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Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
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Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
If we want the Law to protect universal human rights, that is, if we want the Law to protect those who can not protect
themselves (, such as weak/meek individuals/groups,) then we must not advocate for secular democracy (/democratic
capitalism). Because, secular democracy is a form of mob rule and has no well defined (/moral) standard other than the
“will of the people” (~“will of the majority”)—is a “might is right” phenomenon. Erroneously, the advocates of secular
democracy anticipate a universal security for all through the Law made by the “will of the majority” by assuming that they
will not make “immoral” laws. That is, they are (unknowingly) expecting amoral democracy to make moral laws [even if
such a law can be against the apparent/immediate/temporal interest(s) of the majority]. Such anticipation is a moral
expectation (instead of amoral/immoral desires) which emanates from the deep-seated socio-ideological conscience
nurtured by religious values (during the past centuries). Thus, without the pre-existence of religious values in socio-moral
principles secular democracy would have lead the society to end up in something worse than wilderness. Therefore,
religious nurturing of human beings through formal/informal education, political institutions etc. is essential—religion and
state can neither be mutually exclusive nor be separated from each other.
That is, we need to institute moral democracy (instead of secular democracy)—state and religions are mutually inclusive
and belonged to each, both inwardly and outwardly. In moral democratic process we find out essential, necessary, and
commendable laws (through religious guidance) instead of making laws (out of whims). It is a coupled phenomenon in
which immoral laws (/socio-psychological disorders) are shunned out (through the religious arbitration) (in one hand) and
pseudo-religious notions are purged out (through the process of natural humanization) (on the other)—because
exercises/exhortations of a true religion must suit/flourish/raise innate human attributes, and essential human nature must
properly be nurtured (through religion) toward full flourishing of humanity. Failures of secular democracy/socialism/
communism have repeatedly upheld the truth that essential human nature can/must not be denied/ignored/suppressed and
must properly be nurtured (instead).
Immoral laws are harmful for all (in the long run). But such a comprehension by an individual is impossible without
comprehensive wisdom—it demands thorough awareness about the moral standards (imbued by the religion) (and their
respective benevolence), and about the arbitrariness of amoralities/immoralities (and their respective malevolence).
Therefore, education process must inculcate thorough understandings/articulation in religious principles and skills to derive
their respective ramifications/interpretations in every new context in the progressive march of the civilization.
Socio-moral principles of all of the widely practiced religions are similar—because to organize life, family, community,
civilization, and society respective (original) religion had to be humanized through the (universal) essential human nature
Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
with (the same set of actual) basic human rights (at every point of human history): food, clothes, shelter, health, education,
freedom, and dignity. In fact, Religion in original form had/has always been the same: Islam means (submission to the
Truth/) peace. But repeated misinterpretations, non-preservation, and deviation have made different religions. Even then
there exists a common set of socio-moral principles upon which every (plural/singular) society and the entire mankind can
be united. In these regards, the religion of the majority (in respective societies) must play the coordinating roles by properly
accommodating the other relevant religions and by securing the (actual) basic human rights of every individual living in that
society. On the other hand, every religion will be a proper part of a body which will guide the entire mankind in the inter-
State/international/global forums such as the United Nations. In between the entities such as a State and UN there
should/could be confederations—each of such confederation can be consisted of the states/people with the same religion of
the majority (along with an essential exception).
