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A Workshop on Improving Style
Using rhetorical questions correctly
· These can be quite useful to encourage readers to think about
an issue in a new way.
· DO use rhetorical questions in the middle of paragraphs,
especially after using an example or anecdote. It helps readers
place themselves in the situation and consider what they might
do as well.
· DO NOT use rhetorical questions at the beginning of
paragraphs (especially the beginning of the essay) or the ends of
paragraphs. Also avoid using more than one for every page of
writing you have.
Avoid Wordiness
· Sure, you’ve got a page count to reach. But inserting filler
words isn’t the way to do it. It may fill up the page, but your
paper will be really painful to read.
· DON’T write: He carries a briefcase made out of leather that
is weather-beaten.
· DO write: He carries a weather-beaten leather briefcase.
· DON’T write: There is a place called the Writing Center
where students can go in order to improve their academic
writing skills.
· DO write: Students can improve their academic writing skills
at the Writing Center.
Avoid using a conversational tone
· This can be anything from using slang to just using
conversational words like “well” and “so” and “now” at the
beginning of sentences. Just as you wouldn’t include things like
“um” or “uh” also avoid using other words that people use as
fillers in actual conversation.
· DO use a voice, tone, and style that is more formal than you
normally would in speaking, even to someone official like a
boss. This is called Standard Written English.
· DO NOT feel like using SWE means that you have to use the
thesaurus to make yourself sound official. It’s fine to use
simple and clear language to get your point across.
Avoid defining common terms
· Many times, especially at the beginning of the essay, there is
the temptation to define terms like “music” or “love” or
“disease.” But this is really unnecessary and simply looks like
· DO discuss how experts view these terms, possibly contrasting
their ideas with others if you want to show a nuance between
· DO NOT cite a dictionary definition simply for the sake of
informing readers of the word’s meaning as if they are stupid.
Especially do not cite Webster’s dictionary or similar.
Change up your sentence structure
· If you notice that you are beginning sentences with the same
word (“the” for example) you may not have very much variation
in your sentence structure. While not inherently wrong, setting
up your sentences the same way makes your writing sound
boring and simplistic.
· DO change things like “the woman walked up the street and
noticed the trees were in bloom” to something like “As the
woman walked up the street, she looked around and saw that the
trees were blooming” or “Walking up the street, the woman
noticed that the trees were in bloom.”
· DO NOT make the sentences so convoluted that they don’t
follow basic grammar rules. You don’t want to take it too far.
Mix up punctuation
· Just as you want to vary sentence structure, it’s a good idea to
use varying punctuation as a way to show that you are
sophisticated in your writing.
· DO use semicolons to combine shorter sentences together
and/or colons to introduce quotes or other ideas.
· DO NOT use exclamation points in academic writing. Like,
Vary your word choices
· Do you notice yourself using “states” a lot to introduce a
quote? Try using “claims,” “asserts,” or “notes” instead.
· Be more specific with certain words. For instance, find
anywhere that you use words like “stuff” or “things” and
eliminate those completely. Replace them with specific words.
· As an exercise, try to eliminate as many “to be” verbs as
possible in your writing. (Any variation of am, are, is). You can
almost always use a different word in its place and enhance the
whole meaning of the sentence.
· DO NOT use the thesaurus to try to vary your word choices. I
know I mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: DO NOT
use words that you would not normally already use. It will give
you a very odd-sounding voice.
Mini Grammar Lesson!
A semicolon only has TWO basic functions. When you learn
them, you’ll be able to use them with ease.
1. Use a semicolon to separate two independent but closely
related clauses.
a. My car would not start this morning; the battery was dead.
b. My sister has three cats; all of her clothes are covered in fur.
c. You should not overuse semicolons; therefore, only use a
couple in your essay.
2. Use a semicolon to separate complex items in a series.
a. I have visited Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.
b. I have visited Columbus, Ohio; Erie, Pennsylvania; and
Buffalo, New York.
c. Remember to eat, drink, and be merry.
d. Remember to change the oil in your car every 3000 miles so
that your car keeps running; send handwritten thank-you notes
for every gift you receive from friends and relatives; and over
the whole course of your life travel as often as you can to as
many new places as you can.
Colons, on the other hand, have several functions:
· Separate hours from minutes (10:30 AM)
· End a salutation in formal letters (Dear Dr. Jones: )
· Separate a title from a subtitle (Star Trek: The Next
· Begin a direct quotation (Accordingly, Alex Smith had a few
things to say about that: …)
· To introduce a point (Do: …)
· Separate various types of information in a bibliography (New
York: Random House, 2011)
· To amplify or explain a preceding concept
· She made a sad discovery: the car battery was completely
· There are two things you must do to become a better writer:
write and write some more.
· Make a list
· He visited three states: Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.
· She decided to bring only three things with her: a wallet, a
passport, and a sense of optimism.
· DO NOT use a colon if there is no independent clause
· NO: For my birthday I want: a car, a laptop, and a puppy.
· YES: For my birthday I want a car, a laptop, and a puppy.
· NO: I have several hobbies such as: reading, playing video
games, and drawing.
· YES: I have several hobbies: reading, playing video games,
and drawing.
