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โ€œAn Analysis and Management of
Investor Awareness Programโ€
Ms. Aanchal Dwivedi Ayush Srivastava
Department of Management BBA 2nd Year
SRMS IBS, Lucknow Roll No.:
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I, Ayush Srivastava, a BBA student at SRMS IBS, declare the successful completion of my
summer training project internship at Awoke India. The project focused on analyzing and
managing the Investor Awareness Program.
During the internship, I thoroughly studied about the Investor Awareness Programme, gaining
insights into investor behavior and educational initiatives that could enhance their understanding
of financial markets and investment opportunities.
I extend my sincere gratitude to Awoke India for providing me with this valuable opportunity. I
am confident that the knowledge and skills I acquired during this internship will contribute
significantly to my professional growth. Furthermore, I confirm the submission of all required
reports and deliverables as per the internship guidelines..
Name of Student: Ayush Srivastava
University Roll No.:
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I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to
the successful completion of my Summer Training project on "An Analysis and Management Of
Investor Awareness Programme."
I am grateful to the management and staff of Awoke India for granting me the opportunity to
undertake my internship and conduct this project within their organization. I am particularly
indebted to the Human Resources department and the Training team for their cooperation and
assistance in providing relevant data and information.
I would like to extend my thanks to my faculty members at SRMS IBS, who have imparted
valuable knowledge and skills that have played a significant role in the successful execution of
this project. Their guidance and teachings have been invaluable. Furthermore, I would like to
express my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Shweta Verma (Head HR) and Ms. Sonali Agarwal
(Manager Training) of AWOKE India for their unwavering support, encouragement and
guidance throughout this journey. Their constant motivation and belief in my abilities have been
a source of inspiration.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the respondents and participants who willingly shared their
experiences and insights, enabling me to gather relevant data for this project.
I acknowledge and appreciate the collective efforts of all those mentioned above in making this
project a success. Their contributions have been invaluable in shaping my understanding and
enhancing my skills in the areas of recruitment and selection processes and investor awareness
Ayush Srivastava
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An analysis and management of investors' awareness program is crucial for organizations
looking to attract and retain investors and maximize their financial support. The effectiveness of
any business relies heavily on its ability to engage and educate potential investors about the
company's value proposition and growth prospects. By implementing a comprehensive investors'
awareness program, organizations can empower their management team to effectively
communicate with investors and achieve the company's primary objectives. A well-executed
awareness program enables companies to showcase their strengths, build investor confidence,
and ultimately become a key factor in their success.
Prominent companies worldwide have established their financial dominance by recognizing the
importance of attracting and retaining investors. Investors develop a strong sense of trust and
loyalty to the organizations they invest in, thereby enhancing their confidence and willingness to
provide ongoing support. This unified relationship between the organization and its investors
becomes a substantial asset for the company as a whole.
To ensure that the right investors are engaged at the right time, organizations need to follow
specific guidelines. These guidelines encompass various aspects such as the purpose and
significance of an investors' awareness program, diverse channels for attracting potential
investors, step-by-step procedures to be followed in managing the program, and suggestions to
enhance its effectiveness. Additionally, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by
organizations in investor engagement and stay updated on the latest trends in investor relations
practices. By implementing a robust investors' awareness program, organizations can
strategically align their financial resources with their business objectives, ensuring a competitive
edge in the market.
An engaged and informed investor base that is aware of the company's potential and aligned with
its vision becomes a valuable asset that drives financial support, stability, and overall business
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Declaration ii
Acknowledgement iii
Preface iv
Sr. No. Topic Page no.
1. Introduction 6-11
2. Financial Literacy Initiative 12-15
3. Assessment of Program 16-22
4. Questionnaire and Survey 23
5. Recruitment and Selection 24-25
6. Company Profile 26-32
7. Bibliography 33
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Introduction to Investor Awareness Program (IAP)
The Investor Awareness Program (IAP) is a vital initiative aimed at equipping investors with the
knowledge and skills necessary to make informed investment decisions and safeguard their
financial interests. In today's complex financial landscape, where a multitude of investment
opportunities exist alongside potential risks, the IAP serves as a beacon of education and
The primary objective of the Investor Awareness Program is to bridge the gap between investors'
understanding of financial markets and the intricacies associated with investing. By providing
comprehensive education and valuable insights, the program empowers individuals to navigate
the investment landscape with confidence.Organized by reputable financial institutions,
government agencies, stock exchanges, regulatory bodies, and investor associations, the Investor
Awareness Program comprises a diverse range of activities. These include engaging seminars,
interactive workshops, informative online resources, and enlightening sessions facilitated by
industry professionals, experienced financial advisors, and renowned experts.
Through these initiatives, the Investor Awareness Program covers a broad spectrum of topics
essential for investors at all stages of their investment journey. Participants are introduced to
various investment vehicles, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and more,
enabling them to gain a holistic understanding of the options available to them.
An integral component of the program focuses on risk management. Participants are educated on
the potential risks associated with different investments and equipped with the tools to evaluate
and mitigate these risks effectively. Concepts such as risk tolerance, portfolio diversification, and
due diligence are emphasized to enhance participants' risk management skills.
In addition, the Investor Awareness Program imparts valuable knowledge about investor
protection. Participants learn about their rights as investors and the regulatory frameworks in
place to safeguard them against fraudulent activities, misrepresentation, and unethical practices.
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This empowers investors to make informed decisions while also promoting transparency and
fairness within the investment ecosystem.
Practical guidance is a key feature of the Investor Awareness Program. Participants receive
valuable insights into investment decision-making processes, including setting investment goals,
creating personalized investment plans, and understanding how market fluctuations can impact
investment portfolios. Armed with this practical knowledge, participants are better equipped to
make sound investment choices aligned with their financial objectives.
The program also recognizes the importance of keeping investors informed about market trends
and developments. Regular updates on market dynamics, economic indicators, and noteworthy
events are provided to participants. This enables them to stay abreast of crucial factors
influencing investment decisions, such as interest rates, inflation, geopolitical developments, and
industry-specific news.
Furthermore, the Investor Awareness Program offers participants access to a wealth of resources
and tools. Online platforms, financial calculators, research reports, and other valuable assets are
made available, empowering investors to conduct thorough investment analyses and make well-
informed decisions.
Participating in an Investor Awareness Program has numerous benefits for individuals seeking to
enhance their financial literacy and investment acumen. By arming themselves with knowledge
and gaining confidence in their ability to manage investments, participants can effectively pursue
their financial goals while mitigating unnecessary risks.
In conclusion, the Investor Awareness Program plays a pivotal role in promoting financial
literacy, transparency, and investor empowerment. By providing a comprehensive understanding
of investment concepts, risk management strategies, investor rights, and market dynamics, the
program equips participants with the tools needed to make informed investment decisions.
Ultimately, the program contributes to fostering a fair and inclusive investment environment that
benefits investors and the overall economy.
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Advantages of Investor Awareness Programs (IAPs)
1. Empowering Investors
- Investor Awareness Programs (IAPs) provide individuals with the knowledge and skills
needed to make informed investment decisions.
- Participants gain a deeper understanding of various investment products, strategies, and
the associated risks.
- By increasing financial literacy, IAPs empower individuals to take control of their
financial well-being.
2. Risk Mitigation
- IAPs play a crucial role in helping investors recognize and mitigate potential investment
- Participants learn about effective risk management strategies, reducing the likelihood of
financial losses.
- Through these programs, investors are encouraged to diversify their portfolios and make
well-informed risk-reward assessments.
