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Message from Speaking Tree
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The Speaking Tree is dedicated to spreading universal spiritual values across humanity
through the daily column in The Times of India as well as through the weekly Speaking
Tree newspaper and website. This not for profit initiative of The Times Group aims to help
humanity grow from their daily rituals towards cosmic consciousness and embrace the
unity underlying the apparent diversity of name and form. We welcome you to Speaking
Tree Akasha 2014 and hope and pray that you will embrace this opportunity to connect
with Gurus, Masters and Experts and have a fulfilling experience.
Suneet Johar
Vice President, BCCL
We are delighted to announce the first edition of Akasha 2014 –a congregation of spiritual
minds and practices in the Capital. Speaking Tree has always followed an open and non-
denominational approach to spirituality – the reason why it is so widely logged in to and
read. And therefore Akasha is not just a wellness or spiritual event but a small way of
connecting with all our seeker friends and giving them an opportunity to revitalize their
mind, body and soul. We are confident that the carefully selected workshops and one on
one interactions with Masters like Maulana, Swami Nikhilananda and Issac Malekar will
certainly stimulate your minds and pamper your soul
“We are not human beings having a Spiritual Experience but Spiritual beings having a
Human experience”
Good Karma and have a spectacular weekend with Speakingtree Akasha
Archana Vohra
Vice President and Business Head
Welcome to The Speaking Tree Akasha 2014.
From the printed word to the virtual world of blogs and forum discussions and now to real
time interaction, The Speaking Tree is continually evolving and expanding to broaden
your choice and enhance your journey as a seeker. We hope you enjoy and benefit from
the experience.
Narayani Ganesh
Editor, The Speaking Tree
Message from Speaking Tree
Speaking Tree Akasha 2014
Message from Organic India
Niddhyasana – The Process of Being the Self
Spirituality in Daily Life
Judaism shows the way to spirituality and
wellness in daily life
Your Birthday Reveals Your Destiny
The Science of Aura Intelligence
Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl
It's Insane to Work the Same Way and
Expect a Different Result
SKY's the Limit!
Lose weight by becoming Meta Healthy
Developing Our Mind, Memory & Healing Power
The Fourth Facet of Life
Exhibitors’ Profile
The Speaking Tree, a Times of India publication, is a name
every spiritual enthusiast reckons with! Its open, non-
denominational approach to spirituality has been widely
read and appreciated. Indeed, for most readers, 'The
Speaking Tree' has grown to become a place of retreat and
To reach our numerous seeker friends and establish a
tangible association with them, The Speaking Tree proudly
announces its endeavour of making Spirituality a festival to
remember with the first edition of Akasha 2014, a wellness
event which comprises life-changing workshops along
with a buffet of exhibitors showcasing the best in the
So whether you want to build a fulfilling career or business,
cultivate passionate love, achieve optimal health, create
financial abundance, enjoy rewarding relationships, or take
on any other goal in your life, the Speaking Tree Akasha
2014 will show you a new way of thinking and what to do to
reach your dream. Leading by example, our spiritual
speakers will guide you through engaging, personalised
and penetrating two days and give you many practical
tools to quickly set your life on a new and exciting
Speaking Tree Akasha 2014
The Speaking Tree proudly announces its endeavour of making Spirituality a festival to remember with
the first edition of Akasha 2014, a wellness event which comprises life-changing workshops along with a
buffet of exhibitors showcasing the best in the domain.
Relish an eclectic selection of natural, holistic modalities,
products and services, herbal supplements, birth stones,
crystals and unique gifts. Have a palm reading session or
explore the mystical world of your past life. Become
enlightened with a psychic reading and discover alternate
medicines, natural health, organics, nutrition, massage,
yoga, spirituality, astrology, and much more. Experience
products and services that will get you glowing and feeling
We promise that you will leave with new perspectives,
clear decisions and a dynamic personal plan for making
your decisions a reality now.
Thanks for being a part of this spiritually uplifting
Find Good Karma at: and
“A natural and sustainable way of life that supports all living beings and Mother Nature”, this is
the vision and mission of ORGANIC INDIA. In pursuit of faster growth and greater profits,
farming lands worldwide have been altered with chemicals. This corporate short sightedness
had a disastrous effect on human health and world’s food supply. Today ORGANIC INDIA’s good
work is held around the world in more than 40 countries, as a powerful response to this
significant problem. Our unique business model is to support the environment, promote
sustainable organic agriculture and protect the bio-diversity of the Earth, while supporting
thousands of marginal farmers and tribal communities in rural India.
ORGANIC INDIA emerged as an exemplary organization with a unique philosophy- “Creation is
one. The earth is one. We are one”. ORGANIC INDIA is radically different in its business modality.
It is an economically sustainable and viable business with spiritual principles like integrity,
honesty and doing the right thing. The economic pressures on farmers worldwide are the same. What started as a small
three acre farm land with one farmer is now a community of thousands of farmers working directly and indirectly with the
company. The farmers are commissioned to grow organic crops, which ORGANIC INDIA purchases at a premium market
price. ORGANIC INDIA supports their farmers by providing training, health care and education that enable them to be self-
sufficient and to develop organic farming skills that will be passed on to future generations.
ORGANIC INDIA’s line of Teas, Herbal Supplements and Ayurvedic formulations embody the promise and the wisdom of
the organic philosophy. Tulsi or Holy Basil has the ability to help the body to adapt whether it is physical, emotional, and
psychological- it is simply a balancer of life. It not only tastes great it feels great, it cleanses you.
We humans arise from the earth. The components of our body are from the earth. It stands to reason that our nutrition, our
fuel, our food should also arise from the earth untainted by pesticides, or other manmade chemicals in the most naturally
efficient way possible. Imagine food that nourishes, enlivens and even heals because- “organic is life.”
Let us participate in something which can change the world for better.
Together we are making the difference.
Krishan Gupta
MD & Global CEO
Organic India Pvt. Limited.
Message from Organic India
Find Good Karma at: and
Nididhyasana – The Process of Being the Self
Nididhyasana is the process of being
the Self after knowing the Self.
Nidishyasana is the final step of our
spiritual journey but the most
difficult one. It is only with the grace
of Ishvara and our Guru that one can
reach and cross over this stage. The
reward of course is the Ultimate.
Our spiritual journey towards the Supreme has various
steps. The first step is to cross over from selfish action to
selfless action to purify our mind. Upasana like japa and
puja help to purify our mind further. Thereafter we come to
listen to the scriptures which reveal the ultimate Truth.
Vedanta mahavakyas reveal that my true Self is none other
than Brahman. The scriptures then tell us that we should
strive to know this Truth. However they also say that the
Truth is unknowable and cannot be comprehended by the
senses, mind or intellect.
Then how does one go about knowing It? The first step is to
know Brahman objectively and then experience It as our
own Self. Brahman can be known objectively through
sravana and manana. First through sravana we know
Brahman as being of the nature of sat chit and ananda.
Then with the buddhi we try to comprehend this. When the
buddhi's attention is constantly focussed on
understanding Brahman, it becomes more and more pure
and in that pure buddhi, the nirakara, formless Brahman is
For instance a mirror can reflect space. When all the
objects in front of a mirror have been removed, space alone
is reflected. Since space has no colour or form it may
appear as nothing. But the absolutely clean mirror is
reflecting space.
Similarly, when the buddhi becomes absolutely pure, the
reflection of Brahman appears in that buddhi as
knowledge of that Brahman - It is not Brahman. It is called
the Brahma-akara vritti. This is the final limit of mananam.
Thereafter, starts the process of nidhidhyasana wherein
you have to identify that Knowledge with the real Self. With
the buddhi which has gained the Brahma-akara vriti one
has to turn within, and experience one's own Self as that
Brahman. This is the unknowable Brahman because it is not
an object to be known. It is the Subject itself. By
unknowable it does not mean that it is non-existent. It is
pure Existence itself. It does not need anything to illumine
it because the Self is of the nature of pure Consciousness. It
is self-luminous like the sun. In fact it is because of the Self
that everything gets illumined.
The Self is the Witness Consciousness of the presence of
everything in the waking and dream states and of the
absence of everything in the deep sleep state. The deep
sleep state very well proves that the Self is of the nature of
Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. In the deep sleep state
our body, mind, intellect is not present yet when we wake
up we say that we slept well. So, it is clear that we are
different from our upadhis. But during deep sleep we are
not aware of the Self as 'I am this Self' and on waking up we
identify with the upadhis and wrongly think ourselves to be
So, dropping all worldly desires, having understood the
nature of Brahman, we have to shift our attention within in
order to experience Brahman subjectively. We don't have
to be conscious of something but just be Consciousness
itself. We are so used to knowing everything as an object
that sometimes we remain satisfied knowing the Self
objectively. The Self is not an object to be known. It is the
Subject of the nature of pure Existence, Consciousness
and Bliss. Experiencing the Self means being the Self. We
have to just BE.
Our Self, our True “I” is beyond the intellect and so Self
realisation is also beyond the intellect. The maximum we
can do is use our subtle intellect which has gained the
image of Brahman and practice t nidhidhyasana again and
again. We have to look within and connect this Brahman
with my Self – that “I” am this Brahman.
Nidhidhyasana is the ultimate sadhana which one has to
practice till the Truth is realised.
For nidhidhiyasan, the guide is the knowledge but finally
the knowledge is also left behind and one remains as that
Supreme Truth alone.
Swami Nikhilananda Saraswati
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Spirituality is the science of the soul.
Spirituality is a way of thinking that leads
to a way of life. Spirituality begins from
a discovery. When you discover that
man is greater than all things, you
become a spiritual person. You begin to
evaluate yourself not in terms of material
things but in terms of higher realities.
Spirituality can be defined as high thinking. In countries
where there are severe storms, birds with small wings are
caught up in them, but large birds with strong wings fly
upwards and save themselves from becoming victims of
these storms. This phenomenon has given rise to the
saying: 'Big bird of the storm.' A spiritual person is one who
has developed the capacity for 'big bird' thinking.
People generally suffer from tension when they experience
some kind of material loss. However, even after incurring
such a loss, they still possess a great deal. But, they focus
on what is lost and overlook what is still left to them. This
leads to the phenomenon of tension. A spiritual person is
one who has learnt the art of stress management. For
example, if he incurs a loss, he asks himself why he should
suffer from tension, there being so much that he still
It is the urge to acquire money for the sake of money that
causes stress. If you adhere to the principle of acquiring
money for the sake of need, you will be able to lead a
tension-free life. The well-known American billionaire, Bill
Gates, has rightly said: “I can understand wanting to have a
million dollars. But once you get beyond that, I have to tell
you, it's the same old hamburger!” It is one's greed that
creates problems. If one remains content with fulfilling
one's needs, there is no problem at all.
Once I met a man who was extremely worried. He told me
that someone had defrauded him of Rs. 80,000. I asked
him if he had anything left. He replied that he still had Rs.
25,000. I advised him to forget the lost 80,000 and start up
a new business with 25,000. I met the person again after
two years. He was very happy and exclaimed that he had
gained much more than he had previously lost.
In every case of stress, it happens that the person's focus
changes. He thinks about what he doesn't have instead of
what he has. It is this shift of emphasis that is responsible
for stress. The formula for de-stressing is very simple:
forget the past and re-plan the future.
Save yourself from negative thinking and you will be able
to save yourself from all kinds of stress.
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is an Islamic Spiritual Scholar
and founder of Centre for Peace and Spirituality
Spirituality in Daily Life
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Find Good Karma at: and
Judaism is one of the world's oldest
religions, that focuses more on deeds
than on beliefs. It is a set of practices
through which an individual connects
more consciously to God and is called a
Mitzvot. The word "Mitzvah" means a
commandment which consists of rituals as
well as ethical acts, and they follow from the
codifications of principles from the Torah such as Ten
Commandments and “love thy neighbour as thyself”.
