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Agile in enterprise
resource planning:
A myth no more
August 2019
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by Didier Casanova, Swati Lohiya, Jerome Loufrani, Matteo Pacca, and Peter Peters
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions
are a fundamental asset for most large companies,
yet ERP transformations remain time-consuming
and complex. An agile approach has the potential
to dramatically streamline ERP projects, but
IT professionals have long believed agile to be
incompatible with ERP. Our experience in helping
many organizations adopt agile practices in a
wide variety of situations, however, has proved the
opposite: that agile can successfully be applied to
ERP programs, with quantifiably better results. The
methodology simply has to be adapted to the unique
requirements of these complex solutions.
Why ERP transformations
remain important
Large ERP solutions have slipped to the bottom
of IT management’s agenda to make room for
trendier topics, such as digital, big data, machine
learning, and cloud. But the business benefits of ERP
solutions—namely, the enablement of seamless, end-
to-end integration across functions and the process
standardization across geographies and business
units—make them a fundamental asset for most large
companies. Moreover, the next generation of ERP
solutions, such as Oracle Cloud and SAP S/4HANA,
offer even more promising capabilities, both
functionally and technologically. Companies focusing
on digital transformation or advanced-analytics
programs are beginning to realize that, to unlock the
full potential of their investments, linking the new
technologies to their ERP base is essential.
The challenges of ERP transformations
As fundamental as they are, three-fourths of ERP
transformation projects fail to stay on schedule or
within budget, and two-thirds have a negative return
on investment. There are five main reasons (Exhibit 1).
Second, most organizations lack experience
in managing major IT projects and multivendor
programs. They do not have enough skilled
managers, have never set up rigorous governance
for such programs, and fail to understand the level
of input needed from business sponsors.
Exhibit 1
1 of 2
Three-quarters of enterprise resource planning transformations fail to stay on schedule or on
budget, and two-thirds have a negative return on investment.
The challenges of enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformations
All parties may not
share the same
Poor project
Most organizations lack
experience in managing
major IT projects and
multivendor programs.
Lack of business–IT
ERP systems require
complex discussions with
the business on operating
models, data management,
and validation rights.
Missing focus on
business value
Activities and delivera-
bles tend to drive ERP
Most ERP projects are undertak-
en using a linear, sequential
waterfall approach, which delays
the project’s realization of value.
Source: McKinsey analysis
2 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
Next, ERP systems cover a vast, integrated,
functional scope and thus require complex
discussions with the business on operating models,
data management, and validation rights. These
decisions tend to come up mid-program and
require executive-committee-level input based on
information that is not yet available. The project must
often pause for these decisions to be made, slowing
progress and even undermining the initiative’s value.
Fourth, activities and deliverables tend to drive ERP
transformations; instead, the transformation should
be based on business value, which must be quantified,
documented, and monitored to drive the program.
Last, most ERP projects are undertaken using a
linear, sequential waterfall approach, which delays
the project’s realization of value.
These challenges often cause ERP implementations
to drag on for five or even ten years. The typical
implementation involves long phases of design,
specifications, and blueprinting but yields no
measurable impact—while shareholder value
diminishes, day after day.
The misconceptions and truths about
agile and ERP
The myth that agile methodology cannot be applied
to ERP implementations is based on several
misconceptions: that an ERP implementation is too
big and complex to be managed and delivered by
small agile teams, meaning that highly integrated,
intricate ERP requirements cannot be broken down
into vertical user stories that can be developed and
tested in the short sprints that define agile delivery;
that ERP is a standardized software, and that hence
an agile approach—which is designed for constantly
changing or unknown requirements—is not needed or
applicable; and that an ERP solution cannot be shown
incrementally to end users, as they will not be able to
perceive any value before it is fully built and integrated.
In truth, agile practices can greatly mitigate the
risks and challenges that plague typical ERP
implementations in a number of ways. Agile has,
for example, vendors and system integrators work
together as one end-to-end team focused on the
same set of key performance indicators (KPIs)
and outcomes.
It involves a faster pace and greater transparency,
making it easier for managers to make timely,
critical decisions. Contrary to popular belief, agile
does not mean “no planning”—rather, agile replaces
long, opaque project phases with two- to three-
week sprints so that managers can track outcomes,
progress, and challenges.
