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Initial Ideas
Idea 1: Baseball Basher
Who Ruben and Robin Ruth descended from the best baseball player in history and kept up that tradition. Ruben was
the favourite of the two siblings and the second best player in the family, and he was the most popular kid in
school. Robin was a nervous reck because her brother was a cruel bully to her and many kids in school who always
went unpunished.
What Ruben Ruth, the best baseball player in his school, was the most cruel bully in the country, his victims wanted
revenge! The biggest game he was going to be in got rigged by his victims to loose, instead it lead to his unintended
death (but was planned by the leader). Four years later, Ruben (re-named the “Baseball Basher”) comes back as a
zombie to kill his saboteurs from all those years ago.
Why Basher kills his past victims for killing him four years ago, he was the worst bully in the country and the worst to six
in particular (his sister included). The victims planned to sabotage Basher’s biggest baseball game were he would
play both striker and catcher. The victims all played the opposing team were they hit the ball far away, they were
hoping for him to not catch the ball and that would ruin his flawless baseball matches, instead the lead victim
broke a fence beneath the field and hit the ball far so Basher would trip when chasing it and be impaled on the
When The opening, were a 16 year old Basher dies, is set in 1979. Four years later, in 1983, Basher comes back for his
Where The plot is set in the Atlanta baseball stadium, USA. Basher was buried outside of the stadium which is also were he
kills his saboteurs who are there for his anniversary death. I chose this city because I’ve been there many times and
I saw the biggest (and only) baseball stadium in my life.
Idea 2: Ice Club
Who Alexander Campbell, he was a sixteen year old boy who loved the cold and was an expert golfer, he showed his
skills off in school. Alex later gets knocked out and buried in a shallow grave, the winter’s cold embrace reanimates
his body. Alex becomes a frozen zombie who worships the cold as some sort of god, to show his devotion, Alex
plunges the world into a winter post-apocalypse.
What An expert golfer, Alexander Campbell, shows off his skills in school which moves the spotlight away from the jocks.
After a golf game in a wintery morning, the jocks knock out Alex with his own club and bury him in a shallow grave.
A month after his disappearance, Alex gets reanimated by the cold, the now called “Ice Club” kills his bullies with
his clubsicle, he then plunges the world into a winter post apocalypse, his way of showing gratitude to the cold for
bringing him back.
Why Club kills the bullies for taking away his future and ruining his life because they buried him in a freezing shallow
grave. Club then sends the world into a winter post-apocalypse because he views the cold as a god, it resurrected
him, so he shows his gratitude to it by placing snow and ice world wide. Club the creates sentient snowmen to wipe
out the last of humanity because he thinks they ruin the cold.
When The story is set in 2009, Club is left in his grave for a month but the year doesn't change.
Where The story takes place in Manor Church of England Academy, York/Britain. Club kills his bullies at the back of the
school, in the sports field. Club then makes the school into his base of operation where he makes snowmen to kill
the last of humanity.
How Clubs soul gets frozen inside his body before it can leave and go to heaven, instead the soul gets rerouted and fuses
Idea 3: Fireman
Who Burney Samson was trapped in the twin towers before they collapsed, he got extreme burns and buried under
rubble for twenty years. The newly named “Fireman” wakes up and (thanks to the third degree burns to the head)
goes on a killing spree after washing up in the 9:11 memorial through a drain. Unlike the others I’ve come up with,
Fire doesn't have certain targets, he simply kills whoever he comes across.
What A fire fighter was trapped in the twin towers before they collapsed, he got badly burnt but didn’t die, instead, he
got buried under rubble and put in a coma for 20 years. Fireman gets washed out of the rubble by a drain that
leads to the 9:11 memorial, thanks to his to his third degree burns that lead to insanity, he then goes on a killing
spree. One of the many grievers tries to stop him from shattering the already destroyed lives.
Why Thanks to the third degree burns he got from 9:11, Fireman is a simple psychopath who kills any one he sees.
Through his eyes, Fireman sees everybody as flames that must be extinguished, and the tools he uses to kill people
he views as water. The protagonist stops him because she thinks the families of 9:11 had suffered enough, they
don’t need to lose even more of their kin.
When The film is set in 2021, twenty years after the tragedy that was 9:11.
Where All of this death takes place in New York around the area of the new world trade centre and the memorial sight.
Fireman will kill the families who are still grieving at the memorial sight, he will also kill everybody in the new world
trade centre… one by one!
How The fireman didn’t die and come back, instead, he got put into a comma for 20 years and buried in rubble. Third
degree burns to the brain make him go insane and kill everybody who he sees as a fire that needs to be put out
Mood board:
Existing Product: Halloween
• Poster: The creative shot of Michaels face with Laurie Strode’s reflection is very entreating. The
face of Laurie in the reflection is an interesting one a viewer can identify with.
• Location: A dark background with nothing but the slasher and his victim’s face makes an
interesting atmosphere. The amount of mystery in a simple poster such as this can intrigue the
• Angle: The angle of the poster is a close-up face shot. The film has a creative one shot where
Michael goes from house to house and kills people: this brings change to the horror franchise;
trying something new and interesting
• Effects: The film uses CGI for the kills and creative transitions throughout the movie which is
used to build suspense and scary moments for the audience to enjoy.
• Use of Lighting: The poster has a dark creepy atmosphere with Michael’s knife being shown.
The film has some horror scenes in the day showing a pale atmosphere and most of the movie
is in creepy darkness, all of this makes an interesting setting.
• Mise en Scene: The film comes together well in its suspenseful rhythm; from the quiet stalking
to the sudden jump scare the cinematography can interest old and new fans a like.
• Costume: Michael wears an engineer suit and dawns his famous white mask, this classic get up
exciting nostalgic fans and it stands out to new viewers. The knife also shows that the Michael is
menacing and scary.
• Props: Practice effects and murder weapons add to the plot making it true to the original, which
impresses old fans, and would leave an impact on new fans thanks to the scary images.
• Colours: The film has dark gloomy colours with most of the movie at night, it adds to the
suspense of the stalker/killer Michael.
• Fonts: The poster has a simple font, but the big words make the title stand out and eye
catching. It sticks to the original cult classic that would win over old fans and be so eye-catching
it brings in new ones.
• Audience Appeal: The creepy atmosphere of darkness, a stalker watching you at every turn
thanks to the quiet background and suspenseful kills with a brilliant soundtrack can give horror
fans a classic thrill.
Existing Product:
Friday the 13th
• Poster: The foggy darkness with a creepy pose from Jason makes an eye-catching poster that
makes old and new fans interested to see the movie.
• Location: The long since abandoned Camp Crystal Lake being roamed by a wilderness survivor
knowing the land inside out makes an excitingly creepy setting for all the horny teens to be
• Angle: The poster shows a full body shot of Jason; a creepy figure hanging over you makes the
poster stand out because it seems like its silently watching you in the shadows.
• Effects: The film uses practical effects in its kills, nostalgic horror fans would get a thrill from the
old ways of the franchise still having the fun the original had.
• Use of lighting: The poster and the movie has the light of the moon throughout; the light of the
moon gives an interesting new setting to the slasher franchise.
• Mise en Scene: The film has a good pace and build of Jason and suspense: one movie succeeded
were 11 failed miserably. Overall, this makes a good rhythm.
• Props: The mask and machete that made Jason so iconic would make fans very excited about the
movie when seeing the poster because it’s still staying to its old ways.
• Colours: The bright colours of the hockey mask with a faded and a dark scary atmosphere only
lighted by the moon makes a fascinating setting that is eye-catching to the audience.
• Fonts: The font gives nostalgic fans the same excitement they had in the 80s because of the red
words they grew up with.
• Audience Appeal: The franchise had 11 movies prier to it (most of them are bad), this film has a
good pace, a good setting and all the major plot points of the last movies put into one film which
overall makes newcomers and long-time fans love it alike.
Existing Product; Terrifier
• Poster: The poster has a lot of the plot on the cover showing viewers what
bloody, brutal kills to look forward to.
• Location: The film takes place in a gloomy warehouse, a new place for a slasher
which will give viewers a new interesting experience.
• Angle: The poster is partly inside and partly outside; inside and outside shots
can show the best cinematic shots of the movie.
• Effects: The film has the goriest kills I’ve ever seen and all with practical effects;
slasher fans who hate CGI will have a fun time with the practical kills and over
the top blood.
• Use of Lighting: The film is in a grey atmosphere, but the poster is full of neon
colours, it can interest nostalgic people and viewers can see an interesting
atmosphere in the movie.
• Mise en Scene: The movie is painful to watch but the kill scenes are suspenseful
and brutal which makes a gruesome rhythm for hardcore fans and viewers to
• Costume: Art the clown wares a black and white costume, people can enjoy the
classic scary clown design.
• Props: The film has a lot of practical effects for the gory kills and murder
weapons nostalgic horror fans will like because this movie doesn't use CGI.
• Colours: The poster is coloured in a neon theme which can excite nostalgic fans,
and the grey atmosphere ads an interesting theme for viewers
• Fonts: This twisted movie has simple fonts but an unnerving feel about them
because of how their shaped.
