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Action Research in School Education
eTwinning Featured Group
21st of November 2022
Action Research in School Education
Marika Emese Cîmpean
Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group`s moderator
Action Research in School Education 2
Action Research in School Education is the journal released within the
@AReTwinning / eTwinning featured group (founded in April 2022).
The goal of the @AReTwinning Group is to provide an online platform for eTwinners (i.e.,
researchers/early career researchers/ student teachers/ teachers/ teacher educators are working
at ITEs) who are interested in learning more about action research or conducting action research.
Members of the group have access to information about the theoretical framework of action
research and learning events on various topics of action research in school education. They are
encouraged to share and work together to put their action research proposals into action.
Our second online event within the group was an Autumn project fair. Group members
were able to share and present their good practice examples. The activity was organised on 21st of
November 2022, there were 50 participants to the event and this number of our journal is
dedicated to the presentations prepared by the invited experts.
Action Research in School Education journal`s editor in chief and coordinator:
Emese Cîmpean, Action Research in School Education eTwinning Featured Group` moderator
Action Research in School Education
ISSN 2971 – 9658 / ISSN-L 2971 – 9658
Issue 1, nr. 2 / November 2022
 Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National
Support Office
 Barbara Zadraveli - eTwinning ambassador (Greece)
 Vasilica Găzdac - eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador
 Marika Emese Cîmpean - eTwinning and Erasmus
ambassador / Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group`s moderator
Action Research in School Education 3
Action Research in School Education
ISSN 2971 – 9658 / ISSN-L 2971 – 9658
Issue 1, nr. 2 / November 2022
Action Research in School Education
eTwinning Featured Group
21st of November 2022
Action Research in School Education
Autumn projects` fair
21st November 2022
Marika Emese Cîmpean
Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group`s moderator
About the experts
 Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National
Support Office
 Barbara Zadraveli - eTwinning ambassador (Greece)
 Vasilica Găzdac - eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador
 Marika Emese Cîmpean - eTwinning and Erasmus
ambassador / Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group`s moderator
Action Research in School Education 5
About the participants
- MENTI.COM: 8858 0242
Action Research in School Education 6
Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group
Action Research in School Education 7
Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group
Action Research in School Education 8
Action Research in School Education
Teachers as researchers
Action Research in School Education 9
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 10
eTwinning news
and quality criteria
in eTwinning
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 11
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 12
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 13
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 14
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 15
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 16
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 17
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 18
Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania
National Support Office
Action Research in School Education 19
Barbara Zadraveli – eTwinning ambassador
Action Research in School Education 20
“From eTwinning to
Barbara Zadraveli
Ambassador, Greece
21 /11/ 2022
eTwinning : the
largest School and
Teachers ‘
Community in
Europe – Part of
Erasmus +
 Portal:
What to offer ???
 Collaboration and
platform for the staff
of educational
 Opportunities to
develop collaborative
 Educational
 The perfect tool to find
partners for Erasmus+
 The new unified platform is the
way …
 The unified online platform is
financed by the Erasmus+
 It is directly connected to all
stages of implementation
 Erasmus+ preparation -
Finding partners
 From… to
 Basic quality
criterion of an
Erasmus+ project
 Basic Action 1 &
 Schools are
encouraged to
participate in the
eTwinning platform
 "...the project
incorporates the use
of digital tools -
especially -
 Basic Eligibility
 Have you used or intend to use
eTwinning, for preparation,
 implementation or
monitoring of the Erasmus+
Digital dimension
 " the context of
projects in the field of
school education, the use
of the electronic twinning
platform, eTwinning is
strongly encouraged"
 Through the etwinning /
Erasmus + unified
 https://school-
 Create a project of the
same name
 Use the
as an important tool
Of Implementation
 https://twinspace.etwinning.n
 https://twinspace.etwinning.n
 https://twinspace.etwinning.n
ICT world Winner project -2018
Age category : 12-15
N.A.T.A. an Erasmus+ - etwinning
project 2018-19
Eco Herit@ge matters . An
Erasmus+ /etwinning project ,
 Start with an etwinning project
 Try to find reliable and
hardworking partners
 Plan your activities carefully
 Apply for Erasmus+
The etwinning platform:
the most suitable place to
develop your project!!!