Today politics of most of the countries have been given in infamous Machiavellism—through hypocrisy, deception, tyrany,
corruption, nepotism etc. these societies are becoming unfit for suitable living. Because, either the doctrines of Niccolo
Machiavelli (1469-1527 C. E.) have been adopted in politics in contradiction to the ideologies of the State, or the ideologies
(/main pillars) of the State have been tried (, by taking extraneous steps,) to be set up for devious accommodation of
Machiavellism. But, Machiavellism is a set of reactionary/diabolic political doctrines which had been put out to suit the
particular anarchic situations of his time. It is neither suitable for the politics of every period nor is a complete enough set of
theories capable of defining a State (of any period)—in fact, his doctrines actually aimed to immorally guide the rulers (on
the basis of his wrong assumptions about human nature). But no state can succeed to deliver universal justice and peace
through immoral politics (because such politics infringes/confiscates basic actual human rights). Machiavelli’s theories
are/were so dangerous because he was not a thoroughly wise individual with enough of well-balanced maturities in three
distinct realms of human personality: spiritual (/soul: metaphysics), rational (/intellect: mathematics), and empirical
(/physical senses: natural science). We, therefore, must/can review the conditions of the existing states and the relevant
prescriptions of great Plato (427-347 B. C.) to solve our relevant paramount problems in our post-modern contexts. During
this long period of human history Islamic period followed by the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is the most successful one
and the Holy Qur’an is the only Book which contains no error. This book (, The Republic Reengineered,) is an attempt to
put out a (postmodern) unified comprehensive social engineering design for the replacement of the other similar
(complete/incomplete/unsuitable) works such as The Republic (authored by Plato) and Das Capital [authored by Karl Marx
(1818-1883 C. E.)] on the basis of the (inherent) set of standards conforming to the Qur’an and Sunnah [of the Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. (570-633 C. E.)]. The objective is to gradually replace every form of existing states (by conforming to
attributes of this mammoth model, or respective relevant equivalent attributes) including the republics. This tall aim needs
Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
consolidation/congruence of/among all the (respective) empirical/physical, rational, and ideal/spiritual aspects of every
relevant domain (in a way to match the essential human nature) so that the entire mankind can be brought in a unison.
Hence, the name of this work is: The Republic Reengineered. Even though this work has been accomplish from within
Islam (for the Muslim World/Muslim countries), equivalent such models can be constructed/induced even without Islam
(for the non-Muslim World/non-Muslim countries in their respective contexts) for to be (voluntarily) harmonious with The
Republic Reengineered. All of the above understandings/ideas have been kept in focus to integrate each of the parts in this
mammoth work: The Republic Reengineered, and the respective Abstract of every relevant part has also been included for a
quick overview (in the respective relevant pages).
The ‘Theme Poem’ included in this work depicts the common human aspirations for peace, progress, and prosperity. The
poem appeals for protecting universal human dignity (with equal dignity for all: regardless of genders, religions, races,
complexions, creeds etc.). It exhorts for consorted efforts of all (along with the protection of individual/family/community
identity) to successfully build up a (so much desired) peaceful society with continuous journey (through
interpersonal/interfaith corrective dialogues/competitions for universally bona fide excellence) toward (the Truth to attain)
the possible level of perfection. This poem (partially/wholly or a similar/equivalent one) can be accepted as the World
Anthem (/State~“National” Song).
The part titled: ‘Utilitarianism, Egalitarianism, Dialecticism, and Justice—With Pan-Islamic Perspectives’, has explored
both external and internal notions (and the consequences of some of the applied phenomena) of utilitarianism,
egalitarianism, dialecticism, and their corresponding theories of justice etc. and how they correspond to the relevant Islamic
teachings. Even though a utilitarian theory of justice would punish (, if required,) an innocent for the benefit of majority, in
Islam such a punishment is absolutely prohibited. In Islam justice must deliver universal benefit—everyone must be
guaranteed peace of total security. Likewise, egalitarian theories of justice render that all human beings are equals—they
mean that all humans are same (by this equality) and must enjoy/obey same (man-made) rules for privileges/responsibilities.
In Islam, the dignities of all the humans are same but the rights/responsibilities of all the humans are not same (even though
the net results/effects of the sum of these privileges/responsibilities are equal for any two human beings)—such equality can
not be guaranteed by man made law (such as in secular democracy/socialism/communism etc.). That is, justice in Islam is
an all embracing underlying idea of the Islamic phenomenon—if laws are found out through Islamic guidance only then true
justice can be delivered.
Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
The part titled: ‘Importance of Sunnah’ has expounded about the indispensability of the traditions of the Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w.—that is about his do’s, don’ts, and silence on the matters in Islamic phenomenon. In one hand, Qur’an
contains the complete message of Islam in a set of literal, metaphorical, allegorical, and figurative lessons. On the other
hand, Sunnah (of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) contains the (extra Qur’anic) essential supplements/interpretations of
Islam for humanization of Qur’anic lessons. However, Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) can not contradict
Qur’an—if any such “tradition” contradicts Qur’an then that must not be accepted as an actual tradition—it must be deemed
as an outcome of mal-preservation/concoction (as a “tradition”).
