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! Summary!
(Then(hardened(your(hearts.(Who’s(hearts?(Of(the(people(of(the(book((i.e.(Jews)(( (after(this.(After(
then(their(hearts(have(hardened.(Guidance(is(for(the(!"#$. These are the people whose heart is inclined towards Allah.
Hadith: Don’t talk a lot without remembering Allah, because talking a lot without remembering Allah, is a source of
hardening of the heart. And for men, the farthest from Allah are those whose hearts are hard.
The Prophet had said that there are four things that are wretched for man:
1. The stoning of the eye: No tears flowing; tears coming out is a sign of being fortunate
2. Hardening of the heart
3. Having long plans, desires, hopes
4. Being greedy over the world
One who has these four things is a wretched person.
What was the greed of Bani Israel that their hearts became hard?
Allah said , after all these incidents. Now notice how this surah highlights different aspects if the Israelities and
how they are always prone to disobedience and rebellion and had to undergo punishment again and again. Ideally, such an
experience should have taught them humility and obedience. On the contrary, their hearts became all the more hardened.
The present verse describes their degeneracy. Even after all the miracles they witnessed, their hearts became harder than
stones. How hard did their hearts become? They became like stones. Now think of holding a stone, it’s rough
and dry. You can feel how hard it is. Now forget the stone because their hearts are or even harder. Why?
Such from the stones from which the rivers gush forth. and indeed from it are
some that split open. the water starts to flow from inside it. and indeed from it (the
stones) falls down from the fear of Allah. Allah is not at all unaware of what you
This is because of this that it is being said to the Muslims in the next verse, Allah says do you
expect that from such hard hearted people that they will believe you? You expect Imaan from such people? The muslims
used to take great pains to try to explain Islam to the Jews. The Quran here is telling the Muslims that you don’t need to
worry about people who have been given countless examples to accept and still don’t believe. The state of their hard-
heartedness is such a group from them is such that they listen to the Word of
Allah but after hearing, tampers with the verses of Allah. then they distort it instead of
understanding it. They are the Jews who hear Allah’s words, and then alter them after they understood and comprehend
them. After knowing, they change it from its real context. Such a group creates changes in it, makes excuses in it. They do
not refrain from mocking the word of Allah. This is because their hearts have hardened. Once the heart hardens, you can
do whatever you want. and they have knowledge of it. They know it, they understand it but they still do evil.
Their disease is insensitivity. Did the Jews at the time of the Prophet do this or is this for the ones before his time? Their
scholars in the past did the same and they also did it. They attended the gatherings of the Prophet (SAW) and they
changed the words. Why are they being scolded for their sins? It is because they used to be proud of this fault of their
elders, they approved of it. They did not dislike what they did. As a result of that, they too were thought of as a part of it.
Allah states that there were people in the past who did it, why should ones in the present be punished? Because
they appreciated the scholars of their past. They appreciated them.
Then Allah says and when they meet those with faith, they say we believe but there is no
Imaan in their hearts. Whose characteristic is this? The hypocrites – they attempt to deceive Allah and deceive the
believers. and when they are alone, some of them (the masses) to some (the scholars)
said do you go them and disclose what Allah has revealed to you? (The scholars asked
their people this question) they may use it against you in the court of your Rabb. The scholars
were trying to explain to their masses. don’t you use your intellect?
Then Allah says Do they know that Allah has ilm? He knows all what they
hide and all that they disclose. In their hearts they held a different definition of Imaan and apparently they were something
else. They hid their knowledge. and from many of them are illiterate. What is the proof of their illiteracy?
They have no knowledge of the book. Who is an illiterate? One who does no know how to read and write.
Here an illiterate is , who has no knowledge of the book. Their state was such that they did not know the
book. What is our condition today? How many of us are ‘literate’ today? All the evil happens when there is no ilm. Their
deen is based on just desires and hopes, wishes and fantasies. What were their fantasies? Those false stories that
the Jews had forged for themselves. The stories that that told them that they would achieve salvation. For example, they
said that since they were Bani Israel, so they will go to Jannah. They were proud their lineage. They believed that they do
not need to act on anything. and indeed these people are only supposing. So Allah says
so woe to those who write the book by their own hands. Here %!&'( is for the scholars.
