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[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 01  (September 08, 2010)
Professor :  James R. Moyer, Jr., Ph.D.   Semester  :  Fall 2010 Office :    Garland 208   Meeting Time : MW 9:00 – 9:50 a.m. Office hrs:  MW 10:00 – 10:50 a.m.   Meeting Place : ENG 105 Office ph:   x3255   Psych Listing :  254–402 lecture Email:   [email_address] Course Description This course is designed to provide each student with   comprehensive exposure to the nervous system and how it governs various behaviors .   The course will also cover relevant anatomical, behavioral, psychological, cellular, imaging, and neurophysiological approaches used to study animal behavior.  Upon completion of the course, the student will have a solid foundation regarding the biological basis of behavior upon which to build in more advanced courses of study. Reading Materials The recommended textbook for this course is  Carlson, NR (2010). Physiology of Behavior, 10 th  Ed. Allyn & Bacon, New York, NY .  (Note: there are a variety of texts on reserve in the library as well). Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
Determination of Your Final Grade Your overall grade will be determined by combining your scores from the following: 1. Discussion Section Attendance   (10%) .   Discussion sessions will begin Monday, September 13.  TA will take attendance.  If you cannot make your discussion session, you must make arrangements to attend one of the other 9 discussion sections that week .  See page 6 of the syllabus for the weekly discussion session schedule . 2. Weekly Online Quizzes (25%) .   There will be  12 open-book/notes quizzes available for you to take online beginning September 13  (each quiz will be available for one week).  See page 7 of the syllabus for the quiz schedule.  NO make-ups (if you fail to take a quiz you will receive a grade of zero for that quiz).  3. Regular Exams (40%).   There will be  2 exams  ( multiple-choice, true-false, matching questions ) scheduled during the semester (see dates on syllabus).  Exams will be cumulative , which means that there will be some material from the previous exam(s) on each successive exam.  4. Final exam (25%).  There will be a cumulative final exam on  Tuesday, December 21, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in ENG 105 .   Any student who does not take the final exam will  fail  the course.  The final grade for the course will be determined based on your final average according to the following scale: A = 93-100%; A- = 90-92%; B+ = 87-89%; B = 83-86%; B- = 80-82%; C+ = 77-79%; C = 73-76%; C- = 70-72%; D+ = 67-69%; D = 63-66%; D- = 60-62%; F = 0-59%.  Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
Make-up, Curving and Extra Credit Make-up exam.   Should a student fail to take one of the three scheduled exams   during the semester, that student will receive a zero “0” as a grade for that exam.  However, at the end of the semester a “one size fits all” cumulative make-up will be offered for students who missed one of the exams (no excuse or reason necessary).  The make-up will be held on the study day at  9:00 a.m. on   Wednesday, December 15 in ENG 105 .  Curving of exams.   I will not curve any of the exams.  However, all exams will contain some extra credit questions.  Thus, it is always possible to score greater than 100% on any exam, including the final. Extra credit.   You may receive up to a maximum of 5 extra credit points, which will be added to your final exam score (thus, if you scored an 86% on the final and you did 5 points worth of extra credit, your final exam score would be a 91%).  Check bulletin boards in Garland and Pearse for extra credit opportunities.  I will also post some extra credit opportunities on the D2L, if an instructor requests an advertisement in class. Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
Getting Help If you are having difficulties or have questions, please do not hesitate to come in for a visit to discuss any issues pertinent to your academic success.  If you are struggling in the class, don’t wait until you’ve taken numerous quizzes or both exams to come for help .  One mistake students often make is waiting too long to come to me to discuss their performance in the class, which limits my ability to help the student.  Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
Studying the Brain and Behavior ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
History of Brain Research CARDIOCENTRIC   explanations of behavior prevailed in ancient cultures •  argued that the heart controlled thoughts, emotions and behavior •  e.g., ancient Egyptians removed and discarded the brain before  mummification but preserved the heart for the afterlife ENCEPHALOCENTRIC   explanations of behavior emerged from dissections •  argued that the brain controlled thoughts and emotions and behavior •   Hippocrates   (460-377 B.C.)   after witnessing many dissections argued   that the brain controls behavior •   Plato  (427-327 B.C.)   agreed with Hippocrates •   Aristotle   (384-322 B.C.)   disagreed & argued it “cools the heart” •   Galen   (130-200 A.D.)   later concluded that Aristotle’s role for the  brain was “utterly absurd” for two reasons:  1. The brain was  too far away to cool the heart  and 2.  Too many sensory nerves were attached to the brain •   René Descartes   (1596-1650 A.D.)   argued that the pineal gland is the  seat of the soul and exerts its actions via pressure changes in  the fluid-filled ventricles
Holism vs. Localization Controlled experiments involving the brain were quite rare until the 19th century.  •  Thus, two schools of thought emerged regarding the extent to which specific brain areas govern behaviors. Holism  – argued that every area of the brain can control all human functions Localization   – argued that human functions are regulated by distinct brain regions •   Franz Gall   (1757-1828)   popularized localization based on his theories that specific brain protuberances (felt via skull) corresponded to specific personality traits “ Phrenology ” •  Although not based on experimental evidence, Gall changed how many people thought about the brain and the work of future scientists supported localization of brain function.
1861 – Paul Broca   examined patient “Tan” who had a stroke ~20 yrs earlier.
1876 – David Ferrier   stimulated the motor cortex of monkeys and demonstrated that the indicated areas controlled movement of specific body parts:  1 and 2  hind limbs 3  tail 4, 5, 6 arm a, b, c, d hands and fingers 7-11 face and mouth 12, 13 eyes, head 14 ear 1870 – Fritsch and Hitzig   stimulated the motor cortex of dogs and noted that stimulation near the top caused the hind legs to wiggle whereas stimulation near the bottom caused the jaw to move.
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PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task
PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task   Sight Sound Touch Speech
PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task   Sight Sound Touch Speech
PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task   Sight Sound Touch Speech
PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task   Sight Sound Touch Speech
WHERE’S THE MIND? Two schools of thought: Dualism  – the mind and body (or brain) are separate. e.g.,   Plato   “father of western dualism” e.g.,   René Descartes   Monism   – the mind is the result of brain functioning & follows physical laws e.g.,   Leonardo da Vinci   (1452-1519)   stated “mind is a product of   the brain” e.g., most modern brain scientists
Physiological Approaches to Consciousness •  Consciousness   can be altered by changes in brain chemistry and thus we may hypothesize that it is a physiological function, just like behavior •  Consciousness   and ability to communicate seem to go hand in hand •  Verbal communication   allows us to send and receive messages from other people as well as send and receive our own messages (and thus think and be aware of our own existence)
Physiological Approach to Consciousness ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Consciousness is not a general property of all parts of the brain
An explanation of the blindsight phenomenon
MRIs of human brain showing corpus callosum (cc) corpus callosum
Identification of an object by smell in a split-brain patient
Identification of an object by sight in a split-brain patient
Angular Gyrus Activity and the Out of Body Experience
END – Lecture 01
ORGANIZATION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM •  CNS vs. PNS THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM I •  Meninges, Ventricles, and Cerebrospinal Fluid •  The Spinal Cord •  Anatomical Coordinates PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 02  (September 13, 2010)
Organization of the Nervous System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Meninges Line and Protect the CNS ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ventricles & Flow of CSF •  Lateral ventricle (2) •  Third ventricle –  aqueduct of Sylvius •  Fourth ventricle –  central canal
Flow of CSF (Choroid Plexus Produces CSF) * * * * * * •  CSF flows from  choroid plexus  (cells that make CSF) •  CSF vol ~125 mL, continuously produced with half life ~3 hr •  CSF circulates and then returns to blood stream via  arachnoid villi or granulations  (absorb CSF)
Different Views of the Ventricles & Flow of CSF
CSF Flows Down Spinal Cord  via the  Central Canal
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Anatomical Planes
Anatomical Planes
Anatomical Planes
Anatomical Directions
END – Lecture 02
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 03  (September 15, 2010)
3 Major Divisions of the Brain ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Brain Stem =   diencephalon   &   mesenephalon   &  rhombencephalon
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Cerebrum Central Sulcus  separates frontal ( precentral gyrus ) from parietal ( postcentral gyrus ) Sylvian Fissure  or  Lateral Sulcus  separates the temporal lobe from other lobes Sulci  are fissures or grooves;  Gyri  are raised areas or outward bumps The Four Lobes of the Cerebrum
The Major Lobes of the Cerebrum The Cerebrum
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Lobes of the Cerebrum
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The Cerebrum The Cerebrum contains: Gray Matter  (5-7 layers of neurons) and  White Matter  (axons) (the cerebral Gray matter is also called the cerebral cortex)
Cross Section through the Cerebrum
The Cerebrum Anterior Commissure Note that the line from the label “Cerebral Cortex” at the upper left seems to point to white matter.  However, the term  Cerebral Cortex is generally used to refer to the Gray Matter.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Corpus Callosum Projections Diffusion Tensor Imaging involves a modified MRI magnet.  It enables visualization of bundles of axons (the processes that transmit signals from one cell to another)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Limbic System  – a circuit of structures involved in emotion and memory (Paul MacLean, 1949) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Other regions also make up what is called the “limbic system”
Schematic of Limbic Structures
Superior View of Limbic Structures Side View of Limbic Structures (without any other brain regions)
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Basal Ganglia  – a cluster of neuronal structures concerned with the  production of movement. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Basal ganglia structures are implicated in a variety of disorders, including Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s chorea
Location of the Basal Ganglia & Thalamus
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Diencephalon  – forebrain region that surrounds the 3rd ventricle ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Thalamic Connections with the Cortex
Thalamic Connections using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Location of the Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland
Location of the Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland
3 Major Divisions of the Brain ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Brain Stem =   diencephalon   &   mesenephalon   &  rhombencephalon
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
3 Major Divisions of the Brain ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Brain Stem =   diencephalon   &   mesenephalon   &  rhombencephalon
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Metencephalon  (cerebellum & pons) ; Myelencephalon  (medulla)
Midsagittal view of  Forebrain, Midbrain, & Hindbrain
Parts of the Forebrain, Midbrain, & Hindbrain
Human Brainstem
END – Lecture 03
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 04 (September 20, 2010)
Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
PNS Transmits Information to the Body via 43 Pairs of Nerves •  12 pairs of  CRANIAL NERVES   –  enter & exit the brain through holes in skull •  31 pairs of  SPINAL NERVES –  enter & exit the spinal cord between vertebrae
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs, CNs I through XII) •  enter & exit the brain through holes ( foramena ) in skull •  permit direct communication between brain & PNS •  allow for sensory input from head, neck, upper abdomen •  allow for motor output from brain to skeletal muscles    in head and neck •  allow for  parasympathetic  output to smooth muscles in   head, neck, and upper abdomen •  CNs I & II go to forebrain (prosencephalon) •  CNs III & IV arise from midbrain (mesencephalon) •  CNs V–XII enter & exit the hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 3 of the cranial nerves serve sensory functions only: •  CN I (olfactory nerve) –  sensory ; smell •  CN II (optic nerve) –  sensory ; sight •  CN III •  CN IV •  CN V •  CN VI •  CN VII •  CN VIII (auditory nerve) –  sensory ; hearing •  CN IX •  CN X •  CN XI •  CN XII
Red is motor Blue is Sensory
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 3 of the cranial nerves control eye movement: •  CN I (olfactory nerve) –  sensory ; smell •  CN II (optic nerve) –  sensory ; sight •  CN III (oculomotor nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN IV (trochlear nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN V •  CN VI (abducens nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN VII •  CN VIII (auditory nerve) –  sensory ; hearing •  CN IX •  CN X •  CN XI •  CN XII
Red is motor Blue is Sensory
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 2 of the cranial nerves control facial muscles: •  CN I (olfactory nerve) –  sensory ; smell •  CN II (optic nerve) –  sensory ; sight •  CN III (oculomotor nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN IV (trochlear nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN V (trigeminal nerve) –  motor, chewing; sensory, face & head •  CN VI (abducens nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN VII (facial nerve) –  motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face •  CN VIII (auditory nerve) –  sensory ; hearing •  CN IX •  CN X •  CN XI •  CN XII
Red is motor Blue is Sensory
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 2 of the cranial nerves control throat and tongue muscles: •  CN I (olfactory nerve) –  sensory ; smell •  CN II (optic nerve) –  sensory ; sight •  CN III (oculomotor nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN IV (trochlear nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN V (trigeminal nerve) –  motor, chewing; sensory, face & head •  CN VI (abducens nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN VII (facial nerve) –  motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face •  CN VIII (auditory nerve) –  sensory ; hearing •  CN IX (glossopharyngeal) –  motor, throat & larynx; sensory, taste •  CN X •  CN XI •  CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) –  motor, tongue movements
Red is motor Blue is Sensory
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 1 cranial nerve wanders to the head, neck, & upper abdomen: •  CN I (olfactory nerve) –  sensory ; smell •  CN II (optic nerve) –  sensory ; sight •  CN III (oculomotor nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN IV (trochlear nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN V (trigeminal nerve) –  motor, chewing; sensory, face & head •  CN VI (abducens nerve) –  motor, eye movement •  CN VII (facial nerve) –  motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face •  CN VIII (auditory nerve) –  sensory ; hearing •  CN IX (glossopharyngeal) –  motor, throat & larynx; sensory, taste •  CN X (vagus nerve) –  motor, smooth muscles of neck, chest & upper   abdomen; sensory, taste, organs of chest & upper abdomen •  CN XI •  CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) –  motor, tongue movements
Red is motor Blue is Sensory
CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 1 cranial nerve is motor only & innervates neck muscles: •  CN I (olfactory nerve) –  sensory ; smell  (S) •  CN II (optic nerve) –  sensory ; sight  (S) •  CN III (oculomotor nerve) –  motor, eye movement (M) •  CN IV (trochlear nerve) –  motor, eye movement (M) •  CN V (trigeminal nerve) –  motor, chewing; sensory, face & head (B) •  CN VI (abducens nerve) –  motor, eye movement (M) •  CN VII (facial nerve) –  motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face (B) •  CN VIII (auditory nerve) –  sensory ; hearing  (S) •  CN IX (glossopharyngeal) –  motor, throat & larynx; sensory, taste (B) •  CN X (vagus nerve) –  motor, smooth muscles of thoracic & upper   abdomen; sensory, taste, organs of chest & upper abdomen (B) •  CN XI (accessory nerve) –  motor only, skeletal muscles of neck  (M) •  CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) –  motor, tongue movements (M) Mnemonic:  S ome  S ay  M oney  M atters  B ut  M y  B rother  S ays  B ig  B rains  M atter  M ore ( S  = sensory;  M  = motor;  B  = both)
Red is motor Blue is Sensory
The Cranial Nerves &  Their Functions Bell’s Palsy  –  facial paralysis caused by an infection of the  facial nerve  ( CN VII ).  Results in paralysis on that side of face (not usually permanent).
PNS Transmits Information to the Body via 43 Pairs of Nerves •  12 pairs of  CRANIAL NERVES   –  enter & exit the brain through holes in skull •  31 pairs of  SPINAL NERVES –  enter & exit the spinal cord between vertebrae
Spinal Nerves Exit the Spinal Cord Between Adjacent Vertebra
Spinal Nerves Exit the Spinal Cord Between Adjacent Vertebra
Spinal Nerves Exit the Spinal Cord Between Adjacent Vertebra
Cross Section of Spinal Cord ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
SPINAL NERVES (31 pairs) •  enter & exit the spinal cord between vertebrae •  8 pairs arise from  Cervical  region ( C1–C8 ) •  12 pairs arise from  Thoracic  region ( T1–T12 ) •  5 pairs arise from the  Lumbar  region ( L1–L5 ) •  5 pairs arise from the  Sacral  region ( S1–S5 ) •  1 pair arises from the  Coccygeal  region ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Dermatome Map •  The body area innervated by one spinal nerve Q: Why do you not see C1 on the dermatome map to the right?
Sacral–Parasympathetic (anus, genitals, & bladder) Cranial–Parasympathetic (organs, vessels, and  muscles, etc…) Thoracic & Lumbar – Sympathetic (organs, vessels, muscles, anus,  genitals, bladder, etc…) Distribution of the Autonomic Nervous System
•  thoracolumbar •  craniosacral Distribution of the Autonomic Nervous System
END – Lecture 04
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 05  (September 22, 2010)
The Nervous System Two Types of Cells: 1.  Neurons  – cells of the nervous system 2.  Glia  – support cells Historically: •  1840 – Schleiden & Schwann proposed cells were basic units of tissue •  However, scientists thought that nervous tissue was  not made of cells 1860s   Golgi   – Silver impregnation 1892   Cajal   – Neuron doctrine 1906   Golgi & Cajal were  awarded the Nobel Prize Camillo Golgi (1843-1926)  Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934)
3 Parts of a Neuron   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Example of a Motor Neuron
Parts of a Neuron
Information Flow Between and Within Neurons   1. Signal enters dendrite or soma 2. Signal travels from soma to axon 3. Signal travels down axon 4. Signal leaves axon and enters dendrite or soma
Divergence (e.g., sensory)  Convergence (e.g., motor)   Information Flow Between Neurons
Basic Subcellular Components of Mammalian cells  (similar for neurons)
Structure of Neurons
Major Organelles ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cell Nucleus and Protein Synthesis Chromosomes   contain genetic information, 23 pairs –  22 pairs are   autosomal –  the final pair are  sex chromosomes  (XX or XY) –  the 23 pair of chromosomes contain ~20,000 to 25,000 genes Genome  refers to the sum total of all the genes; same in every cell Nucleic acids   are specialized compounds that contain a nitrogenous base, a sugar,  and a phosphoric acid •   Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA )  encodes the genetic material of a cell –  found in the nucleus (and in mitochondria)   •  Contains 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine,  Thymine   •  Nucleoside  is nitrogen base + sugar (2-deoxyribose)   •  Nucleotide  is base-sugar + phosphoric acid •  Ribonucleic acid (RNA )   serves as blueprint for proteins –  generally found in the cytoplasm as mRNA and ribosomes –  also contain 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine,  Uracil –  triplet base pairs encode specific amino acids (e.g.,  UGG = tryptophan ) –  ribosomes read mRNA and add appropriate amino acids to make protein
Structure of Neurons
Examples of Genetic Alterations that affect Brain Function Fragile-X Syndrome –  normally the X chromosome (FMR1 gene has a  CGG triad repeated 10-30 times ) –  in fragile-X, the  CGG triad  is repeated  hundreds  of times –  produces mental retardation (disrupted synaptic connections) Mental retardation   also results from untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) which is linked to an altered gene on chromosome 12 ( lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase ) Down Syndrome –  Results from a  trisomy of chromosome 21   (3 copies instead of 2) –  leads to  faulty brain development  and  cognitive impairments as well as other  skeletal and soft tissue abnormalities
Classifying Neurons 1. Based on anatomical or morphological features (Ramón y Cajal) –  unipolar (or monopolar) neuron –  bipolar neuron –  pseudo-unipolar neuron –  multipolar neuron 2. Based on functionality (often used to describe neurons in the spinal cord)  –  motor neuron –  sensory neuron –  interneuron
Anatomical Classifications
Example of a Sensory Neuron   Note: functionally, this pseudo-unipolar cell contains one axon (on the left) and a sensory process on the right, however this process is functionally an axon (it reliably transmits electrical spikes from the skin to the CNS).  Only the sensory endings are technically dendrites. Warning: some people (including your text) refer to pseudo-unipolar cells as unipolar cells, I maintain a separate classification between these, however both are exclusively sensory neurons .
