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Achieving competitive, sustainable
and guaranteed energy
 Presentation
 Prologue
 Conclusions and recommendations of the
energy document
The search for competitive and sustainable energy from guaranteed supplies is
doubtless a basic demand of any modern, competitive economy. The economic growth
of a country, the development of its companies and the wellbeing of its citizens are
intimately linked to the way this important matter is resolved.
Here at the Círculo de Empresarios –whose proposals have always clearly
reflected a marked concern for the interests of society as a whole– we have often
reflected on this subject, in both specific documents and others of a more general
nature. In our Barometer of the Círculos, we recently noted the need for “a regulatory
framework for infrastructures that is transparent, predictable and stable so as to
create prices, especially for energy, that do not cause a competitive disadvantage in
the international setting.”
There are many factors –technological, geopolitical and environmental– that
affect this highly complex subject. And there are many consequences, both positive
and negative, from the way it is approached. The future of energy is something that
must be dealt with in a combined, coordinated way and on a global scale. Regarding
Spain, for example, there is a clear need for not only its own energy policy but for a
European policy. This is one of those areas where private initiative must be perfectly
coordinated with what the public powers are doing, on both the national and
international levels.
In Spain, and at the Círculo de Empresarios, we have companies that are in the
international forefront. Thanks to this, a first-class team directed by Josu Jon Imaz –
and including representatives of energy producers, distributors, important consumers
and consultancy firms– has taken several months to produce a thoroughly
documented, rigorous study that contains important conclusions and
recommendations. My thanks everyone for their dedication and effort. And, above all,
for what I consider most important: future guidance in a subject that is essential for
our economy and our society. All of us – citizens, companies and public
administrations– should take it very much into account.
Mónica de Oriol
President of the Círculo de Empresarios
What would we do in a world without energy? Of course this is a rhetorical question,
but it’s one that’s been with human beings forever. Every great step forward in the
world has been propelled by energy. Almost a million years ago Man harnessed fire
and realized that this “magic” gave him the independence to prosper. Energy is just
that: progress, evolution.
We are in a tremendously changing global context on all levels, and this too is
related to energy. We’re seeing highly variable prices, and as emerging powers awaken
from their lethargy to pursue development and progress, they will concentrate on
consuming energy in the coming decades. There are geopolitical conflicts caused by
energy, or where energy is used as a bargaining chip; there is a disproportionate
distribution of energy that should make us react and think rapidly.
This is a challenging time when energy companies, working with political decision
makers, must rise to the occasion and give society what it demands of us. We should
provide the energy that the world needs –and do so in the most sustainable manner.
In this new setting of increasing demand by countries outside the OECD –countries
with very different patterns of growth– all the different energy sources should be
present, making optimal contributions to the different sectors. To achieve a more
developed and balanced world, the answer is not just one source of energy. There is
no single correct answer, no silver bullet. The solution is to use all sources, with each
one fulfilling its potential wherever necessary.
For this reason, and because we share responsibility, this publication has enlisted
the help of energy supply firms from different fields, as well as companies that
consume energy. We share a vision of energy and its future, and together we have
reflected on those aims that energy policies should guarantee: a reliable supply,
competition in industry and society, and sustainability. I want to thank all the
companies for the responsible way in which they participated: from the point of view
of the general interest rather than for sectorial gain. This contribution is especially
relevant in the Spanish context, where economic recovery has begun and where
energy is an important factor in competitiveness. We have also considered the role of
Spain and our energy challenges within the European context.
The different energy sources are like the pieces in a puzzle, and we should work
together to find all of them, because they are all essential. There’s never been a puzzle
where all the parts are equal; each one is different but complementary. And that must
be our goal: to fit each one of them in the right place and thus achieve the best final
Josu Jon Imaz
President of the Energy Committee and CEO of Repsol
The most recent estimates by the International Energy Agency foresee an increase of
33% in world energy demand by the year 2035. During this increase, the center of
gravity will move toward the emerging economies, especially China, India, Southeast
Asia and the Middle East. In addition to this heightened demand there are two
determining factors. First, it will be more difficult to obtain traditional energy sources,
both because it is harder to access some of them (for example, there are more difficult
conditions for exploring and exploiting) and because of uncertainty (i.e., geopolitical
reasons). And second, increasing concern about whether the current global energy
model is environmentally sustainable. These factors have created an enormous
challenge to those organizations that are responsible for energy policy and supply
(governments, agencies, public and private companies) as they try to satisfy the
expected demand.
In this context, the Energy Committee of the Círculo de Empresarios has made
some proposals to meet the challenges to the Spanish and European energy systems.
The proposals seek to advance in a balanced and rational way in three areas: (i)
improving economic competitiveness; (ii) making the supply more reliable, and (iii)
increasing sustainability.
Competitiveness in the cost of energy is essential for developing any energy
policy because it directly impacts Spain’s GDP and trade balance. In Spain, the energy-
intensive industries (metallurgy, chemicals, paper) represent 2.3% of the total GDP.
