
11. “Strategically positioned companies, or those offering unique products through integrated research, design, manufacturing, and
delivery systems.” (Porter, 2001)
12. “Survival demands that companies move away from price as the primary source of competitive advantage toward distinctive,
value-driven trade-offs that meld a company’s traditional activities with its Internet-related activities.” (Porter, 2001)
13. “Strategy involves continuity of direction.” (Porter, 2001)
14. “Economic value is created when customers are willing to pay a price for a product or service that exceeds the cost of producing
it.” (Porter, 2001)
Defining strategy according to Michael E. Porter (1980-2001) and representing the (Fred Nickols, 2016) as the current end point,
this evolution of the thinking on strategy and together, strategy and tactics perform bridge the gap between the ends and the means
as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Bridging the Gap (Nickols, 2016)
The summarized researches are listed above in the fourteen points and the activity system as shown in Figure 7. Arguing that these
interpretations are the only conceptualization has no meaning, just the idea that, people believing they are the best ones.
2.3.2 Business Model : The case in this work is to prove that it is possible to represent any business model as an abstract shape for
some portions of a company’s strategy; as defined by Porter (1980-2001). These abstractions are with values, just they have the
ability for those who are thinking about obtaining new business with higher level with newer possibilities. In comparison with the
definition of Porter (1980-2001) for business model with the definitions in (Bondt et al., 2004; Symeonidis, 2008; Lai et al., 2006;
Perkmann et al., 2010; Dey, 2001, and Pourabdollahian et al., 2014). Describing business model as a system with all pieces of it
fitting with each other’s, this also belongs Porters definition in the list above. Weill, (2002) described the atomic e-business as
considered to be eBay which is a market place schematic as shown in Figure 8.
Bridging the Gap
Strategy and Tactics
Deploy and Employ
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Figure 8: Merrill Lynch Integrated Choice (Weill, 2002)
As shown in Figure 8, (Weill, 2002) combined the atomic model as molecular model, also, provided an appropriate shorthand in
order to be faster consideration with wider range for e-business.
2.3.3 Competitive Dynamics : Competitive dynamics represent an item in order to explain a complete range of actions of any
company (Teece et al., 1997). Taking into consideration the key indicators of the competitive dynamics as any company in order to
enable the advantages of the competitive comparing with its competitors (Pisano, 2015 and Mathews, 2002). Describing the highest
motivation in favor of studying these mutilations and hide the facts that the strategy cannot be considered as the static part, which is
exactly part of Porter’s models. Moreover, nowadays it is accepted that any business factors matter as much, this happens when the
company performs in any industrial condition. For each company, it takes certain actions in order to work out and responses from
the competitors which are described again as the countered leaders in the competitive dynamic fields. Where, the competitive
dynamic needs to be characterized from any concurrence that available when any two companies trying to sock away higher situation
in the market (Martins et al., 2013).
2.3.4 Decision Making Strategy :It is well known that any fundamental session before creating or even running no matter the size
of that business is to have a plan, this plan must include the mission, goals and aims in order to achieve them. Moreover, the
strategic planning which is mentioned and considered as the process of planning any company’s mission including the visions and
objectives of that company for that company to reach the planned goals (Eisenhardt et al., 2004). Strategic decision making can be
defined as an outstanding technique that involves growing strategies to attain dreams and altering techniques based on discovered
results (Janczak, 2005). Strategic selection making is an outstanding manner which includes creating strategies in order to obtain
dreams and altering techniques based on determined consequences (Nickols, 2015). As mentioned earlier, the SWOT analysis which
is considered as the examiner for the internal and external effects which affects obtaining the required goals. This analysis
encompasses inspiring list of that business including, weaknesses, strengths and all external points that could affect it and the
chances it can face. This list gives the owner or the managers to be in safer side as much as to minimize the loss or weaknesses and
to avoid any future threats (Seddon et al., 2003).
Most common factors of strategies in order to improve any decision making are mentioned as:
a. Difficulties
To avoid any loss and making the solution to be easier also improving the decision making is done by listing all difficulties
b. Support
For improving the decision making, it is better to have support from friends, relatives and others, that is no need to go through
decision making lonely.
c. Deep thinking
In this section, deep thinking means that searching for any reason which complicates things.
d. Alternatives
Considering all alternatives with a wider range by mentioning or explaining to others for best in order to obtain alternatives for the
ML Products
Financial Consultant
Investor Service
ML Direct (Online)
A Premier Plus
B Premier Priority
C Priority Clients
D Clients
E Young Investors
Assigned Portfolio Mgrs
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e. Goal clarification
Putting the required goals in a wider context so that the decision will be easier to take it from the collected alternatives.
f. Real view of consequences
Keeping things in point of view is valuable than overvalue all negative outcomes of any decision.
g. External help
External help may be obtained by psychologist to help in exploring decision making.
2.4 Related Work : Fosser et al., (2008) outlined a framework summarizing prior research and suggest two researchable questions.
In conclusion, presented some initial findings from two empirical case studies derived from part of the European food industry.
Engelstatter, (2009) reviewed the relationship between the three primary enterprise techniques (Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),
Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM)) and work productivity. Additionally, discussed it
unveils the actual performance gains because of diverse combinations of These systems. Also, in addition, it tests with regard to
complementarity among the business systems with regards to their particular communicating dynamics.Luo, (2010) explored the
integration of strategic thinking with the organization’s strategic planning and how they affect the performance and the
improvement of that organization including decision making for different levels. Moreover, the research is concentrated on large
Banks in New Zealand, so that there is a gap found in the strategic thinking management by preferring the manufacturing sectors
with the European and the United States of America and ignoring the evidences from the services in the other part of the world.
Finally, concluded that strategic thinking strategic integration is presented in the Banks in New Zealand and have positive
association with these Banks and their future performance.
Murthy, (2012) explained the objectives of any organization in order to participate the clearly vision and mission strategic thinking.
Moreover, explored that any organization can gain its competitive advantages when it uses its employees effectively. Also, the
psychologic of people is dependent on the rubric that strategic thinking are the most important item in successfully hardworking
business. While, strategic thinking has the aim at requisition, flexible and committed personnel.AL-Ghamdi et al., (2013) reviewed a
few critical achievement factors and issues which effect the actual setup associated with ERP system to lead inside helping the ERP
execution rate of success. The most important concerns throughout ERP setup method is actually employees' potential to deal with
acknowledge the newest program as well as dealing with it. As a result, mostly concentrated regarding how to make use of alter
supervision methods and strategies to enhance the individual's' popularity fee which usually result in productive ERP execution.
