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1. Which of the following refers to the things of value and right owned by the business?
a. expense b. liability c. asset d. profit
2. Water boils 212 degrees. When water is “rolling boil” it means the bubbles are .
a. rolling non-stop c. forming slowly and can be stopped when
b. forming rapidly and cannot be stopped when stirred d. spiling out of container
3. It refers to the lighter organic material that rises to the surface of the water.
a. Froth b. Aerobic c. Scum d.
4. Chisel is an example of a .
a. Hand tool b. Basic tool c. Stricking tool d. Power tool
5. When materials are to be laid out, the best tools to be used are .
a. Measuring tools b. Tooth cutting tools c. Lining tools d. Boring tools
6. Which of the following tools is the first one to use in cleaning nails?
a. Buffer b. Cuticle nippers’ c. Cuticle knife d. Cuticle scissor
7. A busted bulb is most likely result of a/an.
a. Short circuit b. Grounded circuit c. Open circuit d. Parallel circuit
8. It refers to as the tile of a person who is skilled in the field of sanitation
a. Plumbing b. Plumber c. Engineer d. Doctor
9. Mortise and tenon joints are usually used in making furniture, door window, and tools. If mortise means “holes”,
tenon means
a. cut b. notch c. overlap d. projection
10. This wood machine is used for broad surface planning and matching board or planks.
a. Jig saw b. Jointer c. Single surface d. Wood lathe
11. It is the care on personal appearance which includes the condition of the body and how one looks and smells.
a. Good health b. Grooming c. Personal development d. Proper
12. Manicure and pedicure should be done .
a. Everyday b. Monthly c. Weekly d. Yearly
13. This is a wooden manicure stick intended for a variety of uses, such cleaning underneath the nails and removing
polish from around the cuticle nails.
a. buffer b. Cuticle nipper c. Cuticle scissor
d. Orangewood sticks
14. Is used to soften dead nail cuticle.
a. Cuticle remover b. Nail bleaches c. Massage cream d. Nail
15. Which is true about dark colored vegetables?
a. Affordable and fresher c. Fresher and sweeter
b. Cheaper and juicer d. Nutritious and cheaper
16. To make a pie attractive and appetizing, it should .
a. have an uneven surface c. be well fluted only on 1 side
b. have an uneven thickness all around d. be well-fluted, neat and even on the side
17. Why should foods be preserved?
a. to prevent food spoilage c. to promote agriculture products
b. to economize on food consumption d. to create a profitable hobby
18. A part of an electrical circuit, consisting of batteries, generator, or a main electrical power which supplies electricity.
a. Control b. Load c. Source d. Voltage
19. Which of the following electrical qualities is a derivative one?
a. Power b. Source c. Voltage d. Control
20. Salt is a necessary ingredient in yeast-raised breads because salt is:
a. makes the bread taste better c. removes the water in dough
b. controls the rising of the bread d. retains the moisture in dough
21. Larry’s gums bleed every time he brushes his teeth. He lacks food rich in:
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D
22. Stripping off the outer covering of food is:
a. Paring b. Peeling c. Styling d. Stirring
23. The basic nutrients that are essential in maintaining the body functions and good health are carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamin, minerals and water. Which of these is an essential part of body tissues and comprises 2/3 of the body
a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Vitamins d. Water
24. Which of the following consumes electricity most?
a. Dry cell b. Heat c. Magnet d. Motor
25. The number of complete cycles performed in one second is expressed in this unit known as:
a. Frequency b. Hertz c. Power d.
26. It is needed for a variety of plumbing tasks, from changing faucet washers to disassembling plumbing- related
appliances, and they come in an assortment of sizes and types.
a. Adjustable wrench b. Locking pliers c. Pipe wrench d. Screwdriver
27. It is receptacle or vault to collect organic waste discharge from the house sewer. Its main function is to liquefy and
precipitate solid waste purifying odorous materials.
a. Bibet b. House drain c. Canals d. Septic tank
28. The most popular and widely used materials for the construction of a septic tank is .
a. Plastered concrete hallow blocks c. Prefabricated asbestos
b. Reinforced concrete d.Thin metal and plastic
29. Which is a hairstyle for formal occasions in which strands of hair and shaped into spirals to stimulate a flower?
a. Brush up b. Curly c. Petal and rolls d. Plain
30. It is an electrical device worn by the patron on his/her head to provide heat for proper distribution of oil during scalp
a. cotton swab b. hair brush c. heating cap d. plastic cap
31. Onions when peeled or cut irritate the eyes and give biting sensation of the tongue, this is due to the presence
a. mustard oil b. sodium nitrate c. sulfoxide d. sulfur
32. A space occupied by a person in a meal with all of the appropriate table appointments is called
a. cover b. diner’s plate c. menu d.
33. Dice in food preparation is cutting food into .
a. halves b. small particle c. cubes d. quarters
34. What quality pushes electrons to move?
a. voltage b. wattage c. frequency d. resistance
35. A part of an electric circuit w/c converts electrical energy into another form of energy to do work.
a. load b. circuit c. source d. control
36. There are numerous kinds of saws. The one used by sawing along the grain wood is called:
a. back saw b. rip saw c. cross cut saw d. power tool
37. When materials are to be laid out, the best tools to be used are .
a. measuring tools b. toothe cutting toolsc. lining tools d. boring tools
38. The view that is generally drawn directly above the front view in an orthographic drawing is:
a. bottom view b. side view c. rear view d. top view
39. Geornetrical solids are usually drawn in .
a. two view b. eight views c. six views d. four view
40. When solidity of an object is shown by gradual darkening of its particular potion/s then the process involved is .
a. Darkening b. Lighting c. Shading d. Shadowing
41. If a drawing has an equal measure, then it refers to .
a. Isometric drawing b. Mechanical drawing c. Perspective drawing d.
Oblique drawing
42. A well groomed cosmetologist does not need this:
a. Daily bath and deodorant c. facial makeup
b. Hairstyle d. expensive jewelry
44. It used to remove old nail polish for the nail plate. It is rapped around the orangewood stick to clean under the edge
and remove excess polish around the nail.
a. cotton b. adhesive tape c. antiseptic d. mending tissue
45. Which of the following tools is the first one tool in cleaning nails?
a. buffer b. cuticle nippers c. cuticle knife d. cuticle scissors
46. It is the study and application of beauty treatment.
a. cosmetology b. electrology c. hairstyling d. skin care
47. Storekeeping is a busy job. Although tiresome, it is very enjoyable because the owner acts as a host, a store
owner, housekeeper, security guard and seller and he is also considered a .
a. store owner b. retail person c. manager d. financer
48. If you have a small business, you want people to patronize the store. The best way of attracting more buyers
depends on
a. store layout c. high-pricing of local mercahndise
b. baeutifuil saleslady d. consumers’ like
49. It states the importance of the project, its objectives and significance .
a. proponent b. location c. rationale d. title
50. An individual who can identify the various products or services which people need and delivers at the right
a. Capitalist b. Entrepreneur c. Contractor d. Industrialist
51. The practice of adding baking soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green color and the
crispiness should be avoided primarily because .
a. the flavor of vegetable is modified c. they become less perishable
b. they become hard to digest d. Vitamin C is destroyed in the presence of
52. It is the end product of the accounting process. It is the means by which quantitative information about monetary
activities of a business enterprise can be provided to parties concerned like management, government, among
a. Financial statement b. Income statement c. Balance sheet d.
Book of final entry
53. These are obligations which are not expected to require the use of current assets or the creation of current liabilities
within the year or operating cycle.
a. Accured liabilities b. Current liabilities c. Long-term liabilities d. Short term
54. They are on the right and an increase in a credit account decrease a debit account.
a. Credit account b. Debit account c. Nominal account d. Real
55. It is used in pairs, one to grip the pipe and other to turn the fitting, which have adjustable, toothed jaws designed
for gripping and turning threaded pipes and pipe fitting.
a. Pipe wrench b. Adjustable wrench c. Rib- joint pliers d. Locking
56. It is where plumbing started:
a. Egypt b. Greek c. Rome
d. Athens
57. Decomposition of organic, matter from human waste is bacteriological process caused by the following except:
a. Anaerobic bacteria called anaerobes c. Anaerobic decomposition
b. Aerobic bacteria called aerobes d. Facultative bacteria
58. It comes in a metal or plastic case, with a cotton line coming out of one end and in used is drawing a staright
a. brushes b. jointers c. steel square d. chalk line
59. A butt is a wood joint usually fastened by nails, wood screws or .
a. cement b. dowels c. epoxy d. none of
60. It helps to return the skin to its proper pH after washing it with soap and water.
a. Face cleansers b. Face creams c. Face lotions d. Face
61. What are the three nutrients that are found in the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group?
a. Carbohydrates, iron and vitamins B c. Fiber, protein and water
b. Iron, carbohydrates and zinc d. Protien, zinc and minerals
62. Which of the following adds more color to the table?
a. Centerpiece b. Place mat c. Table cloth d. Table napkin
63. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of electrical current is recognized as .
a. Electromagnetic force b. Power c. Frequency d.
64. It refers to the lighter organic material that rises to the surface of the water.
a. Anaerobic b. aerobics c. Froth d. scum
65. What materials are to be laid out, the best tools to be used are .
a. Measuring tools b. Toot cutting tools c. lining tools d. Boring tools
66. To completely describe a cone, sphere & rectangular pyramid, the number of views needed is:
a. One b. two c. Three d. six
67. It is considered as the heaviest and darkest line that surrounds a drawing and is usually rectangular in shape.
a. Border line b. Visible line c. Dimension line d. Cutting
plane line
68. Where should you place the name of the top view for labeling?
a. Above the view b. Beside the view c. Below the view d.
Inside the view
69. It is used to prevent friction burns-during a massage and to soften and moisturize the skin
a. Cuticle remover b. Massage cream c. Nail bleaches d. Nail
70. The aspects of business management that analyzes and determines the supply and demand for the product or
service in that past and its competitive position at present is:
a. Budgeting aspect b. Finery aspect c. marketing aspect d. Production
71. Before starting a business, one should have a clear idea, sometimes called a .
a. Descript of the project b. Details of the project c. Market feasibility d. Rationale
72. If a drawing is general made without the aid of drawing instruments and staright edges, then it is classified as .
a. Freehand drawing
b. Isometric drawing
c. Orthographic drawing
d.axonometric drawing
73. One of the following is used for the fine cutting and for making delicate wood joint.
a. Back saw b. Keyhole saw c. Compass saw d. turning saw
74. A nail is an essential material in putting in place piece of wood. To drive or pull a nail the right tool for job is
a. Ball peen hammer b. Cross peen hammer c. Claw hammer d.Mallet
75. It comes in a metal or plastic case, with a cotton line coming out of one end and is used in drawing a straight
a. Brushes b. Jointers c. Steel square d. Chalk line
76. The financial record that tells you how much your business worth is that .
a. Cash flow report b. Income statement c. Cash report d. Balance statement
77. Selling goods, merchandise and stocks are examples of .
a. Current assets b. Property, plant and equipment c. Furniture and fixture d.
Notes receivables
78. Financial statements may be used for different purposes except by:
a. Vendors who extend credit to a business require financial statements to assess the Creditworthiness of the
b. Government entities do not need financial statement to ascertain the propriety and Accuracy of
taxes and other duties declared and paid by a company.
c. Financial institutions use them to decide whether to grant a company fresh working capital or extend debt
securities to finance expansion and other significant expenditures.
d. Owners and managers require financial statements to make important business decisions that affect its
continued operation.
79. This is a tool removing solder when desoldering a joint to correct a mistake or replace a component.
a. Copper braid b. Desoldering pump c. Reel of solder d.
Solder sucker
80. This tool can also be used to clean strip board where the copper tracks have become dull and tarnished.
a. Heat sucker b. PCB rubber c. Track cutter d. Wire strippers
81. A device used to change sound waves to audio signals is called .
a. Diode b. Loudspeaker c. Microphone d.
82. If the narrow of a transistor symbol is pointing inward it tells us that the transistor is a/an .
a. Bipolar b. PNP c. NPN d. Unijunction
83. It is the branch of science and technology that deals with the flow of electrons through nonmetallic conductors,
mainly semiconductors such as silicon.
a. Eclectically b. Electrical c. Electricity d. Electronics
84. What is the voltage required by an authomatic pressure cooker having resistance of 20 ohms when the current
flowing is 8 amperes.
a. 120 volts b. 160 volts c. 240 volts d. 480 volts
85. What amount of current does a 40-watt fluorescent lamp draw from a 220 volts power source? (correct answer:
0.18 A)
a. 5.5 amperes b. 25.5 amperes c. 50.5 amperes
d. 55.5 amperes
86. What do you call the semi-liquid substance that accumulates at the bottom of the septic tank?
a. Froth b. Sludge c. Scum d. Mud
87. It is a bowl or basin used for washing face and hands
a. Bathtub b. Bidet c. Lavatory d. Urinals
88. It refers to the pipe connection from the public water main or any source of water supply to the building served.
a. Branches b. House service c. Riser d.
Water main
89. It refers to public water connections which are laid underground along the streets where the house service is
a. Branches b. House service c. Riser d.
Water main
90. Why is the National Standard Plumbing Code emphasized?
a. Place the washer into the tail pipe
b. Screw the lock nut into the tail pipe.
c. Tighten the lock nut using a shetack wrench. One hand holding the wrench the other preventing the water faucet
from rotating.
d. Clean all the tools used and leave the area clean.
91. It is the prime necessity in all type of household.
a. Water b. car c. clothes d. jewelry
92. What is the size of the septic tank for a family of 6 persons?
a. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 110 cm. depth
b. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 120 cm. depth
c. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 130 cm. depth
d. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 140 cm. depth
93. The handle of the tool is generally made of plastic or wood and I used for spreading mortar.
a. Mason’s hammer b. Mason’s line c. Blocking chisel d.
94. A kind of tool with parts shaped like teeth used to cut or shape wood is a .
a. Boring tool b. Lining tool c. Marking tool d. tooth
cutting tool
95. Horizontal lines are best drawn using this instrument.
a. T-square b. Ruler c. Meter stick d. Triangles
96. This line is projected as a shortened line in a drawing.
a. Curve line b. Horizontal line c. Inclined line d. Vertical line
97. A cosmetologist must observe personal cleanliness. Which of the following does not contribute to personal
a. Keep the body clean by having a daily bath shower.
b. Keep teeth and gums in good condition. Brush teeth at least twice a day with a good dentifrice
c. Keep hand and fingernails in good condition
d. Use shoes with hose or peds/hills, change shoes daily.
98. Which of the following is the last procedure in manicuring and pedicuring?
a. Apply cuticle softener or soak fingertips in soapy water to soften cuticle.
b. Push back the cuticle trim hangnails with s pair of scissors.
c. Dry nails and wipe them with a remover. Apply colorless polish evenly then you selected colored polish. Let
the polish dry between coats then apply another coat.
d. Apply a colorless sealing coat over the nail and under the tips.
99. If a lot unknown and uncontrollable factors affect the success or failure of a firm then an entrepreneur should be
competent in:
a. Making decisions c. shift to another business
b. Seeking opportunity abroad d. planning alone
100. We all desire success in business ventures but it is most important for an entrepreneur to be:
a. good communicator b. a good follower of trends c. creative d. highly
101. Which of the following is NOT a must for a neophyte entrepreneur?
a. Ability to take risk without worry c. Self-confidence
b. A great self image d. starting with big capital
102. Which of the following BEST explains why goal-setting is important especially in entrepreneurship?
a. It assure him of being able attain his objectives
b. It helps make life more enjoyable and satisfying
c. One is much more likely to get what he/she wants and if he is willing to work for it.
d. It tells what is important to you
103. A type of circuit in which the current flows in two or more paths is known as:
a. Grounded circuit b. Parallel circuit c. Open circuit d. Series
104. It is closed conducting path by which current can transfer electric energy from a source to load.
a. Electric circuit b. Electric current c. Load d.
105. Decomposition of organic matter from human waste is a bacteriological process cause except:
a. Anaerobic bacteria called anaerobes c. Aerobic bacterial called aerobes
b. Anaerobic decomposition d. Facultative bacteria
106. Egg should be beaten with the use of copper bowl because a Copper bowls .
a. is a special metal utensil really intended for such purpose c. keeps eggs fresh and firm
b. makes eggs fluffy and moist d. has a special property which stabilizes the
107. An important building and regulating substance in the body which act as solvent is .
a. Blood b. water c. Tissue d.
108. The appropriate mixing method applied for biscuit- making is the method.
a. Conventional b. One-bowl c. muffin d.
109. The following are to be included on a low cost meal rich in protein:
a. Beef, chesse, carrot c. Fish, monggo, tokwa, tulya
b. Chicken, drumstick, milk, macaroni d. Pork shop, eggs, potato
110. When customer pays cash upon delivery of the goods to their homes, this is known as:
a. Cash on hand b. Cash in bank c. cash on delivery d.
Cash take sale
111. It includes revenues that are collected in advance but have not been earned.
a. Accounts payable b. Accured liabilities c. Notes payable d. Unearned
112. An electronic spread sheet is also known as .
a. Balance sheet b. Data base c. Graph d.
113. John Smith, a world class management consultant, said that the first function of a business enterprise is as economic
performer. Economic performance is measured in terms of .
a. Affiliation b. Popularity c. Profit d. Social
114. When a regular power supply gives full unregulated voltage output, there is .
a. Defective rectifier diodes c. shorted capacity in particular storage
b. Leaky filter capacitors d. shorted junction w/in irregular circuit
115. It refers to the electrical device that is used to convent electrical signal to sound:
a. frequency b. antenna c. transformer d. speaker
116. It is the first step in troubleshooting an appliance.
a. create and troubleshooting strategy.
b. Determine the exact trouble
c. Reduce the number of possible troubles to two or three before performing any detailed electrical
d. Study an electrical drawing of the appliances.
117. These are earnings of corporations which are distributed among the stock holders.
a. Dividend b. Profits c. Stocks d. Wage
118. Profit is the concrete indicator of how well an entrepreneur has managed his:
a. Affairs b. Credits c. Business d. Sales
119. It provides an overview of a business or person’s financial condition in both short and long term.
a. Balance Sheet b. Cash out flows c. Finacial Statement d.
Statement of expenses
120. It explains the changes in a company’s retained earnings over the reporting period
a. Balance Sheet b. Income Statement c. Statement of cash out flows d.
Statement of retained earnings
121. Which of the following electrical qualities is a derivative one?
a. power b. voltage c. source d. control
122. Static electricity is produced by massive collision of charge called:
a. carbon plate b. friction c. zinc plate d. magnets
123. Brick, stone, mortar and concrete are some for the materials used in this building construction work.
a. Carpentry b. masonry c. finishing d. plumbing
124. Which one is a line drawn from left to right?
a. inclined line b. vertical line c. Parallel line d. Horizontal line
125. A line which represents all visible edges of an object called:
a. Center lines b. Cutting lines c. Invisible lines d.
visible lines
126. It is concerned with the intelligent care given by an individual with respect to health through; cleanliness, posture,
exercise, relaxation, adequate sleep, balance diet and wholesome thoughts.
a. Good health b. Personality development c. Grooming d. Proper hygiene
127. This is a liquid product applied directly to the nail to protect against stains from the pigments in colored polishes.
a. Base coat b. Colored enamel c. Nail polish solvent d. Top coat
128. A document discussing an entrepreneur’s intentions, ideals, perceptions and details of a planned project is known as
a. research paper b. letter of credit c. thesis
d. project proposal
129. If an entrepreneur acts to do things that meet or even exceed existing standards of excellence then he is considered
to be a/an:
a. Follower b. Hard worker c. Pessimist d. Inventor
130. The key ingredient of entrepreneurship is/are:
a. Discoveries made b. Innovation c. Organization study d. Services offered
131. One trait that is not good for an entrepreneur is:
a. Industrious b. Intelligence c. Patience d. relying on others for
132. Mayonnaise is an emulsion with one liquid (oil) dispersed in a second liquid (vinegar and lemon juice) which do
not mix well. Which should be added as an emulsifier, to make mixing of both liquid possible?
a. Egg yolk b. Egg yolk with salt c. egg white d. Whole egg
133. The branch of science that deals w/ the use of vacuum tube, transistors and photo devices is:
a. Electronics b. Biology c. Chemistry d. Electricity
134. It is electrical component that is used to oppose the flow of current in a circuit.
a. Capacitor b. Inductor c. Diode d. Resistor
135. It is a protective device that blows open when there is excessive current flow in the circuit.
a. fuse b. Battery c. Switch d. Transformer
136. An ordinary radio can be turned to different stations. The electronic component responsible for this junction is
a. Detector diode b. IF transistor c. Oscillator d. Turning
137. This is an iron tool whose power rating should be 15 to 25 W and it should be fitted with a small bit of 2 to 3 mm
diameter. For intermediate soldering of electronic components. What do you call this too used in electronics.
a. Copper braid b. Reel of solder c. soldering iron
d. Solder sucker
138. This tool is usually just a 3 mm drill bit with a proper handle fitted.
a. Heat sucker b. Track cutter c. PCB rubber d. Wire strippers
139. This is an electrode found nearest the white band on a rectifier. What is it?
a. Anode b. Gate c. Cathode d. Main terminal
140. They are on the right and an increase in a credit account decreases a credit account.
a. Debit account b. Credit account c. Nominal account d. Real
141. These are event/ exchanges w/c affect the assets, liabilities owner’s equity of an organization.
a. Book of final entry b. financial statement c. Business transaction d. Income
142. A thermocouple converts energy into electrical energy.
a. Heat b. Nuclear c. Mechanical d. Solar
143. What substance which can produce electricity when compressed?
a. Cell b. Crystal c. Magnet d. Solar
144. A law which states that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance in known as:
a. Chomsky’s law b. Kirchoff’s law c. Law of resistivity d
Ohm’s law
145. In Ohm’s Law, to solve for the unknown voltage in the circuit, the basic formula to be used is:
a. E = I x R b. E = I / R c. I = E / R d. E = R / I
146. When the diameter of cylindrical objects is to be measured, the tool to be used is a:
a. Caliper b. Push-pull ruler c. Meter stick d. Ruler
147. Sawing irregular shapes on thin pieces of wood is done with the use of a:
a. Back saw b. Key hole saw c. Coping saw d. Rip saw
148. There are considerable numbers of wood joints. The simplest and easiest to make is the:
a. Butt joints b. Lap joints c. Dao Joint d. Miter joints
149. Which of the following is a mark of an entrepreneur who exudes self-confidence?
a. Does not prioritize, embarrass, or demean c. Is not scrupulous or two – face
b. Obeys just laws, exercises all democratic rights and privileges d. Believes in himself and his own
150. The part of a feasibility study which describes the location of the business and its building specifications?
a. Introduction b. Market feasibility c. Production d. Proponent, management and
Field of Specialization – 150 Items
1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set.