It is also a way of life. The concept of non-violence against
all living forms in Judaism finds expression in Chapter 20 of
the Book of Exodus: "Thou shall not kill". In the same set of
commandments, there is another, "Thou shall not covet",
which goes to the root of all forms of crime, including
murder, since inordinate desire for anything sets in motion
in the human heart the main principles of violence in all its
According to Science, spirituality reduces depression,
improves blood pressure, and boosts the immune system.
Spiritual involvement in our daily life leads to a healthier
immune system, less physical disability, less depression
and lower death rates among elderly persons. Spirituality
also promotes a healthier physical life. Practice of spiritual
wellness exhibits fewer self-destructive behaviour - for
example, suicide, smoking, drug and alcoholic abuse. They
have less stress and greater total life satisfaction.
According to Judaism, spirituality has been defined as a
process of personal transformation. Spiritual wellness is a
personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a
purpose and guidance for our living. It is generally
considered to be search for meaning and purpose in
human existence, leading one to strive for a state of
harmony with oneself and others while working to balance
inner needs with the rest of the world. The spiritual
wellness involves meditation, prayer, affirmation,
repentance, charity, compassion, mercy, kindness,
capacity for love and forgiveness, tolerance, etc.
When Rabbi Hillel was once asked by an agnostic to
propound the Torah to him in one sentence, the Rabbi
replied, "What is hateful and hurtful to yourself, do not do
to your fellowmen". In other words, love and social justice
are the mainsprings of ethical behaviour. According to
Judaism, the practice of religion is to be closely integrated
with daily living and every ordinary human action must be
invested with the realization that it is being watched by the
If we separate goodness from religion or religion from
goodness, then we are denying God's role in our everyday
life. Religion must never again be used for inspiring hatred
and instigation for violence and neither means for the
pursuit of power. Tolerance towards representatives of
other religions, respect of human rights and the rights of
minorities must be the basis for peaceful existence
between various religions and will defuse tension created
by ignorance.
We should, therefore, reaffirm and re-dedicate ourselves to
the universal values of love, brotherhood, compassion and
selfless service. We must reassert the principles of peace,
justice and communal harmony so as to create a society
that sustains and enriches life based on love, trust and
Judaism shows the way to spirituality and
wellness in daily life
Ezekiel Isaac Malekar
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Numerology is the key that unlocks a
person's destiny and potential.
Numerology can be applied everywhere,
in our personal lives and even when
hiring someone for a job.
You may be surprised, but an employee's
birthday number can actually predict his
success at work. Selection of the right candidate for the
right job is crucial for the growth of a company because a
wrong hiring can cost a company a fortune!
Hire the Right Person for the Right Job
A special Numerology programme will help you hire the
right person for the right job, based on the vibrations
associated with the employee's birth number. These
numbers speak volumes about the personality and
characteristics of an individual. It also talks about an
applicant's field of talent.
Here's a peek into the numbers and the employee types:
Number 1: Number 1 makes the perfect candidate for a
marketing job, as these people know their product well and
can sell anything.
Number 2: Number 2 is are best in client relationships as
they never fail to provide customer satisfaction.
Number 3: Number 3 was born for PR, as people with this
number are endowed with creative flow and excellent
public relation skills.
Number 4: Number 4 has long perfected the art of good
management by their disciplined nature and managerial
Number 5: Number 5 are the right people to hire if you wish
to expand your business across the world, as they are
balanced and meet their targets efficiently.
Number 6: Number 6 are dominated by Venus and
showcase high commitment and responsibility towards
their work. They are the people who find the golden
opportunities and can be totally relied upon.
Number 7: Number 7 are best suited for jobs related to
science and research, as they have an analytical approach
and never lose their patience.
Number 8: Number 8 make for hardworking employees
who bring great profits to the company. They also prove to
be good financial advisors.
Number 9: Number 9 is the one to hire if you wish to take
your company to great heights and maintain cordial
relationships with all your clients.
As seen, Numerology proves to be a great guide in
knowing the strengths and weaknesses of employees. So,
take a Numerology consultation and choose the right
candidate for the job!
Dr Seema Midha is an internationally renowned
Numerologist, who offers solutions based on a person's
date of birth. She can be reached at +91-9818003205,
+91-9810761300; Email:,
Your Birthday Reveals Your Destiny
Dr. Seema Midha
Every person gets their date of birth determined by their past karmas, which influence their
present and future karmas
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nervous system regulates, controls and coordinates the
moment-by-moment flux of thousands of chemical
constituents in the body. It governs our organ functions,
movements, perceptions, thoughts, emotions, learning
and interpersonal communication skills, and links us
spiritually to the unity of the cosmos.
Most people would admit that they do not possess pristine
health. They suffer from one discomfort or another – be it
insomnia, excitability, indisposition, exhaustion, ultra-
sensitivity, headache, dizziness or back pain.
These conditions become even more complex when the
cause does not show up on any pathological blood or
laboratory parameter. Most people would admit that they
do not possess pristine health. They suffer from one
discomfort or another – be it insomnia, excitability,
indisposition, exhaustion, ultra-sensitivity, headache,
dizziness or back pain. These conditions become even
more complex when the cause does not show up on any
pathological blood or laboratory parameter.
However, The Aura Intelligence Tool vividly showcases the
disharmonies in the energetic bodies and make it easier for
us to understand the root cause.
Throughout our lives, as we confront the various stressful
situations that occur every day, we respond by constantly
creating tension, then swinging back to relaxation.
Eventually, as our tensions becomes a regular pattern, we
cease to return to our original level of physiological
relaxation. This wearing effect of stress leads to conditions
like high blood pressure, headaches and digestive
By reading one's Aura, it becomes possible to diagnose
malfunctions or diseases in our body long before the
physical symptoms become evident.
Dr. Anoop Agarwal, a gifted, intuitive healer and Crystal
Therapy expert, is the Managing Director of Satyamani, a
company specialising in advanced techniques of Aura
Reading/Analysis and Crystal Therapy, with more than
25,000 clients across the globe. Dr Agarwal can be
reached at 122, Jaina Tower-I, District Centre, Janak Puri,
New Delhi-110058; Mobile: +919899291202; Email:; Website:
The Science of Aura Intelligence
Dr. Anoop Agarwal
Aura Intelligence is a way of gaining control of our body processes to increase relaxation,
relieve pain, and develop healthier life patterns.
Find Good Karma at: and
Resonating with the eternal sound of the
planet and adding joy and melody to
people's lives, the Tibetan Singing Bowl
is an ancient sound healing tool that is
emerging as one of most powerful
sound healing instruments of modern
Healing with the Tibetan Singing Bowl is a scientific and
proven modality and has been accepted with tremendous
approval in Europe, the USA and the Orient, and is
becoming the forerunner of sound therapy worldwide.
Tibetan Singing Bowls are also an excellent meditative,
therapeutic and transformational healing tool. When
played with the wooden mallet, the singing bowls produce
a rich blend of harmonic overtones, which have a direct
effect on the chakras (energy centres of the human body),
thereby awakening a beautiful and powerful mystery. The
Tibetan Singing Bowls produce the sacred sound of
“AUM”, whose their rich sonic vibrations altering space,
mind and time.
The divine vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowls enable
patients to go into a deeply altered state (the alpha-theta
brainwave state) in which healing is stimulated. Such a
sound healing has proved to be highly effective in treating
virtually any medical disorder.
How do the Tibetan Singing Bowls work?
Massage and Physiotherapy: Application of Sound Healing
Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl
Satya Brat Jaiswal
Healing with “the power of sound” is one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing known to man.
According to ancient Eastern teachings as well as modern physics, the universe and mankind were created
from sound (The Big Bang Theory of Physics). Therefore, man is sound. When a sick man is nourished with the
right kind of sound, the billions and billions of cells in his body begin vibrating and reorganising themselves
according to a divine blueprint, transporting him to a state of healthy well-being.
with Tibetan Singing Bowl works well in the case of acute
physical problems. Blockages can be perceived
consciously and can often be eliminated in just one or two
Medical Practice: Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing
Bowl can support medical treatment like damaged discs,
abdominal, digestive and heart problems, painful joints
and poor circulation, to name just a few. It not only creates
a relaxed atmosphere for doctor-patient communication,
it also enables the patient to go into a deeply altered state
(the Alpha-Theta brain wave state) in which healing is
Therapy and Psychotherapy: Due to their deeply relaxing
and hypnotic effect, the singing bowls are an invaluable
asset in the wide field of psychotherapy. The use of the
bowls is impersonal and non-judgmental, and within the
deep relaxation, the therapeutic process begins.
Satya Brat Jaiswal is an internationally acclaimed
Sound Healer & Teacher, as well as Founder & CEO of
the International Academy of Sound Healing. Contact
him at phone: +91-33-22151918, cell: +91-
9830094215/9831094210; email:
visit website:;
Find Good Karma at: and
In today's world, 70 per cent of the
population is suffering from money, love
or health problems. Job or business-
related tensions are at their peak. As
much as 50% more money is earned by
people with high self-esteem and
Howe ver, it is possible to change an individual's
negative (and unsuccessful) behaviour and mental
patterns into successful patterns to achieve success in
areas of work, money and wealth, love and relationships,
energy and well-being.
The huge demand for such a transformation has been
created because of 70 per cent of the population is
suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. People are
suffering from depression and loneliness, and suicidal
tendencies are becoming visible even in children and
adults, not to mention problems like addiction (smoking
and alcohol), anger, procrastination, emotional trauma,
inability to forgive, low confidence, the failure mindset,
debt and money tensions, land and property disputes,
weight problems, and ill-health in the form of physical and
emotional trauma.
At present, 3 out of 6 relationships are ending in break-
ups. A break-up every 20 minutes is a major cause of
alcoholism, smoking, depression and anger. A broken
heart causes weight gain of as much as 10 kilos and
reduces as many as four years of your life.
The causes remain unhealed and unresolved most of the
It's Insane to Work the Same Way and
Expect a Different Result
Sumant Kaul
An individual's negative behaviour and mental patterns can be transformed into something
positive and successful by understanding one's Karma
They include: childhood beatings and physical abuse by
parents, teachers, relatives and strangers; childhood
sexual abuse by strangers, teachers and relatives;
childhood neglect, discrimination and loneliness by
parents, teachers, relatives, strangers; childhood fights
and separations between parents; improper education
and unhealthy beliefs taught by parents, teachers, cultures
and friends, causing problems today; drug, alcohol abuse,
and horror of death, memories and bloodshed.
If these memories remain unresolved and unhealed in our
deeper subconscious mind, these issues sometimes even
get passed down from one generation to another, and gets
accumulated as Pitra Dosha, or karmic problems.
Some of the techniques used in The Art of Healing: Your
Love, Money and Health Karma are Kundalini healing,
Theta Healing, NLP Healing, Past life Regression, Clinical
Hypnotherapy, Souls Journey Life between Life
Regression, Scientific palmistry, Wealth and Business
training, mentoring, coaching, meditation, counselling,
classroom exercises and training, energy healing and
spiritual philosophy that guides and transforms a person's
Master Sumant and Sumeet Kaul MHT, LBLRT, PLRT,
NLPT are founders of Karma Kundalini Breakthrough
Healing, Love, Health and Wealth Breakthrough, and
Create Wealth through Law of Magnetism, have
impacted the lives of millions of people in more than
30 countries with his wonderful technique. Visit:
Find Good Karma at: and
Our simple breath is being acknowledged
more and more as a marvellous way of
removing toxins from our body as well as
for freeing ourselves from physical,
emotional and psychological pain.