Agile calls for the business and IT groups to
be integrated into the project team, which is
structurally geared toward value creation. These
two groups collaborate from the project’s beginning,
fostering agility for both.
And agile helps to break down the functional scope
of ERP into a smaller set of features that small teams
can deliver in sprints. This iterative approach helps
projects to realize business value quickly.
In short, agile practices are exactly what is needed
to manage ERP implementations. It should be no
surprise that leading ERP vendors, such as SAP, are
now promoting a more agile approach.
How to adapt agile to ERP
Some agile practices can be directly applied to
ERP implementations without adaptation: forming
small, end-to-end, cross-functional agile teams,
with dedicated product owners from the business
and end users; working in short cycles of two
to three weeks to produce working software (or
configurations, interfaces, et cetera) incrementally;
adopting scrum-based ceremonies focusing
on continuous improvement, with transparency
facilitated by the ceremonies and KPIs; and using
tools and technologies—such as test automation
and continuous integration—that optimize and
accelerate the delivery process.
Other agile practices, however, need to be adapted
further. For instance, the project’s entire scope must
3Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
be defined up front at a high level to include clear
success criteria, as opposed to agile’s more common
approach toward a minimum viable product. Teams
should be allowed, however, to refine the detailed
scope and to set priorities as they go along.
In addition, to ensure consistent development, more
work must be done on the business process and
architecture than in the typical agile implementation,
so that the work can be split among small teams.
Strong linkages are needed between the agile
teams delivering functionalities and the “transversal”
teams, which are nonfunctional teams—for example,
the data-migration team, the integration team, or
the change team that support the functional or
feature teams. All teams should be synchronized
so that they work in the same rhythm and meet the
finish line together.
“Production ready” software cannot be delivered as
frequently as in typical agile software development.
A phase of end-to-end (E2E) testing and cut-over is
needed to consolidate the increments delivered by
individual teams and to test complex interfaces with
legacy systems; this often takes longer than one
sprint to complete.
Finally, a strong agile program management office
(PMO) should be added for faster resolution of
issues and cross-team decision making.
Applying agile to the classical approach
A classical ERP implementation has four stages:
developing an ERP strategy and road map, setting
up the program, implementation, and deployment.
Each stage can be adapted for agile delivery.
DevelopinganERPstrategy and road map results
in a target architecture with high-level principles
and a business case to implement the new solution.
This stage remains largely unchanged, but it can be
accelerated by doing a rapid fit-gap analysis at a high
level, rather than endless blueprinting, and by working
iteratively in sprints—to avoid an overly detailed
business case. Product owners should be brought on
board and empowered to make key decisions from the
beginning, and smaller, cross-functional teams should
be set up to achieve program goals.
Setting up the program changes substantially in an
agile approach; it is much faster, primarily because
the teams are empowered to quickly tackle real-
life difficulties instead of engaging in theoretical
design. This stage includes rapidly selecting a
partner that has experience with the solution and
agile—as opposed to engaging in a lengthy request-
for-proposal process to try to find a supplier and
negotiate a fixed-priced contract; building a high-
level, macro-feature road map, based on a list of
identified improvements, that is detailed enough to
determine the size and form of the agile organization
needed to deliver the program; staffing and training
the organization in agile ways of working; and
establishing a strong PMO that will coordinate the
functional and nonfunctional workstreams.
Implementing the solution is dramatically
different in an agile approach. Implementation
happens in several waves to quickly capture
value. Functional delivery teams adopt most of
the typical scrum practices. End-to-end teams
of eight to ten people, from both a company’s
business and IT and from the system integrator,
complete design, development, and system testing
in two- to three-week sprints. E2E testing and
user-acceptance testing (UAT) are conducted at
regular intervals—as opposed to only once at the
end of the development—resulting in better code
quality and ongoing test automation. Nonfunctional
work (for instance, data migration, training, and
deployment) is less affected by the agile approach,
although close coordination is needed between
functional and nonfunctional teams; for example,
because data are required early for frequent
functional testing, the data migration team must
gather the data to populate the testing environment.
Nonfunctional testing and the cut-over phase
remain the same as in a classical implementation.