2. Write the Subject title “TECHNOLOGY & LIVEHOOD EDUCATION” on the box provided.
3. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheer if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box “B” if your test booklet is Set B.
1. To search for relate literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to connect a
computer library with computers that have database is termed:
a. Computer search c. on - line search
b. Manual search d. compact disc search
2. The part of a feasibility study which describes the location of the business and its building
a. Production c. Market feasibility
b. Introduction d. Proponet, management & personnel
3. Salt is a necessary ingredient in yeast raised breads because salt:
a. Removes the water in dough c. Controls the rising of the bread
b. Retains the moisture in dough d. Makes the bread taste better
4. Nutrients perform specific function in our body. What nutrient together with carbohydrates provides the body with
heat and energy?
a. Proteins b. Fats c. Vitamins d. Minerals
5. Onions when peeled or cut irritate the eyes and give biting sensation on the tongue, this is due to presence
a. Sulfoxide b. Mustard oil c. Sulfur compounds d. Sodium nitrate
6. What is the process by which pelts, skin and hides are made pliable for use?
a. Curing b. Tanning c. Dressing d. Cleaning
7. Which process will help you accomplish the tasks of smoothening pelts, skins and hiding as well as making them
a. Curing b. Tanning c. Cleaning d. Dressing
8. What series of activities by which discarded are collected, sorted, processed and converted into raw materials are
used in the production of new products?
a. Reusing b. Reducing c. Indigenization d. Redevelopment
9. What is the scheme of product movement from the producer to the consumer?
a. Marketing b. Selling c. Merchandizing d. Retailing
10. Which one insures the most convenient households?
a. A house with household help
b. A house with architectural design
c. A house equipped with appliances & labor saving devices
d. A house near the church, market, school and recreation places
11. It is the care on personal appearance which includes the condition of the body and how one looks and smells.
a. Grooming c. Personality development
b. Proper hygiene d. Good health
12. An employee exposes the wrong doings of his employer to outsiders, such as the media or government regulatory
agencies. What behavior is it?
a. Shame campaign c. Rumor mongering
b. Murmuring d. Whistle blowing
13. Which of the following is a household chore that has to be done every day?
a. Cleaning the ceiling c. Sweeping the floor
b. Dusting the furniture d. Laundering bed sheets
14. Which is/are the purpose/s of performance appraisal?
i. Feedback on quality of performance
ii. Feedback on the effectiveness of recruitment & selection process
iii. Input on profitability and income of the company
iv. Data base for H.R decision making.
a. III only b. I, II and III c. I, II and IV d. I, III and IV
15. Which principle of design suggests sequence movement?
a. Harmony b. Balance c. Proportion d. Rhythm
16. Which stage is characterized by added responsibility of educating and looking after health needs of children?
a. Contacting b. Launching c. Expending d. Beginning
17. If pictures needed from an electronic encyclopedia, what must be done?
a. Cite the source for the picture
b. Use the encyclopedia picture freely
c. Credit the group members for scanning the picture
d. List the names of the group members at the end of the project
18. Loyalty is measure when people stay together in time of crises. What does it strengthen?
a. Partnership b. Friendship c. Healthy competition d. Cooperation
19. Which of the following sciences is the statistical study of human population and its distribution?
a. Ecology b. Geography c. Anthropology d. Demography
20. There are numerous kinds of saws. The one used by sawing along the grain of wood is called:
a. Rip saw b. Coping saw c. Cross cut saw d. Back saw
21. Drills and bits are friendly tools that facilitate project making. Which of the following is used for boring holes on
a. Drill bit b. Nail set c. Saw set d. Auger bit
22. Finishing touches will show the quality of workmanship. How is the thread at the end of the dart made?
a. Cut short b. Removed c. Cut long d. Knotted
23. The following are factors in deciding on a suitable plant site for the business. Which one is
a. Distance of the sources of raw materials and markets
b. Organizational structure of the enterprise
c. Availability of water disposal facility
d. Availability of transportation
24. Which one is not good technique in performing household tasks?
a. using trays and baskets in carrying things from one room to another
b. using white sheets and lines in young children’s bed
c. cooking rice while cleaning the house
d. cooking one dish meals
25. What is a plan of spending during a specific period based on an estimate of the funds available?
a. Estimate b. Budget c. Expenditure d. Income
26. Blood relation refers to linear family relationship. This speaks of one of the following:
a. Consanguinityb. Affinity c. Camaraderie d. Sorority
27. What appears whenever executing a command which indicates that you must wait until it disappears to continue to
the next action?
a. Hour glass b. Print preview c. Magnifying glass d. Formal painter
28. Mothers tend to work for extra income for the family while the children secure for summer jobs. Where do these
a. Economic crisis c. Socio-economic status
b. Social standing d. Economic upliftment
29. What is the name of the bar that displays the name of the program and current file in Microsoft Word Processor?
a. Title bar b. Status bar c. Menu bar d. Formatting toolbar
30. Which of the following involves judging the extent to which employees fulfill their responsibilities?
a. Accountability b. Regulation c. Responsibility d. Control function
31. Which of the following would effective managers most likely NOT use in employing personnel?
a. Accomplishing forms c. Interviewing selected applicants
b. Requiring medical examination d. Setting interview of reference
32. Which of the following is NOT an important factor in selecting a location for a store?
a. Weather situation
b. Income of the families in the community
c. Standard of living of families in the community
d. Employment conditions that prevails in the community
33. Which of the following laws protect the consumers from unscrupulous businessmen?
i. Commerce Administrative Order 5-C
ii. Batas Pambansa Blg. 8
iii. Article 1458 of the Civil Code
iv. R.A 9155
b. III and IV b. I and IV c. I, II and III d. II, III and IV
34. These lines are used to indicate the measurement of objects and are presented by fine dark solid lines.
a. Leader lines b. Center lines c. Dimension lines d. Dimension lines
35. Drafting is considered as the universal language of:
a. Pottery b. Artistry c. Industry d. Humanity
36. A point is the projection of a line if it is perpendicular to the:
a. Plane of proportion c. Plane of projection
b. Plane of direction d. Plane of intersection
37. Which of the following is used to produce blind holes?
a. Drill bit b. Brad awl c. Auger bit d. Diestock
38. When the diameter of cylindrical object is to be measures, the tool to be used is called:
a. Ruler b. Caliper c. Push pull rule d. Meter stick
Accounting refers to the whole process of recording and interpreting results of:
b. Stock market c. Capital outflow
c. Business transaction d. Means of production
39. In showing the connection of components, which of the following diagrams is the simplest?
a. Wiring diagram c. Schematic diagram
b. Block diagram d. Pictorial diagram
40. This component is internally connected to the IF transformer.
a. Diode b. Inductor c. Transistor d. Capacitor
41. The process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency is:
a. Assigning b. Calling c. choosing d. training
42. The key ingredients to Entrepreneurial activity is the result of:
a. Good luck b. Big Capital c. Careful planning d. Patience
43. Painting on cloth or other materials with the use of needle and thread is called:
a. Recycling b. Stenciling c. Smocking d. Embroidery
44. If you use light red and dark red, the color harmony is:
a. Monochromatic c. Complementary
b. Analogous d. Split Complementary
45. The following are methods of training leather except:
a. Fur b. Chrome c. Grease d. Vegetable
46. A process which helps restore nutrients when food are refined or milled is:
a. Enrichment b. Enhancing c. Filling in d. Preserving
47. Which of the following shell species can be classified as a univalve?
a. Oyster b. Capiz c. Venus comb d. Clams
48. Clovelet is to garlic while root stems are to:
a. Carrots b. Ginger c. Cassava d. Bulb Onions
49. Which of the following is true about giant gourami?
a. It attains maturity in 3-4 years and could weigh up to three kilograms each
b. The female has a prominent hump on the head
c. It feed mostly on zooplanktons
d. It originated from Thailand
50. Milkfish fries are caught along southwestern shores of many island. Some of the fishes caught with milkfish are
ten pounder and tarpon. The former is long with:
a. Stripes near the tail c. Whitish structure behind the anus
b. Yellowish color d. Short and black head
51. Fleas attack chicken. They are dark brown in color with three pairs of legs and in flattered conditions.
Generally, they are located near:
a. Shank and toes c. Wings and wattles
b. Vent and thighs d. Eyes and comb
52. Metaldehyde is a highly selective molluscicide which will minimize problem in bangus ponds:
a. Snails b. Frogs c. Snakes d. Catfish
53. Some farmers have this practice of lifting sweet potato vines which are touching the ground in order to:
a. Harvest the tops c. Change growing direction
b. Prune the roots d. Produce bigger tubers
54. Which of the following in some aspects of the family life affect the father image?
a. In-law relationships c. Duties and responsibilities
b. Sexual compatibility d. Patterns of authority
55. The period of development when an individual faces several developmental tasks is:
a. Puberty b. Elderly c. Adulthood d. Adolescence
56. A plan of spending family income without incurring debt or deficits is known as:
a. Budget plan c .Household operation
b. Family budget d. Operational budget
57. Ideals on what is right against what is wrong direct one’s thinking and behavior. These ideals are known as:
a. Values b. Goals c. Purposes d. Attitudes
58. An amount of money set aside for expenditures that would bring additional income or profit for the family is
referred to:
a. Savings b. Deposit c. Advancement d. Investment
59. Form of fatigue caused by a emotional problem like boredom, frustration, conflicts and depression called:
a. Physical fatigue c. Physiological fatigue
b. Psychological fatigue d. Pathological fatigue
60. Eggs are important protein foods comparable to meat, fish and poultry. In cooking hard boiled egg the water must
a. Warm b. High temperature c. Rapidly boiling d. Simmering
61. Success in promoting or advertising a product depends on what factors?
a. Discount sale c. marketing media
b. Personal selling d. Quality of the product
62. In the arrangement of furniture and fixtures in the house the principle of design must always be taken into
consideration. A principle which is created through the prepetition of lines, colors or shapes is:
a. Balance b. Rhythm c. Harmony d. Emphasis
63. As onion crop matures, the amount of irrigation should be decreased gradually. Prolonged water supply within 2-3
weeks before harvest will produce immature bulbs with;
a. Rotting leaves c. More root hairs
b. Thick neck d. Thicker bulb
64. Rhizobia convert nitrogen to nitrates contributing to soil fertility. It is present in the roots of:
a. Vine crops b. Crucifiers c. Root vegetables d. Legumes
65. Bothriocephalus gowkongensis is a tapeworms which often attacks:
a. Tilapia b. Hito c. Grass carp d. Bangus
66. In commercial eel farms, the ponds are made of concrete materials. Eels are provided with:
a. Water plants b. Filters c. Mechanical aeration d. Holes for hiding
67. Fertilizers are applied to fish ponds in order to:
a. Change the color of water c. Enhance the production of natural foods
b. Neutralize acidity d. Promote fast growth of stocked fish
68. In the patrilineal family, the family traces its family from the paternal side. Which type of family traces forms both
the maternal and paternal side?
a. Matulineal b. Bilineal c. Equalitarian d. Neological
69. Some loosely knitted garments stretch if hung on hangers. This can be prevented if the following EXCEPT
a. Use padded hanger
b. Hand the knitted while dripping wet
c. Pad wire hanger into foam or old towel
d. When the shoulders are placed properly on the pad
70. A needlework of inter locking loops of stitches formed through a single thread using hooked needle is:
a. Tatting b. smocking c. crocheting d. embroidering
71. The quality which enables one to face problems calmly and intelligently and makes wise decisions is:
a. physical interest c. philosophical changes
b. psychological changes d. intellectual changes
72. The practice of adding soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green color and the
crispness should be avoided primarily because:
a. They become less palatable
b. They become hard to digest
c. Vitamin C is destroyed in the presence of alkali
d. The flavor of vegetables is modified
73. A large family needs a large income. This is referred to as:
a. Expanding stage c. Empty nest stage
b. Countracting stage d. Beginning stage
74. To reduce time and energy expenditures, which of the following is the LEAST to be considered?
a. Equipment and supplies should be grouped according to use.
b. All things stored should be placed only in one row.
c. Frequently used materials should be placed at the lowest shelves.
d. Stove, utensils, dines and food supplies should be within easy reach.
75. Mike’s turbenized shirt is considered as well made based on this criterion.
a. Executive collar has equal side ends. c. Sleeve cap is well-shaped.
b. Machine stitches are even. d. Sleeve placket is well and neatly sewed.
76. Household’s pests do not thrive in a clean place. Which of the following practices is LEAST effective in eradicating
household’s pests?
a. Elimination of accumulations of organic refuse.
b. Daily use of insect repellants.
c. Elimination of stagnant water or proper treatment of these
d. Adequately designed and supervised local sewage disposal plants.
77. Expenses that are unexpected are .
a. Flexible b. Miscellaneous c. allowance d. fixed
78. The process of breaking down complex food substance into unstable form is .
a. Respiration b. Digestion c. reproduction d. circulation
79. Vegetarians are usually deficient in one of the following vitamins:
a. Cobalamin b. Iron c. C d. centrum
80. This refers to the monthly income required to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a family with six members.
a. Food budget b. Food threshold c. Food intake d. Food consumption
81. Accessories enhance or add beauty to give a given space. Listed below are the decorative objects EXCEPT
a. Table lamps b. Graphic arts c. wood craftsd. metal works
82. A finished opening in garment designed to give ease in wearing dresses is called
a. Dout b. Pleat c. placket d. gusse
83. What is the best training ground to develop skills in decision-making?
a. Home b. School c. Church d. Society
84. Which technique is best used when measuring shortening?
a. Scoop cup in shortening, then level with spatula
b. Tap cup with spoon, while filling, then level with spatula
c. Fill cup loosely with shortening, then level with spatula
d. Press shortening with cup, then level with spatula
85. Which emphasizes prevention rather than correction of delays?
a. Controlling b. Directing c. Evaluating d. Planning
86. What is the scheme of undertaking two activities at the same time?
a. Dovetailing b. Detailing c. Sensitizing d. Simulating
87. Which of the following contains minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a task?
a. Job description b. Job analysis c. Job classification d.Job specification
88. Which of the following according to Robert W. White is the mainspring of action on human being?
a. Fringe benevfirts c. Money motive
b. Job status d. Desire for competence
89. Which ratio is used to access the company’s ability to meet short-term obligation?
a. Profitability b. Liquidity c. Level d. Coverage
90. Which interview is highly structured?
a. Planned b. Stress c. Ambush d. Patterned
91. Employees are separated involuntarily due to .
a. Low pay c. poor working condition
b. Declining sales d. lure of high paying jobs
92. To be a good listener one must .
a. Take note of accompanying nonverbal cues c. Argue
b. Engage in other activities d. Interrupt when necessary
93. Good public relation presupposes good internal .
a. Reaction b. Communication c. attitude d. response
94. Which of the filing steps is placing the papers in appropriate containers?
a. Codingb. Indexing c. Cross-referencing d. Storing
95. What is meant by P.O?
a. Purchase Option c. Production Office
b. Product Order d. Purchase Order
96. Which is the 30-ton room-sized computer with over 18,000 vacuum tubes build by John Mauchly and Eckert?
a. MITS altair 800 b. Unlvac c. Eniac d. Colossus
97. Who introduced the concept of providing ALU in the computer system?
a. Joseph Marie Jacquard c. John Von Newman
b. Charles Babbage d. Herman Hollerith
98. Which as the raw material to be processed by the computer?
a. Information b. Data c. Graphics d. Objects
99. What is meant to put information into the computer?
a. Launch b. File c. Install d. Input
100. Which allows it use to upload and download files from other computers for the net?
a. Usenet b. Search engine c. Telnet d. File transfer protocol
101. Which of the following makes a window as small as it can get?
a. Maximize b. Save c. Restore d. Minimize
102. For Crash Dumps to be obtained, a pagefile must exist on the .
a. Boot partition c. data partition
b. NTFS partition d. system partition
103. Which is to get the information saved before and to use it with a program at a later time?
a. File b. Install c. Shutdown d. Load
104. What kind of surge protector should one buy?
a. One with lots of plugs on it and a power button
b. One that a friend recommended
c. One from the hardware store
d. One with at least a U.L rating and telephone line protection
105. If one should see a message with list on it asking one hoe to boot the computer, what should one do?
a. Call for help c. Turn the computer off
b. Don’t mind the message, continue d. Choose number one, Normal Boot.
106. Which is the main button the task bar?
a. Right b. Right mouse c. Left d. Start
107. Which one is an internet address?
a. ADSL b. ISDN c. URL d. ISP
108. This is a feature wherein a user may be able to send and receive electronic message to and from a
“chat room” on topics they share interest with:
a. Internet Relay Chat (iRC) c. Usenet
b. Gopher d. Telnet
109. Which program lets TYPE letters and other documents?
a. WordArt b. Calendar c. Word Processor d. Ms Excel
110. An organizational tool used to structure the way you save files on your computer is called:
a. Folder b. CPU c. floppy disk d. gadget
111. The following are operation applications that computer technology brings to Business EXCEPT:
a. Mailing b. Accounting c. record keeping d. decision-making
112. While scanning is considered the most advance method of preservation, why does it employ heat?
a. Protect the product from the vegetative organism
b. Prevent contamination of the heated food
c. Facilitate penetration of other mixture
d. Preserve moisture contents
113. Which of the following is an example of money, materials and machine?
a. Capital b. Input c. Material d. Resource
114. Which principle of management requires the use of one plant to direct operation within the
a. Esprit de corps c. Authority
b. Unity of direction d. Unity of command
115. Which of the following qualities should entrepreneur processes to achieve objectives?
a. Patience b. Persistencec. honesty d. industry
116. Morality applied to business seeks the .
a. Entrepreneurial prestige attached to success
b. Influence of power in the world market
c. Welfare of the people
d. Leadership position in the business industry
117. Which question should an entrepreneur consider as regard location?
a. Is the location economically accessible to its market?
b. Does the future look good, or bad for this firm in this market?
c. Are present assets consistent with the floor plan, available additional space and customer comfort?
d. Was a proper market survey made for this purpose?
118. Who among the following concerns himself with helping workers reach their full potential?
a. Charles Babbage b. Frederich Taylor c. Henry Gantt d. Robert Owen
119. Who exposed on the Theory of Bureaucratic Management?
a. Max Webber b. Mary Parket Follet c. Chester Bainard d. Lillian Gilreth
120. While trait theory states that leadership traits are born, the environmental concept position that leader skill
a. Dictated b. Acquired c. dissipated d. Innate
121. Which of the following business activities is easily organized and dissolved?
a. Call center b. Rice mill c. Manufacturing company d. Sari-sari store
122. Which is attached to VOUCHER?
a. Price list b. Invoice c. recipients d. item description
123. If the Term is 2/10, n/30, the length of the credit period is?
a. 30 days b. 2 days c. 70 days d. 10 days
124. Who puts money in a business venture in the hope of receiving a return on investment?
a. Stakeholder b. Owner c. Debtor d. Creditor
125. A fish parasite which burrows into the blood vessels of fish through the skin is
a. Gyrodactylus b. Multifillis c. Columnaris d. Saprolegnia
126. What is the RESULT when the client or costumer pays more than the actual cost of goods or services?
a. Profit b. Sales c. Income d. Revenue
127. Which is a Table of Content containing are the title and number of the items found into general ledger?
a. T-account b. Chart of account c. Account d. Folio
128. Analyze the transaction RESULT IN and RECORD ON for the payment of P5,500 for the salary of a
a. Debt increase in asset c. Debt decrease in liability
b. Credit decrease in asset d. Credit increase in liability
129. What joint is commonly used in making screens, chairs and stretchers?
a. Meter joint b. Lap joint c. Cross joint d. Rabbet joint
130. Which of the following statements is TRUE about record-keeping?
a. The employment of bookkeeper can be dispensed with anyway the accountant signs the financial
b. An accountant is always employed for financial keeping
c. It is just a file of facts but it is a source of information
d. Maintaining a record-keeping system is necessary in the preparation of income Tax Return (ITR).