The SKY healing technique, a path-
breaking method of natural healing, uses
breath-work, combined with tapping and visualising, to
great effect. What's best about SKY therapy is that it brings
down stress levels instantly and is also effective in healing
emotional, mental and physical problems.
SKY Pro, the corporate version of SKY technique, is helping
professionals and corporate employees overcome their
stress and give their best to the organization.
12-minute healing
Even though more and more people are keen to heal
themselves and stay healthy in a natural way, they don't
have enough time to do it. However, Santosh Joshi's new-
age healing technique can be done in just 12 minutes.
Benefits of practicing SKY
The emotional and psychological benefits include: relieving
stress, fears, insecurities and anxieties; managing anger,
depression and low self-esteem; generating optimism and
motivation; boosting confidence and will-power;
improving inter-personal relationships by bringing
harmony and joy; increasing patience; improving
concentration; bringing greater creativity and clarity of
mind; helping in handling challenging situations in a
positive way.
The physical benefits include: curing insomnia,
strengthening the immune system, relieving muscle
tension, maintaining blood sugar, lowering blood pressure,
reducing pressure on the cardio-vascular system; restoring
balanced function of the digestive system, besides aiding
absorption of nutrients.
The spiritual benefits include: helping in the quest of inner
transformation and spiritual growth, in rediscovering
yourself, in experiencing deeper levels of consciousness, in
breaking the layers of conditioning, thereby reaching one's
true self, in living in the moment.
Santosh Joshi is a new-age motivational speaker, life
coach, Past Life Regression Therapist and author of the
self-help book, KEYS. Santosh Joshi's workshops reflect
the HLP philosophy - Heal, Live, Plan - which has
greatly benefited participants. The experiences and
techniques used in his workshops can be found in his
bestselling book, KEYS. The Santosh Joshi Foundation
can be contacted at: +91 7506174480,
Twitter: @knewagemonk; Wordpress:
SKY's The Limit!
Santosh Joshi
A new-age healing technique is called SKY because it has infinite possibilities, like the sky…
Find Good Karma at: and
Image management has a lot to do with
weight management. Our society does
not accept nor give a fair deal to
“overweight” or “underweight” people.
Most of us today have excess weight on
our bodies. This results in us not only
being unable to wear the clothes that we like,
but also being unhappy with how we look. In addition, the
society we live in wants all women to be of size zero and all
men to have six packs.
Our tendency to “judge a book by its cover, not content”, is
a major cause of modern-day stress. But the reality is that
even extremely thin people imagine themselves to be fat
and this obsession with their self-image, creates diseases
like anorexia and bulimia.
What is Meta Health?
Meta-Health shows us the bigger picture about our health.
It unravels the cause of disease and traces its impact on
our mind, brain and organs. Disease is often set off by a
stressful event that was unexpected and dramatic; the
person's first reaction is to isolate himself because he does
not have a plan about how to deal with the situation.
Meta-Health further identifies two phases to every disease:
the Stress Phase and the Off Stress Phase. During the
Stress Phase, we feel mentally stressed out, are constantly
obsessing and crave high-sugar-and-carbohydrate foods.
But despite consuming these in large quantities, we do not
put on weight because the body is utilising the sugar to
fight the conflict. But after the body has resolved the
conflict, we enter the 'Off Stress' phase, when we put on
The psychological conditions under which one gains
weight are: When a person feels lonely, isolated and
misunderstood, or feel like a “fish out of water”. Our body
sends a signal to our brain that we can “die”! So, our body
gets into “refugee mode” and starts collecting water by the
way of kidney collecting tubules. This also leads to weight
The “Soul-ution”
The solution to rapid and massive weight gain lies within
us, in our soul, so one might even describe it as a “soul-
ution”! Here's a three-step for “formula: Deal with what
makes you feel small and bad; deal with what makes you
lose self-confidence; deal with what makes you feel lonely.
By effectively dealing with the above issues, you will be
able to lose weight the right way!
To connect with Anu Mehta, Master Trainer in META-
Call +91 990898116, Email:; website:
Lose weight by becoming Meta Healthy
Anu Mehta
Image management is the ongoing process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your
appearance and the resulting response on yourself and others
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Developing Our Mind, Memory
& Healing Power
Dr. B K Chandrashekhar
Today, our mind is powerless, our memory is replaced by forgetfulness, and we search for
healing power in medicines, assorted therapies and natural herbs.
Most of us live through our waking hours taking little notice
of our thought processes: how our mind moves, what it
fears, what it needs, what it says to itself, what it brushes
aside. For the most part of our day, we eat, work, converse,
worry, hope, plan, shop and play without paying even
minimal attention to how we think. This is unfortunate, for
we are neglecting one of the most important and powerful
forces of our life.
Mind Power means directing our thoughts towards a
desired outcome. To put it simply - what you focus on is
what you attract. Focus on success and you attract
success. Focus on fear and failure, and you attract failure.
Mind Power is understanding these laws and making our
thoughts work in our favour. Our thoughts are the primary
creative force in our life. We need to use them consciously,
use them often, and awaken to a new life of power and
God has gifted us a super-computer with
excellent human operating system
software known as our 'Intellect';
various lifestyle application software
known as our 'Mind' and an eternal data
of 'Healthy Memories' in our hard disk
known as our 'Brain'.
Yet today, this human super-computer is infected by
viruses such as stress, fear, anger, lust, greed, depression,
etc. A human being has become incapable of handling his
own super-computer. In fact, an average human hardly
uses one per cent of his mind power, intellectuals use a
maximum of up to only 3 per cent of their mind power, and
scientists use up to 10 per cent of their mind power.
What Is Mind Power?
All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy. Our
thoughts are nothing but vibrations of energy.
This is not a concept or theory, but rather a startling new
reality that quantum physics has now revealed to us. Our
thoughts have a powerful influence; they affect what can
happen to us!
The power of the mind is tremendous, provided a powerful
self guides the mind. There is no point in claiming that our
mind is powerful if I am weak. A spiritually weak person
cannot guide his own mind to bring out the desired result.
Intellect is the key which opens the lock of the mind and
activates primary virtues to heal the self and the body.
Dr Chandra Shekhar is a Rajyogi, Profounder of SIGFA
Healing Concept, an International Mind and Memory
Trainer, and author of more than 15 books on Mind,
Memory and Healing Power. He can be reached at +91-
9990008462, +91-9650692094; Email: ; Website:
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Consciousness is the canvas on which actions, feelings and
thoughts arise. A lot has been said and written about
actions, feelings and thoughts, or hands, heart and head.
But what about the fourth? In engineering, the three facets
of input, process and output are common knowledge.
People understand that improving the output is not
possible until the process, especially the input, is improved.
But is there a fourth aspect besides input, process and
output? The fourth aspect is the context in which workers
create output by changing the output through a process.
In human engineering, if actions are equivalent to output,
feelings are equivalent to the process, and thoughts are
the input, behaviour and actions are brought forth
because of the input of thought and the power that
feelings bring forth. That is why,a change in behaviour
comes from a change in our feelings (process) and more
importantly, our thoughts (input).
Thoughts are very important. Change in thought through
positive thinking is essential. But the fourth facet is even
more important. The context in which actions, feelings and
thoughts arise is that of consciousness - the experience of
being alive.
Very little is understood about this fourth facet. Some call
it the self. When that is factored in, harnessing thoughts,
feelings and actions becomes very simple and easy. When
the context in an organisation is changed, then inputs,
processes and outputs can all take a quantum jump.
What a leader in an organisation has to do is to precisely do
that - change the context. The three facets lie on the
foundation of the fourth.
As a leader leading your life, it is similarly important to
understand and access the consciousness from where
actions, feelings and thoughts arise. That is why it is called
The Fourth Facet of Life
Man is all about actions, feelings and thoughts. And life is all about hands, heart and head.
But there is also a fourth facet – consciousness…
the “source”. But what is happening is that most people
don't know their own source. The secret of the third aspect
of thoughts is just not enough. The source of thoughts is
what matters. Man is always comfortable with the three
dimensions of length, breadth and depth. But the fourth
facet is what gives colour to life.
Spirituality talks about the three states of sleeping,
awakening and dreaming. But discovering the missing link
– the fourth state – is crucial.
Sirshree is the founder of Tejgyan Global Foundation.
Join us at the Speaking Tree Akasha 2014 for a half`-day
workshop on Thought Yoga, based on Sirshree's
Contact DELHI: +91 9891059875, PUNE: 91-20-
6 70 9 7 70 0 ; E m a i l : z e n k r i s h n a @ g m a i l .c o m ;;
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Exhibitors' Profile
“International Academy of Sound healing” is one of the world's leading sound healing school , offering training workshops &
seminars, worldwide.
Mr. Satya Brat , is the founder & CEO of this organization. He is a Master Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound healing Therapist , Teacher &
one of the world's leading authority on Tibetan Singing Bowls.
He has done extensive study in the field of energy healing for last several years and apart from having mastery in Sound healing, he
is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist, Reiki, Yoga & meditation practitioner.
After his years of experience & research work in this field , Master Satya Brat has been offering this amazing healing science &
knowledge in his workshops & awareness lectures with a highly practical & professional approach.
During past one decade, he has offered his knowledge & workshops with tremendous success in all the major countries of the
world i.e. USA, Canada, U.K, Germany, France, Italy, India etc. with a highly noble cause to serve the humanity & with a mission to
spread this divine healing science to each & everyone, worldwide.
Contact: +91-33-22151918, cell: +91-9830094215/9831094210; email:
Offer Tibetan Singing Bowls, Sound healing training workshops & seminars for
personal & professional applications
Deals in:
Anu Mehta is a the only integrated META-Health Master Trainer in India. She is also AAMET certified trainer for Level1,2,3 EFT . She
also trainer higher level of EFT called Matrix reimprinting META-Health is an integrated approach to good health and wellness, an
in-depth study that helps you gain an understanding of the process of disease and illness and the connection between a certain
kind of stress and the actual disease it causes. It provides an insight into the role of biological, psychological, physiological, spiritual,
emotional and environmental triggers in the disease process.
META-Health helps understand the health challenges one faces that seem to have no reasonable explanation and the role your
emotions play in your health. It not only explains the causes of biological shock and how this affects an organ, the brain and the
heart simultaneously, but also how one can recognize it and deal with it in a manner that allows one to heal completely and
META-Health helps to identify the specific emotions caused by life events and belief systems that result in typical disease
symptoms and creates an awareness for self-healing and finding 'soul-utions' for all physiological and psychological health issues
Contact: +91 990898116, Email:
Help you to look deep into yourself and gain a greater understanding of your
motivations so that you can lead a more enriched life
Deals in:
Sigfa Solutions is a national NGO registered under society registration act XXI of 1860 and under 12 A & 80 G of Income Tax Act 1961.
It has collaboration with many State Government Universities to conduct classes on the new subjects/sciences - “Memory
Enhancement, Stress Management, Indian Positive Psychology and Psycho Neurobics” for award of degrees (Diploma/PG
Diploma/B Sc/M Sc) related to these subjects. Sigfa Solutions also conduct free counseling and guidance to any one needs our
help. This society also conducts free seminars and healing sessions at various places in India and abroad.
Contact +91 9990008462, +918750730530, Email:
Conducts Seminars, Training and workshops on “memory enhancement Science,
Stress management, Personality development, Instant Self Healing, Past life
regression & Delta Healing, Counseling on relationship issue, Curing fear and
phobias also provides books and DVDs
Deals in:
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Exhibitors' Profile
Spirituality, Self Realization, Wellness
Deals in:
Tejgyan Global Foundation (TGF) is a non-profit organization that aims to create a highly evolved society. The motto of TGF is
'Happy Thoughts'. It has centers all across India as well as in other countries.