The long part titled: ‘Socioeconomic Justice and Modeling Growth-Distribution Effective Common Market’ has expounded
about a Muslim common market to ensure economic freedom by preserving private ownership as a part of the personal
freedom; assure basic necessities of life for all; expedite continuous re-distribution of wealth by preventing its making
circuits and accumulation in the hands of the riches only; promote free market under proper guidance; guarantee
freedom/spontaneity for earning beyond the basic needs without tempering the moral interests of others; exhort for moral
spending/investment/lending by preventing hoarding/conspicuous consumption/waste; promote the creed: ‘from everyone
according to his/her ability and moral will/responsibility, and to everyone according to his/her (moral) needs with
dignity and (moral) work-efforts/cooperation’. To better understand human history and the essence/attributes of true
justice, the theories of Dialectic Idealism (of Hegel) and Dialectic Materialism (of Karl Marx) have been refuted/replaced
by the theory of Three-tyred Islamic Trialecticism (of the author). By this substitution author has exhibited that human
history is actually an ongoing process of contentions/reconciliations among the three different motivational drives related to
(the three realms of human nature:) soul, intellect, and body exercised within the (general area) of (religious/spiritual) faith,
(reason/philosophy based) logic (/mathematics), and (sense based) natural science (/experience) respectively. To
comprehend about the viability, expediency, and prospects of the (proposed) common market detailed relevant data (and
related analysis) have also been exposed/presented.
The long part titled: ‘Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education System’ has presented a model of complete
education system (with outline/format of curricula/syllabuses) of seven phases in which each phase is of (nominal) three
years period. The main objective is to thoroughly nurture the (all three) spiritual, rational, and empirical realms of human
individuals so that wisdom of the society increases with the attainment of the required (essential, necessary, commendable)
maturities. This work has given the specifications for semester system academic years even though trimester and quarter
system can also be easily derived from it. For accommodating interactions among the intuitive, rational, and empirical
Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
learning narrow overlaps have been allowed (among the closely related programs) along with emphasis for specialization in
the higher education.
The long part titled: ‘Universal Education System—Postmodern Muslim World Perspective’ has presented a model of
complete education system (with outline/format of curricula/syllabuses) of seven phases in which each phase is of (nominal)
three years period—it is a supplementary model to the ‘Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education System’.
The main objective is to thoroughly nurture the (all three) spiritual, rational, and empirical realms of human individuals so
that wisdom of the society increases with the attainment of the required (essential, necessary, commendable) maturities.
This work has given the specifications for quarter system academic years even though trimester and semester system can
also be easily derived from it. For accommodating interactions among the intuitive, rational, and empirical learning broader
overlaps have been allowed (among the faculties/programs) along with emphasis for specialization in the higher education.
The class conduction routine has also been included so that male/female and/or regular/irregular programs can be operated
separately (in the same physical facilities) without conflict/overlap (in the instruction periods). A complete structure for
operational organization has also been included. Besides, a schedule of around four thousand scholars has also been
included for implementation of the model. These two models can be used to directly to derive 36 (thirty six) models (as
shown) by differently combining the following modes: (i) Period Type (quarter/trimester/semester), (ii) Inter-Faculty/Inter-
Disciplinary Overlap Type (broad/narrow), (iii) Institutional Evaluation for Certification? (: yes or no), (iv) Public Exam
Evaluation for Certification? (: yes or no), and (v) Unilateral or Multilateral High School Program? (: yes or no). A true
unified system can be implemented (by using these two models) with the inclusion of (additional) developmental programs
(as outlined herein) in basic job skills, vocational training, trade courses, technical diploma, professional certification
(and/or membership/fellowship) etc.
The part titled: ‘Test Scores and GPA—Mathematics of Letter Grades’ has presented a thorough model for fair evaluation of
examinees (of statistical groups) in a way to effectively motivate students in the learning process by involving them in
comparative competition. Suitable absolute scales have also been included for evaluation non-statistical groups. A feature of
evaluation of the performance of the educational institutions has also been included to reward/punish them on the basis of
their results. The model covers almost all types of examination in formal education system along with a feature for
determination of equivalence (of results from other systems).
