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September 2012

                 Image credit: Pete.Mac

•	Introduction
•	Methodology
•	Study Findings
  1. Defining the Dream
  2. Is the Dream still alive?
  3. What’s different about the Dream today?
  4. Why has the Dream shifted?
  5. A less achievable Dream
  6. Why is the Dream less achievable?
  7. The Dream by generation
  8. Corporations and the Dream
•	What It Means for Brands
•	Appendix
  –	More About Our Experts/Influencers
  –	Additional Charts
  –	Topline Findings From 2008

A note to readers: To make the report easy to navigate, we’ve added hyperlinks to this page, so you can jump immediately to the items that most
interest you (or, alternatively, you can read the material straight through).

This is a report from JWTIntelligence. Go to to download this and other trend research.


               Image credit: justinday

It was in 1931 that the phrase “the American Dream” first
cropped up, in a book by historian James Truslow Adams.
More than eight decades later, the phrase still resonates with
Americans and the rest of the world. “[Barack Obama] knows
the American Dream because he’s lived it,” the first lady
declared in her speech at the Democratic National Convention
in September. But what does “living it” mean for those who
don’t aspire to the presidency?                                                    [The American Dream is]
                                                                          that dream of a land in which life should
The Dream is a fuzzy concept, and definitions vary greatly.             be better and richer and fuller for everyone,
To some it’s about a comfortable home, others a high-paying           with opportunity for each according to ability or
job. But the Dream is more than money and material goods.            achievement. … It is not a dream of motor cars and
It connotes an attitude and an ethos: a willingness to strive in   high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which
the face of adversity, a belief in America as a land ripe with      each man and each woman shall be able to attain to
opportunities for success (however one defines it), a potent            the fullest stature of which they are innately
sense that anyone can achieve a better life, for oneself and               capable … regardless of the fortuitous
one’s children.                                                              circumstances of birth or position.”
                                                                                    —JAMES TRUSLOW ADAMS,
This report investigates what the Dream means to Americans                            The Epic of America

today, spotlighting findings from a recent JWT survey and
also tracking how perceptions have shifted since our 2008
study on the same topic, also conducted in the run-up to a
presidential election. (For a list of our topline findings from
2008, see Appendix.)

INTRODUCTION                  (cont’d.)

Since our 2008 report, Americans seem less engaged with the
concept—perhaps not surprisingly. Four years ago, citizens       Key takeaways
were riding high on Obama’s promise of “hope.” Since then,       •	While enthusiasm around the Dream is declining and the
they’ve seen the country lose more than 8 million jobs and         concept is under stress, Americans still largely believe in it.
home values sink by about a quarter. For many, the Dream has     •	The Dream resonates most strongly with older generations,
lost its luster. All the same, we found that 7 in 10 Americans     wealthier Americans and Republicans.
still believe in the idea, not much fewer than in 2008.
                                                                 •	The Dream’s core components have remained largely
For marketers, understanding the Dream is understanding a          stable, but Americans see traditional elements like
slice of the American mindset. By speaking to it, brands can       community and family being replaced by aspirations for
tap into Americans’ core beliefs, values and desires.              fame and fortune.

                                                                 •	Americans feel the Dream is becoming significantly harder
                                                                   to achieve for most, especially the middle class and—
                                                                   reflecting a streak of resentment toward immigrants—white

                                                                 •	Unemployment and high expenses are considered the
                                                                   key external obstacles to achieving the Dream, with the
                                                                   government and Wall Street bearing some blame as well.

                                                                 •	While less so than four years ago, America is still seen as
                                                                   the prime land of opportunity.

                                                                 •	Corporations have a role to play in helping Americans
                                                                   achieve the Dream.


“American Dream in the Balance” is the result of research conducted by JWTIntelligence throughout the year. Specifically
for this report, we fielded a survey of 503 American adults aged 18‐plus from July 26-30 using SONAR™, JWT’s proprietary
online tool; data are weighted by age, gender and income. We have also included some open-ended responses to survey
questions. This report also uses comparative data taken from our September 2008 American Dream survey of 2,112
Americans aged 18-plus that we fielded using SONAR™. In addition, we interviewed four experts and influencers on evolving
attitudes toward the American Dream.

           ERIN CURRIER,                                         MELISSA LAVIGNE-DELVILLE,
           project manager, Economic Mobility Project,           VP of trends and strategic insights,
           Pew Center on the States                              NBCUniversal

           MICHAEL FORD,                                         JOHN ZOGBY,
           founding director, Center for the                     founder, Zogby Poll
           Study of the American Dream

                                                                                 *See Appendix to learn more about these experts and influencers.


                 Image credit: Pete.Mac

   “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”: The basic definition of the American Dream remains stable, changing little
   since 2008. For most, it’s an aspirational concept, closely echoing the Declaration of Independence’s promise of “life,
   liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The notion of liberty pops up twice in the top five components of the American
   Dream, while freedom of speech and freedom from fear of oppression follow shortly after, at No. 7 and No. 8, respectively.

   What the Dream means generally
   Top five factors that respondents say are a big part of what the
   American Dream means today

                1   FINDING HAPPINESS
                                                                                   To me, it means being able to have
                                                                                freedom to achieve goals such as having
                2   PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE                                       or owning your own business, being able
                                                                                  to buy a home and have cars and live
                3   FULFILLING MY POTENTIAL                                        a life with freedom to choose how
                                                                                    you dress, where you work, how
                                                                                           you practice religion
                4   HOME OWNERSHIP                                                              and so on.”
                                                                                              —FEMALE, 54

                5   FREEDOM TO BE ABLE TO
                    GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT

For a complete listing of responses in 2012 vs. 2008, see Appendix,
Figure 1A.

1    DEFINING THE DREAM                       (cont’d.)

The Dream’s key traits: This word cloud is based on open-ended responses to the question “What does the phrase ‘the
American Dream’ mean to you?” The relative size of each word is based on the frequency with which it was used; we
stripped out the words “American” and “Dream.” For a comparable word cloud from 2008, see Appendix, Figure 1B.

1        DEFINING THE DREAM                                  (cont’d.)

   Boosting the next generation: For most Americans, the Dream means not only attaining a certain level of financial
   stability and comfort for themselves but securing a better future for their children. Again, when it comes to defining
   the Dream personally, the top five responses remained stable since 2008.

   What the Dream means personally
   Top five factors that respondents say are a big part of what the
                                                                               [The American Dream is]
   American Dream means to them personally
                                                                             the ability to work hard and
                                                                          see rewards, either in possessions
                  1 FINANCIAL SECURITY                                          or in a legacy for your
                  2 BEING ABLE TO SAVE MONEY                                          —MALE, 58

                  3 A COMFORTABLE LIFESTYLE                                                                   If we had to say one
                                                                                                    thing [Americans] are striving toward,
                                                                                                  it is a very general but consistent answer,
                  4 A BETTER LIFE FOR                                                              and that is, ‘Making a better or creating
                      MY CHILDREN                                                                         a better life for my family.’”

                  5 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY
                                                                                                                     MICHAEL FORD,
                                                                                                                    founding director,
                                                                                                                   Center for the Study
For a complete listing of responses in 2012 vs. 2008, see Appendix,                                                  of the American
Figure 1C.                                                                                                                Dream

1        DEFINING THE DREAM                                  (cont’d.)

   The “ideal” American: The definition of the “ideal” American—the set of traits needed to achieve the American
   Dream—has remained: motivated self-starters who are willing to work hard to achieve what they want.

   Traits needed to achieve the Dream
   Top five factors that respondents say contribute to someone’s ability          Americans are so convinced
   to achieve the American Dream                                           that personal attributes are the biggest
                                                                           influencers of their economic mobility:
                                                                           whether they work hard, whether they
                       1    DETERMINATION                                    are ambitious, whether they do the
                                                                               things they need to do. They are
                                                                               very confident that those efforts
                       2    HARD WORK                                           will have their just rewards.”             The American Dream,
                                                                                                                 when you get down to it, is really not
                                                                                                                 a search for a thing, it is an attitude.
                       3    DISCIPLINE                                                   ERIN CURRIER,            It is a willingness to struggle, based
                                                                                        project manager,           on the probability that you have a
                                                                                       Economic Mobility                    chance to achieve.”
                                                                                         Project, Pew
                       4    SELF-BELIEF                                                   Center on
                                                                                          the States
                                                                                                                                   MICHAEL FORD,
                       5    INTELLIGENCE                                                                                          founding director,
                                                                                                                                 Center for the Study
                                                                                                                                   of the American
For a complete listing of responses in 2012 vs. 2008, see Appendix,
Figure 1D.


   The American Dream is under stress…: After four years of economic turmoil, the American Dream has undergone
   severe challenge. Skepticism about the current and future viability of the idea is relatively high, and negative
   sentiment has increased.

   Down on the Dream
    AMERICAN DREAM IS                                        2012
                                                                    think the American Dream
                                      “I DON’T THINK MY                  is alive and well,
                56%                GENERATION BELIEVES IN
                                    THE AMERICAN DREAM”               down from
                                      42%                             52% in 2008
   “I THINK THE AMERICAN                       38%
                                                                                            My wife and I were able to
    31%                             “THE AMERICAN DREAM
                                                                                         achieve the American Dream, but
                                                                                          my kids and granddaughter will
                                     WILL BE HARDER TO
                                   ACHIEVE IN THE FUTURE”*                               not be able to have what we have
                                                                                           had. The way things are, with
                                          64%                                                 so many obstacles, the
                                                                                                  dream is dead.”
                                                                                                    —MALE, 70

Percentage who agree with the statement

                                                                                                                *Not asked in 2008   12
2    IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE?                              (cont’d.)

…but the Dream endures: Somewhat surprisingly, belief in the Dream has slipped only slightly since 2008. “It is a
mistake to conflate the state of the Dream with the state of the economy,” explains Michael Ford of the Center for the
Study of the American Dream. The Dream is an aspirational concept that’s not directly tied to day-to-day realities.

 personally believe in the
                                                                      Americans are very forward-
                                                                   thinking and very optimistic, both
                                                                     about the health and status of
    American Dream,                                                  the American Dream and their
                                                                       ability to be a part of it.”
  down only 4
points since 2008                                                                ERIN CURRIER,
                                                                               project manager,
                                                                               Economic Mobility
                            [The American Dream] is very                          Project, Pew             [The American Dream]
                                                                                   Center on
                        much alive. True, it’s taken some hits,                    the States            is what keeps [the middle
                       but that’s the nature of this country. …                                         class] alive. In a period like
                       We will have tough economic times, and                                             this, it’s what motivates
                      those will be brought on by circumstance                                              them to get up in the
                       and greedy people. But we are a strong,                                                     morning.”
                          diverse and generous people who
                                                                                                                       JOHN ZOGBY,
                           together weather the bad years
                              and revel in good times.”                                                                  pollster
                                     —FEMALE, 47

2        IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE?                                       (cont’d.)

    Biggest believers: The most enthusiastic American Dreamers remain Republicans and the wealthy. While belief in the
    Dream declines as Americans move down the income scale, the dip isn’t dramatic, with almost two-thirds of lower-
    income Americans believing in the Dream.

   Republicans, the wealthy most enthusiastic


                      81%                                               72%                       62%


                     77%                                                69%                        64%

Percentage who say they personally believe in the American Dream (2012 data)

                                                                                       *$$$ = $70,000+, $$ = $40,000-$69,999, $ = <$40,000   14
2     IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE?                         (cont’d.)

