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Alaraj 1
Chris Alaraj
Professor Gallego
English 1302
20 October 2014
Poverty Speaks for Itself
In some parts of the world, multiple diseases are still
rampant. Despite the incredible advances in medicine these
places still remain susceptible. Some of these diseases perished
by the effort of human kind. However, scientists were not
completely successful in treating some illnesses. For example,
ailments such as Ebola, STDs, HIV, Dengue fever and Malaria
are ubiquitous, yet not all are curable. Scholars have discussed
that a major part in why such diseases are not treated in time is
that many people are too poor to act and protect themselves
from these sicknesses. Poverty is one of many reasons people
are getting sick, and also it is the most affecting. Poor people
are at a disadvantage, because they cannot provide most of their
basic necessities for them to live their lives and deal with their
daily routines. Thus, they can’t aid themselves properly when
they are infected by a disease. Although people might argue that
there are several causes that are the reason of mass infection of
serious illnesses, I claim that poverty is the root cause of these
illnesses because poverty leads to lack of medical attention,
absence of public protection the, and the contamination of
Many poor families and children are eligible for health
insurance and Medicaid. However, not all of those people are
aware of this fact. As Mercedes Muñoz who edited the book, “Is
Poverty a Serious Threat?” stated that “According to Census
data, more than 15 million “uninsured” individuals reside in
households with annual incomes of less than $25,000. Most
meet the income test for Medicaid or S-CHIP eligibility, but
they are not enrolled”… She continues by stating that, “many—
perhaps most—of these 15 million “uninsured” persons are folks
who have not sought health care” (Muñoz 51). The editor here
proves that poor people can be medically insured and could be
treated for their infections and diseases. Also, the editor shows
that most of poor people could afford the medical insurance if
they actually demanded health care. In spite of this point being
very true, the poor still haven’t gotten more medical or physical
attention. The world should acknowledge that poor people do
not have the right resources to even know about what they can
and cannot obtain. Three major points are being displayed to
verify that poor people are the main target of infections,
ignorance and not having a clean source of vital water.
Poverty is like a pillar for infections: It is the base of why
people are not surviving simple conditions and disorders.
Medicare and insurance tend to keep people safe and somewhat
protected from various infectious deceases. However, being
poor and residing is an underprivileged district can cause a
surge in deteriorating health conditions, and premature deaths.
According to John Mullahy, and Barbara L. Wolfe who wrote
the article, “Health Policies for the Nonelderly Poor”,
mentioned in their article that “when poor people become sick,
they have less access to health care and the quality of the care
that they do obtain appears to be inferior” … They continue by
stating that “poverty results in substandard housing or poor
living that may lead to ill health” (Mullahy and Wolfe 41). This
proves that the minority of poor people with disorders or
deficiencies are not being treated within the normal standards,
but within a depraved grade of consideration. Also, the authors
demonstrate that being poor will lead to a lower level of
medical assistance. Some people might consider that the actions
taken towards poor people medically is immoral. Each year
more and more people are dying because of their status in the
community; if they are labeled as poor they will get less
therapeutic support and fewer attention. Poverty is a hardship
that many people face, placing them in a condition that might
not make them eligible for the appropriate level of aid.
Many young children are becoming victims to poverty and its
outcomes year after year. As John Mullahy, and Barbara L.
Wolfe also mentioned in their article that “The health of
nonpoor children has improved considerably over the past few
decades, that of poor children hardly at all.” …They continue
by stating that “Medicare does not cover the majority of poor
and near-poor adults and children” (Mullahy and Wolfe 41).
This validates that disadvantaged children are at a higher risk of
catching these mass infectious diseases because of the
negligible level of health service they receive. Also the authors
reveals the fact that poor children are not being taken care of,
and that their situation has not been resolved for decades.
Innocent children are brought to this world where poverty is
becoming a tyrant and controlling most of their lives especially
from the medical field. Unfortunately, poverty is growing larger
as the days go by, and not a lot of children are surviving
because of the gap left by poverty.
Poor people are suffering from negligence and ignorance of the
public and regrettably not getting enough attention. According
to José Barry Azoh who wrote the article “Social Sciences
Research On Infectious Diseases Of Poverty: Too Little And
Too Late?", he states that “These diseases and poverty are
trapped in a sort of permanent relationship of a double layer of
infections and poverty, in which pathogens infect people living
in persistent conditions of poverty... Many of these pathologies
have been referred to as NTDs for diverse reasons…” He
continues by stating that “They have, for the most part, received
lesser investment… in terms of proper attention and actions, or
have simply been ignored by the afflicted communities, media,
governments, re- search funders, the pharmaceutical industry,
and the rest of the world.”(Azoh 1) This is important because
the author shows how many individuals can be biased when the
situation comes to poor people and families, thinking that they
are of a lower class, not worthy, and do not deserve much. Also,
the author views that poor people are being socially ignored by
basically everyone, getting lesser attention every day. Poverty
and diseases have a bond that is sadly somewhat unbreakable,
poor people are not able to afford medication or Medicare,
hence, they are neglected by society and left uncured. People
say money makes the world go around, if you are poor and have
nothing to afford to keep yourself safe, you will be forgotten
and will not be able to survive in the new world. It seems that
the less fortunate people are being trampled on so that the
privileged can get what they desire. Unfortunately, protection
for subordinate individuals is fading away.Water is the source
of life that people depend on the most to survive. Nevertheless,
poor countries and people are mostly the main target for
limitation of water and its sources. As P. K. Geol who wrote the
book “Water Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control”, stated that
“On the other hand the poor and developing countries have
overpopulation, increasing their domestic wastes and sewage.
Though these countries do not use much resources and energy,
but short finances make a constrain on the treatment of wastes,
which are often disposed off untreated cause severe water
pollution problems” (Goel 2). The author indicates that not
many people can get a reliable source of fresh water to fill out
their needs. Also, he points out that people who suffer from
poverty tend to receive spoiled and highly-polluted water. The
author also grasps the idea of low salaries and wages, indicating
that many people in these countries cannot afford to buy clean
water or manage to pay for an uncontaminated water source.
Poor people in these countries are struggling to get some pure
water, however, their low incomes is somewhat interfering with
their chances of getting some. Not being able to obtain fresh
water can lead to dehydration which links water contamination
with medical issues together.
Water shortage is a catastrophe that we are modernly
confronting. Human beings are extremely dependent on water in
their daily routine: taking baths, cleaning food, and most
importantly drinking it. All species are reliant on water, and the
amount they are getting is declining rapidly. In their article
“Water poverty indicators: conceptual problems and policy
issues”, François Molle and Peter Mollinga mention that “Since
humans are part of the ecosystem, they are also affected when
the amount, quality and timing of water flows necessary to
support ecosystems is not ensured. Loss of biodiversity, health
impacts from pollution, aesthetic degradation and other negative
impacts are caused by such water scarcity” (Molle and Mollinga
530). This is important because water is very essential for all
creatures, and water scarcity is disturbing the ecosystem
dramatically. Also, they signify that this is a global problem
and it needs to be resolved sooner than later because it will
affect people and especially poor ones. Water is being abused to
the limit that people are becoming unaware of how much water
they are using and how much water is being wasted. Water is
one of so many things that people take for granted, and no one
feels the value of something until they lose it which relates to
how poor people feel because they are mostly deprived of
unpolluted water.