The part titled: ‘Interest-Free Micro & Macro Credits—Mathematics of Time-Trading Cash Flow’ has presented two non-
usurious time-trading financing models (invented by the author)—one for micro credits and the other for the macro credits.
Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
The models for the loans of mini/other sizes (between the micro and macro credits) can also be interpolated for every
specific context. The terrible (financial) scenario caused by the usurious lending methods adopted by the loan capitalists can
be reversed by adopting these models—the existing loans can (, most likely,) be re-written for an all-out change over to
emancipate the world from the curses of usurious vicious cycles.
The part titled: ‘Universal Remuneration System—A Mathematical Model for GDP Based Adjustments’ has presented a
thoroughly unified model for remuneration, scaling, promotion, special recognition, over-time works, regional living cost,
health care, taxes, retirement benefits etc. Here, an eighteen-year old adult without any formal education and work-
experience would be the base point which would be assigned the entry-level seniority points (of 25), and all other scales
should be constructed by comparing with this scale. The work-place seniority points have been computed on the basis of: (i)
Education and Certificates/Degrees, (ii) Job Experience, (iii) Quality of Higher Education, (iv) Publications, and (v)
Extraordinary Merits/Contributions. The points for formal education has been added on the basis of height, width, and
strength of the education obtained. Likewise, the points for other qualifications have also been added on the basis of Islamic
equity and justice. Besides, provisions have carefully been kept for deducting the seniority points.
The minimum remuneration for the base point (and different scales/ranks) has also been determined on the basis of weekly
(nominal/full-time) work-hours, per capita GDP, per capita GDP rank (in the world), and local cost of living. The
remuneration rate has been adjusted on the basis of overtime work load, professional category (with very special category
for teachers), and outstanding talents. Provisions have (also) carefully been kept for deducting the remuneration points.
Besides, remuneration can also be adjusted on the basis of severe inflation/deflation. Bonuses have been determined on the
basis of seniority and surplus share has been determined on the basis of earned money during the relevant period. The issues
related to Income Tax, Health Coverage, and Retirement/Disability Benefits have also been resolved in a very
consolidated/unified way.
The long part titled: ‘Moral Democracy—Unison of Ideals, Rationales, and Empiricals’ has presented a thorough model for
establishing political, social, physical infrastructural, expediency, and government system for (what is now) village/ward,
union, sub-district, district, division, and state (within the proposed education system) on the basis of moral democracy
(instead of secular democracy). Besides, a model constitution for the confederation of all the Muslim/OIC countries, and a
model constitution for an alternate UN have also been presented (along with a model constitution for proposed ‘Islamic
Republic of Bangladesh’). For physical infrastructural model, seven different sized campuses have been outlined with
detailed relevant sketches/analysis to accommodate (up to the end of) elementary, primary, secondary, high, undergraduate
Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan
(Bachelor degree), graduate (Master degree), and post-graduate (Doctoral degree) educational programs respectively. While
the elementary, primary, and secondary school campuses will accommodate mostly educational, housing, commercial,
service, and agricultural activity features, the other campuses will also include features for industrial activities. That is, the
entire spectrum of the socio-econo-political activities will be de-centralized within a unified decentralized-centralized
education system. In it there are three elementary school campuses under every primary, five primary under every
secondary, seven secondary under every high school, nine high schools under every under graduate college, eleven
undergraduate under every graduate, and thirteen graduate colleges under every post-graduate college campus—for
Bangladesh only one post-graduate college campus (, as the “mother campus”,) has been proposed. If all the (proposed)
campuses of the post-graduate, graduate, undergraduate college, high and secondary schools are built, it will accommodate
around 220 (two hundred twenty) million population within only around 12 (twelve) percent area (of Bangladesh) in which
no building will (be needed to) rise above “fifth floor” (choi tola). The probability of failure of the plan is almost zero as
because within only 45 (forty-five) percent area (of Bangladesh), all the proposed campuses can be (similarly) built to
accommodate a population of around a billion (100 crores)—of course, such a huge population (of such a high density) is
(most likely) not sustainable biologically. Therefore, the project can end by building all campuses of the post-graduate,
graduate, undergraduate colleges, high, and secondary school programs. Such an undertaking can be (planned for to be
easily) completed within 25-50 years period with an anticipation for the population growth rate to become almost zero after
reaching around 260 (two hundred sixty) millions (at the end of 21st
century, in Bangladesh).