This figure is low in comparison to other European countries (for example Germany,
with 3.8%, and The Netherlands, with 3.2%) and similar to that in other countries (the
United Kingdom and France). However, the impact on the Spanish economy is very
important, because the industrial sector has a significant knock-on and multiplying
effect on GDP due to the network of its suppliers, as well as an indirect effect through
the greater income and socio-economic wellbeing that it brings. In addition, Spain will
have to reinforce its industrial sector so that the economy will grow and be more
diverse and stable in the middle and short term. In this sense, the energy sector and
big industry share important challenges in maintaining economic sustainability and
competitiveness. Both sectors are essential for economic development in Spain and
have complementary challenges. A competitive energy sector –one that is
economically sustainable and adequately integrated with the domestic energy market–
will be able to offer Spanish consumers competitive electricity and gas prices. This will
allow Spanish industry to reach the necessary levels of activity and consumption
without which the sustainability of the energy sector would be at risk.
Gas accounts for an important percentage of the production costs in industries
like ceramics, glass, steel and part of the chemical sector. The drop in the demand for
gas, and the inclusion of new exogenous costs, could mean a change in costs for the
eventual consumer. Thus Spain should develop the necessary means for favoring the
use of indigenous gas at competitive market prices.
Another significant part of energy costs is in electricity, one of the most
important factors when defining Spain’s competitiveness on a global level. In recent
years in Spain the price of electricity has increased because of factors not directly
related to its supply but to environmental, industrial or social policies –or directly
because of higher taxes on electrical consumption or production. In spite of the fact
that the electricity wholesale market is fluid and its prices are competitive when
compared to those in the principal European markets –and that the network costs are
much lower than what’s common in Europe– strong regulatory and fiscal pressures
increase the final price that the consumer must pay for electricity. Following successive
reformation in the sector, the regulated component of the prices of electricity has
been reduced (for example renewable sources, transport and distribution payments,
cogeneration, interruptibility). Nevertheless, in an effort to lower public deficits, taxes
on energy have risen sharply. This increasing fiscal pressure threatens the
competitiveness if industry and the energy sector.
Security in supplying energy is currently at the top of the list of geopolitical
concerns, and recent events like the instability in Ukraine have brought this home to
the general public and affected the markets. Spain depends almost 100% on imports
for its two principal sources of primary energy, petroleum and gas, and in the
European Union as a whole dependence on exterior sources is very high (i.e., 86% of
petroleum and 66% of gas in 2012). Although the EU has diversified its sources of oil
and gas in recent years, the considerable dependence on Russia for gas –and on the
OPEP for oil– illustrates Europe’s delicate energy situation. Nevertheless, with regard
to natural gas Spain has some uniquely diverse sources thanks to its six regasification
plants; in 2013 it received natural gas from 11 different places.
Environmental sustainability is a key, undisputed factor in the EU’s energy
agenda. Proof of this is the launch of its Climate and Energy Package, which seeks to
reduce greenhouse gases, promote renewable sources of energy, and increase overall
energy efficiency in Europe.
Following deliberation by its members, the Energy Committee of the Círculo de
Empresarios proposes a series of measures to advance Spanish and European energy
policy in the three areas mentioned earlier. These proposals, contained in this
document, can be structured along three lines of action:
■ Energy efficiency
■ Renewable energies
■ Natural gas
■ Traditional fuels
■ Non-conventional fossil fuels
■ Interconnections
These measures in energy efficiency simultaneously achieve an important reduction in:
(i) Europe’s energy bill (promoting energy competitiveness); (ii) Europe’s energy
dependence, and; (iii) the emission of greenhouse gases. It should also be
remembered that in October of 2014 the European Council proposed that energy
efficiency be improved by at least 27% by the year 2030.
Most of the measures considered under the energy efficiency heading achieve
substantial savings. That is, they yield a positive economic balance or “pay for
themselves.” Simultaneously, it is easy to apply most of these energy-efficient
measures, for three reasons: (i) since most can be applied in stages, they require
relatively small investments (unlike many “upstream” measures in economic policy);
(ii) this type of measure is attractive to investors because many of them yield high
returns in the short/medium term, and; (iii) it is easy for users, investors and other
parties to measure their impact.
In this sense, all the characteristics and reasons listed earlier support the thesis
that energy-efficient measure must be chosen based on a cost/investment/profit
analysis of each one of them and how the fit in the system as a whole. For example,
the principal measures will increase energy efficiency in public, private and commercial
buildings (e.g., lighting, air conditioning, insulation), in energy-intensive industrial
processes (for example the repair of engines and stoves and in cogeneration) and
transportation mobility (renewing cars by incorporating new engine technology,
improving collective passenger and merchandise transport by rail). In sum, measures
for energy efficiency not only make costs more competitive (many of them earn
money or “pay for themselves”) but also reduce energy dependence (by at least 10% in
what the European Union imports) and the levels of emissions.