3. Promoting Investor Protection
- IAPs educate investors about their rights and the safeguards provided within the
regulatory framework.
- Participants become aware of common investment scams and fraud prevention measures.
- By increasing investor protection, IAPs foster trust and confidence in the financial
4. Fostering Market Transparency
- IAPs contribute to a more transparent investment landscape.
- Investors gain valuable insights into market mechanisms, pricing dynamics, and fair
trading practices.
- Increased transparency enhances market integrity and reduces information asymmetry.
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5. Encouraging Informed Decision-Making
- IAPs equip investors with the tools necessary to evaluate investment opportunities
- Participants learn how to analyze financial statements, assess market trends, and conduct
thorough due diligence.
- With improved decision-making skills, investors can achieve better investment outcomes
and long-term financial growth.
6. Enhancing Financial Well-being
- By promoting financial literacy, IAPs help individuals manage their personal finances
more effectively.
- Participants gain valuable knowledge about budgeting, saving, and planning for future
financial goals.
- Improved financial well-being positively impacts individuals, their families, and the
broader community.
7. Stimulating Economic Growth
- IAPs encourage individuals to actively participate in the financial markets.
- Increased investor participation provides capital for businesses, driving economic growth.
- Investments in productive assets foster entrepreneurship, job creation, and innovation.
8. Broadening Access to Financial Markets
- IAPs strive to make financial markets more accessible and inclusive.
- By providing knowledge and guidance, these programs help individuals overcome
barriers to entry.
- Greater participation from underrepresented groups promotes socioeconomic equity and
9. Nurturing Responsible Investing
- IAPs promote ethical and responsible investment practices.
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- Participants learn about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations.
- Responsible investing contributes to sustainable development and positive societal impact.
10.Strengthening Investor Confidence
- IAPs build trust and confidence among investors.
- By equipping individuals with knowledge and skills, IAPs reduce fear and uncertainty.
- Increased investor confidence leads to more stable markets and attracts investment capital.
Investor Awareness Programs have the potential to transform individuals into informed and
empowered investors, fostering a more transparent, inclusive, and resilient financial ecosystem.
The advantages of IAPs extend beyond individuals, benefiting the broader economy and society
as a whole
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Investor Awareness Program (IAP) according to SEBI
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recognizes the importance of investor
education and awareness in ensuring a well-informed and protected investor community. SEBI's
Investor Awareness Program (IAP) is designed to promote financial literacy, enhance investor
knowledge, and empower individuals to make informed investment decisions. The key
objectives of SEBI's IAP are as follows:
1. Education and Awareness: SEBI's IAP aims to educate investors about various
investment avenues, financial products, and market-related concepts. Through workshops,
seminars, publications, and online resources, SEBI provides investors with information on
investment strategies, risk management, regulatory frameworks, and investor protection.
2. Investor Protection: SEBI strives to protect investors' interests and ensure fair and
transparent practices in the securities market. The IAP focuses on creating awareness among
investors about their rights, responsibilities, and available grievance redressal mechanisms.
SEBI aims to mitigate risks associated with fraudulent activities, market manipulation, and
unauthorized investment schemes.
3. Skill Development: SEBI's IAP emphasizes the development of skills necessary for
effective investment decision-making. It provides investors with tools, techniques, and
resources to evaluate investment opportunities, assess risks, and construct diversified
portfolios. SEBI encourages investors to enhance their financial literacy and gain practical
knowledge of market dynamics.
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Investor Awareness Program (IAP) according to BSE
The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), one of the leading stock exchanges in India, has a
dedicated Investor Awareness Program (IAP) that focuses on educating and empowering
investors. BSE's IAP aims to enhance investor awareness and provide them with the necessary
knowledge to make well-informed investment decisions. The key features of BSE's IAP include:
1. Workshops and Seminars: BSE conducts interactive workshops and seminars to
educate investors about the fundamentals of investing, investment strategies, risk
management, and regulatory compliance. These sessions are conducted by market
experts, industry professionals, and BSE representatives.
2. Online Resources: BSE's IAP provides access to a wide range of online resources,
including investor guides, educational videos, tutorials, and informative articles. These
resources cover various investment products, market trends, risk mitigation techniques,
and investor protection measures.
3. Investor Awareness Campaigns: BSE organizes awareness campaigns to reach a
wider audience and promote investor education. These campaigns may include investor
awareness drives in schools, colleges, corporate organizations, and public events. BSE
collaborates with educational institutions, industry associations, and market participants
to conduct these campaigns effectively.
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Investor Awareness Program (IAP) according to NSE
The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) recognizes the significance of investor education
and protection. NSE's Investor Awareness Program (IAP) aims to enhance financial literacy and
empower investors with the knowledge required to make informed investment decisions. The
key components of NSE's IAP include:
1. Investor Education Workshops: NSE conducts investor education workshops and
training sessions across various locations. These workshops cover topics such as investment
basics, stock market functioning, mutual funds, derivatives, risk management, and financial
planning. The workshops are conducted by market experts and NSE representatives.
2. Investor Awareness Initiatives: NSE undertakes several initiatives to raise investor
awareness, including awareness campaigns, seminars, and webinars. These initiatives focus
on disseminating information about investment products, market regulations, investor rights,
and grievance redressal mechanisms.
3. Online Investor Education Portal: NSE's IAP provides an online investor education
portal that offers a wide range of resources, including e-learning modules, educational
videos, interactive courses, and quizzes. The portal caters to investors of all levels of
expertise, from beginners to experienced investors.
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The process of conducting an Investor
Awareness Program (IAP)
It involves several key steps to ensure its effectiveness. Here is a general outline of the process:
1. Objective Definition: Clearly define the objective of the IAP. Determine the target
audience, whether it's retail investors, potential investors, or specific groups like students or
2. Content Development: Develop engaging and informative content for the program. This
may include topics like investment basics, financial literacy, risk management, investment
options, regulatory framework, and market trends. Ensure that the content is tailored to the
audience's level of knowledge and interests.
3. Speaker Selection: Identify knowledgeable and experienced speakers who can
effectively communicate the content to the audience. Speakers may include financial experts,
industry professionals, or representatives from regulatory bodies.
4. Event Planning: Determine the format and logistics of the IAP, such as the venue, date,
duration, and agenda. Consider whether it will be conducted as a seminar, workshop,
webinar, or a combination of formats.
5. Promotion and Registration: Develop a marketing and promotional strategy to create
awareness about the IAP. Utilize various channels such as social media, email marketing,
website listings, and collaboration with relevant organizations. Provide a simple registration
process for participants to secure their attendance.
6. Execution: Conduct the IAP according to the planned agenda. Ensure that the speakers
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deliver the content effectively, engage with the audience through interactive sessions, and
address any questions or concerns.
7. Evaluation and Feedback: Collect feedback from the participants to gauge the
effectiveness of the IAP. Use surveys, feedback forms, or interactive sessions to gather
insights on the program's impact, areas of improvement, and future topics of interest.
8. Follow-up and Continued Engagement: Maintain a connection with the participants
by providing additional resources, newsletters, or invitations to future events. Encourage
them to join investment forums, online communities, or educational programs to further
enhance their financial knowledge.
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Impact of Investor Awareness Programs: Empowering
Investors for Informed Decision-Making
Investor awareness programs in India, including those conducted by organizations like SEBI and
BSE, have been instrumental in educating individuals about investment opportunities, financial
markets, and risk management. These programs aim to empower participants with the knowledge
and skills necessary to make informed investment decisions and protect their interests. This essay
explores the impact of investor awareness programs on individuals in India, highlighting the
benefits gained by participants.
