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Action Research in Education
Dr. Sankar Prasad Mohanty
Associate Professor of Education
Rama Devi Womenā€™s University, Bhubaneswar
February 10, 2019 1
What is Research ?
ā€¢ Research is a systematic attempt to obtain answers to
meaningful questions about phenomena or events.
ā€¢ Application of Scientific Method in study of a problem
ā€¢ It involves objective, impartial , empirical and logical
analysis and recording of controlled observations that
may lead to development of principles, theories,
generalizations etc.
February 10, 2019 2
Educational Research
ā€¢ Classroom teachers are most likely consumers of
ā€¢ Research is one means of seeking answers to questions
ā€¢ Familiar sources of information for our questions
ā€“ Tradition (ways in which we have behaved in the
past; interventions in past and their effect on
ā€“ Authority (opinions of experts; expert supports)
ā€“ Common sense (human reasoning to answer a
question)February 10, 2019 3
ā€¢ Scientific Methodā€”systematic method of
answering questions more objectively
ā€“ Clarify main question/problem
ā€“ State a hypothesis
ā€“ Collect, analyze, and interpret information
ā€“ Form conclusions
ā€“ Use conclusions to verify/reject the hypothesis
ā€¢ Educational researchā€”application of scientific
method to educational topics or questions
ā€“ Process very similar to scientific methodā€¦
February 10, 2019 4
ā€¢ Generic process of educational research:
ā€“ Specify the topic
ā€“ Clarify the specific problem on which the research
will focus
ā€“ Formulate research questions and/or hypotheses
ā€“ Carry out procedures to collect, analyze, and
interpret data
ā€“ State findings resulting from data analyses
ā€“ Draw conclusions related back to
February 10, 2019 5
ā€¢ It is highly purposeful.
ā€¢ It deals with educational problems
regarding students and teachers as well.
ā€¢ It is precise, objective, scientific and
systematic process of investigation.
February 10, 2019 6
ā€¢ It attempts to organize data quantitatively
and qualitatively to arrive at statistical
ā€¢ It discovers new facts in new perspective. i.
e. It generates new knowledge.
ā€¢ It is based on some philosophic theory.
February 10, 2019 7
ā€¢ It depends on the researchers ability,
ingenuity and experience for its
interpretation and conclusions.
ā€¢ It needs interdisciplinary approach for
solving educational problem.
ā€¢ It demands subjective interpretation and
deductive reasoning in some cases. - It uses
classrooms, schools, colleges department of
education as the laboratory for conducting
February 10, 2019 8
ā€“ Quantitative research methods
ā€¢Require numerical data
ā€¢Utilize deductive reasoning (ā€˜top-downā€™
ā€“ Qualitative research methods
ā€¢Require narrative data
ā€¢Utilize inductive reasoning (ā€˜bottom-upā€™
February 10, 2019 9
Quantitative Research
ā€“ Measure variables in order to test hypotheses or
answer research questions
ā€“ Research designs may be nonexperimental or
ā€¢Nonexperimental designs:
ā€“No direct control over variables (i.e., no
ā€“Descriptive studies or designs
ā€“Comparative studies or designs
ā€“Correlational studies or designs
ā€“Causal-comparative studies or designs
February 10, 2019 10
ā€¢Experimental designs:
ā€“Researcher has control over one or more
ā€“Independent and dependent variables
ā€“Experimental (or treatment) and control
(or comparison) groups
ā€“Descriptive and inferential statistics
ā€“Statistical significance
ā€“Samples versus populations
February 10, 2019 11
Qualitative Research
ā€“ Broader, more holistic approach to research
ā€“ No control or manipulation of variables
ā€“ Triangulation is a key process
ā€“ Utilizes logico-inductive analysis
ā€“ Numerous research designs exist:
ā€¢Phenomenological studies
ā€¢Ethnographic studies
ā€¢Grounded theory research
ā€¢Case studies
February 10, 2019 12
Mixed-methods research
ā€“ Studies that combine both quantitative and
qualitative data
ā€“ Many individuals consider action research
studies to be most similar to mixed-methods