• Audience Appeal: The neon theme would excite people who still want to live in
the 1980s-90s. People who like violence and gore in fiction can find plenty of it
Existing Product: The Strangers
Prey at Night
• Poster: The dark atmosphere and mysterious characters would intrigue the viewers
because of how out of place they are.
• Location: The film is set in a trailer park; a new setting for murder to take place which gives
the audience a new experience.
• Angle: The poster has a body shot of all the killers: this amount of detail stands out and
makes the poster eye-catching.
• Effects: The film is low-budget, but it has suspenseful moments and some practical effects
which would win over horror fans and haters of CGI.
• Use of Light: There’s one shot of the day and the rest is shot at night where the rest of the
night is suspenseful which will give fans who want to get scared a fright.
• Mise en Scene: This hole movie is rather sloppy, but it has some well-made scenes thanks
to creative camera work e.g., the camera bobbing up and down in the water in the victim’s
• Costume: The strangers wear simplistic clothes, but the bazar masks stand out and would
get the audience intrigued to see the movie.
• Props: The movie has a more realistic take on weapons (the killers only use knives and an
axe) and the masks stand out, all of this makes the film seem more realistic.
• Colours: Most of the film is in creepy darkness, but the killers wear bright clothes which
make a bazar but interesting setting.
• Fonts: The title has a bright white and red look; the amount of light certainly makes it
stand out because most slasher titles aren’t bright.
• Audience Appeal: This film has a mysterious setting, colourful killers and a more realistic
take on genocidal situations, this movie can certainly interest and audience.
• What have you learned from your research? I’ve learned that, in horror movies: lighting
props and continuity is important. Lighting makes a scary atmosphere for the plot witch all
horror movies try to achieve. Deaths in horror movies are very common and the viewers
want practical effects for the kills other wise CGI ruins them, and fans are always wanting
horror sequels to be similar to the original.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? I’ll include the lighting
of horror movies to make a creepy atmosphere in my own work. Practical effects will be
used for all the kills in my story. And if I continue my story I’ll make it connected to the
original instead of having convoluted reboots.
1. Friday the 13th reboot (2009) Directed by Marcus Nipsel. [Featured Film]. Warner Brothers Studios
2. The Strangers Prey at Night (2018) Directed by Johannes Roberts. [Featured Film] Rouge Pictures
3. Terrifier (2016) Directed by Damien Leone [Featured Film] Dread Central Presents
4. Halloween (2018) Directed by David Green [ Featured Film] Universal Studios
Movie Poster
Poster Evolution
Poster Reflection
• What did I do? I made a poster from a movie title generator, the title being ‘raised by the moon’. I made my
poster be a knight who’s forever loyal to the moon. I chose pictures that were all one colour to give the
poster a blue themed design.
• How did it go? My poster turned out okay, but I had some difficulties at the start. I forgot how to use
photoshop which lead to technical difficulties, trying to cut out parts of images caused the hole thing to
crash. The title was also bland in colouring at the start, but I was able to get the work done in time.
• What did I learn? I quickly learned how to use photoshop after a lot of time had passed. The stuff I learned
on photoshop was; Placing and growing images, getting rid of backgrounds and add shading etc. I learned
how to make posters look interesting and less boring after a failed first attempt.
• How could that help me in my up coming project? Getting more experience with photoshop will allow me to
produce future magazine covers and posters quicker. I can use the failed title to make better titles for my
future design projects.
• What could I improve? I could add the extra parts of the poster which are: the Billing Block, Tag Line, Actors,
Release date etc. I could also add more detail to the bland title and add some extra details to the poster.
• What could I learn next? I could learn the other tools in photoshop to make my posters better looking in
their designs. I could learn more about the little details of posters to add more detail to my own poster
designs. And I could also learn different types of title designs to make mine less boring and more eye
Magazine Cover
Magazine Cover Reflection
• What did I do? I made a magazine cover of the videogame character Shovel Knight. The
Cover is simplistic and was put together quickly because of its short time limit.
• How did it go? The making of this poster was simplistic and short, but it was short because
of its short time allotment. It was a fun poster to put together, but some back ground
cutting out caused photoshop to freeze and accidently erase parts of my work.
• What did I learn? I learned that magazines have a lot going on in the front cover of the
magazine. Videogame magazines have the most detail on them and I will include more
detail in future projects.
• How could this help me in my up coming project? Learning that magazine covers have a lot
going on in them to intrigue the audience, I can use those designs. I can use those design
ideas to add to my own magazine covers to make them look more detailed.
• What could I improve? I could add more pictures to my magazine cover of videogame
character: Shovel Knight. I could add more pictures to have more going on in my videogame
cover to be more eye-catching and interesting.
• What could I learn next? I could learn all the design ideas for magazines and make a full
magazine book in future projects. I could learn the individual parts of a magazine cover to
make my covers more imaginative and detailed.
Pre-Production and
Style Sheet
Layout design
Baseball Basher
Coming 26 0f Feb
£30 per ticket
“A new type of slasher”
“A baseball slasher finally done right”
-Also Me
These teens aren’t going to ‘home run’.
Baseball Basher
Baseball Basher
Colour Scheme
1. The grey will be over the protagonist and
victims in the poster, I chose the grey colour
scheme to resemble the boringness and
depression of the characters.
2. The white will show the characters and the
killer, I choose this to resemble a small beam
of hope for the victims survival and help the
audience see what's happening.
3. The darkness will be over most of the poster,
I choose this to resemble the scary setting of
being alone in the darkness.
4. The red will be the clothes of the killer and it
will be on most of the poster, obviously I
chose the red to resemble the blood of the
killers victims.
Melted Monster is the font I choose for my poster, it resembles the undead side of the story and it has blood dripping.
Magazine and advert layouts
I choose to make the design look like this because it is simple but it can give the
reader a basic idea of what the story would be about.
What can go wrong? What can you do if it does?
People would pass by while trying to take photos Go to an empty part of the college
There could be the wrong weather Edit it out on the poster
Might not have the right props Get spares or use replacements
The actors may not show up Get replacement actors
Not the right equipment Have spares or use replacements
People may get injured Get them help and get replacement
Actors could be distracted Take away distractions
Risk Assessment
What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you
do if it does?
Weather Take photos inside
Baseball Bat Keep it hidden most of the time
Kid actors Threaten to kick them out or get replacements
Passing People Wait for people to pass or go to private area
Area Take photos in different areas
Tripod Properly secure tripod or put camera on replacement
Helmet Keep it hidden most of the time
• At the city of Atlanta, America in 1979, 16-year-old siblings Ruben and Robin Ruth (descendants
of Babe Ruth, the best baseball player in history) never get along. Ruben is favored both in school
and by his parents for having the same baseball skills his ancestor had. He never loses matches and
never gets bullied, but that’s because he is the bully! The spoiled little Brat he is, Ruben used his
favoritism to get away with whatever he wants to do. He is the worst bully in the country, bullying
six kids in particular: Martha Bergan, Raymond Chaplin, Eddie Delahanty, Gregory Hallman, Joanna
Calisto and his own sister: Robin.
• The six friends plot their revenge by dressing up as the opposite team in Ruben’s most recent
game at Truist Park. They would throw a ball which he would miss. This would ruin his perfect
streak and make him loose his popularity. Instead, the ball hit Ruben’s face and he tumbles over a
railing he fell and gets impaled on a broken one. Except for five out of the six friends, the hole city
mourned him with Robin being the only one of the six feeling guilty.
• Ruben is buried close to Truist Park in his red uniform with his favorite wooden bat. He is
forgotten by most after his burial, but some go to the stadium on the anniversary of his death to
keep his memory alive. Four years later, Ruben’s soul is in hell, wanting nothing but vengeance for
his life and future being cut short. The devil reanimates him on his anniversary to kill the six that
indirectly killed him. In exchange, he could feast on the souls of his victims.
• While Robin goes to the stadium to grieve the other friends only come to celebrate the
anniversary of his death. At the same time Ruben crawls out of his grave, gets his bat, and goes to
the stadium to kill them one by one! Most friends lose interest in celebrating. They decided to
leave, but Ruben locked the main door, so they split up to find another exit.
• Ruben (now called The Baseball Basher, or simply Basher) has his first blood by killing Martha.
She goes into the locker room to find an exit but only finds a lock door. Martha attempts to open
the door, but sounds cause her to turn around and see Basher face to face. Basher doesn’t hesitate
as he hits Martha to the ground with the bat. He goes to town on her, throwing 20 hard swings on
the skull until her head is reduced to mush. He wipes the blood of his bat and leaves the body with
the spurting jaw stump for his victims to find.
• Basher then finds Eddie in the equipment room; he tackles him to the ground and ties him up with cable
ties and knocks him out.
• Eddie wakes up to find all his limbs separately tied to a massive net facing a ball launcher. Basher puts spikey
baseball balls in the machine which impale Eddie all over the body. The last ball lands in his mouth which
basher pushes deeper into his mouth, finally killing him.