To illustrate, one company undertaking a
transformation reorganized people into 26 teams.
Of these, 11 were end-to-end, cross-functional agile
4 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
teams delivering features, while 15 others were
transversal teams that supported the agile teams.
All agile teams included the capabilities required to
deliver an end-to-end solution, including business
representation (see sidebar, “How a logistics
company used agile for its ERP transformation”).
Deploying the solution largely follows the classical
approach, but deployments occur more frequently,
and agile practices can help to remove bottlenecks. A
“deploy all development rapidly” mind-set can mitigate
early deployment risk, analytics can help to optimize
the process (for example, the number of “key users”
to be trained), and local templates can be designed
early by onboarding local users. A shorter hypercare
phase can be planned because of the continuous
focus on quality. Since releases are more frequent
in an agile approach, there is more opportunity to
industrialize all steps in the deployment.
It is important to note that, in an agile-adapted
implementation, the initial stages are accelerated
when compared with the traditional waterfall
approach. Most time is spent on later stages,
focusing on delivering functionalities.
Benefits of adapting agile to ERP
Much of agile’s popularity is based on its results.
Research shows that agile organizations have a
70 percent chance of being in the top quartile of
organizational health, the best indicator of long-
term performance.1
Moreover, such companies
simultaneously achieve greater customer centricity,
faster time to market, higher revenue growth, lower
costs, and a more engaged workforce.
Specific to ERP implementation, deploying ERP
in an agile way—irrespective of the underlying
technology—translates into a range of tangible and
intangible benefits (Exhibit 2):
—— reduction of program cost by 10 percent, driven
primarily by having to do less rework in the E2E
testing and UAT phases
—— increase in the program’s value by 20 percent by
giving the product owner enough visibility into the
project’s progress to focus on high-value items
	Michael Bazigos, Aaron De Smet, and Chris Gagnon, “Why agility pays,” McKinsey Quarterly, December 2015,
Exhibit 2
2 of 2
Enterprise resource planning transformations are always challenging, but these challenges
can be far less daunting with an agile approach.
Some benefits of adapting agile to enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformations
Source: McKinsey analysis
Broader adoption of
solution by end users
Increased ability to compress
more workload in same
team morale
program cost
program value
Article continues on page 8
5Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
How a logistics company used agile for its ERP transformation
One of the largest shipping and logis-
tics providers in Europe embarked on a
multiyear core-technology transformation.
The program’s goal was to replace the old
enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
with up-to-date technologies and to provide
new functionalities. A few years in, the
program was fraught with multiple challeng-
es and lacked a business case, business
ownership, and robust vendor and program
management. Also, the scope was too large
and complex to be delivered in an effective
and sequential waterfall manner.
To get the program back on track, the com-
pany focused on three steps: (1) rescoping
the program around the most valuable
elements, (2) designing and implementing
an agile ERP delivery methodology, and (3)
establishing a rigorous PMO.
To enable agile delivery, a new agile oper-
ating model was designed for 300-plus
full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees by
aligning numerous stakeholders—including
business and IT internal clients, the ERP
vendor, the company’s system-
integration partner, the onshore- and
offshore-development partner, and the
infrastructure partner. The FTEs and the
program were then transitioned to agile
delivery at an accelerated pace.
To do so, the FTEs were first reorganized
into six functional domains, that consisted
of 11 cross-functional agile teams, focusing
on such tasks as developing and integrat-
ing the product catalog. There were six
transversal domains with about 15 teams
focusing on areas such as data migration
and electronic data interchange (EDI). Next,
a detailed agile approach was designed to
consider ERP specificities, and the new or-
ganization was trained and coached in this
new approach. The agile PMO steered the
program, supported agile ceremonies for
the overall project, solved complex issues,
facilitated the swift removal of any imped-
iments, and implemented a new backlog
management and tracking tool.
The application of agile to this ERP imple-
mentation resulted in several significant
—— Enhanced transparency. The project
teams put their macrofeatures (“epics”)
into a work-flow-management tool
that attached each to the increment or
sprint in which it was to be delivered.