· YES: I have several hobbies, such as reading, playing video
games, and drawing.
· NO: When you go to the store, remember to buy: bread, milk,
and coffee.
· YES: When you go to the store, remember to buy the
following items: bread, milk, and coffee.
Sales representative: Hi Matt, how are you? How have you
Manager: I'm great, I’ve been good Emad, How are you doing?
how are you doing?
Sales representative: I'm good I’m doing well, thanks. It’s been
a couple of days since the last day we spoke, how is the
business going?
Manager: It’s going alright all through I cannot complain.
Sales representative: That’s great news. Earlier when we spoke
you mentioned that you wanted to increase sales in the skincare
department. Do you still have the same concerns?
Manager: Yes I do, have always looked forward to increasing
my sales and attracting more customers to my mall.
Sales representative: Well, I will tell you a few solutions I have
that will help increase your sales and the number of customers
visiting the Midland Mall. My solution is that you put a kiosk
for selling the Zoe lotions. The most selling Zoe lotion variant
is cocoa butter, glycerine, and milk for dry skin. All Zoe lotions
contain olive oil and lanolin. Zoe cocoa butter lotion is used to
remove stretch marks and also replenish the skin whereas Zoe
glycerine is used to hydrate the skin. Zoe milk for dry skin
restores back a very normal skin. The benefits of all these
lotions are that they give a smooth and healthy looking skin. All
lotions are currently available in 400ml, 200ml, and 100ml sizes
so the buyer have the options to buy what they can afford. I
believe by setting up a kiosk in your mall can be a great benefit
to both of us. Not only does it makes the Zoe lotion more
available but also minimizes the shipping cost, therefore,
reducing the cost of the lotion. The three lotions offer best skin
repair options as they are enriched with olive oil. So what do
you think of my sales approach, do you think that opening a
kiosk will be beneficial to the mall?
Manager: Well, I feel that opening a kiosk will be beneficial to
the both of us, however, maybe the price will be too high and
the customers may not be able to purchase the lotions.
Sales representative: Oh well, though you might say that, Zoe
lotion is the best-selling lotion right now and is mostly
targeting women shopping in the mall. It has been in the market
since 1998; therefore, it is very affordable to the customers. So
would you like to implement the idea in your mall?
Manager: The idea is nice and will work how about we
implement it next week?
Sales representative: That is great, I'm looking forward to
working with you.
Manager: Thanks for coming, enjoy the rest of your day.
Sales representative: Thank you. I appreciate.
Exploratory Scenario
Teacher Name
Seles Representative: Hi, my name is Emad Alkhadabah
marketing representative at QuickSale marketing firm. Am glad
to meet you in person, we had talked earlier on phone about you
looking for a marketing firm and I am very happy to meet in
person to discuss more. So, what are you guys looking for and
what is line of products?
Developer: Thank you Mr. Alkhadabah for coming, Linket is a
software company which deal with tailor made as well as ready-
made software. Our products target finance companies as well
as transport industry.
Seles Representative: What are your expectations from our
marketing firm?
Developer: We are looking forward to work with a committed
and reliable team with proper knowledge on our products. We
are also looking forward to work with a team who have our best
interest in mind.
Sales Representative: What are your concerns working with a
marketing firm?
Developer: Our main concern is the reliability, we want to be
certain that we can reach you at any time of the day in case of
any problem. We also need to be certain that your team will
represent us accordingly to our potential clients.
Sales Representative: Glad to know that, I can assure that
QuickSale is a reliable partner at any time of the day and our
team members are trained and experience in our line of work. In
terms of performance, what are your expectation in terms of
reliability as well as dependability.
Developer: Having a team I can rely on at any time of the day
and also trust will work with me.
Seles Representative: I can personally assure you that our team
is committed and you will get world class services from our
dedicated team. Thank you very much for having me and we are
looking forward to work with you.
Developer: Thank you Mr. Alkhadabah
Retrieved from
MKT 340
(January 7-April 27, 2019
Hall 109
[email protected]
Tuesday and Thursday 1-5pm
or by appointment
8-9:15am (22363611
- Meets in Grawn 118
0-10:45am (22368681
- Meets in Grawn 207
See above
MKT 300 or MKT 304 and 56 semester hours completed and
admission to Professional Business Studies or listed on a signed
major or minor or with approval from the Office of
Undergraduate Business Studies.
- Dimensions of Professional Selling, Carew International, Inc.
Carnegie, D. (1984).
How to win friends and influence people; How to stop worrying
and start living (a combined edition).
New York: Simon & Schuster.
SmartBrief on Sales. Subscribe free at
This course’s emphasis will be on the analysis of the field of
selling as a vital element of the promotional efforts of the firm.
Current theories about selling goods and services to
organizational buyers in the context of building long-term
relationships will be discussed and practiced.