Enhanced Financial Literacy:
Investor awareness programs significantly contribute to enhancing financial literacy among
participants. By disseminating knowledge about investment concepts, basic financial principles,
and market dynamics, these programs enable individuals to better understand and navigate the
world of finance. Participants gain insights into fundamental financial terms, concepts like
compounding, and the importance of budgeting and savings, equipping them to make informed
decisions about their personal finances.
Improved Investment Knowledge:
A key impact of investor awareness programs is the improvement of individuals' investment
knowledge. Participants gain exposure to various investment options, such as stocks, mutual
funds, bonds, and fixed deposits. They learn about the risk-return tradeoff, diversification
strategies, and the role of asset allocation. By gaining a deeper understanding of investment
instruments and their features, participants become more confident in selecting appropriate
investment avenues aligned with their financial goals.
Empowered Decision-Making:
Investor awareness programs empower individuals to make better investment decisions.
Participants learn how to assess investment risks, conduct due diligence, and evaluate investment
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opportunities. They develop critical thinking skills necessary for analyzing financial statements,
interpreting market trends, and understanding macroeconomic factors that impact investments.
This empowerment enables participants to make informed choices and minimize the potential
pitfalls of impulsive or uninformed decision-making.
Awareness of Investor Protection:
Investor awareness programs also focus on raising awareness about investor protection and
regulatory frameworks. Participants gain knowledge about their rights as investors, the
importance of verifying financial intermediaries, and the red flags associated with investment
scams. By understanding the regulatory landscape, individuals can protect themselves from
fraudulent activities, make informed choices, and seek recourse in case of any grievances.
Encouragement of Long-Term Financial Planning:
Investor awareness programs encourage participants to adopt a long-term perspective in their
financial planning. Individuals learn about retirement planning, tax-efficient investments, and
wealth management strategies. They gain insights into setting achievable financial goals,
creating contingency plans, and implementing disciplined saving and investment habits. By
emphasizing the significance of long-term financial planning, these programs help individuals
build a secure financial future.
Investor awareness programs in India have had a significant impact on individuals by enhancing
financial literacy, improving investment knowledge, empowering decision-making, raising
awareness of investor protection, and encouraging long-term financial planning. These programs
play a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate
the complexities of the financial world. By empowering investors to make informed decisions,
these programs contribute to building a financially informed and secure society in India.
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Impact Assessment of Investor Awareness
During my internship, I had the opportunity to conduct over 350 impact assessment survey calls.
These calls were an essential part of evaluating the effectiveness and outcomes of the program.
The purpose was to directly gather feedback and insights from participants to understand the
value they derived from their involvement.
Engaging with a diverse range of participants, including retail investors, potential investors, and
individuals from various backgrounds seeking to enhance their financial literacy, I conducted
structured interviews and held open-ended discussions to gather valuable information. Here are
some key observations from the impact assessment calls:
1. Knowledge Enhancement: Participants expressed how the IAP significantly expanded
their understanding of investment concepts, risk management strategies, and financial
planning. They appreciated the program's comprehensive and practical information, which
helped them feel more confident and informed.
2. Confidence and Decision-Making: Many participants noted that the IAP had a
positive impact on their confidence in making investment decisions. They emphasized how
the program equipped them with the necessary tools and knowledge to assess investment
opportunities, evaluate risks, and make well-informed choices aligned with their financial
3. Risk Reduction: Participants highlighted their increased awareness of potential
investment risks and scams after going through the IAP. They valued learning about red
flags, fraud prevention measures, and the importance of due diligence. This knowledge
empowered them to protect themselves from fraudulent schemes and make more informed
investment decisions.
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Participant's Feedback
Extremly Satisfactory Satisfactory Average Not satisfactory
4. Practical Application: Several participants shared how they were able to apply the
knowledge gained from the IAP in their personal investment portfolios. They discussed
implementing diversification strategies, understanding financial statements, and considering
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in their investment decisions.
5. Increased Engagement: A significant number of participants reported heightened
engagement in the financial markets following their participation in the IAP. They expressed
a willingness to explore different investment avenues, seek advice from financial advisors,
and actively seek out relevant information to support their investment journey.
These observations are based on the feedback received from 700+ participants through
well-structured feedback forms and 350+ impact assessment calls. The insights gathered
provide valuable evidence of the positive outcomes and benefits of the IAP, including
enhanced financial literacy, mitigated investment risks, and empowered decision-making.
This feedback will be used to further refine and enhance the IAP, ensuring its continued
impact in empowering investors and creating a more knowledgeable and inclusive
investment landscape.
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Q1.The program helped me understand the role of SEBI/BSE.
Q2.The subject matter was well explained.
Q3.The safe means of investing in the securities market were clearly explained.
Q4. Such sessions are useful and should be conducted frequently for the
Q5.Will you motivate people to participate in this program?
Q6.Program Rating (Best 5)
To gather feedback from the participants and conduct surveys, we employed the Likert scale.
1.Strongly Disagree
5.Strongly Agree
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Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to
apply for jobs in the organization. Effectively, recruitment is the process of getting the right
kind of people to apply for the vacancies in an organization. It is a process to discover the
sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective
measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selective of an
efficient workforce.
Though employment, recruitment and selection are used interchangeably, technically all the
three have different meanings. In fact, recruitment and selection together constitute employment.
Recruitment as a process starts with identification of the need for human resource and ends with
getting the prospective employees to apply for the vacancies available. Selection starts where
recruitment ends and deals with choosing the right candidates and getting the best job-fit.
The aim of an effective recruitment program is to attract the best people for the job and aid the
recruiter by making a wide choice available. A good job description helps in attracting the right
candidates for the job. Recruitment has acquired immense importance in todayโ€™s organizations.
Organization shape realized the value of human capital and its role in their development.
Recruitment is the first step in the process of acquiring and retaining human resources for an
In todayโ€™s rapidly changing business environment, organization shape to respond quickly to
requirements for people. Hence, it is important to have a well- defined recruitment policy in
place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fits for the vacant positions. Recruitment
is a positive process as it increases the selection ratio by attracting a large number of applicants
for the advertised jobs.
As an intern at AWOKE India Consultants Pvt. Ltd., my responsibilities include screening,
short-listing, and conducting telephone interviews for potential candidates. The hiring process
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involves multiple stages, starting with my initial screening, followed by the short-listing of
candidates. The final decision-making authority lies with the Head HR and the Director.
I actively contributed to the recruitment process by posting job advertisements on various
platforms such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Job Hai. These platforms allowed us to reach a wide
pool of potential candidates and attract individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets.
Additionally, I played a key role in drafting comprehensive job descriptions for the positions we
were hiring for. These job descriptions accurately outlined the responsibilities, qualifications,
and requirements for each role, ensuring that potential candidates had a clear understanding of
the expectations and criteria. By posting job ads and crafting well-defined job descriptions, we
were able to attract a diverse range of applicants and ensure that the recruitment process started
on a strong foundation.
In the recent recruitment cycle, I screened and shortlisted candidates based on their resumes,
qualifications, and suitability for the position. After conducting telephone interviews to assess
their skills and fit for the company culture, I further narrowed down the pool of candidates. The
shortlisted candidates were then forwarded to the Head HR for a comprehensive evaluation,
which involved further assessments, interviews, and reference checks. Finally, the Director made
the final selection from the pool of candidates recommended by the Head HR.
I am pleased to report that some of the candidates were selected for the positions based on their
qualifications, experience, and overall fit for the organization.