Functional Classifications ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Functional Classifications ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Bell-Magendie law  – sensory enters dorsal, motor exits ventral Note:
Glial Cells ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Roles of Glial Cells in the Nervous System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Glial Cells – Astrocytes
Myelination of Axons Schwann Cells  (PNS) Oligodendrocytes  (CNS) Value of myelination: 1. Speeds axonal transmission (action potential jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier instead of traveling down entire axon (Saltatory Conduction) 2. Assist in axon regeneration   (Schwann cells only)
Electron Micrograph of a Schwann Cell Schwann Cells –   myelinate only one segment of one axon
Comparison of Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells
Oligodendrocytes myelinate multiple segments of multiple axons
Blood-Brain Barrier
Blood-Brain Barrier
END – Lecture 05
Parts of a Cell Slides ,[object Object],[object Object]
Structure of Neurons
Major Organelles ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cell Nucleus and Protein Synthesis Chromosomes  contain genetic information, 23 pairs –  22 pairs are  autosomal –  the final pair are  sex chromosomes  (XX or XY) –  the 23 pair of chromosomes contain ~20,000 to 25,000 genes Genome  refers to the sum total of all the genes; same in every cell Nucleic acids  are specialized compounds that contain a nitrogenous base, a sugar,  and a phosphoric acid •  Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA ) encodes the genetic material of a cell –  found in the nucleus (and in mitochondria)   •  Contains 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine   •  Nucleoside  is nitrogen base + sugar (2-deoxyribose)   •  Nucleotide  is base-sugar + phosphoric acid •  Ribonucleic acid (RNA ) serves as blueprint for proteins –  generally found in the cytoplasm as mRNA and ribosomes –  also contain 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil –  triplet base pairs encode specific amino acids (e.g.,  UGG = tryptophan ) –  ribosomes read mRNA and add appropriate amino acids to make protein
Structure of Neurons
Examples of Genetic Alterations that affect Brain Function Fragile-X Syndrome –  normally the X chromosome (FMR1 gene has a  CGG triad repeated 10-30 times ) –  in fragile-X, the  CGG triad  is repeated  hundreds  of times –  produces mental retardation (disrupted synaptic connections) Mental retardation  also results from untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) which is linked to an altered gene on chromosome 12 ( lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase ) Down Syndrome –  Results from a  trisomy of chromosome 21   (3 copies instead of 2) –  leads to  faulty brain development  and  cognitive impairments as well as other  skeletal and soft tissue abnormalities
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 06  (September 27, 2010)
How Do Neurons Communicate? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Synapse  – the junction between two connected neurons  (Sherrington, 1906)  Synapse  is composed of: 1.  presynaptic  membrane 2.  synaptic cleft  (<300 Å or 30 nm) 3.  postsynaptic  membrane Chemical Synapse During an impulse, or action potential, neurotransmitter vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.  They then diffuse across the cleft and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuronal membrane.
Electron Micrograph of an axodendritic synapse
EM of axodendritic synapse Mag: 280,000 X
Types of Synapses in the Nervous System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
How Do Neurons Communicate? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Glial Cells and Neurons can communicate via Gap Junctions Gap junctions  – enable electrical coupling between neurons and/or glial cells
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) •  Neurons are bathed in a salt solution (the salts dissociate into ions) •  Ions are positive (cations) or negative (anions);   e.g., NaCl dissociates into Na +  & Cl - •  Inside cell is more negative •  Outside cell is more positive •  cell membrane restricts ion movement •  RMP is usually ~ -70 mV
Recording Neuronal Activity Much of what we know about the ionic basis of membrane potential and the action potential was learned using the Squid Giant Axon preparation.
Recording Neuronal Activity
Neuronal Cell Membrane is a Phospholipid Bilayer with Ion Channels Ions (salts) cannot simply diffuse across the cell membrane  (they must go through channels) Hydrophilic (attracted to water) & Hydrophobic (repelled from   water)
High Na +   and   Cl -  outside (low inside)  High K +  inside (low outside) Distribution of Ions Across the Neuronal Membrane at Rest
What is the Equilibrium or Reversal Potential of an Ion?
Distribution of Ions Across the Neuronal Membrane at Rest 2 forces at work:  chemical and electrical gradients
At Rest During Depolarization •  Neuron’s RMP is negative at rest •  During depolarization, Na +  rushes into cell, making inside more positive •  If depolarization is strong enough to fire an Action Potential, the  inside  will become much more positive than the outside Membrane Potential
•  Small inputs are  subthreshold  (e.g., 1, 2, 3) •  If input is large enough, threshold is reached. •  At threshold, an Action Potential is initiated   (e.g., 4) Relevant Concepts: •  All-or-none law •  absolute  refractory period •  relative  refractory period The Action Potential
Summary of Ion Channel Activity During an Action Potential
Summary of Ion Flow During an Action Potential ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Conduction of the Action Potential
Movement of an Action Potential down an Unmyelinated Axon
Action Potential Propagation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Saltatory Conduction – conserves energy; increases conduction speed (up to 120 m/s or 432 km/hr) Myelination
Saltatory Conduction IMPORTANT CONCEPTS: •  Distribution of Na +  & K +  channels •  Spread of electrical charge
Action Potential Propagation THOUGHT QUESTION: Is it better to have a previously myelinated axon become demyelinated or is it better to have an axon that was never myelinated in the first place?  Or do they function the same?
The Na-K Pump ( 3 Na +   :  2K + ) also called the  Na-K ATPase Summary of Action Potential Events 1. During AP, Na +  enters 2. After AP begins, K +  exits 3.  Cell must restore Na +  & K + ! Na-K ATPase restores ion balance 1.  3 Na +   ions are pumped out  2.  2 K +   ions are pumped in
Coding of Stimulus Strength
1.  Temporal summation 2.  Spatial summation How does a neuron integrate or add up inputs it receives?
Temporal and Spatial summation
Temporal and Spatial summation
END – Lecture 06
PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 07  (September 29, 2010) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Four General Classes of Ion Channels
Movement of Sodium Ions with Channel Opening
Basic Steps involved in Transmitter Release
Before  the action potential arrives, the  postsynaptic   ligand-gated channels  are  closed After  the action potential arrives, neurotransmitter is released, binds and causes  postsynaptic   ligand-gated channels  to  open Ligand-Gated Ion Channel A B
Schematic of Synaptic Vesicle Release
Steps Involved in Neurotransmitter Release
Neurotransmitter Release & Reuptake
EM of Synaptic Vesicle Release
Summary of Steps Involved in Neurotransmitter Release ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Membrane Recycling is Essential ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Why do certain ions/gradients produce EPSPs as opposed to IPSPs?
Movement of Major Ions (EPSPs vs IPSPs)
Postsynaptic and Presynaptic Inhibition Simple Rule of Thumb (each causes hyperpolarization of the membrane): Postsynaptic inhibition decreases a neuron’s responsiveness to inputs (acts at inputs) Presynaptic inhibition decreases a neuron’s ability to release transmitter (acts at output)
Balance between Excitation and Inhibition
2 Types of Ligand-Gated Receptors ,[object Object],[object Object]
IONOTROPIC RECEPTORS (e.g., nicotinic AChRs)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],METABOTROPIC RECEPTORS (e.g., muscarinic AChRs)
METABOTROPIC RECEPTORS Effects of Second Messenger Cascades, such as those through metabotropic G-protein-linked receptors, last longer than those through ionotropic ligand-gated receptors.
Agonists and Antagonists •  Agonist activates the receptor •  Antagonist blocks the receptor
Two Common Types of Agonists and Antagonists DIRECT   INDIRECT Competes for same site  as neurotransmitter ( competitive ) Does NOT compete for same site  as neurotransmitter  ( noncompetitive )
FIVE WAYS IN WHICH DRUGS CAN AFFECT  SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Think in terms of a manufacturing plant that needs raw materials to make the product, needs to wrap it for shipping, needs to ship it, needs someone to receive it, and needs to deal with excess product by destroying or recycling the parts.
SUMMARY OF WAYS IN WHICH DRUGS CAN AFFECT SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION Note:  AGO  = agonist ( blue Box );  ANT  = antagonist ( red Box )
END – Lecture 07
PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 08 (October 04, 2010) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Neurotransmitters and Neurohormones •  Neurotransmitters  – substances released by one neuron that bind to  receptors on the target neuron e.g., acetylcholine note: some are referred to as Neuromodulators •  Neurohormones  – released by brain or other organs,  travel via bloodstream to target neurons e.g., epinephrine (adrenal gland)
Neurohormone Release of epinephrine from the adrenal gland produces  sympathetic arousal
Examples of Neurotransmitters in the Brain ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Neurotransmitter Associated Neurons Acetylcholine cholinergic Dopamine dopaminergic Norepinephrine noradrenergic Serotonin serotonergic Epinephrine adrenergic Glutamate glutaminergic GABA GABAergic Anandamide cannabinergic Names of Neurons Associated with  Specific Neurotransmitters
Acetylcholine •  First neurotransmitter discovered (in PNS) •  Most extensively studied neurotransmitter
Cholinergic Neurons 1. Dorsolateral Pons ––––––– REM sleep (including atonia) 2. Basolateral Forebrain –––– Activates cerebral cortex (nucleus basalis) facilitates learning & memory 3. Medial Septum ––––––––– Controls rhythms in hippocampus   modulates memory formation
Synthesis of Acetylcholine Produced by combining the lipid breakdown product  choline   with  acetyl-CoA   (made in the mitochondria)
Synthesis of Acetylcholine
Enzymes Enzymes are proteins that catalyze a reaction that might normally take a long time to occur. If you see a word ending in “ –ase ” it’s an enzyme.  The first word or part of the word (if it’s a one-word name) refers to what the enzyme is acting on.  For example : •  Choline acetyltransferase  acts on choline to transfer an acetyl group and thus convert it to acetylcholine •  Acetylcholinesterase  acts on acetylcholine to break it up.
Two Types of ACh Receptors ,[object Object],[object Object]
Cholinergic Receptors •  Muscles contain  nicotinic AChRs   ( essential for rapid transmitter action at neuromuscular junction! ) •  CNS contains both types, though mostly  muscarinic AChRs ( nicotinic AChRs tend to be found at axoaxonic synapses )
Breakdown & Local Synthesis of ACh Acetylcholinesterase  – Inactivates ACh after it is released (AChE)     (breaks it into acetate and choline) Choline Re-uptake  ––– Choline is transported back into      the presynaptic terminal for local     synthesis of ACh. Re-uptake is vital because axonal transport of choline from cell body is slow! Re-uptake has an efficiency of ~50% (i.e., about half of released is recovered)
Breakdown & Local Synthesis of ACh
Acetylcholinesterase ( located in the synaptic cleft ) breaks down acetylcholine into acetate and choline (which is recycled). Hemicholinium is a drug that inhibits the reuptake of choline. Reuptake has an efficiency of 50% (i.e., 50% is reused)
Drugs that Affect Cholinergic Receptors Examples 1. Curare •  Blocks nicotinic AChRs (or nAChRs)  •  Had been and still is used by native South American populations   •  Used to paralyze muscles during surgery 2. Atropine •  Blocks muscarinic AChRs (or mAChRs) •  Used to treat AChE inhibitors (thus reducing the excess ACh action) •  Also used to dilate the pupils for eye exams
Toxins that Affect Cholinergic Transmission Examples 1. Botulinum toxin  –––––––––––––  Clostridium botulinum Prevents release of ACh thus it blocks muscle excitation VERY POTENT!  (e.g., 1 oz can kill 200 million people!) 2. Tetanus toxin  –––––––––––––––  Clostridium tetani Prevents release of Glycine & GABA  thus it  blocks inhibitory transmission indirectly causing excess ACh release Botulinum and Tetanus toxins cleave Synaptobrevin (thus preventing vesicle fusion & transmitter release) 3. Black Widow Spider Venom  ––– Stimulates ACh release less toxic, but can be fatal in  infants and elderly
Drugs that Affect ACh Breakdown Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors  (AChE inhibitors) •  Prolong the effects of ACh release by preventing its breakdown •  Used as insecticides (insects can’t destroy it) •  Used medically to relieve symptoms of myasthenia gravis (auto-immune)  e.g., neostigmine - AChE inhibitor that can’t cross blood-brain barrier •  Used as biological weapons  e.g., Sarin, Tabun (treated with  atropine sulfate , discussed earlier,  and  pralidoxime , which rejuvenates the AChE)
Summary of Cholinergic Drugs Drug Name     Drug Effect     Effect on Transmission Nicotine Stim nicotinic AChRs AGONIST Curare Block nicotinic AChRs ANTAGONIST Muscarine Stim. muscarinic AChRs AGONIST Atropine Block muscarinic AChRs ANTAGONIST Black widow spider venom Stim. ACh release AGONIST Botulinum toxin Block ACh release ANTAGONIST Neostigmine (can’t cross blood-brain barrier) Blocks acetylcholinesterase AGONIST Hemicholinium Blocks choline reuptake ANTAGONIST
Classification of the Monoamine Transmitters Catecholamines Indolamines Dopamine Serotonin Norepinephrine Epinephrine
Synthesis of dopamine  (note DA serves as a precursor for norepinephrine) ,[object Object],[object Object],Add  –CH 3  to the NH 2  group  to get epinephrine
Dopaminergic Neurons & Projections 1. Substantia Nigra  –––––––––  to  neostriatum , part of basal ganglia   (involved in the  control of movement ) 2. VTA  ––––––––––––––––– to  nucleus accumbens   (involved   in  reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse )   to  amygdala   (involved in  emotions )   to  hippocampus   (involved in the   formation of memories )   3. VTA  ––––––––––––––––– to  prefrontal cortex   (involved   in  short-term memories , planning,   problem-solving strategies) Nigrostriatal Mesolimbic projection Mesocortical projection
MAO (Monoamine Oxidase) –  destroys excess monoamines –  MAO-B is specific for dopamine –  Deprenyl is an MAO-B inhibitor (depression, Parkinson’s) Reuptake –  Transporters are used to remove  Dopamine from the synaptic cleft  and return it to the nerve terminal Regulation of Dopamine
Drugs that Affect Dopaminergic Transmission Examples 1. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors  (MAO inhibitors) •  MAO regulates production of  catecholamines  (destroys excess) •  MAO inhibitors are used to treat depression •  MAO-B is specific for dopamine (e.g., deprenyl) 2. Re-uptake inhibitors •  Blocks re-uptake of dopamine by nerve terminals •  e.g.,  amphetamine ,  cocaine ,  methylphenidate  (Ritalin) Also causes release of DA & NE by reversing the direction of transporters Also blocks voltage-dependent sodium channels Used to treat ADHD
Examples of Drugs that Affect Dopaminergic Transmission 1. L-DOPA •  Used to treat Parkinson’s disease •  Crosses blood-brain barrier & enters CNS where it is converted to dopamine 2. AMPT (  -methyl-p-tyrosine) •  Binds to tyrosine hydroxylase •  Thus it prevents synthesis of L-DOPA and therefore dopamine 3. MPTP (methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridene) •  Contaminant in synthetic Heroin •  It’s metabolized into MPP+, which destroys dopamine neurons and produces Parkinson-like symptoms 4. Reserpine •  Prevents storage of monoamines in synaptic vesicles •  Acts by blocking transporters that pump monoamines into vesicles •  End result is no transmitter is released
Effects of Drugs at Dopaminergic Synapses
Dopamine Receptors •  DA receptors are  metabotropic •  5 subtypes of DA receptors (D1 – D5)  - D1 & D2 are the most common subtypes •  Some are autoreceptors (similar to D2) located pre- and post-synaptic - postsynaptic – act to  decrease  neuron firing (K current) -  presynaptic – act to  suppress  tyrosine-hydroxylase •  Apomorphine  has multiple effects on DA receptors - At low doses it binds presynaptic autoreceptors (decrease DA) - At high doses it acts as an agonist at postsynaptic D2 receptors
Schizophrenia •  Serious mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and disruption of normal logical thought processes  •  May involve  hyperactivity   of dopaminergic neurons ( excess ) 1.  Chlorpromazine ( D2 antagonist ) alleviates hallucinations  in schizophrenic patients 2.  Clozapine ( D4 antagonist ) also relieves symptoms
Summary of Dopaminergic Drugs Drug Name   Drug Effect     Effect on Transmission L-DOPA Stimulate DA synthesis AGONIST AMPT Inhibit DA synthesis ANTAGONIST Deprenyl MAO-B inhibitor AGONIST Reserpine Block storage of DA in synaptic vesicles ANTAGONIST Amphetamine, Cocaine, Methylphenidate All 3 Block DA reuptake  AGONIST MPTP Destroys DA neurons ANTAGONIST Clorpromazine Blocks D2 receptors ANTAGONIST Clozapine Blocks D4 receptors ANTAGONIST
Noradrenergic Neurons Locus Coeruleus  (located in Reticular Formation)  •  Contains noradrenergic neurons whose axons extend to most of the    brain, including thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic, cerebral cortex •  Activation of LC increases vigilance or attentiveness to environment
Norepinephrine •  Synthesized from dopamine •  Synthesis actually occurs inside synaptic vesicles
Synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine Add  –CH 3  to the NH 2  group  to get epinephrine ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Examples of Drugs that Affect Noradrenergic Transmission 1. Fusaric acid •  Blocks DA-  -hydroxylase •  Results in blockade of NE production in vesicles 2. Moclobemide •  Blocks MAO-A (which normally destroys excess NE) •  Results in an increase in NE 3. Desipramine •  Blocks re-uptake of NE (and possibly serotonin) •  a tricyclic antidepressant
Noradrenergic Receptors •  NE receptors are called  adrenergic   because they respond to both norepinephrine (nor adren alin) and epinephrine ( adren alin) •  Adrenergic receptors are  metabotropic  and coupled to G proteins •  2 types of adrenergic receptors are alpha (  ) and beta (  ) -   1 - and   2 -adrenergic (located in CNS & PNS)  -   1 - and   2 -adrenergic (located in CNS & PNS) -   3  (located only in PNS) •   1 -adrenergic (slow  depolarizing  effect; more responsive to excitatory input)  •   2 -adrenergic (slow  hyperpolarizing  effect)  •   1 - and   2 -adrenergic are excitatory (they increase neuronal responsiveness to inputs).   1  are mostly on heart muscle whereas   2  are mostly on smooth muscle lining bronchioles & arterioles of skeletal muscle. Example of contraindications:  beta-blockers & hypertension in asthmatics!