Khamees, (2013) focused on describing the role of ERP- CRM with respect to traditional business for overcoming the existing
challenges. Moreover, discussed are the features of sap ERP/CRM, with the help of this new technology companies get business in
market. Also, this tool used for increase the business scope, it increases the decision makings of companies and it helps to build the
customers relations, and manage the high work or huge work with less efforts and manpower. On other hand, another management
related tool is LMS (learning management system). As much as mentioned the benefits of ERP/CRM which helps to reduce the
difficulties, problems which is exist in currents traditional business. Many industries have problems regarding the customer
relationships, and for progress of industries need to implement the ERP/ERM tools in the organizations it increases the productivity
of the company and the outcomes also helps to increase the growth of companies and it helps to maintain the relationships with the
Khawaldah, (2014) investigated the relationship and the impact of strategic planning and strategic thinking on the provided quality
to the customers in the Jordanian banks according to the viewpoint of the managers. Also, the viewpoint of directors of the operating
units as strategic thinking combined with strategic thinking and planning. As a case of study, Jordan Kuwait Bank is selected for the
measurements of the performance using the profitability and market value-added. This study is reached while the bank applied for
the strategic planning together with strategic thinking. Finally, concluded that there is a big statistical difference in the effects of the
strategic planning of strategic thinking in the organizations and the provided services to the customers.Gelogo et al., (2014)
explained the Enterprise resource planning (ERP) as a business process management software that allows an organization to use a
system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate back office functions. Moreover, ERP software integrates all
facets of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing. ERP system is not a
new concept. Also used in business industry a long time ago. However, in the fast growing technological advances, the mobile ERP
System concept was introduced. As much as mentioned the contemplation of ERP to be mobilized is a challenging idea. Finally,
introduced a mobile ERP system with the concept of SaaS cloud.Otinpong, (2015) examined the impact of human resource
management strategic thinking on the performance of the employee by using a case study in New Zealand. Moreover, this study
selected in New Zealand because it is a touristic country and has is famous with good experience in exponential growth in the
tourism process. As much as this study is done in a qualitative manner in order to assess the understandings of the general aspects of
the manager on the performance of employees by use of the strategic human resource management strategic thinking.
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2.4 Theoretical Framework (General Benefits of Strategic Thinking Department) : Nowadays, strategic thinking is originally
a new given name for what it is used for personnel. It is used to cover the area of employment. Where, this area of employment
includes different number of areas as advertising, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and discharge. Also, strategic thinking department
can be considered as large including many departments and specialists, also can be considered as small even with only one person
(Karikari et al., 2015). One item of the employees should have it in order to have benefits of that employee is the training which is
considered as part of strategic thinking cycles. Another item, is the employee relations, which is considered as the strategic thinking
responsibilities. This item has the function of keeping high morale of employees within the newsletters and award programs. Labor
relation, this item has the advantage of keeping peace efforts between managers and employees by managing the needs of the long
term employee with the manager (Khalili et al., 2015). Compensation program is also considered as one item of strategic thinking
responsibilities, so that this can establish the wage rates by collecting the data from multiple sources in order to keep the
compensation offered as competitive with other Banks, as much as, considering the most important item of the compensation which
is benefits. This can be in some shapes inside the Bank as health, vacation, and sick days (Khawaldah, 2014). These policies are
taken into consideration in the strategic thinking department inside the Bank. Usually, strategic thinking manager is the head of the
safety committee members who has mainly function to keep the Bank as safe as possible strategic thinking through the policy and
procedure of work.
2.5 Methodology:According to the spotted facts, cross sectional adjectival particularity study was used. The population, however,
included in Jordan use strategic thinking in their system of work and operations. Beneficial techniques were used in order to sample
strategic thinking managers who were interviewed in the selected Bank. Profiler was done in order to record the conversation which
was not comfortable with medium like this. The researcher noticed and wrote notes about the response which is given by the
managers and then were reproduced. Unanimity was reached the required concerning the period for the interaction between the
researcher and the raconteur for reciprocal benefits. The writing for this study was structured interview and the particular substance
topics derived from the interview were sophisticated for the content analysis including cross-tabulation and Chi-square tools.
2.5.1Findings and Discussion : As mentioned earlier, the researcher selected two Banks in the Jordan and assigned them as Bank A
and Bank B. where, Bank A describes Cairo-Amman Bank and Bank B describes Jordan Kuwait Bank.
Bank A: in this Bank, the strategic thinking leader has the following facilities: MSc holder in Business Administration department,
strategic thinking, and has experience more than seven years. According to the raconteur in A, the Bank has several departments
and has above 500 employees all over its branches in Jordan and in Palestine, applies human resource information system (HIRS)
above 10 years. Moreover, interacts with only the strategic thinking department and all leaders are professionals, includes a human
rights department, who is responsible for employees and some of its responsibilities are as: their problems, their salaries, their
insurance payments, changing employees’ positions, helping in decision making, education, experiences, and training.
Bank B: in this Bank, the strategic thinking leader has the following facilities: MSc holder in accounting and finance and another
diploma, BSc in human rights, also has work experience as human rights officer with experience more than 7 years, also the Bank
also includes some branches in Jordan and in Kuwait and has more than 300 workers. Moreover, applies strategic thinking system
more than 15 years and all its employees are professionals. Table 1 tabulates this information and proves that the interviewees are
employees with all strategic thinking system for more than 7 years.
Table 1: Summary and Banks profiles
Facility Bank A Bank B
Position Strategic Thinking Personal Strategic Thinking Personal
Education MSc degree MSc degree
Period of Experience Over 10 years Over 7 years
Branches Over than 15 Over than 6
Employees Over than 500 Over than 200
Experience period of strategic
Over 10 years Over than 7 years
strategic thinking integration with
other systems
Yes No
strategic thinking interactions Professionals professionals
According to the information mentioned earlier and the synthesis of the responses from both Banks A and B, exposed that even there
were two different systems of strategic thinking as general speaking, there are so many advantages as the number of workers and
their activities came from the strategic thinking system, and this can be noticed in Table 2.
