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Prinsotel´s establishments have implemented health protocols for preventing COVID-19 that comply with the criteria and
requirements set forth in UNE 0066-2:2020 Specifications, establishing the guidelines and recommendations for reducing
the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
English version: “Measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Part 2: Hotels and tourist apartments.
Guidelines and recommendations.”
These protocols are part of the Specific Containment Plan for each establishment -- a plan which was designed and
implemented by the Health and Safety committee and which includes all the preventative measures for each department
based on general requirements in terms of: limiting maximum capacity, social distancing, respiratory and hand hygiene,
and thorough cleaning.
All employees at Prinsotel's establishments have received specific training for preventing COVID-19 and for adapting
these protocols to their posts at work.
Likewise, Prinsotel's establishments are registered with a Hygienic/Sanitary Quality Control Program and visited
regularly (in accordance with a set plan) by a team of inspectors in order to evaluate the hygienic and sanitary state of the
premises and their operations.
Prinsotel's establishments undergo specific audits to follow up on the implementation of preventative plans and
cleaning and disinfection processes, as well as surface sample collection and laboratory analysis.
Biolinea, whose scientific director is the prestigious Dr. Sebastián Crespí Rotger, has participated in the contention
plan's design.
Below, a brief summary of Dr. Sebastián Crespí Rotger's career is included.
He has been a consultant for the WHO, the ECDC, and the EU in relationship with preventing infectious diseases
associated with tourism. Health Advisor of the Spanish Confederation of Hotels (CEHAT). Co-author of the European
Guide for the Prevention and Control of Legionellosis. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the International
Association of Tourist Health (ITHA) and an active member of the European Working Group on Legionella Infections,
where he participates as an independent expert in joint meetings between the health authorities and travel agencies.
1. AIM
The aim is dual:
• To plan, for all Prinsotel hotels, the necessary actions to reopen our establishments in the wake of
COVID-19, doing so by implementing a protocol that specifies the standards to comply with, as well as
the collective and individual organizational measures, based upon the information obtained from the
health authorities, the World Health Organization, and local and national authorities through the
publication of different guides (see references), bringing together --notwithstanding current legislation
and the HACCP system previously implemented-- guidelines and recommendations to be applied so as
to minimize the risk of spreading the SARS-Cov-2 virus.
• To guarantee an environment of maximum safety for our workers and our customers at
Prinsotel establishments.
At the end of the month of December of 2019, the Municipal Health and Sanitation Commission of the City of Wuhan in the
Province of Hubei (China) alerted about a series of pneumonia cases whose origin was unknown, all of which were linked
to the Huanan market. Over the successive weeks, these cases spread quickly both locally and outside the country: Japan,
South Korea, and Singapore, among others. At the beginning of January of 2020, the agent causing the disease was
isolated and its genome was sequenced: a new coronavirus had been identified, which was called 2019-n-CoV. In the
middle of February, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to call the disease COVID-19 and the International
Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses gave it the name SARS-CoV- 2 because of its genetic similarity to another
coronavirus, SARS-CoV, which caused another epidemic to break out in 2003. At the end of January, the WHO declared
COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
The first COVID-19 case in Europe was detected in France on January 25: an 80-year-old man from the Province of
Hubei, who subsequently died. A few days later, on January 31, the first case was diagnosed in Spain: a German citizen
hospitalized on the Island of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Nine days later, a second case was diagnosed on La Palma,
also in the Canary Islands. On February 21, a large outbreak was reported in Italy -- mainly in the north, near Milan. Cases
grew rapidly throughout Europe, and on March 13, 2020, the WHO declared Europe as the new epicentre of the virus after
the situation had improved in China.
The SARS-CoV2 pandemic in Spain has spread throughout the entire nation, and Spain is currently one of the countries
with the highest number of confirmed cases and with the highest number of deaths due to COVID-19 -- alongside the USA
and Italy.
Chronological summary
December 31 → China informed the WHO of a new Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
January 7 → The source of the outbreak was made known. A new coronavirus known as 2019-nCoV.
January 12 → China shared the pathogen's genetic sequence with the world.
January 30 → The WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
February 11 → The WHO announced the new disease's official name: COVID-19.
March 11 → The WHO declared a pandemic.
SARS-CoV2 is a RNA virus from the coronaviridae family that can infect animals and humans. It has single-stranded RNA
molecules and a crown of protein spikes covering its outer membrane surface -- hence its name. There are many types of
coronaviruses and not all of them affect humans. Some cause illnesses similar to the common cold, others cause more
serious pathologies. SARS-CoV causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), an epidemic that started in China in
2002-2003. The virus came from a bat and spread to a genet, and from there to humans. Approximately 8,000 cases were
detected, as well as 744 deaths (10% mortality) -- and the virus affected 26 countries. MERS-CoV causes “Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome”, an epidemic that started in China in 2012 and which continues to have some cases. It also came
from a bat, which spread it to a dromedary and, from there it went to humans. It has caused 2,500 cases and its mortality
is 37 percent. It has affected 27 countries.
In terms of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2, there are asymptomatic and mild cases, as well as a considerable proportion of
serious and very serious cases. Mortality hovers around one percent, and it is lower than that of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV,
and Ebola. It has a high transmissibility, with a basic reproductive number, or R0 (the number of people that an infected
person can end up infecting), of 2.5-2.8 -- higher than MERS-CoV. That fact is very important in the sense that prevention
is something basic – and something which also works.
Coronavirus summary
SARS-CoV 2002-2003 → China. Mortality 10%
MERS-CoV 2012 → Middle East. Mortality 30%
SARS-CoV2 2020 → China. Mortality 1%.
Just as in other outbreaks caused by coronaviruses, the most probably primary source for the illness caused by SARS-
CoV-2 is of animal origin. At present, it seems clear that the reservoir is the bat, while the intermediate host animal is
continued to be researched (there is disagreement as to whether it is the pangolin or another animal). The way in which
the virus was able to spread from its animal source to the first human cases is unknown. All signs point towards direct
contact with infected animals or their secretions.
The average incubation period is 5-6 days, with a wide range from 0 to 24 days.
The average time from the start of symptoms to recovery is 2 weeks for mild cases and 3-6 weeks for severe or critical
cases. The time between the onset of symptoms and the establishment of severe symptoms such as hypoxemia is 1
week, and there are 2-8 weeks until death.
The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may occur between two and fourteen days after exposure and they can include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
Other symptoms may also include:
- Tiredness
- Muscle pain
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Loss of sense of smell or taste.
The severity of the symptoms of COVID-19 can vary a lot. Some people even have no symptoms. Others, however, can
suffer from severe symptoms that require hospitalization and eventually intensive care. Older adults or people who have
certain chronic conditions, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or who have a compromised immune system may be at
a higher risk of getting seriously ill.
Some complications can be:
- Pneumonia
- Thromboembolism
- Respiratory insufficiency
- Kidney failure or failure ofmultiple organs.
The route of transmission between humans is considered to be similar to that described for other coronaviruses, through
the secretions of infected individuals, primarily through direct contact with respiratory droplets larger than 5 microns (which
can be passed over distances of up to 2 meters) and through hands or fomites that are contaminated by said secretions
and later come in contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and/or eyes.
Recent evidence confirms that, unlike SARS, which is transmitted only when the person has symptoms, this new
coronavirus can be transmitted before the onset of symptoms (pre-symptomatic patients) and even if the person has no
symptoms (asymptomatic patients). That makes it significantly more difficult to contain the epidemic. Currently, thanks to
studies based on mathematical models, it is assumed that transmission begins 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms.
Contagion rate or basic reproduction number (R0): The average number of secondary cases produced by one single case.
SARS-CoV2 has shown that it can be transmitted from one person to another quite easily. Currently, the WHO estimates
the R0 of the virus to be between 1.4 and 2.5, although other estimates speak of a range of between 2 and 3. This means
that each infected person can, in turn, infect between 2 and 3 people -- although it has been seen that there may be
“supercontagiators” capable of spreading the disease to up to 16 people. To control an epidemic, the R0 needs to
decrease below 1.
Summary of the virus's modes of transmission:
- Droplets from an infected individual (coughing, sneezing, talking strongly).
- Aerosol particles from an infected person: These are of a smaller size and may be suspended in the air for up to
3 hours, especially in closed spaces without ventilation.
- Contact with surfaces contaminated by the virus. After touching mucous membranes (the eyes, mouth, nose),
infection occurs.
At the moment, the best strategy to face this new virus is to avoid infection; that is to say, to adopt preventative measures.
The WHO and the CDC recommend taking these precautions to avoid COVID-19:
• Avoid events with a lot of people and large gatherings.
• Avoid close contact (less than 2 meters) with any person who is ill or who has symptoms.
• Maintain physical distance between you and others if COVID-19 is spreading in your community, especially if you
run a higher risk of contracting a serious disease.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand rub to
disinfect your hands and be sure it contains at least 60% alcohol.
• Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the
tissue once used.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding, and other objects at home if you are sick.
• Clean and sanitize surfaces that are frequently touched every day.
• Stay at home and do not go to work, school, or public places if you are sick -- unless you leave your home to
receive medical care.
• Using masks in public may help to reduce the virus's spread by people who do not have symptoms.
As the pandemic has advanced, the widespread use of masks by the general population as a preventative measure has
been discussed. On April 8, the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) contemplated the possibility
of a more widespread use of face masks. A series of recommendations were set forth in a document:
• The use of face masks in public may serve as a means of source control to reduce the spread of the infection in the
community by minimizing the excretion of respiratory droplets from infected individuals who have not yet developed
symptoms or who remain asymptomatic. It is not known how much the use of masks in the community can contribute to a
decrease in transmission in addition to the other countermeasures.
The use of medical face masks by healthcare workers must be given priority over use in the community.
• The use of face masks in the community could be considered, especially when visiting busy, closed spaces, such as
grocery stores, shopping centres, or when using public transport, etc.
• The use of non-medical face masks made of various textiles could be considered, especially if –due to supply problems–
medical face masks must be prioritized for use as personal protective equipment by healthcare workers. This is based on
limited indirect evidence supporting the use of non-medical face masks as a means of source control.
• The use of face masks in the community should be considered only as a complementary measure and not as a
replacement for established preventive measures; for example, physical distancing, respiratory etiquette, meticulous hand
hygiene, and avoiding touching the face, nose, eyes, and mouth.
Appropriate use of face masks is key for the effectiveness of the measure and can be improved through education
campaigns. Recommendations on the use of face masks in the community should carefully take into account evidence
gaps, the supply situation, and potential negative side effects.
The Prinsotel Group has a committee for managing risks based on ensuring health and safety, defining strategies, and
making decisions to minimize hygienic/sanitary risks associated with COVID-19.
In particular, this committee has been able to:
• Gather information that allows for making the best decisions (ask specialists, etc.)
• Identify risks at Prinsotel Hotels through a risk assessment by the (in-house) occupational risk prevention
service (additionally, the “Action procedure for occupational risk prevention services in relation to exposure to
SARS-CoV-2” will be followed, which was drafted by the Ministry of Health).
• Implement the contingency plan and monitor its compliance, modifying it according to its effectiveness and
according to the guidelines issued by the health authorities for combating COVID-19, both in relationship with
employees and clients, as well as any additional measures contained in the contingency plan resulting from
the risk analysis.