Finally, it should be mentioned that public support for energy efficiency through
adequate regulation (for example, energy regulation in buildings) and incentives (like
tax breaks and favorable financing plans) has been an essential tool in other countries
and has been effective and sustainable in Ireland and Denmark (in residential and
industrial areas) and in Norway and Spain (in mobility and transportation, for example
the PIVE Plans in Spain to stimulate car sales).
For years the European Union has been supporting renewable technology, and has
unquestionably become the world’s leading region in promoting this kind of energy, in
line with its ambitious aims to reduce energy dependence and greenhouse gases. At
present in Europe, renewable energy provides a little more than 10% of all primary
energy and 20% of all the electric energy. This commitment was recently reinforced by
the 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework and by the new support from the
European Commission for the renewable sector.
In Spain, these new technologies for generating energy are notable, as is their
impact on industry. This is especially true in the case of wind technology: in 2013 it was
the leading source for generating electricity, providing 20.9% per cent of the demand.
On the industrial level, Spain is the world’s third most important exporter of wind
turbines (after Germany and Denmark) and the world’s fifth country in wind generator
patents. In addition, Spain’s high degree of energy dependence makes it even more
necessary to back these local inexhaustible sources like wind, sun and water.
This triple commitment –to reducing energy dependence and CO2 emissions and
supporting a new industrial sector– has benefited from advances in the learning curve
in these technologies. In recent years many of the renewable energy technologies have
reduced their costs. And it is hoped that in coming years they can become more
economically competitive, for several reasons: the technology will improve, supply
chains will be more efficient, and there will be continual improvement in operation
and maintenance and in the internalization of the costs of other technologies. Support
for these sources of energy is thus not only strategic but also increasingly efficient.
In the future, the people responsible for energy policy in Europe and Spain have
to guarantee that this development, along with the increasing price of CO2, results in a
greater development of the most tried and efficient renewable technologies. This will
make it possible to balance the market and boost more competitive entry models of
agents and technologies and the allocation of capacity models (for example,
competitive auctions) depending on the maturity of the technology and its potential
for reducing costs. At the same time, there should be research and development of the
renewable technologies that seem most promising but which are currently not
technically and economically feasible. And all this should be done within the
framework of R+D.
In line with recent trends, the demand for natural gas is expected to continue to
increase all over the world, although 80% of this increase will be in countries outside
the OECD. Because of its relatively low CO2 emissions, natural gas is an ideal fuel for
achieving a low-carbon economy. Besides being used in the residential and industrial
sectors, it will continue to play a key role in generating electricity by means of the
combined cycles that are necessary for support in a new model where there is a strong
presence of renewable energies (they represent 25% of this power in Spain).
At present, with the European Union importing two-thirds of the natural gas it
consumes, it is necessary to take steps to reduce this vulnerability. In this sense,
liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be a very important factor in mitigating this uncertain
supply. This gas comes from diverse sources, there are more and more suppliers, and
the supply is flexible. If necessary, or through price arbitrage, it can be diverted to
other markets.
Spain’s unique geographical location, as well as the important role of LNG in its
gas market and network of pipelines, makes the country an important point of entry
for gas from Algeria into Europe. But to make this a reality, it will be necessary to
increase the connection between the Iberian Peninsula and France. At the same time,
the other European countries must increase their capacity to transport and store this
gas if they are to have access to diverse, efficient energy sources.
Besides increasing this interconnection, Spain must create an organized gas
market (hub) like the ones in other countries, where daily and longer-term market gas
prices are published in a transparent way. These price listings will help strengthen the
competitiveness of Spanish companies with regard to their European counterparts.
In a context in which many of the proposed solutions will only be viable over the
middle and long term, it is necessary to reflect on today’s energy sources, which will
continue to dominate the European energy system. According to the International
Energy Agency, in the EU ‘traditional’ fuels will represent almost 61% of the total
primary energy supply in 2030. For this reason it is necessary to analyze in detail the
energy that comes from petroleum (32% of this total primary energy in 2030), coal
(14%) or nuclear power (15%) so as to extract the greatest value from these sources in
the short and middle term.
In this context, it is of great importance to exploit the conventional local
resources in Europe and Spain so as to improve trade balances. To accomplish this,
public administrations and private companies need to increase joint efforts to locate
and assess these resources and strictly enforce environmental requirements so as to
sustainably access and extract their energy.
For its part, energy based on coal will be facing a problematic situation in coming
years. At the present market prices, which are expected to continue in coming years,
the economic margins of the technologies that permit the integration of renewables
are considerably reduced or negative. In order for these technologies to survive and to
attract investment, including the environmental investment required by the Industrial
Emissions Directive (IED), there is the possibility of offering some kind of incentives (for
example: environmental, increase of capacity payment), measures which naturally
should be coordinated with the European Commission. But if the necessary
investments to adapt the coal-fired power plants to the IED emission levels are not
carried out, all the coal production will cease between 2018 and 2023, with a loss in
power that has not been taken into account in current predictions about energy
demand in Spain. If this were to happen, it would be necessary to invest in new power
sources, and the mix of different energy sources would be less robust and diverse,
based almost exclusively on gas and nuclear power.
