Copyright © 2017 By A. Yoganand
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form
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JUST 15$
1. Adword Fundamentals Exam Answers
2. Adword Search Advertising Exam Answers
3. Adword Display Advertising Exam Answers
4. Adword Video Advertising Exam Answers
5. Adword Mobile Advertising Exam Answers
6. Adword Shopping Advertising Exam Answers
7. Google Analytics Exam Answers
1. You have a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid of US$1 for keyword. To determine the prospective impact of
raising this bid to US$3, you could use
• CPC Simulator
• Porfolio Simulator
• Bid Simulator
The bid simulators collect and analyze data from ad auctions on the Search Network and the Display Network while considering information
such as Quality Score, keyword traffic, and competition in the ad auction. The tools use this information to estimate how your ads might have
performed in terms of key metrics like cost, impressions, clicks, and conversion volume. Remember, the bid simulators can provide insight into
how different bids might have affected performance over the past 7 days, but they don't attempt to predict future performance. For instance,
if you believe that your ad performance might change significantly in the coming weeks, you’ll want to be careful using bid simulator data to
choose your bids.
2. Your client's product costs US$50 to produce, and it sells for US$150. She sold 10 units and spent US$700 on her
Adwords campaign. How would you calculate her return on investment (ROI) to help her understand the benefit
of using AdWords?
• [US$1500 (revenue) – US$1200 (cost + AdWords spend)] / US$1200 (cost+AdWords spend)
• [US$1500 (revenue) – 10 (number of products sold)] / US$1200 (cost+AdWords spend)
• [US$1500 (revenue) / US$1200 (cost+AdWords spend)
ROI is the ratio of your net profit to your costs. It's typically the most important measurement for an advertiser because it's based on your
specific advertising goals and shows the real effect your advertising efforts have on your business. The exact method you use to calculate ROI
depends upon the goals of your campaign. One way to define ROI is:(Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold
3. Which option can you use to capture business later on the day, even on the limited budget?
• ad automation
• ad delivery
• bid capping
Your ad delivery method can determine how long your budget lasts. If your budget is limited, choose a “standard” or “accelerated” ad delivery
method to determine the pace you want your ads to show throughout the day. This article outlines the two types of ad delivery methods and
when you may want to use them.
4. One factor The AdWords system use to calculate an ad's actual-per-click (CPC) is the:
• location targeting of the ad showing one position lower on the page
• maximum CPC bid of the ad showing in the #1 position on the page
• maximum CPC bid of the ad showing one position lower on the page
• cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) of the ad showing one position lower on the page ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
Your actual cost-per-click (actual CPC) is the final amount you're charged for a click. You're often charged less -- sometimes much less -- than
your maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid, which is the most you'll typically be charged for a click. Actual CPC is often less than max. CPC
because with the AdWords auction, the most you'll pay is what's minimally required to hold your ad position and any ad formats shown with
your ad, such as sitelinks. Keep in mind that your actual CPC may exceed your max. CPC if, for example, you’ve enabled Enhanced CPC or if
you've set a bid adjustment.
5. The AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) allows developers to use applications that:
• interact directly with the AdWords server
• are accesible only through AdWords Editor
• can apear throughout the Google Search Network
• can be uploaded into the Ad gallery
The AdWords API (application programming interface) allows developers to create and use applications that interact directly with their
account details on the AdWords server. The API can help advertisers efficiently manage large AdWords accounts and campaigns. For example,
you can compile your AdWords data to use with other systems like inventories, generate regular reports, and make campaign adjustments in
bulk. To use the AdWords API, you'll need a My Client Center (MCC) account and a Developer Token. The AdWords API is a good option for ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
advertisers who have a developer or programmer who has the technical skills. If you don't have these resources but still want an extra tool to
help manage large changes to your account, try AdWords Editor instead.
6. What information does a target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bis strategy need in order to find the optimal cost-per-
click (CPC) bis for an ad each time it's eligible to appear?
• Test conversions
• Manual bid changes
• Historical conversion data
• Forecast data
Using historical information about your campaign and evaluating the contextual signals present at auction-time, Target CPA bidding
automatically finds an optimal CPC bid for your ad each time it's eligible to appear. AdWords sets these bids to achieve an average CPA equal
to your target across all ad groups and campaigns using this strategy. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
7. You're using target search page location bidding. You know it's working because you see your ad:
• on the second page of Google search results or in second positions
• repeatedly mixed in with the organic search results
• at the bottom of the every page of search results
• on the first page of Google search results or in the top positions
“Target search page location” is a type of flexible bid strategy that automates bidding across multiple campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to
show your ad on the top of the page or on the first page of Google search results. The “target search page location” bid strategy doesn't
guarantee placement on the first page, or ad position on the first page of search results. These estimates and the bid strategy will typically
attempt to achieve your target location, but final placement is ultimately determined by the outcome of the ad auction, which is influenced by
8. You are tracking conversions in a budget-constrained campaign. If you raise cost-per-click (CPC) bids within the
budget constraint, which result is most likely?
• receive fewer conversions while paying more on average per conversion
• receive more conversions while paying more on average per conversion
• receive fewer conversions while paying less on average per conversion
• receive more conversions while paying less on average per conversion
Confusing question. Largely depends on particular product and situation. Clicks and conversions are not the same, if you get less clicks it
doesn't mean you get less conversions. For me first 2 answers are equally correct. For google its the first one. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
9. An Advertiser implements target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding and notices that the campaigns are recieving
fewer conversions. What could help increase the number of conversions?
• set the campaigns bidget to 30-day cycle
• specify the bid amount for each individual campaign
• try a different automated bid strategy
• increase the target CPA bid
This is the average amount you’d like to pay for a conversion. The target CPA you set may influence the number of conversions you get. Setting
a target that is too low, for example, may cause you to forgo clicks that could result in conversions, resulting in fewer total conversions. If your
campaign has historical conversion data, AdWords will recommend a target CPA. This recommendation is calculated based on your actual CPA
performance over the last few weeks. We’ll exclude performance from the last few days to account for conversions that may take more than a
day to complete following an ad click. You can choose whether to use this recommended target CPA or to set your own. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
10.Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for:
• campaigns that need to reduce exsposure on competitive keywords
• moving an ad's position dynamically in whatever direction a person's eyes are looking
• a local restaurant with a dynamically changing menu that offers fresh, new entrees every day
• websites with hundreds or thousands of products, services, or listings that change freaquently
Dynamic Search Ads are the easiest way to find customers searching on Google for precisely what you offer. Ideal for advertisers with a well-
developed website or a large inventory, Dynamic Search Ads use your website to target your ads and can help fill in the gaps of your keywords-
based campaigns. Without DSA, even well-managed AdWords accounts with many keywords can miss relevant searches, experience delays
getting ads written for new products, or get out of sync with what's actually available on advertisers’ websites. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
11.True or False: If you'd prefer to reach as many people as possible, use exact match or phrase keywords.
• true
• false
Exact match keyword setting allows your ad to show only when someone searches for the exact phrase of your keyword or close variations of
the exact phrase of your keyword. The exact match keyword "bicycle bell" can cause your ad to show only if someone searches for "bicycle
bell" or close variations of "bicycle bell" exactly, with no other words. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
12.The format of a Shopping ad is different from that of a standard text ad in that it includes:
• a product image, background color price
• a product image, title, price
• a product image, title, price, and merchant name
• a product image, title, price, and extension
If you're a retailer, you can use Shopping campaigns to promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store,
and find better qualified leads. To get started, you'll send us your product data with Merchant Center and create a campaign in AdWords. Then
we'll use your campaign to create ads on Google and around the web where potential customers can see what you're selling. Shopping ad
consist of product image, title, price and your business name. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
13.An advertiser makes edits to an ad and notices that its position is then lower than that of the previous version.
What's the most likely cause?
• the edited ad is less relevant to the keywords in the ad group
• the advertiser's landing page is down for maintenance
• the edited ad has a lower conversion rate
• the advertiser's budget has been depleted
Ad position is determined by a formula called Ad Rank that gives your ad a score based on your bid, the quality of your ads and landing page,
and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats. So even if your competition bids more than you, you can still win a higher
position -- at a lower price -- with highly relevant keywords and ads. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
14.You can use target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding to help:
• get as many clicks as possible within you budget
• generate more clicks than manual bidding would generate
• get as many conversions as possible within a flexible budget range
• get as many conversions as possible within your budget
Target CPA is an AdWords Smart Bidding strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition
(CPA) you set. It uses advanced machine learning to automatically optimize bids and offers auction-time bidding capabilities that tailor bids for
each and every auction. Target CPA is available as either a standard strategy in a single campaign or as a portfolio strategy across multiple
15.Which of these statements is true?
• location extensions appear when an advertiser targets a geographic location
• location extensions appear when someone who's physically near the business searches on relevant terms
• location targeting determines which business address appears in an extension
• location targeting enables location extensions
When you use location extensions to show your business location, phone number, and a map marker Explication with your ads, you can specify
a radius around your business locations to show your ads to people located near your business and set different bids for these potential
customers. This can be helpful if you find that people located within a certain distance from your business are likely to become customers. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
16.Based on AdWords editorial and professional requirements, which headline is most likely to generate clicks?
• Custom Tees, Click Here
• We sell custom t-shirts!
• Free shipping on CuStOm Ts
• Design Your Own T-shirt
In order to provide a quality user experience, Google requires that all promotions meet high professional and editorial standards. The standard
requirements for clarity, correct spelling, and use of capitalization and symbols apply to all ads. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
17. You have a budget of US$75 per day for your client's Search campaign, and you'd like to set a maximum cost-per-
click (max. CPC) bid of US$1. How can you validate that this is the right bid amount for getting the most clicks?
• bid across multiple ad groups to determine the average
• try various CPC amounts to determine the average
• use bid simulators to see CPC estimates
• raise your max CPC to US$3 to cover possible competitive bids
The bid simulators collect and analyze data from ad auctions on the Search Network and the Display Network while considering information
such as Quality Score, keyword traffic, and competition in the ad auction. The tools use this information to estimate how your ads might have
performed in terms of key metrics like cost, impressions, clicks, and conversion volume. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
18.According to 2015 Google Trends data, which term would consumers on mobile phones be most likely to type in a
search engine?
• shoe stores near me
• great shoe stores
• shoe stores sales
• shoe store addresses
No explication. You just have to read a report.
Explication Side-note: In my personal opinion its a shame that we have such questions in advanced exams. That doesn't show your advanced
understanding, but just a fact that you have carefully read the outdated report. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
19.Megan enabled target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding in all 6 of her campaigns. How can she tell if it's
improving her campaign performance?
• monitor overall changes in clicks received
• enable and disable target CPA bidding every other day to observe differences
• compare average CPA and conversion rate before and after using target CPA bidding
• install a new conversion tracking code
Google AdWords let"s you monitor and analyze data in multiple ways. One of the most simple ways is to monitor your results before and after
change you made. Note: you should have enough historical data to do that. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
20.You have a friend starting her first AdWords campaign. What would you suggest about how to choose keywords?
• set a theme for each ad group and choose related keywords
• set a theme for each campaign and choose related keywords
• keep each keyword to a single word, rather than a phrase
• include more than 50 keywords in 1 ad group
An ad group contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords. You set a bid, or price,to be used when an ad group's keywords
trigger an ad to appear. This is called a cost-per-click (CPC)bid. You can also set prices for individual keywords within the ad group. Use ad
groups to organize your ads by a common theme, such as the types of products or services you want to advertise. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
21.How might you explain to an account manager why she should identify how much a conversion costs when
setting up conversion tracking for a client's Search Network campaign?
• cost-per conversion data can indicate whether her profit will increase
• set a theme for each campaign and choose related keywords
• cost-per-conversion data can be compared with competitor's cost-per-cpnversion data
• knowing the cost-per-conversion can help her better optimize the campaign's keywords
Conversion tracking is a free tool that shows you what happens after a customer clicks on your ads -- whether they purchased a product,
signed up for your newsletter, called your business, or downloaded your app. When a customer completes an action that you've defined as
valuable, these customer actions are called conversions.Not all conversions are equal — some are worth more to your business than others. If
you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to see the total value driven by your advertising across different conversions, rather than
simply the number of conversions that have happened. Conversion values help you track and optimize your campaigns' return on investment
22.Sarah manages 2 AdWords accounts for a client. Which tool would she use to search and replace a group of
keywords across several ad groups?
• Keyword Planner
• AdWords API
• Bid simulator
• AdWords Editor
Any advertiser with any size account can use AdWords Editor, but it's especially useful for accounts with multiple campaigns and long lists of
keywords or ads. For example, you can: Use bulk editing tools to make multiple changes quickly, Export and import files to share proposals or
make changes to an account, View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns, Manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same
time, Search and replace text across ad groups or campaigns, Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns, Undo and redo multiple
changes while editing your campaigns, Make changes in draft before uploading them to your account, Keep working even when you're offline. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
23.A client wants to get more clicks on his ad and also raise his Quality Score. Which of these actions may get him
more clicks but won't raise his Quality score?
• adding an extension
• using the shopping ad format
• improving a lower-lewel page on his website
• reducing prices on his inventor
Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad
positions. You can see your Quality Score (Quality Score is reported on a 1-10 scale and its components (expected clickthrough rate, ad
relevance, and landing page experience) in your keywords’ “Status” column. The more relevant your ads and landing pages are to the user, the
more likely it is that you'll see higher Quality Scores. Quality Score is an aggregated estimate of your overall performance in ad auctions, and is
24.You own a bed and breakfast in southern France and want to target English-speaking tourists for
accommodations after they've arrived in France. What language and location should you target?
• English; the united States
• Frensh and English; the 5-mile radius the bed and breakfast
• Englsih; southern France
• English; the 25-mile radius around the bed and breakfast
Misleading question. Southern France is a huge area with many airports, stations, ports and also offering tons of different accommodations.
Don't think it's a good practice to target tourists who just landed in Nice while your hotel is in Perpignan... 500km away.. I would choose to
target 25 miles radius as more cost-efficient option. Anyway, For Google correct answer is English, Southern France. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
25.If you choose a target-per-acquisition (CPA) of US$15, AdWords will automatically adjust your bids to get as many
conversions at what amount, on average?
• US$30
• US$15
• US$45
• US$18
Target CPA automatically sets Search or Display bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you
set. Some conversions may cost more or less than your target. AdWords automatically adjusts bids but doesn't exceed your bid on average. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
26.Nick sells 5 flavors of gourmet popcorn. Why is he bundling ads for his best-selling flavor,"Sweet &Spicy
coconut", with related keywords like "coconut snacks" in a single ad group?