Upon completion of the course, students should:
realize career opportunities in sales
master fundamental concepts and terminology related to the
practice of selling
identify the steps of the selling process
realize career opportunities in sales
master fundamental concepts and terminology related to the
practice of selling
identify the steps of the selling process
understand the importance of adaptive selling
identify and differentiate between features, advantages, and
demonstrate knowledge of course concepts to perform selling
develop a problem-solving approach to address the needs of
prospective buyers
understand the importance of cultivating relationships with
potential buyers
understand the ethical and social responsibilities of sales
. Please tell me how I can help you, and we’ll figure it out
together. This is especially beneficial fo
r your role plays
. I can share
how other classes
have successfully approached their
role plays
in the past.
is especially helpful for in-class participation, cases and
Cramming rarely works
. Get and stay ahead of the reading and your chances of success
will increase dramatically.
s is e
specially important and
you are responsible for ever thing that takes pla
ce in class even when not there.
There is no automatic awarding of points when you have an
excused absence
is your responsibility
to ask group member
s and meet with me to make up any assignment(s) missed during
your absence.
T-the answer will always be “YES”!
Your participation/attendance is expected and you will have
points tied to i
t, so I recommend you be there.
Participation includes asking questions, engaging in
discussions, and actively being part of the class -
simply attending DOES NOT
count as participation.
lease tell me how I can help you, and we’ll figure it out
together. This is especially beneficial for your team
project-you can see how other
teams have successfully approached their projects in the past.
Exams will measure your recognition, recall and application of
general concepts
presented in the lectures/text/videos/by guest speakers.
Up Exams
be given
under highly extenuating circumstances and
instructor approval and supporting rationale
The use of any type of electronic device (including answer
phones/texts) will result in a
on the exam. Make sure that all
are in your bags/pocket during the exam
Below 60
Actual Points May Vary
Assignments, p
, & Quizzes
Role Plays-filmed/taped
_ Exploratory
Role Play (100)
Exam #1
Your class will be
treated just like you are in a
business environment. You are expected to respect others in
the class regardless of your differences. Everyone’s opinion
counts and diversity of thought, approach and background are
keys to success in the business world as well as in class.
If you take away from productive class time by arriving late for
class, sleeping, talki
ng, texting, etc. 10 points may
be deducted for each incidence.
Please turn off and put away devices such as (but not limited to)
cell phones, iPods, laptops and
s, during class and put them in your bags, purses or backpacks
and not on your desk.
points will be deducted for each time I have to stop class
because they aren’t put away.
You can email me
at any time.
I will do my best to answer emails within 48 hours upon receipt
All emails sent to me must be addressed to either
Dr. Hoyle, Dr. Jeff,
Mr. Hoyle
follow the
email communication
as outlined
I will not respond to your inquiry
. This approach is designed to prepare you for communication
in the business world. You must include your name, class and
time on each email or I won’t respond. This is t
he recommended format:
MKT 340
Spring 2019 and your section
After the salutation, in the body of your e-mail
state concisely the nature of your request
Please sign up o
n the sheets outside my office
-Smith 109
. I
f you show up without an appointment, please realize you may
to wait due to students who have already scheduled one.
These are my set hours, but I will work with you on other
meeting times if your schedule does not coordinate with these
I am here to help you out.
Most materials for this course, including the syllabus, basic
, assignment information, project specifications and
resources are all posted on Blackboard. Please review this
information as it will reduce the questions you have on the
course, project, etc.
Please note that the BB
are basic ones so you have to take notes in class.
Grades for all assi
gnments will be posted on BB.
t’s your respo
nsibly to stay current
on your grade status.
The University Bulletin states:
the academic community the high value placed on truth implies
a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or
other work which a student submits must be the product of
his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of
academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer
hnology, are prohibited” (retrieved from
, see section titled
Academic Dishonesty
Please review this policy at
the link above
The above academic dishonesty policy
can be applied to this class
in the following manner:
n all cases of cheating, regardless of the circumstances, the
student will receive an F for the course.
In addition, the student's name will be turned in to the Dean of
the Office of Student Life for possible disciplinary action.
Cheating involves not only copying or using someone else's
work, but also allowing others to use this work. There
fore, allowing others to use as
their own work your old cases or term papers, or to copy your
current examination as their own, will be considered cheating.
Finally, the department considers plagiarism to be cheat
Therefore, failure to use proper footnotes and to cite all sources
is plagiarism.
CMU provides students with disabilities reasonable
accommodation to participate in educational programs,
activities, or services. Students with disabilities requiring
accommodations to participate in class activities or meet course
requirements should contact the instructor as early as possible.
tudents need to be formally registered with CMU's Student
Disability Services in Park 120, and provide me with a letter
verifying such within a reasonable time in order that
accommodation can be provided.
Tentative Agenda CHANG
This syllabus is subject to change-it’s a roadmap and weekly
organizer. Due to unexplained/unplanned events, this syllabus
may be revised upon the professor’s discretion. You are
expected to stay current and update your syllabus as needed.