Barbara Zadraveli
@Barbara Zadraveli
Facebook , Twitter
Vasilica Găzdac – eTwinning and Erasmus
ambassador (Romania)
Action Research in School Education 35
STEAM and anti-
Vasilica Găzdac – eTwinning and Erasmus
ambassador (Romania)
Action Research in School Education 36
Erasmus Accreditation is like a facility, a plus it’s
specifically for schools of all types and levels.
A school needs to receive the accreditation only
once in the seven years of the Programme
∙ To apply, educational institutions have to outline
their own strategy for long-term
internationalization and modernization by
presenting a European Development Plan (EDP)
or an Erasmus+ Plan.
Action Research in School Education 37
The objectives for the 15 months of the project
of our institution focus on increasing digital
skills, STEAM skills (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), anti-
bullying behavior of students and improving the
portfolio of methods and teaching aids,
increasing language skills and cultural, reflection
and self-reflection exercise on the classroom
activity of teachers involved in job-shadowing .
In first year 1.09.2021-30.11.2022, we realized:
20 students involved in group mobilities, 6 with
inclusion support;
4 accompanying teachers;
5 teachers in job-shadowing ;
1 teacher in course;
2 invited experts;
Action Research in School Education 38
Because as part of the accreditation we had
short-term mobility of the students, we
looked for schools that could host us and
meet our needs regarding digitization, STEAM
and anti-bullying, we looking for invited
experts and best courses.
I used the search for valuable and viable
-eTwinning space;
-ESEP for courses;
-partners from other
Erasmus actions ( KA2);
Action Research in School Education 39
Gymnazium “Josefa Boska”, Cesky Tesin, Czech
During 24-29.04.2022, our school was
involved in a mixed training event: job-
shadowing and group mobility of students
within the Erasmus + Accreditation
Digitalization, STEAM and Anti-bullying ”“
No: 2021-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-00000034.
From our institution participated in job-
shadowing 3 teachers (Georgeta S.,
Nicoleta B, Mircea S) and in group mobility
10 students from the gymnasium cycle,
grades VII, VIII: (Răzvan B ., Florina A.,
Andrea C., Marius D., Robert G., Denisa I.,
Elias I., Andrei T., Bogdan S., Ismail-
Mohamed A.) together with 2
accompanying teachers.
Action Research in School Education 40
Gymnazium “Josefa Boska”, Cesky Tesin, Czech
The activities carried out in the group mobility
of students consisted of holding joint classes
with Czech students, bilingual classes in Czech
and English or Czech and French using
teamwork, project-based learning method,
cooperative learning method on the topics
mentioned above.
After the classes, the students were involved in
cultural and non-formal activities such as
treasure hunting in the town of Cesky Tesin,
using QR codes, visiting nearby cultural sites:
Podobora Archaeological Park, Karvina Castle,
Leaning Church, Ostrava Zoo , Carvina Castle
on the subject of digitization and STEAM and
on the subject of anti-bullying visit to the
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial in Poland and
socializing games with Czech students.
Action Research in School Education 41
Course with Finnish invited experts:
“Education through action”
Between 27 June - 1July our school hosted a
training course with Finnish experts on the topic
of "Education through action - Out-door
education" invited as part of the Erasmus +
The Finnish partner institution "SEIKKAILUSYKE
represented in our school by the facilitators: Mr.
Seppo Makinen and Mrs. Taina Pitkanen. From
our institution, 20 teachers of various specialties
from all levels of education (preschool, primary,
secondary, professional) participated.
Action Research in School Education 42
Course with Finnish invited experts:
“Education through action”
The activities carried out as part of the invited experts action were planned throughout the week
with elements of training in the classical teaching system, presentations related to the specifics
of Finnish education, practical out-door learning exercises, elements of self-reflection, cohesion
development exercises the team, the integration of out-door education elements within the
lessons, the planning of an excursion working in teams, the realization of the excursion on the
territory of Salva, the evaluation and feedback of the course.