• to show ads promoting all the flavors to people searching for "gourmet popcorn"
• it's most effcient to have a single ad group
• to make sure "sweet & spicy coconut" continues to be the bestseller
• to show ads promoting "Sweet & spicy coconut" to people searching for that flavor
Selecting the right keyword list for your campaign can help you show your ads to the right customers. Your keywords should match the terms
your potential customers would use to find your products or services. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
27.If your campaign's daily budget is US$20, how much of your budget can be spent to show your ads on certain
days, based on fluctuations in traffic?
• up to US$30
• up to US$21
• up to US$24
• up to US$20
It's possible that you'll be charged less or sometimes slightly more than your average daily budget Explication amount on a given day. To help
make sure that your ad can run a little more on days when it's verypopular, your daily budget is used like an average: on any single day, you
can receive up to 20% more in costs than your daily budget, but other days will be capped at a lower amount to make up for it. This is called
28.Which is the best practice for writing an effective text ad?
• use all capital letters in the headline make
• sure the headline wraps to two lines
• end the headline with exclamation point
• capitalize the first letter of each word in the headline
In order to make sure all AdWords ads are high quality, every ad must meet high professional and editorial standards. That means no extra
29.True or false: Shopping ads use Merchant Center product data to decide how and where to show ads.
• false
• true
Shopping ads use your existing Merchant Center product data -- not keywords -- to decide how and Explication where to show your ads. The
product data you submit through Merchant Center contains details about the products you sell. We'll use these details when we match a
user's search to your ads, making sure to show the most relevant products. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
30.You want to see how raising your client's target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) might affect ad performance. Which
tool could help?
• target CPA simulator
• target Bid simulator
• Keyword simulator
• target CPA planner
The Target CPA Simulator shows you how changes to your target cost-per-acquisition (target CPA) might affect your ad performance. Find it on
31.Keyword planner can do all of these things except:
• suggest keywords and ad groups that may not have occured to you
• provide historical statistics on search volume
• multiply keyword lists together
• provide Quality Score estimates and validate keywords
Keyword Planner is a free AdWords tool for new or experienced advertisers that’s like a workshop for building new Search Network campaigns
or expanding existing ones. You can search for keyword and ad group ideas, see how a list of keywords might perform, and even create a new
keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together. Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use
32.How would you determine the click through rate (CTR) for client's search ad:
• evaluate the number of clicks the ad accrues per day
• divide the number of impressions the ads gets bys its average position
• divide the number of clicks the ad gets by the number of impressions it gets
• divide the number of impressions the ad gets by the number of clicks it gets
CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown:clicks ÷ impressions = CTR. For example, if
you had 5 clicks and 1000 impressions, then your CTR would be 0.5%. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
33.Obi added a sitelink extension to her text ad and wants it to show as often as possible.What's the best way to
achieve this?
• lower her maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC)
• raise her maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC)
• lower her Ad Rank
• add a second type of extension
Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on your ads. For CPC bidding campaigns, you set a maximum cost-per-click bid -
or simply "max. CPC" - that's the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad (unless you're setting bid adjustments, or
using Enhanced CPC). Your bid is an important factor in Ad Auction and Ad Rank. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
34.Which is the best practice for optimizing a landing page for AdWords?
• easy-to-navigate content
• several links to related websites
• the same programming language across the whole site
• prominent headlines in several font styles and sizes
Landing page experience is AdWords’ measure of how well your website gives people who click your ads exactly what they’re looking for--
quickly and effortlessly. Your landing page is the URL people arrive at after they click your ad, and the experience you offer affects your Ad
Rank and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction. Your ads may show less often (or not at all) if they point to websites that offer a
poor user experience. Easy-to-navigate content is important factor which improves user experience. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
35.The keyword insertion code in an ad's headline is "Buy {KeyWord:Books}". The ad appears when someone
searches on "flower books" and the query matches a broad keyword,"gardening books". How would the headline
• Buy plant books
• Buy keyword books
• Buy flower-arranging books
• Buy Gardening Books
Keyword insertion lets you automatically update your ads with the keywords in your ad group that caused your ads to show. This can help
make your ads more relevant to users searching for what you offer. The first letters of each keyword will be capitalized. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
36.Which statement about ad extensions isn't true?
• they can help improve cliskthrough rate
• they often appear below the organic search results
• they tend to improve an ad's visibility
• they show additional information about a business
AdWords shows one or more extensions with your ad when it calculates that the extension (or combination of extensions) will improve your
performance, and when your Ad Rank is high enough for it to appear. Adding an extension won’t guarantee that it will show with your ad, but
you can keep track of when your extensions are appearing on the Ad extensions tab. Since AdWords requires a minimum Ad Rank (factoring in
your extensions) before showing extensions, you may need to increase your bid or your ad quality (or both) in order for your extensions to
37.Maria would like to target people who've already browsed her online clothing boutique by offering them a 10%
discount on their first purchase. What tool should she use to reach these people on Search Network?
• remarketing lists for search ads
• retargeting lists for text ads
• tdynamic search ads
• flexible bidding
Remarketing lets you show ads to people who've visited your website or used your mobile app. When people leave your website without
buying anything, for example, remarketing helps you reconnect with them by showing relevant ads across their different devices. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
38.The AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) allows developers to use application that:
• can be uploaded into the Ad gallery
• are accesible only through AdWords Editor
• interact directly with the AdWords server
• can appear throughout the Google Searh Network
An advanced feature that lets advertisers interact with and make changes to their AdWords account through applications they create. The
AdWords API (application programming interface) allows developers to create and use applications that interact directly with their account
39.Small-business owner Marcos set up his AdWords campaign by thinking of "obvious" keywords off of the top of
his head. What's one way he might improve them?
• see the suggestions on the Keywords tab
• click the "Automatic keyword refresh" button
• stick with the current keywords for 2 month to collect enough viable data
• see the suggestions on the Opportunities tab
Opportunities tab — an entire section dedicated to helping you improve your campaigns. Think of the tab as a personal assistant who
customizes opportunities for your account. It can help you discover new keywords, improve your bids and budgets, and more. People who've
managed their AdWords account long enough to have developed some performance history should try the tab. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
40.A florist is advertising 5 types of bouquets, including those with roses. Which landing page is more likely to
convert to a sale when someone searches on "roses"?
• the "Contact us" page
• the page on which people can sign for coupons
• the home page, showing 5 types of bouquets that include roses
• the page showing rose bouquets
A measure that AdWords uses to estimate how relevant and useful your website's landing page will be to people who click your ad. Landing
pages with higher ratings are usually well organized and have text that relates to a person's search terms. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
41.An advertiser who sells designer dresses is selecting a landing page to pair with ads for a collection of spring
dresses. A good landing page would show:
• top-sellling dresses for all seasons
• spring dresses in several colors
• a catlog of spring and summer dresses
• a single best-selling dress
Repeating explication as question is about the same aspect as previous. A measure that AdWords Explication uses to estimate how relevant
and useful your website's landing page will be to people who click your ad. Landing pages with higher ratings are usually well organized and
42.If you're currently using text, display, and video ads but also want to more specifically control spending on ads
that appear when someone searches on Google, which additional campaign type would you choose?
• Search Network only
• Display Network, advanced
• Display Network only
• Search Network with Display Select
Ads in a "Search Network only" campaign appear near Google search results and other Google sites when people search for terms that are
relevant to your ad’s keywords. Question is about "additional" type, there no reason to choose search network with display select as you are
43.AdWords Editor lets users do all of these things except:
• view statistics for all campaigns
• keep working while offline
• simultaneously make edits to multiple accounts online
• export and import files
Any advertiser with any size account can use AdWords Editor, but it's especially useful for accounts with multiple campaigns and long lists of
keywords or ads. For example, you can:Use bulk editing tools to make multiple changes quickly, Export and import files to share proposals or
make changes to an account, View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns, Manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same
time, Search and replace text across ad groups or campaigns, Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns, Undo and redo multiple
changes while editing your campaigns, Make changes in draft before uploading them to your account. Keep working even when you're offline. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
44.Which ad rotation setting shows all ads in an ad group, even those with a lower clickthrough or conversion rate?
• optimize for conversions
• optimize for clicks
• rotate randomly
• rotate evenly
The rotate evenly setting delivers your ads more evenly into the ad auction. In general, rotating evenly allows ads with lower clickthrough rates
and conversion rates to show more often, so this option could result in a lower average position or fewer clicks and conversions. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
45.Which statement is true?
• call extensions send people to landing page with a phone number
• call-only ads are available exclusivel on the Display Network
• call-only ads only let people call the bsiness
• ads with call extensions only let people call the business
Call-only ads only appear on devices that can make phone calls, and the ads are designed to encourage people to call. All clicks on these ads
send potential customers to call you from their smartphones. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
46.Which lets you change keywords, campaigns, ads, ad groups, and product groups?
• Bulk edits
• Category editor
• Revision tool
• Campaign editor
"Bulk editing" means editing more than one thing in your account at a time. Using bulk editing helps you save time by simultaneously updating
multiple items in one campaign, or across multiple campaigns. AdWords offers various tools and features to help you make bulk edits to your
account. The editing options available depend on which tool or feature you use. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
47.If an advertiser has the same keyword in 2 different ad groups, the one entered in a given auction will have the:
• highest Ad rank
• highest maximum cost-per-click (max. CPS) bid
• highest cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid
• lowest maximum CPC bid
The ad auction is how Google decides which ads to show and how they're positioned. Your Ad Rank determines the ad position you win in the
auction. Your Ad Rank is a score that's based on your bid, auction-time measurements of expected CTR, ad relevance, landing page experience,
and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
48.A client is asking you why he should evaluate the number of clicks on his search ads relative to the number of
impressions received. What should you tell him?
• he can get an idea of how many people who've seen his ads actually became customers
• he can better understand whether potential customers find his ads appealing
• he can get an idea of how many people double clicked his ads
• he can better understand what happens after potential customers clisk his ads
A high CTR is a good indication that users find your ads helpful and relevant. CTR also contributes to your keyword's expected CTR (a
component of Quality Score), which can affect your costs and ad position. Note that a good CTR is relative to what you're advertising and on
49.You can use the adWords Application Programming Interface (API) to:
• integrate AdWords data with your inventory system
• integrate AdWords data with multiple manager accounts
• override AdWords functions you dont need
• integrate data about competitors into your account
API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs. Using the API, you can: automatically generate
keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports, Integrate AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on
stock. Develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
50.According to Google data, among consumers who conduct a local search on their smartphone, how many then
visit a store within a day?
• about 10%
• about 20%
• about 50%
• nearly everyone who's ready to buy
According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. Also report shows
that more than 50% consumers visit a store within a day after conducting a local search on their smartphones.Well, it's Google data, no reason
to argue, but really hard to believe. My personal data would be far below 1%. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
51.Zoe has a website selling customizable electronic greeting cards. What could be interfering with her getting the
most possible conversions?
• the landing page shows popular cards, with easy navigation to specific categories like birthday, anniversary, congratulations, and get
• it's obvious on the landing page that she's selling greeting cards
• when people click the ad, they're taken to the get-well category
• some of her keywords are on the landing page
A measure that AdWords uses to estimate how relevant and useful your website's landing page will be to people who click your ad. Landing
pages with higher ratings are usually well organized and have text that relates to a person's search terms. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
52.An advertiser attempts to enable target-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding but the option isn't available. The most
likely reason is that the advertiser
• has fewer than 15 conversations in the last 30 days
• is using Google Analytics
• is using another automated bid strategy
• has fewer than 5 conversations in the last 15 days
To maximize results and give machine learning algorithms enough data to make informed bidding Explication decisions, you need at least 15
53.How does target-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding determine the optimal cost-per-click(CPC) bid?
• its sets CPC bids as one-tenth of the current CPA bid setting
• it bids a static CPC value based on the current maximum CPC settigs
• it uses conversion history to set higher bids when a conversion is more likely
• it adjusts CPC bids based on existing bid adjustments
Using historical information about your campaign and evaluating the contextual signals present at Explication auction-time, Target CPA bidding
automatically finds an optimal CPC bid for your ad each time it's eligible to appear. AdWords sets these bids to achieve an average CPA equal
to your target across all ad groups and campaigns using this strategy and sets higher bids when conversions are more likely. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
54.The majority of consumers want ads customized to their:
• city, zip code, or immediate surroundings
• interests and hobbies
• age group
• country or nationality
Google report shows that most people want ad customized to their immediate surroundings. Many online tutorials give you "interests and
hobbies" as a correct answer, but it only seems legit. A correct answer is the first one. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
55.You have a food truck and want to reach people who are nearby on their mobile phones. Your maximum cost-
per-click (max. CPC) bis is US1$. You set a mobile bid adjustment of +20% and a location bid adjustment of +50%.
What's the final bid amount?
• US$2
• US$1.80
• US$2.80
• US$1.70
Welcome back to math classes. Bid adjustments are set by percentages. Say you've got a campaign that performs well on mobile devices with
a max CPC bid of US$1. To show your ad to more customers on mobile devices, you increase your bid by 20% for searches on mobile devices,
resulting in a final bid amount of US$1.20.
56.To create a customer experience that's relevant and useful at every touch point, a search 56 advertiser should
focus on:
• launching a cross-device campaign
• running ads only on mobile devices
• addressing consumer's needs
• carrying over the theme of her traditional ad campaign to her online campaign
Landing page experience is AdWords’ measure of how well your website gives people who click your ads exactly what they’re looking for--
57.Executives at a small e-commerce company are debating AdWords performance metrics. If the Budget is
unlimited as long as return on investment (ROI) is positive, which recommendation best positions the company
for maximum profit?
• determine whether the campaigns are profitable, then test different target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid increases to see which
maximizes total profit
• decrease the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) for the campaigns from US$15 to US$10 to drive an increase in profit per customer
• the company's email campaigns are the most profitable, with the cost-per-acquisition of US$15, so should use that as a benchmark
when setting target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bids
• ad spend should always be 7% of revenue, which should be used as the target ROI
If your main advertising goal is getting conversions (like sales, signups, or mobile app downloads), then Target CPA bidding can help
automatically get more conversions for your budget. It can also help you get more sales while paying less for the clicks that lead to those
58.You're working on the bidding strategy for a Search Network campaign. If the cost-per-conversion for mobile is
lower than for desktop, how might you optimize the bidding Strategy to increase the number of conversions?