Introductions to Sales Profession & Course Expectations
The New Selling of America
· Discussion of syllabus/expectations
· Team Assignments
Personal Branding Discussion
Elevator Pitch and LinkedIn Discussions
· Personal Branding
Elevator Pitches Presented in class
Intro to Sales/The Selling Process/Leads
· Elevator Pitches
Take the Lead
Invest in the Relationship
Invest in the Relationship/Exam review
Get Organized
LAER Journal discussion/Exam Review
Exam 1 Weeks 1-5
· Exam Review
Cold Calling Lecture
Cold Calling activity
Find the Area of Opportunity/prep for role play
Exploratory Role Play
Exploratory Role Play # 2
SPRING BREAK March 2-10, 2019
Present with a Purpose
Chally Prep
· Chally Review
Present with a Purpose
No Classes per University Calendar
Make the Customer Part of the
/Final Role Play Prep
Chally Assessment
Filmed Role Plays
No Classes per University Calendar
Final Role Play # 3
Close for Results
Final Role Play # 3
Final Role Play # 3
Assume the Responsibility/DPS Review
Final Role Play # 3
Final Exam
8am section: Tuesday April 30th 8-9:50 am
930am section Tuesday April 30th 10-1150am
Adamson, B., Dixon, M. & Toman, N. (2012, July/August). The
end of solution sales. The old playbook no longer works.
Harvard Business Review, 90 (7/8), 60-68
Atlas, S. (2013, October/November/December). Listening for
closing signals. SellingPower, 35(3), 16-18.
Carnegie, D. (1984). How to win friends and influence people;
How to stop worrying and start living (a combined edition).
New York: Simon & Schuster.
Collins, J. (2001). Good to great: Why some companies make
the leap, and others don't. New York, NY: HarperBusiness.
Collins, J. & Hansen, M. (2011). Great by choice: Uncertainty,
chaos, and luck – why some thrive despite them all. New York,
NY: HarperCollins.
Collins, J.C. & Porras, J.I. (1994). Built to last: Successful
habits of visionary companies. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: The psychology of
discovery and invention. New York, NY: HarperCollins
Cuddy, A. (2015). Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your
biggest challenges. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.
Dixon, Matthew; Freeman, Karen, and Toman, Nicholas. (2010,
July/August). Stop trying to delight your customers. Harvard
Business Review, 88 (7/8), 116-122.
Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2007). Made to stick: Why some ideas
survive and others die. New York, NY: Random House.
Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2013). Decisive: How to make better
choices in life and work. New York, NY: Crown Publishing
Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2017).The power of moments: Why
certain experiences have extraordinary impact. New York, NY:
Simon & Schuster.
Muir, J. (2016). The perfect close: The secret to closing sales.
Herriman, UT: Best Practice International.
Pink, D. (2012). To sell is human: The surprising truth about
moving others. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.
Pink, D. (2018). When: The scientific secrets of perfect timing.
New York, NY: Riverhead Books.
Sawyer, K. (2007). Group genius: The creative power of
collaboration. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Wood, J. (2011). Uncommon Courtesy: The basics of good
behavior for a badly behaved world. Avon, MA: Adams Media.
Spring 2019 MKT 340 Final Exam
1) Write a minimum two (2) page (typed, double-spaced,
standard 12 point font) reflective summary of the semester to
include the process of role play interactions, partner dynamics,
and the process used to arrive at your final role play scenarios.
Also include advice for future classes on how to approach team
work in this class (100 points).
2) Describe what you feel were the (3) three most important
lessons learned in this class. You may pull from anything we
did during the semester. In a 2-3 page (typed, double-spaced,
standard 12 point font) paper, give detailed examples to
illustrate why the lessons identified were important, how your
thinking changed due to the identified lessons, and how you
applied (or will apply) what you learned in your professional
and/or personal life (100 points).
Exam is due in Assignments section of blackboard NO LATER
THAN the end of the final exam schedule listed below:
11:59 pm, Sunday, April 28th
Good Luck!
You can use Topic sentence for one of the answer
1) Overall, of the seven categories do you think that you need to
pay attention to the most in your own writing?
2) What would you say that your strongest point is when it
comes to style?
3) Make one specific change in your paper based on one of the
tips. What did you do and how do you think it enhanced the
style of essay?
4) Make another specific change in your essay based on one of
the tips. What did you do and how do you think it enhanced the
style of your essay?
5) Include at least one colon or semicolon in your essay.
Explain the change you made and how it helps enhance the style
and sophistication of your essay.