• The last lone friend is Greg who walks through the field only to get hogtied by Basher with a large rope
attached to his legs. He moves to the center of the four bases and begins to swing Greg in squares around each
base face first. Greg is bleeding all over the front of his body where he witnesses Basher beginning to run round
the bases, building up speed, jumping over his body at the same time. Basher then skids to the base where
Greg’s head is placed. He uses the spikey soul of his shoes to knock half the face off him.
• Robin, Ray and Joanna eventually make their way to the exit where they find the bodies of Eddie when
taking a short cut through the field. Joanna vomits and faces her friends only for a spare broken bat to be hit
over her head with the bat head made spikey. Basher stabs her through the back and keeps on jamming it
deeper until her heart gets pushed out from the other side. Basher takes out his real bat and chases Robin and
Ray through the stadium where they run past the corpses of their friends.
• Basher eventually loses their trail. Robin and Ray hide behind one of the locked rows. Ray decides to distract
Basher, so Robin has a chance of escape. Ray tells her that Basher burnt his family’s house down when he was
sixteen, plunging his family into extreme poverty. Ray was the thrower who made a railing spikey and broken for
Basher to fall onto. He threw the ball intently hard so he would fall on the railing and die, all as an act of
• Unloading all this truth onto Robin left her shocked as Ray shouts for Basher’s attention. Ray attempts to
run as Basher peruses him only to slip on the pool of blood left by Martha’s crownless head. Basher forces Ray’s
mouth open where he shoves his bat down his throat. Several twists of the bat caused the front of Ray’s torso
to explode. Robin eventually snaps out of her trance, grabs a bat to defend herself with and flees to the main
• Basher corners her at the entrance where
brother and sister have a brief bat fight before
he gets her in a choak hold with his bat. Robin
attempts to break free until she looks at her bat
which us decaying and broken. She kicks Basher
in the crouch which causes him to drop his bat
and focus on the pain. Robin hits the bat over
Basher’s head which knocks his helmet off and
makes the bat spikey. She slits his throat with it,
but the giant slash from the bat causes his hole
head to come off.
• In the end, Robin escapes, and her brother
dies all over again. His soul goes back to hell
where the devil can still resurrect him.
Advertising and magazine
Baseball Basher
Film Poster
Beta Poster
Official Poster
Double page spread
• What I did: I made a poster on a baseball slasher who killed kids that ruined his
career one by one with a baseball club.
• How it went: When I was taking pictures of the actors on the stairs some
people passed and disrupted the photo shoot, and the actors messed around
which made the production last longer, but in the end, I was able to get one
successful shot of them and I got a lot of successful shots of the slasher. Trying
to find a side of the college that looked like a stadium was a challenge, but I
eventually found a good enough spot for the backdrop, I also had to take
pictures of blood-soaked props with fake blood, I eventually had one successful
shot at the expense of spending a long time washing the fake blood off. The
editing was difficult at first, with me having to make an unknown number of
posters, I eventually got the hang of it and made all of them on time.
• How I could’ve improved it: I could’ve chosen more sensible students from the
class to be the characters for my photo shoot, and I could’ve found a better
place to take pictures without people passing by, next time I know who to
choose and I will use an emptier stair well for my photography. I could’ve gone
to the Cineworld football stadium to be my backdrop instead of using a
background that looked nothing like a stadium, I could’ve also brought wipes to
properly get rid of all the fake blood I put on the props, I will take better
pictures outside of college and bring proper cleaning materials next time. I
could’ve planned more ahead with the posters so I could edit proper ideas I
made, next time I will devote more time to the planning in my spare time.
• What I’m going to do next: I’m going to wright my synopsis of the posters story;
I did this subject the opposite way round because I brought my props in of the
first day.
• What techniques I’ve used: When taking the
photos, I used a wide shot where I used the
stairwell as an empty background so it wouldn’t
disrupt the editing. I put the backgrounds on
first so they wouldn’t overlap the main pictures
and then I enraged the main pictures in a
collage pattern.
• How my work looked: Even though it was
difficult at the start, I was able to make good
posters that came together well. The works
were dark and scary which matched the
atmosphere I was trying to make; I was also able
to meld the darkness with the baseball props
which made a good setting overall.
Reflection on Synopsis
• What I did: I wrote the story of what’s going on in my poster.
• How it went: I was afraid that I wouldn't write the synopsis right and I would’ve
had to constantly go back and change it until I did it right. However, after I
wrote it, I only had three problems to correct; write everything in the present
tense, leave more full-stops instead of commers and write why the characters
went to the place they were going to get killed in. I solved the problems by;
changing the first few paragraphs to present tense by changing some words,
making the long sentences into short ones by changing the commers into full-
stops and change the plot from the characters mourning to celebrating their
victim's death.
• How I could’ve improved it: Despite producing this story for weeks on end,
there were still some plot holes in my story, and I covered the deaths in too
much detail. I could’ve improved the plot by explaining the characters motives
and actions more in the story than making them to just simply die, next time I
will make the characters more complex. I could’ve improved the plot’s length
by cutting down on the gory details of the deaths which would shorten the
story by a page, I will have the plot not so reliant on the plot next time.
• What I’m going to do next: I’m going to make a double spread sheet.
Reflection on Double
Spread Sheet
• What I did: I made a double spread sheet on my adventure poster.
• How it went: At first, I thought it would be difficult to make a spread
sheet, but I found it surprisingly easy when I began to make earlier
today. I struggled to properly put my real-life images onto the
background in photoshop and were to position the filler red text
which I feared couldn’t be seen. After 40 minutes, I was able to make
a proper double spread sheet, I was able to put the real-life picture in
and I was able to position the text in properly which was viewable.
• How I could’ve improved it: The poster did look a little bit bland
when it was properly excited and finished, but despite it’s flaws it still
worked in the end. I could’ve made the double spread sheet more
detailed because it was just a black screen with red writing and a
picture of my killer, next time I will look through more double spread
sheets to get more creative ideas. I could’ve made proper text for the
double spread sheet instead of just having filler for all the side
writing on the double spread sheet, I will write about the production
history in the text to not have filler.
• What I’m going to do next: I’m going to research things for my LMP.
Reflection on
double spread
• What techniques I used: I took wide photos of
myself and took many to see which ones would go
well with double spread sheet. I made the words
red and the background black to make it have a
scary atmosphere, I made the redness light so it
would be extra scary.
• How my work looked: Despite being simple, the
double spread sheet looks good, came together
quite well and looks professional. The darkness
and red writing add to the scary baseball theme,
its simplicity is getting the design out clearer than I
Part II
Adventure game spider diagram
1. The main idea I have is based on a game called
Dead by Daylight. In this game, four teens are in
ana arena and have to start four generators that
opens up an exit for them to escape, all the while
they have to avoid the killer hunting them. My
idea is this: the six saboteurs that killed Basher
are locked in a baseball stadium were they have
to find 20 buttons to push so they can open the
exit, all the while they have to avoid the undead
Basher hunting them.
2. Another idea I have is from a yet to be released
game called Evil Dead. In this game, human
characters from the movies have to fight zombies
to the death in arenas that resemble the locations
were the plots of the movies took place. My idea
is this: Basher and other baseball slashers fight
their human victims in a fight to the death at
arenas that resemble the places the plots of the
movies took place in.
3. Another idea I have is from a yet to be released game called Martha is
dead. In this game, a girl called, you guest it, Martha gets drowned by her
fiancé in a lake, her ghost haunts the lake and kills youthful girls so she can
become human again, her twin called Giulia goes to the lake to put her soul to
rest but has to survive jump-scares across the way. My idea is this: the ghost
of Basher haunts the stadium he was killed in, his saboteurs go there to put
his soul to rest, most of them get killed by Basher one by one.
4. Another idea I have is from a yet to be released
game called Dying Light: Stay Human. In this game,
Turkish scientists made a zombie virus that
accidently plunged the hole world into a post
apocalypse, you try and survive in an unknown
American city were you have to help factions take
over different territories. My idea is this: Basher
has plunged the world into a zombie post
apocalypse, the six saboteurs try to survive a long
journey to the only safe settlement in the world.
5. The last idea I have (because I’m running out of them) is from a game trilogy called dead space with our main protagonist Isaac
Clarke. In this game, a mars colony digs up an artifacts called the Black Marker which, when touched, turns people into a twisted
species called the Necromporphs, these abominations destroy many colonies which an engineer/scientist called Isaac has to
escape from. My idea is this: Basher is a virus that infects everybody on a space station turning them into zombie baseball
players, the saboteurs (who are crew of this space station) try to escape.
Adventure game spider diagram sources
I’ve chosen this because of it’s zombie
theme that shares similarities with my
slasher. It’s post apocalyptic setting of
the undead would make a good world
for my videogame plot.
I’ve chosen this because of it’s 80s
theme and stereotypical zombies. It’s
survival and fighting gameplay makes
a good idea for my games gameplay.
I’ve chosen this because of it’s
simplistic ghost story that becomes an
original idea. It’s simple ghost story I
will use to add to my plot.
