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Empowering Self & Community
Karma 2
With the meaning of the Kavach Mantra
H. H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
For more help and understanding call Swamiji Sri
Selvam Siddhar.
Srunu devi pravakshyami kavacham sarva
Padithwa padayithwa cha naro muchyathe
Oh Devi, I am telling you the armour which gets you
everything,c Reading or making others read, men get
rid of all their sorrows.
Ajnathwa kavacham devi durga mantram cha
yojayeth, Sa cha apnothi balam thasya pancha
nagam vrajeth puna.                                   		
If he who does not know , learns this kavacham,
Along with the Durga mantram,
He would add to himself  the strength,
Of the five serpents again.
Umadevi sira pathu, lalalde soola dharini,
Chakshshi kesari pathu, karnou cha dwara vasini.                                                	
Let Uma devi protect my head,
Let my forehead be protected by her who carries the
Let the lion protect my eyes,
And let her who lives near the gate protect my ears.
Sugandha nasike pathu, vadanam sarva dharini,
Jihwa chandika devi, greevam soupathrika thadha.                                                	
Let she who is like incense protect my nose,
Let she who carries everything protect my face,
Let Chandika devi protect my toungue,
Let Soupathrika protect my  neck.
Asoka vasini chetho, dhvow bahu vajra dharini,
Hrudayam lalitha devi, udaram simha vahini.                                                        	
Let Asoka vasini protect my consciousness
Let Vajra dharini protect my two arms,
Let Lalitha Devi protect my heart,
Let my belly be protected by She who rides on a lion.
Katim Bhagawathi devi, dwavooru Vindhya vasini,
Maha Bala Jange , dhwe padhou bhoothalavasini,.                                                 	
Let Bhagwathi Devi protect my hips,
Let She who lives on Vindhya protect my two thighs,
Let the very strong one protect my  calf,
And let she who lives on all beings protect my two
Evamsthithasidevithwamtrilokye rakshanathmika,
Raksha maam sarva gathreshu , durga devi
Thus stands the devi who protects the three worlds,
Please protect all my body parts,
My salutations to Goddess Durga.
Nine Planets’ Prayer in English
H. H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
Japaa Kusumasankasham Kasyapeyam Maha Dhyuthim
Tamognam  Sarvapaapghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram.
My salutations to Sun,
Who is like the flower of meditation,
Who belongs to the clan of Kashyapa,
Who is of greatest brilliance,
Who is the destroyer of darkness,
And who is the destroyer of all sins.
Dathi Shankha tushaa-raabham Khseero Darnava Sambhavam
Namaami Sashinam Somam Shambhor Mukuta Bhooshanam.
My salutations to Moon,
Who is white like the curds and conch,
Who was born from the ocean of milk,
Who is adorned by a rabbot in him,
And who is the ornament of the head of Lord Shiva.
Kuja (MARS)
Dharanee garbha sambhootam,Vidyut Kaanti Sama prabham
Kumaram Shakti Hastam tham Mangalaam Pranamamyamaham
Salutations to Mars,
Who is born to the earth,
Whose shine is equal to lightning,
Who is a young man,
And who carries the Shakthi.
Priyangukalika Shyaamam, Roopenaa Pratimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya Guno Petham Tam Budham Pranamamyamham
My salutations to Budha,
Who is black like the bud of millet,
Whose beauty has no equal,
Who is gentle by nature,
And who is positive.
Deva-naam cha Rishi Naam cha Gurum kaanchana sannibham,
Buddhi Bhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspatim
My salutations to Jupiter,
Who is teacher of devas and sages,
Who is equal in shine to gold,
Whose soul is intellect,
And who is the lord of all three worlds.
Sukra(VENUS )
Himakundha Mrina-laabham Daitya-naam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shastra Pravaktaaram Bhargavam Pranamaamyamham
My salutations to Venus,
Who shines like the snow white jasmine,
Who is the great preceptor of Asuras,
Who is an expert in all sciences,
And  who is the son of the sage Bhrigu.
Neelanjanasamaabhasam Ravi Putram Yamaagrajam
Chaaya Marthanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shanaiswaram
My salutations to God Saturn,
Who is  the colour of blue- black,
Who is the son of Sun God,
Who is the elder brother of Yama,
And who is the offspring  of Sun God and his wife Chaya. 
Ardha Kaayam  Mahaa Veeryam Chandra- Aditya Vimardanam
Simhika Garbha Sambhootam Tam Rahum Pranamaamyaham
My salutations to  Raaghu,
Who has only half body,
Who is a great hero,
Who hurts the Sun and Moon,
And who is born out of Simhika.
Palaasha Pushpa Sankaasam Tarakaa Graha Mastakam
Roudram Roudraa-tmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamaamya-
My salutations to Kethu,
Who has the appearance of a Palasa flower,
Who has a star on his head,
Who is terrible to look at,
And Who is ugly and  the soul of terror.
Nama Suryaya  Somaya Mangalaya Budhaya Cha, Guru Shukra
Sanibhyascha Raahave Kethave Namaha. My salutations to Sun
God, and to the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,
Raaghu and Kethu.
Phala Sruthi
Ithi Vyasa Mukhod Geetham Ya Padeth Susamihitha, Dhiva Vaa,
Yadhi Vaa Rathrou Vigna Santhir Bhavishyathi.
Nara Naari Nrupaanam cha Bhaved, Duswapna naasanam,
Iswaryamathulam  Teshama arogyam Pushti Vardhanam.
Graha Nakshatraja Peeda , taskaragni Samudbhava,
Thaa Sarvaa prasamam Yanthi  Vyaso Bruthe Na Samsaya.
To any one reading this composed by Vyasa, there would not be
any problems in either the day or the night and peace would come
to him. Men and women would become kings, their bad dreams
would be avoided, they would earn incomparable wealth, and they
would lead disease free and healthy life. Sage Vyasa tells that they
will not suffer due to the effect of stars or planets, neither by fire or
thieves and would lead a very peaceful life.
Karma 4
Boring Town
Once upon a time in India, there was a
town called Boring. It was by the side
of Dull Lake. The people of Boring
never smiled; they did not know how to
Whether it was grownups or children.
All the children ever did was study.They
studied in school all day. On returning
home they got busy with homework and
with revision for class tests in school.
No one played any games -- there were
no playgrounds in the town.
It was a strange town. The children
were never happy to meet each other.
Sometimes they would try to avoid
each other’s eyes. Or they would try to
pretend that they had not studied much
for tests. That was not all. They also
lied to each other about which chapters
were important for the coming test. All
that the children wanted was marks,
marks and more marks. What a town
Boring was! No one knew how to smile
let alone giggle or laugh or crack a joke.
Life was really dull and boring.

One day the town had a visitor. Ekta’s
grandmother had come visiting. It was
her first time in Boring. She had silvery
hair and a smile that stretched from ear
to ear. Even her eyes smiled. The people
of Boring found her very odd.
At the end of her first day in
Boring Grandma understood that
something was terribly wrong with
the townspeople -- even her own
family. When she smiled and nodded,
people moved away with alarm. When
Grandma told Ekta with a smile that
she had made mouthwatering gajar ka
halwa for her granddaughter, what did
Ekta do? She said: “The history teacher
cut three marks in the test. God knows
how many marks she has cut over the
years. By now she must have a treasure
chest full of marks. I wonder what she
will do with all those marks? Maybe I
should steal her trunk some day. I will
be a very rich girl indeed”. She did not
touch the gajar ka halwa.
Grandma was amazed. How could
anyone talk about marks all the time?
But she heard this nonsense day after
day not only from Ekta but from every
other boy and girl -- and as if that was
not bad enough,from the parents as
If anything the parents were worse.
They were always pushing their
children to get more marks so that they
could get ahead of others. Just as people
go to temples to pray, the parents of
Boring went to a shop called The Marks
Bazaar. The shop sold a special type of
pen with which one could write secret
messages. The parents would buy these
pens for their children who would then
scribble answers on their thighs, ankles
and elbows during exams. It was called
preparation for exams.
The parents did not know that the
shopkeeper also secretly sold infra-red
detectors that could catch any secret
message on any surface. The children
ended up getting caught by teachers and
so the parents were forced to return to
The Marks Bazaar to buy better ‘secret
messengers’, as they were called.
Grandma was shocked to see all this. “I
must do something so that the people of
Boring learn to be happy,” she thought
to herself. It was time to use her secret
This secret weapon had changed
Grandma’s life in childhood. As a
young girl she always complained about
everything and anything. She thought
her parents would give her more things
to try and make her happy. Then one
day Grandma’s cousin sister Haasya
decided to change things. She came
up from behind and tickled Grandma
hard. Without her knowing it Grandma
squealed and giggled. “Ah, so you can
giggle like other children,” said her
cousin. When Grandma laughed she felt
very happy. Grandma’s parents named
Haasya the ‘Goddess of Laughter”.
Haasya was such an expert at tickling
that people could not but laugh. She
knew more jokes than there were stars
in the sky. Good jokes, funny jokes,
that made people laugh with each other.
Once they laughed together they felt
warm towards each other. They made
friends for life.
Once Grandma laughed the whole day
-- so much so that her dentures fell
out! But she made the people of her
neighbourhood laugh with her. Since
then there had been very few fights in
that area.
Grandma had never forgotten Haasya’s
words. “You can have power over all
the world’s laughter. But that power
willwork only if you wish to do
something to make people come close
to each other.” That day Grandma learnt
that laughter was the most powerful
weapon in the world, though very few
people understood its strength.
“I need to use the secret weapon for
my granddaughter Ekta as well as for
the people of Boring,” Grandma told
Next morning as Ekta got ready for
school, Grandma played a clever trick
on her. “Ekta, there is something under
your chin, let me rub it off. As Ekta
stood obediently, Grandma came up
to her and tickled her hard. Something
happened. It was like an electric shock.
“Aiyeeee, Ekta squealed and then a
laugh escaped her lips.”
“What did I do just now,” Ekta asked
her grandmother in surprise. “This,”
said Grandma and tickled her again,
making Ekta laugh some more. Her
head had never felt so light before.
From the window Ekta saw her puppy
bark angrily at two crows making a big
racket perched on the neem tree. She
Grandma took her to the garden. “How
come I have never seen these blusing
pink roses and the many greens of grass
and leaves before,” Ekta wondered.
That day she went to school with the
plan Grandma had told her.”You just
have to tickle one girl. The tickle travels
by touch from person to person.”
By afternoon, all the children in school
were giggling. Each time they uttered
the word m-a-r-k-s, they giggled! Each
time they spoke of ‘secret messengers’,
they went into whoops of laughter. And
when somebody spoke of the teacher’s
treasure chest of marks, they toppled
over asking each other: how could
anyone store marks?
And then something wonderful
happened. The same children who
could never get a sum right did not
do anything wrong that day. Asked
to add two and two, they went out to
the garden, touched two roses and two
champa flowers and said there were
four flowers! They said it with a giggle!
Even the teachers started smiling. It
happened when one teacher tried to
cane a student. He thought the student
had cheated to get the right answer.
As he held out the infrared detector
menacingly over the student’s knee,
the student said, “Sir, there is a speck
of dust on your trouser. Please let me
remove it.” Saying this he tickled the
teacher on the back of his knee. The
teacher started smiling and broke the
The tickle revolution continued. By
evening the parents had started smiling,
laughing and guffawing. Next morning,
the local radio station broadcast an
interesting bit of news about some
Nobody knew what the announcer said
next, for he too started giggling! The
tickle must have got to him too.
Grandma was satisfied. Her work was
done. She returned home. Since then,
wherever children have laughed and
played with each other, those villages,
towns and cities have never seen any
Teaching a Lesson
“It’s my turn tomorrow,” mumbled
Raghu to himself as he climbed the
stairs of his school building, very
slowly as if he were sleep-walking.
He had been dreading this day ever
since Pal declared his grand class
prodigy scheme, two months ago.
Pal was the much feared History
teacher.”It has been said that genius is
99 per cent perspiration and one per
cent inspiration,” he had said in his
usual pompous manner. “I suggest we
test this theory. Beginning next week,
we shall have one student present
a chapter of this book (he dangled
the History book like the Sword of
Damocles), as if he were the teacher.”
The teacher had announced that each
student would be given a week to
prepare for class. He even invited the
boys to “chew my brains during this
process if he so wants”. Saying this,
Pal had grinned, while the class gave
an involuntary shudder - it would
take a very brave man to seek out
Pal’s company outside the classroom.
“Twenty-four chapters for twenty-
four of you - that’s neat arithmetic.
And, at the end of the term, we will
have a poll to see who is adjudged the
best teacher of all. That boy shall be
the Class Prodigy. I shall personally
recommend the golden star for
him,” Pal droned in his usual style.
And so it started. Week after week,
Raghu saw the best and the brightest
of his classmates being reduced to
quivering jellies during their teaching
sessions, under Pal’s merciless
sarcasm. The weeklong preparation
might never have been, for each student
found that he could never do it right.
And now it was Raghu’s turn. Worse,
he had done virtually nothing to
prepare the chapter on the French
Revolution that had come his way.
His mind was a complete blank.
He had tried, of course. For a week
now it had become a routine for
Karma 6
him to sit with his History textbook open at the page
where the chapter on the French Revolution began. And
somehow, he did nothing but stare at the sketch of Marie
Antoniette, Queen of France in the late 18th century when
the Revolution broke out. Marie Antoniette, with her
hair cut in a pageboy style, just before she was executed.
Raghu felt very close to her for some reason. Actually, the
reason had a face - that of Pal’s.
And then there was only one day left for his ordeal.
Deep down Raghu knew that even if he stayed up the
whole night and studied, he would still be a sitting
duck for Pal’s snide comments the following day.
Sometimes, though, he felt that Pal couldn’t help himself,
as if something, some inner force egged him on to be nasty.
The day passed by in a haze. Raghu’s classmates observed
his unusually quiet self. Unlike other days, no one tried to
snap him out of it or snigger.
That afternoon, the chiming of the school bell did not rouse
that familiar sensation of freedom in Raghu. As the school
emptied out in one rush, he lingered on near the school
grounds for a long time.
“If only I could refuse to take class,” he told himself as he
ambled home. But how could he possibly do that?
He took the long way home, past rows of staff quarters, past
the principal’s impressive bungalow. And who should be
coming out of the house, but Pal. Thankfully, the creepers that
hung over the front porch prevented Pal from seeing Raghu,
who darted behind a bush to watch what was going on.
In a while, the principal’s wife came out with her 11-year-
old son Tapan. Mouthing a profuse thank you to Pal, she
thrust a white envelope in Pal’s hands. And then Pal was off
toward the staff quarters. He spent a long time at the house
of Mr Tipnis, the Physical Education teacher. It was evening
when he came out. Raghu had been waiting outside all that
while. Tipnis’s son, Dhruv, was in Raghu’s class. And lately,
the below-average scores of Dhruv Tipnis had shown a
remarkable transformation, especially in History.
Raghu was greatly excited. Whatever else the principal
tolerated, he couldn’t bear the idea of a teacher of his
school doubling up as tutor. Any teacher who joined the
school had to sign an agreement stating that he would not
take any tuition. Yes! That was it - Pal was breaking the
rules. Raghu wondered at his audacity. Bad enough that he
was teaching other kids, but the principal’s son! He must be
taking advantage of his superior’s routine of visiting the club
every afternoon, Raghu thought. And he must be getting paid
handsomely for his coaching, for it was well known that the
principal couldn’t bear academically weak students. Now
Raghu knew what he had to do.When Pal finally emerged
from Tipnis’ house, the youngster stepped out right in front
of his errant teacher’s path. Despite the dark, he could have
sworn that Pal’s face had gone completely white.
“Good evening sir, just passing by,” he chortled in a breathless
voice. “Were you passing by as well? Saw you pass by the
head’s house, too.” Having said his piece, Raghu ran for his
life.It goes without saying that he did not prepare for the class.
He had a feeling he didn’t need to. He was right. Pal declared
an abrupt end to the class prodigy scheme the next day, and
got back to teaching his students. He stopped passing by the
staff quarters, too .
Limits of the Mind
Ekalavya was a little boy, born in a poor family, many
many years ago. His people lived a little away from
Hastinapura, the capital of the Kuru kings. They
used to clean other people’s dirt for a profession.
And for this reason they were shunned by society. Ekalavya
and other kids of his group knew they  too had to follow their
parents’ professions.
Ekalavya didn’t understand.
“Why, but why?” he asked his mother. She replied “God set
these limits.”
“God! Why would God want nice things for them and dirty
things for us? Hasn’t God made all of us?” Ekalavya asked.
She sighed, “Darling I don’t know, but there are bounds we
cannot cross, this is God’s rule.”
Ekalavya became quiet. From that day the only important
thing for him was to understand the meaning of “limit”.
You know, kids (and grown ups) are sometimes cruel. One
day Ekalavya and his friends trapped a little ant and were
watching it try to escape. The ant tried and tried till it
found a little opening at the edge of the trap and escaped.
Other children moved to trap it again but Ekalavya
stopped them shouting, “The brave ant has broken the
bounds. Limits are meant to be broken. I am free, free”.
One day, Ekalavya saw beautiful chariots come into the
forest near his village. He saw boys of his age get out of
the chariot one by one. What lovely clothes they wore!
Last, an old man with snowy white hair and spotless
white clothes came out looking stern and calm. The boys
seemed a little scared of the old man but with one dusky
handsome boy, the old man’s behaviour was different, he
smiled and patted this boy on the head. Ekalavya heard
his father’s voice, “Come away boy, there is work to do.
Those are the Kuru princes, with their teacher Drona.
The boy he just patted is his favourite, Arjuna. They
have come to practice ‘archery’. Don’t go near them.”
“Father, all I want is a pat from the grand old man.” so saying,
Eklavya ran towards the old man Drona.
By then the boys had started shooting with bows and
arrows. What amazing things Arjuna did! He could shoot
at a target with his eyes shut. He could shoot with his
left hand as well as the right. And the teacher Drona? His
arrows made fire, chased things in circles, brought rain
and lightning. It was magical. Arjuna’s eyes never left his
teacher. It was like he wanted to absorb every bit of Drona.
And you could see that Drona too was very proud of Arjuna.
The practice ended. Ekalavya went up to Drona and
with folded hands said, “Great sir, please teach me”.
“I don’t teach the low-born,” was the cold reply as Drona
turned away.
“Master, your arrows don’t seem to mind any limits, they
bring rain and fire, they bring night and day. How then
can you be bound by stupid thoughts of high and low
birth?” With this Ekalavya walked away from the glaring
Drona. The next day, Ekalavya carved a statue of Drona
on a tree trunk with a knife. He made himself a bow and
arrows. Each day he would bow before the statue, practise
shooting and imagine a pat on his back from Drona.
Some months passed. The grand princes and their master
came to the forest again. As Arjuna reached to take aim of a
particularly difficult target, an arrow reached Arjuna’s target
before he could even aim. Shocked the boys and their teacher
looked around. They saw Ekalavya, who went up to touch
Drona’s feet. “Who is your teacher?” Drona asked. Ekalavya
said, “If I am your Guru, give me my fee, my guru dakshina”.
“Ask, sir”, bowed Ekalavya. “I want your right thumb,”
replied the stone hearted Drona. Without the right thumb
to support it, how can any archer ever hold a bow?As
Arjuna and the other princes watched in shock, Ekalavya
wordlessly cut off his right thumb and laid it at Drona’s
feet. Many years passed. A great war was on in Kurukshetra
between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, cousins who
were related. Arjuna was on the side of the Pandavas.
His teacher Drona, and many of his cousins, who had
been Drona’s students with him, were on the other side.
After the day’s battle, a sad Drona was sitting in his camp.
Suddenly, like a respectful prayer, arrows fell near his feet
one after another. He looked up and who do you think he saw?
Why, Ekalavya ! The young Ekalavya said, “Master
I have learned to shoot without my right thumb. I
have learned to shoot with my left hand, and with my
feet. I have taught others and raised an army. Today
I’m known as a great archer.” Drona was speechless.
“Master, I set your greatness free from the limits of
your own mind. I made it my teacher in the form of your
statue. Your great love for Arjuna crossed the bounds of
fairness when you asked for my thumb. You thought that
it would finish me as an archer. But great masters always
end up teaching something. By asking for my thumb, you
made me learn to shoot with both hands and feet. And
for this lesson, I offer my services to you in this war.”