Summary of Noradrenergic Drugs Drug Name   Drug Effect       Effect on Transmission Clonidine  – has a calming effect (but also interferes with learning) Yohimbine  – has an agitating effect; promotes anxiety Clonidine Stimulate   2  receptors AGONIST Yohimbine Block   2  receptors ANTAGONIST Albuterol Stimulate   2  receptors AGONIST Butoxamine Block   2  receptors ANTAGONIST Fusaric acid Inhibits NE synthesis ANTAGONIST Reserpine Inhibits storage of NE in vesicles ANTAGONIST Desipramine Inhibits reuptake of NE AGONIST Moclobemide Inhibits MAO-A AGONIST
END – Lecture 08
PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 09 (October 06, 2010) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Serotonin •  Synthesized from the amino acid  tryptophan •  Important in the following: -  regulation of  mood -  control of eating, sleep, arousal -  regulation of pain ( hyperalgesia  after injury) -  control of  dreaming
Serotonin • PRECURSORS to serotonin  Dorsal Raphe –– sends 5-HT projections to cortex & basal ganglia •  Medial Raphe –– sends 5-HT projections to cortex & dentate gyrus Note:  raphe  means “crease” or “seam” (the nuclei are found near the    midline of the brain stem) The clusters of nuclei that make up the raphe are found in the medulla, pons, and midbrain.
Synthesis of Serotonin (or 5-HT) PCPA ( p -chlorophenylalanine) •  blocks tryptophan hydroxylase and thus serotonin  production MAO-A (monoamine oxidase A) •  inactivates excess serotonin •  ultimately converted into  5-HIAA ( measureable metabolite ) (5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid)
Serotonin Receptors •  5-HT receptors are metabotropic ( except  5-HT 3  is an ionotropic Cl -  channel ) •  At least 9 different subtypes of 5-HT receptors - 5-HT 1A-1B  ; 5-HT 1D-1F  ; 5-HT 2A-2C  ; 5-HT 3   - 5-HT 1B and 1D  are presynaptic autoreceptors (axons) - 5-HT 1A  are presynaptic autoreceptors (soma & dendrites) •  5-HT 3  are important in nausea & vomiting (antagonists help in chemo patients) Reminder: an  autoreceptor  is a receptor on its own axon terminal that responds to the neurotransmitter released by the same axon (a negative feedback mechanism)
Drugs that Affect Serotonin •  5-HT re-uptake inhibitors ( SRIs  or  SSRIs ) are useful in treating certain mental disorders (these drugs act by prolonging the action of serotonin at synapses) e.g., Fluoxetine (Prozac) - depression & anxiety disorders •  Drugs that stimulate 5-HT release have also been used e.g., Fenfluramine – has been used as an appetite suppressant (in combination with phenteramine which acts on catecholamines to counteract the drowsiness caused by fenfluramine)  •  5-HT 2A  agonists cause hallucinations  e.g.,  LSD  is thought to exert behavioral effects as an agonist of 5-HT 2A  receptors in the forebrain •  Ecstasy  ( MDMA ;  3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine ) causes release of serotonin, norepinephrine, and to a lesser extent dopamine (agonistic effect).  MDMA damages serotonergic neurons .
Summary of Serotonergic Drugs Drug Name   Drug Effect     Effect on Transmission Fenfluramine Stimulate 5-HT release AGONIST Fluoxetine Inhibits reuptake of 5-HT AGONIST PCPA Inhibits 5-HT synthesis ANTAGONIST Reserpine Inhibits storage of 5-HT in vesicles ANTAGONIST
Summary of Neurotransmitter Synthesis Pathways PKU (phenylketonuria) - myelination - brain damage
Amino Acid Neurotransmitters Two Major Classes:  excitatory  and  inhibitory 1. The Excitatory Neurotransmitter is  Glutamate  (in brain & spinal cord)  2. The Inhibitory Neurotransmitter is  GABA  (in brain)  or  Glycine  (in spinal cord and lower brain)
Amino Acid Neurotransmitters ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
NMDA Receptor Channel Complex 6 NMDAR Binding Sites 1.  Glutamate  (natural agonist) 2. Glycine  (co-agonist required for glutamate to have any effect on NMDARs) 3.  Mg 2+   (binds inside channel and blocks) 4. Zn 2+   (decreases activity) 5. Polyamine  (increases activity) 6. PCP  (blocks channel) Thus, the NMDA Receptor is a Voltage & Neurotransmitter-Dependent Ion Channel
Amino Acid Neurotransmitters GABA  (MAJOR INHIBITORY TRANSMITTER IN BRAIN) •  2 main receptor subtypes ( 1 ionotropic  &  1 metabotropic ) •  [discussed further on next slide] GLYCINE  (INHIBITORY TRANSMITTER IN CORD AND LOWER BRAIN) •  ionotropic receptors  (Cl –  influx causes IPSPs) •  strychnine is an antagonist (convulsions via excess/uncontrolled excitatatory drive)
GABA Receptors •  Enzyme  GAD  (glutamic acid decarboxylase) converts  glutamic acid   to  GABA   - GAD is inhibited by allylglycine (thus blocking GABA synthesis) •  GABA receptor subtypes: 1. GABA A   •  ionotropic •  opens Cl –  channel, causing Cl –  influx and hyperpolarization •  [see next slide for more details on GABA receptors] 2. GABA B   •  metabotropic (coupled to G-proteins) •  causes K +  efflux and thus hyperpolarization •  Baclofen is an agonist (relaxes muscles)
GABA A  Receptors GABA A  Receptor has 5 binding sites 1.  GABA   (natural agonist) •  muscimol is a direct agonist •  bicuculline is a direct antagonist 2.  Benzodiazepine  (indirect agonist) •  anxiolytic drugs (diazepam or valium) tranquilizers, promote sleep, reduce seizure activity, relax muscles 3.  Barbiturate  (indirect agonist) •  low doses have a calming effect •  rarely used as anesthetic due to small therapeutic index (easy to OD) 4. Steroid  (indirect agonist) 5. Picrotoxin  (indirect antagonist) Note:   -CCM (methyl-     -carboline-3-carboxylate) may be a natural ligand for Benzodiazepine binding site.  This is an inverse agonist and thus produces fear, tension, and anxiety.  It may be part of our fight or flight danger system.
Other  Neurotransmitters / Neuromodulators ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
END – Lecture 09
PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 10 (October 13, 2010) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Development of the Human Brain Relative Brain Size: At birth: ~  350 g At 1 yr:  ~1000 g Adult:  ~1200 g •  Forebrain •  Midbrain •  Hindbrain
Timeline of Major Stages in Cerebral Cortex Development Neurogenesis  declines significantly by week 20 and is nearly complete by 5 mo., but it does continue throughout life in some regions ( i.e., adult neurogenesis ).
Origin of Brain Cells Neurotrophic factors •  EGF   (epidermal growth factor) –  stem to progenitor •  bFGF   (basic fibroblast growth factor) –  progenitor to neuroblast •  PDGF   (platelet derived growth factor) –  progenitor to glioblast (specifically oligodendrocyte)
Brain Development ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Axon Pathfinding (how does an axon know where to go?) Roger Sperry (1943)
Axon Growth and Neuron Survival Growth Cones extend out as axons seek targets Tropic molecules  guide axons; produced by targets (e.g., netrins) Trophic molecules  support survival of cells and axons once target is reached neurotrophins (e.g., NGF, BDNF) Neuronal and synaptic pruning  (via apoptosis) Important concepts : •  Chemoattractant •  Chemorepellent
Synapse Pruning (Elimination) Synaptic connections are plastic!
Effect of Experience on Plasticity  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Regrowth of Axons  •  Can occur as long as the soma or cell body is intact •  Rate is usually  ~1 mm/day (PNS) •  in CNS, axons usually regenerate only  1-2 mm total (CNS) , thus paralysis due to spinal cord injury is usually permanent •  In PNS, axon regrowth follows myelin sheath back to target •  Regrowth in PNS may not be perfect •  e.g., if a motor neuron’s axon is cut (not crushed),  segments may not align and axon may synapse  on wrong target muscle
Collateral Sprouting
Denervation Supersensitivity Remember: Amphetamine causes DA release from existing axon terminals Apomorphine stimulates DA receptors (an appropriately high dose was used)
END – Lecture 10
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 11 (October 18, 2010)
Muscles and Muscle Fibers
3 Types Muscle
Muscles  and Muscle Fibers Skeletal Muscle : •  Attach to bone or cartilage via tendons •  Made up of cells (muscle fibers) •  Each muscle fiber contains contractile proteins Actin  – thin filaments Myosin  – thick filaments •  The filaments overlap
Major Components of Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal Muscle : •  Striated appearance due to arrangement of actin & myosin •  Actin  filaments (thin)  are attached to proteins that form the Z-line •  Myosin  filaments (thick)  are found between rows of actin Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction •  During contraction , the following events occur: 1. Actin filaments slide along each myosin filament (from both ends) 2. Z-lines get closer together (because actin is attached to Z-line) 3. Result is that the muscle shortens
Sliding Filament Theory
Neuromuscular Junction & Muscle Contraction : •  Motor neurons innervate skeletal muscle fibers at a special region called the motor endplate •  The motor endplate contains ACh receptors (mostly nicotinic) •  One motor neuron can innervate multiple muscle fibers Motor Unit = motor neuron plus the muscle fibers it innervates •  Muscles used for  very fine  (discrete) movements have  smaller motor units •  Muscles used for  posture  have  larger motor units
Classification of Skeletal Muscles by Color : Red Muscle  –  High concentration of myoglobin (carries oxygen) –  Relies heavily on oxidation to produce ATP –  Engages in heavy activity  without fatiguing –  Used for slow, sustained movements –  e.g., chicken or turkey legs White Muscle  –  Low concentration of myoglobin –  Quickly goes into oxygen debt during contraction –  Fatigues quickly –  Used for rapid contractions in short bursts –  e.g., chicken or turkey breasts Note: In humans and other mammals, red and white muscle fibers are found in the same muscles, unlike birds.  For example, sprinting uses white, hiking/walking uses red.
Antagonistic Muscles (flexion and extension) Isotonic Contraction (muscle shortens) e.g., legs, produces the movement when carrying  heavy box Isometric Contraction (muscle length stays same) e.g., back & arm muscles  contract when holding or  carrying heavy box Think of the different muscles that are used when carrying a heavy box up a flight of stairs –  some contractions are isotonic and some are isometric. Muscular Movements and Contractions
Opposing or Antagonistic Muscle Movements Antagonistic Muscles (flexion vs extension)
Spinal Control of Movement REFLEXES  are rapid movements mediated by either brain stem nuclei or the  spinal cord  (we’ll only cover spinal cord today). They are very Important (e.g., protect the body, basic life support) They vary in complexity and number of synapses: •  Simple (e.g., withdrawal or flexion reflex) •  Complex (e.g., postural, involving many different muscles) Note: Simple and Complex are relative terms.  Even simple reflexes can involve MANY neurons (even thousands).
Three Reflexes Seen in Infants •  Grasping •  Babinski •  Rooting
The Babinski Reflex –  in children & adults it’s diagnostic of CNS damage •  Positive   Babinski   – fanning of toes with stroking bottom of foot –  always seen in infants < ~6 mo. (due to lack of descending inhibition) •  Negative   Babinski   – curling of toes with stroking bottom of foot –  seen in older infants and all healthy people –  results from descending inhibitio n  from brain
Withdrawal Reflex is a simple  reflex  involving only  a few synapses  between the sensory (afferent) neuron and the motor (efferent) neuron
Withdrawal Reflex  (involves one or more interneurons between the sensory and motor neuron) Note: the more interneurons (and thus synapses) there are in the reflex arc, the longer the reflex takes
Withdrawal Reflex Note: descending projections from the brain can inhibit reflexes
2 Types of Motor Neurons ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Extrafusal   fibers run the length of the muscle Intrafusal   fibers do not run the length of the muscle and are located within the muscle spindle Note that the downward movement of the arm activates stretch reflex, which increases the strength of the muscle contraction and pulls the arm back up Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
Examples •  Patellar tendon reflex •  Head bobbing upward when falling asleep while sitting in a chair Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
Intrafusal muscle fibers Muscle Spindle  – A few intrafusal fibers joined to a  nuclear bag  (inside the nuclear bag is a  stretch receptor  called the  Annulospiral Receptor ). Axons from annulospiral receptor terminate onto motor neurons in spinal cord .  Thus, stretching a muscle activates the annulospiral receptor which then stimulates  extrafusal  fibers to contract that same muscle. The Muscle Spindle (or annulospiral receptor) is vital for maintaining muscle tone Think of it like a “spring” located inside the muscle.
Gamma Motor Neurons Notice that if the muscle length changes due to muscle contraction  (b) , the muscle spindle is “off line” and unable to respond to changes in muscle length.  Activation of gamma motor neuron contracts the intrafusal fibers and thus “resets” the spindle so it can once again respond to stretch  (c) .
Problem inherent in the stretch reflex •  Contraction of one muscle would produce contraction of antagonist muscle •  For example, the simple bending of the arm by biceps contraction (agonist) would cause the arm to straighten due to activation of the stretch reflex of triceps (antagonist) muscle Solution:  Reciprocal Innervation  (discovered by Sherrington).  With reciprocal innervation, the axons of motor neurons that synapse on a muscle also branch and activate interneurons that inhibit motor neurons that synapse on the antagonist muscles.
Reciprocal Innervation Prevents the simple bending of an arm (biceps contraction) from causing the arm to straighten due to stretch reflex of the antagonistic triceps muscle
What if the muscle is contracting too vigorously? Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex  is activated Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO)  –  stretch receptor found in the tendon –  provides feedback to nervous system about muscle contraction –  GTO fires when stretched –  GTO axons synapse onto inhibitory spinal cord neurons –  result of GTO activation is inhibition of the motor neuron –  prevents damage to muscle as a result of excess contraction
Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex Think of the GTO like a “spring” located at each end of the muscle (in the tendon)
Proprioceptors (stretch receptors)
Sir Charles Scott Sherrington  (1884-1935) •  Studied many kinds of reflexes •  Discovered  reciprocal innervation •  Introduced the term  synapse •  Principle of the Common Path –  motor neuron is final common path for all movement •  Principle of the Integrative Action of Neurons –  all neurons in the body work together to produce    smooth, precise movement –  the  crossed extensor reflex  is an excellent example
Crossed Extensor Reflex •  Withdrawal Reflex  activated by sensory neuron synapsing onto interneuron, which excites motor neurons of the  ipsilateral flexor •  Interneuron also crosses over and synapses onto and excites the motor neurons of the  contralateral extensor Example - if you step on a tack while walking, you’ll fall down without this reflex
END – Lecture 11
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 12 (October 20, 2010)
Classification of Neurons Associated with the Motor System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Motor Cortex & Motor Homunculus 1 2 3 4
Classification of Descending Motor Systems ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Contemporary Classification Scheme
The Lateral (Pyramidal) Motor System Originates in the Primary Motor Cortex (precentral gyrus) Axons of these Upper Motor Neurons project downward •  through internal capsule •  through  medullary pyramids   (hence name)  •  main branch crosses over at  pyramidal decussation  in medulla  and descends through the  contralateral   spinal cord forming the  lateral corticospinal tract
Lateral Corticospinal Tract •  fine, directed motor control •  hands, fingers, feet, toes •  synapse  directly  onto motor neurons or  indirectly  via interneurons
Effects of Damage to Corticospinal Tract Damage to the Corticospinal Tract at any Level  produces: 1. Initial loss of muscle tone ( atonia ) •  transient flaccid paralysis immediately upon damage 2. Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes (myotactic) •  hyperreflexia 3. Appearance of the Babinski sign ( positive Babinski ) •  note: a positive Babinski may be seen during sleep  or intoxication, and in infants <~6mo. Thus, appearance of a positive Babinski sign is diagnostic of pyramidal tract damage.