What did the scholars do? They write the fatwahs and the rulings and the tafsir of the Tawrah. What did they do after
writing? After they wrote their fatwahs, they said this is form Allah and told the people to accept it as his orders. They
portrayed their words as Allahs – religious exploitation. Why did the people believe what they sayd? Because they had no
knowledge. Why did they do that? so that they could earn some money from it. They presented the
deen that please people. So Allah said so destruction is for them. from all that their hands
wrote. '!) carries meaning for destruction or perishing. So woe to them all that they earn. All the
money, all the world that they are making will be of no use to them. This world will be their end. It will drown them.
And they say fire will not touch us except a few numbered days. Allah says you
ask them. have you taken a covenant from Allah? If yes, then Allah will never go
against his promise. However, such promise never existed. or are you saying against Allah
for which you have no knowledge? Talking on the basis of ignorance only? Then Allah says you ever
earned an evil, he did not come out of it. Out of what? The evil. Rather, he got surrounded by it.
He got trapped. Those who commit evil deeds knowingly or deliberately, so that evil takes hold of them completely,
leaving no traces of goodness, such people shall go to hell. So those are the inmates of the hell-
fire. they will abide in it forever. and as for those who believe and do
good deeds, They are the people of Jannah. they will abide in it forever.
The way of the Quran: When it talks about hell at one point, it gives the glad tidings of heaven alongside it.
Then hardened your hearts. When the hearts harden and they lose the ability to absorb anything, when no
softness remains behind, then Allah (swt) takes away the ability to understand. Then they don’t believe. This is why the
Jews did not believe in the Prophet.
To understand , we need to keep this ayah in mind. There we said that if Allah sealed their hearts, what
was their fault? But what does this say? When they made excuses, when they argued and sought ways out and all sorts of
tricks, then their hearts hardened. No goodness came out. So what was the result?
Denial of the Prophet (SAW), rejection. We always assume that stones are insensitive objects, like when we say
stonehearted. But the Ayahs of the Quran tell us that even the stones have some kind of perception of the world around
For example, Allah says in Surah Bani Israil V44: “There is nothing that is not glorifying Allah, but you don’t understand
their glorification.”
What is stone made of?
It is made up of specs. What is the smallest part of a spec called?
An atom. Now, is an atom solid or does it move about?
It moves. What does it contain? Electrons, neutrons and protons that all move about. They appear stationary but they are
revolving. “Tasbeeh” is a word used for this kind of rotation.
Hadith: Once the Prophet took some stones in his hands and made the Sahabah hear the stones glorify. And they said it
was like a buzzing sound.
Scientific research: There is a stationary movement inside the stones.
There is no rational argument which should deny sensibility to minerals. For sensibility depends on life, and the minerals
may possess some kind of subtle life, which man may not be aware of.
Another narration tells us that the Prophet was on a mountain, called Khabeer, and it told the Prophet (SAW) “Get off me
for fear that they might kill you on my back and then Allahs wrath would descent upon me”
Remember we read before the stones, too, will burn alongside man
Similarly, the Prophet said about the black-stone that on the day of resurrection, it testify for those who kiss it. And he
said that one who kisses this black-stone with truth and righteousness, the black-stone will witness their Imaan on the day
of judgement.
It is said that on the Day of Judgment, the black-stone will be given two eyes, and it will recognize all those people who
have kissed and it will be a witness on their behalf.
None of us can hide anywhere. Everything in our surrounding is watching and recording us.
Here Allah has mentioned some qualities of stones and has called man worse than stones when they turn away from the
obedience of Allah.
1. - Some stones are such that they have water from flowing amidst them. This could be
such a person in whose heart is the fear and grandeur of Allah and his eye sheds a tear due to it. This is an example of
a pious person. means gushing out at a fast scale. One from whom only goodness gushes out. Some people are
very firm, very stable when you see them but a lot of good comes out of them. See, a Momin can be strong like a rock
due to his Imaan but his heart is soft. He cannot hurt anyone, he cannot make anyone upset, to see someone else upset
makes him upset.
2. - Outwardly, it is a barren rock. Outwardly, it is far away from Allah. Such an incident happens in
life, that the heart of such a person splits asunder. He, too, falls before Allah. There is some goodness, deep down
inside which cannot find a way out. Those who were once ignorant of the fear of Allah, now weep due to it.
3. There are some who fall out of the love for Allah. They are very harsh-hearted. When they are face to face with
people, they are stubborn but as soon as they know that it is the command of Allah, they melt away. This is just like a
stone in a landslide that melts down. This “landslide” could be due to a number of factors. One of the reasons is that
when the stones begin to perceive their creator, they fall down.