• Design the necessary protective measures as contained in the contingency plan for Prinsotel Hotels and
• Establish coordination and communication between employees, specialists, and providers.
• Set and implement a protocol for action in the event that an employee or client has symptoms compatible with
COVID-19, following the guidelines from the risk prevention department and health authorities, respectively.
Also, review the protocols for cleaning and disinfecting potentially contaminated surfaces.
This contingency plan includes:
• The allocation of human resources in accordance with the prior occupational risk assessment; the presence in the
company of workers vulnerable to COVID-19 will be considered and measures will be taken, and in the event there are
individuals with disabilities, the occupational risk prevention report will be followed.
• Allocation of material resources:
✓ Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to meet the needs identified during the prior occupational risk assessment
by the occupational risk prevention service.
✓ Supply of the foreseen resources needed (masks, gloves -- in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report);
for example, having a thermometer (in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report).
The Prinsotel Group will ask its providers to have a COVID-19 prevention plan in place, and providers will be informed of the
measures that directly affect them and that they should apply.
Prinsotel has the following channels to disseminate preventative and hygiene measures that have been put into place, in
addition to the emergency phone numbers and health centres, so that the hygiene and disinfection guidelines are well known
and upheld:
✓ On their mobile phone: Electronic document via chat (for those without a mobile device, an informational brochure will be
✓ During welcoming: Brochure in the reception area
✓ In the guest rooms: TV channel
✓ In common areas: Signage (hydroalcoholic gel stations for hands, shared toilets, heavy traffic areas)
✓ Prinsotel website.
✓ Hydroalcoholic gel stations for hands
✓ Staff toilets and common areas.
The staff of Prinsotel will receive clear and specific information on the Contingency Plan put in place and their
The staff will have specific, up-to-date training:
✓ By department: specific measures implemented.
✓ For cleaning staff: use and handling of products -- taught by the product supplier.
• Staff will respect the social distance of 2 meters between staff members and staff members and clients.
• Greetings with physical contact will be avoided -- both for workers and clients.
• The use of devices and handheld electronic equipment belonging to other workers (tablets, mobile
phones, etc.) will be avoided; these devices will be cleaned and disinfected between each use to
reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
• Personal use objects will be disinfected with water and soap, if possible, or a disinfecting solution --
this is also true for objects at workstations.
• Hands will be washed frequently with water and soap or they will be cleaned with a hydroalcoholic gel solution;
said hand cleaning stations with gel and paper towels must be located in different areas.
• Personal hygiene will be upheld -- especially daily showers.
• In the event of coughing or sneezing, both the nose and mouth must be covered with a single-use paper tissue,
which will be thrown away in the bins for said purpose (with a lid and pedal system). Hands will be cleaned with
soap and water or a hydroalcoholic gel.
• Touching the nose, eyes, and mouth will be avoided.
• Clean clothing will be taken to the workplace in a garment bag and dirty clothing will be returned home in a
closed plastic bag. Each worker will have a "clean" and "dirty" locker.
• Uniforms and footwear will only be used in the workplace.
• Footwear will remain in the lockers at the workplace.
• The company will provide a protocol for washing uniforms (daily machine washing at a temperature of 60ºC)
which the worker must commit to undertaking to protect everyone's health.
Prinsotel, in order to guarantee safety amongst employees and between employees and clients, will require the use of a
protective shield and gloves (and face masks in some cases, in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report).
• Gloves will be disposed of during each service, doing so in the bins with a lid and pedal system that have been
set up for said purposes, and hands will be cleaned with soap and water.
In the event symptoms are noticed, the worker will not go to work and will notify his/her supervisor immediately.
The Prinsotel Group, taking into account the risk analysis undertaken, will adapt the cleaning and disinfection plan for its
hotels, noting in said plan the impact of the necessary cleaning measures on the planning and organization of work
undertaken. The following will be taken into account:
➢ An increase in the frequency of cleaning and touch-ups, especially in areas of great contact (surfaces,
doorknobs, sinks, taps, handles, elevators, reception desk, doors, room keys/cards, telephones, remote
controls, toilet flush handle, protective barriers, air-conditioning and heating systems, hairdryer, time control
devices, gym machines, railings, room service menu, minibar, hangers, etc.).
➢ Employees' work areas will be disinfected when their shifts end (reception counter, etc.).
➢ Cleaning carts will be disinfected at the end of the day.
➢ A daily log will be kept of cleaning performed.
• VENTILATION. Ventilation will be daily in areas of common use where there have been clients – a minimum of 15 minutes per day.
• PRODUCTS. Use of disinfectants for cleaning will be undertaken:
✓ Under safe conditions (with protective equipment).
✓ With proper training for their handling.
✓ Disinfectants will be used whose efficacy is sure (freshly prepared solutions of bleach --chlorine concentration
of 1 g/L, 1:50 dilution of bleach whose concentration is 40-50 gr/L-- 62-71% ethanol, or 0.5% hydrogen
peroxide over a period of one minute).
✓ Safety datasheets for products will be available.
✓ Cloths and scourers will be cleaned constantly and changed periodically.
• PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. Cleaning of rooms and collection of waste from bins in common areas must be undertaken safely
(the occupational risk prevention report will be followed).
The maximum capacities of the common areas will be defined and monitored, and informational signage will be displayed.
Sanitizer gel dispensers will be placed in areas of transit and in places where many clients congregate.
• Before opening its hotels: The Prinsotel Group has planned, alongside the company ATA Ecotecnología e Higiene
(Official Register of Biocide Establishments and Services: 8125-IBA), to apply hydrogen peroxide in common areas
professionally as a spray.
• Ventilation – this a process that will be fundamental and daily; therefore, it is included in the cleaning plan. It will be
reinforced in common areas during the cleaning and disinfection processes.
• Frequency and depth will be increased during the cleaning and disinfection of the different areas (including contact
surfaces and high traffic areas for staff and clients). Proper personal protective equipment will be used in accordance
with the level of risk and the occupational risk prevention assessment (at minimum, use of mask and gloves -- in
accordance with the occupational risk prevention report).
• Cleaning products: specific training will be undertaken for cleaning staff on how to handle and use the products. Said
training will be provided by the product supply company.
Dust mops will be machine washed at more than 60ºC.
• After each cleaning and disinfection, the materials used, and protective equipment will be discarded properly (bins with
lids and a pedal for opening). Subsequently, hands will be washed.
• Cleaning carts will be disinfected at the end of the day.
• Cleaning and disinfecting: Daily -- in the morning and afternoon/evening.
• Ventilation: Offices will be aired out during the cleaning process and whenever possible.
• Hydroalcoholic gel stations for hands.
• Social distancing: Furniture will be moved to ensure the proper distance between individuals.
• Meetings: Meetings in which distances are not respected in closed spaces will be avoided.
• Toilets (for staff and clients) will dispose of: soap dispensers, hand sanitizer dispensers, paper towel dispensers for
drying hands, and a bin with a lid and pedal which will be double bagged. A standing sanitizer station will be placed
outside of the toilet to allow for gel to be applied after having come in contact with doorknobs.
• Individual use towels will be taken out of Prinsotel, and paper towel dispensers will be installed for drying hands.
• The frequency of cleaning and disinfecting will be increased, with cleaning taking place at least six times per day by
the cleaning staff. In accordance with Order SND/386/2020, of May 3:
• Paper, hand sanitizer gel, and soap dispensers must be cleaned periodically, depending on their level of use.
• Stocks of consumable products (soap, sanitizer, paper towels, etc.) will be reviewed and these items will be restocked when
• All of these actions will be recorded on a log sheet in a plastic sleeve located on the door of said areas.
• We will try to ensure that clients respect the social distancing guidelines with discrete markings on the floor.
• Clients will be informed through signage of the need to comply with the rule to not share elevators with people from
different families -- unless masks are worn.
• Their cleaning and disinfecting will be increased by on-call cleaning staff (especially the button pad).
• WATER: The risk of coronavirus presence is not directly related with the operation of the pools. It is recommended
to strictly comply with regulations for these facilities (Royal Decree 742/2013), especially in terms of monitoring
levels of biocidal products, trying to be as close as possible to the maximum legal limit to ensure a good degree of
• SOCIAL DISTANCING: Loungers will be placed with social distancing requirements in mind.
• TOWEL SERVICE: The lifeguard, with gloves, will do the following:
✓ Provide a towel to the client, as long as the client shows his/her “towel card.”
✓ Used towels received from the client will be left by the lifeguard in a laundry cart to be treated.
✓ At the end of the day, the lifeguard will provide all the cards received to Reception and they will be disinfected there.
• Hydroalcoholic gel dispensers for hands will be placed in child recreation areas to ensure proper personal hygiene in
addition to the frequent washing and/or disinfection of hands.
• The frequency of cleaning and disinfecting these areas for children will be increased, especially paying attention to
contact surfaces.
• The maximum capacity will be defined and we will ensure this is respected by means of a prior reservation system.
• Social distancing will be ensured by spreading machines out.
The Rules for Use will be updated and placed in a visible location.
• Each client will have his/her own towel.
• It will be placed in a basket with a lid and pedal that is lined with a plastic bag.
• The client will have a spray and paper towels to disinfect surfaces of machines before and after having used them,
and hygiene will be emphasized through signage.
• The cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the GYM as part of their daily work plan. It will be gone over several
times a day.
• Between clients: All gym elements will be disinfected (weights, fitness balls, dumbbells, etc.).
The maximum capacity will be defined and the amount of time to stay inside will be calculated; we will ensure that these
are respected by means of a prior reservation system. INFORMATION
The Rules for Use will be updated and placed in a visible location.
The client will be reminded that it is obligatory to shower before using the
thermal spa circuit. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION
• The cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the area daily.
• Between clients: the cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the sauna and steam rooms.
This service is booked at Reception (Technical Services Department) and return is managed via Motorlobby, with the
following preventative measures defined:
• AFTER USE - KIT FOR BICYCLE USE (helmet, lock, key, and safety vest): Each of the kit's elements will be
disinfected by the receptionist and the vest will be sent to be laundered (machine washing for textiles at 60ºC).
• AFTER USE - BICYCLE: This will be disinfected by the Technical Services department, which will provide it to the
next client.
The room and massage table will be cleaned and disinfected by the on-call cleaning staff. Cleaning and
disinfection will likewise always be necessary before and after the service.
• DAILY: Room and massage table, by the on-call cleaning staff.
• BEFORE AND AFTER THE SERVICE: The professional masseuse will disinfect the massage table and related
items (outsourced to an external company - occupational risk prevention coordination).
The following information will be shown to the customers through the different channels (TV channel, brochure in Reception,
electronic document sent via chat, Prinsotel website):
• Certificate guaranteeing that the establishment is hygienically safe.
• Hygiene and health processes put into place by Prinsotel Group.
• The rigorous cleaning and disinfection protocol for the hotel's different areas (for example, rooms).
• Use of chemical products for cleaning, along with their descriptions and certifications.
The maximum capacity of the reception area will be defined and informational signage will be displayed.
will be guaranteed between:
• Clients and other clients: In the check-in area by marking lines on the ground every 2 meters.
• Clients and employees: protective shields will be used.
• Employees and other employees: protective shields will be used.
• At the hotel's entrance, a free-standing hydroalcoholic gel dispenser will be placed as well as informational signage.
• The reception desk will have hydroalcoholic gel placed atop it.