I’ve chosen this because of it’s
interesting idea of zombies… IN
SPACE! It’s future technology and
setting I will add to my plot.
I’ve chosen this because of it’s simple
story with fun survival and kill
mechanics. It’s gameplay is very
similar to my idea, so this will be the
basis for my game.
Research 1: Dead by Daylight
• Style of game: First/third person survival horror game.
• Graphics: The game is 3D with a wide open arena to explore. Seeing as this is a horror game,
everything is dark (with some pale light colours) and twisted to make a scary atmosphere.
Most of the time, characters will be in first person but sometimes their in third person. On
the right of the screen the player can see their perks, on the left players can see the main
perk they use and the victims they’ve killed.
• Storyline: A giant entity as old as the universe feeds on planets to maintain itself, eventually
it comes across earth. Because it takes centuries to devours a planet, it drains the life force
of people to keep itself sustained until it fully devours a world. On earth it sustains itself by
creating lands that resemble earth’s, it then makes people into killers who get pulled into it
(along with a few victims) so they can constantly kill each other in the lands, each time a
victim dies their life force gets drained for the entity to consume.
• Game mechanics: You can play as two types of characters, killers and survivors; killers have
to kill all the survivors before the match ends, the survivors have to start four engines so an
exit opens for them to escape through. Both killer and survivor have ‘perks’, perks are
powers that makes the game easier for the player e.g.: a perk could give your character
superspeed. My favourite part of the game is the ‘memento mori’, this mouthful of a phrase
is the name given to a unique way the killer can kill someone e.g.: Ghostface stabs the victim
in the back, the side and then deeper in the back before taking a picture of their dead face.
• Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; it has a simple story,
iconic killers you can play as, a dark and gloomy but diverse and colourful setting to explore,
creative ways to kill people, etc.
• How I’ll include my research in my product: I’m going to include the entire play style of the
game into my own product. The arena the entity created will be a giant baseball stadium,
the survivors will be the saboteurs, the killer will be basher and instead of generators to
open the exit, it will be button. Instead of one memento mori between killers, one killer will
have many creative ways he can kill people (all baseball themed).
3D Arena Character perspectives
The Entity Killers
Perks Survivors Memento Mori
Research 2: Dying Light
• Style of game: First person survival horror/post-apocalypse game.
• Graphics: Yet again, the game is 3D with the character you play as (Kyle Crane) in first person. Despite
the dark setting, the game is quite colourful and bright, until the zombies come out at night were
everything becomes gloomy and scary. On the screen; you have your health and count of medicine,
you have the level of your agility and strength, you have a map and the objective below it.
• Storyline: In Haran, Turkey, the government made a modified version of rabies called the Haran Virus.
It turned people into zombies and Turkey planned to unleash it on anyone who they deemed a
threat. However, the Turks were very stupid to make a zombie virus in a giant crowded city!
• The zombie virus obviously escaped and turned Haran into a zombie metropolis, the United Nations
were able to cut the city off from the rest of the world though. The ‘Global Relief Effort’ or simply
GRE created a drug called Antizin which slowed the spread of the virus which they airdropped the
citizens to Haran, however, they were only helping to eventually get the virus and sell it. GRE sent
their agent Kyle Crane to retrieve the virus when a they got the chance, but he turned against them
and instead helped the survivors when he learned of their true goal.
• Game mechanics: The game isn’t your standard zombie shooter (until you get your hands on a gun),
this game is unique because it uses parkour. You jump from high places very fast in order to avoid the
sea of zombies below, you use a wide range of melee weapons instead of guns (for the most part).
Last in the game, you have to choose which faction want to help; help a bunch of survivors you grew
close to or help a cult destroy Haran to save the rest of the world (your choices don’t matter though
because the rest of the world gets plunged into a post apocalypse in the end).
• Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; A massive map to explore, cool
looking weapons, likeable characters, unique play style (running parkour), fun ways to kill people,
• How I’ll include my research in my product: I’m going to include the zombie setting and parkour
gameplay in my product. The zombie infested city will be replaced with a stadium filled with zombies
of the reanimated victims Basher killed. The parkour of climbing up into high places to escape
zombies will be replaced with chase sequences and ways to escape Basher.
Haran Player View
Kyle Crane
Parkour Mele Weapons
Research 3: House
• Style of game: Third person birds eye view horror game.
• Graphics: Even though being made in the 21st century, House (very creatively
named) has a colourful pixel design. You see everything in a birds eye view, but the
character you play as, you see her side, back and front.
• Storyline: A (you guest it) house is haunted by an entity and her other supernatural
friends. A family moves into the house, all of them (except for the eldest daughter
Tammy) get mind-controlled by the entity to do horrific acts in a time loop were
they keep on reliving the same day over and over again. Tammy spends the day
trying to escape while avoiding the entity’s friends and altered family members.
• Game mechanics: Through Tammy, you get to replay the game over and over, but
your progress always gets reset and the end of the day. You play the game
collecting things throughout the house to combat enemies with. Every action you
take impacts the outcome of the end of the day, your choices eventually lead to
different endings.
• Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; they can replay
the game over and over without having to reset your progress, you make choices
that heavily impact the story, interesting puzzles to solve, fun ways to die and kill,
• How I’ll include my research in my product: House’s design of a birds eye view will
be the design for my game, a girl in a haunted house will be replaced with six
friends trying to escape a baseball stadium with a slasher running around. The
game also has creative kill animation, I’ll use those methods of death is my product.
Birdseye View Pixel Design
The House House characters
One of many ways to die One of many weapons
Research 4: Andy’s Apple Farm
• Style of game: Third person birds eye view horror game.
• Graphics: This is another pixel style, birds-eye view game with bright colours that hide the scary inner
• Storyline: In 1982, there was a nuclear family; Andy Eastwood the father and patriarch, Kamryn
Eastwood the mother, Isabella Eastwood the daughter and Louis Eastwood the son, Andy also had a
friend called Author King. The family and friend had a happy life with Andy being a successful engineer
and videogame maker. However a demon called Peter ruined the family’s perfect life in the shadows for
his own twisted amusement.
• Peter first caused Louis to fall of a boat with his sister and drown, he stopped Isabella from saving him.
He then manipulated Andy to be mean to his family, the demon also influenced and helped Andy to
make the Andy’s apple farm game, he was hoping to resurrect his son in the videogame. Andy got
Author to look after his family while he worked on a digital way of resurrection, however, Author got into
a romantic relationship with Kamryn which caused tensions to rise between the friends.
• When Christmas came, a fire got started by the demon which burnt the family’s house down with
Kamryn and Isabella in it. Andy came to the house to give his daughter a present, but he only found the
burned remains and his friend not knowing what happened. Andy took and axe and (through the
manipulation of Peter) he axed his friend in the chest to death.
• Andy immediately felt guilty and went to his resurrection computer, he put his family and friend’s souls
into the game but he to got dragged into the game. All of the Eastwoods and Author became the games
food themed characters who were trapped in a 2D farm. A video game tester (you) stubbles across the
game and plays it, they learn the truth of the game and try to set the characters free.
Pixel Style Terrible Graphics
Thomas Eastwood Kamryn Eastwood
Isabella Eastwood Louis Eastwood
Author King The Entity
Research 4: Andy’s Apple Farm
• Game mechanics: You play as Andy and walk around slowly in a
2D environment that’s both pixel and painted. Your four friends
have stolen the keys to your house so you have to play each of
their minigames (e.g.: place the right food in the right baskets).
Each time you beat a game, a secret of the family tragedy is
reviled in jump-scares.
• Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this
game; A friendly childhood atmosphere with hidden dark secrets,
an interesting mystery to solve, 80s themed game for nostalgic
fans, (if you want to get scared) jump-scares, etc.
• How I’ll include my research in my product: The mystery story
and the 2D movement is what I will include in my product. The
mystery of a demon plagued family will be replaced with the
background of Basher found out through out the game. The 2D
environment will be the area the characters move around in and
avoid Basher.
Mini games
Bird’s eye view perspective
Pre-production and Planning
Style Sheet
Game layouts
Game Summary
A quick summary of the game.
● Some Bullet Points with Unique Features
● And A Few More
Game Overview
Theme / Setting / Genre
Show some example images or similar games / movies / books / TV shows with similar themes.
Core Gameplay Mechanics
Point to other games that this is similar to.
Story and Gameplay
Once upon a time, in a universe far away…
Explain how the story will be told -- cut-scenes? A ‘talking head’?
Core Gameplay
A description of the game ‘loop.’
A flowchart is nice:
Core Loop
Enter Arena Battle
To Winner
-$ +$
New Arena
Details about how many levels.
How levels will vary.
An example of a beginner level.
An example of a complex level.
Games usually start easy as the player learns the game, getting a bit more difficult until the
player faces off against a nerve-wracking “boss fight” or “challenge gate”, then down to a
bit easier again to let players relax.
● Use this space to show the assets that you have made.
● If they are animated, then embed those animations on to your blog. They won’t work if you embed them here.
● Assets could be character designs and animations, environments, power ups, enemies, game over screens. Make
as much as you can, to get across how your game will look and play.