In conclusion, poverty is a serious and a universal problem that
many people are challenging today. Poverty has roots that
spread throughout the world causing chaos, disorder and
confusion. Many obstacles confront poor people and these
obstacles vary from privation of remedial care, absence of
community security, and the corruption of their clean drinking
water source. Because poor people most of the time do not have
the privilege to get appropriate health assistance, they receive
little to no help. Poor people do not have a rank that is high
enough to seek people’s attention. Sadly, much of the world
does not have access to clean water. In order for people to get
out of poverty, these three major points must be addressed by
the world community to attempt and diminish the existence of
Works Cited
Azoh Barry, José. "Social Sciences Research on Infectious
Diseases of Poverty: Too Little and Too Late?." Plos Neglected
Tropical Diseases 8.6 (2014): 1-4. .Academic Search
Complete. Web. 8. Oct. 2014.
Goel, P.K. Water Pollution: Causes, Effects And Control. New
Age International, 2006. Print.
Molle, Francois, and Peter Mollinga. "Water Poverty Indicators:
Conceptual Problems and Policy Issues." Water policy 5.5
(2003): 529-44. Google scholar. Web. 8. Oct. 2014.
Mullahy, John, and Barbara L. Wolfe, “Health Policies for the
Nonelderly Poor.” Understanding Poverty (2001): 273-313.
Google scholar. Web. 8. Oct. 2014.
Muñoz, Mercedes. Is Poverty a Serious Threat?. Detroit:
Greenhaven Press, 2006. Print.
Argument Essay
Thesis Statement & Outline Handout
Although _____________(counter claim)________________,
I claim that __________(claim)_________________________
because of ___subclaim1_____, ____subclaim2____, and
OUTLINE using the Toulmin Method
Note: Don’t forget transitions!P1: Intro
broad to specific. ending in thesis statement (featured above).
Typically 5-8 sentences long.
P2: Counter Claim
P3: Subclaim 1
Claim: ___
Data: “…”
Warrant: ___
P4: Subclaim 2
Claim: ___
Data: “…”
Warrant: ___
P5: Subclaim 3
Claim: ___
Data: “…”
Warrant: ___
P6: Conclusion
Review thesis then move to broad. Global relevance. So what?
Typically 5-8 sentences long.
Essay 1
Why This Essay Gets an A
Topic/Thesis/Content: 19 points
This essay gets 19 points for topic/thesis/content because it
includes an excellent thesis that
acknowledges potential conflicting points of view while
strongly stating the author's own
position. The thesis is then supported by well detailed
paragraphs that define the terms and
explain the quotes the author is using, making their position and
reasoning clear.
Organization: 19 points
This essay gets 19 points because it is logically organized and
easy to follow, moving from an
explanation of the difference between punishment and abuse to
discussing how punishment can
help a child form better decision making, personal discipline,
and finally, better ethics and
morals. Some transitions could be improved, but overall, the
essay flows very well.
Quality of References: 18 points
This essay gets 18 points for quality of references because they
are all excellent, peer-reviewed
sources drawn from the databases.
Use of Sources/MLA Documentation: 18 points
This essay gets 18 points for use of sources and MLA
documentation because it uses all of its
sources well, correctly documents them (even in the instance
where it appears to combine them),
and most importantly, provides detailed explanations of what
the reader should understand from
the quotes provided.
Grammar/Mechanics: 20 points
This essay gets 20 points for grammar and mechanics because it
is well edited and has no
noticeable errors that in any way detract from the author's point.
Total Score: 94
This essay is a solid A for a number of reasons. It is well
thought out, organized, and explained.
Its argument is supported by excellent sources, and these
sources are explained to the reader. Its
only real fault is that it could more clearly define what
"Taibatsu" is, but that is but one of its
details, and the reader still gets a sense of what the author is
discussing. Most importantly, the
author acknowledges that this argument does not exist in a
vacuum. The introduction
acknowledges opposing points of view. The conclusion draws
connections to broader arguments
in society. Overall, this is an A essay because it
conscientiously engages in a dialog about its
Essay 2
Example “A” Essay
Professor North Lake
English 1301
19 April 2017
The Power of Punishment
Growth is one of the most important parts of being human.
Whether one does something
against what they know is right or not, it is vital that that
individual grows and learns from their
actions. This is what will lead one to thrive in the real world.
For children, there are certain
facets of growing up that encourage this type education and
self-progress to occur. Corporal
punishment plays a necessary role in promoting this ability to
grow and thrive. Although
punishing children too harshly can be destructive, I argue that
punishment is necessary in a
child’s growth because it leads to better decision making,
encourages more discipline, and
promotes better morals.
Although it is evident that punishment can escalate and lead to
outcomes such as physical
or verbal abuse, the pros strongly outweigh the cons. The idea
that corporal punishment can lead
to abusive parental behavior is a huge topic of controversy
among individuals. In the experiment
"The Role of Race in the Association between Corporal
Punishment and Externalizing Problems:
Does Punishment Severity Matter?." conducted by Geneviewe
E. Lapre and Monica A. Marsee,
it is stated that “Although this popular punishment style is often
associated with short-term
obedience (Gershoff 2002), children who experience corporal
punishment may display long term
psychosocial adjustment problems” (Lapre and Marsee 1).
Basically, this is promoting the idea
that punishing children may cause them to follow the rules or
not make the same mistake again
for a while, but it could affect them detrimentally later on. Too
strict of punishment could lead to
Commented [ER1]: This is a very strong thesis. It
acknowledges the opposing point of view while strongly
stating the author's.
Commented [ER2]: The author combines two citations here
which leads to some confusion over which source is saying
Essay 3
possible mental problems for children and emotional distress.
But, this only occurs if corporal
punishment is too severe. Of course, if a parent is abusing their
child either verbally or physically
and leaving marks or scars, the child is going to feel
emotionally and physically unstable. It
would lead most anyone to feel this same way considering the
severity of the punishment. But,
corporal punishment doesn’t mean abuse; or at least it
shouldn’t. It can be mild punishment that
purely pushes an individual in the right path without putting any
psychological or physical harm
on themselves. It can have various benefits, including its ability
to lead to better decision making
in children.