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  • 1. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan Paramount Abstract
  • 2. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan If we want the Law to protect universal human rights, that is, if we want the Law to protect those who can not protect themselves (, such as weak/meek individuals/groups,) then we must not advocate for secular democracy (/democratic capitalism). Because, secular democracy is a form of mob rule and has no well defined (/moral) standard other than the “will of the people” (~“will of the majority”)—is a “might is right” phenomenon. Erroneously, the advocates of secular democracy anticipate a universal security for all through the Law made by the “will of the majority” by assuming that they will not make “immoral” laws. That is, they are (unknowingly) expecting amoral democracy to make moral laws [even if such a law can be against the apparent/immediate/temporal interest(s) of the majority]. Such anticipation is a moral expectation (instead of amoral/immoral desires) which emanates from the deep-seated socio-ideological conscience nurtured by religious values (during the past centuries). Thus, without the pre-existence of religious values in socio-moral principles secular democracy would have lead the society to end up in something worse than wilderness. Therefore, religious nurturing of human beings through formal/informal education, political institutions etc. is essential—religion and state can neither be mutually exclusive nor be separated from each other. That is, we need to institute moral democracy (instead of secular democracy)—state and religions are mutually inclusive and belonged to each, both inwardly and outwardly. In moral democratic process we find out essential, necessary, and commendable laws (through religious guidance) instead of making laws (out of whims). It is a coupled phenomenon in which immoral laws (/socio-psychological disorders) are shunned out (through the religious arbitration) (in one hand) and pseudo-religious notions are purged out (through the process of natural humanization) (on the other)—because exercises/exhortations of a true religion must suit/flourish/raise innate human attributes, and essential human nature must properly be nurtured (through religion) toward full flourishing of humanity. Failures of secular democracy/socialism/ communism have repeatedly upheld the truth that essential human nature can/must not be denied/ignored/suppressed and must properly be nurtured (instead). Immoral laws are harmful for all (in the long run). But such a comprehension by an individual is impossible without comprehensive wisdom—it demands thorough awareness about the moral standards (imbued by the religion) (and their respective benevolence), and about the arbitrariness of amoralities/immoralities (and their respective malevolence). Therefore, education process must inculcate thorough understandings/articulation in religious principles and skills to derive their respective ramifications/interpretations in every new context in the progressive march of the civilization. Socio-moral principles of all of the widely practiced religions are similar—because to organize life, family, community, civilization, and society respective (original) religion had to be humanized through the (universal) essential human nature
  • 3. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan with (the same set of actual) basic human rights (at every point of human history): food, clothes, shelter, health, education, freedom, and dignity. In fact, Religion in original form had/has always been the same: Islam means (submission to the Truth/) peace. But repeated misinterpretations, non-preservation, and deviation have made different religions. Even then there exists a common set of socio-moral principles upon which every (plural/singular) society and the entire mankind can be united. In these regards, the religion of the majority (in respective societies) must play the coordinating roles by properly accommodating the other relevant religions and by securing the (actual) basic human rights of every individual living in that society. On the other hand, every religion will be a proper part of a body which will guide the entire mankind in the inter- State/international/global forums such as the United Nations. In between the entities such as a State and UN there should/could be confederations—each of such confederation can be consisted of the states/people with the same religion of the majority (along with an essential exception). Today politics of most of the countries have been given in infamous Machiavellism—through hypocrisy, deception, tyrany, corruption, nepotism etc. these societies are becoming unfit for suitable living. Because, either the doctrines of Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527 C. E.) have been adopted in politics in contradiction to the ideologies of the State, or the ideologies (/main pillars) of the State have been tried (, by taking extraneous steps,) to be set