Drona’s eyes filled with tears. He answered, “Yes, it is
true, bounds and limits are in the mind. Real courage is
fighting against wrong limits and respecting the correct
ones. Ekalavya, you have taught me this.”
Karma 8
A south Indian village Town area- Rich with Ancient
History, Culture & world famous food .
His Holiness Param Pujya , Vedic Samrat, Maharishi, Atharva
Ved Thilak, Jyotish Samrat Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar is from “
Chettinad”, born in a small tiny village called as “Kilasevalpatti,
forAnnamalai Chettiar and KalyaniAchi,. Swamiji’s grandfather
was a famous Diamond Merchant and had trading in India
Singapore, Burma, Malaysia etc., Swamiji belongs to Soorakudi
Koil . Swamiji is happily married to Parvathi Sivanadiyan , and
has a son who is going to be a commercial pilot and a daughter
focusing to be a veterinarian to treat exotic animals. Swamiji
father In Law PL. S .RM. Sivanadiyan chettiar has done so
many Millions of Dolors worth of charities to the community,
and who was the “first” bankers to Coimbatore, Its a metropolitan
city in South India also known as Asia’s Manchester Swamiji
has now became the 1st Nagarathar - Nattu kottai Chettiar in
their world history has founded 6 Hindu Temples, performed
countless number of charities, donations , and became a “ Living
God” to his followers. His followers treat him as “ Lord Shiva”
Swamiji presently has more than 3 Million Followers.
About Chettinad
Chettinad- The Land of Herit e & Devotion It is a place that
enchants and enhances the soul. Chettinad is the homeland of the
Nattukottai Chettiars called the Nagarathars, are a prosperous
banking and business community. is a tourist’s paradise with
a difference, and one whi certainly cannot be missed by the
discerning tourist. A stray thundershower adds to the charm of
the place, churning up the red soil, and filling up the temple
tanks. The palatial mansions, m es Chettinad a place of rare
charm, and a must visit destination.
Chettinad Houses rich in cultural heritage, art and architecture,
is well known for its ses, that are embellished with marble and
Burma teak. The houses have wide inner courtyards and spacious
rooms. The grandly and wonderfully embellished houses were
created reflect the prosperi of the Nagarathar community. The
basic design comprises of a “thinnai” which is an enclosed
courtyard and this is surrounded by family rooms. The wa are
smooth and are made of special pla er. The plaster involves the
application of the finely ground mixture of powdered shell, lime,
jaggery and spices, including gallnut (myrobala to walls). This
technique keeps the interior of the house cool during the hot and
humid Indian summers and lasts a lifetime. The architectural
structure of a typical Chett ith nature. High ceilings, airy and
well ventilated, the house has one courtyard near the entrance
leads to the imposing main door, usually made of wood with
extraordinarily intricate carvin s of mythological figures.
The thinnai is a long narrow raised platform that serves as a
meeting place and also as a kind of accomodation for travellers
and visitors. The inner courtyard has special significance. It is ed
with classically bea tiful pillars ma e out f granite or teakwood.
The courtyard serves as the venue for the many ceremonies that
the community performs from births to weddings o death.
Deliciously Chettinad, among various South Indian food
varieties, the Chettinad style holds a special place for food
lovers. Chettinad’s usual and familiar food items, they have
a list of peculiar snacks items that are delicious and colorful
enough to be a temptation to eat. So of the food items that are
made by Nagarathars are the following: Ukkorai, Kandarappam,
Karupatti Paniyaram, Kavanarisi, Pal Paniyaram, Thenkuzhal,
Seepu seedai and many more.
Places in Chettinad
Vairavanpatti: The Vairavanpatti temple is on the Karaikudi-
Madurai road, about 15 kms from Karaikudi. A splendid 19th
century temple tank is a testimony to Dravidian architectural
skills. Behind the Nagarathar choultry, Vairava Theertham, a
sacred spring said to have miraculous powers. The temple has
23 bronze statutes, all dating to the first renovation, and 12
vahanams. The temple also has several striking wall paintings,
37 on the Vairava Puranam and 43 on the Ramayana. There are
also painting of scenes from the Mahabharata. The main deities
here are Lord Aatkondanathar and Sivapurandevi.
Karma 9
Karma 10
The Soorakudi temple is about 10 kms from Karaikudi on the
road to Kanadukathaan and the Chettinad railway station. The
soorai shrub also abounds here and is given as an explanation for
the name of the village. The temple has ten vimanams and two
gopurams. Its rajagopuram to the east, comprises five storeys
and is richly embellished. Another striking feature of the temple
is the sculptured pillars on the corridor around the shrines of the
main deities. This is one of the temples of the Nagarathar clan
that is held in high regard for its sculptures.
The last clan temple is the Velankudi temple that is located
on the Karaikudi-Thiruchirapalli road, about 10 kms from
Karaikudi, in an area abounding in vela trees. With just 46 pullis
( family member) and a membership of less than 200 in its four
villages, this is smallest temple clan among the Nagarathars. A
curious feature is that their numbers have not changed for over
a hundred years. The result is a temple to which scant attention
has been paid towards renovation. The last kumbhabhishekam
for the temple was performed in 1937. The temple was granted
to the Nagarathars in 718 A.D.
About 25 kms from Karaikudi on the Pillaiyarapatti road, near
Keelasivalpatti, is the Iraniyur temple. There are 50 bronze
statutes here, a splendid Nataraja dating to the 12th -13th
century period. One of the bronze statutes belong to the 16th
century, another in a 5-metal alloy of the 17th century, a dozen
from the 19th century and the rest from the 20th century. Two
groups of beautiful paintings grace the Lakshmi mandapam.
Opposite the Rajagopuram is one set of paintings done in the
Vijayanagar style during the first renovation and another in the
1940s during the second renovation. The latter displays the Ravi
Varma influence.
The best known of the Nagarathar clan temples, Pillaiyarpatti,
about 12 kms from Karaikudi on the road to Madurai. It attracts
visitors in large numbers from all parts of India and abroad. The
Karpaga Vinayagar here is a huge bas-relief in a cave hewn out
of a hillock and is a splendid example of the art of the South
India sculptor. The tall sculpture is more than 6 feet tall and
dates back to the 5th Century A.D. The Rajagopuram is on the
eastern entrance and rises in five storeys. The temple is rich in
stone and terracotta sculptures. There are 30 bronze statutes in
the temple that date from the 10th century. The main deities here
are Karpaga Vinayagar, Lord Thiruveswarar and his consort
- Rameswaram High road. It got its name because of the famous
plant called “karai” which is widely spread over this area. The
famous temple Pillaiyar Patti is 12 kms away from Karaikudi.
The city is known for Sri Meenakshi-Sundareswarar temple,
also known as Shiva temple which has 108 statues of Ganapathi.
Sekkalai is located at the northeast of Karaikudi, and was known
as Jayam Konda Puram. In the North-east of Karaikudi is Muthu
Pattinam which is known for Muthu Mariamman Temple. At the
centre is Kallukatti, where the famous temple Koppudaiamman
is located. The river Thennar flows through south Karaikudi.
“Tamil Thai Kovil,” “Kamban Manimandapam,” the “Vallal
Allagappar Statue,” “Kaviaraser Kannadhasan Manimandapam
and Statue” brings honor to Karaikudi. 	
Nagara Koil
The people of Chettinad moved on from their settlement to
other villages not far from their first settlement and, there were
nine main clusters of villages. To each of them the Pandya King
granted a temple in perpetuity. The nine temples thus became
the family temple for each group and each cluster evolved as a
subdivision of the Chettiars or what might describe as a fraternal
clan. The clan temple tradition is that a wedding is recognized
only if the bride and bridegroom receive wedding garlands
from their respective clan temples. The moment the wedding is
registered, the bridegroom becomes a pulli.
The first of the clan temples was in Ilayathangudi and it is 25
kms from Karaikudi on the road to Kunrakudi, passing Nemam,
Keelasivalpatti and Avinipatti on the way. It is said to have been
granted to the Nagarathars in 707 A.D. The temple is known for
its great sculptural value and it has the biggest tank, “oorani” of
all other temples. Legend has it, that this was the resting place of
the gods and it explains the village’s name with a syllable break-
up that is as follows: ilaippu meaning tiredness, attru meaning to
remove and gudi meaning place.
- Vishal Kalyani
Kilaikkose Pirattal
(Brussels sprouts curry )
I was really excited when I saw this
vegetable in my home town, since
this is one of the rare vegetable found
only in big towns like Trichi, Chennai
,Coimbatore, Madurai etc in Tamil
Nadu. The people who conduct big
functions like weddings manage to
get these from the nearest big city
like Trichi. The chettinad cooks make
tasty dishes out of kilaikkose like
pirattal, Kuruma etc.
In my first visit to the H Mart, I got
this vegetable. I first made kuruma
out of this and I was not very much
impressed. I think I overcooked
the veg. Next I tried the traditional
pirattal and it turned out very tasty.
This dish can be mixed with rice and
can be packed for lunch for those who
are not big fans of curd rice. This will
go very well with curd rice as a side
Kilaikkose-10 to 15: Big onion
minced-1:Tomato-1 minced
To grind
Grated cocunut-1 table spoon:Small
jeera(cumin seed0-1 teaspoon):Big
jeera or sombu(fennel seed)-1
teaspoon Pottukadalai-1 table spoon
or cashews-6:Red chili-3 to 4
To season
Those who don’t want it spicy can
season with a teaspoon of small
jeera and big jeera.:cinamon-1 small
For parties you can make the dish
spicy else season it simply.
Cut the brussel sprouts into 4 pieces.
Mince onion and tomatoes. Grind the
items given in to grind to a smooth
paste adding water. Microwave the
veg for 2 minutes in a microwavable
vessel for 2 minutes. Now add little
salt for the veg and again microwave
for a minute. Those who don’t use
microwave can cook the veg in a
kadai with water till the vegetable is
three fourth cooked.
Keep the kadai in the stove. Add a
table spoon of cooking oil.This curry
tastes good with little extra oil.Season
the curry. Add onions and sauté for
2 to 3 minutes. Sprinkle some salt
to the onions which will help the
onions to get sautéed fast. Now add
the tomatoes. If you feel that the
tomatoes you are using is not very
ripe and tender grind it for a second
in the mixie. Sauté the tomatoes
till they are really smashed. While
sauting you can smash it with a laddle
to help it get smashed fast. Once the
onion and tomatoes are smashed like
a gravy add the grinded masala into
the kadai and cook in low fire stirring
continously for 2 minutes. Add little
turmeric powder and the salt neede
for the masala also. Now add the
cooked kilakkose along with the little
water in the microwave bowl.
(A special Chettinad Sweet, Black
sweet rice)
This is a chettinad sweet delicacy
which I think can be had only
here. I understand what is going in
everybody’s mind now. What is it
special? Why it can be had mainly in
chettinad only? The answer to these
questions are, Mainly this sweet is
made out of a special kind of rice
grown in this region, which after
grinding will be red in color and will
be needle like. Don’t confuse this rice
with the red (kaikuthalArisi) available
in Kerala. I come to know that a very
fine quality of this rice is available in
Singapore. Once you have this rice,
preparation is very simple. This rice
after cooking will be sticky. That is
the quality that makes it ideal for a
sweet. In chettinad we get this rice
hand grinded also.
Kavuni Arisi-1 cup: Sugar-1/2
cup (according to taste): Ghee-1
table spoon: Grated coconut-2
tablespoon: Cardomom-4 or 5
So soak the rice for 3 to 4 hours before
Karma 12
preparing. Pressure cook the rice
adding 3 cups of water in medium fire
for 10 to 12 minutes. The rice should
be cooked very soft till the white pulp
in the red outer shell of the rice comes
out. After opening the cooker if you
find it not properly cooked, Cook for
some more time. Try to smash the rice
with a ladle when the heat is there. If
there is excess water, strain it. After
smashing, add the sugar checking
for the taste in between. Powder the
cardamom with a teaspoon of sugar.
Add that along with the ghee and mix
well. The sweet is ready. If you find
the rice you are using needs more
water to cook, add more next time and
vice versa.
Kathirikkai Sadam
(Brinjal Rice)
When we are short of much vegetables
or time or interest, then this is an
excellent choice. The same recipe can
be used for capsicum and some other
vegetables also. Try out with some
more vegetable available in your
area. Kopra or dried coconut is best
suited for this recipe. If kopra is not
available grated coconut can be used
and sauted well.
Cooked rice-2 cups (don’t over cook.
Cook like you cook for tamarind or
lemon rice)
Brinjal -1/4 kg:Tomato-1:Onion-
1:Curry leaf –little
Coriander leaf –little
Ingredients for the masal powder: Red
chilies -10, Coconut-2 table spoons
of kopra, Urudh dhal-2 table spoons,
spoons, Dhania (coriander seeds)-1
teaspoon, Cinnamon-a small piece,
Clove-2, Fenugreek ( vendayam )-1/2
Procedure to make the powder
In little ghee or oil first roast the
chilies and keep apart. Then sauté
everything adding one by one in the
order in which it is given. No need to
fry it till red. Switch off when you feel
it is roasted. In a mixie powder it and
store it.
Keep the kadai in the stove. In a table
spoon of oil and ghee mixed, season
with a small piece of cinnamon,
clove and curry leaf.Add the minced
tomato and onion and sauté. Add the
brinjal pieces too and sauté in low
fire adding salt and turmeric powder.
Make sure that brinjal pieces don’t
get over cooked. Stay near the stove
and sauté. If necessary sprinkle
some water. If you close the kadai
for a minute, it will get cooked fast.
Once you feel that the brinjal pieces
are cooked, add the masal powder
and mix well. Mean time transfer
the rice to a flat bowl. Add little
ghee or oil and little salt to the rice
and allow it to cool. Once you feel
the rice is not very hot add the rice
into the kadai or the brinjal into the
vessel and mix well in such a way
that the rice or brinjal pieces do not
get smashed. Garnish with coriander
leaves. Heat the rice in a microwave
or kadai while serving
You can prepare this powder in
lots during weekends and can store
.Then making this rice will only be
a few minutes job.
Karma 13
Karma 14
The use of the herbs for
beauty solutions dates
back to antiquity. Various
testimonials inform us on the
use of herbs in beauty treatments
during the ancient period. The
women of the ancient world
used the grounded leaves and
seeds of herbs on their hair, face
and over-all body, drank herbal
tonics and applied oils obtained
from herbs for different body
massages. These treatments
were used during that time in
countries like Rome, China and
Latin America. Indian Ayurveda
too has been promoting the use
of herbs for skin and beauty for
over 5000 years.
Herbs can be used for beauty
in original or compound form.
They act against the internal
impurities and external toxins of our body, add additional
nutrients to it, make it glow and shine. Herbs provide natural,
flawless treatment to our skin; nourish it from within, leading
to its internal development. lists some of the
most popular herbs used in beauty care along with detailed
information on their uses:
Turmeric is mainly used to ensure glowing, bright skin.
Turmeric face masks are extensively available in beauty parlors
for their skin-friendly treatment that prevents bacterial infection.
Turmeric pastes cure pigmentation, maintain the pH factor and
are constantly applied on the neck, face and over-all body to
enhance the complexion and brightness of skin.
Chandan is internally as well as externally applied to our body.
Internal treatment is through chandan pills which are orally
taken. The external application of chandan is through oil, stick,
powder and paste derived from the herb. The aromatic essence
of chandan has made it a favorite of the beauty industry. It
possesses various soothing qualities that effectively work against
skin ailments and allergies. Chandan herbal face pack and scrubs
made from chandan powder cleanses our skin thoroughly and
brings a healthy glow to it. Chandan is a principal cooling agent
and comes to utmost use during the hot days.
This herb is used as a skin cleanser, odor remover, against
acne, psoriasis and eczema and to treat common hair problems
like dandruff. Neem powder, neem oil and neem pills are the
most common forms of neem available in the market. Crushed
or grounded neem leaves are mixed with water and drunk for
burnished skin. In Ayurveda the bitter neem leaves are used to
counter body’s high sugar levels which are cited as a primary
cause of various skin diseases. Neem oil is an essentially favored
item for hair cleansing and nourishment.
The uses of Rosemary in beauty care can be put under three
categories: skin, scalp and hair treatment. This herb provides a
refreshing look to our skin by revitalizing and energizing our
dead cells. Rosemary oil comes to fullest use in scalp massage
which is done to prevent premature hair loss. The shampoos,
lotions and other hair care products of Rosemary takes adequate
care of our hair nourishment. Other extracts of this herb include
perfumes and soaps.
Basically, Chamomile is used in skin remedies, eye treatment
and hair care. Face masks, oil, body lotions, creams and stem
of Chamomile are used in skin care. Chamomile oil is used to
remove acne and other similar skin diseases. This herb is snit-
oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory. As a measure against hair
malnourishment Chamomile hair care products are frequently
preferred above the rest. When a mild concentration of water and
chamomile is applied to the eye the tired look quickly vanishes
and eyes begin to glow and shine.
Effective against scars and black spots on the body. Basil is
greatly helpful for its antiseptic action on the face. Whenever
our skin suffers from the lack of healthy nutrients dark spots
arise in certain parts of our body. In such a situation a concoction
prepared by mixing basil, turmeric powder and rose water comes
in good use. It adds to the effect of curing the black marks and
making our skin natural and healthy.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is used comprehensively in skin care. It heals skin
irritations and scars. The primal effect of this herb comes from its
sharp soothing properties. A face mask of this plant is prepared
by mixing kelp, honey andAloe Vera for effective skin treatment.
It is used in various forms like shampoos, sunscreens, soaps,
gels etc and has been approved by FDA as a non-poisonous herb
to treat skin burns .This herb is also used in hair loss.
In skin treatment this herb operates by drawing out impurities
and cleaning the skin naturally. The minerals in seaweed also
nourish our hair and take care of itchy scalps. For its profuse
mineral vitamin sufficiency seaweed is used in different face
masks. The gels of seaweed are used in various cosmetics and
conditioners Other forms of seaweed application are creams,
shampoos, mineral bath and power face wash.
This plant is thoroughly used in maintaining deep rooted,
healthy hair. Evening Primrose oil is used in synthesizing
skin care products. This herb has a wonderful track record for
curing us of the commonly occurred skin diseases. Because of
its herbal anti-irritant effects on the skin and anti-inflammatory
properties it is highly used in moisturizers and other body care
lotions. Evening Primrose is proved to be equally beneficial in
nails and hair management.
Though predominantly used in hair nourishment henna is also
applied on the skin in various forms. For hair care henna paste
(mehendi) is made from the powdery extract of henna plant. It
is then mixed with egg white and thoroughly applied for thick,
shiny hair. In combination with coffee powder, amla powder and
onion peels henna makes a perfect hair conditioner. Henna is
also used to color the body, primarily hands and feet and for
making temporary tattoos on the skin
Karma 16
H.H . Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar & Dr. Chris
Sexual energy can be very intense, so just doing one thing
to overcome or transform it will not always work. It will
sometimes occur when you are generally tired or run down, and
your defenses are low. In any case, if you are struggling with
sexual energy, your own inner and outer strength needs a boost.
This is best done on several levels at once, which will help
balance all of your 4 “bodies” and increase your positive energy
level (raise your vibration, as some would say
If you’re a woman, have you noticed that whenever you feel
angry, tearful, headachy, a bit below par, or lacking in sex drive,
someone – helpful or otherwise – will tell you that: ‘it must be
your hormones’?
Most of us are fed up with this kind of generalisation. We want
precise answers to all sorts of questions, especially to do with
how our hormones affect our sex lives. That’s what we want,
but the harsh truth is that there are very few precise answers to
be had.
Our wish to understand our hormones and our bodies is a pretty
modern phenomenon. Little more than 100 years ago, women
had no reliable contraception and, as a result, had babies most
years. These women only had a 50 per cent chance of reaching
the menopause, and I don’t think that too many of them had the
time or inclination to worry about their libidos, or whether a
better understanding of their hormones would help.
Nowadays, women can expect to live to an average age of
85. They remain fitter longer, they limit their families, and
the majority of them will have several significant sexual
relationships in their lives
So today’s woman has better health and more options – and with
this improved state of things she wants a superior quality of life,
especially in the bedroom.