'Tejgyan' is a system for wisdom, imparted through Retreats, Books, and Digital AV media. Ranging from topics of practical
relevance like peace, love, creativity, focus, peace and joy, to Self-Realization and beyond, 'Tejgyan' helps in harmonizing with our
original nature.
Sirshree, the founder of Tejgyan Global Foundation, has delivered more than a thousand discourses and written over fifty books.
His books have been translated in various languages and published by Penguin Books, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. His
most recent book titled “The Source - Power of Happy Thoughts” in English and “Vichar Niyam” in Hindi is available in 9 languages
and has sold more than 2 Lakh copies.
Contact DELHI: +91 9891059875, PUNE: 91-20-67097700; Email:;
Find Good Karma at: and
Santosh Joshi is a new age motivational speaker, life coach and past life regression
therapist and an author based in Mumbai
Deals in:
Santosh Joshi is a new age motivational speaker, life coach and past life regression therapist and an author based in Mumbai, India.
Santosh holds a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering. He worked with Indian and international conglomerates for over 17
years before he realised his true calling. With the background of his experience in the corporate world, Santosh did a deep study of
human behavioural patterns and responses to various emotional challenges and stresses therein. Santosh decided to dedicate his
life to bring about positive changes and radical evolution in people as a mentor and counsellor.
Without even realising it, Santosh started his spiritual journey way back when he was a student. His interest in meditation and
spiritual realms grew tremendously and his life transformed in multi-dimensions. He underwent several programmes and learnt
more about life and our connection to the higher energies through intense meditation and healing sessions. During this time, he
also learnt about his higher life purpose of spreading spiritual awareness in people, and decided to follow it with complete
Santosh holds workshops and talks on Past Life Regression, SKY (a healing technique developed by Santosh) as well as self-help
topics such as self discovery, finding the purpose of life, living life in the moment and utilizing one's highest potential. His
workshops reflect the HLP philosophy - Heal, Live, Plan - which has greatly benefited the participants. The experiences and the
techniques used in the workshops have been put together in his book KEYS. The book has received an overwhelming response
from readers.
Contact: +91 7506174480/ 7506378779 Email:
Life Management Session
Deals in:
Seema is a Renowned Life Management Coach with over 7 years of experience in imparting sessions on L.I.F.E. She provides
consulting & counseling on restructuring of mind, releasing mind blockages and transforming brain functioning. Seema has
inspired many lives from daily routine, to corporate to business – sections and has trained them special techniques to overcome
fear, anxiety, health or financial problem through L.I.F.E Techniques.
L.I.F.E Session is comprising of two phases – cleansing of mind blockages and renewal of original brain functioning to which opens
important dimensions required for mankind's emotional, mental, physical, financial and spiritual growth.
Seema personally studies individual behavior to find out precisely the root cause of the problem and prepare guidelines according
to their needs. The counseling session and instruction given by her, empowers people to regain their confidence and interest in life.
The sessions are immensely helpful in understanding and observing life & brain pattern more closely.
Contact: 9899-288-771, 9899-291-202
Exhibitors' Profile
We've been enjoying the companionship of the crystal kingdom since the 1990s and have been buying and selling crystals and
teaching crystal classes since 1997 With us you will find over 100 crystals. In the late 1980s crystals were in the news. Stores sprang
up, crystal and gemstone books were published, celebrities made a number of pronouncements about the near- miraculous
properties of gems and stones. People often thought that to change their lives they only needed to clutch a crystal. Now people
take a different attitude towards crystals. They recognize that crystals are helpful in the area called vibrational healing. They
generally feel that they are the source of transformation in their lives: their willingness to explore their personal inner worlds to
discover the beliefs, attitudes, and actions which may be limiting their ability, and to work with crystals as partners in change. We
call the approach of viewing crystals as our partners, not our saviors, "Living with Crystals." It is through the attunement to higher
knowledge or spiritual consciousness (REI) that we are able to properly guide our life energy (KI) to create positive results and
affect positive personal and global change
Contact: +919899291202; Email:;
Crystal and Gemstone, Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki master and a
Vibration crystal Healing Therapist
Deals in:
Diagnostics Tests, Corporate Health Check, Preventive Health Checks
Deals in:
SRL Limited is a leading and reputed Pathology Lab network. We are the only Pathology Lab Network in India to have 12 Reference
Labs, 4 Centers of Excellence and 270 Network Laboratories with a footprint spanning over 5500 Collection Points. We offer more
than 3500 tests, using the most advanced state-of-the-art technology supported by our highly skilled personnel. Today, SRL is
conducting more than 80,000 tests in a day, ranging from simple to high-end tests.
SRL is taking the lead in addressing wellness services through a dedicated SRL wellness initiative. Wellness services includes
individual health checks, occupational wellness , corporate health , clinics and consultations in its 18 dedicated wellness centers
across India with its services extended to ECG , Xray, Pathology, Ultrasound , Doctors Clinics, PFT, TMT, 2 D Echo, Dental clinics,
and preventive health checks. Catch the disease before it catches you is the inherent philosophy of Wellness at SRL Limited , that
has been brought about by the P4 (Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participatory) concept of medicine. It stresses on wellness
as the choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life, and to take personal interest in directing your life towards optimal
health and well-being by focusing on early detection by means of world class screening tests and preventive wellness health
Contact: 09811412954/09560881113, Email:;
Diagnostics Tests, Corporate Health Check, Preventive Health Checks
Deals in:
Astro Gems Laboratory started with the aim of providing world class Gemstones and Rudraksh that is designed with purity and
fashion trends.
These pendants are sources of continuous imparkation and strength. A Power that's with you at all the time. The pendent
provide the power of Slokas, Yantras, and God's images, These three things are can energised Strengthen the Wearer's body
mind and soul. These are not only visible to the necked eye but also readable.
The Smart use of latest technology allows the creation of this spiritual wonder. Mantras are learnlbd using latest technology and
then made vioable using smart options. The pearl drop is water proof and has over a 200 years life. We can create customized
pearl drop design and texts as per individual requirement.
Contact: +(91)- 9911467636, 09999305608; Email:
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Exhibitors' Profile
Diagnostics Tests, Corporate Health Check, Preventive Health Checks
Deals in:
Master Sumant and Sumeet Kaul Mht, Lblrt, P rt, Nlpt are Founders of Karma Kundalini Breakthrough Healing , Love ,Health and
Wealth Breakthrough, and Create Wealth through Law of Magnetism 3 very powerful techniques behind Sumant Kaul Training
:Healy your Love, Money and Health Karma when learnt impact in changing people's life and negative Karma instantly as the
person realises what they have been doing till now to sabotage themselves and they have a choice to CHANGE INSTANTLY.
Sumant Kaul is Mechanical Engineer and also President of International Healing Foundation, former All-India Judo Champion and
along with Sumeet and his wife Neeta runs 8 businessman organisations and also his Spiritual organisations having trained more
than 100000 people and believe that one can be wealthy and still be close to God.
Sumant and Sumeet are known as a Master Manifestors and Sumant PREDICTED the fate of the TELECOM REVOLUTION IN
INDIA, and played a dominant role in steering the telecom industry. He opened World's Exclusive Cellular stores which created a
platform for concentrated sales generating a 1000+ percentage increase in mobile phone connections within India in a span of 16
Sumant and Sumeet are a modern age teachers who utilize the power of pure and positive thought-intent and will teach you how
to instill a greater sense of wellbeing by being Close to God, while also having the choice to be rich, famous abundant and having
the most compatible loving soul mate through the Power of Thought generated by the Creator of All that Is – a rare combination in
Today's world.
Contact: +91-9891371212, +91-9871747441 Email:
India International Healing Institute
Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki, and Life Designer
Deals in:
Would you like to peep into the future? To become aware of and understand the synchronicity of events in your life? Would you like
to explore your spiritual side whilst enriching the material? If yes, then come and join the journey through the mystical and magical
Tarot Card reader Aradhy Gupta encounter you to understand yourself and the cards in a cohesive and articulate manner.
Understanding your intuition and fine tune to give you a proper solution , understanding the play of events around you. And
revealing the cards fluidity and depth, teaching you how to get rid of negativity in life, not merely to see the outcome but also,
importantly, to bring healing to different aspects of your life.
To heal negativity and problems in life Tarot Card reader Aradhy Gupta passionately follow other methods as well like Numerology,
Reiki, Meditation, Colour Therapy, Signature Correction, Aura Enhancing Techniques, Mantra Healing and other Remedies.
Contact: ++91-9643551164, Email:
Aradhya Gupta (Life Designer)
Panchgavya & Organic & Natural Wellness Products
Deals in:
Holy Cow Foundation is working for economic sustainability of the desi cow to ensure it a dignified life. “Gaumaye Vasate Laxmi “
shows us the way towards enriching our lives through the proper utilization of cow dung . Towards this end the Foundation has
developed over 12 products of international standard ranging from body care to wellness to devotional items. The profits are all
rooted towards welfare projects for cows and training , production, marketing assistance of the products to gaushalas to enable
self reliance
Contact: +91 9810322223, 9582186631 Email:
Find Good Karma at: and
Exhibitors' Profile
Find Good Karma at: and
Exclusive Full Service Vacation homes for the discerning few
Deals in:
Muskotia Retreat is a dream of long years of creating an exceptional Vacation experience in Kilbury, Nainital, India . These are “Full
Service Vacation Homes” coming up at a site overlooking the snow clad Himalayas. Kilbury area is an acclaimed international
birding destination and is also within the vicinity of Corbett National Tiger Park.
The site is within 25 minutes of drive from Nainital main town and just 6 hour drive from New Delhi alongwith regular Shatabadi
Train service till nearest rail head.
Muskotia Retreat has tied up with BEST Western International as Hospitality partner. HDFC Ltd is providing home finance. The
promoter Group is member of IGBC and CREDAI.
This is a great opportunity with multi benefits. One can own a fully maintained and serviced vacation home for use and also make it
earn. These vacation homes are being marketed for purchase to individuals / NRIs on a selective basis.
Contact: +91 9811701949
Peace & Spirituality
Deals in:
CPS International, Centre for Peace and Spirituality is an organization, which aims to promote and reinforce the culture of peace
through mind-based spirituality. The Centre was founded in January 2001 by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, an Islamic Spiritual
scholar, who has adopted peace, spirituality and inter-faith harmony as the mission of his life. According to him, peace and
spirituality are both, in fact, two aspects of the one truth. Positive thinking at an individual level is called spirituality; when this
positive thinking reaches a collective level in society, it culminates in peace. Along with its global partners, CPS International is
dedicated to sharing spiritual wisdom with entire mankind. Such a mission is the need of the hour as man, having reached the peak
of his technological achievements, is still confronted with negative influences such as stress, materialism, inequality, and the
pressures of the workplace and social living.
Contact: +91 9810319241
ORGANIC INDIA is a globally recognized, committed, reliable and competitive supplier of the highest quality organic food and
health products. They currently market their products throughout India and around 40 countries internationally.
ORGANIC INDIA produces a wide variety of Certified Organic Products- Tulsi Tea Collection, Herbal formulations and
commodities of finest quality. Their business model is innovative and daring. Organic India seeks to inspire all who come in contact
with them to support life on this planet through responsible business conduct.
