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TR First Day Bell Schedule 
1st 10:35-11:00 
2nd 11:05-11:25 
4th 11:30-12:20 (A Lunch 11:30-12:00) 12:05-12:55 
4thL 11:30-12:55 
B Lunch 12:25-12:55 11:30-12:20 Period 4 
C Lunch 1:00-1:30 1:35-2:25 Period 5 
5th 1:00:1:50 
D Lunch 1:55-2:25 
3rd 2:35-3:05 
6th 3:10-3:40 
7th 3:45-4:15
Mac First Day Schedule 
 1st 10:20-10:55 
2nd 11:00-11:35 
3rd 11:40-12:15 
4th 12:20-1:00 lunch 
5th 1:10:1:50 lunch 
6th 1:10:1:50 lunch 
 7th 2:40-3:20 lunch 
8th 3:45-4:15
Warmup Wednesday August 27 
 1 Zeus (Jupiter) was the supreme ruler of the 
twelve Olympians. He was known as the Lord of the 
Sky, the Rain god and the God of Thunder. Symbols: 
aegis and lightning bolts; animal: eagle; tree: oak; 
oracle: Dodona 
 Known for his infidelity and creativity with which he 
hid his affairs 
 Never supported persons who lied even though he 
was a liar himself 
 Aegis; shield used often as the breastplate of armor
Agenda Wednesday August 27 
 Turn in class syllabus. Take these home and get 
signed for an easy A 
 FInish Latin pronunciation 
 Animal Names 
 Introduce characters in Cambridge Latin Course
Warmup Thursday August 28 
 2 Hera (Juno) was Zeus’s wife and sister. She 
punished Zeus’s lovers and the children produced 
by his affairs. She was best known for her anger, 
jealousy and for holding a grudge. Hera was queen 
of the gods and the protectoress of married women 
and marriage. Animal: cow and peacock; city: 
 Turned Argus, her watchman into a peacock for 
falling asleep while watching Zeus (all of his 100 eyes 
closed ) 
 Ilithyia, helper in childbirth, was her daughter
Agenda Thursday August 28 
 Go over Classroom expressions 
 Read Cerberus 
 Begin going over Roman Houses and Roman 
Warmup Friday August 29 
 3 Poseidon (Neptune) was the brother of Zeus and 
second in power to Zeus. He was ruler of the sea. 
He gave mankind the first horse. Poseidon 
controlled the weather, both calm and stormy. 
Although he had a splendid palace under the sea, 
he was more often found on Mt. Olympus. Symbol: 
trident (a large 3-pronged fork); animals: bull and 
 “Earthshaker” – he was given credit for creating the 
tidal waves really caused by volcanic activity in the 
Agenda Friday August 29 
 Go over New Vocabulary and Derivatives 
Vocab and Culture Quiz Wed- Stage 1 
 Read Cerberus
Warmup Tuesday, September 2 
 4 Hades (Pluto) was also the brother of Zeus and third 
in power to Zeus. He was ruler of the Underworld and 
the dead (not the god of death). He was called the 
God of Wealth because of the precious gems and 
metals found underground. He rarely left his kingdom 
and magnificent palace. Visitors were not welcome in 
the Underworld. He held no pity for man. But he was just 
(fair), not evil. He only kept dead souls in the Underworld 
and guarded them from human intruders. 
 Persephone (Proserpina), his niece, was his wife; he 
kidnapped her from her mother Demeter’s care using his 
helmet of invisibility
Agenda September 2 
 Review Vocabulary Stage 1 
Vocab Quiz Wed. Stage1 
 Finish Cerberus 
 Begin reading culture section: Caecilius et 
Warmup Wednesday, September 3 
 5 Pallas Athena (Minerva) was the daughter of Zeus 
alone. She was the battle goddess (just was), the 
Goddess of the City, protectoress of civilized life, 
handicrafts and agriculture. She was the Goddess of 
Wisdom, which included reason and purity. She 
invented the bridle and gave it to man to tame the 
horse. Poseidon was her best friend. Tree: olive; 
animal: owl; city: Athens 
 She was Zeus’s favorite child (she sprang from his head) 
 She was also known as the Maiden, Parthenos (the 
Parthenon was named for her)
Agenda September 3 
 Vocab Quiz Stage1 
 Read culture section: Caecilius et Metella, 
Roman Houses 
Edmodo questions due next Monday
Warmup Thursday, September 4 
 6 Phoebus Apollo (Apollo) was the son of Zeus and 
Leto. He was born on the island of Delos. He was Lord of 
Archery, the Healer, God of Music, Light, Truth and 
Medicine. He was beneficent and served as a direct link 
between man and the gods. Oracle: Delphi; tree: 
laurel; animals: dolphin and crow; instrument: golden 
lyre (hand harp) and a silver bow 
 Known also as the “Lycian” (the Wolf God) 
 Associated with the sun, but not the sun god
Agenda September 4 
 Finish culture section: Caecilius et Metella, 
Roman Houses 
 hold off on Edmodo questions 
 Review language notes 
 Go over model sentences Stage 2
Agenda Friday September 5 
 Play Certamen 
 Talk about Latin Club
Warmup Monday, September 8 
 7 Artemis (Diana) , also known as Cynthia, was the twin 
sister of Apollo and one of the maiden goddesses. She 
was the Lady of Wild Things, the Huntress, Preserver of 
the Young. Tree: cypress; animal: deer; weapon: silver 
 She was associated with the moon 
 Sometimes she was called, Phoebe, Selene (Luna) 
 Her arrows were used to aid the swift, painless death of 
young women in pain
Agenda Monday September 8 
 finish model sentences 
 Go over road map Stage 2 
 read mercator, p. 24 
 start in triclinio, p. 25
Roadmap Stage 2 
 mercator, p. 24: a friend of the family comes to 
visit. Everyone is awaiting dinner. Grumio is late 
with dinner. 
 in triclinio, p. 25: all praise Grumio’s culinary skills; 
Grumio makes a friend. 
 Reading Comprehension: amicus, p. 28. 
Translate the story into smooth English. (not Latin 
word order) Due on Friday.
Agenda Tuesday September 9 
 Work on in triclinio questions 
 Turn in when finished 
 Review Vocabulary 
 Vocab Quiz Thursday 
 Read culture, Stage 2 
 Culture Quiz Friday
Warmup Wednesday, September 10 
 8 Aphrodite (Venus) was the goddess of Love and Beauty. She was 
either the daughter of Zeus and Dione or she miraculously sprang 
from sea foam (name means “foam riser”) Islands: Cythera and 
Cypress: tree: myrtle; animals: sparrow, swan and dove 
 She was married to Hephaestus (the most beautiful to the ugliest, an 
unlikely match). Most of the deities disliked her, but Hephaestus 
adored her and showered her with gifts. 