Overall, my involvement in the recruitment process at AWOKE India Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
allowed me to gain practical experience in various aspects of talent acquisition, including
screening, short-listing, conducting telephone interviews, and providing support to the HR team.
I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the company's hiring efforts and to further
develop my skills and knowledge in the field of HR.
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AWOKE India owes its genesis to a pressing need in society - the need to bridge the gap in
skills related to financial management, communication, and other employability skills. With a
proud legacy of 25 years, AWOKE India has been at the forefront of transforming lives and
organizations through its comprehensive training, consulting, and social enterprise initiatives
This company is a leading training, consulting, and social enterprise company, has been
empowering individuals and organizations for over a decade. With a strong focus on bridging the
gap in employability skills and financial acumen, AWOKE India has trained over 1 lakh
participants across 200 cities in India through 1200+ programs. By offering impactful solutions
and knowledge-driven initiatives, AWOKE India has become a trusted partner in enabling
personal and professional growth.
The name AWOKE is an acronym for "A Wisdom One Knowledge Enterprise." It reflects their
commitment to bringing about a new awakening by infusing wisdom through knowledge-driven
initiatives for all stakeholders. As a training, consulting, and social enterprise, they are deeply
committed to strengthening individuals' skills and enabling enterprises to achieve their goals.
Pravin Kumar Dwivedi, the founder of AWOKE India, draws upon his 22 years of experience in
multinational corporations and the banking sector. He envisioned AWOKE India as an entity that
could bridge the gap in skills and create a difference through knowledge-driven initiatives.
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AWOKE India aims to be the best-preferred partner for stakeholders in the areas of training,
consulting, and social enterprise. They strive to bring about a qualitative impact on target groups
through knowledge-driven initiatives that are competitive, ethical, and socially responsible.
AWOKE India is determined to bring a transformative change to individuals, industries, and
institutions through their expertise in training, consulting, and social initiatives. By offering a
range of services, they aim to empower individuals and enable enterprises to achieve greater
heights in the most impactful, ethical, and responsible manner.
Excellence: Striving for excellence in everything we do, delivering impactful solutions with
unmatched quality.
Integrity: Conducting business with utmost honesty, transparency, and ethical practices.
Innovation: Embracing innovation to develop cutting-edge solutions that cater to evolving
Collaboration: Fostering a collaborative environment that promotes teamwork and mutual
Customer Focus: Placing the needs of our customers at the forefront and exceeding their
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AWOKE India offers a wide range of training programs tailored to various domains and target
Financial Management Training: Empowering managers across functions to enhance their
financial acumen and improve decision-making processes. Participants gain valuable insights
into cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and financial strategy.
Communication and Soft Skills: Developing essential soft skills such as interpersonal
communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, customer service, networking, and
effective communication. These skills enhance personal and professional growth and
contribute to overall success.
Health Management: Delivering comprehensive health management training to individuals,
NGOs, FBOs, social workers, and teachers. This training focuses on empowering
communities to take responsibility for their own health through health education and
sustainable healthcare practices.
Happiness and Well-being: Providing principles of happiness training to help individualsโ€™
access mental health and well-being consistently. Participants learn strategies to enhance
personal happiness, resilience, and overall life satisfaction.
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AWOKE India offers expert consultancy services in the following areas:
Taxation and Accounting: Supporting businesses with income tax return preparation and
filing, accounting services, TDS planning, GST registration and filing, PAN and TAN filing,
and management and purchase reconciliation.
Secretarial Services: Assisting businesses with company incorporation, mergers and
amalgamations, XBRL filing, annual company filings, and intellectual property rights (IPR)
Financial Services: Providing strategic financial services such as fund-raising, SME listing,
and capital restructuring to help businesses achieve growth and scale.
Strategic Business Management: Offering guidance in areas like strategy and
transformation, social enterprise management, cost and performance excellence, customer
loyalty and experience, and relentless enablement and implementation.
Professional Development:
๏‚ท Soft Skills and Personality Development
๏‚ท Interview Preparation and Readiness
๏‚ท Digital Literacy and Marketing Skills
๏‚ท Effective Communication Strategies
๏‚ท Goal Setting and Employability Skills Enhancement
๏‚ท Correspondence and Business Communication
๏‚ท Formal Presentation Skills
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Corporate Training:
๏‚ท Financial Awareness for Non-Finance Professionals
๏‚ท Emotional Intelligence and Crisis Management
๏‚ท Digital Literacy and Workplace Etiquette
๏‚ท Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
๏‚ท Team Management and Effective Communication
๏‚ท Sales Skills and Customer Relationship Management
Educational Institutes/B-Schools:
๏‚ท Digital Literacy and Technology Integration
๏‚ท Soft Skills Development for Students
๏‚ท Public Speaking Confidence Building
๏‚ท Effective Presentation Skills
๏‚ท Financial Awareness and Money Management
AWOKE India offers a wide range of training programs designed to meet the unique needs of
individuals, corporates, and educational institutions. With a focus on professional development,
corporate training, and educational enhancement, AWOKE India empowers its participants with
the necessary skills for personal and professional success.
In conclusion, AWOKE India has proven itself as a leading force in the training, consulting, and
social enterprise landscape. With a remarkable history of 25 years, the company has successfully
trained and empowered over 1 lakh individuals across 200 cities. AWOKE India's commitment
to excellence, integrity, and customer focus has solidified its position as a trusted partner for
individuals, organizations, and communities.
As you engage with AWOKE India, you will experience firsthand the dedication and passion
that drives the company's mission. Their diverse range of training programs, encompassing
financial management, communication and soft skills, and health management, equips
individuals with the necessary tools to succeed in today's competitive world.
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AWOKE India's consultancy services provide invaluable support in areas such as taxation and
accounting, secretarial services, financial strategies, and strategic business management. Their
team of experts, armed with extensive industry knowledge, guides businesses towards success,
ensuring they navigate challenges with confidence and seize growth opportunities.
The company's vision to be the preferred partner for stakeholders in training, consulting, and
social enterprise underscores their unwavering commitment to making a positive and
transformative impact. AWOKE India's relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and
collaboration sets them apart, enabling them to deliver solutions that cater to the unique needs of
their clients.
By choosing AWOKE India, you align yourself with a company that places paramount
importance on ethical practices, quality outcomes, and customer satisfaction. Their tailored and
personalized approach ensures that every individual, organization, or community receives the
attention and expertise required to unlock their full potential.
Join AWOKE India on their journey of empowerment, as they continue to awaken the power
within individuals and organizations. Together, we can embrace a future filled with endless
possibilities and drive positive change across society.
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Initiatives: Annual Report. Mumbai, India: Government Press.
๏‚ท Verma, S., & Gupta, A. (2020). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Investor Awareness
Programs in India. Journal of Financial Research, 42(2), 78-94.
๏‚ท Gupta, A. K. (2017). Human Resource Management (5th ed.). McGraw Hill
๏‚ท Institute of Company Secretaries of India. (2017). Investor Awareness Programmes
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๏‚ท Reserve Bank of India (RBI). (2021). "Financial Education and Awareness Program."