up for devious accommodation of Machiavellism. But, Machiavellism is a set of reactionary/diabolic political doctrines which had been put out to suit the particular anarchic situations of his time. It is neither suitable for the politics of every period nor is a complete enough set of theories capable of defining a State (of any period)—in fact, his doctrines actually aimed to immorally guide the rulers (on the basis of his wrong assumptions about human nature). But no state can succeed to deliver universal justice and peace through immoral politics (because such politics infringes/confiscates basic actual human rights). Machiavelli’s theories are/were so dangerous because he was not a thoroughly wise individual with enough of well-balanced maturities in three distinct realms of human personality: spiritual (/soul: metaphysics), rational (/intellect: mathematics), and empirical (/physical senses: natural science). We, therefore, must/can review the conditions of the existing states and the relevant prescriptions of great Plato (427-347 B. C.) to solve our relevant paramount problems in our post-modern contexts. During this long period of human history Islamic period followed by the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is the most successful one and the Holy Qur’an is the only Book which contains no error. This book (, The Republic Reengineered,) is an attempt to put out a (postmodern) unified comprehensive social engineering design for the replacement of the other similar (complete/incomplete/unsuitable) works such as The Republic (authored by Plato) and Das Capital [authored by Karl Marx (1818-1883 C. E.)] on the basis of the (inherent) set of standards conforming to the Qur’an and Sunnah [of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (570-633 C. E.)]. The objective is to gradually replace every form of existing states (by conforming to attributes of this mammoth model, or respective relevant equivalent attributes) including the republics. This tall aim needs
  • 4. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan consolidation/congruence of/among all the (respective) empirical/physical, rational, and ideal/spiritual aspects of every relevant domain (in a way to match the essential human nature) so that the entire mankind can be brought in a unison. Hence, the name of this work is: The Republic Reengineered. Even though this work has been accomplish from within Islam (for the Muslim World/Muslim countries), equivalent such models can be constructed/induced even without Islam (for the non-Muslim World/non-Muslim countries in their respective contexts) for to be (voluntarily) harmonious with The Republic Reengineered. All of the above understandings/ideas have been kept in focus to integrate each of the parts in this mammoth work: The Republic Reengineered, and the respective Abstract of every relevant part has also been included for a quick overview (in the respective relevant pages). The ‘Theme Poem’ included in this work depicts the common human aspirations for peace, progress, and prosperity. The poem appeals for protecting universal human dignity (with equal dignity for all: regardless of genders, religions, races, complexions, creeds etc.). It exhorts for consorted efforts of all (along with the protection of individual/family/community identity) to successfully build up a (so much desired) peaceful society with continuous journey (through interpersonal/interfaith corrective dialogues/competitions for universally bona fide excellence) toward (the Truth to attain) the possible level of perfection. This poem (partially/wholly or a similar/equivalent one) can be accepted as the World Anthem (/State~“National” Song). The part titled: ‘Utilitarianism, Egalitarianism, Dialecticism, and Justice—With Pan-Islamic Perspectives’, has explored both external and internal notions (and the consequences of some of the applied phenomena) of utilitarianism, egalitarianism, dialecticism, and their corresponding theories of justice etc. and how they correspond to the relevant Islamic teachings. Even though a utilitarian theory of justice would punish (, if required,) an innocent for the benefit of majority, in Islam such a punishment is absolutely prohibited. In Islam justice must deliver universal benefit—everyone must be guaranteed peace of total security. Likewise, egalitarian theories of justice render that all human beings are equals—they mean that all humans are same (by this equality) and must enjoy/obey same (man-made) rules for privileges/responsibilities. In Islam, the dignities of all the humans are same but the rights/responsibilities of all the humans are not same (even though the net results/effects of the sum of these privileges/responsibilities are equal for any two human beings)—such equality can not be guaranteed by man made law (such as in secular democracy/socialism/communism etc.). That is, justice in Islam is an all embracing underlying idea of the Islamic phenomenon—if laws are found out through Islamic guidance only then true justice can be delivered.