Time Management
Technical Qualities
Aesthetic Qualities
Aural Qualities
Audience Appeal
Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final

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All the images mentioned in 'See What You're Missing'
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In Focus_ The Evolution of Boudoir Photography in NYC.pdf
In Focus_ The Evolution of Boudoir Photography in NYC.pdfIn Focus_ The Evolution of Boudoir Photography in NYC.pdf
In Focus_ The Evolution of Boudoir Photography in NYC.pdf

Adventure pro forma

  • 3. Idea 1: Baseball Basher Who Ruben and Robin Ruth descended from the best baseball player in history and kept up that tradition. Ruben was the favourite of the two siblings and the second best player in the family, and he was the most popular kid in school. Robin was a nervous reck because her brother was a cruel bully to her and many kids in school who always went unpunished. What Ruben Ruth, the best baseball player in his school, was the most cruel bully in the country, his victims wanted revenge! The biggest game he was going to be in got rigged by his victims to loose, instead it lead to his unintended death (but was planned by the leader). Four years later, Ruben (re-named the “Baseball Basher”) comes back as a zombie to kill his saboteurs from all those years ago. Why Basher kills his past victims for killing him four years ago, he was the worst bully in the country and the worst to six in particular (his sister included). The victims planned to sabotage Basher’s biggest baseball game were he would play both striker and catcher. The victims all played the opposing team were they hit the ball far away, they were hoping for him to not catch the ball and that would ruin his flawless baseball matches, instead the lead victim broke a fence beneath the field and hit the ball far so Basher would trip when chasing it and be impaled on the fence. When The opening, were a 16 year old Basher dies, is set in 1979. Four years later, in 1983, Basher comes back for his revenge! Where The plot is set in the Atlanta baseball stadium, USA. Basher was buried outside of the stadium which is also were he kills his saboteurs who are there for his anniversary death. I chose this city because I’ve been there many times and I saw the biggest (and only) baseball stadium in my life.
  • 4. Idea 2: Ice Club Who Alexander Campbell, he was a sixteen year old boy who loved the cold and was an expert golfer, he showed his skills off in school. Alex later gets knocked out and buried in a shallow grave, the winter’s cold embrace reanimates his body. Alex becomes a frozen zombie who worships the cold as some sort of god, to show his devotion, Alex plunges the world into a winter post-apocalypse. What An expert golfer, Alexander Campbell, shows off his skills in school which moves the spotlight away from the jocks. After a golf game in a wintery morning, the jocks knock out Alex with his own club and bury him in a shallow grave. A month after his disappearance, Alex gets reanimated by the cold, the now called “Ice Club” kills his bullies with his clubsicle, he then plunges the world into a winter post apocalypse, his way of showing gratitude to the cold for bringing him back. Why Club kills the bullies for taking away his future and ruining his life because they buried him in a freezing shallow grave. Club then sends the world into a winter post-apocalypse because he views the cold as a god, it resurrected him, so he shows his gratitude to it by placing snow and ice world wide. Club the creates sentient snowmen to wipe out the last of humanity because he thinks they ruin the cold. When The story is set in 2009, Club is left in his grave for a month but the year doesn't change. Where The story takes place in Manor Church of England Academy, York/Britain. Club kills his bullies at the back of the school, in the sports field. Club then makes the school into his base of operation where he makes snowmen to kill the last of humanity. How Clubs soul gets frozen inside his body before it can leave and go to heaven, instead the soul gets rerouted and fuses
  • 5. Idea 3: Fireman Who Burney Samson was trapped in the twin towers before they collapsed, he got extreme burns and buried under rubble for twenty years. The newly named “Fireman” wakes up and (thanks to the third degree burns to the head) goes on a killing spree after washing up in the 9:11 memorial through a drain. Unlike the others I’ve come up with, Fire doesn't have certain targets, he simply kills whoever he comes across. What A fire fighter was trapped in the twin towers before they collapsed, he got badly burnt but didn’t die, instead, he got buried under rubble and put in a coma for 20 years. Fireman gets washed out of the rubble by a drain that leads to the 9:11 memorial, thanks to his to his third degree burns that lead to insanity, he then goes on a killing spree. One of the many grievers tries to stop him from shattering the already destroyed lives. Why Thanks to the third degree burns he got from 9:11, Fireman is a simple psychopath who kills any one he sees. Through his eyes, Fireman sees everybody as flames that must be extinguished, and the tools he uses to kill people he views as water. The protagonist stops him because she thinks the families of 9:11 had suffered enough, they don’t need to lose even more of their kin. When The film is set in 2021, twenty years after the tragedy that was 9:11. Where All of this death takes place in New York around the area of the new world trade centre and the memorial sight. Fireman will kill the families who are still grieving at the memorial sight, he will also kill everybody in the new world trade centre… one by one! How The fireman didn’t die and come back, instead, he got put into a comma for 20 years and buried in rubble. Third degree burns to the brain make him go insane and kill everybody who he sees as a fire that needs to be put out
  • 8. Existing Product: Halloween • Poster: The creative shot of Michaels face with Laurie Strode’s reflection is very entreating. The face of Laurie in the reflection is an interesting one a viewer can identify with. • Location: A dark background with nothing but the slasher and his victim’s face makes an interesting atmosphere. The amount of mystery in a simple poster such as this can intrigue the audience. • Angle: The angle of the poster is a close-up face shot. The film has a creative one shot where Michael goes from house to house and kills people: this brings change to the horror franchise; trying something new and interesting • Effects: The film uses CGI for the kills and creative transitions throughout the movie which is used to build suspense and scary moments for the audience to enjoy. • Use of Lighting: The poster has a dark creepy atmosphere with Michael’s knife being shown. The film has some horror scenes in the day showing a pale atmosphere and most of the movie is in creepy darkness, all of this makes an interesting setting. • Mise en Scene: The film comes together well in its suspenseful rhythm; from the quiet stalking to the sudden jump scare the cinematography can interest old and new fans a like. • Costume: Michael wears an engineer suit and dawns his famous white mask, this classic get up exciting nostalgic fans and it stands out to new viewers. The knife also shows that the Michael is menacing and scary. • Props: Practice effects and murder weapons add to the plot making it true to the original, which impresses old fans, and would leave an impact on new fans thanks to the scary images. • Colours: The film has dark gloomy colours with most of the movie at night, it adds to the suspense of the stalker/killer Michael. • Fonts: The poster has a simple font, but the big words make the title stand out and eye catching. It sticks to the original cult classic that would win over old fans and be so eye-catching it brings in new ones. • Audience Appeal: The creepy atmosphere of darkness, a stalker watching you at every turn thanks to the quiet background and suspenseful kills with a brilliant soundtrack can give horror fans a classic thrill.
  • 9. Existing Product: Friday the 13th Reboot • Poster: The foggy darkness with a creepy pose from Jason makes an eye-catching poster that makes old and new fans interested to see the movie. • Location: The long since abandoned Camp Crystal Lake being roamed by a wilderness survivor knowing the land inside out makes an excitingly creepy setting for all the horny teens to be killed. • Angle: The poster shows a full body shot of Jason; a creepy figure hanging over you makes the poster stand out because it seems like its silently watching you in the shadows. • Effects: The film uses practical effects in its kills, nostalgic horror fans would get a thrill from the old ways of the franchise still having the fun the original had. • Use of lighting: The poster and the movie has the light of the moon throughout; the light of the moon gives an interesting new setting to the slasher franchise. • Mise en Scene: The film has a good pace and build of Jason and suspense: one movie succeeded were 11 failed miserably. Overall, this makes a good rhythm. • Props: The mask and machete that made Jason so iconic would make fans very excited about the movie when seeing the poster because it’s still staying to its old ways. • Colours: The bright colours of the hockey mask with a faded and a dark scary atmosphere only lighted by the moon makes a fascinating setting that is eye-catching to the audience. • Fonts: The font gives nostalgic fans the same excitement they had in the 80s because of the red words they grew up with. • Audience Appeal: The franchise had 11 movies prier to it (most of them are bad), this film has a good pace, a good setting and all the major plot points of the last movies put into one film which overall makes newcomers and long-time fans love it alike.
  • 10. Existing Product; Terrifier • Poster: The poster has a lot of the plot on the cover showing viewers what bloody, brutal kills to look forward to. • Location: The film takes place in a gloomy warehouse, a new place for a slasher which will give viewers a new interesting experience. • Angle: The poster is partly inside and partly outside; inside and outside shots can show the best cinematic shots of the movie. • Effects: The film has the goriest kills I’ve ever seen and all with practical effects; slasher fans who hate CGI will have a fun time with the practical kills and over the top blood. • Use of Lighting: The film is in a grey atmosphere, but the poster is full of neon colours, it can interest nostalgic people and viewers can see an interesting atmosphere in the movie. • Mise en Scene: The movie is painful to watch but the kill scenes are suspenseful and brutal which makes a gruesome rhythm for hardcore fans and viewers to enjoy. • Costume: Art the clown wares a black and white costume, people can enjoy the classic scary clown design. • Props: The film has a lot of practical effects for the gory kills and murder weapons nostalgic horror fans will like because this movie doesn't use CGI. • Colours: The poster is coloured in a neon theme which can excite nostalgic fans, and the grey atmosphere ads an interesting theme for viewers • Fonts: This twisted movie has simple fonts but an unnerving feel about them because of how their shaped. • Audience Appeal: The neon theme would excite people who still want to live in the 1980s-90s. People who like violence and gore in fiction can find plenty of it here.