There are many women who feel that their hormones must be
responsible for the things that are going wrong in their sexual
Today, one of the commonest female sexual problems is loss of
Indeed, in North America drug companies have been claiming
since 2006 that no less than 43 per cent of women have what
they term ‘female sexual arousal disorder’ or ‘FSAD’. I must
say that in the UK, many doctors and psychosexual experts take
that claim with a large pinch of salt!
Nonetheless, we do see a lot of women who complain of lack of
interest in sex – and so do all of our colleagues. But why does
it happen?
It’s become very fashionable to blame our hormones for loss
of libido. But is there any evidence that hormones are the real
The truth is that although lots of research has been done no
one has managed to come up with anything very definite on
the relationship between female hormones and desire. Why?
• until recently researchers would have considered it too
embarrassing or controversial.
• this isn’t a life-threatening area of medicine.
• until recently, no drug company realised that there was money
to be made from such research.
• it’s very difficult to measure desire scientifically (there aren’t
any units of desire).
It’s interesting that, while most women believe that loss of libido
is something to do with their hormones, vast numbers of adult
females haven’t a clue about which hormones they have, and
what they actually do. Perhaps this is unsurprising since it’s
very complicated. Frankly, I don’t think that most doctors truly
understand it, so what chance have the rest of us got! But it
seems to boil down to this:
• our ovaries produce large amounts of the female sex hormones
- oestrogen and progesterone
• they also produce small amounts of the male hormones -
testosterone and androstenedione.
Both men and women also have two important hormones, both
secreted by the pituitary gland, called FSH and LH.
• FSH (which stands for follicle stimulating hormone) controls
the formation of eggs by the ovary.
• LH (which stands for luteinizing hormone) controls the
production of sex hormones by the ovaries.ASwiss gynecologist
(see below) told us that he believes LH is strongly linked to
Karma 17
Karma 18
Day one of our cycle is the first day of a period. In a monthly
cycle, two main things happen:
• the level of oestrogen rises slowly during the first half of the
month, often dips sharply at ovulation - which occurs around
about day 14 - and gradually falls off just before the period.
• the level of progesterone rises sharply after ovulation, and then
falls off just before the period.
But what does all this have to do with our level of desire?
If you ask a number of women whether they feel sexier at any
particular time of the month, they will usually agree that they
do, but they will not agree on when. About half of the women
who notice fluctuations say that they feel most ‘turned on’ half
way through their cycle. However, just as many women say they
feel randiest just before - or even during - their periods.
But since we all go though the same hormonal changes, why
don’t we all feel sexy - or not sexy - at the same point in the
cycle? The truth is that nobody knows.
My own personal – and totally unscientific – theory about those
of us who claim to feel increased desire just before the period is
that what we’re really thrilling to is the sensation of having sex
when our womb lining is thickest.
We seem to feel extra sensitivity in our vaginas – possibly
because of some kind of pressure or sense of engorgement
resulting from the thicker womb lining – and this enables us to
enjoy the feeling of a penis inside us more than usual.
This enjoyment, however, may have little to do with increased
libido. Instead it may simply be a response to different physical
feelings in our genitals.
What about libido?
It’s important to realize that libido (desire) is a completely
different thing from physical arousal in the genitals. This
might seem incredible, but many women who say they have no
libido are actually able to become physically aroused and have
orgasms without much difficulty. What they do find difficult - or
impossible - is to feel any passion or any desire for sex.
Often women ask if Viagra could help ‘turn them on’to sex. The
answer is no. In men, Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction
- that is to say a lack of ability to get an erection. Viagra is of
little use to men who are not interested in sex, because it has no
effect on desire.
Currently, trials are progressing to test Viagra on women, but
the research is about whether Viagra causes helpful physical
changes in the sex organs. It has been reported that in a few
women, the drug will increase vaginal lubrication and swelling
of the tissues round the vulva. But there is no possibility that
it will turn uninterested women into sex bombs. And to date,
Viagra is still not licensed for the treatment of women.
Professor Alan Riley of the University of Central Lancashire -
one of the UK’s leading experts in sex problems - says that lack
of desire is the number one sex problem in women today and
that it’s extremely difficult to treat.
Over 25 years ago, the American professor Dr Helen Singer
Desire. In it she stated that: ‘In human females, (o)estrogen does
not enhance sexual desire.’ She also said that testosterone is the
‘libido hormone’ for both genders. Furthermore, she speculated
that the hormone LH might in time be used clinically to increase
Well, what has happened in the world of female sexuality since?
In 2006 the drug companies started to promote the idea of
testosterone and various papers have been published which
suggest that testosterone might be the answer to what the
Americans now routinely call ‘FSAD’ (see above).
In actual fact, doctors have been trying out testosterone on
women for about 40 years, rarely with much benefit. Side-
effects include hairiness, spots, a deep voice and enlargement
of the clitoris.
However, there is some clinical evidence to support the use of
testosterone as a treatment for low sexual desire. And in 2007 a
testosterone skin patch called Intrinsa became available in the
But, this patch is only licensed on the NHS for women who have
had an early surgically-induced menopause. Obviously, this is
quite a small number of women.
We do know that Intrinsa is being prescribed privately for other
women with low libido, or hypoactive sexual desire disorder
(HSDD) as it is now being termed. But so far, reactions to this
drug are mixed.
Finally, as for the female hormone LH (luteinising hormone), in
2006 Dr David Delvin and I were contacted by the noted Swiss
gynaecologist Dr Michel Jemec, who has come up with a theory
that LH is strongly linked with libido.
David later visited him at his clinic in Lugano, where he
explained that his work has suggested that high levels of LH
make a woman ‘horny’, while low levels make her apathetic
about sex.
We await with interest publication of Dr Jemec’s results in a
medical journal. However, at the present moment I must stress
that no treatment with LH is available.
Hit and miss
So, at the time of writing, the situation is still extremely muddled
and women in this country who have loss of libido are quite
unlikely to find a doctor who will test their hormones, or offer
them hormonal treatment on the NHS.
Karma 19
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Karma 20
However, there is one small exception in the case of loss of
libido at the menopause. For this problem, an HRT-type drug
called ‘tibolone’ does now have an official licence in Britain.
But in general, since we cannot absolutely attribute lack of
sex drive to hormones - and since there is very little hormone
treatment available even if we could – perhaps we need to look
at the problem another way.
The first thing to say is that if you feel very definitely sexier
on some days of the month than others, make sure that you
and your partner capitalise on them! These are the times of the
month when you should come home and go straight to bed with
your loved one, some smoked salmon sandwiches and a bottle
of wine - or a tub of luxury ice-cream. And if you have children,
you should arrange for them to go to Granny’s or to a sleep-over
at a friend’s house.
By planning to have lots of sex when it’s going to be great,
neither you nor your partner should mind so much that there are
days when all you want to offer is a quickie or a cuddle.
But what if your sex drive is pretty dormant all through
the month?
Well, the sorry fact is that you may be a bit bored in your
relationship, or tired, or feeling resentful towards your partner.
When we are newly in love, we usually have no problems with
libido. In fact we often feel as if we’re permanently ‘on heat’!
(There are a few women who have no apparent desire in the
early stages of a relationship, but they tend to have psychological
problems about allowing themselves pleasure through sex.)
Of course, when we first start a relationship, everything is new
and exciting so our brains are very stimulated. So maybe the
answer is to work on our brains - not our hormones - to spark off
our sex drives. And perhaps we need to modify our lifestyles if
we are to keep our desire for sex in tip-top shape.
Unfortunately, there is a tendency for relationships to become
routine after a while. Sex, which before happened on occasional
dates, is there on tap once people move in together. Interestingly,
once we get used to the idea that we can ‘have it’ anytime, we
tend to have it less.
Also, both partners in a relationship generally go out to work,
with many working extremely long hours. So masses of people
are tired, stressed and don’t get round to eating properly - they
are in a rut.
It does seem likely that loss of libido has as much to do with
these factors as it has to do with hormones. So any woman
whose sex drive isn’t up to much should take a very careful look
at her lifestyle.
Here are some tips that should improve the situation.
• Try to add some fresh romance into the relationship and spend
quality time together.
• Visualize your partner as he used to look in your early days of
dating and allow yourself to feel the excitement you used to feel.
• Exercise your mind sexually by reading erotic books or
thinking sexy thoughts - especially on the days you think you
might make love
• Assess how much sleep you’re getting as fatigue is the biggest
enemy of libido.
• If you’re tired all the time see your doctor in case you need an
iron supplement.
• If you’re overweight and very lethargic, see your doctor in case
you have an underactive thyroid.
• If your diet is composed of rushed sandwiches and processed
foods, buy a book on nutrition and re-think what you are fuelling
your body with.
• If nutrition seems likely to be at least part of your problem,
consider contacting the Natural Health Advisory Service –
formerly known as the Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service.
Our expectations
Another problem nowadays may be that we expect far too much
of ourselves. We, and our partners, see films and read books
where women are always up for sex. But do people make films
or write stories in which the women can’t relax enough to have
an orgasm, or when they’ve got a messy period, or when they’re
exhausted with juggling marriage, children and a demanding
job? Not usually.
Many sex experts trying to deal with loss of libido believe that
hidden hostility towards the partner has a great deal to do with a
lack of sex drive.
Often when a woman is blaming her hormones for her lack of
desire, closer inspection of the relationship reveals all sorts of
stresses, strains and anger. If such a woman is fed up because
her man is never romantic to her, or never takes her out, or never
thanks her for a beautifully cooked meal, or always expects her
to take responsibility for contraception, it’s hardly surprising
that she doesn’t feel like rewarding him in bed. Therefore, she
loses interest.
Addressing this kind of problem is much harder than deciding
‘it’s all to do with hormones’. The unpalatable truth is that it’s
the relationship that needs changing - and that cannot be done
hormonally. We often see patients who come to us because
they believe that hormonal problems are at the root of their
unsatisfactory love lives. After some counselling, it’s common
for us to find that the woman has gone off sex because of
some flaw in the relationship. Perhaps the man is too bossy, or
overbearing, for example. Sometimes therapy can put this right
especially if both the man and the woman can accept that this is
in effect a relationship rather than a purely sexual problem.
Occasionally, one or both partners refuse to face up the fact that
there is no magic pill to cure their problems and that they need
instead to make changes in the relationship – and when that
happens, they usually stop coming for therapy. Of course, there
are specific times in a woman’s life when she may have most
difficulty with lack of desire. For example: after the birth of a
child, after a termination, after miscarriage, when suffering from
pre-menstrual tension and around the menopause.
After giving birth
Women are told to abstain from penetrative sex after the birth of
a child – until they have their full medical check when the baby
is about six weeks old. But many women feel a complete lack
of desire for sex for several months after that. This is likely to
be due to a number of reasons such as fatigue, poor nutrition,
anxiety and depression.
It’s also because a woman frequently becomes almost obsessed
with her child and doesn’t seem to have much time for her
partner, especially sexually. This is clearly what nature demands.
It ensures that the child is well looked after. It also helps to
prevent a further pregnancy so that the new baby won’t have to
share mum with other new siblings too soon.
But is any of this to do with hormones? Many experts think that
it is. They particularly attribute postnatal depression to an upset
in hormones and tend to believe that the loss of libido is part
of that illness. However, no one has yet managed to find any
measurable change in blood hormone levels.
Some specialists do offer hormonal help at this time, but it is
certainly not freely available all over the country. The best thing
to do in this situation is to ask your GP, the practice nurse, or your
health visitor what’s available on the NHS in your area. There
are also a few private clinics that offer hormone treatments.
However, many other doctors, psychiatrists and scientists
believe that depression and loss of desire in the postnatal period
can best be treated by anti-depressants - whatever its cause.
When I hear from a depressed young mum, I always put her
in touch with the Meet-A-Mum-Association (details below),
which is an organization for women with postnatal depression.
They can help by getting you support from other mums who
understand what you’re going through. They also keep an eye on
treatments for PND up and down the country.
Generally speaking, the loss of libido gradually goes away as the
mother gets used to being a mum, and as she grows stronger and
less tired. Men can help by being romantic and kind. The article
on postnatal depression covers many aspects of the problem.
After a termination
Is lack of libido a hormonal problem after a termination? Well,
it may be - especially in the days immediately following the
procedure. After all, one minute you were pregnant - with all
sorts of hormonal changes going on - and the next minute you
weren’t. Again, it’s interesting to note that most doctors do not
discuss this factor with their patients.
However, longer term, it’s much more likely that lack of desire
following a termination is more closely bound up with guilt and
grief. Nowadays, women frequently expect to sail through a
termination believing that everything will be OK and that it’s ‘a
woman’s right to choose’. Some women in fact do sail through
the experience. But plenty do not.
I see many women in my own psychotherapy practice who are
suffering from depression and loss of desire after a termination,
and I find that they recover best when they allow themselves
to think about the pregnancy and the life that was once
growing within them, and then to devise some kind of ritual for
commemorating that life.
Once this process of acknowledgement and grieving has taken
place, they tend to get better quite quickly.
For more help with this have a look at my article coping with a
termination of pregnancy.
After a miscarriage
As after a termination, after a miscarriage a woman also has
to adjust quickly to the fact that she was pregnant, but isn’t
anymore. This is a big psychological shift. It is also probable
that her hormones are very upset at this time. Unfortunately,
there’s little information available about this.
It is normal after a miscarriage to feel very low and to lose your
sex drive, but this is probably because of natural feelings of loss.
It can often help to remember your dead baby’s life in some
way, for example by planting a rose tree or sponsoring a child
You can find out more by reading the factsheet on miscarriage.
Pre-menstrual syndrome
This is a big problem for many women and most doctors now
agree that it is something to do with a woman’s sex hormones.
One theory – put forward by the late Dr Katharina Dalton – has
been that PMS is connected with progesterone. As we have
already seen, this is one of our main sex hormones and we have
high levels of it during the second part of our cycle until just
before we begin to menstruate.
Some specialists believe that problems occur when the levels
of progesterone are not high enough. However there is no
consistent alteration in progesterone levels in PMS, and clinical
trials have provided conflicting results.
Still, a considerable number of doctors do prescribe progestogens
(synthetic forms of progesterone) even though the British
National Formulary says that: ‘no convincing physiological
basis for such treatment has been shown’.
Unfortunately, progesterone itself doesn’t work by mouth.
Dr Dalton herself used to prescribe natural progesterone, in
the form of rectal suppositories – particularly if there was an
element of pre-menstrual tension. They are still available via
the NHS, under the trade name ‘Cyclogest’. (Please note that
they can have side-effects; do not try them without discussing
possible untoward effects with your doctor.)
Lack of sex drive pre-menstrually is just one of many problems
experienced by women with PMS. Incidentally, there is some
evidence to show that if a woman does make love at this time
Karma 22
- even if her inclination to do so is not strong - then she will
actually feel better, because sex brings considerable release
from tension.
Earlier I mentioned the role of nutrition in the treatment of loss
of desire. And when it comes to loss of desire pre-menstrually
there is now an increasing amount of help and advice on offer in
the alternative sector.
Many health food shops can recommend food supplements and
minerals that improve the condition. And the Natural Health
Advisory Service (formerly known as the Women’s Nutritional
Advisory Service, or WNAS, claims success in treating PMS.
By doing so, they found, almost by accident, that they were
vastly improving women’s levels of sexual desire, too. Their
belief is that today’s woman is simply not taking in the nutrients
that she requires, and that this has a bad effect on the woman’s
hormones. They educate the woman about nutrition and claim a
very high success rate. It should be noted however that this is
not a free service. Full details of this organisation’s charges can
be found on the website - see the end of this factsheet for more
A word here about phytoestrogens (natural plant oestrogens).
These are nothing new, but in the past 10 years there has been
a real surge of interest in them, particularly in relation to
menopausal women. However, it may be that changing your
diet to include more natural plant oestrogens could help your
general health and sex drive prior to the menopause. Although,
as we have seen, some experts think that PMS occurs because
of insufficient progesterone, some women have found that by
taking plant oestrogens, like red clover, they have experienced a
reduction in PMS symptoms.
Does this mean then that PMS might not be caused by a lack
of progesterone and could instead be something to do with
oestrogen levels dropping too far before the period? No one
seems to know. Some women who get very spotty during the
pre-menstrual phase - and this can be very upsetting and lead
to loss of confidence and desire - have reported that eating a
phytoestrogen enriched diet, or taking food supplements like red
clover, actually reduces the number of spots they get.
By the time you reach the menopause, there is a lot more
information available about your hormones. However, much of
it is unclear and conflicting. And, as I have already said, doctors
are much keener to try to prevent bone loss or heart disease than
to discuss whether or not our sex drives have failed.
A complicating factor is the question of side-effects of hormone
replacement therapy (HRT). During the period 2002 to 2005, it
became clear that the risks of HRT were considerably greater
than we had been led to believe.
What about sex? When HRT first came on the market there was
a lot of nonsense written about its sexy qualities. Nowadays
experts play this aspect down. They tend to say that HRT makes
a woman feel much healthier and more energetic and that her
sex drive increases because of that.
Many menopausal women are now also experimenting with a
diet rich in plant oestrogens and are taking food supplements like
soya or red clover. One of the benefits of these dietary changes
is that the vagina becomes much more moist. And though a dry
vagina is not in itself indicative of loss of sex drive, it certainly
makes sex uncomfortable and as a consequence a woman may
turn against sex and lose interest in it.
The use of natural oestrogens in this country is in its infancy,
but many women are claiming to feel various benefits from
changing their diets to include them.
However, please note that in 2006 the Royal College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists issued a report which warned
that untoward effects and drug interactions can occur with some
widely-used natural preparations for the menopause, notably St
John’s wort, vitamin E and Black Cohosh.
So, is loss of sex drive a hormonal problem?
Well, the jury is still out on that one – though some clinicians
certainly appear to believe that testosterone can ‘cure your lack
of libido.’One thing is clear; there are a number of ways that this
widespread difficulty can be improved – and I hope that having
read all this information you will find some ways that you feel
you can tackle the problem
Get Moving. The best way to transform that potential creative
energy is to get creative. Start off by getting some fresh air.
Go for a walk or a run, breath deeply and consciously pull that
energy from your lower abdomen up your spine into your heart
and head. Think about your plans and goals, and what you can
do with this energy that is waiting to be put to creative use. What
about a hobby you haven’t had time for lately, and would love
to w ork or play at?
Joy of No Sex :-. There are many exercises, from the physical
to the spiritual .They include the following subjects: yoga
and proper breathing, acceptance of a spiritual master, study
of scripture, rising early, plain living, high thinking, avoiding
intoxicants, cultivating good association, cleanliness, proper
physical exercise, humility, avoiding rationalizations,
enthusiasm, faith in the mantra-prayer, and regulating sex in
Reflect on the Body’s True Nature. “One technique to allay
sexual agitation is to reflect on the true nature of the material
body. The body is a bag of blood, pus, urine, bile, and stool.
Some gurus suggest that when we are sexually disturbed,
we should think of embracing a dead body. Who lusts after a
corpse? The person himself is not even there. We even say:
“Oh, he’s gone.” It is not the material body that attracts, but
the infinitesimal spiritual spark on life within - that is, the soul.
By thinking of the true nature of the body and the soul, we can
slowly gain strength to subdue passion. This is the proper use of
Karma 23
intelligence. The intelligence must be used to control the mind.”
Resurrection of the inner Light. There are some very good
exercises to transform unwanted energy in the book Your Seven
Energy Centers by Prophet and Spadaro. They write: “There
are several techniques that claim to accelerate the raising of the
Kundalini. However, unless the base chakra is first balanced
and cleared, these practices can be dangerous. For as the energy
rises, it can activate the negatives that we are carrying around
with us. For this reason, I have found it best to meditate on the
upper chakras, from the heart to the crown. When we intensify
the light of our upper chakras, they become magnets of light that
naturally and safely draw up the energy from the base chakra.An
effective way to purify and accelerate all our chakras is to access
the high-frequency spiritual energy known as the violet flame
through prayer and meditation The meditation and affirmation
on the following pages (in next paragraph) can also help balance
and clear the base chakra.
“Mantra for the Resurrection of the inner Light.
“Visualization: As you say the following affirmation, see and
feel the light within you as a mother-of-pearl softness bathing
your body in a gentle, suffusing glow. See the light surround
every cell and atom of your body, becoming whiter and whiter.