  • 5. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan The part titled: ‘Importance of Sunnah’ has expounded about the indispensability of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.—that is about his do’s, don’ts, and silence on the matters in Islamic phenomenon. In one hand, Qur’an contains the complete message of Islam in a set of literal, metaphorical, allegorical, and figurative lessons. On the other hand, Sunnah (of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) contains the (extra Qur’anic) essential supplements/interpretations of Islam for humanization of Qur’anic lessons. However, Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) can not contradict Qur’an—if any such “tradition” contradicts Qur’an then that must not be accepted as an actual tradition—it must be deemed as an outcome of mal-preservation/concoction (as a “tradition”). The long part titled: ‘Socioeconomic Justice and Modeling Growth-Distribution Effective Common Market’ has expounded about a Muslim common market to ensure economic freedom by preserving private ownership as a part of the personal freedom; assure basic necessities of life for all; expedite continuous re-distribution of wealth by preventing its making circuits and accumulation in the hands of the riches only; promote free market under proper guidance; guarantee freedom/spontaneity for earning beyond the basic needs without tempering the moral interests of others; exhort for moral spending/investment/lending by preventing hoarding/conspicuous consumption/waste; promote the creed: ‘from everyone according to his/her ability and moral will/responsibility, and to everyone according to his/her (moral) needs with dignity and (moral) work-efforts/cooperation’. To better understand human history and the essence/attributes of true justice, the theories of Dialectic Idealism (of Hegel) and Dialectic Materialism (of Karl Marx) have been refuted/replaced by the theory of Three-tyred Islamic Trialecticism (of the author). By this substitution author has exhibited that human history is actually an ongoing process of contentions/reconciliations among the three different motivational drives related to (the three realms of human nature:) soul, intellect, and body exercised within the (general area) of (religious/spiritual) faith, (reason/philosophy based) logic (/mathematics), and (sense based) natural science (/experience) respectively. To comprehend about the viability, expediency, and prospects of the (proposed) common market detailed relevant data (and related analysis) have also been exposed/presented. The long part titled: ‘Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education System’ has presented a model of complete education system (with outline/format of curricula/syllabuses) of seven phases in which each phase is of (nominal) three years period. The main objective is to thoroughly nurture the (all three) spiritual, rational, and empirical realms of human individuals so that wisdom of the society increases with the attainment of the required (essential, necessary, commendable) maturities. This work has given the specifications for semester system academic years even though trimester and quarter system can also be easily derived from it. For accommodating interactions among the intuitive, rational, and empirical
  • 6. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan learning narrow overlaps have been allowed (among the closely related programs) along with emphasis for specialization in the higher education. The long part titled: ‘Universal Education System—Postmodern Muslim World Perspective’ has presented a model of complete education system (with outline/format of curricula/syllabuses) of seven phases in which each phase is of (nominal) three years period—it is a supplementary model to the ‘Universal Morality and Modeling Progressive Education System’. The main objective is to thoroughly nurture the (all three) spiritual, rational, and empirical realms of human individuals so that wisdom of the society increases with the attainment of the required (essential, necessary, commendable) maturities. This work has given the specifications for quarter system academic years even though trimester and semester system can also be easily derived from it. For accommodating interactions among the intuitive, rational, and empirical learning broader overlaps have been allowed (among the faculties/programs) along with emphasis for specialization in the higher education. The class conduction routine has also been included so that male/female and/or regular/irregular programs can be operated separately (in the same physical facilities) without conflict/overlap (in the instruction periods). A complete structure for operational organization has also been included. Besides, a schedule of around four thousand scholars has also been included for implementation of the model. These two models can be used to directly to derive 36 (thirty six) models (as shown) by differently combining the following modes: (i) Period Type (quarter/trimester/semester), (ii) Inter-Faculty/Inter- Disciplinary Overlap Type (broad/narrow), (iii) Institutional Evaluation for Certification? (: yes or no), (iv) Public Exam Evaluation for Certification? (: yes or no), and (v) Unilateral or Multilateral High School Program? (: yes or no). A true unified system can be implemented (by using these two models) with the inclusion of (additional) developmental programs (as outlined herein) in basic job skills, vocational training, trade courses, technical diploma, professional certification (and/or membership/fellowship) etc. The part titled: ‘Test Scores and GPA—Mathematics of Letter Grades’ has presented a thorough model for fair evaluation of examinees (of statistical groups) in a way to effectively motivate students in the learning process by involving them in comparative competition. Suitable absolute scales have also been included for evaluation non-statistical groups. A feature of evaluation of the performance of the educational institutions has also been included to reward/punish them on the basis of their results. The model covers almost all types of examination in formal education system along with a feature for determination of equivalence (of results from other systems). The part titled: ‘Interest-Free Micro & Macro Credits—Mathematics of Time-Trading Cash Flow’ has presented two non- usurious time-trading financing models (invented by the author)—one for micro credits and the other for the macro credits.