• increase the mobile bid adjustment for the campaign
• decrease the number of mobile-optimized text ads
• decrease the mobile bid adjustment for the campaign
• increase the number of mobile-optimized text ads
Bid adjustments allow you to show your ads more or less frequently based on where, when, and how people search. For example, sometimes a
click is worth more to you if it comes from a smartphone,at a certain time of day, or from a specific location. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
59.The strategic use of different marketing channels affects
• target-customer demographics
• the average amount of each sale
• payment methods
• online purchase desicions
When it comes to running your AdWords campaigns, it’s important to optimize your campaigns for maximum return to the business as a
whole. And whether that return is from the online or offline channel, it’s all part of the same pie. That’s why measuring and tracking the full
impact of your campaigns is so important. It can help to start conversations with different marketing channels on how best to connect with
60.Which allows advertisers to automate AdWords reporting and campaign management?
• execution of multiple reporting tasks from multiple computers
• use of an Adwords Application Programming Interface (API) service
• use of Structures Query language (SQL) server reporting services
• execution or repetitive Data Mining Extensions (DMX) queries
The API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs.Using the API, you can automatically generate
61.Your average bid is US$10 and you've enabled enhanced cost-per-click bidding (ECPC).Assuming you haven't set
any bid adjustments, ECPC can raise your bid to whichAmount when AdWords sees an auction that's more likely
to lead to a sale?
• US$11
• US$14
• US$12
• US$13
ECPC looks for ad auctions that are more likely to lead to sales, and then raises your Max. CPC bid up to 30% (after applying any bid
adjustments that you've set) to compete harder for those clicks. If aclick seems less likely to convert, then AdWords will lower your bid by as
62.Which best describes the relationship between maximum cost-per-click (max.CPC) bids and Ad Rank?
• An increased CPC bid leads directly to a small increase in Ad Rank
• A CPC bid affects Ad Rank on the Search Network
• An increased CPC bid lead directly to large increase in Ad rank
• A CPC bid is one factor that affects Ad rank
A value that's used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page) and whether your ads will display at all. Ad Rank is
calculated using your bid amount, the components of Quality Score (expected click-through rate, ad relevance and landing page experience),
and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
63.With call extensions, a customer who searches for Thai food on her mobile phone can see an ad for a Thai
restaurant, along with a phone number, and make the call with one click.How is that priced?
• by the minute, based on the length of the call
• flat free, based on the caller's phone model
• negotiated in advance, with bulk discounts
• the same as when someone clicks on an ad
If your goal is to increase phone calls to your business, then you've come to the right place. Call-only Explication campaigns allow you to focus
on getting more people to click-to-call you straight from your ads. With these campaigns, you’ll be able to use CPC bidding based on the value
of a call to your business. You'll also be able to add your existing phone information to your new ads. They are priced the same as normal ads. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
64.Chanara, a senior account manager at a large digital agency, likes having an AdWords manager account. What can
she do with a manager account that she can't do with an individual account?
• upgrade multiple manager accounts
• acces the Adwords Application Programming Interface (API)
• upgrade each individual AdWords account
• use a single sign-in for all accounts
If you’re an agency or someone who manages multiple AdWords accounts, then a manager account is a powerful tool that could save you
time. A manager account is an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage multiple AdWords accounts – including other manager
65.Each of these are benefits you'd expect from Shopping ad except:
• more traffic and leads
• better-qualified leads
• ease of targeting without needing keywords
• free listings
Main benefits of shopping ads are More traffic, Better qualified leads, Easy retail-centric campaign management, Powerful reporting and
66.Which conversion metric can give you more insight into how your ads drive conversions on mobile phones,
computers, and tablets?
• cross-os conversions
• click-through conversions
• cross-through conversions
• cross-device conversions
As an advertiser, you want to track all the conversions that your AdWords campaigns drive, including those that begin on one device or
browser and end on another. By using the “Include cross-device conversions” setting, you can include these conversions in your “Conversions”
column and factor them into any automated bid strategy that you’ve set up. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
67.You're using target search page location bidding. You know it's working because you see you ad:
• on the first page of Google search results or in the top position
• at the bottom of the every page or search results
• repeatedly mixed in with the organic search results
• on the second page of google search results or in the second positions
AdWords automatically raises or lowers your bids to show your ad on the top of the page or on the first page of Google search results. This bid
strategy works with keywords, ad groups, and campaigns targeting the Search Network only. After you first apply this strategy, it may take a
few minutes before your bid is updated. Also, with this strategy, your bid will be updated several times a day to show your ads in your target
68.You have an online electronics business and you've set up an ad group for digital cameras. What keywords could
make this group as effective as possible?
• general phrases related to photography, like "camera lens" and "camera base"
• words from headlines on your website, like "electronics" and "sale on cameras"
• brand names of your competitor's cameras
• words in your text, like model names of digital cameras
Select more specific keywords that directly relate to your ad's theme if you want to target customers who may be interested in a particular
product. Using more specific keywords would mean that your adonly appears for terms that apply to your business. But keep in mind that if
the keywords are too specific, you might not be able to reach as many people as you'd like. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
69.Which is the best practice for creating a mobile-preferred ad?
• put your most important information in the second line of ad text
• integrate mobile flash video
• use a mobile-optimized landing page
• use the same format and content as you'd use for a laptop
Mobile-optimized sites make life easier for mobile users. A mobile-friendly display URL signals to the user that they should expect an enjoyable
70.Heather has a mobile app she wants people to keep using once they've downloaded it. How can she make it more
• set up custom deep links
• add some large, memory-intensive graphics
• customize the app for each format (phone, tablet, computer)
• use the bid strategy "maximize engagement"
Mobile app engagement campaigns are a great choice if you’re focused on finding folks interested in your app content, getting people who
have installed your app to try your app again, or to open your app and take a specific action. These types of ads allow flexibility for counting
conversions, bidding and targeting.Deep links specify a location in an app that corresponds to the content you’d like to show. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
71.You can add a "+" modifier in front of the words in a broad match keyword to:
• indicate that this keyword should be dynamically inserted in your ad text
• specify that certain words and their close variants be prioritized
• override a begative keyword a positive one
• specify that someone's search must include certain words or their close variations
Broad match modifiers let you target searches that include at least one of your keywords. This can help increase how relevant your traffic is to
your ads, and improve your clickthrough (CTR) and conversion rates. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
72.You're reviewing the paid & organic search report for a client who runs a Maui snorkelling tour business, and you
see that he business appears only in organic search for queries such as "boat snorkelling tour" and
"beachsidesnorkelling tour". You can use this information to:
• increase the budget for all her campaigns that contain these queries as keywords
• increase the bids for the keywords that include the terms "boat", "snorkelling" and "beachside"
• lower the budget for all her campaigns that contain these queries as keywords
• create 2 separate ad groups focused on boat and beachside snorkelling and include these queries as keywords
You know that you can use AdWords reporting tools to see how often your ads are showing to potential customers, and which keywords are
triggering those impressions. With the paid & organic report, you can also see how often pages from your website are showing in Google’s free
organic search results, and which search terms triggered those results to show on the search results page. This information helps you better
understand how paid text ads and organic search results work together to help you reach people searching online, use the organic results to
identify new, potentially valuable keywords, and gain a holistic view of how your online presence is performing overall in terms of attracting
73.Why would the data for a Search Network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions?
• view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the Display network but doesn't click, and
later converts on the site
• a view-through conversion is counted when someone clicks an image or rich media ad on the Display network and converts on the site
• a view-through conversion is counted when someone clicks on an ad in Google Search and converts on the site
• a view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an add in Google Search and calls the business
View-through Conversion happens when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, thenExplication completes a conversion on your site. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
74.An advertiser who works for a large company wants to make frequent, specific changes to bids based on criteria
for more than 100,000 keywords; Which would be themost efficient tool for that advertiser to use?
• AdWords account manager
• Automatic cost-per-click (CPC) bidding
• AdWords Application Programming Interface (API)
• AdWords Editor
The API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs.Using the API, you can: Automatically generate
keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports.Integrate AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on
stock.Develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts. And you can even develop in the language of your choice. The
AdWords API SOAP interface is supported by all popular programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, .NET, Perl, and Ruby. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
75.To optimize a client's campaign to get the most out of her mobile advertising, you can:
• edit campaign's ad text to include information about how customers can purchase her product on their computers
• set a mobile adjustment for a campaign based on insights from estimated cross-device conversion and total estimated conversion
• set shorter conversion windows to capture users who convert after researching on multiple devices
• use the maximize clicks flexible bidding strategy to increase the number of clicks her ads get from users viewing her ads on mobile
To alter your bids when your ads appear on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, you can specify a Explication desktop, tablet, or mobile bid
adjustment at the campaign level or at the ad group level.If you set a device bid adjustment at the campaign level and at the ad group level in
a single campaign, the ad group device bid adjustment is used when determining your bid. However, if the campaign device bid adjustment is -
76.After searching for shoes, Sean clicks on an ad promoting a sale on sneakers, which has several pop-ups. What
should the advertiser do to improve Sean's experience?
• ensure that pop-ups get Sean's attention
• remove all but one of pop-ups
• remove all pop-ups
• ensure that pop-ups relate to the search
pop-ups are annoying, for google also.Practical side-note: google bot cant't detected/read all pop-ups. For example pop-up window created
77.If you want to target ads to only people who speak Spanish, you can
• have Google translate your ad and keywords into Spanish
• write your ads and keywords in Spanish and target the Spanish language
• write your ad and keywords in English and target Spanish language
• in you text, make a reference to Spanish speakers
If you try to communicate with others who don't speak the same language, you might find it tough to get your message across. Similarly with
AdWords, you want your ads to appear for customers who can understand them. Your ads can appear for customers who use Google products
and third-party websites in the languages that your campaign targets. This helps ensure that your ads will appear on sites that are written in
78.You might analyze exact match impression share data to get an idea of:
• the number of eligible impressions your broad match keyword recieved
• the percentage of eligible impressions you recieved for searches that exactly matched your keywords
• the number of times your ads were shown on the Search Network
• the percentage of eligible impressions you recieved for searches that exactly matched content on your landing page
Exact match impression share is a percentage calculated by dividing the number of impressions that your campaign received for searches that
exactly matched your keyword by the total estimated number of exact match impressions you were eligible to receive. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
79.A new client wants to promote his 3 Indian restaurants, in different areas of London,to people searching for
places to eat. How might you organize his account?
• create 1 campaign with an ad group for each restaurant location
• create 1 campaign with an group for all restaurant locations create
• several campaigns with 2 ad groups each: dine and takeout
• create 1 campaign with an ad group for each menu item
Restaurant are location based businesses. It' s a good practice to separate your campaigns by themes. In this case by locations. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
80.You manage this campaign for a client that runs a wine tour business in Florence. The ads have stopped showing
on google. If the budget is limited, what might help make sure the ads show?
• raise the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid
• use accelerated delivery to show the ads throughout the day to make sure that the entire budget isn't spent in the morning
• use target outranking share bidding
• improve the quality of the campaign's keywords by making sure they're relevant to the ad's text and landing pages
It's a waste of money if you don't have properly build landing page and carefully selected keywords. A value that's used to determine your ad
position (where ads are shown on a page) and whether your ads will show at all. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount, the components
of Quality Score (expected clickthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience), and the expected impact of extensions and other ad
81.Your client sells gardening supplies online. You suggest she use sitelinks because the can:
• bring people to her site from blogs about gardening
• use accelerated delivery to show the ads throughout the day to make sure that the entire take people to blogs about gardening
• be used with Shopping campaigns
• take people to subpages on her site about gloves, tools, and fertilizer
to add more links to your ads, create sitelink extensions. Sitelinks can take people to specific pages on your site—your store hours, a specific
product, or more. When someone clicks or taps on your links, they skip right to what they want to know or buy. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
82.Hannah is having sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale; What's the best way to
do that?
• note the sale end date in the text
• use "countdown" function
• insert the AdWords clock icon in each ad
• Use the "Sale duration" function
Ad customizers adapt your text ads to what someone is searching for, which device she's using, where he’s located, or even the date, time of
day, or day of the week. They can insert a price, the time left before a sale ends, and any other text that you define. Countdown function is one
83.What you can learn from attribution reports?
• the series of steps customer's take after completing a conversion, including information on ads, clicks, and other elements of a
• budget usage for all search campaigns, including limitations and opportunities for more traffic
• the number of conversions the same customer completes after clicking an ad
• the series of steps customer's take before completing a conversion, including information on ads, clicks, and other elements of a
Attribution reports show you the paths customers take to complete a conversion, and attribute the conversion to different ads, clicks, and
factors along the way. Attribution reports can give you detailed information about the paths that lead people to conversions for your business.
You can see whether certain keywords assisted conversions that eventually happened through other keywords. This gives you a better sense of
your potential customers' conversion paths than just looking at the last-clicked keyword. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
84.A succesful AdWords text ad:
• ties the call-to-action to the landing page
• talks about the advertiser's reputation
• has a wrapping headline and at least 2 paragraps of text
• mentions at least 4 key selling points
Tell people what they can buy. Are you offering a service? Tell people how to contact you. Calls to action like purchase, call today, order,
browse, sign up, or get a quote make clear what the next steps are. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
85.High quality ratings for an ad can:
• improve its position
• increase how often people click on it
• be achieved with an increase in bid
• increase its average cost-per-click (avg; CPC) bid
The most important thing to remember is that even if your competition bids higher than you, you can still win a higher position -- at a lower
86.You’re reviewing the campaigns of a new client who wants to better promote his child daycare facility to parents
researching childcare on their mobile devices. Currently, his ads include
• generic text about childcare. To optimize his ads for mobile, you might create ad with
• the mobile version of the facility’s website as the landing page, and uses an interactive video showing current students and teachers
reading together
• headline and description text that includes a customer testimonial, and uses the previous visits automated ad extension to let people
see when they last visited the clients website
• headline and description text that encourages people to sign up for a tour, and uses location extensions so they know where the
clients business is located
• the computer version of the facility’s website as the landing page, and a headline and description text that encourages people to sign
up for the facility’s newsletter
Confusing question. Many online tutorials are pointing to the first answer, but a key factor is that child daycare facilities are based on
locations. Location in this case is more important than a nice image/video. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
87.Dustin wants to write a great text ad that will get people's attention when they're searching on google. What
should he do to generate the most clicks?
• put the ad headline in all capital letters
• include his keywords in the ad text
• put special characters in the ad headline
• include his business address in the ad text
the keywords you choose are used to show your ads to people. Select high-quality, relevant keywords for your ad campaign to help you reach
only the most interested people, who are more likely to become your customers. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
88.According to google data, 70% of mobile searchers who've recently made a purchase have:
called a similar business from their phone
clicked to call a business from the search results page
visited a business's website from the search results page
save a business as a contact on their phone
No need explication, right? Just read google report. Which is outdated, by the way. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
89.Which report and metric should you analyse to see how often your client's ads are showing above search results
in comparison with other advertisers?