  • 11. Existing Product: The Strangers Prey at Night • Poster: The dark atmosphere and mysterious characters would intrigue the viewers because of how out of place they are. • Location: The film is set in a trailer park; a new setting for murder to take place which gives the audience a new experience. • Angle: The poster has a body shot of all the killers: this amount of detail stands out and makes the poster eye-catching. • Effects: The film is low-budget, but it has suspenseful moments and some practical effects which would win over horror fans and haters of CGI. • Use of Light: There’s one shot of the day and the rest is shot at night where the rest of the night is suspenseful which will give fans who want to get scared a fright. • Mise en Scene: This hole movie is rather sloppy, but it has some well-made scenes thanks to creative camera work e.g., the camera bobbing up and down in the water in the victim’s perspective. • Costume: The strangers wear simplistic clothes, but the bazar masks stand out and would get the audience intrigued to see the movie. • Props: The movie has a more realistic take on weapons (the killers only use knives and an axe) and the masks stand out, all of this makes the film seem more realistic. • Colours: Most of the film is in creepy darkness, but the killers wear bright clothes which make a bazar but interesting setting. • Fonts: The title has a bright white and red look; the amount of light certainly makes it stand out because most slasher titles aren’t bright. • Audience Appeal: This film has a mysterious setting, colourful killers and a more realistic take on genocidal situations, this movie can certainly interest and audience.
  • 12. Research Summary • What have you learned from your research? I’ve learned that, in horror movies: lighting props and continuity is important. Lighting makes a scary atmosphere for the plot witch all horror movies try to achieve. Deaths in horror movies are very common and the viewers want practical effects for the kills other wise CGI ruins them, and fans are always wanting horror sequels to be similar to the original. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? I’ll include the lighting of horror movies to make a creepy atmosphere in my own work. Practical effects will be used for all the kills in my story. And if I continue my story I’ll make it connected to the original instead of having convoluted reboots.
  • 13. Bibliography 1. Friday the 13th reboot (2009) Directed by Marcus Nipsel. [Featured Film]. Warner Brothers Studios 2. The Strangers Prey at Night (2018) Directed by Johannes Roberts. [Featured Film] Rouge Pictures 3. Terrifier (2016) Directed by Damien Leone [Featured Film] Dread Central Presents 4. Halloween (2018) Directed by David Green [ Featured Film] Universal Studios
  • 16. Poster Reflection • What did I do? I made a poster from a movie title generator, the title being ‘raised by the moon’. I made my poster be a knight who’s forever loyal to the moon. I chose pictures that were all one colour to give the poster a blue themed design. • How did it go? My poster turned out okay, but I had some difficulties at the start. I forgot how to use photoshop which lead to technical difficulties, trying to cut out parts of images caused the hole thing to crash. The title was also bland in colouring at the start, but I was able to get the work done in time. • What did I learn? I quickly learned how to use photoshop after a lot of time had passed. The stuff I learned on photoshop was; Placing and growing images, getting rid of backgrounds and add shading etc. I learned how to make posters look interesting and less boring after a failed first attempt. • How could that help me in my up coming project? Getting more experience with photoshop will allow me to produce future magazine covers and posters quicker. I can use the failed title to make better titles for my future design projects. • What could I improve? I could add the extra parts of the poster which are: the Billing Block, Tag Line, Actors, Release date etc. I could also add more detail to the bland title and add some extra details to the poster. • What could I learn next? I could learn the other tools in photoshop to make my posters better looking in their designs. I could learn more about the little details of posters to add more detail to my own poster designs. And I could also learn different types of title designs to make mine less boring and more eye catching.
  • 18. Magazine Cover Reflection • What did I do? I made a magazine cover of the videogame character Shovel Knight. The Cover is simplistic and was put together quickly because of its short time limit. • How did it go? The making of this poster was simplistic and short, but it was short because of its short time allotment. It was a fun poster to put together, but some back ground cutting out caused photoshop to freeze and accidently erase parts of my work. • What did I learn? I learned that magazines have a lot going on in the front cover of the magazine. Videogame magazines have the most detail on them and I will include more detail in future projects. • How could this help me in my up coming project? Learning that magazine covers have a lot going on in them to intrigue the audience, I can use those designs. I can use those design ideas to add to my own magazine covers to make them look more detailed. • What could I improve? I could add more pictures to my magazine cover of videogame character: Shovel Knight. I could add more pictures to have more going on in my videogame cover to be more eye-catching and interesting. • What could I learn next? I could learn all the design ideas for magazines and make a full magazine book in future projects. I could learn the individual parts of a magazine cover to make my covers more imaginative and detailed.
  • 20. Style Sheet Layout design Baseball Basher Coming 26 0f Feb £30 per ticket “A new type of slasher” -Me “A baseball slasher finally done right” -Also Me These teens aren’t going to ‘home run’.
  • 23. Colour Scheme 1. The grey will be over the protagonist and victims in the poster, I chose the grey colour scheme to resemble the boringness and depression of the characters. 2. The white will show the characters and the killer, I choose this to resemble a small beam of hope for the victims survival and help the audience see what's happening. 3. The darkness will be over most of the poster, I choose this to resemble the scary setting of being alone in the darkness. 4. The red will be the clothes of the killer and it will be on most of the poster, obviously I chose the red to resemble the blood of the killers victims.
  • 24. Fonts: Melted Monster is the font I choose for my poster, it resembles the undead side of the story and it has blood dripping.
  • 25. Magazine and advert layouts I choose to make the design look like this because it is simple but it can give the reader a basic idea of what the story would be about.
  • 26. Contingency What can go wrong? What can you do if it does? People would pass by while trying to take photos Go to an empty part of the college There could be the wrong weather Edit it out on the poster Might not have the right props Get spares or use replacements The actors may not show up Get replacement actors Not the right equipment Have spares or use replacements People may get injured Get them help and get replacement Actors could be distracted Take away distractions
  • 27. Risk Assessment What could be a risk to you, others or the equipment? How can you make sure that doesn’t happen? What will you do if it does? Weather Take photos inside Baseball Bat Keep it hidden most of the time Kid actors Threaten to kick them out or get replacements Passing People Wait for people to pass or go to private area Area Take photos in different areas Tripod Properly secure tripod or put camera on replacement Helmet Keep it hidden most of the time
  • 29. Synopsis • At the city of Atlanta, America in 1979, 16-year-old siblings Ruben and Robin Ruth (descendants of Babe Ruth, the best baseball player in history) never get along. Ruben is favored both in school and by his parents for having the same baseball skills his ancestor had. He never loses matches and never gets bullied, but that’s because he is the bully! The spoiled little Brat he is, Ruben used his favoritism to get away with whatever he wants to do. He is the worst bully in the country, bullying six kids in particular: Martha Bergan, Raymond Chaplin, Eddie Delahanty, Gregory Hallman, Joanna Calisto and his own sister: Robin. • The six friends plot their revenge by dressing up as the opposite team in Ruben’s most recent game at Truist Park. They would throw a ball which he would miss. This would ruin his perfect streak and make him loose his popularity. Instead, the ball hit Ruben’s face and he tumbles over a railing he fell and gets impaled on a broken one. Except for five out of the six friends, the hole city mourned him with Robin being the only one of the six feeling guilty. • Ruben is buried close to Truist Park in his red uniform with his favorite wooden bat. He is forgotten by most after his burial, but some go to the stadium on the anniversary of his death to keep his memory alive. Four years later, Ruben’s soul is in hell, wanting nothing but vengeance for his life and future being cut short. The devil reanimates him on his anniversary to kill the six that indirectly killed him. In exchange, he could feast on the souls of his victims. • While Robin goes to the stadium to grieve the other friends only come to celebrate the anniversary of his death. At the same time Ruben crawls out of his grave, gets his bat, and goes to the stadium to kill them one by one! Most friends lose interest in celebrating. They decided to leave, but Ruben locked the main door, so they split up to find another exit. • Ruben (now called The Baseball Basher, or simply Basher) has his first blood by killing Martha. She goes into the locker room to find an exit but only finds a lock door. Martha attempts to open the door, but sounds cause her to turn around and see Basher face to face. Basher doesn’t hesitate as he hits Martha to the ground with the bat. He goes to town on her, throwing 20 hard swings on the skull until her head is reduced to mush. He wipes the blood of his bat and leaves the body with the spurting jaw stump for his victims to find.