As the cells and atoms accelerate, they begin to spin - releasing
the white light to clear and energize your body, mind and
emotions. As you recite this affirmation, stand with your arms
raised over your head. Imagine that you are directing the energy
that is rising up the network of your chakras back to God.
“Mantra: I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and
atom of my being now made manifest!” (5)
Visualizing Victory. Working with our subconscious can be a
great help in overcoming unwanted habits. You can adjust the
technique for whatever goal you are working on.
Holding on Tight. (Especially effective for overcoming
masturbation.) If you’re lying in bed and feeling tempted
with unwanted sexual indulgence, your mind will often try to
convince you just to scratch or rub around your pelvic area
to help alleviate the desire, which might be enough to let you
fall asleep. Don’t give into it! As soon as you start physical
movement, you start the ball rolling, and it’s sometimes hard to
stop it. Rather, make the determination to keep totally still, and
put your attention on Spirit (God or your Real Self etc.) Commit
to relying totally on it to fulfill all your needs. You can even use
Jesus’ affirmation: “I AM (God in me is) the fulfilment of all my
needs and requirements of the hour.” Imagine yourself holding
Karma 24
tight onto the silver cord that links you to Spirit. (6) Or
you can even put your hands on your opposite shoulder,
like hugging yourself, if it helps. Breathe deeply and
concentrate on drawing that creative energy up your
spine to your heart. Be determined to lie perfectly still,
at peace, holding on tight to that higher power which is
your true nature, until you fall asleep.
Devotion to the Feminine Aspect of Being. In esoteric
teachings, the physical plane is the feminine polarity
of being, and Spirit is the masculine, which is all part
of God, who is androgynous. Also, our base-of-the-
spine chakra (energy centre) is the feminine polarity
of our being, and our crown chakra is the masculine.
The (Goddess) Kundalini is the “mother flame” that
rises up the spine to nourish all of our chakras. There
are many books and practices that can teach you how
to raise your Kundalini to attain spiritual powers. But
that very motive has an element of ambition and pride.
This usually results in the Kundalini being “pushed” up
the spine prematurely, and causes more harm than good.
(It’s like trying to take heaven by force.) The best and
safest way is to “draw” that mother flame up as it is
ready to, which is done through devotion to the feminine
aspect of being. These are all the virtues and qualities
that we have come to love in mothers. This is what is
happening in Catholics when they lovingly give the
rosary, or to those in the East when they give devotions
to Kuan Yin or the feminine aspects of God as Kali,
Durga etc. This is not idolatry when you understand and
give devotion to the flame of God which is behind the
form representation. If you don’t feel comfortable with
the Catholic rosary, there is a New Age rosary. You can
find more on this on The Summit Lighthouse website
at under Teachings/Masters/Mother Mary.
But if you don’t feel comfortable with any of that, then
just feeling love and gratitude for Mother Nature will
help. The more you value the sanctity of life, the more
likely your energy will rise up your spine and not get
diverted into sexual over-indulgence.
Yin/Yang Balance (including diet). Too much or two
little sexual energy is usually due to an imbalance in
our yin/yang energies. These are influenced by many
things, including our diet. This is a complex subject,
and you can read a bit more on it on the Macrobiotics
page, which also has many references for further study.
One of those books, Healing Ourselves by Naboru
Muramoto, covers Sexual Problems, from impotency to
excessive desire (page 132). It makes several interesting
points: In men, excess meat (yang) and other high-
protein foods cause excessive sexual desire. Eat very
yin foods to ease it, like fruit and other sweet foods,
tomatoes and eggplant. “But the best remedy of all is
to follow a healthy, balanced diet and to chew the food
very well. Chewing strengthens the sexual organs since
they are connected to the jaw muscles.” He says that
black beans are recommended for women with sexual
problems. “They will help cure frigidity and irregular
menstruation, if prepared correctly.” (Described elsewhere in the
book). He also says, “Abortions are a possible source of breast
cancer. Even though a woman has had an abortion, the pregnancy
process continues. The body started to prepare to produce milk
and was stopped abruptly from doing so. This interference can
initiate breast cancer which will surface when the woman is
forty or fifty. There is no such problem with miscarriage. … for
which all parts of the body are prepared.” Heat is also yang, so
hot weather or a hot bath or shower will tend to increase sexual
drive. To reduce sexual energy, have a cold shower, although
this isn’t easy to convince your body to do. But what works well
is a short very hot shower. Then, when you can’t wait for the
cold water, turn it on, as much as you can handle. It takes your
breath away at first, but it’s a great regenerator! It also alkalizes
your blood, which is great for general good health. If you do it
regularly after a hot shower, to help close your pores, you’ll be
able to handle colder and colder water, and will probably start
looking forward to it. It’s great!
Strengthening Your Resolve. If you don’t feel totally motivated
to overcome excess sexual desire, it’s good to “prime the pump”
by reading up on and listing the pros and cons of indulging it.
Some of the material referred to on this page will give you a good
start, plus the poem Withdrawal Symptoms on the Inspirational
Poems page. But don’t put this off until you’re feeling really
“hot”, as you probably won’t have the patience to read it. Also
contemplate what your goals are in this life, and what it is that
your soul really desires to get out of the indulgence (including
comfort, as described below.)
Making a Vow. One of the most effective, quickest and cleanest
methods is to make a vow to stop the excessive indulgence. Just
as Christians give up certain worldly pleasures during Lent,
so you can make a vow to whoever you respect most in this
life, to permanently give up a bad habit. It’s much easier when
indulgence is no longer even an option. Don’t make a vow
lightly, but if you’re serious, and you break it later, don’t give
up. Forgive yourself, renew your resolve, remake you vow, and
move onward and upward!
Getting the Comfort You Need. Sometimes the desire for sex
is really just the need for comfort, encouragement or feeling
worthy. The fact is that we, as a loving parent to our soul (like a
child), are the only one who can effectively give it, and who is
responsible for giving it. No other person or sensual indulgence
can really achieve it. It is done best through “inner dialogue”,
which is a part of personal psychology work. No matter how
often we have sex or get positive feedback from others, if we do
not acknowledge our own self-worth, we will always be needy.
Prayer Before Sex. You can help make the most out of sex
by praying for the protection of the experience and of your
energies. Here is an example taken from a prayer . ( think about
your “ ishta Devatha”)I call to beloved xxxxxxxxxxx for the
sealing and protection of the light in my and my partner’s aura
and chakras from any darkness entering into them during sexual
intercourse. I call for the transmutation of all sexual energies
into creative endeavors other than procreation (if you are not
intending to conceive a child).
H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
The summary given below is information
which will help to understand the
connection between astrological signs
with various parts of our body and the
diseases attached to it.
1. First House/Aries
Body parts: Head, skull, forehead, brain
Indicates fevers, headaches, brain
disorders, strokes, cerebral bleeding, and
injuries to the skull and head small pox,
inflammation, indigestion, difficulties at
the time of birth.
2. Second House/Taurus
Body parts: face, nose, mouth, teeth,
throat, neck, right eye, cheek, chin, oral
cavity, lips, right shoulder
Indicates swelling of the neck, sore
throat, thyroid problems, obesity, injury
to the face or throat, dental problems,
childhood diseases like colds, flu, diseases
concerning ear, nose, throat, teeth
3. Third House/Gemini
Body parts: arms, right hand, shoulders,
larynx, vocal cord, right ear, upper
respiratory tracts, nervous system
Indicates cough, pulmonary disorders,
asthama and injury to the shoulders, as
well as nervous disorders, agitation, and
poor muscular-skeletal coordination.
4. Fourth House/Cancer
Body parts: chest, breast, ribs, lower
respiratory system, lungs, blood vessels,
Indicates lung problems, dropsy, injury
to the chest, breast tumors/breast cancer,
chest problems, diseases arising out
of heavy drinking habits, as well as
emotional disorders. Hysteria
5. Fifth House/Leo
Body parts: heart, back, bones, spine,
stomach, belly, liver, gall bladder, spleen,
pancreas, pregnancy
Indicates lack of vitality, weakness of
the heart and solar plexus, stomach and
digestive problems, lack of fertility and
menstrual problems, back pain
6. Sixth House/Virgo
Body parts: intestines, kidneys, waist
Indicates poor digestion, malabsorption,
gas, constipation, ulcers, food allergies,
hypoglycemia, diabetes,
Apendicitis, immune system weakness,
T.B., epidemics, peptic ulcer
7. Seventh House/Libra
Body parts: urinary system, uterus,
ovaries, testicles, prostate, semen,
reproductive system
Indicates urinary disorders, infertility in
women, venereal diseases, sexual vitality
8. Eighth House/Scorpio
Body parts: genitals, scrotum, rectum,
Indicates hemorrhoids, rectal cancer,
blood disorders, impotence in men,
veneral diseases, piles, fistula
9. Ninth House/Sagittarius
Body parts: hips, thigh, lower portion of
spinal cord, fermoral arteries, lower part
of vertebra, upper parts of legs
Indicates obesity, arteriosclerosis,
paralysis below the waist, arthritis in
the hips or injury to the hips, diseases
concerning indigestion
10. Tenth House/Capricorn
Body parts: knees, skin, spinal cord, back
Indicates weakness, injury to the knees or
arthritis of knees, weakness of the bones
in general, rheumatism
11. Eleventh House/Aquarius
Body parts: legs, tibia, amkles, left ear,
left hand, calf muscles
Indicates poor circulation, skin disorders,
weakness in lower legs, arthritis of ankles,
nervous system problems, diseases
concerning gout, rheumatism
12. Twelvth House/Pisces
Body parts: feet, toes, left shoulder, left
eye, heel, sole,
Indicates lymphatic disorders,
hypoglycemia, diabetes, tumours, trouble
with the feet, functional infections,
diseases like warts, retention of fluids in
the body, disturbed sleep.
Atharva Vedic Medical Astrology
Signs & Body Parts
Karma 26
H.H .Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
If you’re reading this article, it probably means that you think
making whoopie is a pleasurable experience and that you’re
interested in making it even better. Well, you’ve come to the right
place. Because all of the sensations, desires, feelings, and even
the dramatic curtain call can be improved using natural vitamins
and herbs.
Though no vitamins or herbs are currently recognized by the FDA
as a cure for any medical condition, many doctors cite substantial
evidence that they do indeed work. (We are not suggesting,
however, that the information below be used as medical advice or
as that the herbs or vitamins listed below be used to treat illness;
always check with your doctor before using any supplement in
you have any medical condition or are ill or pregnant.) With that
out of the way, read on—you are just a few hundred words away
from better sex, naturally!
Best Vitamins and Herbs to Boost Sexual Health for Men and
Rhodiola Rosea
This plant, which grows in the arctic region, has shown great
promise in boosting a couples mojo. Studied extensively at
Columbia University, researchers have found evidence that the
herb can enhance sexual desire, energy, performance, and orgasm
in both men and women. Other studies suggest that the herb can
also help some men prolong stamina. And for women, Rhodiala
Rosea may counteract some of the unpleasant side effects of
menopause. This herb is commonly found at any health store in
tablet form and no side effects or prescription interactions have
been reported.
Ginseng, which works in ways similar to Ginko Biloba (see
below), increases blood flow through a man’s lower extremities,
but it has also shown promise in helping women boost their
desire, performance, energy, and orgasm. This is most likely due
to affecting the dopamine system, which is the complex system
of the brain that researchers believe triggers sex drive. More
than half of all men and women in studies with Ginseng report
an improvement of “being in the mood” more often. In general,
ginseng has been found to be perfectly safe for use, except in
pregnant or breastfeeding women, because of its estrogen-like
effects. The only other common effect from its use is producing
excitability, but that’s exactly what we’re after here!
Maca (Peruvian Ginseng)
Better known as “Peruvian Ginseng,” this herb grows in the high-
altitude areas of Peru. The Incas have passed down the stories
of the roots legendary powers for generations. Maca is known
for improving lust and orgasm in both men and women, and for
having a, shall we say, Viagra-like effect. Used to give ancient
Peruvian warriors added strength in battle, it was also kept away
from women while the warriors were away (perhaps for fear of
what might transpire while they were gone?). This herb has shown
fairly consistent findings in animals and humans to increase
stamina and libido in both genders, as reported by Discovery
Health. So far there have been no cases of toxicity in this herb,
which makes it relatively safe to take by just about anyone.
Horny Goat Weed
Just as its name implies, horny goat weed is a leafy, high-altitude
plant which has long been believed to, er, boost the libido. For men
in particular, this herb is believed to play a role in the correction
of erectile dysfunction, or ED. The problem with the herb is that
it appears to be inconsistent in its commercial preparation, which
means if you get a bad batch, it won’t do what it is supposed
to. This herb can be most easily digested in tea form and has no
known side effects when taken in this fashion.
The Monkey and the Crocodile
Once upon a time, a clever monkey lived in a tree that bore juicy,
red rose apples. He was very happy.
One fine day, a crocodile swam up to that tree and told the
monkey that he had traveled a long distance and was in search of
food as he was very hungry. The kind monkey offered him a few
rose apples. The crocodile enjoyed them very much and asked the
monkey whether he could come again for some more fruit. The
generous monkey happily agreed.
The crocodile returned the next day. And the next. And the next
one after that. Soon the two became very good friends. They
discussed their lives, their friends and family, like all friends do.
The crocodile told the monkey that he had a wife and that they
lived on the other side of the river. So the kind monkey offered him
some extra rose apples to take home to his wife. The crocodile’s
wife loved the rose apples and made her husband promise to get
her some every day.
Meanwhile, the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile
deepened as they spent more and more time
together. The crocodile’s wife started getting
jealous. She wanted to put an end to this friendship.
So she pretended that she could not believe that
her husband could be friends with a monkey. Her
husband tried to convince her that he and the
monkey shared a true friendship. The crocodile’s
wife thought to herself that if the monkey lived on
a diet of rose monkeys, his flesh would be very
sweet. So she asked the crocodile to invite the
monkey to their house.
The crocodile was not happy about this. He tried
to make the excuse that it would be difficult to
get the monkey across the river. But his wife
was determined to eat the monkey’s flesh. So she
thought of a plan.
One day, she pretended to be very ill and told the crocodile
that the doctor said that she would only recover if she ate a
monkey’s heart. If her husband wanted to save her life, he
must bring her his friend’s heart.
The crocodile was aghast. He was in a dilemma. On the
one hand, he loved his friend. On the other, he could not
possibly let his wife die. The crocodile’s wife threatened
him saying that if he did not get her the monkey’s heart,
she would surely die.
So the crocodile went to the rose apple tree and invited the
monkey to come home to meet his wife. He told the monkey
that he could ride across the river on the crocodile’s back.
The monkey happily agreed. As they reached the middle
of the river, the crocodile began to sink. The frightened
monkey asked him why he was doing that. The crocodile
explained that he would have to kill the monkey to save
his wife’s life. The clever monkey told him that he would
gladly give up his heart to save the life of the crocodile’s
wife, but he had left his heart behind in the rose apple tree.
He asked the crocodile to make haste and turn back so that the
monkey could go get his heart from the apple tree.
The silly crocodile quickly swam back to the rose apple tree. The
monkey scampered up the tree to safety. He told the crocodile to
tell his wicked wife that she had married the biggest fool in the
The Stork and the Crab
Once upon a time, there was a stork that caught the fish in a
particular tank. The stork always had a full meal. As the years
went by, the stork grew older and weaker. His ability to catch fish
diminished. At times he would even starve. He knew he had to do
something to survive.
One day he stood by the side of the tank with a very forlorn look
on his face. The frogs, fish and crabs wondered why he was not
trying to catch any food. A big crab asked him what the matter
was. The stork answered that he was sad because all the fish in
the tank were going to die and he would have to starve. He said
Kava has a highly researched and documented ability to calm
the nerves and reduce stress in both men and women. One of the
most common causes of poor libido and sexual dissatisfaction
is anxiety, tension, and other stress-related issues caused by
in itself. For many men, it only takes one time for their tool to
fail them, and they won’t be able to let that moment go in their
mind. It will continue to effect them long after, causing them
to develop what would appear to be a form of ED. The mind is
a very powerful tool for improving health, but it can also be a
factor in our own self-induced sexual dysfunctions if we let it.
While Kava can help sexual dysfunction caused by self-induced
mental issues, it will not show much, if any improvement, over
an actual diagnosed case of ED. You may have heard of this
supplements questionable legal status, but it is currently legal in
most major countries, except for Canada and France, who just
don’t know what they’re missing!
This amino acid has been called a Viagra substitute for men and
women. It works in both sexes by boosting
the amount of blood flow through those
whoopee-making organs. The increased
blood flow for the man will offer him a
longer, stronger erection, while for the
Men can take L-Arginine in herbal pill
form, while many women report the best
results are achieved by applying a cream
directly where it counts.
Vitamin E
Some like to call vitamin E the “sex
vitamin.” It gets this name for a couple
of reasons. One, vitamin E has been said
to aid in the production of sex hormones,
which aids in attraction, desire, and mood.
Two, it prevents age and disease, which of course indirectly
boosts the longevity of anyone’s sexual lifestyle. Some women
prefer to use Vitamin E as a lubricant during sex to heighten their
experience considerably. Always make sure that the Vitamin E
will not reduce the effectiveness of a condom, if using one, as
latex is prone to disintegrate with certain oil-based lubricants.
Best for Men Only
Ginkgo Biloba
Many men know about the supposed boosting effects of Ginko
Biloba in the bedroom, but initial studies recognized Ginko
Biloba for its ability to improve circulation and memory in
adults. If you take these same findings and apply them to the
man with ED, we can see how the increased circulation could
theoretically produce a stronger erection. The same chemical,
nitric oxide, which is stimulated by the Ginko Biloba to relax
the artery walls in the circulatory system, is also known to boost
blood flow through the man’s tofu dog. All technical scientific
jargon aside, it basically works like Viagra. The most popular
way to add this herb to your diet is through pill or caplet form.
Best for Women Only
DHEA, known by its full name as Dehydroepiandrosterone,
may not exactly be a natural herb or vitamin, but it is a hormone
naturally produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA, which can
now be purchased directly over the counter, can be used by
women experiencing age-related decreases in the hormone. It
has been shown in studies to be a powerful tool in reestablishing
sexual desire. A 50 mg dosage was recommended by the New
England Journal of Medicine back in September of 1999. In
some circles DHEA has even been called the equivalent of what
Viagra should be for women. The use of this supplement should
be discussed with your doctor before experimenting, as there is
a slight possibility for risk of heart attack, breast cancer, and
unwanted hair growth (it is a male hormone after all). So, if
you want good sex using DHEA, you may have to put up with
more shaving and spending increased amounts of time in the tool
section at Sears!
Karma 28
H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar
How Black Magic/ Kala Jadoo done?
Black magic is manipulation of energy for
the purpose harming somebody. There is no
god or devil involved in this. It is pure energy
manipulation. The same energy can be used for
good purposes as well. The devil, satan etc are
all figments of the imagination. Its only energy
that has been manipulated. One thing is certain
and from experience i can say that the person
who does black magic on others gets back the
same amount of negative energy often resulting
in a horrific death of the black magician.
It is ok to know and learn about this subject
but stay away from practicing it. The victim’s
clothes, hair, nails etc are used in this ceremony.
Energy is then manipulated to attack the victim
directly. When negative energy is concentrated in
such a manner the result is death, pestilence, bad
luck etc. If the victim prays to a higher energy
source or asks a tantric for the black magic to
be reversed then the black magician gets back
the negative energy multiplied thousand fold
and is doomed. If you see a banana leaf with
rice, turmeric and strange looking things on it
do not step on it. Move away from it as it is all
the negative black energy in concentrated form.
Bottom line is...Stay away from people who
practice this.
Is Someone using Black Magic On U?
Due to jealousy, heart burning or some base
cause, the Tantriks use cheap tactics to overcome
the adversaries, which ruins one’s life. Are you
also under such a spell? We must have peace
and happiness in life, and to achieve the same
we work hard. But we do not get in return to the
proportions of our labor. Black magic. What’s
the point? You can easily do as much damage
to someone (and yourself) with conventional
We get very little even after the best of our efforts, we toil to
get success in our business but the profits are too little. We do
not want any discontentment or discord in our family life, but
inspite of our best efforts, the peace and tranquility of our family
is disturbed.