An Objective Review Of The Organizational…
| Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 48
Table 2: Advantages of Strategic Thinking System
Advantages Bank A Bank B
Does strategic thinking and planning identify the unfilled positions accurately Yes Yes
Is strategic thinking and planning analyze each position and its title in the Bank Yes Yes
Can strategic thinking and planning reduce recuiting cost No No
Can strategic thinking and planning provide visions into Bank and the required training Yes Yes
Has strategic thinking and planning the ability to select the right persons in order to to have train at the required time Yes Yes
Does strategic thinking and planning evalute the effectiveness of the offered training programs Yes Yes
Does strategic thinking and planning make decisions faster and better by identifying the positions and targeting
specific employees as successors
Yes yes
It is well-known that strategic thinking and planning has the effectiveness on the actitivites of manpower as:
 By making regular analysis of the required by strategic thinking and planning in the Bank or company tstrategic thinkingough
matching the supply according to the demands for it. This yields that the system has the ability to identify the unfilled positions.
 Another point to be explained, the strategic thinking and planning has the ability to provide the visions into the required Bank or
company’s tarining by identifiying the shortages in the employee’s performance, then selects the right person in order to be trained
to get the position of the unqualified person. This process after evaluating and investigating the effectivenesses of the training
All what mentioned earlier, both Banks A and B agreed that the system performs required operations faster and better in giving right
decisions by identifying the positions and targeting specific employees as successors. Moreover, this system does not reduce
recuirtment costs. Tstrategic thinkingee of these factors which are considered as main factors were specified in Table 3.
Table 3: Strategic Thinking and Planning Contributions
Effective Succession Planning Performance Management
Identify specific positions and target specific employee Analyse employees skills and qualification
Better and faster decision maker Process of stratifying employees goals
Identifying and tracking high potential employees Supporting performance compensation
Test Statistics
Chi-Square 0.01194 Chi-Sqaure 0.002497
DF 1.197 DF 1.197
Asymp Asymp
Sig. 0.0000 Sig. 0.000
DF= Degree of Fredom, Sig. = Significant
As shown in Table 3, these items make strategic thinking system easier in order to follow the workforce gaps, supporting long-term
planning process with required information for the manpower planning and supplying the demand forcast process. Equal
employment procedure for staffing with their information, seperation process and applicants specifiction and qualifications, and
managing the training programs, slaries, paying budgets and the employees relations on the contracts and assistants needed with the
support of the strategic thinking system. The Chi-sqaure formula exposed that strategic thinking system is very significant to the
organization at level 99%. While Table 4 explained and identified the main challenges related with the activities of manpower in
the selected Banks as: vowed and supplied workers, oncoming to required information, shortage of workforce and the cost of
recruitments. The Chi-sqaure formula exposed that it is very significant to the organization at level 1%, which yields that
confidence level is at 99%. From these, it is easy to conclude that these are correlated with the activities of manpower, as much as
they were affected the Banks previously and then the strategic thinking system.
Table 4: Challenges affected with activities of manpower
Labor Supliment
Information access
Cost of recruitment
Shortage of workforce
Test Statistics
Chi-Square 0.010398
DF 1.972
Asymp. Sig. 0.0000
An Objective Review Of The Organizational…
| Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 49
III. Conclusion
The item strategy is used by more than millions, accepting Porter (1980-2001) in defining the item strategy to be valid, this gives
some points to create and deliver a more effective business strategy by realizing a clearer aim and objective, creating a core
competitive by defining capability or advantage that distinguishes an enterprise from its competitors. Identifying all misses and gaps
in order to seek to close these gaps through resource developments. In this work, it is concluded that nowadays business is working
in different way. Different than catching clients, business nowadays uses social media in order to make business more easy and
helping their clients in order to find them. Strategic thinking is definitely an integrated system accustomed to accumulate, shop and
also evaluate information regarding an organization’s human resources composed of databases, personal computer applications, as
well as hardware and computer software necessary to gather, document, retailer, manage, supply, current and also manipulate info
with regard to recruiting perform. The study ends in which strategic thinking is a superb device with regard to Human Source
Preparing Strategic Thinking. It enhances the recognition associated with unfilled opportunities accurately as well as assesses each
and every career position having its name in a firm. This method can be considered to be lower parasitical than the techniques used
in the previous marketing. Finally, using social media proved a more effective method in order to spread the message and help in
decision making easier.
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An Objective Review Of The Organizational Behavior For The Successfulness And Essential Characteristics On The Performance Of An Organization, Case Cairo-Amman Bank In Jordan According To The Strategical Thinking And Planning

  • 1. Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM) ISSN: 2455-3689 Volume 1 Issue 4 ǁ June. 2016 ǁ PP 38-50 | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 38 An Objective Review Of The Organizational Behavior For The Successfulness And Essential Characteristics On The Performance Of An Organization, Case Cairo-Amman Bank In Jordan According To The Strategical Thinking And Planning Yousef Ahmed Hussein AL Safad (Business Management, / Girne American University, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC)) Abstract : The most important items to be taken into consideration in order to create and maintain a competitive advantage for any Bank are the strategic thinking and planning as firstly, and secondly is the human resources management. Truly, the consideration of human capital is in the top list of current managerial bothers in the Banks in all over the world. In spite of the concern of industries with human resources, the strategic thinking is considered as a glaringly separated from the function. This separation is apparent in two levels as firstly, nowadays leaders are failing in completely considering strategic thinking effectiveness when they are planning for long term process. In real case, all administrators avow the importance of strategic thinking in any implementation process in strategic plans. Where, the triumphant framework seeks to take strategic thinking into considerations during the strategic formulation process for its importance in each plan. The consideration of the strategic thinking as strengths and weaknesses is mostly examined as enabling this function which is the responsible for the implementation process of the plan, while it is ignored within the initial plan stages. In this paper, a survey is conducted in two banks in Jordan as a special case of study in order to detect the role of strategic thinking and planning on the performance of the banks. Keywords: Strategic Thinking, Cairo-Amman Bank, Strategic Planning, Organizational Behavior I. Background This represents the actual changing around the worldwide business picture and demonstrates the pertinence associated with strategic leadership rehearses on this perform. Furthermore, a percentage of the issues confronting Cairo-Amman Bank will be portrayed. Lastly the particular high-risk means, the lack of ideal authority practices in Cairo-Amman Bank association will be defined and compared with Kuwait Bank in Jordan. 1.2 Statement of Research Problem : Earlier and in addition latest scientific studies help to make in which obvious, there are a higher outside as well as inside uncertainty because of growing options together with dangers, insufficient the particular Awareness of requirements along with the genuine companies connected difficulties as well as environment as well as inadequate training program. Quite a few businesses dedicate many period of time knowing and also re-acting in order to unforeseen modifications as well as difficulties as opposed to planning on as well as be prepared for all of them. This is just what called uncertainty direction. Companies grabbed sleeping may dedicate quite a lot of minute, money, and energy experiencing get current. They'll make use of upwards their particular vigor working with immediate problems with very small energy remaining should be expected as well as plan for one more problems. This kind of aggressive cycle locks Many businesses in to a reactive placement. These studies examine is always to measure the impact linked to strategic considering business performance, that using the long term increases company survival. 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.3.1 The general Objective :The general objective of this study is to investigate the impact of strategic thinking and its impact on performance of Cairo-Amman Bank as a special case in Jordan. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives : This study aimed to the following: Identify the level of strategic planning and thinking in the foundations of the selection and appointment. 1. Recognize the reality of the foundations of application selection and appointment at the Strategical thinking and planning. 2. Measure the degree of influence of the foundations of the selection and classification in human resource management on the quality of the output provided to customers in the management of human resources. 3. The possibility of obtaining results from which to formulate some recommendations that will help decision-makers to continually develop its branches.
