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Prasadam/ Prsad- Holy Food to the God	 2
YOUR kids to understand our Hinduism?	 6
Stories for your Children	 12
Lord Iyyappa & Origin of Harivarasanam 	 16
Atharva Vedic Astrology &
Atharva Vedic Rituals	 20
Letter to Swamiji	 37
Sani Peyarchi Palangal	 46
Gayatri Mantra	 57
Maha Mirudanjaya Mantra	 60
Empowering Self & Community
Karma 2
Adevotee asked me”, Why do we offer prasad to God ? I
explained her , “When we cook food, we cook it not for
our pleasure but for the pleasure of the Lord. In Bhagavad
Gita, Krishna says that if we offer Him even a leaf, a flower,
fruit or water, with love and devotion – He eats it.

When the Lord eats the food offered to Him, it becomes
Prasadam a sacrament. Just as a person suffering with
tuberculosis contaminates the food, which if shared with
someone else and transfers the disease. The transcendental
saliva of God now contaminates this food. And if you eat, it
you get infected with Bhakti – Love of God.”

The seeker immediately asked “Why should God eat the food
we offer to Him. Isn’t he perfect and complete? Why does He
need to eat any food?”

The master replied: “God, who is perfect and complete,
eats the food, and yet it remains in full for His devotee to
If your child takes money from your wallet, buys a
chocolate that he wants, and then before gobbling it up, offers
a piece to you with love and devotion- would you eat it (even
if you hated sweets)? Of course you would!

The master further continued, God does not need to eat
anything or accept any offering, yet He does- overcome by
the love and devotion that accompanies it.

The result of eating this offering as Prasadam is a magical
transformation of the individual into a Bhakta or Devotee.

Everything that you eat, if offered to God, will infect you with
Bhakti and enable you to eat your way into God’s heart.”
Isnt it a mouth watering story. Now, most of us would think
we have found the answer to our question of why we must
offer prasad to deities. However we easily miss a few very
crucial points.
1. The dad would accept the chocolate being offered by the
child, only cos it is his child. In any other instance it would
be a case of theft and the father’s reaction would be different.
Therefore, relationship is crucial when it comes to dealing
with God. Do we like children , reflect the nature and essence
of our God our parent ? Where did we get qualities like sin,
evil, rebellion, hatred, lies, murder, wickedness etc.. why are
we seeking moksha, let the wise discern..
2. God is holy and just, as much as He is love. If he has to be
just, every sinner must be punished, even If it is his own son.
So, would God just accept the prasadam offered to him? or
Do we have to find a solution for our sins, before we carry the
prasadam in our hands.
3.Even though the prasad is very tasty, and the emotion behind
the act very genuine, would you eat the prasad if offered in a
leprous, infected and bleeding hand? No, you would never,
even if it is your sons’ hand. Therefore intent becomes very
important than the content. No matter what ever is offered to
God, if we carry a heart full of wickedness, hatred, evil and
selfishness. God who is all knowing sees and understands it
much before we try to camouflage with our tricks, size and
smell of prasads.
God is love and He loves us immensely, but we must also
remember that He is just righteous and holy unlike anyone
else. Therefore before we cook anything for Him, we must
know His taste.
Just like a mom who hates every germ in the house, including
the germs on her sons hands and would want to destroy them
at first sight. God’s Holy & Righteous character, hates sin
and rebellion and must execute judgment as he is just. The
problem of sin must be first resolved before we think of the
The forgiveness of our sins restores the relationship with
God, which could then make our sacrifices and offerings
acceptable. Else they would all remain unacceptable just like
the good deeds of a murderer aren’t mentioned or considered
as a reason for forgiveness in the court of law.
While we all desire so deeply to immerse ourselves in the
bhakti prema rasa ocean, and with the genunity of desire-
hunger for the cosmic saliva of God. To please God, we
however need to find his taste and know him better, else we
will be left salivating and fooling ourselves. After all isn’t He
God and we his creation!
On the spiritual path those that are most inclined to lead a
peaceful existence that respects the value of all life often
adopts the vegetarian lifestyle. It is in accordance with the
yogic principle of ahimsa, which is to observe nonviolence
and abstain from injuring any being in any way. However,
in the process of bhakti-yoga, devotion goes beyond simple
vegetarianism, and food becomes a method of spiritual
progress. In the Krishna temples, food is offered to the Deities
in a special sacrament, after which it becomes prasada or
prasadam. This means the mercy of the Lord. Thus, the food
we eat after it is offered to the Lord becomes a means for our
purification and spiritual development.
In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna says, “All that you do,
all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as
all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an
offering unto Me.” So offering what we eat to the Lord is an
integral part of bhakti-yoga and makes the food blessed with
spiritual potencies. Then such food is called prasadam, or the
mercy of the Lord.
The Lord also describes what He accepts as offerings: “If
one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or
water, I will accept it.” Thus, we can see that the Lord does not
need anything, but if one offers fruits, grains, and vegetarian
foods, He will accept it. The Lord does not accept foods like
meat, fish or eggs, but only those that are pure and naturally
available without harming others. So we offer what Krishna
likes, not those items which are distasteful to Him. We also do
not use garlic, onions, or mushrooms when we prepare food
for Krishna.
The Lord is fully satisfied in Himself. He is the creator of all
so everything is already His. He supplies us with food through
nature, but we give thanks to Him by offering it back in a
mood of loving devotion. So if His devotee offers something
with love, out of His causeless mercy Krishna accepts it.
The Lord is never hungry for our food, but for the love and
devotion we offer. And then He reciprocates with that love.
So on the spiritual path eating food that is first offered to
God is the ultimate perfection of a vegetarian diet. The
Vedic literature explains that the purpose of human life is
reawakening the soul’s original relationship with God, and
accepting prasadam is the way to help us reach that goal.
Prasadam is food that has first been offered to God. Meaning
“the Lord’s mercy”, prasadam is prepared specifically for God
and offered to His deity, and is thus considered sacred.
The tongue is very difficult to satisfy since it is always craving
different kinds of foods. Due to this desire, we end up eating
things that we shouldn’t. In acquiring such food, we go to
great lengths such as killing innocent animals. We become
bound up in the material world through our eating and thus
have to suffer the results through the laws of karma.
Prasadam is considered “karma-free” food since it is sanctified
by God. Prasadam is prepared and offered to satisfy God and
not to satisfy our senses. We purify ourselves by remembering
that God supplies us everything and that we should aim to
please Him instead of ourselves. In preparing and eating
prasadam, we thank God for everything He has done for us
and we pray that we will always remember Him.
In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna:
“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit
or water, I will accept it.” When we prepare and offer food
specifically for God, He eats the food but through His mercy
he leaves the remnants for us.
The ingredients are selected with great care and must be fresh,
clean and pure vegetarian. Also, in cooking for Krishna we
do not taste the preparations while cooking. We leave the first
taste for Krishna when it is offered.
After all the preparations are ready, we take a portion of each
one and place it in bowls on a special plate and take it to the
altar to offer it to the Deities or pictures of Krishna.
Then the preparations are presented with special prayers as
we ask that God accept our humble offering. The Lord accepts
it with the most important part being the love with which it is
offered. God does not need to eat, but it is our love for God
which attracts Him to us and to accept our offering. Even if
the most sumptuous banquet is offered to God but without
devotion and love, Krishna will not be hungry to accept it. It
is our love which catches the attention of Lord Krishna who is
then inclined to accept our service.
After He glances over and tastes that loving offering of
vegetarian preparations, He leaves the remnants for us to
honor and relish. Krishna’s potency is absorbed in that food.
In this way material substance becomes spiritualized, which
then affects our body and mind in a similar way. This is His
special mercy for us. Thus, the devotional process becomes an
exchange of love between us and God, which includes food.
And that food not only nourishes our body, but also purifies
our consciousness.
By relishing the sacred food of Krishna prasadam, it purifies
our heart and protects us from falling into illusion. In this way,
the devotee imbibes the spiritual potency of Lord Krishna and
becomes cleansed of sinful reactions by eating food that is
first offered in sacrifice to God. We thus also become free
from reincarnation, the continued cycle of life and death. This
process prepares us for entering the spiritual world since the
devotees there also relish eating in the company of Krishna.
Not only do we make advancement, but also all of the plants
that are used in the preparations as an offering to God are
also purified and reap spiritual benefit. However, we become
implicated in karma if we cause the harm of any living being,
even plants, if we use them for food without offering them to
God. Thus prasadam also becomes the perfect yoga diet.
Therefore, the cooking, the offering and then the respectful
eating or honoring of this spiritualized food all become a part
Karma 4
of the joyful process of devotional service to the Lord.Anyone
can learn to do this and enjoy the happiness of experiencing
prasadam. The Sunday love feast in the Hare Krishna temples
is the opportunity in which everyone can participate in this
opulence of Lord Krishna. So we invite you to attend as
often as you like and make spiritual advancement simply by
relishing God’s prasadam.
Due to its auspicious nature, prasadam should be distributed
to as many people as possible. This sanctified food ignites a
spiritual spark in the soul which will eventually reawakens
one’s dormant love for God. Vedic literature references many
historical incidents where people have had the good fortune
of partaking of prasadam, sometimes even by accident, and
have had their lives made perfect as a result. It is believed
that anyone who regularly partakes of it, will at the very least
return as a human being in their next life.
Different Prasadams to God – and How to make it?
Preparation of Sundal/Requirements
1. Channa (or chick pea or green gram or Bengal gram or any
dal you wish) - 1 cup
2. Onion – 1:3. Dry chili – 3:4. Mustard - 1 tsp:5. Curry leaves
- 1 hand full
6. Salt and oil as per need.:7. Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
1. Soak the Channa (or whatever dal you selected) in water for
at least 4 hours.:2. Put the dal in a pressure cooker and cook
for 1 or 2 whistles.:3. Drain excess water and take the dal and
keep it aside.:4. Place a pan in the stove.:5. Pour little oil.:6.
Add the mustard and let it spurt.:7. Then add the red chili and
fry.:8. Add the onion and curry leaves and fry till onion turns
translucent.:9. Now add the dal (cooked and drained) to this
and mix well.:
10. Add salt and grated coconut. Mix well and put of the
fire:11. Serve hot.
But there are few things to be noted when you are making as
a prasadam.
In Hindu Purana, adding salt is considered as a sin (in the
sense, that salt will kindle your taste bud, giving importance
to your tongue than to GOD) and so, generally people offer
prasadam to GOD without adding salt. But in this modern era,
people who attends the Puja and bajans may not like to eat a
food without salt. So, to avoid the hassle, generally you may
take a plate full of prasadam separately without adding salt,
immediately after preparing and keep that plate before GOD
as offering. Rest of the sundal she will add salt, that is used
to distributed to all those who come to home for the function.
The unsalted prasadam will be distributed to all the family
members and those who like to have it. Similarly, onion is
believed to induce sexual feeling and there by it is always
avoided in prasadam preparations. But few people use onion.
So, you can use or leave depending upon your level of beliefs.
Dal is rich in protein. So, in general, this sundal can be made at
any time, and not only for prasadam. It is too good for growing
kids to get protein. To avoid losing the protein content, it is
good to cook the sundal in exact water and no much water to
drain. Also, if you wash the dal nicely before soaking, then
you can use the same water used to soak the Dal for cooking
also and there by not losing any nutritional values.
Annam Payasam or Paramannam
(Food Of The Gods)
Its a sweet dish which is prepared as an offering to God in
almost every home in Andhra on most special occasions and
festivals. According to Hindu tradition & spiritual customs,
by offering Naivedyam to God in the form of sweets like
chakripongal, payasam, paramannam and fruits the devotees
acknowledge the good things that come from God. After God
partakes of the offering the naivedyam becomes prasadam.
Prasadam is consumed after performing puja or worship and
consuming the delicious prasadam symbolizes the bliss of
Paramannam can be served hot or cold as a dessert and is
prepared with rice, milk and sugar or jaggery and garnished
with raisins and cashewnuts. We prepared Paramannam as
‘Prasadam’(offering to God) this morning on the occassion of
Bhogi,the first day of Sankranti Festival and this is the recipe
as prepared by Amma.
1/2 cup raw rice washed and drained:1/2 cup sugar or grated
1 lt milk:pinch of salt:1/4 tsp ground green cardamom:fried
cashew nuts and raisins for garnish:1 tbsp ghee(clarified
butter)for frying cashew nuts and raisins
Wash and soak rice in water for about fifteen minutes.
Heat a pan and bring milk to a boil. Lower heat and add the
rice to the milk. Cook until the rice is soft and the mixture
looks thick. Remove from heat and cool.
Add the sugar and mix well and keep stirring till it mixes well.
Heat ghee in a skillet and add cashew nuts. Fry for 1-2 mts
till the cashew nuts turn light brown. Add raisins and stir for
a few seconds. Add this along with the remaining ghee to the
cooked rice. Add cardamom powder and a pinch of salt and
mix well. Turn off heat and keep covered for 5 minutes. Serve
hot or cold.
Note: If you are using jaggery in place of sugar you must
follow this method. Heat a small pan and boil 1/2 cup water
and add grated jaggery.On slow fire let the jaggery cook till it
melts and is sticky (if you touch a drop of the jaggery between
the thumb and fore finger it should feel sticky).Don’t let it heat
too much, it should basically melt…approx 4-5 mts. Remove
from heat and keep aside. Let it cool for 3-4 minutes and then
add to the cooled cooked rice otherwise the milk might split.
Masala Vadas are popular South Indian deep fried crisp
lentil dumplings prepared with channa dal(bengal gram
lentil),onions and Indian spices. The outer crust is crisp,
tastes great and is generally eaten as a snack.It can be eaten
as it is or served with green chutney or coriander chutney.
Paramannam,Masala Vada with masala chai ….our festive
breakfast menu for Bhogi after offering prayers .
Masala Vada
1 cup soaked and drained channa dal(split bengal gram):1
tsp raw rice:1/2 tsp cumin seeds:4-5 flakes garlic:1″ ginger
chopped:5-6 curry leaves:4 green chillis:1 large chopped
onion:1-2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander leaves:pinch of garam
masala (optional)
1 tsp chopped mint leaves (optional):salt :oil for frying
Soak channa dal and rice in water for 2 hours.Drain.Keep
aside a fistful of drained channa dal and grind the rest of
the channa dal and rice,green chillis,cumin seeds,ginger and
garlic coarsely.To this coarse mixture, add chopped onions,
curry leaves, coriander leaves,salt and garam masala and mix
well.Add the remaining channa dal and mix well. Make small
lemon-sized balls and pat it lightly on your palm or on butter
paper and slide into hot oil and deep fry until golden brown.
Karma 6
-Param Pujya” Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar”
The following article would be greatly useful, if you had your
children born in a foreign country (not India) I have written
the following information especially for our Indian Kids who
has born in USA and or raised here. I have personally given
thousands of lectures and satsangs in the mandirs, Televisions
etc about numerous subjects about our Vedas and have thought
that, giving the following some basic basic information to
our children would be highly useful. If you have kid born or
you are rising your Kids in USA then, make sure you teach
the following to your children. Also you and your children are
welcome to call me at any time for any kinds of spiritual help
Who is the founder of Hinduism?
Hinduism has no founder, it developed out of Brahminism.
Hinduism is the oldest religion; it may date to prehistoric times.
What is the symbol of Hinduism?
Aum is the main symbol of Hinduism. It is the sound heard in
deepest meditation and is said to be the name most suited for
Where does the name Hindu come from?
The word “Hindu” comes from the name of the river Indus,
which flows 1800 miles from Tibet through Kashmir and
Pakistan to the sea.
How is Hinduism different from other faiths?
Hinduism has no founder, single teacher nor any prophets.
Hinduism is not a Single Religion. Hinduism is the practices of
a variety of different religious groups which come out of India.
What do Hindus believe?
For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of
beliefs. It’s more what you do, than what you believe. Hindus
believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman. Brahman
takes on many forms that some Hindus worship as gods or
goddesses in their own right. Hindus believe that there is a part
of Brahman in everyone and this is called the Atman.
Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that the soul is eternal
and lives many lifetimes, in one body after another. The soul
is sometimes born in a human body, sometimes in an animal
body and sometimes in a plant body etc.. Hindus believe that
all forms of life contain a soul, and all souls have the chance to
experience life in different forms.
Samsara means going through the cycle of repeated births and
deaths (reincarnation). Hindus believe that existence of this
cycle is governed by Karma.
What is Karma?
Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive
lives and its next incarnation is always dependent on how the
previous life was lived. (Similar to Buddhist beliefs) Karma is
the cause of our particular destiny. Misfortunes in our present
life are the result of acts that we have committed in the past. In
the same way, our actions in our present lives will determine
our fate in the lives that follow. Hindus therefore aim to live in
a way that will cause each of their lives to be better than the
life before.
What is Moksha?
The spiritual goal of a Hindu is to become one with Brahma.
a Hindu believes that he/she will be repeatedly reincarnated in
order that he/she may work towards self-realization of the truth
(the truth being that only Brahman exists, nothing else).
What is the Hindu way of life?
For many Hindus there are four goals in human life
1 Moksha - the release of the soul (Atman) from the cycle of
rebirth. The individual soul (Atman) unites with Brahman the
universal soul. There are different ways to Moksha.
Spiritual - involves acquiring spiritual knowledge through
yoga and meditation. devotion to god working selflessly for
the good of society. How a person is reincarnated is determined
by karma.
2 Dharma - the code for leading one’s life.
Respect for elders is considered important and many consider
marriage as a son’s religious duty.
3 Artha - the pursuit of material gain by lawful means.
4 Karma- through pure acts, knowledge and devotion, you
can reincarnate to a higher level. The opposite achieves the
contrary result.
How do Hindus achieve Moksha?
There are four different paths to achieve Moksha which a
Hindu can take.
The Hindu can choose one or all four of the paths they are:
1 The path of knowledge - Jnana-Yoga
Spiritual knowledge -leading to the knowledge of the
relationship between the soul (atman) and God (Brahman)
2 The path of meditation - Dhyana-yoga
The idea is to concentrate so you can reach the real self within
you and become one with Brahman
3 The Path of Devotion - Bhakti-yoga
Choosing a particular god or goddess and worshipping them
throughout your life in actions, words and deeds.