At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is the commitment to be a living embodiment of consciousness in action. Working with thousands
of families of farmers in India who cultivate tens of thousands of acres of organic farmland, it emerged as an exemplary
organization with a unique philosophy- “Creation is one. The earth is one. We are one”. ORGANIC INDIA actively promotes
sustainable agriculture and pays a premium market rate to the farmers. All of their products promote wellness and are certified
Each product you hold in your hands is one link in a chain of love, respect and connectedness between Organic India's farmers and
you. By choosing ORGANIC INDIA, you are completing this chain, which provides training and a living wage to the Indian farmers,
creates a sustainable environment, and brings happiness and well-being back to you.
Contact: 09956023646
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Magazine Speaking Tree Akasha

  • 1.
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  • 4. Message from Speaking Tree 01 Find Good Karma at: and The Speaking Tree is dedicated to spreading universal spiritual values across humanity through the daily column in The Times of India as well as through the weekly Speaking Tree newspaper and website. This not for profit initiative of The Times Group aims to help humanity grow from their daily rituals towards cosmic consciousness and embrace the unity underlying the apparent diversity of name and form. We welcome you to Speaking Tree Akasha 2014 and hope and pray that you will embrace this opportunity to connect with Gurus, Masters and Experts and have a fulfilling experience. Suneet Johar Vice President, BCCL We are delighted to announce the first edition of Akasha 2014 –a congregation of spiritual minds and practices in the Capital. Speaking Tree has always followed an open and non- denominational approach to spirituality – the reason why it is so widely logged in to and read. And therefore Akasha is not just a wellness or spiritual event but a small way of connecting with all our seeker friends and giving them an opportunity to revitalize their mind, body and soul. We are confident that the carefully selected workshops and one on one interactions with Masters like Maulana, Swami Nikhilananda and Issac Malekar will certainly stimulate your minds and pamper your soul “We are not human beings having a Spiritual Experience but Spiritual beings having a Human experience” Good Karma and have a spectacular weekend with Speakingtree Akasha Archana Vohra Vice President and Business Head Welcome to The Speaking Tree Akasha 2014. From the printed word to the virtual world of blogs and forum discussions and now to real time interaction, The Speaking Tree is continually evolving and expanding to broaden your choice and enhance your journey as a seeker. We hope you enjoy and benefit from the experience. Narayani Ganesh Editor, The Speaking Tree
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  • 6. CONTENTS Message from Speaking Tree 01 Speaking Tree Akasha 2014 05 Message from Organic India 07 Niddhyasana – The Process of Being the Self 08 Spirituality in Daily Life 09 Judaism shows the way to spirituality and wellness in daily life 10 Your Birthday Reveals Your Destiny 11 The Science of Aura Intelligence 12 Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl 13 It's Insane to Work the Same Way and Expect a Different Result 14 SKY's the Limit! 15 Lose weight by becoming Meta Healthy 16 Developing Our Mind, Memory & Healing Power 17 The Fourth Facet of Life 18 Exhibitors’ Profile 19
  • 7.
  • 8. The Speaking Tree, a Times of India publication, is a name every spiritual enthusiast reckons with! Its open, non- denominational approach to spirituality has been widely read and appreciated. Indeed, for most readers, 'The Speaking Tree' has grown to become a place of retreat and contemplation. To reach our numerous seeker friends and establish a tangible association with them, The Speaking Tree proudly announces its endeavour of making Spirituality a festival to remember with the first edition of Akasha 2014, a wellness event which comprises life-changing workshops along with a buffet of exhibitors showcasing the best in the domain. So whether you want to build a fulfilling career or business, cultivate passionate love, achieve optimal health, create financial abundance, enjoy rewarding relationships, or take on any other goal in your life, the Speaking Tree Akasha 2014 will show you a new way of thinking and what to do to reach your dream. Leading by example, our spiritual speakers will guide you through engaging, personalised and penetrating two days and give you many practical tools to quickly set your life on a new and exciting trajectory. Speaking Tree Akasha 2014 The Speaking Tree proudly announces its endeavour of making Spirituality a festival to remember with the first edition of Akasha 2014, a wellness event which comprises life-changing workshops along with a buffet of exhibitors showcasing the best in the domain. 05 Relish an eclectic selection of natural, holistic modalities, products and services, herbal supplements, birth stones, crystals and unique gifts. Have a palm reading session or explore the mystical world of your past life. Become enlightened with a psychic reading and discover alternate medicines, natural health, organics, nutrition, massage, yoga, spirituality, astrology, and much more. Experience products and services that will get you glowing and feeling fantastic! We promise that you will leave with new perspectives, clear decisions and a dynamic personal plan for making your decisions a reality now. Thanks for being a part of this spiritually uplifting carnival! Find Good Karma at: and
  • 9.
  • 10. 07 “A natural and sustainable way of life that supports all living beings and Mother Nature”, this is the vision and mission of ORGANIC INDIA. In pursuit of faster growth and greater profits, farming lands worldwide have been altered with chemicals. This corporate short sightedness had a disastrous effect on human health and world’s food supply. Today ORGANIC INDIA’s good work is held around the world in more than 40 countries, as a powerful response to this significant problem. Our unique business model is to support the environment, promote sustainable organic agriculture and protect the bio-diversity of the Earth, while supporting thousands of marginal farmers and tribal communities in rural India. ORGANIC INDIA emerged as an exemplary organization with a unique philosophy- “Creation is one. The earth is one. We are one”. ORGANIC INDIA is radically different in its business modality. It is an economically sustainable and viable business with spiritual principles like integrity, honesty and doing the right thing. The economic pressures on farmers worldwide are the same. What started as a small three acre farm land with one farmer is now a community of thousands of farmers working directly and indirectly with the company. The farmers are commissioned to grow organic crops, which ORGANIC INDIA purchases at a premium market price. ORGANIC INDIA supports their farmers by providing training, health care and education that enable them to be self- sufficient and to develop organic farming skills that will be passed on to future generations. ORGANIC INDIA’s line of Teas, Herbal Supplements and Ayurvedic formulations embody the promise and the wisdom of the organic philosophy. Tulsi or Holy Basil has the ability to help the body to adapt whether it is physical, emotional, and psychological- it is simply a balancer of life. It not only tastes great it feels great, it cleanses you. We humans arise from the earth. The components of our body are from the earth. It stands to reason that our nutrition, our fuel, our food should also arise from the earth untainted by pesticides, or other manmade chemicals in the most naturally efficient way possible. Imagine food that nourishes, enlivens and even heals because- “organic is life.” Let us participate in something which can change the world for better. Together we are making the difference. Krishan Gupta MD & Global CEO Organic India Pvt. Limited. Message from Organic India Find Good Karma at: and
  • 11. Nididhyasana – The Process of Being the Self Nididhyasana is the process of being the Self after knowing the Self. Nidishyasana is the final step of our spiritual journey but the most difficult one. It is only with the grace of Ishvara and our Guru that one can reach and cross over this stage. The reward of course is the Ultimate. Our spiritual journey towards the Supreme has various steps. The first step is to cross over from selfish action to selfless action to purify our mind. Upasana like japa and puja help to purify our mind further. Thereafter we come to listen to the scriptures which reveal the ultimate Truth. Vedanta mahavakyas reveal that my true Self is none other than Brahman. The scriptures then tell us that we should strive to know this Truth. However they also say that the Truth is unknowable and cannot be comprehended by the senses, mind or intellect. Then how does one go about knowing It? The first step is to know Brahman objectively and then experience It as our own Self. Brahman can be known objectively through sravana and manana. First through sravana we know Brahman as being of the nature of sat chit and ananda. Then with the buddhi we try to comprehend this. When the buddhi's attention is constantly focussed on understanding Brahman, it becomes more and more pure and in that pure buddhi, the nirakara, formless Brahman is reflected. For instance a mirror can reflect space. When all the objects in front of a mirror have been removed, space alone is reflected. Since space has no colour or form it may appear as nothing. But the absolutely clean mirror is reflecting space. Similarly, when the buddhi becomes absolutely pure, the reflection of Brahman appears in that buddhi as knowledge of that Brahman - It is not Brahman. It is called the Brahma-akara vritti. This is the final limit of mananam. Thereafter, starts the process of nidhidhyasana wherein you have to identify that Knowledge with the real Self. With the buddhi which has gained the Brahma-akara vriti one has to turn within, and experience one's own Self as that Brahman. This is the unknowable Brahman because it is not an object to be known. It is the Subject itself. By unknowable it does not mean that it is non-existent. It is pure Existence itself. It does not need anything to illumine it because the Self is of the nature of pure Consciousness. It is self-luminous like the sun. In fact it is because of the Self that everything gets illumined. The Self is the Witness Consciousness of the presence of everything in the waking and dream states and of the absence of everything in the deep sleep state. The deep sleep state very well proves that the Self is of the nature of Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. In the deep sleep state our body, mind, intellect is not present yet when we wake up we say that we slept well. So, it is clear that we are different from our upadhis. But during deep sleep we are not aware of the Self as 'I am this Self' and on waking up we identify with the upadhis and wrongly think ourselves to be that. So, dropping all worldly desires, having understood the nature of Brahman, we have to shift our attention within in order to experience Brahman subjectively. We don't have to be conscious of something but just be Consciousness itself. We are so used to knowing everything as an object that sometimes we remain satisfied knowing the Self objectively. The Self is not an object to be known. It is the Subject of the nature of pure Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. Experiencing the Self means being the Self. We have to just BE. Our Self, our True “I” is beyond the intellect and so Self realisation is also beyond the intellect. The maximum we can do is use our subtle intellect which has gained the image of Brahman and practice t nidhidhyasana again and again. We have to look within and connect this Brahman with my Self – that “I” am this Brahman. Nidhidhyasana is the ultimate sadhana which one has to practice till the Truth is realised. For nidhidhiyasan, the guide is the knowledge but finally the knowledge is also left behind and one remains as that Supreme Truth alone. Swami Nikhilananda Saraswati Find Good Karma at: and 08
  • 12. Spirituality is the science of the soul. Spirituality is a way of thinking that leads to a way of life. Spirituality begins from a discovery. When you discover that man is greater than all things, you become a spiritual person. You begin to evaluate yourself not in terms of material things but in terms of higher realities. Spirituality can be defined as high thinking. In countries where there are severe storms, birds with small wings are caught up in them, but large birds with strong wings fly upwards and save themselves from becoming victims of these storms. This phenomenon has given rise to the saying: 'Big bird of the storm.' A spiritual person is one who has developed the capacity for 'big bird' thinking. People generally suffer from tension when they experience some kind of material loss. However, even after incurring such a loss, they still possess a great deal. But, they focus on what is lost and overlook what is still left to them. This leads to the phenomenon of tension. A spiritual person is one who has learnt the art of stress management. For example, if he incurs a loss, he asks himself why he should suffer from tension, there being so much that he still possesses. It is the urge to acquire money for the sake of money that causes stress. If you adhere to the principle of acquiring money for the sake of need, you will be able to lead a tension-free life. The well-known American billionaire, Bill Gates, has rightly said: “I can understand wanting to have a million dollars. But once you get beyond that, I have to tell you, it's the same old hamburger!” It is one's greed that creates problems. If one remains content with fulfilling one's needs, there is no problem at all. Once I met a man who was extremely worried. He told me that someone had defrauded him of Rs. 80,000. I asked him if he had anything left. He replied that he still had Rs. 25,000. I advised him to forget the lost 80,000 and start up a new business with 25,000. I met the person again after two years. He was very happy and exclaimed that he had gained much more than he had previously lost. In every case of stress, it happens that the person's focus changes. He thinks about what he doesn't have instead of what he has. It is this shift of emphasis that is responsible for stress. The formula for de-stressing is very simple: forget the past and re-plan the future. Save yourself from negative thinking and you will be able to save yourself from all kinds of stress. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is an Islamic Spiritual Scholar and founder of Centre for Peace and Spirituality International Spirituality in Daily Life Maulana Wahiduddin Khan 09 Find Good Karma at: and