 Laughter-loving goddess 
 More has been written about this goddess than any other 
mythological deity 
 She has been portrayed by artists as the perfect woman
Agenda Wednesday September 10 
 Go over Edmodo assignments 
 Grammar Notes- nominative and accusative 
 Vocab Quiz Thursday 
 FInish reading culture, Stage 2 
 Culture Quiz Friday
Agenda Thursday September 11 
 Vocab Quiz 
 Review Grammar:- nominative and accusative 
 Culture Quiz Stage 2 Friday
Warmup Friday, September 12 
 9 Hermes (Mercury) was the son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of 
Atlas. He was Zeus’s messenger, the God of Commerce and the 
Protector of Traders, as well as, the guide for the dead into Hades. 
Symbols: winged sandals and hat, plus a magic wand, the 
 Known as the Master Thief for his cunning and shrewdness 
 FTD Florist logo 
 Caduceus – symbol of the medical community
Warmup Friday, September 12 
 9 Hermes (Mercury) was the son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of 
Atlas. He was Zeus’s messenger, the God of Commerce and the 
Protector of Traders, as well as, the guide for the dead into Hades. 
Symbols: winged sandals and hat, plus a magic wand, the 
 Known as the Master Thief for his cunning and shrewdness 
 FTD Florist logo 
 Caduceus – symbol of the medical community
Warmup Monday, September 15 
 10 Ares (Mars) was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was the God of 
War. He is perceived as a murderous, cruel, blood-thirsty god; 
actually he was a cowardly bully. Animals: vulture and dog 
 He was a favorite of the Romans who visualized him as a magnificent 
deity in shining armor 
 He is often considered a symbol of invincibility 
Agenda Monday September 15 
 Go over Roadmap Stage 3 
 Reading Comprehension story due Thursday, Sept 18, lines 
 Test Stages 2-3, Friday Sept 19 
 Go over Vocabulary Stage 3 
 read in foro and Pictor 
 Edmodo assignments due for STage 2 today and tomorrow
Roadmap Stage 3 
 in foro, p. 36 Caecilius goes to the forum to do 
some work 
 pictor, p. 37 Caecilius has hired a painter for the 
house. Grumio is surprised. 
 tonsor, p. 38 Caecilius goes to get a haircut, but 
the barber is upset. 
 venalicius, p. 40 A slave dealer comes to the 
town. Caecilius buys a slave.
Warmup Tuesday, September 16 
 11 Hephaestus (Vulcan/Mulciber) was the son of Zeus and Hera. He 
was the God of Fire and highly honored on Mt. Olympus for his artistry 
and workmanship in metals. He was the smithy of the gods, making 
armor, weapon and jewelry. He was kind, peace-loving and popular 
on Earth. 
 Ugly and lame; club-footed with legs too weak to support his 
muscular upper body 
 Associated with volcanoes 
Agenda Tuesday September 16 
 Review Vocabulary Stage 3 
 Reading Comprehension story due Thursday, Sept 18, lines 
 Culture Questions and Vocabulary Activity due Friday: 
 Test Stages 2-3, Friday Sept 19 
 Go over tonsor, p. 38
Warmup Wednesday, September 17 
 12 Hestia (Vesta) was the sister of Zeus and the third maiden goddess. She 
was the Goddess of the Hearth (Central Home Fire, the symbol of the 
home). Newborns were carried around the hearth before they were 
received into the family. Each meal began and ended with offerings to her. 
 Six Vestal Virgins were the priestesses who protected the eternal flame of 
Rome (public hearth) kept in the Temple of Vesta 
 Fire from the eternal flame was carried from Rome to all new colonies 
(conquered territories) 
 Vestals were buried alive if they broke their vows of celibacy 
 It was a great family honor for a girl to be chosen to become a Vestal Virgin; 
whether that was her desire or not had no bearing 
Agenda Wednesday September 17 
 Grammar Review 
 Reading Comprehension story due Thursday, Sept 18, lines 
 Culture Questions and Vocabulary Activity due Friday: 
 Test Stages 2-3, Friday Sept 19 
 Finish tonsor, p. 38
Warmup Thursday, September 18 
 13 Pan, the son of Hermes, was a noisy, merry minor woodland deity. 
He was a satyr (part goat, part boy). He had horns and hoofs. He 
was the god to whom shepherds and goat-herders turned. He was a 
wonderful musician who played the reed pipe. He was known as a 
 Liked to frighten travelers in the woods – thus the word “panic” 
 He fell in love with many nymphs but was always rejected because 
he was so ugly 
Agenda Thursday September 18 
 Vocabulary Quiz Stage 3 
 Grammar Review/Fill Out Noun Charts 
 Reading Comprehension story due today, lines 1-12 
 Culture Questions and Vocabulary Activity due Friday: 
 Test Stages 2-3, tomorrow
Agenda Friday September 19 
 Test Stages 2-3 
 Read the culture section on The Forum, pp. 62-66
Agenda Monday September 22 
 Copy down new vocabulary, Stage 4 
 Organize Grade Folders 
 Go over Roadmap Stage 4 
 Test Stage 4 on Friday 
 Vocab Quiz on Thursday
Roadmap Stage 4 
 Hermogenes: p. 57. Caecilius goes to the forum to do 
business. His new customer is eager to transact the deal. 
It doesn’t end well 
 in basilica, p. 58. Our first dialogue story. Caecilius is in 
court for a lawsuit. Good thing he has his ring on. 
 Grumio et leo, p. 61. Grumio sees the new painting in 
the dining room. He doesn’t react like you would 
Warmup Tuesday, September 23 
 14 Silenus was either Pan’s son or brother. He was a fat, jovial, old 
man who rode a donkey, because he always drank too much wine. 
He was the tutor of Dionysus (God of Wine) and later his devoted 
 In a drunken stupor Silenus became lost, but he was found and cared 
for by King Midas for 10 days. 