At the end of every sprint, progress
was measured, in the number of user
stories and story points delivered, and
of the entire project, in the number of
epics delivered and analyzed. Because
of this transparency, the teams could
measure and take ownership of their
progress, which enabled them to
rapidly correct their course using
agile retrospectives as a tool. The
teams were also able to promptly
escalate any impediments to their
managers. The managers enjoyed an
unprecedented level of transparency;
they could now see the duration, cost,
and causes of delays each week and
take swift action. Moreover, knowing
the project’s precise status on an
ongoing basis allowed the product
owners and leadership to make
informed decisions about what to
prioritize based on value.
—— Strong coordination among
teams. To foster coordination and
communication among teams, the
process began with increment
planning with all teams—both
functional and transversal—together
in one room. Then, at the start of
every sprint, each team gave its input
to the other teams on dependencies.
Functional and transversal teams had
biweekly huddles. From there, issues
were escalated to the weekly ‘’war
room,’’ where all teams met to discuss
dependencies and performance.
6 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
—— Rapid, targeted troubleshooting.
The PMO, comprising roughly 12 to
15 people, in addition to performing
classical activities, served as a SWAT
team that could address complex
issues on an ad hoc basis. Almost
half of the PMO’s work focused on
troubleshooting, such as scenario
building to assess the impact of a
delay in delivering a large interface;
building a complex, CEO-ready
document about rescoping; providing
extra analytical capacity to plan
3,000 test cases; and reorganizing
the full operating model as needs
evolved—for example, merging
functional teams after rescoping
and building an efficient test factory
based on lean principles.
—— Agile organization. The 11 agile
teams had the capabilities to deliver
an end-to-end solution, including
business representation. Their three-
week sprints included development,
solution testing, and a demonstration
to end users at the end of each
sprint. In addition, at the end of each
increment (or three-sprint period),
comprehensive, end-to-end solution-
and user-acceptance testing was
performed to ensure the quality and
integrity of the functionality delivered.
The teams followed all scrum-based
ceremonies and began to realize
benefits after only a few weeks.
—— A detailed agile playbook. The agile
approach—which was tailored to the
company and ERP—was documented
in detail in a playbook that remained
a living document throughout the
program. The playbook included
elements such as how to translate
traditional ERP requirements into
epics and user stories to create a
product backlog, as well as project
documentation that was adapted
to agile—for instance, simplified
technical specifications, since
developers were working directly
with product owners and analysts,
and new terminology, such as the
definition of “ready and done.”
As a result, the program was able to meet
and even exceed its performance targets.
Delivery was 20 percent faster than the
previous estimate. This was a result of
far less rework due to iterative improve-
ments made by working with end users to
inspect and adapt each iteration. It was
also a result of the ability to better man-
age project delays, which made them less
likely to affect the overall timeline because
of the use of intermediary deadlines and
having an incremental scope. Additionally,
fewer bugs were found by using integrated,
end-to-end, and user-acceptance testing
for the agile release—as opposed to the
two previous waterfall releases—and by
conducting more-frequent testing. The
scope delivered was three to ten times
greater than in previous releases of similar
durations, due to better alignment among
functional teams. User acceptance of the
new solution was much higher, as users
were involved throughout the implemen-
tation. Finally, the agile team’s morale
improved significantly, as measured during
agile retrospectives, which contributed to
the delivery’s success.
Since the project began, more than 100
people have now been trained in the agile
mind-set and ways of working, resulting
in a new operating model for the company,
which reflects the realized benefits of the
agile approach—and ultimately disproving
the myth that agile does not apply to ERP.
7Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
—— ability to compress three times more
workload into a given period through greater
parallelization of functional teams
—— wider adoption of the solution by end users, as
they are involved throughout the implementation
—— improvement in team morale, as they see the
solution implementation’s measurable progress
every day
Although ERP systems are often considered a
“necessary evil,” they are here to stay and cannot
be ignored as companies go digital. The traditional,
often complicated approach to ERP transformation
should be drastically revised and, whenever
possible, adapted to include agile ways of working.
Companies and system integrators should dispense
with the myth that agile cannot be applied to ERP
and instead industrialize the agile approach for
ERP transformation. Further, ERP solutions should
become more modular so that deployment can
be phased—resulting in lower costs and faster
realization of value.
ERP transformations are always challenging, but
these challenges can be far less daunting with an
agile approach.
Designed by Global Editorial Services
Copyright © 2019 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.