On the other hand people work very little, but get too much in
return. Businessmen have ample wealth just be putting in little
efforts, bit we are disappointed even after continuous efforts. It
leads us to conclude, that there are some evil forces which make
our strategies unsuccessful.
Common Black Magic Spells:- Black magic can most often be
found in the uses of love magic. Unfortunately, most people who
cast love spells are trying to force another person to love them
or another. Despite the fact that people often associate good
feelings with love, in forcing another person to fall in love, there
is certainly a violation in that person’s free will.
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Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas
Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma   texas

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Selvam siddhar's karma spiritual magazine karma texas

  • 1.
  • 3. Karma 1 Special Sections Editor & Vice President Ilavarasan Editor Pundit Madhu Manikandan Reporter & Art Director C.T.Kumar Contributing Writers Legal Advisors Nirmala Sujatha Reddy Deepika Raina Sheetal Suganya Prathap Matthew P. Kammerer, Esq Quentin C. Jones, Esq A.P. Jayachandran, Esq Ryan O Donell, Esq The nation’s largest full color monthly spiritual and metaphysical magazine. Submission & Disclaimers: Weacceptarticles,photography,and art work that is in keeping with our mission. We do not endorse any particular opinion, program, or advertisement. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material we receive. We will do our best to honor the integrity of our readership. It is merely our sincere hope that we help our readers to achieve success in their lives. Post Masters: Send address changes to Karma, Suite No E, 2222, Olive Road, Dayton, Ohio. 45426. Note: Karma does not accept any responsibility for products or services advertised. The publisher has the right to deny any advertising at its sole discretion. Contact Information Publisher : Editor : Advertising & Marketing : Subscription & Postage : Telephone : 1-888-808-1418 web : DURGA KAVACHAM 2 KIDS’ STORIES 4 CHETTINAD 8 CHETTINAD SAMAYAL 11 HERBS FOR BEAUTY 14 SEX & WOMAN 16 BLACK MAGIC/ EVIL SPELLS/ KALA JADOO 28 KARMA & VEDIC ASTROLOGY 34 ATHARVA VEDIC ASTROLOGY & CHILDREN PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE 44 MARRIAGE AND COMPATIBILITYOLOGY 47 Content......... Karma Empowering Self & Community
  • 4. Karma 2 With the meaning of the Kavach Mantra H. H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar For more help and understanding call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. Srunu devi pravakshyami kavacham sarva sidhitham, Padithwa padayithwa cha naro muchyathe sankadath.                                         1. Oh Devi, I am telling you the armour which gets you everything,c Reading or making others read, men get rid of all their sorrows. Ajnathwa kavacham devi durga mantram cha yojayeth, Sa cha apnothi balam thasya pancha nagam vrajeth puna.                                    2. If he who does not know , learns this kavacham, Along with the Durga mantram, He would add to himself  the strength, Of the five serpents again.   Umadevi sira pathu, lalalde soola dharini, Chakshshi kesari pathu, karnou cha dwara vasini.                                                 3 Let Uma devi protect my head, Let my forehead be protected by her who carries the soola, Let the lion protect my eyes, And let her who lives near the gate protect my ears.   Sugandha nasike pathu, vadanam sarva dharini, Jihwa chandika devi, greevam soupathrika thadha.                                                 4 Let she who is like incense protect my nose, Let she who carries everything protect my face, Let Chandika devi protect my toungue, Let Soupathrika protect my  neck.   Asoka vasini chetho, dhvow bahu vajra dharini, Hrudayam lalitha devi, udaram simha vahini.                                                         5. Let Asoka vasini protect my consciousness Let Vajra dharini protect my two arms, Let Lalitha Devi protect my heart, Let my belly be protected by She who rides on a lion.   Katim Bhagawathi devi, dwavooru Vindhya vasini, Maha Bala Jange , dhwe padhou bhoothalavasini,.                                                  6. Let Bhagwathi Devi protect my hips, Let She who lives on Vindhya protect my two thighs, Let the very strong one protect my  calf, And let she who lives on all beings protect my two feet.   Evamsthithasidevithwamtrilokye rakshanathmika, Raksha maam sarva gathreshu , durga devi namosthuthe.                                        7.  Thus stands the devi who protects the three worlds, Please protect all my body parts, My salutations to Goddess Durga.
  • 5. Nine Planets’ Prayer in English H. H. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Surya(SUN) Japaa Kusumasankasham Kasyapeyam Maha Dhyuthim Tamognam  Sarvapaapghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram. My salutations to Sun, Who is like the flower of meditation, Who belongs to the clan of Kashyapa, Who is of greatest brilliance, Who is the destroyer of darkness, And who is the destroyer of all sins. Chandra(MOON) Dathi Shankha tushaa-raabham Khseero Darnava Sambhavam Namaami Sashinam Somam Shambhor Mukuta Bhooshanam. My salutations to Moon, Who is white like the curds and conch, Who was born from the ocean of milk, Who is adorned by a rabbot in him, And who is the ornament of the head of Lord Shiva.   Kuja (MARS) Dharanee garbha sambhootam,Vidyut Kaanti Sama prabham Kumaram Shakti Hastam tham Mangalaam Pranamamyamaham Salutations to Mars, Who is born to the earth, Whose shine is equal to lightning, Who is a young man, And who carries the Shakthi. Budha(MERCURY) Priyangukalika Shyaamam, Roopenaa Pratimam Budham Soumyam Soumya Guno Petham Tam Budham Pranamamyamham My salutations to Budha, Who is black like the bud of millet, Whose beauty has no equal, Who is gentle by nature, And who is positive. Guru(JUPITER) Deva-naam cha Rishi Naam cha Gurum kaanchana sannibham, Buddhi Bhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspatim My salutations to Jupiter, Who is teacher of devas and sages, Who is equal in shine to gold, Whose soul is intellect, And who is the lord of all three worlds. Sukra(VENUS ) Himakundha Mrina-laabham Daitya-naam Paramam Gurum Sarva Shastra Pravaktaaram Bhargavam Pranamaamyamham My salutations to Venus, Who shines like the snow white jasmine, Who is the great preceptor of Asuras, Who is an expert in all sciences, And  who is the son of the sage Bhrigu. Sani(SATURN ) Neelanjanasamaabhasam Ravi Putram Yamaagrajam Chaaya Marthanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shanaiswaram My salutations to God Saturn, Who is  the colour of blue- black, Who is the son of Sun God, Who is the elder brother of Yama, And who is the offspring  of Sun God and his wife Chaya.  Raaghu Ardha Kaayam  Mahaa Veeryam Chandra- Aditya Vimardanam Simhika Garbha Sambhootam Tam Rahum Pranamaamyaham My salutations to  Raaghu, Who has only half body, Who is a great hero, Who hurts the Sun and Moon, And who is born out of Simhika. Kethu Palaasha Pushpa Sankaasam Tarakaa Graha Mastakam Roudram Roudraa-tmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamaamya- ham. My salutations to Kethu, Who has the appearance of a Palasa flower, Who has a star on his head, Who is terrible to look at, And Who is ugly and  the soul of terror. PRAYER FOR ALL THE NINE PLANETS Nama Suryaya  Somaya Mangalaya Budhaya Cha, Guru Shukra Sanibhyascha Raahave Kethave Namaha. My salutations to Sun God, and to the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Raaghu and Kethu. Phala Sruthi Ithi Vyasa Mukhod Geetham Ya Padeth Susamihitha, Dhiva Vaa, Yadhi Vaa Rathrou Vigna Santhir Bhavishyathi. Nara Naari Nrupaanam cha Bhaved, Duswapna naasanam, Iswaryamathulam  Teshama arogyam Pushti Vardhanam. Graha Nakshatraja Peeda , taskaragni Samudbhava, Thaa Sarvaa prasamam Yanthi  Vyaso Bruthe Na Samsaya.   EFFECT OF CHANTING. To any one reading this composed by Vyasa, there would not be any problems in either the day or the night and peace would come to him. Men and women would become kings, their bad dreams would be avoided, they would earn incomparable wealth, and they would lead disease free and healthy life. Sage Vyasa tells that they will not suffer due to the effect of stars or planets, neither by fire or thieves and would lead a very peaceful life.
  • 6. Karma 4 Boring Town Once upon a time in India, there was a town called Boring. It was by the side of Dull Lake. The people of Boring never smiled; they did not know how to Whether it was grownups or children. All the children ever did was study.They studied in school all day. On returning home they got busy with homework and with revision for class tests in school. No one played any games -- there were no playgrounds in the town. It was a strange town. The children were never happy to meet each other. Sometimes they would try to avoid each other’s eyes. Or they would try to pretend that they had not studied much for tests. That was not all. They also lied to each other about which chapters were important for the coming test. All that the children wanted was marks, marks and more marks. What a town Boring was! No one knew how to smile let alone giggle or laugh or crack a joke. Life was really dull and boring.  One day the town had a visitor. Ekta’s grandmother had come visiting. It was her first time in Boring. She had silvery hair and a smile that stretched from ear to ear. Even her eyes smiled. The people of Boring found her very odd. At the end of her first day in Boring Grandma understood that something was terribly wrong with the townspeople -- even her own family. When she smiled and nodded, people moved away with alarm. When Grandma told Ekta with a smile that she had made mouthwatering gajar ka halwa for her granddaughter, what did Ekta do? She said: “The history teacher cut three marks in the test. God knows how many marks she has cut over the years. By now she must have a treasure chest full of marks. I wonder what she will do with all those marks? Maybe I should steal her trunk some day. I will be a very rich girl indeed”. She did not touch the gajar ka halwa. Grandma was amazed. How could anyone talk about marks all the time? But she heard this nonsense day after day not only from Ekta but from every other boy and girl -- and as if that was not bad enough,from the parents as well! If anything the parents were worse. They were always pushing their children to get more marks so that they could get ahead of others. Just as people go to temples to pray, the parents of Boring went to a shop called The Marks Bazaar. The shop sold a special type of pen with which one could write secret messages. The parents would buy these pens for their children who would then scribble answers on their thighs, ankles and elbows during exams. It was called preparation for exams. The parents did not know that the shopkeeper also secretly sold infra-red detectors that could catch any secret message on any surface. The children ended up getting caught by teachers and so the parents were forced to return to The Marks Bazaar to buy better ‘secret messengers’, as they were called. Grandma was shocked to see all this. “I must do something so that the people of Boring learn to be happy,” she thought to herself. It was time to use her secret weapon! This secret weapon had changed Grandma’s life in childhood. As a young girl she always complained about everything and anything. She thought her parents would give her more things to try and make her happy. Then one day Grandma’s cousin sister Haasya decided to change things. She came up from behind and tickled Grandma hard. Without her knowing it Grandma squealed and giggled. “Ah, so you can giggle like other children,” said her cousin. When Grandma laughed she felt very happy. Grandma’s parents named Haasya the ‘Goddess of Laughter”. Haasya was such an expert at tickling that people could not but laugh. She knew more jokes than there were stars in the sky. Good jokes, funny jokes, that made people laugh with each other. Once they laughed together they felt warm towards each other. They made friends for life. Once Grandma laughed the whole day -- so much so that her dentures fell out! But she made the people of her neighbourhood laugh with her. Since then there had been very few fights in that area. KIDS’ STORIES
  • 7. Grandma had never forgotten Haasya’s words. “You can have power over all the world’s laughter. But that power willwork only if you wish to do something to make people come close to each other.” That day Grandma learnt that laughter was the most powerful weapon in the world, though very few people understood its strength. “I need to use the secret weapon for my granddaughter Ekta as well as for the people of Boring,” Grandma told herself. Next morning as Ekta got ready for school, Grandma played a clever trick on her. “Ekta, there is something under your chin, let me rub it off. As Ekta stood obediently, Grandma came up to her and tickled her hard. Something happened. It was like an electric shock. “Aiyeeee, Ekta squealed and then a laugh escaped her lips.” “What did I do just now,” Ekta asked her grandmother in surprise. “This,” said Grandma and tickled her again, making Ekta laugh some more. Her head had never felt so light before. From the window Ekta saw her puppy bark angrily at two crows making a big racket perched on the neem tree. She laughed. Grandma took her to the garden. “How come I have never seen these blusing pink roses and the many greens of grass and leaves before,” Ekta wondered. That day she went to school with the plan Grandma had told her.”You just have to tickle one girl. The tickle travels by touch from person to person.” By afternoon, all the children in school were giggling. Each time they uttered the word m-a-r-k-s, they giggled! Each time they spoke of ‘secret messengers’, they went into whoops of laughter. And when somebody spoke of the teacher’s treasure chest of marks, they toppled over asking each other: how could anyone store marks? And then something wonderful happened. The same children who could never get a sum right did not do anything wrong that day. Asked to add two and two, they went out to the garden, touched two roses and two champa flowers and said there were four flowers! They said it with a giggle! Even the teachers started smiling. It happened when one teacher tried to cane a student. He thought the student had cheated to get the right answer. As he held out the infrared detector menacingly over the student’s knee, the student said, “Sir, there is a speck of dust on your trouser. Please let me remove it.” Saying this he tickled the teacher on the back of his knee. The teacher started smiling and broke the cane. The tickle revolution continued. By evening the parents had started smiling, laughing and guffawing. Next morning, the local radio station broadcast an interesting bit of news about some strangesoundshavinginvadedthetown! Nobody knew what the announcer said next, for he too started giggling! The tickle must have got to him too. Grandma was satisfied. Her work was done. She returned home. Since then, wherever children have laughed and played with each other, those villages, towns and cities have never seen any misfortune... Teaching a Lesson “It’s my turn tomorrow,” mumbled Raghu to himself as he climbed the stairs of his school building, very slowly as if he were sleep-walking. He had been dreading this day ever since Pal declared his grand class prodigy scheme, two months ago. Pal was the much feared History teacher.”It has been said that genius is 99 per cent perspiration and one per cent inspiration,” he had said in his usual pompous manner. “I suggest we test this theory. Beginning next week, we shall have one student present a chapter of this book (he dangled the History book like the Sword of Damocles), as if he were the teacher.” The teacher had announced that each student would be given a week to prepare for class. He even invited the boys to “chew my brains during this process if he so wants”. Saying this, Pal had grinned, while the class gave an involuntary shudder - it would take a very brave man to seek out Pal’s company outside the classroom. “Twenty-four chapters for twenty- four of you - that’s neat arithmetic. And, at the end of the term, we will have a poll to see who is adjudged the best teacher of all. That boy shall be the Class Prodigy. I shall personally recommend the golden star for him,” Pal droned in his usual style. And so it started. Week after week, Raghu saw the best and the brightest of his classmates being reduced to quivering jellies during their teaching sessions, under Pal’s merciless sarcasm. The weeklong preparation might never have been, for each student found that he could never do it right. And now it was Raghu’s turn. Worse, he had done virtually nothing to prepare the chapter on the French Revolution that had come his way. His mind was a complete blank. He had tried, of course. For a week now it had become a routine for
  • 8. Karma 6 him to sit with his History textbook open at the page where the chapter on the French Revolution began. And somehow, he did nothing but stare at the sketch of Marie Antoniette, Queen of France in the late 18th century when the Revolution broke out. Marie Antoniette, with her hair cut in a pageboy style, just before she was executed. Raghu felt very close to her for some reason. Actually, the reason had a face - that of Pal’s. And then there was only one day left for his ordeal. Deep down Raghu knew that even if he stayed up the whole night and studied, he would still be a sitting duck for Pal’s snide comments the following day. Sometimes, though, he felt that Pal couldn’t help himself, as if something, some inner force egged him on to be nasty. The day passed by in a haze. Raghu’s classmates observed his unusually quiet self. Unlike other days, no one tried to snap him out of it or snigger. That afternoon, the chiming of the school bell did not rouse that familiar sensation of freedom in Raghu. As the school emptied out in one rush, he lingered on near the school grounds for a long time. “If only I could refuse to take class,” he told himself as he ambled home. But how could he possibly do that? He took the long way home, past rows of staff quarters, past the principal’s impressive bungalow. And who should be coming out of the house, but Pal. Thankfully, the creepers that hung over the front porch prevented Pal from seeing Raghu, who darted behind a bush to watch what was going on. In a while, the principal’s wife came out with her 11-year- old son Tapan. Mouthing a profuse thank you to Pal, she thrust a white envelope in Pal’s hands. And then Pal was off toward the staff quarters. He spent a long time at the house of Mr Tipnis, the Physical Education teacher. It was evening when he came out. Raghu had been waiting outside all that while. Tipnis’s son, Dhruv, was in Raghu’s class. And lately, the below-average scores of Dhruv Tipnis had shown a remarkable transformation, especially in History. Raghu was greatly excited. Whatever else the principal tolerated, he couldn’t bear the idea of a teacher of his school doubling up as tutor. Any teacher who joined the school had to sign an agreement stating that he would not take any tuition. Yes! That was it - Pal was breaking the rules. Raghu wondered at his audacity. Bad enough that he was teaching other kids, but the principal’s son! He must be taking advantage of his superior’s routine of visiting the club every afternoon, Raghu thought. And he must be getting paid handsomely for his coaching, for it was well known that the principal couldn’t bear academically weak students. Now Raghu knew what he had to do.When Pal finally emerged from Tipnis’ house, the youngster stepped out right in front of his errant teacher’s path. Despite the dark, he could have sworn that Pal’s face had gone completely white. “Good evening sir, just passing by,” he chortled in a breathless voice. “Were you passing by as well? Saw you pass by the head’s house, too.” Having said his piece, Raghu ran for his life.It goes without saying that he did not prepare for the class. He had a feeling he didn’t need to. He was right. Pal declared an abrupt end to the class prodigy scheme the next day, and got back to teaching his students. He stopped passing by the staff quarters, too . Limits of the Mind Ekalavya was a little boy, born in a poor family, many many years ago. His people lived a little away from Hastinapura, the capital of the Kuru kings. They used to clean other people’s dirt for a profession. And for this reason they were shunned by society. Ekalavya and other kids of his group knew they too had to follow their parents’ professions. Theirparentsoftentoldthem,“Youarenotmeanttogotoschool. Whatuseisschoolforcarryinggarbagewhichisyouronlyjob?” “Don’tgonearthosepeople;theyarehighborn,wearelowborn.” Ekalavya didn’t understand. “Why, but why?” he asked his mother. She replied “God set these limits.” “God! Why would God want nice things for them and dirty things for us? Hasn’t God made all of us?” Ekalavya asked. She sighed, “Darling I don’t know, but there are bounds we cannot cross, this is God’s rule.” Ekalavya became quiet. From that day the only important thing for him was to understand the meaning of “limit”. You know, kids (and grown ups) are sometimes cruel. One day Ekalavya and his friends trapped a little ant and were watching it try to escape. The ant tried and tried till it found a little opening at the edge of the trap and escaped. Other children moved to trap it again but Ekalavya stopped them shouting, “The brave ant has broken the bounds. Limits are meant to be broken. I am free, free”. One day, Ekalavya saw beautiful chariots come into the forest near his village. He saw boys of his age get out of the chariot one by one. What lovely clothes they wore! Last, an old man with snowy white hair and spotless white clothes came out looking stern and calm. The boys
  • 9. seemed a little scared of the old man but with one dusky handsome boy, the old man’s behaviour was different, he smiled and patted this boy on the head. Ekalavya heard his father’s voice, “Come away boy, there is work to do. Those are the Kuru princes, with their teacher Drona. The boy he just patted is his favourite, Arjuna. They have come to practice ‘archery’. Don’t go near them.” “Father, all I want is a pat from the grand old man.” so saying, Eklavya ran towards the old man Drona. By then the boys had started shooting with bows and arrows. What amazing things Arjuna did! He could shoot at a target with his eyes shut. He could shoot with his left hand as well as the right. And the teacher Drona? His arrows made fire, chased things in circles, brought rain and lightning. It was magical. Arjuna’s eyes never left his teacher. It was like he wanted to absorb every bit of Drona. And you could see that Drona too was very proud of Arjuna. The practice ended. Ekalavya went up to Drona and with folded hands said, “Great sir, please teach me”. “I don’t teach the low-born,” was the cold reply as Drona turned away. “Master, your arrows don’t seem to mind any limits, they bring rain and fire, they bring night and day. How then can you be bound by stupid thoughts of high and low birth?” With this Ekalavya walked away from the glaring Drona. The next day, Ekalavya carved a statue of Drona on a tree trunk with a knife. He made himself a bow and arrows. Each day he would bow before the statue, practise shooting and imagine a pat on his back from Drona. Some months passed. The grand princes and their master came to the forest again. As Arjuna reached to take aim of a particularly difficult target, an arrow reached Arjuna’s target before he could even aim. Shocked the boys and their teacher looked around. They saw Ekalavya, who went up to touch Drona’s feet. “Who is your teacher?” Drona asked. Ekalavya quietlyledhimtothestatue.Dronalookedatitforsometimeand said, “If I am your Guru, give me my fee, my guru dakshina”. “Ask, sir”, bowed Ekalavya. “I want your right thumb,” replied the stone hearted Drona. Without the right thumb to support it, how can any archer ever hold a bow?As Arjuna and the other princes watched in shock, Ekalavya wordlessly cut off his right thumb and laid it at Drona’s feet. Many years passed. A great war was on in Kurukshetra between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, cousins who were related. Arjuna was on the side of the Pandavas. His teacher Drona, and many of his cousins, who had been Drona’s students with him, were on the other side. After the day’s battle, a sad Drona was sitting in his camp. Suddenly, like a respectful prayer, arrows fell near his feet one after another. He looked up and who do you think he saw? Why, Ekalavya ! The young Ekalavya said, “Master I have learned to shoot without my right thumb. I have learned to shoot with my left hand, and with my feet. I have taught others and raised an army. Today I’m known as a great archer.” Drona was speechless. “Master, I set your greatness free from the limits of your own mind. I made it my teacher in the form of your statue. Your great love for Arjuna crossed the bounds of fairness when you asked for my thumb. You thought that it would finish me as an archer. But great masters always end up teaching something. By asking for my thumb, you made me learn to shoot with both hands and feet. And for this lesson, I offer my services to you in this war.” Drona’s eyes filled with tears. He answered, “Yes, it is true, bounds and limits are in the mind. Real courage is fighting against wrong limits and respecting the correct ones. Ekalavya, you have taught me this.”