131. A kind of chicken parasite which causes irritation that result in pulling off or breaking its feathers is
the mite.
a. Harvest b. Depluming c. Scaly leg d. Red
132. When the space is limited and there are NOT enough work forces, the MOST practical way of serving
meals is:
a. Blue plate service c. Russian service
b. Buffet service d. Compromise service
133. Cocoa will lump up if placed directly in hot liquid due to its high:
a. Sugar content c. Chocolate content
b. Fat content d. Starch content
134. Blessing said before family meals, kissing the hands of elder and praying the Angelus are activities
which constitute:
a. Sacred rituals c. Superstitious beliefs
b. Religious beliefs d. Customs and traditions
135. What is the process of preparing to accept one’s responsibility of contributing to the family’s welfare?
a. Family culture b. Family council c. Family kinship d. Family formation
136. What should an electrician first do before installing the electrical wiring system of a building?
a. Buy the materials c. Get a meter base from Meralco
b. Prepare a contract d. Secure a wiring permit
137. What pencil point is best recommended in sketching?
a. Wedge b. Conical c. Dull d. Flat
138. Which of these finishing materials would give a transparent sheen to a wood surface?
a. Oil b. Abrasives c. Varnish d. Shellac
139. What must an auto mechanic first do before undertaking any repair?
a. Prepare his tools c. Listen to the customer’s compliant
b. Identify the problem d. Disassemble the parts
140. What does an internal combustion gasoline piston engine do? It coverts:
a. Gasoline to torque c. Heat energy to mechanical energy
b. Horse power to watts d. air-fuel mixture to force
141. Which of the following tools is used in checking the squareness of corners and the flatness of surfaces?
a. Steel rule b. T- squares c. Pull push rule d. Band protractor
142. Which of the following activities is example of a financial transaction?
a. Buying a lot c. Working with the bank
b. Hiring a secretary d. Firing your accountant
143. It is study and application of beauty treatment.
a. Skin care b. Hairstyling c. Cosmetology d. Electrology
144. Which Time and Energy Management tool indicates specific tasks to be done and the sequence of the
tasks so that all work will be finished at the desired time?
a. Work plan c. Work simplification
b. Schedule d. Work arrangement
145. Cleaning or removing excess cloth from the seam allowance is known as:
a. Lay outing c. Layering
b. Metering d. Notching
146. If a chocolate cake needs 2 cups sour milk, then how many teaspoon of acid is added?
a. Two teaspoon c. Three teaspoon
b. One teaspoon d. Two & half teaspoon
147. A two- piece outfit of different colors should be worn if one is:
a. Tall and slender c. Short and stout
b. Stout and tall d. Short and slender
148. Which violation is committed when deceptive information is printed on a product package, container
and label?
a. Disinformation c. Misdeclaration
b. Mislabeling d. Misrepresentation
149. Which of the following is an independent store?
a. College cooperative c. Sari-sari store
b. Department store d. Barangay Rolling store
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a. Resistance b. Power c. Source d. Electricity
2. What type of electric circuit is used with christmas lights?
a. Octopus circuit b. Series-parallel circuit c. Parallel circuit d. Series Circuit
3. A saw angle should be adjusted depending on the kind of wood. What is the recommended angle for soft and thin wood?
a. 30-45 degrees b. 60 degrees c. 15-30 degree d. 60-100 degrees
4. A well groomed cosmetologist does not need this,
a. daily bath and deodorant
b. hairstyle
c. facial makeup
d. expensive jewelry
5. Mrs. Santos asks for a long and casual hairstyle. If you are the hair dresser, what rollers are you going to use?
a. Rollers with medium circumference
b. Rollers with large circumference
c. Rollers with small circumference
d. Rollers with extra small circumference
6. It is a kind of circuit where is continous flow of electric current?
a.close circuit circuit c.short circuit d.curved circuit
7. The voltage rating found in a capacitor is called voltage.
a. peak reverse b. working c.blow-up d.breakdown
8.Which is the common cause of an erratic sound of a transistor radio?
a. Worn out amplifier b. Defective volume control c. Broken antenna d. Blasted tuner
9.Which is a convenient pocket sized tool that provides maximum safety when pulling cartridge fuses and checking electrical
a. Fuse puller b. Screw driver c. Desoldering tool d. Mini drill
10. What is the common characteristic of strip board and printed circuit board?
a. Temporary circuit board
b. Permanent circuit board
c. No soldering required
d. Requires no special preparation
11. Which electronics material opposes the movement of free electrons?
a. Element b. Insulator c. Conductor d. Semiconductor
12. An electronic device that is used to limit or oppose the flow of current in a circuit is called?
a. Capacitor b. Resistor c. Diode d. Inductor
13. Bricks are laid where its longer side is exposed to view. This arrangement is called ?
a. Header b. Stretcher c. Bond d. Mortar
14. An appliances with 110 volts AC supplyis accidentally plugged to a 220 volts AC outlet. What component is usually destroyed?
a. Switch b. AC plug c. Line fuse d. Power transformer
15. In omh's law,to solve for the unknown voltage in the circuit,the best formula to be use.
16. The two pieces of 3V batteries are connected in serViiessitF
a. 3V b.
c. 0V d. 9V
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d. seiri, seiton, seki, seikitsu,
17. Extended letters of a given height are more legible while compressed letters are used when ?
a. Space is wide b. Space is limitless c. Space is limited d. Space is narrow
18. Tools in lettering which are made of either plastic or aluminium on which the drafter just traced the letters using a technical
pen to produce each letter. The instrument is called ?
a. Lettering box b. Lettering template c. T-square d. Pressure-sensitive guide
19. It is the hardest pencil of a draftsman.
a. 9B b. 8B c. 9H d. HB
20. As far as the apperance of the drawing is concerned, it is the most important part of the usefulness of the drawing, it can be
ruined if it is done carelessly. Which is referred to?
a. Etching b. Painting c. Lettering d. Calligraphy
21. If two resistor are placed in series, the final resistance is?
a. Higher b. Lower c. The same d. Cannot be determined
22. The process of hardening of concrete,
a. Curing
b. Setting
c. Hardening
d. Molding
23. Bricks are laid where its longer side is exposed to view. The arrangement is called:
a. Header
b. Stretcher
c. Bond
d. Mortar
24. Concrete is said to be workable if it can be molded or deformed without segregation. This characteristics is known as
a. Consistency
b. Workability
c. Mobility
d. Plasticity
25. What class of concrete mixture is consisting of 1 bag of cment, 2 cu ft. Of sand & 4 cu ft of gravel or 1:2:4?
a. Class AA b. Class A
c. Class B d. Class C
26. Which of the ff. Are known as coarse aggregates in concrete mixtures?
a. Sand
b. Soil
c. Gravel
d. Stones
27. The nail is composed mainly of
a. melanin b. keratin c. collagen d. sebum
28. Which of the following are the Japanese 5S?
a. shitsuke, seiton, seiso, seki, sesi
b. seiton, seiri, seki, seikiitsu, shitsuke
c. seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke
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29.To obtain in higher value of resistance resistor
d. Never
a. Reverse
b. Parallel
c. Forward
d. Series
30. To prevent transistor from getting hot, use
a. Silicon grease
b. Insulator
c. Heat sink
d. Exhaust fan
31. The practice of adding baking soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green color and the crispiness
should be avoided primarily because.
a. The flavor of the vegetable is modified
b. Vitamins C is destroyed in the presence of alkali
c. They become less palatable
d. They become hard digest
32. What is the proper term for the dividing the hair into smaller more workable piece for the purpose of control?
a. Bunching
b. Splitting
c. Sectioning
d. Texturizing
33. Saw most frequently used in hands working are the handsaws like crosscuts ripsaw and backsaw. If you want to cut a board
what handsaw is appropriate for the job?
a. Backsaw
b. Ripsaw
c. Cross-cut saw
d. Keyhole saw
34. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of electrical current is recognized as:
a. Power
b. Resistance
c. Electromagnetism
d. Frequency
35. What is the scheme of undertaking two activities at the same time?
a. Dovetailing
b. Detailing
c. Sensitizing
d. Simulating
36. When the arrow head on the electronic symbol of a semiconductor transistor is pointing inward, the type of transistor is
a. NPN
b. PNP
37. Kirchhoff’s Laws are applicable to networks with series resistors.
a. Always true
b. Often time
c. Sometimes true
a. Object
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38. Two resistors R1 and R2 rates at 4 ohms and 6 ohms respectively are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?
a. 36 ohms
b. 48 ohms
c. 2.1 ohms
d. 2.4 ohms
39. The law of George Simon in electricity can be as follow:
a. Voltage(e) equals amperes (I) times resistance
b. Amperes(I) equals resistance (R) times voltage
c. Resistance (R) equals voltage (e) times amperes
d. None of the option
40. You are make picture frame, which type of joint applicable
a. Lap joint
b. Dado
c. Tenon
d. Miter
41. Which of the following semiconducting device is generally used as an indicator when an appliance is turned on or off?
a. Light emitting diodes
b. Photodiodes
c. Photo resistors
d. Small lamps
42. A process which helps restore nutrients when food are refined or milled is .
a. Enrichment
b. Enhancing
c. Filling in
d. Preserving
43. Eggs are important protein foods comparable to meat, fish, and poultry. In cooking hard-boiled egg, the water must be .
a. Warm
b. High temperature
c. Rapidly boiling
d. Simmering
44. Which grade of pencil is commonly used for lettering by a draftsman?
a. 6B b. HB c. 3H d. 4H
45. Which of the following ingredients will use creaming method?
a. Butter, flour, egg
b. Flour, butter, egg
c. Butter, egg, sugar
d. Flour, butter, sugar
46. It is the basic tool of a draftsman.
a. T-square
b. Triangle
c. Compass
d. Pencil
47. It is used to enclose a drawing and contain several blocks or frames for some necessary data.
b. Border
c. Phantom
a. Gate
d. Guide line
48. It is used to indicate exposed cut surfaces in an object.
a. straight line
b. curve line
c. section line
d. mixed line
49. It is a process of either enlarging or reducing full size drawing of an object.
a. Sectioning
b. Blueprinting
c. Planning
d. Scaling
50. It exist at all times, because people need goods and services to survive.
a. demand
b. business opportunities
c. business needs
d. supply
51. How often would you advice a person for a facial with normal skin?
a. About once a week
b. About a month
c. Daily
d. About twice a month
52. What do you call the measuring instrument used by workers which is reeled in housing and retracts automatically by a spring?
a. Zigzag rule
b. Push steel rule
c. Steel rule
d. Ruler
53. What class of concrete mixture is consisting of 1 bag cement, 2 cu.ft. of sand, & 4 cu.ft. of gravel or 1:2:4?
a. Class AA
b. Class A
c. Class B
d. Class C
54. Conditioning the nutritional problems in our country because of poverty what dishes would you recommend?
a. Steamed eggplant and bagoong
b. Pinakbet eggplant okra saluyot leaves
c. Fresh Lumpia
d. Sauteed monggo with dilis and ampalaya
55. An insulator that separates the two plates of a capacitor is known as .
a. Vacuum
b. Dielectric
c. Air
d. Ceramic
56. Which valve in a water service opens to admit air if the pressure within the water service falls below atmospheric pressure?
b. Anti-
c. Calorifer
d. Vacuum
57. The lines are used to indicate the measurement of object and are represented by fine dark solid lines
a. Leader lines
b. Extension lines
c. Dimension lines
d. Center lines
58. A schematic diagram shows the components of an electronic circuit by means of
a. Symbol
b. Construction
c. Physical appearance
d. Linear appearance
59. Electrical charges move easily through path called conductors. The ability of a conductor to permit current flow is designated as
a. Electrical pressure
b. Resistance
c. Conductance
d. Applied current
60. Which saw has a long blade length of about 24-26 inches with around 7-8 teeth points per inch and used for cutting across the
a. Fret saw
b. Hacksaw
c. Tenon saw
d. Cross-Cut Saw
61. There are numerous kinds of saw. When sawing along the grain of the wood, you need a .
a. Back saw
b. Cross cut saw
c. Rip saw
d. Circular saw
62. The nail is composed mainly of:
a. Melanin
b. Keratin
c. Collagen
d. Sebum
63. A law that states that current is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to resistance is known as .
a. PEC
b. Law of resistivity
c. Kirxiao's Law
d. Ohm's Law
64. There is considerable number of wood joints. The simplest and easiest to make is .
a. Dado joint
b. Lap joint
c. Butt joint
d. Miter joint
65. Jonar has sauteed some meat in the pan. There areVissiotm
r m
r ew
d fb
' sitBso o
k s
ft on the bottom of the pan. While the pan
was still on the stove, he added some white wine and scraped the bot
d f
b o o
s f
u m
. c
. What do you call the techniques be
just used?
a. Cleaning
b. Deglazing
c. Fat
d. Mineral
66. A form of electricity where the flow of current is always in the same direction.
a. Voltage
b. Power
c. Alternating current
d. Direct current
67. To find the formula of the unknown quantity put your finger on the .
a. Unknown
b. Known
c. Equal Sign
d. None of the above
68. The strongest form of wood joint applicable for table legs is .
a. Miter
b. Mortise and tenon
c. Dado
d. Butt and lap
69. Plastic pipes are commonly used in water fixture installation nowadays. Which of the following is preferred?
a. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
b. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC)
c. Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX)
d. Polyethylene
70. The pictorial view is normally seen by the observer's eyes. Which one is it?
a. Isometric drawing
b. Oblique drawing
c. Perspective drawing
d. Orthographic drawing
71. What kind of alphabet line is this?
a. Cutting plane line b. Section Line c. Dimension Line d. Extension Line
72. Two intersecting lines which form right angles are called .
a. Straight lines b. Parallel lines c. Tangent lines d. Perpendicular lines
73. This line is projected shorter line in a drawing.
a. Vertical line b. Inclined line c. Curve line d. Horizontal line
74. This is a partial section used when only a small interior portion of an object needs exposure for clarification of details.
a. Half Section b. Full Section c. Broken-Out Section d. Removed or Detailed Section
75. Is a closed curve, all points are equidistant from each other. B
a. Solid b. Circle c. Triangle d. Square
76. Joining two ends with the use of two side block whVicishitiF
klsled splice
a. Lapping b. Fishing c. Scarfing d.
91. Find the interest on 2,100php for 3 years at
77. Lumber that are planed or smooth on four sides.
a. s4s b. s2s c. Ss4 d. 4s
78. When you intend to disassemble the product later or need to obtain a strong joint, using a is recommended.
a. Cork screw b. Wood screw c. Metal screw d. Plastic screw
79. To make sure that the hammer strikes the nail and not your fingers and that the hammer’s blow will drive the nail squarely into
the work, you should:
a. Stand in an 90 degrees position and hit the nail with the hammer.
b. Grasp the nail near its head and the hammer near the end of the handle.
c. Place a piece of scrap material beside the nail.
d. Call an expert to do it for you.
80. It is the art of cutting, framing, and jointing timber or wood. It is generally known as woodworking.
a. Carpentry b. Masonry c. Plumbing d. Electricity
81. Is a branch or limb of a tree that has been exposed as the log is cut into lumber.
a. Check b. Split c. Decay d. Knot
82. Are made of 3,5,7 or more veneer slice that are laid one upon the other with the grain of each at right angle to those of the
sheets above or below it.
a. Veneer and plywood b. Hardboard c. Particle Board d. Laminated wood
83. A line segment from the center to any point of the circle. Half of the diameter.
a. Radius b. Chord c. Tangent d. Diameter
84. Usually used in cabinet or furniture making such as narra, molave, yakal etc.
a. Hard wood b. Soft wood c. Sap wood d. Heartwood
85. Is one in which the cutting plane cuts entirely across the object showing all the view in section.
a. Full section b. Half section c. Phantom section d. Broken-Out section
86. The total board foot of 5 pieces of 2”x6”x14’ lumber.
a. 60 bd. ft. b. 65 bd.ft. c. 70 bd.ft. d. 75bd.ft.
87. When planning along fiber direction, a plane should run to fiber direction and straight and never curve.
a. across b. direct c. Indirect d. parallel
88. A transformer with high output volatage derived from a low input voltage.
a. Step-up b. Step-down c. Hybrid d. Increased
89. It is the positive electrode.
a. Anode b. Cathode c. Electron d. Neutron
90. VOM is the traditional measuring device that are commonly used by an electrician. VOM stands for?
a. Voice Output Meter b. Voltage Ouput Measurement c. Volt Ohm Meter d. Volt Output Meter
91. CHB is the most widely used masonry materials for all types of construction such as walls, partitions and fences. CHB stands
a. Concrete Hollow Board b. Context Hallow Plan c. Concrete Hollow Blocks d. Concrete Hallow Blocks
a. P230.00 b. P315.00 c. P420.00 d.
92. An electrical device that transforms the source into another energy.
a. Load b. Source c. Control d. Path
93. What is the voltage of a circuit which consist of 3 amperes and a load that has a resistance of 5 ohms?
a. 15 b. 0.6 c. 8 d. 10
94. What is the total resistance of a circuit which has two loads consisting of 5 ohms and 3 ohms respectively in a parallel form.
a. 8 b. 15 c. 1.875 d. .875
95. A circuit has three loads consisting of 10 ohms, 5 ohms and 3 ohms respectively in a parallel form. What is the total
resistance of the given circuit?
a. 1.55 b. 1.56 c. 1.57 d. 1.59
96. PCB is the base of electronic circuits. It means that electronic components are mounted, assembled, and internally wired for
connection in this board. PCB stands for?
a. Printing Circuit Board b. Prime Circulation Board c. Primary Circuit Board d. Printed Circuit Board
97. It is the degree of wetness or slump of the concrete mix.
a. Plasticity b. Mobility c. Hardness d. Consistency
98. A semi-liquid substance accumulated at the bottom of the septic tank.
a. Sludge b. Scum c. Residue d. Garbage
99. The standard number or diameter of wires for convenience outlet layout should be.
a. No. 12 b. No. 13 c. No. 14 d. No.15
100. Connects two equal-size pipes together.
a. Reducer b. Union c. Coupling d.Bushing
101. Connected to fixtures to provide seal of the piping system. Usually connected in lavatories and sinks.
a. P trap b. Plug c. Bushing d. Wye fittings
102. A semi-conductor electronic device or component that permits current to flow in only one direction.
a. Capacitor b. Transistor c. Diode d. IC
103. This symbol is for .
a. Battery b. Cell c. Connector d. Diode
104. SWOT is an analysis based on the gathered data from the immediate environment market. SWOT stands for?
a. Security, Warning, Opportunites, Threats
b. Strengths, Weaknesses, Optimism, Threats
c. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
d. Special, Weapons, Opportunities, Terrorism
105. The follow are principles of planning except:
a. Must be realistic b. Must be based on felt need
c. Must be flexible d. Must be complex
106. It is the amount of money being paid to an agent for buying or selling goods.
a. Percent b. Commission c. Agent’s Payment d. Payment
107. It is the end of the nail plate that is shaped during manicure and pedicure.
a. Salon Ecology b. Hygiene c. Cosmetology d. Beautification
109. It is used for smoothing or for producing textured surfaces on cement plaster.
a. Bull Float b. Common Float c. Carpet Float d. Angle Float
110. A wood finishing process that remove scratches and excess adhesive that remained on the surface by using sand paper of
180 to 280 grit size.
a. Cleaning b. Washing c. Pressuring d. Sanding
111. These are event/exchanges w/c affect the assets, liabilities, owner's equity of an organization
a. Book of entry
b. Financial statement
c. Business transaction
d. Income statement
112. Which of the following are commonly minced into small bits to be used as ingredients and garnishes.
a. Herbs, vegetables and nuts
b. Pork, Chicken, Lamb’s meat
c. Beef
d. Processed meats
113. It is any substance that has a useful function when taken into the cells of the body.
a. Water b. Food c. Nutrients d. Disease
114. Which of the following are sources of albumin?
a. wheat and cereals b. nuts c. vegetable and fruits d. peas and beans
115. Compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen formed by plants.
a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Sugar d. Starch
116. It is needed for growth, tissue repair, immune function, making essential hormones and enzymes, energy when carbohydrate
is not available; and for preserving lean muscle mass.
a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Sugar d. Starch
117. The process of thinning, tapering, and shortening the hair.
a. Hair analysis b. Hair care c. Hair styling d. Hair cutting
118. Overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head.
a. Hair analysis b. Hair care c. Hair styling d. Hair cutting
119. To correct misshaped eyebrows, it is best to use .
a. depilatory b. eyebrow pencil c. electric clipper d. razor
120. It is a device for converting a varying current from one voltage to another.
a. Converter b. Transformer c. Amplifier d. Woofer
121. Is a three-dimensional figure with a polygonal base and triangular lateral faces.
a. Cube b. Cylinder c. Tetrahedron d. Prism
122. Stair unit which consist of one tread and one riser.
a. Tread b. Step c. Winders d. Riser
123. The horizontal distance from the first step to the last riser of stair flight.
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a. it regulates body
a. Floor joist b. Girder c. Sill d. header
125. An imaginary cut taken through an object so as to reveal a shape or interior contruction.
a. Section b. Sectioning c. Sectional View d. Section Lining
c. Three Way Switch
d. 2 Double Pole Double Throw Switch
127. The fine line use to show clearly the dimension limits.
a. Extension Line b. Dimension Line c. Center Line d. Reference Line
128. A horizontal guide line drawn between cap line and base line used to determine the general height of lower case letters.
a. Cap line b. Drop line c. Base line d. Waist line
129. The commonly used method in making Isometric Drawings.
a. Lining Method b. Angle Method c. Pictorial Method d. Box Method
130. . It is a built-up frame commonly employed on a long span roof unsupported by intermediate columns or partitions. Is a
series of triangles used to distribute load and stiffen the structure spacing which offers flexibility for the interior as well as
strength and rigidity.
a. Girts b. Rafters c. Truss d. Laminated Roof
131. A drawing instrument that serves as guide in drawing vertical and diagonal lines in triangles. It is generally used in drawing
horizontal lines.
a. Triangle b. T-square c. Triangular Scale d. French Curve
132. Is part of the drain-waste system that allows you to gain access for cleaning clogged lines.
a. Sewer b. Grade c. Fixtures d. Cleanouts
133. In plumbing, DWV stands for .
a. drainange, waste, vent b. dirt, wage, vacuum c. drainage, waste, vacuum d. drainage, water, vent
134. Prevents the back passage of air without materially affecting the flow of sewage through it.
a. Vent b. DMV c. Stack d. Trap
135. The system of sewers or drainage of a town.
a. Sewer system b. Drainage system c. Sewerage d. Riser
136. Describes water that is safe for drinking and cooking purposes.
a. Potable b. Good c. Great d. Fair
137. Is known as two-point perspective drawing.
a. Angular Perspective b. Parallel Perspective c. Double Perspective d. Dual Perspective
138. Are circles having no common center.
a. Concentric circle b. Ellipse c. Diameter d. Eccentric Circle
139. The following are function the body except:
b. Double Pole Double Throw
Used to control a circuit from two different
a. Single Pole Single Throw
d. western union short and
long tie
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d. it prevents the nutrients to move around the body.