 Midas was granted one wish by Dionysus – golden touch 
Agenda Tuesday September 23 
 Review new vocabulary 
 Review Culture 
 Culture Quiz tomorrow. Culture Sheet due Thursday, 
 Test Stage 4 Friday 
 Vocab Quiz on Thursday
Agenda Wednesday September 24 
 Warmup: study Culture Stage 4 
 Culture Quiz Stage 4 
 Culture Sheet due Thursday, Edmodo 
 in basilica dramatic reading 
 Review Vocabulary 
 Vocab Quiz on Thursday 
 Test Stage 4 Friday
Warmup Thursday, September 25 
 13 Pan, the son of Hermes, was a noisy, merry minor woodland deity. 
He was a satyr (part goat, part boy). He had horns and hoofs. He 
was the god to whom shepherds and goat-herders turned. He was a 
wonderful musician who played the reed pipe. He was known as a 
 Liked to frighten travelers in the woods – thus the word “panic” 
 He fell in love with many nymphs but was always rejected because 
he was so ugly 
Agenda Thursday September 25 
 Vocab Quiz 4 
 Culture Sheet due today, Edmodo 
 Review Vocabulary 1-4 
 Vocab Quiz on Thursday 
 Test moved to Monday: Vocabulary from 1-4 
 Quiz on 4 Friday
Agenda Friday September 26 
 Go over snake sentences Stage 4 
 Quiz Stage 4 today 
 Review Vocabulary 1-4 
 Test moved to Monday: Vocabulary from 1-4
Agenda Monday September 29 
 Review Vocabulary Test 1-4 
 Go over Roadmap Stage 5 
 Test Stage 5 Tuesday 7 
 Reading Comp due Friday 
 Go over new vocabulary and culture Stage 5 
 Culture Quiz Wednesday, Sept 1
Roadmap Stage 5 
 actores, p. 74. A large crowd is coming to Pompeii. 
Two famous actors are coming to town. 
 Poppaea, p. 77. Everyone is going to see the play, well, 
almost everyone. 
 in theatro, p. 80. Actors versus tightrope walkers. Who 
will get the Pompeians’ attention?
Agenda Tuesday September 30 
 Finish culture section 
 Test Stage 5 Tuesday 7 
 Reading Comp due Friday 
 Culture Quiz tomorrow 
 Go over new vocabulary Stage 5 
 start actores
Agenda Wednesday October 1 
 Culture Quiz Stage 5 
 Stage Test Tues `Oct 7 
 Reading Comp due this Friday 
 Grammar Notes today 
 Go over new vocabulary Stage 5 
 start actores
Agenda Thursday October 2 
 Go over new vocabulary Stage 5 
 Stage Test Tues `Oct 7 
 Reading Comp tomorrow 
 Grammar Notes: singular and plural sentences 
 actores
Warmup Thursday October 2 
 13 Pan, the son of Hermes, was a noisy, merry minor 
woodland deity. He was a satyr (part goat, part boy). 
He had horns and hoofs. He was the god to whom 
shepherds and goat-herders turned. He was a 
wonderful musician who played the reed pipe. He was 
known as a trickster. 
 Liked to frighten travelers in the woods – thus the word 
 He fell in love with many nymphs but was always 
rejected because he was so ugly 
Agenda Friday, October 3 
 Grade and go over Reading Comp 
 Stage Test Tues `Oct 7 
 Grammar Notes: singular and plural sentences 
 actores
Agenda Monday, October 6 
 Vocab Quiz 5 
 Stage Test tomorrow 
 notes on nouns- update noun chart 
 Review for Test
Agenda Tuesday, October 7 
 TEST Stage 5
Agenda Wednesday, October 8 
 Go over Test 5 
 except 4th period 
 Go over Roadmap Stage 6 
 Test tbd 
 Go over new vocabulary 
 Go over culture Stage 6: Slaves and Freedmen, pp. 97-100 
 Complete Culture sheet Stage 6 
 Culture Quiz Friday
Roadmap Stage 6 
 pugna, p. 90 Clemens witnesses a fight that’s broken out in 
the forum. 
 Felix, p. 91 A new character, Felix, a former slave and now a 
freedman, visits the family. 
 Felix et fur, p. 92. After dinner, Felix tells everyone a story 
about a thief and a baby. But who was the baby in the story? 
 avarus, p. 95 Thieves try to take a rich man’s money. But the 
thieves get a surprise when they try to take it. The plot takes 
several serpentine twists.
Warmup October 8 
 15. Centaurs were half-men, half-horses who were considered 
savage creatures who committed numerous atrocities against man. 
However, the most famous centaur was Chiron, who was known for 
his goodness and wisdom. 
 In mythology centaurs were always and only males 
 There most famous atrocity was carrying off all the Sabine tribe’s 
Warmup October 14 
 16. Chiron was taught by Apollo and Artemis in various arts, such as 
hunting, music and healing. He passed these down to his students: 
Aristeaus, Aesculapius, Jason and Achilles. Hercules shot him with a 
poison arrow, dooming him to a life of pain. Zeus allowed him to 
give up his immortality to Prometheus, which permitted Chiron to die 
and descend into Hades.
Agenda Tuesday, October 14 
 Go over pugna and Felix 
 Review new vocabulary 
 Review : Slaves and Freedmen, pp. 97-100 
 Culture Quiz online on Edmodo
Warmup October 14 
 16. Chiron was taught by Apollo and Artemis in various arts, such as 
hunting, music and healing. He passed these down to his students: 
Aristeaus, Aesculapius, Jason and Achilles. Hercules shot him with a 
poison arrow, dooming him to a life of pain. Zeus allowed him to 
give up his immortality to Prometheus, which permitted Chiron to die 
and descend into Hades.
Agenda Thursday, October 16 
 Watch Forum 
 Culture Quiz online on Edmodo due by Friday
Agenda Monday, October 20 
 Finish watching Forum 
 Review Vocabulary 
 Grammar Notes 
 Vocab Quiz Wednesday 
 Test Thursday 
 Reading Comp due Tuesday
Agenda Tuesday, October 21 
 Grammar Practice 
 Reading Comp due 
 Vocab Quiz Wednesday 
 Test Thursday
Agenda Wednesday, October 2 
 Vocabulary Quiz Stage 6 
 Review for Test 
 Test tomorrow 
 Organize grade folders
Agenda Thursday, October 23 
 finish grading Test Stage 6 
 Go over new vocabulary and culture Stage 7 
 Complete Derivative sheet and Culture Sheet
Agenda Friday, October 24 
 Test Stage 6
Agenda Friday, October 24 
 Finish grading Test Stage 6 
 Go over Roadmap Stage 7 
 Go over new vocabulary 
 complete Derivative and Culture Sheets (due Tuesday) 
 Test Nov 7 
 Reading Comp due Tuesday, Nov 4
Roadmap Stage 7 
 fabula mirabilis Page 106, Hairy hands? Howling at the 
moon? It can only mean there's a Roman werewolf on the 
 Decens Page 108The case of the missing guest and a ghostly gladiator. 
 post cenam Page 110The guests depart into the dark, lonely streets... when 
suddenly there's a screech! 
 animal ferox Page 113The hunt is on, but not for ghosts... 