  • 10. Karma 8 A south Indian village Town area- Rich with Ancient History, Culture & world famous food . His Holiness Param Pujya , Vedic Samrat, Maharishi, Atharva Ved Thilak, Jyotish Samrat Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar is from “ Chettinad”, born in a small tiny village called as “Kilasevalpatti, forAnnamalai Chettiar and KalyaniAchi,. Swamiji’s grandfather was a famous Diamond Merchant and had trading in India Singapore, Burma, Malaysia etc., Swamiji belongs to Soorakudi Koil . Swamiji is happily married to Parvathi Sivanadiyan , and has a son who is going to be a commercial pilot and a daughter focusing to be a veterinarian to treat exotic animals. Swamiji father In Law PL. S .RM. Sivanadiyan chettiar has done so many Millions of Dolors worth of charities to the community, and who was the “first” bankers to Coimbatore, Its a metropolitan city in South India also known as Asia’s Manchester Swamiji has now became the 1st Nagarathar - Nattu kottai Chettiar in their world history has founded 6 Hindu Temples, performed countless number of charities, donations , and became a “ Living God” to his followers. His followers treat him as “ Lord Shiva” Swamiji presently has more than 3 Million Followers. About Chettinad Chettinad- The Land of Herit e & Devotion It is a place that enchants and enhances the soul. Chettinad is the homeland of the Nattukottai Chettiars called the Nagarathars, are a prosperous banking and business community. is a tourist’s paradise with a difference, and one whi certainly cannot be missed by the discerning tourist. A stray thundershower adds to the charm of the place, churning up the red soil, and filling up the temple tanks. The palatial mansions, m es Chettinad a place of rare charm, and a must visit destination. Chettinad Houses rich in cultural heritage, art and architecture, is well known for its ses, that are embellished with marble and Burma teak. The houses have wide inner courtyards and spacious rooms. The grandly and wonderfully embellished houses were created reflect the prosperi of the Nagarathar community. The basic design comprises of a “thinnai” which is an enclosed courtyard and this is surrounded by family rooms. The wa are smooth and are made of special pla er. The plaster involves the application of the finely ground mixture of powdered shell, lime, jaggery and spices, including gallnut (myrobala to walls). This technique keeps the interior of the house cool during the hot and humid Indian summers and lasts a lifetime. The architectural structure of a typical Chett ith nature. High ceilings, airy and well ventilated, the house has one courtyard near the entrance leads to the imposing main door, usually made of wood with extraordinarily intricate carvin s of mythological figures. The thinnai is a long narrow raised platform that serves as a meeting place and also as a kind of accomodation for travellers and visitors. The inner courtyard has special significance. It is ed with classically bea tiful pillars ma e out f granite or teakwood. The courtyard serves as the venue for the many ceremonies that the community performs from births to weddings o death. Deliciously Chettinad, among various South Indian food varieties, the Chettinad style holds a special place for food lovers. Chettinad’s usual and familiar food items, they have a list of peculiar snacks items that are delicious and colorful enough to be a temptation to eat. So of the food items that are made by Nagarathars are the following: Ukkorai, Kandarappam, Karupatti Paniyaram, Kavanarisi, Pal Paniyaram, Thenkuzhal, Seepu seedai and many more. Places in Chettinad Vairavanpatti Vairavanpatti: The Vairavanpatti temple is on the Karaikudi- Madurai road, about 15 kms from Karaikudi. A splendid 19th century temple tank is a testimony to Dravidian architectural skills. Behind the Nagarathar choultry, Vairava Theertham, a sacred spring said to have miraculous powers. The temple has 23 bronze statutes, all dating to the first renovation, and 12 vahanams. The temple also has several striking wall paintings, 37 on the Vairava Puranam and 43 on the Ramayana. There are also painting of scenes from the Mahabharata. The main deities here are Lord Aatkondanathar and Sivapurandevi.
  • 12. Karma 10 Soorakudi The Soorakudi temple is about 10 kms from Karaikudi on the road to Kanadukathaan and the Chettinad railway station. The soorai shrub also abounds here and is given as an explanation for the name of the village. The temple has ten vimanams and two gopurams. Its rajagopuram to the east, comprises five storeys and is richly embellished. Another striking feature of the temple is the sculptured pillars on the corridor around the shrines of the main deities. This is one of the temples of the Nagarathar clan that is held in high regard for its sculptures. Velankudi The last clan temple is the Velankudi temple that is located on the Karaikudi-Thiruchirapalli road, about 10 kms from Karaikudi, in an area abounding in vela trees. With just 46 pullis ( family member) and a membership of less than 200 in its four villages, this is smallest temple clan among the Nagarathars. A curious feature is that their numbers have not changed for over a hundred years. The result is a temple to which scant attention has been paid towards renovation. The last kumbhabhishekam for the temple was performed in 1937. The temple was granted to the Nagarathars in 718 A.D. Iraniyur About 25 kms from Karaikudi on the Pillaiyarapatti road, near Keelasivalpatti, is the Iraniyur temple. There are 50 bronze statutes here, a splendid Nataraja dating to the 12th -13th century period. One of the bronze statutes belong to the 16th century, another in a 5-metal alloy of the 17th century, a dozen from the 19th century and the rest from the 20th century. Two groups of beautiful paintings grace the Lakshmi mandapam. Opposite the Rajagopuram is one set of paintings done in the Vijayanagar style during the first renovation and another in the 1940s during the second renovation. The latter displays the Ravi Varma influence. Pillaiyarpatti The best known of the Nagarathar clan temples, Pillaiyarpatti, about 12 kms from Karaikudi on the road to Madurai. It attracts visitors in large numbers from all parts of India and abroad. The Karpaga Vinayagar here is a huge bas-relief in a cave hewn out of a hillock and is a splendid example of the art of the South India sculptor. The tall sculpture is more than 6 feet tall and dates back to the 5th Century A.D. The Rajagopuram is on the eastern entrance and rises in five storeys. The temple is rich in stone and terracotta sculptures. There are 30 bronze statutes in the temple that date from the 10th century. The main deities here are Karpaga Vinayagar, Lord Thiruveswarar and his consort Sivagami. Karaikudi KaraikudiislocatedinSivagangaidistrictbetweenThiruchirapalli - Rameswaram High road. It got its name because of the famous plant called “karai” which is widely spread over this area. The famous temple Pillaiyar Patti is 12 kms away from Karaikudi. The city is known for Sri Meenakshi-Sundareswarar temple, also known as Shiva temple which has 108 statues of Ganapathi. Sekkalai is located at the northeast of Karaikudi, and was known as Jayam Konda Puram. In the North-east of Karaikudi is Muthu Pattinam which is known for Muthu Mariamman Temple. At the centre is Kallukatti, where the famous temple Koppudaiamman is located. The river Thennar flows through south Karaikudi. “Tamil Thai Kovil,” “Kamban Manimandapam,” the “Vallal Allagappar Statue,” “Kaviaraser Kannadhasan Manimandapam and Statue” brings honor to Karaikudi.  Nagara Koil The people of Chettinad moved on from their settlement to other villages not far from their first settlement and, there were nine main clusters of villages. To each of them the Pandya King granted a temple in perpetuity. The nine temples thus became the family temple for each group and each cluster evolved as a subdivision of the Chettiars or what might describe as a fraternal clan. The clan temple tradition is that a wedding is recognized only if the bride and bridegroom receive wedding garlands from their respective clan temples. The moment the wedding is registered, the bridegroom becomes a pulli. Ilayathangudi The first of the clan temples was in Ilayathangudi and it is 25 kms from Karaikudi on the road to Kunrakudi, passing Nemam, Keelasivalpatti and Avinipatti on the way. It is said to have been granted to the Nagarathars in 707 A.D. The temple is known for its great sculptural value and it has the biggest tank, “oorani” of all other temples. Legend has it, that this was the resting place of the gods and it explains the village’s name with a syllable break- up that is as follows: ilaippu meaning tiredness, attru meaning to remove and gudi meaning place.
  • 13. - Vishal Kalyani Kilaikkose Pirattal (Brussels sprouts curry ) I was really excited when I saw this vegetable in my home town, since this is one of the rare vegetable found only in big towns like Trichi, Chennai ,Coimbatore, Madurai etc in Tamil Nadu. The people who conduct big functions like weddings manage to get these from the nearest big city like Trichi. The chettinad cooks make tasty dishes out of kilaikkose like pirattal, Kuruma etc. In my first visit to the H Mart, I got this vegetable. I first made kuruma out of this and I was not very much impressed. I think I overcooked the veg. Next I tried the traditional pirattal and it turned out very tasty. This dish can be mixed with rice and can be packed for lunch for those who are not big fans of curd rice. This will go very well with curd rice as a side dish. Ingredients Kilaikkose-10 to 15: Big onion minced-1:Tomato-1 minced To grind Grated cocunut-1 table spoon:Small jeera(cumin seed0-1 teaspoon):Big jeera or sombu(fennel seed)-1 teaspoon Pottukadalai-1 table spoon or cashews-6:Red chili-3 to 4 To season Those who don’t want it spicy can season with a teaspoon of small jeera and big jeera.:cinamon-1 small piece:Clove-2:Cardomom-2 For parties you can make the dish spicy else season it simply. Procedure Cut the brussel sprouts into 4 pieces. Mince onion and tomatoes. Grind the items given in to grind to a smooth paste adding water. Microwave the veg for 2 minutes in a microwavable vessel for 2 minutes. Now add little salt for the veg and again microwave for a minute. Those who don’t use microwave can cook the veg in a kadai with water till the vegetable is three fourth cooked. Keep the kadai in the stove. Add a table spoon of cooking oil.This curry tastes good with little extra oil.Season the curry. Add onions and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes. Sprinkle some salt to the onions which will help the onions to get sautéed fast. Now add the tomatoes. If you feel that the tomatoes you are using is not very ripe and tender grind it for a second in the mixie. Sauté the tomatoes till they are really smashed. While sauting you can smash it with a laddle to help it get smashed fast. Once the onion and tomatoes are smashed like a gravy add the grinded masala into the kadai and cook in low fire stirring continously for 2 minutes. Add little turmeric powder and the salt neede for the masala also. Now add the cooked kilakkose along with the little water in the microwave bowl. Kavunarisi (A special Chettinad Sweet, Black sweet rice) This is a chettinad sweet delicacy which I think can be had only here. I understand what is going in everybody’s mind now. What is it special? Why it can be had mainly in chettinad only? The answer to these questions are, Mainly this sweet is made out of a special kind of rice grown in this region, which after grinding will be red in color and will be needle like. Don’t confuse this rice with the red (kaikuthalArisi) available in Kerala. I come to know that a very fine quality of this rice is available in Singapore. Once you have this rice, preparation is very simple. This rice after cooking will be sticky. That is the quality that makes it ideal for a sweet. In chettinad we get this rice hand grinded also. Ingredients Kavuni Arisi-1 cup: Sugar-1/2 cup (according to taste): Ghee-1 table spoon: Grated coconut-2 tablespoon: Cardomom-4 or 5 Procedure Thisriceislittledifficulttogetcooked. So soak the rice for 3 to 4 hours before ChettinadSamayal/Cooking
  • 14. Karma 12 preparing. Pressure cook the rice adding 3 cups of water in medium fire for 10 to 12 minutes. The rice should be cooked very soft till the white pulp in the red outer shell of the rice comes out. After opening the cooker if you find it not properly cooked, Cook for some more time. Try to smash the rice with a ladle when the heat is there. If there is excess water, strain it. After smashing, add the sugar checking for the taste in between. Powder the cardamom with a teaspoon of sugar. Add that along with the ghee and mix well. The sweet is ready. If you find the rice you are using needs more water to cook, add more next time and vice versa. Kathirikkai Sadam (Brinjal Rice) When we are short of much vegetables or time or interest, then this is an excellent choice. The same recipe can be used for capsicum and some other vegetables also. Try out with some more vegetable available in your area. Kopra or dried coconut is best suited for this recipe. If kopra is not available grated coconut can be used and sauted well. Ingredients Cooked rice-2 cups (don’t over cook. Cook like you cook for tamarind or lemon rice) Brinjal -1/4 kg:Tomato-1:Onion- 1:Curry leaf –little Coriander leaf –little Ingredients for the masal powder: Red chilies -10, Coconut-2 table spoons of kopra, Urudh dhal-2 table spoons, Channadhal(kadalaiparuppu)-2table spoons, Dhania (coriander seeds)-1 teaspoon, Cinnamon-a small piece, Clove-2, Fenugreek ( vendayam )-1/2 teaspoon. Procedure to make the powder In little ghee or oil first roast the chilies and keep apart. Then sauté everything adding one by one in the order in which it is given. No need to fry it till red. Switch off when you feel it is roasted. In a mixie powder it and store it. Procedure Keep the kadai in the stove. In a table spoon of oil and ghee mixed, season with a small piece of cinnamon, clove and curry leaf.Add the minced tomato and onion and sauté. Add the brinjal pieces too and sauté in low fire adding salt and turmeric powder. Make sure that brinjal pieces don’t get over cooked. Stay near the stove and sauté. If necessary sprinkle some water. If you close the kadai for a minute, it will get cooked fast. Once you feel that the brinjal pieces are cooked, add the masal powder and mix well. Mean time transfer the rice to a flat bowl. Add little ghee or oil and little salt to the rice and allow it to cool. Once you feel the rice is not very hot add the rice into the kadai or the brinjal into the vessel and mix well in such a way that the rice or brinjal pieces do not get smashed. Garnish with coriander leaves. Heat the rice in a microwave or kadai while serving You can prepare this powder in lots during weekends and can store .Then making this rice will only be a few minutes job.
  • 16. Karma 14 The use of the herbs for beauty solutions dates back to antiquity. Various testimonials inform us on the use of herbs in beauty treatments during the ancient period. The women of the ancient world used the grounded leaves and seeds of herbs on their hair, face and over-all body, drank herbal tonics and applied oils obtained from herbs for different body massages. These treatments were used during that time in countries like Rome, China and Latin America. Indian Ayurveda too has been promoting the use of herbs for skin and beauty for over 5000 years. Herbs can be used for beauty in original or compound form. They act against the internal impurities and external toxins of our body, add additional nutrients to it, make it glow and shine. Herbs provide natural, flawless treatment to our skin; nourish it from within, leading to its internal development. lists some of the most popular herbs used in beauty care along with detailed information on their uses: Turmeric: Turmeric is mainly used to ensure glowing, bright skin. Turmeric face masks are extensively available in beauty parlors for their skin-friendly treatment that prevents bacterial infection. Turmeric pastes cure pigmentation, maintain the pH factor and are constantly applied on the neck, face and over-all body to enhance the complexion and brightness of skin. Chandan: Chandan is internally as well as externally applied to our body. Internal treatment is through chandan pills which are orally taken. The external application of chandan is through oil, stick, powder and paste derived from the herb. The aromatic essence of chandan has made it a favorite of the beauty industry. It possesses various soothing qualities that effectively work against skin ailments and allergies. Chandan herbal face pack and scrubs made from chandan powder cleanses our skin thoroughly and brings a healthy glow to it. Chandan is a principal cooling agent and comes to utmost use during the hot days.
  • 17. Neem: This herb is used as a skin cleanser, odor remover, against acne, psoriasis and eczema and to treat common hair problems like dandruff. Neem powder, neem oil and neem pills are the most common forms of neem available in the market. Crushed or grounded neem leaves are mixed with water and drunk for burnished skin. In Ayurveda the bitter neem leaves are used to counter body’s high sugar levels which are cited as a primary cause of various skin diseases. Neem oil is an essentially favored item for hair cleansing and nourishment. Rosemary: The uses of Rosemary in beauty care can be put under three categories: skin, scalp and hair treatment. This herb provides a refreshing look to our skin by revitalizing and energizing our dead cells. Rosemary oil comes to fullest use in scalp massage which is done to prevent premature hair loss. The shampoos, lotions and other hair care products of Rosemary takes adequate care of our hair nourishment. Other extracts of this herb include perfumes and soaps. Chamomile: Basically, Chamomile is used in skin remedies, eye treatment and hair care. Face masks, oil, body lotions, creams and stem of Chamomile are used in skin care. Chamomile oil is used to remove acne and other similar skin diseases. This herb is snit- oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory. As a measure against hair malnourishment Chamomile hair care products are frequently preferred above the rest. When a mild concentration of water and chamomile is applied to the eye the tired look quickly vanishes and eyes begin to glow and shine. Basil: Effective against scars and black spots on the body. Basil is greatly helpful for its antiseptic action on the face. Whenever our skin suffers from the lack of healthy nutrients dark spots arise in certain parts of our body. In such a situation a concoction prepared by mixing basil, turmeric powder and rose water comes in good use. It adds to the effect of curing the black marks and making our skin natural and healthy. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is used comprehensively in skin care. It heals skin irritations and scars. The primal effect of this herb comes from its sharp soothing properties. A face mask of this plant is prepared by mixing kelp, honey andAloe Vera for effective skin treatment. It is used in various forms like shampoos, sunscreens, soaps, gels etc and has been approved by FDA as a non-poisonous herb to treat skin burns .This herb is also used in hair loss. Seaweed: In skin treatment this herb operates by drawing out impurities and cleaning the skin naturally. The minerals in seaweed also nourish our hair and take care of itchy scalps. For its profuse mineral vitamin sufficiency seaweed is used in different face masks. The gels of seaweed are used in various cosmetics and conditioners Other forms of seaweed application are creams, shampoos, mineral bath and power face wash. Primrose: This plant is thoroughly used in maintaining deep rooted, healthy hair. Evening Primrose oil is used in synthesizing skin care products. This herb has a wonderful track record for curing us of the commonly occurred skin diseases. Because of its herbal anti-irritant effects on the skin and anti-inflammatory properties it is highly used in moisturizers and other body care lotions. Evening Primrose is proved to be equally beneficial in nails and hair management. Henna: Though predominantly used in hair nourishment henna is also applied on the skin in various forms. For hair care henna paste (mehendi) is made from the powdery extract of henna plant. It is then mixed with egg white and thoroughly applied for thick, shiny hair. In combination with coffee powder, amla powder and onion peels henna makes a perfect hair conditioner. Henna is also used to color the body, primarily hands and feet and for making temporary tattoos on the skin
  • 18. Karma 16 H.H . Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar & Dr. Chris Sexual energy can be very intense, so just doing one thing to overcome or transform it will not always work. It will sometimes occur when you are generally tired or run down, and your defenses are low. In any case, if you are struggling with sexual energy, your own inner and outer strength needs a boost. This is best done on several levels at once, which will help balance all of your 4 “bodies” and increase your positive energy level (raise your vibration, as some would say If you’re a woman, have you noticed that whenever you feel angry, tearful, headachy, a bit below par, or lacking in sex drive, someone – helpful or otherwise – will tell you that: ‘it must be your hormones’? Most of us are fed up with this kind of generalisation. We want precise answers to all sorts of questions, especially to do with how our hormones affect our sex lives. That’s what we want, but the harsh truth is that there are very few precise answers to be had. Our wish to understand our hormones and our bodies is a pretty modern phenomenon. Little more than 100 years ago, women had no reliable contraception and, as a result, had babies most years. These women only had a 50 per cent chance of reaching the menopause, and I don’t think that too many of them had the time or inclination to worry about their libidos, or whether a better understanding of their hormones would help. Nowadays, women can expect to live to an average age of 85. They remain fitter longer, they limit their families, and the majority of them will have several significant sexual relationships in their lives So today’s woman has better health and more options – and with this improved state of things she wants a superior quality of life, especially in the bedroom. There are many women who feel that their hormones must be responsible for the things that are going wrong in their sexual relationships. Today, one of the commonest female sexual problems is loss of desire. Indeed, in North America drug companies have been claiming since 2006 that no less than 43 per cent of women have what they term ‘female sexual arousal disorder’ or ‘FSAD’. I must say that in the UK, many doctors and psychosexual experts take that claim with a large pinch of salt! Nonetheless, we do see a lot of women who complain of lack of interest in sex – and so do all of our colleagues. But why does it happen? It’s become very fashionable to blame our hormones for loss of libido. But is there any evidence that hormones are the real culprits? The truth is that although lots of research has been done no one has managed to come up with anything very definite on the relationship between female hormones and desire. Why? Because: • until recently researchers would have considered it too embarrassing or controversial. • this isn’t a life-threatening area of medicine. • until recently, no drug company realised that there was money to be made from such research. • it’s very difficult to measure desire scientifically (there aren’t any units of desire). It’s interesting that, while most women believe that loss of libido is something to do with their hormones, vast numbers of adult females haven’t a clue about which hormones they have, and what they actually do. Perhaps this is unsurprising since it’s very complicated. Frankly, I don’t think that most doctors truly understand it, so what chance have the rest of us got! But it seems to boil down to this: • our ovaries produce large amounts of the female sex hormones - oestrogen and progesterone • they also produce small amounts of the male hormones - testosterone and androstenedione. Both men and women also have two important hormones, both secreted by the pituitary gland, called FSH and LH. • FSH (which stands for follicle stimulating hormone) controls the formation of eggs by the ovary. • LH (which stands for luteinizing hormone) controls the production of sex hormones by the ovaries.ASwiss gynecologist (see below) told us that he believes LH is strongly linked to desire.