4. There are some people who are not affected by the fear of Allah, they are not moved by people, they are not even
moved by incidents in their life. These people have hearts that are harder than stones. Such people should bear in
mind And Allah is not unaware of what you do.
Then there is an address to the Muslims. The Muslims are being encouraged and reassured that they shouldn’t worry
about what the Jews were doing. The fact was that before the Prophet (SAW) came, the Arabs used to hear things about
religion from the Jews. The Arabs used to go the Jews with excitement (because the Arabs had heard the Jewish scriptures
before, they assumed that the Jews would be the first to accept Islam). But the Jews used to reply to their excitement with
things that would upset the Arabs, and the Arabs would be astonished that the Jews knew about Angel Jibrail, the book,
the messenger, the life, the hereafter and that there was a new Prophet preaching the exact same things but they weren’t
believing in him. You can relate this by seeing in todays society, there are people who know about religion but they avoid
people who are religious. To this Allah says Do you think they would believe in you? Rather their
state is such that when a group from among them hears the word of Allah, they
know all but the fact is that they have violated the facts of that book. They changed it
after understanding it. They molded the deen according to their desires. They changed the words of their own book.
Nobody can change the Quran but they do Tafsir totally out of context. and they have knowledge. This tells us
something very important. People oppose the truth, despite having knowledge.
What was their state after that? They deceive the ones that believe. And when they were
alone with their leaders, their leaders would ask them, why do you tell the Muslims things about the Taurat which are
against your ownselves? Allah says, don’t they know that I know all their statements?
Then Allah talks about the !‫ﻣ#ﻮ‬ُ&. Some of them are unlettered. The state of both their groups is being
1. What is the state of the scholars? They changed the text, they derived wrong meanings
2. What is the state of their masses? They don’t know the book
Today this is our condition as well. If you look at the various religious groups, what are they doing? They are making
changes in the deen. This means that the religious guidance that is being given to the people, is not pure. The text is never
before the masses. Usually things that are held under the religious name are sermons or lectures or such speeches
depending on what the desires of the lecturer is. They can present anything, however they wish. What do the common
people do? They go sit and listen. They don’t have any source or measure to know whatever that has been said is true or
not. How authentic is what was said? People never read the book. They go to one place and one thing is told and they go
to another place, and they are told something else. This confuses them, so what do they do? They put everything aside and
do whatever the heart tells them to do. We are just told to read such and such things thousands of times and Jannah will be
secured for us. We have attempted to make short cuts to go to Jannah.
Then Allah says Again, a mention of the scholars. These scholars wrote meanings to
please people and to get honour from them. They took out evidence to satisfy everyone’s needs. E.g. They change the
haram to make it halal. What are some evils that we have adorned with beautiful words to make them halal? And
then they say that they won’t go to hell. What do Muslims think? We think, Oh… hell? Yeah
it’s for the Kafir, the disbelievers. We are so satisfied with this decision that we don’t even pray, we backbite, we don’t
even do anything. If we knew the punishment of one haram deed that we do, we would never do them. In the Quran, Allah
calls the believers and tells them to protect themselves. We don’t take heed. We don’t think hell is for us. Allah says that
these are all conjectures, suppositions, we have taken no covenant from Allah. Then Allah says
Whoever earns bad and did not seek forgiveness, did not come out of it, so
these are the people of the fire. Ones who do wrong and don’t realize it. The address here is first to the Jews. What was
their first mistake? They didn’t belive in the Prophethood of the Prophet (SAW). They were so involved in their desirres
that they thought that their mistakes were beautiful.
On the other hand as for those who believe and do good deeds. What is the condition for
going to Jannah? Faith and righteous deeds They are the ones of Jannah and They
will abide in it forever.
Once the hindrance to evil ends, then you do it again and again. You get so engrossed in it that the evil did not even
remain evil anymore. And when you gain conscience, it is too late.