  • 13. Judaism is one of the world's oldest religions, that focuses more on deeds than on beliefs. It is a set of practices through which an individual connects more consciously to God and is called a Mitzvot. The word "Mitzvah" means a commandment which consists of rituals as well as ethical acts, and they follow from the codifications of principles from the Torah such as Ten Commandments and “love thy neighbour as thyself”. It is also a way of life. The concept of non-violence against all living forms in Judaism finds expression in Chapter 20 of the Book of Exodus: "Thou shall not kill". In the same set of commandments, there is another, "Thou shall not covet", which goes to the root of all forms of crime, including murder, since inordinate desire for anything sets in motion in the human heart the main principles of violence in all its forms. According to Science, spirituality reduces depression, improves blood pressure, and boosts the immune system. Spiritual involvement in our daily life leads to a healthier immune system, less physical disability, less depression and lower death rates among elderly persons. Spirituality also promotes a healthier physical life. Practice of spiritual wellness exhibits fewer self-destructive behaviour - for example, suicide, smoking, drug and alcoholic abuse. They have less stress and greater total life satisfaction. According to Judaism, spirituality has been defined as a process of personal transformation. Spiritual wellness is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose and guidance for our living. It is generally considered to be search for meaning and purpose in human existence, leading one to strive for a state of harmony with oneself and others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world. The spiritual wellness involves meditation, prayer, affirmation, repentance, charity, compassion, mercy, kindness, capacity for love and forgiveness, tolerance, etc. When Rabbi Hillel was once asked by an agnostic to propound the Torah to him in one sentence, the Rabbi replied, "What is hateful and hurtful to yourself, do not do to your fellowmen". In other words, love and social justice are the mainsprings of ethical behaviour. According to Judaism, the practice of religion is to be closely integrated with daily living and every ordinary human action must be invested with the realization that it is being watched by the Almighty. If we separate goodness from religion or religion from goodness, then we are denying God's role in our everyday life. Religion must never again be used for inspiring hatred and instigation for violence and neither means for the pursuit of power. Tolerance towards representatives of other religions, respect of human rights and the rights of minorities must be the basis for peaceful existence between various religions and will defuse tension created by ignorance. We should, therefore, reaffirm and re-dedicate ourselves to the universal values of love, brotherhood, compassion and selfless service. We must reassert the principles of peace, justice and communal harmony so as to create a society that sustains and enriches life based on love, trust and brotherhood. Judaism shows the way to spirituality and wellness in daily life Ezekiel Isaac Malekar Find Good Karma at: and 10
  • 14. Numerology is the key that unlocks a person's destiny and potential. Numerology can be applied everywhere, in our personal lives and even when hiring someone for a job. You may be surprised, but an employee's birthday number can actually predict his success at work. Selection of the right candidate for the right job is crucial for the growth of a company because a wrong hiring can cost a company a fortune! Hire the Right Person for the Right Job A special Numerology programme will help you hire the right person for the right job, based on the vibrations associated with the employee's birth number. These numbers speak volumes about the personality and characteristics of an individual. It also talks about an applicant's field of talent. Here's a peek into the numbers and the employee types: Number 1: Number 1 makes the perfect candidate for a marketing job, as these people know their product well and can sell anything. Number 2: Number 2 is are best in client relationships as they never fail to provide customer satisfaction. Number 3: Number 3 was born for PR, as people with this number are endowed with creative flow and excellent public relation skills. Number 4: Number 4 has long perfected the art of good management by their disciplined nature and managerial skills. Number 5: Number 5 are the right people to hire if you wish to expand your business across the world, as they are balanced and meet their targets efficiently. Number 6: Number 6 are dominated by Venus and showcase high commitment and responsibility towards their work. They are the people who find the golden opportunities and can be totally relied upon. Number 7: Number 7 are best suited for jobs related to science and research, as they have an analytical approach and never lose their patience. Number 8: Number 8 make for hardworking employees who bring great profits to the company. They also prove to be good financial advisors. Number 9: Number 9 is the one to hire if you wish to take your company to great heights and maintain cordial relationships with all your clients. As seen, Numerology proves to be a great guide in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of employees. So, take a Numerology consultation and choose the right candidate for the job! Dr Seema Midha is an internationally renowned Numerologist, who offers solutions based on a person's date of birth. She can be reached at +91-9818003205, +91-9810761300; Email:, Your Birthday Reveals Your Destiny Dr. Seema Midha Every person gets their date of birth determined by their past karmas, which influence their present and future karmas Find Good Karma at: and 11
  • 15. nervous system regulates, controls and coordinates the moment-by-moment flux of thousands of chemical constituents in the body. It governs our organ functions, movements, perceptions, thoughts, emotions, learning and interpersonal communication skills, and links us spiritually to the unity of the cosmos. Most people would admit that they do not possess pristine health. They suffer from one discomfort or another – be it insomnia, excitability, indisposition, exhaustion, ultra- sensitivity, headache, dizziness or back pain. These conditions become even more complex when the cause does not show up on any pathological blood or laboratory parameter. Most people would admit that they do not possess pristine health. They suffer from one discomfort or another – be it insomnia, excitability, indisposition, exhaustion, ultra-sensitivity, headache, dizziness or back pain. These conditions become even more complex when the cause does not show up on any pathological blood or laboratory parameter. However, The Aura Intelligence Tool vividly showcases the disharmonies in the energetic bodies and make it easier for us to understand the root cause. Throughout our lives, as we confront the various stressful situations that occur every day, we respond by constantly creating tension, then swinging back to relaxation. Eventually, as our tensions becomes a regular pattern, we cease to return to our original level of physiological relaxation. This wearing effect of stress leads to conditions like high blood pressure, headaches and digestive problems. By reading one's Aura, it becomes possible to diagnose malfunctions or diseases in our body long before the physical symptoms become evident. Dr. Anoop Agarwal, a gifted, intuitive healer and Crystal Therapy expert, is the Managing Director of Satyamani, a company specialising in advanced techniques of Aura Reading/Analysis and Crystal Therapy, with more than 25,000 clients across the globe. Dr Agarwal can be reached at 122, Jaina Tower-I, District Centre, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058; Mobile: +919899291202; Email:; Website: The Science of Aura Intelligence Dr. Anoop Agarwal Aura Intelligence is a way of gaining control of our body processes to increase relaxation, relieve pain, and develop healthier life patterns. Find Good Karma at: and 12
  • 16. Resonating with the eternal sound of the planet and adding joy and melody to people's lives, the Tibetan Singing Bowl is an ancient sound healing tool that is emerging as one of most powerful sound healing instruments of modern times. Healing with the Tibetan Singing Bowl is a scientific and proven modality and has been accepted with tremendous approval in Europe, the USA and the Orient, and is becoming the forerunner of sound therapy worldwide. Tibetan Singing Bowls are also an excellent meditative, therapeutic and transformational healing tool. When played with the wooden mallet, the singing bowls produce a rich blend of harmonic overtones, which have a direct effect on the chakras (energy centres of the human body), thereby awakening a beautiful and powerful mystery. The Tibetan Singing Bowls produce the sacred sound of “AUM”, whose their rich sonic vibrations altering space, mind and time. The divine vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowls enable patients to go into a deeply altered state (the alpha-theta brainwave state) in which healing is stimulated. Such a sound healing has proved to be highly effective in treating virtually any medical disorder. How do the Tibetan Singing Bowls work? Massage and Physiotherapy: Application of Sound Healing Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl Satya Brat Jaiswal Healing with “the power of sound” is one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing known to man. According to ancient Eastern teachings as well as modern physics, the universe and mankind were created from sound (The Big Bang Theory of Physics). Therefore, man is sound. When a sick man is nourished with the right kind of sound, the billions and billions of cells in his body begin vibrating and reorganising themselves according to a divine blueprint, transporting him to a state of healthy well-being. with Tibetan Singing Bowl works well in the case of acute physical problems. Blockages can be perceived consciously and can often be eliminated in just one or two treatments. Medical Practice: Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl can support medical treatment like damaged discs, abdominal, digestive and heart problems, painful joints and poor circulation, to name just a few. It not only creates a relaxed atmosphere for doctor-patient communication, it also enables the patient to go into a deeply altered state (the Alpha-Theta brain wave state) in which healing is stimulated. Therapy and Psychotherapy: Due to their deeply relaxing and hypnotic effect, the singing bowls are an invaluable asset in the wide field of psychotherapy. The use of the bowls is impersonal and non-judgmental, and within the deep relaxation, the therapeutic process begins. Satya Brat Jaiswal is an internationally acclaimed Sound Healer & Teacher, as well as Founder & CEO of the International Academy of Sound Healing. Contact him at phone: +91-33-22151918, cell: +91- 9830094215/9831094210; email: visit website:; Find Good Karma at: and 13
  • 17. In today's world, 70 per cent of the population is suffering from money, love or health problems. Job or business- related tensions are at their peak. As much as 50% more money is earned by people with high self-esteem and confidence. Howe ver, it is possible to change an individual's negative (and unsuccessful) behaviour and mental patterns into successful patterns to achieve success in areas of work, money and wealth, love and relationships, energy and well-being. The huge demand for such a transformation has been created because of 70 per cent of the population is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. People are suffering from depression and loneliness, and suicidal tendencies are becoming visible even in children and adults, not to mention problems like addiction (smoking and alcohol), anger, procrastination, emotional trauma, inability to forgive, low confidence, the failure mindset, debt and money tensions, land and property disputes, weight problems, and ill-health in the form of physical and emotional trauma. At present, 3 out of 6 relationships are ending in break- ups. A break-up every 20 minutes is a major cause of alcoholism, smoking, depression and anger. A broken heart causes weight gain of as much as 10 kilos and reduces as many as four years of your life. The causes remain unhealed and unresolved most of the time. It's Insane to Work the Same Way and Expect a Different Result Sumant Kaul An individual's negative behaviour and mental patterns can be transformed into something positive and successful by understanding one's Karma They include: childhood beatings and physical abuse by parents, teachers, relatives and strangers; childhood sexual abuse by strangers, teachers and relatives; childhood neglect, discrimination and loneliness by parents, teachers, relatives, strangers; childhood fights and separations between parents; improper education and unhealthy beliefs taught by parents, teachers, cultures and friends, causing problems today; drug, alcohol abuse, and horror of death, memories and bloodshed. If these memories remain unresolved and unhealed in our deeper subconscious mind, these issues sometimes even get passed down from one generation to another, and gets accumulated as Pitra Dosha, or karmic problems. Some of the techniques used in The Art of Healing: Your Love, Money and Health Karma are Kundalini healing, Theta Healing, NLP Healing, Past life Regression, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Souls Journey Life between Life Regression, Scientific palmistry, Wealth and Business training, mentoring, coaching, meditation, counselling, classroom exercises and training, energy healing and spiritual philosophy that guides and transforms a person's life. Master Sumant and Sumeet Kaul MHT, LBLRT, PLRT, NLPT are founders of Karma Kundalini Breakthrough Healing, Love, Health and Wealth Breakthrough, and Create Wealth through Law of Magnetism, have impacted the lives of millions of people in more than 30 countries with his wonderful technique. Visit: Find Good Karma at: and 14