 America remains the land of possibility…: A majority of Americans still believe the country is a place that enables
 its citizens to reach for the stars, although fewer than in 2008.

believe the U.S. is a place
                                                I believe that America
                                                                                   believe people around the
                                          is the land of opportunity and             world aspire to come
where anyone can achieve                                                             to America to achieve
                                          that anything is possible here
    fame and fortune,                                                                    their dreams,
                                            if you work hard and follow
     down from                                      your dreams.”                         down from
    58% in 2008                                       —FEMALE, 47
                                                                                         75% in 2008

2           IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE?                                     (cont’d.)

    …and by far the biggest land of opportunity: Compared with other nations,
    America is seen as the most prominent land of opportunity by a wide margin, even
    if agreement has slipped since 2008. Notably, over the last four years, respondents
                                                                                                                  There is quite a bit of evidence,
    perceived an increase in opportunities in Brazil.                                                         from policymaker speeches alone, that
                                                                                                               we as Americans have this perception
                                                                                                            that the United States has better mobility
   USA still without rival                                                                                      than anyone else. And in reality we
                                                                                                                have worse mobility than everyone
                                                                                                                      else, save for the U.K.”

                                                                                                           ERIN CURRIER,
                                                                                                         project manager,
        65                                                                                               Economic Mobility
                                                                                                            Project, Pew
                                                                                                             Center on
                                                                                                             the States                        2012
                     34                                                                                                                        2008
                             21 20                    23
                                              19           19     17 17
                                                                                  13   13 12   15                            7
                                                                                                    10                           6    6   5
                                                                              8                               9    9

     U.S.      CANADA        CHINA        U.K.        JAPAN      GERMANY      BRAZIL   INDIA   FRANCE        UNITED          MEXICO   RUSSIA

Percentage who believe each country is a “land of opportunity”


                                                          Dialing down
                                                         FINDING HAPPINESS
         of Americans believe
        the Dream is different
                                                                                        87%                         2008

       from what it used to be,
                                                        PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE
         up from 59%                                                         95%
           in 2008                                                                      87%
                                                        FULFILLING MY POTENTIAL

Declining enthusiasm: The most notable                                       95%
finding from our survey was the consistent                                              86%
decline in engagement with the American
                                                        HOME OWNERSHIP
Dream since 2008, with response to our
questions weaker across the board. For                                       93% 84%
instance, while the top five core components of
the Dream haven’t changed over the last four            FREEDOM TO BE ABLE TO
years (see Section 1, slide 8), the percentage of       GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT
respondents who selected each of those factors                               92% 84%
dropped by 8 or 9 points—a pattern repeated
throughout the survey. Belief in the Dream
seems more tepid.
                                                    Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of the American
                                                    Dream today

3        WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT THE DREAM TODAY?                                                                   (cont’d.)

   Show me the (easy) money … and put me in the spotlight: More Americans see the ability to spend—whether by
   accumulating wealth or accessing credit—as a component of the American Dream. Respondents were also more likely
   to regard achieving fame, recognition and top-dog status as part of the Dream.

   Only 3 of 14 potential factors defining what the Dream personally           Likewise, only 2 of 14 potential factors defining what the Dream
   means to respondents garnered higher responses this year:                   in general means today garnered higher responses in 2012:

                                  BECOMING WEALTHY

                                              58%                    2012
                                                                                      MAKING IT TO THE TOP

                                  55%                                2008
                                                                                                    63%                                           2008

         ACCESS TO EASY                                                                 61%                       SOCIAL RECOGNITION
                                                                                                                      AND STATUS
                   54%                         BECOMING FAMOUS
       50%                                                25%
                                              20%                                                                  49%

Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the          Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the
American Dream means to them personally                                     American Dream means today

3        WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT THE DREAM TODAY?                                                             (cont’d.)

   Moving from family and faith to fame and fortune: Americans sense that the country is moving away from traditional
   notions of the ideal life: one centered around community and family, with religious faith and middle-class values as the
   guiding ethos, and marriage and a mortgage as necessary milestones. Respondents perceive that today Americans are
   more likely to dream about making money and spending it, continuing a theme spotlighted on the previous slide.

  Past                                                                  Present
                                                                       For a complete listing of responses, see Appendix, Figure 2A.
                                                 RELIGIOUS SERVICES
   41%                    FAMILY

                        40%                                                                       MAKING A LOT
                                                                                                   OF MONEY                  35%

         39%                GETTING MARRIED             PAYING OFF                                                      SUCCEEDING

                               38%                      A MORTGAGE               EQUALITY                             PROFESSIONALLY

                                                         36%                     29%                                      26%

Percentage who feel each factor better fits what the American         Percentage who feel each factor better fits what the American
Dream meant in the past (2012 data)                                   Dream means today (2012 data)


        Fewer opportunities: When asked in open-ended                                     Changing values: Another theme is changing
        questions why the American Dream has changed,                                     values—not only among the older generations—
        many respondents cite the economy, not                                            and the sense that Americans are becoming
        surprisingly, or see a broader picture of decline.                                more self-centered and greedy and less

              Ultimately, the
        Dream is personal freedom,                                                                                Too many selfish,
      and that freedom exists only to                                                                           greedy people out for
      the extent that we have actual                                                                           themselves and not the
     opportunity. Opportunities today                                                                          community as a whole.”
        are few and far between.”                                                Money is what everybody             —FEMALE, 51

               —FEMALE, 57                                                      is after. Values and beliefs
                                                                                 are kind of left behind.”
                                   Jobs are hard to find, health care costs             —FEMALE, 33
HY HAS THE DREAM SHIFTED?        too much if you can get it at all, banks are
                                  robbing people of their homes, CEOs are                                             People are less caring of the
                              getting outrageous paychecks for doing nothing,                                     world around them. They are more
                                politicians make too much money and aren’t
                                                                                                                 self-focused than on the community
                                  really representing the people, taxes are
                                                                                                                   in which they belong. Technology
                                always rising while services diminish, roads
                                    are crumbling while the U.S. spends                                                brings us close while also
                                          all kinds of money to help                                                      pulling us apart…”
                                               other countries.”                                                              —FEMALE, 26
                                               —FEMALE, 53

4        WHY HAS THE DREAM SHIFTED?                                           (cont’d.)

     Partisan-driven perspectives: A clear split along political lines also emerges in the open-ended questions.

    On the left, the perspective is that income inequality and the rising
    power of the wealthiest tier are primarily to blame for the Dream’s
    decline.                                                                              People now are selfish, they want
                                                                                        things without earning it. The current
                                                                                          government is killing the American
                                                                                           Dream by trying to do away with
                                                                                       accountability, morals and a good work
                                                                                      ethic. It is interfering too much—once the
The 1% in America believe that                                                           government controls everything and
 they do not need to pay taxes,                                                              people have no responsibility,
and at the same time they want  The idea of the American Dream was                           they then have no freedom.”
    to take from the middle   perverted by those select few individuals
                                                                                                      —FEMALE, 47
       and lower classes.”    who found a way to cheat the system …
                               to make more than a fair share of the                                                    People from other countries
         —MALE, 70
                             American Dream (money, fame, whatever)
                                                                                                                      come over and we support them
                                with no intent to spread the wealth
                               to those who need it. Politicians have             Liberals are determined           and help them achieve the American
                                exacerbated this situation, with the        to beat down everyone who works           Dream, yet the people from the
                                   not taxing of big corporations            hard to create their own success
                                                                                                                         U.S. are struggling to have
                                     making billions of dollars.”             by taxing them to death to pay
    Values based entirely on                                                                                               the American Dream.”
                                               —FEMALE, 36                      for entitlements for those
   selfishness, condemnation                                                           that are lazy.”                          —FEMALE, 54
   and disregard for the poor,                                                         —MALE, 36
    materialism. Constantly
        expanding gap in
                                                                              On the right, respondents believe the Dream is threatened because too
    distribution of income…”                                                  many Americans are lazy and entitled; because America is too open to
             —MALE, 61                                                        immigrants; and because the government has taken away some freedoms.


For most, the Dream slips out of reach: While
a wide majority of Americans still believe in
the American Dream as a concept, they feel
                                                                           Our survey found a drastic rise in the percentage of respondents
it has become far more difficult to actually                               who believe it has become harder to reach the Dream, whether
achieve in the past 5 to 10 years—at least, for                            young or old:
most cohorts—and will only become harder
still. Almost 4 in 10 believe they missed out on
the best years of the American Dream.
                                                                           Harder to achieve the Dream for…

                                                                                          YOUNG PEOPLE


    [I] no longer believe in                                                                                       OLDER PEOPLE

the American Dream. Too hard
 for the lower or middle class                                                                  37%
  that was born in the USA to             I think it has become
       get ahead in life.”          impossible to rise far above one’s
          —MALE, 40              birth for many people. You have to be
                                  very lucky, not just work hard or be                                                  29%
                                 smart … there are ‘castes’ developing
                                   between rich and poor. There is no
                                       such thing as ‘middle class’
                                                anymore.”                Percentage who believe it’s become harder for each group to achieve the
                                                                         American Dream over the past 5-10 years
                                             —FEMALE, 44

5     A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM                                 (cont’d.)

Easier for the rich: Americans are coming                            Harder to achieve the Dream for…
to grips with the notion that a comfortable                                                                                      2012 2008
middle-class life is getting harder to achieve or
maintain. Between 2001 and 2010, the median                                                MIDDLE-CLASS PEOPLE

wealth of America’s middle-income tier fell
28%, according to the Pew Research Center,
while that of the upper tier remained stable.
Americans have grown far more inclined to
believe it’s become harder for the middle class                                                       42%
to achieve the Dream over the past 5 to 10
years, and easier for the top tier.
                                                                     Easier to achieve the Dream for…

                                                                                                                                 2012 2008
Democrats are more likely to believe it’s easier for the
wealthy to achieve the Dream (50%, vs. 43% of Republicans).                                   WEALTHY PEOPLE

Independents are most likely to say it’s easier for the
wealthy (53%).


                                                                   Percentage who believe it’s become harder/easier for each group to achieve
                                                                   the American Dream over the past 5-10 years

5         A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM                                      (cont’d.)

    Harder for white, native-born Americans: With the middle class feeling squeezed, there’s a growing sentiment that
    white, native-born Americans have the cards stacked against them, even if statistics indicate otherwise (the Census
    Bureau reports that white Americans weathered the Great Recession better than blacks, Hispanics and Asians).
    Compared with four years ago, respondents are far more likely to believe that it’s now tougher for white Americans
    to achieve the Dream—and easier for ethnic groups that may be regarded as immigrants. (A plurality of respondents
    said it’s neither harder nor easier for African-Americans.)

   Harder to achieve the Dream for…                             Easier to achieve the Dream for…

                   AMERICANS OF                                                                                           MIDDLE-EASTERN
                EUROPEAN ANCESTRY                                     HISPANIC-AMERICANS        ASIAN-AMERICANS

                      31%                                                   35%                     30%                      24%
                         13%                                                  13%                      12%                      18%

                                             2012 2008                                                                                     2012 2008

Percentage who believe it’s become harder for this group to   Percentage who believe it’s become easier for each group to achieve the American Dream
achieve the American Dream over the past 5-10 years           over the past 5-10 years

5     A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM                                        (cont’d.)

Harder for white, native-born Americans: Open-ended responses
reveal a streak of resentment toward America’s newcomers.