4 The path of good works - Karma-yoga
This involves doing all your duties correctly throughout your
Why are there so many Hindu Gods?
Hindus actually only believe in one God, Brahman, the eternal
origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence. The
gods of the Hindu faith represent different forms of Brahman.
These gods are sent to help people find the universal God
Most Hindus have a personal god or goddess such as Shiva,
Krishna or Lakshmi to whom they pray regularly.
The three most important Hindu gods (forms of Brahman) are:
Brahma - known as the Creator.
Vishnu - Known as the Preserver
Shiva (Siva)- known as the Destroyer.
Other Hindu gods include:
Saraswathi - Goddess of Wisdom - Wife of Lord Brahma.
Saraswathi is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and all
the creative arts.
Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth - Wife of Lord Vishnu
Lakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and
Parvati - regarded as a representation of Shakti. Parvati
is the wife of Lord Shiva and the Godess of household and
(Shakti is by literal definition sacred force, power, or energy.
Shakti is the personnification of Brahman as feminine)
Ganesha - Son of Shiva and Parvati.
The Hindu god in a human form but with the head of an
elephant.(pictured right)
What is the Hindu place of Worship?
Most Hindus worship (puja) every day at home and have a
shrine there. A shrine can be anything from a room, a small
altar or simply pictures or statues. Family members often
worship together. At the shrine, Hindus make offerings to a
murti. A murti is a sacred statue of God, or a god or goddess.
The Hindu building for communal worship is called Mandir
(Hindu Temple). The temples are dedicated to different gods
and are the focus of religious life. Outside India, people mainly
gather at the mandir at the weekend.
Worshippers repeat the names of their favorite gods, goddesses,
and the mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered
to the gods.
What is Hinduism’s Holy book?
The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion are written
in Sanskrit and called the Vedas.
Karma 8
Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several
scriptures. The Vedas scriptures guide Hindus in their daily life.
They also help to preserve the religious dimensions of family
and society. Hindus have developed their system of worship
and beliefs from the scriptures.
There are two main categories of the Hindu scriptures:
Shruti (“that which is heard”) consists of the four Vedas and
Upanishads scriptures.
Smriti (“that which is remembered”) composed of traditional
texts, including the Dharma Shastras (legal and ethical texts),
the Puranas, and the folk/historical legends known as the
Mahabharata and Ramayana.
The Hindu Holy Scriptures are mainly comprised of the
following works written in the Sanskrit language:
1. The Vedas Rg-Veda (Rigveda), Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda,
Atharva-Veda (see further down )
2. The Upanisads - These consider the nature of the individual
soul (Atman) and the universal soul (Brahman.) One of the
Upanishads contains the earliest reference to the reincarnation
of the soul in different bodies (transmigration) of the soul.
3. The Smrutis - (‘tradition) are the Laws of Manu (250 BC)
4. Ramayana - Contains the story of Rama and his devoted
wife Sita. She is kidnapped by the demon king Ravana but is
later freed by Rama with the help of the monkey god Hanuman.
The poem is about how good will always triumph over evil
and Rama and Sita are held up as role models for the perfect
husband and wife.
5. Mahabharata - An epic poem telling the story of a war
between two branches of a family. The Bhagavad-Gita forms
part of this and means “The Song of God.”
6. The Puranas - A collection of ancient tales about the different
incarnations and the lives of saints.
What are the Vedas?
The Vedas are the oldest religious texts in Hinduism. The
word Veda means knowledge. It is believed that the Vedas
were orally revealed by Brahma to certain sages, who heard
them and passed them down in an oral tradition. They were
not written down; in fact this was prohibited. Because of this
earliest oral tradition continuing even now when the Vedas are
available in the written form, the Vedas are still known to be
Sruti or shruti - ‘ that which is heard ‘.
The Vedas are mainly comprised of of hymns or mantras
written in the Sanskrit language. They cover various subjects,
from nature to everyday life and behaviour, and form the basis
of all other religious writings. The books are so special that
they are often kept in glass cases.
The four Vedas are:
Rg-Veda (Rigveda) - The oldest and holiest Veda.
Each Veda is divided into four sections:
The Samhitas - The oldest portion - Contains the mantras and
hymns The Brahmanas - The ritualistic teachings - They are
written in prose and explain the hymns. The
Aranyakas - The meditational section
The Upanishads - The mystic and philosophical. They consider
the nature of the individual soul (Atman) and the universal
soul (Brahman.) One of the Upanishads contains the earliest
reference to the reincarnation of the soul in different bodies
(transmigration) of the soul.
The Vedas are the law. Most beliefs, concepts, and ceremonies
are based on information contained in the Vedas.
What are the practices of Hindus?
The practice of Hinduism consists of rites and ceremonies
centering on birth, marriage, and death.
There are three basic practices:
1 Worship (called Puja)
This is an integral part of the faith. Offerings (puja) are usually
made to representations of the gods.
2 Cremation
The dead are burnt not buried
3 Compliance with the rules of the caste system
The caste system, prescribed in the vedas, was ‘a division of
society to preserve society’ similar to the society in ancient
Egyptian times. Each group had rules of conduct to be obeyed.
Karma 9
Karma 10
The caste system divided people by occupation i.e. teachers
and philosophers were brahmins; fighters were kshatriya;
shopkeepers, moneylenders and trades people were vaishya;
and servants and cleaners were shudra.
No caste was higher or more important (superior) to another.
All were equal and acknowledged as essential to the society.
With thanks to Nirmisha Bhatt and Smruti Desai for providing
us with information about the caste system
Is pilgrimage an important aspect of Hindusim?
Yes, pilgrimage is important to Hindus.
What are the popular pilgrimage places?
Popular pilgrimage places are rivers, temples, mountains, and
other sacred sites in India. As these are sites where the gods
may have appeared or become manifest in the world.
Shivagama Tantra Yoga
The tantric scriptures of shaivism are the shivAgamas. These
along with the vedas are considered the holy scriptures of the
religion. Both vedas and Agamas are blessed to us by the God
shiva Itself, through the divines and sages. Like the word veda
indicate knowledge the root gam in the word Agama indicate
the dynamism. (Agama is interpreted as the one that “arrived”
from God). As the name indicate Agamas are the dynamism of
the supreme knowledge. It is the implementation or recipe for
attaining the Supreme Truth. If vedas are the science, Agamas
are the engineering.
What does Agama tantras have ?
Agamas elucidate four glorious parts/paths called padas.
They are Charya, kriya, yoga, Gyana
There are 28 shivagamas. All of them have these four parts.
The order and the name change. (For e.g. in some of the
Agamas it could be called vidya pAda etc.) These four are the
worship procedures prescribed for the devotees.
caryapada details the prayashcitta vidhi (atonement), pavitra
vidhi (purification), shivalinga lakshaNam (qualification/
characteristics of shivalinga), japamala, yogapatta lakshaNam
(characteristics of japamAla-rosary and yogapattam-used in
yogic posture).
kriyapada explains mantra uddaranam (elevation with
mantras), sandhyAvandhanam (twilight salutation), puja, japa,
homas (worship, chanting, rites), samaya vishesha nirvana
acaryabhiSheka (initiations into the spiritual stages). yogapada
tells about the thirty six tattvas, tattveshvara, yama niyama
Asana samadi procedures.
Gyana pada elucidates the characteristics of pati, pashu, pasha.
vedagama Agamas, like vedas are the sources of almost all the
philosophical doctrines and the religious life of Hinduism in
general and shaivism in specific. It enunciates the nature of
the Supreme as well as the way to get to It. Agamas advocate
the practical aspects (implementation aspects) of religious
life and regulations that would make the worship streamlined
to produce the ultimate benefit. So these have quite good
elaboration of the rituals. These glorious rituals could be the
public worship performed at temples or the personal ones
performed at the residence. The rules of Agamas can be
followed by any person without bothering about caste, color,
creed or sex. The core philosophy the Agama tantras explain
are about the three things pati, pashu, pasha . Some of the
Agamas appear to put forth non-dualistic and some others the
concept of more than one “real” thing.
vedas are called nigama and along with Agama, they are
regarded as shR^iti. vedas are full of mantras and so are in
the form of aphorisms, but the Agamas are in the form of
discussion and so are available in the simple verse structure.
Both vedas and Agamas were revealed to the world by the
riShis from their spiritual vision.
Agama tantra source and verses
The Agamas originated from the Supreme shiva’s five
faces, namely sadyojAta, vAmadeva, aghora, tatpurusha,
Ishana. There are two classifications of agamas. They are
shivAgamAs and rudrAgamas depending upon who the
first propogator of the corresponding Agama were (shivas
or rudras). There are 10 shivAgamas and 18 rudrAgamas.
These Agamas form the basis of the worship of Lord shiva.
These Agamas also have upagamas - the supporting agama
tantra texts. These are 204 in count for the 28 agamas. Some
of the agamas are said to be having trillions of verses. For
example kAmika, sukshma and sahasra agamas. Lots of
these texts have been lost out in the history. Many of the
agamas available today are not having all the parts in full.
Some of the agamas have only some of the padas available.
In the form of male and female, matted hair with
moon, axe, smeared in red (aruNa), wearing snakes
and the skin of tiger, embracing the bull and with
a bent leg, this the right half, and the left black in
color, hand holding a (lily) flower close to the chest,
with a silk like lotus foot, wearing gold ornaments,
salutations to the Half female God.
Purana of the deity
Ardhanari Ishvarar : half female God (bhoga murti)
Sage bRingi is one of the ardent devotees of Lord
shiva. He used to worship only Lord shiva and not
shakti. Goddess shakti, being the power as the
name indicate, pulled out the energy from bRingi
mahaRishi’s body. Now he was even unable to stand.
He pleaded to God. God shiva provided him with a
stick. On its support he stood and still worshipped
Lord shiva alone. Goddess shakti wanted to become
an inseparable part of Lord shiva’s form. She oberved
the kEdhAra mahA vrata (1) austerity, which is now
known as deepAvaLi. Pleased with her austerity,
Lord shiva granted her the boon of being part of His
form. So the Lord now appeared male on the right
side and female on the left side and hence became
Significance of this form
This is one of the very important form of God, Hindus
worship. This is a much-hailed form in scriptures of
various languages. Hindus do not say that the God
is only male. God is male - female and neuter too !
Since God is conceptually beyond sex, though gets
referred as He/She many times, it is more appropriate
to refer as It, especially at Its intrinsic condition, as do
many hindu scriptures.
Philosophically, this form is quite associated with the
Grace of God. shiva and shakti are one and the same
Supreme. The formless God is called parashiva. On
Its own free-will for the benefit of pashus (souls),
which are drowned in pAsha (bondage), It thinks
to create the worlds. Its dynamism of creation thus
springs out of It, which is called shakti. Now shiva
and Its power shakti create everything. This is the
form of their togetherness that springs out of Lord
shiva. Because of this the form is associated with the
grace of God. shiva and shakti though the same may
also act independently. They are associated like the
person and the action of the person. They are one and
the same like the ice and the water - one becomes the
other. For this reason scriptures describe that shakti
to shiva is a wife (they are together), mother (shakti
becomes shiva - so shiva comes out of shakti) and
daughter (shiva become shakti). Poet kAlidAsa hails
them as inseparable like the word and its meaning,
the letter and pronunciation!!
Karma 12
Stories for your Children
Once there were two sages (rishis) who lived in a hermitage located
in a forest. They spent most of their time worshipping Vayu, the
wind god. One afternoon, as the sages were beginning their meal, a
Brahmachari (an unmarried monk) beggar arrived holding his begging
bowl. The Brahmachari pleaded to the sages, “Pardon me respectful
sages, could I beg for a part of your excess meal?” “Sorry young man,
we cannot spare you any food,” sourly replied one of the sages.
The persistent young monk continued, “May I ask you most humbly,
which Deva (God) do you worship?”
“We worship Vayu, the wind god” answered the sage with pride. “He
is also know as Prana, the breath of life.”
“Ah! Then you must know that Prana pervades the whole universe”
said the young Brahmachari.
The sages were getting impatient, “Yes, yes, we know all that young
man.” The beggar than asked firmly, “Oh honorable sages, could you
tell me to whom did you make this food-offering?”
“Prana, the life, who else?” said the irritated sage. The young monk
smiled and retorted, “If life pervades the universe, it pervades me too.
Am I not a part of that universe?” “Yes, that’s right” replied the sage,
in a puzzled state of mind.
“It is Prana, or life, that pulsates in me, as this hungry body of mine
stands before you and speaks,” appealed the beggar. The sages were
trapped in the argument and admitted, “You speak the truth.” The
beggar then made his final appeal, “Then Oh revered rishis (sages), in
denying me food, you are denying Prana for whom you have prepared
the food.” The rishis had no answer. They realized that merely the
reading of scriptures can not assure them of their assimilation and true
understanding. Ashamed at their ignorance, the sages gladly shared
their food with the young Brahmachari.
The celebrations of Dashera and Diwali, are one of the most
important festivities in India. Dashera is the day when Ravana, the
ten-headed demon king, was slain by Rama; Diwali marks Ramaís
victorious return to Ayodhya. This festive period also marks the time
of offering respect to our ancestors and worshipping various forms
of the goddess Parvati and Durga. These forms include Sarswati,
Ambika, Kali and Lakshmi which are worshipped in different parts
of India. In fact, Rama worshipped Durga, three days before slaying
Ravana. Lakshmi is worshipped five days after Dashera and Kali
is worshipped one month later on the day of Diwali. In some parts
of India, Parvati and Saraswati are worshipped in the place of Kali.
Mahalakshmi is worshipped by the business communities before
Diwali, called Dhanteras. These Goddesses, and many others, are the
manifestations of the same female power. A funny story associated
with Dashera and Diwali is presented here.
Once there was a poor old man who lived with his wife in a small
hut in a village of Rajasthan. The old man lost his job because of his
age. He was too proud to beg and so he and his wife began to starve.
Ultimately he decided to go to the Parvati temple two days before
the Dashera. It took all day to get there and when he reached the
temple the door was closing. Hungry and tired the old man sat down
on the door steps of the temple and fell asleep. Goddess Parvati felt
uncomfortable inside the temple and asked her attendants to get the
old man.
Very soon the old man was brought in and he was surprised to see the
living Parvati. He thought he was dreaming. He fell down on Goddess
Parvatiís feet and with tears in his eyes he narrated the miseries he was
going through. Goddess Parvati took pity and gave him a magic bowl.
The Goddess said, “Take this bowl with you. Whenever you are
hungry ask the bowl to give you whatever food you want and as much
as you want.”
The old man returned home happily with his bowl.
The wife was very happy to know that their bad days are over by
the grace of Goddess Parvati. The old man always wanted to share
his food with the king and others. So he decided to invite them for a
dinner on the day of Diwali. But when he approached the palace the
guard stopped the old man. He explained that he wanted to invite the
king to his hut for dinner. The guard approached the King and sought
his permission. The courtiers laughed and were looking forward to the
fun. The old man requested the king and the queen and the courtiers
to have dinner with him on the evening of Diwali. The king and his
ministers laughed in amusement. The chief minister cautioned, “If we
come back hungry, you will be hanged for playing jokes with His
Majesty.” The old man agreed.
As the day approached the king was impatient to know what was
going on. So he sent his attendant to find out what the old man was
up to. The attendant came back and informed him that no preparations
were on hand. The old man was not the least worried about the royal
visit except that he put up a tent big enough to hold the royal party.
The king arrived with the queen and courtiers. At dinner time, the
old man came with his magic bowl and asked the king to wish for
any food he wants. The king thought that the old man was joking
and ordered some of the most exotic foods in the world. Much to his
disbelief, before he could finish, the food was served. Thus the old
man, with the help of his magic bowl, served food to the queen and
Karma 13
Karma 14
the courtiers. The wicked chief minister asked the king to take away
such a valuable magic bowl for the treasury. The old man tried to
explain that he would starve without the bowl but no one listened.
He lost the bowl. Unfortunately, the bowl did not work for any one
but the proud chief minister refused to return the bowl to the old
Soon the couples were starving again. They some how managed to
survive for a year until Dashera came again. The old man decided
to go back to the temple seeking Parvatiís blessings. He reached
the temple in the middle of the night and started his prayers. Once
again Goddess Parvati called him in and inquired what happened.
When the old man explained, the Goddess decided to teach the king
a lesson. This time she gave the old man a stick and asked him to
go home and use the stick the same way as the magic bowl to get
his food. But she asked the old man to invite the king again for a
dinner on the day of Diwali. Goddess Parvati further explained that
the stick would beat everyone until the bowl was returned to him.
The old man did as he was told. The king readily believed him this
time and agreed to come with the queen and courtiers. The old man
came with the stick. When the orders were placed, the stick began to
beat the king, the queen and the ministers. No one could stop the stick
so they begged the old man to rescue them. The old man explained,
“The stick wants its partner, the magic bowl, until then it will keep
on beating you.” The minister ran to the treasury to fetch the bowl.
The bowl was then placed in the hands of the old man and the stick
stopped. Soon dinner was served and the king once again enjoyed the
world’s best food. The king then built a special house for the old man
where he lived happily with his wife.
The story of Ashtavakra is taken from the great ancient Indian epic,
the Mahabharata. It is the story of a deformed young boy whose
intelligence surpassed many old sages of his time.
Sage Uddalaka ran a school (Ashram) teaching Vedic knowledge.
Kahoda was one of his best disciples. Uddalaka was so pleased with
him that he got his daughter Sujata married to him. Sujata, eventually
got pregnant and wanted her child to surpass all the sages of his time.
So, she began to sit in the classes taught by Uddalaka and Kahoda,
listening to their chanting with the unborn baby. It was one day, in
a class taught by Kahoda, the unborn baby spoke up from inside the
womb, “This is not the way to chant the verse, father.” Kahoda felt
insulted in front of the class and cursed, “You will be born deformed.”
Sujata did not take the instance too seriously and was ambitious.
She wanted more money to raise her child the best. So she asked her
husband to go to king Janak who was then preparing for a fire worship
ceremony (Yagna) hoping that the ceremony will bring money to the
When Kahoda approached Janak, the king received him respectfully
but said with regret “Kahoda, I am unable to perform the Yagna which
I decided to perform several years back. Sage, Bandhi arrived from
no where and asked me to start the Yagna only after he is defeated
in an academic discussion with the sages participating in the Yagna.