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Al Baqarah Ayah 74-82 Notes

  • 4. Al#Huda( Juz(1:(Al#Baqarah(Ayah(74(#(82( Momina(Mateen( ( 4( ( ! Summary! (Then(hardened(your(hearts.(Who’s(hearts?(Of(the(people(of(the(book((i.e.(Jews)(( (after(this.(After( what?(After(their(constant(denial.(It(is(said(that(when(someone(continually(denies(Allah,(or(continuously(turns(away( from(Him,(His(commands,(makes(excuses,(then(a(time(comes(when(the(heart(hardens(and(insensitivity(covers(man(and( then(the(potential(to(do(good(ends.(Now(for(such(a(person,(the(chance(of(repentence,(or(the(chance(to(return(ends.(Bani( Israel(were(continuously(denying,(their(hearts(became(hard.(( Allah(does(send(a(book(down(for(the(guidance(of(man,(a(message(for(them,(but(when(people(throw(it(behind(them,(they( ignore(it(and(they(get(engrossed(in(other(things(and(when(someone(calls(them(towards(Allah(and(they(start(arguing,( then(their(hearts(have(hardened.(Guidance(is(for(the(!"#$. These are the people whose heart is inclined towards Allah. Hadith: Don’t talk a lot without remembering Allah, because talking a lot without remembering Allah, is a source of hardening of the heart. And for men, the farthest from Allah are those whose hearts are hard. The Prophet had said that there are four things that are wretched for man: 1. The stoning of the eye: No tears flowing; tears coming out is a sign of being fortunate 2. Hardening of the heart 3. Having long plans, desires, hopes 4. Being greedy over the world One who has these four things is a wretched person. What was the greed of Bani Israel that their hearts became hard? Allah said , after all these incidents. Now notice how this surah highlights different aspects if the Israelities and how they are always prone to disobedience and rebellion and had to undergo punishment again and again. Ideally, such an experience should have taught them humility and obedience. On the contrary, their hearts became all the more hardened. The present verse describes their degeneracy. Even after all the miracles they witnessed, their hearts became harder than stones. How hard did their hearts become? They became like stones. Now think of holding a stone, it’s rough and dry. You can feel how hard it is. Now forget the stone because their hearts are or even harder. Why? Such from the stones from which the rivers gush forth. and indeed from it are some that split open. the water starts to flow from inside it. and indeed from it (the stones) falls down from the fear of Allah. Allah is not at all unaware of what you do. This is because of this that it is being said to the Muslims in the next verse, Allah says do you expect that from such hard hearted people that they will believe you? You expect Imaan from such people? The muslims
  • 5. Al#Huda( Juz(1:(Al#Baqarah(Ayah(74(#(82( Momina(Mateen( ( 5( ( used to take great pains to try to explain Islam to the Jews. The Quran here is telling the Muslims that you don’t need to worry about people who have been given countless examples to accept and still don’t believe. The state of their hard- heartedness is such a group from them is such that they listen to the Word of Allah but after hearing, tampers with the verses of Allah. then they distort it instead of understanding it. They are the Jews who hear Allah’s words, and then alter them after they understood and comprehend them. After knowing, they change it from its real context. Such a group creates changes in it, makes excuses in it. They do not refrain from mocking the word of Allah. This is because their hearts have hardened. Once the heart hardens, you can do whatever you want. and they have knowledge of it. They know it, they understand it but they still do evil. Their disease is insensitivity. Did the Jews at the time of the Prophet do this or is this for the ones before his time? Their scholars in the past did the same and they also did it. They attended the gatherings of the Prophet (SAW) and they changed the words. Why are they being scolded for their sins? It is because they used to be proud of this fault of their elders, they approved of it. They did not dislike what they did. As a result of that, they too were thought of as a part of it. Allah states that there were people in the past who did it, why should ones in the present be punished? Because they appreciated the scholars of their past. They appreciated them. Then Allah says and when they meet those with faith, they say we believe but there is no Imaan in their hearts. Whose characteristic is this? The hypocrites – they attempt to deceive Allah and deceive the believers. and when they are alone, some of them (the masses) to some (the scholars) said do you go them and disclose what Allah has revealed to you? (The scholars asked their people this question) they may use it against you in the court of your Rabb. The scholars were trying to explain to their masses. don’t you use your intellect? Then Allah says Do they know that Allah has ilm? He knows all what they hide and all that they disclose. In their hearts they held a different definition of Imaan and apparently they were something else. They hid their knowledge. and from many of them are illiterate. What is