research (than purely quantitative or
qualitative research)
February 10, 2019 13
Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning
Tentative hypothesis
February 10, 2019 14
Types of Research
ļƒ¼Basic Research
ļƒ¼Applied Research
ļƒ¼Action Research
February 10, 2019 15
Basic Research
ļƒ¼ Basic research is designed to add to an organized
body of scientific knowledge and does not necessarily
produce results of immediate practical value
ļƒ¼ Formulation of theory
ļƒ¼ Contribution to the existing body of knowledge
ļƒ¼ To obtain/use empirical data to formulate, expand or
evaluate theory
ļƒ¼ Pure or fundamental research
ļƒ¼ From physical sciences
ļƒ¼ Discovery of knowledge for the sake of knowledge
ļƒ¼ Little/No concern for application of findings or social
usefulness of the findingsFebruary 10, 2019 16
Applied Research
ļƒ¼Applied research is undertaken to solve immediate ,
specific and practical problems
ļƒ¼Scientific method of inquiry is used
ļƒ¼Not so rigorous as in case of basic research
ļƒ¼Applied research as the name implies, is conducted for
the purpose of applying, testing, theory and evaluate its
usefulness in solving educational problems
ļƒ¼Most educational research studies are applied research
ļƒ¼Basic research is concerned with establishing general
principles of learning and applied research is concerned
with its utility in educational settings
ļƒ¼Both are inseparableFebruary 10, 2019 17
ā€¢ Research conducted with animals to determine
principles of reinforcement and effects on
ā€¢ Applied research tests these principles to
determine their effectiveness in improving
learning (Programmed instruction) and behaviour
( behavior modification)
February 10, 2019 18
Action Research
ā€¢ Action research is a process in which participants
examine their own educational practice, systematically
and carefully, using the techniques of research.
ā€¢ Action research is a process of systematic reflection,
enquiry and action carried out by individuals about
their own practice.
ā€¢ Action research is a term used to describe
professionals studying their own practice in order to
improve it.
February 10, 2019 19
ā€¢ Action research can be described as a family of
research methodologies which pursue ACTION (or
Change) and RESEARCH (or Understanding) at the
same time.
ā€¢ Action research has the potential to generate
genuine and sustained improvements in schools
February 10, 2019 20
ā€¢ .
February 10, 2019 21
What Is Action Research?
ā€¢ The process by which practitioners attempt to
study their problems scientifically in order to
guide, correct, and evaluate their decisions and
actions is what a number of people have called
action research.
(Stephen, M. Corey)
Researcher is the Practitioner himself.
February 10, 2019 22
ā€¢ Systematic inquiry conducted by teachers,
administrators, and Policy makers with a vested
interest in the teachingā€“ learning process or
environment for purpose of gathering information
about how their particular school operates, how they
teach, and how their students learn (Mills, 2003)
ā€¢ Research done by teachers for themselves
ā€¢ Systematic inquiry into oneā€™s own practices
ā€¢ Research then has increased utility, effectiveness
February 10, 2019 23
ā€¢ Reflectionā€¦
ā€“ Act of critically examining oneā€™s own practice (i.e.,
what you do, why you do it, what are its effects)
ā€“ Integral part of action research process
ā€“ Reflective teachingā€”process of developing lessons
with thoughtful consideration of theory, existing
research, and practical experience, along with
examination of lessonā€™s effect on student learning
ā€“ Process of systematic collection of information
followed by active reflection, with the anticipation
of improving the teachingā€“learning process is at
the core of action research
February 10, 2019 24
Types of Action Research Design
ā€¢ Practical Action Research- enhances the practice
of education through the systematic study of a
local problem.
Examples of Practical Action Research
ļƒ¼An elementary teacher studies the disruptive
behavior of a child in her classroom.
