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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 to Jewish parents. In the year 1880 the Einsteins
moved to Munich so that Albert could attend the school there. Albert's father started a factory there
in Munich.
The most charming story was told about the young Albert Einstein when he was 5. He was late to
dinner because he was sitting out in the garden thinking under a tree, when he was brought to his
father he noticed a small compass on Hermman Einstein's pocket watch. He was fascinated with the
little compass and why it always pointed north.
School for Einstein was a trying experience. For young Einstein "school is just like a barrack...and
the teachers are like the officers who tell the soldiers what to do. If you don't learn more
The League of Nations had a link to Einstein in its Committee of Intellectual Cooperation, also
considered the ancestor of the UNESCO. His involvement on this committee was short lived due to
the prejudices against his German and Jewish background. Einstein also saw that the group catered
to the powerful and wealthy.
When Adolph Hitler gained power in 1933, Einstein changed his opinion on militarism. He started
to tell the nations of Europe that military preparedness is what should be happening in their
countries. He realized that the only way to stop Hitler was to meet force with force. (I think he was
thinking of Newton's 3rd law which is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Unfortunately, the opposite reaction was appeasement for the nations of Europe.)
Luckily for Einstein he moved to the United States of America before he could become one of
murdered people in Nazi Germany. Einstein also used his influence to try and rescue other people
from the wrath of Hitler.
Einstein used his influence to write a letter to the President of the United States, then Franklin D.
Roosevelt, encouraging the USA to start developing an atomic bomb. He wrote this letter with the
impression that the
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, WГјttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. While he was still an
infant, the family moved to Munich. Albert's father was plagued with business failures throughout
his life, and after one such failure, he moved his family to Milan, Italy. Einstein was, at first, left
behind to finish his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium, but he disapproved of this choice, and
followed his family to Milan.
Albert decided to attempt to skip the rest of gymnasium and tried to pass the test he needed in order
to do so. He failed the ZГјrich Poly entrance examination on his first attempt, and so he was sent by
his family to finish school in Aarau, where Albert actually enjoyed being educated, unlike his
gymnasium more content...
One year after he obtained his job at the Patent office, in 1903, Albert Einstein married his
sweetheart from ZГјrich Poly, Mileva Marie. The two had a daughter before they were married, a
daughter which was given up for adoption the same year they were married. Unfortunately, their
marriage was unsuccessful. Mileva was prone to periods of depression, and appeared to be jealous of
Einstein's free–acting friends (Cropper). Still, Einstein was not completely void of fault, as his
attention was given, not to his wife, but to his work, and failed to give his marriage the work that it
During Einstein's employment at the Patent Office, he did the majority of his life's works in his
spare time. In 1905, Einstein published three important articles–each on a different topic.
The first dealt with electromagnetism, especially focusing on the contributions Max Planck had
made. "Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe visible electromagnetic radiation, or
light" ( Einstein's theory formed the basis
for a large part of quantum mechanics.
The second paper of 1905 discussed the special theory of relativity. "Einstein realized that the
equations describing the motion of an electron in fact could describe the nonaccelerated motion of
any particle or any suitably defined rigid body"
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein Einstein, Albert (1879–1955), was one of the greatest scientists of all time. He is
best known for his theory of relativity, which he first advanced when he was only 26. He also made
many other contributions to science.
Einstein's relativity theory revolutionized scientific thought with new conceptions of time, space,
mass, motion, and gravitation. He treated matter and energy as exchangeable, not distinct. In so
doing, he laid the basis for controlling the release of energy from the atom.
Thus, Einstein was one of the fathers of the nuclear age. Einstein's famous equation, E equals m
times c–squared (energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared), became a foundation stone
in the development of more content...
He later said he felt then that "something deeply hidden had to be behind things."
After attending elementary and secondary schools in Munich and in Aarau, Switzerland, Einstein
studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich. He graduated in 1900.
From 1902 to 1909, Einstein worked as an examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. This job as
patent examiner allowed him much free time, which he spent in scientific investigations. Einstein
became a Swiss citizen in 1905.
During this time, Einstein made three of his greatest contributions to scientific knowledge. The year
1905 was an epoch–making one in the history of physical science, because Einstein contributed
three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics), a German scientific periodical. Each of
them became the basis of a new branch of physics.
In one of the papers, Einstein suggested that light could be thought of as a stream of tiny particles.
This idea forms an important part of the quantum theory (see Quantum mechanics). In 1900, the
German physicist Max K. E. L. Planck had proposed that the radiation of light occurred in packets of
energy, called quanta. Einstein extended this idea by arguing that light itself consisted of quanta,
which were later called photons.
Scientists before Einstein had discovered that a bright beam of light striking a metal caused the
metal to release electrons, which could form
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Essay on Albert Einstein
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education"
–Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany to a Jewish couple. While having initial
complications with a misshapen head during child birth, he grew normally. However it was
commented by Albert Einstein's relatives that he was a little slow. Einstein's lack of intelligent was
shown by his late age of learning how to speak. His first formal education (besides the private
education he received before school) was at a Catholic school in Munich . This institution was
short–lived because of Einstein's taste and disagreements with the professor. He left the school and
Ulm Germans and moved to Milan .
While in Milan , Einstein more content...
He worked at the patent office in the day and studied theoretical physics in his time off.
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove
for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity."
–Albert Einstein
In 1905 Einstein published five revolutionary papers in the scientific magazine "Annalen der
Physik". In April of that same year, Einstein submitted his doctorial thesis, "A New Determination of
Molecular Dimensions". Some of the other papers that he published include his famous article "On A
Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light" in which Einstein
described the electromagnetic radiations of light by using Max Planck's quantum hypothesis.
Einstein states that "in order for an electron to be removed from the cathode, a given quantity of
energy had to be delivered to the atom". This revolutionary publication won him the Nobel Prize in
Another one of his papers was "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" in which Einstein
reveals special relativity. In his paper he describes a stationary clock and a clock in motion:
"If at the points A and B of K there are stationary clocks which, viewed in the stationary system, are
synchronous; and if the clock at A is moved with the velocity v along the line AB to B, then on its
arrival at B the two clocks no longer synchronize, but
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein
Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a small child he didn't show any high
intelligence. In fact he even took a while to learn how to speak. He was a smart kid but it took a
while for people to notice his intelligence. He would ask questions his own teachers couldn't answer
and he even taught himself calculus. He took an entrance exam for Swiss Federal Polytechnic
School and failed. He failed but he was still admitted a year later. While doing his regular work he
also studied physics on his own. He applied for an academic position but was rejected. Why would
they reject such an intelligent man? But they did and in 1902 he was hired as a patent examiner in
Berne. In 1905 his intelligence came out of more content...