In the case of nuclear energy, we must consider extending the active life of the
existing plants. Spain’s nuclear plants were built to last some 40 years. But they have
turned out to be very reliable, and there has been continual investment, updating and
improvement. As a result, extending their life would be very efficient economically for
the system (because the greatest cost was in the initial investment). For this reason,
Spain is considering following the examples of other countries, and extending the life
of these nuclear plants to the age of 60. Naturally, any such extensions are subject to
the approval and terms of the pertinent safety agencies.
By using local non-conventional fuels, it would be possible to do away with imports
and thus reduce energy dependence. While this possibility seems initially attractive, it
would be necessary to overcome a series of barriers with regard to cost
competitiveness. It would also be necessary to inform the general public about the
measures to protect the environment that are involved with these new energy
The most feasible of these options is shale gas, which has revolutionized the
energy scene in North America. In Europe, it appears that shale gas has considerable
potential, principally in Poland and France, and possibly in Spain. The experts make
widely varying estimates of this potential: it could satisfy anything from 5% to 13% of
the total gas demand in Europe in 2013. In any case, and even while recognizing that
there are doubts about its sustainability over the middle and long term, shale gas could
significantly affect costs, and so it’s an energy source that Europe and Spain should try
to develop.
As might be expected, developing non-conventional fossil fuels at freely
competing market prices demands the right energy policies. In the case of shale gas, it
would be necessary to draft specific regulations (perhaps based on the successful
system in the United States). This would make it possible to develop this energy source
while at the same time assuring that the projects are sustainable and that they provide
adequate environmental protection.
Spain is considered an “energy island” –our electrical interconnection is around 3% of
the installed power– and this increases our costs when it comes to receiving a reliable
and sustainable energy supply. At the same time, it prevents Europe from benefitting
from Spain’s unique geographical location (to make use of gas imported from Algeria
and LNG, or Spain’s renewable sources) and impedes Spain from using more efficiently
that capacity.
In the case of electricity, the interconnection capacity (1.4%) has not increased
in the last 30 years –although by 2015 the new interconnection with France should be
functioning– and is far from achieving the targets recently set by the European Union
(i.e., 10% by 2020 and 15% by 2030). This situation increases costs and volatility in the
Spanish market because we are unable to access nuclear energy from France. At the
same time, it prevents us from exporting our surplus renewable energy at certain
times, which is economically inefficient for the European Union as a whole because
that energy has a marginal cost that is close to zero. In this sense it will be important to
again promote electrical interconnection projects with Europe and seek the protection
of the EU in overcoming opposition to their development.
In the gas sector, the situation seems to be more positive. There are effective
plans to increase the interconnection with France from the current 5.4 bcm to 7.1 bcm
in 2015 by means of the planned enlargement scheduled for Irún; and up to 14.3 bcm
if the Midcat project materializes. (The EU has included it as a Project of Common
Interest). This interconnection, along with development of the hub, could turn the
Iberian Peninsula into an important gateway for gas into Europe, and achieve a more
efficient, transparent and fluid gas market in southern Europe. The development of
these markets, along with more interconnections, would make supply more reliable. In
addition, market exchanges and integration would improve, thus achieving more
unified prices and finally developing an internal gas market that is efficient and
These proposals should be executed in a regulatory framework that favors:
1. Stability. In this way, when making decisions all the consumers and companies in
the energy sector would benefit from stability in the legal and regulatory
framework, and from a transparent and predictable process for the future. It would
be possible to avoid the abrupt changes that upset the smooth flow of the market
and discourage investors. To achieve this stability, there should be a pact between
the political parties about energy policy and climate change. This would protect
structural policies, which require long-term investments, from the recurring
changes caused by political developments.
2. A pro-market, pro-competition vision. In this sense, it is necessary to identify all the
different kinds of subsidies to the sector and to technologies so as to limit their
impact as much as possible, especially those subsidies that distort the markets. If
the government or regulators decide to grant subsidies for different reasons –
whether social, industrial, managerial or environmental– they should do so in a
clear way and minimizing their size, duration and market impact. Likewise, the
general rule for choosing these supports should be based on competitive
procedures, so as to guarantee that they have a minimal impact on energy costs
3. Transparency in Spain and the countries in the European Union. (For example, with
regard to energy costs, taxes and charges, and exemptions from their payment.)
This will be the best way to promote loyal competition, innovation and
competitiveness in global markets.
4. Lower taxes and regulatory burden for all consumers. To achieve this, it is
necessary to consider transferring some of these burdens to the national budget
or reducing or eliminating charges and taxes for all consumers and agents.