  • 20. Karma 18 Day one of our cycle is the first day of a period. In a monthly cycle, two main things happen: • the level of oestrogen rises slowly during the first half of the month, often dips sharply at ovulation - which occurs around about day 14 - and gradually falls off just before the period. • the level of progesterone rises sharply after ovulation, and then falls off just before the period. But what does all this have to do with our level of desire? If you ask a number of women whether they feel sexier at any particular time of the month, they will usually agree that they do, but they will not agree on when. About half of the women who notice fluctuations say that they feel most ‘turned on’ half way through their cycle. However, just as many women say they feel randiest just before - or even during - their periods. But since we all go though the same hormonal changes, why don’t we all feel sexy - or not sexy - at the same point in the cycle? The truth is that nobody knows. My own personal – and totally unscientific – theory about those of us who claim to feel increased desire just before the period is that what we’re really thrilling to is the sensation of having sex when our womb lining is thickest. We seem to feel extra sensitivity in our vaginas – possibly because of some kind of pressure or sense of engorgement resulting from the thicker womb lining – and this enables us to enjoy the feeling of a penis inside us more than usual. This enjoyment, however, may have little to do with increased libido. Instead it may simply be a response to different physical feelings in our genitals. What about libido? It’s important to realize that libido (desire) is a completely different thing from physical arousal in the genitals. This might seem incredible, but many women who say they have no libido are actually able to become physically aroused and have orgasms without much difficulty. What they do find difficult - or impossible - is to feel any passion or any desire for sex. Often women ask if Viagra could help ‘turn them on’to sex. The answer is no. In men, Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction - that is to say a lack of ability to get an erection. Viagra is of little use to men who are not interested in sex, because it has no effect on desire. Currently, trials are progressing to test Viagra on women, but the research is about whether Viagra causes helpful physical changes in the sex organs. It has been reported that in a few women, the drug will increase vaginal lubrication and swelling of the tissues round the vulva. But there is no possibility that it will turn uninterested women into sex bombs. And to date, Viagra is still not licensed for the treatment of women. Professor Alan Riley of the University of Central Lancashire - one of the UK’s leading experts in sex problems - says that lack of desire is the number one sex problem in women today and that it’s extremely difficult to treat. Over 25 years ago, the American professor Dr Helen Singer Kaplanwroteaground-breakingbookcalledDisordersOfSexual Desire. In it she stated that: ‘In human females, (o)estrogen does not enhance sexual desire.’ She also said that testosterone is the ‘libido hormone’ for both genders. Furthermore, she speculated that the hormone LH might in time be used clinically to increase libido. Well, what has happened in the world of female sexuality since? In 2006 the drug companies started to promote the idea of testosterone and various papers have been published which suggest that testosterone might be the answer to what the Americans now routinely call ‘FSAD’ (see above). In actual fact, doctors have been trying out testosterone on women for about 40 years, rarely with much benefit. Side- effects include hairiness, spots, a deep voice and enlargement of the clitoris. However, there is some clinical evidence to support the use of testosterone as a treatment for low sexual desire. And in 2007 a testosterone skin patch called Intrinsa became available in the UK. But, this patch is only licensed on the NHS for women who have had an early surgically-induced menopause. Obviously, this is quite a small number of women. We do know that Intrinsa is being prescribed privately for other women with low libido, or hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) as it is now being termed. But so far, reactions to this drug are mixed. Finally, as for the female hormone LH (luteinising hormone), in 2006 Dr David Delvin and I were contacted by the noted Swiss gynaecologist Dr Michel Jemec, who has come up with a theory that LH is strongly linked with libido. David later visited him at his clinic in Lugano, where he explained that his work has suggested that high levels of LH make a woman ‘horny’, while low levels make her apathetic about sex. We await with interest publication of Dr Jemec’s results in a medical journal. However, at the present moment I must stress that no treatment with LH is available. Hit and miss So, at the time of writing, the situation is still extremely muddled and women in this country who have loss of libido are quite unlikely to find a doctor who will test their hormones, or offer them hormonal treatment on the NHS.
  • 21. Karma 19 Toll Free: 1-888-808-1428
  • 22. Karma 20 However, there is one small exception in the case of loss of libido at the menopause. For this problem, an HRT-type drug called ‘tibolone’ does now have an official licence in Britain. But in general, since we cannot absolutely attribute lack of sex drive to hormones - and since there is very little hormone treatment available even if we could – perhaps we need to look at the problem another way. The first thing to say is that if you feel very definitely sexier on some days of the month than others, make sure that you and your partner capitalise on them! These are the times of the month when you should come home and go straight to bed with your loved one, some smoked salmon sandwiches and a bottle of wine - or a tub of luxury ice-cream. And if you have children, you should arrange for them to go to Granny’s or to a sleep-over at a friend’s house. By planning to have lots of sex when it’s going to be great, neither you nor your partner should mind so much that there are days when all you want to offer is a quickie or a cuddle. But what if your sex drive is pretty dormant all through the month? Well, the sorry fact is that you may be a bit bored in your relationship, or tired, or feeling resentful towards your partner. When we are newly in love, we usually have no problems with libido. In fact we often feel as if we’re permanently ‘on heat’! (There are a few women who have no apparent desire in the early stages of a relationship, but they tend to have psychological problems about allowing themselves pleasure through sex.) Of course, when we first start a relationship, everything is new and exciting so our brains are very stimulated. So maybe the answer is to work on our brains - not our hormones - to spark off our sex drives. And perhaps we need to modify our lifestyles if we are to keep our desire for sex in tip-top shape. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for relationships to become routine after a while. Sex, which before happened on occasional dates, is there on tap once people move in together. Interestingly, once we get used to the idea that we can ‘have it’ anytime, we tend to have it less. Also, both partners in a relationship generally go out to work, with many working extremely long hours. So masses of people are tired, stressed and don’t get round to eating properly - they are in a rut. It does seem likely that loss of libido has as much to do with these factors as it has to do with hormones. So any woman whose sex drive isn’t up to much should take a very careful look at her lifestyle. Here are some tips that should improve the situation. • Try to add some fresh romance into the relationship and spend quality time together. • Visualize your partner as he used to look in your early days of dating and allow yourself to feel the excitement you used to feel. • Exercise your mind sexually by reading erotic books or thinking sexy thoughts - especially on the days you think you might make love • Assess how much sleep you’re getting as fatigue is the biggest enemy of libido. • If you’re tired all the time see your doctor in case you need an iron supplement. • If you’re overweight and very lethargic, see your doctor in case you have an underactive thyroid. • If your diet is composed of rushed sandwiches and processed foods, buy a book on nutrition and re-think what you are fuelling your body with. • If nutrition seems likely to be at least part of your problem, consider contacting the Natural Health Advisory Service – formerly known as the Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service. Our expectations Another problem nowadays may be that we expect far too much of ourselves. We, and our partners, see films and read books where women are always up for sex. But do people make films or write stories in which the women can’t relax enough to have an orgasm, or when they’ve got a messy period, or when they’re exhausted with juggling marriage, children and a demanding job? Not usually. Many sex experts trying to deal with loss of libido believe that hidden hostility towards the partner has a great deal to do with a lack of sex drive. Often when a woman is blaming her hormones for her lack of desire, closer inspection of the relationship reveals all sorts of stresses, strains and anger. If such a woman is fed up because her man is never romantic to her, or never takes her out, or never thanks her for a beautifully cooked meal, or always expects her to take responsibility for contraception, it’s hardly surprising that she doesn’t feel like rewarding him in bed. Therefore, she loses interest. Addressing this kind of problem is much harder than deciding ‘it’s all to do with hormones’. The unpalatable truth is that it’s the relationship that needs changing - and that cannot be done hormonally. We often see patients who come to us because they believe that hormonal problems are at the root of their unsatisfactory love lives. After some counselling, it’s common for us to find that the woman has gone off sex because of some flaw in the relationship. Perhaps the man is too bossy, or overbearing, for example. Sometimes therapy can put this right especially if both the man and the woman can accept that this is in effect a relationship rather than a purely sexual problem. Occasionally, one or both partners refuse to face up the fact that there is no magic pill to cure their problems and that they need instead to make changes in the relationship – and when that happens, they usually stop coming for therapy. Of course, there are specific times in a woman’s life when she may have most difficulty with lack of desire. For example: after the birth of a child, after a termination, after miscarriage, when suffering from pre-menstrual tension and around the menopause.
  • 23. After giving birth Women are told to abstain from penetrative sex after the birth of a child – until they have their full medical check when the baby is about six weeks old. But many women feel a complete lack of desire for sex for several months after that. This is likely to be due to a number of reasons such as fatigue, poor nutrition, anxiety and depression. It’s also because a woman frequently becomes almost obsessed with her child and doesn’t seem to have much time for her partner, especially sexually. This is clearly what nature demands. It ensures that the child is well looked after. It also helps to prevent a further pregnancy so that the new baby won’t have to share mum with other new siblings too soon. But is any of this to do with hormones? Many experts think that it is. They particularly attribute postnatal depression to an upset in hormones and tend to believe that the loss of libido is part of that illness. However, no one has yet managed to find any measurable change in blood hormone levels. Some specialists do offer hormonal help at this time, but it is certainly not freely available all over the country. The best thing to do in this situation is to ask your GP, the practice nurse, or your health visitor what’s available on the NHS in your area. There are also a few private clinics that offer hormone treatments. However, many other doctors, psychiatrists and scientists believe that depression and loss of desire in the postnatal period can best be treated by anti-depressants - whatever its cause. When I hear from a depressed young mum, I always put her in touch with the Meet-A-Mum-Association (details below), which is an organization for women with postnatal depression. They can help by getting you support from other mums who understand what you’re going through. They also keep an eye on treatments for PND up and down the country. Generally speaking, the loss of libido gradually goes away as the mother gets used to being a mum, and as she grows stronger and less tired. Men can help by being romantic and kind. The article on postnatal depression covers many aspects of the problem. After a termination Is lack of libido a hormonal problem after a termination? Well, it may be - especially in the days immediately following the procedure. After all, one minute you were pregnant - with all sorts of hormonal changes going on - and the next minute you weren’t. Again, it’s interesting to note that most doctors do not discuss this factor with their patients. However, longer term, it’s much more likely that lack of desire following a termination is more closely bound up with guilt and grief. Nowadays, women frequently expect to sail through a termination believing that everything will be OK and that it’s ‘a woman’s right to choose’. Some women in fact do sail through the experience. But plenty do not. I see many women in my own psychotherapy practice who are suffering from depression and loss of desire after a termination, and I find that they recover best when they allow themselves to think about the pregnancy and the life that was once growing within them, and then to devise some kind of ritual for commemorating that life. Once this process of acknowledgement and grieving has taken place, they tend to get better quite quickly. For more help with this have a look at my article coping with a termination of pregnancy. After a miscarriage As after a termination, after a miscarriage a woman also has to adjust quickly to the fact that she was pregnant, but isn’t anymore. This is a big psychological shift. It is also probable that her hormones are very upset at this time. Unfortunately, there’s little information available about this. It is normal after a miscarriage to feel very low and to lose your sex drive, but this is probably because of natural feelings of loss. It can often help to remember your dead baby’s life in some way, for example by planting a rose tree or sponsoring a child overseas. You can find out more by reading the factsheet on miscarriage. Pre-menstrual syndrome This is a big problem for many women and most doctors now agree that it is something to do with a woman’s sex hormones. One theory – put forward by the late Dr Katharina Dalton – has been that PMS is connected with progesterone. As we have already seen, this is one of our main sex hormones and we have high levels of it during the second part of our cycle until just before we begin to menstruate. Some specialists believe that problems occur when the levels of progesterone are not high enough. However there is no consistent alteration in progesterone levels in PMS, and clinical trials have provided conflicting results. Still, a considerable number of doctors do prescribe progestogens (synthetic forms of progesterone) even though the British National Formulary says that: ‘no convincing physiological basis for such treatment has been shown’. Unfortunately, progesterone itself doesn’t work by mouth. Dr Dalton herself used to prescribe natural progesterone, in the form of rectal suppositories – particularly if there was an element of pre-menstrual tension. They are still available via the NHS, under the trade name ‘Cyclogest’. (Please note that they can have side-effects; do not try them without discussing possible untoward effects with your doctor.) Lack of sex drive pre-menstrually is just one of many problems experienced by women with PMS. Incidentally, there is some evidence to show that if a woman does make love at this time
  • 24. Karma 22 - even if her inclination to do so is not strong - then she will actually feel better, because sex brings considerable release from tension. Earlier I mentioned the role of nutrition in the treatment of loss of desire. And when it comes to loss of desire pre-menstrually there is now an increasing amount of help and advice on offer in the alternative sector. Many health food shops can recommend food supplements and minerals that improve the condition. And the Natural Health Advisory Service (formerly known as the Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service, or WNAS, claims success in treating PMS. By doing so, they found, almost by accident, that they were vastly improving women’s levels of sexual desire, too. Their belief is that today’s woman is simply not taking in the nutrients that she requires, and that this has a bad effect on the woman’s hormones. They educate the woman about nutrition and claim a very high success rate. It should be noted however that this is not a free service. Full details of this organisation’s charges can be found on the website - see the end of this factsheet for more information. A word here about phytoestrogens (natural plant oestrogens). These are nothing new, but in the past 10 years there has been a real surge of interest in them, particularly in relation to menopausal women. However, it may be that changing your diet to include more natural plant oestrogens could help your general health and sex drive prior to the menopause. Although, as we have seen, some experts think that PMS occurs because of insufficient progesterone, some women have found that by taking plant oestrogens, like red clover, they have experienced a reduction in PMS symptoms. Does this mean then that PMS might not be caused by a lack of progesterone and could instead be something to do with oestrogen levels dropping too far before the period? No one seems to know. Some women who get very spotty during the pre-menstrual phase - and this can be very upsetting and lead to loss of confidence and desire - have reported that eating a phytoestrogen enriched diet, or taking food supplements like red clover, actually reduces the number of spots they get. Menopause By the time you reach the menopause, there is a lot more information available about your hormones. However, much of it is unclear and conflicting. And, as I have already said, doctors are much keener to try to prevent bone loss or heart disease than to discuss whether or not our sex drives have failed. A complicating factor is the question of side-effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). During the period 2002 to 2005, it became clear that the risks of HRT were considerably greater than we had been led to believe. What about sex? When HRT first came on the market there was a lot of nonsense written about its sexy qualities. Nowadays experts play this aspect down. They tend to say that HRT makes a woman feel much healthier and more energetic and that her sex drive increases because of that. Many menopausal women are now also experimenting with a diet rich in plant oestrogens and are taking food supplements like soya or red clover. One of the benefits of these dietary changes is that the vagina becomes much more moist. And though a dry vagina is not in itself indicative of loss of sex drive, it certainly makes sex uncomfortable and as a consequence a woman may turn against sex and lose interest in it. The use of natural oestrogens in this country is in its infancy, but many women are claiming to feel various benefits from changing their diets to include them. However, please note that in 2006 the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists issued a report which warned that untoward effects and drug interactions can occur with some widely-used natural preparations for the menopause, notably St John’s wort, vitamin E and Black Cohosh. So, is loss of sex drive a hormonal problem? Well, the jury is still out on that one – though some clinicians certainly appear to believe that testosterone can ‘cure your lack of libido.’One thing is clear; there are a number of ways that this widespread difficulty can be improved – and I hope that having read all this information you will find some ways that you feel you can tackle the problem FOR MEN:- Get Moving. The best way to transform that potential creative energy is to get creative. Start off by getting some fresh air. Go for a walk or a run, breath deeply and consciously pull that energy from your lower abdomen up your spine into your heart and head. Think about your plans and goals, and what you can do with this energy that is waiting to be put to creative use. What about a hobby you haven’t had time for lately, and would love to w ork or play at? Joy of No Sex :-. There are many exercises, from the physical to the spiritual .They include the following subjects: yoga and proper breathing, acceptance of a spiritual master, study of scripture, rising early, plain living, high thinking, avoiding intoxicants, cultivating good association, cleanliness, proper physical exercise, humility, avoiding rationalizations, enthusiasm, faith in the mantra-prayer, and regulating sex in marriage. Reflect on the Body’s True Nature. “One technique to allay sexual agitation is to reflect on the true nature of the material body. The body is a bag of blood, pus, urine, bile, and stool. Some gurus suggest that when we are sexually disturbed, we should think of embracing a dead body. Who lusts after a corpse? The person himself is not even there. We even say: “Oh, he’s gone.” It is not the material body that attracts, but the infinitesimal spiritual spark on life within - that is, the soul. By thinking of the true nature of the body and the soul, we can slowly gain strength to subdue passion. This is the proper use of
  • 25. Karma 23 intelligence. The intelligence must be used to control the mind.” (4) Resurrection of the inner Light. There are some very good exercises to transform unwanted energy in the book Your Seven Energy Centers by Prophet and Spadaro. They write: “There are several techniques that claim to accelerate the raising of the Kundalini. However, unless the base chakra is first balanced and cleared, these practices can be dangerous. For as the energy rises, it can activate the negatives that we are carrying around with us. For this reason, I have found it best to meditate on the upper chakras, from the heart to the crown. When we intensify the light of our upper chakras, they become magnets of light that naturally and safely draw up the energy from the base chakra.An effective way to purify and accelerate all our chakras is to access the high-frequency spiritual energy known as the violet flame through prayer and meditation The meditation and affirmation on the following pages (in next paragraph) can also help balance and clear the base chakra. “Mantra for the Resurrection of the inner Light. “Visualization: As you say the following affirmation, see and feel the light within you as a mother-of-pearl softness bathing your body in a gentle, suffusing glow. See the light surround every cell and atom of your body, becoming whiter and whiter. As the cells and atoms accelerate, they begin to spin - releasing the white light to clear and energize your body, mind and emotions. As you recite this affirmation, stand with your arms raised over your head. Imagine that you are directing the energy that is rising up the network of your chakras back to God. “Mantra: I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my being now made manifest!” (5) Visualizing Victory. Working with our subconscious can be a great help in overcoming unwanted habits. You can adjust the technique for whatever goal you are working on. Holding on Tight. (Especially effective for overcoming masturbation.) If you’re lying in bed and feeling tempted with unwanted sexual indulgence, your mind will often try to convince you just to scratch or rub around your pelvic area to help alleviate the desire, which might be enough to let you fall asleep. Don’t give into it! As soon as you start physical movement, you start the ball rolling, and it’s sometimes hard to stop it. Rather, make the determination to keep totally still, and put your attention on Spirit (God or your Real Self etc.) Commit to relying totally on it to fulfill all your needs. You can even use Jesus’ affirmation: “I AM (God in me is) the fulfilment of all my needs and requirements of the hour.” Imagine yourself holding