  • 7. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan The models for the loans of mini/other sizes (between the micro and macro credits) can also be interpolated for every specific context. The terrible (financial) scenario caused by the usurious lending methods adopted by the loan capitalists can be reversed by adopting these models—the existing loans can (, most likely,) be re-written for an all-out change over to emancipate the world from the curses of usurious vicious cycles. The part titled: ‘Universal Remuneration System—A Mathematical Model for GDP Based Adjustments’ has presented a thoroughly unified model for remuneration, scaling, promotion, special recognition, over-time works, regional living cost, health care, taxes, retirement benefits etc. Here, an eighteen-year old adult without any formal education and work- experience would be the base point which would be assigned the entry-level seniority points (of 25), and all other scales should be constructed by comparing with this scale. The work-place seniority points have been computed on the basis of: (i) Education and Certificates/Degrees, (ii) Job Experience, (iii) Quality of Higher Education, (iv) Publications, and (v) Extraordinary Merits/Contributions. The points for formal education has been added on the basis of height, width, and strength of the education obtained. Likewise, the points for other qualifications have also been added on the basis of Islamic equity and justice. Besides, provisions have carefully been kept for deducting the seniority points. The minimum remuneration for the base point (and different scales/ranks) has also been determined on the basis of weekly (nominal/full-time) work-hours, per capita GDP, per capita GDP rank (in the world), and local cost of living. The remuneration rate has been adjusted on the basis of overtime work load, professional category (with very special category for teachers), and outstanding talents. Provisions have (also) carefully been kept for deducting the remuneration points. Besides, remuneration can also be adjusted on the basis of severe inflation/deflation. Bonuses have been determined on the basis of seniority and surplus share has been determined on the basis of earned money during the relevant period. The issues related to Income Tax, Health Coverage, and Retirement/Disability Benefits have also been resolved in a very consolidated/unified way. The long part titled: ‘Moral Democracy—Unison of Ideals, Rationales, and Empiricals’ has presented a thorough model for establishing political, social, physical infrastructural, expediency, and government system for (what is now) village/ward, union, sub-district, district, division, and state (within the proposed education system) on the basis of moral democracy (instead of secular democracy). Besides, a model constitution for the confederation of all the Muslim/OIC countries, and a model constitution for an alternate UN have also been presented (along with a model constitution for proposed ‘Islamic Republic of Bangladesh’). For physical infrastructural model, seven different sized campuses have been outlined with detailed relevant sketches/analysis to accommodate (up to the end of) elementary, primary, secondary, high, undergraduate
  • 8. Preface/The Republic Reengineered/By N. U. M. Akramul Kabir Khan (Bachelor degree), graduate (Master degree), and post-graduate (Doctoral degree) educational programs respectively. While the elementary, primary, and secondary school campuses will accommodate mostly educational, housing, commercial, service, and agricultural activity features, the other campuses will also include features for industrial activities. That is, the entire spectrum of the socio-econo-political activities will be de-centralized within a unified decentralized-centralized education system. In it there are three elementary school campuses under every primary, five primary under every secondary, seven secondary under every high school, nine high schools under every under graduate college, eleven undergraduate under every graduate, and thirteen graduate colleges under every post-graduate college campus—for Bangladesh only one post-graduate college campus (, as the “mother campus”,) has been proposed. If all the (proposed) campuses of the post-graduate, graduate, undergraduate college, high and secondary schools are built, it will accommodate around 220 (two hundred twenty) million population within only around 12 (twelve) percent area (of Bangladesh) in which no building will (be needed to) rise above “fifth floor” (choi tola). The probability of failure of the plan is almost zero as because within only 45 (forty-five) percent area (of Bangladesh), all the proposed campuses can be (similarly) built to accommodate a population of around a billion (100 crores)—of course, such a huge population (of such a high density) is (most likely) not sustainable biologically. Therefore, the project can end by building all campuses of the post-graduate, graduate, undergraduate colleges, high, and secondary school programs. Such an undertaking can be (planned for to be easily) completed within 25-50 years period with an anticipation for the population growth rate to become almost zero after reaching around 260 (two hundred sixty) millions (at the end of 21st century, in Bangladesh).