➢ 7.11.1 Reception and Welcoming Service
• The receptionist will have one pen, which will be disinfected after each client uses it.
• Credit card payments will be encouraged (charges to client rooms).
• PCs and other equipment will be assigned per receptionist, avoiding cross-contaminated surface contract amongst employees.
• Cards and keys used by the clients: These will be placed in a container all together so that they can subsequently
be disinfected in a sole process (along with the "towel cards" from the lifeguard).
• While serving clients, in the event that medical assistance is needed, that information should discreetly be made
known to Management. In the event of a coronavirus case, the protocol for cases which are detected within the
hotel should be followed.
• A contactless thermometer will be available in the event that opportune checks must be carried out on clients with
symptoms that align with COVID-19.
• Room allocation will be undertaken to ensure the required disinfection and hygiene measures.
• In the event there is a bellboy service, our staff will have disposable gloves for moving suitcases safely to rooms.
These will subsequently be discarded in bins with lids and a pedal.
In all departmental areas, cleaning and disinfection will be increased -- with the following frequencies:
✓ Counter: Reception staff, between clients.
✓ Reception Areas: On-call cleaning staff, every 2 hours.
✓ Luggage carriers and carts: On-call cleaning staff in the lobby area, after each use.
• Accessible only by staff members.
• Objects that were being stored there, such as books, will be removed.
• Welcome Drink: Given personally by the receptionist to each client. Clients will have a tray to place their cups on, and
said tray will be sent to the bars to be cleaned in the dishwasher. Clean, disinfected cups will be restocked.
• CLUB: A maximum capacity will be set and social distancing will be guaranteed with marks on the floor.
• Prinsotel Website Clients: They will be asked to do the preliminary check-in online from the website to speed up the
process and avoid contact during check-in.
• Verification of client documentation: Identification will be shown, avoiding the need to touch it. The passport/ID card will be
scanned and the scanner will be disinfected after each use.
• Traveller sheet (signed during check-in by each client): Upon arrival, the client will be informed of the clause on
compliance with laws and health regulations at the destination.
• Open line of credit: Upon reservation (whether online or via a travel agency), the client will be informed that a credit card
is necessary, as a line of credit will be opened on the client's behalf upon his/her arrival and all additional fees will be
charged to the card -- cash will not be allowed to be used.
• Reservation Department: By controlling the sale of lodging packages with breakfast and with dinner included, and in
compliance with maximum capacities in dining areas, enough shifts will be offered depending on the establishment's
• Provision of a welcome brochure in addition to room keys, keys to safes, and towel cards. All this will have been
disinfected previously.
• A CHAT/WhatsApp option will be made available.
• All information will be provided to the client via said chat, and the client may ask any questions that he/she wishes.
Information (including restaurant menus, etc.), reservations for restaurants and extras, etc.
• The telephone contact number will be provided to be able to inform clients directly on their mobile phone or room phone.
• All the information from the informational folders will be on the informational TV channel in the room, and it will also be available via
• All required information about guides and agencies (tour hours, etc.) will be provided to clients.
• During check-out, the client will be given the option of having his/her invoice emailed to him.
• Cards and keys used by the clients: These will be placed in a container all together so that they can subsequently be
disinfected in a sole process.
Areas will be set aside in the bar as waiting areas, always ensuring social distancing measures are upheld.
Room service will be working, making use of protective shields and gloves, to deliver cold dinners and breakfasts in the
client's room. This will avoid visits to the dining room during the hours in which everything has been disinfected and left
ready for the next service.
➢ 7.12.1 LODGING
• Decorative elements have been removed.
• Decorative textiles will be reduced as much as possible.
• Toiletries have been reduced to the bare necessities, and they will be single-use items.
The rest of amenities will be provided upon the client's request, being delivered by housekeeping staff.
• All items which can be used by the client 'on demand' will be removed from the room: extra pillows, an extra duvet, etc.
• The bathroom's trash bin will have a lid, double bag, and a pedal.
• The kitchen towels of the apartments will be changed for each client and laundered (at 60ºC).
• Curtains and sofas will be disinfected.
• Iron services will be limited, as the iron is not disinfected previously.
• Removing the trash bin from the rooms will be studied so that all tissues, masks, etc. are placed in a single trash bin with a lid.
• For rooms that are shared by individuals who are not members of the same family, it should be the risk committee that sets the
proper measures (social distancing, a room with special signage, hydroalcoholic gel) depending on client types (risk committee).
• Cleaning and disinfection routes will be reinforced in common areas by all on-call cleaning staff throughout the day.
• It is important to be vigilant in case an ill client is detected. If this happens, the Housekeeping Supervisor must be notified, who will in
turn notify Management.
• The housekeeping staff will not enter the rooms to provide services in the event that the client is in the room at that very
• The client will be informed of this requirement, which will be described in the reception brochure.
• During the service, a sign reading "Cleaning in progress" will be placed on the outside doorknob to keep clients from entering
From the moment staff enters the room, and during the duration of the service, it will be ventilated.
• Daily frequency.
• SURFACES Cleaning of walls, floors, ceilings, mirrors and windows, furniture, equipment, and decorative and functional elements.
• LIKELY CONTACT SURFACES Cleaning of any surfaces, pieces of equipment, furnishings, and items with a high level of usage:
• TV remote control
• Telephone and alarm clock radio
• Thermostat
• Hangers
• Play Station and controls
• Knobs of doors / drawers / closets
• Plexiglass panes for toiletries
• Hairdryer
• Bins (with a pedal for opening)
• Bathroom stool
• Coffee pot and related items (those not used will be discarded)
• Kitchen utensils - in apartments
• Lamps (standing lamps and wall fixtures)
• Beverage bottles: in the event they are not consumed, they will be disinfected.
• The foods in the 'full fridge' service will be packaged as necessary
• Welcome amenities (disinfected by the housekeeping department)
• Gifts depending on the segment
• Interior furniture and terrace furniture
• Clotheslines
• Informational folder
• The hairdryer (including filter) will be cleaned.
• Hangers will be disinfected.
A system has been set up to avoid cross contamination:
✓ DIRTY TEXTILES: Dirty textiles will be placed in sealed bags inside the cart for dirty laundry.
• TOWEL REPLACEMENT: Upon client's request.
• REPLACEMENT OF BED LINENS: As set forth on the bed change list provided by the housekeeping supervisor. Linens will not be
left on the floor of the room or bathroom. Shaking of dirty textiles will be avoided and, after dirty textiles are handled, staff will
disinfect their gloves with hydroalcoholic gel or will wash their hands and disinfect with hydroalcoholic gel (in accordance with the
occupational risk prevention report).
✓ CLEAN TEXTILES: In a cart, not able to come into physical contact with dirty textiles. These will be placed on the
bed only after the room has been cleaned and disinfected.
(* The laundry service, which is outsourced, will ensure that the temperature reaches the minimum required of
• These will be single-use items.
• Upon check-out, those not used will be disposed of.
• Upon check-in and during restocking, only the following will be provided: body gel, hair conditioner, a dental kit, and a bar
of soap.
• The rest will be 'on request.'
• An individual container of hydroalcoholic gel and disinfecting wipes will be added so that the guest can disinfect
surface if he/she desires.
Those rooms with a ‘drinks on arrival’ or ‘drinks during the stay’ service will have the drinks placed in the refrigerator after disinfection
by Housekeeping. If, upon checkout, a bottle has not be consumed, it will be disinfected for future use.
• Informational folders will be available with vinyl pages that will be disinfected by housekeeping staff.
• Upon the client's arrival, the TV will be set on the hotel's informational channel (where all necessary information from
the action plan will be reinforced).
• New for each client: 'Green' card (information on reusing towels and changing sheets), 'Do Not Disturb' signs, coasters
near the sink, and laundry list.
• Housekeeping Operations Manual: The Housekeeping Operations Manual will be updated with the new specifications
set forth in this Action Plan in terms of the following:
➢ Work tools
➢ Room cleaning processes for CHECK-OUTS and OCCUPIED rooms.
Prinsotel, based upon the HACCP system that has been updated for COVID-19, will apply the criteria defined therein and
increase the supervision of critical points:
• Soap dispensers, hydroalcoholic gel dispensers, and paper towel dispensers will be installed in each work area: Kitchen areas
and dishwasher.
• Sinks will not be manually operated.
A mask and gloves will be worn for handling foods that will not undergo heat afterwards: pastries, salads, and cold dishes.
• Before and after the workday: Cooks will undertake the full disinfection protocol in their work area and this will be logged.
• Disinfection of utensils will be undertaken (knives, cutting boards, and materials for working) after each use and they cannot
be exchanged between staff members -- if they are, they will first be disinfected.
• Surfaces: Cleaning of surfaces will be undertaken with disposable paper towels before subsequent disinfection.
• All fruits and vegetables will be disinfected with food-safe bleach.
✓ BEFORE the workday:
The stock of cleaning solution will be reviewed.
✓ DURING the workday:
• Exhaustive temperature control will be undertaken for the dishwasher (over 80ºC).
• The dishwashing team will be made up of two individuals: one who puts the DIRTY DISHES into the dishwasher, and another who
takes them out CLEAN.
• Staff will work with gloves that will be disinfected by applying hydroalcoholic gel (the gloves will be disposed of in bins with a lid
and pedal).
• Cutlery will be disinfected and packed individually with a napkin for each client.
✓ AT THE END of the workday:
All carts, work equipment, and rubbish bins (with pedals) will be cleaned and disinfected.
Prinsotel has decided to implement an assisted buffet service with protective screens to reduce clients' handling of food items and
prevent the risk of spreading the virus.
When a client makes a request for room service, he/she will be made aware of the following guidelines: when finished, the
client will place the tray outside of his/her room door and call Reception for it to be picked up.
✓ SERVING room service:
• The waiter will use gloves when going to the room.
• The waiter will use a mask if social distancing cannot be maintained with the client.
✓ RETIRING used trays:
• The waiter will use gloves to retire trays.
• Trays, plate covers, and other dishes will be cleaned in the dishwasher.
• At Prinsotel, tables will be placed in the dining room and on terraces.
• Hand sanitizer gel dispensers will be placed at the entrance of the dining room and in the dining room itself, as well
as signage to guarantee that they are used by clients.
• A supervisor will ensure that all who enter the dining room apply sanitizer gel.
The cleaning team will continuously clean the entire dining room.
✓ Ventilation of dining room.
✓ Deep cleaning of contact surfaces: tables, chairs (armrests), buffet area, etc. See Annex VIII.
• Two waiter profiles have been established to avoid the risk of cross contamination at all times.
• This waiter will use gloves and a protective shield.
• He/she will retire used dishes and silverware and clean tables.
• He/she will fill carts and take them to the dishwashing area.
• He/she will take dirty materials to the corresponding kitchen areas.
• This waiter will use gloves and a protective shield.
• Refilling of dining room fixtures.
• Preparation of tables: disinfection of tables and chairs (armrests).
• Setting tables: silverware packaged individually with a paper napkin, single-use placemats, single-use salt and pepper
(for each client).
• This waiter will assist and serve clients: taking orders at a prudent distance.
• Drink and wine service.
• Client self-service will be eliminated and service will be personal; buffets will be covered and service from the front will be assisted.
• In areas where our kitchen staff serves the dishes, these areas will be closed off with transparent screens so that staff
can be seen by the client; however, only staff members will have access.