 Metella et Melissa Page 114The new slave-girl Melissa needs a shoulder to cry 
Agenda Monday October 27 
 Organize Folders 
 Notes on Nouns 
 Translate 1-9, p. 105 
Culture and Derivative Sheets due Tuesday 
Test Friday, November 7 
Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4
Warmup Tuesday October 28 
 17. Aeolus, regent of the Winds and viceroy of the gods, lived on 
the island of Aeolia. He controlled the four winds: 
 Boreas (Aquilo) – N; Zephyr (Favonius) – W; Notus (Auster) – S; Eurus 
– E.
Agenda Tuesday October 28 
 Grade and go over pictures, pp. 104-105 
Culture and Derivative Sheets due Thursday 
Test Friday, November 7 
Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4 
Go over culture 7
Agenda Wednesday October 29 
 Go over fabula mirabilis 
 Culture and Derivative Sheets due Friday 
Culture Quiz, due by this Friday, Oct 31 
 Flashcards due by Wed 5 
Test Friday, November 7 
Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4 
 Go over culture 7
Agenda Thursday October 30 
 Go over grammar: perfect tense 
Go over research log 
 Culture and Derivative Sheets due Friday 
Culture Quiz, due by this Friday, Oct 31 
Flashcards due by Wed 5 
Test Friday, November 7 
Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4 
Decens translation
Agenda Monday November 3 
 Go over research log 
 Review Perfect Tense 
 watch Decens video 
 post cenam and animal ferox 
 Culture and Derivative Sheets due Friday 
 Flashcards due by Wed 5 
 Test Wednesday, November 5 
 Reading Comp due tomorrow 
 Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow 
Agenda Tuesday November 4 
 Review Vocabulary 
 Vocabulary Quiz Stage 7 
 Grade Reading Comp 
 Flashcards due tomorrow 
Test Thursday, November 6 
Agenda Wednesday November 5 
 Certamen Review 
 Flashcards due today 
Test Thursday, November 6 
Agenda Thursday November 6 
 Test Stage 7 
Agenda Friday November 7 
Read pp. 134- 138 
Complete the culture sheet Stage 8(odds or evens 
Culture QUiz Tuesday, Nov 11 
H/W: Derivative Practice Due Tuesday 
Test Stage 8: Tuesday Nov 18
Agenda Monday November 10 
 Research Presentations (today through Wed) 
Go over Roadmap Stage 8 
culture sheets due Stage 8(odds or evens 
Culture QUiz tomorrow 
Review Vocab Test 4-8: Tuesday Nov 18 
Go over new vocabulary Stage 8 
H/W: Derivative Practice Due tomorrow Wed
Roadmap Stage 8 
gladiatores Page 125Tensions and local rivalries rise 
in Pompeii as the gladiatorial games approach. 
in arena Page 127It's show time! "Those who are 
about to die, salute you." 
venatio Page 128After the gladiators it's the turn of 
the animals - but the lions haven't read the script. 
pastor et leo Page 131"One good turn deserves 
another" in this famous Roman tale. (due 
Thursday)lines 1-17
Agenda Tuesday November 11 
 Get your green folders 
 Research Presentations (today and tomorrow only) 
 Update noun chart- 2nd declension 
 Culture QUiz on Edmodo due today 
 Review Vocab Test 4-8: Tuesday Nov 18 
 H/W: Derivative Practice Due tomorrow Wed 
 read model sentences pp. 122-124 
Work on Reading Comp
Agenda Wednesday November 12 
 Research Presentations (today ) 
 Review Vocab Test 4-8: Tuesday Nov 18 
 H/W: Derivative Practice Due tomorrow Wed 
gladiators, p. 125 find examples of plural 
Work on Reading Comp (due tomorrow)
Agenda Monday November 17 
 Organize Grade Folders 
 Review Vocab Test 4-8: Wednesday Nov 19 
 Translation Check pastor et leo
Agenda Tuesday November 18 
 Tabularia Quiz: Sentence Completion 
 Review Vocab from Stages 4-7 
Review Test tomorrow: stages 4-8 
 Notes on superlative adjectives 
 Finish venatio, p. 128
Agenda Wednesday November 19 
 Review Test 4-8 today
Agenda Monday December 1 
 Organize grade folders 
look at 9 weeks avg 
 Roadmap for Stage 9 
Reading Comp due Thursday, Dec 4 
no test Stage 9 
Culture Quiz Wednesday (Edmodo)
Roadmap Stage 9 
 thermae, p. 145. The Pompeians enjoy their daily 
bath. Watch that strigil. 
 in palaestra, p. 146. Caecilius takes his son to the 
baths. Quintus offends a famous person. 
 in taberna, p. 149. Metella and Melissa go 
shopping. (lines 1- 14) 
 in apodyterio, p. 152. There’s trouble in the 
changing room. Where’s my toga?
Agenda Tuesday, December 2 
 turn in culture sheets 
Culture Quiz tomorrow on Edmodo 
 go over vocabulary 
complete Derivatives sheet
Agenda Wednesday, December 3 
 turn in derivative sheets 
Culture Quiz on Edmodo 
 go over vocabulary 
 read model sentences Stage 9 
Reading Comp due Thursday, Dec 4
Agenda Thursday, December 4 
 Reading Comp 9 due 
 Review Vocabulary 
 read model sentences Stage 9 
Reading Comp due Thursday, Dec 4
Agenda Friday, December 5 
 Get Noun Chart from Grade Folder 
 review dative case 
 grammar notes 3rd declension 
 read thermae 
 watch video on Roman baths - Nova
Agenda Monday, December 8 
 test 
 test 
 test 
 test
Benefits of Joining the Latin Club 
JCL Membership 
ticket to Area 
National Latin 
Latin Honor 
Benefits of joining the Latin Club 
•Junior Classical League 
•State&National Contests 
•Latin Honor Society 
•Online Tests 
Benefits of joining the Latin Club 
•National Latin Vocabulary Exam 
•National Classical Etymology 
•National Roman Civilization 
Benefits of joining the Latin Club 
•maintain an A average in 
the current Latin course, 
•are members in good standing* of the 
National Junior Classical League, and 
•exemplify good citizenship 
Benefits of joining the Latin Club 
•All students enrolled in the NJCL Latin 
Honor Society (NLHS) will receive an 8 
1/2 x 11 parchment certificate, gold 
seal, and membership card. In addition, 
the school principal will receive a letter 
from the national office of the Junior 
Classical League with the names of the 
students enrolled this academic year. 