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An analysis and management of Investors Awareness Program .pdf

  • 1. 1 | P a g e SUMMER INTERNSHIP REPORT ON โ€œAn Analysis and Management of Investor Awareness Programโ€ SUBMITTED TO SHRI RAM MURTI SMARAK INTERNATIONALBUSINESS SCHOOL UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Aanchal Dwivedi Ayush Srivastava Department of Management BBA 2nd Year SRMS IBS, Lucknow Roll No.:
  • 2. 2 | P a g e DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SRMS IBS DECLARATION I, Ayush Srivastava, a BBA student at SRMS IBS, declare the successful completion of my summer training project internship at Awoke India. The project focused on analyzing and managing the Investor Awareness Program. During the internship, I thoroughly studied about the Investor Awareness Programme, gaining insights into investor behavior and educational initiatives that could enhance their understanding of financial markets and investment opportunities. I extend my sincere gratitude to Awoke India for providing me with this valuable opportunity. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I acquired during this internship will contribute significantly to my professional growth. Furthermore, I confirm the submission of all required reports and deliverables as per the internship guidelines.. Name of Student: Ayush Srivastava University Roll No.:
  • 3. 3 | P a g e ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of my Summer Training project on "An Analysis and Management Of Investor Awareness Programme." I am grateful to the management and staff of Awoke India for granting me the opportunity to undertake my internship and conduct this project within their organization. I am particularly indebted to the Human Resources department and the Training team for their cooperation and assistance in providing relevant data and information. I would like to extend my thanks to my faculty members at SRMS IBS, who have imparted valuable knowledge and skills that have played a significant role in the successful execution of this project. Their guidance and teachings have been invaluable. Furthermore, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Shweta Verma (Head HR) and Ms. Sonali Agarwal (Manager Training) of AWOKE India for their unwavering support, encouragement and guidance throughout this journey. Their constant motivation and belief in my abilities have been a source of inspiration. Lastly, I would like to thank all the respondents and participants who willingly shared their experiences and insights, enabling me to gather relevant data for this project. I acknowledge and appreciate the collective efforts of all those mentioned above in making this project a success. Their contributions have been invaluable in shaping my understanding and enhancing my skills in the areas of recruitment and selection processes and investor awareness management. Ayush Srivastava
  • 4. 4 | P a g e PREFACE An analysis and management of investors' awareness program is crucial for organizations looking to attract and retain investors and maximize their financial support. The effectiveness of any business relies heavily on its ability to engage and educate potential investors about the company's value proposition and growth prospects. By implementing a comprehensive investors' awareness program, organizations can empower their management team to effectively communicate with investors and achieve the company's primary objectives. A well-executed awareness program enables companies to showcase their strengths, build investor confidence, and ultimately become a key factor in their success. Prominent companies worldwide have established their financial dominance by recognizing the importance of attracting and retaining investors. Investors develop a strong sense of trust and loyalty to the organizations they invest in, thereby enhancing their confidence and willingness to provide ongoing support. This unified relationship between the organization and its investors becomes a substantial asset for the company as a whole. To ensure that the right investors are engaged at the right time, organizations need to follow specific guidelines. These guidelines encompass various aspects such as the purpose and significance of an investors' awareness program, diverse channels for attracting potential investors, step-by-step procedures to be followed in managing the program, and suggestions to enhance its effectiveness. Additionally, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by organizations in investor engagement and stay updated on the latest trends in investor relations practices. By implementing a robust investors' awareness program, organizations can strategically align their financial resources with their business objectives, ensuring a competitive edge in the market. An engaged and informed investor base that is aware of the company's potential and aligned with its vision becomes a valuable asset that drives financial support, stability, and overall business growth.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ii Acknowledgement iii Preface iv Sr. No. Topic Page no. 1. Introduction 6-11 2. Financial Literacy Initiative 12-15 3. Assessment of Program 16-22 4. Questionnaire and Survey 23 5. Recruitment and Selection 24-25 6. Company Profile 26-32 7. Bibliography 33
  • 6. 6 | P a g e INTRODUCTION
  • 7. 7 | P a g e Introduction to Investor Awareness Program (IAP) The Investor Awareness Program (IAP) is a vital initiative aimed at equipping investors with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed investment decisions and safeguard their financial interests. In today's complex financial landscape, where a multitude of investment opportunities exist alongside potential risks, the IAP serves as a beacon of education and enlightenment. The primary objective of the Investor Awareness Program is to bridge the gap between investors' understanding of financial markets and the intricacies associated with investing. By providing comprehensive education and valuable insights, the program empowers individuals to navigate the investment landscape with confidence.Organized by reputable financial institutions, government agencies, stock exchanges, regulatory bodies, and investor associations, the Investor Awareness Program comprises a diverse range of activities. These include engaging seminars, interactive workshops, informative online resources, and enlightening sessions facilitated by industry professionals, experienced financial advisors, and renowned experts. Through these initiatives, the Investor Awareness Program covers a broad spectrum of topics essential for investors at all stages of their investment journey. Participants are introduced to various investment vehicles, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and more, enabling them to gain a holistic understanding of the options available to them. An integral component of the program focuses on risk management. Participants are educated on the potential risks associated with different investments and equipped with the tools to evaluate and mitigate these risks effectively. Concepts such as risk tolerance, portfolio diversification, and due diligence are emphasized to enhance participants' risk management skills. In addition, the Investor Awareness Program imparts valuable knowledge about investor protection. Participants learn about their rights as investors and the regulatory frameworks in place to safeguard them against fraudulent activities, misrepresentation, and unethical practices.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e This empowers investors to make informed decisions while also promoting transparency and fairness within the investment ecosystem. Practical guidance is a key feature of the Investor Awareness Program. Participants receive valuable insights into investment decision-making processes, including setting investment goals, creating personalized investment plans, and understanding how market fluctuations can impact investment portfolios. Armed with this practical knowledge, participants are better equipped to make sound investment choices aligned with their financial objectives. The program also recognizes the importance of keeping investors informed about market trends and developments. Regular updates on market dynamics, economic indicators, and noteworthy events are provided to participants. This enables them to stay abreast of crucial factors influencing investment decisions, such as interest rates, inflation, geopolitical developments, and industry-specific news. Furthermore, the Investor Awareness Program offers participants access to a wealth of resources and tools. Online platforms, financial calculators, research reports, and other valuable assets are made available, empowering investors to conduct thorough investment analyses and make well- informed decisions. Participating in an Investor Awareness Program has numerous benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their financial literacy and investment acumen. By arming themselves with knowledge and gaining confidence in their ability to manage investments, participants can effectively pursue their financial goals while mitigating unnecessary risks. In conclusion, the Investor Awareness Program plays a pivotal role in promoting financial literacy, transparency, and investor empowerment. By providing a comprehensive understanding of investment concepts, risk management strategies, investor rights, and market dynamics, the program equips participants with the tools needed to make informed investment decisions. Ultimately, the program contributes to fostering a fair and inclusive investment environment that benefits investors and the overall economy.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Advantages of Investor Awareness Programs (IAPs) 1. Empowering Investors - Investor Awareness Programs (IAPs) provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed investment decisions. - Participants gain a deeper understanding of various investment products, strategies, and the associated risks. - By increasing financial literacy, IAPs empower individuals to take control of their financial well-being. 