Einstein had been one of the first few to be invited. Hoffman had ideas and he wanted to explain
those ideas to Einstein. He was in awe of Einstein, but when he approached Einstein with the ideas he
asked Hoffman to please go slow because he didn't understand things quickly. Hoffman was
impressed by this comment. Who wouldn't if it was coming from Einstein, the genius the great
Einstein wasn't only a genius but he was also a religious man. Who would have thought; but he
was. He once said that ideas came from God, and I totally agree. And like he said God is difficult to
understand but he is not mean. In other words anything is possible, with God's help.
Einstein thought of science and trying to figure out things as an every day thing. He asked Hoffman
at one time if he wondered why a man's feet could sink into dry or wet sand. Hoffman didn't answer;
he had never thought of that. But of course Einstein explained it.
With all this Einstein made a great impact on Banesh Hoffman. I say he made a great impact on
Hoffman because at first Hoffman had some admiring fear towards Einstein. It went away when
Hoffman actually approached Einstein with some of his own ideas. And when Einstein told him to
go slow because he didn't understand things quickly. That comment made it a whole lot better.
I can kind of relate myself with this essay because in a way I can say I've been in Hoffman's place.
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Albert Einstien Essay
Albert Einstein
My report will be about Albert Einstein and what his life was about. Also
what kinds of theories he thought about.
Albert Einstein lived between the years of (1879–1905). His life began when
he was born in Prinstone, New Jersey in 1879, March 14. Albert Einstein was born
with bright brown eyes, round cheeks, and a little bit of black hair. Albert Einstein
started school when he was five years–old. Albert Einstein was Jewish, but still went
to a Catholic Elementary School. The name of Albert Einstein parents were Herman
Einstein and Pauline Einstein. Albert's parents were not strict with him. Albert's
parents were scared because Albert was more content...
After high school, Albert Einstein enrolled in Polytechnic Institute in Zurich,
Switzerland when he was seventeen years of age. Albert studied mathematics and
physics which the professor did not like. However, Albert continued to study very
hard while he attended college. In 1900, Albert graduated from college, and was
asked to join the physic department but Albert denied the request. After college,
Albert moved to Switzerland where he became a citizen. He stayed in Switzerland for three years
where he met Mileva Maric.
In 1903, after they got very well acquainted, both decided to get married. His
marriage produced to sons.
World War I caused Alberts separation from his family. With time on his
hands, Albert began to write his theories in the local paper. One of his first theories
was the theory of relativity which proved the rapidness of motion, the speed of light,
and many other phenomena's. Later he started thinking of making inventions. Some
of his inventions were a new camera, and improvements of the "Popgun" (a gun).
However, this did not mean that he was through with physics. He was hoping to get
Ph.D. from the University of Zurich.
Sometimes when he would think of an invention, he would get a scrap paper
and write his ideas down. After time past, Albert received the Noble Prize for his
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Albert Einstein Essay
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." "There are two
ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a
miracle." Albert Einstein was the first child born to Hermann and Pauline Einstein, Jewish,
middle–class Germans, on March 14, 1879 at Ulm, in Wurttemberg, Germany. Albert's sister, Maria,
was born in November of 1881. They remained close throughout their lives.Einstein and sister 1 The
Einstein family moved to Munich in 1880 to start their own business. Albert began his secondary
schooling at Luitpold–Gymnasium. In 1894, the family business failed and the family moved to
Milan, Italy. Albert stayed behind in Munich to finish more content...
1905 was Einstein's "miracle year." In March of that year, he sent to the "Annalen der Physik," the
leading German physics journal, a paper with a new understanding of the structure of light. He
argued that light acts as though is consists of independent particles of energy. Einstein built on Max
Planck's work and went beyond this. He showed that light quanta could help to explain phenomena
being studied by experimental physicists; he made clear how light ejects electrons from metals. In
May of 1905, Einstein submitted another paper that reinforced the kinetic energy theory. His Special
Theory of Relativity was born; Einstein submitted yet another paper in June of 1905 on
electromagnetism and motion. Since Galileo and Newton, physicists had known that laboratory
experiments never revealed a difference between an object at rest and an object moving at a
constant speed along a straight line. Objects behave the same way on a uniformly moving ship as
they do on an anchored ship; this is the Principle of Relativity. However, according to the
electromagnetic theory, light should not obey this principle. This theory predicted that
measurements on velociy of light would show the effects of motion. Yet, no such effect had been
detected in any experiments–– the velocity of light did not vary. Einstein found a way to show that
the Principle of Relativity was
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Paper On Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a generally intelligent man who created a series of proven theories. His
theories provided a major impact to the world in which his information allowed individuals to
expand their knowledge of the world. He shared his ideas to a plethora of people and won a
Nobel Prize for the explanations of his theories. Throughout time, he became a shooting target and
moved away from his native land. As an American citizen, he played a part as a civil rights activist.
After a few years, he slowly begun to get distant from everyone and sadly passed away on April 18,
Albert Einstein: From the beginning Albert Einstein was an extraordinary human being, however, a
copious amount of people do not recall much of him nor his life. It's a common occurrence to hear
the name, "Albert Einstein", but do people actually know what he did?
In 1879, a man named Albert Einstein was born in the southern German city of Ulm on March 14.
He was more content...
As a student in college, he had even larger copious amounts of ideas stirred up. Because of all
time he had, Einstein would create a series of theories, however, he never made the time to
publish them. One of his theories he came up with was named the principle of relativity. In the
year of 1905, Einstein had a, what people call, a 'miracle year'. He finally created the time to put
his thoughts and ideas on to paper to publish to the world. Einstein was able to publish four of his
papers in a physics journal named Annalen der Physik. This publishing company was known as the
best journal of physics in that era. Each paper elaborated on his theories of the matter/energy
relationship, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, and the special theory of relativity. Each of his
theories made not only scientists second look everything, but as well as made physics turn into a
new direction that was seriously
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on Walk 14, 1879. He was a poor student, and some
of his instructors and family, who ran an organization that made and sold electrical hardware,
figured he may have been impeded. Later on in this life he went on to say, "School failed me, and
I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn
what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam." Einstein and the Poet (1983).