Didier Casanova is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Brussels office; Swati Lohiya is a senior expert in the London office;
Jerome Loufrani is an associate partner in the Paris office, where Matteo Pacca is a senior partner; and Peter Peters is a
partner in the Düsseldorf office.
8 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more

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Agile in enterprise resource planning a myth no more

  • 1. McKinsey Digital Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more ERPtransformationsarenevereasy.Agilecanhelpimproveyourresults. August 2019 ©Tinpixels/Getty Images by Didier Casanova, Swati Lohiya, Jerome Loufrani, Matteo Pacca, and Peter Peters
  • 2. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions are a fundamental asset for most large companies, yet ERP transformations remain time-consuming and complex. An agile approach has the potential to dramatically streamline ERP projects, but IT professionals have long believed agile to be incompatible with ERP. Our experience in helping many organizations adopt agile practices in a wide variety of situations, however, has proved the opposite: that agile can successfully be applied to ERP programs, with quantifiably better results. The methodology simply has to be adapted to the unique requirements of these complex solutions. Why ERP transformations remain important Large ERP solutions have slipped to the bottom of IT management’s agenda to make room for trendier topics, such as digital, big data, machine learning, and cloud. But the business benefits of ERP solutions—namely, the enablement of seamless, end- to-end integration across functions and the process standardization across geographies and business units—make them a fundamental asset for most large companies. Moreover, the next generation of ERP solutions, such as Oracle Cloud and SAP S/4HANA, offer even more promising capabilities, both functionally and technologically. Companies focusing on digital transformation or advanced-analytics programs are beginning to realize that, to unlock the full potential of their investments, linking the new technologies to their ERP base is essential. The challenges of ERP transformations As fundamental as they are, three-fourths of ERP transformation projects fail to stay on schedule or within budget, and two-thirds have a negative return on investment. There are five main reasons (Exhibit 1). First,allpartiesmaynotsharethesameobjectives.For example,asystemintegratormayhavetheincentive toincreasetheprogram’sscopeanddurationifit makesmorerevenuefromacomplexintegration.The company,meanwhile,wantstodelivertheprojectand captureitsvalueassoonaspossible. Second, most organizations lack experience in managing major IT projects and multivendor programs. They do not have enough skilled managers, have never set up rigorous governance for such programs, and fail to understand the level of input needed from business sponsors. Exhibit 1 2019 ERP 1 of 2 Three-quarters of enterprise resource planning transformations fail to stay on schedule or on budget, and two-thirds have a negative return on investment. The challenges of enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformations Misaligned incentives All parties may not share the same objectives. Poor project management Most organizations lack experience in managing major IT projects and multivendor programs. Lack of business–IT integration ERP systems require complex discussions with the business on operating models, data management, and validation rights. Missing focus on business value Activities and delivera- bles tend to drive ERP transformations. Waterfall methodology Most ERP projects are undertak- en using a linear, sequential waterfall approach, which delays the project’s realization of value. Source: McKinsey analysis 2 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
  • 3. Next, ERP systems cover a vast, integrated, functional scope and thus require complex discussions with the business on operating models, data management, and validation rights. These decisions tend to come up mid-program and require executive-committee-level input based on information that is not yet available. The project must often pause for these decisions to be made, slowing progress and even undermining the initiative’s value. Fourth, activities and deliverables tend to drive ERP transformations; instead, the transformation should be based on business value, which must be quantified, documented, and monitored to drive the program. Last, most ERP projects are undertaken using a linear, sequential waterfall approach, which delays the project’s realization of value. These challenges often cause ERP implementations to drag on for five or even ten years. The typical implementation involves long phases of design, specifications, and blueprinting but yields no measurable impact—while shareholder value diminishes, day after day. The misconceptions and truths about agile and ERP The myth that agile methodology cannot be applied to ERP implementations is based on several misconceptions: that an ERP implementation is too big and complex to be managed and delivered by small agile teams, meaning that highly integrated, intricate ERP requirements cannot be broken down into vertical user stories that can be developed and tested in the short sprints that define agile delivery; that ERP is a standardized software, and that hence an agile approach—which is designed for constantly changing or unknown requirements—is not needed or applicable; and that an ERP solution cannot be shown incrementally to end users, as they will not be able to perceive any value before it is fully built and integrated. In