2. Risk Mitigation - IAPs play a crucial role in helping investors recognize and mitigate potential investment risks. - Participants learn about effective risk management strategies, reducing the likelihood of financial losses. - Through these programs, investors are encouraged to diversify their portfolios and make well-informed risk-reward assessments. 3. Promoting Investor Protection - IAPs educate investors about their rights and the safeguards provided within the regulatory framework. - Participants become aware of common investment scams and fraud prevention measures. - By increasing investor protection, IAPs foster trust and confidence in the financial markets. 4. Fostering Market Transparency - IAPs contribute to a more transparent investment landscape. - Investors gain valuable insights into market mechanisms, pricing dynamics, and fair trading practices. - Increased transparency enhances market integrity and reduces information asymmetry.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e 5. Encouraging Informed Decision-Making - IAPs equip investors with the tools necessary to evaluate investment opportunities effectively. - Participants learn how to analyze financial statements, assess market trends, and conduct thorough due diligence. - With improved decision-making skills, investors can achieve better investment outcomes and long-term financial growth. 6. Enhancing Financial Well-being - By promoting financial literacy, IAPs help individuals manage their personal finances more effectively. - Participants gain valuable knowledge about budgeting, saving, and planning for future financial goals. - Improved financial well-being positively impacts individuals, their families, and the broader community. 7. Stimulating Economic Growth - IAPs encourage individuals to actively participate in the financial markets. - Increased investor participation provides capital for businesses, driving economic growth. - Investments in productive assets foster entrepreneurship, job creation, and innovation. 8. Broadening Access to Financial Markets - IAPs strive to make financial markets more accessible and inclusive. - By providing knowledge and guidance, these programs help individuals overcome barriers to entry. - Greater participation from underrepresented groups promotes socioeconomic equity and diversity. 9. Nurturing Responsible Investing - IAPs promote ethical and responsible investment practices.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e - Participants learn about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. - Responsible investing contributes to sustainable development and positive societal impact. 10.Strengthening Investor Confidence - IAPs build trust and confidence among investors. - By equipping individuals with knowledge and skills, IAPs reduce fear and uncertainty. - Increased investor confidence leads to more stable markets and attracts investment capital. Investor Awareness Programs have the potential to transform individuals into informed and empowered investors, fostering a more transparent, inclusive, and resilient financial ecosystem. The advantages of IAPs extend beyond individuals, benefiting the broader economy and society as a whole
  • 13. 13 | P a g e Investor Awareness Program (IAP) according to SEBI The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recognizes the importance of investor education and awareness in ensuring a well-informed and protected investor community. SEBI's Investor Awareness Program (IAP) is designed to promote financial literacy, enhance investor knowledge, and empower individuals to make informed investment decisions. The key objectives of SEBI's IAP are as follows: 1. Education and Awareness: SEBI's IAP aims to educate investors about various investment avenues, financial products, and market-related concepts. Through workshops, seminars, publications, and online resources, SEBI provides investors with information on investment strategies, risk management, regulatory frameworks, and investor protection. 2. Investor Protection: SEBI strives to protect investors' interests and ensure fair and transparent practices in the securities market. The IAP focuses on creating awareness among investors about their rights, responsibilities, and available grievance redressal mechanisms. SEBI aims to mitigate risks associated with fraudulent activities, market manipulation, and unauthorized investment schemes. 3. Skill Development: SEBI's IAP emphasizes the development of skills necessary for effective investment decision-making. It provides investors with tools, techniques, and resources to evaluate investment opportunities, assess risks, and construct diversified portfolios. SEBI encourages investors to enhance their financial literacy and gain practical knowledge of market dynamics.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e Investor Awareness Program (IAP) according to BSE The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), one of the leading stock exchanges in India, has a dedicated Investor Awareness Program (IAP) that focuses on educating and empowering investors. BSE's IAP aims to enhance investor awareness and provide them with the necessary knowledge to make well-informed investment decisions. The key features of BSE's IAP include: 1. Workshops and Seminars: BSE conducts interactive workshops and seminars to educate investors about the fundamentals of investing, investment strategies, risk management, and regulatory compliance. These sessions are conducted by market experts, industry professionals, and BSE representatives. 2. Online Resources: BSE's IAP provides access to a wide range of online resources, including investor guides, educational videos, tutorials, and informative articles. These resources cover various investment products, market trends, risk mitigation techniques, and investor protection measures. 3. Investor Awareness Campaigns: BSE organizes awareness campaigns to reach a wider audience and promote investor education. These campaigns may include investor awareness drives in schools, colleges, corporate organizations, and public events. BSE collaborates with educational institutions, industry associations, and market participants to conduct these campaigns effectively.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e Investor Awareness Program (IAP) according to NSE The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) recognizes the significance of investor education and protection. NSE's Investor Awareness Program (IAP) aims to enhance financial literacy and empower investors with the knowledge required to make informed investment decisions. The key components of NSE's IAP include: 1. Investor Education Workshops: NSE conducts investor education workshops and training sessions across various locations. These workshops cover topics such as investment basics, stock market functioning, mutual funds, derivatives, risk management, and financial planning. The workshops are conducted by market experts and NSE representatives. 2. Investor Awareness Initiatives: NSE undertakes several initiatives to raise investor awareness, including awareness campaigns, seminars, and webinars. These initiatives focus on disseminating information about investment products, market regulations, investor rights, and grievance redressal mechanisms. 3. Online Investor Education Portal: NSE's IAP provides an online investor education portal that offers a wide range of resources, including e-learning modules, educational videos, interactive courses, and quizzes. The portal caters to investors of all levels of expertise, from beginners to experienced investors.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e ASSESSMENT OF PROGRAMME
  • 17. 17 | P a g e The process of conducting an Investor Awareness Program (IAP) It involves several key steps to ensure its effectiveness. Here is a general outline of the process: 1. Objective Definition: Clearly define the objective of the IAP. Determine the target audience, whether it's retail investors, potential investors, or specific groups like students or employees. 2. Content Development: Develop engaging and informative content for the program. This may include topics like investment basics, financial literacy, risk management, investment options, regulatory framework, and market trends. Ensure that the content is tailored to the audience's level of knowledge and interests. 3. Speaker Selection: Identify knowledgeable and experienced speakers who can effectively communicate the content to the audience. Speakers may include financial experts, industry professionals, or representatives from regulatory bodies. 4. Event Planning: Determine the format and logistics of the IAP, such as the venue, date, duration, and agenda. Consider whether it will be conducted as a seminar, workshop, webinar, or a combination of formats. 5. Promotion and Registration: Develop a marketing and promotional strategy to create awareness about the IAP. Utilize various channels such as social media, email marketing, website listings, and collaboration with relevant organizations. Provide a simple registration process for participants to secure their attendance. 6. Execution: Conduct the IAP according to the planned agenda. Ensure that the speakers
  • 18. 18 | P a g e deliver the content effectively, engage with the audience through interactive sessions, and address any questions or concerns. 7. Evaluation and Feedback: Collect feedback from the participants to gauge the effectiveness of the IAP. Use surveys, feedback forms, or interactive sessions to gather insights on the program's impact, areas of improvement, and future topics of interest. 8. Follow-up and Continued Engagement: Maintain a connection with the participants by providing additional resources, newsletters, or invitations to future events. Encourage them to join investment forums, online communities, or educational programs to further enhance their financial knowledge.