Effects of Cortical Damage to Lateral System Damage to the Premotor or Supplementary Motor Cortex or to parts of the Parietal or Temporal cortex produces  Apraxia Apraxia “without action” – Difficulty carrying out purposeful movements,  in the absence of paralysis or muscle weakness Apraxias are classified according to the systems affected: limb apraxia  – movement (parietal lobe damage) (e.g., difficulty if asked to demonstrate a movement) oral apraxia  – speech (Broca’s area damage) apraxic agraphia  – writing (left parietal lobe damage if right-handed) constructional apraxia  - drawing or construction (parietal lobe damage) (e.g., difficulty with spatial perception and execution) NOTE: Apraxias DO NOT involve damage to primary motor cortex or any other lower portions of the lateral motor system
Cortical Control of Movement Posterior association cortex  is   involved with perceptions Frontal association cortex  is  involved with plans for movement
Motor Neuron Disorders Muscular Dystrophy  – muscle wasting •  30 different types, Duchenne’s MD is the most common  - about 1 in 3-4000, typically between ages of 2 and 6 - due to defect in gene that encodes dystrophan - more common in boys (due to gene on X-chromosome) Myasthenia Gravis  – degeneration of acetylcholine receptors at NMJ •  results from an autoimmune response against AChRs •  treated with immunosuppressants or thymectomy •  treated with anticholinesterases (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors)  •  may also try plasmapheresis (filter the AChR-attacking  antibodies from the patient’s blood) Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis or ALS  (Lou Gehrig’s disease) – motor neuron degeneration •  degeneration of motor neurons in brain and spinal cord •  progresses from muscle weakness to muscle wasting •  no treatment •  ~5,600 new cases each year, typically between ages of 40 & 70
The Medial (Extrapyramidal) Motor System Coordinates gross movements & postural adjustments •  Develops before the pyramidal (lateral) system e.g., babies can play patty-cake before learning to hold a crayon •  Develops at different times e.g., babies can hold head up before sitting upright
The Medial (Extrapyramidal) Motor System ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Some drugs (e.g., classical antipsychotics) act to decrease dopamine activity in the brain.  Thus, these drugs may have  “ extrapyramidal side effects ” , which include tremors, rigidity, and a shuffling gait
The Cerebellum and Movement Note: The cerebellum may contain ~50 billion neurons, compared with ~22 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex!  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Basal Ganglia  – a cluster of neuronal structures concerned with the production of movement. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Location of the Basal Ganglia within the Forebrain
Damage to the Basal Ganglia Basal ganglia damage results in movement disorders Tics  – brief, involuntary contractions of specific muscles Choreas  – involuntary movements of head, arms, legs Huntington’s disease –  uncontrolled tics and choreas early, dementia later –  disruption of gene on  chromosome 4  (excess CAG repeat) resulting in an  abnormal Huntingtin ( Htt ) protein (with an elongated string of glutamine     residues on it).  The  Htt  mutation  ultimately leads to death of GABAergic  inhibitory neurons in the putamen (part of striatum) Parkinson’s disease –  tremor, loss of balance, rigidity (hard to initiate movement) –  caused by loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra
Relationship Between CAG Repeats and Age of Onset •  CAG codes for glutamine •  11-24 CAG repeats is normal •  >36 is linked to Huntington disease
Brain of Patient with Huntington’s Disease
Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease 1. Pharmacological Treatments L-DOPA – crosses blood-brain barrier and is converted to dopamine  glutamate antagonists – reduce hyperactivity of glutamate in subthalamic nucleus 2. Destructive Surgical Treatments thalamotomy – surgical cut in ventral thalamus pallidotomy – surgical cut through the globus pallidus •  both are thought to interfere with excitatory messages that produce symptoms •  both reduce the rigidity and tremors (improving posture, gait, locomotion) •  cognition  and  mood  may also be improved with  pallidotomy 3. Nondestructive Surgical Treatments subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation reduces symptoms •  also called  deep brain stimulation 4. Restorative Surgical Treatments fetal stem cell implantations – insertion of DA-producing cells from dead fetuses •  raises serious ethical issues ( adult stem cells may be better, especially from same patient ) gene therapy – introduction of a gene that would rescue function •  e.g., use virus to deliver GAD gene to STN, thus restoring lost inhibition
END – Lecture 12
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 12 (October 20, 2010)
Many Stimuli are Transmitted as Waves  (e.g., electromagnetic radiation, vibration, and sound) The Electromagnetic Spectrum 1. Wavelength (nm, 1 nm = 10 -9  m) 2. Frequency (Hz, Hertz, cycles per s) 3. Amplitude (dB, decibels, range: 0 to 160) Wavelength ~380-760 nm is visible to humans Q: Why is the sky blue during day but reddish at sunrise or sunset?
v  = ƒ    Electromagnetic Radiation (e.g., Light Waves) Relationship between  velocity ( v ) ,   frequency (ƒ) , and  wavelength (  )  of light can be described by the following equation: •  Don’t worry about doing any calculations, this is just an example e.g., blue light with a wavelength of 455 nm (455 x 10 -9  m) would have  a frequency of: ƒ =  v  /   ƒ = (3 x 10 8  m/s) / (455 x 10 -9  m) ƒ = (3/455) x 10 17  / sec ƒ = .00659 x 10 17  Hz ƒ = 659 x 10 12  Hz Notes:  speed of light ( v ) is 3 x 10 8  m/s or 186,000 miles/sec m = meters; s = seconds nm = nanometers (10 -9  meters)
Stimulus Intensity is encoded by changes in  action potential frequency Adaptation  is a decrease in the firing rate in response to a continuous stimulus  (e.g., odor perception decreases as you get used to it)
Distribution of Visual Receptors Why is this baby owl’s head nearly upside down?
The Visual System

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  • 1.
  • 2. Professor : James R. Moyer, Jr., Ph.D. Semester : Fall 2010 Office : Garland 208 Meeting Time : MW 9:00 – 9:50 a.m. Office hrs: MW 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. Meeting Place : ENG 105 Office ph: x3255 Psych Listing : 254–402 lecture Email: [email_address] Course Description This course is designed to provide each student with comprehensive exposure to the nervous system and how it governs various behaviors . The course will also cover relevant anatomical, behavioral, psychological, cellular, imaging, and neurophysiological approaches used to study animal behavior. Upon completion of the course, the student will have a solid foundation regarding the biological basis of behavior upon which to build in more advanced courses of study. Reading Materials The recommended textbook for this course is Carlson, NR (2010). Physiology of Behavior, 10 th Ed. Allyn & Bacon, New York, NY . (Note: there are a variety of texts on reserve in the library as well). Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
  • 3. Determination of Your Final Grade Your overall grade will be determined by combining your scores from the following: 1. Discussion Section Attendance (10%) . Discussion sessions will begin Monday, September 13. TA will take attendance. If you cannot make your discussion session, you must make arrangements to attend one of the other 9 discussion sections that week . See page 6 of the syllabus for the weekly discussion session schedule . 2. Weekly Online Quizzes (25%) . There will be 12 open-book/notes quizzes available for you to take online beginning September 13 (each quiz will be available for one week). See page 7 of the syllabus for the quiz schedule. NO make-ups (if you fail to take a quiz you will receive a grade of zero for that quiz). 3. Regular Exams (40%). There will be 2 exams ( multiple-choice, true-false, matching questions ) scheduled during the semester (see dates on syllabus). Exams will be cumulative , which means that there will be some material from the previous exam(s) on each successive exam. 4. Final exam (25%). There will be a cumulative final exam on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in ENG 105 . Any student who does not take the final exam will fail the course. The final grade for the course will be determined based on your final average according to the following scale: A = 93-100%; A- = 90-92%; B+ = 87-89%; B = 83-86%; B- = 80-82%; C+ = 77-79%; C = 73-76%; C- = 70-72%; D+ = 67-69%; D = 63-66%; D- = 60-62%; F = 0-59%. Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
  • 4. Make-up, Curving and Extra Credit Make-up exam. Should a student fail to take one of the three scheduled exams during the semester, that student will receive a zero “0” as a grade for that exam. However, at the end of the semester a “one size fits all” cumulative make-up will be offered for students who missed one of the exams (no excuse or reason necessary). The make-up will be held on the study day at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 15 in ENG 105 . Curving of exams. I will not curve any of the exams. However, all exams will contain some extra credit questions. Thus, it is always possible to score greater than 100% on any exam, including the final. Extra credit. You may receive up to a maximum of 5 extra credit points, which will be added to your final exam score (thus, if you scored an 86% on the final and you did 5 points worth of extra credit, your final exam score would be a 91%). Check bulletin boards in Garland and Pearse for extra credit opportunities. I will also post some extra credit opportunities on the D2L, if an instructor requests an advertisement in class. Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
  • 5. Getting Help If you are having difficulties or have questions, please do not hesitate to come in for a visit to discuss any issues pertinent to your academic success. If you are struggling in the class, don’t wait until you’ve taken numerous quizzes or both exams to come for help . One mistake students often make is waiting too long to come to me to discuss their performance in the class, which limits my ability to help the student. Course Syllabus for Physiological Psychology
  • 6.
  • 7. History of Brain Research CARDIOCENTRIC explanations of behavior prevailed in ancient cultures • argued that the heart controlled thoughts, emotions and behavior • e.g., ancient Egyptians removed and discarded the brain before mummification but preserved the heart for the afterlife ENCEPHALOCENTRIC explanations of behavior emerged from dissections • argued that the brain controlled thoughts and emotions and behavior • Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) after witnessing many dissections argued that the brain controls behavior • Plato (427-327 B.C.) agreed with Hippocrates • Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) disagreed & argued it “cools the heart” • Galen (130-200 A.D.) later concluded that Aristotle’s role for the brain was “utterly absurd” for two reasons: 1. The brain was too far away to cool the heart and 2. Too many sensory nerves were attached to the brain • René Descartes (1596-1650 A.D.) argued that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul and exerts its actions via pressure changes in the fluid-filled ventricles
  • 8. Holism vs. Localization Controlled experiments involving the brain were quite rare until the 19th century. • Thus, two schools of thought emerged regarding the extent to which specific brain areas govern behaviors. Holism – argued that every area of the brain can control all human functions Localization – argued that human functions are regulated by distinct brain regions • Franz Gall (1757-1828) popularized localization based on his theories that specific brain protuberances (felt via skull) corresponded to specific personality traits “ Phrenology ” • Although not based on experimental evidence, Gall changed how many people thought about the brain and the work of future scientists supported localization of brain function.
  • 9. 1861 – Paul Broca examined patient “Tan” who had a stroke ~20 yrs earlier.
  • 10. 1876 – David Ferrier stimulated the motor cortex of monkeys and demonstrated that the indicated areas controlled movement of specific body parts: 1 and 2 hind limbs 3 tail 4, 5, 6 arm a, b, c, d hands and fingers 7-11 face and mouth 12, 13 eyes, head 14 ear 1870 – Fritsch and Hitzig stimulated the motor cortex of dogs and noted that stimulation near the top caused the hind legs to wiggle whereas stimulation near the bottom caused the jaw to move.
  • 13. TOPOGRAPHICAL ORGANIZATION - Somatosensory Cortex
  • 14. TOPOGRAPHICAL ORGANIZATION - Somatosensory Cortex
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task
  • 18. PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task Sight Sound Touch Speech
  • 19. PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task Sight Sound Touch Speech
  • 20. PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task Sight Sound Touch Speech
  • 21. PET scans reveal which specific brain regions are activated by a given task Sight Sound Touch Speech
  • 22. WHERE’S THE MIND? Two schools of thought: Dualism – the mind and body (or brain) are separate. e.g., Plato “father of western dualism” e.g., René Descartes Monism – the mind is the result of brain functioning & follows physical laws e.g., Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) stated “mind is a product of the brain” e.g., most modern brain scientists
  • 23. Physiological Approaches to Consciousness • Consciousness can be altered by changes in brain chemistry and thus we may hypothesize that it is a physiological function, just like behavior • Consciousness and ability to communicate seem to go hand in hand • Verbal communication allows us to send and receive messages from other people as well as send and receive our own messages (and thus think and be aware of our own existence)
  • 24.
  • 25. An explanation of the blindsight phenomenon
  • 26. MRIs of human brain showing corpus callosum (cc) corpus callosum
  • 27. Identification of an object by smell in a split-brain patient
  • 28. Identification of an object by sight in a split-brain patient
  • 29. Angular Gyrus Activity and the Out of Body Experience
  • 31. ORGANIZATION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM • CNS vs. PNS THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM I • Meninges, Ventricles, and Cerebrospinal Fluid • The Spinal Cord • Anatomical Coordinates PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSY 254) Lecture 02 (September 13, 2010)
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Ventricles & Flow of CSF • Lateral ventricle (2) • Third ventricle – aqueduct of Sylvius • Fourth ventricle – central canal
  • 35. Flow of CSF (Choroid Plexus Produces CSF) * * * * * * • CSF flows from choroid plexus (cells that make CSF) • CSF vol ~125 mL, continuously produced with half life ~3 hr • CSF circulates and then returns to blood stream via arachnoid villi or granulations (absorb CSF)
  • 36. Different Views of the Ventricles & Flow of CSF
  • 37. CSF Flows Down Spinal Cord via the Central Canal
  • 38.  
  • 39.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. The Cerebrum Central Sulcus separates frontal ( precentral gyrus ) from parietal ( postcentral gyrus ) Sylvian Fissure or Lateral Sulcus separates the temporal lobe from other lobes Sulci are fissures or grooves; Gyri are raised areas or outward bumps The Four Lobes of the Cerebrum
  • 49. The Major Lobes of the Cerebrum The Cerebrum
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. Cross Section through the Cerebrum
  • 53. The Cerebrum Anterior Commissure Note that the line from the label “Cerebral Cortex” at the upper left seems to point to white matter. However, the term Cerebral Cortex is generally used to refer to the Gray Matter.
  • 54. Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Corpus Callosum Projections Diffusion Tensor Imaging involves a modified MRI magnet. It enables visualization of bundles of axons (the processes that transmit signals from one cell to another)
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Schematic of Limbic Structures
  • 58. Superior View of Limbic Structures Side View of Limbic Structures (without any other brain regions)
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61. Location of the Basal Ganglia & Thalamus
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 65. Thalamic Connections using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
  • 66. Location of the Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland
  • 67. Location of the Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72. Midsagittal view of Forebrain, Midbrain, & Hindbrain
  • 73. Parts of the Forebrain, Midbrain, & Hindbrain
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80. PNS Transmits Information to the Body via 43 Pairs of Nerves • 12 pairs of CRANIAL NERVES – enter & exit the brain through holes in skull • 31 pairs of SPINAL NERVES – enter & exit the spinal cord between vertebrae
  • 81. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs, CNs I through XII) • enter & exit the brain through holes ( foramena ) in skull • permit direct communication between brain & PNS • allow for sensory input from head, neck, upper abdomen • allow for motor output from brain to skeletal muscles in head and neck • allow for parasympathetic output to smooth muscles in head, neck, and upper abdomen • CNs I & II go to forebrain (prosencephalon) • CNs III & IV arise from midbrain (mesencephalon) • CNs V–XII enter & exit the hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
  • 82. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 3 of the cranial nerves serve sensory functions only: • CN I (olfactory nerve) – sensory ; smell • CN II (optic nerve) – sensory ; sight • CN III • CN IV • CN V • CN VI • CN VII • CN VIII (auditory nerve) – sensory ; hearing • CN IX • CN X • CN XI • CN XII
  • 83. Red is motor Blue is Sensory
  • 84. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 3 of the cranial nerves control eye movement: • CN I (olfactory nerve) – sensory ; smell • CN II (optic nerve) – sensory ; sight • CN III (oculomotor nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN IV (trochlear nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN V • CN VI (abducens nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN VII • CN VIII (auditory nerve) – sensory ; hearing • CN IX • CN X • CN XI • CN XII
  • 85. Red is motor Blue is Sensory
  • 86. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 2 of the cranial nerves control facial muscles: • CN I (olfactory nerve) – sensory ; smell • CN II (optic nerve) – sensory ; sight • CN III (oculomotor nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN IV (trochlear nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN V (trigeminal nerve) – motor, chewing; sensory, face & head • CN VI (abducens nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN VII (facial nerve) – motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face • CN VIII (auditory nerve) – sensory ; hearing • CN IX • CN X • CN XI • CN XII
  • 87. Red is motor Blue is Sensory
  • 88. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 2 of the cranial nerves control throat and tongue muscles: • CN I (olfactory nerve) – sensory ; smell • CN II (optic nerve) – sensory ; sight • CN III (oculomotor nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN IV (trochlear nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN V (trigeminal nerve) – motor, chewing; sensory, face & head • CN VI (abducens nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN VII (facial nerve) – motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face • CN VIII (auditory nerve) – sensory ; hearing • CN IX (glossopharyngeal) – motor, throat & larynx; sensory, taste • CN X • CN XI • CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) – motor, tongue movements
  • 89. Red is motor Blue is Sensory
  • 90. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 1 cranial nerve wanders to the head, neck, & upper abdomen: • CN I (olfactory nerve) – sensory ; smell • CN II (optic nerve) – sensory ; sight • CN III (oculomotor nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN IV (trochlear nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN V (trigeminal nerve) – motor, chewing; sensory, face & head • CN VI (abducens nerve) – motor, eye movement • CN VII (facial nerve) – motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face • CN VIII (auditory nerve) – sensory ; hearing • CN IX (glossopharyngeal) – motor, throat & larynx; sensory, taste • CN X (vagus nerve) – motor, smooth muscles of neck, chest & upper abdomen; sensory, taste, organs of chest & upper abdomen • CN XI • CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) – motor, tongue movements
  • 91. Red is motor Blue is Sensory
  • 92. CRANIAL NERVES (12 pairs) 1 cranial nerve is motor only & innervates neck muscles: • CN I (olfactory nerve) – sensory ; smell (S) • CN II (optic nerve) – sensory ; sight (S) • CN III (oculomotor nerve) – motor, eye movement (M) • CN IV (trochlear nerve) – motor, eye movement (M) • CN V (trigeminal nerve) – motor, chewing; sensory, face & head (B) • CN VI (abducens nerve) – motor, eye movement (M) • CN VII (facial nerve) – motor, facial muscles; sensory, taste & face (B) • CN VIII (auditory nerve) – sensory ; hearing (S) • CN IX (glossopharyngeal) – motor, throat & larynx; sensory, taste (B) • CN X (vagus nerve) – motor, smooth muscles of thoracic & upper abdomen; sensory, taste, organs of chest & upper abdomen (B) • CN XI (accessory nerve) – motor only, skeletal muscles of neck (M) • CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) – motor, tongue movements (M) Mnemonic: S ome S ay M oney M atters B ut M y B rother S ays B ig B rains M atter M ore ( S = sensory; M = motor; B = both)
  • 93. Red is motor Blue is Sensory
  • 94. The Cranial Nerves & Their Functions Bell’s Palsy – facial paralysis caused by an infection of the facial nerve ( CN VII ). Results in paralysis on that side of face (not usually permanent).
  • 95. PNS Transmits Information to the Body via 43 Pairs of Nerves • 12 pairs of CRANIAL NERVES – enter & exit the brain through holes in skull • 31 pairs of SPINAL NERVES – enter & exit the spinal cord between vertebrae
  • 96. Spinal Nerves Exit the Spinal Cord Between Adjacent Vertebra
  • 97. Spinal Nerves Exit the Spinal Cord Between Adjacent Vertebra
  • 98. Spinal Nerves Exit the Spinal Cord Between Adjacent Vertebra
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101.
  • 102. Dermatome Map • The body area innervated by one spinal nerve Q: Why do you not see C1 on the dermatome map to the right?
  • 103. Sacral–Parasympathetic (anus, genitals, & bladder) Cranial–Parasympathetic (organs, vessels, and muscles, etc…) Thoracic & Lumbar – Sympathetic (organs, vessels, muscles, anus, genitals, bladder, etc…) Distribution of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • 104. • thoracolumbar • craniosacral Distribution of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • 106.
  • 107. The Nervous System Two Types of Cells: 1. Neurons – cells of the nervous system 2. Glia – support cells Historically: • 1840 – Schleiden & Schwann proposed cells were basic units of tissue • However, scientists thought that nervous tissue was not made of cells 1860s Golgi – Silver impregnation 1892 Cajal – Neuron doctrine 1906 Golgi & Cajal were awarded the Nobel Prize Camillo Golgi (1843-1926) Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934)
  • 108.
  • 109. Example of a Motor Neuron
  • 110. Parts of a Neuron
  • 111. Information Flow Between and Within Neurons 1. Signal enters dendrite or soma 2. Signal travels from soma to axon 3. Signal travels down axon 4. Signal leaves axon and enters dendrite or soma
  • 112. Divergence (e.g., sensory) Convergence (e.g., motor) Information Flow Between Neurons
  • 113. Basic Subcellular Components of Mammalian cells (similar for neurons)
  • 115.