We practiced critical thinking and problem solving through games (flying carpet, scarves), we
learned new cognitive games (evolution game, face game, circle game), to solve mathematical
operations using hands and feet, to perform musical covers using sticks, stones, leaves, grass,
let's draw a snake by combining the work of three teams that received different instructions, the
use of the three emotional states in effective communication with students (I'm fine, I'm not
fine, fix it), the use of the Google Lens application for identification of local flora and fauna.
Action Research in School Education 43
Course with Finnish invited experts:
“Education through action”
Action Research in School Education 44
SU Sveti Chiril i Metodii, Vidin, Bulgaria
During the period 25-29.10.2022, "Tiberiu
Morariu" Salva Vocational School was
involved in a mixed training flow with job-
shadowing internships and group mobility
of students within the Erasmus +
The host school that hosted the mixed
event was S.U Sveti Chiril I Metodii in
Vidin, Bulgaria, specializing in fine arts,
music and choreography; 2 teachers from
our institution participated in job-
shadowing internships. ( Daniel P. , Silvia
B.) and in group mobility 10 students from
the 5th, 6th and 8th grades: ( Răzvan B.,
Daria A., Nicola C., Denisa M., Robert G .,
Darius L., David C., Denis C., Paul S., Silviu
Action Research in School Education 45
SU Sveti Chiril at Metodiu, Vidin, Bulgaria
The activities carried out within the group mobility of the students
consisted of holding joint classes with Bulgarian students, bilingual
art classes in Bulgarian and English using teamwork, outdoor
painting on the Danube embankment, modeling on the theme of
the traditional motif Bulgarian (kilim), the project-based learning
method in anti-bullying classes and the cooperative learning and
digital learning method in the arts.
After the lessons, the students were involved in cultural activities in
the city of Vidin, they were part of the school team participating in
the school parade on the occasion of the religious Feast of St.
Dumitru, meeting with local officials, visiting the I. Popov Cultural
Center. In the second part of the days, tourist attractions in the city
of Vidin and nearby were visited: the Baba Vida Fortress, the City
Museum, the Synagogue, the Church of St. Dumitru, the Church of
St. Pantelimon, the Danube embankment, the Popov Cultural
Center, the Belogradcik fortress, the Măgura caves and Venice.
Action Research in School Education 46
SU Sveti Chiril at Metodiu, Vidin, Bulgaria
An important activity for the participating teachers
was the hour of consultations and analysis of the
assisted activities together with the Bulgarian
teachers where they discussed educational
resources, digital applications, the curricula of the
two education systems, the methods of
assessment of secondary school students
centered on skills, the discussions with the school
management about the activities in the school,
projects, partnerships, the financing methods of
the school, the similarities and differences
between the two education systems. The
movement to realize the training flow was carried
out with a green means of transport to reduce the
carbon footprint and to raise the participants'
awareness of the importance of protecting the
Action Research in School Education 47
Research and Valorization of the results
An important aspect of the accreditation action in
the educational institutions involved is research
for educational purposes and one of the
proposed objectives is the measurement of
STEAM skills and the identification of the factors
that determine the growth of these skills through
the European educational exchanges facilitated
by the eTwinning and Erasmus+ programs.
Research is conducted through observations,
questionnaires and other measurement methods
to see the growth of STEAM skills: critical
thinking, team-work, problem solving, creativity,
communication skills, intercultural skills etc.
Action Research in School Education 48
Autumn projects fair
Thank you for attention!
“The European Commission support for the production of this
publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which
reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein”.
Action Research in School Education 49
Emese Cîmpean – eTwinning and Erasmus
ambassador (Romania)
Action Research in School Education 50
through eTwinning /
Our future: beautiful,
sustainable, together
The United Nations has defined sustainable development as development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. It assumes that resources are finite and should therefore be used conservatively and
carefully to ensure that they are sufficient for future generations without diminishing the quality
of life today. A sustainable society must be socially responsible, focusing on environmental
protection and dynamic balance in human and natural systems..