• ad group data that you customize with the Report Editor
• average position metric from the top movers report
• ad average position metric from the paid & organiw report
• top of page rate metric from the Auction insights report
The Auction insights report lets you compare your performance with other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions that you are.
This information can help you make strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting choices by showing you where you're succeeding and
where you may be missing opportunities for improved performance. The Auction insights report is available for both Search and Shopping
90.Roxanne's online estate-jewelry sales are lagging despite running a great text ad. What else might she do to drive
• increase the number of keywords in each ad group
• use the shopping ad format
• increase her maximum cost-per-click (max;CPC) bid
• add a location extension to her ad
If you're a retailer, you can use Shopping campaigns to promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store,
and find better qualified leads. To get started, you'll send us your product data with Merchant Center and create a campaign in AdWords. Then
we'll use your campaign to create ads on Google and around the web where potential customers can see what you're selling. We call these
placements Shopping ads, because they're more than a text ad--they show users a photo of your product, plus a title, price, store name, and
more. These ads give users a strong sense of the product you're selling before they click the ad, which gives you more qualified leads. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
91.An ad group contains the phrase-matched keyword "underwater camera". Which search query may trigger an ad
in this ad group to be shown?
• underwater camera case
• underwater digital camera
• camera for use underwater
• underwater lens camera
Phrase match keyword setting allows your ad to show only when someone's search includes the exact phrase of your keyword, or close
variations of the exact phrase of your keyword, with additional words before or after. The phrase match keyword "bicycle bell" can cause your
ad to show if someone searches for "bicycle bell," "buy bicycle bell," and "bicycle bell reviews." ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
92.Data shows that your client’s ad that appears to people in San Francisco gets 120 conversions at a cost of
US$1200 and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of US$10, while ads showing in Houston get 70 conversions at a cost of
US$1400 and CPA of US$20. If you have a CPA goal of US$12, what bid adjustment would you set for each
• +20% for San Francisco, -20% for Houston
• +20% for San Francisco, -40% for Houston
• +40% for San Francisco, -20% for Houston
• +40% for San Francisco, -40% for Houston
No explication, as this question has nothing to do with AdWords, just simple math. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
93.An advertiser who uses ad scheduling has a custom bid adjustment for 9 p.m. to 12a.m. on weeknights. The
normal bid is US$0.40 and the bid multiplier is -25%. How much is the advertiser bidding for that time period?
• US$0.30
• US$0.32
• US$0.31
• US$0.03
Same here. Just simple math. Why google thinks that if we ask how much is 0.40 - 25%, it's a question about Adwords Advertising. Moreover a
94.Someone searches on “laptop computers” and clicks an ad. Which landing page would be most relevant?
• A page showing both laptops and desktops
• A computer store homepage
• A page showing laptops
• A computer store homepage
Landing page experience is AdWords’ measure of how well your website gives people who click your ads exactly what they’re looking for--
quickly and effortlessly. Your landing page is the URL people arrive at after they click your ad, and the experience you offer affects your Ad
Rank and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction. Your ads may show less often (or not at all) if they point to websites that offer a
95.If you want to prioritize downloads of your mobile app instead of visits to your mobile site, you should:
• include the word “install” in the ad text
• add a sitelink extension
• add a call extension
• run an app install ad
Mobile app installs campaigns are geared specifically toward getting more people to download your app. AdWords can help customize
targeting, keywords, and ads based on your app ID and other information. You can easily gauge your campaign's performance by tracking
96."Mobile app engagement" campaigns can be used to:
• encourage people to rate an app in the app store
• increase in-store call conversions
• encourage people to download a new app
• re-engage people who've downloaded an app
Once you connect your app to AdWords, you can focus your ads only on people who are interested in your app content. To keep track of how
people use your app, and see which of your ads drove people to act, you can count specific engagement actions in your app as conversions. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
97. Daley is managing multiple Adwords accounts for a grocery store chain and using conversion tracking. What
might make her daily Adwords tasks simpler:
• combining the accounts for streamlined reporting
• using multiple conversion code snippets with single-account conversion tracking
• setting up automated conversion rules for both accounts
• using 1 conversion code snippet with cross-account conversion tracking
With AdWords conversion tracking, you can see how effectively your ad clicks lead to valuable customer activity, such as website purchases,
phone calls, app downloads, newsletter sign-ups, and more. Depending on the type of conversion you’re tracking, the setup process is
different, so the first step in setting up conversion tracking is choosing a conversion source, or where your conversions come from. To use
cross-account conversions, you’ll need to have more than one AdWords account and a manager account that’s linked to those accounts. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
98. You sell chocolate and want to tailor your text ads so they more directly match people’s search terms like “dark
chocolate”. You use keyword insertion code “We sell {KeyWord:Chocolate}”. Your headline could look like this:
• We Sell dark chocolate
• We sell Dark Chocolate
• We sell dark chocolate
• We Sell chocolate
An advanced AdWords feature that dynamically updates your ad text to include one of your keywords
that matches a customer's search terms. Keep in mind that first letters of keywords will be capitalized when happens. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
99.Blake is selling baseball caps and using conversion tracking. What information might he learn from the conversion
tracking data?
• Lots of his site visitors are 49ers fans
• Most of his customers are watching a ballgame when they visit his site
• Lots of his site visitors are signing up for his baseball trivia newsletter
• Most people clicking on his ad already own at least 1 baseball cap
You can track actions which your site visitors take. The "Conversions" column shows you the number of conversions you've received, across
your conversion actions. You can use this column to see how often your ads led customers to actions that you’ve defined as valuable for your
100. According to Google data, after seeing an ad on their smartphone, more than half of people:
• do a mobile search
• go to a store and buy the product
• go to the company’s website and buy the product
• send a text
You just have to read a report to answer this question. Note that this report is dated 2015....
Personal opinion: Really? it's difficult to believe...And really doubt it should be a question in ADVANCED search advertising exam. After just
"seeing" an ad? More than a half? You see multiple adds every time you are browsing Youtube, for example... Don't remember that i did at
least 1 mobile search concerning these ads i have seen. .You did? More than a half? ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
101. You’re the account manager for a client who wants to license reservations at her boutique hotel. You’ve
been manually managing the bids for her campaigns, and you’re looking for ways to save time and optimize. How
can you most effectively do this?
• Create 2 separate campaigns that include a mix of brand keywords and highly targeted keywords, and apply maximize click bidding to
each campaign
• Create 1 campaign and apply target search page location bidding to drive visibility and reservations
• Apply target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding to drive conversions at her desired CPA
• Continue to manually set the bids to focus on driving clicks to the site in order to drive conversions
Target CPA is an AdWords Smart Bidding strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition
(CPA) you set. It uses advanced machine learning to automatically optimize bids and offers auction-time bidding capabilities that tailor bids for
each and every auction. Target CPA is available as either a standard strategy in a single campaign or as a portfolio strategy across multiple
102. Return on investment (ROI) information can help you manage a client’s campaign by helping you determine
how to:
• adjust your client’s budget
• optimize your client’s ad text
• all of the listed answers are correct
• optimize your client’s keywords
Yes, it's a correct answer in this test. About ROI: Whether you use AdWords to increase sales, generate leads, or drive other valuable customer
activity, it's a good idea to measure your return on investment (ROI). Knowing your ROI helps you evaluate whether the money you're
spending on AdWords advertising is going to a good cause: healthy profits for your business.
Misleading question. ROI doesn't help to optimize ad Text. Not directly. Same with Keywords. "Adjust your client's budget" is more logical
103. You want to use Adwords to promote your dog-sitting service. What kind of campaign might you create to
reach dog owners, whether they’re searching on Google or surfing a pet-supply website?
• Display Network, advanced
• Display Network with Search Select
• Search Network with Display Select
• Search Network, advanced
"Searching on Google" points to Search Network. "surfing pet-supply website" points to Display Network. The "Search Network with Display
Select" campaign type helps you reach people as they use Google search or visit sites across the web. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
104. The owners of a coffehouse would like to turn an "afternoon espresso" promotion to increase sales on
weekdays. Which AdWords feature would be most effective for preventing their search ads from appearing at
night and on weekends?
• managed placements
• custom ad sheduling
• automatic bidding
• keyword planner
For campaigns with “All features” enabled, you can use the ad schedule to: Specify certain hours or days of the week when you want your ads
to show. Set bid adjustments to increase or decrease your bids for specific days and times. By default, your AdWords campaigns are set to
"Show ads all days and hours." This means your ads are eligible to appear throughout each calendar day. Keep in mind that if no one searches
for your keywords at the specified time or day you scheduled, your ads are not going to show. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
105. You own a pet-supply store with various category pages on your website, and you’ve set up a tracking
template so you can manage tracking and redirect information. Your final URL for the keyword “dog treats” could
be something like:
• trackingkeyworddestinationURL=12345678987654321%dogtreatsredirec
Before July 2016r, ad and keyword tracking in AdWords relied on a destination URL that contained both your landing page URL and any
tracking information you used. In July, we replaced the “Destination URL” field with two separate fields to make it easier to use tracking in your
ads: One field for your ad's final landing page URL, called “Final URL”, One field for tracking information, called “Tracking template” ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
106. Search terms report data shows that people who click on ads promoting your prescription glasses were
searching for terms like "wine glasses" and "drinking glasses" Which might you add as negative keywords to
prevent your ads from showing on such searches?
• "wine" and "drinking"
• "drinking" and "glasses"
• "prescription" and "glasses"
• "glasses" and "wine"
Wine and drinking are irrelevant keywords. Negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns.This feature can help you
focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Better targeting can put your ad in front of interested users and increase your
107. An advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received from 107 people in
Switzerland. Why might this happen?
• People located in Switzerland are searching using France-related words, like "hotels in Paris"
• French people visiting Switzerland are searching on Google for information about Switzerland
• Swiss people are searching on Google for information about Switzerland
• People located in France are using Swiss-related words like "hotels in Switzerland"
You can help ensure that your ads reach the customers you want. Use location and language settings to have your ads appear to customers in
your targeted geographic locations, or to customers who have selected your targeted language as their interface language. With your location
settings, you can target the geographic areas where your ads can appear. For example, if you own an e-commerce store in the United States
and you want to target the state of California, you can use your location settings to do just that. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
108. A furniture store owner is creating her first AdWords campaign. What’s the best way to group her
• Separate them in ad groups with themes like sofa beds, king-size beds, and queen-size beds
• Separate them in ad groups based on what she thinks will sell best on the Search vs. the Display Network
• Group them in a single ad group
• Create a new campaign for every bed she sells in her store
Use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme. For example, try separating ad groups into the different product or service types you
109. An advertiser who is selling computer monitors is writing new ad text for an existing ad group. Which line
of ad text is written according to Google AdWords advertising policies?
• Cheap, cheap, cheap monitors
• 20-70% off LCD monitors
• BUY affordable LCDs
• **Free** shipping on LCDs
In order to provide a quality user experience, Google requires that all promotions meet high professional and editorial standards. We only
allow promotions that are clear, professional in appearance, and that lead users to content that is relevant, useful, and easy to interact with.
Repetitive words, strange capitalizing, are just several examples of text which is against google requirements. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
110. Jose has a limited AdWords budget and his ads aren't showing as often as he wants. How might he improve
results without spending more money on the campaigns limited by budget?
• Slightly raise bids
• Replace his 3 most expensive keywords with lower-prices keywords
• Slightly lower bids
• Choose accelerated instead of standard delivery
Your ads stop showing when your daily budget is reached. In such cases lowering your bids could help to show your ads more often. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
111. Fran decides to use custom ad scheduling to promote her farm-to-table restaurant. Why did she choose
this option?
• She's using a "Standard" campaign
• She prefers not to limit ad exposure, regardless of when the restaurant is open
• She can't afford to run ads at all times of the day and on all days of the week
• Her ads generate 95% of her business on Fridays, so she'd like to show them more on that day
You may want your ad to show whenever a customer searches online. Or perhaps you only want to show your ad on certain days, or during
business hours when you’re there to handle customer inquiries. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
112. How would you explain the importance of ad impressions to a client who's concerned that her Search
Network campaign is generating impressions but no clicks?
• They can help her calculate how often someone clicked on her ad and then converted
• They can help her evaluate how engaging her ad is to potential customers
• They can give her an idea of how often her ad is shown to potential customers
• They can give her an idea of how often someone clicked on her ad
An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network. Little confusing question as
you need impressions data to calculate CTR for example. However the most direct answer is no 3. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS
113. Which is a best practice for writing an effective text ad?
• Make the text different from what's on your landing page
• Write several ads and see which one performs the best
• Use a passive verb in the headline
• Talk about yourself and your business
You should always have more than one ad in each ad group, because AdWords are automatically rotating ads and shows the best performing
114. Jonathan, who has a Bay Area sailing excursion business, notices that his text ads show below a
competitor's in search results when people enter keywords like "sailing excursions on San Francisco Bay." Which
automated bid strategy could help him attain the top position?
• Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC)
• Target outranking share
• Maximize clicks
• Target return on ad spend (ROAS)
"Target outranking share" is a type of portfolio bid strategy that automates bidding across multiple campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to
help your ads outrank ads from another domain. This article explains how the portfolio "target outranking share" bid strategy works, what its
settings are, and a few things to keep in mind when using this strategy.
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017
Adword search-advertising-exam-answers-july-edition-2017

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  • 1.