His condition further includes that the sages who come forth for the
debate, if defeated, will be drowned. So far he has killed many learned
sages. Now it is up to you to take the challenge.” Kahoda agreed to
debate with Bandhi. He was defeated and drowned in the nearby river.
The widowed Sujata heard the news and repented her actions. A few
months later she gave birth to a boy who was deformed at eight joints
and so named Ashtavakra. He got his education from his grandfather
Uddalaka. Ashtavakra was extremely intelligent and his grandfather
loved him dearly and was very proud of him. When Ashtavakra
was only twelve, he finished all that he needed to know from his
grandfather. He also heard the fate of his father and the Yagna of king
Janak which still remained unfinished as no one could defeat Bandhi.
One night Ashtavakra ran away from the hermitage and came to
king Janak. Looking to his deformed body, the guards were amused.
Ashtavakra retorted, “Do not judge a person by his appearance and
age, judge him by what he knows. Inform your king that there is a
person ready to challenge Bandhi.” The king came and was surprised
to see a small deformed boy. He asked a few questions and was greatly
impressed by his knowledge. King Janak soon arranged for the debate
with Bandhi. When the spectators laughed on seeing the deformed
Ashtavakra, Ashtavakra said with anger, “I did not know that the so
called learned gathering is no better than a bunch of cobblers who
judge a person by the skin and not by the knowledge he has.”
To everyone’s surprise Ashtavakara defeated Bandhi in no time. With
vengeance he then requested the king to drown his father’s killer.
Bandhi then disclosed his identity. He said, “I am the son of Varuna,
the god of water. I came to earth on the request of my father to get
the best sages from here to perform his twelve years of Yagna. The
only way I could get them to my father was to challenge them in a
debate and throw them into water. Now that my father has completed
the Yagna, let us go to the river band and watch the sages walk out of
the river.”
People rushed to the river bank and watched the sages return from
the river. Kahoda came and embraced his learned son Ashtavakra.
He then openly admitted that his son Ashtavakra was a lot more
intelligent than he. Bandhi then asked Ashtavakra to take a dip in the
river, with the blessings of his father, Varuna, which would make him
normal. Ashtavakra did as he was told and came out of the river as a
handsome young man. Janak rewarded Ashtavakra and Kahoda. They
went back to their hermitage to be united with the family. Uddalaka,
was so happy to see his worthy grandson surpassing in knowledge to
all the great sages of his time. Sujata rejoiced at seeing her handsome
son and the husband.
Temples are the connecting points of high importance in
our religion and culture. The absolute necessity of the
temple worship is stressed throughout by the great saints of the
religion. It is not very difficult to realize the important role they
play in cultivating the spiritualism in people. It is the place for
collective worship. Given these significant roles of the temples
it is required to have some discipline to be followed in the
temples for having the real expected out of the worship. Here
are a few one can follow to set that harmony. Most of these
are in general applicable to all Hindu temples though a few are
specific to shaivite temples.
Going to the temple with a clean body. Legs and hands shall be
cleaned at entering the temple.
Going to the temple adorned with holy symbols like the Holy
Ash, rudraxam.
Taking something to offer to the Lord. It is an offering out of
devotion. It would be nice if the offering is the one required in
the worship.
Not to enter the temple with foot wear.
Prostrating in front of the flag column (dwajastambham)
(towards the North) on entering the temple.
Not to prostrate anywhere else in the temple.
Not to prostrate to anybody else in the temple premises.
Taking the permission of nandi devar mentally before entering
His abode.
Saluting the elephant headed Lord enter the Lord’s abode.
In Lord shiva’s abode, engage the mind in the thinking of the
God. Avoid any gossip. Temple is not the place for gossiping.
Can sing or chant His names loudly and sweetly if it would not
disturb others. Otherwise it could be done internally without
making noise.
The Holy ash given as the blessings should be worn saying
“shivAya namaH”. It should not be spilled on the ground or
It is normally a procedure to offer something to the priest whose
whole life should be in the service of the Lord.
Circumambulating the Lord saluting the Goddess and the
deities in the temple. The circumambulation would be done
at least for three times. On special occasions like pradoshham
the are special circumambulation methods like soma sUkta
pradhaxiNam are followed.
While in the temple either the Holy five letters or any praise
could be chanted.
Before coming out of the temple go to the place of
chaNdEshwarar and take permission for the materials which
after worship are taken out of the temple as blessings. One
must not take anything out in excess and things taken from the
temple should be only as the mark of blessings. If nothing is
taken it is the normal practice to wipe (rub) the hands together
in his place.
Should do something in the promotion of the temple physically
or materially or whichever is convenient and required.
On coming out of the temple, again prostrate in front of the flag
column towards the north. Sit facing the north and meditate on
the God chanting the Holy five letters.
While inside the temple should not make the place dirty in any
way or make any noise.
Going to the temple at least once in a week with the family.
The mind should be focussed on the Lord like the dust of iron
that stick to the magnet. A worship with such an orientation
would have very good effect in us by the grace of the Almighty.
Karma 16
- His Holiness Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
Lord Iyyappan is a famous God in the South India with Millions
of Followers:
‘Harivarasanam’ is the creation of Kumbakudi Kulathur Iyer. In
1955, Swami Vimochananad recited this Ashtakam for the first
time at Sabarimala.
Sannidhanam, in early 1940s, 50s and 60s , was just wild jungle
which few pilgrims visited. It is understood that a VR Gopala
Menon of Alapuzha used to stay on at Sannidhanam even when
the temple was closed. He built a shack and stayed there even
when no human being was anywhere nearwhere nearby during
those days when the temple was closed. It was said that the wild
animals never troubled him and that he used to feed the wildest of
animals. Some years later, when Devaswom Board was formed,
the Web Master understands, he was asked to move out. He died
as an orphan of the world at a tea estate at Vandiperiyar. He
was the only companion to Thirumeni Eashwaran Nampoothiri
(an old Mel Santhi of Sannidhanam) in those wild old days of
solitude and dedication.
Revered Menon used to recite `Harivarasanam’ with all
devotion. It was with immense grief that Thirumeni Eashwaran
Nampoothiri heard about the demise of Revered Menon. At that
end of the pooja that day, when he was about to close the doors
of the Sanctum Sanctorum, he remembered Revered Menon
and recited ‘Harivarasanam’ starting a nostalgic tradition that
remains unbroken to this day.
Harivarasanam is recited just prior to closing of the temple
doors at night.As the final verses are being sung, all the assistant
Santhis leave the Sanctum Sanctorum one by one. As the song
ends, only the Mel Santhi is inside the Sreekoil. He extinguishes
the lamps one by one and closes the doors for the night after the
last lamp is extinguished
Harivarasanam Viswamohanam
Haridadhiswaram Aaradhyapadhukam
Arivimardhanam Nithyanarthanam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranakirtanam Bakhtamanasam
Bharanalolupam Narthanalasam
Arunabhasuram Bhoothanayakam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Pranayasathyakam Praananayakam
Pranathakalpakam Suprabhanjitham
Pranavamanidram Keerthanapriyam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Thuragavahanam Sundarananam
Varagadhayudham Vedavavarnitham
Gurukrupakaram Keerthanapriyam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Karma 17
Karma 18
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Tribuvanarchitam Devathathmakam
Trinayanam Prabhum Divyadeshikam
Tridashapoojitham Chinthithapradam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Bhavabhayapaham Bhavukavaham
Bhuvanamohanam Bhoothibhooshanam
Dhavalavahanam Divyavaranam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Kalamrudusmitham Sundarananam
Kalabhakomalam Gathramohanam
Kalabhakesari Vajivahanam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Srithajanapriyam Chinthithapradam
Sruthivibhushanam Sadhujeevanam
Sruthimanoharam Geethalalasam
Hariharatmajam Devamashreye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Meaning of the above lyrics....
The Lord who reposes in the tranquil yogic posture of
Harivaraasanam; the Lord whose beauty enchants the whole
universe; the Lord who is the very essence of Lord Vishnu’s
Grace; the Lord whose holy feet are worshipful; the Lord who
destroys the inimical mental trends and forces that affect the
devotees; the Lord who engages in the eternal cosmic dance
that creates and dissolves the universe -in that very Lord, who
is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take
my refuge. The Lord who is worshipped by the Sharana Mantra;
the Lord who is the source of the power of mind; the Lord who
smoothly administers the entire universe; the Lord who playfully
engages in the cosmic dance; the Lord who shines with light
reddish hue; the Lord who is the Master of all cosmic forces - in
that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and
Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord whose very nature is the
Supreme Truth; the Lord who is the Master of all life-forces; the
Lord who splendors with the divine halo; the Lord who is the
very source of Pranavam; the Lord who is pleased by devotional
hymns - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord
Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge.
The Lord whose mount is the horse; the Lord whose countenance
is beautiful; the Lord who holds the mace called Varagada;
the Lord who is extolled by the Devas; the Lord who bestows
Divine Grace as the Supreme Guru; the Lord who is pleased by
the devotional hymns - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual
splendor of Lord Vishunu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge.
The Lord who is worshipped by the three worlds; the Lord who
is the Supreme Divinity and the source of all Devas; the Lord
who has three eyes; the Lord who shines with divine splendor;
the Lord who is worshipped during the three auspicious times
of the day; the Lord whose remembrance fulfils the desires -
in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu
and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who annihilates the
fears and pains of worldly life; the Lord who brings prosperity
and auspiciousness;; the Lord who is enchanting to the whole
universe; the Lord who is splendidly decorated with divine
ornaments; the Lord who has a white divine elephant as a
mount - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord
Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who wears a
graceful and soft smile; the Lord with a beautiful countenance;
the Lord whose graceful body is beautifully decked with the
sandal paste;; the Lord who rides on a tiger and also on His horse
mount - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord
Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who is dear
to all devotees; the Lord who fulfils the desires;; the Lord who
is extolled by the Vedas; the Lord who bestows sustenance and
strength to the ascetics; the Lord who is the delightful essence of
the Vedas;; the Lord who enjoys the recital of divine hymns and
music - in that very Lord, the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu
and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge.
PS:When Harivarasanam is being recited at the sanctum
sanatorium by the priest devotees can recite or sing along
should they know the lyrics if not just pray silently and do not
recite or chant Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa loudly. SWAMIYE
Karma 19
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Karma 20
-For Problems in Marriage, Business, Relationship, Kala
Jadoo, Black Magic, Sexual Problems
“He died?” I exclaimed in surprise, “how did he die, betty?”“He
hanged himself in our living room…” she replied.
I could sense the sadness and tears through the telephone as I
realized that exactly what I feared had happened.“Did you do
the second marriage ceremony that I had requested you to do?”
I asked. “I remember a year ago I had told you to ask a priest
to do a second marriage ceremony one year following the first
ceremony for you and Rick…Did you do it Betty?”
Her answer was, “No, I didn’t, we just exchanged rings at the
restaurant.”“But that was not what I wanted you to do, Betty.
Do you remember what I had told you fifteen months ago, that
there was danger to this marriage because of the timing?” I said.
“Yes I did”, She said, “but Punditji said that it was ok to wait
for later”I realized immediately that Betty’s Priest was at fault.
Betty was born under the life code number 6. I had known her
for many years. She was a struggling single woman who worked
very hard to take care of herself and her daughter. Her husband
and her were separated more than 10 years ago. A year and a
half ago she met Rick in 2001. her vedic year code with the
year 2001 added up to the number 9. Also, rick’s life code was
number 6. Thus Rick’s vedic year code also added up to a 9.
Together their marriage code came up to 18 [666]. When she
called me fifteen months ago and told me she wanted to marry
Rick in the year 2001, I was totally against it. I had told her I was
very happy that she did meet Rick and that he was her soulmate,
but that the relationship cannot be consummated until January of
2002. Betty had insisted that Rick did not believe in any sort of
astrology or vedic predictions and that he will not listen to my
advice about postponing any marriage relationship for later. I
practically fought with her to bring him to see me, but he would
not come. Betty pleaded with me to find some solution to the
situation. I finally conceded on one condition: that she should do
the marriage ceremony twice between her and Rick. She agreed
to talk to the priest, Pundit Chu, who agreed to do the ceremony
12 months later again. After that, the ceremony took place, Betty
got married in August of 2001 and I did not hear from Betty
again until two months ago.
The year is 2004, and both Betty and Rick are now experiencing
Vedic Year Code number 3. Now both of them would run a Vedic
Marriage Code of 6 for the year. Betty had called me about two
months ago and told me about how Rick was depressed. And
once again I insisted that she should bring him to me. Once
again Rick refused to come and see me. Now, two months later,
Betty is calling me with the news that I feared. I was very sad
and disappointed, not with Betty, but with Pundit Chu, who, as
a reverend and holy leader, should have insisted that Betty and
Rick should remarry again. Had he done this second ceremony,
Rick’s life would have been changed.
The year is 2008, and Betty has remarried to Ray, who’s Life
code is number 8. Their marriage code is 5 and Betty is somewhat
happier, but because of her sufferings, cannot find any trust in
her marriage with Ray. As her guidance counselor, I have been
able to help her spiritually survive Rick’s death and she has
found a lot of peace and tranquility in having the knowledge of
the Life code.
The above story illustrates how powerful the Vedic science
of Life code is needed for people to understand the path to
happiness. Had Rick come and seen me and understood the
knowledge of the Lifecode, or more importantly, if the second
marriage ceremony had been performed, it would have helped
them to avoid a path of depression that eventually led Rick to
suicide. One can argue that maybe it was time for Rick to die
or that it was not his time to die, but that is a weak excuse for
people avoiding the path of knowledge concerning their selves.
One cannot say that the blessing and opportunities were not
presented to all three of the individuals involved, the priest,
Betty and Rick. Each one of these individuals had a free will
in choosing whether to follow a positive or a negative path. It
is clear that the priest chose the negative path and did not make
a sincere effort to remind them about the second ceremony. It
is also obvious that Rick was not open minded and that Betty
could have believed more in prayer to the point of where she
could have influenced Rick a lot more into a spiritual path. This
would have guaranteed a second ceremony, even if it was not the
same priest that was required to do it. To get a better prospective
of the powerful benefit of Life code knowledge, let us analyze
a second case.
Sunil, a devotee of the temple, was a single guy seeking to get
married. One day while he was attending the various functions
of the temple, he met Sunita, another devotee of the Temple, and
fell in love. They decided to consult with myself, the Swami,
about getting married. Since Sunita lived in New York, they
wanted to get married within a month when she returned. After
careful analysis of their life charts and with the observation
that Sunda’s life code number is 8 and Sunita’s life code is 9, I
warned them about starting a relationship in the year 2007 when
they met, the reason being that Sunita’s life code would match
negatively with the year code (number 9) and any marriage or
sexual relationships will result in possible death, separation or
financial difficulties. They both promised to wait until the year
was finished before starting any intimacy in their relationship.
Needless to say, I observed that in 2008 Sunda’s yearly code [8
+2008] will result in a 9. After careful advice and instructions,
they and I agreed that we will do a ritual prayer to offset the
negativities before they can get together intimately. I also
extracted a promise to them that they would agree to get married
twice within the next two to three years, in other words they
have to perform two marriage ceremonies before the marriage
can become satisfactorily happy.
All in agreement, Sunita went back to New York and Sunda
waited fore her. Two months later, in July of 2007, Sunita came
back to do the special prayers required to start the relationship.
Sunda and Sunita were scheduled to perform these prayers a few
days after she arrived to the Temple. Thinking that the Swami
would not know or their actions, Sunda and Sunita secretly
went to the hotel straight from the airport and became intimate
with each other. Not realizing the consequences of their sexual
relationship before the ceremony and urged by lustful desires,
they broke the promise with me and thus created the future karma
that I feared most. I realized immediately that now the path of
their relationship will become a negative one though I did not
instill them any fear of this negative path but I advised them
to pray for forgiveness. I proceeded to perform the marriage
prayers. Sunita took most of the blame for what happened but
asked for forgiveness. After starting to live together, Sunita
purchased a $50,000.00 mercedes benz and Sunda lost his job
after a month into the marriage. Six months later, the Mercedes
benz was repossessed by the dealer because Sunita could not
afford the payment and Sunda’s mother quarreled with Sunita.
Both Sunda and Sunita came to me to settle their differences.
And in all those times, I reminded them that they violated the
rules when they slept with each other prior to the ceremony, and
that is why they have to suffer the consequences of their actions.
It is the year 2008, one year after I performed their marriage
ceremony. Both Sunita and Sunil never performed the second
ceremony as requested. One day, Sunda called me and told
me that he is sending Sunita back to New York. I consented
immediately, I told him to send her back to New York because I
realized that this is what was needed to repair the relationship.
Even though they did not perform the second ceremony,
the simple act of separating from each other while Sunda is
experiencing a number 9 vedic year code, will bring them back
together in a happier and more divine connection.
Here is a case where all of the separation and troubles in a
relationship could have been avoided if they had followed some
of the rules I presented to them. My feeling that it was lust at first
sight that created this problem, and had it been real love at first,
each person would have waited patiently and they would have
not lost two years of their life without progress. This is a clear
indication of how people can avoid negative karma in their life
if proper knowledge of their life code is followed.
The vedic science of life code can prevent such things as death,
sickness, divorces, separation, infertility, depression, health
problems, wars and more. It is truly the science of the future and
if used by every individual on earth, it will present unlimited
prosperity for everyone.
Kami was a devotee of the Swamiji. Every time she wanted
to do something new she would consult with Swamiji. After
getting married to Chubby, who being a #3 lifecode person was
a perfect match for her, she got married with blessings of every
one. Before having the child, she wanted to buy a house, so after
a long search she found one that she liked.
Her Life code being #8, the house was very appropriate for her
it was a #6 house and the sum of that was #5 which was good for
Kami. However the #6 house was not compatible with Chubby
and Swamiji insisted that they should look for another house.
“My dear Kami, even though I know that you like this house
very much, I do not recommend it as your husband may be in
danger from sickness or death.”
“Ok Swamiji, I will look for another house.” Replied Kami.A
few days later she returned to the temple with her husband and
met with the divine teacher.
“Namaskar Swamiji, My husband does not want another house.
He insists that we buy this same one. He wants to talk to you
about it,” requested Kami as she bowed and took a seat in front
of the Holy teacher.