Sustainability is
the ability to exist
and develop -
without depleting
natural resources
for the future.
Action Research in School Education
Eco-Clubs and sustainable living
ECO Christmas
Action Research in School Education
Eco-Clubs and sustainable living
Reused T-shirts and stone painting
Action Research in School Education 53
Eco-Clubs and sustainable living
Action Research in School Education 54
Plogging baggs /
plogging activtities
Eco-Clubs and, the Climate Action project and CodeWeek
Action Research in School Education 55
eTwinning and sustainability: Green Behavior Code
Action Research in School Education 56
eTwinning and sustainability: Our sustainable holiday trip
Action Research in School Education 57
eTwinning and sustainability: O.S.H.T. 2.0
Action Research in School Education 58
Why research? Why action-research?
Action Research in School Education 59
“Without data,
you’re just another
person with an
W. Edwards
Need Analysis– Ecology/Sustainability/Eco-School
Action Research in School Education 60
Self-reflection: SELFIE – DigComp / Research questions
Action Research in School Education 61
How could the SELFIE tool
help our school to assess
where we stand with
learning in the digital age?
How can school improve
how it uses technology for
teaching and learning?
Does the school have a
vision for how it wants to
use technology and, if so,
do staff and students know
what it is?
Action Research in School Education 62
Research questions
The research methods used were
observation, analysis of students’ work
and a questionnaire-based survey, applied
to primary, lower and upper secondary
students and teachers from „Petru Rareș”
National College Beclean, in the 2020-2021
school year, between 30 November – 15
December 2020
Action Research in School Education 63
As part of our research, the SELFIE
questionnaires were completed for all the 3 levels of
school education from “Petru Rareș” National College
(primary, lower secondary and upper secondary), as
• Primary : 118 primary school students; 5 primary
school teachers and 2 headmasters;
• Lower secondary school: 124 lower secondary
students, 19 teachers and 2 headmasters;
• Highschool: 478 upper secondary students, 30
teachers and 2 school leaders.
Action Research in School Education 64
Primary school students
High school students
Priorities of my school,
part of the Erasmus Plan
O1. Increased
competences by
21% during
accreditation to
194 pupils and 50
teachers (through
activities in
eTwinning and
O2. Increasing
competences by
15% among
students and
among 10% of
teachers - through
learning method
Action Research in School Education
Priorities of my school,
part of the Erasmus Plan
Action Research in School Education
2022 - 2023
Priorities of my school,
part of the Erasmus Plan: GREEN COMPETENCES
Action Research in School Education
Priorities of my school,
part of the Erasmus Plan: GREEN COMPETENCES
Action Research in School Education
What happens next in the AReTwinning group?
Action Research in School Education 69
What happens next in the AReTwinning group?
Action Research in School Education 70
What happens next in the AReTwinning group?
Action Research in School Education 71
• Webinar – 5th of December 2022 (call for presenters is open)
Global Education Week in the AReTwinning group –
you can still contribute to the activity
Action Research in School Education 72
Autumn projects` fair – you can still contribute here:
Action Research in School Education 73
Q&A + Feedback
Feedback link:
Action Research in School Education 74
Thank you all for being here!
Action Research in School Education 75
With respect,
Emese Cîmpean
eTwinning and Erasmus Ambassador
Action Research in School Education
eTwinning featured group`s moderator
“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which
reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein”.