Most every individual strives to make better decisions in their
life. Corporal punishment
can be a major contributor for a child to learn from their
mistake and make a better decision in
the future. In Patrick Lenta’s essay "Corporal Punishment of
Children." he states that
“individuals justify a punishment by identifying the goods that
it can bring—deterrence of
wrongdoing…” (Letna 2). The purpose of this statement is to
highlight the idea that a child that
receives physical punishment from a parent will most likely not
make their wrong decision
again. This is because, of course, punishment is associated with
bad not good. If the parent is
constantly showing warmth and affection, the child may never
change their ways towards better
decision making. The use of this type of punishment will ensure
that children have learned what
they did wrong, and thus will be less likely to make the mistake
again. In reality, knowing that
the decision they made resulted in self penalization, the child
should make future decisions that
will benefit themselves and others. This is just one modest
example of how corporal punishment
can have beneficial long-term effects. Another apparent one is
its ability to send children down
the right path when it comes to self-discipline and direction.
Not only can corporal punishment lead to better decision
making, it can also help ensure
Commented [ER3]: Here the author draws a clear line
between what they consider appropriate punishment and
what they consider abuse. This helps the reader understand
what exactly they mean by those terms.
Commented [ER4]: While it is becoming more and more
acceptable to use "they" as a genderless singular pronoun,
most instructors will still want you to use "his or her" in a
situation like this.
Commented [ER5]: Here the author does an excellent job of
explaining the quote to their readers.
Essay 4
discipline in a child. Disciplining a child is a very important
measure taken to ensure that they
know where they stand as far as rules go. In the article
"Corporal Punishment in Japan." written
by Aaron Miller, Miller discusses how Taibatsu is a form of
corporal punishment used in Japan.
It is stated that “Taibatsu has been used in japan for centuries,
mostly by adult men to socialize
growing boys into ‘proper ways’ of Japanese adult life” (Miller
40). This way of punishment
turns immature young boys into proper young men. It has also
been used for a very long time
(centuries to be exact) leading one to believe that it must be
effective considering it is still in use.
Taibatsu is a form of physical punishment, but that doesn't mean
it is abusive or wrong in any
sense. Not punishing a child can lead this child to believe that
there is nothing they need to fix
because they aren’t doing anything unsound. When in reality,
there is something that needs to be
done. With corporal punishment, it is straightforward and clear
to the child that they have made a
mistake. Thus, not wanting to go through the punishment again,
they will most likely make a
better decision in the future. The same goes for Taibatsu. It is a
very abrupt form of punishment
that effectively molds these boys and teaches them proper ways.
Without this corporal
punishment, it is quite unlikely that individuals would have any
reason to stray from rule
breaking in light of being disciplined. This will most likely lead
to children continuing to break
the rules that are set in place to help them. Not only can
corporal punishment enhance discipline,
it can also lead to a better code of ethics.
Morals are a very important facet of one’s life. They are what
allow individuals to make
the decisions they know in their heart are right. Last but
certainly not least, punishment has the
ability to promote better morals for a child. In Hazel Blum’s
article “Reforming (But Not
Eliminating) the Parental Discipline Defense” she states that
corporal punishment is “a desirable
and necessary instrument of restraint upon sin and immorality”
(Blum 9). It is evident that Blum
Commented [ER6]: The author should be more specific
about what kind of physical punishment is involved in
Commented [ER7]: This transition could be stronger if the
author stuck with either ethics or morals. While the two are
closely related, they are not the same.
Essay 5
is reiterating the idea that this form of punishment is a vital part
of keeping children away from
the danger or threat of developing a bad code of ethics.
Children will base much of what they
believe is right or wrong from what they are taught as children
and what they learn from their
parents. If parents don’t provide strict enough punishment or
are far too easy on their children,
then these said kids won’t develop a moral code of what is right
or wrong. If they get a certain
punishment from their parents, this will provide a
straightforward method of letting children
know that a certain action they performed was frowned upon.
Every time the possibility comes
up for the child to make the decision again in their young and
adult life, they will be cognizant of
the memory of getting punished from performing said activity
or pursuing whatever it was that
allowed them to get punished. Thus, they will probably
associate the action that got them in
trouble with being morally wrong. Hopefully this will lead them
to develop morals that they
know are tried and true because of the punishment they received
as children. With the good
morals set in mind, children will most likely be able to use their
mistake to build a better future
life for themselves. As it can clearly be seen, corporal
punishment has a plethora of noticeable
Even though abuse is real and can occur, it is obvious that
corporal punishment has many
beneficial outcomes including its ability to help a child make
better decisions, provide them with
more discipline, and encourage a better code of ethics. Parents
today tend to be much less strict
on their children because of issues such as physical abuse that
seem to be headlining all around.
Because of this, children are beginning to lose sight of what
they know is right and lose their
sense of morality. The ubiquitous corporal punishment that used
to be present in most household
is what kept children in line and taught them the rights and
wrongs of life. Without this, children
could develop a decreased work ethic, have less drive, and have
less discipline in future social
Commented [ER8]: This can be cut
Commented [ER9]: This is excellent use of this less
common term
Commented [ER10]: Note how the author reviews their
main points at the beginning of this conclusion.
Commented [ER11]: Note how the author expands here
from their specific argument about punishment to a broader
argument about the decline of society. Connective your
argument to a larger argument is a great way to conclude
your essay.
Essay 6
and formal situations. If people don’t know how to act and
don’t know what to and what not to
do, the world will simply not spin as it should. The question is,
will individuals see the benefits
of corporal punishment and use it to keep this travesty from
Essay 7
Works Cited
Blum, Hazel. "Reforming (But Not Eliminating) the Parental
Discipline Defense." University of
Michigan Journal of Law Reform, vol. 49, no. 4, Summer2016,
pp. 921-948.
Lapré, Genevieve and Monica Marsee. "The Role of Race in the
Association between Corporal
Punishment and Externalizing Problems: Does Punishment
Severity Matter?." Journal of
Child & Family Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 432-441.
Lenta, Patrick. "Corporal Punishment of Children." Social
Theory & Practice, vol. 38, no. 4,
Oct. 2012, pp. 689-716. EBSCOhost,
Miller, Aaron L. "Corporal Punishment in Japan." Anthropology
in Action, vol. 23, no. 1,
Spring2016, pp. 39-45. EBSCOhost,
Commented [DI12]: Works Cited page follows accurate
MLA format
English 1302
Professor Gallego
5 May 2019
Parenting 101
An Annotated Bibliography
Thesis Statement: Although the punishment of children might
sometimes turn into abuse, I argue that the authoritative
parenting style teaches children morals through role modeling,
positive discipline, and reasonable corporal punishment used for
the best interest of child.
Carroll, Paul and William Kyle Hamilton. “Positive Discipline
Parenting Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Measure.” Journal
of Individual Psychology, vol. 72, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp. 60–
74. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/jip.2016.0002.
The article “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and
Validity of a Measure” by Paul Carroll and William Kyle
Hamilton talks about an authoritative parenting style and
positive discipline are correlated towards happier and more self-
independent children. The author of the article talks about how
authoritative parenting style guides children by helping them
become more independent through meeting the needs of their
children and being aware that they will follow the example
shown to them. The authors give examples on how these
statistics show success through the authoritative parenting style.