  • 19. 19 | P a g e Impact of Investor Awareness Programs: Empowering Investors for Informed Decision-Making Investor awareness programs in India, including those conducted by organizations like SEBI and BSE, have been instrumental in educating individuals about investment opportunities, financial markets, and risk management. These programs aim to empower participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed investment decisions and protect their interests. This essay explores the impact of investor awareness programs on individuals in India, highlighting the benefits gained by participants. Enhanced Financial Literacy: Investor awareness programs significantly contribute to enhancing financial literacy among participants. By disseminating knowledge about investment concepts, basic financial principles, and market dynamics, these programs enable individuals to better understand and navigate the world of finance. Participants gain insights into fundamental financial terms, concepts like compounding, and the importance of budgeting and savings, equipping them to make informed decisions about their personal finances. Improved Investment Knowledge: A key impact of investor awareness programs is the improvement of individuals' investment knowledge. Participants gain exposure to various investment options, such as stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and fixed deposits. They learn about the risk-return tradeoff, diversification strategies, and the role of asset allocation. By gaining a deeper understanding of investment instruments and their features, participants become more confident in selecting appropriate investment avenues aligned with their financial goals. Empowered Decision-Making: Investor awareness programs empower individuals to make better investment decisions. Participants learn how to assess investment risks, conduct due diligence, and evaluate investment
  • 20. 20 | P a g e opportunities. They develop critical thinking skills necessary for analyzing financial statements, interpreting market trends, and understanding macroeconomic factors that impact investments. This empowerment enables participants to make informed choices and minimize the potential pitfalls of impulsive or uninformed decision-making. Awareness of Investor Protection: Investor awareness programs also focus on raising awareness about investor protection and regulatory frameworks. Participants gain knowledge about their rights as investors, the importance of verifying financial intermediaries, and the red flags associated with investment scams. By understanding the regulatory landscape, individuals can protect themselves from fraudulent activities, make informed choices, and seek recourse in case of any grievances. Encouragement of Long-Term Financial Planning: Investor awareness programs encourage participants to adopt a long-term perspective in their financial planning. Individuals learn about retirement planning, tax-efficient investments, and wealth management strategies. They gain insights into setting achievable financial goals, creating contingency plans, and implementing disciplined saving and investment habits. By emphasizing the significance of long-term financial planning, these programs help individuals build a secure financial future. Investor awareness programs in India have had a significant impact on individuals by enhancing financial literacy, improving investment knowledge, empowering decision-making, raising awareness of investor protection, and encouraging long-term financial planning. These programs play a crucial role in equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of the financial world. By empowering investors to make informed decisions, these programs contribute to building a financially informed and secure society in India.
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Impact Assessment of Investor Awareness Program(IAP) During my internship, I had the opportunity to conduct over 350 impact assessment survey calls. These calls were an essential part of evaluating the effectiveness and outcomes of the program. The purpose was to directly gather feedback and insights from participants to understand the value they derived from their involvement. Engaging with a diverse range of participants, including retail investors, potential investors, and individuals from various backgrounds seeking to enhance their financial literacy, I conducted structured interviews and held open-ended discussions to gather valuable information. Here are some key observations from the impact assessment calls: 1. Knowledge Enhancement: Participants expressed how the IAP significantly expanded their understanding of investment concepts, risk management strategies, and financial planning. They appreciated the program's comprehensive and practical information, which helped them feel more confident and informed. 2. Confidence and Decision-Making: Many participants noted that the IAP had a positive impact on their confidence in making investment decisions. They emphasized how the program equipped them with the necessary tools and knowledge to assess investment opportunities, evaluate risks, and make well-informed choices aligned with their financial goals. 3. Risk Reduction: Participants highlighted their increased awareness of potential investment risks and scams after going through the IAP. They valued learning about red flags, fraud prevention measures, and the importance of due diligence. This knowledge empowered them to protect themselves from fraudulent schemes and make more informed investment decisions.
  • 22. 22 | P a g e Participant's Feedback Extremly Satisfactory Satisfactory Average Not satisfactory 4. Practical Application: Several participants shared how they were able to apply the knowledge gained from the IAP in their personal investment portfolios. They discussed implementing diversification strategies, understanding financial statements, and considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in their investment decisions. 5. Increased Engagement: A significant number of participants reported heightened engagement in the financial markets following their participation in the IAP. They expressed a willingness to explore different investment avenues, seek advice from financial advisors, and actively seek out relevant information to support their investment journey. These observations are based on the feedback received from 700+ participants through well-structured feedback forms and 350+ impact assessment calls. The insights gathered provide valuable evidence of the positive outcomes and benefits of the IAP, including enhanced financial literacy, mitigated investment risks, and empowered decision-making. This feedback will be used to further refine and enhance the IAP, ensuring its continued impact in empowering investors and creating a more knowledgeable and inclusive investment landscape.
  • 23. 23 | P a g e QUESTIONAIRE&SURVEY Q1.The program helped me understand the role of SEBI/BSE. Q2.The subject matter was well explained. Q3.The safe means of investing in the securities market were clearly explained. Q4. Such sessions are useful and should be conducted frequently for the investors. Q5.Will you motivate people to participate in this program? Q6.Program Rating (Best 5) To gather feedback from the participants and conduct surveys, we employed the Likert scale. 1.Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly Agree
  • 24. 24 | P a g e RECRUITMENT & SELECTION Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Effectively, recruitment is the process of getting the right kind of people to apply for the vacancies in an organization. It is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selective of an efficient workforce. Though employment, recruitment and selection are used interchangeably, technically all the three have different meanings. In fact, recruitment and selection together constitute employment. Recruitment as a process starts with identification of the need for human resource and ends with getting the prospective employees to apply for the vacancies available. Selection starts where recruitment ends and deals with choosing the right candidates and getting the best job-fit. The aim of an effective recruitment program is to attract the best people for the job and aid the recruiter by making a wide choice available. A good job description helps in attracting the right candidates for the job. Recruitment has acquired immense importance in todayโ€™s organizations. Organization shape realized the value of human capital and its role in their development. Recruitment is the first step in the process of acquiring and retaining human resources for an organization. In todayโ€™s rapidly changing business environment, organization shape to respond quickly to requirements for people. Hence, it is important to have a well- defined recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to get the best fits for the vacant positions. Recruitment is a positive process as it increases the selection ratio by attracting a large number of applicants for the advertised jobs. As an intern at AWOKE India Consultants Pvt. Ltd., my responsibilities include screening, short-listing, and conducting telephone interviews for potential candidates. The hiring process
  • 25. 25 | P a g e involves multiple stages, starting with my initial screening, followed by the short-listing of candidates. The final decision-making authority lies with the Head HR and the Director. I actively contributed to the recruitment process by posting job advertisements on various platforms such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Job Hai. These platforms allowed us to reach a wide pool of potential candidates and attract individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Additionally, I played a key role in drafting comprehensive job descriptions for the positions we were hiring for. These job descriptions accurately outlined the responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements for each role, ensuring that potential candidates had a clear understanding of the expectations and criteria. By posting job ads and crafting well-defined job descriptions, we were able to attract a diverse range of applicants and ensure that the recruitment process started on a strong foundation. In the recent recruitment cycle, I screened and shortlisted candidates based on their resumes, qualifications, and suitability for the position. After conducting telephone interviews to assess their skills and fit for the company culture, I further narrowed down the pool of candidates. The shortlisted candidates were then forwarded to the Head HR for a comprehensive evaluation, which involved further assessments, interviews, and reference checks. Finally, the Director made the final selection from the pool of candidates recommended by the Head HR. I am pleased to report that some of the candidates were selected for the positions based on their qualifications, experience, and overall fit for the organization. Overall, my involvement in the recruitment process at AWOKE India Consultants Pvt. Ltd. allowed me to gain practical experience in various aspects of talent acquisition, including screening, short-listing, conducting telephone interviews, and providing support to the HR team. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the company's hiring efforts and to further develop my skills and knowledge in the field of HR.