Action Research in School Education
ISSN 2971 – 9658 / ISSN-L 2971 – 9658
Issue 1, nr. 2 / November 2022

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Action Research in School Education #AReTwinning journal (nr. 2/2022)

  • 1. Action Research in School Education eTwinning Featured Group AUTUMN PROJECTS` FAIR 21st of November 2022 Action Research in School Education Marika Emese Cîmpean Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group`s moderator
  • 2. Action Research in School Education 2 Action Research in School Education is the journal released within the @AReTwinning / eTwinning featured group (founded in April 2022). The goal of the @AReTwinning Group is to provide an online platform for eTwinners (i.e., researchers/early career researchers/ student teachers/ teachers/ teacher educators are working at ITEs) who are interested in learning more about action research or conducting action research. Members of the group have access to information about the theoretical framework of action research and learning events on various topics of action research in school education. They are encouraged to share and work together to put their action research proposals into action. Our second online event within the group was an Autumn project fair. Group members were able to share and present their good practice examples. The activity was organised on 21st of November 2022, there were 50 participants to the event and this number of our journal is dedicated to the presentations prepared by the invited experts. Action Research in School Education journal`s editor in chief and coordinator: Emese Cîmpean, Action Research in School Education eTwinning Featured Group` moderator Action Research in School Education #AReTwinning ISSN 2971 – 9658 / ISSN-L 2971 – 9658 Issue 1, nr. 2 / November 2022
  • 3. Contributors:  Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office  Barbara Zadraveli - eTwinning ambassador (Greece)  Vasilica Găzdac - eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador (Romania)  Marika Emese Cîmpean - eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador / Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group`s moderator Action Research in School Education 3 Action Research in School Education ISSN 2971 – 9658 / ISSN-L 2971 – 9658 Issue 1, nr. 2 / November 2022
  • 4. Action Research in School Education eTwinning Featured Group AUTUMN PROJECTS` FAIR 21st of November 2022 Action Research in School Education Autumn projects` fair 21st November 2022 Marika Emese Cîmpean Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group`s moderator
  • 5. About the experts  Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office  Barbara Zadraveli - eTwinning ambassador (Greece)  Vasilica Găzdac - eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador (Romania)  Marika Emese Cîmpean - eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador / Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group`s moderator Action Research in School Education 5
  • 6. About the participants - MENTI.COM: 8858 0242 Action Research in School Education 6 Link:
  • 7. Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group Action Research in School Education 7 #AReTwinning
  • 8. Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group Action Research in School Education 8 #AReTwinning
  • 9. Action Research in School Education Teachers as researchers Action Research in School Education 9 Link:
  • 10. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 10 eTwinning news and quality criteria in eTwinning projects
  • 11. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 11
  • 12. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 12
  • 13. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 13
  • 14. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 14
  • 15. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 15
  • 16. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 16
  • 17. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 17
  • 18. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 18
  • 19. Mirela Alexandru – eTwinning Romania National Support Office Action Research in School Education 19
  • 20. Barbara Zadraveli – eTwinning ambassador (Greece) Action Research in School Education 20 From eTwinning to Erasmus+
  • 21. “From eTwinning to Erasmus+” Barbara Zadraveli eTwinning Ambassador, Greece
  • 23. eTwinning : the largest School and Teachers ‘ Community in Europe – Part of Erasmus +  Portal: https://school- /el/etwinning What to offer ???  Collaboration and communication platform for the staff of educational institutions  Opportunities to develop collaborative projects  Educational Training- Professional Development prospects
  • 24.
  • 25.  The perfect tool to find partners for Erasmus+ partnerships  The new unified platform is the way …
  • 26.  The unified online platform is financed by the Erasmus+ program  It is directly connected to all stages of implementation  Erasmus+ preparation - Finding partners  From… to
  • 27.  Basic quality assessment criterion of an Erasmus+ project  Basic Action 1 & 2  Schools are encouraged to participate in the eTwinning platform  "...the project incorporates the use of digital tools - especially - eTwinning-..."
  • 28.  Basic Eligibility Question…  Have you used or intend to use eTwinning, for preparation,  implementation or monitoring of the Erasmus+ project
  • 29. Digital dimension  " the context of projects in the field of school education, the use of the electronic twinning platform, eTwinning is strongly encouraged"
  • 30.  Through the etwinning / Erasmus + unified platform  https://school- n How???  Create a project of the same name  Use the twinspace as an important tool Of Implementation Dissemination Sustainability
  • 31.  https://twinspace.etwinning.n et/40102/home  https://twinspace.etwinning.n et/71012/home  https://twinspace.etwinning.n et/86914/home ICT world Winner project -2018 Age category : 12-15 N.A.T.A. an Erasmus+ - etwinning project 2018-19 Eco Herit@ge matters . An Erasmus+ /etwinning project , 2019-2022
  • 32.  Start with an etwinning project  Try to find reliable and hardworking partners  Plan your activities carefully  Apply for Erasmus+ N.M. The etwinning platform: the most suitable place to develop your project!!!