We hope these recommendations will be useful for regulators, public
administrations and the public in general when it is time to promote or support
different measures on energy policy.

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Achieving competitive, sustainable and guaranteed energy

  • 1. 1 Achieving competitive, sustainable and guaranteed energy  Presentation  Prologue  Conclusions and recommendations of the energy document
  • 2. 2 PRESENTATION The search for competitive and sustainable energy from guaranteed supplies is doubtless a basic demand of any modern, competitive economy. The economic growth of a country, the development of its companies and the wellbeing of its citizens are intimately linked to the way this important matter is resolved. Here at the Círculo de Empresarios –whose proposals have always clearly reflected a marked concern for the interests of society as a whole– we have often reflected on this subject, in both specific documents and others of a more general nature. In our Barometer of the Círculos, we recently noted the need for “a regulatory framework for infrastructures that is transparent, predictable and stable so as to create prices, especially for energy, that do not cause a competitive disadvantage in the international setting.” There are many factors –technological, geopolitical and environmental– that affect this highly complex subject. And there are many consequences, both positive and negative, from the way it is approached. The future of energy is something that must be dealt with in a combined, coordinated way and on a global scale. Regarding Spain, for example, there is a clear need for not only its own energy policy but for a European policy. This is one of those areas where private initiative must be perfectly coordinated with what the public powers are doing, on both the national and international levels. In Spain, and at the Círculo de Empresarios, we have companies that are in the international forefront. Thanks to this, a first-class team directed by Josu Jon Imaz – and including representatives of energy producers, distributors, important consumers and consultancy firms– has taken several months to produce a thoroughly documented, rigorous study that contains important conclusions and recommendations. My thanks everyone for their dedication and effort. And, above all, for what I consider most important: future guidance in a subject that is essential for our economy and our society. All of us – citizens, companies and public administrations– should take it very much into account. Mónica de Oriol President of the Círculo de Empresarios
  • 3. 3 PROLOGUE What would we do in a world without energy? Of course this is a rhetorical question, but it’s one that’s been with human beings forever. Every great step forward in the world has been propelled by energy. Almost a million years ago Man harnessed fire and realized that this “magic” gave him the independence to prosper. Energy is just that: progress, evolution. We are in a tremendously changing global context on all levels, and this too is related to energy. We’re seeing highly variable prices, and as emerging powers awaken from their lethargy to pursue development and progress, they will concentrate on consuming energy in the coming decades. There are geopolitical conflicts caused by energy, or where energy is used as a bargaining chip; there is a disproportionate distribution of energy that should make us react and think rapidly. This is a challenging time when energy companies, working with political decision makers, must rise to the occasion and give society what it demands of us. We should provide the energy that the world needs –and do so in the most sustainable manner. In this new setting of increasing demand by countries outside the OECD –countries with very different patterns of growth– all the different energy sources should be present, making optimal contributions to the different sectors. To achieve a more developed and balanced world, the answer is not just one source of energy. There is no single correct answer, no silver bullet. The solution is to use all sources, with each one fulfilling its potential wherever necessary. For this reason, and because we share responsibility, this publication has enlisted the help of energy supply firms from different fields, as well as companies that consume energy. We share a vision of energy and its future, and together we have reflected on those aims that energy policies should guarantee: a reliable supply, competition in industry and society, and sustainability. I want to thank all the companies for the responsible way in which they participated: from the point of view of the general interest rather than for sectorial gain. This contribution is especially relevant in the Spanish context, where economic recovery has begun and where
  • 4. 4 energy is an important factor in competitiveness. We have also considered the role of Spain and our energy challenges within the European context. The different energy sources are like the pieces in a puzzle, and we should work together to find all of them, because they are all essential. There’s never been a puzzle where all the parts are equal; each one is different but complementary. And that must be our goal: to fit each one of them in the right place and thus achieve the best final result. Josu Jon Imaz President of the Energy Committee and CEO of Repsol
  • 5. 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS INTRODUCTION The most recent estimates by the International Energy Agency foresee an increase of 33% in world energy demand by the year 2035. During this increase, the center of gravity will move toward the emerging economies, especially China, India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. In addition to this heightened demand there are two determining factors. First, it will be more difficult to obtain traditional energy sources, both because it is harder to access some of them (for example, there are more difficult conditions for exploring and exploiting) and because of uncertainty (i.e., geopolitical reasons). And second, increasing concern about whether the current global energy model is environmentally sustainable. These factors have created an enormous challenge to those organizations that are responsible for energy policy and supply (governments, agencies, public and private companies) as they try to satisfy the expected demand. In this context, the Energy Committee of the Círculo de Empresarios has made some proposals to meet the challenges to the Spanish and European energy systems. The proposals seek to advance in a balanced and rational way in three areas: (i) improving economic competitiveness; (ii) making the supply more reliable, and (iii) increasing sustainability. Competitiveness in the cost of energy is essential for developing any energy policy because it directly impacts Spain’s GDP and trade balance. In Spain, the energy- intensive industries (metallurgy, chemicals, paper) represent 2.3% of the total GDP. This figure is low in comparison to other European countries (for example Germany, with 3.8%, and The Netherlands, with 3.2%) and similar to that in other countries (the United Kingdom and France). However, the impact on the Spanish economy is very important, because the industrial sector has a significant knock-on and multiplying effect on GDP due to the network of its suppliers, as well as an indirect effect through