He started playing the violin at age six and did so throughout his life.At the age of nine he was
still not able talk fluently although he was intrigued by the laws of nature, for example, about the
invisible force that directs the needle of a compass. In 1895 his family moved to Milan, in Italy.
For Einstein to get accepted to "Eidgenoessische Polytechnische Schule" in Zurich, he had to take
a selection test in October 1895. However, the results were not sufficient and he was denied.
Instead Einstein quit going to class and pursued arithmetic and other studies. In 1896 he was
admitted to the Swiss Government Foundation of Innovation in Zurich. His productive activity at
the Swiss Patent Office in Bern left him an opportunity to conduct expiriments of his own, which
brought about a progression of a series of papers. Einstein composed several papers with a new
theory of the structure of light. He argued that light can act just like particles of energy, in some
ways like the particles of a gas. His
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Essay on albert einstein
ALBERT EINSTEIN Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879 in Germany. His family owned a
small business that manufactured electric machinery. The business failed and they left Germany.
Albert was fifteen years old and he dropped out of school. When Albert was five when he received
his first compass and he began to investigate the world. Little did he know that that compass would
make him famous.
By the age of ten he becomes so fascinated by the world of science he self–educates himself to learn
as much as possible. Albert then went to a secondary school in Switzerland. Albert felt that the
academics and education were not satisfying enough so he started cutting his classes and used all
his free time to learn about physics. He had more content...
He proposed that under certain circumstances light could be considered a particles. He also
hypothesized that the energy carried by a photon is depositional to the frequency of radiation. The
formula E= HU proves this. Virtually no one accepted this theory but thought differently when
Robert Andrews Millikan proved it.
The third paper was on electrodynamics of moving bodies. It became known as the theory of
relativity. It explains how matter and radiation interact with one another. With these well thought out
papers Albert Einstein had solved the unanswered problems of the world. He wanted to learn more
and began to try and answer the questions of the universe. In 1939 Einstein connected with other
scientists and wrote a letter to the president, Franklin D.
Roosevelt pointing out the possibility of making an atomic bomb. Albert signed the letter and the
sent it off. That is when the first atomic bomb was ever made. Albert Einstein died 1n 1955 but
during his lifetime he filled so many blanks about our universe.
Albert Einstein had a huge positive impact on history. He changed the confused minds of people and
answered their questions. He dedicated his life to science and because of him our world has started
to come together. Without him scientists would still be trying to figure out the speed of light,
relativity, elements mass.... Etc. He educated the world and encouraged more people to learn about
the natures of earth.
The biggest thing
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein is looked at as one of the most magnificent scientific thinkers throughout history. His
theories on the nature and dimensions of time and space immensely changed the way people thought
of the physical world and established many of the major fundamental foundations for a tremendous
amount of the our scientific discoveries and inventions in the 21st century. Albert Einstein was born
on March 14, 1879 in WГјrttemberg, Germany, into a middle–class Jewish family that owned a
small electrical equipment manufacturing shop. Einstein showed early signed of genius even
though he did not talk until the age of three. Six weeks after he was born, his family moved to
Munich; there he began school a few years later at the more content...
Throughout his two years of attendance, Einstein could only find random odd jobs, nothing that
was steady and reliable. All during this time, Einstein had begun to fall in love with one of his
fellow students. Her name was Mileva Maric, and unfortunately, his parents strongly disliked and
opposed of their affair. Einstein was not only lacking in his family's support, but also in financial
stability, which prevented him from marrying Mileva. The couple proceeded with their
relationship, and had an illegitimate child together. Mileva Maric gave birth to Einstein's
daughter, Lieseri, early in the year of 1902. As time passed and a lot of patience exhausted,
Einstein finally got the occupation of a clerical worker at the Swiss patent office in Bern. Once
achieving financial stability to the best of his abilities at the time, he married Mileva Maric in
1903. They later went on to conceive two more children together, one of which was named Hans
Albert whom was born a year after their marriage in 1904, and Eduard whom was not born until
seven years later int the year 1910. Einstein began his writings that carried out through a
progression of only a few months. He wrote a total of four highly intellectual and groundbreaking
articles all while working at the Swiss patent office in 1905. This is were majority of his most
creative and scientific work of his life were comprised. The first article delved into the application of
the quantum theory to a light
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Albert Einstein Essays
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm. He was raised in Munich,
where his family owned a small electrical machinery shop. Though he did not even begin to speak
until he was three, he showed a great curiosity of nature and even taught himself Euclidean geometry
at the age of 12. Albert despised school life, thinking it dull and boring, so when his family decided
to move to Milan, Italy, Einstein took the opportunity to drop out of school, only 15 at the time.
After a year with his parents in Milan it became clear to him that he would have to make his own
way in the world. He finished secondary school in Arrau, Switzerland, and then enrolled at the Swiss
National Polytechnic in Zurich. School there was more content...
Einstein had been considering the problem for over ten years when he realized that lay not in a
theory of matter but one of measurement. The crux of his special theory or relativity was that all
measurements of time and space depend on judgments as to whether two distant events occur at the
same time (the "relative" view of the observer). This realization led him to develop a theory based
on two major points. First, the principle of relativity, that physical laws are the same in all inertial
reference systems. Second the principle of the invariance of the speed of light, that the speed of
light in a vacuum will always remain constant. Using these two postulates, he was able to provide a
correct description of physical events in different inertial frames of reference, and did not have to
make assumptions about the nature of matter or radiation, nor how they interact. Not many
understood Einstein's argument when it was first offered. This was not because the work was too
mathematically complex or technically obscure, but because of Einstein's beliefs about the nature of
good theories and the relationship between experiment and theory. A good theory, in his opinion,
was one where the minimum number of postulates were used to account for the physical evidence.