truth, agile practices can greatly mitigate the risks and challenges that plague typical ERP implementations in a number of ways. Agile has, for example, vendors and system integrators work together as one end-to-end team focused on the same set of key performance indicators (KPIs) and outcomes. It involves a faster pace and greater transparency, making it easier for managers to make timely, critical decisions. Contrary to popular belief, agile does not mean “no planning”—rather, agile replaces long, opaque project phases with two- to three- week sprints so that managers can track outcomes, progress, and challenges. Agile calls for the business and IT groups to be integrated into the project team, which is structurally geared toward value creation. These two groups collaborate from the project’s beginning, fostering agility for both. And agile helps to break down the functional scope of ERP into a smaller set of features that small teams can deliver in sprints. This iterative approach helps projects to realize business value quickly. In short, agile practices are exactly what is needed to manage ERP implementations. It should be no surprise that leading ERP vendors, such as SAP, are now promoting a more agile approach. How to adapt agile to ERP Some agile practices can be directly applied to ERP implementations without adaptation: forming small, end-to-end, cross-functional agile teams, with dedicated product owners from the business and end users; working in short cycles of two to three weeks to produce working software (or configurations, interfaces, et cetera) incrementally; adopting scrum-based ceremonies focusing on continuous improvement, with transparency facilitated by the ceremonies and KPIs; and using tools and technologies—such as test automation and continuous integration—that optimize and accelerate the delivery process. Other agile practices, however, need to be adapted further. For instance, the project’s entire scope must 3Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
  • 4. be defined up front at a high level to include clear success criteria, as opposed to agile’s more common approach toward a minimum viable product. Teams should be allowed, however, to refine the detailed scope and to set priorities as they go along. In addition, to ensure consistent development, more work must be done on the business process and architecture than in the typical agile implementation, so that the work can be split among small teams. Strong linkages are needed between the agile teams delivering functionalities and the “transversal” teams, which are nonfunctional teams—for example, the data-migration team, the integration team, or the change team that support the functional or feature teams. All teams should be synchronized so that they work in the same rhythm and meet the finish line together. “Production ready” software cannot be delivered as frequently as in typical agile software development. A phase of end-to-end (E2E) testing and cut-over is needed to consolidate the increments delivered by individual teams and to test complex interfaces with legacy systems; this often takes longer than one sprint to complete. Finally, a strong agile program management office (PMO) should be added for faster resolution of issues and cross-team decision making. Applying agile to the classical approach A classical ERP implementation has four stages: developing an ERP strategy and road map, setting up the program, implementation, and deployment. Each stage can be adapted for agile delivery. DevelopinganERPstrategy and road map results in a target architecture with high-level principles and a business case to implement the new solution. This stage remains largely unchanged, but it can be accelerated by doing a rapid fit-gap analysis at a high level, rather than endless blueprinting, and by working iteratively in sprints—to avoid an overly detailed business case. Product owners should be brought on board and empowered to make key decisions from the beginning, and smaller, cross-functional teams should be set up to achieve program goals. Setting up the program changes substantially in an agile approach; it is much faster, primarily because the teams are empowered to quickly tackle real- life difficulties instead of engaging in theoretical design. This stage includes rapidly selecting a partner that has experience with the solution and agile—as opposed to engaging in a lengthy request- for-proposal process to try to find a supplier and negotiate a fixed-priced contract; building a high- level, macro-feature road map, based on a list of identified improvements, that is detailed enough to determine the size and form of the agile organization needed to deliver the program; staffing and training the organization in agile ways of working; and establishing a strong PMO that will coordinate the functional and nonfunctional workstreams. Implementing the solution is dramatically different in an agile approach. Implementation happens in several waves to quickly capture value. Functional delivery teams adopt most of the typical scrum practices. End-to-end teams of eight to ten people, from both a company’s business and IT and from the system integrator, complete design, development, and system testing in two- to three-week sprints. E2E testing and user-acceptance testing (UAT) are conducted at regular intervals—as opposed to only once at the end of the development—resulting in better code quality and ongoing test automation. Nonfunctional work (for instance, data migration, training, and deployment) is less affected by the agile approach, although close coordination is needed between functional and nonfunctional teams; for example, because data are required early for frequent functional testing, the data migration team must gather the data to populate the testing environment. Nonfunctional testing and the cut-over phase remain the same as in a classical implementation. To illustrate, one company undertaking a transformation reorganized people into 26 teams. Of these, 11 were end-to-end, cross-functional agile 4 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