ļƒ¼A college instructor studies his professional
development using technology in teaching.
February 10, 2019 25
ā€¢ Participatory Action Research-
ļƒ¼collaborative and community based research
ļƒ¼contributes to emancipation or change.
ļƒ¼addresses the social problems that constrain and
repress the lives of students and educators.
ļƒ¼Curricula that deny students enrolment.
ļƒ¼Assessments that serve to confirm student failure
rather than learning.
ļƒ¼K-12 classroom interactions that silence and quiet
the voices of certain students.
ļƒ¼Discriminatory allocation of college faculty salaries
that favour men over women.
February 10, 2019 26
ā€¢ Bridge the gap between theory and practice
ā€¢ Improvement of Educational Practices
ā€¢ Teacher empowerment: Teacher as decision
ā€¢ Professional growth opportunities for teachers
ā€¢ Identify educational problems
ā€¢ To develop and test solutions
ā€¢ To expand the knowledge of teachers
February 10, 2019 27
Four-stages procedure
ā€¢ The planning stage
ā€¢ The acting stage
ā€¢ The developing stage
ā€¢ The reflecting stage
February 10, 2019 28
Eight Steps in action research
1. Identifying and Limiting the problem.
2. Analyzing the causes of relevant to the problem
(Review of related Literature)
3. Developing a research Plan (Hypothesis/
Research questions)
4. Implementing the Plan and Collecting data
5. Analyzing the Data
6. Developing an Action Plan
7. Sharing and communicating of results;
8. Reflecting on the process
February 10, 2019 29
Detail Steps In Action Research
ā€¢ Identifying and Limiting the problem
problem to be studied is identified; What to
study; Professional experiences
ā€¢ Review of related Literature: Locating Resources
to determine what others have learned about
solving a particular problem
ā€¢ Objectives of the research and Formulation of the
hypotheses or Research Questions
Fundamental question inherent in research problem; provides
guiding structure to the study
February 10, 2019 30
ļƒ¼ Participant
ļƒ¼ Privileged,
active observer
ļƒ¼ Passive
ļƒ¼Structured Formal
ļƒ¼Attitude Tests
ļƒ¼ Archival
ļƒ¼ Journals
ļƒ¼ Maps
ļƒ¼Audio and Video
February 10, 2019 31
ā€¢ Data Analysis
ļƒ¼data can be analyzed by the researcher or the help
of other educators or data analysis can be sought.
ā€¢ Developing a plan for Action-
ļƒ¼Presenting the data to important stakeholders.
ļƒ¼Establishing a pilot program
ļƒ¼Implementing an ongoing research agenda to
explore new practices.
February 10, 2019 32
ā€¢ Implementation of Plan
to monitor the impact of the proposed solution
ā€¢ Sharing and Communicating the Results
report is shared with educators that can
immediately use the results
ā€¢ Reflection
to know what is learned or gained from
implementation of plan
February 10, 2019 33
Types of the problems that can be
considered under Action Research
ā€¢ Teaching and Learning
ā€¢ Testing and Evaluation
ā€¢ Co-curricular Activities
ā€¢ School Management and Administration
February 10, 2019 34
Related to Teaching and Learning
ļƒ¼ Conceptual clarity
ļƒ¼ Suitable teaching methodology
ļƒ¼ Teacher ā€“ taught relationship
ļƒ¼ Conducive environment for studies
ļƒ¼ Problems of communication among students
ļƒ¼ Home work
ļƒ¼ Speech problems
ļƒ¼ Spelling problems
ļƒ¼ Expression
ļƒ¼ Pronunciation
ļƒ¼ Indifference towards study
ļƒ¼ Late coming to class
February 10, 2019 35
Testing and evaluation
ļƒ¼ Problems related to construction of test
ļƒ¼ Administration of test
ļƒ¼ Improving achievement of the students through
ļƒ¼ Providing more alternatives in the question
ļƒ¼ Striking a balance between essay type and
objective type questions.