He did not believe that theories could be logically connected to experiment, but that scientific
theories were
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Essay on Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (1879–1955) is believed to be the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He developed
many theories that led to many breakthroughs. With his well–known famous look, the white messy
hair and the absent–minded look on his face, he was the perfect example of the typical scientist.
Einstein became internationally renowned as a leading scientific thinker and as an accomplished
mathematician. His contributions to science have left a lasting impression throughout the universe.
Albert Einstein was a highly intelligent man who earned many honors and accomplishments.
Born into a Jewish family at Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879, Einstein spent his youth in Munich,
where his father, Hermann and his uncle, more content...
In 1905, Einstein received his doctorate from the University of Zurich for a thesis on the dimensions
of molecules. Three published theoretical papers became the central importance to the development
of 20th century physics. The first of the three papers examined electromagnetic energy being
directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. The second paper he wrote significant
predictions about statistical mechanics later confirmed by experiments. The third of Einstein's
papers of 1905 proposed what is today called the special theory of relativity. He showed how mass
and energy was equivalent.
Einstein resigned from the patent office and was appointed as a professor in Prague in 1911 and
at Zurich in 1912, then worked in Berlin, where he was the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm
Physical Institute from 1914 to 1933. Even before he left the patent office in 1907, Einstein began
work on extending and generalizing the theory of relativity to all coordinate systems. The full
General Theory of Relativity was published in 1916. In this theory the interactions of bodies, which
have been ascribed to gravitational force are explained. Einstein accounted an explanation of the
orbital motion of the planets and predicted the bending of starlight by a massive body such as the
sun. The confirmation of this prediction became Einstein's spread of worldwide fame in 1919 with
the eclipse of the sun. For the
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstien (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a physicist who first proposed the theory of
relativity. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect
"and other contributions"; however, the announcement of the award was not made until
a year later, in 1922. His theoretical work suggested the possibility of creating an atomic bomb. His
discovered equation, E=MC2 is well known as one that changed the world.
Einstien was born March 14, 1879 at Ulm in Wberg, Germany. He grew up in Munich and later in
Italy, and received his higher education in Switzerland. At age 17 he renounced his German
citizenship and later, in 1901, was accepted as a Swiss citizen. He married his first wife, Mileva more content...
Einstien's theory of light quanta received almost no support from other physicists for nearly 20
years. It contradicted the wave theory of light that underlay James Clerk Maxwell's equations for
electromagnetic behavior. Even after experiments demonstrated that Einstien's equations for the
photoelectric effect were splendidly accurate, his explanation was not accepted. In 1922, when he
was awarded the Nobel Prize, and his work on photoelectricity was mentioned by name, most
physicists thought that, while the equation was correct, light quanta were impossible.
1905's third paper introduced the special theory of relativity, a detailed analysis of the concepts of
time, distance, mass and energy which omits the force of gravity. Some of the paper's core
mathematical ideas had been introduced a year earlier by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, but
Einstien showed how to understand these mathematical oddities. His explanation arose from two
axioms: one was Galileo's old idea that the laws of nature should be the same for all observers that
move with constant speed relative to each other; and, two, that the speed of light is the same for
every observer. Special relativity has several striking consequences because the absolute concepts of
time and size are rejected. The theory came to be called "special theory of
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was an important person who changed the world of science.
People referred to him as a genius, and as one of the smartest people in the world. Einstein devoted
himself to solving the mysteries of the world, and he changed the way science is looked at today.
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. Albert's speech was late in
development; he didn't start talking until he was about three.
Since he started talking late, his parents thought he was retarded. "His explanation was that he
consciously skipped baby babbling, waiting until he could speak in complete sentences"(Brian 1).
Einstein had a very bad temper when he was young; he got mad and hit his sister Maja
more content...
"Einstein started his theory of relativity at the age of sixteen" (Encyclopedia 511). He received the
Nobel prize for his famous theory. Another famous scientific theory he discovered was E=MC2
(energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). That theory made the atomic bomb possible.
"At dawn on July 16, the atomic structure of the world was revealed when Einstein's famous
equation E=MC2 came to life with a bang"(Brian 344). He was famous for his philosophies too.
besides the theory of relativity, he discovered the theory of motion. "The motions of bodies included
in a given (vehicle) are the same among themselves whether that (vehicle) is at rest or in uniform
motion" (Hoffman 63). When
Einstein was a kid, he devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world. On April 18, 1955,
Einstein died in his sleep. On his desk lay his last complete statement, written to honor Isreali
Independence day. It read in part:
"What I seek to accomplish is simply to serve with my feeble capacity truth and justice at the risk
of pleasing no one." (Encyclopedia 513). Albert Einstein was smart as a child, but no one
understood him, and he was punished for it. Albert Einstein discovered the theories of relativity, and
motion as well as the atomic bomb. Einstein was one of the most important people in science, and he
dedicated his life to changing the world.
Works Cited
Brian, Dennis. Einstein a Life. New York: John Whiley and Sons,
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Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, the first child of the Jewish couple Hermann
and Pauline Einstein. In June 1880 the family moved to Munich where Hermann Einstein and his
brother Jakob founded the electrical engineering company Einstein & Cie. Albert Einstein's sister
Maria was born on November 18, 1881. Einstein's childhood was a normal one, except that to his
family's irritation, he learned to speak later than most. In 1884 he received some tutoring in order to
get prepared for school.
In 1885 he started learning to play violin. Beginning in 1885 he received his primary education at a
Catholic school in Munich; in 1888 he changed over to the Luitpold–Gymnasium, also in Munich.
However, he didn't like his school more content...
From 1909 to 1916 Albert Einstein worked on a generalization of his Special Theory of Relativity.
The results of his efforts were published in March 1916 in the paper "The Foundation of the General
Theory of Relativity". This theory investigates coordination systems which experience acceleration
relative to each other and also the influence of gravitational fields to time and space.
The Special Theory of Relativity was still intelligible to the average person; this did not apply to
the General Theory of Relativity. Due to the relatively small relativistic effects, this theory was
difficult to verify experimentally. Einstein predicted the perihelion motion of mercury, the
gravitational red shift as well as the deflection of light in a gravitational field. He was convinced
that light deflection by the gravitational field of the sun could be observed during a total solar
eclipse. After several failed observations of total solar eclipses proof finally came in 1919: On
May 29 of that year the English astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington confirmed Einstein's
prediction of light deflection when he observed a total solar eclipse on the volcanic island of
Principe in the Gulf of Guinea in western Africa. A second expedition, led by Andrew Crommelin,
observed this eclipse in Sobral, Brazil.