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A Workshop on Improving StyleUsing rhetorical questions correc.docx

  • 1. A Workshop on Improving Style Using rhetorical questions correctly · These can be quite useful to encourage readers to think about an issue in a new way. · DO use rhetorical questions in the middle of paragraphs, especially after using an example or anecdote. It helps readers place themselves in the situation and consider what they might do as well. · DO NOT use rhetorical questions at the beginning of paragraphs (especially the beginning of the essay) or the ends of paragraphs. Also avoid using more than one for every page of writing you have. Avoid Wordiness · Sure, you’ve got a page count to reach. But inserting filler words isn’t the way to do it. It may fill up the page, but your paper will be really painful to read. · DON’T write: He carries a briefcase made out of leather that is weather-beaten. · DO write: He carries a weather-beaten leather briefcase. · DON’T write: There is a place called the Writing Center where students can go in order to improve their academic writing skills. · DO write: Students can improve their academic writing skills at the Writing Center. Avoid using a conversational tone · This can be anything from using slang to just using conversational words like “well” and “so” and “now” at the beginning of sentences. Just as you wouldn’t include things like “um” or “uh” also avoid using other words that people use as fillers in actual conversation. · DO use a voice, tone, and style that is more formal than you
  • 2. normally would in speaking, even to someone official like a boss. This is called Standard Written English. · DO NOT feel like using SWE means that you have to use the thesaurus to make yourself sound official. It’s fine to use simple and clear language to get your point across. Avoid defining common terms · Many times, especially at the beginning of the essay, there is the temptation to define terms like “music” or “love” or “disease.” But this is really unnecessary and simply looks like filler. · DO discuss how experts view these terms, possibly contrasting their ideas with others if you want to show a nuance between them. · DO NOT cite a dictionary definition simply for the sake of informing readers of the word’s meaning as if they are stupid. Especially do not cite Webster’s dictionary or similar. Change up your sentence structure · If you notice that you are beginning sentences with the same word (“the” for example) you may not have very much variation in your sentence structure. While not inherently wrong, setting up your sentences the same way makes your writing sound boring and simplistic. · DO change things like “the woman walked up the street and noticed the trees were in bloom” to something like “As the woman walked up the street, she looked around and saw that the trees were blooming” or “Walking up the street, the woman noticed that the trees were in bloom.” · DO NOT make the sentences so convoluted that they don’t follow basic grammar rules. You don’t want to take it too far. Mix up punctuation · Just as you want to vary sentence structure, it’s a good idea to
  • 3. use varying punctuation as a way to show that you are sophisticated in your writing. · DO use semicolons to combine shorter sentences together and/or colons to introduce quotes or other ideas. · DO NOT use exclamation points in academic writing. Like, ever. Vary your word choices · Do you notice yourself using “states” a lot to introduce a quote? Try using “claims,” “asserts,” or “notes” instead. · Be more specific with certain words. For instance, find anywhere that you use words like “stuff” or “things” and eliminate those completely. Replace them with specific words. · As an exercise, try to eliminate as many “to be” verbs as possible in your writing. (Any variation of am, are, is). You can almost always use a different word in its place and enhance the whole meaning of the sentence. · DO NOT use the thesaurus to try to vary your word choices. I know I mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: DO NOT use words that you would not normally already use. It will give you a very odd-sounding voice. Mini Grammar Lesson! Semicolons A semicolon only has TWO basic functions. When you learn them, you’ll be able to use them with ease. 1. Use a semicolon to separate two independent but closely
  • 4. related clauses. a. My car would not start this morning; the battery was dead. b. My sister has three cats; all of her clothes are covered in fur. c. You should not overuse semicolons; therefore, only use a couple in your essay. 2. Use a semicolon to separate complex items in a series. a. I have visited Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. b. I have visited Columbus, Ohio; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Buffalo, New York. c. Remember to eat, drink, and be merry. d. Remember to change the oil in your car every 3000 miles so that your car keeps running; send handwritten thank-you notes for every gift you receive from friends and relatives; and over the whole course of your life travel as often as you can to as many new places as you can. Colons Colons, on the other hand, have several functions: · Separate hours from minutes (10:30 AM) · End a salutation in formal letters (Dear Dr. Jones: ) · Separate a title from a subtitle (Star Trek: The Next Generation) · Begin a direct quotation (Accordingly, Alex Smith had a few things to say about that: …) · To introduce a point (Do: …) · Separate various types of information in a bibliography (New York: Random House, 2011) · To amplify or explain a preceding concept · She made a sad discovery: the car battery was completely
  • 5. dead. · There are two things you must do to become a better writer: write and write some more. · Make a list · He visited three states: Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. · She decided to bring only three things with her: a wallet, a passport, and a sense of optimism. · DO NOT use a colon if there is no independent clause · NO: For my birthday I want: a car, a laptop, and a puppy. · YES: For my birthday I want a car, a laptop, and a puppy. · NO: I have several hobbies such as: reading, playing video games, and drawing. · YES: I have several hobbies: reading, playing video games, and drawing. · YES: I have several hobbies, such as reading, playing video games, and drawing. · NO: When you go to the store, remember to buy: bread, milk, and coffee. · YES: When you go to the store, remember to buy the following items: bread, milk, and coffee. Sales representative: Hi Matt, how are you? How have you been? Manager: I'm great, I’ve been good Emad, How are you doing? how are you doing? Sales representative: I'm good I’m doing well, thanks. It’s been a couple of days since the last day we spoke, how is the business going? Manager: It’s going alright all through I cannot complain. Sales representative: That’s great news. Earlier when we spoke you mentioned that you wanted to increase sales in the skincare department. Do you still have the same concerns?