  • 116. Cell Nucleus and Protein Synthesis Chromosomes contain genetic information, 23 pairs – 22 pairs are autosomal – the final pair are sex chromosomes (XX or XY) – the 23 pair of chromosomes contain ~20,000 to 25,000 genes Genome refers to the sum total of all the genes; same in every cell Nucleic acids are specialized compounds that contain a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphoric acid • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA ) encodes the genetic material of a cell – found in the nucleus (and in mitochondria) • Contains 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine • Nucleoside is nitrogen base + sugar (2-deoxyribose) • Nucleotide is base-sugar + phosphoric acid • Ribonucleic acid (RNA ) serves as blueprint for proteins – generally found in the cytoplasm as mRNA and ribosomes – also contain 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil – triplet base pairs encode specific amino acids (e.g., UGG = tryptophan ) – ribosomes read mRNA and add appropriate amino acids to make protein
  • 118. Examples of Genetic Alterations that affect Brain Function Fragile-X Syndrome – normally the X chromosome (FMR1 gene has a CGG triad repeated 10-30 times ) – in fragile-X, the CGG triad is repeated hundreds of times – produces mental retardation (disrupted synaptic connections) Mental retardation also results from untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) which is linked to an altered gene on chromosome 12 ( lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase ) Down Syndrome – Results from a trisomy of chromosome 21 (3 copies instead of 2) – leads to faulty brain development and cognitive impairments as well as other skeletal and soft tissue abnormalities
  • 119. Classifying Neurons 1. Based on anatomical or morphological features (Ramón y Cajal) – unipolar (or monopolar) neuron – bipolar neuron – pseudo-unipolar neuron – multipolar neuron 2. Based on functionality (often used to describe neurons in the spinal cord) – motor neuron – sensory neuron – interneuron
  • 121. Example of a Sensory Neuron Note: functionally, this pseudo-unipolar cell contains one axon (on the left) and a sensory process on the right, however this process is functionally an axon (it reliably transmits electrical spikes from the skin to the CNS). Only the sensory endings are technically dendrites. Warning: some people (including your text) refer to pseudo-unipolar cells as unipolar cells, I maintain a separate classification between these, however both are exclusively sensory neurons .
  • 122.
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 126. Glial Cells – Astrocytes
  • 127. Myelination of Axons Schwann Cells (PNS) Oligodendrocytes (CNS) Value of myelination: 1. Speeds axonal transmission (action potential jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier instead of traveling down entire axon (Saltatory Conduction) 2. Assist in axon regeneration (Schwann cells only)
  • 128. Electron Micrograph of a Schwann Cell Schwann Cells – myelinate only one segment of one axon
  • 129. Comparison of Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells
  • 130. Oligodendrocytes myelinate multiple segments of multiple axons
  • 134.
  • 136.
  • 137. Cell Nucleus and Protein Synthesis Chromosomes contain genetic information, 23 pairs – 22 pairs are autosomal – the final pair are sex chromosomes (XX or XY) – the 23 pair of chromosomes contain ~20,000 to 25,000 genes Genome refers to the sum total of all the genes; same in every cell Nucleic acids are specialized compounds that contain a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphoric acid • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA ) encodes the genetic material of a cell – found in the nucleus (and in mitochondria) • Contains 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine • Nucleoside is nitrogen base + sugar (2-deoxyribose) • Nucleotide is base-sugar + phosphoric acid • Ribonucleic acid (RNA ) serves as blueprint for proteins – generally found in the cytoplasm as mRNA and ribosomes – also contain 4 nitrogen bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil – triplet base pairs encode specific amino acids (e.g., UGG = tryptophan ) – ribosomes read mRNA and add appropriate amino acids to make protein
  • 139. Examples of Genetic Alterations that affect Brain Function Fragile-X Syndrome – normally the X chromosome (FMR1 gene has a CGG triad repeated 10-30 times ) – in fragile-X, the CGG triad is repeated hundreds of times – produces mental retardation (disrupted synaptic connections) Mental retardation also results from untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) which is linked to an altered gene on chromosome 12 ( lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase ) Down Syndrome – Results from a trisomy of chromosome 21 (3 copies instead of 2) – leads to faulty brain development and cognitive impairments as well as other skeletal and soft tissue abnormalities
  • 140.
  • 141.
  • 142. Synapse – the junction between two connected neurons (Sherrington, 1906) Synapse is composed of: 1. presynaptic membrane 2. synaptic cleft (<300 Å or 30 nm) 3. postsynaptic membrane Chemical Synapse During an impulse, or action potential, neurotransmitter vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. They then diffuse across the cleft and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuronal membrane.
  • 143. Electron Micrograph of an axodendritic synapse
  • 144. EM of axodendritic synapse Mag: 280,000 X
  • 145.
  • 146.
  • 147. Glial Cells and Neurons can communicate via Gap Junctions Gap junctions – enable electrical coupling between neurons and/or glial cells
  • 148. Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) • Neurons are bathed in a salt solution (the salts dissociate into ions) • Ions are positive (cations) or negative (anions); e.g., NaCl dissociates into Na + & Cl - • Inside cell is more negative • Outside cell is more positive • cell membrane restricts ion movement • RMP is usually ~ -70 mV
  • 149.  
  • 150. Recording Neuronal Activity Much of what we know about the ionic basis of membrane potential and the action potential was learned using the Squid Giant Axon preparation.
  • 152. Neuronal Cell Membrane is a Phospholipid Bilayer with Ion Channels Ions (salts) cannot simply diffuse across the cell membrane (they must go through channels) Hydrophilic (attracted to water) & Hydrophobic (repelled from water)
  • 153. High Na + and Cl - outside (low inside) High K + inside (low outside) Distribution of Ions Across the Neuronal Membrane at Rest
  • 154. What is the Equilibrium or Reversal Potential of an Ion?
  • 155. Distribution of Ions Across the Neuronal Membrane at Rest 2 forces at work: chemical and electrical gradients
  • 156. At Rest During Depolarization • Neuron’s RMP is negative at rest • During depolarization, Na + rushes into cell, making inside more positive • If depolarization is strong enough to fire an Action Potential, the inside will become much more positive than the outside Membrane Potential
  • 157. • Small inputs are subthreshold (e.g., 1, 2, 3) • If input is large enough, threshold is reached. • At threshold, an Action Potential is initiated (e.g., 4) Relevant Concepts: • All-or-none law • absolute refractory period • relative refractory period The Action Potential
  • 158. Summary of Ion Channel Activity During an Action Potential
  • 159.
  • 160. Conduction of the Action Potential
  • 161. Movement of an Action Potential down an Unmyelinated Axon
  • 162.
  • 163. Saltatory Conduction – conserves energy; increases conduction speed (up to 120 m/s or 432 km/hr) Myelination
  • 164. Saltatory Conduction IMPORTANT CONCEPTS: • Distribution of Na + & K + channels • Spread of electrical charge
  • 165. Action Potential Propagation THOUGHT QUESTION: Is it better to have a previously myelinated axon become demyelinated or is it better to have an axon that was never myelinated in the first place? Or do they function the same?
  • 166. The Na-K Pump ( 3 Na + : 2K + ) also called the Na-K ATPase Summary of Action Potential Events 1. During AP, Na + enters 2. After AP begins, K + exits 3. Cell must restore Na + & K + ! Na-K ATPase restores ion balance 1. 3 Na + ions are pumped out 2. 2 K + ions are pumped in
  • 167. Coding of Stimulus Strength
  • 168. 1. Temporal summation 2. Spatial summation How does a neuron integrate or add up inputs it receives?
  • 169. Temporal and Spatial summation
  • 170. Temporal and Spatial summation
  • 172.
  • 173. Four General Classes of Ion Channels
  • 174. Movement of Sodium Ions with Channel Opening
  • 175. Basic Steps involved in Transmitter Release
  • 176. Before the action potential arrives, the postsynaptic ligand-gated channels are closed After the action potential arrives, neurotransmitter is released, binds and causes postsynaptic ligand-gated channels to open Ligand-Gated Ion Channel A B
  • 177. Schematic of Synaptic Vesicle Release
  • 178. Steps Involved in Neurotransmitter Release
  • 180. EM of Synaptic Vesicle Release
  • 181.
  • 182.
  • 183.
  • 184. Movement of Major Ions (EPSPs vs IPSPs)
  • 185. Postsynaptic and Presynaptic Inhibition Simple Rule of Thumb (each causes hyperpolarization of the membrane): Postsynaptic inhibition decreases a neuron’s responsiveness to inputs (acts at inputs) Presynaptic inhibition decreases a neuron’s ability to release transmitter (acts at output)
  • 186. Balance between Excitation and Inhibition
  • 187.
  • 188. IONOTROPIC RECEPTORS (e.g., nicotinic AChRs)
  • 189.
  • 190. METABOTROPIC RECEPTORS Effects of Second Messenger Cascades, such as those through metabotropic G-protein-linked receptors, last longer than those through ionotropic ligand-gated receptors.
  • 191. Agonists and Antagonists • Agonist activates the receptor • Antagonist blocks the receptor
  • 192. Two Common Types of Agonists and Antagonists DIRECT INDIRECT Competes for same site as neurotransmitter ( competitive ) Does NOT compete for same site as neurotransmitter ( noncompetitive )
  • 193.
  • 194. SUMMARY OF WAYS IN WHICH DRUGS CAN AFFECT SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION Note: AGO = agonist ( blue Box ); ANT = antagonist ( red Box )
  • 196.
  • 197. Neurotransmitters and Neurohormones • Neurotransmitters – substances released by one neuron that bind to receptors on the target neuron e.g., acetylcholine note: some are referred to as Neuromodulators • Neurohormones – released by brain or other organs, travel via bloodstream to target neurons e.g., epinephrine (adrenal gland)
  • 198. Neurohormone Release of epinephrine from the adrenal gland produces sympathetic arousal
  • 199.
  • 200. Neurotransmitter Associated Neurons Acetylcholine cholinergic Dopamine dopaminergic Norepinephrine noradrenergic Serotonin serotonergic Epinephrine adrenergic Glutamate glutaminergic GABA GABAergic Anandamide cannabinergic Names of Neurons Associated with Specific Neurotransmitters
  • 201. Acetylcholine • First neurotransmitter discovered (in PNS) • Most extensively studied neurotransmitter
  • 202. Cholinergic Neurons 1. Dorsolateral Pons ––––––– REM sleep (including atonia) 2. Basolateral Forebrain –––– Activates cerebral cortex (nucleus basalis) facilitates learning & memory 3. Medial Septum ––––––––– Controls rhythms in hippocampus modulates memory formation
  • 203. Synthesis of Acetylcholine Produced by combining the lipid breakdown product choline with acetyl-CoA (made in the mitochondria)
  • 205. Enzymes Enzymes are proteins that catalyze a reaction that might normally take a long time to occur. If you see a word ending in “ –ase ” it’s an enzyme. The first word or part of the word (if it’s a one-word name) refers to what the enzyme is acting on. For example : • Choline acetyltransferase acts on choline to transfer an acetyl group and thus convert it to acetylcholine • Acetylcholinesterase acts on acetylcholine to break it up.
  • 206.
  • 207. Cholinergic Receptors • Muscles contain nicotinic AChRs ( essential for rapid transmitter action at neuromuscular junction! ) • CNS contains both types, though mostly muscarinic AChRs ( nicotinic AChRs tend to be found at axoaxonic synapses )
  • 208. Breakdown & Local Synthesis of ACh Acetylcholinesterase – Inactivates ACh after it is released (AChE) (breaks it into acetate and choline) Choline Re-uptake ––– Choline is transported back into the presynaptic terminal for local synthesis of ACh. Re-uptake is vital because axonal transport of choline from cell body is slow! Re-uptake has an efficiency of ~50% (i.e., about half of released is recovered)
  • 209. Breakdown & Local Synthesis of ACh
  • 210. Acetylcholinesterase ( located in the synaptic cleft ) breaks down acetylcholine into acetate and choline (which is recycled). Hemicholinium is a drug that inhibits the reuptake of choline. Reuptake has an efficiency of 50% (i.e., 50% is reused)
  • 211. Drugs that Affect Cholinergic Receptors Examples 1. Curare • Blocks nicotinic AChRs (or nAChRs) • Had been and still is used by native South American populations • Used to paralyze muscles during surgery 2. Atropine • Blocks muscarinic AChRs (or mAChRs) • Used to treat AChE inhibitors (thus reducing the excess ACh action) • Also used to dilate the pupils for eye exams
  • 212. Toxins that Affect Cholinergic Transmission Examples 1. Botulinum toxin ––––––––––––– Clostridium botulinum Prevents release of ACh thus it blocks muscle excitation VERY POTENT! (e.g., 1 oz can kill 200 million people!) 2. Tetanus toxin ––––––––––––––– Clostridium tetani Prevents release of Glycine & GABA thus it blocks inhibitory transmission indirectly causing excess ACh release Botulinum and Tetanus toxins cleave Synaptobrevin (thus preventing vesicle fusion & transmitter release) 3. Black Widow Spider Venom ––– Stimulates ACh release less toxic, but can be fatal in infants and elderly
  • 213. Drugs that Affect ACh Breakdown Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChE inhibitors) • Prolong the effects of ACh release by preventing its breakdown • Used as insecticides (insects can’t destroy it) • Used medically to relieve symptoms of myasthenia gravis (auto-immune) e.g., neostigmine - AChE inhibitor that can’t cross blood-brain barrier • Used as biological weapons e.g., Sarin, Tabun (treated with atropine sulfate , discussed earlier, and pralidoxime , which rejuvenates the AChE)
  • 214. Summary of Cholinergic Drugs Drug Name Drug Effect Effect on Transmission Nicotine Stim nicotinic AChRs AGONIST Curare Block nicotinic AChRs ANTAGONIST Muscarine Stim. muscarinic AChRs AGONIST Atropine Block muscarinic AChRs ANTAGONIST Black widow spider venom Stim. ACh release AGONIST Botulinum toxin Block ACh release ANTAGONIST Neostigmine (can’t cross blood-brain barrier) Blocks acetylcholinesterase AGONIST Hemicholinium Blocks choline reuptake ANTAGONIST
  • 215. Classification of the Monoamine Transmitters Catecholamines Indolamines Dopamine Serotonin Norepinephrine Epinephrine
  • 216.
  • 217. Dopaminergic Neurons & Projections 1. Substantia Nigra ––––––––– to neostriatum , part of basal ganglia (involved in the control of movement ) 2. VTA ––––––––––––––––– to nucleus accumbens (involved in reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse ) to amygdala (involved in emotions ) to hippocampus (involved in the formation of memories ) 3. VTA ––––––––––––––––– to prefrontal cortex (involved in short-term memories , planning, problem-solving strategies) Nigrostriatal Mesolimbic projection Mesocortical projection
  • 218.  
  • 219. MAO (Monoamine Oxidase) – destroys excess monoamines – MAO-B is specific for dopamine – Deprenyl is an MAO-B inhibitor (depression, Parkinson’s) Reuptake – Transporters are used to remove Dopamine from the synaptic cleft and return it to the nerve terminal Regulation of Dopamine
  • 220. Drugs that Affect Dopaminergic Transmission Examples 1. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors) • MAO regulates production of catecholamines (destroys excess) • MAO inhibitors are used to treat depression • MAO-B is specific for dopamine (e.g., deprenyl) 2. Re-uptake inhibitors • Blocks re-uptake of dopamine by nerve terminals • e.g., amphetamine , cocaine , methylphenidate (Ritalin) Also causes release of DA & NE by reversing the direction of transporters Also blocks voltage-dependent sodium channels Used to treat ADHD
  • 221. Examples of Drugs that Affect Dopaminergic Transmission 1. L-DOPA • Used to treat Parkinson’s disease • Crosses blood-brain barrier & enters CNS where it is converted to dopamine 2. AMPT (  -methyl-p-tyrosine) • Binds to tyrosine hydroxylase • Thus it prevents synthesis of L-DOPA and therefore dopamine 3. MPTP (methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridene) • Contaminant in synthetic Heroin • It’s metabolized into MPP+, which destroys dopamine neurons and produces Parkinson-like symptoms 4. Reserpine • Prevents storage of monoamines in synaptic vesicles • Acts by blocking transporters that pump monoamines into vesicles • End result is no transmitter is released
  • 222. Effects of Drugs at Dopaminergic Synapses
  • 223. Dopamine Receptors • DA receptors are metabotropic • 5 subtypes of DA receptors (D1 – D5) - D1 & D2 are the most common subtypes • Some are autoreceptors (similar to D2) located pre- and post-synaptic - postsynaptic – act to decrease neuron firing (K current) - presynaptic – act to suppress tyrosine-hydroxylase • Apomorphine has multiple effects on DA receptors - At low doses it binds presynaptic autoreceptors (decrease DA) - At high doses it acts as an agonist at postsynaptic D2 receptors
  • 224. Schizophrenia • Serious mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and disruption of normal logical thought processes • May involve hyperactivity of dopaminergic neurons ( excess ) 1. Chlorpromazine ( D2 antagonist ) alleviates hallucinations in schizophrenic patients 2. Clozapine ( D4 antagonist ) also relieves symptoms
  • 225. Summary of Dopaminergic Drugs Drug Name Drug Effect Effect on Transmission L-DOPA Stimulate DA synthesis AGONIST AMPT Inhibit DA synthesis ANTAGONIST Deprenyl MAO-B inhibitor AGONIST Reserpine Block storage of DA in synaptic vesicles ANTAGONIST Amphetamine, Cocaine, Methylphenidate All 3 Block DA reuptake AGONIST MPTP Destroys DA neurons ANTAGONIST Clorpromazine Blocks D2 receptors ANTAGONIST Clozapine Blocks D4 receptors ANTAGONIST
  • 226. Noradrenergic Neurons Locus Coeruleus (located in Reticular Formation) • Contains noradrenergic neurons whose axons extend to most of the brain, including thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic, cerebral cortex • Activation of LC increases vigilance or attentiveness to environment
  • 227. Norepinephrine • Synthesized from dopamine • Synthesis actually occurs inside synaptic vesicles
  • 228.
  • 229. Examples of Drugs that Affect Noradrenergic Transmission 1. Fusaric acid • Blocks DA-  -hydroxylase • Results in blockade of NE production in vesicles 2. Moclobemide • Blocks MAO-A (which normally destroys excess NE) • Results in an increase in NE 3. Desipramine • Blocks re-uptake of NE (and possibly serotonin) • a tricyclic antidepressant
  • 230. Noradrenergic Receptors • NE receptors are called adrenergic because they respond to both norepinephrine (nor adren alin) and epinephrine ( adren alin) • Adrenergic receptors are metabotropic and coupled to G proteins • 2 types of adrenergic receptors are alpha (  ) and beta (  ) -  1 - and  2 -adrenergic (located in CNS & PNS) -  1 - and  2 -adrenergic (located in CNS & PNS) -  3 (located only in PNS) •  1 -adrenergic (slow depolarizing effect; more responsive to excitatory input) •  2 -adrenergic (slow hyperpolarizing effect) •  1 - and  2 -adrenergic are excitatory (they increase neuronal responsiveness to inputs).  1 are mostly on heart muscle whereas  2 are mostly on smooth muscle lining bronchioles & arterioles of skeletal muscle. Example of contraindications: beta-blockers & hypertension in asthmatics!