The official result of these expeditions was announced on November 6, 1919 during a joint meeting
of the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society in London. Einstein
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Albert Einstein Essay

  • 1. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 to Jewish parents. In the year 1880 the Einsteins moved to Munich so that Albert could attend the school there. Albert's father started a factory there in Munich. The most charming story was told about the young Albert Einstein when he was 5. He was late to dinner because he was sitting out in the garden thinking under a tree, when he was brought to his father he noticed a small compass on Hermman Einstein's pocket watch. He was fascinated with the little compass and why it always pointed north. School for Einstein was a trying experience. For young Einstein "school is just like a barrack...and the teachers are like the officers who tell the soldiers what to do. If you don't learn more content... The League of Nations had a link to Einstein in its Committee of Intellectual Cooperation, also considered the ancestor of the UNESCO. His involvement on this committee was short lived due to the prejudices against his German and Jewish background. Einstein also saw that the group catered to the powerful and wealthy. When Adolph Hitler gained power in 1933, Einstein changed his opinion on militarism. He started to tell the nations of Europe that military preparedness is what should be happening in their countries. He realized that the only way to stop Hitler was to meet force with force. (I think he was thinking of Newton's 3rd law which is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Unfortunately, the opposite reaction was appeasement for the nations of Europe.) Luckily for Einstein he moved to the United States of America before he could become one of murdered people in Nazi Germany. Einstein also used his influence to try and rescue other people from the wrath of Hitler. Einstein used his influence to write a letter to the President of the United States, then Franklin D. Roosevelt, encouraging the USA to start developing an atomic bomb. He wrote this letter with the impression that the Get more content on
  • 2. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, WГјttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. While he was still an infant, the family moved to Munich. Albert's father was plagued with business failures throughout his life, and after one such failure, he moved his family to Milan, Italy. Einstein was, at first, left behind to finish his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium, but he disapproved of this choice, and followed his family to Milan. Albert decided to attempt to skip the rest of gymnasium and tried to pass the test he needed in order to do so. He failed the ZГјrich Poly entrance examination on his first attempt, and so he was sent by his family to finish school in Aarau, where Albert actually enjoyed being educated, unlike his gymnasium more content... One year after he obtained his job at the Patent office, in 1903, Albert Einstein married his sweetheart from ZГјrich Poly, Mileva Marie. The two had a daughter before they were married, a daughter which was given up for adoption the same year they were married. Unfortunately, their marriage was unsuccessful. Mileva was prone to periods of depression, and appeared to be jealous of Einstein's free–acting friends (Cropper). Still, Einstein was not completely void of fault, as his attention was given, not to his wife, but to his work, and failed to give his marriage the work that it required. During Einstein's employment at the Patent Office, he did the majority of his life's works in his spare time. In 1905, Einstein published three important articles–each on a different topic. The first dealt with electromagnetism, especially focusing on the contributions Max Planck had made. "Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe visible electromagnetic radiation, or light" ( Einstein's theory formed the basis for a large part of quantum mechanics. The second paper of 1905 discussed the special theory of relativity. "Einstein realized that the equations describing the motion of an electron in fact could describe the nonaccelerated motion of any particle or any suitably defined rigid body" Get more content on
  • 3. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein Einstein, Albert (1879–1955), was one of the greatest scientists of all time. He is best known for his theory of relativity, which he first advanced when he was only 26. He also made many other contributions to science. Einstein's relativity theory revolutionized scientific thought with new conceptions of time, space, mass, motion, and gravitation. He treated matter and energy as exchangeable, not distinct. In so doing, he laid the basis for controlling the release of energy from the atom. Thus, Einstein was one of the fathers of the nuclear age. Einstein's famous equation, E equals m times c–squared (energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared), became a foundation stone in the development of more content... He later said he felt then that "something deeply hidden had to be behind things." After attending elementary and secondary schools in Munich and in Aarau, Switzerland, Einstein studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich. He graduated in 1900. From 1902 to 1909, Einstein worked as an examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. This job as patent examiner allowed him much free time, which he spent in scientific investigations. Einstein became a Swiss citizen in 1905. During this time, Einstein made three of his greatest contributions to scientific knowledge. The year 1905 was an epoch–making one in the history of physical science, because Einstein contributed three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics), a German scientific periodical. Each of them became the basis of a new branch of physics. In one of the papers, Einstein suggested that light could be thought of as a stream of tiny particles. This idea forms an important part of the quantum theory (see Quantum mechanics). In 1900, the German physicist Max K. E. L. Planck had proposed that the radiation of light occurred in packets of energy, called quanta. Einstein extended this idea by arguing that light itself consisted of quanta, which were later called photons. Scientists before Einstein had discovered that a bright beam of light striking a metal caused the metal to release electrons, which could form Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Albert Einstein Education "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" –Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany to a Jewish couple. While having initial complications with a misshapen head during child birth, he grew normally. However it was commented by Albert Einstein's relatives that he was a little slow. Einstein's lack of intelligent was shown by his late age of learning how to speak. His first formal education (besides the private education he received before school) was at a Catholic school in Munich . This institution was short–lived because of Einstein's taste and disagreements with the professor. He left the school and Ulm Germans and moved to Milan . While in Milan , Einstein more content... He worked at the patent office in the day and studied theoretical physics in his time off. Research "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity." –Albert Einstein In 1905 Einstein published five revolutionary papers in the scientific magazine "Annalen der Physik". In April of that same year, Einstein submitted his doctorial thesis, "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions". Some of the other papers that he published include his famous article "On A Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light" in which Einstein described the electromagnetic radiations of light by using Max Planck's quantum hypothesis. Einstein states that "in order for an electron to be removed from the cathode, a given quantity of energy had to be delivered to the atom". This revolutionary publication won him the Nobel Prize in 1921. Another one of his papers was "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" in which Einstein reveals special relativity. In his paper he describes a stationary clock and a clock in motion: "If at the points A and B of K there are stationary clocks which, viewed in the stationary system, are synchronous; and if the clock at A is moved with the velocity v along the line AB to B, then on its arrival at B the two clocks no longer synchronize, but Get more content on