  • 6. Manager: Yes I do, have always looked forward to increasing my sales and attracting more customers to my mall. Sales representative: Well, I will tell you a few solutions I have that will help increase your sales and the number of customers visiting the Midland Mall. My solution is that you put a kiosk for selling the Zoe lotions. The most selling Zoe lotion variant is cocoa butter, glycerine, and milk for dry skin. All Zoe lotions contain olive oil and lanolin. Zoe cocoa butter lotion is used to remove stretch marks and also replenish the skin whereas Zoe glycerine is used to hydrate the skin. Zoe milk for dry skin restores back a very normal skin. The benefits of all these lotions are that they give a smooth and healthy looking skin. All lotions are currently available in 400ml, 200ml, and 100ml sizes so the buyer have the options to buy what they can afford. I believe by setting up a kiosk in your mall can be a great benefit to both of us. Not only does it makes the Zoe lotion more available but also minimizes the shipping cost, therefore, reducing the cost of the lotion. The three lotions offer best skin repair options as they are enriched with olive oil. So what do you think of my sales approach, do you think that opening a kiosk will be beneficial to the mall? Manager: Well, I feel that opening a kiosk will be beneficial to the both of us, however, maybe the price will be too high and the customers may not be able to purchase the lotions. Sales representative: Oh well, though you might say that, Zoe lotion is the best-selling lotion right now and is mostly targeting women shopping in the mall. It has been in the market since 1998; therefore, it is very affordable to the customers. So would you like to implement the idea in your mall? Manager: The idea is nice and will work how about we implement it next week? Sales representative: That is great, I'm looking forward to working with you. Manager: Thanks for coming, enjoy the rest of your day. Sales representative: Thank you. I appreciate.
  • 7. Running Head: EXPLORATORY SCENARIO1 EXPLORATORY SCENARIO 2 Exploratory Scenario Name Teacher Name Date
  • 8. Seles Representative: Hi, my name is Emad Alkhadabah marketing representative at QuickSale marketing firm. Am glad to meet you in person, we had talked earlier on phone about you looking for a marketing firm and I am very happy to meet in person to discuss more. So, what are you guys looking for and what is line of products? Developer: Thank you Mr. Alkhadabah for coming, Linket is a software company which deal with tailor made as well as ready- made software. Our products target finance companies as well as transport industry. Seles Representative: What are your expectations from our marketing firm? Developer: We are looking forward to work with a committed and reliable team with proper knowledge on our products. We are also looking forward to work with a team who have our best interest in mind. Sales Representative: What are your concerns working with a marketing firm? Developer: Our main concern is the reliability, we want to be certain that we can reach you at any time of the day in case of any problem. We also need to be certain that your team will represent us accordingly to our potential clients. Sales Representative: Glad to know that, I can assure that QuickSale is a reliable partner at any time of the day and our team members are trained and experience in our line of work. In terms of performance, what are your expectation in terms of reliability as well as dependability. Developer: Having a team I can rely on at any time of the day and also trust will work with me. Seles Representative: I can personally assure you that our team is committed and you will get world class services from our dedicated team. Thank you very much for having me and we are looking forward to work with you. Developer: Thank you Mr. Alkhadabah
  • 10. 2019 (January 7-April 27, 2019 ) Dr. Jeffrey A. Hoyle , MARKETING AND PROFESSIONAL SALES PROFESSOR OFFICE: Smith Hall 109 PHONE : 989-774-7447 ( Cell 989.560.1782) E-MAIL : [email protected] OFFICE HOURS : Tuesday and Thursday 1-5pm or by appointment CLASS TIMES :
  • 11. T/Th 8-9:15am (22363611 ) - Meets in Grawn 118 9:3 0-10:45am (22368681 ) - Meets in Grawn 207 PLACE: See above P REREQUISITES MKT 300 or MKT 304 and 56 semester hours completed and admission to Professional Business Studies or listed on a signed major or minor or with approval from the Office of Undergraduate Business Studies. REQUIRED T EXT/WEBSITES /SUPPLIES - - Dimensions of Professional Selling, Carew International, Inc. OPTIONAL TEXT/WEBSITES /SUBSCRIPTIONS Carnegie, D. (1984). How to win friends and influence people; How to stop worrying and start living (a combined edition). New York: Simon & Schuster. SmartBrief on Sales. Subscribe free at COURSE DESCRIPTION This course’s emphasis will be on the analysis of the field of
  • 12. selling as a vital element of the promotional efforts of the firm. Current theories about selling goods and services to organizational buyers in the context of building long-term relationships will be discussed and practiced. COURSE OBJECTIVES : Upon completion of the course, students should: realize career opportunities in sales master fundamental concepts and terminology related to the practice of selling identify the steps of the selling process realize career opportunities in sales master fundamental concepts and terminology related to the practice of selling identify the steps of the selling process understand the importance of adaptive selling identify and differentiate between features, advantages, and benefits demonstrate knowledge of course concepts to perform selling tasks develop a problem-solving approach to address the needs of prospective buyers understand the importance of cultivating relationships with potential buyers understand the ethical and social responsibilities of sales representatives 1 | Page )
  • 13. ( HOW DO YOU SUCCEED IN THIS CLASS? COME TO MY OFFICE TO CHAT OR WHEN YOU ARE STUCK ON AN IDEA/CONCEPT . Please tell me how I can help you, and we’ll figure it out