  • 30. Synopsis • Basher then finds Eddie in the equipment room; he tackles him to the ground and ties him up with cable ties and knocks him out. • Eddie wakes up to find all his limbs separately tied to a massive net facing a ball launcher. Basher puts spikey baseball balls in the machine which impale Eddie all over the body. The last ball lands in his mouth which basher pushes deeper into his mouth, finally killing him. • The last lone friend is Greg who walks through the field only to get hogtied by Basher with a large rope attached to his legs. He moves to the center of the four bases and begins to swing Greg in squares around each base face first. Greg is bleeding all over the front of his body where he witnesses Basher beginning to run round the bases, building up speed, jumping over his body at the same time. Basher then skids to the base where Greg’s head is placed. He uses the spikey soul of his shoes to knock half the face off him. • Robin, Ray and Joanna eventually make their way to the exit where they find the bodies of Eddie when taking a short cut through the field. Joanna vomits and faces her friends only for a spare broken bat to be hit over her head with the bat head made spikey. Basher stabs her through the back and keeps on jamming it deeper until her heart gets pushed out from the other side. Basher takes out his real bat and chases Robin and Ray through the stadium where they run past the corpses of their friends. • Basher eventually loses their trail. Robin and Ray hide behind one of the locked rows. Ray decides to distract Basher, so Robin has a chance of escape. Ray tells her that Basher burnt his family’s house down when he was sixteen, plunging his family into extreme poverty. Ray was the thrower who made a railing spikey and broken for Basher to fall onto. He threw the ball intently hard so he would fall on the railing and die, all as an act of vengeance. • Unloading all this truth onto Robin left her shocked as Ray shouts for Basher’s attention. Ray attempts to run as Basher peruses him only to slip on the pool of blood left by Martha’s crownless head. Basher forces Ray’s mouth open where he shoves his bat down his throat. Several twists of the bat caused the front of Ray’s torso to explode. Robin eventually snaps out of her trance, grabs a bat to defend herself with and flees to the main entrance.
  • 31. Synopsis • Basher corners her at the entrance where brother and sister have a brief bat fight before he gets her in a choak hold with his bat. Robin attempts to break free until she looks at her bat which us decaying and broken. She kicks Basher in the crouch which causes him to drop his bat and focus on the pain. Robin hits the bat over Basher’s head which knocks his helmet off and makes the bat spikey. She slits his throat with it, but the giant slash from the bat causes his hole head to come off. • In the end, Robin escapes, and her brother dies all over again. His soul goes back to hell where the devil can still resurrect him.
  • 36.
  • 39. Reflection • What I did: I made a poster on a baseball slasher who killed kids that ruined his career one by one with a baseball club. • How it went: When I was taking pictures of the actors on the stairs some people passed and disrupted the photo shoot, and the actors messed around which made the production last longer, but in the end, I was able to get one successful shot of them and I got a lot of successful shots of the slasher. Trying to find a side of the college that looked like a stadium was a challenge, but I eventually found a good enough spot for the backdrop, I also had to take pictures of blood-soaked props with fake blood, I eventually had one successful shot at the expense of spending a long time washing the fake blood off. The editing was difficult at first, with me having to make an unknown number of posters, I eventually got the hang of it and made all of them on time. • How I could’ve improved it: I could’ve chosen more sensible students from the class to be the characters for my photo shoot, and I could’ve found a better place to take pictures without people passing by, next time I know who to choose and I will use an emptier stair well for my photography. I could’ve gone to the Cineworld football stadium to be my backdrop instead of using a background that looked nothing like a stadium, I could’ve also brought wipes to properly get rid of all the fake blood I put on the props, I will take better pictures outside of college and bring proper cleaning materials next time. I could’ve planned more ahead with the posters so I could edit proper ideas I made, next time I will devote more time to the planning in my spare time. • What I’m going to do next: I’m going to wright my synopsis of the posters story; I did this subject the opposite way round because I brought my props in of the first day.
  • 40. Reflection • What techniques I’ve used: When taking the photos, I used a wide shot where I used the stairwell as an empty background so it wouldn’t disrupt the editing. I put the backgrounds on first so they wouldn’t overlap the main pictures and then I enraged the main pictures in a collage pattern. • How my work looked: Even though it was difficult at the start, I was able to make good posters that came together well. The works were dark and scary which matched the atmosphere I was trying to make; I was also able to meld the darkness with the baseball props which made a good setting overall.
  • 41. Reflection on Synopsis • What I did: I wrote the story of what’s going on in my poster. • How it went: I was afraid that I wouldn't write the synopsis right and I would’ve had to constantly go back and change it until I did it right. However, after I wrote it, I only had three problems to correct; write everything in the present tense, leave more full-stops instead of commers and write why the characters went to the place they were going to get killed in. I solved the problems by; changing the first few paragraphs to present tense by changing some words, making the long sentences into short ones by changing the commers into full- stops and change the plot from the characters mourning to celebrating their victim's death. • How I could’ve improved it: Despite producing this story for weeks on end, there were still some plot holes in my story, and I covered the deaths in too much detail. I could’ve improved the plot by explaining the characters motives and actions more in the story than making them to just simply die, next time I will make the characters more complex. I could’ve improved the plot’s length by cutting down on the gory details of the deaths which would shorten the story by a page, I will have the plot not so reliant on the plot next time. • What I’m going to do next: I’m going to make a double spread sheet.
  • 42. Reflection on Double Spread Sheet • What I did: I made a double spread sheet on my adventure poster. • How it went: At first, I thought it would be difficult to make a spread sheet, but I found it surprisingly easy when I began to make earlier today. I struggled to properly put my real-life images onto the background in photoshop and were to position the filler red text which I feared couldn’t be seen. After 40 minutes, I was able to make a proper double spread sheet, I was able to put the real-life picture in and I was able to position the text in properly which was viewable. • How I could’ve improved it: The poster did look a little bit bland when it was properly excited and finished, but despite it’s flaws it still worked in the end. I could’ve made the double spread sheet more detailed because it was just a black screen with red writing and a picture of my killer, next time I will look through more double spread sheets to get more creative ideas. I could’ve made proper text for the double spread sheet instead of just having filler for all the side writing on the double spread sheet, I will write about the production history in the text to not have filler. • What I’m going to do next: I’m going to research things for my LMP.
  • 43. Reflection on double spread sheet • What techniques I used: I took wide photos of myself and took many to see which ones would go well with double spread sheet. I made the words red and the background black to make it have a scary atmosphere, I made the redness light so it would be extra scary. • How my work looked: Despite being simple, the double spread sheet looks good, came together quite well and looks professional. The darkness and red writing add to the scary baseball theme, its simplicity is getting the design out clearer than I thought.
  • 45. Adventure game spider diagram 1. The main idea I have is based on a game called Dead by Daylight. In this game, four teens are in ana arena and have to start four generators that opens up an exit for them to escape, all the while they have to avoid the killer hunting them. My idea is this: the six saboteurs that killed Basher are locked in a baseball stadium were they have to find 20 buttons to push so they can open the exit, all the while they have to avoid the undead Basher hunting them. 2. Another idea I have is from a yet to be released game called Evil Dead. In this game, human characters from the movies have to fight zombies to the death in arenas that resemble the locations were the plots of the movies took place. My idea is this: Basher and other baseball slashers fight their human victims in a fight to the death at arenas that resemble the places the plots of the movies took place in. 3. Another idea I have is from a yet to be released game called Martha is dead. In this game, a girl called, you guest it, Martha gets drowned by her fiancé in a lake, her ghost haunts the lake and kills youthful girls so she can become human again, her twin called Giulia goes to the lake to put her soul to rest but has to survive jump-scares across the way. My idea is this: the ghost of Basher haunts the stadium he was killed in, his saboteurs go there to put his soul to rest, most of them get killed by Basher one by one. 4. Another idea I have is from a yet to be released game called Dying Light: Stay Human. In this game, Turkish scientists made a zombie virus that accidently plunged the hole world into a post apocalypse, you try and survive in an unknown American city were you have to help factions take over different territories. My idea is this: Basher has plunged the world into a zombie post apocalypse, the six saboteurs try to survive a long journey to the only safe settlement in the world. 5. The last idea I have (because I’m running out of them) is from a game trilogy called dead space with our main protagonist Isaac Clarke. In this game, a mars colony digs up an artifacts called the Black Marker which, when touched, turns people into a twisted species called the Necromporphs, these abominations destroy many colonies which an engineer/scientist called Isaac has to escape from. My idea is this: Basher is a virus that infects everybody on a space station turning them into zombie baseball players, the saboteurs (who are crew of this space station) try to escape. .
  • 46. Adventure game spider diagram sources I’ve chosen this because of it’s zombie theme that shares similarities with my slasher. It’s post apocalyptic setting of the undead would make a good world for my videogame plot. I’ve chosen this because of it’s 80s theme and stereotypical zombies. It’s survival and fighting gameplay makes a good idea for my games gameplay. I’ve chosen this because of it’s simplistic ghost story that becomes an original idea. It’s simple ghost story I will use to add to my plot. I’ve chosen this because of it’s interesting idea of zombies… IN SPACE! It’s future technology and setting I will add to my plot. I’ve chosen this because of it’s simple story with fun survival and kill mechanics. It’s gameplay is very similar to my idea, so this will be the basis for my game.