  • 5. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a small child he didn't show any high intelligence. In fact he even took a while to learn how to speak. He was a smart kid but it took a while for people to notice his intelligence. He would ask questions his own teachers couldn't answer and he even taught himself calculus. He took an entrance exam for Swiss Federal Polytechnic School and failed. He failed but he was still admitted a year later. While doing his regular work he also studied physics on his own. He applied for an academic position but was rejected. Why would they reject such an intelligent man? But they did and in 1902 he was hired as a patent examiner in Berne. In 1905 his intelligence came out of more content... Einstein had been one of the first few to be invited. Hoffman had ideas and he wanted to explain those ideas to Einstein. He was in awe of Einstein, but when he approached Einstein with the ideas he asked Hoffman to please go slow because he didn't understand things quickly. Hoffman was impressed by this comment. Who wouldn't if it was coming from Einstein, the genius the great scientist. Einstein wasn't only a genius but he was also a religious man. Who would have thought; but he was. He once said that ideas came from God, and I totally agree. And like he said God is difficult to understand but he is not mean. In other words anything is possible, with God's help. Einstein thought of science and trying to figure out things as an every day thing. He asked Hoffman at one time if he wondered why a man's feet could sink into dry or wet sand. Hoffman didn't answer; he had never thought of that. But of course Einstein explained it. With all this Einstein made a great impact on Banesh Hoffman. I say he made a great impact on Hoffman because at first Hoffman had some admiring fear towards Einstein. It went away when Hoffman actually approached Einstein with some of his own ideas. And when Einstein told him to go slow because he didn't understand things quickly. That comment made it a whole lot better. I can kind of relate myself with this essay because in a way I can say I've been in Hoffman's place. My Get more content on
  • 6. Albert Einstien Essay Albert Einstein My report will be about Albert Einstein and what his life was about. Also what kinds of theories he thought about. Albert Einstein lived between the years of (1879–1905). His life began when he was born in Prinstone, New Jersey in 1879, March 14. Albert Einstein was born with bright brown eyes, round cheeks, and a little bit of black hair. Albert Einstein started school when he was five years–old. Albert Einstein was Jewish, but still went to a Catholic Elementary School. The name of Albert Einstein parents were Herman Einstein and Pauline Einstein. Albert's parents were not strict with him. Albert's parents were scared because Albert was more content... 2. After high school, Albert Einstein enrolled in Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland when he was seventeen years of age. Albert studied mathematics and physics which the professor did not like. However, Albert continued to study very hard while he attended college. In 1900, Albert graduated from college, and was asked to join the physic department but Albert denied the request. After college, Albert moved to Switzerland where he became a citizen. He stayed in Switzerland for three years where he met Mileva Maric. In 1903, after they got very well acquainted, both decided to get married. His marriage produced to sons. World War I caused Alberts separation from his family. With time on his
  • 7. hands, Albert began to write his theories in the local paper. One of his first theories was the theory of relativity which proved the rapidness of motion, the speed of light, and many other phenomena's. Later he started thinking of making inventions. Some of his inventions were a new camera, and improvements of the "Popgun" (a gun). However, this did not mean that he was through with physics. He was hoping to get Ph.D. from the University of Zurich. Sometimes when he would think of an invention, he would get a scrap paper and write his ideas down. After time past, Albert received the Noble Prize for his Theory Get more content on
  • 8. Albert Einstein Essay "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein was the first child born to Hermann and Pauline Einstein, Jewish, middle–class Germans, on March 14, 1879 at Ulm, in Wurttemberg, Germany. Albert's sister, Maria, was born in November of 1881. They remained close throughout their lives.Einstein and sister 1 The Einstein family moved to Munich in 1880 to start their own business. Albert began his secondary schooling at Luitpold–Gymnasium. In 1894, the family business failed and the family moved to Milan, Italy. Albert stayed behind in Munich to finish more content... 1905 was Einstein's "miracle year." In March of that year, he sent to the "Annalen der Physik," the leading German physics journal, a paper with a new understanding of the structure of light. He argued that light acts as though is consists of independent particles of energy. Einstein built on Max Planck's work and went beyond this. He showed that light quanta could help to explain phenomena being studied by experimental physicists; he made clear how light ejects electrons from metals. In May of 1905, Einstein submitted another paper that reinforced the kinetic energy theory. His Special Theory of Relativity was born; Einstein submitted yet another paper in June of 1905 on electromagnetism and motion. Since Galileo and Newton, physicists had known that laboratory experiments never revealed a difference between an object at rest and an object moving at a constant speed along a straight line. Objects behave the same way on a uniformly moving ship as they do on an anchored ship; this is the Principle of Relativity. However, according to the electromagnetic theory, light should not obey this principle. This theory predicted that measurements on velociy of light would show the effects of motion. Yet, no such effect had been detected in any experiments–– the velocity of light did not vary. Einstein found a way to show that the Principle of Relativity was Get more content on
  • 9. Paper On Albert Einstein Abstract Albert Einstein was a generally intelligent man who created a series of proven theories. His theories provided a major impact to the world in which his information allowed individuals to expand their knowledge of the world. He shared his ideas to a plethora of people and won a Nobel Prize for the explanations of his theories. Throughout time, he became a shooting target and moved away from his native land. As an American citizen, he played a part as a civil rights activist. After a few years, he slowly begun to get distant from everyone and sadly passed away on April 18, 1955. Albert Einstein: From the beginning Albert Einstein was an extraordinary human being, however, a copious amount of people do not recall much of him nor his life. It's a common occurrence to hear the name, "Albert Einstein", but do people actually know what he did? Background In 1879, a man named Albert Einstein was born in the southern German city of Ulm on March 14. He was more content... As a student in college, he had even larger copious amounts of ideas stirred up. Because of all time he had, Einstein would create a series of theories, however, he never made the time to publish them. One of his theories he came up with was named the principle of relativity. In the year of 1905, Einstein had a, what people call, a 'miracle year'. He finally created the time to put his thoughts and ideas on to paper to publish to the world. Einstein was able to publish four of his papers in a physics journal named Annalen der Physik. This publishing company was known as the best journal of physics in that era. Each paper elaborated on his theories of the matter/energy relationship, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, and the special theory of relativity. Each of his theories made not only scientists second look everything, but as well as made physics turn into a new direction that was seriously Get more content on