  • 2. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 39 1.4 Significance of the Study : In this section, the findings of this study are predictable to help multi-groups of people: Researcher :This study will give the ability to the researcher to achieve his diploma in Business Management. Moreover, it is the first requirement for the partial fulfillment of this diploma in Business Management. Finally, the researcher will understand the effects of strategic thinking and how they can impact on the organizational performance. Participating Organization : In this part, if the selected organization of this study can be considered by the management of participating companies, this organization can act as the resource material in order to refer when formulating strategic thinking and planning. Finally, the selected organization can learn and improve the areas of gaps where weaknesses are detected. Moreover, the selected organization will be the source of knowledge, as much as it will be used by leaderships as a guide for implementing strategic thinking and planning. Other Researchers : For future researchers who are interested in this area can use this work as a reference or literature review for their research. To Cairo-Amman Bank : This work will be as a reference in the Bank and a helpful material for employees who are willing to increase their level and their education in the related studies. Scholars :As finally, this study will be some benefit scholars, theoretical and practical works in filling the gaps in literature review as a complete study in the impact factors of strategic thinking and planning on the performance of an organization. 1.5 Limitation of the Study :According to this study, the researcher targeted leaderships, directors, managers and secretaries of the selected Bank in order to have faster response because of the limited period of the study, there was something called bias on the provided information, so that they tried to respond positively on the study’s questions. Moreover, one of the faced problem, the tongue language is the Arabic one, so that the employees in the Bank faced some problems in understanding the meaning of the questionnaires, the researcher assigned assistants in order to help him in helping the other employees and helping them to understand the required questions. 1.6 Scope of the Study :This work which is entitled “Strategic thinking and its impact on the performance of an organization” aimed to report as a survey research in order to identify the roles which played in the performance of an organization to improve and increase the level of it to a higher situation. Furthermore, limited research has thus far been conducted exactly on the impact of strategical leadership on the Strategic thinking and its impact on performance of the business organization in Cairo Amman Bank and the Kuwait Bank. Moreover, according to the gap that culminated, this work aims to answer the research question: “What is the impact strategical thinking on the performance of this organization”? II. Introduction Company behavior research the impact people, clubs, as well as structures possess upon human habits within organizations. It's an interdisciplinary area that features sociology, Psychology, connection, as well as administration (Anderson et al., 2003). Company routines suits company basic principle, which will focus on company and also intra-organizational issues, and in addition fits human-resource research, which may be much more tightly targeted on every day business strategies (Argo et al., 2009). Nowadays, the new technology using TVs, personnel computers (PCs), network media, internet, pocket tablets, and brief cases, are considered as the essential means in the success of any organization. These medias became exactly some addict-able systems, so that people cannot leave them or stop dealing with them (Doherty et al., 2003). While organizational behavior concentrates on the impact factor of the individuals, groups, and the behavior of the human within any organization (Morris et al., 2012). This study can be considered as a department which includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management. Moreover, organizational behavior study also can be considered as the organizational theory which concentrates on the organizational and the intra-organizational items, as much as the study of the complements of human resources, which concentrates on daily business as shown in Figure 1 (Fogg, 2009).