                                                                                             The misperception of things
                                                                                      available to immigrants is stunning. The
                                                                                      belief that the government gives them a
                 Our country does
                                                                                 house, guarantees them a job, guarantees them
         not enforce the immigration laws
       that we currently have. There are too                                     a loan to start a business, all these mythological
      many illegal immigrants in this country                                    things are clearly woven into a fearful backdrop
     now taking born citizens’ jobs and getting                                     that we have. It is clear to Anglo-Americans
        food stamps, etc., right off the bat
                                                                                   that they will soon be a minority, if they are
              when they come here.”
                                                                                        not already. And there are some who
                    —FEMALE, 39
                                                                                                 are afraid of that.”

                                                                                                                  MICHAEL FORD,
                                                                                                                 founding director,
                                                                                                                Center for the Study
                                                                                                                  of the American

                                                     are stealing the American
                                                     Dream from Americans.”
                                                                —FEMALE, 63


Unemployment, expenses, government bedevil the American Dream: While Americans widely regard internal
factors such as laziness and lack of self-discipline as obstacles to achieving the Dream, they also blame a range of
external factors (see chart on following slide). A majority of respondents see a dearth of jobs (both unemployment
and America losing jobs to other markets), the cost of living (everyday goods, health care) and personal debt as
impediments to the Dream.

Unemployment: When we conducted our 2008 survey, headlines           Government policies: The percentage of Americans who see federal
carried news of a five-year spike in the unemployment rate, to       government policies as an obstacle is essentially unchanged, but
6.1%; today, it stands at 8.1%. So while Americans were most         with the transition to a Democratic administration, the demographic
likely to see rising prices as an obstacle to the Dream four years   has shifted. As answers to open-ended questions show, much of
ago, unemployment has shot to the top of the list, jumping 12        this sentiment stems from the belief that the government is overly
percentage points.                                                   involved in citizens’ lives.

                Unemployment is high
       and people are having a more difficult
       time saving up for large purchases such
                                                                           The government is
                                                                     taking away our freedom, our
                                                                                                            of Republicans now blame
                                                                                                           federal government policies,
        as cars and houses when they have to
        attend to basic necessities first. Even
                                                                      rights, our way of living and
                                                                      imposing their foolish nanny
                                                                                                                 up from
               getting an education has
                 become prohibitively
                                                                               state laws.”                    42% in 2008
                                                                              —FEMALE, 45
                 expensive for some.”
                     —FEMALE, 31

6         WHY IS THE DREAM LESS ACHIEVABLE?                                                         (cont’d.)

  Obstacles to achieving the Dream
                                                                      UNEMPLOYMENT             RISING PRICE
    2012     2008
                                                                          80%                  OF EVERYDAY
                                    ENTITLEMENT                           60%
                                                                                                          HEALTH CARE
                                                                          50%                                COSTS
                                   THE                                    30%
                                ECONOMIC                                                                         PERSONAL DEBT
                                 CLIMATE*                                 10%

                                    TAXES*                                                                       RISING PRICE
                                                                                                                  OF ENERGY

                                              INEQUALITY AMONG                             FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’
                                                 AMERICANS*             WALL STREET          CREDIT AND LENDING
                                                                          BANKS*                 PRACTICES*

Percentage who feel these factors most get in the way of people achieving the American Dream

                                                                                                                                 *Not asked in 2008   27
6        WHY IS THE DREAM LESS ACHIEVABLE?                                             (cont’d.)

    Blaming the bankers: We conducted our first American Dream survey in mid-September 2008, just as Lehman Brothers
    was collapsing and the biggest banking crisis since the Depression was unfolding. Among the repercussions: a wave
    of foreclosures that saw about 4 million families lose their homes between 2007 and early 2012. Last year simmering
    resentment of financial institutions boiled over briefly with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Around 4 in 10 Americans
    now see banks and banking practices as impediments to the Dream (and almost as many blame income inequality, an issue
    that OWS brought to the fore). These factors weren’t included in our 2008 survey.

  Impediments to the Dream

                            FORECLOSURE CRISIS                                   In better times, it was

                                                                            attainable. The banking system,
                                                                             along with greed, have made
                                                                              the American Dream a thing
                     FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’ CREDIT                                   of the past.”
                         AND LENDING PRACTICES                                        —MALE, 58

                            WALL STREET BANKS                                                                       The top earners,

                                                                                                              along with Wall Street, have
                                                                                                                   rigged the field.”
                                                                                                                       —MALE, 63

Percentage who feel these factors most get in the way of people achieving
the American Dream (2012 data)


   A fading concept for younger Americans: While belief in the Dream has taken a tumble across the board, the
   younger generations remain most apt to see the American Dream as a concept that’s lost relevance.

   An (ir)relevant concept

      Millennials (18-34)   Gen Xers (35-47)

      Boomers (48-67)       Silents (68+)           [The American Dream is]
                                                    a vague and fictional idea
                                                         of a perfect life
                                                        within the USA.”

     “I DON’T THINK                            49          —MALE, 21
                                                                                                     Younger Americans
    MY GENERATION                             45                                         realize our place in the world is not what
          AMERICAN                       40                                          it was for their grandparents. It is certainly not
            DREAM”                                                                    what it was for the World War II generation.…
                                                                                        Young Americans today are more aware of
                                                                                         a balance in the world, more aware that
                                                                                        whatever we achieve we have to earn—and
                                                                I’ve never                  that isn’t only for you and me, that
                                        33               appreciated the phrase                      is for the country.”
       “THE IDEA OF
      THE AMERICAN                      34            [‘the American Dream’]; it’s
           DREAM IS                                 always seemed mawkish to me,
                                   26                                                                          MICHAEL FORD,
       KIND OF OLD-                                  and used more for rhetorical
                                                                                                              founding director,
        FASHIONED”            19                         effect than for any real
                                                                                                             Center for the Study
                                                                meaning.”                                      of the American
                                                                —MALE, 28                                           Dream

Percentage who agree with the statement
(2012 data)

7        THE DREAM BY GENERATION                                                     (cont’d.)

    There’s a marked correlation between age and belief in the dynamism of the American Dream. For instance, a clear majority of older generations
    believe the Dream is unique, compared with fewer than 4 in 10 Millennials.

    A less dynamic Dream

      Millennials (18-34)   Gen Xers (35-47)   Boomers (48-67)        Silents (68+)

                                                33                                                                45
                     “I THINK THE                                                “PEOPLE AROUND THE
                        AMERICAN                     40                         WORLD ASPIRE TO COME                    56
                   DREAM IS ALIVE                                               TO AMERICA TO ACHIEVE
                                                       42                                                                         70
                      AND WELL”                                                 THEIR DREAMS AS MUCH
                                                            53                      AS THEY EVER DID”                                       89

                                                  37                                    “THE AMERICAN                  51
               NOTHING LIKE THE                        45                             DREAM IS PART OF                       63
                AMERICAN DREAM                                                            WHAT MAKES
                                                            55                           THIS COUNTRY                             69
                 ANYWHERE ELSE
                  IN THE WORLD”                                  65                       SO DYNAMIC”                                  83

Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data)

7        THE DREAM BY GENERATION                                                       (cont’d.)

    Optimism/satisfaction don’t correlate with belief in the Dream: While younger Americans may place less stock
    in the American Dream, they’re also less likely to see it as slipping out of reach. Characterized as an optimistic
    generation, Millennials aren’t ready to feel resigned about their futures—though perhaps reality is yet to set in.
    Whether it’s a matter of life stage or generational mindset, Millennials are notably more satisfied with both their
    own lives and the state of the union (both up 5 percentage points since 2008) than older generations.

    Optimism and satisfaction decline with age
      Millennials (18-34)   Gen Xers (35-47)        Boomers (48-67)     Silents (68+)

   “IN THE FUTURE,                             52                        “ARE YOU                                   68
     ACHIEVING THE                                                  SATISFIED WITH                                                I have faith that, even
                                                     61            THE WAY THINGS                              56            though right now I am far from
    WILL BE HARDER                                            72      ARE GOING IN                            51           achieving anything (thanks to this
  THAN IT IS TODAY”                                                YOUR PERSONAL                                            lovely economic downturn), I will
                                                              72      LIFE TODAY?”                       44
                                                                                                                          succeed and be happy. … I will find a
                                                                                                                         way to make the money I need in order
                                                                                                                             to better myself and be able to
                                                                                                                               help others the way they’ve
                                               56                            “ARE YOU                    31
        “MORE AND                                                                                                               been trying to help me.”
                                                                        SATISFIED WITH
         MORE, THE                                  61                                              21                                —FEMALE, 26
                                                                       THE WAY THINGS
                                                         65               ARE GOING IN         17
                                                                      AMERICA TODAY?”
    UNATTAINABLE”                                   60                                          20

Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data)

7        THE DREAM BY GENERATION                                                 (cont’d.)

    Despite what older Americans think, marriage and family are still part of the Dream: At a time when “there are so
    many different ways to live life,” as NBCU’s Melissa Lavigne-Delville says, older Americans see aspirations for marriage
    and family as waning—but the fact is, younger generations are less likely to view these traditional milestones as
    outdated elements of the American Dream.

    Married with children?
      Millennials (18-34)   Gen Xers (35-47)   Boomers (48-67)    Silents (68+)

                                                                                                          Some of these iconic pieces
                                                                                                  of the American Dream … the white picket
                 “HAVING A FAMILY               28
                                                                                                    fence, the home, the 2.5 children—the
                 BETTER FITS WITH               28                                                traditional family setup—are coming very
               WHAT THE AMERICAN
                    DREAM MEANT                        42                                        much back in vogue with younger generations
                     IN THE PAST”                                                                    because we’re at a time where it’s so
                                                                                                       unconventional, everything’s got
                                                                                                       mixed up, and there are so many
                                                                                                          different ways to live life.”

                          “GETTING               31                                           MELISSA LAVIGNE-
                   MARRIED BETTER                                                                DELVILLE, VP
                   FITS WITH WHAT                 32                                             of trends and
                                                                                              strategic insights,
                     THE AMERICAN                       46                                       NBCUniversal
                   DREAM MEANT IN
                         THE PAST”                           52

Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data)


Businesses have a role to play: The classic
notion of the American Dream is that it’s self-
determined, achieved largely through hard              Who should help Americans achieve the Dream?*
work and determination. Still, close to half our
respondents believe that financial institutions        FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS
should help people achieve the Dream, and more
than a third feel that corporations should do so,             46%                GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS
just 7 percentage points behind government

                                                    NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS           NONE OF THESE

                                                           28%                          34%

                                                                                                  *Not asked in 2008   33

                           Image credit: Thru Mikes Viewfinder

 Americans are still believers—give them reason to keep believing: Belief in and passion for the American Dream
 may be slipping, but 7 in 10 Americans say they personally believe in it (down just 4 percentage points since 2008),
 and almost two-thirds feel the U.S. is a land of opportunity. With the Dream still a potent notion, marketers can
 inspire by credibly reinforcing Americans’ belief or showing how their brand helps people reap America’s benefits.

 BANK OF THE WEST | “OPTIMISM”: In celebrating “the
 spirit of the West,” this financial institution taps into the
 can-do ethos of the American Dream. “Our customers are
 individuals, dreamers and most of all, doers,” states the
 website. A 2012 TV commercial, titled “Optimism,” tells
 the building-something-from-nothing story of Norwegian
 immigrant Kjell Qvale, 92, who arrived in Seattle in 1929
 and now owns one of the West’s largest car dealerships,
 among other things. “More important than the money
 you make,” concludes Qvale, “you set up for your kids
 to succeed. Bank of the West is good for me and for
 my family.”