The article states “Another key element of the program is the
idea that how a parent responds to a child influences how the
child will respond, and the belief that this is true is formed
through experience, so we included a measure of this belief”
(Carrol, et al. 63). This shows how though being strict with
children through the authoritative parenting style can be seen as
harsh it also leads children into a positive direction through
putting a good example for them to follow. This article is
credible because the author is a PhD candidate in psychology
along with a co-author who is graduate student in psychology. It
is also 16 pages long and includes statistics within the journal
to prove how the studies conducted resulted.
Kitano, Naomi, et al. “Associations between Childhood
Experiences of Parental Corporal Punishment and Neglectful
Parenting and Undergraduate Students’ Endorsement of
Corporal Punishment as an Acceptable Parenting Strategy.”
PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 1–16. EBSCOhost,
The article “Associations between Childhood Experiences of
Parental Corporal Punishment and Neglectful Parenting and
Undergraduate Students’ Endorsement of Corporal Punishment
as an Acceptable Parenting Strategy” by Naomi Kitano, Kouichi
Yoshimasu, Beverley Anne Yamamoto and Yasuhide Nakamura
talks about research done to show that corporal punishment on
children actually does not lead to the negative effects that
everyone believes it does. The article goes over studies done
through many countries to identify whether applying corporal
punishment has long term effects on children which can later be
seen to negatively affect their life. The study focuses a lot on
Japan and surveying an apparent group of healthy children to
see whether they had been through corporal punishment as a
child. The end result was that a lot of them had received
physical punishment growing up and had had no effect in their
later life. I will use the quote, “The present results indicate that
a sizable proportion of the undergraduate student participants
had experienced pervasive parental CP and NP, and more men
than women reported both types of experience (36.5% vs. 19.4%
for CP; 22.1% vs. 9.7% for NP). This result is especially
interesting given that we targeted an apparently healthy and
academically successful population of young people” (Kitano, et
al. 9). This quote proves my point because it shows how the
survey results favor the use of corporal punishment in the way
that it does not end up negatively affecting the children’s life
later on. This article is credible because the authors come from
credible work places such as the Research Center for
Community Medicine, the Department of Public Health, the
Department of Hygiene, and attend the Graduate School of
Human Sciences as well of the Faculty of Nursing and
Rehabilitation. The article is 16 pages long and includes
statistics from the direct survey done.
Kooij, Inger W., et al. “Perceptions of Corporal Punishment
among Creole and Maroon Professionals and Community
Members in Suriname.” Child Abuse Review, vol. 26, no. 4,
July 2017, pp. 275–288. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/car.2475.
The Article “Perceptions of Corporal Punishment among Creole
and Maroon Professionals and Community Members in
Suriname.” was written by Inger W. van der Kooij, Josta
Nieuwendam, Gerben Moerman, Frits Boer Ramón J. L.
Lindauer, Jaipaul L. Roopnarine, and Tobi L. G. Graafsma. The
article’s main idea is to inform and provide a researched data
based in Suriname about the perception of child discipline and
corporal punishment among parents and teaches. The Article
presents a study conducted in three of ten districts in Suriname
involving the residents of Creole and Maroon and the study was
divided into 12 focus groups which included 16 Maroon and
Creole Surinamese mothers, 13 fathers, 20 adolescents and 18
professionals. The study conducted a series of question to all
the participants regarding child discipline and corporal
punishment. Most parents and professionals agreed that corporal
punishment is not a form of abuse and it is accepted if used in
the best interest of the child. I will use the quote, “Well, if your
parents spoke too much to you and you did not listen. Then they
are allowed to give you a strong beating. But they are not
allowed to mistreat you” (Kooij, et al. 284) in my essay because
this quote supports my argument that corporal punishment is
important sometimes to teach children discipline and morals for
their wrong doings. At the same time, parents should know the
limitations to corporal punishment and should not abuse the
child. The article is 15 pages in length and it has cited about 33
different sources. All the authors of this article are associated
with different universities and research centers which leads me
to believe that this article is a credible source to be used in my
LeCuyer, Elizabeth A., et al. “African American Mothers’ Self-
Described Discipline Strategies with Young Children.” Issues in
Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, vol. 34, no. 3, Sept. 2011,
pp. 144–162. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3109/01460862.2011.596457.
The article “African American Mothers’ Self-Described
Discipline Strategies with Young Children” by Elizabeth A.
LeCuyer talks about the African American culture and how
physical, but not abusive, parenting style does not lead to a
negative effect in children. The articles states African American
families are more prone to use non-abusive strategies in order to
discipline their children. They're methods can be described as
disciplinary strategies rather than corporal punishment for
misbehavior, parents use verbal teachings to maintain a positive
parent-child relationship. I will use the quote “The use of these
non-physical strategies along with other indicators of accepting,
nurturing mother-child relationships such as mothers’
appreciation of play, and ability to understand their child’s
perspective and developmental limits, may be the most crucial
components of effective discipline in this population, rather
than the presence or absence of physical strategies”(LeCuyer, et
al.160).This quote supports the thesis of why authoritative
parenting style teaches children through role modeling,
avoiding corporal punishment and using positive discipline as
reinforcement. The article is 20 pages in length and the authors
are all PhD holders at the University of Rochester School of
Nursing, Rochester, New York, USA which makes the article
credible with the research and data collected.
English 1302
5 May 2019
Parenting 101
An Annotated Bibliography
Thesis Statement:
Although the punishment
of children might sometime
s turn into
, I argue
that the authoritative parenting style
teaches children
morals through role modeling, positive
discipline, and reasonable
corporal punishment
used for the best interest of child.
Carroll, Paul and William Kyle
. “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and
Validity of a Measure.”
Journal of Individual Psychology
, vol. 72, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp.
, doi:10.1353/jip.2016.0002.
The article “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability an
d Validity of a Measure” by Paul
Carroll and William Kyle Hamilton talks about an authoritative
parenting style and positive
discipline are correlated towards happier and more self
independent children. The author of the
article talks about
how authoritati
ve parenting style guides children
by helping them become more
independent through meeting the needs of their children and
being aware that they will follow the
example shown to them. The authors give examples on how
these statistics show success through
he authoritative parenting style. The article states “Another key
element of the program is the idea
that how a parent responds to a child influences how the child
will respond, and the belief that this
is true is formed through experience, so we included
a measure of this
belief” (
Carrol, et al
This shows how though being strict with children through the
authoritative parenting style can be
seen as harsh it also leads children into a positive direction
through putting a good example for
English 1302
Professor Gallego
5 May 2019
Parenting 101
An Annotated Bibliography
Thesis Statement: Although the punishment of children might
sometimes turn into abuse, I argue
that the authoritative parenting style teaches children morals
through role modeling, positive
discipline, and reasonable corporal punishment used for the best
interest of child.
Carroll, Paul and William Kyle Hamilton. “Positive Discipline
Parenting Scale: Reliability and
Validity of a Measure.” Journal of Individual Psychology, vol.
72, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp.
60–74. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/jip.2016.0002.