  • 5. teams delivering features, while 15 others were transversal teams that supported the agile teams. All agile teams included the capabilities required to deliver an end-to-end solution, including business representation (see sidebar, “How a logistics company used agile for its ERP transformation”). Deploying the solution largely follows the classical approach, but deployments occur more frequently, and agile practices can help to remove bottlenecks. A “deploy all development rapidly” mind-set can mitigate early deployment risk, analytics can help to optimize the process (for example, the number of “key users” to be trained), and local templates can be designed early by onboarding local users. A shorter hypercare phase can be planned because of the continuous focus on quality. Since releases are more frequent in an agile approach, there is more opportunity to industrialize all steps in the deployment. It is important to note that, in an agile-adapted implementation, the initial stages are accelerated when compared with the traditional waterfall approach. Most time is spent on later stages, focusing on delivering functionalities. Benefits of adapting agile to ERP Much of agile’s popularity is based on its results. Research shows that agile organizations have a 70 percent chance of being in the top quartile of organizational health, the best indicator of long- term performance.1 Moreover, such companies simultaneously achieve greater customer centricity, faster time to market, higher revenue growth, lower costs, and a more engaged workforce. Specific to ERP implementation, deploying ERP in an agile way—irrespective of the underlying technology—translates into a range of tangible and intangible benefits (Exhibit 2): —— reduction of program cost by 10 percent, driven primarily by having to do less rework in the E2E testing and UAT phases —— increase in the program’s value by 20 percent by giving the product owner enough visibility into the project’s progress to focus on high-value items 1 Michael Bazigos, Aaron De Smet, and Chris Gagnon, “Why agility pays,” McKinsey Quarterly, December 2015, Exhibit 2 2019 ERP 2 of 2 Enterprise resource planning transformations are always challenging, but these challenges can be far less daunting with an agile approach. Some benefits of adapting agile to enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformations Source: McKinsey analysis Broader adoption of solution by end users Increased ability to compress more workload in same period Improved team morale Reduced program cost Increased program value Article continues on page 8 5Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
  • 6. How a logistics company used agile for its ERP transformation One of the largest shipping and logis- tics providers in Europe embarked on a multiyear core-technology transformation. The program’s goal was to replace the old enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with up-to-date technologies and to provide new functionalities. A few years in, the program was fraught with multiple challeng- es and lacked a business case, business ownership, and robust vendor and program management. Also, the scope was too large and complex to be delivered in an effective and sequential waterfall manner. To get the program back on track, the com- pany focused on three steps: (1) rescoping the program around the most valuable elements, (2) designing and implementing an agile ERP delivery methodology, and (3) establishing a rigorous PMO. To enable agile delivery, a new agile oper- ating model was designed for 300-plus full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees by aligning numerous stakeholders—including business and IT internal clients, the ERP vendor, the company’s system- integration partner, the onshore- and offshore-development partner, and the infrastructure partner. The FTEs and the program were then transitioned to agile delivery at an accelerated pace. To do so, the FTEs were first reorganized into six functional domains, that consisted of 11 cross-functional agile teams, focusing on such tasks as developing and integrat- ing the product catalog. There were six transversal domains with about 15 teams focusing on areas such as data migration and electronic data interchange (EDI). Next, a detailed agile approach was designed to consider ERP specificities, and the new or- ganization was trained and coached in this new approach. The agile PMO steered the program, supported agile ceremonies for the overall project, solved complex issues, facilitated the swift removal of any imped- iments, and implemented a new backlog management and tracking tool. The application of agile to this ERP imple- mentation resulted in several significant benefits: —— Enhanced transparency. The project teams put their macrofeatures (“epics”) into a work-flow-management tool that attached each to the increment or sprint in which it was to be delivered. At the end of every sprint, progress was measured, in the number of user stories and story points delivered, and of the entire project, in the number of epics delivered and analyzed. Because of this transparency, the teams could measure and take ownership of their progress, which enabled them to rapidly correct their course using agile