• The range of products, entrées, and prepared salads will be reduced -- with menus being adapted to the new buffet
• The foods from the cooking show service (there will be a protective screen) will be assisted and plated by cooks: grilled
items will be prepared in the moment and, at the client's request, dishes will be completed with foods that are more
difficult to prepare.
• Elements and fixtures for common use will be eliminated (oil/vinegar servers, saltshakers, machines, etc.) and decorative
items will be used if their disinfection can be guaranteed during service.
• In addition the informational signage explaining that is not permitted to remove foods from the dining room, the
supervisor will ensure that this rule is complied with.
• Cold plates at the salad and entrée area, as well as hot plates, will have protective shields and service will be
assisted by our staff.
• The bread display rack will be closed and bread will be placed next to the toaster in the buffet area -- assisted by our
• Cold plates in the dessert area will have protective shields and service will be assisted (from the front, in the line with
the clients) by our staff.
• The cooking show service will have a protective screen and will be assisted and plated by cooks: grilled items and
pastas will be prepared in the moment and, at the client's request, dishes will be completed with sides and sauces .
• Drinks (milks, juices, infused water, and shakes) will be served by the waiter individually: in a pitcher or glass.
• Bread and pastries will be served by cooks individually and/or as slices of bread that have already been cut
(loaves and large breads to be cut by the clients will be eliminated).
• Sausages, cheeses, crudités, and pickled items will be at a single station and serviced by cooks.
• Honey, jams, butters, whole fruits, cut fruits, dried fruits, yogurts, cereal, etc. will be served individually by cooks.
• Cooking shows: cooks will prepare the following items live and serve them to the client: omelets, eggs, crepes, waffles, etc.
• Side dishes and hot dishes will be served by our kitchen staff as they are prepared; the client will be asked what
he/she wants as a side for the main dish.
• Salad bar: served by the cook, with the same format and variety as present.
• Prepared salads and cold entrées: in individual portions.
• Cooking shows: meats and fish will be prepared in the moment and plated by the kitchen.
• Hot dishes and sides: served by the kitchen.
• Desserts: ice cream in tub format.
• Dispensers: Hydroalcoholic gel and supporting signage will be placed at entrances and in high-traffic areas once inside.
• Furniture: Some of the furniture will be taken out to create a more spacious environment and control movement of people.
• Physical menus at the tables will be replaced by QR codes.
• In the event that the customer does not have a mobile device, a fixed sign (chalkboard type) will be placed at the entrance.
• The “top-up money card” system will be encouraged.
• Disinfection after each use: placemats, all surfaces, PDA and POS equipment.
• Individual serving sizes and service at the customer's request: upon request -- the 6 house sauces will be presented on a
Before the workday: Technical Services staff members will go to the laundry area, where they will be given their assigned
uniform (machine washed at 60ºC).
• They will go to their post afterwards.
• HYDROALCOHOLIC GEL: pump action, located in Technical Services Department.
• PPE: the place where personal protective equipment will be supplied is a locker in the workshop (there will be
masks and disposable gloves).
• Repair requests: Technical Services will pick up repair requests from the Anomalies Log in Reception and will
subsequently make repairs and/or replace/refill dispensers (paper, hydroalcoholic gel) in the affected areas.
• ACCESS TO ROOMS: Maintenance staff will enter into rooms when the client is not there -- except for good cause.
✓ Maintenance staff will make use of the set personal protective equipment (the occupational risk prevention
report will be followed), masks, and gloves.
✓ Once assistance or repairs have finished, the staff members must disinfect their hands with the bottle of
hydroalcoholic gel assigned to them and dispose of their personal protective equipment in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions in a bin with a lid and pedal.
✓ If the client is in the room because his/her presence is necessary, it is recommended to keep a distance of 2
meters and make use of a mask.
✓ Any type of physical contact will be avoided (greetings, provision of work order, etc.).
• When each shift ends: a table will be designated in the workshop to disinfect tools and materials used. Disinfection
will be exhaustively undertaken.
✓ Technical Services: the number thereof will be reduced in accordance with social distancing guidelines
✓ Technical Services: They will be cleaned and disinfected in the mornings.
✓ Reception: Allocation to clients is for the entire day.
✓ Lifeguard: In the event the client leaves, the lifeguard will be informed and will proceed to disinfect them.
In accordance with a notice published by the Ministry of health (06/04) there is currently consensus amongst the
different scientific organizations like the WHO, the ECDC/CDC, and the EPA that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been
detected in water for human consumption if said water is treated, at least, with filtering and disinfection -- these
treatments eliminate or inactivate coronaviruses.
Water levels: a free chlorine level of between 0.5 and 1ppm must be maintained (in drinking water and in purified water).
The risk of coronavirus presence is not directly related with sanitary hot water, cold water for human consumption, and
pool facilities.
Water levels – Prevention of Legionella, Royal Decree 140/2003, Royal Decree 865/2003, and UNE100030:2017;
and Pools Royal Decree 742/2013: monitoring of biocidal products and other parameters will be increased to
guarantee the microbiological water quality, trying to be as close as possible to the maximum legal limit to ensure
proper disinfection.
Two times per day, disinfection will be undertaken by applying a chlorine solution under pressure with a Kärcher
cleaner, as well as sprayed with fumigation equipment, doing so in the following areas:
✓ Outdoors
✓ Common areas: walkways around pools
✓ Items for children (swings in parks)
✓ Entrance of goods
✓ Rooms and workstations: machine rooms, boiler rooms.
The frequency and number of reviews for elements that most influence hygienic conditions will be increased to ensure
that they are working optimally -- for example:
➢ Air Conditioning Systems
At Prinsotel, we have a central climate control system with air recirculation and which brings in air from the
outside through a damper with filters.
The air conditioning system will be reviewed periodically -- especially the cleaning of filters in the hall and dining
area. The existence of fan coil units means local air recirculation; therefore, the following guidelines have been
✓ Every 2 months: fan coil units will be cleaned and disinfected, as well as trays and display cases.
✓ The changing and cleaning of filters will be increased.
✓ Times per season, air conditioning equipment will be cleaned and filters will be replaced.
✓ PPE: all necessary PPE for changing filters, etc. will be used (gloves, masks, goggles, and/or a face shield).
• Action plans will be coordinated with suppliers.
• Greater monitoring and establishment of requirements will be put in place for suppliers.
• Gloves and masks will be used to receive goods, and there will be no possibility of contact between suppliers and
kitchen staff.
• The merchandise receiving area will be separate from storage areas.
• There will be a timetable for delivery of materials from providers and another timetable for delivery of
materials to the departments.
• In the merchandise receiving area, there will be a sanitizing mat for cleaning suppliers' shoes, in addition to
hydroalcoholic gel which must be used.
• Outer packaging of goods will be removed and disposed of in recycling bins; special care will be taken in
preserving the labelling of products for tracking.
• Plastic boxes and other packaging will be disinfected before entering storage facilities (boxes of soft drinks, cans, etc.).
• After reception and handling by assigned staff members, the contaminated area (counter, elevator, carts, etc.)
will be exhaustively cleaned and disinfected with a spray.
• There will be an area to leave delivery notes, guaranteeing social distancing and reducing the possibility of
physical contact (items like pens, stamps, etc. will not be shared).
All possible precautions will be taken when doing work that cannot be done individually, making use of individual
protective equipment.
• Coordination of action plans will be undertaken with subcontracted companies in the event that the
company is going to regularly send its workers to our facilities.
• All preventative and hygienic measures will be taken with subcontracted staff members.
• Disinfection will be undertaken between subcontractors.
• Subcontracted staff will come with the PPE supplied by their company -- which will be necessary and
appropriate for the services to be undertaken.
• The managers of the Storeroom and Technical Services will be informed by Reception or Storeroom
Reception when subcontracted staff members arrive so that they can be welcomed and reminded of the
basic measures and protocols implemented by the hotel which must be complied with at all times.
• Reservations and maximum capacities: Clients can sign up for activities at Reception (current
regulations will be followed in terms of maximum capacities, the ability to open the activity, and risk
• Activity leader: One person will be assigned to be in charge of each group.
• Maximum capacity: The activity leader will ensure that the maximum capacity is respected, as well as social
distancing guidelines. If an activity has a lot of demand, it can be increased to two shifts.
• Outdoors: under the palapa, in gardens, in the pool area (social distancing will be respected) - mini-
discotheque, yoga, and Pilates.
• MiniClub (maximum capacity will be respected).
• Nighttime shows - social distancing will be respected.
• Mini Clubs will not have the ball pit.
• Meeting point: this will be set outside in an area with a lot of room.
• Disinfection stations: In activity and recreational areas there will be places to apply hydroalcoholic gel.
• At the start and end of activities: participants will be encouraged to clean their hands as soon as they enter and before they
• After each use: the leader will have cleaning and disinfection kits for all materials used to be cleaned.
• Cleaning and disinfection: This will be undertaken more intensely by Technical Services for places,
swings, and facilities that can be used.
While it is not common for events to be held, the following will be taken into account:
• Areas where events can be held will be defined in accordance with the risk assessment undertaken;
events will be undertaken in accordance with the regulations set forth by the competent authorities in
accordance with maximum capacities and protective measures -- including service breaks and breaks
at the end.
• Events will be designed in a way that maximum capacities can be controlled and social distancing measures
can be respected upon arrival, during breaks, during food and beverage services, and upon termination (in
the event social distancing measures cannot be ensured, masks will be used).
• Two hours prior to the event, the space will be aired out to comply with current regulations.
• The provision of materials during meetings (paper, pens, water, etc.) will be assessed.

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Action plan Prinsotel against infection diseases covid

  • 2. Prinsotel´s establishments have implemented health protocols for preventing COVID-19 that comply with the criteria and requirements set forth in UNE 0066-2:2020 Specifications, establishing the guidelines and recommendations for reducing the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. English version: “Measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Part 2: Hotels and tourist apartments. Guidelines and recommendations.” These protocols are part of the Specific Containment Plan for each establishment -- a plan which was designed and implemented by the Health and Safety committee and which includes all the preventative measures for each department based on general requirements in terms of: limiting maximum capacity, social distancing, respiratory and hand hygiene, and thorough cleaning. All employees at Prinsotel's establishments have received specific training for preventing COVID-19 and for adapting these protocols to their posts at work. Likewise, Prinsotel's establishments are registered with a Hygienic/Sanitary Quality Control Program and visited regularly (in accordance with a set plan) by a team of inspectors in order to evaluate the hygienic and sanitary state of the premises and their operations. Prinsotel's establishments undergo specific audits to follow up on the implementation of preventative plans and cleaning and disinfection processes, as well as surface sample collection and laboratory analysis. Biolinea, whose scientific director is the prestigious Dr. Sebastián Crespí Rotger, has participated in the contention plan's design. Below, a brief summary of Dr. Sebastián Crespí Rotger's career is included. Dr. SEBASTIAN CRESPÍ PRESIDENT / SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR OF BIOLINEA He has been a consultant for the WHO, the ECDC, and the EU in relationship with preventing infectious diseases associated with tourism. Health Advisor of the Spanish Confederation of Hotels (CEHAT). Co-author of the European Guide for the Prevention and Control of Legionellosis. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Tourist Health (ITHA) and an active member of the European Working Group on Legionella Infections, where he participates as an independent expert in joint meetings between the health authorities and travel agencies.