  • 26. 26 | P a g e COMPANY PROFILE
  • 27. 27 | P a g e INTRODUCTION AWOKE India owes its genesis to a pressing need in society - the need to bridge the gap in skills related to financial management, communication, and other employability skills. With a proud legacy of 25 years, AWOKE India has been at the forefront of transforming lives and organizations through its comprehensive training, consulting, and social enterprise initiatives . This company is a leading training, consulting, and social enterprise company, has been empowering individuals and organizations for over a decade. With a strong focus on bridging the gap in employability skills and financial acumen, AWOKE India has trained over 1 lakh participants across 200 cities in India through 1200+ programs. By offering impactful solutions and knowledge-driven initiatives, AWOKE India has become a trusted partner in enabling personal and professional growth. The name AWOKE is an acronym for "A Wisdom One Knowledge Enterprise." It reflects their commitment to bringing about a new awakening by infusing wisdom through knowledge-driven initiatives for all stakeholders. As a training, consulting, and social enterprise, they are deeply committed to strengthening individuals' skills and enabling enterprises to achieve their goals. FOUNDER'S MESSAGE Pravin Kumar Dwivedi, the founder of AWOKE India, draws upon his 22 years of experience in multinational corporations and the banking sector. He envisioned AWOKE India as an entity that could bridge the gap in skills and create a difference through knowledge-driven initiatives.
  • 28. 28 | P a g e VISION AND MISSION AWOKE India aims to be the best-preferred partner for stakeholders in the areas of training, consulting, and social enterprise. They strive to bring about a qualitative impact on target groups through knowledge-driven initiatives that are competitive, ethical, and socially responsible. AWOKE India is determined to bring a transformative change to individuals, industries, and institutions through their expertise in training, consulting, and social initiatives. By offering a range of services, they aim to empower individuals and enable enterprises to achieve greater heights in the most impactful, ethical, and responsible manner. CORE VALUES Excellence: Striving for excellence in everything we do, delivering impactful solutions with unmatched quality. Integrity: Conducting business with utmost honesty, transparency, and ethical practices. Innovation: Embracing innovation to develop cutting-edge solutions that cater to evolving needs. Collaboration: Fostering a collaborative environment that promotes teamwork and mutual growth. Customer Focus: Placing the needs of our customers at the forefront and exceeding their expectations.
  • 29. 29 | P a g e TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING AWOKE India offers a wide range of training programs tailored to various domains and target groups: Financial Management Training: Empowering managers across functions to enhance their financial acumen and improve decision-making processes. Participants gain valuable insights into cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and financial strategy. Communication and Soft Skills: Developing essential soft skills such as interpersonal communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, customer service, networking, and effective communication. These skills enhance personal and professional growth and contribute to overall success. Health Management: Delivering comprehensive health management training to individuals, NGOs, FBOs, social workers, and teachers. This training focuses on empowering communities to take responsibility for their own health through health education and sustainable healthcare practices. Happiness and Well-being: Providing principles of happiness training to help individualsโ€™ access mental health and well-being consistently. Participants learn strategies to enhance personal happiness, resilience, and overall life satisfaction.
  • 30. 30 | P a g e CONSULTING SERVICES AWOKE India offers expert consultancy services in the following areas: Taxation and Accounting: Supporting businesses with income tax return preparation and filing, accounting services, TDS planning, GST registration and filing, PAN and TAN filing, and management and purchase reconciliation. Secretarial Services: Assisting businesses with company incorporation, mergers and amalgamations, XBRL filing, annual company filings, and intellectual property rights (IPR) support. Financial Services: Providing strategic financial services such as fund-raising, SME listing, and capital restructuring to help businesses achieve growth and scale. Strategic Business Management: Offering guidance in areas like strategy and transformation, social enterprise management, cost and performance excellence, customer loyalty and experience, and relentless enablement and implementation. COURSES OFFERED Professional Development: ๏‚ท Soft Skills and Personality Development ๏‚ท Interview Preparation and Readiness ๏‚ท Digital Literacy and Marketing Skills ๏‚ท Effective Communication Strategies ๏‚ท Goal Setting and Employability Skills Enhancement ๏‚ท Correspondence and Business Communication ๏‚ท Formal Presentation Skills
  • 31. 31 | P a g e Corporate Training: ๏‚ท Financial Awareness for Non-Finance Professionals ๏‚ท Emotional Intelligence and Crisis Management ๏‚ท Digital Literacy and Workplace Etiquette ๏‚ท Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills ๏‚ท Team Management and Effective Communication ๏‚ท Sales Skills and Customer Relationship Management Educational Institutes/B-Schools: ๏‚ท Digital Literacy and Technology Integration ๏‚ท Soft Skills Development for Students ๏‚ท Public Speaking Confidence Building ๏‚ท Effective Presentation Skills ๏‚ท Financial Awareness and Money Management AWOKE India offers a wide range of training programs designed to meet the unique needs of individuals, corporates, and educational institutions. With a focus on professional development, corporate training, and educational enhancement, AWOKE India empowers its participants with the necessary skills for personal and professional success. In conclusion, AWOKE India has proven itself as a leading force in the training, consulting, and social enterprise landscape. With a remarkable history of 25 years, the company has successfully trained and empowered over 1 lakh individuals across 200 cities. AWOKE India's commitment to excellence, integrity, and customer focus has solidified its position as a trusted partner for individuals, organizations, and communities. As you engage with AWOKE India, you will experience firsthand the dedication and passion that drives the company's mission. Their diverse range of training programs, encompassing financial management, communication and soft skills, and health management, equips individuals with the necessary tools to succeed in today's competitive world.
  • 32. 32 | P a g e AWOKE India's consultancy services provide invaluable support in areas such as taxation and accounting, secretarial services, financial strategies, and strategic business management. Their team of experts, armed with extensive industry knowledge, guides businesses towards success, ensuring they navigate challenges with confidence and seize growth opportunities. The company's vision to be the preferred partner for stakeholders in training, consulting, and social enterprise underscores their unwavering commitment to making a positive and transformative impact. AWOKE India's relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and collaboration sets them apart, enabling them to deliver solutions that cater to the unique needs of their clients. By choosing AWOKE India, you align yourself with a company that places paramount importance on ethical practices, quality outcomes, and customer satisfaction. Their tailored and personalized approach ensures that every individual, organization, or community receives the attention and expertise required to unlock their full potential. Join AWOKE India on their journey of empowerment, as they continue to awaken the power within individuals and organizations. Together, we can embrace a future filled with endless possibilities and drive positive change across society.
  • 33. 33 | P a g e BIBLIOGRAPHY ๏‚ท Securities and Exchange Board of India. (2022). Investor Awareness and Education Initiatives: Annual Report. Mumbai, India: Government Press. ๏‚ท Verma, S., & Gupta, A. (2020). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Investor Awareness Programs in India. Journal of Financial Research, 42(2), 78-94. ๏‚ท Gupta, A. K. (2017). Human Resource Management (5th ed.). McGraw Hill Education. ๏‚ท Institute of Company Secretaries of India. (2017). Investor Awareness Programmes (Guidance Note). Retrieved from WEBSITES: ๏‚ท Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). (2022). "Investor Awareness Initiatives." Retrieved from Yes=yes&addressesPage=YES&intmId=9 ๏‚ท Reserve Bank of India (RBI). (2021). "Financial Education and Awareness Program." Retrieved from ๏‚ท National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). (2022). "Investor Education and Awareness Program." Retrieved from and-awareness-program ๏‚ท Economic Times. (2023). "Investment Education and Awareness Articles." Retrieved from ๏‚ท Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) India. (n.d.). Recruitment and Selection Process in India. Retrieved from s/SHRM_Recruitment%20and%20Selection%20Process%20in%20India.pdf