140. The following are tips for chopping except:
a. Chop food items with safety in mind.
b. Use a chef’s knife to chop.
c. Cut too fast.
d. Cut down with a knife at set intervals.
141. All of these foods are good sources of vitamin C. Which one has the most vitamin C?
a.1 cup of sliced strawberries
d.1 cup of chopped green chilli peppers
c.1 cup of orange sections
a.1 cup of diced tomatoes
142. Water boild at 212 degrees. What does “rolling boil means? The bubble are .
a. rolling non-stop
b. forming rapidly and cannot be stopped when stirred.
c. forming rapidly and can be stopped when stirred.
d. spilling out of a container
143. Which nutrients is an anti-oxidant?
a. Vitamin E
b. Calcium
c. Fiber
d. Vitamin B12
144. What is the basis in computing the size of the size of a house drain?
a.surge flow rate of water discharge from the kitchen sink.
b.surge flow rate of water discharge of water from the shower c.surge
flow rate of water discharge from a wash basin
d.surge flow rate of water discharge from the washing machine.
145. A plumber needs to bend copper tubing without kicking it. Unfortunately, his pipe bender breaks. What is the best thing to do?
A. Buy a new pipe bender
B. Expose the copper to heat
C. Bend the copper tubing by hand
D. Use a tubing bender
146. This line is projected shorter line in a drawing.
a. Vertical line b. Inclined line c. Curve line d. Horizontal line
147. If you are skilled electrician working on a house wiring installation and there is a need for you to join straight run wires, what
kind of joint will you use?
a. scarfed splice
b. britannia splice
c. rat tail tie
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148. If the transistor is an NPN type the base is .
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A. Negative & positive
B. Negative
C. Positive
D. Common
149. Which of the following is a safe and acceptable way to thaw a frozen chicken??
A. Gradual thawing at room temperature
B. Rapid thawing in boiling water
C. Gradual thawing under hot running water
D. Gradual thawing under refrigeration.
150. When a semi-conductor diode`s anode terminal is supplied with negative dc voltage and the cathode with positive dc voltage,
the diode bias is.
A. Forward
B. Reverse
C. No bias
D. More bias
151. A good draftsman will never letter without the use of ?
a. Line b. Guidelines c. Horizontal lines d. Border lines
152. if you are a licensed technician, how are you going to state the formulas for the three equations of ohm's law ?
a. E=I/R or I=RxE or R=I/E
b. E=IxR or I=E/R or R=E/I
c. E=R/I or R=IxE or I=R/E
d. E=IxR or R=IxE or R=I/E
Good luck and God bless!
1. Lumber is as good as its preparation. When it is dried the process involved is .
A. seasoning C. Lumbering
B. staining D. Logging
2. There are numerous kinds of saw. The one used for sawing along the grain of wood is called .
A. back saw C. Rip saw
B. cross cut saw D. Turning saw
3. When the diameter of cylindrical object is to be measured, the tool to be used is .
A. ruler C. Pull-push rule
B. calliper D. Meter stick
4. Fastening materials are important in woodworks. The most common of these materials is .
A. dowel C. Screw
B. bolts D. Nails
5. The smallest division of the metric scale that you can find in the steel rule is .
A. decimeter C. Millimeter
B. centimetre D. meter
6. The strongest form of wood joint applicable for table legs is .
A. miter C. Dado
B. mortice and tenon D. Butt and tap
7. You are almost finished with your project. One of the procedures below is done before the application of
finishing materials.
A. cutting C. Sanding
B. spraying D. Varnishing
8. What is the conversion equivalent of one inch to centimetres?
A. 25.4 C. 0.254
B. 2.54 D. 0.0254
9. A surfaced lumber where four of its sides are smooth or planed is called .
A. S3S C. Rough
B. S2S D. S4S
10. In carpentry, splicing or joining of wood using two side blocks is called .
A. Lapping C. Fishing
B. Scarfing D. Jointing
11. A seasoned lumber is ideal for carpentry works. Which among the following is best to use?
A. sun dried C. Air dried
D. Natural dried
12. There is considerable number of wood joints. The simplest and easiest to make is .
A. Lap joint
B. Dado joint D. Butt joint
13. In a wooden floor system, the major horizontal support member upon which the floor system is laid is .
C. Miter
B. kiln
A. Floor joist C. Girder
B. Sill D. Header
14. A type of roof frame consisting series of triangles used to distribute loads and stiffen the structure of the roof.
A. Girts C. Truss
B. Rafter D. Purlins
15. A wood product made of three or more veneer slice that are laid one upon the other and bonded with synthetic
A. Pressed wood C. Particle wood
B. Plywood D. Soft wood
16. Which of the following tools is used in checking the squareness of the corners and flatness of a surface?
A. Trammel point C. Sliding T-bevel
B. Steel square D. Try square
17. Find the total number of board feet of six pieces of lumber with a dimension of 2” x 4” x 12”
A. 8 bd. Ft C. 48 bd. ft.
B. 98 bd. ft. D. 4 bd. Ft.
18. Horizontal lines are best drawn using this instrument
A. t-square C. Meter stick
B. ruler D. Triangles
19. To completely describe a cone, sphere, and rectangular pyramid the number of views needed is
A. one C. Three
B. two D. Six
20. This line is projected as a shorter line in a drawing.
A. inclined line c. Curve line
B. vertical line D. Horizontal line
21. Geometrical solids are usually drawn in .
A. two views C. Six views
B. Four views D. Eight views
22. These lines are used to indicate the measurement of objects and are represented by fine dark solid lines.
A. leader lines C. Dimension lines
B. extension lines D. Center lines
23. If a drawing has an equal measure then it refers to .
A. perspective drawing C. Mechanical drawing
D. Oblique drawing
24. Boxing method is most widely used method of drawing a/an .
C. Mechanical view
B. pictorial view D. Perspective view
25. When parts that are not seen are represented by series of light dash lines then this line is classified as .
A. isometric
B. isometric
A. reference line C. Section line
B. visible line D. Invisible line
26. If all the information needed to complete construction of a product is shown then this type of mechanical drawing
is called .
A. schematic drawing C. Working drawing
B. orthographic drawing D. Pictorial drawing
27. One of the best practice of a good draftsman is to NEVER letter without .
A. guidelines C. Lettering pens
B. pencil D. Ink
28. If a drawing has one surface that is parallel to the picture plane then this method is called .
A. oblique drawing C. Perspective drawing
B. isometric drawing D. Orthographic drawing
29. This pictorial view is normally seen by the observer’s eyes. Which one is it?
A. isometric drawing C. Perspective drawing
B. oblique drawing D. Orthographic drawing
30. A drawing instrument that serves as guide in drawing vertical and diagonal lines as in triangles. It is generally used in
drawing horizontal lines. Which one is it?
A. straight rule C. Triangle
B. t-square D. Lettering guide
31. The fine line used to show clearly the dimension limits is called .
A. center line C. Dimension line
B. Extension line D. Phantom line
32. A type of section used to emphasize the interior construction of an object without destroying the continuity of the
exterior view.
A. Phantom section or Hidden section C. Revolved section
B. Removed or detailed section D. Full section
33. A horizontal guide line used to determine the general height of lower case letters.
A. Base line C. Waist line
B. Cap line D. Drop line
34. Letters that are composed of uniform width elements are classified as .
a. italic letters C. Gothic letters
b. Text letters D. Roman letters
35. The most widely used masonry materials for construction works
A. Ashlar C. Rubble stones
B. Bricks D. Concrete hollow blocks
36. It is the masonry material manufactured from clay and other materials
A. stones
B. Adobe D. Course rubbles
37. What is the tool used to guide the vertical position in laying bricks?
C. Spirit level
B. Water hose D. String or chord
38. Which of the following is NOT a requirement to consider in proportioning concrete mixture?
A. plumb
A. economy C. Strength
B. workability D. Flexibility
39. Concrete is said to be workable if it can be molded or deformed without segregation. This characteristic is
known as .
A. consistency C. Mobility
B. plasticity D. Workability
40. Following are factors that regulate the strength of concrete except one . Which is it?
A. Correct proportion of ingredients
B. Proper method of mixing
C. Adequate protection of concrete during curing
D. Dropping concrete mixture from high elevation.
41. What class of concrete mixture is consisting of 1 bag cement, 2 cu. Ft. of sand, and 4 cu. Ft. of gravel or 1:2:4?
A. Class AA C. Class B
B. Class A D. Class C
42. Which among the following is a surface finishing tool for concrete?
A. crandal C. Float
B. Bolster D. Spade
43. Bricks are laid where its longer side is exposed to view. This arrangement is called .
A. Header C. Bond
B. Stretcher D. Ashlar
44. In setting up concrete pavers, what material is used to prevent erosion from drainage?
a. Filter fabric C. Compacted gravel
B. Jute sack D. Bed of Sand
45. A person who installs pipes, fixtures and other apparatus to convey the supply water in buildings and to dispose and
discharge waste water.
A. Carpenter C. Mason
B. Plumber D. Mechanic
46. What must be installed to prevent siphonage or backflow of the water seal in the drainage system?
A. vent pipe C. Soil pipe
B. Drain pipe D. Cleanout
47. Which of the following is NOT required by the National Plumbing Code?
A. Drainage pipe should be inclined properly for a downward gravity flow of water
B. Drainage pipe should be provided with adequate cleanout
C. No ventilation pipe is needed
D. All pipe joints must be well-fitted and tightly connected
48. The pipe that conveys waste from various fixture other than from the water closet.
C. Vent pipe
B. soil pipe d. Drain pipe
49. It is a fitting or device that provides liquid seal to prevent the back passage of air.
A. Loop C. Sewer
B. fixture D.
A. waste
50. The tools used to tighten or loosen hexagonal fittings like unions and other metal fittings.
A. Pipe vise C. Wrenches
B. Pliers D. Threader
51. It is a receptacle or vault used to collect organic waste discharged from the house sewer.
A. septic tank C. Water tank
B. manhole D. Waste tank
52. The semi-liquid substance accumulated at the bottom of the septic tank.
A. scum C. Sludge
B. sediment D. Silt
53. What is the ideal inclination of a horizontal waste pipe as recommended by the National Plumbing Code?
A. 2% slope C. 4% slope
B. 3% slope D. 0% slope or level position
54. For purposes of troubleshooting in case of stoppage of flow. What must be installed in the pipe system?
A. vent pipe C. Drain
B. cleanout D. Tee fitting
55. An underground tunnel that carries off the drainage and waste matter from a home or town is called .
A. Drainage system C. Sewerage
B. Fixture D. Sewer
56. The kind of fitting used to connect fixed pipe and fixtures is a .
A. wye fitting C. Union fitting
B. Tee fitting D. Reducer
57. A fitting or device installed at the inlet of a water pump to prevent backflow of water.
A. inlet valve C. Suction valve
B. check valve D. Gate valve
58. It is a device installed in water lines that can be closed or opened to allow installation or troubleshooting of
A. check valve C. Gate valve
B. inlet valve D. Float valve
59. A metal or plastic fitting used to connect smaller pipe from a larger pipe
A. reducer C. Nipple
B. bushing D. Coupling
60. What material is used to seal off threaded fittings to avoid leakage?
A. masking tape C. Scotch tape
D. Adhesive gum
61. Plastic pipes are commonly used in water fixture installation nowadays. Which of the following is preferred?
C. Unplasticized PVC (uPVC)
B. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC) D. Styrene rubber plastic (SR)
62. Circuit breakers are used to protect household electrical circuits. What is the ampacity rating of
A. Polyvinyl chloride
B. Teflon
the breaker used for convenience outlets or general purpose circuits?
A. 20 ampere C. 15 amperes
B. 30 amperes D. 60 amperes
63. A form of electricity where the flow of current is always in the same direction .
A. voltage C. Alternating current
B. power D. Direct current
64. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of electrical current is recognized as .
A. power C. Electromagnetic force
B. resistance D. Frequency
65. A part of an electric current which converts electrical energy into another form of energy to do work
A. load C. Source
B. circuit D. Control
66. A part of an electrical circuit, consist of batteries, generator or a main electrical power which supplies electricity.
A. control C. Source
B. load D. Voltage
67. What is the voltage required by an automatic pressure cooker having a resistance of 20 0hms when the current
flowing is 8 amperes.
A. 240 volts C. 120 volts
B. 480 volts D. 160 volts
68. A law that states that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance is known
as .
A. PEC C. Kirchoff’s law
B. law of resistivity D. Ohm’s Law
69. In ohm’s law to find the unknown voltage in the circuit, the formula to be used is .
B. E=I/R D. E=R/I
70. What amount of current does a 40-watt fluorescent lamp draw from a 220 volts power source?
A. 5.5 amperes C. 25.5 amperes
B. 0.18 amperes D. 50.5 amperes
71. There are several factors involved in electrical wiring installation but the foremost consideration is
A. cost C. Safety
B. labor D. Function
72. The standard number or diameter of wires for convenience outlet layout should be
A. No. 12 C. No. 18
D. No. 10
73. To comply with the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code the appropriate fuse rating for lighting outlet should
be .
A. 15 amperes C. 60 amperes
D. 20 amperes
B. 30
B. No.
74. Planning and designing of electrical wiring plan is being done in order to .
A. provide efficient and effective wiring system of the building
B. maintain quality workmanship
C. avoid overloaded circuit
D. protect the circuit from high current
75. In a 220- volt power line, three 50 watt incandescent bulbs are connected in parallel. How many more bulbs will light
if one of the bulbs is open?
A. one C. All
B. two D. None
76. An electrical component used to control electrical circuit in two different locations.
A. four-way switch C. Push button switch
B. Three-way switch D. Remote controlled switch
77. In a simple electrical connection, one of the lines of the source is connected to .
A. Terminal 1 of the load C. Terminal 1 of the switch
B. Terminal 2 of the load D. Terminal 1 & 2 of the switch
78. Which of the following electrical symbols means that there are three wires running in a line? A.---- ---- C. -----
B. --- --- D. S3W
79. To conserve energy, what kind of lamp should be used in lighting fixtures?
A. incandescent lamp C. Compact fluorescent lamp
B. mercury lamp D. Neon lamp
80. The size of electrical wire recommended for installing lighting fixtures
A. No. 12 AWG C. No. 18 AWG
B. No. 10 AWG D. No. 14 AWG
81. In the electronic symbol of a transistor, the electrode with an arrow is the
A. emitter C. Collector
B. base D. Cathode
82. You will find an electrode nearest the white band on a rectifier. What is it?
A. Anode C. Gate
B. cathode D. Main terminal
83. An ordinary radio can be tuned to different stations. The electronic component responsible for this function is the
A. tuning capacitor C. IF transformer
B. oscillator coil D. Detector diode
84. If the transistor is an NPN type the base is .
A. negative & positive C. Positive
D. Common
85. Printed on the dial of an AM radio is an RF band covering .
C. 16Hz – 20kHz
B. 88 – 108 Mhz D. 535 – 1605kHz
86. Volt Ohm Milliameter or VOM, is a measuring instrument. Which of the following VOM function uses its internal
A. 76khz – 90Mhz
A. DC milliameter C. DC voltmeter
B. Ohmmeter D. AC voltmeter
87. When a diode is tested and the reading is zero, it means the diode is .
A. shorted C. Leaky
B. Open D. Good
88. If the arrow of a transistor symbol is pointing inward it tells us that the transistor is:
A. NPN C. Bipolar
B. PNP D. Injunction
89. Working efficiently is a good work habit. Tinning the tip of a soldering iron refers to:
A. Cleaning the tip with a sand paper C. Cutting the tip
B. Making the tip pointed D. Applying flux to the tip
90. The condition of a loud speaker is tested more accurately using one of the ranges listed below
A. R x 1K C. R x 1
B. R x 10 D. R x 10K
91. One of the following is a non-polarized electronic equipment
A. transistor C. Diode
B. resistor D. Electrolytic capacitor
92. A schematic diagram shows the components of an electronic circuit by means of .
A. symbol C. Physical appearance
B. construction D. Linear appearance
93. The voltage rating found in as capacitor is called
A. peak-reverse voltage C. Blow-up voltage
B. working voltage D. Breakdown voltage
94. There are various types of diodes. The diode that acts as a regulator is the .
A. silicon diode C. Light emitting diode
B. tunnel diode D. Zener diode
95. Which of the following is the value and tolerance respectively of a resistor coded with Yellow- Violet-Black-Gold?
A. 47 ohms, 5% C. 4.7 ohms, 5%
B. 0.47 ohms, 5% D. 470 ohms, 5%
96. A diode is an electronic part that at all times is expected to do one of the following functions. Which one is it?
A. allow current to flow in both directions
B. multiply voltage
C. allow current to flow in one direction only
D. not allow any current flow
97. The type of current whose amplitude drops to zero periodically and is produced in rectifier is known as
A. Pulsating Direct Current
B. Damped Alternating Current D. Saw tooth wave
98. The common cause of an erratic or distorted sound of a transistor radio is a defective .
A. amplifier C. Antenna
C. Varying Direct
B. volume control D. Tuner
99. An appliance with 110 Volts AC supply is accidentally plugged to a 220 volts Ac outlet. What component is
usually destroyed?
A. Switch C. Line fuse
B. AC plug D. Power transformer
100. What happens to a transistor radio when batteries are connected in reverse polarity?
A. it will not operate
B. it will operate for a while and eventually stops
C. it will erratically operate
D. it will operate normally
101. What do you call the activity being undertaken in the factory that results to a product?
A. packaging C. Technology
B. dressing D. Manufacturing
102. What do you call the proof of equality of the entire debit and the credit balances in the ledger at the end of a period
of time?
A. income statement C. Trial balance
B. balance diet D. Footing
103. What kind of business relies on sales as the principal income?
A. investment C. Manufacturing
B. trading D. Service
104. What quality an entrepreneur must possess is characterized by believing in his ability to get things done and
overcome obstacles?
A. competency C. Perseverance
B. decision making D. Self-confidence
105. Aside from planning on how to hire employees, what else is a task of management?
A. how to feed them C. How to keep them in the company
B. how to make them pay taxes D. How to be productive
106. In what part of a business plan can you find a study of the business competitors, the supply and demand of the
product, the marketing program, and projected sales?
A. market feasibility C. Financial feasibility
B. production plan D. Organizational plan
107. Mr. Santos is an entrepreneur who needs to pay taxes and other accounts payable before the end of the year.
This should be reflected in his financial statement as
A. asset C. Credit
B. liabilities D. Debit
108. What theory believes that the government should not interfere in economic activities
A. Ricardian Theory
B. Laissez Faire D. Scientific management theory
109. The term used to describe the ability to create a new product and find ways and means to improve it is
known as
A. management C. Ability
B. judgement D.
C. Keynesian
110. Every customer should be protected against the marketing goods hazardous to health. This is right .
A. to safety C. To be informed
B. to be heard D. To choose
111. Production of goods and services through entrepreneurship paves the way for a healthy competition and
encourage .
A. production and more quality products
B. production of less quality products
C. high prices
D. profit
112. Modernization of technology and streamlining of functions lead to .
A. development C. Security
B. diffusion D. Responsibility
113. If an entrepreneur accepts full responsibility for problems in the completion of a job for customers then he
is .
A. committed worker C. Hard worker
B. risk taker D. Salesman
114. In management, “putting the right person in the right job” is a
A. behavioural approach C. Contingency approach
B. situational approach D. Scientific management approach
115. The theory that explains that there are two extreme assumptions management makes about people.
A. Modern Operational Management C. Theory A and Theory B
B. Scientific Management theory D. Theory X and Theory Y
116. Quality control refers to the firm’s evaluation of its
A. overall performance C. Employee’s performance
B. operational control D. Organizational control
117. If an entrepreneur acts to do things that meet or even exceed existing standards of excellence then he is
considered to be .
A. hardworker C. Committed worker
B. risk taker D. Goal setter
118. Profit is a concrete indicator of how well an entrepreneur has managed his
A. business C. Affairs
B. sales D. Credits
119. If a lot of unknown and uncontrollable factors affect the success or failure of a firm then an entrepreneur should
be competent in .
C. Introducing innovation
B. seeking opportunity D. Planning ahead
120. Accounting refers to the whole process of recording and interpreting results of
C. Capital outflow
B. means of production D. Stock market
121. The book of original entry which contains records of transaction in their chronological order,
A. business
A. making
accounts to be debited and credited and their amount is .