ļƒ¼ Developing diagnostic tests, their use and related
ļƒ¼ Relating testing with teaching
February 10, 2019 36
Co-curricular activities
ļƒ¼ Lack of interest in co-curricular activities
ļƒ¼ Problem in organizing co-curricular activities
ļƒ¼ Lack of enthusiasm and interest on the part of the
ļƒ¼ Problem of systematic organization of co-curricular
ļƒ¼ Lack of requisite facilities for organizing co-curricular
ļƒ¼ Problem of integrating curricular and co-curricular
ļƒ¼ Cooperation
ļƒ¼ Leadership qualities
ļƒ¼ SocializationFebruary 10, 2019 37
School management and Administration
ļƒ¼ Teaching, evaluation etc.
ļƒ¼ Teaching environment in the school
ļƒ¼ Student unions and teacher unions
ļƒ¼ School discipline
ļƒ¼ Library related problems
ļƒ¼ Cleanliness in the school
ļƒ¼ Teaching aids related problems
ļƒ¼ Teacher student relations
ļƒ¼ Raising the standard of school
February 10, 2019 38
Testing questions for selecting problem
1. Is the selection of problem based on the specific
2. Will it affect the working of the institution
3. Is the problem being studied keeping in view the
conditions of the institution?
4. Is the problem directly related to the researcher
5. Is the solution of the problem possible within
the limits of the institution?
6. Has the major aspects of the problem
thoroughly been analyzed?
February 10, 2019 39
Testing questions (Contd.)
7. Has the problem been defined and delimited
8. Is the problem important in the development of
the institution?
9. Is it possible to create conducive environment for
carrying out action research?
10. Is the researcher interested in the problem?
11. Can the researcher solve the problem
successfully on the basis of his abilities?
12. Is the opinion of the experts available for
February 10, 2019 40
February 10, 2019 41

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Action Research in Education

  • 1. Action Research in Education Dr. Sankar Prasad Mohanty Associate Professor of Education Rama Devi Womenā€™s University, Bhubaneswar Email: February 10, 2019 1
  • 2. What is Research ? ā€¢ Research is a systematic attempt to obtain answers to meaningful questions about phenomena or events. ā€¢ Application of Scientific Method in study of a problem ā€¢ It involves objective, impartial , empirical and logical analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to development of principles, theories, generalizations etc. February 10, 2019 2
  • 3. Educational Research ā€¢ Classroom teachers are most likely consumers of research ā€¢ Research is one means of seeking answers to questions ā€¢ Familiar sources of information for our questions ā€“ Tradition (ways in which we have behaved in the past; interventions in past and their effect on today) ā€“ Authority (opinions of experts; expert supports) ā€“ Common sense (human reasoning to answer a question)February 10, 2019 3
  • 4. ā€¢ Scientific Methodā€”systematic method of answering questions more objectively ā€“ Clarify main question/problem ā€“ State a hypothesis ā€“ Collect, analyze, and interpret information ā€“ Form conclusions ā€“ Use conclusions to verify/reject the hypothesis ā€¢ Educational researchā€”application of scientific method to educational topics or questions ā€“ Process very similar to scientific methodā€¦ February 10, 2019 4
  • 5. ā€¢ Generic process of educational research: ā€“ Specify the topic ā€“ Clarify the specific problem on which the research will focus ā€“ Formulate research questions and/or hypotheses ā€“ Carry out procedures to collect, analyze, and interpret data ā€“ State findings resulting from data analyses ā€“ Draw conclusions related back to questions/hypotheses February 10, 2019 5
  • 6. Characteristics ā€¢ It is highly purposeful. ā€¢ It deals with educational problems regarding students and teachers as well. ā€¢ It is precise, objective, scientific and systematic process of investigation. February 10, 2019 6