The article “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and
Validity of a Measure” by Paul
Carroll and William Kyle Hamilton talks about an authoritative
parenting style and positive
discipline are correlated towards happier and more self-
independent children. The author of the
article talks about how authoritative parenting style guides
children by helping them become more
independent through meeting the needs of their children and
being aware that they will follow the
example shown to them. The authors give examples on how
these statistics show success through
the authoritative parenting style. The article states “Another key
element of the program is the idea
that how a parent responds to a child influences how the child
will respond, and the belief that this
is true is formed through experience, so we included a measure
of this belief” (Carrol, et al. 63).
This shows how though being strict with children through the
authoritative parenting style can be
seen as harsh it also leads children into a positive direction
through putting a good example for

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  • 1. Alaraj 1 Chris Alaraj Professor Gallego English 1302 20 October 2014 Poverty Speaks for Itself In some parts of the world, multiple diseases are still rampant. Despite the incredible advances in medicine these places still remain susceptible. Some of these diseases perished by the effort of human kind. However, scientists were not completely successful in treating some illnesses. For example, ailments such as Ebola, STDs, HIV, Dengue fever and Malaria are ubiquitous, yet not all are curable. Scholars have discussed that a major part in why such diseases are not treated in time is that many people are too poor to act and protect themselves from these sicknesses. Poverty is one of many reasons people are getting sick, and also it is the most affecting. Poor people are at a disadvantage, because they cannot provide most of their basic necessities for them to live their lives and deal with their daily routines. Thus, they can’t aid themselves properly when they are infected by a disease. Although people might argue that there are several causes that are the reason of mass infection of serious illnesses, I claim that poverty is the root cause of these illnesses because poverty leads to lack of medical attention, absence of public protection the, and the contamination of water. Many poor families and children are eligible for health insurance and Medicaid. However, not all of those people are aware of this fact. As Mercedes Muñoz who edited the book, “Is Poverty a Serious Threat?” stated that “According to Census data, more than 15 million “uninsured” individuals reside in households with annual incomes of less than $25,000. Most meet the income test for Medicaid or S-CHIP eligibility, but
  • 2. they are not enrolled”… She continues by stating that, “many— perhaps most—of these 15 million “uninsured” persons are folks who have not sought health care” (Muñoz 51). The editor here proves that poor people can be medically insured and could be treated for their infections and diseases. Also, the editor shows that most of poor people could afford the medical insurance if they actually demanded health care. In spite of this point being very true, the poor still haven’t gotten more medical or physical attention. The world should acknowledge that poor people do not have the right resources to even know about what they can and cannot obtain. Three major points are being displayed to verify that poor people are the main target of infections, ignorance and not having a clean source of vital water. Poverty is like a pillar for infections: It is the base of why people are not surviving simple conditions and disorders. Medicare and insurance tend to keep people safe and somewhat protected from various infectious deceases. However, being poor and residing is an underprivileged district can cause a surge in deteriorating health conditions, and premature deaths. According to John Mullahy, and Barbara L. Wolfe who wrote the article, “Health Policies for the Nonelderly Poor”, mentioned in their article that “when poor people become sick, they have less access to health care and the quality of the care that they do obtain appears to be inferior” … They continue by stating that “poverty results in substandard housing or poor living that may lead to ill health” (Mullahy and Wolfe 41). This proves that the minority of poor people with disorders or deficiencies are not being treated within the normal standards, but within a depraved grade of consideration. Also, the authors demonstrate that being poor will lead to a lower level of medical assistance. Some people might consider that the actions taken towards poor people medically is immoral. Each year more and more people are dying because of their status in the community; if they are labeled as poor they will get less therapeutic support and fewer attention. Poverty is a hardship that many people face, placing them in a condition that might
  • 3. not make them eligible for the appropriate level of aid. Many young children are becoming victims to poverty and its outcomes year after year. As John Mullahy, and Barbara L. Wolfe also mentioned in their article that “The health of nonpoor children has improved considerably over the past few decades, that of poor children hardly at all.” …They continue by stating that “Medicare does not cover the majority of poor and near-poor adults and children” (Mullahy and Wolfe 41). This validates that disadvantaged children are at a higher risk of catching these mass infectious diseases because of the negligible level of health service they receive. Also the authors reveals the fact that poor children are not being taken care of, and that their situation has not been resolved for decades. Innocent children are brought to this world where poverty is becoming a tyrant and controlling most of their lives especially from the medical field. Unfortunately, poverty is growing larger as the days go by, and not a lot of children are surviving because of the gap left by poverty. Poor people are suffering from negligence and ignorance of the public and regrettably not getting enough attention. According to José Barry Azoh who wrote the article “Social Sciences Research On Infectious Diseases Of Poverty: Too Little And Too Late?", he states that “These diseases and poverty are trapped in a sort of permanent relationship of a double layer of infections and poverty, in which pathogens infect people living in persistent conditions of poverty... Many of these pathologies have been referred to as NTDs for diverse reasons…” He continues by stating that “They have, for the most part, received lesser investment… in terms of proper attention and actions, or have simply been ignored by the afflicted communities, media, governments, re- search funders, the pharmaceutical industry, and the rest of the world.”(Azoh 1) This is important because the author shows how many individuals can be biased when the situation comes to poor people and families, thinking that they are of a lower class, not worthy, and do not deserve much. Also, the author views that poor people are being socially ignored by
  • 4. basically everyone, getting lesser attention every day. Poverty and diseases have a bond that is sadly somewhat unbreakable, poor people are not able to afford medication or Medicare, hence, they are neglected by society and left uncured. People say money makes the world go around, if you are poor and have nothing to afford to keep yourself safe, you will be forgotten and will not be able to survive in the new world. It seems that the less fortunate people are being trampled on so that the privileged can get what they desire. Unfortunately, protection for subordinate individuals is fading away.Water is the source of life that people depend on the most to survive. Nevertheless, poor countries and people are mostly the main target for limitation of water and its sources. As P. K. Geol who wrote the book “Water Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control”, stated that “On the other hand the poor and developing countries have overpopulation, increasing their domestic wastes and sewage. Though these countries do not use much resources and energy, but short finances make a constrain on the treatment of wastes, which are often disposed off untreated cause severe water pollution problems” (Goel 2). The author indicates that not many people can get a reliable source of fresh water to fill out their needs. Also, he points out that people who suffer from poverty tend to receive spoiled and highly-polluted water. The author also grasps the idea of low salaries and wages, indicating that many people in these countries cannot afford to buy clean water or manage to pay for an uncontaminated water source. Poor people in these countries are struggling to get some pure water, however, their low incomes is somewhat interfering with their chances of getting some. Not being able to obtain fresh water can lead to dehydration which links water contamination with medical issues together. Water shortage is a catastrophe that we are modernly confronting. Human beings are extremely dependent on water in their daily routine: taking baths, cleaning food, and most importantly drinking it. All species are reliant on water, and the amount they are getting is declining rapidly. In their article
  • 5. “Water poverty indicators: conceptual problems and policy issues”, François Molle and Peter Mollinga mention that “Since humans are part of the ecosystem, they are also affected when the amount, quality and timing of water flows necessary to support ecosystems is not ensured. Loss of biodiversity, health impacts from pollution, aesthetic degradation and other negative impacts are caused by such water scarcity” (Molle and Mollinga 530). This is important because water is very essential for all creatures, and water scarcity is disturbing the ecosystem dramatically. Also, they signify that this is a global problem and it needs to be resolved sooner than later because it will affect people and especially poor ones. Water is being abused to the limit that people are becoming unaware of how much water they are using and how much water is being wasted. Water is one of so many things that people take for granted, and no one feels the value of something until they lose it which relates to how poor people feel because they are mostly deprived of unpolluted water. In conclusion, poverty is a serious and a universal problem that many people are challenging today. Poverty has roots that spread throughout the world causing chaos, disorder and confusion. Many obstacles confront poor people and these obstacles vary from privation of remedial care, absence of community security, and the corruption of their clean drinking water source. Because poor people most of the time do not have the privilege to get appropriate health assistance, they receive little to no help. Poor people do not have a rank that is high enough to seek people’s attention. Sadly, much of the world does not have access to clean water. In order for people to get out of poverty, these three major points must be addressed by the world community to attempt and diminish the existence of poverty.