“Hi Swamiji,” said Chubby as he did the same.“You cannot have
lived very successfully in this house, Chubby,” said Swamiji
said as he blessed them with a smile.“But I like this house and
I do not agree that it is a bad house.” said Chubby as he looked
very doubtful in his expression.
Karma 22
-Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
Atharva Vedic Genetics:
Many women are unable to become great wives or lovers because
they cannot understand the difference between Sex and Love. Women
who are not able to receive love think that giving herself freely in sex
can bring her love. This is because she never received love from her
father as a child, and so does not know how to receive it from her
male partner.As a result of this lack of love in her childhood from her
father she begins to assimilate love as a condition of sexual acts by
watching movies that portray such a conclusion, as all movies starts
with a kiss and rapidly move to a sex scene. This kind of woman will
never be able to stay married to a man for long and will seek drugs
or alcohol as a stimulant to in their life leading to short relationships
and many men in their lives.
When a father hugs his daughter with great love an understanding
then so also will the daughter know how to receive and give love
to her future husband? This lack of love is a number one spiritual
genetics that will make or break our society when it comes to stability
in family structure.The following list indicates the negative effect of
spiritual genetics that our women can inherit that can contribute to
the detriment of our society…The following are women who will
have difficulty maintaining a marriage life with a husband.
Women who thinks that they should use their beauty to attract men
in their life.
Women who have been abused sexually by a family member at a
young age before 14 years old.
Women who have not been hugged by their fathers when they were
Women who do not have a loving relationship with their father and
Women who cannot maintain a great relationship with their mothers
and all elder females in the family
Women who have had their first baby aborted in their first pregnancy
Women who do not like to be touched by males and are usually
commanding like men
Women who have ran away from home at an early age
Women who will provide sexual favors for men very quickly for
Women who will provide sexual favors for money.
Women who will insist on paying for her meal on a date
The following are the types of women who will make great wives…
1. Women who will bring a guy a gift on a date
2. Women who are very feminine in nature…ie not abrupt and too
3. Women who are great cooks as that will keep the man in love
with her always
4. Women who will be conservative in their shopping but not mean
to point of not dressing
5. Women who are concerned about their beauty and looks as they
will maintain attraction to the male
6. Women who are not drinking alcohol or addicted to drugs or
7. Women who are ready to help the man when he troubled or sick
8. Women who put the man on a pedestal and defend him when he
is not there to be criticized
9. Women who know how to sew, cook and keep a clean home are
known as Great wives
10. A great wife thinks about her husband constantly and performs
all her duties that will benefit her husband, her children and herself
while she maintains a strong family structure. Vice versa the man
must do the same when he works to take care of the family.
“Well even though you may see the house as harmless, the
number of the house indicates that negative forces present there
will affect your health and your happiness.” said Swamiji.“I do
not believe in this, Swamiji. I am still going to buy the house.”
replied Chubby adamantly.
“Well, I am very unhappy to hear that, but you still have my
blessings.” said Swamiji as he turned to Kami, “Please let
me know if you have any problems, my dear.”After bidding
Swamiji goodbye they left. Chubby and kami moved into the
house as they said they would and Kami got pregnant while
living there. After the baby was born Swamiji again heard from
Kami, who reuested a name for the baby. Incidentally the life
code # of the child was #9, indicating that Kami and Chubby
had some unhappiness in the house during the pregnancy. A few
months later Kami called Swamiji in a frantic voice.
“Swamiji, Swamiji, Chubby is very sick and is in the hospital.
The doctors have assessed the disease as Cancer. I need your
help and blessings. Do you think he will recover from this if you
pray for him.” said Kami in a distressed voice.“I will see what
I can do, my dear Kami. You know I had warned you about this
house number and its effect”
“I know that you had warned us but Chubby never
believed it, but I love him dearly, Swamiji. Please see if
you can save him.” She said in tears. Swamiji then visited
Chubby at the hospital. He prayed for Chubby to get well
and even though Chubby participated in the rituals and
prayers he still was not as devoted as he was supposed to
be. He still had his arrogance and did not seem to believe
in the Swamiji’s teachings. However he was able to come
out of the hospital. After a few months in the #6 house he
ended up in the hospital again and a few weeks after he
died from a reappearance of the cancer. Kami out of the
house after selling it and she stayed with her parents in #4
house where she was much happier.As you can see from
the above, the house number where you live in is very
important. If you add you Birth Life code # to the House
and it results in a #9 or a #6 then you should not buy or live
in that house. The same will apply to apartment numbers
and suite numbers. Even if you go to stay in a hotel you
should choose the best room number that matches your
life codes
Karma 23
The main cause of all distress to the women is their relationship to their
father. The way the father treats the daughter will create in that female
the perceptions she has of all males. This is why when females are raised
by single mothers THEY also will have difficulty with their husbands
as they look for fatherly love in their relationships. Usually if there is
a lack of fatherly love the female will think Sex is love and will sleep
will all the men they are attracted to as if seeking some form of approval
from the male figure as if they are her father. There are many women
like this in the Casinos and Bars who are also strippers and prostitutes
who have either been abused by their father or a family member and
who have not had a great father figure to look up to. These women seek
their peace by drinking and sleeping with different men in their lives.
When a woman gets married and the man is hard working, she feels that
he is ignoring her when all he is doing is trying to make her comfortable
by working hard. Because of the domino effect of her negative feelings,
and the arguments for attention from the devoted husband, the children
she gives birth to will carry those traits in to their own lives. This is
extends into each generation. This is spiritual genetics that we do not
need in our society.I know of a young woman who came to me in
Canada. She was constantly in jail after almost every relationship she
had, after over 20 men in her life she came to see me. I found out that
she was sexually abused consistently by her father when she was 10 to
14 years old. Because of this trauma in her life she was unconsciously
fighting back her father’s abuse in every man she met. This was her way
of getting back at her father even though it was an unconscious action
because her father would bail her out from jail many times.
Recently I was not so surprised when three young sisters who were
older now, complained how their three uncles would make them take
off their clothes when they were young, while their parents were away
and ask them to play with their private parts. This traumatized these
young women to the point where they would become cold to their
husbands during love making. They were not able to be cured until
they came to see me and followed a program that cleansed them of
these past experiences.The question is where we start eliminating these
problems of spiritual genetics that has destroyed the very foundation
of our society and is continuing to do so on a wide spread scale. If you
think Diabetes and Cancer is destroying our society, think again, there
is a greater disease that destroying the past, the present and the future,
and that is sexual abuse of young children. It is the cause of divorces,
homosexuality, and unhappiness in marriage life, miscarriages,
abortions, teenage pregnancy, menstrual problems, excessive bleeding,
infertility, and sexual frigidity. It is the very cause of disabled children
as well as the failure of children to perform well in their school. Before
we can cure all the other diseases, we must first cure this great plague
called child sexual abuse which stands to destroy our women and the
foundation of a good society. We should not stop after the movie
Precious produced by Oprah, or the stories of Law and Order on incest.
We should encourage the protection of all young females by educating
fathers on how they should treat their young daughters and create
incentives for excellent fathers.
For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll
Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- All your information and consultations with
Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential
Karma 24
Soolini Kavach” Maha Yagna to come out of Black magic-
Kala Jadoo Voodoo, Evil Spells, Curses, Tantra problems, Evil
eye,Ghosts and Spirits
Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by jealous
and malicious human beings of Kaliyuga, whose main objective
is to harm or deprive others from something, or influence them
to do something wrong or negative. Black magic is the evil side
of the celestial cycle or negative energies.
Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by
performing certain acts even at a far away place – the effect
of this technique can be experienced thousands of miles away.
With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness,
negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness & growth,
the use of Black magic has become the most common way to
take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction
from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in
the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world,
totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest
friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and
happy families are ruined by Black magic.
Symptoms of Black Magic
Black magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence
and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels
a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and
negative thoughts. There is heaviness and weight on the heart
and constriction in the throat.At times, there could suddenly be
blue marks on thighs without getting hurt, or faster & erratic
heartbeat and breathing without any physical exertion. There are
quarrels in the family without any reason. One might feel the
presence of somebody in the house.One feels one is not getting
one’s due and can achieve much more. One feels suffocated &
restless in all circumstances, and is never at peace. One remains
depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life.
Effects of Black Magic
Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target
person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business
or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary
tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating
chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence
& happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic /
abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme
circumstances. Black Magic not only affects the circumstances
and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially
of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of
the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental
energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no
desire to live or rise in life. The effects of Black Magic become
more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a
horrible disease. Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious
disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships,
attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.
Breaking or reversing Black Magic Spell
Putting a Black magic spell on someone is very easy for those
knowing even a little bit of Tantrik Siddhis / voodoo. But to
remove the spell and eliminate it’s sinister effects needs lot
of expertise, continuous & rigorous puja / worship and a
combination Siddhis & Sadhana. Gurudev curses those doing
Black Magic on innocent people and destroying their lives and
happiness for years to come.
‘Soolini Raksha Kavach’ for Protection & Cure of Black Magic
‘Raksha’ is ‘Protection’ and ‘Kavach’ is ‘Shield’. ‘Raksha
Kavach’ is the most powerful Talisman for protection and cure
of Black magic. ‘Raksha Kavach’ eradicates all ill-effects of
Black magic, Evil spells, Curses, Ghosts and Spirits. Raksha
kavach cures one of evil effects of past attacks and protects one
from all future attacks.The effect of ‘Raksha Kavach’ never gets
reduced. Raksha kavach’s protection is life-long, and lasts for as
long as it is worn. The moment it is worn, the negative effects
start receding and it’s protection starts, freeing the wearer from
all evil influences which can ruin & destroy one’s present and
future life.
‘Raksha Kavach’ is blessed with so much extraordinary energy
and power that it can guard and protect an individual against
the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers and reverse/
break any kind of spell. The wearer of ‘Raksha Kavach’ always
remains immune from all kind of Black magic (Voodoo, Evil
Spells, Curses, Ghosts and Spirits) attacks. Swamiji Sri Selvam
Siddhar / Dr. Commander Selvam is the only Atharva Vedic
scholar in USA and in the western countries, who is well
specialized in removing and stopping black magic problems. He
is not like a funny psychic. He is a master and healed numerous
people all over the world. If you have a problems in Black
Magic- Kala Jadoo. Call immediately @ 1-888-808-1418.
Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda
scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out
a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out
different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help
please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.
or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- All
your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri
Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential.
Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
nilendivarasannibhA~ngalatikam purnendubimbananam
shamkharishusharasapaNikamalam kanthiravadhyasinim
kshamakshobhavimochinIm shivasakhIm
both aihika andAmuShmika saukhya to the upAsaka.As per the
sUtra kalu chaNDIvinAyakau, recitation of Sri Durga Saptashati
is kShipra phalakAri in Kali Yuga. The following prayogas are
listed here solely for lokopakAra, the same purpose with
which Bhagavan AdinAtha has revealed these in the scriptures.
As these fall under the category of kAmya prayogas, special
care has to be taken when resorting to them and undertaking
any of these is permitted only when specifically instructed by
Sadguru. One who is duly initiated into navAkSharI mantra and
performs vaidika and tAntrika nitya, naimittika karmas, such an
upAsaka alone is eligible to perform these prayogas. However,
without the Siddhi of navArNa mantra, the prayogas do not
give results, as hinted by shrI bhAskararAya in his commentary,
guptavatI. For kShipra siddhi of the mantra, i.e. mUla and
mAlA in this case, one should understand well the anga vidyas.
Skanda Yamala details dwAdasha angas for navAkShari,
starting with bhuvaneshwari, till kAlikA. The RishyAdayaH for
these are nandA, shAkambharI etc. and each of these represent
one chapter of Saptashati. This further illustrates the close
association of navArNa mantra with Saptashati and also of the
anga vidyas. The diversification of AdyA into three, six, nine
and twelve fold shakti samUha is described well in Saptashati,
the significance and practical details of which are imparted
during the krama dIkshA of shrIkula. The Angas for Saptashati
itself are considered to be either six or twelve. Kavacha, Argala,
Kilaka and Rahasya Traya form the six. With mAlA mantra,
hR^idaya, dhvaja and sUkta traya added, the count becomes
twelve. One of the two schemes is generally adopted based on
Guru SampradAya.
All of the following prayogas should be preceded with the dasha
nyAsas of navAkSharI, aShTottara sahasra japa of navArNa
with purottarAnga mantras [dashAmsha] and a complete
recitation of Saptashati with all the angas.
sAvarNiH sUryatanayo yo manuH kathyate.aShTamaH |
nishAmaya tadutpattiM vistarAdgadato mama ||
mahAmAyAnubhAvena yathA manvantarAdhipaH |
sa babhUva mahAbhAgaH sAvarNistanayo raveH ||
svArochiShe.antare pUrvaM chaitrava.nshasamudbhavaH |
suratho nAma rAjAbhUtsamaste kShitimaNDale ||
By reciting the above three mantras, one is blessed with
progeny. One should perform the AvAhana of Parameshwari
with santAna durgA mantra in a Kumbha filled with pancha
gavya or salila and offer trimadhura as naivedya. The kumbha
should be energized by reciting the mula mantra, santAna
durgA mantra and the above three mantras 108 times. The
water or pancha gavya should then be consumed by the lady
desirous of attaining progeny. When this procedure is followed
for pakSha traya, garbha doShas are cleared and conception
becomes successful. Once the lady is pregnant, to protect the
foetus, puruSha sUkta homa, recitation of harivamsha purANa
and nAga pratiShTha are advised.
vishveshvarIM jagaddhAtrIM sthitisamhArakAriNIm |
nidrAM bhagavatIM viShNoratulAM tejasaH prabhuH ||
By reciting the above mantra, one is freed from diseases and
apa mr^ityu. One should write mR^ita sanjIvini yantra on
butter, recite the mantra and then eat the butter till the disease
is cured. Based on the severity of the diseases, the rogi or his
representative should recite the mantra 300, 1008 or 10,000
times everyday. Trimadhura should be offered to Parameshwari
as Naivedya. As an alternate prayoga, a salila kumbha is
placed in the centre of aShTadaLa padma and avAhana of
parameshwari is done in the Kumbha as per navAksharI kalpa.
The abhimantraNa of the water is done 108 times with mUla
mantra, 108 times with mR^itasanjIvinI mantra [kAlikA para]
and with the mantra vishveshwarIm 12 times. The water is then
sprinkled on a child suffering with bAlagrahAdi doShas. This
procedure is to be repeated for three evenings. The same water
energized as above can be sprinkled during nights on those
suffering with problems such as bed-wetting, svapna doSha,
mala or mUtrotsarjana during sleep, bad dreams etc. The
procedure is to be repeated for seven nights.
j~nAninAmapi chetAmsi devI bhagavatI hi sA |
balAdAkR^iShya mohAya mahAmAyA prayachchhati ||
Karma 26
tayA visR^ijyate vishvaM jagadetachcharAcharam |
saiShA prasannA varadA nR^iNAM bhavati muktaye ||
sA vidyA paramA mukterhetubhUtA sanAtanI |
samsArabandhahetushcha saiva sarveshvareshvarI ||
The above three mantras are recited before rAja darshana i.e.
before visiting higher officials etc. for kArya siddhi. One should
perform AvAhana of Parameshwari with Svayamvara Kalyani
mantra in a dIpa or a bimba, worship with lotuses and offer 108
Ahutis with svayamvarA mantra using apArmarga samit [rough
chaff]. The homa bhasma is mixed with gorochana and agaru
and energized by reciting the above three mantras 108 times.
When this tilaka is applied on the forehead, the higher officials
co-operate with the upAsaka and act in his favor.
sAvarNiH sUryatanayo yo manuH kathyate.aShTamaH |
nishAmaya tadutpattiM vistarAdgadato mama ||
One should write vAgvAdinI yantra on butter, perform avAhana
of Parameshwari with vAgvAdinI mantra and worship with
trimadura naivedya. Then, the butter should be energized by
reciting vAgvAdini, navArNa and the above mantras 108 times,
followed by the complete recitation of the prathama adhyAya.
The butter is then consumed before noon by the one desirous of
obtaining speech, oratory skills, poetry, music etc. This process
is to be repeated for 48 days.Are-ordered recitation of Saptashati
is prescribed for those bothered by evil spirits. Such upAsakas
should recite the chapters of Saptashati in the following order,
while touching Bhasma. By wearing this Bhasma on the forehead,
the evil spirits are destroyed.Instantaneously. The order of the
chapters in this case would be: 1 to 10, 4, 11, 2, 3, 4, 11, 4 to 11,
4 to 11. Even incurable fevers are cured by reciting Saptashati in
the following order of chapters: 1, 4, 11, 2 to 11, 5 to 10, 4, 11,
1 to 13. If this procedure is performed thrice for three Sandhyas,
Siddhis are obtained by the upAsaka.Prayogas and Karmas based
on Dina, Masa, Rashi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Rtu etc. .
kAmAkShi ki~nkaritasha~NkaramAnasebhyaH |
tebhyo namo.astu tava vIkShaNavibhramebhyaH ||
Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda
scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought
out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come
out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For
more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free
1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- All your information and consultations
with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly
Different Good Spells
(Atharva Thantra Prayog)through Atharva
Veda for Your Great Love. Marriage, Sex,
Param Pujya “Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar”
Different Atharva Thantra Prayogs:
Atharva Thantra Lost Love Spells / Prayog
Lost Love Spell or Spells are used or performed, if you have
lost your love and all the efforts that you have tried have failed
and there is no way that you can get your love back. Lost love
spell will bring your love back to you unconditionally. Also if
your love is with some one else then by the power of this spell
your love will break his or her relation and he or she will be
with you.
Atharva Vedic Attraction Spell / Prayog
Dramatically improve your “curb” appeal. This spell brings
your inner beauty to the surface, allowing others to see your sex
appeal, your intriguing personality and your beautiful qualities.
Not only will you feel better about yourself, but when stares
and compliments come your way, your self-confidence will
soar, and you will feel on top of the world. And well you should
be because you are a very special person.
Atharva Veda Divorce Spells
Divorce Spells should be used in extreme cases for example if
your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his
tortures, you need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus
your life had become miserable in such cased you may go for
these powerful Spells can also be used to prevent a divorce,
if there are people who are not happy with your happy family
life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are
insisting on a divorce then these divorce spells should be used
to protect you from all such evil people so that you may have a
very happy and secured married life.