  • 2. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ONLINESEOTRAINER Copyright © 2017 By A. Yoganand All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods including information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 3. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS GET COMPLETE ADWORDS BUNDLE FOR JUST 15$ 1. Adword Fundamentals Exam Answers 2. Adword Search Advertising Exam Answers 3. Adword Display Advertising Exam Answers 4. Adword Video Advertising Exam Answers 5. Adword Mobile Advertising Exam Answers 6. Adword Shopping Advertising Exam Answers 7. Google Analytics Exam Answers Contact for Details:
  • 4. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 1. You have a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid of US$1 for keyword. To determine the prospective impact of raising this bid to US$3, you could use • Keyword Simulator
  • 5. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS • CPC Simulator • Porfolio Simulator • Bid Simulator Explication: The bid simulators collect and analyze data from ad auctions on the Search Network and the Display Network while considering information such as Quality Score, keyword traffic, and competition in the ad auction. The tools use this information to estimate how your ads might have performed in terms of key metrics like cost, impressions, clicks, and conversion volume. Remember, the bid simulators can provide insight into how different bids might have affected performance over the past 7 days, but they don't attempt to predict future performance. For instance, if you believe that your ad performance might change significantly in the coming weeks, you’ll want to be careful using bid simulator data to choose your bids. 2. Your client's product costs US$50 to produce, and it sells for US$150. She sold 10 units and spent US$700 on her Adwords campaign. How would you calculate her return on investment (ROI) to help her understand the benefit of using AdWords? • [US$150 (sales price) – US$1500 (cost)]/ US$700 (AdWords spend)
  • 6. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS • [US$1500 (revenue) – US$1200 (cost + AdWords spend)] / US$1200 (cost+AdWords spend) • [US$1500 (revenue) – 10 (number of products sold)] / US$1200 (cost+AdWords spend) • [US$1500 (revenue) / US$1200 (cost+AdWords spend) Explication: ROI is the ratio of your net profit to your costs. It's typically the most important measurement for an advertiser because it's based on your specific advertising goals and shows the real effect your advertising efforts have on your business. The exact method you use to calculate ROI depends upon the goals of your campaign. One way to define ROI is:(Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold 3. Which option can you use to capture business later on the day, even on the limited budget? • ad automation • ad delivery • bid capping • bid allocation
  • 7. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS Explication: Your ad delivery method can determine how long your budget lasts. If your budget is limited, choose a “standard” or “accelerated” ad delivery method to determine the pace you want your ads to show throughout the day. This article outlines the two types of ad delivery methods and when you may want to use them. 4. One factor The AdWords system use to calculate an ad's actual-per-click (CPC) is the: • location targeting of the ad showing one position lower on the page • maximum CPC bid of the ad showing in the #1 position on the page • maximum CPC bid of the ad showing one position lower on the page • cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) of the ad showing one position lower on the page
  • 8. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS Explication: Your actual cost-per-click (actual CPC) is the final amount you're charged for a click. You're often charged less -- sometimes much less -- than your maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid, which is the most you'll typically be charged for a click. Actual CPC is often less than max. CPC because with the AdWords auction, the most you'll pay is what's minimally required to hold your ad position and any ad formats shown with your ad, such as sitelinks. Keep in mind that your actual CPC may exceed your max. CPC if, for example, you’ve enabled Enhanced CPC or if you've set a bid adjustment. 5. The AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) allows developers to use applications that: • interact directly with the AdWords server • are accesible only through AdWords Editor • can apear throughout the Google Search Network • can be uploaded into the Ad gallery Explication: The AdWords API (application programming interface) allows developers to create and use applications that interact directly with their account details on the AdWords server. The API can help advertisers efficiently manage large AdWords accounts and campaigns. For example, you can compile your AdWords data to use with other systems like inventories, generate regular reports, and make campaign adjustments in bulk. To use the AdWords API, you'll need a My Client Center (MCC) account and a Developer Token. The AdWords API is a good option for
  • 9. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS advertisers who have a developer or programmer who has the technical skills. If you don't have these resources but still want an extra tool to help manage large changes to your account, try AdWords Editor instead. 6. What information does a target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bis strategy need in order to find the optimal cost-per- click (CPC) bis for an ad each time it's eligible to appear? • Test conversions • Manual bid changes • Historical conversion data • Forecast data Explication: Using historical information about your campaign and evaluating the contextual signals present at auction-time, Target CPA bidding automatically finds an optimal CPC bid for your ad each time it's eligible to appear. AdWords sets these bids to achieve an average CPA equal to your target across all ad groups and campaigns using this strategy.
  • 10. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 7. You're using target search page location bidding. You know it's working because you see your ad: • on the second page of Google search results or in second positions • repeatedly mixed in with the organic search results • at the bottom of the every page of search results • on the first page of Google search results or in the top positions Explication: “Target search page location” is a type of flexible bid strategy that automates bidding across multiple campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to show your ad on the top of the page or on the first page of Google search results. The “target search page location” bid strategy doesn't guarantee placement on the first page, or ad position on the first page of search results. These estimates and the bid strategy will typically attempt to achieve your target location, but final placement is ultimately determined by the outcome of the ad auction, which is influenced by advertiser competition and Quality Score.
  • 11. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 8. You are tracking conversions in a budget-constrained campaign. If you raise cost-per-click (CPC) bids within the budget constraint, which result is most likely? • receive fewer conversions while paying more on average per conversion • receive more conversions while paying more on average per conversion • receive fewer conversions while paying less on average per conversion • receive more conversions while paying less on average per conversion Explication: Confusing question. Largely depends on particular product and situation. Clicks and conversions are not the same, if you get less clicks it doesn't mean you get less conversions. For me first 2 answers are equally correct. For google its the first one.
  • 12. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 9. An Advertiser implements target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding and notices that the campaigns are recieving fewer conversions. What could help increase the number of conversions? • set the campaigns bidget to 30-day cycle • specify the bid amount for each individual campaign • try a different automated bid strategy • increase the target CPA bid Explication: This is the average amount you’d like to pay for a conversion. The target CPA you set may influence the number of conversions you get. Setting a target that is too low, for example, may cause you to forgo clicks that could result in conversions, resulting in fewer total conversions. If your campaign has historical conversion data, AdWords will recommend a target CPA. This recommendation is calculated based on your actual CPA performance over the last few weeks. We’ll exclude performance from the last few days to account for conversions that may take more than a day to complete following an ad click. You can choose whether to use this recommended target CPA or to set your own.
  • 13. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 10.Dynamic search ads would be most helpful for: • campaigns that need to reduce exsposure on competitive keywords • moving an ad's position dynamically in whatever direction a person's eyes are looking • a local restaurant with a dynamically changing menu that offers fresh, new entrees every day • websites with hundreds or thousands of products, services, or listings that change freaquently Explication: Dynamic Search Ads are the easiest way to find customers searching on Google for precisely what you offer. Ideal for advertisers with a well- developed website or a large inventory, Dynamic Search Ads use your website to target your ads and can help fill in the gaps of your keywords- based campaigns. Without DSA, even well-managed AdWords accounts with many keywords can miss relevant searches, experience delays getting ads written for new products, or get out of sync with what's actually available on advertisers’ websites.
  • 14. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 11.True or False: If you'd prefer to reach as many people as possible, use exact match or phrase keywords. • true • false Explication: Exact match keyword setting allows your ad to show only when someone searches for the exact phrase of your keyword or close variations of the exact phrase of your keyword. The exact match keyword "bicycle bell" can cause your ad to show only if someone searches for "bicycle bell" or close variations of "bicycle bell" exactly, with no other words.
  • 15. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 12.The format of a Shopping ad is different from that of a standard text ad in that it includes: • a product image, background color price • a product image, title, price • a product image, title, price, and merchant name • a product image, title, price, and extension Explication: If you're a retailer, you can use Shopping campaigns to promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store, and find better qualified leads. To get started, you'll send us your product data with Merchant Center and create a campaign in AdWords. Then we'll use your campaign to create ads on Google and around the web where potential customers can see what you're selling. Shopping ad consist of product image, title, price and your business name.
  • 16. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 13.An advertiser makes edits to an ad and notices that its position is then lower than that of the previous version. What's the most likely cause? • the edited ad is less relevant to the keywords in the ad group • the advertiser's landing page is down for maintenance • the edited ad has a lower conversion rate • the advertiser's budget has been depleted Explication: Ad position is determined by a formula called Ad Rank that gives your ad a score based on your bid, the quality of your ads and landing page, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats. So even if your competition bids more than you, you can still win a higher position -- at a lower price -- with highly relevant keywords and ads.
  • 17. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 14.You can use target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding to help: • get as many clicks as possible within you budget • generate more clicks than manual bidding would generate • get as many conversions as possible within a flexible budget range • get as many conversions as possible within your budget Explication: Target CPA is an AdWords Smart Bidding strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set. It uses advanced machine learning to automatically optimize bids and offers auction-time bidding capabilities that tailor bids for each and every auction. Target CPA is available as either a standard strategy in a single campaign or as a portfolio strategy across multiple campaigns and ad groups.
  • 18. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 15.Which of these statements is true? • location extensions appear when an advertiser targets a geographic location • location extensions appear when someone who's physically near the business searches on relevant terms • location targeting determines which business address appears in an extension • location targeting enables location extensions Explication: When you use location extensions to show your business location, phone number, and a map marker Explication with your ads, you can specify a radius around your business locations to show your ads to people located near your business and set different bids for these potential customers. This can be helpful if you find that people located within a certain distance from your business are likely to become customers.
  • 19. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 16.Based on AdWords editorial and professional requirements, which headline is most likely to generate clicks? • Custom Tees, Click Here • We sell custom t-shirts! • Free shipping on CuStOm Ts • Design Your Own T-shirt Explication: In order to provide a quality user experience, Google requires that all promotions meet high professional and editorial standards. The standard requirements for clarity, correct spelling, and use of capitalization and symbols apply to all ads.
  • 20. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 17. You have a budget of US$75 per day for your client's Search campaign, and you'd like to set a maximum cost-per- click (max. CPC) bid of US$1. How can you validate that this is the right bid amount for getting the most clicks? • bid across multiple ad groups to determine the average • try various CPC amounts to determine the average • use bid simulators to see CPC estimates • raise your max CPC to US$3 to cover possible competitive bids Explication: The bid simulators collect and analyze data from ad auctions on the Search Network and the Display Network while considering information such as Quality Score, keyword traffic, and competition in the ad auction. The tools use this information to estimate how your ads might have performed in terms of key metrics like cost, impressions, clicks, and conversion volume.
  • 21. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 18.According to 2015 Google Trends data, which term would consumers on mobile phones be most likely to type in a search engine? • shoe stores near me • great shoe stores • shoe stores sales • shoe store addresses Explication: No explication. You just have to read a report. Explication Side-note: In my personal opinion its a shame that we have such questions in advanced exams. That doesn't show your advanced understanding, but just a fact that you have carefully read the outdated report.
  • 22. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 19.Megan enabled target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding in all 6 of her campaigns. How can she tell if it's improving her campaign performance? • monitor overall changes in clicks received • enable and disable target CPA bidding every other day to observe differences • compare average CPA and conversion rate before and after using target CPA bidding • install a new conversion tracking code Explication: Google AdWords let"s you monitor and analyze data in multiple ways. One of the most simple ways is to monitor your results before and after change you made. Note: you should have enough historical data to do that.
  • 23. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 20.You have a friend starting her first AdWords campaign. What would you suggest about how to choose keywords? • set a theme for each ad group and choose related keywords • set a theme for each campaign and choose related keywords • keep each keyword to a single word, rather than a phrase • include more than 50 keywords in 1 ad group Explication: An ad group contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords. You set a bid, or price,to be used when an ad group's keywords trigger an ad to appear. This is called a cost-per-click (CPC)bid. You can also set prices for individual keywords within the ad group. Use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme, such as the types of products or services you want to advertise.
  • 24. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 21.How might you explain to an account manager why she should identify how much a conversion costs when setting up conversion tracking for a client's Search Network campaign? • cost-per conversion data can indicate whether her profit will increase • set a theme for each campaign and choose related keywords • cost-per-conversion data can be compared with competitor's cost-per-cpnversion data • knowing the cost-per-conversion can help her better optimize the campaign's keywords Explication: Conversion tracking is a free tool that shows you what happens after a customer clicks on your ads -- whether they purchased a product, signed up for your newsletter, called your business, or downloaded your app. When a customer completes an action that you've defined as valuable, these customer actions are called conversions.Not all conversions are equal — some are worth more to your business than others. If you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to see the total value driven by your advertising across different conversions, rather than simply the number of conversions that have happened. Conversion values help you track and optimize your campaigns' return on investment (ROI).
  • 25. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 22.Sarah manages 2 AdWords accounts for a client. Which tool would she use to search and replace a group of keywords across several ad groups? • Keyword Planner • AdWords API • Bid simulator • AdWords Editor Explication: Any advertiser with any size account can use AdWords Editor, but it's especially useful for accounts with multiple campaigns and long lists of keywords or ads. For example, you can: Use bulk editing tools to make multiple changes quickly, Export and import files to share proposals or make changes to an account, View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns, Manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same time, Search and replace text across ad groups or campaigns, Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns, Undo and redo multiple changes while editing your campaigns, Make changes in draft before uploading them to your account, Keep working even when you're offline.
  • 26. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 23.A client wants to get more clicks on his ad and also raise his Quality Score. Which of these actions may get him more clicks but won't raise his Quality score? • adding an extension • using the shopping ad format • improving a lower-lewel page on his website • reducing prices on his inventor Explication: Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions. You can see your Quality Score (Quality Score is reported on a 1-10 scale and its components (expected clickthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience) in your keywords’ “Status” column. The more relevant your ads and landing pages are to the user, the more likely it is that you'll see higher Quality Scores. Quality Score is an aggregated estimate of your overall performance in ad auctions, and is not used at auction time to determine Ad Rank.
  • 27. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 24.You own a bed and breakfast in southern France and want to target English-speaking tourists for accommodations after they've arrived in France. What language and location should you target? • English; the united States • Frensh and English; the 5-mile radius the bed and breakfast • Englsih; southern France • English; the 25-mile radius around the bed and breakfast Explication: Misleading question. Southern France is a huge area with many airports, stations, ports and also offering tons of different accommodations. Don't think it's a good practice to target tourists who just landed in Nice while your hotel is in Perpignan... 500km away.. I would choose to target 25 miles radius as more cost-efficient option. Anyway, For Google correct answer is English, Southern France.
  • 28. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 25.If you choose a target-per-acquisition (CPA) of US$15, AdWords will automatically adjust your bids to get as many conversions at what amount, on average? • US$30 • US$15 • US$45 • US$18 Explication: Target CPA automatically sets Search or Display bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set. Some conversions may cost more or less than your target. AdWords automatically adjusts bids but doesn't exceed your bid on average.
  • 29. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 26.Nick sells 5 flavors of gourmet popcorn. Why is he bundling ads for his best-selling flavor,"Sweet &Spicy coconut", with related keywords like "coconut snacks" in a single ad group? • to show ads promoting all the flavors to people searching for "gourmet popcorn" • it's most effcient to have a single ad group • to make sure "sweet & spicy coconut" continues to be the bestseller • to show ads promoting "Sweet & spicy coconut" to people searching for that flavor Explication: Selecting the right keyword list for your campaign can help you show your ads to the right customers. Your keywords should match the terms your potential customers would use to find your products or services.