  • 6. Works Cited Azoh Barry, José. "Social Sciences Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty: Too Little and Too Late?." Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 8.6 (2014): 1-4. .Academic Search Complete. Web. 8. Oct. 2014. Goel, P.K. Water Pollution: Causes, Effects And Control. New Age International, 2006. Print. Molle, Francois, and Peter Mollinga. "Water Poverty Indicators: Conceptual Problems and Policy Issues." Water policy 5.5 (2003): 529-44. Google scholar. Web. 8. Oct. 2014. Mullahy, John, and Barbara L. Wolfe, “Health Policies for the Nonelderly Poor.” Understanding Poverty (2001): 273-313. Google scholar. Web. 8. Oct. 2014. Muñoz, Mercedes. Is Poverty a Serious Threat?. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Print. Argument Essay Thesis Statement & Outline Handout
  • 7. Although _____________(counter claim)________________, I claim that __________(claim)_________________________ because of ___subclaim1_____, ____subclaim2____, and ____subclaim3____. OUTLINE using the Toulmin Method Note: Don’t forget transitions!P1: Intro broad to specific. ending in thesis statement (featured above). Typically 5-8 sentences long. P2: Counter Claim Claim: Data: Warrant: P3: Subclaim 1 Claim: ___ Data: “…” Warrant: ___ P4: Subclaim 2 Claim: ___ Data: “…” Warrant: ___ P5: Subclaim 3 Claim: ___ Data: “…” Warrant: ___ P6: Conclusion Review thesis then move to broad. Global relevance. So what? Typically 5-8 sentences long.
  • 8. Essay 1 Why This Essay Gets an A Topic/Thesis/Content: 19 points This essay gets 19 points for topic/thesis/content because it includes an excellent thesis that acknowledges potential conflicting points of view while strongly stating the author's own position. The thesis is then supported by well detailed paragraphs that define the terms and explain the quotes the author is using, making their position and reasoning clear. Organization: 19 points This essay gets 19 points because it is logically organized and easy to follow, moving from an explanation of the difference between punishment and abuse to discussing how punishment can help a child form better decision making, personal discipline, and finally, better ethics and morals. Some transitions could be improved, but overall, the essay flows very well. Quality of References: 18 points This essay gets 18 points for quality of references because they are all excellent, peer-reviewed sources drawn from the databases. Use of Sources/MLA Documentation: 18 points This essay gets 18 points for use of sources and MLA
  • 9. documentation because it uses all of its sources well, correctly documents them (even in the instance where it appears to combine them), and most importantly, provides detailed explanations of what the reader should understand from the quotes provided. Grammar/Mechanics: 20 points This essay gets 20 points for grammar and mechanics because it is well edited and has no noticeable errors that in any way detract from the author's point. Total Score: 94 This essay is a solid A for a number of reasons. It is well thought out, organized, and explained. Its argument is supported by excellent sources, and these sources are explained to the reader. Its only real fault is that it could more clearly define what "Taibatsu" is, but that is but one of its details, and the reader still gets a sense of what the author is discussing. Most importantly, the author acknowledges that this argument does not exist in a vacuum. The introduction acknowledges opposing points of view. The conclusion draws connections to broader arguments in society. Overall, this is an A essay because it conscientiously engages in a dialog about its topic.
  • 10. Essay 2 Example “A” Essay Professor North Lake English 1301 19 April 2017 The Power of Punishment Growth is one of the most important parts of being human. Whether one does something against what they know is right or not, it is vital that that individual grows and learns from their actions. This is what will lead one to thrive in the real world. For children, there are certain facets of growing up that encourage this type education and self-progress to occur. Corporal punishment plays a necessary role in promoting this ability to grow and thrive. Although punishing children too harshly can be destructive, I argue that punishment is necessary in a child’s growth because it leads to better decision making, encourages more discipline, and promotes better morals.
  • 11. Although it is evident that punishment can escalate and lead to outcomes such as physical or verbal abuse, the pros strongly outweigh the cons. The idea that corporal punishment can lead to abusive parental behavior is a huge topic of controversy among individuals. In the experiment "The Role of Race in the Association between Corporal Punishment and Externalizing Problems: Does Punishment Severity Matter?." conducted by Geneviewe E. Lapre and Monica A. Marsee, it is stated that “Although this popular punishment style is often associated with short-term obedience (Gershoff 2002), children who experience corporal punishment may display long term psychosocial adjustment problems” (Lapre and Marsee 1). Basically, this is promoting the idea that punishing children may cause them to follow the rules or not make the same mistake again for a while, but it could affect them detrimentally later on. Too strict of punishment could lead to Commented [ER1]: This is a very strong thesis. It acknowledges the opposing point of view while strongly stating the author's. Commented [ER2]: The author combines two citations here
  • 12. which leads to some confusion over which source is saying what. Essay 3 possible mental problems for children and emotional distress. But, this only occurs if corporal punishment is too severe. Of course, if a parent is abusing their child either verbally or physically and leaving marks or scars, the child is going to feel emotionally and physically unstable. It would lead most anyone to feel this same way considering the severity of the punishment. But, corporal punishment doesn’t mean abuse; or at least it shouldn’t. It can be mild punishment that purely pushes an individual in the right path without putting any psychological or physical harm on themselves. It can have various benefits, including its ability to lead to better decision making in children. Most every individual strives to make better decisions in their life. Corporal punishment can be a major contributor for a child to learn from their mistake and make a better decision in
  • 13. the future. In Patrick Lenta’s essay "Corporal Punishment of Children." he states that “individuals justify a punishment by identifying the goods that it can bring—deterrence of wrongdoing…” (Letna 2). The purpose of this statement is to highlight the idea that a child that receives physical punishment from a parent will most likely not make their wrong decision again. This is because, of course, punishment is associated with bad not good. If the parent is constantly showing warmth and affection, the child may never change their ways towards better decision making. The use of this type of punishment will ensure that children have learned what they did wrong, and thus will be less likely to make the mistake again. In reality, knowing that the decision they made resulted in self penalization, the child should make future decisions that will benefit themselves and others. This is just one modest example of how corporal punishment can have beneficial long-term effects. Another apparent one is its ability to send children down the right path when it comes to self-discipline and direction.