the proof of their illiteracy? They have no knowledge of the book. Who is an illiterate? One who does no know how to read and write. Here an illiterate is , who has no knowledge of the book. Their state was such that they did not know the book. What is our condition today? How many of us are ‘literate’ today? All the evil happens when there is no ilm. Their deen is based on just desires and hopes, wishes and fantasies. What were their fantasies? Those false stories that the Jews had forged for themselves. The stories that that told them that they would achieve salvation. For example, they said that since they were Bani Israel, so they will go to Jannah. They were proud their lineage. They believed that they do not need to act on anything. and indeed these people are only supposing. So Allah says
  • 6. Al#Huda( Juz(1:(Al#Baqarah(Ayah(74(#(82( Momina(Mateen( ( 6( ( so woe to those who write the book by their own hands. Here %!&'( is for the scholars. What did the scholars do? They write the fatwahs and the rulings and the tafsir of the Tawrah. What did they do after writing? After they wrote their fatwahs, they said this is form Allah and told the people to accept it as his orders. They portrayed their words as Allahs – religious exploitation. Why did the people believe what they sayd? Because they had no knowledge. Why did they do that? so that they could earn some money from it. They presented the deen that please people. So Allah said so destruction is for them. from all that their hands wrote. '!) carries meaning for destruction or perishing. So woe to them all that they earn. All the money, all the world that they are making will be of no use to them. This world will be their end. It will drown them. And they say fire will not touch us except a few numbered days. Allah says you ask them. have you taken a covenant from Allah? If yes, then Allah will never go against his promise. However, such promise never existed. or are you saying against Allah for which you have no knowledge? Talking on the basis of ignorance only? Then Allah says you ever earned an evil, he did not come out of it. Out of what? The evil. Rather, he got surrounded by it. He got trapped. Those who commit evil deeds knowingly or deliberately, so that evil takes hold of them completely, leaving no traces of goodness, such people shall go to hell. So those are the inmates of the hell- fire. they will abide in it forever. and as for those who believe and do good deeds, They are the people of Jannah. they will abide in it forever. The way of the Quran: When it talks about hell at one point, it gives the glad tidings of heaven alongside it.
  • 7. Al#Huda( Juz(1:(Al#Baqarah(Ayah(74(#(82( Momina(Mateen( ( 7( ( Tafsir Then hardened your hearts. When the hearts harden and they lose the ability to absorb anything, when no softness remains behind, then Allah (swt) takes away the ability to understand. Then they don’t believe. This is why the Jews did not believe in the Prophet. To understand , we need to keep this ayah in mind. There we said that if Allah sealed their hearts, what was their fault? But what does this say? When they made excuses, when they argued and sought ways out and all sorts of tricks, then their hearts hardened. No goodness came out. So what was the result? Denial of the Prophet (SAW), rejection. We always assume that stones are insensitive objects, like when we say stonehearted. But the Ayahs of the Quran tell us that even the stones have some kind of perception of the world around them. For example, Allah says in Surah Bani Israil V44: “There is nothing that is not glorifying Allah, but you don’t understand their glorification.” What is stone made of? It is made up of specs. What is the smallest part of a spec called? An atom. Now, is an atom solid or does it move about? It moves. What does it contain? Electrons, neutrons and protons that all move about. They appear stationary but they are revolving. “Tasbeeh” is a word used for this kind of rotation. Hadith: Once the Prophet took some stones in his hands and made the Sahabah hear the stones glorify. And they said it was like a buzzing sound. Scientific research: There is a stationary movement inside the stones. There is no rational argument which should deny sensibility to minerals. For sensibility depends on life, and the minerals may possess some kind of subtle life, which man may not be aware of. Another narration tells us that the Prophet was on a mountain, called Khabeer, and it told the Prophet (SAW) “Get off me for fear that they might kill you on my back and then Allahs wrath would descent upon me” Remember we read before the stones, too, will burn alongside man Similarly, the Prophet said about the black-stone that on the day of resurrection, it testify for those who kiss it. And he said that one who kisses this black-stone with truth and righteousness, the black-stone will witness their Imaan on the day of judgement. It is said that on the Day of Judgment, the black-stone will be given two eyes, and it will recognize all those people who have kissed and it will be a witness on their behalf. None of us can hide anywhere. Everything in our surrounding is watching and recording us.