  • 3. 1. AIM The aim is dual: • To plan, for all Prinsotel hotels, the necessary actions to reopen our establishments in the wake of COVID-19, doing so by implementing a protocol that specifies the standards to comply with, as well as the collective and individual organizational measures, based upon the information obtained from the health authorities, the World Health Organization, and local and national authorities through the publication of different guides (see references), bringing together --notwithstanding current legislation and the HACCP system previously implemented-- guidelines and recommendations to be applied so as to minimize the risk of spreading the SARS-Cov-2 virus. • To guarantee an environment of maximum safety for our workers and our customers at Prinsotel establishments. 2. INTRODUCTION TO COVID-19 2.1 HISTORY AND EVOLUTION At the end of the month of December of 2019, the Municipal Health and Sanitation Commission of the City of Wuhan in the Province of Hubei (China) alerted about a series of pneumonia cases whose origin was unknown, all of which were linked to the Huanan market. Over the successive weeks, these cases spread quickly both locally and outside the country: Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, among others. At the beginning of January of 2020, the agent causing the disease was isolated and its genome was sequenced: a new coronavirus had been identified, which was called 2019-n-CoV. In the middle of February, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to call the disease COVID-19 and the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses gave it the name SARS-CoV- 2 because of its genetic similarity to another coronavirus, SARS-CoV, which caused another epidemic to break out in 2003. At the end of January, the WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The first COVID-19 case in Europe was detected in France on January 25: an 80-year-old man from the Province of Hubei, who subsequently died. A few days later, on January 31, the first case was diagnosed in Spain: a German citizen hospitalized on the Island of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Nine days later, a second case was diagnosed on La Palma, also in the Canary Islands. On February 21, a large outbreak was reported in Italy -- mainly in the north, near Milan. Cases grew rapidly throughout Europe, and on March 13, 2020, the WHO declared Europe as the new epicentre of the virus after the situation had improved in China. The SARS-CoV2 pandemic in Spain has spread throughout the entire nation, and Spain is currently one of the countries with the highest number of confirmed cases and with the highest number of deaths due to COVID-19 -- alongside the USA and Italy.
  • 4. Chronological summary December 31 → China informed the WHO of a new Acute Respiratory Syndrome. January 7 → The source of the outbreak was made known. A new coronavirus known as 2019-nCoV. January 12 → China shared the pathogen's genetic sequence with the world. January 30 → The WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. February 11 → The WHO announced the new disease's official name: COVID-19. March 11 → The WHO declared a pandemic. SARS-CoV2 is a RNA virus from the coronaviridae family that can infect animals and humans. It has single-stranded RNA molecules and a crown of protein spikes covering its outer membrane surface -- hence its name. There are many types of coronaviruses and not all of them affect humans. Some cause illnesses similar to the common cold, others cause more serious pathologies. SARS-CoV causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), an epidemic that started in China in 2002-2003. The virus came from a bat and spread to a genet, and from there to humans. Approximately 8,000 cases were detected, as well as 744 deaths (10% mortality) -- and the virus affected 26 countries. MERS-CoV causes “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome”, an epidemic that started in China in 2012 and which continues to have some cases. It also came from a bat, which spread it to a dromedary and, from there it went to humans. It has caused 2,500 cases and its mortality is 37 percent. It has affected 27 countries. In terms of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2, there are asymptomatic and mild cases, as well as a considerable proportion of serious and very serious cases. Mortality hovers around one percent, and it is lower than that of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and Ebola. It has a high transmissibility, with a basic reproductive number, or R0 (the number of people that an infected person can end up infecting), of 2.5-2.8 -- higher than MERS-CoV. That fact is very important in the sense that prevention is something basic – and something which also works. Coronavirus summary SARS-CoV 2002-2003 → China. Mortality 10% MERS-CoV 2012 → Middle East. Mortality 30% SARS-CoV2 2020 → China. Mortality 1%. 2.2 THE ILLNESS: INFECTION, INCUBATION, AND SYMPTOMS Just as in other outbreaks caused by coronaviruses, the most probably primary source for the illness caused by SARS- CoV-2 is of animal origin. At present, it seems clear that the reservoir is the bat, while the intermediate host animal is continued to be researched (there is disagreement as to whether it is the pangolin or another animal). The way in which the virus was able to spread from its animal source to the first human cases is unknown. All signs point towards direct contact with infected animals or their secretions. The average incubation period is 5-6 days, with a wide range from 0 to 24 days. The average time from the start of symptoms to recovery is 2 weeks for mild cases and 3-6 weeks for severe or critical cases. The time between the onset of symptoms and the establishment of severe symptoms such as hypoxemia is 1 week, and there are 2-8 weeks until death.
  • 5. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may occur between two and fourteen days after exposure and they can include: - Fever - Cough - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. - Other symptoms may also include: - Tiredness - Muscle pain - Sore throat - Headache - Diarrhea - Vomiting - Loss of sense of smell or taste. The severity of the symptoms of COVID-19 can vary a lot. Some people even have no symptoms. Others, however, can suffer from severe symptoms that require hospitalization and eventually intensive care. Older adults or people who have certain chronic conditions, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or who have a compromised immune system may be at a higher risk of getting seriously ill. Some complications can be: - Pneumonia - Thromboembolism - Respiratory insufficiency - Kidney failure or failure ofmultiple organs. 2.3 WAYS OF TRANSMISSION The route of transmission between humans is considered to be similar to that described for other coronaviruses, through the secretions of infected individuals, primarily through direct contact with respiratory droplets larger than 5 microns (which can be passed over distances of up to 2 meters) and through hands or fomites that are contaminated by said secretions and later come in contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and/or eyes. Recent evidence confirms that, unlike SARS, which is transmitted only when the person has symptoms, this new coronavirus can be transmitted before the onset of symptoms (pre-symptomatic patients) and even if the person has no symptoms (asymptomatic patients). That makes it significantly more difficult to contain the epidemic. Currently, thanks to studies based on mathematical models, it is assumed that transmission begins 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms. Contagion rate or basic reproduction number (R0): The average number of secondary cases produced by one single case. SARS-CoV2 has shown that it can be transmitted from one person to another quite easily. Currently, the WHO estimates the R0 of the virus to be between 1.4 and 2.5, although other estimates speak of a range of between 2 and 3. This means that each infected person can, in turn, infect between 2 and 3 people -- although it has been seen that there may be “supercontagiators” capable of spreading the disease to up to 16 people. To control an epidemic, the R0 needs to decrease below 1. Summary of the virus's modes of transmission: - Droplets from an infected individual (coughing, sneezing, talking strongly). - Aerosol particles from an infected person: These are of a smaller size and may be suspended in the air for up to 3 hours, especially in closed spaces without ventilation. - Contact with surfaces contaminated by the virus. After touching mucous membranes (the eyes, mouth, nose), infection occurs.
  • 6. 2.4 GENERAL PREVENTION At the moment, the best strategy to face this new virus is to avoid infection; that is to say, to adopt preventative measures. The WHO and the CDC recommend taking these precautions to avoid COVID-19: • Avoid events with a lot of people and large gatherings. • Avoid close contact (less than 2 meters) with any person who is ill or who has symptoms. • Maintain physical distance between you and others if COVID-19 is spreading in your community, especially if you run a higher risk of contracting a serious disease. • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand rub to disinfect your hands and be sure it contains at least 60% alcohol. • Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue once used. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. • Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding, and other objects at home if you are sick. • Clean and sanitize surfaces that are frequently touched every day. • Stay at home and do not go to work, school, or public places if you are sick -- unless you leave your home to receive medical care. • Using masks in public may help to reduce the virus's spread by people who do not have symptoms. As the pandemic has advanced, the widespread use of masks by the general population as a preventative measure has been discussed. On April 8, the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) contemplated the possibility of a more widespread use of face masks. A series of recommendations were set forth in a document: • The use of face masks in public may serve as a means of source control to reduce the spread of the infection in the community by minimizing the excretion of respiratory droplets from infected individuals who have not yet developed symptoms or who remain asymptomatic. It is not known how much the use of masks in the community can contribute to a decrease in transmission in addition to the other countermeasures. The use of medical face masks by healthcare workers must be given priority over use in the community. • The use of face masks in the community could be considered, especially when visiting busy, closed spaces, such as grocery stores, shopping centres, or when using public transport, etc. • The use of non-medical face masks made of various textiles could be considered, especially if –due to supply problems– medical face masks must be prioritized for use as personal protective equipment by healthcare workers. This is based on limited indirect evidence supporting the use of non-medical face masks as a means of source control. • The use of face masks in the community should be considered only as a complementary measure and not as a replacement for established preventive measures; for example, physical distancing, respiratory etiquette, meticulous hand hygiene, and avoiding touching the face, nose, eyes, and mouth. Appropriate use of face masks is key for the effectiveness of the measure and can be improved through education campaigns. Recommendations on the use of face masks in the community should carefully take into account evidence gaps, the supply situation, and potential negative side effects.
  • 7. 3. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS 3.1 WORKING COMMITTEE The Prinsotel Group has a committee for managing risks based on ensuring health and safety, defining strategies, and making decisions to minimize hygienic/sanitary risks associated with COVID-19. In particular, this committee has been able to: • Gather information that allows for making the best decisions (ask specialists, etc.) • Identify risks at Prinsotel Hotels through a risk assessment by the (in-house) occupational risk prevention service (additionally, the “Action procedure for occupational risk prevention services in relation to exposure to SARS-CoV-2” will be followed, which was drafted by the Ministry of Health). • Implement the contingency plan and monitor its compliance, modifying it according to its effectiveness and according to the guidelines issued by the health authorities for combating COVID-19, both in relationship with employees and clients, as well as any additional measures contained in the contingency plan resulting from the risk analysis. • Design the necessary protective measures as contained in the contingency plan for Prinsotel Hotels and Apartments. • Establish coordination and communication between employees, specialists, and providers. • Set and implement a protocol for action in the event that an employee or client has symptoms compatible with COVID-19, following the guidelines from the risk prevention department and health authorities, respectively. Also, review the protocols for cleaning and disinfecting potentially contaminated surfaces.
  • 8. 3.2 MATERIAL RESOURCES This contingency plan includes: • The allocation of human resources in accordance with the prior occupational risk assessment; the presence in the company of workers vulnerable to COVID-19 will be considered and measures will be taken, and in the event there are individuals with disabilities, the occupational risk prevention report will be followed. • Allocation of material resources: ✓ Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to meet the needs identified during the prior occupational risk assessment by the occupational risk prevention service. ✓ Supply of the foreseen resources needed (masks, gloves -- in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report); for example, having a thermometer (in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report). 3.3 PROVIDERS The Prinsotel Group will ask its providers to have a COVID-19 prevention plan in place, and providers will be informed of the measures that directly affect them and that they should apply. 4. INFORMATIONAL MEASURES Prinsotel has the following channels to disseminate preventative and hygiene measures that have been put into place, in addition to the emergency phone numbers and health centres, so that the hygiene and disinfection guidelines are well known and upheld: FOR OUR CLIENTS ✓ On their mobile phone: Electronic document via chat (for those without a mobile device, an informational brochure will be provided) ✓ During welcoming: Brochure in the reception area ✓ In the guest rooms: TV channel ✓ In common areas: Signage (hydroalcoholic gel stations for hands, shared toilets, heavy traffic areas) ✓ Prinsotel website. FOR OUR EMPLOYEES ✓ Hydroalcoholic gel stations for hands ✓ Staff toilets and common areas.