Atharva Veda Marriage Spells / Prayog
Marriage Spells are supposed to be very strong and affective.
If you are in a relation and your lover is not committing or is
taking time to decide if she or she or she wants to get married
to you or not then these very strong marriage spells are used by
which your love will marry you and you will have a very strong
and happy married life.
Atharva Vedic Fertility spells/Pregnancy spell / Prayog
Are often used by women’s who want to start her own family.
But due to unknown problems she is not able to conceive and
some time they may also be scared at the time of pregnancy
thinking about the baby, fertility spell or pregnancy spells
should be used for the above reasons so that they may have
a safe pregnancy and without any problems or complications.
Also fertility spells should be used to prevent Miscarriages.
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji
America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam   swamiji

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America's only free hindu spiritual magazine published by dr commander selvam swamiji

  • 1.
  • 3. Karma 1 Special Sections Editor & Vice President Ilavarasan Editor Pundit Madhu Manikandan Reporter & Art Director C.T.Kumar Contributing Writers Legal Advisors Nirmala Sujatha Reddy Deepika Raina Sheetal Pooja Ryan O Donell, Esq, Esq Yousef M. Faroniya, Esq A.P. Jayachandran, Esq William R. Newby, Esq The nation’s largest full color monthly spiritual and metaphysical magazine. Submission & Disclaimers: Weacceptarticles,photography,and art work that is in keeping with our mission. We do not endorse any particular opinion, program, or advertisement. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material we receive. We will do our best to honor the integrity of our readership. It is merely our sincere hope that we help our readers to achieve success in their lives. Post Masters: Send address changes to Vanadurga Mandir Suite: 7777 34 North Main Street Dayton, Ohio. 45402. Note: Karma does not accept any responsibility for products or services advertised. The publisher has the right to deny any advertising at its sole discretion. Contact Information Publisher : Editor : Advertising & Marketing : Subscription & Postage : Telephone : 1-888-808-1418 web : Prasadam/ Prsad- Holy Food to the God 2 YOUR kids to understand our Hinduism? 6 Stories for your Children 12 CHETTINAD SAMAYAL 11 Lord Iyyappa & Origin of Harivarasanam 16 Atharva Vedic Astrology & Atharva Vedic Rituals 20 BLACK MAGIC/ EVIL SPELLS/ KALA JADOO 24 ATHARVA VEDIC AKKARSHANAM 28 ATHARVA VEDIC ASTROLOGY & 34 Letter to Swamiji 37 Sani Peyarchi Palangal 46 Gayatri Mantra 57 Maha Mirudanjaya Mantra 60 Content......... Karma Empowering Self & Community
  • 4. Karma 2 Adevotee asked me”, Why do we offer prasad to God ? I explained her , “When we cook food, we cook it not for our pleasure but for the pleasure of the Lord. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that if we offer Him even a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, with love and devotion – He eats it.
 When the Lord eats the food offered to Him, it becomes Prasadam a sacrament. Just as a person suffering with tuberculosis contaminates the food, which if shared with someone else and transfers the disease. The transcendental saliva of God now contaminates this food. And if you eat, it you get infected with Bhakti – Love of God.”
 The seeker immediately asked “Why should God eat the food we offer to Him. Isn’t he perfect and complete? Why does He need to eat any food?”
 The master replied: “God, who is perfect and complete, eats the food, and yet it remains in full for His devotee to consume.
If your child takes money from your wallet, buys a chocolate that he wants, and then before gobbling it up, offers a piece to you with love and devotion- would you eat it (even if you hated sweets)? Of course you would!
 The master further continued, God does not need to eat anything or accept any offering, yet He does- overcome by the love and devotion that accompanies it.
 The result of eating this offering as Prasadam is a magical transformation of the individual into a Bhakta or Devotee.
 Everything that you eat, if offered to God, will infect you with Bhakti and enable you to eat your way into God’s heart.” Isnt it a mouth watering story. Now, most of us would think we have found the answer to our question of why we must offer prasad to deities. However we easily miss a few very crucial points. 1. The dad would accept the chocolate being offered by the child, only cos it is his child. In any other instance it would be a case of theft and the father’s reaction would be different. Therefore, relationship is crucial when it comes to dealing with God. Do we like children , reflect the nature and essence of our God our parent ? Where did we get qualities like sin, evil, rebellion, hatred, lies, murder, wickedness etc.. why are we seeking moksha, let the wise discern.. 2. God is holy and just, as much as He is love. If he has to be just, every sinner must be punished, even If it is his own son. So, would God just accept the prasadam offered to him? or Do we have to find a solution for our sins, before we carry the prasadam in our hands. 3.Even though the prasad is very tasty, and the emotion behind the act very genuine, would you eat the prasad if offered in a leprous, infected and bleeding hand? No, you would never, even if it is your sons’ hand. Therefore intent becomes very important than the content. No matter what ever is offered to God, if we carry a heart full of wickedness, hatred, evil and selfishness. God who is all knowing sees and understands it much before we try to camouflage with our tricks, size and smell of prasads. God is love and He loves us immensely, but we must also remember that He is just righteous and holy unlike anyone else. Therefore before we cook anything for Him, we must know His taste. Just like a mom who hates every germ in the house, including the germs on her sons hands and would want to destroy them at first sight. God’s Holy & Righteous character, hates sin and rebellion and must execute judgment as he is just. The problem of sin must be first resolved before we think of the Prasad. The forgiveness of our sins restores the relationship with God, which could then make our sacrifices and offerings acceptable. Else they would all remain unacceptable just like the good deeds of a murderer aren’t mentioned or considered as a reason for forgiveness in the court of law. While we all desire so deeply to immerse ourselves in the bhakti prema rasa ocean, and with the genunity of desire- hunger for the cosmic saliva of God. To please God, we however need to find his taste and know him better, else we will be left salivating and fooling ourselves. After all isn’t He God and we his creation! On the spiritual path those that are most inclined to lead a peaceful existence that respects the value of all life often adopts the vegetarian lifestyle. It is in accordance with the yogic principle of ahimsa, which is to observe nonviolence and abstain from injuring any being in any way. However, in the process of bhakti-yoga, devotion goes beyond simple vegetarianism, and food becomes a method of spiritual
  • 5. progress. In the Krishna temples, food is offered to the Deities in a special sacrament, after which it becomes prasada or prasadam. This means the mercy of the Lord. Thus, the food we eat after it is offered to the Lord becomes a means for our purification and spiritual development. In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna says, “All that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me.” So offering what we eat to the Lord is an integral part of bhakti-yoga and makes the food blessed with spiritual potencies. Then such food is called prasadam, or the mercy of the Lord. The Lord also describes what He accepts as offerings: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” Thus, we can see that the Lord does not need anything, but if one offers fruits, grains, and vegetarian foods, He will accept it. The Lord does not accept foods like meat, fish or eggs, but only those that are pure and naturally available without harming others. So we offer what Krishna likes, not those items which are distasteful to Him. We also do not use garlic, onions, or mushrooms when we prepare food for Krishna. The Lord is fully satisfied in Himself. He is the creator of all so everything is already His. He supplies us with food through nature, but we give thanks to Him by offering it back in a mood of loving devotion. So if His devotee offers something with love, out of His causeless mercy Krishna accepts it. The Lord is never hungry for our food, but for the love and devotion we offer. And then He reciprocates with that love. So on the spiritual path eating food that is first offered to God is the ultimate perfection of a vegetarian diet. The Vedic literature explains that the purpose of human life is reawakening the soul’s original relationship with God, and accepting prasadam is the way to help us reach that goal. Prasadam is food that has first been offered to God. Meaning “the Lord’s mercy”, prasadam is prepared specifically for God and offered to His deity, and is thus considered sacred. The tongue is very difficult to satisfy since it is always craving different kinds of foods. Due to this desire, we end up eating things that we shouldn’t. In acquiring such food, we go to great lengths such as killing innocent animals. We become bound up in the material world through our eating and thus have to suffer the results through the laws of karma. Prasadam is considered “karma-free” food since it is sanctified by God. Prasadam is prepared and offered to satisfy God and not to satisfy our senses. We purify ourselves by remembering that God supplies us everything and that we should aim to please Him instead of ourselves. In preparing and eating prasadam, we thank God for everything He has done for us and we pray that we will always remember Him. In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” When we prepare and offer food specifically for God, He eats the food but through His mercy he leaves the remnants for us. The ingredients are selected with great care and must be fresh, clean and pure vegetarian. Also, in cooking for Krishna we do not taste the preparations while cooking. We leave the first taste for Krishna when it is offered. After all the preparations are ready, we take a portion of each one and place it in bowls on a special plate and take it to the altar to offer it to the Deities or pictures of Krishna. Then the preparations are presented with special prayers as we ask that God accept our humble offering. The Lord accepts it with the most important part being the love with which it is offered. God does not need to eat, but it is our love for God which attracts Him to us and to accept our offering. Even if the most sumptuous banquet is offered to God but without devotion and love, Krishna will not be hungry to accept it. It is our love which catches the attention of Lord Krishna who is then inclined to accept our service. After He glances over and tastes that loving offering of vegetarian preparations, He leaves the remnants for us to honor and relish. Krishna’s potency is absorbed in that food. In this way material substance becomes spiritualized, which then affects our body and mind in a similar way. This is His special mercy for us. Thus, the devotional process becomes an exchange of love between us and God, which includes food. And that food not only nourishes our body, but also purifies our consciousness. By relishing the sacred food of Krishna prasadam, it purifies our heart and protects us from falling into illusion. In this way, the devotee imbibes the spiritual potency of Lord Krishna and becomes cleansed of sinful reactions by eating food that is first offered in sacrifice to God. We thus also become free from reincarnation, the continued cycle of life and death. This process prepares us for entering the spiritual world since the devotees there also relish eating in the company of Krishna. Not only do we make advancement, but also all of the plants that are used in the preparations as an offering to God are also purified and reap spiritual benefit. However, we become implicated in karma if we cause the harm of any living being, even plants, if we use them for food without offering them to God. Thus prasadam also becomes the perfect yoga diet. Therefore, the cooking, the offering and then the respectful eating or honoring of this spiritualized food all become a part
  • 6. Karma 4 of the joyful process of devotional service to the Lord.Anyone can learn to do this and enjoy the happiness of experiencing prasadam. The Sunday love feast in the Hare Krishna temples is the opportunity in which everyone can participate in this opulence of Lord Krishna. So we invite you to attend as often as you like and make spiritual advancement simply by relishing God’s prasadam. Due to its auspicious nature, prasadam should be distributed to as many people as possible. This sanctified food ignites a spiritual spark in the soul which will eventually reawakens one’s dormant love for God. Vedic literature references many historical incidents where people have had the good fortune of partaking of prasadam, sometimes even by accident, and have had their lives made perfect as a result. It is believed that anyone who regularly partakes of it, will at the very least return as a human being in their next life. Different Prasadams to God – and How to make it? Sundal Preparation of Sundal/Requirements 1. Channa (or chick pea or green gram or Bengal gram or any dal you wish) - 1 cup 2. Onion – 1:3. Dry chili – 3:4. Mustard - 1 tsp:5. Curry leaves - 1 hand full 6. Salt and oil as per need.:7. Grated coconut - 1/2 cup Method 1. Soak the Channa (or whatever dal you selected) in water for at least 4 hours.:2. Put the dal in a pressure cooker and cook for 1 or 2 whistles.:3. Drain excess water and take the dal and keep it aside.:4. Place a pan in the stove.:5. Pour little oil.:6. Add the mustard and let it spurt.:7. Then add the red chili and fry.:8. Add the onion and curry leaves and fry till onion turns translucent.:9. Now add the dal (cooked and drained) to this and mix well.: 10. Add salt and grated coconut. Mix well and put of the fire:11. Serve hot. But there are few things to be noted when you are making as a prasadam. In Hindu Purana, adding salt is considered as a sin (in the sense, that salt will kindle your taste bud, giving importance to your tongue than to GOD) and so, generally people offer prasadam to GOD without adding salt. But in this modern era, people who attends the Puja and bajans may not like to eat a food without salt. So, to avoid the hassle, generally you may take a plate full of prasadam separately without adding salt, immediately after preparing and keep that plate before GOD as offering. Rest of the sundal she will add salt, that is used to distributed to all those who come to home for the function. The unsalted prasadam will be distributed to all the family members and those who like to have it. Similarly, onion is believed to induce sexual feeling and there by it is always avoided in prasadam preparations. But few people use onion. So, you can use or leave depending upon your level of beliefs. Dal is rich in protein. So, in general, this sundal can be made at any time, and not only for prasadam. It is too good for growing kids to get protein. To avoid losing the protein content, it is good to cook the sundal in exact water and no much water to drain. Also, if you wash the dal nicely before soaking, then you can use the same water used to soak the Dal for cooking also and there by not losing any nutritional values. Annam Payasam or Paramannam (Food Of The Gods) Its a sweet dish which is prepared as an offering to God in almost every home in Andhra on most special occasions and festivals. According to Hindu tradition & spiritual customs,
  • 7. by offering Naivedyam to God in the form of sweets like chakripongal, payasam, paramannam and fruits the devotees acknowledge the good things that come from God. After God partakes of the offering the naivedyam becomes prasadam. Prasadam is consumed after performing puja or worship and consuming the delicious prasadam symbolizes the bliss of self-realization. Paramannam can be served hot or cold as a dessert and is prepared with rice, milk and sugar or jaggery and garnished with raisins and cashewnuts. We prepared Paramannam as ‘Prasadam’(offering to God) this morning on the occassion of Bhogi,the first day of Sankranti Festival and this is the recipe as prepared by Amma. Ingredients 1/2 cup raw rice washed and drained:1/2 cup sugar or grated jaggery 1 lt milk:pinch of salt:1/4 tsp ground green cardamom:fried cashew nuts and raisins for garnish:1 tbsp ghee(clarified butter)for frying cashew nuts and raisins Wash and soak rice in water for about fifteen minutes. Heat a pan and bring milk to a boil. Lower heat and add the rice to the milk. Cook until the rice is soft and the mixture looks thick. Remove from heat and cool. Add the sugar and mix well and keep stirring till it mixes well. Heat ghee in a skillet and add cashew nuts. Fry for 1-2 mts till the cashew nuts turn light brown. Add raisins and stir for a few seconds. Add this along with the remaining ghee to the cooked rice. Add cardamom powder and a pinch of salt and mix well. Turn off heat and keep covered for 5 minutes. Serve hot or cold. Note: If you are using jaggery in place of sugar you must follow this method. Heat a small pan and boil 1/2 cup water and add grated jaggery.On slow fire let the jaggery cook till it melts and is sticky (if you touch a drop of the jaggery between the thumb and fore finger it should feel sticky).Don’t let it heat too much, it should basically melt…approx 4-5 mts. Remove from heat and keep aside. Let it cool for 3-4 minutes and then add to the cooled cooked rice otherwise the milk might split. Masala Vadas are popular South Indian deep fried crisp lentil dumplings prepared with channa dal(bengal gram lentil),onions and Indian spices. The outer crust is crisp, tastes great and is generally eaten as a snack.It can be eaten as it is or served with green chutney or coriander chutney. Paramannam,Masala Vada with masala chai ….our festive breakfast menu for Bhogi after offering prayers . Masala Vada Ingredients: 1 cup soaked and drained channa dal(split bengal gram):1 tsp raw rice:1/2 tsp cumin seeds:4-5 flakes garlic:1″ ginger chopped:5-6 curry leaves:4 green chillis:1 large chopped onion:1-2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander leaves:pinch of garam masala (optional) 1 tsp chopped mint leaves (optional):salt :oil for frying Soak channa dal and rice in water for 2 hours.Drain.Keep aside a fistful of drained channa dal and grind the rest of the channa dal and rice,green chillis,cumin seeds,ginger and garlic coarsely.To this coarse mixture, add chopped onions, curry leaves, coriander leaves,salt and garam masala and mix well.Add the remaining channa dal and mix well. Make small lemon-sized balls and pat it lightly on your palm or on butter paper and slide into hot oil and deep fry until golden brown.
  • 8. Karma 6 -Param Pujya” Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar” The following article would be greatly useful, if you had your children born in a foreign country (not India) I have written the following information especially for our Indian Kids who has born in USA and or raised here. I have personally given thousands of lectures and satsangs in the mandirs, Televisions etc about numerous subjects about our Vedas and have thought that, giving the following some basic basic information to our children would be highly useful. If you have kid born or you are rising your Kids in USA then, make sure you teach the following to your children. Also you and your children are welcome to call me at any time for any kinds of spiritual help Who is the founder of Hinduism? Hinduism has no founder, it developed out of Brahminism. Hinduism is the oldest religion; it may date to prehistoric times. What is the symbol of Hinduism? Aum is the main symbol of Hinduism. It is the sound heard in deepest meditation and is said to be the name most suited for God. Where does the name Hindu come from? The word “Hindu” comes from the name of the river Indus, which flows 1800 miles from Tibet through Kashmir and Pakistan to the sea. How is Hinduism different from other faiths? Hinduism has no founder, single teacher nor any prophets. Hinduism is not a Single Religion. Hinduism is the practices of a variety of different religious groups which come out of India. What do Hindus believe? For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It’s more what you do, than what you believe. Hindus believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman. Brahman takes on many forms that some Hindus worship as gods or goddesses in their own right. Hindus believe that there is a part of Brahman in everyone and this is called the Atman. Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, in one body after another. The soul is sometimes born in a human body, sometimes in an animal body and sometimes in a plant body etc.. Hindus believe that all forms of life contain a soul, and all souls have the chance to experience life in different forms. Samsara means going through the cycle of repeated births and deaths (reincarnation). Hindus believe that existence of this cycle is governed by Karma. What is Karma? Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives and its next incarnation is always dependent on how the previous life was lived. (Similar to Buddhist beliefs) Karma is the cause of our particular destiny. Misfortunes in our present life are the result of acts that we have committed in the past. In the same way, our actions in our present lives will determine our fate in the lives that follow. Hindus therefore aim to live in a way that will cause each of their lives to be better than the life before. What is Moksha? The spiritual goal of a Hindu is to become one with Brahma. Thisfreedomisreferredtoasmoksha.Untilmokshaisachieved, a Hindu believes that he/she will be repeatedly reincarnated in order that he/she may work towards self-realization of the truth (the truth being that only Brahman exists, nothing else). What is the Hindu way of life? For many Hindus there are four goals in human life (purusharthas); 1 Moksha - the release of the soul (Atman) from the cycle of rebirth. The individual soul (Atman) unites with Brahman the universal soul. There are different ways to Moksha.