Texas State Junior Classical League
National Junior Classical League
Nationals at Emory University July 
Pictures of TSJCL (State) 
Pictures of NJCL Convention
Area Convention-February 2015, 
Reagan HS 
State Convention – March 27-28, 
Amarillo, Tx 
National Convention- July 2015, Trinity 
University, San Antonio
Latin Club cost 
Price is $25 
Make Checks out to 
Roosevelt Latin Club or 
MacArthur Latin Club 
Includes: Club T Shirt, JCL dues, Area ticket, NLE, Latin Honor Society

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Agenda Latin I

  • 1. Wecome to Latin class ROOSEVELT/MACARTHUR
  • 2. TR First Day Bell Schedule 1st 10:35-11:00 2nd 11:05-11:25 4th 11:30-12:20 (A Lunch 11:30-12:00) 12:05-12:55 4thL 11:30-12:55 B Lunch 12:25-12:55 11:30-12:20 Period 4 C Lunch 1:00-1:30 1:35-2:25 Period 5 5th 1:00:1:50 D Lunch 1:55-2:25 3rd 2:35-3:05 6th 3:10-3:40 7th 3:45-4:15
  • 3. Mac First Day Schedule  1st 10:20-10:55 2nd 11:00-11:35 3rd 11:40-12:15 4th 12:20-1:00 lunch 5th 1:10:1:50 lunch 6th 1:10:1:50 lunch  7th 2:40-3:20 lunch 8th 3:45-4:15
  • 4. Warmup Wednesday August 27  1 Zeus (Jupiter) was the supreme ruler of the twelve Olympians. He was known as the Lord of the Sky, the Rain god and the God of Thunder. Symbols: aegis and lightning bolts; animal: eagle; tree: oak; oracle: Dodona  Known for his infidelity and creativity with which he hid his affairs  Never supported persons who lied even though he was a liar himself  Aegis; shield used often as the breastplate of armor
  • 5. Agenda Wednesday August 27  Turn in class syllabus. Take these home and get signed for an easy A  FInish Latin pronunciation  Animal Names  Introduce characters in Cambridge Latin Course
  • 6. Warmup Thursday August 28  2 Hera (Juno) was Zeus’s wife and sister. She punished Zeus’s lovers and the children produced by his affairs. She was best known for her anger, jealousy and for holding a grudge. Hera was queen of the gods and the protectoress of married women and marriage. Animal: cow and peacock; city: Argos  Turned Argus, her watchman into a peacock for falling asleep while watching Zeus (all of his 100 eyes closed )  Ilithyia, helper in childbirth, was her daughter
  • 7. Agenda Thursday August 28  Go over Classroom expressions  Read Cerberus  Begin going over Roman Houses and Roman names
  • 8. Warmup Friday August 29  3 Poseidon (Neptune) was the brother of Zeus and second in power to Zeus. He was ruler of the sea. He gave mankind the first horse. Poseidon controlled the weather, both calm and stormy. Although he had a splendid palace under the sea, he was more often found on Mt. Olympus. Symbol: trident (a large 3-pronged fork); animals: bull and horse  “Earthshaker” – he was given credit for creating the tidal waves really caused by volcanic activity in the Mediterranean
  • 9. Agenda Friday August 29  Go over New Vocabulary and Derivatives Vocab and Culture Quiz Wed- Stage 1  Read Cerberus
  • 10. Warmup Tuesday, September 2  4 Hades (Pluto) was also the brother of Zeus and third in power to Zeus. He was ruler of the Underworld and the dead (not the god of death). He was called the God of Wealth because of the precious gems and metals found underground. He rarely left his kingdom and magnificent palace. Visitors were not welcome in the Underworld. He held no pity for man. But he was just (fair), not evil. He only kept dead souls in the Underworld and guarded them from human intruders.  Persephone (Proserpina), his niece, was his wife; he kidnapped her from her mother Demeter’s care using his helmet of invisibility
  • 11. Agenda September 2  Review Vocabulary Stage 1 Vocab Quiz Wed. Stage1  Finish Cerberus  Begin reading culture section: Caecilius et Metella
  • 12. Warmup Wednesday, September 3  5 Pallas Athena (Minerva) was the daughter of Zeus alone. She was the battle goddess (just was), the Goddess of the City, protectoress of civilized life, handicrafts and agriculture. She was the Goddess of Wisdom, which included reason and purity. She invented the bridle and gave it to man to tame the horse. Poseidon was her best friend. Tree: olive; animal: owl; city: Athens  She was Zeus’s favorite child (she sprang from his head)  She was also known as the Maiden, Parthenos (the Parthenon was named for her)
  • 13. Agenda September 3  Vocab Quiz Stage1  Read culture section: Caecilius et Metella, Roman Houses Edmodo questions due next Monday
  • 14. Warmup Thursday, September 4  6 Phoebus Apollo (Apollo) was the son of Zeus and Leto. He was born on the island of Delos. He was Lord of Archery, the Healer, God of Music, Light, Truth and Medicine. He was beneficent and served as a direct link between man and the gods. Oracle: Delphi; tree: laurel; animals: dolphin and crow; instrument: golden lyre (hand harp) and a silver bow  Known also as the “Lycian” (the Wolf God)  Associated with the sun, but not the sun god
  • 15. Agenda September 4  Finish culture section: Caecilius et Metella, Roman Houses  hold off on Edmodo questions  Review language notes  Go over model sentences Stage 2
  • 16. Agenda Friday September 5  Play Certamen  Talk about Latin Club
  • 17. Warmup Monday, September 8  7 Artemis (Diana) , also known as Cynthia, was the twin sister of Apollo and one of the maiden goddesses. She was the Lady of Wild Things, the Huntress, Preserver of the Young. Tree: cypress; animal: deer; weapon: silver arrows  She was associated with the moon  Sometimes she was called, Phoebe, Selene (Luna)  Her arrows were used to aid the swift, painless death of young women in pain
  • 18. Agenda Monday September 8  finish model sentences  Go over road map Stage 2  read mercator, p. 24  start in triclinio, p. 25
  • 19. Roadmap Stage 2  mercator, p. 24: a friend of the family comes to visit. Everyone is awaiting dinner. Grumio is late with dinner.  in triclinio, p. 25: all praise Grumio’s culinary skills; Grumio makes a friend.  Reading Comprehension: amicus, p. 28. Translate the story into smooth English. (not Latin word order) Due on Friday.