  • 30. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 27.If your campaign's daily budget is US$20, how much of your budget can be spent to show your ads on certain days, based on fluctuations in traffic? • up to US$30 • up to US$21 • up to US$24 • up to US$20 Explication: It's possible that you'll be charged less or sometimes slightly more than your average daily budget Explication amount on a given day. To help make sure that your ad can run a little more on days when it's verypopular, your daily budget is used like an average: on any single day, you can receive up to 20% more in costs than your daily budget, but other days will be capped at a lower amount to make up for it. This is called overdelivery.
  • 31. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 28.Which is the best practice for writing an effective text ad? • use all capital letters in the headline make • sure the headline wraps to two lines • end the headline with exclamation point • capitalize the first letter of each word in the headline Explication: In order to make sure all AdWords ads are high quality, every ad must meet high professional and editorial standards. That means no extra spaces, sTrAnGe CAPITALIZATION, or unclear URLs, to name a few.
  • 32. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 29.True or false: Shopping ads use Merchant Center product data to decide how and where to show ads. • false • true Explication: Shopping ads use your existing Merchant Center product data -- not keywords -- to decide how and Explication where to show your ads. The product data you submit through Merchant Center contains details about the products you sell. We'll use these details when we match a user's search to your ads, making sure to show the most relevant products.
  • 33. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 30.You want to see how raising your client's target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) might affect ad performance. Which tool could help? • target CPA simulator • target Bid simulator • Keyword simulator • target CPA planner Explication: The Target CPA Simulator shows you how changes to your target cost-per-acquisition (target CPA) might affect your ad performance. Find it on the Campaigns tab or in the Shared library.
  • 34. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 31.Keyword planner can do all of these things except: • suggest keywords and ad groups that may not have occured to you • provide historical statistics on search volume • multiply keyword lists together • provide Quality Score estimates and validate keywords Explication: Keyword Planner is a free AdWords tool for new or experienced advertisers that’s like a workshop for building new Search Network campaigns or expanding existing ones. You can search for keyword and ad group ideas, see how a list of keywords might perform, and even create a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together. Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use with your campaigns.
  • 35. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 32.How would you determine the click through rate (CTR) for client's search ad: • evaluate the number of clicks the ad accrues per day • divide the number of impressions the ads gets bys its average position • divide the number of clicks the ad gets by the number of impressions it gets • divide the number of impressions the ad gets by the number of clicks it gets Explication: CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown:clicks ÷ impressions = CTR. For example, if you had 5 clicks and 1000 impressions, then your CTR would be 0.5%.
  • 36. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 33.Obi added a sitelink extension to her text ad and wants it to show as often as possible.What's the best way to achieve this? • lower her maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) • raise her maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) • lower her Ad Rank • add a second type of extension Explication: Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on your ads. For CPC bidding campaigns, you set a maximum cost-per-click bid - or simply "max. CPC" - that's the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad (unless you're setting bid adjustments, or using Enhanced CPC). Your bid is an important factor in Ad Auction and Ad Rank.
  • 37. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 34.Which is the best practice for optimizing a landing page for AdWords? • easy-to-navigate content • several links to related websites • the same programming language across the whole site • prominent headlines in several font styles and sizes Explication: Landing page experience is AdWords’ measure of how well your website gives people who click your ads exactly what they’re looking for-- quickly and effortlessly. Your landing page is the URL people arrive at after they click your ad, and the experience you offer affects your Ad Rank and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction. Your ads may show less often (or not at all) if they point to websites that offer a poor user experience. Easy-to-navigate content is important factor which improves user experience.
  • 38. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 35.The keyword insertion code in an ad's headline is "Buy {KeyWord:Books}". The ad appears when someone searches on "flower books" and the query matches a broad keyword,"gardening books". How would the headline read? • Buy plant books • Buy keyword books • Buy flower-arranging books • Buy Gardening Books Explication: Keyword insertion lets you automatically update your ads with the keywords in your ad group that caused your ads to show. This can help make your ads more relevant to users searching for what you offer. The first letters of each keyword will be capitalized.
  • 39. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 36.Which statement about ad extensions isn't true? • they can help improve cliskthrough rate • they often appear below the organic search results • they tend to improve an ad's visibility • they show additional information about a business Explication: AdWords shows one or more extensions with your ad when it calculates that the extension (or combination of extensions) will improve your performance, and when your Ad Rank is high enough for it to appear. Adding an extension won’t guarantee that it will show with your ad, but you can keep track of when your extensions are appearing on the Ad extensions tab. Since AdWords requires a minimum Ad Rank (factoring in your extensions) before showing extensions, you may need to increase your bid or your ad quality (or both) in order for your extensions to show.
  • 40. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 37.Maria would like to target people who've already browsed her online clothing boutique by offering them a 10% discount on their first purchase. What tool should she use to reach these people on Search Network? • remarketing lists for search ads • retargeting lists for text ads • tdynamic search ads • flexible bidding Explication: Remarketing lets you show ads to people who've visited your website or used your mobile app. When people leave your website without buying anything, for example, remarketing helps you reconnect with them by showing relevant ads across their different devices.
  • 41. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 38.The AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) allows developers to use application that: • can be uploaded into the Ad gallery • are accesible only through AdWords Editor • interact directly with the AdWords server • can appear throughout the Google Searh Network Explication: An advanced feature that lets advertisers interact with and make changes to their AdWords account through applications they create. The AdWords API (application programming interface) allows developers to create and use applications that interact directly with their account details on the AdWords server.
  • 42. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 39.Small-business owner Marcos set up his AdWords campaign by thinking of "obvious" keywords off of the top of his head. What's one way he might improve them? • see the suggestions on the Keywords tab • click the "Automatic keyword refresh" button • stick with the current keywords for 2 month to collect enough viable data • see the suggestions on the Opportunities tab Explication: Opportunities tab — an entire section dedicated to helping you improve your campaigns. Think of the tab as a personal assistant who customizes opportunities for your account. It can help you discover new keywords, improve your bids and budgets, and more. People who've managed their AdWords account long enough to have developed some performance history should try the tab.
  • 43. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 40.A florist is advertising 5 types of bouquets, including those with roses. Which landing page is more likely to convert to a sale when someone searches on "roses"? • the "Contact us" page • the page on which people can sign for coupons • the home page, showing 5 types of bouquets that include roses • the page showing rose bouquets Explication: A measure that AdWords uses to estimate how relevant and useful your website's landing page will be to people who click your ad. Landing pages with higher ratings are usually well organized and have text that relates to a person's search terms.
  • 44. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 41.An advertiser who sells designer dresses is selecting a landing page to pair with ads for a collection of spring dresses. A good landing page would show: • top-sellling dresses for all seasons • spring dresses in several colors • a catlog of spring and summer dresses • a single best-selling dress Explication: Repeating explication as question is about the same aspect as previous. A measure that AdWords Explication uses to estimate how relevant and useful your website's landing page will be to people who click your ad. Landing pages with higher ratings are usually well organized and have text that relates to a person's search terms.
  • 45. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 42.If you're currently using text, display, and video ads but also want to more specifically control spending on ads that appear when someone searches on Google, which additional campaign type would you choose? • Search Network only • Display Network, advanced • Display Network only • Search Network with Display Select Explication: Ads in a "Search Network only" campaign appear near Google search results and other Google sites when people search for terms that are relevant to your ad’s keywords. Question is about "additional" type, there no reason to choose search network with display select as you are already using Display network.
  • 46. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 43.AdWords Editor lets users do all of these things except: • view statistics for all campaigns • keep working while offline • simultaneously make edits to multiple accounts online • export and import files Explication: Any advertiser with any size account can use AdWords Editor, but it's especially useful for accounts with multiple campaigns and long lists of keywords or ads. For example, you can:Use bulk editing tools to make multiple changes quickly, Export and import files to share proposals or make changes to an account, View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns, Manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same time, Search and replace text across ad groups or campaigns, Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns, Undo and redo multiple changes while editing your campaigns, Make changes in draft before uploading them to your account. Keep working even when you're offline.
  • 47. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 44.Which ad rotation setting shows all ads in an ad group, even those with a lower clickthrough or conversion rate? • optimize for conversions • optimize for clicks • rotate randomly • rotate evenly Explication: The rotate evenly setting delivers your ads more evenly into the ad auction. In general, rotating evenly allows ads with lower clickthrough rates and conversion rates to show more often, so this option could result in a lower average position or fewer clicks and conversions.
  • 48. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 45.Which statement is true? • call extensions send people to landing page with a phone number • call-only ads are available exclusivel on the Display Network • call-only ads only let people call the bsiness • ads with call extensions only let people call the business Explication: Call-only ads only appear on devices that can make phone calls, and the ads are designed to encourage people to call. All clicks on these ads send potential customers to call you from their smartphones.
  • 49. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 46.Which lets you change keywords, campaigns, ads, ad groups, and product groups? • Bulk edits • Category editor • Revision tool • Campaign editor Explication: "Bulk editing" means editing more than one thing in your account at a time. Using bulk editing helps you save time by simultaneously updating multiple items in one campaign, or across multiple campaigns. AdWords offers various tools and features to help you make bulk edits to your account. The editing options available depend on which tool or feature you use.
  • 50. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 47.If an advertiser has the same keyword in 2 different ad groups, the one entered in a given auction will have the: • highest Ad rank • highest maximum cost-per-click (max. CPS) bid • highest cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid • lowest maximum CPC bid Explication: The ad auction is how Google decides which ads to show and how they're positioned. Your Ad Rank determines the ad position you win in the auction. Your Ad Rank is a score that's based on your bid, auction-time measurements of expected CTR, ad relevance, landing page experience, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats.
  • 51. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 48.A client is asking you why he should evaluate the number of clicks on his search ads relative to the number of impressions received. What should you tell him? • he can get an idea of how many people who've seen his ads actually became customers • he can better understand whether potential customers find his ads appealing • he can get an idea of how many people double clicked his ads • he can better understand what happens after potential customers clisk his ads Explication: A high CTR is a good indication that users find your ads helpful and relevant. CTR also contributes to your keyword's expected CTR (a component of Quality Score), which can affect your costs and ad position. Note that a good CTR is relative to what you're advertising and on which networks.
  • 52. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 49.You can use the adWords Application Programming Interface (API) to: • integrate AdWords data with your inventory system • integrate AdWords data with multiple manager accounts • override AdWords functions you dont need • integrate data about competitors into your account Explication: API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs. Using the API, you can: automatically generate keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports, Integrate AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock. Develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts.
  • 53. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 50.According to Google data, among consumers who conduct a local search on their smartphone, how many then visit a store within a day? • about 10% • about 20% • about 50% • nearly everyone who's ready to buy Explication: According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. Also report shows that more than 50% consumers visit a store within a day after conducting a local search on their smartphones.Well, it's Google data, no reason to argue, but really hard to believe. My personal data would be far below 1%.
  • 54. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 51.Zoe has a website selling customizable electronic greeting cards. What could be interfering with her getting the most possible conversions? • the landing page shows popular cards, with easy navigation to specific categories like birthday, anniversary, congratulations, and get well • it's obvious on the landing page that she's selling greeting cards • when people click the ad, they're taken to the get-well category • some of her keywords are on the landing page Explication: A measure that AdWords uses to estimate how relevant and useful your website's landing page will be to people who click your ad. Landing pages with higher ratings are usually well organized and have text that relates to a person's search terms.
  • 55. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 52.An advertiser attempts to enable target-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding but the option isn't available. The most likely reason is that the advertiser • has fewer than 15 conversations in the last 30 days • is using Google Analytics • is using another automated bid strategy • has fewer than 5 conversations in the last 15 days Explication: To maximize results and give machine learning algorithms enough data to make informed bidding Explication decisions, you need at least 15 conversions in the past 30 days.
  • 56. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 53.How does target-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding determine the optimal cost-per-click(CPC) bid? • its sets CPC bids as one-tenth of the current CPA bid setting • it bids a static CPC value based on the current maximum CPC settigs • it uses conversion history to set higher bids when a conversion is more likely • it adjusts CPC bids based on existing bid adjustments Explication: Using historical information about your campaign and evaluating the contextual signals present at Explication auction-time, Target CPA bidding automatically finds an optimal CPC bid for your ad each time it's eligible to appear. AdWords sets these bids to achieve an average CPA equal to your target across all ad groups and campaigns using this strategy and sets higher bids when conversions are more likely.
  • 57. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 54.The majority of consumers want ads customized to their: • city, zip code, or immediate surroundings • interests and hobbies • age group • country or nationality Explication: Google report shows that most people want ad customized to their immediate surroundings. Many online tutorials give you "interests and hobbies" as a correct answer, but it only seems legit. A correct answer is the first one.
  • 58. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 55.You have a food truck and want to reach people who are nearby on their mobile phones. Your maximum cost- per-click (max. CPC) bis is US1$. You set a mobile bid adjustment of +20% and a location bid adjustment of +50%. What's the final bid amount? • US$2 • US$1.80 • US$2.80 • US$1.70 Explication: Welcome back to math classes. Bid adjustments are set by percentages. Say you've got a campaign that performs well on mobile devices with a max CPC bid of US$1. To show your ad to more customers on mobile devices, you increase your bid by 20% for searches on mobile devices, resulting in a final bid amount of US$1.20. here: US$1+US$1*20%+US$1.20*50%=US$1.80
  • 59. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 56.To create a customer experience that's relevant and useful at every touch point, a search 56 advertiser should focus on: • launching a cross-device campaign • running ads only on mobile devices • addressing consumer's needs • carrying over the theme of her traditional ad campaign to her online campaign Explication: Landing page experience is AdWords’ measure of how well your website gives people who click your ads exactly what they’re looking for-- quickly and effortlessly.
  • 60. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 57.Executives at a small e-commerce company are debating AdWords performance metrics. If the Budget is unlimited as long as return on investment (ROI) is positive, which recommendation best positions the company for maximum profit? • determine whether the campaigns are profitable, then test different target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid increases to see which maximizes total profit • decrease the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) for the campaigns from US$15 to US$10 to drive an increase in profit per customer • the company's email campaigns are the most profitable, with the cost-per-acquisition of US$15, so should use that as a benchmark when setting target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bids • ad spend should always be 7% of revenue, which should be used as the target ROI Explication: If your main advertising goal is getting conversions (like sales, signups, or mobile app downloads), then Target CPA bidding can help automatically get more conversions for your budget. It can also help you get more sales while paying less for the clicks that lead to those purchases.
  • 61. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 58.You're working on the bidding strategy for a Search Network campaign. If the cost-per-conversion for mobile is lower than for desktop, how might you optimize the bidding Strategy to increase the number of conversions? • increase the mobile bid adjustment for the campaign • decrease the number of mobile-optimized text ads • decrease the mobile bid adjustment for the campaign • increase the number of mobile-optimized text ads Explication: Bid adjustments allow you to show your ads more or less frequently based on where, when, and how people search. For example, sometimes a click is worth more to you if it comes from a smartphone,at a certain time of day, or from a specific location.