A. journal C. Ledger
B. balance sheet D. Columnar sheet
122. The process of utilizing land, labor and capital to create market and produce new goods and services
A. entrepreneurship C. Proprietorship
B. partnership D. Salesman
123. The difference between the actual cost and the retail price is
A. mark up C. Cost
B. profit D. Selling price
124. The probable problems that a business and entrepreneur face are:
A. weakness C. Strengths
B. Opportunities D. Threats
125. Reviewing at any point of the business period the strength and weaknesses of the venture is referred to as
A. monitoring and evaluating C. Opportunity seeking
B. risk taking D. SWOT analysis
126. Overcooking fish is a common problem because fish contains very little
A. iron C. Carbohydrate
B. collagen D. Iodide
127. Which of the following is not an acidic food ingredient?
A. egg white C. Sour cream
B. buttermilk D. Lime juice
128. When comparing quick cake mixes with conventional cake mixes, we note that quick cake mixes
A. have more eggs C. Have a lower sugar/flour ratio
B. have a higher sugar/flour ratio D. Have much less fat
129. To retard ripening in fruits it would be useful to store them in an atmosphere that was
A. high in oxygen C. Low in oxygen, high in carbon dioxide
B. low in carbon dioxide D. Low in carbon dioxide, high in helium
130. The “wake-up” temperature for dry active yeast is in the range A.55-60 °F
C. 105-110 °F
B. 85-95 °F D. 130-140 °F
131. Which of the following is not a promoter of oxidative rancidity in unsaturated cooking fats?
A. water C. Metal ions such as copper and iron
B. heat D. Light
132. Increased temperatures will not increase solubility for which of the following food substances?
C. Salt
B. sugar D. Baking soda
133. In crystalline candies, to produce a smooth texture, it is desirable to have what size sugar crystals?
A. very large C. Large
D. Medium
A. carbon

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  • 1. LEPT2023-TVTLE 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. Which of the following refers to the things of value and right owned by the business? a. expense b. liability c. asset d. profit 2. Water boils 212 degrees. When water is “rolling boil” it means the bubbles are . a. rolling non-stop c. forming slowly and can be stopped when stirred b. forming rapidly and cannot be stopped when stirred d. spiling out of container 3. It refers to the lighter organic material that rises to the surface of the water. a. Froth b. Aerobic c. Scum d. Anaerobic 4. Chisel is an example of a . a. Hand tool b. Basic tool c. Stricking tool d. Power tool 5. When materials are to be laid out, the best tools to be used are . a. Measuring tools b. Tooth cutting tools c. Lining tools d. Boring tools 6. Which of the following tools is the first one to use in cleaning nails? a. Buffer b. Cuticle nippers’ c. Cuticle knife d. Cuticle scissor 7. A busted bulb is most likely result of a/an. a. Short circuit b. Grounded circuit c. Open circuit d. Parallel circuit 8. It refers to as the tile of a person who is skilled in the field of sanitation a. Plumbing b. Plumber c. Engineer d. Doctor 9. Mortise and tenon joints are usually used in making furniture, door window, and tools. If mortise means “holes”, tenon means a. cut b. notch c. overlap d. projection 10. This wood machine is used for broad surface planning and matching board or planks. a. Jig saw b. Jointer c. Single surface d. Wood lathe 11. It is the care on personal appearance which includes the condition of the body and how one looks and smells. a. Good health b. Grooming c. Personal development d. Proper hygiene 12. Manicure and pedicure should be done . a. Everyday b. Monthly c. Weekly d. Yearly 13. This is a wooden manicure stick intended for a variety of uses, such cleaning underneath the nails and removing polish from around the cuticle nails. a. buffer b. Cuticle nipper c. Cuticle scissor d. Orangewood sticks
  • 2. 14. Is used to soften dead nail cuticle. a. Cuticle remover b. Nail bleaches c. Massage cream d. Nail whiteners 15. Which is true about dark colored vegetables? a. Affordable and fresher c. Fresher and sweeter b. Cheaper and juicer d. Nutritious and cheaper 16. To make a pie attractive and appetizing, it should . a. have an uneven surface c. be well fluted only on 1 side b. have an uneven thickness all around d. be well-fluted, neat and even on the side 17. Why should foods be preserved? a. to prevent food spoilage c. to promote agriculture products b. to economize on food consumption d. to create a profitable hobby 18. A part of an electrical circuit, consisting of batteries, generator, or a main electrical power which supplies electricity. a. Control b. Load c. Source d. Voltage 19. Which of the following electrical qualities is a derivative one? a. Power b. Source c. Voltage d. Control 20. Salt is a necessary ingredient in yeast-raised breads because salt is: a. makes the bread taste better c. removes the water in dough b. controls the rising of the bread d. retains the moisture in dough 21. Larry’s gums bleed every time he brushes his teeth. He lacks food rich in: a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D 22. Stripping off the outer covering of food is: a. Paring b. Peeling c. Styling d. Stirring 23. The basic nutrients that are essential in maintaining the body functions and good health are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamin, minerals and water. Which of these is an essential part of body tissues and comprises 2/3 of the body weight? a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Vitamins d. Water 24. Which of the following consumes electricity most? a. Dry cell b. Heat c. Magnet d. Motor 25. The number of complete cycles performed in one second is expressed in this unit known as: a. Frequency b. Hertz c. Power d. Resistance 26. It is needed for a variety of plumbing tasks, from changing faucet washers to disassembling plumbing- related appliances, and they come in an assortment of sizes and types. a. Adjustable wrench b. Locking pliers c. Pipe wrench d. Screwdriver 27. It is receptacle or vault to collect organic waste discharge from the house sewer. Its main function is to liquefy and precipitate solid waste purifying odorous materials. a. Bibet b. House drain c. Canals d. Septic tank 28. The most popular and widely used materials for the construction of a septic tank is . a. Plastered concrete hallow blocks c. Prefabricated asbestos b. Reinforced concrete d.Thin metal and plastic 29. Which is a hairstyle for formal occasions in which strands of hair and shaped into spirals to stimulate a flower? a. Brush up b. Curly c. Petal and rolls d. Plain 30. It is an electrical device worn by the patron on his/her head to provide heat for proper distribution of oil during scalp treatment a. cotton swab b. hair brush c. heating cap d. plastic cap 31. Onions when peeled or cut irritate the eyes and give biting sensation of the tongue, this is due to the presence of a. mustard oil b. sodium nitrate c. sulfoxide d. sulfur
  • 3. compounds 32. A space occupied by a person in a meal with all of the appropriate table appointments is called a. cover b. diner’s plate c. menu d. placement 33. Dice in food preparation is cutting food into . a. halves b. small particle c. cubes d. quarters 34. What quality pushes electrons to move? a. voltage b. wattage c. frequency d. resistance 35. A part of an electric circuit w/c converts electrical energy into another form of energy to do work. a. load b. circuit c. source d. control 36. There are numerous kinds of saws. The one used by sawing along the grain wood is called: a. back saw b. rip saw c. cross cut saw d. power tool 37. When materials are to be laid out, the best tools to be used are . a. measuring tools b. toothe cutting toolsc. lining tools d. boring tools 38. The view that is generally drawn directly above the front view in an orthographic drawing is: a. bottom view b. side view c. rear view d. top view 39. Geornetrical solids are usually drawn in . a. two view b. eight views c. six views d. four view 40. When solidity of an object is shown by gradual darkening of its particular potion/s then the process involved is . a. Darkening b. Lighting c. Shading d. Shadowing 41. If a drawing has an equal measure, then it refers to . a. Isometric drawing b. Mechanical drawing c. Perspective drawing d. Oblique drawing 42. A well groomed cosmetologist does not need this: a. Daily bath and deodorant c. facial makeup b. Hairstyle d. expensive jewelry 43. 44. It used to remove old nail polish for the nail plate. It is rapped around the orangewood stick to clean under the edge and remove excess polish around the nail. a. cotton b. adhesive tape c. antiseptic d. mending tissue 45. Which of the following tools is the first one tool in cleaning nails? a. buffer b. cuticle nippers c. cuticle knife d. cuticle scissors 46. It is the study and application of beauty treatment. a. cosmetology b. electrology c. hairstyling d. skin care 47. Storekeeping is a busy job. Although tiresome, it is very enjoyable because the owner acts as a host, a store owner, housekeeper, security guard and seller and he is also considered a . a. store owner b. retail person c. manager d. financer 48. If you have a small business, you want people to patronize the store. The best way of attracting more buyers depends on a. store layout c. high-pricing of local mercahndise b. baeutifuil saleslady d. consumers’ like 49. It states the importance of the project, its objectives and significance . a. proponent b. location c. rationale d. title 50. An individual who can identify the various products or services which people need and delivers at the right
  • 4. a. Capitalist b. Entrepreneur c. Contractor d. Industrialist 51. The practice of adding baking soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green color and the crispiness should be avoided primarily because . a. the flavor of vegetable is modified c. they become less perishable b. they become hard to digest d. Vitamin C is destroyed in the presence of alkali 52. It is the end product of the accounting process. It is the means by which quantitative information about monetary activities of a business enterprise can be provided to parties concerned like management, government, among others. a. Financial statement b. Income statement c. Balance sheet d. Book of final entry 53. These are obligations which are not expected to require the use of current assets or the creation of current liabilities within the year or operating cycle. a. Accured liabilities b. Current liabilities c. Long-term liabilities d. Short term liabilities 54. They are on the right and an increase in a credit account decrease a debit account. a. Credit account b. Debit account c. Nominal account d. Real Account 55. It is used in pairs, one to grip the pipe and other to turn the fitting, which have adjustable, toothed jaws designed for gripping and turning threaded pipes and pipe fitting. a. Pipe wrench b. Adjustable wrench c. Rib- joint pliers d. Locking pliers 56. It is where plumbing started: a. Egypt b. Greek c. Rome d. Athens 57. Decomposition of organic, matter from human waste is bacteriological process caused by the following except: a. Anaerobic bacteria called anaerobes c. Anaerobic decomposition b. Aerobic bacteria called aerobes d. Facultative bacteria 58. It comes in a metal or plastic case, with a cotton line coming out of one end and in used is drawing a staright line. a. brushes b. jointers c. steel square d. chalk line 59. A butt is a wood joint usually fastened by nails, wood screws or . a. cement b. dowels c. epoxy d. none of these 60. It helps to return the skin to its proper pH after washing it with soap and water. a. Face cleansers b. Face creams c. Face lotions d. Face toners 61. What are the three nutrients that are found in the bread, cereal, rice and pasta group? a. Carbohydrates, iron and vitamins B c. Fiber, protein and water b. Iron, carbohydrates and zinc d. Protien, zinc and minerals 62. Which of the following adds more color to the table? a. Centerpiece b. Place mat c. Table cloth d. Table napkin 63. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of electrical current is recognized as . a. Electromagnetic force b. Power c. Frequency d. Resistance 64. It refers to the lighter organic material that rises to the surface of the water. a. Anaerobic b. aerobics c. Froth d. scum 65. What materials are to be laid out, the best tools to be used are . a. Measuring tools b. Toot cutting tools c. lining tools d. Boring tools
  • 5. 66. To completely describe a cone, sphere & rectangular pyramid, the number of views needed is: a. One b. two c. Three d. six 67. It is considered as the heaviest and darkest line that surrounds a drawing and is usually rectangular in shape. a. Border line b. Visible line c. Dimension line d. Cutting plane line 68. Where should you place the name of the top view for labeling? a. Above the view b. Beside the view c. Below the view d. Inside the view 69. It is used to prevent friction burns-during a massage and to soften and moisturize the skin a. Cuticle remover b. Massage cream c. Nail bleaches d. Nail whiteners 70. The aspects of business management that analyzes and determines the supply and demand for the product or service in that past and its competitive position at present is: a. Budgeting aspect b. Finery aspect c. marketing aspect d. Production aspect 71. Before starting a business, one should have a clear idea, sometimes called a . a. Descript of the project b. Details of the project c. Market feasibility d. Rationale 72. If a drawing is general made without the aid of drawing instruments and staright edges, then it is classified as . a. Freehand drawing b. Isometric drawing c. Orthographic drawing d.axonometric drawing 73. One of the following is used for the fine cutting and for making delicate wood joint. a. Back saw b. Keyhole saw c. Compass saw d. turning saw 74. A nail is an essential material in putting in place piece of wood. To drive or pull a nail the right tool for job is . a. Ball peen hammer b. Cross peen hammer c. Claw hammer d.Mallet 75. It comes in a metal or plastic case, with a cotton line coming out of one end and is used in drawing a straight line. a. Brushes b. Jointers c. Steel square d. Chalk line 76. The financial record that tells you how much your business worth is that . a. Cash flow report b. Income statement c. Cash report d. Balance statement 77. Selling goods, merchandise and stocks are examples of . a. Current assets b. Property, plant and equipment c. Furniture and fixture d. Notes receivables 78. Financial statements may be used for different purposes except by: a. Vendors who extend credit to a business require financial statements to assess the Creditworthiness of the business b. Government entities do not need financial statement to ascertain the propriety and Accuracy of taxes and other duties declared and paid by a company. c. Financial institutions use them to decide whether to grant a company fresh working capital or extend debt securities to finance expansion and other significant expenditures. d. Owners and managers require financial statements to make important business decisions that affect its continued operation. 79. This is a tool removing solder when desoldering a joint to correct a mistake or replace a component. a. Copper braid b. Desoldering pump c. Reel of solder d. Solder sucker 80. This tool can also be used to clean strip board where the copper tracks have become dull and tarnished. a. Heat sucker b. PCB rubber c. Track cutter d. Wire strippers
  • 6. 81. A device used to change sound waves to audio signals is called . a. Diode b. Loudspeaker c. Microphone d. Transistor 82. If the narrow of a transistor symbol is pointing inward it tells us that the transistor is a/an . a. Bipolar b. PNP c. NPN d. Unijunction 83. It is the branch of science and technology that deals with the flow of electrons through nonmetallic conductors, mainly semiconductors such as silicon. a. Eclectically b. Electrical c. Electricity d. Electronics 84. What is the voltage required by an authomatic pressure cooker having resistance of 20 ohms when the current flowing is 8 amperes. a. 120 volts b. 160 volts c. 240 volts d. 480 volts 85. What amount of current does a 40-watt fluorescent lamp draw from a 220 volts power source? (correct answer: 0.18 A) a. 5.5 amperes b. 25.5 amperes c. 50.5 amperes d. 55.5 amperes 86. What do you call the semi-liquid substance that accumulates at the bottom of the septic tank? a. Froth b. Sludge c. Scum d. Mud 87. It is a bowl or basin used for washing face and hands a. Bathtub b. Bidet c. Lavatory d. Urinals 88. It refers to the pipe connection from the public water main or any source of water supply to the building served. a. Branches b. House service c. Riser d. Water main 89. It refers to public water connections which are laid underground along the streets where the house service is connected. a. Branches b. House service c. Riser d. Water main 90. Why is the National Standard Plumbing Code emphasized? a. Place the washer into the tail pipe b. Screw the lock nut into the tail pipe. c. Tighten the lock nut using a shetack wrench. One hand holding the wrench the other preventing the water faucet from rotating. d. Clean all the tools used and leave the area clean. 91. It is the prime necessity in all type of household. a. Water b. car c. clothes d. jewelry 92. What is the size of the septic tank for a family of 6 persons? a. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 110 cm. depth b. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 120 cm. depth c. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 130 cm. depth d. 1.3 cubic meters with a minimum size of 90 cm. wide by 150 cm. and 140 cm. depth 93. The handle of the tool is generally made of plastic or wood and I used for spreading mortar. a. Mason’s hammer b. Mason’s line c. Blocking chisel d. Trowel 94. A kind of tool with parts shaped like teeth used to cut or shape wood is a . a. Boring tool b. Lining tool c. Marking tool d. tooth cutting tool 95. Horizontal lines are best drawn using this instrument. a. T-square b. Ruler c. Meter stick d. Triangles 96. This line is projected as a shortened line in a drawing. a. Curve line b. Horizontal line c. Inclined line d. Vertical line
  • 7. 97. A cosmetologist must observe personal cleanliness. Which of the following does not contribute to personal cleanliness? a. Keep the body clean by having a daily bath shower. b. Keep teeth and gums in good condition. Brush teeth at least twice a day with a good dentifrice c. Keep hand and fingernails in good condition d. Use shoes with hose or peds/hills, change shoes daily. 98. Which of the following is the last procedure in manicuring and pedicuring? a. Apply cuticle softener or soak fingertips in soapy water to soften cuticle. b. Push back the cuticle trim hangnails with s pair of scissors. c. Dry nails and wipe them with a remover. Apply colorless polish evenly then you selected colored polish. Let the polish dry between coats then apply another coat. d. Apply a colorless sealing coat over the nail and under the tips. 99. If a lot unknown and uncontrollable factors affect the success or failure of a firm then an entrepreneur should be competent in: a. Making decisions c. shift to another business b. Seeking opportunity abroad d. planning alone 100. We all desire success in business ventures but it is most important for an entrepreneur to be: a. good communicator b. a good follower of trends c. creative d. highly educated 101. Which of the following is NOT a must for a neophyte entrepreneur? a. Ability to take risk without worry c. Self-confidence b. A great self image d. starting with big capital 102. Which of the following BEST explains why goal-setting is important especially in entrepreneurship? a. It assure him of being able attain his objectives b. It helps make life more enjoyable and satisfying c. One is much more likely to get what he/she wants and if he is willing to work for it. d. It tells what is important to you 103. A type of circuit in which the current flows in two or more paths is known as: a. Grounded circuit b. Parallel circuit c. Open circuit d. Series circuit 104. It is closed conducting path by which current can transfer electric energy from a source to load. a. Electric circuit b. Electric current c. Load d. Resistance 105. Decomposition of organic matter from human waste is a bacteriological process cause except: a. Anaerobic bacteria called anaerobes c. Aerobic bacterial called aerobes b. Anaerobic decomposition d. Facultative bacteria 106. Egg should be beaten with the use of copper bowl because a Copper bowls . a. is a special metal utensil really intended for such purpose c. keeps eggs fresh and firm b. makes eggs fluffy and moist d. has a special property which stabilizes the eggs 107. An important building and regulating substance in the body which act as solvent is . a. Blood b. water c. Tissue d. nutrient 108. The appropriate mixing method applied for biscuit- making is the method. a. Conventional b. One-bowl c. muffin d. Pastry 109. The following are to be included on a low cost meal rich in protein: a. Beef, chesse, carrot c. Fish, monggo, tokwa, tulya b. Chicken, drumstick, milk, macaroni d. Pork shop, eggs, potato 110. When customer pays cash upon delivery of the goods to their homes, this is known as: a. Cash on hand b. Cash in bank c. cash on delivery d. Cash take sale
  • 8. 111. It includes revenues that are collected in advance but have not been earned. a. Accounts payable b. Accured liabilities c. Notes payable d. Unearned income 112. An electronic spread sheet is also known as . a. Balance sheet b. Data base c. Graph d. Worksheet 113. John Smith, a world class management consultant, said that the first function of a business enterprise is as economic performer. Economic performance is measured in terms of . a. Affiliation b. Popularity c. Profit d. Social approval 114. When a regular power supply gives full unregulated voltage output, there is . a. Defective rectifier diodes c. shorted capacity in particular storage b. Leaky filter capacitors d. shorted junction w/in irregular circuit 115. It refers to the electrical device that is used to convent electrical signal to sound: a. frequency b. antenna c. transformer d. speaker 116. It is the first step in troubleshooting an appliance. a. create and troubleshooting strategy. b. Determine the exact trouble c. Reduce the number of possible troubles to two or three before performing any detailed electrical check d. Study an electrical drawing of the appliances. 117. These are earnings of corporations which are distributed among the stock holders. a. Dividend b. Profits c. Stocks d. Wage 118. Profit is the concrete indicator of how well an entrepreneur has managed his: a. Affairs b. Credits c. Business d. Sales 119. It provides an overview of a business or person’s financial condition in both short and long term. a. Balance Sheet b. Cash out flows c. Finacial Statement d. Statement of expenses 120. It explains the changes in a company’s retained earnings over the reporting period a. Balance Sheet b. Income Statement c. Statement of cash out flows d. Statement of retained earnings 121. Which of the following electrical qualities is a derivative one? a. power b. voltage c. source d. control 122. Static electricity is produced by massive collision of charge called: a. carbon plate b. friction c. zinc plate d. magnets 123. Brick, stone, mortar and concrete are some for the materials used in this building construction work. a. Carpentry b. masonry c. finishing d. plumbing 124. Which one is a line drawn from left to right? a. inclined line b. vertical line c. Parallel line d. Horizontal line 125. A line which represents all visible edges of an object called: a. Center lines b. Cutting lines c. Invisible lines d. visible lines 126. It is concerned with the intelligent care given by an individual with respect to health through; cleanliness, posture, exercise, relaxation, adequate sleep, balance diet and wholesome thoughts. a. Good health b. Personality development c. Grooming d. Proper hygiene 127. This is a liquid product applied directly to the nail to protect against stains from the pigments in colored polishes. a. Base coat b. Colored enamel c. Nail polish solvent d. Top coat 128. A document discussing an entrepreneur’s intentions, ideals, perceptions and details of a planned project is known as .