  • 9. 5. GENERAL MEASURES FOR STAFF INFORMATION The staff of Prinsotel will receive clear and specific information on the Contingency Plan put in place and their responsibilities. TRAINING The staff will have specific, up-to-date training: ✓ By department: specific measures implemented. ✓ For cleaning staff: use and handling of products -- taught by the product supplier. SOCIAL DISTANCING • Staff will respect the social distance of 2 meters between staff members and staff members and clients. • Greetings with physical contact will be avoided -- both for workers and clients. • The use of devices and handheld electronic equipment belonging to other workers (tablets, mobile phones, etc.) will be avoided; these devices will be cleaned and disinfected between each use to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. • Personal use objects will be disinfected with water and soap, if possible, or a disinfecting solution -- this is also true for objects at workstations.
  • 10. PERSONAL/RESPIRATORY HYGIENE • Hands will be washed frequently with water and soap or they will be cleaned with a hydroalcoholic gel solution; said hand cleaning stations with gel and paper towels must be located in different areas. • Personal hygiene will be upheld -- especially daily showers. • In the event of coughing or sneezing, both the nose and mouth must be covered with a single-use paper tissue, which will be thrown away in the bins for said purpose (with a lid and pedal system). Hands will be cleaned with soap and water or a hydroalcoholic gel. • Touching the nose, eyes, and mouth will be avoided. UNIFORMS • Clean clothing will be taken to the workplace in a garment bag and dirty clothing will be returned home in a closed plastic bag. Each worker will have a "clean" and "dirty" locker. • Uniforms and footwear will only be used in the workplace. • Footwear will remain in the lockers at the workplace. • The company will provide a protocol for washing uniforms (daily machine washing at a temperature of 60ºC) which the worker must commit to undertaking to protect everyone's health. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Prinsotel, in order to guarantee safety amongst employees and between employees and clients, will require the use of a protective shield and gloves (and face masks in some cases, in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report). • Gloves will be disposed of during each service, doing so in the bins with a lid and pedal system that have been set up for said purposes, and hands will be cleaned with soap and water. Handling of POTENTIAL CASES OF INFECTION In the event symptoms are noticed, the worker will not go to work and will notify his/her supervisor immediately.
  • 11. 6. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION The Prinsotel Group, taking into account the risk analysis undertaken, will adapt the cleaning and disinfection plan for its hotels, noting in said plan the impact of the necessary cleaning measures on the planning and organization of work undertaken. The following will be taken into account: FREQUENCIES. ➢ An increase in the frequency of cleaning and touch-ups, especially in areas of great contact (surfaces, doorknobs, sinks, taps, handles, elevators, reception desk, doors, room keys/cards, telephones, remote controls, toilet flush handle, protective barriers, air-conditioning and heating systems, hairdryer, time control devices, gym machines, railings, room service menu, minibar, hangers, etc.). ➢ Employees' work areas will be disinfected when their shifts end (reception counter, etc.). ➢ Cleaning carts will be disinfected at the end of the day. ➢ A daily log will be kept of cleaning performed. • VENTILATION. Ventilation will be daily in areas of common use where there have been clients – a minimum of 15 minutes per day. • PRODUCTS. Use of disinfectants for cleaning will be undertaken: ✓ Under safe conditions (with protective equipment). ✓ With proper training for their handling. ✓ Disinfectants will be used whose efficacy is sure (freshly prepared solutions of bleach --chlorine concentration of 1 g/L, 1:50 dilution of bleach whose concentration is 40-50 gr/L-- 62-71% ethanol, or 0.5% hydrogen peroxide over a period of one minute). ✓ Safety datasheets for products will be available. ✓ Cloths and scourers will be cleaned constantly and changed periodically. • PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. Cleaning of rooms and collection of waste from bins in common areas must be undertaken safely (the occupational risk prevention report will be followed).
  • 12. 7. PROTOCOLS FOR ACTION 7.1 MEASURES FOR COMMON AREAS MAXIMUM CAPACITY The maximum capacities of the common areas will be defined and monitored, and informational signage will be displayed. PERSONAL/RESPIRATORY HYGIENE Sanitizer gel dispensers will be placed in areas of transit and in places where many clients congregate. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • Before opening its hotels: The Prinsotel Group has planned, alongside the company ATA Ecotecnología e Higiene (Official Register of Biocide Establishments and Services: 8125-IBA), to apply hydrogen peroxide in common areas professionally as a spray. • Ventilation – this a process that will be fundamental and daily; therefore, it is included in the cleaning plan. It will be reinforced in common areas during the cleaning and disinfection processes. • Frequency and depth will be increased during the cleaning and disinfection of the different areas (including contact surfaces and high traffic areas for staff and clients). Proper personal protective equipment will be used in accordance with the level of risk and the occupational risk prevention assessment (at minimum, use of mask and gloves -- in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report). • Cleaning products: specific training will be undertaken for cleaning staff on how to handle and use the products. Said training will be provided by the product supply company. Dust mops will be machine washed at more than 60ºC. • After each cleaning and disinfection, the materials used, and protective equipment will be discarded properly (bins with lids and a pedal for opening). Subsequently, hands will be washed. • Cleaning carts will be disinfected at the end of the day. 7.2 MEASURES FOR OFFICES • Cleaning and disinfecting: Daily -- in the morning and afternoon/evening. • Ventilation: Offices will be aired out during the cleaning process and whenever possible. • Hydroalcoholic gel stations for hands. • Social distancing: Furniture will be moved to ensure the proper distance between individuals. • Meetings: Meetings in which distances are not respected in closed spaces will be avoided.
  • 13. 7.3 MEASURES FOR TOILETS • Toilets (for staff and clients) will dispose of: soap dispensers, hand sanitizer dispensers, paper towel dispensers for drying hands, and a bin with a lid and pedal which will be double bagged. A standing sanitizer station will be placed outside of the toilet to allow for gel to be applied after having come in contact with doorknobs. • Individual use towels will be taken out of Prinsotel, and paper towel dispensers will be installed for drying hands. • The frequency of cleaning and disinfecting will be increased, with cleaning taking place at least six times per day by the cleaning staff. In accordance with Order SND/386/2020, of May 3: • Paper, hand sanitizer gel, and soap dispensers must be cleaned periodically, depending on their level of use. • Stocks of consumable products (soap, sanitizer, paper towels, etc.) will be reviewed and these items will be restocked when necessary. • All of these actions will be recorded on a log sheet in a plastic sleeve located on the door of said areas. • We will try to ensure that clients respect the social distancing guidelines with discrete markings on the floor. 7.4 MEASURES FOR ELEVATORS • Clients will be informed through signage of the need to comply with the rule to not share elevators with people from different families -- unless masks are worn. • Their cleaning and disinfecting will be increased by on-call cleaning staff (especially the button pad). 7.5 MEASURES FOR POOLS • WATER: The risk of coronavirus presence is not directly related with the operation of the pools. It is recommended to strictly comply with regulations for these facilities (Royal Decree 742/2013), especially in terms of monitoring levels of biocidal products, trying to be as close as possible to the maximum legal limit to ensure a good degree of disinfection. • SOCIAL DISTANCING: Loungers will be placed with social distancing requirements in mind. • TOWEL SERVICE: The lifeguard, with gloves, will do the following: ✓ Provide a towel to the client, as long as the client shows his/her “towel card.” ✓ Used towels received from the client will be left by the lifeguard in a laundry cart to be treated. ✓ At the end of the day, the lifeguard will provide all the cards received to Reception and they will be disinfected there.
  • 14. 7.6 MEASURES FOR CHILD RECREATION AREAS • Hydroalcoholic gel dispensers for hands will be placed in child recreation areas to ensure proper personal hygiene in addition to the frequent washing and/or disinfection of hands. • The frequency of cleaning and disinfecting these areas for children will be increased, especially paying attention to contact surfaces. 7.7 MEASURES FOR THE GYM MAXIMUM CAPACITY • The maximum capacity will be defined and we will ensure this is respected by means of a prior reservation system. • Social distancing will be ensured by spreading machines out. INFORMATION The Rules for Use will be updated and placed in a visible location. PERSONAL HYGIENE • Each client will have his/her own towel. • It will be placed in a basket with a lid and pedal that is lined with a plastic bag. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • The client will have a spray and paper towels to disinfect surfaces of machines before and after having used them, and hygiene will be emphasized through signage. • The cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the GYM as part of their daily work plan. It will be gone over several times a day. • Between clients: All gym elements will be disinfected (weights, fitness balls, dumbbells, etc.).
  • 15. 7.8 MEASURES FOR THE SPA MAXIMUM CAPACITY The maximum capacity will be defined and the amount of time to stay inside will be calculated; we will ensure that these are respected by means of a prior reservation system. INFORMATION The Rules for Use will be updated and placed in a visible location. PERSONAL HYGIENE The client will be reminded that it is obligatory to shower before using the thermal spa circuit. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • The cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the area daily. • Between clients: the cleaning staff will clean and disinfect the sauna and steam rooms. 7.9 MEASURES FOR THE BICYCLE SERVICE This service is booked at Reception (Technical Services Department) and return is managed via Motorlobby, with the following preventative measures defined: CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • AFTER USE - KIT FOR BICYCLE USE (helmet, lock, key, and safety vest): Each of the kit's elements will be disinfected by the receptionist and the vest will be sent to be laundered (machine washing for textiles at 60ºC). • AFTER USE - BICYCLE: This will be disinfected by the Technical Services department, which will provide it to the next client. 7.10 MEASURES FOR THE MASSAGE SERVICE The room and massage table will be cleaned and disinfected by the on-call cleaning staff. Cleaning and disinfection will likewise always be necessary before and after the service. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • DAILY: Room and massage table, by the on-call cleaning staff. • BEFORE AND AFTER THE SERVICE: The professional masseuse will disinfect the massage table and related items (outsourced to an external company - occupational risk prevention coordination).
  • 16. 7.11 MEASURES FOR THE RECEPTION AND CONCIERGE AREAS ✓ INFORMATION The following information will be shown to the customers through the different channels (TV channel, brochure in Reception, electronic document sent via chat, Prinsotel website): • Certificate guaranteeing that the establishment is hygienically safe. • Hygiene and health processes put into place by Prinsotel Group. • The rigorous cleaning and disinfection protocol for the hotel's different areas (for example, rooms). • Use of chemical products for cleaning, along with their descriptions and certifications. ✓ MAXIMUM CAPACITY The maximum capacity of the reception area will be defined and informational signage will be displayed. ✓ SOCIAL DISTANCING -- Distances will be guaranteed between: • Clients and other clients: In the check-in area by marking lines on the ground every 2 meters. • Clients and employees: protective shields will be used. • Employees and other employees: protective shields will be used. ✓ PERSONAL/RESPIRATORY HYGIENE • At the hotel's entrance, a free-standing hydroalcoholic gel dispenser will be placed as well as informational signage. • The reception desk will have hydroalcoholic gel placed atop it.