  • 62. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 59.The strategic use of different marketing channels affects • target-customer demographics • the average amount of each sale • payment methods • online purchase desicions Explication: When it comes to running your AdWords campaigns, it’s important to optimize your campaigns for maximum return to the business as a whole. And whether that return is from the online or offline channel, it’s all part of the same pie. That’s why measuring and tracking the full impact of your campaigns is so important. It can help to start conversations with different marketing channels on how best to connect with today’s “omni-channel” consumer..
  • 63. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 60.Which allows advertisers to automate AdWords reporting and campaign management? • execution of multiple reporting tasks from multiple computers • use of an Adwords Application Programming Interface (API) service • use of Structures Query language (SQL) server reporting services • execution or repetitive Data Mining Extensions (DMX) queries Explication: The API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs.Using the API, you can automatically generate keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports.
  • 64. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 61.Your average bid is US$10 and you've enabled enhanced cost-per-click bidding (ECPC).Assuming you haven't set any bid adjustments, ECPC can raise your bid to whichAmount when AdWords sees an auction that's more likely to lead to a sale? • US$11 • US$14 • US$12 • US$13 Explication: ECPC looks for ad auctions that are more likely to lead to sales, and then raises your Max. CPC bid up to 30% (after applying any bid adjustments that you've set) to compete harder for those clicks. If aclick seems less likely to convert, then AdWords will lower your bid by as much as 100%.
  • 65. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 62.Which best describes the relationship between maximum cost-per-click (max.CPC) bids and Ad Rank? • An increased CPC bid leads directly to a small increase in Ad Rank • A CPC bid affects Ad Rank on the Search Network • An increased CPC bid lead directly to large increase in Ad rank • A CPC bid is one factor that affects Ad rank Explication: A value that's used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page) and whether your ads will display at all. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount, the components of Quality Score (expected click-through rate, ad relevance and landing page experience), and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats.
  • 66. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 63.With call extensions, a customer who searches for Thai food on her mobile phone can see an ad for a Thai restaurant, along with a phone number, and make the call with one click.How is that priced? • by the minute, based on the length of the call • flat free, based on the caller's phone model • negotiated in advance, with bulk discounts • the same as when someone clicks on an ad Explication: If your goal is to increase phone calls to your business, then you've come to the right place. Call-only Explication campaigns allow you to focus on getting more people to click-to-call you straight from your ads. With these campaigns, you’ll be able to use CPC bidding based on the value of a call to your business. You'll also be able to add your existing phone information to your new ads. They are priced the same as normal ads.
  • 67. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 64.Chanara, a senior account manager at a large digital agency, likes having an AdWords manager account. What can she do with a manager account that she can't do with an individual account? • upgrade multiple manager accounts • acces the Adwords Application Programming Interface (API) • upgrade each individual AdWords account • use a single sign-in for all accounts Explication: If you’re an agency or someone who manages multiple AdWords accounts, then a manager account is a powerful tool that could save you time. A manager account is an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage multiple AdWords accounts – including other manager accounts – from a single location.
  • 68. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 65.Each of these are benefits you'd expect from Shopping ad except: • more traffic and leads • better-qualified leads • ease of targeting without needing keywords • free listings Explication: Main benefits of shopping ads are More traffic, Better qualified leads, Easy retail-centric campaign management, Powerful reporting and competitive data.
  • 69. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 66.Which conversion metric can give you more insight into how your ads drive conversions on mobile phones, computers, and tablets? • cross-os conversions • click-through conversions • cross-through conversions • cross-device conversions Explication: As an advertiser, you want to track all the conversions that your AdWords campaigns drive, including those that begin on one device or browser and end on another. By using the “Include cross-device conversions” setting, you can include these conversions in your “Conversions” column and factor them into any automated bid strategy that you’ve set up.
  • 70. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 67.You're using target search page location bidding. You know it's working because you see you ad: • on the first page of Google search results or in the top position • at the bottom of the every page or search results • repeatedly mixed in with the organic search results • on the second page of google search results or in the second positions Explication: AdWords automatically raises or lowers your bids to show your ad on the top of the page or on the first page of Google search results. This bid strategy works with keywords, ad groups, and campaigns targeting the Search Network only. After you first apply this strategy, it may take a few minutes before your bid is updated. Also, with this strategy, your bid will be updated several times a day to show your ads in your target location.
  • 71. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 68.You have an online electronics business and you've set up an ad group for digital cameras. What keywords could make this group as effective as possible? • general phrases related to photography, like "camera lens" and "camera base" • words from headlines on your website, like "electronics" and "sale on cameras" • brand names of your competitor's cameras • words in your text, like model names of digital cameras Explication: Select more specific keywords that directly relate to your ad's theme if you want to target customers who may be interested in a particular product. Using more specific keywords would mean that your adonly appears for terms that apply to your business. But keep in mind that if the keywords are too specific, you might not be able to reach as many people as you'd like.
  • 72. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 69.Which is the best practice for creating a mobile-preferred ad? • put your most important information in the second line of ad text • integrate mobile flash video • use a mobile-optimized landing page • use the same format and content as you'd use for a laptop Explication: Mobile-optimized sites make life easier for mobile users. A mobile-friendly display URL signals to the user that they should expect an enjoyable mobile experience.
  • 73. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 70.Heather has a mobile app she wants people to keep using once they've downloaded it. How can she make it more engaging? • set up custom deep links • add some large, memory-intensive graphics • customize the app for each format (phone, tablet, computer) • use the bid strategy "maximize engagement" Explication: Mobile app engagement campaigns are a great choice if you’re focused on finding folks interested in your app content, getting people who have installed your app to try your app again, or to open your app and take a specific action. These types of ads allow flexibility for counting conversions, bidding and targeting.Deep links specify a location in an app that corresponds to the content you’d like to show.
  • 74. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 71.You can add a "+" modifier in front of the words in a broad match keyword to: • indicate that this keyword should be dynamically inserted in your ad text • specify that certain words and their close variants be prioritized • override a begative keyword a positive one • specify that someone's search must include certain words or their close variations Explication: Broad match modifiers let you target searches that include at least one of your keywords. This can help increase how relevant your traffic is to your ads, and improve your clickthrough (CTR) and conversion rates.
  • 75. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 72.You're reviewing the paid & organic search report for a client who runs a Maui snorkelling tour business, and you see that he business appears only in organic search for queries such as "boat snorkelling tour" and "beachsidesnorkelling tour". You can use this information to: • increase the budget for all her campaigns that contain these queries as keywords • increase the bids for the keywords that include the terms "boat", "snorkelling" and "beachside" • lower the budget for all her campaigns that contain these queries as keywords • create 2 separate ad groups focused on boat and beachside snorkelling and include these queries as keywords Explication: You know that you can use AdWords reporting tools to see how often your ads are showing to potential customers, and which keywords are triggering those impressions. With the paid & organic report, you can also see how often pages from your website are showing in Google’s free organic search results, and which search terms triggered those results to show on the search results page. This information helps you better understand how paid text ads and organic search results work together to help you reach people searching online, use the organic results to identify new, potentially valuable keywords, and gain a holistic view of how your online presence is performing overall in terms of attracting views and clicks.
  • 76. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 73.Why would the data for a Search Network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions? • view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the Display network but doesn't click, and later converts on the site • a view-through conversion is counted when someone clicks an image or rich media ad on the Display network and converts on the site • a view-through conversion is counted when someone clicks on an ad in Google Search and converts on the site • a view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an add in Google Search and calls the business Explication: View-through Conversion happens when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, thenExplication completes a conversion on your site.
  • 77. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 74.An advertiser who works for a large company wants to make frequent, specific changes to bids based on criteria for more than 100,000 keywords; Which would be themost efficient tool for that advertiser to use? • AdWords account manager • Automatic cost-per-click (CPC) bidding • AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) • AdWords Editor Explication: The API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs.Using the API, you can: Automatically generate keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports.Integrate AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock.Develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts. And you can even develop in the language of your choice. The AdWords API SOAP interface is supported by all popular programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, .NET, Perl, and Ruby.
  • 78. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 75.To optimize a client's campaign to get the most out of her mobile advertising, you can: • edit campaign's ad text to include information about how customers can purchase her product on their computers • set a mobile adjustment for a campaign based on insights from estimated cross-device conversion and total estimated conversion data • set shorter conversion windows to capture users who convert after researching on multiple devices • use the maximize clicks flexible bidding strategy to increase the number of clicks her ads get from users viewing her ads on mobile devices Explication: To alter your bids when your ads appear on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, you can specify a Explication desktop, tablet, or mobile bid adjustment at the campaign level or at the ad group level.If you set a device bid adjustment at the campaign level and at the ad group level in a single campaign, the ad group device bid adjustment is used when determining your bid. However, if the campaign device bid adjustment is - 100%, then the ad group device bid adjustment isn't used.
  • 79. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 76.After searching for shoes, Sean clicks on an ad promoting a sale on sneakers, which has several pop-ups. What should the advertiser do to improve Sean's experience? • ensure that pop-ups get Sean's attention • remove all but one of pop-ups • remove all pop-ups • ensure that pop-ups relate to the search Explication: pop-ups are annoying, for google also.Practical side-note: google bot cant't detected/read all pop-ups. For example pop-up window created with Ajax wont be detected by google bot in most cases.
  • 80. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 77.If you want to target ads to only people who speak Spanish, you can • have Google translate your ad and keywords into Spanish • write your ads and keywords in Spanish and target the Spanish language • write your ad and keywords in English and target Spanish language • in you text, make a reference to Spanish speakers Explication: If you try to communicate with others who don't speak the same language, you might find it tough to get your message across. Similarly with AdWords, you want your ads to appear for customers who can understand them. Your ads can appear for customers who use Google products and third-party websites in the languages that your campaign targets. This helps ensure that your ads will appear on sites that are written in the language of the customers you'd like to reach.
  • 81. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 78.You might analyze exact match impression share data to get an idea of: • the number of eligible impressions your broad match keyword recieved • the percentage of eligible impressions you recieved for searches that exactly matched your keywords • the number of times your ads were shown on the Search Network • the percentage of eligible impressions you recieved for searches that exactly matched content on your landing page Explication: Exact match impression share is a percentage calculated by dividing the number of impressions that your campaign received for searches that exactly matched your keyword by the total estimated number of exact match impressions you were eligible to receive.
  • 82. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 79.A new client wants to promote his 3 Indian restaurants, in different areas of London,to people searching for places to eat. How might you organize his account? • create 1 campaign with an ad group for each restaurant location • create 1 campaign with an group for all restaurant locations create • several campaigns with 2 ad groups each: dine and takeout • create 1 campaign with an ad group for each menu item Explication: Restaurant are location based businesses. It' s a good practice to separate your campaigns by themes. In this case by locations.
  • 83. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 80.You manage this campaign for a client that runs a wine tour business in Florence. The ads have stopped showing on google. If the budget is limited, what might help make sure the ads show? • raise the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid • use accelerated delivery to show the ads throughout the day to make sure that the entire budget isn't spent in the morning • use target outranking share bidding • improve the quality of the campaign's keywords by making sure they're relevant to the ad's text and landing pages Explication: It's a waste of money if you don't have properly build landing page and carefully selected keywords. A value that's used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page) and whether your ads will show at all. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount, the components of Quality Score (expected clickthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience), and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats.
  • 84. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 81.Your client sells gardening supplies online. You suggest she use sitelinks because the can: • bring people to her site from blogs about gardening • use accelerated delivery to show the ads throughout the day to make sure that the entire take people to blogs about gardening • be used with Shopping campaigns • take people to subpages on her site about gloves, tools, and fertilizer Explication: to add more links to your ads, create sitelink extensions. Sitelinks can take people to specific pages on your site—your store hours, a specific product, or more. When someone clicks or taps on your links, they skip right to what they want to know or buy.
  • 85. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 82.Hannah is having sale. In her ads, she wants to include the amount of time left in the sale; What's the best way to do that? • note the sale end date in the text • use "countdown" function • insert the AdWords clock icon in each ad • Use the "Sale duration" function Explication: Ad customizers adapt your text ads to what someone is searching for, which device she's using, where he’s located, or even the date, time of day, or day of the week. They can insert a price, the time left before a sale ends, and any other text that you define. Countdown function is one of possible solutions
  • 86. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 83.What you can learn from attribution reports? • the series of steps customer's take after completing a conversion, including information on ads, clicks, and other elements of a campaign • budget usage for all search campaigns, including limitations and opportunities for more traffic • the number of conversions the same customer completes after clicking an ad • the series of steps customer's take before completing a conversion, including information on ads, clicks, and other elements of a campaign Explication: Attribution reports show you the paths customers take to complete a conversion, and attribute the conversion to different ads, clicks, and factors along the way. Attribution reports can give you detailed information about the paths that lead people to conversions for your business. You can see whether certain keywords assisted conversions that eventually happened through other keywords. This gives you a better sense of your potential customers' conversion paths than just looking at the last-clicked keyword.
  • 87. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 84.A succesful AdWords text ad: • ties the call-to-action to the landing page • talks about the advertiser's reputation • has a wrapping headline and at least 2 paragraps of text • mentions at least 4 key selling points Explication: Tell people what they can buy. Are you offering a service? Tell people how to contact you. Calls to action like purchase, call today, order, browse, sign up, or get a quote make clear what the next steps are.
  • 88. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 85.High quality ratings for an ad can: • improve its position • increase how often people click on it • be achieved with an increase in bid • increase its average cost-per-click (avg; CPC) bid Explication: The most important thing to remember is that even if your competition bids higher than you, you can still win a higher position -- at a lower price -- with highly relevant keywords and ads.
  • 89. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 86.You’re reviewing the campaigns of a new client who wants to better promote his child daycare facility to parents researching childcare on their mobile devices. Currently, his ads include • generic text about childcare. To optimize his ads for mobile, you might create ad with • the mobile version of the facility’s website as the landing page, and uses an interactive video showing current students and teachers reading together • headline and description text that includes a customer testimonial, and uses the previous visits automated ad extension to let people see when they last visited the clients website • headline and description text that encourages people to sign up for a tour, and uses location extensions so they know where the clients business is located • the computer version of the facility’s website as the landing page, and a headline and description text that encourages people to sign up for the facility’s newsletter Explication: Confusing question. Many online tutorials are pointing to the first answer, but a key factor is that child daycare facilities are based on locations. Location in this case is more important than a nice image/video.