  • 7. ā€¢ It attempts to organize data quantitatively and qualitatively to arrive at statistical inferences. ā€¢ It discovers new facts in new perspective. i. e. It generates new knowledge. ā€¢ It is based on some philosophic theory. February 10, 2019 7
  • 8. ā€¢ It depends on the researchers ability, ingenuity and experience for its interpretation and conclusions. ā€¢ It needs interdisciplinary approach for solving educational problem. ā€¢ It demands subjective interpretation and deductive reasoning in some cases. - It uses classrooms, schools, colleges department of education as the laboratory for conducting researches. February 10, 2019 8
  • 9. ā€“ Quantitative research methods ā€¢Require numerical data ā€¢Utilize deductive reasoning (ā€˜top-downā€™ approach) ā€“ Qualitative research methods ā€¢Require narrative data ā€¢Utilize inductive reasoning (ā€˜bottom-upā€™ approach) February 10, 2019 9
  • 10. Quantitative Research ā€“ Measure variables in order to test hypotheses or answer research questions ā€“ Research designs may be nonexperimental or experimental: ā€¢Nonexperimental designs: ā€“No direct control over variables (i.e., no manipulation) ā€“Descriptive studies or designs ā€“Comparative studies or designs ā€“Correlational studies or designs ā€“Causal-comparative studies or designs February 10, 2019 10
  • 11. ā€¢Experimental designs: ā€“Researcher has control over one or more variables ā€“Independent and dependent variables ā€“Experimental (or treatment) and control (or comparison) groups ā€“Descriptive and inferential statistics ā€“Statistical significance ā€“Samples versus populations February 10, 2019 11
  • 12. Qualitative Research ā€“ Broader, more holistic approach to research ā€“ No control or manipulation of variables ā€“ Triangulation is a key process ā€“ Utilizes logico-inductive analysis ā€“ Numerous research designs exist: ā€¢Phenomenological studies ā€¢Ethnographic studies ā€¢Grounded theory research ā€¢Case studies February 10, 2019 12
  • 13. Mixed-methods research ā€“ Studies that combine both quantitative and qualitative data ā€“ Many individuals consider action research studies to be most similar to mixed-methods research (than purely quantitative or qualitative research) February 10, 2019 13
  • 14. Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning Theory Hypothesis Data Confirmation Patterns Tentative hypothesis Theory Observations February 10, 2019 14
  • 15. Types of Research ļƒ¼Basic Research ļƒ¼Applied Research ļƒ¼Action Research February 10, 2019 15
  • 16. Basic Research ļƒ¼ Basic research is designed to add to an organized body of scientific knowledge and does not necessarily produce results of immediate practical value ļƒ¼ Formulation of theory ļƒ¼ Contribution to the existing body of knowledge ļƒ¼ To obtain/use empirical data to formulate, expand or evaluate theory ļƒ¼ Pure or fundamental research ļƒ¼ From physical sciences ļƒ¼ Discovery of knowledge for the sake of knowledge ļƒ¼ Little/No concern for application of findings or social usefulness of the findingsFebruary 10, 2019 16
  • 17. Applied Research ļƒ¼Applied research is undertaken to solve immediate , specific and practical problems ļƒ¼Scientific method of inquiry is used ļƒ¼Not so rigorous as in case of basic research ļƒ¼Applied research as the name implies, is conducted for the purpose of applying, testing, theory and evaluate its usefulness in solving educational problems ļƒ¼Most educational research studies are applied research studies ļƒ¼Basic research is concerned with establishing general principles of learning and applied research is concerned with its utility in educational settings ļƒ¼Both are inseparableFebruary 10, 2019 17
  • 18. Example ā€¢ Research conducted with animals to determine principles of reinforcement and effects on learning ā€¢ Applied research tests these principles to determine their effectiveness in improving learning (Programmed instruction) and behaviour ( behavior modification) February 10, 2019 18