  • 8. Al#Huda( Juz(1:(Al#Baqarah(Ayah(74(#(82( Momina(Mateen( ( 8( ( Here Allah has mentioned some qualities of stones and has called man worse than stones when they turn away from the obedience of Allah. 1. - Some stones are such that they have water from flowing amidst them. This could be such a person in whose heart is the fear and grandeur of Allah and his eye sheds a tear due to it. This is an example of a pious person. means gushing out at a fast scale. One from whom only goodness gushes out. Some people are very firm, very stable when you see them but a lot of good comes out of them. See, a Momin can be strong like a rock due to his Imaan but his heart is soft. He cannot hurt anyone, he cannot make anyone upset, to see someone else upset makes him upset. 2. - Outwardly, it is a barren rock. Outwardly, it is far away from Allah. Such an incident happens in life, that the heart of such a person splits asunder. He, too, falls before Allah. There is some goodness, deep down inside which cannot find a way out. Those who were once ignorant of the fear of Allah, now weep due to it. 3. There are some who fall out of the love for Allah. They are very harsh-hearted. When they are face to face with people, they are stubborn but as soon as they know that it is the command of Allah, they melt away. This is just like a stone in a landslide that melts down. This “landslide” could be due to a number of factors. One of the reasons is that when the stones begin to perceive their creator, they fall down. 4. There are some people who are not affected by the fear of Allah, they are not moved by people, they are not even moved by incidents in their life. These people have hearts that are harder than stones. Such people should bear in mind And Allah is not unaware of what you do. Then there is an address to the Muslims. The Muslims are being encouraged and reassured that they shouldn’t worry about what the Jews were doing. The fact was that before the Prophet (SAW) came, the Arabs used to hear things about religion from the Jews. The Arabs used to go the Jews with excitement (because the Arabs had heard the Jewish scriptures before, they assumed that the Jews would be the first to accept Islam). But the Jews used to reply to their excitement with things that would upset the Arabs, and the Arabs would be astonished that the Jews knew about Angel Jibrail, the book, the messenger, the life, the hereafter and that there was a new Prophet preaching the exact same things but they weren’t believing in him. You can relate this by seeing in todays society, there are people who know about religion but they avoid people who are religious. To this Allah says Do you think they would believe in you? Rather their state is such that when a group from among them hears the word of Allah, they know all but the fact is that they have violated the facts of that book. They changed it after understanding it. They molded the deen according to their desires. They changed the words of their own book. Nobody can change the Quran but they do Tafsir totally out of context. and they have knowledge. This tells us something very important. People oppose the truth, despite having knowledge.
  • 9. Al#Huda( Juz(1:(Al#Baqarah(Ayah(74(#(82( Momina(Mateen( ( 9( ( What was their state after that? They deceive the ones that believe. And when they were alone with their leaders, their leaders would ask them, why do you tell the Muslims things about the Taurat which are against your ownselves? Allah says, don’t they know that I know all their statements? Then Allah talks about the !‫ﻣ#ﻮ‬ُ&. Some of them are unlettered. The state of both their groups is being mentioned. 1. What is the state of the scholars? They changed the text, they derived wrong meanings 2. What is the state of their masses? They don’t know the book Today this is our condition as well. If you look at the various religious groups, what are they doing? They are making changes in the deen. This means that the religious guidance that is being given to the people, is not pure. The text is never before the masses. Usually things that are held under the religious name are sermons or lectures or such speeches depending on what the desires of the lecturer is. They can present anything, however they wish. What do the common people do? They go sit and listen. They don’t have any source or measure to know whatever that has been said is true or not. How authentic is what was said? People never read the book. They go to one place and one thing is told and they go to another place, and they are told something else. This confuses them, so what do they do? They put everything aside and do whatever the heart tells them to do. We are just told to read such and such things thousands of times and Jannah will be secured for us. We have attempted to make short cuts to go to Jannah. Then Allah says Again, a mention of the scholars. These scholars wrote meanings to please people and to get honour from them. They took out evidence to satisfy everyone’s needs. E.g. They change the haram to make it halal. What are some evils that we have adorned with beautiful words to make them halal? And then they say that they won’t go to hell. What do Muslims think? We think, Oh… hell? Yeah it’s for the Kafir, the disbelievers. We are so satisfied with this decision that we don’t even pray, we backbite, we don’t even do anything. If we knew the punishment of one haram deed that we do, we would never do them. In the Quran, Allah calls the believers and tells them to protect themselves. We don’t take heed. We don’t think hell is for us. Allah says that these are all conjectures, suppositions, we have taken no covenant from Allah. Then Allah says Whoever earns bad and did not seek forgiveness, did not come out of it, so these are the people of the fire. Ones who do wrong and don’t realize it. The address here is first to the Jews. What was their first mistake? They didn’t belive in the Prophethood of the Prophet (SAW). They were so involved in their desirres that they thought that their mistakes were beautiful. On the other hand as for those who believe and do good deeds. What is the condition for going to Jannah? Faith and righteous deeds They are the ones of Jannah and They will abide in it forever. Once the hindrance to evil ends, then you do it again and again. You get so engrossed in it that the evil did not even remain evil anymore. And when you gain conscience, it is too late.