  • 14. Not only can corporal punishment lead to better decision making, it can also help ensure Commented [ER3]: Here the author draws a clear line between what they consider appropriate punishment and what they consider abuse. This helps the reader understand what exactly they mean by those terms. Commented [ER4]: While it is becoming more and more acceptable to use "they" as a genderless singular pronoun, most instructors will still want you to use "his or her" in a situation like this. Commented [ER5]: Here the author does an excellent job of explaining the quote to their readers. Essay 4 discipline in a child. Disciplining a child is a very important measure taken to ensure that they know where they stand as far as rules go. In the article "Corporal Punishment in Japan." written by Aaron Miller, Miller discusses how Taibatsu is a form of corporal punishment used in Japan. It is stated that “Taibatsu has been used in japan for centuries, mostly by adult men to socialize growing boys into ‘proper ways’ of Japanese adult life” (Miller 40). This way of punishment
  • 15. turns immature young boys into proper young men. It has also been used for a very long time (centuries to be exact) leading one to believe that it must be effective considering it is still in use. Taibatsu is a form of physical punishment, but that doesn't mean it is abusive or wrong in any sense. Not punishing a child can lead this child to believe that there is nothing they need to fix because they aren’t doing anything unsound. When in reality, there is something that needs to be done. With corporal punishment, it is straightforward and clear to the child that they have made a mistake. Thus, not wanting to go through the punishment again, they will most likely make a better decision in the future. The same goes for Taibatsu. It is a very abrupt form of punishment that effectively molds these boys and teaches them proper ways. Without this corporal punishment, it is quite unlikely that individuals would have any reason to stray from rule breaking in light of being disciplined. This will most likely lead to children continuing to break the rules that are set in place to help them. Not only can corporal punishment enhance discipline,
  • 16. it can also lead to a better code of ethics. Morals are a very important facet of one’s life. They are what allow individuals to make the decisions they know in their heart are right. Last but certainly not least, punishment has the ability to promote better morals for a child. In Hazel Blum’s article “Reforming (But Not Eliminating) the Parental Discipline Defense” she states that corporal punishment is “a desirable and necessary instrument of restraint upon sin and immorality” (Blum 9). It is evident that Blum Commented [ER6]: The author should be more specific about what kind of physical punishment is involved in Taibatsu. Commented [ER7]: This transition could be stronger if the author stuck with either ethics or morals. While the two are closely related, they are not the same. Essay 5 is reiterating the idea that this form of punishment is a vital part of keeping children away from the danger or threat of developing a bad code of ethics. Children will base much of what they
  • 17. believe is right or wrong from what they are taught as children and what they learn from their parents. If parents don’t provide strict enough punishment or are far too easy on their children, then these said kids won’t develop a moral code of what is right or wrong. If they get a certain punishment from their parents, this will provide a straightforward method of letting children know that a certain action they performed was frowned upon. Every time the possibility comes up for the child to make the decision again in their young and adult life, they will be cognizant of the memory of getting punished from performing said activity or pursuing whatever it was that allowed them to get punished. Thus, they will probably associate the action that got them in trouble with being morally wrong. Hopefully this will lead them to develop morals that they know are tried and true because of the punishment they received as children. With the good morals set in mind, children will most likely be able to use their mistake to build a better future life for themselves. As it can clearly be seen, corporal punishment has a plethora of noticeable
  • 18. benefits. Even though abuse is real and can occur, it is obvious that corporal punishment has many beneficial outcomes including its ability to help a child make better decisions, provide them with more discipline, and encourage a better code of ethics. Parents today tend to be much less strict on their children because of issues such as physical abuse that seem to be headlining all around. Because of this, children are beginning to lose sight of what they know is right and lose their sense of morality. The ubiquitous corporal punishment that used to be present in most household is what kept children in line and taught them the rights and wrongs of life. Without this, children could develop a decreased work ethic, have less drive, and have less discipline in future social Commented [ER8]: This can be cut Commented [ER9]: This is excellent use of this less common term Commented [ER10]: Note how the author reviews their main points at the beginning of this conclusion. Commented [ER11]: Note how the author expands here from their specific argument about punishment to a broader
  • 19. argument about the decline of society. Connective your argument to a larger argument is a great way to conclude your essay. Essay 6 and formal situations. If people don’t know how to act and don’t know what to and what not to do, the world will simply not spin as it should. The question is, will individuals see the benefits of corporal punishment and use it to keep this travesty from occurring?
  • 20. Essay 7 Works Cited Blum, Hazel. "Reforming (But Not Eliminating) the Parental Discipline Defense." University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, vol. 49, no. 4, Summer2016, pp. 921-948. EBSCOhost, url= &AN=117675735&site= ehost-live. Lapré, Genevieve and Monica Marsee. "The Role of Race in the Association between Corporal Punishment and Externalizing Problems: Does Punishment Severity Matter?." Journal of Child & Family Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 432-441. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10826-015-0250-3. Lenta, Patrick. "Corporal Punishment of Children." Social Theory & Practice, vol. 38, no. 4,
  • 21. Oct. 2012, pp. 689-716. EBSCOhost, direct=true&db=a9h&AN=82749354&site=ehost-live. Miller, Aaron L. "Corporal Punishment in Japan." Anthropology in Action, vol. 23, no. 1, Spring2016, pp. 39-45. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3167/aia.2016.230106. Commented [DI12]: Works Cited page follows accurate MLA format English 1302 Professor Gallego 5 May 2019 Parenting 101 An Annotated Bibliography Thesis Statement: Although the punishment of children might sometimes turn into abuse, I argue that the authoritative parenting style teaches children morals through role modeling, positive discipline, and reasonable corporal punishment used for the best interest of child.