  • 19. Action Research ā€¢ Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice, systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research. ā€¢ Action research is a process of systematic reflection, enquiry and action carried out by individuals about their own practice. ā€¢ Action research is a term used to describe professionals studying their own practice in order to improve it. February 10, 2019 19
  • 20. ā€¢ Action research can be described as a family of research methodologies which pursue ACTION (or Change) and RESEARCH (or Understanding) at the same time. ā€¢ Action research has the potential to generate genuine and sustained improvements in schools February 10, 2019 20
  • 22. What Is Action Research? ā€¢ The process by which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct, and evaluate their decisions and actions is what a number of people have called action research. (Stephen, M. Corey) Researcher is the Practitioner himself. February 10, 2019 22
  • 23. ā€¢ Systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, and Policy makers with a vested interest in the teachingā€“ learning process or environment for purpose of gathering information about how their particular school operates, how they teach, and how their students learn (Mills, 2003) ā€¢ Research done by teachers for themselves ā€¢ Systematic inquiry into oneā€™s own practices ā€¢ Research then has increased utility, effectiveness February 10, 2019 23
  • 24. ā€¢ Reflectionā€¦ ā€“ Act of critically examining oneā€™s own practice (i.e., what you do, why you do it, what are its effects) ā€“ Integral part of action research process ā€“ Reflective teachingā€”process of developing lessons with thoughtful consideration of theory, existing research, and practical experience, along with examination of lessonā€™s effect on student learning ā€“ Process of systematic collection of information followed by active reflection, with the anticipation of improving the teachingā€“learning process is at the core of action research February 10, 2019 24
  • 25. Types of Action Research Design ā€¢ Practical Action Research- enhances the practice of education through the systematic study of a local problem. Examples of Practical Action Research ļƒ¼An elementary teacher studies the disruptive behavior of a child in her classroom. ļƒ¼A college instructor studies his professional development using technology in teaching. February 10, 2019 25
  • 26. Contdā€¦ ā€¢ Participatory Action Research- ļƒ¼collaborative and community based research ļƒ¼contributes to emancipation or change. ļƒ¼addresses the social problems that constrain and repress the lives of students and educators. Examples: ļƒ¼Curricula that deny students enrolment. ļƒ¼Assessments that serve to confirm student failure rather than learning. ļƒ¼K-12 classroom interactions that silence and quiet the voices of certain students. ļƒ¼Discriminatory allocation of college faculty salaries that favour men over women. February 10, 2019 26
  • 27. Uses ā€¢ Bridge the gap between theory and practice ā€¢ Improvement of Educational Practices ā€¢ Teacher empowerment: Teacher as decision maker ā€¢ Professional growth opportunities for teachers ā€¢ Identify educational problems ā€¢ To develop and test solutions ā€¢ To expand the knowledge of teachers February 10, 2019 27
  • 28. Four-stages procedure ā€¢ The planning stage ā€¢ The acting stage ā€¢ The developing stage ā€¢ The reflecting stage February 10, 2019 28
  • 29. Eight Steps in action research 1. Identifying and Limiting the problem. 2. Analyzing the causes of relevant to the problem (Review of related Literature) 3. Developing a research Plan (Hypothesis/ Research questions) 4. Implementing the Plan and Collecting data 5. Analyzing the Data 6. Developing an Action Plan 7. Sharing and communicating of results; 8. Reflecting on the process February 10, 2019 29
  • 30. Detail Steps In Action Research ā€¢ Identifying and Limiting the problem problem to be studied is identified; What to study; Professional experiences ā€¢ Review of related Literature: Locating Resources to determine what others have learned about solving a particular problem ā€¢ Objectives of the research and Formulation of the hypotheses or Research Questions Fundamental question inherent in research problem; provides guiding structure to the study February 10, 2019 30