                                                                                                     Image credit: Bank of the West   35
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                       (cont’d.)

 The core values of the Dream endure—tap into them to inspire: As we wrote in 2008, the American Dream
 continues to “revolve around a gritty, keep-on-keeping-on spirit”; characteristics like determination, discipline
 and self-belief are integral to the concept. With many Americans still enduring tough times, brands can motivate
 consumers with language that speaks to these deep-seated beliefs.

 has been emphasizing themes of battling adversity, most
 notably with its two-minute halftime commercial at
 this year’s Super Bowl, narrated by Clint Eastwood. In
 “Halftime in America,” Eastwood speaks about difficult,
 even divisive times America has endured but says proudly,
 “We find a way through tough times, and if we can’t find a
 way, then we’ll make one.” The spot’s “simple message,”
 Chrysler CMO Olivier Francois has said, is that “in the land
 of opportunity, everyone has the right to dream and the
 power to turn that dream into reality.”

 Subsequent commercials continued the theme in more                        This country can’t be
                                                                        knocked out with one punch.
 personal ways. A spot for Chrysler’s Ram truck positions
                                                                       We get right back up again and
 the vehicle as an enabler of success. In a voiceover,                when we do, the world’s going to
 a wife leaves a message for her husband, praising his                 hear the roar of our engines.”
 determination in the face of adversity: “I know it’s been                   —CLINT EASTWOOD,
 hard, and you never once complained or stayed home                         “Halftime in America”

 feeling sorry for yourself. You just said, ‘Where there’s a
 truck, there’s a job.’”

                                                                                                           Image credit: Chrysler   36
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                   (cont’d.)

 LEVI’S | “GO FORTH”: In mid-2009, the depths of the
 recession, Levi’s launched an optimistically themed
 campaign that sought to invoke America’s pioneering
 spirit. One commercial used lines from Walt Whitman’s
 poem “America.” Print ads proclaimed “Strike up for the
 new world” and “Will work for better times.”

                                                    I am the new
                                         American pioneer, looking forward,
                                          never back. No longer content to
                                           wait for better times ... I will
                                              work for better times.”
                                                    —“Go Forth” print ad

                                                                              Image credit: Levi’s   37
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                   (cont’d.)

 Americans sense the Dream is changing—respond to the anxieties this creates: More than 6 in 10 Americans
 feel the Dream is different from what it used to be, is becoming increasingly unattainable, and has grown harder
 to achieve for young and old alike—and especially the middle class. Brands can empathize and connect with their
 consumers by acknowledging this new reality, understanding that times are harder (e.g., Chrysler’s “Halftime in
 America”) and circumstances are changing. Brands can also offer modern alternatives to the traditional Dream,
 showing how they can help consumers navigate new realities.

 RENT.COM | “TAKE BACK THE DREAM”: For Millennials,
 home ownership by necessity has become a significantly
 less important component of the Dream (the percentage
 of Millennials who say home ownership is a big part of the
 Dream fell 16 points between 2008 and 2012). Last year tapped into this shifting reality by seeking to
 debunk the notion that the American Dream is about home
 ownership. The ad, which mirrors Apple’s famous “1984,”
 shows black-suited agents chasing a man as he runs past
 nondescript mannequins and frumpy women outside
                                                                                            The time has come to stop
 suburban homes. Approaching the end of the road, he lobs
                                                                                         accepting, without question, that
 a brick at a large glass house, shattering it and prompting
                                                                                       home ownership should be everyone’s
 the nagging agents to disappear. The tagline incites
                                                                                         dream. The fact of the matter is
 viewers to “Take back the Dream.”
                                                                                          that it is not. … You don’t have
                                                                                             to own your home to own
                                                                                                    your dreams.”
                                                                                                  —Take Back the
                                                                                                  Dream microsite

                                                                                                          Image credit:   38
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                     (cont’d.)

 Fewer Americans see the U.S. as a land of opportunity—show the opportunities you’re creating: While three-
 quarters of Americans viewed the U.S. as a land of opportunity in 2008, fewer than two-thirds feel that way today—
 still a wide majority but a clear area of concern among Americans. In response, some brands have been playing up
 their “Made in the USA” credentials, showing that they’re enabling American workers to keep striving.

 few years, this orange juice brand has been emphasizing
 its domestic credentials. “All Florida. Never imported,”
 says the website, which showcases the stories of the
 growers that Florida’s Natural relies upon and promotes
 an offer of a free American flag. A commercial opens at
 daybreak with a rusty pickup truck driving along a dirt
 road underneath a sunny Florida sky. With a Southern
 drawl, the narrator explains the company’s ingredient-
 sourcing policy as we see slow-motion footage of farmers
 at work. “People tell us they really appreciate we’re an
 American company,” he says. “It’s not easy work, but it’s
 something we’re very proud of.”

                                                                                                   Image credit: Florida’s Natural   39
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                    (cont’d.)

 AMERICAN BRAND PROJECT: This startup, launched on
 July Fourth 2012, seeks to support domestic endeavors
 by generating awareness of “great American brands.”
 The website tells the stories behind various U.S. brands
 and gives them “Buffalo ratings,” a score that reflects
 “Americanness.” “Driving growth of great American Brands
 is the only way to generate real job growth,” says the site,
 “and that is our ultimate goal.”

                                                                        Image credit: American Brand Project   40
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                     (cont’d.)

 Americans see many obstacles to the Dream—be part of the solution, not the problem: Americans fault a range
 of external factors for intruding on the American Dream, from unemployment to government policies and financial
 institutions. Many also blame a loss of community feeling, lamenting that people are less inclined to care about
 one another. Brands, by contrast, can position themselves as part of the solution—whether that entails supporting
 American jobs, boosting communities, assisting consumers with financial woes, etc. There is a role to play for brands
 in helping to bring people together and also in saluting community-minded individuals who are working to do so.

 LEVI’S | “READY TO WORK”: In 2010, Levi’s launched
 a campaign to assist the struggling former steel town
 of Braddock, Pa., pledging more than a million dollars
 over two years to help renovate a community center and
 develop an urban farming program. Levi’s also featured
 Braddock residents in a campaign based around the town.
 A TV spot pays tribute to “the new pioneers” of Braddock,
 showing the sun rising on the town and images of denim-
 sporting young people busy rebuilding (restoring stained
 glass windows, etc.). The voiceover concludes, “People
 think there aren’t frontiers anymore. They can’t see how
 frontiers are all around us.”

 Levi’s also sponsored an hour-long show about the effort
 online and on the Sundance Channel/IFC. Promotional
 copy noted, “The people of Braddock are unified by
 hope for renewed prosperity as they work to become a
 community again.”

                                                                                                            Image credit: Levi’s   41
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                  (cont’d.)

 JPMORGAN CHASE | “CHANGE”: In the midst of the
 housing foreclosure crisis in 2010, JPMorgan Chase sought
 to show its commitment to helping Americans stay in their
 homes. The bank claims it set up new offices to “work one-
 on-one with homeowners” and helped more than 200,000
 home owners to keep their homes. The bank also says it
 upped its small-business lending commitment to
 $10 billion. The final line: “This is the way forward.”

                                                                      Image credit: JPMorgan Chase   42
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                  (cont’d.)

 Americans will appreciate a corporate assist: While our research found that about a third of Americans don’t think
 major institutions need to help Americans achieve the Dream, roughly the same percentage believe corporations bear
 some responsibility—and as the middle class gets further out of reach, more Americans are likely to believe corporations
 have a part to play. Various marketers have launched initiatives that help small businesses, entrepreneurs and everyday
 Americans get ahead, explicitly or implicitly referencing the promise of the American Dream.

 Starbucks kicked off this partnership with the community-
 lending nonprofit Opportunity Finance Network to stimulate
 small-business job creation. The Starbucks Foundation
 donated $5 million to seed the effort, which now relies
 on Starbucks patrons to contribute; a $5 or more donation
 earns a red, white and blue wristband with a tag reading
 “Indivisible.” Starbucks chips in donations whenever
 Indivisible-branded products are purchased.

 Leading up to July Fourth, Starbucks ran full-page
 newspaper ads featuring a letter from CEO Howard Schultz,
 who described himself as a “product of [the] American
 Dream” who grew up in public housing. He called on
 Americans to come together, putting “citizenship over
 partisanship,” because “we have a shared responsibility
 in solving our nation’s problems. We can’t wait for

                                                                                                     Image credit: Create Jobs for USA   43
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                      (cont’d.)

 The Boston Beer Co. launched Brewing the American
 Dream four years ago to help low- and moderate-income
 entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry. The
 company describes founder Jim Koch as an “underdog” in
 the industry when he started out, and says this initiative
 “champions the great ideas and dreams of the ‘little
 guys.’” Along with access to capital via partnerships with
 two microlending organizations, the company offers
 business education and finance seminars and “speed
 coaching” events.

 2012 grant program, launched in May, invited small-business
 owners to enter for a chance to win $250,000. Twelve
 companies were selected, for a total of $3 million in grants.
 In a statement, LivingSocial CEO Tim O’Shaughnessy said the
 company was proud to “help small-business owners grow
 and become the next great American success stories.”

                                                                          Image credits: Samual Adams; Chase   44
WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS                                    (cont’d.)

 The American Dream still resonates abroad: While America’s star has faded somewhat, the American Dream is still a
 potent concept abroad. Brands can position the Dream as an important and attractive element of classic Americana.

 BRAND USA | “LAND OF DREAMS”: To ignite enthusiasm
 for American travel, earlier this year JWT created the
 first marketing campaign for Brand USA, a new tourism
 marketing entity responsible for promoting the U.S.
 to world visitors. Along with a new website and other
 materials, a commercial for the campaign titled “Land of
 Dreams” invites viewers to “come and find your land of
 dreams.” It features Rosanne Cash, daughter of legendary
 Johnny Cash, and showcases America’s history, culture
 and landscape.

                                                                                                       Image credit: Brand USA   45

           Image credit: Marian Berelowitz

                   ERIN CURRIER, project manager, Economic Mobility Project, Pew Center on the States
                   Currier oversees Pew’s efforts to build broad and nonpartisan agreement on the facts and figures related to economic
                   mobility and to spark an active debate on how best to improve opportunity in America. As the lead on Pew’s ongoing research
                   into the status of the American Dream, Currier works with top experts in the field and oversees the project team on its
                   research agenda. She has testified before state legislatures, spoken about economic mobility at conferences and conducted
                   numerous press interviews.
Prior to her current position, Currier was acting CEO at Women Work! The National Network for Women’s Employment, overseeing the
organization’s efforts to promote women’s and families’ economic security.

                   MICHAEL FORD, founding director, Center for the Study of the American Dream
                   Ford leads Xavier University’s Center for the Study of the American Dream in its mission to study the history of the Dream,
                   examine and report on the state of the Dream, and identify trends and analyze shifts in the future evolution of the Dream.
                   The Center generates significant original research and survey data, and serves as an academic information clearinghouse
                   on the American Dream.
                  Prior to founding the center, Ford spent nearly 40 years in politics, government and corporate work, serving in nine presidential
campaigns and more than 100 gubernatorial, U.S. Senate and House, and mayoralty races across the country. He was executive assistant to the
governor of Ohio and chief of staff to the mayor of Cincinnati. He also served as senior adviser to the EVP for Internet operations at Citibank, has
worked with a number of Internet startups and is founder of, a user-generated advertisement platform.