  • 26. Karma 24 tight onto the silver cord that links you to Spirit. (6) Or you can even put your hands on your opposite shoulder, like hugging yourself, if it helps. Breathe deeply and concentrate on drawing that creative energy up your spine to your heart. Be determined to lie perfectly still, at peace, holding on tight to that higher power which is your true nature, until you fall asleep. Devotion to the Feminine Aspect of Being. In esoteric teachings, the physical plane is the feminine polarity of being, and Spirit is the masculine, which is all part of God, who is androgynous. Also, our base-of-the- spine chakra (energy centre) is the feminine polarity of our being, and our crown chakra is the masculine. The (Goddess) Kundalini is the “mother flame” that rises up the spine to nourish all of our chakras. There are many books and practices that can teach you how to raise your Kundalini to attain spiritual powers. But that very motive has an element of ambition and pride. This usually results in the Kundalini being “pushed” up the spine prematurely, and causes more harm than good. (It’s like trying to take heaven by force.) The best and safest way is to “draw” that mother flame up as it is ready to, which is done through devotion to the feminine aspect of being. These are all the virtues and qualities that we have come to love in mothers. This is what is happening in Catholics when they lovingly give the rosary, or to those in the East when they give devotions to Kuan Yin or the feminine aspects of God as Kali, Durga etc. This is not idolatry when you understand and give devotion to the flame of God which is behind the form representation. If you don’t feel comfortable with the Catholic rosary, there is a New Age rosary. You can find more on this on The Summit Lighthouse website at under Teachings/Masters/Mother Mary. But if you don’t feel comfortable with any of that, then just feeling love and gratitude for Mother Nature will help. The more you value the sanctity of life, the more likely your energy will rise up your spine and not get diverted into sexual over-indulgence. Yin/Yang Balance (including diet). Too much or two little sexual energy is usually due to an imbalance in our yin/yang energies. These are influenced by many things, including our diet. This is a complex subject, and you can read a bit more on it on the Macrobiotics page, which also has many references for further study. One of those books, Healing Ourselves by Naboru Muramoto, covers Sexual Problems, from impotency to excessive desire (page 132). It makes several interesting points: In men, excess meat (yang) and other high- protein foods cause excessive sexual desire. Eat very yin foods to ease it, like fruit and other sweet foods, tomatoes and eggplant. “But the best remedy of all is to follow a healthy, balanced diet and to chew the food very well. Chewing strengthens the sexual organs since they are connected to the jaw muscles.” He says that black beans are recommended for women with sexual problems. “They will help cure frigidity and irregular menstruation, if prepared correctly.” (Described elsewhere in the book). He also says, “Abortions are a possible source of breast cancer. Even though a woman has had an abortion, the pregnancy process continues. The body started to prepare to produce milk and was stopped abruptly from doing so. This interference can initiate breast cancer which will surface when the woman is forty or fifty. There is no such problem with miscarriage. … for which all parts of the body are prepared.” Heat is also yang, so hot weather or a hot bath or shower will tend to increase sexual drive. To reduce sexual energy, have a cold shower, although this isn’t easy to convince your body to do. But what works well is a short very hot shower. Then, when you can’t wait for the cold water, turn it on, as much as you can handle. It takes your breath away at first, but it’s a great regenerator! It also alkalizes your blood, which is great for general good health. If you do it regularly after a hot shower, to help close your pores, you’ll be able to handle colder and colder water, and will probably start looking forward to it. It’s great! Strengthening Your Resolve. If you don’t feel totally motivated to overcome excess sexual desire, it’s good to “prime the pump” by reading up on and listing the pros and cons of indulging it. Some of the material referred to on this page will give you a good start, plus the poem Withdrawal Symptoms on the Inspirational Poems page. But don’t put this off until you’re feeling really “hot”, as you probably won’t have the patience to read it. Also contemplate what your goals are in this life, and what it is that your soul really desires to get out of the indulgence (including comfort, as described below.) Making a Vow. One of the most effective, quickest and cleanest methods is to make a vow to stop the excessive indulgence. Just as Christians give up certain worldly pleasures during Lent, so you can make a vow to whoever you respect most in this life, to permanently give up a bad habit. It’s much easier when indulgence is no longer even an option. Don’t make a vow lightly, but if you’re serious, and you break it later, don’t give up. Forgive yourself, renew your resolve, remake you vow, and move onward and upward! Getting the Comfort You Need. Sometimes the desire for sex is really just the need for comfort, encouragement or feeling worthy. The fact is that we, as a loving parent to our soul (like a child), are the only one who can effectively give it, and who is responsible for giving it. No other person or sensual indulgence can really achieve it. It is done best through “inner dialogue”, which is a part of personal psychology work. No matter how often we have sex or get positive feedback from others, if we do not acknowledge our own self-worth, we will always be needy. Prayer Before Sex. You can help make the most out of sex by praying for the protection of the experience and of your energies. Here is an example taken from a prayer . ( think about your “ ishta Devatha”)I call to beloved xxxxxxxxxxx for the sealing and protection of the light in my and my partner’s aura and chakras from any darkness entering into them during sexual intercourse. I call for the transmutation of all sexual energies into creative endeavors other than procreation (if you are not intending to conceive a child).
  • 27. H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar ATHARVA VEDIC MEDICAL ASTROLOGY SIGNS, BODY PARTS AND DISEASES:- The summary given below is information which will help to understand the connection between astrological signs with various parts of our body and the diseases attached to it. 1. First House/Aries Body parts: Head, skull, forehead, brain Indicates fevers, headaches, brain disorders, strokes, cerebral bleeding, and injuries to the skull and head small pox, inflammation, indigestion, difficulties at the time of birth. 2. Second House/Taurus Body parts: face, nose, mouth, teeth, throat, neck, right eye, cheek, chin, oral cavity, lips, right shoulder Indicates swelling of the neck, sore throat, thyroid problems, obesity, injury to the face or throat, dental problems, childhood diseases like colds, flu, diseases concerning ear, nose, throat, teeth 3. Third House/Gemini Body parts: arms, right hand, shoulders, larynx, vocal cord, right ear, upper respiratory tracts, nervous system Indicates cough, pulmonary disorders, asthama and injury to the shoulders, as well as nervous disorders, agitation, and poor muscular-skeletal coordination. 4. Fourth House/Cancer Body parts: chest, breast, ribs, lower respiratory system, lungs, blood vessels, Indicates lung problems, dropsy, injury to the chest, breast tumors/breast cancer, chest problems, diseases arising out of heavy drinking habits, as well as emotional disorders. Hysteria 5. Fifth House/Leo Body parts: heart, back, bones, spine, stomach, belly, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, pregnancy Indicates lack of vitality, weakness of the heart and solar plexus, stomach and digestive problems, lack of fertility and menstrual problems, back pain 6. Sixth House/Virgo Body parts: intestines, kidneys, waist Indicates poor digestion, malabsorption, gas, constipation, ulcers, food allergies, hypoglycemia, diabetes, Apendicitis, immune system weakness, T.B., epidemics, peptic ulcer 7. Seventh House/Libra Body parts: urinary system, uterus, ovaries, testicles, prostate, semen, reproductive system Indicates urinary disorders, infertility in women, venereal diseases, sexual vitality problems 8. Eighth House/Scorpio Body parts: genitals, scrotum, rectum, anus Indicates hemorrhoids, rectal cancer, blood disorders, impotence in men, veneral diseases, piles, fistula 9. Ninth House/Sagittarius Body parts: hips, thigh, lower portion of spinal cord, fermoral arteries, lower part of vertebra, upper parts of legs Indicates obesity, arteriosclerosis, paralysis below the waist, arthritis in the hips or injury to the hips, diseases concerning indigestion 10. Tenth House/Capricorn Body parts: knees, skin, spinal cord, back Indicates weakness, injury to the knees or arthritis of knees, weakness of the bones in general, rheumatism 11. Eleventh House/Aquarius Body parts: legs, tibia, amkles, left ear, left hand, calf muscles Indicates poor circulation, skin disorders, weakness in lower legs, arthritis of ankles, nervous system problems, diseases concerning gout, rheumatism 12. Twelvth House/Pisces Body parts: feet, toes, left shoulder, left eye, heel, sole, Indicates lymphatic disorders, hypoglycemia, diabetes, tumours, trouble with the feet, functional infections, diseases like warts, retention of fluids in the body, disturbed sleep. Atharva Vedic Medical Astrology Signs & Body Parts
  • 28. Karma 26 H.H .Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar If you’re reading this article, it probably means that you think making whoopie is a pleasurable experience and that you’re interested in making it even better. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Because all of the sensations, desires, feelings, and even the dramatic curtain call can be improved using natural vitamins and herbs. Though no vitamins or herbs are currently recognized by the FDA as a cure for any medical condition, many doctors cite substantial evidence that they do indeed work. (We are not suggesting, however, that the information below be used as medical advice or as that the herbs or vitamins listed below be used to treat illness; always check with your doctor before using any supplement in you have any medical condition or are ill or pregnant.) With that out of the way, read on—you are just a few hundred words away from better sex, naturally! Best Vitamins and Herbs to Boost Sexual Health for Men and Women Rhodiola Rosea This plant, which grows in the arctic region, has shown great promise in boosting a couples mojo. Studied extensively at Columbia University, researchers have found evidence that the herb can enhance sexual desire, energy, performance, and orgasm in both men and women. Other studies suggest that the herb can also help some men prolong stamina. And for women, Rhodiala Rosea may counteract some of the unpleasant side effects of menopause. This herb is commonly found at any health store in tablet form and no side effects or prescription interactions have been reported. Ginseng Ginseng, which works in ways similar to Ginko Biloba (see below), increases blood flow through a man’s lower extremities, but it has also shown promise in helping women boost their desire, performance, energy, and orgasm. This is most likely due to affecting the dopamine system, which is the complex system of the brain that researchers believe triggers sex drive. More than half of all men and women in studies with Ginseng report an improvement of “being in the mood” more often. In general, ginseng has been found to be perfectly safe for use, except in pregnant or breastfeeding women, because of its estrogen-like effects. The only other common effect from its use is producing excitability, but that’s exactly what we’re after here! Maca (Peruvian Ginseng) Better known as “Peruvian Ginseng,” this herb grows in the high- altitude areas of Peru. The Incas have passed down the stories of the roots legendary powers for generations. Maca is known for improving lust and orgasm in both men and women, and for having a, shall we say, Viagra-like effect. Used to give ancient Peruvian warriors added strength in battle, it was also kept away from women while the warriors were away (perhaps for fear of what might transpire while they were gone?). This herb has shown fairly consistent findings in animals and humans to increase stamina and libido in both genders, as reported by Discovery Health. So far there have been no cases of toxicity in this herb, which makes it relatively safe to take by just about anyone. Horny Goat Weed Just as its name implies, horny goat weed is a leafy, high-altitude plant which has long been believed to, er, boost the libido. For men in particular, this herb is believed to play a role in the correction of erectile dysfunction, or ED. The problem with the herb is that it appears to be inconsistent in its commercial preparation, which means if you get a bad batch, it won’t do what it is supposed to. This herb can be most easily digested in tea form and has no known side effects when taken in this fashion.
  • 29. The Monkey and the Crocodile Once upon a time, a clever monkey lived in a tree that bore juicy, red rose apples. He was very happy. One fine day, a crocodile swam up to that tree and told the monkey that he had traveled a long distance and was in search of food as he was very hungry. The kind monkey offered him a few rose apples. The crocodile enjoyed them very much and asked the monkey whether he could come again for some more fruit. The generous monkey happily agreed. The crocodile returned the next day. And the next. And the next one after that. Soon the two became very good friends. They discussed their lives, their friends and family, like all friends do. The crocodile told the monkey that he had a wife and that they lived on the other side of the river. So the kind monkey offered him some extra rose apples to take home to his wife. The crocodile’s wife loved the rose apples and made her husband promise to get her some every day. Meanwhile, the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile deepened as they spent more and more time together. The crocodile’s wife started getting jealous. She wanted to put an end to this friendship. So she pretended that she could not believe that her husband could be friends with a monkey. Her husband tried to convince her that he and the monkey shared a true friendship. The crocodile’s wife thought to herself that if the monkey lived on a diet of rose monkeys, his flesh would be very sweet. So she asked the crocodile to invite the monkey to their house. The crocodile was not happy about this. He tried to make the excuse that it would be difficult to get the monkey across the river. But his wife was determined to eat the monkey’s flesh. So she thought of a plan. One day, she pretended to be very ill and told the crocodile that the doctor said that she would only recover if she ate a monkey’s heart. If her husband wanted to save her life, he must bring her his friend’s heart. The crocodile was aghast. He was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he loved his friend. On the other, he could not possibly let his wife die. The crocodile’s wife threatened him saying that if he did not get her the monkey’s heart, she would surely die. So the crocodile went to the rose apple tree and invited the monkey to come home to meet his wife. He told the monkey that he could ride across the river on the crocodile’s back. The monkey happily agreed. As they reached the middle of the river, the crocodile began to sink. The frightened monkey asked him why he was doing that. The crocodile explained that he would have to kill the monkey to save his wife’s life. The clever monkey told him that he would gladly give up his heart to save the life of the crocodile’s wife, but he had left his heart behind in the rose apple tree. He asked the crocodile to make haste and turn back so that the monkey could go get his heart from the apple tree. The silly crocodile quickly swam back to the rose apple tree. The monkey scampered up the tree to safety. He told the crocodile to tell his wicked wife that she had married the biggest fool in the world. The Stork and the Crab Once upon a time, there was a stork that caught the fish in a particular tank. The stork always had a full meal. As the years went by, the stork grew older and weaker. His ability to catch fish diminished. At times he would even starve. He knew he had to do something to survive. One day he stood by the side of the tank with a very forlorn look on his face. The frogs, fish and crabs wondered why he was not trying to catch any food. A big crab asked him what the matter was. The stork answered that he was sad because all the fish in the tank were going to die and he would have to starve. He said Kava Kava has a highly researched and documented ability to calm the nerves and reduce stress in both men and women. One of the most common causes of poor libido and sexual dissatisfaction is anxiety, tension, and other stress-related issues caused by relationships,work,oreventhethoughtofthesexualperformance in itself. For many men, it only takes one time for their tool to fail them, and they won’t be able to let that moment go in their mind. It will continue to effect them long after, causing them to develop what would appear to be a form of ED. The mind is a very powerful tool for improving health, but it can also be a factor in our own self-induced sexual dysfunctions if we let it. While Kava can help sexual dysfunction caused by self-induced mental issues, it will not show much, if any improvement, over an actual diagnosed case of ED. You may have heard of this supplements questionable legal status, but it is currently legal in most major countries, except for Canada and France, who just don’t know what they’re missing! L-Arginine This amino acid has been called a Viagra substitute for men and women. It works in both sexes by boosting the amount of blood flow through those whoopee-making organs. The increased blood flow for the man will offer him a longer, stronger erection, while for the womanitcanaidinheightenedstimulation. Men can take L-Arginine in herbal pill form, while many women report the best results are achieved by applying a cream directly where it counts. Vitamin E Some like to call vitamin E the “sex vitamin.” It gets this name for a couple of reasons. One, vitamin E has been said to aid in the production of sex hormones, which aids in attraction, desire, and mood. Two, it prevents age and disease, which of course indirectly boosts the longevity of anyone’s sexual lifestyle. Some women prefer to use Vitamin E as a lubricant during sex to heighten their experience considerably. Always make sure that the Vitamin E will not reduce the effectiveness of a condom, if using one, as latex is prone to disintegrate with certain oil-based lubricants. Best for Men Only Ginkgo Biloba Many men know about the supposed boosting effects of Ginko Biloba in the bedroom, but initial studies recognized Ginko Biloba for its ability to improve circulation and memory in adults. If you take these same findings and apply them to the man with ED, we can see how the increased circulation could theoretically produce a stronger erection. The same chemical, nitric oxide, which is stimulated by the Ginko Biloba to relax the artery walls in the circulatory system, is also known to boost blood flow through the man’s tofu dog. All technical scientific jargon aside, it basically works like Viagra. The most popular way to add this herb to your diet is through pill or caplet form. Best for Women Only Dhea DHEA, known by its full name as Dehydroepiandrosterone, may not exactly be a natural herb or vitamin, but it is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA, which can now be purchased directly over the counter, can be used by women experiencing age-related decreases in the hormone. It has been shown in studies to be a powerful tool in reestablishing sexual desire. A 50 mg dosage was recommended by the New England Journal of Medicine back in September of 1999. In some circles DHEA has even been called the equivalent of what Viagra should be for women. The use of this supplement should be discussed with your doctor before experimenting, as there is a slight possibility for risk of heart attack, breast cancer, and unwanted hair growth (it is a male hormone after all). So, if you want good sex using DHEA, you may have to put up with more shaving and spending increased amounts of time in the tool section at Sears!
  • 30. Karma 28 H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar How Black Magic/ Kala Jadoo done? Black magic is manipulation of energy for the purpose harming somebody. There is no god or devil involved in this. It is pure energy manipulation. The same energy can be used for good purposes as well. The devil, satan etc are all figments of the imagination. Its only energy that has been manipulated. One thing is certain and from experience i can say that the person who does black magic on others gets back the same amount of negative energy often resulting in a horrific death of the black magician. It is ok to know and learn about this subject but stay away from practicing it. The victim’s clothes, hair, nails etc are used in this ceremony. Energy is then manipulated to attack the victim directly. When negative energy is concentrated in such a manner the result is death, pestilence, bad luck etc. If the victim prays to a higher energy source or asks a tantric for the black magic to be reversed then the black magician gets back the negative energy multiplied thousand fold and is doomed. If you see a banana leaf with rice, turmeric and strange looking things on it do not step on it. Move away from it as it is all the negative black energy in concentrated form. Bottom line is...Stay away from people who practice this. Is Someone using Black Magic On U? Due to jealousy, heart burning or some base cause, the Tantriks use cheap tactics to overcome the adversaries, which ruins one’s life. Are you also under such a spell? We must have peace and happiness in life, and to achieve the same we work hard. But we do not get in return to the proportions of our labor. Black magic. What’s the point? You can easily do as much damage to someone (and yourself) with conventional means. We get very little even after the best of our efforts, we toil to get success in our business but the profits are too little. We do not want any discontentment or discord in our family life, but inspite of our best efforts, the peace and tranquility of our family is disturbed. On the other hand people work very little, but get too much in return. Businessmen have ample wealth just be putting in little efforts, bit we are disappointed even after continuous efforts. It leads us to conclude, that there are some evil forces which make our strategies unsuccessful. Common Black Magic Spells:- Black magic can most often be found in the uses of love magic. Unfortunately, most people who cast love spells are trying to force another person to love them or another. Despite the fact that people often associate good feelings with love, in forcing another person to fall in love, there is certainly a violation in that person’s free will.