  • 17. ➢ 7.11.1 Reception and Welcoming Service • The receptionist will have one pen, which will be disinfected after each client uses it. • Credit card payments will be encouraged (charges to client rooms). • PCs and other equipment will be assigned per receptionist, avoiding cross-contaminated surface contract amongst employees. • Cards and keys used by the clients: These will be placed in a container all together so that they can subsequently be disinfected in a sole process (along with the "towel cards" from the lifeguard). • While serving clients, in the event that medical assistance is needed, that information should discreetly be made known to Management. In the event of a coronavirus case, the protocol for cases which are detected within the hotel should be followed. • A contactless thermometer will be available in the event that opportune checks must be carried out on clients with symptoms that align with COVID-19. • Room allocation will be undertaken to ensure the required disinfection and hygiene measures. • In the event there is a bellboy service, our staff will have disposable gloves for moving suitcases safely to rooms. These will subsequently be discarded in bins with lids and a pedal. ✓ CLEANING AND DISINFECTION In all departmental areas, cleaning and disinfection will be increased -- with the following frequencies: ✓ Counter: Reception staff, between clients. ✓ Reception Areas: On-call cleaning staff, every 2 hours. ✓ Luggage carriers and carts: On-call cleaning staff in the lobby area, after each use. ➢ 7.11.2 LUGGAGE ROOM • Accessible only by staff members. • Objects that were being stored there, such as books, will be removed. ➢ 7.11.3 RECEPTION DESK / CONCIERGE DESK • Welcome Drink: Given personally by the receptionist to each client. Clients will have a tray to place their cups on, and said tray will be sent to the bars to be cleaned in the dishwasher. Clean, disinfected cups will be restocked. • CLUB: A maximum capacity will be set and social distancing will be guaranteed with marks on the floor. ➢ 7.11.4 CHECK-IN PROCESSES • Prinsotel Website Clients: They will be asked to do the preliminary check-in online from the website to speed up the process and avoid contact during check-in. • Verification of client documentation: Identification will be shown, avoiding the need to touch it. The passport/ID card will be scanned and the scanner will be disinfected after each use. • Traveller sheet (signed during check-in by each client): Upon arrival, the client will be informed of the clause on compliance with laws and health regulations at the destination.
  • 18. • Open line of credit: Upon reservation (whether online or via a travel agency), the client will be informed that a credit card is necessary, as a line of credit will be opened on the client's behalf upon his/her arrival and all additional fees will be charged to the card -- cash will not be allowed to be used. • Reservation Department: By controlling the sale of lodging packages with breakfast and with dinner included, and in compliance with maximum capacities in dining areas, enough shifts will be offered depending on the establishment's occupancy. • Provision of a welcome brochure in addition to room keys, keys to safes, and towel cards. All this will have been disinfected previously. • A CHAT/WhatsApp option will be made available. • All information will be provided to the client via said chat, and the client may ask any questions that he/she wishes. Information (including restaurant menus, etc.), reservations for restaurants and extras, etc. • The telephone contact number will be provided to be able to inform clients directly on their mobile phone or room phone. • All the information from the informational folders will be on the informational TV channel in the room, and it will also be available via chat. • All required information about guides and agencies (tour hours, etc.) will be provided to clients. ➢ 7.11.5 CHECK-OUT PROCESSES • During check-out, the client will be given the option of having his/her invoice emailed to him. • Cards and keys used by the clients: These will be placed in a container all together so that they can subsequently be disinfected in a sole process. ➢ 7.11.6 MASS ARRIVALS Areas will be set aside in the bar as waiting areas, always ensuring social distancing measures are upheld. ➢ 7.11.7 LATE ARRIVALS AND EARLY CHECK-OUTS Room service will be working, making use of protective shields and gloves, to deliver cold dinners and breakfasts in the client's room. This will avoid visits to the dining room during the hours in which everything has been disinfected and left ready for the next service.
  • 19. 7.12 MEASURES FOR HOUSEKEEPING ➢ 7.12.1 LODGING • Decorative elements have been removed. • Decorative textiles will be reduced as much as possible. • Toiletries have been reduced to the bare necessities, and they will be single-use items. The rest of amenities will be provided upon the client's request, being delivered by housekeeping staff. • All items which can be used by the client 'on demand' will be removed from the room: extra pillows, an extra duvet, etc. • The bathroom's trash bin will have a lid, double bag, and a pedal. • The kitchen towels of the apartments will be changed for each client and laundered (at 60ºC). • Curtains and sofas will be disinfected. • Iron services will be limited, as the iron is not disinfected previously. • Removing the trash bin from the rooms will be studied so that all tissues, masks, etc. are placed in a single trash bin with a lid. • For rooms that are shared by individuals who are not members of the same family, it should be the risk committee that sets the proper measures (social distancing, a room with special signage, hydroalcoholic gel) depending on client types (risk committee). • Cleaning and disinfection routes will be reinforced in common areas by all on-call cleaning staff throughout the day. • It is important to be vigilant in case an ill client is detected. If this happens, the Housekeeping Supervisor must be notified, who will in turn notify Management. ➢ 7.12.2 ROOM CLEANING • The housekeeping staff will not enter the rooms to provide services in the event that the client is in the room at that very moment.
  • 20. • The client will be informed of this requirement, which will be described in the reception brochure. • During the service, a sign reading "Cleaning in progress" will be placed on the outside doorknob to keep clients from entering unexpectedly. VENTILATION From the moment staff enters the room, and during the duration of the service, it will be ventilated. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • Daily frequency. • SURFACES Cleaning of walls, floors, ceilings, mirrors and windows, furniture, equipment, and decorative and functional elements. • LIKELY CONTACT SURFACES Cleaning of any surfaces, pieces of equipment, furnishings, and items with a high level of usage: • TV remote control • Telephone and alarm clock radio • Thermostat • Hangers • Play Station and controls • Knobs of doors / drawers / closets • Plexiglass panes for toiletries • Hairdryer • Bins (with a pedal for opening) • Bathroom stool • Coffee pot and related items (those not used will be discarded) • Kitchen utensils - in apartments • Lamps (standing lamps and wall fixtures) • Beverage bottles: in the event they are not consumed, they will be disinfected. • The foods in the 'full fridge' service will be packaged as necessary • Welcome amenities (disinfected by the housekeeping department) • Gifts depending on the segment • Interior furniture and terrace furniture • Clotheslines • Informational folder UPON CLIENT CHECK-OUT • The hairdryer (including filter) will be cleaned. • Hangers will be disinfected. CLEANING OF TEXTILES A system has been set up to avoid cross contamination:
  • 21. ✓ DIRTY TEXTILES: Dirty textiles will be placed in sealed bags inside the cart for dirty laundry. • TOWEL REPLACEMENT: Upon client's request. • REPLACEMENT OF BED LINENS: As set forth on the bed change list provided by the housekeeping supervisor. Linens will not be left on the floor of the room or bathroom. Shaking of dirty textiles will be avoided and, after dirty textiles are handled, staff will disinfect their gloves with hydroalcoholic gel or will wash their hands and disinfect with hydroalcoholic gel (in accordance with the occupational risk prevention report). ✓ CLEAN TEXTILES: In a cart, not able to come into physical contact with dirty textiles. These will be placed on the bed only after the room has been cleaned and disinfected. (* The laundry service, which is outsourced, will ensure that the temperature reaches the minimum required of 60ºC). TOILETRIES • These will be single-use items. • Upon check-out, those not used will be disposed of. • Upon check-in and during restocking, only the following will be provided: body gel, hair conditioner, a dental kit, and a bar of soap. • The rest will be 'on request.' • An individual container of hydroalcoholic gel and disinfecting wipes will be added so that the guest can disinfect surface if he/she desires. MINIBAR SERVICE Those rooms with a ‘drinks on arrival’ or ‘drinks during the stay’ service will have the drinks placed in the refrigerator after disinfection by Housekeeping. If, upon checkout, a bottle has not be consumed, it will be disinfected for future use. ➢ 7.12.3 INFORMATION IN ROOMS • Informational folders will be available with vinyl pages that will be disinfected by housekeeping staff. • Upon the client's arrival, the TV will be set on the hotel's informational channel (where all necessary information from the action plan will be reinforced). • New for each client: 'Green' card (information on reusing towels and changing sheets), 'Do Not Disturb' signs, coasters near the sink, and laundry list. • Housekeeping Operations Manual: The Housekeeping Operations Manual will be updated with the new specifications set forth in this Action Plan in terms of the following: ➢ Work tools ➢ Room cleaning processes for CHECK-OUTS and OCCUPIED rooms. ➢ 7.12 MEASURES FOR HOUSEKEEPING 7.13 MEASURES FOR THE KITCHEN Prinsotel, based upon the HACCP system that has been updated for COVID-19, will apply the criteria defined therein and increase the supervision of critical points:
  • 22. ✓ PERSONAL/RESPIRATORY HYGIENE • Soap dispensers, hydroalcoholic gel dispensers, and paper towel dispensers will be installed in each work area: Kitchen areas and dishwasher. • Sinks will not be manually operated. A mask and gloves will be worn for handling foods that will not undergo heat afterwards: pastries, salads, and cold dishes. ✓ CLEANING AND DISINFECTION • Before and after the workday: Cooks will undertake the full disinfection protocol in their work area and this will be logged. • Disinfection of utensils will be undertaken (knives, cutting boards, and materials for working) after each use and they cannot be exchanged between staff members -- if they are, they will first be disinfected. • Surfaces: Cleaning of surfaces will be undertaken with disposable paper towels before subsequent disinfection. • All fruits and vegetables will be disinfected with food-safe bleach. ➢ 7.13.1 DISHWASHING AREA ✓ BEFORE the workday: The stock of cleaning solution will be reviewed. ✓ DURING the workday: • Exhaustive temperature control will be undertaken for the dishwasher (over 80ºC). • The dishwashing team will be made up of two individuals: one who puts the DIRTY DISHES into the dishwasher, and another who takes them out CLEAN. • Staff will work with gloves that will be disinfected by applying hydroalcoholic gel (the gloves will be disposed of in bins with a lid and pedal). • Cutlery will be disinfected and packed individually with a napkin for each client. ✓ AT THE END of the workday: All carts, work equipment, and rubbish bins (with pedals) will be cleaned and disinfected.
  • 23. 7.14 MEASURES FOR THE CAFETERIA AND RESTAURANTS Prinsotel has decided to implement an assisted buffet service with protective screens to reduce clients' handling of food items and prevent the risk of spreading the virus. ➢ 7.14.1 ROOM SERVICE When a client makes a request for room service, he/she will be made aware of the following guidelines: when finished, the client will place the tray outside of his/her room door and call Reception for it to be picked up. ✓ SERVING room service: • The waiter will use gloves when going to the room. • The waiter will use a mask if social distancing cannot be maintained with the client. ✓ RETIRING used trays: • The waiter will use gloves to retire trays. • Trays, plate covers, and other dishes will be cleaned in the dishwasher.