                  MELISSA LAVIGNE-DELVILLE, VP of trends and strategic insights, NBCUniversal
                  As an expert on consumer culture and trends, Lavigne-Delville guides NBCU’s marketing partners through today’s rapidly
                  changing technology, media and cultural landscape, ensuring they find the most resonant ways to communicate and the
                  most effective places to connect. Before joining NBCU, Lavigne-Delville was managing director of The Intelligence Group,
                  the youth trend and marketing division of Creative Artists Agency, working on research and consulting projects with clients
                  including Procter & Gamble, BBC Worldwide, Microsoft, HBO, Nike and Target. She also headed The Intelligence Group’s
monthly trend seminars. Prior to this, she was director of a New York fashion-forecasting firm, and a merchant and youth culture expert for
Urban Outfitters. She is currently pursuing a master’s in trend research at New York University.

APPENDIX: MORE ABOUT OUR EXPERTS/INFLUENCERS                                                                     (cont’d.)

                 JOHN ZOGBY, founder, Zogby Poll
                 Founder of the Zogby Poll, Zogby is currently engaged in his fifth presidential election as a national pollster and analyst.
                 With 24 years of experience as a professor of American history and politics, Zogby has delivered more than 100 speeches,
                 public lectures and salon sessions each year since 1999. He writes a weekly column for, a weekly report card
                 on President Obama’s performance for The Washington Times and a monthly column for Politics magazine. His work has
                 also been featured in op-ed pages worldwide. Zogby’s book The Way We’ll Be: The Zogby Report on the Transformation of
the American Dream was published in 2008.


                    Image credit: Marian Berelowitz
 What the American Dream means generally
 Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the
 American Dream is today
     2012            2008

                                                 87                                                          82
Finding happiness
                                                                           of speech
                                                          95                                                      92

                                                  87                        Freedom                     77
   independence                                                         from fear of
                                                          95              oppression                              91

                                                 86                                                65
     Fulfilling my                                                            Finding
        potential                                                           spiritual
                                                          95              fulfillment                    80

                                                84                                                63
          Home                                                        Having enough
       ownership                                                           to give to
                                                      93                      charity                   75

        Freedom                                 84                                                63
    to be able to                                                          Making it
    go anywhere                                                           to the top
                                                      92                                          61
        you want

                                                84                            Social         54
      Success on
   my own terms                                                          recognition
                                                     90                   and status    49

APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL CHARTS                                            (cont’d.)

The Dream’s key traits (2008)
This word cloud is based on open-ended responses to the question “What does the phrase ‘the American Dream’ mean to you?” The relative size of each
word is based on the frequency with which it was cited; we stripped out the words “American” and “Dream.”

APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL CHARTS                                          (cont’d.)

 What the American Dream means personally
 Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the
 American Dream means to them personally
     2012            2008

                                                      90                                                              73
Financial security                                                       A second chance
                                                           96                                                              84

                                                      88                                                             71
    Being able to                                                          Being able to
     save money                                                            invest money
                                                        93                                                            74

                                                   87                                                           63
   A comfortable                                                               Being my
        lifestyle                                                              own boss
                                                        94                                                       67

                                                 83                                                        58
     A better life                                                             Becoming
  for my children                                                               wealthy
                                                        91                                             55

                                                 82                         Being able to                  57
                                                      90                     luxury goods                  59

                                              79                                                       54
        A college                                                             Access to
       education                                                             easy credit
                                                   85                                                 50

       Being able                           79                                                   25
     to get ahead                                                              Becoming
         based on                                                                famous
                                              82                                            20
      merit alone

American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)
American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)

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American Dream in the Balance (September 2012)