  • 6. 6 the greater income and socio-economic wellbeing that it brings. In addition, Spain will have to reinforce its industrial sector so that the economy will grow and be more diverse and stable in the middle and short term. In this sense, the energy sector and big industry share important challenges in maintaining economic sustainability and competitiveness. Both sectors are essential for economic development in Spain and have complementary challenges. A competitive energy sector –one that is economically sustainable and adequately integrated with the domestic energy market– will be able to offer Spanish consumers competitive electricity and gas prices. This will allow Spanish industry to reach the necessary levels of activity and consumption without which the sustainability of the energy sector would be at risk. Gas accounts for an important percentage of the production costs in industries like ceramics, glass, steel and part of the chemical sector. The drop in the demand for gas, and the inclusion of new exogenous costs, could mean a change in costs for the eventual consumer. Thus Spain should develop the necessary means for favoring the use of indigenous gas at competitive market prices. Another significant part of energy costs is in electricity, one of the most important factors when defining Spain’s competitiveness on a global level. In recent years in Spain the price of electricity has increased because of factors not directly related to its supply but to environmental, industrial or social policies –or directly because of higher taxes on electrical consumption or production. In spite of the fact that the electricity wholesale market is fluid and its prices are competitive when compared to those in the principal European markets –and that the network costs are much lower than what’s common in Europe– strong regulatory and fiscal pressures increase the final price that the consumer must pay for electricity. Following successive reformation in the sector, the regulated component of the prices of electricity has been reduced (for example renewable sources, transport and distribution payments, cogeneration, interruptibility). Nevertheless, in an effort to lower public deficits, taxes on energy have risen sharply. This increasing fiscal pressure threatens the competitiveness if industry and the energy sector.
  • 7. 7 Security in supplying energy is currently at the top of the list of geopolitical concerns, and recent events like the instability in Ukraine have brought this home to the general public and affected the markets. Spain depends almost 100% on imports for its two principal sources of primary energy, petroleum and gas, and in the European Union as a whole dependence on exterior sources is very high (i.e., 86% of petroleum and 66% of gas in 2012). Although the EU has diversified its sources of oil and gas in recent years, the considerable dependence on Russia for gas –and on the OPEP for oil– illustrates Europe’s delicate energy situation. Nevertheless, with regard to natural gas Spain has some uniquely diverse sources thanks to its six regasification plants; in 2013 it received natural gas from 11 different places. Environmental sustainability is a key, undisputed factor in the EU’s energy agenda. Proof of this is the launch of its Climate and Energy Package, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gases, promote renewable sources of energy, and increase overall energy efficiency in Europe. Following deliberation by its members, the Energy Committee of the Círculo de Empresarios proposes a series of measures to advance Spanish and European energy policy in the three areas mentioned earlier. These proposals, contained in this document, can be structured along three lines of action: ■ Energy efficiency ■ Renewable energies ■ Natural gas ■ Traditional fuels ■ Non-conventional fossil fuels ■ Interconnections PROMOTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY These measures in energy efficiency simultaneously achieve an important reduction in: (i) Europe’s energy bill (promoting energy competitiveness); (ii) Europe’s energy
  • 8. 8 dependence, and; (iii) the emission of greenhouse gases. It should also be remembered that in October of 2014 the European Council proposed that energy efficiency be improved by at least 27% by the year 2030. Most of the measures considered under the energy efficiency heading achieve substantial savings. That is, they yield a positive economic balance or “pay for themselves.” Simultaneously, it is easy to apply most of these energy-efficient measures, for three reasons: (i) since most can be applied in stages, they require relatively small investments (unlike many “upstream” measures in economic policy); (ii) this type of measure is attractive to investors because many of them yield high returns in the short/medium term, and; (iii) it is easy for users, investors and other parties to measure their impact. In this sense, all the characteristics and reasons listed earlier support the thesis that energy-efficient measure must be chosen based on a cost/investment/profit analysis of each one of them and how the fit in the system as a whole. For example, the principal measures will increase energy efficiency in public, private and commercial buildings (e.g., lighting, air conditioning, insulation), in energy-intensive industrial processes (for example the repair of engines and stoves and in cogeneration) and transportation mobility (renewing cars by incorporating new engine technology, improving collective passenger and merchandise transport by rail). In sum, measures for energy efficiency not only make costs more competitive (many of them earn money or “pay for themselves”) but also reduce energy dependence (by at least 10% in what the European Union imports) and the levels of emissions. Finally, it should be mentioned that public support for energy efficiency through adequate regulation (for example, energy regulation in buildings) and incentives (like tax breaks and favorable financing plans) has been an essential tool in other countries and has been effective and sustainable in Ireland and Denmark (in residential and industrial areas) and in Norway and Spain (in mobility and transportation, for example the PIVE Plans in Spain to stimulate car sales).