  • 22. Carroll, Paul and William Kyle Hamilton. “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Measure.” Journal of Individual Psychology, vol. 72, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp. 60– 74. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/jip.2016.0002. The article “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Measure” by Paul Carroll and William Kyle Hamilton talks about an authoritative parenting style and positive discipline are correlated towards happier and more self- independent children. The author of the article talks about how authoritative parenting style guides children by helping them become more independent through meeting the needs of their children and being aware that they will follow the example shown to them. The authors give examples on how these statistics show success through the authoritative parenting style. The article states “Another key element of the program is the idea that how a parent responds to a child influences how the child will respond, and the belief that this is true is formed through experience, so we included a measure of this belief” (Carrol, et al. 63). This shows how though being strict with children through the authoritative parenting style can be seen as harsh it also leads children into a positive direction through putting a good example for them to follow. This article is credible because the author is a PhD candidate in psychology along with a co-author who is graduate student in psychology. It is also 16 pages long and includes statistics within the journal to prove how the studies conducted resulted. Kitano, Naomi, et al. “Associations between Childhood Experiences of Parental Corporal Punishment and Neglectful Parenting and Undergraduate Students’ Endorsement of Corporal Punishment as an Acceptable Parenting Strategy.” PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 1–16. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206243. The article “Associations between Childhood Experiences of Parental Corporal Punishment and Neglectful Parenting and Undergraduate Students’ Endorsement of Corporal Punishment
  • 23. as an Acceptable Parenting Strategy” by Naomi Kitano, Kouichi Yoshimasu, Beverley Anne Yamamoto and Yasuhide Nakamura talks about research done to show that corporal punishment on children actually does not lead to the negative effects that everyone believes it does. The article goes over studies done through many countries to identify whether applying corporal punishment has long term effects on children which can later be seen to negatively affect their life. The study focuses a lot on Japan and surveying an apparent group of healthy children to see whether they had been through corporal punishment as a child. The end result was that a lot of them had received physical punishment growing up and had had no effect in their later life. I will use the quote, “The present results indicate that a sizable proportion of the undergraduate student participants had experienced pervasive parental CP and NP, and more men than women reported both types of experience (36.5% vs. 19.4% for CP; 22.1% vs. 9.7% for NP). This result is especially interesting given that we targeted an apparently healthy and academically successful population of young people” (Kitano, et al. 9). This quote proves my point because it shows how the survey results favor the use of corporal punishment in the way that it does not end up negatively affecting the children’s life later on. This article is credible because the authors come from credible work places such as the Research Center for Community Medicine, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Hygiene, and attend the Graduate School of Human Sciences as well of the Faculty of Nursing and Rehabilitation. The article is 16 pages long and includes statistics from the direct survey done. Kooij, Inger W., et al. “Perceptions of Corporal Punishment among Creole and Maroon Professionals and Community Members in Suriname.” Child Abuse Review, vol. 26, no. 4, July 2017, pp. 275–288. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/car.2475. The Article “Perceptions of Corporal Punishment among Creole and Maroon Professionals and Community Members in Suriname.” was written by Inger W. van der Kooij, Josta
  • 24. Nieuwendam, Gerben Moerman, Frits Boer Ramón J. L. Lindauer, Jaipaul L. Roopnarine, and Tobi L. G. Graafsma. The article’s main idea is to inform and provide a researched data based in Suriname about the perception of child discipline and corporal punishment among parents and teaches. The Article presents a study conducted in three of ten districts in Suriname involving the residents of Creole and Maroon and the study was divided into 12 focus groups which included 16 Maroon and Creole Surinamese mothers, 13 fathers, 20 adolescents and 18 professionals. The study conducted a series of question to all the participants regarding child discipline and corporal punishment. Most parents and professionals agreed that corporal punishment is not a form of abuse and it is accepted if used in the best interest of the child. I will use the quote, “Well, if your parents spoke too much to you and you did not listen. Then they are allowed to give you a strong beating. But they are not allowed to mistreat you” (Kooij, et al. 284) in my essay because this quote supports my argument that corporal punishment is important sometimes to teach children discipline and morals for their wrong doings. At the same time, parents should know the limitations to corporal punishment and should not abuse the child. The article is 15 pages in length and it has cited about 33 different sources. All the authors of this article are associated with different universities and research centers which leads me to believe that this article is a credible source to be used in my essay. LeCuyer, Elizabeth A., et al. “African American Mothers’ Self- Described Discipline Strategies with Young Children.” Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, vol. 34, no. 3, Sept. 2011, pp. 144–162. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3109/01460862.2011.596457. The article “African American Mothers’ Self-Described Discipline Strategies with Young Children” by Elizabeth A. LeCuyer talks about the African American culture and how physical, but not abusive, parenting style does not lead to a negative effect in children. The articles states African American
  • 25. families are more prone to use non-abusive strategies in order to discipline their children. They're methods can be described as disciplinary strategies rather than corporal punishment for misbehavior, parents use verbal teachings to maintain a positive parent-child relationship. I will use the quote “The use of these non-physical strategies along with other indicators of accepting, nurturing mother-child relationships such as mothers’ appreciation of play, and ability to understand their child’s perspective and developmental limits, may be the most crucial components of effective discipline in this population, rather than the presence or absence of physical strategies”(LeCuyer, et al.160).This quote supports the thesis of why authoritative parenting style teaches children through role modeling, avoiding corporal punishment and using positive discipline as reinforcement. The article is 20 pages in length and the authors are all PhD holders at the University of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, New York, USA which makes the article credible with the research and data collected. English 1302 Professor Gallego 5 May 2019
  • 26. Parenting 101 An Annotated Bibliography Thesis Statement: Although the punishment of children might sometime s turn into abuse , I argue that the authoritative parenting style teaches children morals through role modeling, positive discipline, and reasonable corporal punishment used for the best interest of child. Carroll, Paul and William Kyle Hamilton . “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Measure.” Journal of Individual Psychology , vol. 72, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp. 60 – 74. EBSCOhost , doi:10.1353/jip.2016.0002. The article “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability an d Validity of a Measure” by Paul
  • 27. Carroll and William Kyle Hamilton talks about an authoritative parenting style and positive discipline are correlated towards happier and more self - independent children. The author of the article talks about how authoritati ve parenting style guides children by helping them become more independent through meeting the needs of their children and being aware that they will follow the example shown to them. The authors give examples on how these statistics show success through t he authoritative parenting style. The article states “Another key element of the program is the idea that how a parent responds to a child influences how the child will respond, and the belief that this is true is formed through experience, so we included a measure of this belief” ( Carrol, et al . 63). This shows how though being strict with children through the authoritative parenting style can be seen as harsh it also leads children into a positive direction through putting a good example for English 1302 Professor Gallego
  • 28. 5 May 2019 Parenting 101 An Annotated Bibliography Thesis Statement: Although the punishment of children might sometimes turn into abuse, I argue that the authoritative parenting style teaches children morals through role modeling, positive discipline, and reasonable corporal punishment used for the best interest of child. Carroll, Paul and William Kyle Hamilton. “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Measure.” Journal of Individual Psychology, vol. 72, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp. 60–74. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/jip.2016.0002. The article “Positive Discipline Parenting Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Measure” by Paul Carroll and William Kyle Hamilton talks about an authoritative parenting style and positive discipline are correlated towards happier and more self- independent children. The author of the article talks about how authoritative parenting style guides children by helping them become more independent through meeting the needs of their children and being aware that they will follow the example shown to them. The authors give examples on how these statistics show success through the authoritative parenting style. The article states “Another key element of the program is the idea that how a parent responds to a child influences how the child will respond, and the belief that this is true is formed through experience, so we included a measure of this belief” (Carrol, et al. 63). This shows how though being strict with children through the authoritative parenting style can be
  • 29. seen as harsh it also leads children into a positive direction through putting a good example for