  • 9. Spiritual - involves acquiring spiritual knowledge through yoga and meditation. devotion to god working selflessly for the good of society. How a person is reincarnated is determined by karma. 2 Dharma - the code for leading one’s life. Respect for elders is considered important and many consider marriage as a son’s religious duty. 3 Artha - the pursuit of material gain by lawful means. 4 Karma- through pure acts, knowledge and devotion, you can reincarnate to a higher level. The opposite achieves the contrary result. How do Hindus achieve Moksha? There are four different paths to achieve Moksha which a Hindu can take. The Hindu can choose one or all four of the paths they are: 1 The path of knowledge - Jnana-Yoga Spiritual knowledge -leading to the knowledge of the relationship between the soul (atman) and God (Brahman) 2 The path of meditation - Dhyana-yoga The idea is to concentrate so you can reach the real self within you and become one with Brahman 3 The Path of Devotion - Bhakti-yoga Choosing a particular god or goddess and worshipping them throughout your life in actions, words and deeds. 4 The path of good works - Karma-yoga This involves doing all your duties correctly throughout your life. Why are there so many Hindu Gods? Hindus actually only believe in one God, Brahman, the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence. The gods of the Hindu faith represent different forms of Brahman. These gods are sent to help people find the universal God (Brahman). Most Hindus have a personal god or goddess such as Shiva, Krishna or Lakshmi to whom they pray regularly. The three most important Hindu gods (forms of Brahman) are: Brahma - known as the Creator. Vishnu - Known as the Preserver Shiva (Siva)- known as the Destroyer. Other Hindu gods include: Saraswathi - Goddess of Wisdom - Wife of Lord Brahma. (Description) Saraswathi is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and all the creative arts. Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth - Wife of Lord Vishnu Lakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth. Parvati - regarded as a representation of Shakti. Parvati is the wife of Lord Shiva and the Godess of household and motherhood. (Shakti is by literal definition sacred force, power, or energy. Shakti is the personnification of Brahman as feminine) Ganesha - Son of Shiva and Parvati. The Hindu god in a human form but with the head of an elephant.(pictured right) What is the Hindu place of Worship? Most Hindus worship (puja) every day at home and have a shrine there. A shrine can be anything from a room, a small altar or simply pictures or statues. Family members often worship together. At the shrine, Hindus make offerings to a murti. A murti is a sacred statue of God, or a god or goddess. The Hindu building for communal worship is called Mandir (Hindu Temple). The temples are dedicated to different gods and are the focus of religious life. Outside India, people mainly gather at the mandir at the weekend. Worshippers repeat the names of their favorite gods, goddesses, and the mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered to the gods. What is Hinduism’s Holy book? The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion are written in Sanskrit and called the Vedas.
  • 10. Karma 8 Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several scriptures. The Vedas scriptures guide Hindus in their daily life. They also help to preserve the religious dimensions of family and society. Hindus have developed their system of worship and beliefs from the scriptures. There are two main categories of the Hindu scriptures: Shruti (“that which is heard”) consists of the four Vedas and Upanishads scriptures. Smriti (“that which is remembered”) composed of traditional texts, including the Dharma Shastras (legal and ethical texts), the Puranas, and the folk/historical legends known as the Mahabharata and Ramayana. The Hindu Holy Scriptures are mainly comprised of the following works written in the Sanskrit language: 1. The Vedas Rg-Veda (Rigveda), Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, Atharva-Veda (see further down ) 2. The Upanisads - These consider the nature of the individual soul (Atman) and the universal soul (Brahman.) One of the Upanishads contains the earliest reference to the reincarnation of the soul in different bodies (transmigration) of the soul. 3. The Smrutis - (‘tradition) are the Laws of Manu (250 BC) 4. Ramayana - Contains the story of Rama and his devoted wife Sita. She is kidnapped by the demon king Ravana but is later freed by Rama with the help of the monkey god Hanuman. The poem is about how good will always triumph over evil and Rama and Sita are held up as role models for the perfect husband and wife. 5. Mahabharata - An epic poem telling the story of a war between two branches of a family. The Bhagavad-Gita forms part of this and means “The Song of God.” 6. The Puranas - A collection of ancient tales about the different incarnations and the lives of saints. What are the Vedas? The Vedas are the oldest religious texts in Hinduism. The word Veda means knowledge. It is believed that the Vedas were orally revealed by Brahma to certain sages, who heard them and passed them down in an oral tradition. They were not written down; in fact this was prohibited. Because of this earliest oral tradition continuing even now when the Vedas are available in the written form, the Vedas are still known to be Sruti or shruti - ‘ that which is heard ‘. The Vedas are mainly comprised of of hymns or mantras written in the Sanskrit language. They cover various subjects, from nature to everyday life and behaviour, and form the basis of all other religious writings. The books are so special that they are often kept in glass cases. The four Vedas are: Rg-Veda (Rigveda) - The oldest and holiest Veda. Yajur-Veda Sama-Veda Atharva-Veda ( INTERESTINGLY I AM THE ONLY HINDU WHO KNOWS AND PRATICES THIS ATHARVA VEDA IN THE ENTIRE NATION AND WESTERN COUNTRIES) Each Veda is divided into four sections: The Samhitas - The oldest portion - Contains the mantras and hymns The Brahmanas - The ritualistic teachings - They are written in prose and explain the hymns. The Aranyakas - The meditational section The Upanishads - The mystic and philosophical. They consider the nature of the individual soul (Atman) and the universal soul (Brahman.) One of the Upanishads contains the earliest reference to the reincarnation of the soul in different bodies (transmigration) of the soul. The Vedas are the law. Most beliefs, concepts, and ceremonies are based on information contained in the Vedas. What are the practices of Hindus? The practice of Hinduism consists of rites and ceremonies centering on birth, marriage, and death. There are three basic practices: 1 Worship (called Puja) This is an integral part of the faith. Offerings (puja) are usually made to representations of the gods. 2 Cremation The dead are burnt not buried 3 Compliance with the rules of the caste system The caste system, prescribed in the vedas, was ‘a division of society to preserve society’ similar to the society in ancient Egyptian times. Each group had rules of conduct to be obeyed.
  • 12. Karma 10 The caste system divided people by occupation i.e. teachers and philosophers were brahmins; fighters were kshatriya; shopkeepers, moneylenders and trades people were vaishya; and servants and cleaners were shudra. No caste was higher or more important (superior) to another. All were equal and acknowledged as essential to the society. With thanks to Nirmisha Bhatt and Smruti Desai for providing us with information about the caste system Is pilgrimage an important aspect of Hindusim? Yes, pilgrimage is important to Hindus. What are the popular pilgrimage places? Popular pilgrimage places are rivers, temples, mountains, and other sacred sites in India. As these are sites where the gods may have appeared or become manifest in the world. Shivagama Tantra Yoga The tantric scriptures of shaivism are the shivAgamas. These along with the vedas are considered the holy scriptures of the religion. Both vedas and Agamas are blessed to us by the God shiva Itself, through the divines and sages. Like the word veda indicate knowledge the root gam in the word Agama indicate the dynamism. (Agama is interpreted as the one that “arrived” from God). As the name indicate Agamas are the dynamism of the supreme knowledge. It is the implementation or recipe for attaining the Supreme Truth. If vedas are the science, Agamas are the engineering. What does Agama tantras have ? Agamas elucidate four glorious parts/paths called padas. They are Charya, kriya, yoga, Gyana There are 28 shivagamas. All of them have these four parts. The order and the name change. (For e.g. in some of the Agamas it could be called vidya pAda etc.) These four are the worship procedures prescribed for the devotees. caryapada details the prayashcitta vidhi (atonement), pavitra vidhi (purification), shivalinga lakshaNam (qualification/ characteristics of shivalinga), japamala, yogapatta lakshaNam (characteristics of japamAla-rosary and yogapattam-used in yogic posture). kriyapada explains mantra uddaranam (elevation with mantras), sandhyAvandhanam (twilight salutation), puja, japa, homas (worship, chanting, rites), samaya vishesha nirvana acaryabhiSheka (initiations into the spiritual stages). yogapada tells about the thirty six tattvas, tattveshvara, yama niyama Asana samadi procedures. Gyana pada elucidates the characteristics of pati, pashu, pasha. vedagama Agamas, like vedas are the sources of almost all the philosophical doctrines and the religious life of Hinduism in general and shaivism in specific. It enunciates the nature of the Supreme as well as the way to get to It. Agamas advocate the practical aspects (implementation aspects) of religious life and regulations that would make the worship streamlined to produce the ultimate benefit. So these have quite good elaboration of the rituals. These glorious rituals could be the public worship performed at temples or the personal ones performed at the residence. The rules of Agamas can be followed by any person without bothering about caste, color, creed or sex. The core philosophy the Agama tantras explain are about the three things pati, pashu, pasha . Some of the Agamas appear to put forth non-dualistic and some others the concept of more than one “real” thing. vedas are called nigama and along with Agama, they are regarded as shR^iti. vedas are full of mantras and so are in the form of aphorisms, but the Agamas are in the form of discussion and so are available in the simple verse structure. Both vedas and Agamas were revealed to the world by the riShis from their spiritual vision. Agama tantra source and verses The Agamas originated from the Supreme shiva’s five faces, namely sadyojAta, vAmadeva, aghora, tatpurusha, Ishana. There are two classifications of agamas. They are shivAgamAs and rudrAgamas depending upon who the first propogator of the corresponding Agama were (shivas or rudras). There are 10 shivAgamas and 18 rudrAgamas. These Agamas form the basis of the worship of Lord shiva. These Agamas also have upagamas - the supporting agama tantra texts. These are 204 in count for the 28 agamas. Some of the agamas are said to be having trillions of verses. For example kAmika, sukshma and sahasra agamas. Lots of these texts have been lost out in the history. Many of the agamas available today are not having all the parts in full. Some of the agamas have only some of the padas available.
  • 13. In the form of male and female, matted hair with moon, axe, smeared in red (aruNa), wearing snakes and the skin of tiger, embracing the bull and with a bent leg, this the right half, and the left black in color, hand holding a (lily) flower close to the chest, with a silk like lotus foot, wearing gold ornaments, salutations to the Half female God. Purana of the deity Ardhanari Ishvarar : half female God (bhoga murti) Sage bRingi is one of the ardent devotees of Lord shiva. He used to worship only Lord shiva and not shakti. Goddess shakti, being the power as the name indicate, pulled out the energy from bRingi mahaRishi’s body. Now he was even unable to stand. He pleaded to God. God shiva provided him with a stick. On its support he stood and still worshipped Lord shiva alone. Goddess shakti wanted to become an inseparable part of Lord shiva’s form. She oberved the kEdhAra mahA vrata (1) austerity, which is now known as deepAvaLi. Pleased with her austerity, Lord shiva granted her the boon of being part of His form. So the Lord now appeared male on the right side and female on the left side and hence became ardhanArIshvara. Significance of this form This is one of the very important form of God, Hindus worship. This is a much-hailed form in scriptures of various languages. Hindus do not say that the God is only male. God is male - female and neuter too ! Since God is conceptually beyond sex, though gets referred as He/She many times, it is more appropriate to refer as It, especially at Its intrinsic condition, as do many hindu scriptures. Philosophically, this form is quite associated with the Grace of God. shiva and shakti are one and the same Supreme. The formless God is called parashiva. On Its own free-will for the benefit of pashus (souls), which are drowned in pAsha (bondage), It thinks to create the worlds. Its dynamism of creation thus springs out of It, which is called shakti. Now shiva and Its power shakti create everything. This is the form of their togetherness that springs out of Lord shiva. Because of this the form is associated with the grace of God. shiva and shakti though the same may also act independently. They are associated like the person and the action of the person. They are one and the same like the ice and the water - one becomes the other. For this reason scriptures describe that shakti to shiva is a wife (they are together), mother (shakti becomes shiva - so shiva comes out of shakti) and daughter (shiva become shakti). Poet kAlidAsa hails them as inseparable like the word and its meaning, the letter and pronunciation!! Ardhanariswar
  • 14. Karma 12 Stories for your Children THE CLEVER BEGGAR Once there were two sages (rishis) who lived in a hermitage located in a forest. They spent most of their time worshipping Vayu, the wind god. One afternoon, as the sages were beginning their meal, a Brahmachari (an unmarried monk) beggar arrived holding his begging bowl. The Brahmachari pleaded to the sages, “Pardon me respectful sages, could I beg for a part of your excess meal?” “Sorry young man, we cannot spare you any food,” sourly replied one of the sages. The persistent young monk continued, “May I ask you most humbly, which Deva (God) do you worship?” “We worship Vayu, the wind god” answered the sage with pride. “He is also know as Prana, the breath of life.” “Ah! Then you must know that Prana pervades the whole universe” said the young Brahmachari. The sages were getting impatient, “Yes, yes, we know all that young man.” The beggar than asked firmly, “Oh honorable sages, could you tell me to whom did you make this food-offering?” “Prana, the life, who else?” said the irritated sage. The young monk smiled and retorted, “If life pervades the universe, it pervades me too. Am I not a part of that universe?” “Yes, that’s right” replied the sage, in a puzzled state of mind. “It is Prana, or life, that pulsates in me, as this hungry body of mine stands before you and speaks,” appealed the beggar. The sages were trapped in the argument and admitted, “You speak the truth.” The beggar then made his final appeal, “Then Oh revered rishis (sages), in denying me food, you are denying Prana for whom you have prepared the food.” The rishis had no answer. They realized that merely the reading of scriptures can not assure them of their assimilation and true understanding. Ashamed at their ignorance, the sages gladly shared their food with the young Brahmachari. THE MAGIC BOWL The celebrations of Dashera and Diwali, are one of the most important festivities in India. Dashera is the day when Ravana, the ten-headed demon king, was slain by Rama; Diwali marks Ramaís victorious return to Ayodhya. This festive period also marks the time of offering respect to our ancestors and worshipping various forms of the goddess Parvati and Durga. These forms include Sarswati, Ambika, Kali and Lakshmi which are worshipped in different parts of India. In fact, Rama worshipped Durga, three days before slaying Ravana. Lakshmi is worshipped five days after Dashera and Kali is worshipped one month later on the day of Diwali. In some parts of India, Parvati and Saraswati are worshipped in the place of Kali. Mahalakshmi is worshipped by the business communities before Diwali, called Dhanteras. These Goddesses, and many others, are the manifestations of the same female power. A funny story associated with Dashera and Diwali is presented here. Once there was a poor old man who lived with his wife in a small hut in a village of Rajasthan. The old man lost his job because of his age. He was too proud to beg and so he and his wife began to starve. Ultimately he decided to go to the Parvati temple two days before the Dashera. It took all day to get there and when he reached the temple the door was closing. Hungry and tired the old man sat down on the door steps of the temple and fell asleep. Goddess Parvati felt uncomfortable inside the temple and asked her attendants to get the old man. Very soon the old man was brought in and he was surprised to see the living Parvati. He thought he was dreaming. He fell down on Goddess Parvatiís feet and with tears in his eyes he narrated the miseries he was going through. Goddess Parvati took pity and gave him a magic bowl. The Goddess said, “Take this bowl with you. Whenever you are hungry ask the bowl to give you whatever food you want and as much as you want.” The old man returned home happily with his bowl. The wife was very happy to know that their bad days are over by the grace of Goddess Parvati. The old man always wanted to share his food with the king and others. So he decided to invite them for a dinner on the day of Diwali. But when he approached the palace the guard stopped the old man. He explained that he wanted to invite the king to his hut for dinner. The guard approached the King and sought his permission. The courtiers laughed and were looking forward to the fun. The old man requested the king and the queen and the courtiers to have dinner with him on the evening of Diwali. The king and his ministers laughed in amusement. The chief minister cautioned, “If we come back hungry, you will be hanged for playing jokes with His Majesty.” The old man agreed. As the day approached the king was impatient to know what was going on. So he sent his attendant to find out what the old man was up to. The attendant came back and informed him that no preparations were on hand. The old man was not the least worried about the royal visit except that he put up a tent big enough to hold the royal party. The king arrived with the queen and courtiers. At dinner time, the old man came with his magic bowl and asked the king to wish for any food he wants. The king thought that the old man was joking and ordered some of the most exotic foods in the world. Much to his disbelief, before he could finish, the food was served. Thus the old man, with the help of his magic bowl, served food to the queen and
  • 16. Karma 14 the courtiers. The wicked chief minister asked the king to take away such a valuable magic bowl for the treasury. The old man tried to explain that he would starve without the bowl but no one listened. He lost the bowl. Unfortunately, the bowl did not work for any one but the proud chief minister refused to return the bowl to the old man. Soon the couples were starving again. They some how managed to survive for a year until Dashera came again. The old man decided to go back to the temple seeking Parvatiís blessings. He reached the temple in the middle of the night and started his prayers. Once again Goddess Parvati called him in and inquired what happened. When the old man explained, the Goddess decided to teach the king a lesson. This time she gave the old man a stick and asked him to go home and use the stick the same way as the magic bowl to get his food. But she asked the old man to invite the king again for a dinner on the day of Diwali. Goddess Parvati further explained that the stick would beat everyone until the bowl was returned to him. The old man did as he was told. The king readily believed him this time and agreed to come with the queen and courtiers. The old man came with the stick. When the orders were placed, the stick began to beat the king, the queen and the ministers. No one could stop the stick so they begged the old man to rescue them. The old man explained, “The stick wants its partner, the magic bowl, until then it will keep on beating you.” The minister ran to the treasury to fetch the bowl. The bowl was then placed in the hands of the old man and the stick stopped. Soon dinner was served and the king once again enjoyed the world’s best food. The king then built a special house for the old man where he lived happily with his wife. ASHTAVAKRA The story of Ashtavakra is taken from the great ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata. It is the story of a deformed young boy whose intelligence surpassed many old sages of his time. Sage Uddalaka ran a school (Ashram) teaching Vedic knowledge. Kahoda was one of his best disciples. Uddalaka was so pleased with him that he got his daughter Sujata married to him. Sujata, eventually got pregnant and wanted her child to surpass all the sages of his time. So, she began to sit in the classes taught by Uddalaka and Kahoda, listening to their chanting with the unborn baby. It was one day, in a class taught by Kahoda, the unborn baby spoke up from inside the womb, “This is not the way to chant the verse, father.” Kahoda felt insulted in front of the class and cursed, “You will be born deformed.” Sujata did not take the instance too seriously and was ambitious. She wanted more money to raise her child the best. So she asked her husband to go to king Janak who was then preparing for a fire worship ceremony (Yagna) hoping that the ceremony will bring money to the family. When Kahoda approached Janak, the king received him respectfully but said with regret “Kahoda, I am unable to perform the Yagna which I decided to perform several years back. Sage, Bandhi arrived from no where and asked me to start the Yagna only after he is defeated in an academic discussion with the sages participating in the Yagna. His condition further includes that the sages who come forth for the debate, if defeated, will be drowned. So far he has killed many learned sages. Now it is up to you to take the challenge.” Kahoda agreed to debate with Bandhi. He was defeated and drowned in the nearby river. The widowed Sujata heard the news and repented her actions. A few months later she gave birth to a boy who was deformed at eight joints and so named Ashtavakra. He got his education from his grandfather Uddalaka. Ashtavakra was extremely intelligent and his grandfather loved him dearly and was very proud of him. When Ashtavakra was only twelve, he finished all that he needed to know from his grandfather. He also heard the fate of his father and the Yagna of king Janak which still remained unfinished as no one could defeat Bandhi. One night Ashtavakra ran away from the hermitage and came to king Janak. Looking to his deformed body, the guards were amused. Ashtavakra retorted, “Do not judge a person by his appearance and age, judge him by what he knows. Inform your king that there is a person ready to challenge Bandhi.” The king came and was surprised to see a small deformed boy. He asked a few questions and was greatly impressed by his knowledge. King Janak soon arranged for the debate with Bandhi. When the spectators laughed on seeing the deformed Ashtavakra, Ashtavakra said with anger, “I did not know that the so called learned gathering is no better than a bunch of cobblers who judge a person by the skin and not by the knowledge he has.” To everyone’s surprise Ashtavakara defeated Bandhi in no time. With vengeance he then requested the king to drown his father’s killer. Bandhi then disclosed his identity. He said, “I am the son of Varuna, the god of water. I came to earth on the request of my father to get the best sages from here to perform his twelve years of Yagna. The only way I could get them to my father was to challenge them in a debate and throw them into water. Now that my father has completed the Yagna, let us go to the river band and watch the sages walk out of the river.” People rushed to the river bank and watched the sages return from the river. Kahoda came and embraced his learned son Ashtavakra. He then openly admitted that his son Ashtavakra was a lot more intelligent than he. Bandhi then asked Ashtavakra to take a dip in the river, with the blessings of his father, Varuna, which would make him normal. Ashtavakra did as he was told and came out of the river as a handsome young man. Janak rewarded Ashtavakra and Kahoda. They went back to their hermitage to be united with the family. Uddalaka, was so happy to see his worthy grandson surpassing in knowledge to all the great sages of his time. Sujata rejoiced at seeing her handsome son and the husband.