  • 231.  
  • 232. Summary of Noradrenergic Drugs Drug Name Drug Effect Effect on Transmission Clonidine – has a calming effect (but also interferes with learning) Yohimbine – has an agitating effect; promotes anxiety Clonidine Stimulate  2 receptors AGONIST Yohimbine Block  2 receptors ANTAGONIST Albuterol Stimulate  2 receptors AGONIST Butoxamine Block  2 receptors ANTAGONIST Fusaric acid Inhibits NE synthesis ANTAGONIST Reserpine Inhibits storage of NE in vesicles ANTAGONIST Desipramine Inhibits reuptake of NE AGONIST Moclobemide Inhibits MAO-A AGONIST
  • 234.
  • 235. Serotonin • Synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan • Important in the following: - regulation of mood - control of eating, sleep, arousal - regulation of pain ( hyperalgesia after injury) - control of dreaming
  • 236. Serotonin • PRECURSORS to serotonin Dorsal Raphe –– sends 5-HT projections to cortex & basal ganglia • Medial Raphe –– sends 5-HT projections to cortex & dentate gyrus Note: raphe means “crease” or “seam” (the nuclei are found near the midline of the brain stem) The clusters of nuclei that make up the raphe are found in the medulla, pons, and midbrain.
  • 237. Synthesis of Serotonin (or 5-HT) PCPA ( p -chlorophenylalanine) • blocks tryptophan hydroxylase and thus serotonin production MAO-A (monoamine oxidase A) • inactivates excess serotonin • ultimately converted into 5-HIAA ( measureable metabolite ) (5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid)
  • 238. Serotonin Receptors • 5-HT receptors are metabotropic ( except 5-HT 3 is an ionotropic Cl - channel ) • At least 9 different subtypes of 5-HT receptors - 5-HT 1A-1B ; 5-HT 1D-1F ; 5-HT 2A-2C ; 5-HT 3 - 5-HT 1B and 1D are presynaptic autoreceptors (axons) - 5-HT 1A are presynaptic autoreceptors (soma & dendrites) • 5-HT 3 are important in nausea & vomiting (antagonists help in chemo patients) Reminder: an autoreceptor is a receptor on its own axon terminal that responds to the neurotransmitter released by the same axon (a negative feedback mechanism)
  • 239. Drugs that Affect Serotonin • 5-HT re-uptake inhibitors ( SRIs or SSRIs ) are useful in treating certain mental disorders (these drugs act by prolonging the action of serotonin at synapses) e.g., Fluoxetine (Prozac) - depression & anxiety disorders • Drugs that stimulate 5-HT release have also been used e.g., Fenfluramine – has been used as an appetite suppressant (in combination with phenteramine which acts on catecholamines to counteract the drowsiness caused by fenfluramine) • 5-HT 2A agonists cause hallucinations e.g., LSD is thought to exert behavioral effects as an agonist of 5-HT 2A receptors in the forebrain • Ecstasy ( MDMA ; 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine ) causes release of serotonin, norepinephrine, and to a lesser extent dopamine (agonistic effect). MDMA damages serotonergic neurons .
  • 240. Summary of Serotonergic Drugs Drug Name Drug Effect Effect on Transmission Fenfluramine Stimulate 5-HT release AGONIST Fluoxetine Inhibits reuptake of 5-HT AGONIST PCPA Inhibits 5-HT synthesis ANTAGONIST Reserpine Inhibits storage of 5-HT in vesicles ANTAGONIST
  • 241. Summary of Neurotransmitter Synthesis Pathways PKU (phenylketonuria) - myelination - brain damage
  • 242. Amino Acid Neurotransmitters Two Major Classes: excitatory and inhibitory 1. The Excitatory Neurotransmitter is Glutamate (in brain & spinal cord) 2. The Inhibitory Neurotransmitter is GABA (in brain) or Glycine (in spinal cord and lower brain)
  • 243.
  • 244. NMDA Receptor Channel Complex 6 NMDAR Binding Sites 1. Glutamate (natural agonist) 2. Glycine (co-agonist required for glutamate to have any effect on NMDARs) 3. Mg 2+ (binds inside channel and blocks) 4. Zn 2+ (decreases activity) 5. Polyamine (increases activity) 6. PCP (blocks channel) Thus, the NMDA Receptor is a Voltage & Neurotransmitter-Dependent Ion Channel
  • 245. Amino Acid Neurotransmitters GABA (MAJOR INHIBITORY TRANSMITTER IN BRAIN) • 2 main receptor subtypes ( 1 ionotropic & 1 metabotropic ) • [discussed further on next slide] GLYCINE (INHIBITORY TRANSMITTER IN CORD AND LOWER BRAIN) • ionotropic receptors (Cl – influx causes IPSPs) • strychnine is an antagonist (convulsions via excess/uncontrolled excitatatory drive)
  • 246. GABA Receptors • Enzyme GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase) converts glutamic acid to GABA - GAD is inhibited by allylglycine (thus blocking GABA synthesis) • GABA receptor subtypes: 1. GABA A • ionotropic • opens Cl – channel, causing Cl – influx and hyperpolarization • [see next slide for more details on GABA receptors] 2. GABA B • metabotropic (coupled to G-proteins) • causes K + efflux and thus hyperpolarization • Baclofen is an agonist (relaxes muscles)
  • 247. GABA A Receptors GABA A Receptor has 5 binding sites 1. GABA (natural agonist) • muscimol is a direct agonist • bicuculline is a direct antagonist 2. Benzodiazepine (indirect agonist) • anxiolytic drugs (diazepam or valium) tranquilizers, promote sleep, reduce seizure activity, relax muscles 3. Barbiturate (indirect agonist) • low doses have a calming effect • rarely used as anesthetic due to small therapeutic index (easy to OD) 4. Steroid (indirect agonist) 5. Picrotoxin (indirect antagonist) Note:  -CCM (methyl-  -carboline-3-carboxylate) may be a natural ligand for Benzodiazepine binding site. This is an inverse agonist and thus produces fear, tension, and anxiety. It may be part of our fight or flight danger system.
  • 248.
  • 250.
  • 251. Development of the Human Brain Relative Brain Size: At birth: ~ 350 g At 1 yr: ~1000 g Adult: ~1200 g • Forebrain • Midbrain • Hindbrain
  • 252. Timeline of Major Stages in Cerebral Cortex Development Neurogenesis declines significantly by week 20 and is nearly complete by 5 mo., but it does continue throughout life in some regions ( i.e., adult neurogenesis ).
  • 253. Origin of Brain Cells Neurotrophic factors • EGF (epidermal growth factor) – stem to progenitor • bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) – progenitor to neuroblast • PDGF (platelet derived growth factor) – progenitor to glioblast (specifically oligodendrocyte)
  • 254.
  • 255. Axon Pathfinding (how does an axon know where to go?) Roger Sperry (1943)
  • 256. Axon Growth and Neuron Survival Growth Cones extend out as axons seek targets Tropic molecules guide axons; produced by targets (e.g., netrins) Trophic molecules support survival of cells and axons once target is reached neurotrophins (e.g., NGF, BDNF) Neuronal and synaptic pruning (via apoptosis) Important concepts : • Chemoattractant • Chemorepellent
  • 257. Synapse Pruning (Elimination) Synaptic connections are plastic!
  • 258.
  • 259. Regrowth of Axons • Can occur as long as the soma or cell body is intact • Rate is usually ~1 mm/day (PNS) • in CNS, axons usually regenerate only 1-2 mm total (CNS) , thus paralysis due to spinal cord injury is usually permanent • In PNS, axon regrowth follows myelin sheath back to target • Regrowth in PNS may not be perfect • e.g., if a motor neuron’s axon is cut (not crushed), segments may not align and axon may synapse on wrong target muscle
  • 261. Denervation Supersensitivity Remember: Amphetamine causes DA release from existing axon terminals Apomorphine stimulates DA receptors (an appropriately high dose was used)
  • 263.
  • 266. Muscles and Muscle Fibers Skeletal Muscle : • Attach to bone or cartilage via tendons • Made up of cells (muscle fibers) • Each muscle fiber contains contractile proteins Actin – thin filaments Myosin – thick filaments • The filaments overlap
  • 267. Major Components of Skeletal Muscle
  • 268. Skeletal Muscle : • Striated appearance due to arrangement of actin & myosin • Actin filaments (thin) are attached to proteins that form the Z-line • Myosin filaments (thick) are found between rows of actin Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction • During contraction , the following events occur: 1. Actin filaments slide along each myosin filament (from both ends) 2. Z-lines get closer together (because actin is attached to Z-line) 3. Result is that the muscle shortens
  • 270. Neuromuscular Junction & Muscle Contraction : • Motor neurons innervate skeletal muscle fibers at a special region called the motor endplate • The motor endplate contains ACh receptors (mostly nicotinic) • One motor neuron can innervate multiple muscle fibers Motor Unit = motor neuron plus the muscle fibers it innervates • Muscles used for very fine (discrete) movements have smaller motor units • Muscles used for posture have larger motor units
  • 271. Classification of Skeletal Muscles by Color : Red Muscle – High concentration of myoglobin (carries oxygen) – Relies heavily on oxidation to produce ATP – Engages in heavy activity without fatiguing – Used for slow, sustained movements – e.g., chicken or turkey legs White Muscle – Low concentration of myoglobin – Quickly goes into oxygen debt during contraction – Fatigues quickly – Used for rapid contractions in short bursts – e.g., chicken or turkey breasts Note: In humans and other mammals, red and white muscle fibers are found in the same muscles, unlike birds. For example, sprinting uses white, hiking/walking uses red.
  • 272. Antagonistic Muscles (flexion and extension) Isotonic Contraction (muscle shortens) e.g., legs, produces the movement when carrying heavy box Isometric Contraction (muscle length stays same) e.g., back & arm muscles contract when holding or carrying heavy box Think of the different muscles that are used when carrying a heavy box up a flight of stairs – some contractions are isotonic and some are isometric. Muscular Movements and Contractions
  • 273. Opposing or Antagonistic Muscle Movements Antagonistic Muscles (flexion vs extension)
  • 274. Spinal Control of Movement REFLEXES are rapid movements mediated by either brain stem nuclei or the spinal cord (we’ll only cover spinal cord today). They are very Important (e.g., protect the body, basic life support) They vary in complexity and number of synapses: • Simple (e.g., withdrawal or flexion reflex) • Complex (e.g., postural, involving many different muscles) Note: Simple and Complex are relative terms. Even simple reflexes can involve MANY neurons (even thousands).
  • 275. Three Reflexes Seen in Infants • Grasping • Babinski • Rooting
  • 276. The Babinski Reflex – in children & adults it’s diagnostic of CNS damage • Positive Babinski – fanning of toes with stroking bottom of foot – always seen in infants < ~6 mo. (due to lack of descending inhibition) • Negative Babinski – curling of toes with stroking bottom of foot – seen in older infants and all healthy people – results from descending inhibitio n from brain
  • 277. Withdrawal Reflex is a simple reflex involving only a few synapses between the sensory (afferent) neuron and the motor (efferent) neuron
  • 278. Withdrawal Reflex (involves one or more interneurons between the sensory and motor neuron) Note: the more interneurons (and thus synapses) there are in the reflex arc, the longer the reflex takes
  • 279. Withdrawal Reflex Note: descending projections from the brain can inhibit reflexes
  • 280.
  • 281. Extrafusal fibers run the length of the muscle Intrafusal fibers do not run the length of the muscle and are located within the muscle spindle Note that the downward movement of the arm activates stretch reflex, which increases the strength of the muscle contraction and pulls the arm back up Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
  • 282. Examples • Patellar tendon reflex • Head bobbing upward when falling asleep while sitting in a chair Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
  • 283. Intrafusal muscle fibers Muscle Spindle – A few intrafusal fibers joined to a nuclear bag (inside the nuclear bag is a stretch receptor called the Annulospiral Receptor ). Axons from annulospiral receptor terminate onto motor neurons in spinal cord . Thus, stretching a muscle activates the annulospiral receptor which then stimulates extrafusal fibers to contract that same muscle. The Muscle Spindle (or annulospiral receptor) is vital for maintaining muscle tone Think of it like a “spring” located inside the muscle.
  • 284. Gamma Motor Neurons Notice that if the muscle length changes due to muscle contraction (b) , the muscle spindle is “off line” and unable to respond to changes in muscle length. Activation of gamma motor neuron contracts the intrafusal fibers and thus “resets” the spindle so it can once again respond to stretch (c) .
  • 285. Problem inherent in the stretch reflex • Contraction of one muscle would produce contraction of antagonist muscle • For example, the simple bending of the arm by biceps contraction (agonist) would cause the arm to straighten due to activation of the stretch reflex of triceps (antagonist) muscle Solution: Reciprocal Innervation (discovered by Sherrington). With reciprocal innervation, the axons of motor neurons that synapse on a muscle also branch and activate interneurons that inhibit motor neurons that synapse on the antagonist muscles.
  • 286. Reciprocal Innervation Prevents the simple bending of an arm (biceps contraction) from causing the arm to straighten due to stretch reflex of the antagonistic triceps muscle
  • 287. What if the muscle is contracting too vigorously? Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex is activated Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO) – stretch receptor found in the tendon – provides feedback to nervous system about muscle contraction – GTO fires when stretched – GTO axons synapse onto inhibitory spinal cord neurons – result of GTO activation is inhibition of the motor neuron – prevents damage to muscle as a result of excess contraction
  • 288. Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex Think of the GTO like a “spring” located at each end of the muscle (in the tendon)
  • 290. Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (1884-1935) • Studied many kinds of reflexes • Discovered reciprocal innervation • Introduced the term synapse • Principle of the Common Path – motor neuron is final common path for all movement • Principle of the Integrative Action of Neurons – all neurons in the body work together to produce smooth, precise movement – the crossed extensor reflex is an excellent example
  • 291. Crossed Extensor Reflex • Withdrawal Reflex activated by sensory neuron synapsing onto interneuron, which excites motor neurons of the ipsilateral flexor • Interneuron also crosses over and synapses onto and excites the motor neurons of the contralateral extensor Example - if you step on a tack while walking, you’ll fall down without this reflex
  • 293.
  • 294.
  • 295. Motor Cortex & Motor Homunculus 1 2 3 4
  • 296.
  • 297. The Lateral (Pyramidal) Motor System Originates in the Primary Motor Cortex (precentral gyrus) Axons of these Upper Motor Neurons project downward • through internal capsule • through medullary pyramids (hence name) • main branch crosses over at pyramidal decussation in medulla and descends through the contralateral spinal cord forming the lateral corticospinal tract
  • 298. Lateral Corticospinal Tract • fine, directed motor control • hands, fingers, feet, toes • synapse directly onto motor neurons or indirectly via interneurons
  • 299. Effects of Damage to Corticospinal Tract Damage to the Corticospinal Tract at any Level produces: 1. Initial loss of muscle tone ( atonia ) • transient flaccid paralysis immediately upon damage 2. Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes (myotactic) • hyperreflexia 3. Appearance of the Babinski sign ( positive Babinski ) • note: a positive Babinski may be seen during sleep or intoxication, and in infants <~6mo. Thus, appearance of a positive Babinski sign is diagnostic of pyramidal tract damage.
  • 300. Effects of Cortical Damage to Lateral System Damage to the Premotor or Supplementary Motor Cortex or to parts of the Parietal or Temporal cortex produces Apraxia Apraxia “without action” – Difficulty carrying out purposeful movements, in the absence of paralysis or muscle weakness Apraxias are classified according to the systems affected: limb apraxia – movement (parietal lobe damage) (e.g., difficulty if asked to demonstrate a movement) oral apraxia – speech (Broca’s area damage) apraxic agraphia – writing (left parietal lobe damage if right-handed) constructional apraxia - drawing or construction (parietal lobe damage) (e.g., difficulty with spatial perception and execution) NOTE: Apraxias DO NOT involve damage to primary motor cortex or any other lower portions of the lateral motor system
  • 301. Cortical Control of Movement Posterior association cortex is involved with perceptions Frontal association cortex is involved with plans for movement
  • 302. Motor Neuron Disorders Muscular Dystrophy – muscle wasting • 30 different types, Duchenne’s MD is the most common - about 1 in 3-4000, typically between ages of 2 and 6 - due to defect in gene that encodes dystrophan - more common in boys (due to gene on X-chromosome) Myasthenia Gravis – degeneration of acetylcholine receptors at NMJ • results from an autoimmune response against AChRs • treated with immunosuppressants or thymectomy • treated with anticholinesterases (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors) • may also try plasmapheresis (filter the AChR-attacking antibodies from the patient’s blood) Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) – motor neuron degeneration • degeneration of motor neurons in brain and spinal cord • progresses from muscle weakness to muscle wasting • no treatment • ~5,600 new cases each year, typically between ages of 40 & 70
  • 303. The Medial (Extrapyramidal) Motor System Coordinates gross movements & postural adjustments • Develops before the pyramidal (lateral) system e.g., babies can play patty-cake before learning to hold a crayon • Develops at different times e.g., babies can hold head up before sitting upright
  • 304.
  • 305.
  • 306.
  • 307. Location of the Basal Ganglia within the Forebrain
  • 308. Damage to the Basal Ganglia Basal ganglia damage results in movement disorders Tics – brief, involuntary contractions of specific muscles Choreas – involuntary movements of head, arms, legs Huntington’s disease – uncontrolled tics and choreas early, dementia later – disruption of gene on chromosome 4 (excess CAG repeat) resulting in an abnormal Huntingtin ( Htt ) protein (with an elongated string of glutamine residues on it). The Htt mutation ultimately leads to death of GABAergic inhibitory neurons in the putamen (part of striatum) Parkinson’s disease – tremor, loss of balance, rigidity (hard to initiate movement) – caused by loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra
  • 309. Relationship Between CAG Repeats and Age of Onset • CAG codes for glutamine • 11-24 CAG repeats is normal • >36 is linked to Huntington disease
  • 310. Brain of Patient with Huntington’s Disease
  • 311. Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease 1. Pharmacological Treatments L-DOPA – crosses blood-brain barrier and is converted to dopamine glutamate antagonists – reduce hyperactivity of glutamate in subthalamic nucleus 2. Destructive Surgical Treatments thalamotomy – surgical cut in ventral thalamus pallidotomy – surgical cut through the globus pallidus • both are thought to interfere with excitatory messages that produce symptoms • both reduce the rigidity and tremors (improving posture, gait, locomotion) • cognition and mood may also be improved with pallidotomy 3. Nondestructive Surgical Treatments subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation reduces symptoms • also called deep brain stimulation 4. Restorative Surgical Treatments fetal stem cell implantations – insertion of DA-producing cells from dead fetuses • raises serious ethical issues ( adult stem cells may be better, especially from same patient ) gene therapy – introduction of a gene that would rescue function • e.g., use virus to deliver GAD gene to STN, thus restoring lost inhibition
  • 313.