  • 1. AMERICAN DREAM IN THE BALANCE September 2012 Image credit: Pete.Mac
  • 2. WHAT WE’LL COVER • Introduction • Methodology • Study Findings 1. Defining the Dream 2. Is the Dream still alive? 3. What’s different about the Dream today? 4. Why has the Dream shifted? 5. A less achievable Dream 6. Why is the Dream less achievable? 7. The Dream by generation 8. Corporations and the Dream • What It Means for Brands • Appendix – More About Our Experts/Influencers – Additional Charts – Topline Findings From 2008 A note to readers: To make the report easy to navigate, we’ve added hyperlinks to this page, so you can jump immediately to the items that most interest you (or, alternatively, you can read the material straight through). This is a report from JWTIntelligence. Go to to download this and other trend research. 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Image credit: justinday
  • 4. INTRODUCTION It was in 1931 that the phrase “the American Dream” first cropped up, in a book by historian James Truslow Adams. More than eight decades later, the phrase still resonates with Americans and the rest of the world. “[Barack Obama] knows the American Dream because he’s lived it,” the first lady declared in her speech at the Democratic National Convention in September. But what does “living it” mean for those who don’t aspire to the presidency? [The American Dream is] that dream of a land in which life should The Dream is a fuzzy concept, and definitions vary greatly. be better and richer and fuller for everyone, To some it’s about a comfortable home, others a high-paying with opportunity for each according to ability or job. But the Dream is more than money and material goods. achievement. … It is not a dream of motor cars and It connotes an attitude and an ethos: a willingness to strive in high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which the face of adversity, a belief in America as a land ripe with each man and each woman shall be able to attain to opportunities for success (however one defines it), a potent the fullest stature of which they are innately sense that anyone can achieve a better life, for oneself and capable … regardless of the fortuitous one’s children. circumstances of birth or position.” —JAMES TRUSLOW ADAMS, This report investigates what the Dream means to Americans The Epic of America today, spotlighting findings from a recent JWT survey and also tracking how perceptions have shifted since our 2008 study on the same topic, also conducted in the run-up to a presidential election. (For a list of our topline findings from 2008, see Appendix.) 4
  • 5. INTRODUCTION (cont’d.) Since our 2008 report, Americans seem less engaged with the concept—perhaps not surprisingly. Four years ago, citizens Key takeaways were riding high on Obama’s promise of “hope.” Since then, • While enthusiasm around the Dream is declining and the they’ve seen the country lose more than 8 million jobs and concept is under stress, Americans still largely believe in it. home values sink by about a quarter. For many, the Dream has • The Dream resonates most strongly with older generations, lost its luster. All the same, we found that 7 in 10 Americans wealthier Americans and Republicans. still believe in the idea, not much fewer than in 2008. • The Dream’s core components have remained largely For marketers, understanding the Dream is understanding a stable, but Americans see traditional elements like slice of the American mindset. By speaking to it, brands can community and family being replaced by aspirations for tap into Americans’ core beliefs, values and desires. fame and fortune. • Americans feel the Dream is becoming significantly harder to achieve for most, especially the middle class and— reflecting a streak of resentment toward immigrants—white Americans. • Unemployment and high expenses are considered the key external obstacles to achieving the Dream, with the government and Wall Street bearing some blame as well. • While less so than four years ago, America is still seen as the prime land of opportunity. • Corporations have a role to play in helping Americans achieve the Dream. 5
  • 6. METHODOLOGY “American Dream in the Balance” is the result of research conducted by JWTIntelligence throughout the year. Specifically for this report, we fielded a survey of 503 American adults aged 18‐plus from July 26-30 using SONAR™, JWT’s proprietary online tool; data are weighted by age, gender and income. We have also included some open-ended responses to survey questions. This report also uses comparative data taken from our September 2008 American Dream survey of 2,112 Americans aged 18-plus that we fielded using SONAR™. In addition, we interviewed four experts and influencers on evolving attitudes toward the American Dream. EXPERTS AND INFLUENCERS* ERIN CURRIER, MELISSA LAVIGNE-DELVILLE, project manager, Economic Mobility Project, VP of trends and strategic insights, Pew Center on the States NBCUniversal MICHAEL FORD, JOHN ZOGBY, founding director, Center for the founder, Zogby Poll Study of the American Dream *See Appendix to learn more about these experts and influencers. 6
  • 7. STUDY FINDINGS Image credit: Pete.Mac
  • 8. 1 DEFINING THE DREAM “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”: The basic definition of the American Dream remains stable, changing little since 2008. For most, it’s an aspirational concept, closely echoing the Declaration of Independence’s promise of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The notion of liberty pops up twice in the top five components of the American Dream, while freedom of speech and freedom from fear of oppression follow shortly after, at No. 7 and No. 8, respectively. What the Dream means generally Top five factors that respondents say are a big part of what the American Dream means today 1 FINDING HAPPINESS To me, it means being able to have freedom to achieve goals such as having 2 PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE or owning your own business, being able to buy a home and have cars and live 3 FULFILLING MY POTENTIAL a life with freedom to choose how you dress, where you work, how you practice religion 4 HOME OWNERSHIP and so on.” —FEMALE, 54 5 FREEDOM TO BE ABLE TO GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT For a complete listing of responses in 2012 vs. 2008, see Appendix, Figure 1A. 8
  • 9. 1 DEFINING THE DREAM (cont’d.) The Dream’s key traits: This word cloud is based on open-ended responses to the question “What does the phrase ‘the American Dream’ mean to you?” The relative size of each word is based on the frequency with which it was used; we stripped out the words “American” and “Dream.” For a comparable word cloud from 2008, see Appendix, Figure 1B. 9
  • 10. 1 DEFINING THE DREAM (cont’d.) Boosting the next generation: For most Americans, the Dream means not only attaining a certain level of financial stability and comfort for themselves but securing a better future for their children. Again, when it comes to defining the Dream personally, the top five responses remained stable since 2008. What the Dream means personally Top five factors that respondents say are a big part of what the [The American Dream is] American Dream means to them personally the ability to work hard and see rewards, either in possessions 1 FINANCIAL SECURITY or in a legacy for your children.” 2 BEING ABLE TO SAVE MONEY —MALE, 58 3 A COMFORTABLE LIFESTYLE If we had to say one thing [Americans] are striving toward, it is a very general but consistent answer, 4 A BETTER LIFE FOR and that is, ‘Making a better or creating MY CHILDREN a better life for my family.’” 5 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MICHAEL FORD, founding director, Center for the Study For a complete listing of responses in 2012 vs. 2008, see Appendix, of the American Figure 1C. Dream 10
  • 11. 1 DEFINING THE DREAM (cont’d.) The “ideal” American: The definition of the “ideal” American—the set of traits needed to achieve the American Dream—has remained: motivated self-starters who are willing to work hard to achieve what they want. Traits needed to achieve the Dream Top five factors that respondents say contribute to someone’s ability Americans are so convinced to achieve the American Dream that personal attributes are the biggest influencers of their economic mobility: whether they work hard, whether they 1 DETERMINATION are ambitious, whether they do the things they need to do. They are very confident that those efforts 2 HARD WORK will have their just rewards.” The American Dream, when you get down to it, is really not a search for a thing, it is an attitude. 3 DISCIPLINE ERIN CURRIER, It is a willingness to struggle, based project manager, on the probability that you have a Economic Mobility chance to achieve.” Project, Pew 4 SELF-BELIEF Center on the States MICHAEL FORD, 5 INTELLIGENCE founding director, Center for the Study of the American Dream For a complete listing of responses in 2012 vs. 2008, see Appendix, Figure 1D. 11
  • 12. 2 IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE? The American Dream is under stress…: After four years of economic turmoil, the American Dream has undergone severe challenge. Skepticism about the current and future viability of the idea is relatively high, and negative sentiment has increased. 40% Down on the Dream “MORE AND MORE, THE AMERICAN DREAM IS 2012 BECOMING UNATTAINABLE” think the American Dream 61% 2008 “I DON’T THINK MY is alive and well, 56% GENERATION BELIEVES IN THE AMERICAN DREAM” down from 42% 52% in 2008 “I THINK THE AMERICAN 38% DREAM IS DEAD” My wife and I were able to 31% “THE AMERICAN DREAM achieve the American Dream, but my kids and granddaughter will 23% WILL BE HARDER TO ACHIEVE IN THE FUTURE”* not be able to have what we have had. The way things are, with 64% so many obstacles, the dream is dead.” —MALE, 70 Percentage who agree with the statement *Not asked in 2008 12
  • 13. 2 IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE? (cont’d.) …but the Dream endures: Somewhat surprisingly, belief in the Dream has slipped only slightly since 2008. “It is a mistake to conflate the state of the Dream with the state of the economy,” explains Michael Ford of the Center for the Study of the American Dream. The Dream is an aspirational concept that’s not directly tied to day-to-day realities. 70% personally believe in the Americans are very forward- thinking and very optimistic, both about the health and status of American Dream, the American Dream and their ability to be a part of it.” down only 4 points since 2008 ERIN CURRIER, project manager, Economic Mobility [The American Dream] is very Project, Pew [The American Dream] Center on much alive. True, it’s taken some hits, the States is what keeps [the middle but that’s the nature of this country. … class] alive. In a period like We will have tough economic times, and this, it’s what motivates those will be brought on by circumstance them to get up in the and greedy people. But we are a strong, morning.” diverse and generous people who JOHN ZOGBY, together weather the bad years political and revel in good times.” pollster —FEMALE, 47 13
  • 14. 2 IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE? (cont’d.) Biggest believers: The most enthusiastic American Dreamers remain Republicans and the wealthy. While belief in the Dream declines as Americans move down the income scale, the dip isn’t dramatic, with almost two-thirds of lower- income Americans believing in the Dream. Republicans, the wealthy most enthusiastic POLITICAL AFFILIATION 81% 72% 62% INCOME LEVEL* 77% 69% 64% Percentage who say they personally believe in the American Dream (2012 data) *$$$ = $70,000+, $$ = $40,000-$69,999, $ = <$40,000 14
  • 15. 2 IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE? (cont’d.) America remains the land of possibility…: A majority of Americans still believe the country is a place that enables its citizens to reach for the stars, although fewer than in 2008. 52% believe the U.S. is a place I believe that America 61% believe people around the is the land of opportunity and world aspire to come where anyone can achieve to America to achieve that anything is possible here fame and fortune, their dreams, if you work hard and follow down from your dreams.” down from 58% in 2008 —FEMALE, 47 75% in 2008 15
  • 16. 2 IS THE DREAM STILL ALIVE? (cont’d.) …and by far the biggest land of opportunity: Compared with other nations, America is seen as the most prominent land of opportunity by a wide margin, even if agreement has slipped since 2008. Notably, over the last four years, respondents There is quite a bit of evidence, perceived an increase in opportunities in Brazil. from policymaker speeches alone, that we as Americans have this perception that the United States has better mobility USA still without rival than anyone else. And in reality we have worse mobility than everyone else, save for the U.K.” ERIN CURRIER, 76 project manager, 65 Economic Mobility Project, Pew Center on the States 2012 43 34 2008 30 21 20 23 19 19 17 17 13 13 12 15 7 10 6 6 5 8 9 9 U.S. CANADA CHINA U.K. JAPAN GERMANY BRAZIL INDIA FRANCE UNITED MEXICO RUSSIA ARAB EMIRATES Percentage who believe each country is a “land of opportunity” 16
  • 17. 3 WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT THE DREAM TODAY? 65% Dialing down FINDING HAPPINESS 2012 95% of Americans believe the Dream is different 87% 2008 from what it used to be, PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE up from 59% 95% in 2008 87% FULFILLING MY POTENTIAL Declining enthusiasm: The most notable 95% finding from our survey was the consistent 86% decline in engagement with the American HOME OWNERSHIP Dream since 2008, with response to our questions weaker across the board. For 93% 84% instance, while the top five core components of the Dream haven’t changed over the last four FREEDOM TO BE ABLE TO years (see Section 1, slide 8), the percentage of GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT respondents who selected each of those factors 92% 84% dropped by 8 or 9 points—a pattern repeated throughout the survey. Belief in the Dream seems more tepid. Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of the American Dream today 17
  • 18. 3 WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT THE DREAM TODAY? (cont’d.) Show me the (easy) money … and put me in the spotlight: More Americans see the ability to spend—whether by accumulating wealth or accessing credit—as a component of the American Dream. Respondents were also more likely to regard achieving fame, recognition and top-dog status as part of the Dream. Only 3 of 14 potential factors defining what the Dream personally Likewise, only 2 of 14 potential factors defining what the Dream means to respondents garnered higher responses this year: in general means today garnered higher responses in 2012: BECOMING WEALTHY 58% 2012 MAKING IT TO THE TOP 2012 55% 2008 63% 2008 ACCESS TO EASY 61% SOCIAL RECOGNITION CREDIT/LOANS AND STATUS 54% BECOMING FAMOUS 54% 50% 25% 20% 49% Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the American Dream means to them personally American Dream means today 18
  • 19. 3 WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT THE DREAM TODAY? (cont’d.) Moving from family and faith to fame and fortune: Americans sense that the country is moving away from traditional notions of the ideal life: one centered around community and family, with religious faith and middle-class values as the guiding ethos, and marriage and a mortgage as necessary milestones. Respondents perceive that today Americans are more likely to dream about making money and spending it, continuing a theme spotlighted on the previous slide. Past Present For a complete listing of responses, see Appendix, Figure 2A. ATTENDING COMMUNITY RELIGIOUS SERVICES 41% FAMILY 39% CONSUMPTION 38% FAME 40% MAKING A LOT OF MONEY 35% MIDDLE-CLASS 37% VALUES 39% GETTING MARRIED PAYING OFF SUCCEEDING 38% A MORTGAGE EQUALITY PROFESSIONALLY 36% 29% 26% Percentage who feel each factor better fits what the American Percentage who feel each factor better fits what the American Dream meant in the past (2012 data) Dream means today (2012 data) 19