  • 14. together. This is especially beneficial fo r your role plays . I can share how other classes have successfully approached their role plays in the past. READ THE CHAPTERS PRIOR TO CLASS: This is especially helpful for in-class participation, cases and discussions. Cramming rarely works . Get and stay ahead of the reading and your chances of success will increase dramatically. ATTEND CLASS REGULARLY, TAKE NOTES AND ASK QUESTIONS : T hi s is e specially important and you are responsible for ever thing that takes pla ce in class even when not there. There is no automatic awarding of points when you have an excused absence . It is your responsibility to ask group member s and meet with me to make up any assignment(s) missed during your absence. DO NOT ASK ME IF YOU MISSED ANYTHING IMPORTAN T-the answer will always be “YES”! Your participation/attendance is expected and you will have
  • 15. points tied to i t, so I recommend you be there. Participation includes asking questions, engaging in discussions, and actively being part of the class - simply attending DOES NOT count as participation. COME TO MY OFFICE WHEN YOU ARE STUCK ON AN IDEA/CONCEPT . P lease tell me how I can help you, and we’ll figure it out together. This is especially beneficial for your team project-you can see how other teams have successfully approached their projects in the past. EXAMS Exams will measure your recognition, recall and application of both general concepts and details presented in the lectures/text/videos/by guest speakers. Make - Up Exams may be given ONLY under highly extenuating circumstances and NOT with out
  • 16. prior instructor approval and supporting rationale . The use of any type of electronic device (including answer ing phones/texts) will result in a nonnegotiable 0 on the exam. Make sure that all devices are in your bags/pocket during the exam . )
  • 18. C 74 -76 . 9 C- 70 -73 . 9 D+ 67 -69 . 9 D 64 -66 . 9 D- 60 -63 . 9 F Below 60 ) ( HOW YOUR SUCCESS IS MEASURED 9 00 POINTS - ( Actual Points May Vary
  • 19. ) SALES ACTIVITIES Assignments, p articipation , & Quizzes 100 points Role Plays-filmed/taped 200 points LAER (3 5) _ Exploratory (65 ) Final Role Play (100) Exams Exam #1 200 points Chally 200 points Final 200 points Total 900 )
  • 20. ( CLASS GUIDELINES CIVILITY AND RESPECT Your class will be treated just like you are in a professional business environment. You are expected to respect others in the class regardless of your differences. Everyone’s opinion counts and diversity of thought, approach and background are keys to success in the business world as well as in class. If you take away from productive class time by arriving late for class, sleeping, talki ng, texting, etc. 10 points may be deducted for each incidence. ELECTRONIC DEVICES
  • 21. Please turn off and put away devices such as (but not limited to) cell phones, iPods, laptops and PDA s, during class and put them in your bags, purses or backpacks and not on your desk. Ten points will be deducted for each time I have to stop class because they aren’t put away. EMAIL/ETIQUETTE You can email me at any time. I will do my best to answer emails within 48 hours upon receipt . All emails sent to me must be addressed to either Dr. Hoyle, Dr. Jeff, Professor Hoyle or Mr. Hoyle . You must follow the email communication format as outlined below or I will not respond to your inquiry . This approach is designed to prepare you for communication in the business world. You must include your name, class and time on each email or I won’t respond. This is t he recommended format: Dr.
  • 22. Hoyle MKT 340 Spring 2019 and your section After the salutation, in the body of your e-mail , state concisely the nature of your request OFFICE HOURS Please sign up o n the sheets outside my office -Smith 109 . I f you show up without an appointment, please realize you may to wait due to students who have already scheduled one. These are my set hours, but I will work with you on other meeting times if your schedule does not coordinate with these hours . I am here to help you out. BLACKBOARD Most materials for this course, including the syllabus, basic powerpoints , assignment information, project specifications and resources are all posted on Blackboard. Please review this information as it will reduce the questions you have on the course, project, etc. Please note that the BB powerpoints are basic ones so you have to take notes in class. IMPORTANT Grades for all assi gnments will be posted on BB. I t’s your respo
  • 23. nsibly to stay current on your grade status. MARKETING AND HOSPITALITY/CMU POLICIES RELEVANT TO THIS CLASS ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The University Bulletin states: “In the academic community the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or other work which a student submits must be the product of his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty, including dishonesty involving computer tec hnology, are prohibited” (retrieved from acad/default.asp#Academic%20Dishonesty , see section titled Academic Dishonesty ). Please review this policy at the link above . The above academic dishonesty policy can be applied to this class in the following manner: I n all cases of cheating, regardless of the circumstances, the student will receive an F for the course. In addition, the student's name will be turned in to the Dean of the Office of Student Life for possible disciplinary action. Cheating involves not only copying or using someone else's work, but also allowing others to use this work. There fore, allowing others to use as their own work your old cases or term papers, or to copy your current examination as their own, will be considered cheating.
  • 24. Finally, the department considers plagiarism to be cheat ing. Therefore, failure to use proper footnotes and to cite all sources is plagiarism. ADA : CMU provides students with disabilities reasonable accommodation to participate in educational programs, activities, or services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in class activities or meet course requirements should contact the instructor as early as possible. S tudents need to be formally registered with CMU's Student Disability Services in Park 120, and provide me with a letter verifying such within a reasonable time in order that accommodation can be provided. )
  • 25.