  • 9. a. research paper b. letter of credit c. thesis d. project proposal 129. If an entrepreneur acts to do things that meet or even exceed existing standards of excellence then he is considered to be a/an: a. Follower b. Hard worker c. Pessimist d. Inventor 130. The key ingredient of entrepreneurship is/are: a. Discoveries made b. Innovation c. Organization study d. Services offered 131. One trait that is not good for an entrepreneur is: a. Industrious b. Intelligence c. Patience d. relying on others for information 132. Mayonnaise is an emulsion with one liquid (oil) dispersed in a second liquid (vinegar and lemon juice) which do not mix well. Which should be added as an emulsifier, to make mixing of both liquid possible? a. Egg yolk b. Egg yolk with salt c. egg white d. Whole egg 133. The branch of science that deals w/ the use of vacuum tube, transistors and photo devices is: a. Electronics b. Biology c. Chemistry d. Electricity 134. It is electrical component that is used to oppose the flow of current in a circuit. a. Capacitor b. Inductor c. Diode d. Resistor 135. It is a protective device that blows open when there is excessive current flow in the circuit. a. fuse b. Battery c. Switch d. Transformer 136. An ordinary radio can be turned to different stations. The electronic component responsible for this junction is the: a. Detector diode b. IF transistor c. Oscillator d. Turning capacitor 137. This is an iron tool whose power rating should be 15 to 25 W and it should be fitted with a small bit of 2 to 3 mm diameter. For intermediate soldering of electronic components. What do you call this too used in electronics. a. Copper braid b. Reel of solder c. soldering iron d. Solder sucker 138. This tool is usually just a 3 mm drill bit with a proper handle fitted. a. Heat sucker b. Track cutter c. PCB rubber d. Wire strippers 139. This is an electrode found nearest the white band on a rectifier. What is it? a. Anode b. Gate c. Cathode d. Main terminal 140. They are on the right and an increase in a credit account decreases a credit account. a. Debit account b. Credit account c. Nominal account d. Real account 141. These are event/ exchanges w/c affect the assets, liabilities owner’s equity of an organization. a. Book of final entry b. financial statement c. Business transaction d. Income statement 142. A thermocouple converts energy into electrical energy. a. Heat b. Nuclear c. Mechanical d. Solar 143. What substance which can produce electricity when compressed? a. Cell b. Crystal c. Magnet d. Solar 144. A law which states that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance in known as: a. Chomsky’s law b. Kirchoff’s law c. Law of resistivity d Ohm’s law 145. In Ohm’s Law, to solve for the unknown voltage in the circuit, the basic formula to be used is: a. E = I x R b. E = I / R c. I = E / R d. E = R / I 146. When the diameter of cylindrical objects is to be measured, the tool to be used is a: a. Caliper b. Push-pull ruler c. Meter stick d. Ruler 147. Sawing irregular shapes on thin pieces of wood is done with the use of a: a. Back saw b. Key hole saw c. Coping saw d. Rip saw
  • 10. 148. There are considerable numbers of wood joints. The simplest and easiest to make is the: a. Butt joints b. Lap joints c. Dao Joint d. Miter joints 149. Which of the following is a mark of an entrepreneur who exudes self-confidence? a. Does not prioritize, embarrass, or demean c. Is not scrupulous or two – face b. Obeys just laws, exercises all democratic rights and privileges d. Believes in himself and his own abilities. 150. The part of a feasibility study which describes the location of the business and its building specifications? a. Introduction b. Market feasibility c. Production d. Proponent, management and personnel
  • 11. INSTRUCTIONS : Field of Specialization – 150 Items Major in TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION 1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set. 2. Write the Subject title “TECHNOLOGY & LIVEHOOD EDUCATION” on the box provided. 3. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheer if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box “B” if your test booklet is Set B. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. To search for relate literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to connect a computer library with computers that have database is termed: a. Computer search c. on - line search b. Manual search d. compact disc search 2. The part of a feasibility study which describes the location of the business and its building specifications? a. Production c. Market feasibility b. Introduction d. Proponet, management & personnel 3. Salt is a necessary ingredient in yeast raised breads because salt: a. Removes the water in dough c. Controls the rising of the bread b. Retains the moisture in dough d. Makes the bread taste better 4. Nutrients perform specific function in our body. What nutrient together with carbohydrates provides the body with heat and energy? a. Proteins b. Fats c. Vitamins d. Minerals 5. Onions when peeled or cut irritate the eyes and give biting sensation on the tongue, this is due to presence of: a. Sulfoxide b. Mustard oil c. Sulfur compounds d. Sodium nitrate 6. What is the process by which pelts, skin and hides are made pliable for use? a. Curing b. Tanning c. Dressing d. Cleaning 7. Which process will help you accomplish the tasks of smoothening pelts, skins and hiding as well as making them pliable? a. Curing b. Tanning c. Cleaning d. Dressing 8. What series of activities by which discarded are collected, sorted, processed and converted into raw materials are used in the production of new products? a. Reusing b. Reducing c. Indigenization d. Redevelopment 9. What is the scheme of product movement from the producer to the consumer? a. Marketing b. Selling c. Merchandizing d. Retailing 10. Which one insures the most convenient households? a. A house with household help b. A house with architectural design c. A house equipped with appliances & labor saving devices d. A house near the church, market, school and recreation places 11. It is the care on personal appearance which includes the condition of the body and how one looks and smells. a. Grooming c. Personality development
  • 12. b. Proper hygiene d. Good health 12. An employee exposes the wrong doings of his employer to outsiders, such as the media or government regulatory agencies. What behavior is it? a. Shame campaign c. Rumor mongering b. Murmuring d. Whistle blowing 13. Which of the following is a household chore that has to be done every day? a. Cleaning the ceiling c. Sweeping the floor b. Dusting the furniture d. Laundering bed sheets 14. Which is/are the purpose/s of performance appraisal? i. Feedback on quality of performance ii. Feedback on the effectiveness of recruitment & selection process iii. Input on profitability and income of the company iv. Data base for H.R decision making. a. III only b. I, II and III c. I, II and IV d. I, III and IV 15. Which principle of design suggests sequence movement? a. Harmony b. Balance c. Proportion d. Rhythm 16. Which stage is characterized by added responsibility of educating and looking after health needs of children? a. Contacting b. Launching c. Expending d. Beginning 17. If pictures needed from an electronic encyclopedia, what must be done? a. Cite the source for the picture b. Use the encyclopedia picture freely c. Credit the group members for scanning the picture d. List the names of the group members at the end of the project 18. Loyalty is measure when people stay together in time of crises. What does it strengthen? a. Partnership b. Friendship c. Healthy competition d. Cooperation 19. Which of the following sciences is the statistical study of human population and its distribution? a. Ecology b. Geography c. Anthropology d. Demography 20. There are numerous kinds of saws. The one used by sawing along the grain of wood is called: a. Rip saw b. Coping saw c. Cross cut saw d. Back saw 21. Drills and bits are friendly tools that facilitate project making. Which of the following is used for boring holes on wood? a. Drill bit b. Nail set c. Saw set d. Auger bit 22. Finishing touches will show the quality of workmanship. How is the thread at the end of the dart made? a. Cut short b. Removed c. Cut long d. Knotted 23. The following are factors in deciding on a suitable plant site for the business. Which one is questionable? a. Distance of the sources of raw materials and markets b. Organizational structure of the enterprise c. Availability of water disposal facility d. Availability of transportation 24. Which one is not good technique in performing household tasks?
  • 13. a. using trays and baskets in carrying things from one room to another b. using white sheets and lines in young children’s bed c. cooking rice while cleaning the house d. cooking one dish meals 25. What is a plan of spending during a specific period based on an estimate of the funds available? a. Estimate b. Budget c. Expenditure d. Income 26. Blood relation refers to linear family relationship. This speaks of one of the following: a. Consanguinityb. Affinity c. Camaraderie d. Sorority 27. What appears whenever executing a command which indicates that you must wait until it disappears to continue to the next action? a. Hour glass b. Print preview c. Magnifying glass d. Formal painter 28. Mothers tend to work for extra income for the family while the children secure for summer jobs. Where do these help? a. Economic crisis c. Socio-economic status b. Social standing d. Economic upliftment 29. What is the name of the bar that displays the name of the program and current file in Microsoft Word Processor? a. Title bar b. Status bar c. Menu bar d. Formatting toolbar 30. Which of the following involves judging the extent to which employees fulfill their responsibilities? a. Accountability b. Regulation c. Responsibility d. Control function 31. Which of the following would effective managers most likely NOT use in employing personnel? a. Accomplishing forms c. Interviewing selected applicants b. Requiring medical examination d. Setting interview of reference 32. Which of the following is NOT an important factor in selecting a location for a store? a. Weather situation b. Income of the families in the community c. Standard of living of families in the community d. Employment conditions that prevails in the community 33. Which of the following laws protect the consumers from unscrupulous businessmen? i. Commerce Administrative Order 5-C ii. Batas Pambansa Blg. 8 iii. Article 1458 of the Civil Code iv. R.A 9155 b. III and IV b. I and IV c. I, II and III d. II, III and IV 34. These lines are used to indicate the measurement of objects and are presented by fine dark solid lines. a. Leader lines b. Center lines c. Dimension lines d. Dimension lines 35. Drafting is considered as the universal language of: a. Pottery b. Artistry c. Industry d. Humanity 36. A point is the projection of a line if it is perpendicular to the: a. Plane of proportion c. Plane of projection b. Plane of direction d. Plane of intersection
  • 14. 37. Which of the following is used to produce blind holes? a. Drill bit b. Brad awl c. Auger bit d. Diestock 38. When the diameter of cylindrical object is to be measures, the tool to be used is called: a. Ruler b. Caliper c. Push pull rule d. Meter stick Accounting refers to the whole process of recording and interpreting results of: b. Stock market c. Capital outflow c. Business transaction d. Means of production 39. In showing the connection of components, which of the following diagrams is the simplest? a. Wiring diagram c. Schematic diagram b. Block diagram d. Pictorial diagram 40. This component is internally connected to the IF transformer. a. Diode b. Inductor c. Transistor d. Capacitor 41. The process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency is: a. Assigning b. Calling c. choosing d. training 42. The key ingredients to Entrepreneurial activity is the result of: a. Good luck b. Big Capital c. Careful planning d. Patience 43. Painting on cloth or other materials with the use of needle and thread is called: a. Recycling b. Stenciling c. Smocking d. Embroidery 44. If you use light red and dark red, the color harmony is: a. Monochromatic c. Complementary b. Analogous d. Split Complementary 45. The following are methods of training leather except: a. Fur b. Chrome c. Grease d. Vegetable 46. A process which helps restore nutrients when food are refined or milled is: a. Enrichment b. Enhancing c. Filling in d. Preserving 47. Which of the following shell species can be classified as a univalve? a. Oyster b. Capiz c. Venus comb d. Clams 48. Clovelet is to garlic while root stems are to: a. Carrots b. Ginger c. Cassava d. Bulb Onions 49. Which of the following is true about giant gourami? a. It attains maturity in 3-4 years and could weigh up to three kilograms each b. The female has a prominent hump on the head c. It feed mostly on zooplanktons d. It originated from Thailand 50. Milkfish fries are caught along southwestern shores of many island. Some of the fishes caught with milkfish are ten pounder and tarpon. The former is long with: a. Stripes near the tail c. Whitish structure behind the anus b. Yellowish color d. Short and black head 51. Fleas attack chicken. They are dark brown in color with three pairs of legs and in flattered conditions.
  • 15. Generally, they are located near: a. Shank and toes c. Wings and wattles b. Vent and thighs d. Eyes and comb 52. Metaldehyde is a highly selective molluscicide which will minimize problem in bangus ponds: a. Snails b. Frogs c. Snakes d. Catfish 53. Some farmers have this practice of lifting sweet potato vines which are touching the ground in order to: a. Harvest the tops c. Change growing direction b. Prune the roots d. Produce bigger tubers 54. Which of the following in some aspects of the family life affect the father image? a. In-law relationships c. Duties and responsibilities b. Sexual compatibility d. Patterns of authority 55. The period of development when an individual faces several developmental tasks is: a. Puberty b. Elderly c. Adulthood d. Adolescence 56. A plan of spending family income without incurring debt or deficits is known as: a. Budget plan c .Household operation b. Family budget d. Operational budget 57. Ideals on what is right against what is wrong direct one’s thinking and behavior. These ideals are known as: a. Values b. Goals c. Purposes d. Attitudes 58. An amount of money set aside for expenditures that would bring additional income or profit for the family is referred to: a. Savings b. Deposit c. Advancement d. Investment 59. Form of fatigue caused by a emotional problem like boredom, frustration, conflicts and depression called: a. Physical fatigue c. Physiological fatigue b. Psychological fatigue d. Pathological fatigue 60. Eggs are important protein foods comparable to meat, fish and poultry. In cooking hard boiled egg the water must be: a. Warm b. High temperature c. Rapidly boiling d. Simmering 61. Success in promoting or advertising a product depends on what factors? a. Discount sale c. marketing media b. Personal selling d. Quality of the product 62. In the arrangement of furniture and fixtures in the house the principle of design must always be taken into consideration. A principle which is created through the prepetition of lines, colors or shapes is: a. Balance b. Rhythm c. Harmony d. Emphasis 63. As onion crop matures, the amount of irrigation should be decreased gradually. Prolonged water supply within 2-3 weeks before harvest will produce immature bulbs with; a. Rotting leaves c. More root hairs b. Thick neck d. Thicker bulb 64. Rhizobia convert nitrogen to nitrates contributing to soil fertility. It is present in the roots of: a. Vine crops b. Crucifiers c. Root vegetables d. Legumes
  • 16. 65. Bothriocephalus gowkongensis is a tapeworms which often attacks: a. Tilapia b. Hito c. Grass carp d. Bangus 66. In commercial eel farms, the ponds are made of concrete materials. Eels are provided with: a. Water plants b. Filters c. Mechanical aeration d. Holes for hiding 67. Fertilizers are applied to fish ponds in order to: a. Change the color of water c. Enhance the production of natural foods b. Neutralize acidity d. Promote fast growth of stocked fish 68. In the patrilineal family, the family traces its family from the paternal side. Which type of family traces forms both the maternal and paternal side? a. Matulineal b. Bilineal c. Equalitarian d. Neological 69. Some loosely knitted garments stretch if hung on hangers. This can be prevented if the following EXCEPT one: a. Use padded hanger b. Hand the knitted while dripping wet c. Pad wire hanger into foam or old towel d. When the shoulders are placed properly on the pad 70. A needlework of inter locking loops of stitches formed through a single thread using hooked needle is: a. Tatting b. smocking c. crocheting d. embroidering 71. The quality which enables one to face problems calmly and intelligently and makes wise decisions is: a. physical interest c. philosophical changes b. psychological changes d. intellectual changes 72. The practice of adding soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green color and the crispness should be avoided primarily because: a. They become less palatable b. They become hard to digest c. Vitamin C is destroyed in the presence of alkali d. The flavor of vegetables is modified 73. A large family needs a large income. This is referred to as: a. Expanding stage c. Empty nest stage b. Countracting stage d. Beginning stage 74. To reduce time and energy expenditures, which of the following is the LEAST to be considered? a. Equipment and supplies should be grouped according to use. b. All things stored should be placed only in one row. c. Frequently used materials should be placed at the lowest shelves. d. Stove, utensils, dines and food supplies should be within easy reach. 75. Mike’s turbenized shirt is considered as well made based on this criterion. a. Executive collar has equal side ends. c. Sleeve cap is well-shaped. b. Machine stitches are even. d. Sleeve placket is well and neatly sewed. 76. Household’s pests do not thrive in a clean place. Which of the following practices is LEAST effective in eradicating household’s pests? a. Elimination of accumulations of organic refuse. b. Daily use of insect repellants.
  • 17. c. Elimination of stagnant water or proper treatment of these d. Adequately designed and supervised local sewage disposal plants. 77. Expenses that are unexpected are . a. Flexible b. Miscellaneous c. allowance d. fixed 78. The process of breaking down complex food substance into unstable form is . a. Respiration b. Digestion c. reproduction d. circulation 79. Vegetarians are usually deficient in one of the following vitamins: a. Cobalamin b. Iron c. C d. centrum 80. This refers to the monthly income required to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a family with six members. a. Food budget b. Food threshold c. Food intake d. Food consumption 81. Accessories enhance or add beauty to give a given space. Listed below are the decorative objects EXCEPT one. a. Table lamps b. Graphic arts c. wood craftsd. metal works 82. A finished opening in garment designed to give ease in wearing dresses is called a. Dout b. Pleat c. placket d. gusse 83. What is the best training ground to develop skills in decision-making? a. Home b. School c. Church d. Society 84. Which technique is best used when measuring shortening? a. Scoop cup in shortening, then level with spatula b. Tap cup with spoon, while filling, then level with spatula c. Fill cup loosely with shortening, then level with spatula d. Press shortening with cup, then level with spatula 85. Which emphasizes prevention rather than correction of delays? a. Controlling b. Directing c. Evaluating d. Planning 86. What is the scheme of undertaking two activities at the same time? a. Dovetailing b. Detailing c. Sensitizing d. Simulating 87. Which of the following contains minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a task? a. Job description b. Job analysis c. Job classification d.Job specification 88. Which of the following according to Robert W. White is the mainspring of action on human being? a. Fringe benevfirts c. Money motive b. Job status d. Desire for competence 89. Which ratio is used to access the company’s ability to meet short-term obligation? a. Profitability b. Liquidity c. Level d. Coverage 90. Which interview is highly structured? a. Planned b. Stress c. Ambush d. Patterned 91. Employees are separated involuntarily due to . a. Low pay c. poor working condition b. Declining sales d. lure of high paying jobs
  • 18. 92. To be a good listener one must . a. Take note of accompanying nonverbal cues c. Argue b. Engage in other activities d. Interrupt when necessary 93. Good public relation presupposes good internal . a. Reaction b. Communication c. attitude d. response 94. Which of the filing steps is placing the papers in appropriate containers? a. Codingb. Indexing c. Cross-referencing d. Storing 95. What is meant by P.O? a. Purchase Option c. Production Office b. Product Order d. Purchase Order 96. Which is the 30-ton room-sized computer with over 18,000 vacuum tubes build by John Mauchly and Eckert? a. MITS altair 800 b. Unlvac c. Eniac d. Colossus 97. Who introduced the concept of providing ALU in the computer system? a. Joseph Marie Jacquard c. John Von Newman b. Charles Babbage d. Herman Hollerith 98. Which as the raw material to be processed by the computer? a. Information b. Data c. Graphics d. Objects 99. What is meant to put information into the computer? a. Launch b. File c. Install d. Input 100. Which allows it use to upload and download files from other computers for the net? a. Usenet b. Search engine c. Telnet d. File transfer protocol 101. Which of the following makes a window as small as it can get? a. Maximize b. Save c. Restore d. Minimize 102. For Crash Dumps to be obtained, a pagefile must exist on the . a. Boot partition c. data partition b. NTFS partition d. system partition 103. Which is to get the information saved before and to use it with a program at a later time? a. File b. Install c. Shutdown d. Load 104. What kind of surge protector should one buy? a. One with lots of plugs on it and a power button b. One that a friend recommended c. One from the hardware store d. One with at least a U.L rating and telephone line protection 105. If one should see a message with list on it asking one hoe to boot the computer, what should one do? a. Call for help c. Turn the computer off b. Don’t mind the message, continue d. Choose number one, Normal Boot. 106. Which is the main button the task bar? a. Right b. Right mouse c. Left d. Start
  • 19. 107. Which one is an internet address? a. ADSL b. ISDN c. URL d. ISP 108. This is a feature wherein a user may be able to send and receive electronic message to and from a “chat room” on topics they share interest with: a. Internet Relay Chat (iRC) c. Usenet b. Gopher d. Telnet 109. Which program lets TYPE letters and other documents? a. WordArt b. Calendar c. Word Processor d. Ms Excel 110. An organizational tool used to structure the way you save files on your computer is called: a. Folder b. CPU c. floppy disk d. gadget 111. The following are operation applications that computer technology brings to Business EXCEPT: a. Mailing b. Accounting c. record keeping d. decision-making 112. While scanning is considered the most advance method of preservation, why does it employ heat? a. Protect the product from the vegetative organism b. Prevent contamination of the heated food c. Facilitate penetration of other mixture d. Preserve moisture contents 113. Which of the following is an example of money, materials and machine? a. Capital b. Input c. Material d. Resource 114. Which principle of management requires the use of one plant to direct operation within the organization? a. Esprit de corps c. Authority b. Unity of direction d. Unity of command 115. Which of the following qualities should entrepreneur processes to achieve objectives? a. Patience b. Persistencec. honesty d. industry 116. Morality applied to business seeks the . a. Entrepreneurial prestige attached to success b. Influence of power in the world market c. Welfare of the people d. Leadership position in the business industry 117. Which question should an entrepreneur consider as regard location? a. Is the location economically accessible to its market? b. Does the future look good, or bad for this firm in this market? c. Are present assets consistent with the floor plan, available additional space and customer comfort? d. Was a proper market survey made for this purpose? 118. Who among the following concerns himself with helping workers reach their full potential? a. Charles Babbage b. Frederich Taylor c. Henry Gantt d. Robert Owen 119. Who exposed on the Theory of Bureaucratic Management? a. Max Webber b. Mary Parket Follet c. Chester Bainard d. Lillian Gilreth
  • 20. 120. While trait theory states that leadership traits are born, the environmental concept position that leader skill are: a. Dictated b. Acquired c. dissipated d. Innate 121. Which of the following business activities is easily organized and dissolved? a. Call center b. Rice mill c. Manufacturing company d. Sari-sari store 122. Which is attached to VOUCHER? a. Price list b. Invoice c. recipients d. item description 123. If the Term is 2/10, n/30, the length of the credit period is? a. 30 days b. 2 days c. 70 days d. 10 days 124. Who puts money in a business venture in the hope of receiving a return on investment? a. Stakeholder b. Owner c. Debtor d. Creditor 125. A fish parasite which burrows into the blood vessels of fish through the skin is a. Gyrodactylus b. Multifillis c. Columnaris d. Saprolegnia 126. What is the RESULT when the client or costumer pays more than the actual cost of goods or services? a. Profit b. Sales c. Income d. Revenue 127. Which is a Table of Content containing are the title and number of the items found into general ledger? a. T-account b. Chart of account c. Account d. Folio 128. Analyze the transaction RESULT IN and RECORD ON for the payment of P5,500 for the salary of a bookkeeper a. Debt increase in asset c. Debt decrease in liability b. Credit decrease in asset d. Credit increase in liability 129. What joint is commonly used in making screens, chairs and stretchers? a. Meter joint b. Lap joint c. Cross joint d. Rabbet joint 130. Which of the following statements is TRUE about record-keeping? a. The employment of bookkeeper can be dispensed with anyway the accountant signs the financial statement b. An accountant is always employed for financial keeping c. It is just a file of facts but it is a source of information d. Maintaining a record-keeping system is necessary in the preparation of income Tax Return (ITR). 131. A kind of chicken parasite which causes irritation that result in pulling off or breaking its feathers is the mite. a. Harvest b. Depluming c. Scaly leg d. Red 132. When the space is limited and there are NOT enough work forces, the MOST practical way of serving meals is: a. Blue plate service c. Russian service b. Buffet service d. Compromise service 133. Cocoa will lump up if placed directly in hot liquid due to its high: a. Sugar content c. Chocolate content b. Fat content d. Starch content
  • 21. 134. Blessing said before family meals, kissing the hands of elder and praying the Angelus are activities which constitute: a. Sacred rituals c. Superstitious beliefs b. Religious beliefs d. Customs and traditions 135. What is the process of preparing to accept one’s responsibility of contributing to the family’s welfare? a. Family culture b. Family council c. Family kinship d. Family formation 136. What should an electrician first do before installing the electrical wiring system of a building? a. Buy the materials c. Get a meter base from Meralco b. Prepare a contract d. Secure a wiring permit 137. What pencil point is best recommended in sketching? a. Wedge b. Conical c. Dull d. Flat 138. Which of these finishing materials would give a transparent sheen to a wood surface? a. Oil b. Abrasives c. Varnish d. Shellac 139. What must an auto mechanic first do before undertaking any repair? a. Prepare his tools c. Listen to the customer’s compliant b. Identify the problem d. Disassemble the parts 140. What does an internal combustion gasoline piston engine do? It coverts: a. Gasoline to torque c. Heat energy to mechanical energy b. Horse power to watts d. air-fuel mixture to force 141. Which of the following tools is used in checking the squareness of corners and the flatness of surfaces? a. Steel rule b. T- squares c. Pull push rule d. Band protractor 142. Which of the following activities is example of a financial transaction? a. Buying a lot c. Working with the bank b. Hiring a secretary d. Firing your accountant 143. It is study and application of beauty treatment. a. Skin care b. Hairstyling c. Cosmetology d. Electrology 144. Which Time and Energy Management tool indicates specific tasks to be done and the sequence of the tasks so that all work will be finished at the desired time? a. Work plan c. Work simplification b. Schedule d. Work arrangement 145. Cleaning or removing excess cloth from the seam allowance is known as: a. Lay outing c. Layering b. Metering d. Notching 146. If a chocolate cake needs 2 cups sour milk, then how many teaspoon of acid is added? a. Two teaspoon c. Three teaspoon b. One teaspoon d. Two & half teaspoon 147. A two- piece outfit of different colors should be worn if one is: a. Tall and slender c. Short and stout b. Stout and tall d. Short and slender
  • 22. 148. Which violation is committed when deceptive information is printed on a product package, container and label? a. Disinformation c. Misdeclaration b. Mislabeling d. Misrepresentation 149. Which of the following is an independent store? a. College cooperative c. Sari-sari store b. Department store d. Barangay Rolling store SUBMIT THIS TEST BOOKLET WITH THE ANSWER SHEET TO YOUR WATCHERS. END OF EXAMINATION
  • 23. a. E=I×R b. E=I√R c. I=E√R d. E=R√I Visit For more Pdf's Books Visit For more Pdf's Books a. Resistance b. Power c. Source d. Electricity 2. What type of electric circuit is used with christmas lights? a. Octopus circuit b. Series-parallel circuit c. Parallel circuit d. Series Circuit 3. A saw angle should be adjusted depending on the kind of wood. What is the recommended angle for soft and thin wood? a. 30-45 degrees b. 60 degrees c. 15-30 degree d. 60-100 degrees 4. A well groomed cosmetologist does not need this, a. daily bath and deodorant b. hairstyle c. facial makeup d. expensive jewelry 5. Mrs. Santos asks for a long and casual hairstyle. If you are the hair dresser, what rollers are you going to use? a. Rollers with medium circumference b. Rollers with large circumference c. Rollers with small circumference d. Rollers with extra small circumference 6. It is a kind of circuit where is continous flow of electric current? a.close circuit circuit c.short circuit d.curved circuit 7. The voltage rating found in a capacitor is called voltage. a. peak reverse b. working c.blow-up d.breakdown 8.Which is the common cause of an erratic sound of a transistor radio? a. Worn out amplifier b. Defective volume control c. Broken antenna d. Blasted tuner 9.Which is a convenient pocket sized tool that provides maximum safety when pulling cartridge fuses and checking electrical connections? a. Fuse puller b. Screw driver c. Desoldering tool d. Mini drill 10. What is the common characteristic of strip board and printed circuit board? a. Temporary circuit board b. Permanent circuit board c. No soldering required d. Requires no special preparation 11. Which electronics material opposes the movement of free electrons? a. Element b. Insulator c. Conductor d. Semiconductor 12. An electronic device that is used to limit or oppose the flow of current in a circuit is called? a. Capacitor b. Resistor c. Diode d. Inductor 13. Bricks are laid where its longer side is exposed to view. This arrangement is called ? a. Header b. Stretcher c. Bond d. Mortar 14. An appliances with 110 volts AC supplyis accidentally plugged to a 220 volts AC outlet. What component is usually destroyed? a. Switch b. AC plug c. Line fuse d. Power transformer 15. In omh's law,to solve for the unknown voltage in the circuit,the best formula to be use.