  • 17. Temples are the connecting points of high importance in our religion and culture. The absolute necessity of the temple worship is stressed throughout by the great saints of the religion. It is not very difficult to realize the important role they play in cultivating the spiritualism in people. It is the place for collective worship. Given these significant roles of the temples it is required to have some discipline to be followed in the temples for having the real expected out of the worship. Here are a few one can follow to set that harmony. Most of these are in general applicable to all Hindu temples though a few are specific to shaivite temples. Going to the temple with a clean body. Legs and hands shall be cleaned at entering the temple. Going to the temple adorned with holy symbols like the Holy Ash, rudraxam. Taking something to offer to the Lord. It is an offering out of devotion. It would be nice if the offering is the one required in the worship. Not to enter the temple with foot wear. Prostrating in front of the flag column (dwajastambham) (towards the North) on entering the temple. Not to prostrate anywhere else in the temple. Not to prostrate to anybody else in the temple premises. Taking the permission of nandi devar mentally before entering His abode. Saluting the elephant headed Lord enter the Lord’s abode. In Lord shiva’s abode, engage the mind in the thinking of the God. Avoid any gossip. Temple is not the place for gossiping. Can sing or chant His names loudly and sweetly if it would not disturb others. Otherwise it could be done internally without making noise. The Holy ash given as the blessings should be worn saying “shivAya namaH”. It should not be spilled on the ground or wasted. It is normally a procedure to offer something to the priest whose whole life should be in the service of the Lord. Circumambulating the Lord saluting the Goddess and the deities in the temple. The circumambulation would be done at least for three times. On special occasions like pradoshham the are special circumambulation methods like soma sUkta pradhaxiNam are followed. While in the temple either the Holy five letters or any praise could be chanted. Before coming out of the temple go to the place of chaNdEshwarar and take permission for the materials which after worship are taken out of the temple as blessings. One must not take anything out in excess and things taken from the temple should be only as the mark of blessings. If nothing is taken it is the normal practice to wipe (rub) the hands together in his place. Should do something in the promotion of the temple physically or materially or whichever is convenient and required. On coming out of the temple, again prostrate in front of the flag column towards the north. Sit facing the north and meditate on the God chanting the Holy five letters. While inside the temple should not make the place dirty in any way or make any noise. Going to the temple at least once in a week with the family. The mind should be focussed on the Lord like the dust of iron that stick to the magnet. A worship with such an orientation would have very good effect in us by the grace of the Almighty.
  • 18. Karma 16 - His Holiness Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Lord Iyyappan is a famous God in the South India with Millions of Followers: ‘Harivarasanam’ is the creation of Kumbakudi Kulathur Iyer. In 1955, Swami Vimochananad recited this Ashtakam for the first time at Sabarimala. Sannidhanam, in early 1940s, 50s and 60s , was just wild jungle which few pilgrims visited. It is understood that a VR Gopala Menon of Alapuzha used to stay on at Sannidhanam even when the temple was closed. He built a shack and stayed there even when no human being was anywhere nearwhere nearby during those days when the temple was closed. It was said that the wild animals never troubled him and that he used to feed the wildest of animals. Some years later, when Devaswom Board was formed, the Web Master understands, he was asked to move out. He died as an orphan of the world at a tea estate at Vandiperiyar. He was the only companion to Thirumeni Eashwaran Nampoothiri (an old Mel Santhi of Sannidhanam) in those wild old days of solitude and dedication. Revered Menon used to recite `Harivarasanam’ with all devotion. It was with immense grief that Thirumeni Eashwaran Nampoothiri heard about the demise of Revered Menon. At that end of the pooja that day, when he was about to close the doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, he remembered Revered Menon and recited ‘Harivarasanam’ starting a nostalgic tradition that remains unbroken to this day. Harivarasanam is recited just prior to closing of the temple doors at night.As the final verses are being sung, all the assistant Santhis leave the Sanctum Sanctorum one by one. As the song ends, only the Mel Santhi is inside the Sreekoil. He extinguishes the lamps one by one and closes the doors for the night after the last lamp is extinguished Lyrics Harivarasanam Viswamohanam Haridadhiswaram Aaradhyapadhukam Arivimardhanam Nithyanarthanam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranakirtanam Bakhtamanasam Bharanalolupam Narthanalasam Arunabhasuram Bhoothanayakam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Pranayasathyakam Praananayakam Pranathakalpakam Suprabhanjitham Pranavamanidram Keerthanapriyam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Thuragavahanam Sundarananam Varagadhayudham Vedavavarnitham Gurukrupakaram Keerthanapriyam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
  • 20. Karma 18 Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Tribuvanarchitam Devathathmakam Trinayanam Prabhum Divyadeshikam Tridashapoojitham Chinthithapradam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Bhavabhayapaham Bhavukavaham Bhuvanamohanam Bhoothibhooshanam Dhavalavahanam Divyavaranam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Kalamrudusmitham Sundarananam Kalabhakomalam Gathramohanam Kalabhakesari Vajivahanam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Srithajanapriyam Chinthithapradam Sruthivibhushanam Sadhujeevanam Sruthimanoharam Geethalalasam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa Meaning of the above lyrics.... The Lord who reposes in the tranquil yogic posture of Harivaraasanam; the Lord whose beauty enchants the whole universe; the Lord who is the very essence of Lord Vishnu’s Grace; the Lord whose holy feet are worshipful; the Lord who destroys the inimical mental trends and forces that affect the devotees; the Lord who engages in the eternal cosmic dance that creates and dissolves the universe -in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who is worshipped by the Sharana Mantra; the Lord who is the source of the power of mind; the Lord who smoothly administers the entire universe; the Lord who playfully engages in the cosmic dance; the Lord who shines with light reddish hue; the Lord who is the Master of all cosmic forces - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord whose very nature is the Supreme Truth; the Lord who is the Master of all life-forces; the Lord who splendors with the divine halo; the Lord who is the very source of Pranavam; the Lord who is pleased by devotional hymns - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord whose mount is the horse; the Lord whose countenance is beautiful; the Lord who holds the mace called Varagada; the Lord who is extolled by the Devas; the Lord who bestows Divine Grace as the Supreme Guru; the Lord who is pleased by the devotional hymns - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishunu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who is worshipped by the three worlds; the Lord who is the Supreme Divinity and the source of all Devas; the Lord who has three eyes; the Lord who shines with divine splendor; the Lord who is worshipped during the three auspicious times of the day; the Lord whose remembrance fulfils the desires - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who annihilates the fears and pains of worldly life; the Lord who brings prosperity and auspiciousness;; the Lord who is enchanting to the whole universe; the Lord who is splendidly decorated with divine ornaments; the Lord who has a white divine elephant as a mount - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who wears a graceful and soft smile; the Lord with a beautiful countenance; the Lord whose graceful body is beautifully decked with the sandal paste;; the Lord who rides on a tiger and also on His horse mount - in that very Lord, who is the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. The Lord who is dear to all devotees; the Lord who fulfils the desires;; the Lord who is extolled by the Vedas; the Lord who bestows sustenance and strength to the ascetics; the Lord who is the delightful essence of the Vedas;; the Lord who enjoys the recital of divine hymns and music - in that very Lord, the spiritual splendor of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, I take my refuge. PS:When Harivarasanam is being recited at the sanctum sanatorium by the priest devotees can recite or sing along should they know the lyrics if not just pray silently and do not recite or chant Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa loudly. SWAMIYE SARANAMAYYAPPA
  • 21. Karma 19 Toll Free: 1-888-808-1428
  • 22. Karma 20 -For Problems in Marriage, Business, Relationship, Kala Jadoo, Black Magic, Sexual Problems THE WRONG TIME FOR MARRIAGE “He died?” I exclaimed in surprise, “how did he die, betty?”“He hanged himself in our living room…” she replied. I could sense the sadness and tears through the telephone as I realized that exactly what I feared had happened.“Did you do the second marriage ceremony that I had requested you to do?” I asked. “I remember a year ago I had told you to ask a priest to do a second marriage ceremony one year following the first ceremony for you and Rick…Did you do it Betty?” Her answer was, “No, I didn’t, we just exchanged rings at the restaurant.”“But that was not what I wanted you to do, Betty. Do you remember what I had told you fifteen months ago, that there was danger to this marriage because of the timing?” I said. “Yes I did”, She said, “but Punditji said that it was ok to wait for later”I realized immediately that Betty’s Priest was at fault. Betty was born under the life code number 6. I had known her for many years. She was a struggling single woman who worked very hard to take care of herself and her daughter. Her husband and her were separated more than 10 years ago. A year and a half ago she met Rick in 2001. her vedic year code with the year 2001 added up to the number 9. Also, rick’s life code was number 6. Thus Rick’s vedic year code also added up to a 9. Together their marriage code came up to 18 [666]. When she called me fifteen months ago and told me she wanted to marry Rick in the year 2001, I was totally against it. I had told her I was very happy that she did meet Rick and that he was her soulmate, but that the relationship cannot be consummated until January of 2002. Betty had insisted that Rick did not believe in any sort of astrology or vedic predictions and that he will not listen to my advice about postponing any marriage relationship for later. I practically fought with her to bring him to see me, but he would not come. Betty pleaded with me to find some solution to the situation. I finally conceded on one condition: that she should do the marriage ceremony twice between her and Rick. She agreed to talk to the priest, Pundit Chu, who agreed to do the ceremony 12 months later again. After that, the ceremony took place, Betty got married in August of 2001 and I did not hear from Betty again until two months ago. The year is 2004, and both Betty and Rick are now experiencing Vedic Year Code number 3. Now both of them would run a Vedic Marriage Code of 6 for the year. Betty had called me about two months ago and told me about how Rick was depressed. And once again I insisted that she should bring him to me. Once again Rick refused to come and see me. Now, two months later, Betty is calling me with the news that I feared. I was very sad and disappointed, not with Betty, but with Pundit Chu, who, as a reverend and holy leader, should have insisted that Betty and Rick should remarry again. Had he done this second ceremony, Rick’s life would have been changed. The year is 2008, and Betty has remarried to Ray, who’s Life code is number 8. Their marriage code is 5 and Betty is somewhat happier, but because of her sufferings, cannot find any trust in her marriage with Ray. As her guidance counselor, I have been able to help her spiritually survive Rick’s death and she has found a lot of peace and tranquility in having the knowledge of the Life code. The above story illustrates how powerful the Vedic science of Life code is needed for people to understand the path to happiness. Had Rick come and seen me and understood the knowledge of the Lifecode, or more importantly, if the second marriage ceremony had been performed, it would have helped them to avoid a path of depression that eventually led Rick to suicide. One can argue that maybe it was time for Rick to die or that it was not his time to die, but that is a weak excuse for people avoiding the path of knowledge concerning their selves. One cannot say that the blessing and opportunities were not presented to all three of the individuals involved, the priest, Betty and Rick. Each one of these individuals had a free will in choosing whether to follow a positive or a negative path. It is clear that the priest chose the negative path and did not make a sincere effort to remind them about the second ceremony. It is also obvious that Rick was not open minded and that Betty could have believed more in prayer to the point of where she could have influenced Rick a lot more into a spiritual path. This would have guaranteed a second ceremony, even if it was not the same priest that was required to do it. To get a better prospective of the powerful benefit of Life code knowledge, let us analyze a second case. SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP AT THE WRONG TIME Sunil, a devotee of the temple, was a single guy seeking to get married. One day while he was attending the various functions of the temple, he met Sunita, another devotee of the Temple, and fell in love. They decided to consult with myself, the Swami,
  • 23. about getting married. Since Sunita lived in New York, they wanted to get married within a month when she returned. After careful analysis of their life charts and with the observation that Sunda’s life code number is 8 and Sunita’s life code is 9, I warned them about starting a relationship in the year 2007 when they met, the reason being that Sunita’s life code would match negatively with the year code (number 9) and any marriage or sexual relationships will result in possible death, separation or financial difficulties. They both promised to wait until the year was finished before starting any intimacy in their relationship. Needless to say, I observed that in 2008 Sunda’s yearly code [8 +2008] will result in a 9. After careful advice and instructions, they and I agreed that we will do a ritual prayer to offset the negativities before they can get together intimately. I also extracted a promise to them that they would agree to get married twice within the next two to three years, in other words they have to perform two marriage ceremonies before the marriage can become satisfactorily happy. All in agreement, Sunita went back to New York and Sunda waited fore her. Two months later, in July of 2007, Sunita came back to do the special prayers required to start the relationship. Sunda and Sunita were scheduled to perform these prayers a few days after she arrived to the Temple. Thinking that the Swami would not know or their actions, Sunda and Sunita secretly went to the hotel straight from the airport and became intimate with each other. Not realizing the consequences of their sexual relationship before the ceremony and urged by lustful desires, they broke the promise with me and thus created the future karma that I feared most. I realized immediately that now the path of their relationship will become a negative one though I did not instill them any fear of this negative path but I advised them to pray for forgiveness. I proceeded to perform the marriage prayers. Sunita took most of the blame for what happened but asked for forgiveness. After starting to live together, Sunita purchased a $50,000.00 mercedes benz and Sunda lost his job after a month into the marriage. Six months later, the Mercedes benz was repossessed by the dealer because Sunita could not afford the payment and Sunda’s mother quarreled with Sunita. Both Sunda and Sunita came to me to settle their differences. And in all those times, I reminded them that they violated the rules when they slept with each other prior to the ceremony, and that is why they have to suffer the consequences of their actions. It is the year 2008, one year after I performed their marriage ceremony. Both Sunita and Sunil never performed the second ceremony as requested. One day, Sunda called me and told me that he is sending Sunita back to New York. I consented immediately, I told him to send her back to New York because I realized that this is what was needed to repair the relationship. Even though they did not perform the second ceremony, the simple act of separating from each other while Sunda is experiencing a number 9 vedic year code, will bring them back together in a happier and more divine connection. Here is a case where all of the separation and troubles in a relationship could have been avoided if they had followed some of the rules I presented to them. My feeling that it was lust at first sight that created this problem, and had it been real love at first, each person would have waited patiently and they would have not lost two years of their life without progress. This is a clear indication of how people can avoid negative karma in their life if proper knowledge of their life code is followed. The vedic science of life code can prevent such things as death, sickness, divorces, separation, infertility, depression, health problems, wars and more. It is truly the science of the future and if used by every individual on earth, it will present unlimited prosperity for everyone. THE DANGER OF MOVING INTO THE WRONG HOUSE Kami was a devotee of the Swamiji. Every time she wanted to do something new she would consult with Swamiji. After getting married to Chubby, who being a #3 lifecode person was a perfect match for her, she got married with blessings of every one. Before having the child, she wanted to buy a house, so after a long search she found one that she liked. Her Life code being #8, the house was very appropriate for her it was a #6 house and the sum of that was #5 which was good for Kami. However the #6 house was not compatible with Chubby and Swamiji insisted that they should look for another house. “My dear Kami, even though I know that you like this house very much, I do not recommend it as your husband may be in danger from sickness or death.” “Ok Swamiji, I will look for another house.” Replied Kami.A few days later she returned to the temple with her husband and met with the divine teacher. “Namaskar Swamiji, My husband does not want another house. He insists that we buy this same one. He wants to talk to you about it,” requested Kami as she bowed and took a seat in front of the Holy teacher. “Hi Swamiji,” said Chubby as he did the same.“You cannot have lived very successfully in this house, Chubby,” said Swamiji said as he blessed them with a smile.“But I like this house and I do not agree that it is a bad house.” said Chubby as he looked very doubtful in his expression.