  • 26. Tentative Agenda CHANG This syllabus is subject to change-it’s a roadmap and weekly organizer. Due to unexplained/unplanned events, this syllabus may be revised upon the professor’s discretion. You are expected to stay current and update your syllabus as needed. WEEK DATE TOPIC MODULE ASSIGNMENTS 1 1/8 1/10 Introductions to Sales Profession & Course Expectations The New Selling of America · Discussion of syllabus/expectations · Team Assignments 2 1/15 1/17 Personal Branding Discussion Elevator Pitch and LinkedIn Discussions · Personal Branding 3 1/22 1/24 Elevator Pitches Presented in class Intro to Sales/The Selling Process/Leads · Elevator Pitches
  • 27. 4 1/29 1/31 Take the Lead Invest in the Relationship 1 2 5 2/5 2/7 Invest in the Relationship/Exam review Get Organized 2 3 6 2/12 2/14 LAER Journal discussion/Exam Review Exam 1 Weeks 1-5 · Exam Review 7 2/19 2/21 Cold Calling Lecture Cold Calling activity 8 2/26
  • 28. 2/28 Find the Area of Opportunity/prep for role play Exploratory Role Play 4 Exploratory Role Play # 2 SPRING BREAK March 2-10, 2019 · 9 3/12 3/14 Present with a Purpose Chally Prep 5 · Chally Review 10 3/19 3/21 Present with a Purpose No Classes per University Calendar 5 11 3/26
  • 29. 3/28 Make the Customer Part of the Solution /Final Role Play Prep Chally Assessment 6 12 4/2 4/4 Filmed Role Plays No Classes per University Calendar Final Role Play # 3 13 4/9 4/11 Close for Results Final Role Play # 3 7 14
  • 30. 4/16 4/18 Final Role Play # 3 Assume the Responsibility/DPS Review 7 Final Role Play # 3 15 4/23 4/25 Review Wrap-up 8 Final Exam 4/30 8am section: Tuesday April 30th 8-9:50 am 930am section Tuesday April 30th 10-1150am ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED
  • 31. Bibliography Adamson, B., Dixon, M. & Toman, N. (2012, July/August). The end of solution sales. The old playbook no longer works. Harvard Business Review, 90 (7/8), 60-68 Atlas, S. (2013, October/November/December). Listening for closing signals. SellingPower, 35(3), 16-18. Carnegie, D. (1984). How to win friends and influence people; How to stop worrying and start living (a combined edition). New York: Simon & Schuster. Collins, J. (2001). Good to great: Why some companies make the leap, and others don't. New York, NY: HarperBusiness. Collins, J. & Hansen, M. (2011). Great by choice: Uncertainty, chaos, and luck – why some thrive despite them all. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Collins, J.C. & Porras, J.I. (1994). Built to last: Successful habits of visionary companies. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: The psychology of discovery and invention. New York, NY: HarperCollins
  • 32. Publishing. Cuddy, A. (2015). Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company. Dixon, Matthew; Freeman, Karen, and Toman, Nicholas. (2010, July/August). Stop trying to delight your customers. Harvard Business Review, 88 (7/8), 116-122. Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2007). Made to stick: Why some ideas survive and others die. New York, NY: Random House. Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2013). Decisive: How to make better choices in life and work. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group. Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2017).The power of moments: Why certain experiences have extraordinary impact. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Muir, J. (2016). The perfect close: The secret to closing sales. Herriman, UT: Best Practice International. Pink, D. (2012). To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.
  • 33. Pink, D. (2018). When: The scientific secrets of perfect timing. New York, NY: Riverhead Books. Sawyer, K. (2007). Group genius: The creative power of collaboration. New York, NY: Basic Books. Wood, J. (2011). Uncommon Courtesy: The basics of good behavior for a badly behaved world. Avon, MA: Adams Media. 5 Spring 2019 MKT 340 Final Exam 1) Write a minimum two (2) page (typed, double-spaced, standard 12 point font) reflective summary of the semester to include the process of role play interactions, partner dynamics, and the process used to arrive at your final role play scenarios. Also include advice for future classes on how to approach team
  • 34. work in this class (100 points). 2) Describe what you feel were the (3) three most important lessons learned in this class. You may pull from anything we did during the semester. In a 2-3 page (typed, double-spaced, standard 12 point font) paper, give detailed examples to illustrate why the lessons identified were important, how your thinking changed due to the identified lessons, and how you applied (or will apply) what you learned in your professional and/or personal life (100 points). Exam is due in Assignments section of blackboard NO LATER THAN the end of the final exam schedule listed below: 11:59 pm, Sunday, April 28th Good Luck! You can use Topic sentence for one of the answer 1) Overall, of the seven categories do you think that you need to pay attention to the most in your own writing? 2) What would you say that your strongest point is when it comes to style? 3) Make one specific change in your paper based on one of the tips. What did you do and how do you think it enhanced the style of essay?
  • 35. 4) Make another specific change in your essay based on one of the tips. What did you do and how do you think it enhanced the style of your essay? 5) Include at least one colon or semicolon in your essay. Explain the change you made and how it helps enhance the style and sophistication of your essay.