  • 33.
  • 35. Vasilica Găzdac – eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador (Romania) Action Research in School Education 35 Digitalization, STEAM and anti- bullying
  • 36. Vasilica Găzdac – eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador (Romania) Action Research in School Education 36
  • 37. Erasmus Accreditation is like a facility, a plus it’s specifically for schools of all types and levels. A school needs to receive the accreditation only once in the seven years of the Programme (2022-2027). ∙ To apply, educational institutions have to outline their own strategy for long-term internationalization and modernization by presenting a European Development Plan (EDP) or an Erasmus+ Plan. Action Research in School Education 37 WHAT IS ACCREDITATION?
  • 38. FIRST YEAR OF ACCREDITATION IN MY SCHOOL The objectives for the 15 months of the project of our institution focus on increasing digital skills, STEAM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), anti- bullying behavior of students and improving the portfolio of methods and teaching aids, increasing language skills and cultural, reflection and self-reflection exercise on the classroom activity of teachers involved in job-shadowing . In first year 1.09.2021-30.11.2022, we realized: 20 students involved in group mobilities, 6 with inclusion support; 4 accompanying teachers; 5 teachers in job-shadowing ; 1 teacher in course; 2 invited experts; Action Research in School Education 38
  • 39. HOW WE FOUND OUR PARTNERS? Because as part of the accreditation we had short-term mobility of the students, we looked for schools that could host us and meet our needs regarding digitization, STEAM and anti-bullying, we looking for invited experts and best courses. I used the search for valuable and viable partners -eTwinning space; -ESEP for courses; -partners from other Erasmus actions ( KA2); Action Research in School Education 39
  • 40. Gymnazium “Josefa Boska”, Cesky Tesin, Czech Republic During 24-29.04.2022, our school was involved in a mixed training event: job- shadowing and group mobility of students within the Erasmus + Accreditation Digitalization, STEAM and Anti-bullying ”“ No: 2021-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-00000034. From our institution participated in job- shadowing 3 teachers (Georgeta S., Nicoleta B, Mircea S) and in group mobility 10 students from the gymnasium cycle, grades VII, VIII: (Răzvan B ., Florina A., Andrea C., Marius D., Robert G., Denisa I., Elias I., Andrei T., Bogdan S., Ismail- Mohamed A.) together with 2 accompanying teachers. Action Research in School Education 40
  • 41. Gymnazium “Josefa Boska”, Cesky Tesin, Czech Republic The activities carried out in the group mobility of students consisted of holding joint classes with Czech students, bilingual classes in Czech and English or Czech and French using teamwork, project-based learning method, cooperative learning method on the topics mentioned above. After the classes, the students were involved in cultural and non-formal activities such as treasure hunting in the town of Cesky Tesin, using QR codes, visiting nearby cultural sites: Podobora Archaeological Park, Karvina Castle, Leaning Church, Ostrava Zoo , Carvina Castle on the subject of digitization and STEAM and on the subject of anti-bullying visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial in Poland and socializing games with Czech students. Action Research in School Education 41
  • 42. Course with Finnish invited experts: “Education through action” Between 27 June - 1July our school hosted a training course with Finnish experts on the topic of "Education through action - Out-door education" invited as part of the Erasmus + Accreditation. The Finnish partner institution "SEIKKAILUSYKE OYY ADVENTRURE PULSE LTD FINLAND" was represented in our school by the facilitators: Mr. Seppo Makinen and Mrs. Taina Pitkanen. From our institution, 20 teachers of various specialties from all levels of education (preschool, primary, secondary, professional) participated. Action Research in School Education 42