  • 31. ACTION RESEARCH DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES Experiencing ļƒ¼ Participant observation ļƒ¼ Privileged, active observer ļƒ¼ Passive observer Enquiring ļƒ¼Informal Interview ļƒ¼Structured Formal Interview ļƒ¼Questionnaires ļƒ¼Attitude Tests ļƒ¼Standardized Tests Examining ļƒ¼ Archival Documents ļƒ¼ Journals ļƒ¼ Maps ļƒ¼Audio and Video Tapes ļƒ¼Artifacts February 10, 2019 31
  • 32. Contdā€¦ ā€¢ Data Analysis ļƒ¼data can be analyzed by the researcher or the help of other educators or data analysis can be sought. ā€¢ Developing a plan for Action- ļƒ¼Presenting the data to important stakeholders. ļƒ¼Establishing a pilot program ļƒ¼Implementing an ongoing research agenda to explore new practices. February 10, 2019 32
  • 33. Contdā€¦ ā€¢ Implementation of Plan to monitor the impact of the proposed solution ā€¢ Sharing and Communicating the Results report is shared with educators that can immediately use the results ā€¢ Reflection to know what is learned or gained from implementation of plan February 10, 2019 33
  • 34. Types of the problems that can be considered under Action Research ā€¢ Teaching and Learning ā€¢ Testing and Evaluation ā€¢ Co-curricular Activities ā€¢ School Management and Administration February 10, 2019 34
  • 35. Related to Teaching and Learning ļƒ¼ Conceptual clarity ļƒ¼ Suitable teaching methodology ļƒ¼ Teacher ā€“ taught relationship ļƒ¼ Conducive environment for studies ļƒ¼ Problems of communication among students ļƒ¼ Home work ļƒ¼ Speech problems ļƒ¼ Spelling problems ļƒ¼ Expression ļƒ¼ Pronunciation ļƒ¼ Indifference towards study ļƒ¼ Late coming to class February 10, 2019 35
  • 36. Testing and evaluation ļƒ¼ Problems related to construction of test ļƒ¼ Administration of test ļƒ¼ Improving achievement of the students through testing ļƒ¼ Providing more alternatives in the question paper. ļƒ¼ Striking a balance between essay type and objective type questions. ļƒ¼ Developing diagnostic tests, their use and related problems ļƒ¼ Relating testing with teaching February 10, 2019 36
  • 37. Co-curricular activities ļƒ¼ Lack of interest in co-curricular activities ļƒ¼ Problem in organizing co-curricular activities ļƒ¼ Lack of enthusiasm and interest on the part of the teachers ļƒ¼ Problem of systematic organization of co-curricular activities ļƒ¼ Lack of requisite facilities for organizing co-curricular activities. ļƒ¼ Problem of integrating curricular and co-curricular activities. ļƒ¼ Cooperation ļƒ¼ Leadership qualities ļƒ¼ SocializationFebruary 10, 2019 37
  • 38. School management and Administration ļƒ¼ Teaching, evaluation etc. ļƒ¼ Teaching environment in the school ļƒ¼ Student unions and teacher unions ļƒ¼ School discipline ļƒ¼ Library related problems ļƒ¼ Cleanliness in the school ļƒ¼ Teaching aids related problems ļƒ¼ Teacher student relations ļƒ¼ Raising the standard of school February 10, 2019 38
  • 39. Testing questions for selecting problem 1. Is the selection of problem based on the specific facts? 2. Will it affect the working of the institution positively? 3. Is the problem being studied keeping in view the conditions of the institution? 4. Is the problem directly related to the researcher 5. Is the solution of the problem possible within the limits of the institution? 6. Has the major aspects of the problem thoroughly been analyzed? February 10, 2019 39
  • 40. Testing questions (Contd.) 7. Has the problem been defined and delimited properly? 8. Is the problem important in the development of the institution? 9. Is it possible to create conducive environment for carrying out action research? 10. Is the researcher interested in the problem? 11. Can the researcher solve the problem successfully on the basis of his abilities? 12. Is the opinion of the experts available for research? February 10, 2019 40