  • 24. 16. The two pieces of 3V batteries are connected in serViiessitF th orem oou re tp Pu dtf's vo Bloto akg se is? a. 3V b. 6V c. 0V d. 9V Visit For more Pdf's Books Visit For more Pdf's Books d. seiri, seiton, seki, seikitsu, shitsuke 17. Extended letters of a given height are more legible while compressed letters are used when ? a. Space is wide b. Space is limitless c. Space is limited d. Space is narrow 18. Tools in lettering which are made of either plastic or aluminium on which the drafter just traced the letters using a technical pen to produce each letter. The instrument is called ? a. Lettering box b. Lettering template c. T-square d. Pressure-sensitive guide 19. It is the hardest pencil of a draftsman. a. 9B b. 8B c. 9H d. HB 20. As far as the apperance of the drawing is concerned, it is the most important part of the usefulness of the drawing, it can be ruined if it is done carelessly. Which is referred to? a. Etching b. Painting c. Lettering d. Calligraphy 21. If two resistor are placed in series, the final resistance is? a. Higher b. Lower c. The same d. Cannot be determined 22. The process of hardening of concrete, a. Curing b. Setting c. Hardening d. Molding 23. Bricks are laid where its longer side is exposed to view. The arrangement is called: a. Header b. Stretcher c. Bond d. Mortar 24. Concrete is said to be workable if it can be molded or deformed without segregation. This characteristics is known as a. Consistency b. Workability c. Mobility d. Plasticity 25. What class of concrete mixture is consisting of 1 bag of cment, 2 cu ft. Of sand & 4 cu ft of gravel or 1:2:4? a. Class AA b. Class A c. Class B d. Class C 26. Which of the ff. Are known as coarse aggregates in concrete mixtures? a. Sand b. Soil c. Gravel d. Stones 27. The nail is composed mainly of a. melanin b. keratin c. collagen d. sebum 28. Which of the following are the Japanese 5S? a. shitsuke, seiton, seiso, seki, sesi b. seiton, seiri, seki, seikiitsu, shitsuke c. seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke
  • 25. Visit For more Pdf's Books 29.To obtain in higher value of resistance resistor are? d. Never true a. Reverse b. Parallel c. Forward d. Series 30. To prevent transistor from getting hot, use a. Silicon grease b. Insulator c. Heat sink d. Exhaust fan 31. The practice of adding baking soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green color and the crispiness should be avoided primarily because. a. The flavor of the vegetable is modified b. Vitamins C is destroyed in the presence of alkali c. They become less palatable d. They become hard digest 32. What is the proper term for the dividing the hair into smaller more workable piece for the purpose of control? a. Bunching b. Splitting c. Sectioning d. Texturizing 33. Saw most frequently used in hands working are the handsaws like crosscuts ripsaw and backsaw. If you want to cut a board what handsaw is appropriate for the job? a. Backsaw b. Ripsaw c. Cross-cut saw d. Keyhole saw 34. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of electrical current is recognized as: a. Power b. Resistance c. Electromagnetism d. Frequency 35. What is the scheme of undertaking two activities at the same time? a. Dovetailing b. Detailing c. Sensitizing d. Simulating 36. When the arrow head on the electronic symbol of a semiconductor transistor is pointing inward, the type of transistor is a. NPN b. PNP c. NPNP d. PNPN 37. Kirchhoff’s Laws are applicable to networks with series resistors. a. Always true b. Often time c. Sometimes true
  • 26. a. Object line Visit For more Pdf's Books 38. Two resistors R1 and R2 rates at 4 ohms and 6 ohms respectively are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance? a. 36 ohms b. 48 ohms c. 2.1 ohms d. 2.4 ohms 39. The law of George Simon in electricity can be as follow: a. Voltage(e) equals amperes (I) times resistance b. Amperes(I) equals resistance (R) times voltage c. Resistance (R) equals voltage (e) times amperes d. None of the option 40. You are make picture frame, which type of joint applicable a. Lap joint b. Dado c. Tenon d. Miter 41. Which of the following semiconducting device is generally used as an indicator when an appliance is turned on or off? a. Light emitting diodes b. Photodiodes c. Photo resistors d. Small lamps 42. A process which helps restore nutrients when food are refined or milled is . a. Enrichment b. Enhancing c. Filling in d. Preserving 43. Eggs are important protein foods comparable to meat, fish, and poultry. In cooking hard-boiled egg, the water must be . a. Warm b. High temperature c. Rapidly boiling d. Simmering 44. Which grade of pencil is commonly used for lettering by a draftsman? a. 6B b. HB c. 3H d. 4H 45. Which of the following ingredients will use creaming method? a. Butter, flour, egg b. Flour, butter, egg c. Butter, egg, sugar d. Flour, butter, sugar 46. It is the basic tool of a draftsman. a. T-square b. Triangle c. Compass d. Pencil 47. It is used to enclose a drawing and contain several blocks or frames for some necessary data.
  • 27. b. Border line c. Phantom line a. Gate d. Guide line 48. It is used to indicate exposed cut surfaces in an object. a. straight line b. curve line c. section line d. mixed line 49. It is a process of either enlarging or reducing full size drawing of an object. a. Sectioning b. Blueprinting c. Planning d. Scaling 50. It exist at all times, because people need goods and services to survive. a. demand b. business opportunities c. business needs d. supply 51. How often would you advice a person for a facial with normal skin? a. About once a week b. About a month c. Daily d. About twice a month 52. What do you call the measuring instrument used by workers which is reeled in housing and retracts automatically by a spring? a. Zigzag rule b. Push steel rule c. Steel rule d. Ruler 53. What class of concrete mixture is consisting of 1 bag cement, 2 cu.ft. of sand, & 4 cu.ft. of gravel or 1:2:4? a. Class AA b. Class A c. Class B d. Class C 54. Conditioning the nutritional problems in our country because of poverty what dishes would you recommend? a. Steamed eggplant and bagoong b. Pinakbet eggplant okra saluyot leaves c. Fresh Lumpia d. Sauteed monggo with dilis and ampalaya 55. An insulator that separates the two plates of a capacitor is known as . a. Vacuum b. Dielectric c. Air d. Ceramic 56. Which valve in a water service opens to admit air if the pressure within the water service falls below atmospheric pressure?
  • 28. b. Anti- vacuum c. Calorifer d. Vacuum 57. The lines are used to indicate the measurement of object and are represented by fine dark solid lines a. Leader lines b. Extension lines c. Dimension lines d. Center lines 58. A schematic diagram shows the components of an electronic circuit by means of a. Symbol b. Construction c. Physical appearance d. Linear appearance 59. Electrical charges move easily through path called conductors. The ability of a conductor to permit current flow is designated as a. Electrical pressure b. Resistance c. Conductance d. Applied current 60. Which saw has a long blade length of about 24-26 inches with around 7-8 teeth points per inch and used for cutting across the grain. a. Fret saw b. Hacksaw c. Tenon saw d. Cross-Cut Saw 61. There are numerous kinds of saw. When sawing along the grain of the wood, you need a . a. Back saw b. Cross cut saw c. Rip saw d. Circular saw 62. The nail is composed mainly of: a. Melanin b. Keratin c. Collagen d. Sebum 63. A law that states that current is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to resistance is known as . a. PEC b. Law of resistivity c. Kirxiao's Law d. Ohm's Law 64. There is considerable number of wood joints. The simplest and easiest to make is . a. Dado joint b. Lap joint c. Butt joint d. Miter joint
  • 29. 65. Jonar has sauteed some meat in the pan. There areVissiotm Foe r m bo ro r ew Pn d fb ' sitBso o le k s ft on the bottom of the pan. While the pan was still on the stove, he added some white wine and scraped the bot P to d f m b o o o k f s f t o h r e u m p . c a o n m . What do you call the techniques be just used? a. Cleaning b. Deglazing c. Fat d. Mineral 66. A form of electricity where the flow of current is always in the same direction. a. Voltage b. Power c. Alternating current d. Direct current 67. To find the formula of the unknown quantity put your finger on the . a. Unknown b. Known c. Equal Sign d. None of the above 68. The strongest form of wood joint applicable for table legs is . a. Miter b. Mortise and tenon c. Dado d. Butt and lap 69. Plastic pipes are commonly used in water fixture installation nowadays. Which of the following is preferred? a. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) b. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC) c. Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) d. Polyethylene 70. The pictorial view is normally seen by the observer's eyes. Which one is it? a. Isometric drawing b. Oblique drawing c. Perspective drawing d. Orthographic drawing 71. What kind of alphabet line is this? a. Cutting plane line b. Section Line c. Dimension Line d. Extension Line 72. Two intersecting lines which form right angles are called . a. Straight lines b. Parallel lines c. Tangent lines d. Perpendicular lines 73. This line is projected shorter line in a drawing. a. Vertical line b. Inclined line c. Curve line d. Horizontal line 74. This is a partial section used when only a small interior portion of an object needs exposure for clarification of details. a. Half Section b. Full Section c. Broken-Out Section d. Removed or Detailed Section 75. Is a closed curve, all points are equidistant from each other. B a. Solid b. Circle c. Triangle d. Square
  • 30. 76. Joining two ends with the use of two side block whVicishitiF sor sm om ore et Pid m f's es Bocoa klsled splice pads. a. Lapping b. Fishing c. Scarfing d. Joints 91. Find the interest on 2,100php for 3 years at 5%. 77. Lumber that are planed or smooth on four sides. a. s4s b. s2s c. Ss4 d. 4s 78. When you intend to disassemble the product later or need to obtain a strong joint, using a is recommended. a. Cork screw b. Wood screw c. Metal screw d. Plastic screw 79. To make sure that the hammer strikes the nail and not your fingers and that the hammer’s blow will drive the nail squarely into the work, you should: a. Stand in an 90 degrees position and hit the nail with the hammer. b. Grasp the nail near its head and the hammer near the end of the handle. c. Place a piece of scrap material beside the nail. d. Call an expert to do it for you. 80. It is the art of cutting, framing, and jointing timber or wood. It is generally known as woodworking. a. Carpentry b. Masonry c. Plumbing d. Electricity 81. Is a branch or limb of a tree that has been exposed as the log is cut into lumber. a. Check b. Split c. Decay d. Knot 82. Are made of 3,5,7 or more veneer slice that are laid one upon the other with the grain of each at right angle to those of the sheets above or below it. a. Veneer and plywood b. Hardboard c. Particle Board d. Laminated wood 83. A line segment from the center to any point of the circle. Half of the diameter. a. Radius b. Chord c. Tangent d. Diameter 84. Usually used in cabinet or furniture making such as narra, molave, yakal etc. a. Hard wood b. Soft wood c. Sap wood d. Heartwood 85. Is one in which the cutting plane cuts entirely across the object showing all the view in section. a. Full section b. Half section c. Phantom section d. Broken-Out section 86. The total board foot of 5 pieces of 2”x6”x14’ lumber. a. 60 bd. ft. b. 65 bd.ft. c. 70 bd.ft. d. 75bd.ft. 87. When planning along fiber direction, a plane should run to fiber direction and straight and never curve. a. across b. direct c. Indirect d. parallel 88. A transformer with high output volatage derived from a low input voltage. a. Step-up b. Step-down c. Hybrid d. Increased 89. It is the positive electrode. a. Anode b. Cathode c. Electron d. Neutron 90. VOM is the traditional measuring device that are commonly used by an electrician. VOM stands for? a. Voice Output Meter b. Voltage Ouput Measurement c. Volt Ohm Meter d. Volt Output Meter 91. CHB is the most widely used masonry materials for all types of construction such as walls, partitions and fences. CHB stands for? a. Concrete Hollow Board b. Context Hallow Plan c. Concrete Hollow Blocks d. Concrete Hallow Blocks
  • 31. a. P230.00 b. P315.00 c. P420.00 d. P500.00 92. An electrical device that transforms the source into another energy. a. Load b. Source c. Control d. Path 93. What is the voltage of a circuit which consist of 3 amperes and a load that has a resistance of 5 ohms? a. 15 b. 0.6 c. 8 d. 10 94. What is the total resistance of a circuit which has two loads consisting of 5 ohms and 3 ohms respectively in a parallel form. a. 8 b. 15 c. 1.875 d. .875 95. A circuit has three loads consisting of 10 ohms, 5 ohms and 3 ohms respectively in a parallel form. What is the total resistance of the given circuit? a. 1.55 b. 1.56 c. 1.57 d. 1.59 96. PCB is the base of electronic circuits. It means that electronic components are mounted, assembled, and internally wired for connection in this board. PCB stands for? a. Printing Circuit Board b. Prime Circulation Board c. Primary Circuit Board d. Printed Circuit Board 97. It is the degree of wetness or slump of the concrete mix. a. Plasticity b. Mobility c. Hardness d. Consistency 98. A semi-liquid substance accumulated at the bottom of the septic tank. a. Sludge b. Scum c. Residue d. Garbage 99. The standard number or diameter of wires for convenience outlet layout should be. a. No. 12 b. No. 13 c. No. 14 d. No.15 100. Connects two equal-size pipes together. a. Reducer b. Union c. Coupling d.Bushing 101. Connected to fixtures to provide seal of the piping system. Usually connected in lavatories and sinks. a. P trap b. Plug c. Bushing d. Wye fittings 102. A semi-conductor electronic device or component that permits current to flow in only one direction. a. Capacitor b. Transistor c. Diode d. IC 103. This symbol is for . a. Battery b. Cell c. Connector d. Diode 104. SWOT is an analysis based on the gathered data from the immediate environment market. SWOT stands for? a. Security, Warning, Opportunites, Threats b. Strengths, Weaknesses, Optimism, Threats c. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats d. Special, Weapons, Opportunities, Terrorism 105. The follow are principles of planning except: a. Must be realistic b. Must be based on felt need c. Must be flexible d. Must be complex 106. It is the amount of money being paid to an agent for buying or selling goods. a. Percent b. Commission c. Agent’s Payment d. Payment 107. It is the end of the nail plate that is shaped during manicure and pedicure.
  • 32. a. Salon Ecology b. Hygiene c. Cosmetology d. Beautification 109. It is used for smoothing or for producing textured surfaces on cement plaster. a. Bull Float b. Common Float c. Carpet Float d. Angle Float 110. A wood finishing process that remove scratches and excess adhesive that remained on the surface by using sand paper of 180 to 280 grit size. a. Cleaning b. Washing c. Pressuring d. Sanding 111. These are event/exchanges w/c affect the assets, liabilities, owner's equity of an organization a. Book of entry b. Financial statement c. Business transaction d. Income statement 112. Which of the following are commonly minced into small bits to be used as ingredients and garnishes. a. Herbs, vegetables and nuts b. Pork, Chicken, Lamb’s meat c. Beef d. Processed meats 113. It is any substance that has a useful function when taken into the cells of the body. a. Water b. Food c. Nutrients d. Disease 114. Which of the following are sources of albumin? a. wheat and cereals b. nuts c. vegetable and fruits d. peas and beans 115. Compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen formed by plants. a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Sugar d. Starch 116. It is needed for growth, tissue repair, immune function, making essential hormones and enzymes, energy when carbohydrate is not available; and for preserving lean muscle mass. a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Sugar d. Starch 117. The process of thinning, tapering, and shortening the hair. a. Hair analysis b. Hair care c. Hair styling d. Hair cutting 118. Overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. a. Hair analysis b. Hair care c. Hair styling d. Hair cutting 119. To correct misshaped eyebrows, it is best to use . a. depilatory b. eyebrow pencil c. electric clipper d. razor 120. It is a device for converting a varying current from one voltage to another. a. Converter b. Transformer c. Amplifier d. Woofer 121. Is a three-dimensional figure with a polygonal base and triangular lateral faces. a. Cube b. Cylinder c. Tetrahedron d. Prism 122. Stair unit which consist of one tread and one riser. a. Tread b. Step c. Winders d. Riser 123. The horizontal distance from the first step to the last riser of stair flight.