  • 3. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 40 Figure 1: Behavior Model According to Fogg Model (Fogg, 2009) As shown in Figure 1, behavior depends on three items: motivation, ability, and triggers. Moreover, in a successful management not only the understandable of the technical skills is enough, as much as the continuously competitive and the demanding workplace which is not available in the managers and their understandable of the technical skills. While, summarizing the roles of managers as (Fogg, 2009): Managers have ready things through other employees, Decision making, Resource allocating, and Attaining goals by directing others activities. These points are considered as a social unit with conscious coordinate, which is composed of more than two people in order to achieve the required goals (Nagel, 2006, and Bakker et al., 2008). Summarizing the functions of management as (Robbins, 2012 and Nagel, 2006) as shown in Figure 2: Planning, by defining and sharing the goals, strategy establishment, and plans developments. Organizing, managing the required tasks to be done, assigning these tasks to the employees as group work, and making decisions, Leading, motivating the employees, directing the other employees, managing and deciding the effective channel of communication, as much as determining the conflicts between employees, and Controller, controlling all required activities in order to be sure that all activities are accomplished according to the submitted plans and correcting all considerable perversions. Where the roles of the managers are classified as: A.Interpersonal Roles a. Nominal Leader b. Leader c. Contact B.Information Roles a. Monitor b. Propagator c. Representative C.Decisional Roles a. Contractor b. Problem resolver c. Distributor of resources d. Negotiator 3. Triggers 1. Motivation 2. Ability Target behavior Low Motivation High Motivation Low Ability High Ability Increasing likeliness to perform target behavior 4. Triggers 2. Motivation 3. Ability Target behavior Low Motivation High Motivation Lo w A bility High Ability Increasing likeliness to perform target behavior
  • 4. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 41 Figure 2: Managing A Learning Organization (Nagel, 2006) While, organizational behavior which is considered as the applied behavioral science which depends on the contribution obtained by number of behavioral precisions. The triumphant areas of the organizational behavior are: psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and the political items (Bakker et al., 2008). As much as, any organizational behavior can be considered as a combination of more than one force which has interaction and modification that runs or decide any evolution of that organization at any time as shown in Figure 3 (Beer, 2010). Figure 3: Consistence of Organizational Behavior (Beer, 2010) Nowadays, any successful organization has to enforce its employees to innovation section or this organization will vanish if its employees are not considered as master the art of change. Any organization’s employees are considered as the impulse of innovation and the change for that organization (Alvero et al., 2001). Successful organization depends on the manager and his ideas by offering gifts as well as increasing in the salary for the active employees (Greve, 2003). Nowadays, increasing salaries can be considered as an old motivation, while offering the employees as the available in Cairo Bank in Jordan a smart phone for each manager, this gives the employees the power in order to be connected all the time with his/her leader as a feedback, controller, supporter of information, and helps the manager to give the right decision by taking approve from his leader. While the OB is understood to be the actual methodical research and application of information about how people as well as organizations act inside the agencies where these people perform. when critiquing matters for example character as well as motivation, once more critiquing research through the joy of Mindsets (Ashraf, 2011). The main topics group procedures depend on the concept of sociology. In the section relating to making decisions, he/she will find the impact regarding overall costs. Any time studying energy and influence inside organizations, he/she be lent heavily coming from political sciences. Actually medical science plays a role in the concept of organizational behavior, especially to study regarding anxiety and it is outcomes on people (Bauer et al., 2010). Establish a Strategy Redesign the Organization’s structure Reshape the Organization’s culture Managing Learning Environment/Strategy Organizational Behavior/Culture Organization DesignPeople Leader and Top Team
  • 5. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 42 2.1 Importance of Organizational Behavior : Importance of OB is mattering in three critical levels. This importance because it can be considered to be all about what human care about. Moreover, OB have the ability to help its users to be a member in the organization. Obtaining together with others, acquiring a fantastic job, reducing stress stage, producing more efficient selections, and dealing efficiently inside a team, they are just about all wonderful landmarks, and also OB deals with them (Dhar et al., 2007). The most common and important items in the personal qualities within the OB are: Skills in communication as oral and written, Fidelity, Communication between people, Motivation, and Manner. 2.2 Technology Development : Nowadays, the technology the widely increasing and spreading all over the world, it has the most important role and the effective support by the developed programs. Granters and their agencies militate in order to discover and invent better response for old and the newer challenges in order to launch in all over the world. Moreover, the technology and its innovations hold all promises of producing newer solutions in order to be benefit for all people, no matter rich or poor. This appears from the analytical studies on smart mobiles as mobile-banking in using the biometrics for cash transfer, central of global developments (CGDs) are helping in order to reshape the integration of the technology and its developments (Gelba et al., 2016). 2.3 Strategic Planning : In reality, it is found that strategic thinking has the negative image in most hospitality organizations, which is considered as a sad result. While clearly consideration of strategic thinking in any organization as an employee by itself or even an advocate function which is considered as the softest part of the business. While strategic thinking has several functions of considerations as: firstly, cost center, so that strategic thinking cannot produce income to the organization, secondly, strategic thinking can be operated as the administrative support that organizes the organization completely, and thirdly, strategic thinking is the real responsible item for implementing strategy. The negative image is taken for one of the reasons that the narrow application of the process of strategic planning which is taken by many leaders. It is well-known that strategic thinking has a subservient role in any business plan as almost situation, while some situations are taking the strategic thinking into considerations just during the strategy implementations. In real, the predominant models in any organization planning have to support this disagreement (Luo, 2010). Business models and shapes are widely increasing since so many years as much and more business in order to make more money within the internet called business model, as much as strategy users. Masanell et al., (2009) briefly examined the definitions of most used terms business model and strategy. Moreover, as (Seddon et al., 2003 and Masanell et al., 2009) proved that these two terms are so widely used and till this moment no real and no accurate definition found. In this work, a research is done and more than millions of the web pages are found using revision of the literature and examining the definitions of leading authors. As much as, they found so many overlaps between these two items as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Overlap possibilities between Strategy and Business Model (Seddon et al., 2003) One of the aims in this work, is to squabble that and according to Figure 4 which is more suitable and more correct to define the relationship between the two terms “Strategy” and “Business model”. It is found that, this relationship and any question belongs to it, is not helpful, that is, no accurate answer for this relationship (Nickols, 2016). It can be concluded that, these two items are considered to be the same. Moreover, there is so small differences between them, but the item strategy is commonly used, while the term strategy is more considered with the competitions between banks in Jordan. Whereas, the term business model is considered more with the quintessence logic, which gives the bank the ability in order to create or obtain values for its clients and owners (Porter, 1985). While considering business model is more used by some people with information technology (IT) than people with management background who are using strategy item. Also, some researchers are considering both items to be exactly same, even Business Model Strategy Strategy Business Model Strategy Business Model Strategy = Business Model Strategy Business Model ba c d