  • 20. Agenda Tuesday September 9  Work on in triclinio questions  Turn in when finished  Review Vocabulary  Vocab Quiz Thursday  Read culture, Stage 2  Culture Quiz Friday
  • 21. Warmup Wednesday, September 10  8 Aphrodite (Venus) was the goddess of Love and Beauty. She was either the daughter of Zeus and Dione or she miraculously sprang from sea foam (name means “foam riser”) Islands: Cythera and Cypress: tree: myrtle; animals: sparrow, swan and dove  She was married to Hephaestus (the most beautiful to the ugliest, an unlikely match). Most of the deities disliked her, but Hephaestus adored her and showered her with gifts.  Laughter-loving goddess  More has been written about this goddess than any other mythological deity  She has been portrayed by artists as the perfect woman
  • 22. Agenda Wednesday September 10  Go over Edmodo assignments  Grammar Notes- nominative and accusative  Vocab Quiz Thursday  FInish reading culture, Stage 2  Culture Quiz Friday
  • 23. Agenda Thursday September 11  Vocab Quiz  Review Grammar:- nominative and accusative  Culture Quiz Stage 2 Friday
  • 24. Warmup Friday, September 12  9 Hermes (Mercury) was the son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of Atlas. He was Zeus’s messenger, the God of Commerce and the Protector of Traders, as well as, the guide for the dead into Hades. Symbols: winged sandals and hat, plus a magic wand, the caduceus.  Known as the Master Thief for his cunning and shrewdness  FTD Florist logo  Caduceus – symbol of the medical community
  • 25. Warmup Friday, September 12  9 Hermes (Mercury) was the son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of Atlas. He was Zeus’s messenger, the God of Commerce and the Protector of Traders, as well as, the guide for the dead into Hades. Symbols: winged sandals and hat, plus a magic wand, the caduceus.  Known as the Master Thief for his cunning and shrewdness  FTD Florist logo  Caduceus – symbol of the medical community
  • 26. Warmup Monday, September 15  10 Ares (Mars) was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was the God of War. He is perceived as a murderous, cruel, blood-thirsty god; actually he was a cowardly bully. Animals: vulture and dog  He was a favorite of the Romans who visualized him as a magnificent deity in shining armor  He is often considered a symbol of invincibility 
  • 27. Agenda Monday September 15  Go over Roadmap Stage 3  Reading Comprehension story due Thursday, Sept 18, lines 1-12  Test Stages 2-3, Friday Sept 19  Go over Vocabulary Stage 3  read in foro and Pictor  Edmodo assignments due for STage 2 today and tomorrow
  • 28. Roadmap Stage 3  in foro, p. 36 Caecilius goes to the forum to do some work  pictor, p. 37 Caecilius has hired a painter for the house. Grumio is surprised.  tonsor, p. 38 Caecilius goes to get a haircut, but the barber is upset.  venalicius, p. 40 A slave dealer comes to the town. Caecilius buys a slave.
  • 29. Warmup Tuesday, September 16  11 Hephaestus (Vulcan/Mulciber) was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was the God of Fire and highly honored on Mt. Olympus for his artistry and workmanship in metals. He was the smithy of the gods, making armor, weapon and jewelry. He was kind, peace-loving and popular on Earth.  Ugly and lame; club-footed with legs too weak to support his muscular upper body  Associated with volcanoes 
  • 30. Agenda Tuesday September 16  Review Vocabulary Stage 3  Reading Comprehension story due Thursday, Sept 18, lines 1-12  Culture Questions and Vocabulary Activity due Friday: Edmodo  Test Stages 2-3, Friday Sept 19  Go over tonsor, p. 38
  • 31. Warmup Wednesday, September 17  12 Hestia (Vesta) was the sister of Zeus and the third maiden goddess. She was the Goddess of the Hearth (Central Home Fire, the symbol of the home). Newborns were carried around the hearth before they were received into the family. Each meal began and ended with offerings to her.  Six Vestal Virgins were the priestesses who protected the eternal flame of Rome (public hearth) kept in the Temple of Vesta  Fire from the eternal flame was carried from Rome to all new colonies (conquered territories)  Vestals were buried alive if they broke their vows of celibacy  It was a great family honor for a girl to be chosen to become a Vestal Virgin; whether that was her desire or not had no bearing 
  • 32. Agenda Wednesday September 17  Grammar Review  Reading Comprehension story due Thursday, Sept 18, lines 1-12  Culture Questions and Vocabulary Activity due Friday: Edmodo  Test Stages 2-3, Friday Sept 19  Finish tonsor, p. 38
  • 33. Warmup Thursday, September 18  13 Pan, the son of Hermes, was a noisy, merry minor woodland deity. He was a satyr (part goat, part boy). He had horns and hoofs. He was the god to whom shepherds and goat-herders turned. He was a wonderful musician who played the reed pipe. He was known as a trickster.  Liked to frighten travelers in the woods – thus the word “panic”  He fell in love with many nymphs but was always rejected because he was so ugly 
  • 34. Agenda Thursday September 18  Vocabulary Quiz Stage 3  Grammar Review/Fill Out Noun Charts  Reading Comprehension story due today, lines 1-12  Culture Questions and Vocabulary Activity due Friday: Edmodo  Test Stages 2-3, tomorrow
  • 35. Agenda Friday September 19  Test Stages 2-3  Read the culture section on The Forum, pp. 62-66
  • 36. Agenda Monday September 22  Copy down new vocabulary, Stage 4  Organize Grade Folders  Go over Roadmap Stage 4  Test Stage 4 on Friday  Vocab Quiz on Thursday
  • 37. Roadmap Stage 4  Hermogenes: p. 57. Caecilius goes to the forum to do business. His new customer is eager to transact the deal. It doesn’t end well  in basilica, p. 58. Our first dialogue story. Caecilius is in court for a lawsuit. Good thing he has his ring on.  Grumio et leo, p. 61. Grumio sees the new painting in the dining room. He doesn’t react like you would expect.