  • 20. 4 WHY HAS THE DREAM SHIFTED? Fewer opportunities: When asked in open-ended Changing values: Another theme is changing questions why the American Dream has changed, values—not only among the older generations— many respondents cite the economy, not and the sense that Americans are becoming surprisingly, or see a broader picture of decline. more self-centered and greedy and less community-minded. Ultimately, the Dream is personal freedom, Too many selfish, and that freedom exists only to greedy people out for the extent that we have actual themselves and not the opportunity. Opportunities today community as a whole.” are few and far between.” Money is what everybody —FEMALE, 51 —FEMALE, 57 is after. Values and beliefs are kind of left behind.” Jobs are hard to find, health care costs —FEMALE, 33 HY HAS THE DREAM SHIFTED? too much if you can get it at all, banks are robbing people of their homes, CEOs are People are less caring of the getting outrageous paychecks for doing nothing, world around them. They are more politicians make too much money and aren’t self-focused than on the community really representing the people, taxes are in which they belong. Technology always rising while services diminish, roads are crumbling while the U.S. spends brings us close while also all kinds of money to help pulling us apart…” other countries.” —FEMALE, 26 —FEMALE, 53 20
  • 21. 4 WHY HAS THE DREAM SHIFTED? (cont’d.) Partisan-driven perspectives: A clear split along political lines also emerges in the open-ended questions. On the left, the perspective is that income inequality and the rising power of the wealthiest tier are primarily to blame for the Dream’s decline. People now are selfish, they want things without earning it. The current government is killing the American Dream by trying to do away with accountability, morals and a good work ethic. It is interfering too much—once the The 1% in America believe that government controls everything and they do not need to pay taxes, people have no responsibility, and at the same time they want The idea of the American Dream was they then have no freedom.” to take from the middle perverted by those select few individuals —FEMALE, 47 and lower classes.” who found a way to cheat the system … to make more than a fair share of the People from other countries —MALE, 70 American Dream (money, fame, whatever) come over and we support them with no intent to spread the wealth to those who need it. Politicians have Liberals are determined and help them achieve the American exacerbated this situation, with the to beat down everyone who works Dream, yet the people from the not taxing of big corporations hard to create their own success U.S. are struggling to have making billions of dollars.” by taxing them to death to pay Values based entirely on the American Dream.” —FEMALE, 36 for entitlements for those selfishness, condemnation that are lazy.” —FEMALE, 54 and disregard for the poor, —MALE, 36 materialism. Constantly expanding gap in On the right, respondents believe the Dream is threatened because too distribution of income…” many Americans are lazy and entitled; because America is too open to —MALE, 61 immigrants; and because the government has taken away some freedoms. 21
  • 22. 5 A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM For most, the Dream slips out of reach: While a wide majority of Americans still believe in the American Dream as a concept, they feel Our survey found a drastic rise in the percentage of respondents it has become far more difficult to actually who believe it has become harder to reach the Dream, whether achieve in the past 5 to 10 years—at least, for young or old: most cohorts—and will only become harder still. Almost 4 in 10 believe they missed out on the best years of the American Dream. Harder to achieve the Dream for… 2012 YOUNG PEOPLE 63% 2008 [I] no longer believe in OLDER PEOPLE 65% the American Dream. Too hard for the lower or middle class 37% that was born in the USA to I think it has become get ahead in life.” impossible to rise far above one’s —MALE, 40 birth for many people. You have to be very lucky, not just work hard or be 29% smart … there are ‘castes’ developing between rich and poor. There is no such thing as ‘middle class’ anymore.” Percentage who believe it’s become harder for each group to achieve the American Dream over the past 5-10 years —FEMALE, 44 22
  • 23. 5 A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM (cont’d.) Easier for the rich: Americans are coming Harder to achieve the Dream for… to grips with the notion that a comfortable 2012 2008 middle-class life is getting harder to achieve or maintain. Between 2001 and 2010, the median MIDDLE-CLASS PEOPLE 69% wealth of America’s middle-income tier fell 28%, according to the Pew Research Center, while that of the upper tier remained stable. Americans have grown far more inclined to believe it’s become harder for the middle class 42% to achieve the Dream over the past 5 to 10 years, and easier for the top tier. Easier to achieve the Dream for… 2012 2008 Democrats are more likely to believe it’s easier for the wealthy to achieve the Dream (50%, vs. 43% of Republicans). WEALTHY PEOPLE 52% Independents are most likely to say it’s easier for the wealthy (53%). 32% Percentage who believe it’s become harder/easier for each group to achieve the American Dream over the past 5-10 years 23
  • 24. 5 A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM (cont’d.) Harder for white, native-born Americans: With the middle class feeling squeezed, there’s a growing sentiment that white, native-born Americans have the cards stacked against them, even if statistics indicate otherwise (the Census Bureau reports that white Americans weathered the Great Recession better than blacks, Hispanics and Asians). Compared with four years ago, respondents are far more likely to believe that it’s now tougher for white Americans to achieve the Dream—and easier for ethnic groups that may be regarded as immigrants. (A plurality of respondents said it’s neither harder nor easier for African-Americans.) Harder to achieve the Dream for… Easier to achieve the Dream for… AMERICANS OF MIDDLE-EASTERN EUROPEAN ANCESTRY HISPANIC-AMERICANS ASIAN-AMERICANS AMERICANS 31% 35% 30% 24% 13% 13% 12% 18% 2012 2008 2012 2008 Percentage who believe it’s become harder for this group to Percentage who believe it’s become easier for each group to achieve the American Dream achieve the American Dream over the past 5-10 years over the past 5-10 years 24
  • 25. 5 A LESS ACHIEVABLE DREAM (cont’d.) Harder for white, native-born Americans: Open-ended responses reveal a streak of resentment toward America’s newcomers. The misperception of things available to immigrants is stunning. The belief that the government gives them a Our country does house, guarantees them a job, guarantees them not enforce the immigration laws that we currently have. There are too a loan to start a business, all these mythological many illegal immigrants in this country things are clearly woven into a fearful backdrop now taking born citizens’ jobs and getting that we have. It is clear to Anglo-Americans food stamps, etc., right off the bat that they will soon be a minority, if they are when they come here.” not already. And there are some who —FEMALE, 39 are afraid of that.” MICHAEL FORD, founding director, Center for the Study of the American Dream Immigrants are stealing the American Dream from Americans.” —FEMALE, 63 25
  • 26. 6 WHY IS THE DREAM LESS ACHIEVABLE? Unemployment, expenses, government bedevil the American Dream: While Americans widely regard internal factors such as laziness and lack of self-discipline as obstacles to achieving the Dream, they also blame a range of external factors (see chart on following slide). A majority of respondents see a dearth of jobs (both unemployment and America losing jobs to other markets), the cost of living (everyday goods, health care) and personal debt as impediments to the Dream. Unemployment: When we conducted our 2008 survey, headlines Government policies: The percentage of Americans who see federal carried news of a five-year spike in the unemployment rate, to government policies as an obstacle is essentially unchanged, but 6.1%; today, it stands at 8.1%. So while Americans were most with the transition to a Democratic administration, the demographic likely to see rising prices as an obstacle to the Dream four years has shifted. As answers to open-ended questions show, much of ago, unemployment has shot to the top of the list, jumping 12 this sentiment stems from the belief that the government is overly percentage points. involved in citizens’ lives. Unemployment is high and people are having a more difficult time saving up for large purchases such The government is taking away our freedom, our 61% of Republicans now blame federal government policies, as cars and houses when they have to attend to basic necessities first. Even rights, our way of living and imposing their foolish nanny up from getting an education has become prohibitively state laws.” 42% in 2008 —FEMALE, 45 expensive for some.” —FEMALE, 31 26
  • 28. 6 WHY IS THE DREAM LESS ACHIEVABLE? (cont’d.) Blaming the bankers: We conducted our first American Dream survey in mid-September 2008, just as Lehman Brothers was collapsing and the biggest banking crisis since the Depression was unfolding. Among the repercussions: a wave of foreclosures that saw about 4 million families lose their homes between 2007 and early 2012. Last year simmering resentment of financial institutions boiled over briefly with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Around 4 in 10 Americans now see banks and banking practices as impediments to the Dream (and almost as many blame income inequality, an issue that OWS brought to the fore). These factors weren’t included in our 2008 survey. Impediments to the Dream HOUSING FORECLOSURE CRISIS In better times, it was 46% attainable. The banking system, along with greed, have made the American Dream a thing FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’ CREDIT of the past.” AND LENDING PRACTICES —MALE, 58 41% WALL STREET BANKS The top earners, 39% along with Wall Street, have rigged the field.” —MALE, 63 Percentage who feel these factors most get in the way of people achieving the American Dream (2012 data) 28
  • 29. 7 THE DREAM BY GENERATION A fading concept for younger Americans: While belief in the Dream has taken a tumble across the board, the younger generations remain most apt to see the American Dream as a concept that’s lost relevance. An (ir)relevant concept Millennials (18-34) Gen Xers (35-47) Boomers (48-67) Silents (68+) [The American Dream is] a vague and fictional idea of a perfect life within the USA.” “I DON’T THINK 49 —MALE, 21 Younger Americans MY GENERATION 45 realize our place in the world is not what BELIEVES IN THE AMERICAN 40 it was for their grandparents. It is certainly not DREAM” what it was for the World War II generation.… 24 Young Americans today are more aware of a balance in the world, more aware that whatever we achieve we have to earn—and I’ve never that isn’t only for you and me, that 33 appreciated the phrase is for the country.” “THE IDEA OF THE AMERICAN 34 [‘the American Dream’]; it’s DREAM IS always seemed mawkish to me, 26 MICHAEL FORD, KIND OF OLD- and used more for rhetorical founding director, FASHIONED” 19 effect than for any real Center for the Study meaning.” of the American —MALE, 28 Dream Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data) 29
  • 30. 7 THE DREAM BY GENERATION (cont’d.) There’s a marked correlation between age and belief in the dynamism of the American Dream. For instance, a clear majority of older generations believe the Dream is unique, compared with fewer than 4 in 10 Millennials. A less dynamic Dream Millennials (18-34) Gen Xers (35-47) Boomers (48-67) Silents (68+) 33 45 “I THINK THE “PEOPLE AROUND THE AMERICAN 40 WORLD ASPIRE TO COME 56 DREAM IS ALIVE TO AMERICA TO ACHIEVE 42 70 AND WELL” THEIR DREAMS AS MUCH 53 AS THEY EVER DID” 89 37 “THE AMERICAN 51 “THERE’S NOTHING LIKE THE 45 DREAM IS PART OF 63 AMERICAN DREAM WHAT MAKES 55 THIS COUNTRY 69 ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD” 65 SO DYNAMIC” 83 Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data) 30
  • 31. 7 THE DREAM BY GENERATION (cont’d.) Optimism/satisfaction don’t correlate with belief in the Dream: While younger Americans may place less stock in the American Dream, they’re also less likely to see it as slipping out of reach. Characterized as an optimistic generation, Millennials aren’t ready to feel resigned about their futures—though perhaps reality is yet to set in. Whether it’s a matter of life stage or generational mindset, Millennials are notably more satisfied with both their own lives and the state of the union (both up 5 percentage points since 2008) than older generations. Optimism and satisfaction decline with age Millennials (18-34) Gen Xers (35-47) Boomers (48-67) Silents (68+) “IN THE FUTURE, 52 “ARE YOU 68 ACHIEVING THE SATISFIED WITH I have faith that, even 61 THE WAY THINGS 56 though right now I am far from AMERICAN DREAM WILL BE HARDER 72 ARE GOING IN 51 achieving anything (thanks to this THAN IT IS TODAY” YOUR PERSONAL lovely economic downturn), I will 72 LIFE TODAY?” 44 succeed and be happy. … I will find a way to make the money I need in order to better myself and be able to help others the way they’ve 56 “ARE YOU 31 “MORE AND been trying to help me.” SATISFIED WITH MORE, THE 61 21 —FEMALE, 26 THE WAY THINGS AMERICAN DREAM 65 ARE GOING IN 17 IS BECOMING AMERICA TODAY?” UNATTAINABLE” 60 20 Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data) 31
  • 32. 7 THE DREAM BY GENERATION (cont’d.) Despite what older Americans think, marriage and family are still part of the Dream: At a time when “there are so many different ways to live life,” as NBCU’s Melissa Lavigne-Delville says, older Americans see aspirations for marriage and family as waning—but the fact is, younger generations are less likely to view these traditional milestones as outdated elements of the American Dream. Married with children? Millennials (18-34) Gen Xers (35-47) Boomers (48-67) Silents (68+) Some of these iconic pieces of the American Dream … the white picket “HAVING A FAMILY 28 fence, the home, the 2.5 children—the BETTER FITS WITH 28 traditional family setup—are coming very WHAT THE AMERICAN DREAM MEANT 42 much back in vogue with younger generations IN THE PAST” because we’re at a time where it’s so 41 unconventional, everything’s got mixed up, and there are so many different ways to live life.” “GETTING 31 MELISSA LAVIGNE- MARRIED BETTER DELVILLE, VP FITS WITH WHAT 32 of trends and strategic insights, THE AMERICAN 46 NBCUniversal DREAM MEANT IN THE PAST” 52 Percentage who agree with the statement (2012 data) 32
  • 33. 8 CORPORATIONS AND THE DREAM Businesses have a role to play: The classic notion of the American Dream is that it’s self- determined, achieved largely through hard Who should help Americans achieve the Dream?* work and determination. Still, close to half our respondents believe that financial institutions FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS should help people achieve the Dream, and more than a third feel that corporations should do so, 46% GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS just 7 percentage points behind government institutions. 42% CORPORATIONS 35% NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS NONE OF THESE 28% 34% *Not asked in 2008 33
  • 34. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS Image credit: Thru Mikes Viewfinder
  • 35. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS Americans are still believers—give them reason to keep believing: Belief in and passion for the American Dream may be slipping, but 7 in 10 Americans say they personally believe in it (down just 4 percentage points since 2008), and almost two-thirds feel the U.S. is a land of opportunity. With the Dream still a potent notion, marketers can inspire by credibly reinforcing Americans’ belief or showing how their brand helps people reap America’s benefits. BANK OF THE WEST | “OPTIMISM”: In celebrating “the spirit of the West,” this financial institution taps into the can-do ethos of the American Dream. “Our customers are individuals, dreamers and most of all, doers,” states the website. A 2012 TV commercial, titled “Optimism,” tells the building-something-from-nothing story of Norwegian immigrant Kjell Qvale, 92, who arrived in Seattle in 1929 and now owns one of the West’s largest car dealerships, among other things. “More important than the money you make,” concludes Qvale, “you set up for your kids to succeed. Bank of the West is good for me and for my family.” Image credit: Bank of the West 35