  • 9. 9 REVISED STRATEGY FOR RENEWABLES For years the European Union has been supporting renewable technology, and has unquestionably become the world’s leading region in promoting this kind of energy, in line with its ambitious aims to reduce energy dependence and greenhouse gases. At present in Europe, renewable energy provides a little more than 10% of all primary energy and 20% of all the electric energy. This commitment was recently reinforced by the 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework and by the new support from the European Commission for the renewable sector. In Spain, these new technologies for generating energy are notable, as is their impact on industry. This is especially true in the case of wind technology: in 2013 it was the leading source for generating electricity, providing 20.9% per cent of the demand. On the industrial level, Spain is the world’s third most important exporter of wind turbines (after Germany and Denmark) and the world’s fifth country in wind generator patents. In addition, Spain’s high degree of energy dependence makes it even more necessary to back these local inexhaustible sources like wind, sun and water. This triple commitment –to reducing energy dependence and CO2 emissions and supporting a new industrial sector– has benefited from advances in the learning curve in these technologies. In recent years many of the renewable energy technologies have reduced their costs. And it is hoped that in coming years they can become more economically competitive, for several reasons: the technology will improve, supply chains will be more efficient, and there will be continual improvement in operation and maintenance and in the internalization of the costs of other technologies. Support for these sources of energy is thus not only strategic but also increasingly efficient. In the future, the people responsible for energy policy in Europe and Spain have to guarantee that this development, along with the increasing price of CO2, results in a greater development of the most tried and efficient renewable technologies. This will make it possible to balance the market and boost more competitive entry models of agents and technologies and the allocation of capacity models (for example, competitive auctions) depending on the maturity of the technology and its potential for reducing costs. At the same time, there should be research and development of the
  • 10. 10 renewable technologies that seem most promising but which are currently not technically and economically feasible. And all this should be done within the framework of R+D. AN OVERALL VIEW OF NATURAL GAS In line with recent trends, the demand for natural gas is expected to continue to increase all over the world, although 80% of this increase will be in countries outside the OECD. Because of its relatively low CO2 emissions, natural gas is an ideal fuel for achieving a low-carbon economy. Besides being used in the residential and industrial sectors, it will continue to play a key role in generating electricity by means of the combined cycles that are necessary for support in a new model where there is a strong presence of renewable energies (they represent 25% of this power in Spain). At present, with the European Union importing two-thirds of the natural gas it consumes, it is necessary to take steps to reduce this vulnerability. In this sense, liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be a very important factor in mitigating this uncertain supply. This gas comes from diverse sources, there are more and more suppliers, and the supply is flexible. If necessary, or through price arbitrage, it can be diverted to other markets. Spain’s unique geographical location, as well as the important role of LNG in its gas market and network of pipelines, makes the country an important point of entry for gas from Algeria into Europe. But to make this a reality, it will be necessary to increase the connection between the Iberian Peninsula and France. At the same time, the other European countries must increase their capacity to transport and store this gas if they are to have access to diverse, efficient energy sources. Besides increasing this interconnection, Spain must create an organized gas market (hub) like the ones in other countries, where daily and longer-term market gas prices are published in a transparent way. These price listings will help strengthen the competitiveness of Spanish companies with regard to their European counterparts.