  • 10. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on Walk 14, 1879. He was a poor student, and some of his instructors and family, who ran an organization that made and sold electrical hardware, figured he may have been impeded. Later on in this life he went on to say, "School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam." Einstein and the Poet (1983). He started playing the violin at age six and did so throughout his life.At the age of nine he was still not able talk fluently although he was intrigued by the laws of nature, for example, about the invisible force that directs the needle of a compass. In 1895 his family moved to Milan, in Italy. For Einstein to get accepted to "Eidgenoessische Polytechnische Schule" in Zurich, he had to take a selection test in October 1895. However, the results were not sufficient and he was denied. Instead Einstein quit going to class and pursued arithmetic and other studies. In 1896 he was admitted to the Swiss Government Foundation of Innovation in Zurich. His productive activity at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern left him an opportunity to conduct expiriments of his own, which brought about a progression of a series of papers. Einstein composed several papers with a new theory of the structure of light. He argued that light can act just like particles of energy, in some ways like the particles of a gas. His Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on albert einstein ALBERT EINSTEIN Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879 in Germany. His family owned a small business that manufactured electric machinery. The business failed and they left Germany. Albert was fifteen years old and he dropped out of school. When Albert was five when he received his first compass and he began to investigate the world. Little did he know that that compass would make him famous. By the age of ten he becomes so fascinated by the world of science he self–educates himself to learn as much as possible. Albert then went to a secondary school in Switzerland. Albert felt that the academics and education were not satisfying enough so he started cutting his classes and used all his free time to learn about physics. He had more content... He proposed that under certain circumstances light could be considered a particles. He also hypothesized that the energy carried by a photon is depositional to the frequency of radiation. The formula E= HU proves this. Virtually no one accepted this theory but thought differently when Robert Andrews Millikan proved it. The third paper was on electrodynamics of moving bodies. It became known as the theory of relativity. It explains how matter and radiation interact with one another. With these well thought out papers Albert Einstein had solved the unanswered problems of the world. He wanted to learn more and began to try and answer the questions of the universe. In 1939 Einstein connected with other scientists and wrote a letter to the president, Franklin D. Roosevelt pointing out the possibility of making an atomic bomb. Albert signed the letter and the sent it off. That is when the first atomic bomb was ever made. Albert Einstein died 1n 1955 but during his lifetime he filled so many blanks about our universe. Albert Einstein had a huge positive impact on history. He changed the confused minds of people and answered their questions. He dedicated his life to science and because of him our world has started to come together. Without him scientists would still be trying to figure out the speed of light, relativity, elements mass.... Etc. He educated the world and encouraged more people to learn about the natures of earth. The biggest thing Get more content on
  • 12. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein is looked at as one of the most magnificent scientific thinkers throughout history. His theories on the nature and dimensions of time and space immensely changed the way people thought of the physical world and established many of the major fundamental foundations for a tremendous amount of the our scientific discoveries and inventions in the 21st century. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in WГјrttemberg, Germany, into a middle–class Jewish family that owned a small electrical equipment manufacturing shop. Einstein showed early signed of genius even though he did not talk until the age of three. Six weeks after he was born, his family moved to Munich; there he began school a few years later at the more content... Throughout his two years of attendance, Einstein could only find random odd jobs, nothing that was steady and reliable. All during this time, Einstein had begun to fall in love with one of his fellow students. Her name was Mileva Maric, and unfortunately, his parents strongly disliked and opposed of their affair. Einstein was not only lacking in his family's support, but also in financial stability, which prevented him from marrying Mileva. The couple proceeded with their relationship, and had an illegitimate child together. Mileva Maric gave birth to Einstein's daughter, Lieseri, early in the year of 1902. As time passed and a lot of patience exhausted, Einstein finally got the occupation of a clerical worker at the Swiss patent office in Bern. Once achieving financial stability to the best of his abilities at the time, he married Mileva Maric in 1903. They later went on to conceive two more children together, one of which was named Hans Albert whom was born a year after their marriage in 1904, and Eduard whom was not born until seven years later int the year 1910. Einstein began his writings that carried out through a progression of only a few months. He wrote a total of four highly intellectual and groundbreaking articles all while working at the Swiss patent office in 1905. This is were majority of his most creative and scientific work of his life were comprised. The first article delved into the application of the quantum theory to a light Get more content on
  • 13. Albert Einstein Essays Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm. He was raised in Munich, where his family owned a small electrical machinery shop. Though he did not even begin to speak until he was three, he showed a great curiosity of nature and even taught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of 12. Albert despised school life, thinking it dull and boring, so when his family decided to move to Milan, Italy, Einstein took the opportunity to drop out of school, only 15 at the time. After a year with his parents in Milan it became clear to him that he would have to make his own way in the world. He finished secondary school in Arrau, Switzerland, and then enrolled at the Swiss National Polytechnic in Zurich. School there was more content... Einstein had been considering the problem for over ten years when he realized that lay not in a theory of matter but one of measurement. The crux of his special theory or relativity was that all measurements of time and space depend on judgments as to whether two distant events occur at the same time (the "relative" view of the observer). This realization led him to develop a theory based on two major points. First, the principle of relativity, that physical laws are the same in all inertial reference systems. Second the principle of the invariance of the speed of light, that the speed of light in a vacuum will always remain constant. Using these two postulates, he was able to provide a correct description of physical events in different inertial frames of reference, and did not have to make assumptions about the nature of matter or radiation, nor how they interact. Not many understood Einstein's argument when it was first offered. This was not because the work was too mathematically complex or technically obscure, but because of Einstein's beliefs about the nature of good theories and the relationship between experiment and theory. A good theory, in his opinion, was one where the minimum number of postulates were used to account for the physical evidence. He did not believe that theories could be logically connected to experiment, but that scientific theories were Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Albert Einstein Albert Einstein Albert Einstein (1879–1955) is believed to be the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He developed many theories that led to many breakthroughs. With his well–known famous look, the white messy hair and the absent–minded look on his face, he was the perfect example of the typical scientist. Einstein became internationally renowned as a leading scientific thinker and as an accomplished mathematician. His