  • 33. Visit For more Pdf's Books Visit For more Pdf's Books a. it regulates body temperature a. Floor joist b. Girder c. Sill d. header 125. An imaginary cut taken through an object so as to reveal a shape or interior contruction. a. Section b. Sectioning c. Sectional View d. Section Lining 126. c. Three Way Switch d. 2 Double Pole Double Throw Switch 127. The fine line use to show clearly the dimension limits. a. Extension Line b. Dimension Line c. Center Line d. Reference Line 128. A horizontal guide line drawn between cap line and base line used to determine the general height of lower case letters. a. Cap line b. Drop line c. Base line d. Waist line 129. The commonly used method in making Isometric Drawings. a. Lining Method b. Angle Method c. Pictorial Method d. Box Method 130. . It is a built-up frame commonly employed on a long span roof unsupported by intermediate columns or partitions. Is a series of triangles used to distribute load and stiffen the structure spacing which offers flexibility for the interior as well as strength and rigidity. a. Girts b. Rafters c. Truss d. Laminated Roof 131. A drawing instrument that serves as guide in drawing vertical and diagonal lines in triangles. It is generally used in drawing horizontal lines. a. Triangle b. T-square c. Triangular Scale d. French Curve 132. Is part of the drain-waste system that allows you to gain access for cleaning clogged lines. a. Sewer b. Grade c. Fixtures d. Cleanouts 133. In plumbing, DWV stands for . a. drainange, waste, vent b. dirt, wage, vacuum c. drainage, waste, vacuum d. drainage, water, vent 134. Prevents the back passage of air without materially affecting the flow of sewage through it. a. Vent b. DMV c. Stack d. Trap 135. The system of sewers or drainage of a town. a. Sewer system b. Drainage system c. Sewerage d. Riser 136. Describes water that is safe for drinking and cooking purposes. a. Potable b. Good c. Great d. Fair 137. Is known as two-point perspective drawing. a. Angular Perspective b. Parallel Perspective c. Double Perspective d. Dual Perspective 138. Are circles having no common center. a. Concentric circle b. Ellipse c. Diameter d. Eccentric Circle 139. The following are function the body except: b. Double Pole Double Throw Switch Used to control a circuit from two different locations. a. Single Pole Single Throw Switch
  • 34. d. western union short and long tie Visit For more Pdf's Books Visit For more Pdf's Books d. it prevents the nutrients to move around the body. 140. The following are tips for chopping except: a. Chop food items with safety in mind. b. Use a chef’s knife to chop. c. Cut too fast. d. Cut down with a knife at set intervals. 141. All of these foods are good sources of vitamin C. Which one has the most vitamin C? a.1 cup of sliced strawberries d.1 cup of chopped green chilli peppers c.1 cup of orange sections a.1 cup of diced tomatoes 142. Water boild at 212 degrees. What does “rolling boil means? The bubble are . a. rolling non-stop b. forming rapidly and cannot be stopped when stirred. c. forming rapidly and can be stopped when stirred. d. spilling out of a container 143. Which nutrients is an anti-oxidant? a. Vitamin E b. Calcium c. Fiber d. Vitamin B12 144. What is the basis in computing the size of the size of a house drain? a.surge flow rate of water discharge from the kitchen sink. b.surge flow rate of water discharge of water from the shower c.surge flow rate of water discharge from a wash basin d.surge flow rate of water discharge from the washing machine. 145. A plumber needs to bend copper tubing without kicking it. Unfortunately, his pipe bender breaks. What is the best thing to do? A. Buy a new pipe bender B. Expose the copper to heat C. Bend the copper tubing by hand D. Use a tubing bender 146. This line is projected shorter line in a drawing. a. Vertical line b. Inclined line c. Curve line d. Horizontal line 147. If you are skilled electrician working on a house wiring installation and there is a need for you to join straight run wires, what kind of joint will you use? a. scarfed splice b. britannia splice c. rat tail tie
  • 35. Visit For more Pdf's Books 148. If the transistor is an NPN type the base is . Visit For more Pdf's Books Visit For more Pdf's Books A. Negative & positive B. Negative C. Positive D. Common 149. Which of the following is a safe and acceptable way to thaw a frozen chicken?? A. Gradual thawing at room temperature B. Rapid thawing in boiling water C. Gradual thawing under hot running water D. Gradual thawing under refrigeration. 150. When a semi-conductor diode`s anode terminal is supplied with negative dc voltage and the cathode with positive dc voltage, the diode bias is. A. Forward B. Reverse C. No bias D. More bias 151. A good draftsman will never letter without the use of ? a. Line b. Guidelines c. Horizontal lines d. Border lines 152. if you are a licensed technician, how are you going to state the formulas for the three equations of ohm's law ? a. E=I/R or I=RxE or R=I/E b. E=IxR or I=E/R or R=E/I c. E=R/I or R=IxE or I=R/E d. E=IxR or R=IxE or R=I/E Good luck and God bless!
  • 36. PRE-BOARD EXAMS IN TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION(TLE) (ANSWER KEY) 1. Lumber is as good as its preparation. When it is dried the process involved is . A. seasoning C. Lumbering B. staining D. Logging 2. There are numerous kinds of saw. The one used for sawing along the grain of wood is called . A. back saw C. Rip saw B. cross cut saw D. Turning saw 3. When the diameter of cylindrical object is to be measured, the tool to be used is . A. ruler C. Pull-push rule B. calliper D. Meter stick 4. Fastening materials are important in woodworks. The most common of these materials is . A. dowel C. Screw B. bolts D. Nails 5. The smallest division of the metric scale that you can find in the steel rule is . A. decimeter C. Millimeter B. centimetre D. meter 6. The strongest form of wood joint applicable for table legs is . A. miter C. Dado B. mortice and tenon D. Butt and tap 7. You are almost finished with your project. One of the procedures below is done before the application of finishing materials. A. cutting C. Sanding B. spraying D. Varnishing 8. What is the conversion equivalent of one inch to centimetres? A. 25.4 C. 0.254 B. 2.54 D. 0.0254 9. A surfaced lumber where four of its sides are smooth or planed is called . A. S3S C. Rough B. S2S D. S4S 10. In carpentry, splicing or joining of wood using two side blocks is called . A. Lapping C. Fishing B. Scarfing D. Jointing 11. A seasoned lumber is ideal for carpentry works. Which among the following is best to use? A. sun dried C. Air dried D. Natural dried 12. There is considerable number of wood joints. The simplest and easiest to make is . A. Lap joint B. Dado joint D. Butt joint 13. In a wooden floor system, the major horizontal support member upon which the floor system is laid is . C. Miter Joint B. kiln dried
  • 37. A. Floor joist C. Girder B. Sill D. Header 14. A type of roof frame consisting series of triangles used to distribute loads and stiffen the structure of the roof. A. Girts C. Truss B. Rafter D. Purlins 15. A wood product made of three or more veneer slice that are laid one upon the other and bonded with synthetic resin. A. Pressed wood C. Particle wood B. Plywood D. Soft wood 16. Which of the following tools is used in checking the squareness of the corners and flatness of a surface? A. Trammel point C. Sliding T-bevel B. Steel square D. Try square 17. Find the total number of board feet of six pieces of lumber with a dimension of 2” x 4” x 12” A. 8 bd. Ft C. 48 bd. ft. B. 98 bd. ft. D. 4 bd. Ft. 18. Horizontal lines are best drawn using this instrument A. t-square C. Meter stick B. ruler D. Triangles 19. To completely describe a cone, sphere, and rectangular pyramid the number of views needed is . A. one C. Three B. two D. Six 20. This line is projected as a shorter line in a drawing. A. inclined line c. Curve line B. vertical line D. Horizontal line 21. Geometrical solids are usually drawn in . A. two views C. Six views B. Four views D. Eight views 22. These lines are used to indicate the measurement of objects and are represented by fine dark solid lines. A. leader lines C. Dimension lines B. extension lines D. Center lines 23. If a drawing has an equal measure then it refers to . A. perspective drawing C. Mechanical drawing D. Oblique drawing 24. Boxing method is most widely used method of drawing a/an . C. Mechanical view B. pictorial view D. Perspective view 25. When parts that are not seen are represented by series of light dash lines then this line is classified as . A. isometric view B. isometric drawing
  • 38. A. reference line C. Section line B. visible line D. Invisible line 26. If all the information needed to complete construction of a product is shown then this type of mechanical drawing is called . A. schematic drawing C. Working drawing B. orthographic drawing D. Pictorial drawing 27. One of the best practice of a good draftsman is to NEVER letter without . A. guidelines C. Lettering pens B. pencil D. Ink 28. If a drawing has one surface that is parallel to the picture plane then this method is called . A. oblique drawing C. Perspective drawing B. isometric drawing D. Orthographic drawing 29. This pictorial view is normally seen by the observer’s eyes. Which one is it? A. isometric drawing C. Perspective drawing B. oblique drawing D. Orthographic drawing 30. A drawing instrument that serves as guide in drawing vertical and diagonal lines as in triangles. It is generally used in drawing horizontal lines. Which one is it? A. straight rule C. Triangle B. t-square D. Lettering guide 31. The fine line used to show clearly the dimension limits is called . A. center line C. Dimension line B. Extension line D. Phantom line 32. A type of section used to emphasize the interior construction of an object without destroying the continuity of the exterior view. A. Phantom section or Hidden section C. Revolved section B. Removed or detailed section D. Full section 33. A horizontal guide line used to determine the general height of lower case letters. A. Base line C. Waist line B. Cap line D. Drop line 34. Letters that are composed of uniform width elements are classified as . a. italic letters C. Gothic letters b. Text letters D. Roman letters 35. The most widely used masonry materials for construction works A. Ashlar C. Rubble stones B. Bricks D. Concrete hollow blocks 36. It is the masonry material manufactured from clay and other materials A. stones B. Adobe D. Course rubbles 37. What is the tool used to guide the vertical position in laying bricks? C. Spirit level B. Water hose D. String or chord 38. Which of the following is NOT a requirement to consider in proportioning concrete mixture? A. plumb bob C. Bricks
  • 39. A. economy C. Strength B. workability D. Flexibility 39. Concrete is said to be workable if it can be molded or deformed without segregation. This characteristic is known as . A. consistency C. Mobility B. plasticity D. Workability 40. Following are factors that regulate the strength of concrete except one . Which is it? A. Correct proportion of ingredients B. Proper method of mixing C. Adequate protection of concrete during curing D. Dropping concrete mixture from high elevation. 41. What class of concrete mixture is consisting of 1 bag cement, 2 cu. Ft. of sand, and 4 cu. Ft. of gravel or 1:2:4? A. Class AA C. Class B B. Class A D. Class C 42. Which among the following is a surface finishing tool for concrete? A. crandal C. Float B. Bolster D. Spade 43. Bricks are laid where its longer side is exposed to view. This arrangement is called . A. Header C. Bond B. Stretcher D. Ashlar 44. In setting up concrete pavers, what material is used to prevent erosion from drainage? a. Filter fabric C. Compacted gravel B. Jute sack D. Bed of Sand 45. A person who installs pipes, fixtures and other apparatus to convey the supply water in buildings and to dispose and discharge waste water. A. Carpenter C. Mason B. Plumber D. Mechanic 46. What must be installed to prevent siphonage or backflow of the water seal in the drainage system? A. vent pipe C. Soil pipe B. Drain pipe D. Cleanout 47. Which of the following is NOT required by the National Plumbing Code? A. Drainage pipe should be inclined properly for a downward gravity flow of water B. Drainage pipe should be provided with adequate cleanout C. No ventilation pipe is needed D. All pipe joints must be well-fitted and tightly connected 48. The pipe that conveys waste from various fixture other than from the water closet. C. Vent pipe B. soil pipe d. Drain pipe 49. It is a fitting or device that provides liquid seal to prevent the back passage of air. A. Loop C. Sewer B. fixture D. Trap A. waste pipe
  • 40. 50. The tools used to tighten or loosen hexagonal fittings like unions and other metal fittings. A. Pipe vise C. Wrenches B. Pliers D. Threader 51. It is a receptacle or vault used to collect organic waste discharged from the house sewer. A. septic tank C. Water tank B. manhole D. Waste tank 52. The semi-liquid substance accumulated at the bottom of the septic tank. A. scum C. Sludge B. sediment D. Silt 53. What is the ideal inclination of a horizontal waste pipe as recommended by the National Plumbing Code? A. 2% slope C. 4% slope B. 3% slope D. 0% slope or level position 54. For purposes of troubleshooting in case of stoppage of flow. What must be installed in the pipe system? A. vent pipe C. Drain B. cleanout D. Tee fitting 55. An underground tunnel that carries off the drainage and waste matter from a home or town is called . A. Drainage system C. Sewerage B. Fixture D. Sewer 56. The kind of fitting used to connect fixed pipe and fixtures is a . A. wye fitting C. Union fitting B. Tee fitting D. Reducer 57. A fitting or device installed at the inlet of a water pump to prevent backflow of water. A. inlet valve C. Suction valve B. check valve D. Gate valve 58. It is a device installed in water lines that can be closed or opened to allow installation or troubleshooting of fixtures A. check valve C. Gate valve B. inlet valve D. Float valve 59. A metal or plastic fitting used to connect smaller pipe from a larger pipe A. reducer C. Nipple B. bushing D. Coupling 60. What material is used to seal off threaded fittings to avoid leakage? A. masking tape C. Scotch tape D. Adhesive gum 61. Plastic pipes are commonly used in water fixture installation nowadays. Which of the following is preferred? C. Unplasticized PVC (uPVC) B. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC) D. Styrene rubber plastic (SR) 62. Circuit breakers are used to protect household electrical circuits. What is the ampacity rating of A. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) B. Teflon tape
  • 41. the breaker used for convenience outlets or general purpose circuits? A. 20 ampere C. 15 amperes B. 30 amperes D. 60 amperes 63. A form of electricity where the flow of current is always in the same direction . A. voltage C. Alternating current B. power D. Direct current 64. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of electrical current is recognized as . A. power C. Electromagnetic force B. resistance D. Frequency 65. A part of an electric current which converts electrical energy into another form of energy to do work A. load C. Source B. circuit D. Control 66. A part of an electrical circuit, consist of batteries, generator or a main electrical power which supplies electricity. A. control C. Source B. load D. Voltage 67. What is the voltage required by an automatic pressure cooker having a resistance of 20 0hms when the current flowing is 8 amperes. A. 240 volts C. 120 volts B. 480 volts D. 160 volts 68. A law that states that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance is known as . A. PEC C. Kirchoff’s law B. law of resistivity D. Ohm’s Law 69. In ohm’s law to find the unknown voltage in the circuit, the formula to be used is . A. E=IXR C. I=E/R B. E=I/R D. E=R/I 70. What amount of current does a 40-watt fluorescent lamp draw from a 220 volts power source? A. 5.5 amperes C. 25.5 amperes B. 0.18 amperes D. 50.5 amperes 71. There are several factors involved in electrical wiring installation but the foremost consideration is . A. cost C. Safety B. labor D. Function 72. The standard number or diameter of wires for convenience outlet layout should be A. No. 12 C. No. 18 D. No. 10 73. To comply with the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code the appropriate fuse rating for lighting outlet should be . A. 15 amperes C. 60 amperes D. 20 amperes B. 30 amperes B. No. 14
  • 42. 74. Planning and designing of electrical wiring plan is being done in order to . A. provide efficient and effective wiring system of the building B. maintain quality workmanship C. avoid overloaded circuit D. protect the circuit from high current 75. In a 220- volt power line, three 50 watt incandescent bulbs are connected in parallel. How many more bulbs will light if one of the bulbs is open? A. one C. All B. two D. None 76. An electrical component used to control electrical circuit in two different locations. A. four-way switch C. Push button switch B. Three-way switch D. Remote controlled switch 77. In a simple electrical connection, one of the lines of the source is connected to . A. Terminal 1 of the load C. Terminal 1 of the switch B. Terminal 2 of the load D. Terminal 1 & 2 of the switch 78. Which of the following electrical symbols means that there are three wires running in a line? A.---- ---- C. ----- -------- B. --- --- D. S3W 79. To conserve energy, what kind of lamp should be used in lighting fixtures? A. incandescent lamp C. Compact fluorescent lamp B. mercury lamp D. Neon lamp 80. The size of electrical wire recommended for installing lighting fixtures A. No. 12 AWG C. No. 18 AWG B. No. 10 AWG D. No. 14 AWG 81. In the electronic symbol of a transistor, the electrode with an arrow is the A. emitter C. Collector B. base D. Cathode 82. You will find an electrode nearest the white band on a rectifier. What is it? A. Anode C. Gate B. cathode D. Main terminal 83. An ordinary radio can be tuned to different stations. The electronic component responsible for this function is the A. tuning capacitor C. IF transformer B. oscillator coil D. Detector diode 84. If the transistor is an NPN type the base is . A. negative & positive C. Positive D. Common 85. Printed on the dial of an AM radio is an RF band covering . C. 16Hz – 20kHz B. 88 – 108 Mhz D. 535 – 1605kHz 86. Volt Ohm Milliameter or VOM, is a measuring instrument. Which of the following VOM function uses its internal battery? A. 76khz – 90Mhz B. negative
  • 43. A. DC milliameter C. DC voltmeter B. Ohmmeter D. AC voltmeter 87. When a diode is tested and the reading is zero, it means the diode is . A. shorted C. Leaky B. Open D. Good 88. If the arrow of a transistor symbol is pointing inward it tells us that the transistor is: A. NPN C. Bipolar B. PNP D. Injunction 89. Working efficiently is a good work habit. Tinning the tip of a soldering iron refers to: A. Cleaning the tip with a sand paper C. Cutting the tip B. Making the tip pointed D. Applying flux to the tip 90. The condition of a loud speaker is tested more accurately using one of the ranges listed below A. R x 1K C. R x 1 B. R x 10 D. R x 10K 91. One of the following is a non-polarized electronic equipment A. transistor C. Diode B. resistor D. Electrolytic capacitor 92. A schematic diagram shows the components of an electronic circuit by means of . A. symbol C. Physical appearance B. construction D. Linear appearance 93. The voltage rating found in as capacitor is called A. peak-reverse voltage C. Blow-up voltage B. working voltage D. Breakdown voltage 94. There are various types of diodes. The diode that acts as a regulator is the . A. silicon diode C. Light emitting diode B. tunnel diode D. Zener diode 95. Which of the following is the value and tolerance respectively of a resistor coded with Yellow- Violet-Black-Gold? A. 47 ohms, 5% C. 4.7 ohms, 5% B. 0.47 ohms, 5% D. 470 ohms, 5% 96. A diode is an electronic part that at all times is expected to do one of the following functions. Which one is it? A. allow current to flow in both directions B. multiply voltage C. allow current to flow in one direction only D. not allow any current flow 97. The type of current whose amplitude drops to zero periodically and is produced in rectifier is known as A. Pulsating Direct Current B. Damped Alternating Current D. Saw tooth wave 98. The common cause of an erratic or distorted sound of a transistor radio is a defective . A. amplifier C. Antenna C. Varying Direct Current
  • 44. B. volume control D. Tuner 99. An appliance with 110 Volts AC supply is accidentally plugged to a 220 volts Ac outlet. What component is usually destroyed? A. Switch C. Line fuse B. AC plug D. Power transformer 100. What happens to a transistor radio when batteries are connected in reverse polarity? A. it will not operate B. it will operate for a while and eventually stops C. it will erratically operate D. it will operate normally 101. What do you call the activity being undertaken in the factory that results to a product? A. packaging C. Technology B. dressing D. Manufacturing 102. What do you call the proof of equality of the entire debit and the credit balances in the ledger at the end of a period of time? A. income statement C. Trial balance B. balance diet D. Footing 103. What kind of business relies on sales as the principal income? A. investment C. Manufacturing B. trading D. Service 104. What quality an entrepreneur must possess is characterized by believing in his ability to get things done and overcome obstacles? A. competency C. Perseverance B. decision making D. Self-confidence 105. Aside from planning on how to hire employees, what else is a task of management? A. how to feed them C. How to keep them in the company B. how to make them pay taxes D. How to be productive 106. In what part of a business plan can you find a study of the business competitors, the supply and demand of the product, the marketing program, and projected sales? A. market feasibility C. Financial feasibility B. production plan D. Organizational plan 107. Mr. Santos is an entrepreneur who needs to pay taxes and other accounts payable before the end of the year. This should be reflected in his financial statement as A. asset C. Credit B. liabilities D. Debit 108. What theory believes that the government should not interfere in economic activities A. Ricardian Theory B. Laissez Faire D. Scientific management theory 109. The term used to describe the ability to create a new product and find ways and means to improve it is known as A. management C. Ability B. judgement D. Creativity C. Keynesian Theory
  • 45. 110. Every customer should be protected against the marketing goods hazardous to health. This is right . A. to safety C. To be informed B. to be heard D. To choose 111. Production of goods and services through entrepreneurship paves the way for a healthy competition and encourage . A. production and more quality products B. production of less quality products C. high prices D. profit 112. Modernization of technology and streamlining of functions lead to . A. development C. Security B. diffusion D. Responsibility 113. If an entrepreneur accepts full responsibility for problems in the completion of a job for customers then he is . A. committed worker C. Hard worker B. risk taker D. Salesman 114. In management, “putting the right person in the right job” is a A. behavioural approach C. Contingency approach B. situational approach D. Scientific management approach 115. The theory that explains that there are two extreme assumptions management makes about people. A. Modern Operational Management C. Theory A and Theory B B. Scientific Management theory D. Theory X and Theory Y 116. Quality control refers to the firm’s evaluation of its A. overall performance C. Employee’s performance B. operational control D. Organizational control 117. If an entrepreneur acts to do things that meet or even exceed existing standards of excellence then he is considered to be . A. hardworker C. Committed worker B. risk taker D. Goal setter 118. Profit is a concrete indicator of how well an entrepreneur has managed his A. business C. Affairs B. sales D. Credits 119. If a lot of unknown and uncontrollable factors affect the success or failure of a firm then an entrepreneur should be competent in . C. Introducing innovation B. seeking opportunity D. Planning ahead 120. Accounting refers to the whole process of recording and interpreting results of C. Capital outflow B. means of production D. Stock market 121. The book of original entry which contains records of transaction in their chronological order, A. business transactions A. making decision
  • 46. accounts to be debited and credited and their amount is . A. journal C. Ledger B. balance sheet D. Columnar sheet 122. The process of utilizing land, labor and capital to create market and produce new goods and services A. entrepreneurship C. Proprietorship B. partnership D. Salesman 123. The difference between the actual cost and the retail price is A. mark up C. Cost B. profit D. Selling price 124. The probable problems that a business and entrepreneur face are: A. weakness C. Strengths B. Opportunities D. Threats 125. Reviewing at any point of the business period the strength and weaknesses of the venture is referred to as A. monitoring and evaluating C. Opportunity seeking B. risk taking D. SWOT analysis 126. Overcooking fish is a common problem because fish contains very little A. iron C. Carbohydrate B. collagen D. Iodide 127. Which of the following is not an acidic food ingredient? A. egg white C. Sour cream B. buttermilk D. Lime juice 128. When comparing quick cake mixes with conventional cake mixes, we note that quick cake mixes A. have more eggs C. Have a lower sugar/flour ratio B. have a higher sugar/flour ratio D. Have much less fat 129. To retard ripening in fruits it would be useful to store them in an atmosphere that was A. high in oxygen C. Low in oxygen, high in carbon dioxide B. low in carbon dioxide D. Low in carbon dioxide, high in helium 130. The “wake-up” temperature for dry active yeast is in the range A.55-60 °F C. 105-110 °F B. 85-95 °F D. 130-140 °F 131. Which of the following is not a promoter of oxidative rancidity in unsaturated cooking fats? A. water C. Metal ions such as copper and iron B. heat D. Light 132. Increased temperatures will not increase solubility for which of the following food substances? C. Salt B. sugar D. Baking soda 133. In crystalline candies, to produce a smooth texture, it is desirable to have what size sugar crystals? A. very large C. Large D. Medium B. small A. carbon dioxide