  • 47.
  • 48. Research 1: Dead by Daylight • Style of game: First/third person survival horror game. • Graphics: The game is 3D with a wide open arena to explore. Seeing as this is a horror game, everything is dark (with some pale light colours) and twisted to make a scary atmosphere. Most of the time, characters will be in first person but sometimes their in third person. On the right of the screen the player can see their perks, on the left players can see the main perk they use and the victims they’ve killed. • Storyline: A giant entity as old as the universe feeds on planets to maintain itself, eventually it comes across earth. Because it takes centuries to devours a planet, it drains the life force of people to keep itself sustained until it fully devours a world. On earth it sustains itself by creating lands that resemble earth’s, it then makes people into killers who get pulled into it (along with a few victims) so they can constantly kill each other in the lands, each time a victim dies their life force gets drained for the entity to consume. • Game mechanics: You can play as two types of characters, killers and survivors; killers have to kill all the survivors before the match ends, the survivors have to start four engines so an exit opens for them to escape through. Both killer and survivor have ‘perks’, perks are powers that makes the game easier for the player e.g.: a perk could give your character superspeed. My favourite part of the game is the ‘memento mori’, this mouthful of a phrase is the name given to a unique way the killer can kill someone e.g.: Ghostface stabs the victim in the back, the side and then deeper in the back before taking a picture of their dead face. • Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; it has a simple story, iconic killers you can play as, a dark and gloomy but diverse and colourful setting to explore, creative ways to kill people, etc. • How I’ll include my research in my product: I’m going to include the entire play style of the game into my own product. The arena the entity created will be a giant baseball stadium, the survivors will be the saboteurs, the killer will be basher and instead of generators to open the exit, it will be button. Instead of one memento mori between killers, one killer will have many creative ways he can kill people (all baseball themed). 3D Arena Character perspectives The Entity Killers Perks Survivors Memento Mori
  • 49. Research 2: Dying Light • Style of game: First person survival horror/post-apocalypse game. • Graphics: Yet again, the game is 3D with the character you play as (Kyle Crane) in first person. Despite the dark setting, the game is quite colourful and bright, until the zombies come out at night were everything becomes gloomy and scary. On the screen; you have your health and count of medicine, you have the level of your agility and strength, you have a map and the objective below it. • Storyline: In Haran, Turkey, the government made a modified version of rabies called the Haran Virus. It turned people into zombies and Turkey planned to unleash it on anyone who they deemed a threat. However, the Turks were very stupid to make a zombie virus in a giant crowded city! • The zombie virus obviously escaped and turned Haran into a zombie metropolis, the United Nations were able to cut the city off from the rest of the world though. The ‘Global Relief Effort’ or simply GRE created a drug called Antizin which slowed the spread of the virus which they airdropped the citizens to Haran, however, they were only helping to eventually get the virus and sell it. GRE sent their agent Kyle Crane to retrieve the virus when a they got the chance, but he turned against them and instead helped the survivors when he learned of their true goal. • Game mechanics: The game isn’t your standard zombie shooter (until you get your hands on a gun), this game is unique because it uses parkour. You jump from high places very fast in order to avoid the sea of zombies below, you use a wide range of melee weapons instead of guns (for the most part). Last in the game, you have to choose which faction want to help; help a bunch of survivors you grew close to or help a cult destroy Haran to save the rest of the world (your choices don’t matter though because the rest of the world gets plunged into a post apocalypse in the end). • Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; A massive map to explore, cool looking weapons, likeable characters, unique play style (running parkour), fun ways to kill people, etc. • How I’ll include my research in my product: I’m going to include the zombie setting and parkour gameplay in my product. The zombie infested city will be replaced with a stadium filled with zombies of the reanimated victims Basher killed. The parkour of climbing up into high places to escape zombies will be replaced with chase sequences and ways to escape Basher. Haran Player View Zombies Kyle Crane Parkour Mele Weapons
  • 50. Research 3: House • Style of game: Third person birds eye view horror game. • Graphics: Even though being made in the 21st century, House (very creatively named) has a colourful pixel design. You see everything in a birds eye view, but the character you play as, you see her side, back and front. • Storyline: A (you guest it) house is haunted by an entity and her other supernatural friends. A family moves into the house, all of them (except for the eldest daughter Tammy) get mind-controlled by the entity to do horrific acts in a time loop were they keep on reliving the same day over and over again. Tammy spends the day trying to escape while avoiding the entity’s friends and altered family members. • Game mechanics: Through Tammy, you get to replay the game over and over, but your progress always gets reset and the end of the day. You play the game collecting things throughout the house to combat enemies with. Every action you take impacts the outcome of the end of the day, your choices eventually lead to different endings. • Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; they can replay the game over and over without having to reset your progress, you make choices that heavily impact the story, interesting puzzles to solve, fun ways to die and kill, etc. • How I’ll include my research in my product: House’s design of a birds eye view will be the design for my game, a girl in a haunted house will be replaced with six friends trying to escape a baseball stadium with a slasher running around. The game also has creative kill animation, I’ll use those methods of death is my product. Birdseye View Pixel Design The House House characters One of many ways to die One of many weapons
  • 51. Research 4: Andy’s Apple Farm • Style of game: Third person birds eye view horror game. • Graphics: This is another pixel style, birds-eye view game with bright colours that hide the scary inner story. • Storyline: In 1982, there was a nuclear family; Andy Eastwood the father and patriarch, Kamryn Eastwood the mother, Isabella Eastwood the daughter and Louis Eastwood the son, Andy also had a friend called Author King. The family and friend had a happy life with Andy being a successful engineer and videogame maker. However a demon called Peter ruined the family’s perfect life in the shadows for his own twisted amusement. • Peter first caused Louis to fall of a boat with his sister and drown, he stopped Isabella from saving him. He then manipulated Andy to be mean to his family, the demon also influenced and helped Andy to make the Andy’s apple farm game, he was hoping to resurrect his son in the videogame. Andy got Author to look after his family while he worked on a digital way of resurrection, however, Author got into a romantic relationship with Kamryn which caused tensions to rise between the friends. • When Christmas came, a fire got started by the demon which burnt the family’s house down with Kamryn and Isabella in it. Andy came to the house to give his daughter a present, but he only found the burned remains and his friend not knowing what happened. Andy took and axe and (through the manipulation of Peter) he axed his friend in the chest to death. • Andy immediately felt guilty and went to his resurrection computer, he put his family and friend’s souls into the game but he to got dragged into the game. All of the Eastwoods and Author became the games food themed characters who were trapped in a 2D farm. A video game tester (you) stubbles across the game and plays it, they learn the truth of the game and try to set the characters free. Pixel Style Terrible Graphics Thomas Eastwood Kamryn Eastwood Isabella Eastwood Louis Eastwood Author King The Entity
  • 52. Research 4: Andy’s Apple Farm • Game mechanics: You play as Andy and walk around slowly in a 2D environment that’s both pixel and painted. Your four friends have stolen the keys to your house so you have to play each of their minigames (e.g.: place the right food in the right baskets). Each time you beat a game, a secret of the family tragedy is reviled in jump-scares. • Audience Appeal: The audience can have great fun with this game; A friendly childhood atmosphere with hidden dark secrets, an interesting mystery to solve, 80s themed game for nostalgic fans, (if you want to get scared) jump-scares, etc. • How I’ll include my research in my product: The mystery story and the 2D movement is what I will include in my product. The mystery of a demon plagued family will be replaced with the background of Basher found out through out the game. The 2D environment will be the area the characters move around in and avoid Basher. Mini games Bird’s eye view perspective
  • 56. Game Summary A quick summary of the game. ● Some Bullet Points with Unique Features ● And A Few More
  • 57. Game Overview Theme / Setting / Genre Show some example images or similar games / movies / books / TV shows with similar themes. Core Gameplay Mechanics Point to other games that this is similar to.
  • 58. Story and Gameplay Story Once upon a time, in a universe far away… Explain how the story will be told -- cut-scenes? A ‘talking head’? Core Gameplay A description of the game ‘loop.’ A flowchart is nice: Upgrade Character Core Loop -$ Enter Arena Battle Payout To Winner -$ +$ Unlock New Arena -$
  • 59. Levels Details about how many levels. How levels will vary. An example of a beginner level. An example of a complex level. Games usually start easy as the player learns the game, getting a bit more difficult until the player faces off against a nerve-wracking “boss fight” or “challenge gate”, then down to a bit easier again to let players relax.
  • 60. Assets ● Use this space to show the assets that you have made. ● If they are animated, then embed those animations on to your blog. They won’t work if you embed them here. ● Assets could be character designs and animations, environments, power ups, enemies, game over screens. Make as much as you can, to get across how your game will look and play.
  • 69. Overall strengths and weaknesses of the final package.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  4. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and production techniques have you used? How technically proficient is your animation? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  5. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences. Consider your game art, your magazine cover and advertising. Is your aesthetically pleasing enough? What effects and techniques have you used? Does your project have a consistent aesthetic style? If not, how can it be improved?
  6. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  7. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.