retrospectives as a tool. The teams were also able to promptly escalate any impediments to their managers. The managers enjoyed an unprecedented level of transparency; they could now see the duration, cost, and causes of delays each week and take swift action. Moreover, knowing the project’s precise status on an ongoing basis allowed the product owners and leadership to make informed decisions about what to prioritize based on value. —— Strong coordination among teams. To foster coordination and communication among teams, the process began with increment planning with all teams—both functional and transversal—together in one room. Then, at the start of every sprint, each team gave its input to the other teams on dependencies. Functional and transversal teams had biweekly huddles. From there, issues were escalated to the weekly ‘’war room,’’ where all teams met to discuss dependencies and performance. 6 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
  • 7. —— Rapid, targeted troubleshooting. The PMO, comprising roughly 12 to 15 people, in addition to performing classical activities, served as a SWAT team that could address complex issues on an ad hoc basis. Almost half of the PMO’s work focused on troubleshooting, such as scenario building to assess the impact of a delay in delivering a large interface; building a complex, CEO-ready document about rescoping; providing extra analytical capacity to plan 3,000 test cases; and reorganizing the full operating model as needs evolved—for example, merging functional teams after rescoping and building an efficient test factory based on lean principles. —— Agile organization. The 11 agile teams had the capabilities to deliver an end-to-end solution, including business representation. Their three- week sprints included development, solution testing, and a demonstration to end users at the end of each sprint. In addition, at the end of each increment (or three-sprint period), comprehensive, end-to-end solution- and user-acceptance testing was performed to ensure the quality and integrity of the functionality delivered. The teams followed all scrum-based ceremonies and began to realize benefits after only a few weeks. —— A detailed agile playbook. The agile approach—which was tailored to the company and ERP—was documented in detail in a playbook that remained a living document throughout the program. The playbook included elements such as how to translate traditional ERP requirements into epics and user stories to create a product backlog, as well as project documentation that was adapted to agile—for instance, simplified technical specifications, since developers were working directly with product owners and analysts, and new terminology, such as the definition of “ready and done.” As a result, the program was able to meet and even exceed its performance targets. Delivery was 20 percent faster than the previous estimate. This was a result of far less rework due to iterative improve- ments made by working with end users to inspect and adapt each iteration. It was also a result of the ability to better man- age project delays, which made them less likely to affect the overall timeline because of the use of intermediary deadlines and having an incremental scope. Additionally, fewer bugs were found by using integrated, end-to-end, and user-acceptance testing for the agile release—as opposed to the two previous waterfall releases—and by conducting more-frequent testing. The scope delivered was three to ten times greater than in previous releases of similar durations, due to better alignment among functional teams. User acceptance of the new solution was much higher, as users were involved throughout the implemen- tation. Finally, the agile team’s morale improved significantly, as measured during agile retrospectives, which contributed to the delivery’s success. Since the project began, more than 100 people have now been trained in the agile mind-set and ways of working, resulting in a new operating model for the company, which reflects the realized benefits of the agile approach—and ultimately disproving the myth that agile does not apply to ERP. 7Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more
  • 8. —— ability to compress three times more workload into a given period through greater parallelization of functional teams —— wider adoption of the solution by end users, as they are involved throughout the implementation —— improvement in team morale, as they see the solution implementation’s measurable progress every day Although ERP systems are often considered a “necessary evil,” they are here to stay and cannot be ignored as companies go digital. The traditional, often complicated approach to ERP transformation should be drastically revised and, whenever possible, adapted to include agile ways of working. Companies and system integrators should dispense with the myth that agile cannot be applied to ERP and instead industrialize the agile approach for ERP transformation. Further, ERP solutions should become more modular so that deployment can be phased—resulting in lower costs and faster realization of value. ERP transformations are always challenging, but these challenges can be far less daunting with an agile approach. Designed by Global Editorial Services Copyright © 2019 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved. Didier Casanova is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Brussels office; Swati Lohiya is a senior expert in the London office; Jerome Loufrani is an associate partner in the Paris office, where Matteo Pacca is a senior partner; and Peter Peters is a partner in the Düsseldorf office. 8 Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more