  • 6. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 43 they give example for both items to be two sides of a coin (Ulwick, 1984). However, according to the aim of this work, it should debate that there is an item called business model following the usage of so many researchers and professionals who are using this item and considering it to be different than the strategy item, this means that it has value. As expressed in Figure 5 and defined in (Seddon et al., 2003), any business model can be considered as the abstract of any quarter of a foundation’s strategy. Figure 5: Relationship between Business Model and Strategy (Seddon et al., 2003) 2.3.1 What is Strategy : Defining the term strategy, needs gathering and collecting all definitions used by researchers, as corporate, business, functional strategies, the process, analytical, competitive, also resource based view, competitive dynamic and industrial economics view of strategic to the name, while some (Team FME, 2013; Welch et al., 2008 and Masanell et al., 2009). Moreover, defining the item of strategy in the business context, which is improved all over the years. Evolving the formulation of the strategy item according to the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats shortly (SWOT) in Cairo-Amman Bank (Nickols, 2016) which is considered as the latest analysis including the deepest sights for both industrial organization economics (Myerson, 1999; McAfee et al., 2003; Tirole, 2006; Lahti, 2006; Lanlois, 2000 and Klein et al., 2009) and competitive dynamics in economics (Schimmer, 2011; Mathews, 2002; Ferdinand et al., 2004 and Martins et al., 2013). Where decision making strategy (Philbin, 2005; Papadakis et al., 2009, and Boulding et al., 1994) and in research method (Wacker, 1998; Ryan et al., 1992, and Greener, 2008). This evaluation in order to understand the strategy within two casting two new ideas shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: Evaluation of Strategy in Cairo-Amman Bank Considering Cairo-Amman Bank is the strongest bank in Jordan, as much as it is thought to be the leader on strategy, Michael E. Porter who is considered the main spokesman following his publications as Porter, 1980 “Competitive Strategy”, Porter, 1985 in his entitled paper “Strategy and Competitive Advantage”, Porter, 1996 “What is Strategy” and Porter, 2001 “Strategy and the Internet” Strategy Increasing Abstraction Model world Real world Business Model 1 Business Model 2 Evaluation of Strategy B: Industrial organization Economics C: Organization Economics A: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities. Threats
  • 7. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 44 supports the most authoritative and up to date for the available formulation of strategy. Explaining the quotations thoughts by (Porter, 1985; Porter, 1996, and Porter 2001) as: 1. “Competitive Strategy offered a rich framework for understanding the underlying forces of competition in industries, captured in the five forces." (Porter, 1980) 2. “Successful strategies are grounded in competitive advantage. This goes for offensive strategies too.” (Porter, 1985) 3. “Competitive strategy is about being different.” (Porter, 1996) 4. “Operational effectiveness and strategy are both essential to superior performance, which, after all, is the primary goal of any enterprise. But they work in different ways.” (Porter, 1996) 5. “Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of Activities.” (Porter, 1996) 6. “Strategy is making tradeoffs in competing.” (Porter, 1996) 7. “Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than rivals perform them.” (Porter, 1996) 8. “Operational effectiveness and strategy are both essential to superior performance, which, after all, is the primary goal of any enterprise. But they work in very different ways.” (porter, 1996) 9. “Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value.” (Porter, 1996) 10. “In the rush to launch their Internet businesses, companies, both old and new, have abandoned the principles of competitive advantage.” (Porter, 2001) 11. “Strategically positioned companies, or those offering unique products through integrated research, design, manufacturing, and delivery systems.” (Porter, 2001) 12. “Survival demands that companies move away from price as the primary source of competitive advantage toward distinctive, value-driven trade-offs that meld a company’s traditional activities with its Internet-related activities.” (Porter, 2001) 13. “Strategy involves continuity of direction.” (Porter, 2001) 14. “Economic value is created when customers are willing to pay a price for a product or service that exceeds the cost of producing it.” (Porter, 2001) Defining strategy according to Michael E. Porter (1980-2001) and representing the (Fred Nickols, 2016) as the current end point, this evolution of the thinking on strategy and together, strategy and tactics perform bridge the gap between the ends and the means as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Bridging the Gap (Nickols, 2016) The summarized researches are listed above in the fourteen points and the activity system as shown in Figure 7. Arguing that these interpretations are the only conceptualization has no meaning, just the idea that, people believing they are the best ones. 2.3.2 Business Model : The case in this work is to prove that it is possible to represent any business model as an abstract shape for some portions of a company’s strategy; as defined by Porter (1980-2001). These abstractions are with values, just they have the ability for those who are thinking about obtaining new business with higher level with newer possibilities. In comparison with the definition of Porter (1980-2001) for business model with the definitions in (Bondt et al., 2004; Symeonidis, 2008; Lai et al., 2006; Perkmann et al., 2010; Dey, 2001, and Pourabdollahian et al., 2014). Describing business model as a system with all pieces of it fitting with each other’s, this also belongs Porters definition in the list above. Weill, (2002) described the atomic e-business as considered to be eBay which is a market place schematic as shown in Figure 8. Means Ends Bridging the Gap Strategy and Tactics Deploy and Employ