  • 314. Many Stimuli are Transmitted as Waves (e.g., electromagnetic radiation, vibration, and sound) The Electromagnetic Spectrum 1. Wavelength (nm, 1 nm = 10 -9 m) 2. Frequency (Hz, Hertz, cycles per s) 3. Amplitude (dB, decibels, range: 0 to 160) Wavelength ~380-760 nm is visible to humans Q: Why is the sky blue during day but reddish at sunrise or sunset?
  • 315. v = ƒ  Electromagnetic Radiation (e.g., Light Waves) Relationship between velocity ( v ) , frequency (ƒ) , and wavelength (  ) of light can be described by the following equation: • Don’t worry about doing any calculations, this is just an example e.g., blue light with a wavelength of 455 nm (455 x 10 -9 m) would have a frequency of: ƒ = v /  ƒ = (3 x 10 8 m/s) / (455 x 10 -9 m) ƒ = (3/455) x 10 17 / sec ƒ = .00659 x 10 17 Hz ƒ = 659 x 10 12 Hz Notes: speed of light ( v ) is 3 x 10 8 m/s or 186,000 miles/sec m = meters; s = seconds nm = nanometers (10 -9 meters)
  • 316. Stimulus Intensity is encoded by changes in action potential frequency Adaptation is a decrease in the firing rate in response to a continuous stimulus (e.g., odor perception decreases as you get used to it)
  • 317. Distribution of Visual Receptors Why is this baby owl’s head nearly upside down?
  • 319. The

Editor's Notes

  1. Epilepsy Severe the corpus callosum (which connects the two hemispheres – along with the anterior commissure) Hemispheric lateralization, an example of wich is language being left brain. Sensory – some information crosses over from one hemisphere to the other.
  2. Question for the class: Is it possible to compensate in terms of visual information getting into the brain? Writing and reading are part of right. What ever you see on the left, is what you will pick up with the left.
  3. Meninges are a closed system.
  4. Ventricles are larger fluid filled layers Hydroceffeless, head gets larger because fluid does not drian.
  5. Cross section of spinal collum Central Canal is where epidurals are given (child bearing, surgery) Butterfly structure- called gray matter- lots of cells Gray matter- lots of cells White matter – lots of fibers Remember terms- Dorsal – Top of back Ventral – Most changes are made in gray matter. That is where the action is. White is from one area to another (highways) Gray is sidewalks
  6. Anoter picture of spinal colum Note previous slide fits in center of this one Miningies surround the brain and spinal cord *
  7. Thracic – chest cavity We are looking at the dorcel surface
  8. Three anatomical planes * First (Easy) Horizontal Plane Second Sagital – left vs right Medial and Lateral Coronal Plane Anterior vs Posterior Confusing Explained Ventral – Underneath the eyes Dorsal – Top of head (like the back) Think alagator. Also the spinal cord turns to a 90degree
  9. Spinal Colum is spit in half for dorsal and ventral also Think of each plane as a way to slice the brain into sections. Front –Back (Frontal/Coranal) Right – Left (Segital) Top –Bottom (Horizontal Know that within a plane, only two planes can be described.
  10. White matter – roads Gray matter – the houses
  11. Know why each plane changes and which part of the body everything is. There is a rotation through the head. Go through it as if I was on my belly but my top of the head was facing up. When talking abut if a part is lateral, anterior, ect it must be compared to another structure of the body. For instance, my nose is ventral to my eyes. Dorsal = Back Ventral = Belly
  12. Fore brain Prosencephalon – high functions Midbrain – small part of brain, performs visual and auditory functions, generates chemicals used by the brains Hind – life support structures,
  13. Prosencehalon has two parts telencephalon – remember the devisions cerebrum- what you see when you see the brain (four loabs) limbic system basal ganglia diencephalon – Included in the brain stem (plus everything below) * Know what each of the words refer to.
  14. Folds – gyrans Pre frontal cortex Primary Motor Cortex Primary somatosensoryry cortex Frontal lobe (planning ahead, social good things) response Parietal lobe – space Occipital lobe – Vision Primary Temporal Lobe – Auditory &amp; Memory &amp; Emotions &amp; Vision association (also processed but mixing it with other inputs, higher analysis)
  15. Corpus Callosum is sometimes severed in order to help epelepsy pacents
  16. Cerebral Cortex=the gray matter.
  17. Cerebral cortex – gray matter does not include gray matter like basal ganglia which is surrounded by white matter Dura matter and meninges is located on the absolute outside of the brain.
  18. Limbic system holds the hippocampus, amygdala, septum. Not the highest brain function Located below the gray matter
  19. Remember – Hippocampus – longterm memories Amygdala – negitive emotions Both are in the tempral lobe DO NOT memorize where all this stuff is, but it may help to have a general idea
  20. Limbic system- memory and emotion Basal Ganglia – smooth movement
  21. Nucluus/ nuculi refers to the well studied group of cells. Not the individual center of cell.
  22. No worry about identify structurs just fyi
  23. Thalamus is like a switchboard operator. Hypothalamus – Hypo (below) is essencial for regulated drives (thirst, hunger, sleep, temp, sex, and emotional)
  24. Thamamus is a very important part of communication between higher brain structures and lower brain structures (or other higher brain structures)
  25. Know Tectum- Tegmentum- importaint brain chemicals made there.
  26. Know Mesenciphalon. If it does not work well, you will be in a coma. Cops in the rear view mirror, consumsion of caffine. Spans all three divisions (hind to forebrain)
  27. Rhombencephalon- lowest brain structure
  28. Make sure not to confuse Cerebellum and cerebrum. Cerebellum – coordinated ballistic movements – socer, basketball, piano, sobriaty tests Has to know the status of every muscule in the body in order to function smothly Pons – “White matter” tracts between cerebellum and cerebrum Medulla = life support - breathing - Heart Rate - Damage will cause death without life support
  29. PNS= somatic &amp; autonomic nervous systems
  30. These are all Automatic. Symathetic – watching kids dog get run over.
  31. Ballence between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic is constaintly going on.
  32. Sensory information enter on the dorsal side generaly. Ventral is where it comes out.
  33. If nerve damage occurs high in the spinal column everything below is affected.
  34. Injurty to C1 often causes death. Trigeneral nerve 5 (V) provides nerve to the head.
  35. Axons can branch many times.
  36. Pre synaptic nuron – The cell that is sending the message Post synaptic neuron- the cell that is recieveing the message The post synaptic neuron send messages to up to 10000 other cells.
  37. Splinter in divergence – oww that hurts, memory of how it happened, problem solving how to get rid of pain.
  38. Read pages 30-36 of the carlson text. Remember that a neuron cell is just like any other functioning cell in the body. The diffrence being that it has a system to communicate complex messages to other cells, they also are eletrical excitable.
  39. Classification of neuronds is based on how many processes are coming off of cell. There are 5 types.
  40. C. Is found normaly in spinal cord. Don’t have to memorize names. Be able to draw a “bipolar cell, unipolar cell” ect. If asked to draw a unipolar cell do not draw a psedo-unipolar cell.
  41. If the pot was hot enough, you would drop the pot reflexivly. Know the functional classification of neurons, vs the anatomical classification scheme.
  42. Glial cells are importaint support cells. Nourishment, waste management, scar tissue, contribute to the blood brain barrier. (Astrocytes). Macrophages- white blood cells attack tatoo pigments, or coffing when you smoke. Gliosis – scar tissue in brain. Blood brain barrier – unlike other muscles, the brain has a special protection stystem to prevent some particles acess to brain. The brain is protected at high cost. Radial Glial cells help guide cells to the correct place like a spider web. Schwann- less complex, (PNS) Olidodenrocytes – are more complex just like the word. (CNS) Without Mylonation signals would move too slowly and we would be uncoordinated.
  43. Astrocytes – Nourishment!!! (Latate They also bring nourishment from capilaries.
  44. Makes it moves a lot faster. Myelin sheath helps with regeneraton of axon. Makes it more efficient, by decreasing the energy needs. Electrical impulse jumps from note to node (sultitory conjuntion) The dark parts on each schwan cell are neculus.
  45. Myelin is a lipid.
  46. Schwnn cell wraps around axon. Schwan cells are in the perfri.
  47. Mylanation: A process by which axons are insolated by lipids. This prevents the axon from shorting out.
  48. Capillarys- only one red blood cell can travel at a time. Capillary in brain doesn’t allow stuff to leak out. This is the blood brain barrier.
  49. Substances that are very large have dificulty getting throught the blood brain barrier. There are energy driven mechinisms that push Amino-acids,glucose that push substances through barrier. CO2 and O2 are able to diffuse through barrier. Anything that is watersolable usualy has a charge to it. Charged molicules have difficulty getting through the barrier. Fat soluble molecules do not have much difficulty passing through the barier. The barrier is lipid based. Transporter protines are what allow non-lipid molicules to be transported through the barrier.
  50. A cell is the smallest functional unit of life
  51. Cell/plasma membrain
  52. Know that proteins are a part of the cell membrane and they are the channels allowing things in and out of the cell membrain They also provide structure. Mitochongria – takes the food and produces energy for the rest of the cell. Energy is in the form of ATP. (ATP is like a watt) Nucleus – has DNA (the blueprint that makes us). We have two strands. When DNA is needed for reproduction, it seperates them out, in the process of transcription, it turns them into mRNA. DNA vs mRNA – DNA bases – A- T- G- C- DNA is also missing one Oxygen atom. mRNA – A- U - Uracil G- C- Translation – mRNA is converted into protenes. Protens are nessisary for all fuctions. Translation happens outside the nuclus. ER- Takes mRNA Rough ER has ribosomes on surface. It is the one that takes in the mRNA. Golgi Apparatus (fed Ex) Lysomsome finds waste products, engolfs them, degrades them, takes it outside the cell membrane. Vacoules- stores lots of stuff (warehouse) Each type of cell has some specialization (above is common to all cells, including neurons)
  53. Basic funtion we are trying to understand- How a cell communicates. Communication is sending and receiving information. Axon- Send (Anus) Dentrite- (dental) imput, recive information Know how to lable a neuron. Soma- body of neuron (CPU) The message sent is binary (there is a message sent or there is not) Receptors receive signals from the outside world. Mylan shleef speeds up the rate of conduction. Cranial nerve Neumonic: On Old Olympus Towering Tops A Finn And German Viewed A Hop
  54. EXAM: Know lecture notes. Understand how stuff works most questions will be application.
  55. Chemical Transmission- allow neurons to communicate. Cell body= Soma=information processed Dentrite (dental=eat=receive= Tree branches) Axon (anus=send= plunger suction cup)
  56. Synapse – Axon, Space &amp; Dentrite Presynaptic end (Usualy the Axon) Synaptic Cleft (the space between) Post Synaptic end (Usualy the Dentrite) Different types : Axo-dendritic Pre- Post Axo-axonic Pre- Post
  57. Postsynaptic dencity is electrons passing over synapse
  58. Know all white text These are between two neurons Axodendritic (axon communicating with dentrite) Axosomatic (axon communicating with soma) Axoaxonic (axon communicating with axon)
  59. Gap junctions are one way for a neiboring neuron to act the same way (if cell a is excited, then cell b is also excited because of the gap junction) Chemical – Synapse- - Neurotransmiters (NT) - they are what carry the chemicals from axon to dentrite -This is the Action Potential - Vescules filled with NT travel down axon, fuse with axon wall, realeasing NT into Synapse gap, They then defuse and bind to receptors in dentrite. Cell responds. (IPSP, EPSP) The NT never actualy transfer through dentrite they just attach to protiens.
  60. Electrical way to communicate. Cells are actualy linked together through gap in the membrain. Within a cell dentrite- soma- axon communicaion is also electrical. - IPSP Action Potential (AP) - EPSP
  61. At rest the inside cell is more negitive At rest the outside of the cell is more positive. Ca+ion (positive) Ani0n (negitive) Ions are charged particals or atoms (either positive or negitive) like charges usually repell eachother. Unlike charges attract eachother. KNOW that resting is -70mV
  62. There is slight changes in charge over time.
  63. Hyper makes more negitive (valume makes cells more negitive) Valume calmes down the central nerve system
  64. Trans membrain protines allow specific salts, ions, and partices to move in and out. Like a toll booth. Some are designed (specialization) that allowes only specific ions though. Hydrophilic Hydrophobic Anytime a channel opens – Potassium would move out. Cell charge decreases. Potassium is the big driving force for change in the cell. 2 Forces – Concentration Gradiatnt is the BIG one and will be on the test Electro static is the other, non importaint
  65. Memorize: Distribuition of ions. Sodium NA+ (higher outside then inside) Cloride CL- (higher outside then inside) Potassium K+ (higher inside then outside) Calcium Ca+(higher outside then inside) Neurons are bathed in sodium chloride (salt water) Sodium chloride is much higher in concentraion outside the cell. This is importaint because there are drugs that effect these channels. Valume- bindes to chloride channels and opens them up. With the extra chlorides the cell is more relaxed and less apt to fire an impulse. Force of diffusion = chemical gradiant Cokane, litakane, novakane blocks sodium diffusion, so less pain is felt.
  66. If an ion chanel stays open, and equal libriam becomes closer…. Know that K+ is higher inside than outside Na+ lower inside than outside Cl- is higher outside Ca2+ higher outside Reversal potentional is the voltage of the membrain that if achived causes the ion to reverse (if K+ normaly moves inside the cell, once the equalibrim potential (reverseal) is reached, it moves outside the cell)
  67. Use the chemical gradiant to determine movement.
  68. If the Action potential were long, the cell would die. It will either fire the action potential or not fire. Have to roll the ball over the hill to get it to roll down. Uphill- Sodium entering Downhill- Potassium leaving Relitive refractory period – the ablity of the cell to fire again in relation to the cell membrain Absolute refractory period – the time before a cell can fire again Above -70mv (-69,-50,-10,0) = depolarized (less away from 0) Below -70mv ( -71,-90,-100) = hyperpolarized (more away from 0)
  69. Channel has to reset itself before it can open again. Channel has to be open for stuff to go through. If channel is open, movement is happening. Electrical gradiant – like repell, different attract. Chemical gradiant – move from high to low. The 4 ions we care about: K+ - more abundent inside the cell NA+ | CL- more abundent OUTSIDE the cell. CA2+ | More +’s outside then inside thus it is more NEGITIVE inside the cell.
  70. Action Potential – sodium influx followed of by pottassium eflux Overshoot (attempt of cell to reach homeostasis over does it a little)
  71. Like a wave. Axon the charge travels both ways, Nerve cells do not.
  72. Axon hillic is located at the base of the cell body and is where the charge is initiated It takes a little bit of time K+ Wants to stay inside or get inside Na+ Wants to go inside Cl- wants to go inside Ca2+ wants to go inside Chemical vs chemical have different desires for K+ and other ions
  73. No sodium or potassium channels under myelin. Myelin cells are faster transmitters than non myelin covered cell. Larger diamiter axons will reach its action poential much quicker than a narrow. Myelin vs non myelin think of hose with holes verses a hose with fewer holes.
  74. An unmyelinated has very big problems getting signal without myelin. This is much worse if you LOOSE mylination (MS) than if it never had it. Because the transmiters are only at the nodes of Ranvier on a myelinated nerve.
  75. These pumps need energy in the form of ATP inorder to work.
  76. This is how the brain knows if it is a light touch or a punch. Frequency (number of times per time period) determines the percieved intensity.
  77. Summation = adding up. Temprol = adding up over time Spacial = adding up at same time from different locations.
  78. If the temporal relation ship is appropriate (close enough together) The spikes build off eachother and they reach the threashold to fire. Summation of IPSP (5) it goes even lower.
  79. Gated = (how it is controlled) Ligand – able to bind with an ion channel to open it (neuro transmiters, chemicals) - ligand is a chemical that binds to a receptor (protien) - can or cannot be a protein. - receptors are always proteins. Usualy found on membaine - Two types of receptors - ionotrophic - NT (ligand) binds to the receptor - ion channel opens and allows ions to pass through - IPSP/ EPSP occurs - metabotropic - NT binds to receptor - because it is not an ion channel, it does not open - secondary messanger is activated (the secondary is already inside, bound to the receptor, but releases when it is activated) - this leads to opening or closing another ion channel or - it goes to the neuclious and causes transcription -metabotrophic is also known as “G- Protin” which activates the secondary messanger. - an example of this is Cyclic-AMP or Ca+ &lt;- very important Voltage – controlled by the voltage potential of the cell. (Sodium and __) (open primarily during hyper or depolorization) - calcium Ca2 chanels allow for the calcium influx at the axon wich causes neurotransmiter release - k+ channels - sodium channels cause the action potential to travel down the axon Ion – Open when they detect the presence of a particular ion (calcium, or K+) Non – not controlled by anything we know of, they just leak. Nurotransmiters are examples of ligands. Ligands get released and end up binding to the receptor (protine) on the dentrite. ** Receptor = protine that binds to a ligand Ligand = Any chemical including a NT that binds to a Receptor **
  80. Chemicals have to be made – synthetic pathways
  81. If something can effect your nervous system, your body also has a receptor that is something like it.
  82. When Ionotrophic open= Ions are going in or out very rapidly (IPSP/ EPSP) When Metabotrophic open = Ion transport may or not happen, NO (IPSP/EPSP), Slow transport because of the greater complexity of the process.
  83. Voltage gated calcium channels. Calcium entering the terminal button causes it to Calcium entering the button causes neurotransmitters to release.
  84. Inhibitory- hyperpolarization
  85. Ionotropic – very fast (insert key and turn and the door opens) Metabotropic – something else has to trigger it. (deadbolt unlocked then turn the door knob)
  86. Nicatine
  87. Second messanger in order to bind the chemical and open the ion channel
  88. Slower acting but longer effects
  89. A chemical antagonist interferes with normal function. Agonists – mimics normal chemical transmiters
  90. Indirect binds to a different location.
  91. Product= chemical Production can be speed up or slowed down. Chemicals can be packaged. Chemicals have to be shipped. Product has to be somewhere where it can be used. There has to be a way to regulate the product distribution. Recyle some of the products.