  • 24. ➢ 7.14.2 THE MARKET KITCHEN RESTAURANT ✓ MAXIMUM CAPACITY • At Prinsotel, tables will be placed in the dining room and on terraces. ✓ RESPIRATORY HYGIENE • Hand sanitizer gel dispensers will be placed at the entrance of the dining room and in the dining room itself, as well as signage to guarantee that they are used by clients. • A supervisor will ensure that all who enter the dining room apply sanitizer gel. ✓ CLEANING AND DISINFECTION DURING THE SERVICE The cleaning team will continuously clean the entire dining room. AFTER EACH SERVICE ✓ Ventilation of dining room. ✓ Deep cleaning of contact surfaces: tables, chairs (armrests), buffet area, etc. See Annex VIII. ✓ WORK TEAMS • Two waiter profiles have been established to avoid the risk of cross contamination at all times. DIRTY AREA WAITER • This waiter will use gloves and a protective shield. • He/she will retire used dishes and silverware and clean tables. • He/she will fill carts and take them to the dishwashing area. • He/she will take dirty materials to the corresponding kitchen areas. CLEAN AREA WAITER • This waiter will use gloves and a protective shield. • Refilling of dining room fixtures. • Preparation of tables: disinfection of tables and chairs (armrests). • Setting tables: silverware packaged individually with a paper napkin, single-use placemats, single-use salt and pepper (for each client). • This waiter will assist and serve clients: taking orders at a prudent distance. • Drink and wine service.
  • 25. ➢ BUFFET ✓ MAXIMUM CAPACITY • Client self-service will be eliminated and service will be personal; buffets will be covered and service from the front will be assisted. • In areas where our kitchen staff serves the dishes, these areas will be closed off with transparent screens so that staff can be seen by the client; however, only staff members will have access. • The range of products, entrées, and prepared salads will be reduced -- with menus being adapted to the new buffet system. • The foods from the cooking show service (there will be a protective screen) will be assisted and plated by cooks: grilled items will be prepared in the moment and, at the client's request, dishes will be completed with foods that are more difficult to prepare. • Elements and fixtures for common use will be eliminated (oil/vinegar servers, saltshakers, machines, etc.) and decorative items will be used if their disinfection can be guaranteed during service. • In addition the informational signage explaining that is not permitted to remove foods from the dining room, the supervisor will ensure that this rule is complied with. ✓ OPERATIONS AT PRINSOTEL • Cold plates at the salad and entrée area, as well as hot plates, will have protective shields and service will be assisted by our staff. • The bread display rack will be closed and bread will be placed next to the toaster in the buffet area -- assisted by our staff. • Cold plates in the dessert area will have protective shields and service will be assisted (from the front, in the line with the clients) by our staff. • The cooking show service will have a protective screen and will be assisted and plated by cooks: grilled items and pastas will be prepared in the moment and, at the client's request, dishes will be completed with sides and sauces . ✓ BREAKFASTS • Drinks (milks, juices, infused water, and shakes) will be served by the waiter individually: in a pitcher or glass. • Bread and pastries will be served by cooks individually and/or as slices of bread that have already been cut (loaves and large breads to be cut by the clients will be eliminated). • Sausages, cheeses, crudités, and pickled items will be at a single station and serviced by cooks. • Honey, jams, butters, whole fruits, cut fruits, dried fruits, yogurts, cereal, etc. will be served individually by cooks.
  • 26. • Cooking shows: cooks will prepare the following items live and serve them to the client: omelets, eggs, crepes, waffles, etc. • Side dishes and hot dishes will be served by our kitchen staff as they are prepared; the client will be asked what he/she wants as a side for the main dish. ✓ DINNERS • Salad bar: served by the cook, with the same format and variety as present. • Prepared salads and cold entrées: in individual portions. • Cooking shows: meats and fish will be prepared in the moment and plated by the kitchen. • Hot dishes and sides: served by the kitchen. • Desserts: ice cream in tub format. ➢ 7.14.3 OTHER BARS AND RESTAURANTS • Dispensers: Hydroalcoholic gel and supporting signage will be placed at entrances and in high-traffic areas once inside. • Furniture: Some of the furniture will be taken out to create a more spacious environment and control movement of people. • Physical menus at the tables will be replaced by QR codes. • In the event that the customer does not have a mobile device, a fixed sign (chalkboard type) will be placed at the entrance. • The “top-up money card” system will be encouraged. • Disinfection after each use: placemats, all surfaces, PDA and POS equipment. • Individual serving sizes and service at the customer's request: upon request -- the 6 house sauces will be presented on a tray.
  • 27. 7.15 MEASURES FOR THE TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Before the workday: Technical Services staff members will go to the laundry area, where they will be given their assigned uniform (machine washed at 60ºC). • They will go to their post afterwards. • HYDROALCOHOLIC GEL: pump action, located in Technical Services Department. • PPE: the place where personal protective equipment will be supplied is a locker in the workshop (there will be masks and disposable gloves). • Repair requests: Technical Services will pick up repair requests from the Anomalies Log in Reception and will subsequently make repairs and/or replace/refill dispensers (paper, hydroalcoholic gel) in the affected areas. • ACCESS TO ROOMS: Maintenance staff will enter into rooms when the client is not there -- except for good cause. Thus: ✓ Maintenance staff will make use of the set personal protective equipment (the occupational risk prevention report will be followed), masks, and gloves. ✓ Once assistance or repairs have finished, the staff members must disinfect their hands with the bottle of hydroalcoholic gel assigned to them and dispose of their personal protective equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in a bin with a lid and pedal. ✓ If the client is in the room because his/her presence is necessary, it is recommended to keep a distance of 2 meters and make use of a mask. ✓ Any type of physical contact will be avoided (greetings, provision of work order, etc.). • When each shift ends: a table will be designated in the workshop to disinfect tools and materials used. Disinfection will be exhaustively undertaken.
  • 28. ➢ 7.15.1 SUN LOUNGERS AND POOL CHAIRS ✓ Technical Services: the number thereof will be reduced in accordance with social distancing guidelines ✓ Technical Services: They will be cleaned and disinfected in the mornings. ✓ Reception: Allocation to clients is for the entire day. ✓ Lifeguard: In the event the client leaves, the lifeguard will be informed and will proceed to disinfect them. ➢ 7.15.2 WATER FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION In accordance with a notice published by the Ministry of health (06/04) there is currently consensus amongst the different scientific organizations like the WHO, the ECDC/CDC, and the EPA that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been detected in water for human consumption if said water is treated, at least, with filtering and disinfection -- these treatments eliminate or inactivate coronaviruses. Water levels: a free chlorine level of between 0.5 and 1ppm must be maintained (in drinking water and in purified water). ➢ 7.15.3 PREVENTION OF LEGIONELLA AND MAINTENANCE OF POOLS The risk of coronavirus presence is not directly related with sanitary hot water, cold water for human consumption, and pool facilities. Water levels – Prevention of Legionella, Royal Decree 140/2003, Royal Decree 865/2003, and UNE100030:2017; and Pools Royal Decree 742/2013: monitoring of biocidal products and other parameters will be increased to guarantee the microbiological water quality, trying to be as close as possible to the maximum legal limit to ensure proper disinfection. ➢ 7.15.4 COMMON AREAS Two times per day, disinfection will be undertaken by applying a chlorine solution under pressure with a Kärcher cleaner, as well as sprayed with fumigation equipment, doing so in the following areas: ✓ Outdoors ✓ Common areas: walkways around pools ✓ Items for children (swings in parks) ✓ Entrance of goods ✓ Rooms and workstations: machine rooms, boiler rooms. ➢ 7.15.5 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN The frequency and number of reviews for elements that most influence hygienic conditions will be increased to ensure that they are working optimally -- for example: ➢ Air Conditioning Systems At Prinsotel, we have a central climate control system with air recirculation and which brings in air from the outside through a damper with filters. The air conditioning system will be reviewed periodically -- especially the cleaning of filters in the hall and dining area. The existence of fan coil units means local air recirculation; therefore, the following guidelines have been established: ✓ Every 2 months: fan coil units will be cleaned and disinfected, as well as trays and display cases. ✓ The changing and cleaning of filters will be increased. ✓ Times per season, air conditioning equipment will be cleaned and filters will be replaced. ✓ PPE: all necessary PPE for changing filters, etc. will be used (gloves, masks, goggles, and/or a face shield).
  • 29. 7.16 MEASURES FOR THE STOREROOM • Action plans will be coordinated with suppliers. • Greater monitoring and establishment of requirements will be put in place for suppliers. • Gloves and masks will be used to receive goods, and there will be no possibility of contact between suppliers and kitchen staff. • The merchandise receiving area will be separate from storage areas. • There will be a timetable for delivery of materials from providers and another timetable for delivery of materials to the departments. • In the merchandise receiving area, there will be a sanitizing mat for cleaning suppliers' shoes, in addition to hydroalcoholic gel which must be used. • Outer packaging of goods will be removed and disposed of in recycling bins; special care will be taken in preserving the labelling of products for tracking. • Plastic boxes and other packaging will be disinfected before entering storage facilities (boxes of soft drinks, cans, etc.). • After reception and handling by assigned staff members, the contaminated area (counter, elevator, carts, etc.) will be exhaustively cleaned and disinfected with a spray. • There will be an area to leave delivery notes, guaranteeing social distancing and reducing the possibility of physical contact (items like pens, stamps, etc. will not be shared). 7.17 MEASURES FOR THE GARDENING DEPARTMENT All possible precautions will be taken when doing work that cannot be done individually, making use of individual protective equipment. 7.18 MEASURES FOR SUBCONTRACTORS • Coordination of action plans will be undertaken with subcontracted companies in the event that the company is going to regularly send its workers to our facilities. • All preventative and hygienic measures will be taken with subcontracted staff members. • Disinfection will be undertaken between subcontractors.
  • 30. • Subcontracted staff will come with the PPE supplied by their company -- which will be necessary and appropriate for the services to be undertaken. • The managers of the Storeroom and Technical Services will be informed by Reception or Storeroom Reception when subcontracted staff members arrive so that they can be welcomed and reminded of the basic measures and protocols implemented by the hotel which must be complied with at all times. 7.19 MEASURES FOR THE ACTIVITY DEPARTMENT • Reservations and maximum capacities: Clients can sign up for activities at Reception (current regulations will be followed in terms of maximum capacities, the ability to open the activity, and risk assessment). • Activity leader: One person will be assigned to be in charge of each group. • Maximum capacity: The activity leader will ensure that the maximum capacity is respected, as well as social distancing guidelines. If an activity has a lot of demand, it can be increased to two shifts. • Outdoors: under the palapa, in gardens, in the pool area (social distancing will be respected) - mini- discotheque, yoga, and Pilates. • MiniClub (maximum capacity will be respected). • Nighttime shows - social distancing will be respected. • Mini Clubs will not have the ball pit. • Meeting point: this will be set outside in an area with a lot of room. • Disinfection stations: In activity and recreational areas there will be places to apply hydroalcoholic gel. • At the start and end of activities: participants will be encouraged to clean their hands as soon as they enter and before they leave. • After each use: the leader will have cleaning and disinfection kits for all materials used to be cleaned. • Cleaning and disinfection: This will be undertaken more intensely by Technical Services for places, swings, and facilities that can be used. 7.20 MEASURES FOR EVENTS While it is not common for events to be held, the following will be taken into account: • Areas where events can be held will be defined in accordance with the risk assessment undertaken; events will be undertaken in accordance with the regulations set forth by the competent authorities in accordance with maximum capacities and protective measures -- including service breaks and breaks at the end. • Events will be designed in a way that maximum capacities can be controlled and social distancing measures can be respected upon arrival, during breaks, during food and beverage services, and upon termination (in the event social distancing measures cannot be ensured, masks will be used). • Two hours prior to the event, the space will be aired out to comply with current regulations. • The provision of materials during meetings (paper, pens, water, etc.) will be assessed.