  • 8. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 45 Figure 8: Merrill Lynch Integrated Choice (Weill, 2002) As shown in Figure 8, (Weill, 2002) combined the atomic model as molecular model, also, provided an appropriate shorthand in order to be faster consideration with wider range for e-business. 2.3.3 Competitive Dynamics : Competitive dynamics represent an item in order to explain a complete range of actions of any company (Teece et al., 1997). Taking into consideration the key indicators of the competitive dynamics as any company in order to enable the advantages of the competitive comparing with its competitors (Pisano, 2015 and Mathews, 2002). Describing the highest motivation in favor of studying these mutilations and hide the facts that the strategy cannot be considered as the static part, which is exactly part of Porter’s models. Moreover, nowadays it is accepted that any business factors matter as much, this happens when the company performs in any industrial condition. For each company, it takes certain actions in order to work out and responses from the competitors which are described again as the countered leaders in the competitive dynamic fields. Where, the competitive dynamic needs to be characterized from any concurrence that available when any two companies trying to sock away higher situation in the market (Martins et al., 2013). 2.3.4 Decision Making Strategy :It is well known that any fundamental session before creating or even running no matter the size of that business is to have a plan, this plan must include the mission, goals and aims in order to achieve them. Moreover, the strategic planning which is mentioned and considered as the process of planning any company’s mission including the visions and objectives of that company for that company to reach the planned goals (Eisenhardt et al., 2004). Strategic decision making can be defined as an outstanding technique that involves growing strategies to attain dreams and altering techniques based on discovered results (Janczak, 2005). Strategic selection making is an outstanding manner which includes creating strategies in order to obtain dreams and altering techniques based on determined consequences (Nickols, 2015). As mentioned earlier, the SWOT analysis which is considered as the examiner for the internal and external effects which affects obtaining the required goals. This analysis encompasses inspiring list of that business including, weaknesses, strengths and all external points that could affect it and the chances it can face. This list gives the owner or the managers to be in safer side as much as to minimize the loss or weaknesses and to avoid any future threats (Seddon et al., 2003). Most common factors of strategies in order to improve any decision making are mentioned as: a. Difficulties To avoid any loss and making the solution to be easier also improving the decision making is done by listing all difficulties b. Support For improving the decision making, it is better to have support from friends, relatives and others, that is no need to go through decision making lonely. c. Deep thinking In this section, deep thinking means that searching for any reason which complicates things. d. Alternatives Considering all alternatives with a wider range by mentioning or explaining to others for best in order to obtain alternatives for the plan. ML Products Vanguard Putnam Visa Shared IT Infrastr ucture Financial Consultant Investor Service ML Direct (Online) Unlimi ted Advan tage A Premier Plus B Premier Priority Clients C Priority Clients D Clients E Young Investors Assigned Portfolio Mgrs
  • 9. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 46 e. Goal clarification Putting the required goals in a wider context so that the decision will be easier to take it from the collected alternatives. f. Real view of consequences Keeping things in point of view is valuable than overvalue all negative outcomes of any decision. g. External help External help may be obtained by psychologist to help in exploring decision making. 2.4 Related Work : Fosser et al., (2008) outlined a framework summarizing prior research and suggest two researchable questions. In conclusion, presented some initial findings from two empirical case studies derived from part of the European food industry. Engelstatter, (2009) reviewed the relationship between the three primary enterprise techniques (Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM)) and work productivity. Additionally, discussed it unveils the actual performance gains because of diverse combinations of These systems. Also, in addition, it tests with regard to complementarity among the business systems with regards to their particular communicating dynamics.Luo, (2010) explored the integration of strategic thinking with the organization’s strategic planning and how they affect the performance and the improvement of that organization including decision making for different levels. Moreover, the research is concentrated on large Banks in New Zealand, so that there is a gap found in the strategic thinking management by preferring the manufacturing sectors with the European and the United States of America and ignoring the evidences from the services in the other part of the world. Finally, concluded that strategic thinking strategic integration is presented in the Banks in New Zealand and have positive association with these Banks and their future performance. Murthy, (2012) explained the objectives of any organization in order to participate the clearly vision and mission strategic thinking. Moreover, explored that any organization can gain its competitive advantages when it uses its employees effectively. Also, the psychologic of people is dependent on the rubric that strategic thinking are the most important item in successfully hardworking business. While, strategic thinking has the aim at requisition, flexible and committed personnel.AL-Ghamdi et al., (2013) reviewed a few critical achievement factors and issues which effect the actual setup associated with ERP system to lead inside helping the ERP execution rate of success. The most important concerns throughout ERP setup method is actually employees' potential to deal with acknowledge the newest program as well as dealing with it. As a result, mostly concentrated regarding how to make use of alter supervision methods and strategies to enhance the individual's' popularity fee which usually result in productive ERP execution. Khamees, (2013) focused on describing the role of ERP- CRM with respect to traditional business for overcoming the existing challenges. Moreover, discussed are the features of sap ERP/CRM, with the help of this new technology companies get business in market. Also, this tool used for increase the business scope, it increases the decision makings of companies and it helps to build the customers relations, and manage the high work or huge work with less efforts and manpower. On other hand, another management related tool is LMS (learning management system). As much as mentioned the benefits of ERP/CRM which helps to reduce the difficulties, problems which is exist in currents traditional business. Many industries have problems regarding the customer relationships, and for progress of industries need to implement the ERP/ERM tools in the organizations it increases the productivity of the company and the outcomes also helps to increase the growth of companies and it helps to maintain the relationships with the customers. Khawaldah, (2014) investigated the relationship and the impact of strategic planning and strategic thinking on the provided quality to the customers in the Jordanian banks according to the viewpoint of the managers. Also, the viewpoint of directors of the operating units as strategic thinking combined with strategic thinking and planning. As a case of study, Jordan Kuwait Bank is selected for the measurements of the performance using the profitability and market value-added. This study is reached while the bank applied for the strategic planning together with strategic thinking. Finally, concluded that there is a big statistical difference in the effects of the strategic planning of strategic thinking in the organizations and the provided services to the customers.Gelogo et al., (2014) explained the Enterprise resource planning (ERP) as a business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate back office functions. Moreover, ERP software integrates all facets of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing. ERP system is not a new concept. Also used in business industry a long time ago. However, in the fast growing technological advances, the mobile ERP System concept was introduced. As much as mentioned the contemplation of ERP to be mobilized is a challenging idea. Finally, introduced a mobile ERP system with the concept of SaaS cloud.Otinpong, (2015) examined the impact of human resource management strategic thinking on the performance of the employee by using a case study in New Zealand. Moreover, this study selected in New Zealand because it is a touristic country and has is famous with good experience in exponential growth in the tourism process. As much as this study is done in a qualitative manner in order to assess the understandings of the general aspects of the manager on the performance of employees by use of the strategic human resource management strategic thinking.