  92. STUDY THIS SLIDE BIG TIME L-Dopa used in alstimers Drugs that simulate autotransmiters – shut doen SSRI’s block the reuptake. Know this and last slide. Drug names are important. Also Ligands- Agogonists- increase the function of a NT Antagonists – oppose a function of a NT When a drug binds to the exact same spot – compeditive antagonist When a drug binds to another area but still disrupts function – non-compeditive antagonist When a drug is similar to the normal NT and produces the same outcome by binding to the same spot- compeditive anogonist When a drug is similar to the normal NT but binds to a different spot – non-compeditive anogonist Know what a precursur will do – it increases the (non compeditive agonist) If the precurser is an enzyme that prevents the degrigation of NT. (non compeditive agonist)
  93. Neurotransmitters – Neurohormones – the diffrence is if they are locally released. Hormones circulate throughout bloodstreem. (adrenalen, eppenefrin) Neurotransmiters are made locally.
  94. 1-4 classical neurotrasmiters 5. Excitatory 6. Primary blocker 7. Anandamine (THC)
  95. Cholinergic (they dropped the acetyl) Adrenergic (adrenaline) Anadr- canabus)
  96. Prominent in PNS Causes muscle contracion
  97. Ascetocholine – learning memory &amp; dream sleep &lt;- Know
  98. Choline is a lipid membraine product.
  99. Curare – to take down (kill)
  100. Botox works by reducing Ach release (Ach is the same as aseto choline) Black Widow Venom – causes Ach relase (aganistic) Casuses spastic contractions and Tetanus – lock jaw – excess contractions thus no more control of it
  101. A Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor BLOCKS ace… Know that it is not an ace….
  102. Memorize the names of the transmitors
  103. Major pathways that are used
  104. Very few nurons left on the right.
  105. MAOs decrease dopamine. MAOI’s stop that breakdown wich helps with depression.
  106. Know how all this stuff works. Study how aganistic and its oposite works. Cocaine blocks the re-uptake of dopamine. It also pushes it into the synapse.
  107. Changing the dose often changes the effect Autoreceptors are used to shut down the receptors if they are overloaded. If the dose gets too high, the receptors get shut down and it now has the oposit effect.
  108. Norepinephrine think epinephrine Sympathetic responses
  109. Structurally very similar
  110. Beta receptors – decrease cardiac output, both in the heart and lungs. Beta 1 only effect the heart and not the lungs.
  111. Works thorugh the adranergic system. Phedrine- adranurgic aganists. If your on an MAOI, (which are a antidepressent, saratonin is a mao), this could increase the effects and build off of the effects of the moai
  112. Serotonin decreases during dreaming
  113. MAO-A breaks down serotonin PCPA blocks serotonin production
  114. SRI- Saritonian Reuptake Inhibitors (old type) SSRI – Selective Saritonian Reutake Inhibitors (new type) Prozac Saratonian levels are usualy higher after eating. Saratonin has been used as a hunger suppressor. The side effect is drowsiness. Extacy – capable of destroying serotonin receptors.
  115. He will give us drug name and effect. Know if it is a agonist or antagonist
  116. NMDA – is blocked at rest. Both ligand and voltage gated unlike the other receptors Caffeine – stimulante the glutimate system. Interferes with regulation. Cafine blocks the adenosine wich allows for more glutamate release. MSG -
  117. NMDA are extreemly implicated in learning and memory. If they are blocked, learning becaomes very difficult. Only opened if the cell has been excited (depolarized) Normally blocked by a magnisum molecule. Know the Glutimate and Magnisum. It’s a VOLTAGE and ION depenent . People on PCP really cannot learn.
  118. Strychnine – blocks glycine receptors. Excess excitatory drive. Convulsions, contractions, ect.
  119. Know GABA a receptor.
  120. Groth factors are importaint for the groth of the nervious system Cells are changing along these lines. Chamicals determin wich path they take.
  121. Radial glia assist in the migration of Deeper cells develop first then migrate outwords. Transplantation depends upon age – If a progenitor cell was put into a muscle, it would become a muscle cell. Liver- liver cell, ect. In other words- a stem cell or projenitor will/ can become just about anything. It has to be in the environment that it will develop into. Synaptogenisis- with out it, the cell will die. Cholesteral is essencial for nervious formation.
  122. Axons follow chemical messages. They regenerate and go back to the place that they use to be. Once the eye fixed itself, it was upsideown and backwards.
  123. Tropic -
  124. Maluable. Constantly being formed and taken away.
  125. PNS can regenerate some as long as the cell body is still alive. CNS regenerates little if at all.
  126. Axons will generate branches to synapes in an area where the synapses may have been damaged. Axon 2’s cell was damaged. Axon sees the vancancy, sprouts collateral axon. (this can be good or bad- phantom limb experience)
  127. Damage- Add or remove axons Add or remove receptors 6-HydroxyDopamine (dopamine toxin) injected. It selectivly kills nerve cells, Some drugs will directly effect release in the synapse. Unilaeral distruction of dopamine will destruct normal movement. Injection of 6-0hda in left hemisphere. With loss of dopamine, the receptors increase sensitivity to dopamine. Google: optogenenetics Although left side is supersensitive, there is not dopamine that is being released. Blue- -------- 6-OHDA is injected into left hemisphere and it kills dopamine neurons. Because the left hemisphere controls movement, the effect is that the animal moves to the left more then to the right. (results in increase of receptors in that region) &lt;- denervation supersensitivity Later they inject Amphetamine in the right side to increase the release of Dopamine. They release more dopamine. This causes left side to respond more. Later still they inject Apomorphine. This increases the sensitivity of the dopamine receptors. (stimulating DA-r’s) Response is greater to the right side. This is because once you kill off a certon number of neurons, it increases the number of receptors ***Any change you make in your brain, the brain will try to return to its original function. This is placiticity*** A: Stimulating DA release (amphetamine is precurser to DA release): no DA to release on L, R side dopamine B:Sinthetic DA is enjected, extra receptors take in injected DA, L is dominant.
  128. Motor nuerons in the PNS control movement because they have an axon with a synapse the connects to a muscle. The synapse is called a neuro muscular junction (NMJ)
  129. Know how they differ
  130. Sliding filament theory. When a muscle contracts, thin filaments will slide over the thick filaments. Because of this, the Z- lines start coming closer to gether. Causing the muscle to look shorter. Antagonistic muscles work in oposit fashions. Example : Bicept and Tricept It tells one muscle to contract while another to relax.
  131. Sliding philiment theory – big are surrounded by small, they slide against eachother.
  132. Know two types of filaments
  133. The thick and thin filamints, slide across eachother for contraction. Explain
  134. Muscle endplate is on the muscle side. It is where the axon from the never connects to the muscle. ACh is at the NMJ. ACh causes the muscle to contract. Ach has both ionotrophic an mesotropic. Muscles have only ionotrophic Ach receptors. The receptors are also called nicotinic receptors. -------- 1 motor neuron controls very few muscle muscle fiber for fine control. Not much control needed for posture. So 1 motor neuron cotrols large emount of muscle fiber. Fine control – lots of neverves for equal number of muscle fibers. Course control – few nerves for large numbers of muscle fibers.
  135. Slow Twitch – Red Fast Twitch – White Myoglobin carries oxygen it is found more in red meet. Hemoglobin binds oxygen in the blood. Myoglobin binds oxygen in muscles. Red muscles are able to work longer because they bind oxygen easier. Cramps after a hard run are because you used up all the oxygen that the muscles had. White- short and rapid bursts. But they get tired over a shorter period.
  136. Tricept is contracted – arm straitens (bicept is relaxed) Bicept is contrated – arm bends (tricept is relaxed)
  137. Reflex changes around 6mo of age. If drunk or asleep or in a car accident – positive babinski indicates CNS nerve damage.
  138. There are one or more neurons that can act.
  139. Reflex arc – just means there is a loop
  140. Black neuron can release GABA to inhibit reflex response to save the food.
  141. Gamma – interfusual (inside muscles) Important for maintaing muscle tone and reaction. How long is it?
  142. Internal streach receptor. They are like little springs within the muscle. Weat causes arm to move, enabling streach reactor. This helps prevent muscles from tearing.
  143. Head flyes up when sleeping, streach receptors wake you up (think in class or church)
  144. Essencial to information about the state of any muscle. Intrafusal fiber is like a spring under a small amount of pull. Spring can reset when length is reduced or expanded.
  145. Any time a streach reflex is started, the other muscles must be relaxed otherwise you would have jerky movement.
  146. Focus on green. It causes contraction of Flexor muscle. Axon branches to antagonist muscle and sends “relax” signal. Contraction (activation) of any mucle naturaly sends inhabition (relax) to antagonist muscle.
  147. GTO – are streach receptors inside tendons not muscles. One responsds to muscle lengt One respons to muscle muscle being loose (GTO)
  148. Proprioceptors play a vital role in giving feed back on where body parts are in time and space, also if contracted or relaxed.
  149. Crossed extensor reflex – to the other side of the body, streighten limb.
  150. Cortico- from cortex spinal – to spine 2. Medial group Coordinated movements you are not always aware of.
  151. Pyramidal – pyramid like. Bundal of axons in ?= never Bundle of nerves in extracotraneral =Tract
  152. Sections a,b,c,d,e are mostly coronal C should have pyramids on top of mouse head, not ears. The orgin of the pathway – They cross over in madula – Fomrs contralateral tract
  153. Three different effects.
  154. Study this, Missed this part of lecture.
  155. Myasthenia Gravis – immunie system destroys Ach-receptors. RX: increase ACH transmission. Apraxias – difficulty making movements
  156. Babies can sit up before they can color.
  157. All muscle spindles, positions ect all end in the cerebellum.
  158. DUI test – really testing the cerebellum
  159. Substantia Nigra – damage produces Parkinsons disease - resting tremmors - rigidness -Given L-Dopa to cross bbb and Subthalamic Necleus – deep brain stimulates it.
  160. Ideally, you prevent, but after damage “what can we do with the structure”
  161. Tic- isolated involentary muscle contraction. Choreas – multiple mucles involentary contracting.
  162. Loss of dopamine producing neurons causes Parkinsons. MOA-I are sometimes used. Small brain leasion. Deep Brain Stimulation - problem: it’s a wire in your head. Galeal cells fight it. Know treatment approches.
  163. Know the Antomy of the eye and its function.
  164. 400-700nm Short wl = violet Long wl =red Be able to list the rainbow Blueray – shorter wavelength means more information on disk Sunsets are red because it travels through space and the atmosphere better.
  165. Know equation Shorter the wavelength the more info you can fit in a given period of time. Longer the wavelength = shorter frequency
  166. Strong = lots of outputs Weak = not much output If a stimulous is present long enough, the cell adapts untill body gets fatigued.
  167. Distrabution of photo receptors in eye are shaped so it can finds food below itself. The photographer is above the owls so the owl sees much better if ti turns it head upside down for things that are above it.
  168. KNOW DISORDERS – any dysfunction ect know for test. Make list so not to confuse them. Elasticity of lens changes and less elastic. Then you cannot see up close. Need reading glasses. Accomodation – lense can change shape (fatter or thinner) Fatter when looking for things near – as we grow older, the elasticity decreases and it makes it harder to see Thinner when looking at things far away Presbyopia – loose the ability to see close
  169. Best visual acuity is at fovea. Color and details are best at fovia (which has cones) Opdic disk – this is where all the neves and blood vesles leave, cannot see in this area.
  170. Image forms at the back of the eye on the retena. - 3 layers of cells - Photo receptors at rear - Bi- polar in middle (semi transparent) Light is unalterd - Ganglion cells at front (semi transparent) Light is unaltered Once photo receptors receive the light, The ganglian cells get the information, and send the information to optic nerves
  171. Deminstrate blind spot. Start close, pull away slowly. Cannot see blind spots with both eyes open
  172. Cone = Color Rods= black and white Very few rods in fovia, but plentiful everywhere else. Rods are extreemly sensitive to light. Cones are very consentrated in fovia but very few located elswhere. Cones are not very sensitive to light. Cones can be overwhelmed when you go sking, white out but it must be extreem. Cones not overwhelmed easily. Rods can be overwhelmed easily – car’s headlights. They get bleached momentarily. In the event of no light, the photoreceptors inhibit the bipolar cells from fireing. When light is introduced, photo receptors take in light and stops inhibiting the bipolar cells. Bipolar cells send info to ganglian cells, the axons in the ganglian cells go into the optic nerve.
  173. Vitamine A is very important for your eyes. Retinal a After rods are bleached, they must undergo a chemical reaction in order to adapt to the dark again.
  174. Right bottom is cone Other three are rods Basic diffrence between rods and cones – cones color and detail, rods at night At night there is far less color. When reading or looking at something directly, the image forms at the fovia. Fovia has only cones. As you get away from the fovia, there are almost no cones.
  175. Cones are consentrated at fovia, consentration goes down as you move away Rods are all over the eye, but as it gets closer to the fovia, the consentration goes down.
  176. Light is absorbed by the pigment epithelium when it is not used by the photo receptors (rod &amp; Cones). Deer and other animals don’t have this and the light is reflected around the eye, this helps with night vision but decreases visual accuity. Bipolar cells are inhibited by photoreceptors under normal situations.
  177. Presentation of light will cause an output of the ganglion cells.
  178. Presentation of light will cause an output of the ganglion cells.
  179. Photo receptors inhibit the bipolar cell. This causes the bipolar cell to depolarize.
  180. Thrichromatic Color Theory – three different cones to see entire visible light spectum. Colors mix. We can see colors because the signals for the cones mix.
  181. Like HTML different degrees of color at each type of cone produces different color combinations.
  182. Humans are usualy Trichomates – unless color blind (then they only have two types of cones.) they flat out don’t have that type of cones.
  183. If you stare at red long enough, the red/ green ganglion get over ecited. Then you look away, the cell over compensates and you see green.
  184. Two colors are oposit colors of eachother. Cannot see the oposite colors together. Two type of ganglion cells – -one for red/green -excited: Red - Inhibited: Green - blue/yellow - Exced: Blue - Inhibited: yellow
  185. Ganglion cells-&gt; optic nerve-&gt; right/left visual field-&gt; optic nerve cross over to send info to contralateral hemasphere at the optic chiasm -&gt;Thalamus -&gt; LGN Thalamus- relay station for sensory inputs.
  186. Rods- Go to Magnocellular. 10% Codes - go to Parvocelular 80%
  187. They are like channels, they do not mix.
  188. What- Where- Parvocellular – inferial tenpral lobe – cones -
  189. V5 damage would be like lady who can only see still images.
  190. IT- Facial Recognition.
  191. Kinesthesia and Proprioception are very importaint in knowing how you look . x
  192. TRP receptors respond to chemicals. (menthol)
  193. C-fibers also detect hot, spicey food.
  194. Glove in a bag. 5 outer pockets but unable to identify it as a glove.
  195. Reorganization happens
  196. Substance P is released in substantia gelantinossa Opiants block the realease of substance P. Thus no preception of pain. We rub an injery because it destracts us from the pain.
  197. Allodynia – like when you burn your toung on a hot drink.
  198. Memory: Idea that you have a change in your behavior in response to experience. Its applicible only when it is testable.
  199. 1/3 rd of cerebrum is the frontal cortex
  200. Working Memory= short term memory. Mental Math, Chess, convesations
  201. Know definitions front and backwards. PFC- Pre-Frontal Cortex Spatial Location – where you parked. Hippocampus- forming memories, Memory = Sensory system picks up info-&gt; Short term (working) memory ---(through rehersal)--&gt;Long term memory Relevent information will be retained easier
  202. Diffrence between pictures is orgin of production. They both have Wernicke’s-&gt;Broca’s-&gt;Motor by way of below. Information flows toward the frontal lobe. Working memory.
  203. Cingulate Gyrus*
  204. Cold colors- less activation. Warm colors- increased activation. Decrease of demand when practiced. Novel – new set of questions re-engages areas. Naïve – anterior singalate is lit up.
  205. KNOW William James!! Donarld Hebb Make list of People and what they did. Short term memory- decays within about 30 seconds. You can handle 7 pices of numbers in that time period. New protines need to be created and new pathways created for long term memory. Consolidation- converting easily disruptable memory (phone number). Reconsolidation – dad with beard, dad without beard. Updating memory. When discussing a memory, it becomes slighly disrupted.
  206. ECS- Electro shock theapy. Depression treatment. Could cause memory loss. The day leading up to ECS or a little after the treatment. Short term memory loss. Train – learning new knowledge. Shock given as knowledge is learned. Shock is given 1 day after Knolwege is learned. It is remembered a day after the shock. Shock is given 1 day afer, but then shock also given. No memory.
  207. HM had epelepsy- (bilateral- both sides)medial tempral lobe rescetion. After he woke up, he was unable to remember. Long Term Memory- Declarative (explicit) – what did you do for dinner? &lt;- event that happened, episodic event What is the capital of France &lt;- memory of fact, Semantic memory nm-declaritive (implicent) Procedural memory- Motor skills- cerebellum Classic conditioning. Priming still worked with H.M. Amnesia- Medial Tempral Lobe is important for making memories, not important for storing new memories over long term. Skill development (double star) was on par with normal people for HM.
  208. We remember 9/11 because the amygdala (activates) tells the brain to remember data at all costs. Epinephrine is also released. Without Epinephrine the enhanced memory is not likely. Its just the like a multiplication table.
  209. Emotional State = Flashbulb memory- you remember everything about a event. Emotional arousal= epenephrin increse, amygdala, rest of brain
  210. HM would not know that he had already learned to do something, he would just think that he was naturaly good at it. Damage to the hippocampus, may not be able to remember that they were primed but they will fill in “den” for garden when shown “garden” earlier.
  211. Plaques and tangles are abmormal brain deposits. Abnormal production of beta…, which poke holes in the membrane and the synapse cannot function properly. Plaques are formed to stop the beta…, they are inert but when there is too much, it is bad.
  212. Not getting a lot of inputs, so it eventualy dies. A nerve must have synapes to stay alive.
  213. Railroad worker. Know the name. People in high school are often very different because PFC is last to develop.
  214. Things are not planned out anymore. Making coffee – pour coffee in, stir, add suger. They see a comb in the gutter and start combing their hair. Normal people would leave it or throw it away but wash their hands. Akd Multiple Errands Task – Go to the bank, grocery store, pick up kids.
  215. Damage to PFC will just read the words in C.
  216. 26 different movements
  217. Not told how to sort. First time, you choose color, WRONG. Next you choose by number, WRONG. Lastly you choose by shape, CORRECT. Other people get stuck and have a hard time changing the rule.
  218. Subcortical – lower brain structures (cerebelum)
  219. Line- time Elevation – length of time response, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus is activeated.
  220. Know terms. Taste adversion. 1 trial of eating a food that makes you vomit will make you avoid the food. 50-100 trials before a response is learned.
  221. Over simplification, but it works. Normal auditory imputs wont do much. LTP – long term placticity. It use to be that both stimulases needed to be present. After a while only the tone is nessisary to get you to blink.
  222. CS &amp; US overlap END OF LECTURE
  223. LTP – strengthen LTD - weaken