  • 24. Karma 22 TYPES OF WOMEN MEN SHOULD UNDERSTAND OR AVOID -Param Pujya Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Atharva Vedic Genetics: THE CAUSE OF MARRIAGE UNHAPPINESS – CAN BE PREVENTED IN CHILDHOOD Many women are unable to become great wives or lovers because they cannot understand the difference between Sex and Love. Women who are not able to receive love think that giving herself freely in sex can bring her love. This is because she never received love from her father as a child, and so does not know how to receive it from her male partner.As a result of this lack of love in her childhood from her father she begins to assimilate love as a condition of sexual acts by watching movies that portray such a conclusion, as all movies starts with a kiss and rapidly move to a sex scene. This kind of woman will never be able to stay married to a man for long and will seek drugs or alcohol as a stimulant to in their life leading to short relationships and many men in their lives. When a father hugs his daughter with great love an understanding then so also will the daughter know how to receive and give love to her future husband? This lack of love is a number one spiritual genetics that will make or break our society when it comes to stability in family structure.The following list indicates the negative effect of spiritual genetics that our women can inherit that can contribute to the detriment of our society…The following are women who will have difficulty maintaining a marriage life with a husband. Women who thinks that they should use their beauty to attract men in their life. Women who have been abused sexually by a family member at a young age before 14 years old. Women who have not been hugged by their fathers when they were young. Women who do not have a loving relationship with their father and brothers. Women who cannot maintain a great relationship with their mothers and all elder females in the family Women who have had their first baby aborted in their first pregnancy Women who do not like to be touched by males and are usually commanding like men Women who have ran away from home at an early age Women who will provide sexual favors for men very quickly for money Women who will provide sexual favors for money. Women who will insist on paying for her meal on a date The following are the types of women who will make great wives… 1. Women who will bring a guy a gift on a date 2. Women who are very feminine in nature…ie not abrupt and too outspoken 3. Women who are great cooks as that will keep the man in love with her always 4. Women who will be conservative in their shopping but not mean to point of not dressing 5. Women who are concerned about their beauty and looks as they will maintain attraction to the male 6. Women who are not drinking alcohol or addicted to drugs or shopping 7. Women who are ready to help the man when he troubled or sick 8. Women who put the man on a pedestal and defend him when he is not there to be criticized 9. Women who know how to sew, cook and keep a clean home are known as Great wives 10. A great wife thinks about her husband constantly and performs all her duties that will benefit her husband, her children and herself while she maintains a strong family structure. Vice versa the man must do the same when he works to take care of the family. “Well even though you may see the house as harmless, the number of the house indicates that negative forces present there will affect your health and your happiness.” said Swamiji.“I do not believe in this, Swamiji. I am still going to buy the house.” replied Chubby adamantly. “Well, I am very unhappy to hear that, but you still have my blessings.” said Swamiji as he turned to Kami, “Please let me know if you have any problems, my dear.”After bidding Swamiji goodbye they left. Chubby and kami moved into the house as they said they would and Kami got pregnant while living there. After the baby was born Swamiji again heard from Kami, who reuested a name for the baby. Incidentally the life code # of the child was #9, indicating that Kami and Chubby had some unhappiness in the house during the pregnancy. A few months later Kami called Swamiji in a frantic voice. “Swamiji, Swamiji, Chubby is very sick and is in the hospital. The doctors have assessed the disease as Cancer. I need your help and blessings. Do you think he will recover from this if you pray for him.” said Kami in a distressed voice.“I will see what I can do, my dear Kami. You know I had warned you about this house number and its effect” “I know that you had warned us but Chubby never believed it, but I love him dearly, Swamiji. Please see if you can save him.” She said in tears. Swamiji then visited Chubby at the hospital. He prayed for Chubby to get well and even though Chubby participated in the rituals and prayers he still was not as devoted as he was supposed to be. He still had his arrogance and did not seem to believe in the Swamiji’s teachings. However he was able to come out of the hospital. After a few months in the #6 house he ended up in the hospital again and a few weeks after he died from a reappearance of the cancer. Kami out of the house after selling it and she stayed with her parents in #4 house where she was much happier.As you can see from the above, the house number where you live in is very important. If you add you Birth Life code # to the House and it results in a #9 or a #6 then you should not buy or live in that house. The same will apply to apartment numbers and suite numbers. Even if you go to stay in a hotel you should choose the best room number that matches your life codes
  • 25. Karma 23 The main cause of all distress to the women is their relationship to their father. The way the father treats the daughter will create in that female the perceptions she has of all males. This is why when females are raised by single mothers THEY also will have difficulty with their husbands as they look for fatherly love in their relationships. Usually if there is a lack of fatherly love the female will think Sex is love and will sleep will all the men they are attracted to as if seeking some form of approval from the male figure as if they are her father. There are many women like this in the Casinos and Bars who are also strippers and prostitutes who have either been abused by their father or a family member and who have not had a great father figure to look up to. These women seek their peace by drinking and sleeping with different men in their lives. When a woman gets married and the man is hard working, she feels that he is ignoring her when all he is doing is trying to make her comfortable by working hard. Because of the domino effect of her negative feelings, and the arguments for attention from the devoted husband, the children she gives birth to will carry those traits in to their own lives. This is extends into each generation. This is spiritual genetics that we do not need in our society.I know of a young woman who came to me in Canada. She was constantly in jail after almost every relationship she had, after over 20 men in her life she came to see me. I found out that she was sexually abused consistently by her father when she was 10 to 14 years old. Because of this trauma in her life she was unconsciously fighting back her father’s abuse in every man she met. This was her way of getting back at her father even though it was an unconscious action because her father would bail her out from jail many times. Recently I was not so surprised when three young sisters who were older now, complained how their three uncles would make them take off their clothes when they were young, while their parents were away and ask them to play with their private parts. This traumatized these young women to the point where they would become cold to their husbands during love making. They were not able to be cured until they came to see me and followed a program that cleansed them of these past experiences.The question is where we start eliminating these problems of spiritual genetics that has destroyed the very foundation of our society and is continuing to do so on a wide spread scale. If you think Diabetes and Cancer is destroying our society, think again, there is a greater disease that destroying the past, the present and the future, and that is sexual abuse of young children. It is the cause of divorces, homosexuality, and unhappiness in marriage life, miscarriages, abortions, teenage pregnancy, menstrual problems, excessive bleeding, infertility, and sexual frigidity. It is the very cause of disabled children as well as the failure of children to perform well in their school. Before we can cure all the other diseases, we must first cure this great plague called child sexual abuse which stands to destroy our women and the foundation of a good society. We should not stop after the movie Precious produced by Oprah, or the stories of Law and Order on incest. We should encourage the protection of all young females by educating fathers on how they should treat their young daughters and create incentives for excellent fathers. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential
  • 26. Karma 24 Soolini Kavach” Maha Yagna to come out of Black magic- Kala Jadoo Voodoo, Evil Spells, Curses, Tantra problems, Evil eye,Ghosts and Spirits Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by jealous and malicious human beings of Kaliyuga, whose main objective is to harm or deprive others from something, or influence them to do something wrong or negative. Black magic is the evil side of the celestial cycle or negative energies. Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts even at a far away place – the effect of this technique can be experienced thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept other’s happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to take out one’s vindictiveness and get an evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil of others. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by Black magic. Symptoms of Black Magic Black magic puts a block on a person’s wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. There is heaviness and weight on the heart and constriction in the throat.At times, there could suddenly be blue marks on thighs without getting hurt, or faster & erratic heartbeat and breathing without any physical exertion. There are quarrels in the family without any reason. One might feel the presence of somebody in the house.One feels one is not getting one’s due and can achieve much more. One feels suffocated & restless in all circumstances, and is never at peace. One remains depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life. Effects of Black Magic Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic / abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances. Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that one looses the will-power & mental energy to get out of the sinister situation one is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life. The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. Black Magic starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person’s mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life. Breaking or reversing Black Magic Spell Putting a Black magic spell on someone is very easy for those knowing even a little bit of Tantrik Siddhis / voodoo. But to remove the spell and eliminate it’s sinister effects needs lot of expertise, continuous & rigorous puja / worship and a combination Siddhis & Sadhana. Gurudev curses those doing Black Magic on innocent people and destroying their lives and happiness for years to come. ‘Soolini Raksha Kavach’ for Protection & Cure of Black Magic ‘Raksha’ is ‘Protection’ and ‘Kavach’ is ‘Shield’. ‘Raksha Kavach’ is the most powerful Talisman for protection and cure of Black magic. ‘Raksha Kavach’ eradicates all ill-effects of Black magic, Evil spells, Curses, Ghosts and Spirits. Raksha kavach cures one of evil effects of past attacks and protects one from all future attacks.The effect of ‘Raksha Kavach’ never gets reduced. Raksha kavach’s protection is life-long, and lasts for as long as it is worn. The moment it is worn, the negative effects start receding and it’s protection starts, freeing the wearer from all evil influences which can ruin & destroy one’s present and future life. ‘Raksha Kavach’ is blessed with so much extraordinary energy and power that it can guard and protect an individual against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers and reverse/ break any kind of spell. The wearer of ‘Raksha Kavach’ always remains immune from all kind of Black magic (Voodoo, Evil Spells, Curses, Ghosts and Spirits) attacks. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar / Dr. Commander Selvam is the only Atharva Vedic scholar in USA and in the western countries, who is well specialized in removing and stopping black magic problems. He is not like a funny psychic. He is a master and healed numerous people all over the world. If you have a problems in Black Magic- Kala Jadoo. Call immediately @ 1-888-808-1418. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418. or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential.
  • 27. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar nilendivarasannibhA~ngalatikam purnendubimbananam shamkharishusharasapaNikamalam kanthiravadhyasinim nityavyajakatakshavikshanasudhadharabhishiktakhilam kshamakshobhavimochinIm shivasakhIm dhyayenmahashulinIm SriDurgaSaptashatiisahymnoflimitlesspowerwhichcangrant both aihika andAmuShmika saukhya to the upAsaka.As per the sUtra kalu chaNDIvinAyakau, recitation of Sri Durga Saptashati is kShipra phalakAri in Kali Yuga. The following prayogas are listed here solely for lokopakAra, the same purpose with which Bhagavan AdinAtha has revealed these in the scriptures. As these fall under the category of kAmya prayogas, special care has to be taken when resorting to them and undertaking any of these is permitted only when specifically instructed by Sadguru. One who is duly initiated into navAkSharI mantra and performs vaidika and tAntrika nitya, naimittika karmas, such an upAsaka alone is eligible to perform these prayogas. However, without the Siddhi of navArNa mantra, the prayogas do not give results, as hinted by shrI bhAskararAya in his commentary, guptavatI. For kShipra siddhi of the mantra, i.e. mUla and mAlA in this case, one should understand well the anga vidyas. Skanda Yamala details dwAdasha angas for navAkShari, starting with bhuvaneshwari, till kAlikA. The RishyAdayaH for these are nandA, shAkambharI etc. and each of these represent one chapter of Saptashati. This further illustrates the close association of navArNa mantra with Saptashati and also of the anga vidyas. The diversification of AdyA into three, six, nine and twelve fold shakti samUha is described well in Saptashati, the significance and practical details of which are imparted during the krama dIkshA of shrIkula. The Angas for Saptashati itself are considered to be either six or twelve. Kavacha, Argala, Kilaka and Rahasya Traya form the six. With mAlA mantra, hR^idaya, dhvaja and sUkta traya added, the count becomes twelve. One of the two schemes is generally adopted based on Guru SampradAya. All of the following prayogas should be preceded with the dasha nyAsas of navAkSharI, aShTottara sahasra japa of navArNa with purottarAnga mantras [dashAmsha] and a complete recitation of Saptashati with all the angas. sAvarNiH sUryatanayo yo manuH kathyate.aShTamaH | nishAmaya tadutpattiM vistarAdgadato mama || mahAmAyAnubhAvena yathA manvantarAdhipaH | sa babhUva mahAbhAgaH sAvarNistanayo raveH || svArochiShe.antare pUrvaM chaitrava.nshasamudbhavaH | suratho nAma rAjAbhUtsamaste kShitimaNDale || By reciting the above three mantras, one is blessed with progeny. One should perform the AvAhana of Parameshwari with santAna durgA mantra in a Kumbha filled with pancha gavya or salila and offer trimadhura as naivedya. The kumbha should be energized by reciting the mula mantra, santAna durgA mantra and the above three mantras 108 times. The water or pancha gavya should then be consumed by the lady desirous of attaining progeny. When this procedure is followed for pakSha traya, garbha doShas are cleared and conception becomes successful. Once the lady is pregnant, to protect the foetus, puruSha sUkta homa, recitation of harivamsha purANa and nAga pratiShTha are advised. vishveshvarIM jagaddhAtrIM sthitisamhArakAriNIm | nidrAM bhagavatIM viShNoratulAM tejasaH prabhuH || By reciting the above mantra, one is freed from diseases and apa mr^ityu. One should write mR^ita sanjIvini yantra on butter, recite the mantra and then eat the butter till the disease is cured. Based on the severity of the diseases, the rogi or his representative should recite the mantra 300, 1008 or 10,000 times everyday. Trimadhura should be offered to Parameshwari as Naivedya. As an alternate prayoga, a salila kumbha is placed in the centre of aShTadaLa padma and avAhana of parameshwari is done in the Kumbha as per navAksharI kalpa. The abhimantraNa of the water is done 108 times with mUla mantra, 108 times with mR^itasanjIvinI mantra [kAlikA para] and with the mantra vishveshwarIm 12 times. The water is then sprinkled on a child suffering with bAlagrahAdi doShas. This procedure is to be repeated for three evenings. The same water energized as above can be sprinkled during nights on those suffering with problems such as bed-wetting, svapna doSha, mala or mUtrotsarjana during sleep, bad dreams etc. The procedure is to be repeated for seven nights. j~nAninAmapi chetAmsi devI bhagavatI hi sA | balAdAkR^iShya mohAya mahAmAyA prayachchhati ||
  • 28. Karma 26 tayA visR^ijyate vishvaM jagadetachcharAcharam | saiShA prasannA varadA nR^iNAM bhavati muktaye || sA vidyA paramA mukterhetubhUtA sanAtanI | samsArabandhahetushcha saiva sarveshvareshvarI || The above three mantras are recited before rAja darshana i.e. before visiting higher officials etc. for kArya siddhi. One should perform AvAhana of Parameshwari with Svayamvara Kalyani mantra in a dIpa or a bimba, worship with lotuses and offer 108 Ahutis with svayamvarA mantra using apArmarga samit [rough chaff]. The homa bhasma is mixed with gorochana and agaru and energized by reciting the above three mantras 108 times. When this tilaka is applied on the forehead, the higher officials co-operate with the upAsaka and act in his favor. sAvarNiH sUryatanayo yo manuH kathyate.aShTamaH | nishAmaya tadutpattiM vistarAdgadato mama || One should write vAgvAdinI yantra on butter, perform avAhana of Parameshwari with vAgvAdinI mantra and worship with trimadura naivedya. Then, the butter should be energized by reciting vAgvAdini, navArNa and the above mantras 108 times, followed by the complete recitation of the prathama adhyAya. The butter is then consumed before noon by the one desirous of obtaining speech, oratory skills, poetry, music etc. This process is to be repeated for 48 days.Are-ordered recitation of Saptashati is prescribed for those bothered by evil spirits. Such upAsakas should recite the chapters of Saptashati in the following order, while touching Bhasma. By wearing this Bhasma on the forehead, the evil spirits are destroyed.Instantaneously. The order of the chapters in this case would be: 1 to 10, 4, 11, 2, 3, 4, 11, 4 to 11, 4 to 11. Even incurable fevers are cured by reciting Saptashati in the following order of chapters: 1, 4, 11, 2 to 11, 5 to 10, 4, 11, 1 to 13. If this procedure is performed thrice for three Sandhyas, Siddhis are obtained by the upAsaka.Prayogas and Karmas based on Dina, Masa, Rashi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Rtu etc. . kAmAkShi ki~nkaritasha~NkaramAnasebhyaH | tebhyo namo.astu tava vIkShaNavibhramebhyaH || Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential. Different Good Spells (Atharva Thantra Prayog)through Atharva Veda for Your Great Love. Marriage, Sex, Relationship Param Pujya “Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar” Different Atharva Thantra Prayogs: Atharva Thantra Lost Love Spells / Prayog Lost Love Spell or Spells are used or performed, if you have lost your love and all the efforts that you have tried have failed and there is no way that you can get your love back. Lost love spell will bring your love back to you unconditionally. Also if your love is with some one else then by the power of this spell your love will break his or her relation and he or she will be with you. Atharva Vedic Attraction Spell / Prayog Dramatically improve your “curb” appeal. This spell brings your inner beauty to the surface, allowing others to see your sex appeal, your intriguing personality and your beautiful qualities. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but when stares and compliments come your way, your self-confidence will soar, and you will feel on top of the world. And well you should be because you are a very special person. Atharva Veda Divorce Spells Divorce Spells should be used in extreme cases for example if your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his tortures, you need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus your life had become miserable in such cased you may go for these powerful Spells can also be used to prevent a divorce, if there are people who are not happy with your happy family life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are insisting on a divorce then these divorce spells should be used to protect you from all such evil people so that you may have a very happy and secured married life. Atharva Veda Marriage Spells / Prayog Marriage Spells are supposed to be very strong and affective. If you are in a relation and your lover is not committing or is taking time to decide if she or she or she wants to get married to you or not then these very strong marriage spells are used by which your love will marry you and you will have a very strong and happy married life. Atharva Vedic Fertility spells/Pregnancy spell / Prayog Are often used by women’s who want to start her own family. But due to unknown problems she is not able to conceive and some time they may also be scared at the time of pregnancy thinking about the baby, fertility spell or pregnancy spells should be used for the above reasons so that they may have a safe pregnancy and without any problems or complications. Also fertility spells should be used to prevent Miscarriages.