  • 43. Course with Finnish invited experts: “Education through action” The activities carried out as part of the invited experts action were planned throughout the week with elements of training in the classical teaching system, presentations related to the specifics of Finnish education, practical out-door learning exercises, elements of self-reflection, cohesion development exercises the team, the integration of out-door education elements within the lessons, the planning of an excursion working in teams, the realization of the excursion on the territory of Salva, the evaluation and feedback of the course. We practiced critical thinking and problem solving through games (flying carpet, scarves), we learned new cognitive games (evolution game, face game, circle game), to solve mathematical operations using hands and feet, to perform musical covers using sticks, stones, leaves, grass, let's draw a snake by combining the work of three teams that received different instructions, the use of the three emotional states in effective communication with students (I'm fine, I'm not fine, fix it), the use of the Google Lens application for identification of local flora and fauna. Action Research in School Education 43
  • 44. Course with Finnish invited experts: “Education through action” Action Research in School Education 44
  • 45. SU Sveti Chiril i Metodii, Vidin, Bulgaria During the period 25-29.10.2022, "Tiberiu Morariu" Salva Vocational School was involved in a mixed training flow with job- shadowing internships and group mobility of students within the Erasmus + Accreditation. The host school that hosted the mixed event was S.U Sveti Chiril I Metodii in Vidin, Bulgaria, specializing in fine arts, music and choreography; 2 teachers from our institution participated in job- shadowing internships. ( Daniel P. , Silvia B.) and in group mobility 10 students from the 5th, 6th and 8th grades: ( Răzvan B., Daria A., Nicola C., Denisa M., Robert G ., Darius L., David C., Denis C., Paul S., Silviu B.) Action Research in School Education 45
  • 46. SU Sveti Chiril at Metodiu, Vidin, Bulgaria The activities carried out within the group mobility of the students consisted of holding joint classes with Bulgarian students, bilingual art classes in Bulgarian and English using teamwork, outdoor painting on the Danube embankment, modeling on the theme of the traditional motif Bulgarian (kilim), the project-based learning method in anti-bullying classes and the cooperative learning and digital learning method in the arts. After the lessons, the students were involved in cultural activities in the city of Vidin, they were part of the school team participating in the school parade on the occasion of the religious Feast of St. Dumitru, meeting with local officials, visiting the I. Popov Cultural Center. In the second part of the days, tourist attractions in the city of Vidin and nearby were visited: the Baba Vida Fortress, the City Museum, the Synagogue, the Church of St. Dumitru, the Church of St. Pantelimon, the Danube embankment, the Popov Cultural Center, the Belogradcik fortress, the Măgura caves and Venice. Action Research in School Education 46
  • 47. SU Sveti Chiril at Metodiu, Vidin, Bulgaria An important activity for the participating teachers was the hour of consultations and analysis of the assisted activities together with the Bulgarian teachers where they discussed educational resources, digital applications, the curricula of the two education systems, the methods of assessment of secondary school students centered on skills, the discussions with the school management about the activities in the school, projects, partnerships, the financing methods of the school, the similarities and differences between the two education systems. The movement to realize the training flow was carried out with a green means of transport to reduce the carbon footprint and to raise the participants' awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. Action Research in School Education 47
  • 48. Research and Valorization of the results An important aspect of the accreditation action in the educational institutions involved is research for educational purposes and one of the proposed objectives is the measurement of STEAM skills and the identification of the factors that determine the growth of these skills through the European educational exchanges facilitated by the eTwinning and Erasmus+ programs. Research is conducted through observations, questionnaires and other measurement methods to see the growth of STEAM skills: critical thinking, team-work, problem solving, creativity, communication skills, intercultural skills etc. Action Research in School Education 48
  • 49. Autumn projects fair Thank you for attention! #AmbasadorErasmus #AmbasadoreTwinning Contact: “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”. Action Research in School Education 49
  • 50. Emese Cîmpean – eTwinning and Erasmus ambassador (Romania) Action Research in School Education 50 Sustainability through eTwinning / Erasmus+