  • 10. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 47 2.4 Theoretical Framework (General Benefits of Strategic Thinking Department) : Nowadays, strategic thinking is originally a new given name for what it is used for personnel. It is used to cover the area of employment. Where, this area of employment includes different number of areas as advertising, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and discharge. Also, strategic thinking department can be considered as large including many departments and specialists, also can be considered as small even with only one person (Karikari et al., 2015). One item of the employees should have it in order to have benefits of that employee is the training which is considered as part of strategic thinking cycles. Another item, is the employee relations, which is considered as the strategic thinking responsibilities. This item has the function of keeping high morale of employees within the newsletters and award programs. Labor relation, this item has the advantage of keeping peace efforts between managers and employees by managing the needs of the long term employee with the manager (Khalili et al., 2015). Compensation program is also considered as one item of strategic thinking responsibilities, so that this can establish the wage rates by collecting the data from multiple sources in order to keep the compensation offered as competitive with other Banks, as much as, considering the most important item of the compensation which is benefits. This can be in some shapes inside the Bank as health, vacation, and sick days (Khawaldah, 2014). These policies are taken into consideration in the strategic thinking department inside the Bank. Usually, strategic thinking manager is the head of the safety committee members who has mainly function to keep the Bank as safe as possible strategic thinking through the policy and procedure of work. 2.5 Methodology:According to the spotted facts, cross sectional adjectival particularity study was used. The population, however, included in Jordan use strategic thinking in their system of work and operations. Beneficial techniques were used in order to sample strategic thinking managers who were interviewed in the selected Bank. Profiler was done in order to record the conversation which was not comfortable with medium like this. The researcher noticed and wrote notes about the response which is given by the managers and then were reproduced. Unanimity was reached the required concerning the period for the interaction between the researcher and the raconteur for reciprocal benefits. The writing for this study was structured interview and the particular substance topics derived from the interview were sophisticated for the content analysis including cross-tabulation and Chi-square tools. 2.5.1Findings and Discussion : As mentioned earlier, the researcher selected two Banks in the Jordan and assigned them as Bank A and Bank B. where, Bank A describes Cairo-Amman Bank and Bank B describes Jordan Kuwait Bank. Bank A: in this Bank, the strategic thinking leader has the following facilities: MSc holder in Business Administration department, strategic thinking, and has experience more than seven years. According to the raconteur in A, the Bank has several departments and has above 500 employees all over its branches in Jordan and in Palestine, applies human resource information system (HIRS) above 10 years. Moreover, interacts with only the strategic thinking department and all leaders are professionals, includes a human rights department, who is responsible for employees and some of its responsibilities are as: their problems, their salaries, their insurance payments, changing employees’ positions, helping in decision making, education, experiences, and training. Bank B: in this Bank, the strategic thinking leader has the following facilities: MSc holder in accounting and finance and another diploma, BSc in human rights, also has work experience as human rights officer with experience more than 7 years, also the Bank also includes some branches in Jordan and in Kuwait and has more than 300 workers. Moreover, applies strategic thinking system more than 15 years and all its employees are professionals. Table 1 tabulates this information and proves that the interviewees are employees with all strategic thinking system for more than 7 years. Table 1: Summary and Banks profiles Facility Bank A Bank B Position Strategic Thinking Personal Strategic Thinking Personal Education MSc degree MSc degree Period of Experience Over 10 years Over 7 years Branches Over than 15 Over than 6 Employees Over than 500 Over than 200 Experience period of strategic thinking Over 10 years Over than 7 years strategic thinking integration with other systems Yes No strategic thinking interactions Professionals professionals According to the information mentioned earlier and the synthesis of the responses from both Banks A and B, exposed that even there were two different systems of strategic thinking as general speaking, there are so many advantages as the number of workers and their activities came from the strategic thinking system, and this can be noticed in Table 2.
  • 11. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 48 Table 2: Advantages of Strategic Thinking System Advantages Bank A Bank B Does strategic thinking and planning identify the unfilled positions accurately Yes Yes Is strategic thinking and planning analyze each position and its title in the Bank Yes Yes Can strategic thinking and planning reduce recuiting cost No No Can strategic thinking and planning provide visions into Bank and the required training Yes Yes Has strategic thinking and planning the ability to select the right persons in order to to have train at the required time Yes Yes Does strategic thinking and planning evalute the effectiveness of the offered training programs Yes Yes Does strategic thinking and planning make decisions faster and better by identifying the positions and targeting specific employees as successors Yes yes It is well-known that strategic thinking and planning has the effectiveness on the actitivites of manpower as:  By making regular analysis of the required by strategic thinking and planning in the Bank or company tstrategic thinkingough matching the supply according to the demands for it. This yields that the system has the ability to identify the unfilled positions.  Another point to be explained, the strategic thinking and planning has the ability to provide the visions into the required Bank or company’s tarining by identifiying the shortages in the employee’s performance, then selects the right person in order to be trained to get the position of the unqualified person. This process after evaluating and investigating the effectivenesses of the training program. All what mentioned earlier, both Banks A and B agreed that the system performs required operations faster and better in giving right decisions by identifying the positions and targeting specific employees as successors. Moreover, this system does not reduce recuirtment costs. Tstrategic thinkingee of these factors which are considered as main factors were specified in Table 3. Table 3: Strategic Thinking and Planning Contributions Effective Succession Planning Performance Management Identify specific positions and target specific employee Analyse employees skills and qualification Better and faster decision maker Process of stratifying employees goals Identifying and tracking high potential employees Supporting performance compensation Test Statistics Chi-Square 0.01194 Chi-Sqaure 0.002497 DF 1.197 DF 1.197 Asymp Asymp Sig. 0.0000 Sig. 0.000 DF= Degree of Fredom, Sig. = Significant As shown in Table 3, these items make strategic thinking system easier in order to follow the workforce gaps, supporting long-term planning process with required information for the manpower planning and supplying the demand forcast process. Equal employment procedure for staffing with their information, seperation process and applicants specifiction and qualifications, and managing the training programs, slaries, paying budgets and the employees relations on the contracts and assistants needed with the support of the strategic thinking system. The Chi-sqaure formula exposed that strategic thinking system is very significant to the organization at level 99%. While Table 4 explained and identified the main challenges related with the activities of manpower in the selected Banks as: vowed and supplied workers, oncoming to required information, shortage of workforce and the cost of recruitments. The Chi-sqaure formula exposed that it is very significant to the organization at level 1%, which yields that confidence level is at 99%. From these, it is easy to conclude that these are correlated with the activities of manpower, as much as they were affected the Banks previously and then the strategic thinking system. Table 4: Challenges affected with activities of manpower Challenges Labor Supliment Information access Cost of recruitment Shortage of workforce Test Statistics Chi-Square 0.010398 DF 1.972 Asymp. Sig. 0.0000
  • 12. An Objective Review Of The Organizational… | Volume 1| Issue 4 | | June 2016| 49 III. Conclusion The item strategy is used by more than millions, accepting Porter (1980-2001) in defining the item strategy to be valid, this gives some points to create and deliver a more effective business strategy by realizing a clearer aim and objective, creating a core competitive by defining capability or advantage that distinguishes an enterprise from its competitors. Identifying all misses and gaps in order to seek to close these gaps through resource developments. In this work, it is concluded that nowadays business is working in different way. Different than catching clients, business nowadays uses social media in order to make business more easy and helping their clients in order to find them. Strategic thinking is definitely an integrated system accustomed to accumulate, shop and also evaluate information regarding an organization’s human resources composed of databases, personal computer applications, as well as hardware and computer software necessary to gather, document, retailer, manage, supply, current and also manipulate info with regard to recruiting perform. The study ends in which strategic thinking is a superb device with regard to Human Source Preparing Strategic Thinking. It enhances the recognition associated with unfilled opportunities accurately as well as assesses each and every career position having its name in a firm. This method can be considered to be lower parasitical than the techniques used in the previous marketing. Finally, using social media proved a more effective method in order to spread the message and help in decision making easier. References 1. Al Hrout, S. A., and Mohamed, B. (2014). 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