  • 18. Our simple breath is being acknowledged more and more as a marvellous way of removing toxins from our body as well as for freeing ourselves from physical, emotional and psychological pain. The SKY healing technique, a path- breaking method of natural healing, uses breath-work, combined with tapping and visualising, to great effect. What's best about SKY therapy is that it brings down stress levels instantly and is also effective in healing emotional, mental and physical problems. SKY Pro, the corporate version of SKY technique, is helping professionals and corporate employees overcome their stress and give their best to the organization. 12-minute healing Even though more and more people are keen to heal themselves and stay healthy in a natural way, they don't have enough time to do it. However, Santosh Joshi's new- age healing technique can be done in just 12 minutes. Benefits of practicing SKY The emotional and psychological benefits include: relieving stress, fears, insecurities and anxieties; managing anger, depression and low self-esteem; generating optimism and motivation; boosting confidence and will-power; improving inter-personal relationships by bringing harmony and joy; increasing patience; improving concentration; bringing greater creativity and clarity of mind; helping in handling challenging situations in a positive way. The physical benefits include: curing insomnia, strengthening the immune system, relieving muscle tension, maintaining blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, reducing pressure on the cardio-vascular system; restoring balanced function of the digestive system, besides aiding absorption of nutrients. The spiritual benefits include: helping in the quest of inner transformation and spiritual growth, in rediscovering yourself, in experiencing deeper levels of consciousness, in breaking the layers of conditioning, thereby reaching one's true self, in living in the moment. Santosh Joshi is a new-age motivational speaker, life coach, Past Life Regression Therapist and author of the self-help book, KEYS. Santosh Joshi's workshops reflect the HLP philosophy - Heal, Live, Plan - which has greatly benefited participants. The experiences and techniques used in his workshops can be found in his bestselling book, KEYS. The Santosh Joshi Foundation can be contacted at: +91 7506174480, email:; website:; Facebook:; Youtube:; Twitter: @knewagemonk; Wordpress: SKY's The Limit! Santosh Joshi A new-age healing technique is called SKY because it has infinite possibilities, like the sky… Find Good Karma at: and 15
  • 19. Image management has a lot to do with weight management. Our society does not accept nor give a fair deal to “overweight” or “underweight” people. Most of us today have excess weight on our bodies. This results in us not only being unable to wear the clothes that we like, but also being unhappy with how we look. In addition, the society we live in wants all women to be of size zero and all men to have six packs. Our tendency to “judge a book by its cover, not content”, is a major cause of modern-day stress. But the reality is that even extremely thin people imagine themselves to be fat and this obsession with their self-image, creates diseases like anorexia and bulimia. What is Meta Health? Meta-Health shows us the bigger picture about our health. It unravels the cause of disease and traces its impact on our mind, brain and organs. Disease is often set off by a stressful event that was unexpected and dramatic; the person's first reaction is to isolate himself because he does not have a plan about how to deal with the situation. Meta-Health further identifies two phases to every disease: the Stress Phase and the Off Stress Phase. During the Stress Phase, we feel mentally stressed out, are constantly obsessing and crave high-sugar-and-carbohydrate foods. But despite consuming these in large quantities, we do not put on weight because the body is utilising the sugar to fight the conflict. But after the body has resolved the conflict, we enter the 'Off Stress' phase, when we put on weight. The psychological conditions under which one gains weight are: When a person feels lonely, isolated and misunderstood, or feel like a “fish out of water”. Our body sends a signal to our brain that we can “die”! So, our body gets into “refugee mode” and starts collecting water by the way of kidney collecting tubules. This also leads to weight gain. The “Soul-ution” The solution to rapid and massive weight gain lies within us, in our soul, so one might even describe it as a “soul- ution”! Here's a three-step for “formula: Deal with what makes you feel small and bad; deal with what makes you lose self-confidence; deal with what makes you feel lonely. By effectively dealing with the above issues, you will be able to lose weight the right way! To connect with Anu Mehta, Master Trainer in META- Health, Call +91 990898116, Email:; website: Lose weight by becoming Meta Healthy Anu Mehta Image management is the ongoing process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your appearance and the resulting response on yourself and others Find Good Karma at: and 16
  • 20. 19 Developing Our Mind, Memory & Healing Power Dr. B K Chandrashekhar Today, our mind is powerless, our memory is replaced by forgetfulness, and we search for healing power in medicines, assorted therapies and natural herbs. Most of us live through our waking hours taking little notice of our thought processes: how our mind moves, what it fears, what it needs, what it says to itself, what it brushes aside. For the most part of our day, we eat, work, converse, worry, hope, plan, shop and play without paying even minimal attention to how we think. This is unfortunate, for we are neglecting one of the most important and powerful forces of our life. Mind Power means directing our thoughts towards a desired outcome. To put it simply - what you focus on is what you attract. Focus on success and you attract success. Focus on fear and failure, and you attract failure. Mind Power is understanding these laws and making our thoughts work in our favour. Our thoughts are the primary creative force in our life. We need to use them consciously, use them often, and awaken to a new life of power and opportunity. God has gifted us a super-computer with excellent human operating system software known as our 'Intellect'; various lifestyle application software known as our 'Mind' and an eternal data of 'Healthy Memories' in our hard disk known as our 'Brain'. Yet today, this human super-computer is infected by viruses such as stress, fear, anger, lust, greed, depression, etc. A human being has become incapable of handling his own super-computer. In fact, an average human hardly uses one per cent of his mind power, intellectuals use a maximum of up to only 3 per cent of their mind power, and scientists use up to 10 per cent of their mind power. What Is Mind Power? All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy. Our thoughts are nothing but vibrations of energy. This is not a concept or theory, but rather a startling new reality that quantum physics has now revealed to us. Our thoughts have a powerful influence; they affect what can happen to us! The power of the mind is tremendous, provided a powerful self guides the mind. There is no point in claiming that our mind is powerful if I am weak. A spiritually weak person cannot guide his own mind to bring out the desired result. Intellect is the key which opens the lock of the mind and activates primary virtues to heal the self and the body. Dr Chandra Shekhar is a Rajyogi, Profounder of SIGFA Healing Concept, an International Mind and Memory Trainer, and author of more than 15 books on Mind, Memory and Healing Power. He can be reached at +91- 9990008462, +91-9650692094; Email: ; Website: Find Good Karma at: and
  • 21. Consciousness is the canvas on which actions, feelings and thoughts arise. A lot has been said and written about actions, feelings and thoughts, or hands, heart and head. But what about the fourth? In engineering, the three facets of input, process and output are common knowledge. People understand that improving the output is not possible until the process, especially the input, is improved. But is there a fourth aspect besides input, process and output? The fourth aspect is the context in which workers create output by changing the output through a process. In human engineering, if actions are equivalent to output, feelings are equivalent to the process, and thoughts are the input, behaviour and actions are brought forth because of the input of thought and the power that feelings bring forth. That is why,a change in behaviour comes from a change in our feelings (process) and more importantly, our thoughts (input). Thoughts are very important. Change in thought through positive thinking is essential. But the fourth facet is even more important. The context in which actions, feelings and thoughts arise is that of consciousness - the experience of being alive. Very little is understood about this fourth facet. Some call it the self. When that is factored in, harnessing thoughts, feelings and actions becomes very simple and easy. When the context in an organisation is changed, then inputs, processes and outputs can all take a quantum jump. What a leader in an organisation has to do is to precisely do that - change the context. The three facets lie on the foundation of the fourth. As a leader leading your life, it is similarly important to understand and access the consciousness from where actions, feelings and thoughts arise. That is why it is called The Fourth Facet of Life Sirshree Man is all about actions, feelings and thoughts. And life is all about hands, heart and head. But there is also a fourth facet – consciousness… the “source”. But what is happening is that most people don't know their own source. The secret of the third aspect of thoughts is just not enough. The source of thoughts is what matters. Man is always comfortable with the three dimensions of length, breadth and depth. But the fourth facet is what gives colour to life. Spirituality talks about the three states of sleeping, awakening and dreaming. But discovering the missing link – the fourth state – is crucial. Sirshree is the founder of Tejgyan Global Foundation. Join us at the Speaking Tree Akasha 2014 for a half`-day workshop on Thought Yoga, based on Sirshree's teachings. Contact DELHI: +91 9891059875, PUNE: 91-20- 6 70 9 7 70 0 ; E m a i l : z e n k r i s h n a @ g m a i l .c o m ;; 20 Find Good Karma at: and
  • 22. Exhibitors' Profile “International Academy of Sound healing” is one of the world's leading sound healing school , offering training workshops & seminars, worldwide. Mr. Satya Brat , is the founder & CEO of this organization. He is a Master Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound healing Therapist , Teacher & one of the world's leading authority on Tibetan Singing Bowls. He has done extensive study in the field of energy healing for last several years and apart from having mastery in Sound healing, he is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist, Reiki, Yoga & meditation practitioner. After his years of experience & research work in this field , Master Satya Brat has been offering this amazing healing science & knowledge in his workshops & awareness lectures with a highly practical & professional approach. During past one decade, he has offered his knowledge & workshops with tremendous success in all the major countries of the world i.e. USA, Canada, U.K, Germany, France, Italy, India etc. with a highly noble cause to serve the humanity & with a mission to spread this divine healing science to each & everyone, worldwide. Contact: +91-33-22151918, cell: +91-9830094215/9831094210; email: Offer Tibetan Singing Bowls, Sound healing training workshops & seminars for personal & professional applications Deals in: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SOUND HEALING Anu Mehta is a the only integrated META-Health Master Trainer in India. She is also AAMET certified trainer for Level1,2,3 EFT . She also trainer higher level of EFT called Matrix reimprinting META-Health is an integrated approach to good health and wellness, an in-depth study that helps you gain an understanding of the process of disease and illness and the connection between a certain kind of stress and the actual disease it causes. It provides an insight into the role of biological, psychological, physiological, spiritual, emotional and environmental triggers in the disease process. META-Health helps understand the health challenges one faces that seem to have no reasonable explanation and the role your emotions play in your health. It not only explains the causes of biological shock and how this affects an organ, the brain and the heart simultaneously, but also how one can recognize it and deal with it in a manner that allows one to heal completely and permanently. META-Health helps to identify the specific emotions caused by life events and belief systems that result in typical disease symptoms and creates an awareness for self-healing and finding 'soul-utions' for all physiological and psychological health issues Contact: +91 990898116, Email: Help you to look deep into yourself and gain a greater understanding of your motivations so that you can lead a more enriched life Deals in: META-HEALTH INDIA Sigfa Solutions is a national NGO registered under society registration act XXI of 1860 and under 12 A & 80 G of Income Tax Act 1961. It has collaboration with many State Government Universities to conduct classes on the new subjects/sciences - “Memory Enhancement, Stress Management, Indian Positive Psychology and Psycho Neurobics” for award of degrees (Diploma/PG Diploma/B Sc/M Sc) related to these subjects. Sigfa Solutions also conduct free counseling and guidance to any one needs our help. This society also conducts free seminars and healing sessions at various places in India and abroad. Contact +91 9990008462, +918750730530, Email: Conducts Seminars, Training and workshops on “memory enhancement Science, Stress management, Personality development, Instant Self Healing, Past life regression & Delta Healing, Counseling on relationship issue, Curing fear and phobias also provides books and DVDs Deals in: Find Good Karma at: and 19