  • 51. 51 Our future: beautiful, sustainable, together The United Nations has defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It assumes that resources are finite and should therefore be used conservatively and carefully to ensure that they are sufficient for future generations without diminishing the quality of life today. A sustainable society must be socially responsible, focusing on environmental protection and dynamic balance in human and natural systems.. Sustainability is the ability to exist and develop - without depleting natural resources for the future. Action Research in School Education
  • 52. Eco-Clubs and sustainable living 52 Ancient recipes ECO Christmas tree Action Research in School Education
  • 53. Eco-Clubs and sustainable living Reused T-shirts and stone painting Action Research in School Education 53
  • 54. Eco-Clubs and sustainable living Action Research in School Education 54 Plogging baggs / plogging activtities
  • 55. Eco-Clubs and, the Climate Action project and CodeWeek Action Research in School Education 55
  • 56. eTwinning and sustainability: Green Behavior Code Action Research in School Education 56
  • 57. eTwinning and sustainability: Our sustainable holiday trip Action Research in School Education 57
  • 58. eTwinning and sustainability: O.S.H.T. 2.0 Action Research in School Education 58
  • 59. Why research? Why action-research? Action Research in School Education 59 “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion”, W. Edwards Deming
  • 61. Self-reflection: SELFIE – DigComp / Research questions Action Research in School Education 61 How could the SELFIE tool help our school to assess where we stand with learning in the digital age? How can school improve how it uses technology for teaching and learning? Does the school have a vision for how it wants to use technology and, if so, do staff and students know what it is?
  • 62. Action Research in School Education 62 Research questions The research methods used were observation, analysis of students’ work and a questionnaire-based survey, applied to primary, lower and upper secondary students and teachers from „Petru Rareș” National College Beclean, in the 2020-2021 school year, between 30 November – 15 December 2020
  • 63. Action Research in School Education 63 Findings As part of our research, the SELFIE questionnaires were completed for all the 3 levels of school education from “Petru Rareș” National College (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary), as follows: • Primary : 118 primary school students; 5 primary school teachers and 2 headmasters; • Lower secondary school: 124 lower secondary students, 19 teachers and 2 headmasters; • Highschool: 478 upper secondary students, 30 teachers and 2 school leaders.
  • 64. Action Research in School Education 64 Findings Primary school students Gymnasium High school students
  • 65. 65 Priorities of my school, part of the Erasmus Plan 2027 2021 O1. Increased digital competences by 21% during accreditation to 194 pupils and 50 teachers (through blended-learning activities in eTwinning and Erasmus+) O2. Increasing environmental competences by 15% among students and integrated scientific/ecological competences among 10% of teachers - through project-based learning method Action Research in School Education
  • 66. 66 Priorities of my school, part of the Erasmus Plan 2027 2021 Action Research in School Education E-Digital Academy 2022 - 2023
  • 67. 67 Priorities of my school, part of the Erasmus Plan: GREEN COMPETENCES 2027 2021 Action Research in School Education
  • 68. 68 Priorities of my school, part of the Erasmus Plan: GREEN COMPETENCES 2027 2021 Action Research in School Education
  • 69. What happens next in the AReTwinning group? Action Research in School Education 69
  • 70. What happens next in the AReTwinning group? Action Research in School Education 70
  • 71. What happens next in the AReTwinning group? Action Research in School Education 71 • Webinar – 5th of December 2022 (call for presenters is open)
  • 72. Global Education Week in the AReTwinning group – you can still contribute to the activity Action Research in School Education 72 Link: gew_2022
  • 73. Autumn projects` fair – you can still contribute here: Action Research in School Education 73 Link: m/cimpean_eme se/AReTwinning _projects_fair
  • 74. Q&A + Feedback Feedback link: Action Research in School Education 74
  • 75. Thank you all for being here! Action Research in School Education 75 With respect, Emese Cîmpean eTwinning and Erasmus Ambassador Action Research in School Education eTwinning featured group`s moderator “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”. #AReTwinning Action Research in School Education ISSN 2971 – 9658 / ISSN-L 2971 – 9658 Issue 1, nr. 2 / November 2022