  • 90. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 87.Dustin wants to write a great text ad that will get people's attention when they're searching on google. What should he do to generate the most clicks? • put the ad headline in all capital letters • include his keywords in the ad text • put special characters in the ad headline • include his business address in the ad text Explication: the keywords you choose are used to show your ads to people. Select high-quality, relevant keywords for your ad campaign to help you reach only the most interested people, who are more likely to become your customers.
  • 91. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 88.According to google data, 70% of mobile searchers who've recently made a purchase have: called a similar business from their phone clicked to call a business from the search results page visited a business's website from the search results page save a business as a contact on their phone Explication: No need explication, right? Just read google report. Which is outdated, by the way.
  • 92. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 89.Which report and metric should you analyse to see how often your client's ads are showing above search results in comparison with other advertisers? • ad group data that you customize with the Report Editor • average position metric from the top movers report • ad average position metric from the paid & organiw report • top of page rate metric from the Auction insights report Explication: The Auction insights report lets you compare your performance with other advertisers who are participating in the same auctions that you are. This information can help you make strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting choices by showing you where you're succeeding and where you may be missing opportunities for improved performance. The Auction insights report is available for both Search and Shopping campaigns.
  • 93. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 90.Roxanne's online estate-jewelry sales are lagging despite running a great text ad. What else might she do to drive sales? • increase the number of keywords in each ad group • use the shopping ad format • increase her maximum cost-per-click (max;CPC) bid • add a location extension to her ad Explication: If you're a retailer, you can use Shopping campaigns to promote your online and local inventory, boost traffic to your website or local store, and find better qualified leads. To get started, you'll send us your product data with Merchant Center and create a campaign in AdWords. Then we'll use your campaign to create ads on Google and around the web where potential customers can see what you're selling. We call these placements Shopping ads, because they're more than a text ad--they show users a photo of your product, plus a title, price, store name, and more. These ads give users a strong sense of the product you're selling before they click the ad, which gives you more qualified leads.
  • 94. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 91.An ad group contains the phrase-matched keyword "underwater camera". Which search query may trigger an ad in this ad group to be shown? • underwater camera case • underwater digital camera • camera for use underwater • underwater lens camera Explication: Phrase match keyword setting allows your ad to show only when someone's search includes the exact phrase of your keyword, or close variations of the exact phrase of your keyword, with additional words before or after. The phrase match keyword "bicycle bell" can cause your ad to show if someone searches for "bicycle bell," "buy bicycle bell," and "bicycle bell reviews."
  • 95. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 92.Data shows that your client’s ad that appears to people in San Francisco gets 120 conversions at a cost of US$1200 and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of US$10, while ads showing in Houston get 70 conversions at a cost of US$1400 and CPA of US$20. If you have a CPA goal of US$12, what bid adjustment would you set for each location? • +20% for San Francisco, -20% for Houston • +20% for San Francisco, -40% for Houston • +40% for San Francisco, -20% for Houston • +40% for San Francisco, -40% for Houston Explication: No explication, as this question has nothing to do with AdWords, just simple math.
  • 96. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 93.An advertiser who uses ad scheduling has a custom bid adjustment for 9 p.m. to 12a.m. on weeknights. The normal bid is US$0.40 and the bid multiplier is -25%. How much is the advertiser bidding for that time period? • US$0.30 • US$0.32 • US$0.31 • US$0.03 Explication: Same here. Just simple math. Why google thinks that if we ask how much is 0.40 - 25%, it's a question about Adwords Advertising. Moreover a question of "ADVANCED" exam....
  • 97. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 94.Someone searches on “laptop computers” and clicks an ad. Which landing page would be most relevant? • A page showing both laptops and desktops • A computer store homepage • A page showing laptops • A computer store homepage Explication: Landing page experience is AdWords’ measure of how well your website gives people who click your ads exactly what they’re looking for-- quickly and effortlessly. Your landing page is the URL people arrive at after they click your ad, and the experience you offer affects your Ad Rank and therefore your CPC and position in the ad auction. Your ads may show less often (or not at all) if they point to websites that offer a poor user experience.
  • 98. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 95.If you want to prioritize downloads of your mobile app instead of visits to your mobile site, you should: • include the word “install” in the ad text • add a sitelink extension • add a call extension • run an app install ad Explication: Mobile app installs campaigns are geared specifically toward getting more people to download your app. AdWords can help customize targeting, keywords, and ads based on your app ID and other information. You can easily gauge your campaign's performance by tracking installs as conversions.
  • 99. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 96."Mobile app engagement" campaigns can be used to: • encourage people to rate an app in the app store • increase in-store call conversions • encourage people to download a new app • re-engage people who've downloaded an app Explication: Once you connect your app to AdWords, you can focus your ads only on people who are interested in your app content. To keep track of how people use your app, and see which of your ads drove people to act, you can count specific engagement actions in your app as conversions.
  • 100. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 97. Daley is managing multiple Adwords accounts for a grocery store chain and using conversion tracking. What might make her daily Adwords tasks simpler: • combining the accounts for streamlined reporting • using multiple conversion code snippets with single-account conversion tracking • setting up automated conversion rules for both accounts • using 1 conversion code snippet with cross-account conversion tracking Explication: With AdWords conversion tracking, you can see how effectively your ad clicks lead to valuable customer activity, such as website purchases, phone calls, app downloads, newsletter sign-ups, and more. Depending on the type of conversion you’re tracking, the setup process is different, so the first step in setting up conversion tracking is choosing a conversion source, or where your conversions come from. To use cross-account conversions, you’ll need to have more than one AdWords account and a manager account that’s linked to those accounts.
  • 101. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 98. You sell chocolate and want to tailor your text ads so they more directly match people’s search terms like “dark chocolate”. You use keyword insertion code “We sell {KeyWord:Chocolate}”. Your headline could look like this: • We Sell dark chocolate • We sell Dark Chocolate • We sell dark chocolate • We Sell chocolate Explication: An advanced AdWords feature that dynamically updates your ad text to include one of your keywords that matches a customer's search terms. Keep in mind that first letters of keywords will be capitalized when happens.
  • 102. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 99.Blake is selling baseball caps and using conversion tracking. What information might he learn from the conversion tracking data? • Lots of his site visitors are 49ers fans • Most of his customers are watching a ballgame when they visit his site • Lots of his site visitors are signing up for his baseball trivia newsletter • Most people clicking on his ad already own at least 1 baseball cap Explication: You can track actions which your site visitors take. The "Conversions" column shows you the number of conversions you've received, across your conversion actions. You can use this column to see how often your ads led customers to actions that you’ve defined as valuable for your business.
  • 103. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 100. According to Google data, after seeing an ad on their smartphone, more than half of people: • do a mobile search • go to a store and buy the product • go to the company’s website and buy the product • send a text Explication: You just have to read a report to answer this question. Note that this report is dated 2015.... Personal opinion: Really? it's difficult to believe...And really doubt it should be a question in ADVANCED search advertising exam. After just "seeing" an ad? More than a half? You see multiple adds every time you are browsing Youtube, for example... Don't remember that i did at least 1 mobile search concerning these ads i have seen. .You did? More than a half?
  • 104. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 101. You’re the account manager for a client who wants to license reservations at her boutique hotel. You’ve been manually managing the bids for her campaigns, and you’re looking for ways to save time and optimize. How can you most effectively do this? • Create 2 separate campaigns that include a mix of brand keywords and highly targeted keywords, and apply maximize click bidding to each campaign • Create 1 campaign and apply target search page location bidding to drive visibility and reservations • Apply target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bidding to drive conversions at her desired CPA • Continue to manually set the bids to focus on driving clicks to the site in order to drive conversions Explication: Target CPA is an AdWords Smart Bidding strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set. It uses advanced machine learning to automatically optimize bids and offers auction-time bidding capabilities that tailor bids for each and every auction. Target CPA is available as either a standard strategy in a single campaign or as a portfolio strategy across multiple campaigns and ad groups.
  • 105. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 102. Return on investment (ROI) information can help you manage a client’s campaign by helping you determine how to: • adjust your client’s budget • optimize your client’s ad text • all of the listed answers are correct • optimize your client’s keywords Explication: Yes, it's a correct answer in this test. About ROI: Whether you use AdWords to increase sales, generate leads, or drive other valuable customer activity, it's a good idea to measure your return on investment (ROI). Knowing your ROI helps you evaluate whether the money you're spending on AdWords advertising is going to a good cause: healthy profits for your business. Misleading question. ROI doesn't help to optimize ad Text. Not directly. Same with Keywords. "Adjust your client's budget" is more logical answer in my opinion as it's directly concerned.
  • 106. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 103. You want to use Adwords to promote your dog-sitting service. What kind of campaign might you create to reach dog owners, whether they’re searching on Google or surfing a pet-supply website? • Display Network, advanced • Display Network with Search Select • Search Network with Display Select • Search Network, advanced Explication: "Searching on Google" points to Search Network. "surfing pet-supply website" points to Display Network. The "Search Network with Display Select" campaign type helps you reach people as they use Google search or visit sites across the web.
  • 107. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 104. The owners of a coffehouse would like to turn an "afternoon espresso" promotion to increase sales on weekdays. Which AdWords feature would be most effective for preventing their search ads from appearing at night and on weekends? • managed placements • custom ad sheduling • automatic bidding • keyword planner Explication: For campaigns with “All features” enabled, you can use the ad schedule to: Specify certain hours or days of the week when you want your ads to show. Set bid adjustments to increase or decrease your bids for specific days and times. By default, your AdWords campaigns are set to "Show ads all days and hours." This means your ads are eligible to appear throughout each calendar day. Keep in mind that if no one searches for your keywords at the specified time or day you scheduled, your ads are not going to show.
  • 108. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 105. You own a pet-supply store with various category pages on your website, and you’ve set up a tracking template so you can manage tracking and redirect information. Your final URL for the keyword “dog treats” could be something like: •{creative}dogtreats • • {creative}& • trackingkeyworddestinationURL=12345678987654321%dogtreatsredirec Explication: Before July 2016r, ad and keyword tracking in AdWords relied on a destination URL that contained both your landing page URL and any tracking information you used. In July, we replaced the “Destination URL” field with two separate fields to make it easier to use tracking in your ads: One field for your ad's final landing page URL, called “Final URL”, One field for tracking information, called “Tracking template”
  • 109. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 106. Search terms report data shows that people who click on ads promoting your prescription glasses were searching for terms like "wine glasses" and "drinking glasses" Which might you add as negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing on such searches? • "wine" and "drinking" • "drinking" and "glasses" • "prescription" and "glasses" • "glasses" and "wine" Explication: Wine and drinking are irrelevant keywords. Negative keywords let you exclude search terms from your campaigns.This feature can help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Better targeting can put your ad in front of interested users and increase your return on investment (ROI).
  • 110. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 107. An advertiser targeting only France determines that clicks have been received from 107 people in Switzerland. Why might this happen? • People located in Switzerland are searching using France-related words, like "hotels in Paris" • French people visiting Switzerland are searching on Google for information about Switzerland • Swiss people are searching on Google for information about Switzerland • People located in France are using Swiss-related words like "hotels in Switzerland" Explication: You can help ensure that your ads reach the customers you want. Use location and language settings to have your ads appear to customers in your targeted geographic locations, or to customers who have selected your targeted language as their interface language. With your location settings, you can target the geographic areas where your ads can appear. For example, if you own an e-commerce store in the United States and you want to target the state of California, you can use your location settings to do just that.
  • 111. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 108. A furniture store owner is creating her first AdWords campaign. What’s the best way to group her products? • Separate them in ad groups with themes like sofa beds, king-size beds, and queen-size beds • Separate them in ad groups based on what she thinks will sell best on the Search vs. the Display Network • Group them in a single ad group • Create a new campaign for every bed she sells in her store Explication: Use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme. For example, try separating ad groups into the different product or service types you offer.
  • 112. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 109. An advertiser who is selling computer monitors is writing new ad text for an existing ad group. Which line of ad text is written according to Google AdWords advertising policies? • Cheap, cheap, cheap monitors • 20-70% off LCD monitors • BUY affordable LCDs • **Free** shipping on LCDs Explication: In order to provide a quality user experience, Google requires that all promotions meet high professional and editorial standards. We only allow promotions that are clear, professional in appearance, and that lead users to content that is relevant, useful, and easy to interact with. Repetitive words, strange capitalizing, are just several examples of text which is against google requirements.
  • 113. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 110. Jose has a limited AdWords budget and his ads aren't showing as often as he wants. How might he improve results without spending more money on the campaigns limited by budget? • Slightly raise bids • Replace his 3 most expensive keywords with lower-prices keywords • Slightly lower bids • Choose accelerated instead of standard delivery Explication: Your ads stop showing when your daily budget is reached. In such cases lowering your bids could help to show your ads more often.
  • 114. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 111. Fran decides to use custom ad scheduling to promote her farm-to-table restaurant. Why did she choose this option? • She's using a "Standard" campaign • She prefers not to limit ad exposure, regardless of when the restaurant is open • She can't afford to run ads at all times of the day and on all days of the week • Her ads generate 95% of her business on Fridays, so she'd like to show them more on that day Explication: You may want your ad to show whenever a customer searches online. Or perhaps you only want to show your ad on certain days, or during business hours when you’re there to handle customer inquiries.
  • 115. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 112. How would you explain the importance of ad impressions to a client who's concerned that her Search Network campaign is generating impressions but no clicks? • They can help her calculate how often someone clicked on her ad and then converted • They can help her evaluate how engaging her ad is to potential customers • They can give her an idea of how often her ad is shown to potential customers • They can give her an idea of how often someone clicked on her ad Explication: An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network. Little confusing question as you need impressions data to calculate CTR for example. However the most direct answer is no 3.
  • 116. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 113. Which is a best practice for writing an effective text ad? • Make the text different from what's on your landing page • Write several ads and see which one performs the best • Use a passive verb in the headline • Talk about yourself and your business Explication: You should always have more than one ad in each ad group, because AdWords are automatically rotating ads and shows the best performing one.
  • 117. ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS ADWORD SEARCH ADVERTISING EXAM ANSWERS 114. Jonathan, who has a Bay Area sailing excursion business, notices that his text ads show below a competitor's in search results when people enter keywords like "sailing excursions on San Francisco Bay." Which automated bid strategy could help him attain the top position? • Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) • Target outranking share • Maximize clicks • Target return on ad spend (ROAS) Explication: "Target outranking share" is a type of portfolio bid strategy that automates bidding across multiple campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to help your ads outrank ads from another domain. This article explains how the portfolio "target outranking share" bid strategy works, what its settings are, and a few things to keep in mind when using this strategy.