  • 38. Warmup Tuesday, September 23  14 Silenus was either Pan’s son or brother. He was a fat, jovial, old man who rode a donkey, because he always drank too much wine. He was the tutor of Dionysus (God of Wine) and later his devoted follower.  In a drunken stupor Silenus became lost, but he was found and cared for by King Midas for 10 days.  Midas was granted one wish by Dionysus – golden touch 
  • 39. Agenda Tuesday September 23  Review new vocabulary  Review Culture  Culture Quiz tomorrow. Culture Sheet due Thursday, Edmodo  Test Stage 4 Friday  Vocab Quiz on Thursday
  • 40. Agenda Wednesday September 24  Warmup: study Culture Stage 4  Culture Quiz Stage 4  Culture Sheet due Thursday, Edmodo  in basilica dramatic reading  Review Vocabulary  Vocab Quiz on Thursday  Test Stage 4 Friday
  • 41. Warmup Thursday, September 25  13 Pan, the son of Hermes, was a noisy, merry minor woodland deity. He was a satyr (part goat, part boy). He had horns and hoofs. He was the god to whom shepherds and goat-herders turned. He was a wonderful musician who played the reed pipe. He was known as a trickster.  Liked to frighten travelers in the woods – thus the word “panic”  He fell in love with many nymphs but was always rejected because he was so ugly 
  • 42. Agenda Thursday September 25  Vocab Quiz 4  Culture Sheet due today, Edmodo  Review Vocabulary 1-4  Vocab Quiz on Thursday  Test moved to Monday: Vocabulary from 1-4  Quiz on 4 Friday
  • 43. Agenda Friday September 26  Go over snake sentences Stage 4  Quiz Stage 4 today  Review Vocabulary 1-4  Test moved to Monday: Vocabulary from 1-4
  • 44. Agenda Monday September 29  Review Vocabulary Test 1-4  Go over Roadmap Stage 5  Test Stage 5 Tuesday 7  Reading Comp due Friday  Go over new vocabulary and culture Stage 5  Culture Quiz Wednesday, Sept 1
  • 45. Roadmap Stage 5  actores, p. 74. A large crowd is coming to Pompeii. Two famous actors are coming to town.  Poppaea, p. 77. Everyone is going to see the play, well, almost everyone.  in theatro, p. 80. Actors versus tightrope walkers. Who will get the Pompeians’ attention?
  • 46. Agenda Tuesday September 30  Finish culture section  Test Stage 5 Tuesday 7  Reading Comp due Friday  Culture Quiz tomorrow  Go over new vocabulary Stage 5  start actores
  • 47. Agenda Wednesday October 1  Culture Quiz Stage 5  Stage Test Tues `Oct 7  Reading Comp due this Friday  Grammar Notes today  Go over new vocabulary Stage 5  start actores
  • 48. Agenda Thursday October 2  Go over new vocabulary Stage 5  Stage Test Tues `Oct 7  Reading Comp tomorrow  Grammar Notes: singular and plural sentences  actores
  • 49. Warmup Thursday October 2  13 Pan, the son of Hermes, was a noisy, merry minor woodland deity. He was a satyr (part goat, part boy). He had horns and hoofs. He was the god to whom shepherds and goat-herders turned. He was a wonderful musician who played the reed pipe. He was known as a trickster.  Liked to frighten travelers in the woods – thus the word “panic”  He fell in love with many nymphs but was always rejected because he was so ugly 
  • 50. Agenda Friday, October 3  Grade and go over Reading Comp  Stage Test Tues `Oct 7  Grammar Notes: singular and plural sentences  actores
  • 51. Agenda Monday, October 6  Vocab Quiz 5  Stage Test tomorrow  notes on nouns- update noun chart  Review for Test
  • 52. Agenda Tuesday, October 7  TEST Stage 5
  • 53. Agenda Wednesday, October 8  Go over Test 5  except 4th period  Go over Roadmap Stage 6  Test tbd  Go over new vocabulary  Go over culture Stage 6: Slaves and Freedmen, pp. 97-100  Complete Culture sheet Stage 6  Culture Quiz Friday
  • 54. Roadmap Stage 6  pugna, p. 90 Clemens witnesses a fight that’s broken out in the forum.  Felix, p. 91 A new character, Felix, a former slave and now a freedman, visits the family.  Felix et fur, p. 92. After dinner, Felix tells everyone a story about a thief and a baby. But who was the baby in the story?  avarus, p. 95 Thieves try to take a rich man’s money. But the thieves get a surprise when they try to take it. The plot takes several serpentine twists.
  • 55. Warmup October 8  15. Centaurs were half-men, half-horses who were considered savage creatures who committed numerous atrocities against man. However, the most famous centaur was Chiron, who was known for his goodness and wisdom.  In mythology centaurs were always and only males  There most famous atrocity was carrying off all the Sabine tribe’s women
  • 56. Warmup October 14  16. Chiron was taught by Apollo and Artemis in various arts, such as hunting, music and healing. He passed these down to his students: Aristeaus, Aesculapius, Jason and Achilles. Hercules shot him with a poison arrow, dooming him to a life of pain. Zeus allowed him to give up his immortality to Prometheus, which permitted Chiron to die and descend into Hades.
  • 57. Agenda Tuesday, October 14  Go over pugna and Felix  Review new vocabulary  Review : Slaves and Freedmen, pp. 97-100  Culture Quiz online on Edmodo
  • 58. Warmup October 14  16. Chiron was taught by Apollo and Artemis in various arts, such as hunting, music and healing. He passed these down to his students: Aristeaus, Aesculapius, Jason and Achilles. Hercules shot him with a poison arrow, dooming him to a life of pain. Zeus allowed him to give up his immortality to Prometheus, which permitted Chiron to die and descend into Hades.
  • 59. Agenda Thursday, October 16  Watch Forum  Culture Quiz online on Edmodo due by Friday
  • 60. Agenda Monday, October 20  Finish watching Forum  Review Vocabulary  Grammar Notes  Vocab Quiz Wednesday  Test Thursday  Reading Comp due Tuesday
  • 61. Agenda Tuesday, October 21  Grammar Practice  Reading Comp due  Vocab Quiz Wednesday  Test Thursday
  • 62. Agenda Wednesday, October 2  Vocabulary Quiz Stage 6  Review for Test  Test tomorrow  Organize grade folders
  • 63. Agenda Thursday, October 23  finish grading Test Stage 6  Go over new vocabulary and culture Stage 7  Complete Derivative sheet and Culture Sheet
  • 64. Agenda Friday, October 24  Test Stage 6
  • 65. Agenda Friday, October 24  Finish grading Test Stage 6  Go over Roadmap Stage 7  Go over new vocabulary  complete Derivative and Culture Sheets (due Tuesday)  Test Nov 7  Reading Comp due Tuesday, Nov 4
  • 66. Roadmap Stage 7  fabula mirabilis Page 106, Hairy hands? Howling at the moon? It can only mean there's a Roman werewolf on the prowl!  Decens Page 108The case of the missing guest and a ghostly gladiator.  post cenam Page 110The guests depart into the dark, lonely streets... when suddenly there's a screech!  animal ferox Page 113The hunt is on, but not for ghosts...  Metella et Melissa Page 114The new slave-girl Melissa needs a shoulder to cry on.