contributions to science have left a lasting impression throughout the universe. Albert Einstein was a highly intelligent man who earned many honors and accomplishments. Born into a Jewish family at Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879, Einstein spent his youth in Munich, where his father, Hermann and his uncle, more content... In 1905, Einstein received his doctorate from the University of Zurich for a thesis on the dimensions of molecules. Three published theoretical papers became the central importance to the development of 20th century physics. The first of the three papers examined electromagnetic energy being directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation. The second paper he wrote significant predictions about statistical mechanics later confirmed by experiments. The third of Einstein's papers of 1905 proposed what is today called the special theory of relativity. He showed how mass and energy was equivalent. Einstein resigned from the patent office and was appointed as a professor in Prague in 1911 and at Zurich in 1912, then worked in Berlin, where he was the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physical Institute from 1914 to 1933. Even before he left the patent office in 1907, Einstein began work on extending and generalizing the theory of relativity to all coordinate systems. The full General Theory of Relativity was published in 1916. In this theory the interactions of bodies, which have been ascribed to gravitational force are explained. Einstein accounted an explanation of the orbital motion of the planets and predicted the bending of starlight by a massive body such as the sun. The confirmation of this prediction became Einstein's spread of worldwide fame in 1919 with the eclipse of the sun. For the Get more content on
  • 15. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstien (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955) was a physicist who first proposed the theory of relativity. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect "and other contributions"; however, the announcement of the award was not made until a year later, in 1922. His theoretical work suggested the possibility of creating an atomic bomb. His discovered equation, E=MC2 is well known as one that changed the world. Einstien was born March 14, 1879 at Ulm in Wberg, Germany. He grew up in Munich and later in Italy, and received his higher education in Switzerland. At age 17 he renounced his German citizenship and later, in 1901, was accepted as a Swiss citizen. He married his first wife, Mileva more content... Einstien's theory of light quanta received almost no support from other physicists for nearly 20 years. It contradicted the wave theory of light that underlay James Clerk Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic behavior. Even after experiments demonstrated that Einstien's equations for the photoelectric effect were splendidly accurate, his explanation was not accepted. In 1922, when he was awarded the Nobel Prize, and his work on photoelectricity was mentioned by name, most physicists thought that, while the equation was correct, light quanta were impossible. 1905's third paper introduced the special theory of relativity, a detailed analysis of the concepts of time, distance, mass and energy which omits the force of gravity. Some of the paper's core mathematical ideas had been introduced a year earlier by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, but Einstien showed how to understand these mathematical oddities. His explanation arose from two axioms: one was Galileo's old idea that the laws of nature should be the same for all observers that move with constant speed relative to each other; and, two, that the speed of light is the same for every observer. Special relativity has several striking consequences because the absolute concepts of time and size are rejected. The theory came to be called "special theory of Get more content on
  • 16. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was an important person who changed the world of science. People referred to him as a genius, and as one of the smartest people in the world. Einstein devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world, and he changed the way science is looked at today. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. Albert's speech was late in development; he didn't start talking until he was about three. Since he started talking late, his parents thought he was retarded. "His explanation was that he consciously skipped baby babbling, waiting until he could speak in complete sentences"(Brian 1). Einstein had a very bad temper when he was young; he got mad and hit his sister Maja more content... "Einstein started his theory of relativity at the age of sixteen" (Encyclopedia 511). He received the Nobel prize for his famous theory. Another famous scientific theory he discovered was E=MC2 (energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). That theory made the atomic bomb possible. "At dawn on July 16, the atomic structure of the world was revealed when Einstein's famous equation E=MC2 came to life with a bang"(Brian 344). He was famous for his philosophies too. besides the theory of relativity, he discovered the theory of motion. "The motions of bodies included in a given (vehicle) are the same among themselves whether that (vehicle) is at rest or in uniform motion" (Hoffman 63). When Einstein was a kid, he devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world. On April 18, 1955, Einstein died in his sleep. On his desk lay his last complete statement, written to honor Isreali Independence day. It read in part: "What I seek to accomplish is simply to serve with my feeble capacity truth and justice at the risk of pleasing no one." (Encyclopedia 513). Albert Einstein was smart as a child, but no one understood him, and he was punished for it. Albert Einstein discovered the theories of relativity, and motion as well as the atomic bomb. Einstein was one of the most important people in science, and he dedicated his life to changing the world. Works Cited Brian, Dennis. Einstein a Life. New York: John Whiley and Sons, Get more content on
  • 17. Albert Einstein Essay Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, the first child of the Jewish couple Hermann and Pauline Einstein. In June 1880 the family moved to Munich where Hermann Einstein and his brother Jakob founded the electrical engineering company Einstein & Cie. Albert Einstein's sister Maria was born on November 18, 1881. Einstein's childhood was a normal one, except that to his family's irritation, he learned to speak later than most. In 1884 he received some tutoring in order to get prepared for school. In 1885 he started learning to play violin. Beginning in 1885 he received his primary education at a Catholic school in Munich; in 1888 he changed over to the Luitpold–Gymnasium, also in Munich. However, he didn't like his school more content... From 1909 to 1916 Albert Einstein worked on a generalization of his Special Theory of Relativity. The results of his efforts were published in March 1916 in the paper "The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity". This theory investigates coordination systems which experience acceleration relative to each other and also the influence of gravitational fields to time and space. The Special Theory of Relativity was still intelligible to the average person; this did not apply to the General Theory of Relativity. Due to the relatively small relativistic effects, this theory was difficult to verify experimentally. Einstein predicted the perihelion motion of mercury, the gravitational red shift as well as the deflection of light in a gravitational field. He was convinced that light deflection by the gravitational field of the sun could be observed during a total solar eclipse. After several failed observations of total solar eclipses proof finally came in 1919: On May 29 of that year the English astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington confirmed Einstein's prediction of light deflection when he observed a total solar eclipse on the volcanic island of Principe in the Gulf of Guinea in western Africa. A second expedition, led by Andrew Crommelin, observed this eclipse in Sobral, Brazil. The official result of these expeditions was announced on November 6, 1919 during a joint meeting of the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society in London. Einstein Get more content on