  • 36. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) The core values of the Dream endure—tap into them to inspire: As we wrote in 2008, the American Dream continues to “revolve around a gritty, keep-on-keeping-on spirit”; characteristics like determination, discipline and self-belief are integral to the concept. With many Americans still enduring tough times, brands can motivate consumers with language that speaks to these deep-seated beliefs. CHRYSLER | “HALFTIME IN AMERICA”: The automaker has been emphasizing themes of battling adversity, most notably with its two-minute halftime commercial at this year’s Super Bowl, narrated by Clint Eastwood. In “Halftime in America,” Eastwood speaks about difficult, even divisive times America has endured but says proudly, “We find a way through tough times, and if we can’t find a way, then we’ll make one.” The spot’s “simple message,” Chrysler CMO Olivier Francois has said, is that “in the land of opportunity, everyone has the right to dream and the power to turn that dream into reality.” Subsequent commercials continued the theme in more This country can’t be knocked out with one punch. personal ways. A spot for Chrysler’s Ram truck positions We get right back up again and the vehicle as an enabler of success. In a voiceover, when we do, the world’s going to a wife leaves a message for her husband, praising his hear the roar of our engines.” determination in the face of adversity: “I know it’s been —CLINT EASTWOOD, hard, and you never once complained or stayed home “Halftime in America” feeling sorry for yourself. You just said, ‘Where there’s a truck, there’s a job.’” Image credit: Chrysler 36
  • 37. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) LEVI’S | “GO FORTH”: In mid-2009, the depths of the recession, Levi’s launched an optimistically themed campaign that sought to invoke America’s pioneering spirit. One commercial used lines from Walt Whitman’s poem “America.” Print ads proclaimed “Strike up for the new world” and “Will work for better times.” I am the new American pioneer, looking forward, never back. No longer content to wait for better times ... I will work for better times.” —“Go Forth” print ad excerpt Image credit: Levi’s 37
  • 38. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) Americans sense the Dream is changing—respond to the anxieties this creates: More than 6 in 10 Americans feel the Dream is different from what it used to be, is becoming increasingly unattainable, and has grown harder to achieve for young and old alike—and especially the middle class. Brands can empathize and connect with their consumers by acknowledging this new reality, understanding that times are harder (e.g., Chrysler’s “Halftime in America”) and circumstances are changing. Brands can also offer modern alternatives to the traditional Dream, showing how they can help consumers navigate new realities. RENT.COM | “TAKE BACK THE DREAM”: For Millennials, home ownership by necessity has become a significantly less important component of the Dream (the percentage of Millennials who say home ownership is a big part of the Dream fell 16 points between 2008 and 2012). Last year tapped into this shifting reality by seeking to debunk the notion that the American Dream is about home ownership. The ad, which mirrors Apple’s famous “1984,” shows black-suited agents chasing a man as he runs past nondescript mannequins and frumpy women outside The time has come to stop suburban homes. Approaching the end of the road, he lobs accepting, without question, that a brick at a large glass house, shattering it and prompting home ownership should be everyone’s the nagging agents to disappear. The tagline incites dream. The fact of the matter is viewers to “Take back the Dream.” that it is not. … You don’t have to own your home to own your dreams.” —Take Back the Dream microsite Image credit: 38
  • 39. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) Fewer Americans see the U.S. as a land of opportunity—show the opportunities you’re creating: While three- quarters of Americans viewed the U.S. as a land of opportunity in 2008, fewer than two-thirds feel that way today— still a wide majority but a clear area of concern among Americans. In response, some brands have been playing up their “Made in the USA” credentials, showing that they’re enabling American workers to keep striving. FLORIDA’S NATURAL | “MADE IN THE USA”: For the past few years, this orange juice brand has been emphasizing its domestic credentials. “All Florida. Never imported,” says the website, which showcases the stories of the growers that Florida’s Natural relies upon and promotes an offer of a free American flag. A commercial opens at daybreak with a rusty pickup truck driving along a dirt road underneath a sunny Florida sky. With a Southern drawl, the narrator explains the company’s ingredient- sourcing policy as we see slow-motion footage of farmers at work. “People tell us they really appreciate we’re an American company,” he says. “It’s not easy work, but it’s something we’re very proud of.” Image credit: Florida’s Natural 39
  • 40. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) AMERICAN BRAND PROJECT: This startup, launched on July Fourth 2012, seeks to support domestic endeavors by generating awareness of “great American brands.” The website tells the stories behind various U.S. brands and gives them “Buffalo ratings,” a score that reflects “Americanness.” “Driving growth of great American Brands is the only way to generate real job growth,” says the site, “and that is our ultimate goal.” Image credit: American Brand Project 40
  • 41. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) Americans see many obstacles to the Dream—be part of the solution, not the problem: Americans fault a range of external factors for intruding on the American Dream, from unemployment to government policies and financial institutions. Many also blame a loss of community feeling, lamenting that people are less inclined to care about one another. Brands, by contrast, can position themselves as part of the solution—whether that entails supporting American jobs, boosting communities, assisting consumers with financial woes, etc. There is a role to play for brands in helping to bring people together and also in saluting community-minded individuals who are working to do so. LEVI’S | “READY TO WORK”: In 2010, Levi’s launched a campaign to assist the struggling former steel town of Braddock, Pa., pledging more than a million dollars over two years to help renovate a community center and develop an urban farming program. Levi’s also featured Braddock residents in a campaign based around the town. A TV spot pays tribute to “the new pioneers” of Braddock, showing the sun rising on the town and images of denim- sporting young people busy rebuilding (restoring stained glass windows, etc.). The voiceover concludes, “People think there aren’t frontiers anymore. They can’t see how frontiers are all around us.” Levi’s also sponsored an hour-long show about the effort online and on the Sundance Channel/IFC. Promotional copy noted, “The people of Braddock are unified by hope for renewed prosperity as they work to become a community again.” Image credit: Levi’s 41
  • 42. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) JPMORGAN CHASE | “CHANGE”: In the midst of the housing foreclosure crisis in 2010, JPMorgan Chase sought to show its commitment to helping Americans stay in their homes. The bank claims it set up new offices to “work one- on-one with homeowners” and helped more than 200,000 home owners to keep their homes. The bank also says it upped its small-business lending commitment to $10 billion. The final line: “This is the way forward.” Image credit: JPMorgan Chase 42
  • 43. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) Americans will appreciate a corporate assist: While our research found that about a third of Americans don’t think major institutions need to help Americans achieve the Dream, roughly the same percentage believe corporations bear some responsibility—and as the middle class gets further out of reach, more Americans are likely to believe corporations have a part to play. Various marketers have launched initiatives that help small businesses, entrepreneurs and everyday Americans get ahead, explicitly or implicitly referencing the promise of the American Dream. STARBUCKS | CREATE JOBS FOR USA: In October 2011, Starbucks kicked off this partnership with the community- lending nonprofit Opportunity Finance Network to stimulate small-business job creation. The Starbucks Foundation donated $5 million to seed the effort, which now relies on Starbucks patrons to contribute; a $5 or more donation earns a red, white and blue wristband with a tag reading “Indivisible.” Starbucks chips in donations whenever Indivisible-branded products are purchased. Leading up to July Fourth, Starbucks ran full-page newspaper ads featuring a letter from CEO Howard Schultz, who described himself as a “product of [the] American Dream” who grew up in public housing. He called on Americans to come together, putting “citizenship over partisanship,” because “we have a shared responsibility in solving our nation’s problems. We can’t wait for Washington.” Image credit: Create Jobs for USA 43
  • 44. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) SAMUEL ADAMS | BREWING THE AMERICAN DREAM: The Boston Beer Co. launched Brewing the American Dream four years ago to help low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry. The company describes founder Jim Koch as an “underdog” in the industry when he started out, and says this initiative “champions the great ideas and dreams of the ‘little guys.’” Along with access to capital via partnerships with two microlending organizations, the company offers business education and finance seminars and “speed coaching” events. CHASE, LIVINGSOCIAL | MISSION: SMALL BUSINESS: This 2012 grant program, launched in May, invited small-business owners to enter for a chance to win $250,000. Twelve companies were selected, for a total of $3 million in grants. In a statement, LivingSocial CEO Tim O’Shaughnessy said the company was proud to “help small-business owners grow and become the next great American success stories.” Image credits: Samual Adams; Chase 44
  • 45. WHAT IT MEANS FOR BRANDS (cont’d.) The American Dream still resonates abroad: While America’s star has faded somewhat, the American Dream is still a potent concept abroad. Brands can position the Dream as an important and attractive element of classic Americana. BRAND USA | “LAND OF DREAMS”: To ignite enthusiasm for American travel, earlier this year JWT created the first marketing campaign for Brand USA, a new tourism marketing entity responsible for promoting the U.S. to world visitors. Along with a new website and other materials, a commercial for the campaign titled “Land of Dreams” invites viewers to “come and find your land of dreams.” It features Rosanne Cash, daughter of legendary Johnny Cash, and showcases America’s history, culture and landscape. Image credit: Brand USA 45
  • 46. APPENDIX Image credit: Marian Berelowitz
  • 47. APPENDIX: MORE ABOUT OUR EXPERTS/INFLUENCERS ERIN CURRIER, project manager, Economic Mobility Project, Pew Center on the States Currier oversees Pew’s efforts to build broad and nonpartisan agreement on the facts and figures related to economic mobility and to spark an active debate on how best to improve opportunity in America. As the lead on Pew’s ongoing research into the status of the American Dream, Currier works with top experts in the field and oversees the project team on its research agenda. She has testified before state legislatures, spoken about economic mobility at conferences and conducted numerous press interviews. Prior to her current position, Currier was acting CEO at Women Work! The National Network for Women’s Employment, overseeing the organization’s efforts to promote women’s and families’ economic security. MICHAEL FORD, founding director, Center for the Study of the American Dream Ford leads Xavier University’s Center for the Study of the American Dream in its mission to study the history of the Dream, examine and report on the state of the Dream, and identify trends and analyze shifts in the future evolution of the Dream. The Center generates significant original research and survey data, and serves as an academic information clearinghouse on the American Dream. Prior to founding the center, Ford spent nearly 40 years in politics, government and corporate work, serving in nine presidential campaigns and more than 100 gubernatorial, U.S. Senate and House, and mayoralty races across the country. He was executive assistant to the governor of Ohio and chief of staff to the mayor of Cincinnati. He also served as senior adviser to the EVP for Internet operations at Citibank, has worked with a number of Internet startups and is founder of, a user-generated advertisement platform. MELISSA LAVIGNE-DELVILLE, VP of trends and strategic insights, NBCUniversal As an expert on consumer culture and trends, Lavigne-Delville guides NBCU’s marketing partners through today’s rapidly changing technology, media and cultural landscape, ensuring they find the most resonant ways to communicate and the most effective places to connect. Before joining NBCU, Lavigne-Delville was managing director of The Intelligence Group, the youth trend and marketing division of Creative Artists Agency, working on research and consulting projects with clients including Procter & Gamble, BBC Worldwide, Microsoft, HBO, Nike and Target. She also headed The Intelligence Group’s monthly trend seminars. Prior to this, she was director of a New York fashion-forecasting firm, and a merchant and youth culture expert for Urban Outfitters. She is currently pursuing a master’s in trend research at New York University. 47
  • 48. APPENDIX: MORE ABOUT OUR EXPERTS/INFLUENCERS (cont’d.) JOHN ZOGBY, founder, Zogby Poll Founder of the Zogby Poll, Zogby is currently engaged in his fifth presidential election as a national pollster and analyst. With 24 years of experience as a professor of American history and politics, Zogby has delivered more than 100 speeches, public lectures and salon sessions each year since 1999. He writes a weekly column for, a weekly report card on President Obama’s performance for The Washington Times and a monthly column for Politics magazine. His work has also been featured in op-ed pages worldwide. Zogby’s book The Way We’ll Be: The Zogby Report on the Transformation of the American Dream was published in 2008. 48
  • 49. APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL CHARTS Image credit: Marian Berelowitz
  • 50. APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL CHARTS FIGURE 1A: What the American Dream means generally Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the American Dream is today 2012 2008 87 82 Freedom Finding happiness of speech 95 92 87 Freedom 77 Personal independence from fear of 95 oppression 91 86 65 Fulfilling my Finding potential spiritual 95 fulfillment 80 84 63 Home Having enough ownership to give to 93 charity 75 Freedom 84 63 to be able to Making it go anywhere to the top 92 61 you want 84 Social 54 Success on my own terms recognition 90 and status 49 50
  • 51. APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL CHARTS (cont’d.) FIGURE 1B: The Dream’s key traits (2008) This word cloud is based on open-ended responses to the question “What does the phrase ‘the American Dream’ mean to you?” The relative size of each word is based on the frequency with which it was cited; we stripped out the words “American” and “Dream.” 51
  • 52. APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL CHARTS (cont’d.) FIGURE 1C: What the American Dream means personally Percentage who say each of these factors is a big part of what the American Dream means to them personally 2012 2008 90 73 Financial security A second chance 96 84 88 71 Being able to Being able to save money invest money 93 74 87 63 A comfortable Being my lifestyle own boss 94 67 83 58 A better life Becoming for my children wealthy 91 55 82 Being able to 57 Equal afford/acquire opportunity 90 luxury goods 59 79 54 A college Access to education easy credit 85 50 Being able 79 25 to get ahead Becoming based on famous 82 20 merit alone 52