  • 23. Exhibitors' Profile Spirituality, Self Realization, Wellness Deals in: Tejgyan Global Foundation (TGF) is a non-profit organization that aims to create a highly evolved society. The motto of TGF is 'Happy Thoughts'. It has centers all across India as well as in other countries. 'Tejgyan' is a system for wisdom, imparted through Retreats, Books, and Digital AV media. Ranging from topics of practical relevance like peace, love, creativity, focus, peace and joy, to Self-Realization and beyond, 'Tejgyan' helps in harmonizing with our original nature. Sirshree, the founder of Tejgyan Global Foundation, has delivered more than a thousand discourses and written over fifty books. His books have been translated in various languages and published by Penguin Books, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. His most recent book titled “The Source - Power of Happy Thoughts” in English and “Vichar Niyam” in Hindi is available in 9 languages and has sold more than 2 Lakh copies. Contact DELHI: +91 9891059875, PUNE: 91-20-67097700; Email:; TEJGYAN GLOBAL FOUNDATION Find Good Karma at: and Santosh Joshi is a new age motivational speaker, life coach and past life regression therapist and an author based in Mumbai Deals in: Santosh Joshi is a new age motivational speaker, life coach and past life regression therapist and an author based in Mumbai, India. Santosh holds a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering. He worked with Indian and international conglomerates for over 17 years before he realised his true calling. With the background of his experience in the corporate world, Santosh did a deep study of human behavioural patterns and responses to various emotional challenges and stresses therein. Santosh decided to dedicate his life to bring about positive changes and radical evolution in people as a mentor and counsellor. Without even realising it, Santosh started his spiritual journey way back when he was a student. His interest in meditation and spiritual realms grew tremendously and his life transformed in multi-dimensions. He underwent several programmes and learnt more about life and our connection to the higher energies through intense meditation and healing sessions. During this time, he also learnt about his higher life purpose of spreading spiritual awareness in people, and decided to follow it with complete dedication. Santosh holds workshops and talks on Past Life Regression, SKY (a healing technique developed by Santosh) as well as self-help topics such as self discovery, finding the purpose of life, living life in the moment and utilizing one's highest potential. His workshops reflect the HLP philosophy - Heal, Live, Plan - which has greatly benefited the participants. The experiences and the techniques used in the workshops have been put together in his book KEYS. The book has received an overwhelming response from readers. Contact: +91 7506174480/ 7506378779 Email: SANTOSH JOSHI FOUNDATION Life Management Session Deals in: Seema is a Renowned Life Management Coach with over 7 years of experience in imparting sessions on L.I.F.E. She provides consulting & counseling on restructuring of mind, releasing mind blockages and transforming brain functioning. Seema has inspired many lives from daily routine, to corporate to business – sections and has trained them special techniques to overcome fear, anxiety, health or financial problem through L.I.F.E Techniques. L.I.F.E Session is comprising of two phases – cleansing of mind blockages and renewal of original brain functioning to which opens important dimensions required for mankind's emotional, mental, physical, financial and spiritual growth. Seema personally studies individual behavior to find out precisely the root cause of the problem and prepare guidelines according to their needs. The counseling session and instruction given by her, empowers people to regain their confidence and interest in life. The sessions are immensely helpful in understanding and observing life & brain pattern more closely. Contact: 9899-288-771, 9899-291-202 SEEMA: LIFE MANAGEMENT COACH 20
  • 24. Exhibitors' Profile We've been enjoying the companionship of the crystal kingdom since the 1990s and have been buying and selling crystals and teaching crystal classes since 1997 With us you will find over 100 crystals. In the late 1980s crystals were in the news. Stores sprang up, crystal and gemstone books were published, celebrities made a number of pronouncements about the near- miraculous properties of gems and stones. People often thought that to change their lives they only needed to clutch a crystal. Now people take a different attitude towards crystals. They recognize that crystals are helpful in the area called vibrational healing. They generally feel that they are the source of transformation in their lives: their willingness to explore their personal inner worlds to discover the beliefs, attitudes, and actions which may be limiting their ability, and to work with crystals as partners in change. We call the approach of viewing crystals as our partners, not our saviors, "Living with Crystals." It is through the attunement to higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness (REI) that we are able to properly guide our life energy (KI) to create positive results and affect positive personal and global change Contact: +919899291202; Email:; Crystal and Gemstone, Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki master and a Vibration crystal Healing Therapist Deals in: Diagnostics Tests, Corporate Health Check, Preventive Health Checks Deals in: SRL Limited is a leading and reputed Pathology Lab network. We are the only Pathology Lab Network in India to have 12 Reference Labs, 4 Centers of Excellence and 270 Network Laboratories with a footprint spanning over 5500 Collection Points. We offer more than 3500 tests, using the most advanced state-of-the-art technology supported by our highly skilled personnel. Today, SRL is conducting more than 80,000 tests in a day, ranging from simple to high-end tests. SRL is taking the lead in addressing wellness services through a dedicated SRL wellness initiative. Wellness services includes individual health checks, occupational wellness , corporate health , clinics and consultations in its 18 dedicated wellness centers across India with its services extended to ECG , Xray, Pathology, Ultrasound , Doctors Clinics, PFT, TMT, 2 D Echo, Dental clinics, and preventive health checks. Catch the disease before it catches you is the inherent philosophy of Wellness at SRL Limited , that has been brought about by the P4 (Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participatory) concept of medicine. It stresses on wellness as the choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life, and to take personal interest in directing your life towards optimal health and well-being by focusing on early detection by means of world class screening tests and preventive wellness health checks. Contact: 09811412954/09560881113, Email:; Diagnostics Tests, Corporate Health Check, Preventive Health Checks Deals in: Astro Gems Laboratory started with the aim of providing world class Gemstones and Rudraksh that is designed with purity and fashion trends. These pendants are sources of continuous imparkation and strength. A Power that's with you at all the time. The pendent provide the power of Slokas, Yantras, and God's images, These three things are can energised Strengthen the Wearer's body mind and soul. These are not only visible to the necked eye but also readable. The Smart use of latest technology allows the creation of this spiritual wonder. Mantras are learnlbd using latest technology and then made vioable using smart options. The pearl drop is water proof and has over a 200 years life. We can create customized pearl drop design and texts as per individual requirement. Contact: +(91)- 9911467636, 09999305608; Email: Find Good Karma at: and 21
  • 25. Exhibitors' Profile Diagnostics Tests, Corporate Health Check, Preventive Health Checks Deals in: Master Sumant and Sumeet Kaul Mht, Lblrt, P rt, Nlpt are Founders of Karma Kundalini Breakthrough Healing , Love ,Health and Wealth Breakthrough, and Create Wealth through Law of Magnetism 3 very powerful techniques behind Sumant Kaul Training :Healy your Love, Money and Health Karma when learnt impact in changing people's life and negative Karma instantly as the person realises what they have been doing till now to sabotage themselves and they have a choice to CHANGE INSTANTLY. Sumant Kaul is Mechanical Engineer and also President of International Healing Foundation, former All-India Judo Champion and along with Sumeet and his wife Neeta runs 8 businessman organisations and also his Spiritual organisations having trained more than 100000 people and believe that one can be wealthy and still be close to God. Sumant and Sumeet are known as a Master Manifestors and Sumant PREDICTED the fate of the TELECOM REVOLUTION IN INDIA, and played a dominant role in steering the telecom industry. He opened World's Exclusive Cellular stores which created a platform for concentrated sales generating a 1000+ percentage increase in mobile phone connections within India in a span of 16 months. Sumant and Sumeet are a modern age teachers who utilize the power of pure and positive thought-intent and will teach you how to instill a greater sense of wellbeing by being Close to God, while also having the choice to be rich, famous abundant and having the most compatible loving soul mate through the Power of Thought generated by the Creator of All that Is – a rare combination in Today's world. Contact: +91-9891371212, +91-9871747441 Email: India International Healing Institute Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki, and Life Designer Deals in: Would you like to peep into the future? To become aware of and understand the synchronicity of events in your life? Would you like to explore your spiritual side whilst enriching the material? If yes, then come and join the journey through the mystical and magical tarot. Tarot Card reader Aradhy Gupta encounter you to understand yourself and the cards in a cohesive and articulate manner. Understanding your intuition and fine tune to give you a proper solution , understanding the play of events around you. And revealing the cards fluidity and depth, teaching you how to get rid of negativity in life, not merely to see the outcome but also, importantly, to bring healing to different aspects of your life. To heal negativity and problems in life Tarot Card reader Aradhy Gupta passionately follow other methods as well like Numerology, Reiki, Meditation, Colour Therapy, Signature Correction, Aura Enhancing Techniques, Mantra Healing and other Remedies. Contact: ++91-9643551164, Email: Aradhya Gupta (Life Designer) Panchgavya & Organic & Natural Wellness Products Deals in: Holy Cow Foundation is working for economic sustainability of the desi cow to ensure it a dignified life. “Gaumaye Vasate Laxmi “ shows us the way towards enriching our lives through the proper utilization of cow dung . Towards this end the Foundation has developed over 12 products of international standard ranging from body care to wellness to devotional items. The profits are all rooted towards welfare projects for cows and training , production, marketing assistance of the products to gaushalas to enable self reliance Contact: +91 9810322223, 9582186631 Email: Find Good Karma at: and 22
  • 26. Exhibitors' Profile Find Good Karma at: and Exclusive Full Service Vacation homes for the discerning few Deals in: Muskotia Retreat is a dream of long years of creating an exceptional Vacation experience in Kilbury, Nainital, India . These are “Full Service Vacation Homes” coming up at a site overlooking the snow clad Himalayas. Kilbury area is an acclaimed international birding destination and is also within the vicinity of Corbett National Tiger Park. The site is within 25 minutes of drive from Nainital main town and just 6 hour drive from New Delhi alongwith regular Shatabadi Train service till nearest rail head. Muskotia Retreat has tied up with BEST Western International as Hospitality partner. HDFC Ltd is providing home finance. The promoter Group is member of IGBC and CREDAI. This is a great opportunity with multi benefits. One can own a fully maintained and serviced vacation home for use and also make it earn. These vacation homes are being marketed for purchase to individuals / NRIs on a selective basis. Contact: +91 9811701949 MUSKOTIA RETREAT Peace & Spirituality Deals in: CPS International, Centre for Peace and Spirituality is an organization, which aims to promote and reinforce the culture of peace through mind-based spirituality. The Centre was founded in January 2001 by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, an Islamic Spiritual scholar, who has adopted peace, spirituality and inter-faith harmony as the mission of his life. According to him, peace and spirituality are both, in fact, two aspects of the one truth. Positive thinking at an individual level is called spirituality; when this positive thinking reaches a collective level in society, it culminates in peace. Along with its global partners, CPS International is dedicated to sharing spiritual wisdom with entire mankind. Such a mission is the need of the hour as man, having reached the peak of his technological achievements, is still confronted with negative influences such as stress, materialism, inequality, and the pressures of the workplace and social living. Contact: +91 9810319241 CPS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIC INDIA is a globally recognized, committed, reliable and competitive supplier of the highest quality organic food and health products. They currently market their products throughout India and around 40 countries internationally. ORGANIC INDIA produces a wide variety of Certified Organic Products- Tulsi Tea Collection, Herbal formulations and commodities of finest quality. Their business model is innovative and daring. Organic India seeks to inspire all who come in contact with them to support life on this planet through responsible business conduct. At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is the commitment to be a living embodiment of consciousness in action. Working with thousands of families of farmers in India who cultivate tens of thousands of acres of organic farmland, it emerged as an exemplary organization with a unique philosophy- “Creation is one. The earth is one. We are one”. ORGANIC INDIA actively promotes sustainable agriculture and pays a premium market rate to the farmers. All of their products promote wellness and are certified organic. Each product you hold in your hands is one link in a chain of love, respect and connectedness between Organic India's farmers and you. By choosing ORGANIC INDIA, you are completing this chain, which provides training and a living wage to the Indian farmers, creates a sustainable environment, and brings happiness and well-being back to you. Contact: 09956023646 ORGANIC INDIA 23