  • 11. 11 OPTIMIZING “TRADITIONAL” FUELS In a context in which many of the proposed solutions will only be viable over the middle and long term, it is necessary to reflect on today’s energy sources, which will continue to dominate the European energy system. According to the International Energy Agency, in the EU ‘traditional’ fuels will represent almost 61% of the total primary energy supply in 2030. For this reason it is necessary to analyze in detail the energy that comes from petroleum (32% of this total primary energy in 2030), coal (14%) or nuclear power (15%) so as to extract the greatest value from these sources in the short and middle term. In this context, it is of great importance to exploit the conventional local resources in Europe and Spain so as to improve trade balances. To accomplish this, public administrations and private companies need to increase joint efforts to locate and assess these resources and strictly enforce environmental requirements so as to sustainably access and extract their energy. For its part, energy based on coal will be facing a problematic situation in coming years. At the present market prices, which are expected to continue in coming years, the economic margins of the technologies that permit the integration of renewables are considerably reduced or negative. In order for these technologies to survive and to attract investment, including the environmental investment required by the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), there is the possibility of offering some kind of incentives (for example: environmental, increase of capacity payment), measures which naturally should be coordinated with the European Commission. But if the necessary investments to adapt the coal-fired power plants to the IED emission levels are not carried out, all the coal production will cease between 2018 and 2023, with a loss in power that has not been taken into account in current predictions about energy demand in Spain. If this were to happen, it would be necessary to invest in new power sources, and the mix of different energy sources would be less robust and diverse, based almost exclusively on gas and nuclear power. In the case of nuclear energy, we must consider extending the active life of the existing plants. Spain’s nuclear plants were built to last some 40 years. But they have turned out to be very reliable, and there has been continual investment, updating and improvement. As a result, extending their life would be very efficient economically for
  • 12. 12 the system (because the greatest cost was in the initial investment). For this reason, Spain is considering following the examples of other countries, and extending the life of these nuclear plants to the age of 60. Naturally, any such extensions are subject to the approval and terms of the pertinent safety agencies. DEVELOPING NON-CONVENTIONAL FOSSIL FUELS By using local non-conventional fuels, it would be possible to do away with imports and thus reduce energy dependence. While this possibility seems initially attractive, it would be necessary to overcome a series of barriers with regard to cost competitiveness. It would also be necessary to inform the general public about the measures to protect the environment that are involved with these new energy sources. The most feasible of these options is shale gas, which has revolutionized the energy scene in North America. In Europe, it appears that shale gas has considerable potential, principally in Poland and France, and possibly in Spain. The experts make widely varying estimates of this potential: it could satisfy anything from 5% to 13% of the total gas demand in Europe in 2013. In any case, and even while recognizing that there are doubts about its sustainability over the middle and long term, shale gas could significantly affect costs, and so it’s an energy source that Europe and Spain should try to develop. As might be expected, developing non-conventional fossil fuels at freely competing market prices demands the right energy policies. In the case of shale gas, it would be necessary to draft specific regulations (perhaps based on the successful system in the United States). This would make it possible to develop this energy source while at the same time assuring that the projects are sustainable and that they provide adequate environmental protection. DEVELOPING INTERCONNECTIONS IN EUROPE Spain is considered an “energy island” –our electrical interconnection is around 3% of the installed power– and this increases our costs when it comes to receiving a reliable and sustainable energy supply. At the same time, it prevents Europe from benefitting from Spain’s unique geographical location (to make use of gas imported from Algeria
  • 13. 13 and LNG, or Spain’s renewable sources) and impedes Spain from using more efficiently that capacity. In the case of electricity, the interconnection capacity (1.4%) has not increased in the last 30 years –although by 2015 the new interconnection with France should be functioning– and is far from achieving the targets recently set by the European Union (i.e., 10% by 2020 and 15% by 2030). This situation increases costs and volatility in the Spanish market because we are unable to access nuclear energy from France. At the same time, it prevents us from exporting our surplus renewable energy at certain times, which is economically inefficient for the European Union as a whole because that energy has a marginal cost that is close to zero. In this sense it will be important to again promote electrical interconnection projects with Europe and seek the protection of the EU in overcoming opposition to their development. In the gas sector, the situation seems to be more positive. There are effective plans to increase the interconnection with France from the current 5.4 bcm to 7.1 bcm in 2015 by means of the planned enlargement scheduled for Irún; and up to 14.3 bcm if the Midcat project materializes. (The EU has included it as a Project of Common Interest). This interconnection, along with development of the hub, could turn the Iberian Peninsula into an important gateway for gas into Europe, and achieve a more efficient, transparent and fluid gas market in southern Europe. The development of these markets, along with more interconnections, would make supply more reliable. In addition, market exchanges and integration would improve, thus achieving more unified prices and finally developing an internal gas market that is efficient and competitive. These proposals should be executed in a regulatory framework that favors: 1. Stability. In this way, when making decisions all the consumers and companies in the energy sector would benefit from stability in the legal and regulatory framework, and from a transparent and predictable process for the future. It would be possible to avoid the abrupt changes that upset the smooth flow of the market and discourage investors. To achieve this stability, there should be a pact between the political parties about energy policy and climate change. This would protect
  • 14. 14 structural policies, which require long-term investments, from the recurring changes caused by political developments. 2. A pro-market, pro-competition vision. In this sense, it is necessary to identify all the different kinds of subsidies to the sector and to technologies so as to limit their impact as much as possible, especially those subsidies that distort the markets. If the government or regulators decide to grant subsidies for different reasons – whether social, industrial, managerial or environmental– they should do so in a clear way and minimizing their size, duration and market impact. Likewise, the general rule for choosing these supports should be based on competitive procedures, so as to guarantee that they have a minimal impact on energy costs 3. Transparency in Spain and the countries in the European Union. (For example, with regard to energy costs, taxes and charges, and exemptions from their payment.) This will be the best way to promote loyal competition, innovation and competitiveness in global markets. 4. Lower taxes and regulatory burden for all consumers. To achieve this, it is necessary to consider transferring some of these burdens to the national budget or reducing or eliminating charges and taxes for all consumers and agents. We hope these recommendations will be useful for regulators, public administrations and the public in general when it is time to promote or support different measures on energy policy.