  • 67. Agenda Monday October 27  Organize Folders  Notes on Nouns  Translate 1-9, p. 105 Culture and Derivative Sheets due Tuesday Test Friday, November 7 Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4
  • 68. Warmup Tuesday October 28  17. Aeolus, regent of the Winds and viceroy of the gods, lived on the island of Aeolia. He controlled the four winds:  Boreas (Aquilo) – N; Zephyr (Favonius) – W; Notus (Auster) – S; Eurus – E.
  • 69. Agenda Tuesday October 28  Grade and go over pictures, pp. 104-105 Culture and Derivative Sheets due Thursday Test Friday, November 7 Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4 Go over culture 7
  • 70. Agenda Wednesday October 29  Go over fabula mirabilis  Culture and Derivative Sheets due Friday Culture Quiz, due by this Friday, Oct 31  Flashcards due by Wed 5 Test Friday, November 7 Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4  Go over culture 7
  • 71. Agenda Thursday October 30  Go over grammar: perfect tense Go over research log  Culture and Derivative Sheets due Friday Culture Quiz, due by this Friday, Oct 31 Flashcards due by Wed 5 Test Friday, November 7 Reading Comp due Tuesday, November 4 Decens translation
  • 72. Agenda Monday November 3  Go over research log  Review Perfect Tense  watch Decens video  post cenam and animal ferox  Culture and Derivative Sheets due Friday  Flashcards due by Wed 5  Test Wednesday, November 5  Reading Comp due tomorrow  Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow 
  • 73. Agenda Tuesday November 4  Review Vocabulary  Vocabulary Quiz Stage 7  Grade Reading Comp  Flashcards due tomorrow Test Thursday, November 6 
  • 74. Agenda Wednesday November 5  Certamen Review  Flashcards due today Test Thursday, November 6 
  • 75. Agenda Thursday November 6  Test Stage 7 
  • 76. Agenda Friday November 7 Read pp. 134- 138 Complete the culture sheet Stage 8(odds or evens Culture QUiz Tuesday, Nov 11 H/W: Derivative Practice Due Tuesday Test Stage 8: Tuesday Nov 18
  • 77. Agenda Monday November 10  Research Presentations (today through Wed) Go over Roadmap Stage 8 culture sheets due Stage 8(odds or evens Culture QUiz tomorrow Review Vocab Test 4-8: Tuesday Nov 18 Go over new vocabulary Stage 8 H/W: Derivative Practice Due tomorrow Wed
  • 78. Roadmap Stage 8 gladiatores Page 125Tensions and local rivalries rise in Pompeii as the gladiatorial games approach. in arena Page 127It's show time! "Those who are about to die, salute you." venatio Page 128After the gladiators it's the turn of the animals - but the lions haven't read the script. pastor et leo Page 131"One good turn deserves another" in this famous Roman tale. (due Thursday)lines 1-17
  • 79. Agenda Tuesday November 11  Get your green folders  Research Presentations (today and tomorrow only)  Update noun chart- 2nd declension  Culture QUiz on Edmodo due today  Review Vocab Test 4-8: Tuesday Nov 18  H/W: Derivative Practice Due tomorrow Wed  read model sentences pp. 122-124 Work on Reading Comp
  • 80. Agenda Wednesday November 12  Research Presentations (today )  Review Vocab Test 4-8: Tuesday Nov 18  H/W: Derivative Practice Due tomorrow Wed gladiators, p. 125 find examples of plural nouns Work on Reading Comp (due tomorrow)
  • 81. Agenda Monday November 17  Organize Grade Folders  Review Vocab Test 4-8: Wednesday Nov 19  Translation Check pastor et leo
  • 82. Agenda Tuesday November 18  Tabularia Quiz: Sentence Completion  Review Vocab from Stages 4-7 Review Test tomorrow: stages 4-8  Notes on superlative adjectives  Finish venatio, p. 128
  • 83. Agenda Wednesday November 19  Review Test 4-8 today
  • 84. Agenda Monday December 1  Organize grade folders look at 9 weeks avg  Roadmap for Stage 9 Reading Comp due Thursday, Dec 4 no test Stage 9 Culture Quiz Wednesday (Edmodo)
  • 85. Roadmap Stage 9  thermae, p. 145. The Pompeians enjoy their daily bath. Watch that strigil.  in palaestra, p. 146. Caecilius takes his son to the baths. Quintus offends a famous person.  in taberna, p. 149. Metella and Melissa go shopping. (lines 1- 14)  in apodyterio, p. 152. There’s trouble in the changing room. Where’s my toga?
  • 86. Agenda Tuesday, December 2  turn in culture sheets Culture Quiz tomorrow on Edmodo  go over vocabulary complete Derivatives sheet
  • 87. Agenda Wednesday, December 3  turn in derivative sheets Culture Quiz on Edmodo  go over vocabulary  read model sentences Stage 9 Reading Comp due Thursday, Dec 4
  • 88. Agenda Thursday, December 4  Reading Comp 9 due  Review Vocabulary  read model sentences Stage 9 Reading Comp due Thursday, Dec 4
  • 89. Agenda Friday, December 5  Get Noun Chart from Grade Folder  review dative case  grammar notes 3rd declension  read thermae  watch video on Roman baths - Nova
  • 90. Agenda Monday, December 8  test  test  test  test
  • 91. Benefits of Joining the Latin Club JCL Membership ticket to Area Convention National Latin Exam Latin Honor Society
  • 92. Benefits of joining the Latin Club •Junior Classical League •State&National Contests •Latin Honor Society •Online Tests JCL membership
  • 93. Benefits of joining the Latin Club •National Latin Vocabulary Exam •National Classical Etymology Exam •National Roman Civilization Exam JCL Online Tests
  • 94. Benefits of joining the Latin Club •maintain an A average in the current Latin course, •are members in good standing* of the National Junior Classical League, and •exemplify good citizenship Latin Honor Society
  • 95. Benefits of joining the Latin Club •All students enrolled in the NJCL Latin Honor Society (NLHS) will receive an 8 1/2 x 11 parchment certificate, gold seal, and membership card. In addition, the school principal will receive a letter from the national office of the Junior Classical League with the names of the students enrolled this academic year. Latin Honor Society
  • 96. Texas State Junior Classical League
  • 98. Nationals at Emory University July 2014
  • 99. Pictures of TSJCL (State) Convention
  • 100. Pictures of NJCL Convention
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105. Schedule: Area Convention-February 2015, Reagan HS State Convention – March 27-28, Amarillo, Tx National Convention- July 2015, Trinity University, San Antonio
  • 108. Latin Club cost Price is $25 Make Checks out to Roosevelt Latin Club or MacArthur Latin Club Includes: Club T Shirt, JCL dues, Area ticket, NLE, Latin Honor Society