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      lgnacio Luque-Heredia', Carlos Martin', hlaria T. Madanes', Jose M. Moreno', Josd L. Auger', Vincent Bodin',
                                       Jeslis Alonso', Vicente Diaz', and Gabriel Sala'
                               1. INSPIRA, SL C/Chile, IO. 28290 Las Matas, Madrid - Spain
                                 PhiFax: +34 91630 45 34/4087,e-mail:
                     2. ISOFOTON, SA, Pol. Ind. Sta. Crur, C/La Gitanilla, 26,29006 Malaga- Spain
           3. Instituto de Energia Solar, E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci6n, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid - Spain

                      ABSTRACT                                 to come, which in many cases could profit from sunlight
                                                               concentration means when secking, at least in its first
      In this paper we present a subdegree precision           stages, for cost effcctiveness.
pedestal     sun    tracker developed       for    IOOOX            Oriented towards one of the referred very high
microconcentrator modules. Setting a cost target of            concentration attempts already on its pre-industrial stage
lOO€/m', a lightweight structure has been designed that,       [7], we present here thc first prototypes of a pedestal
fully made out of commercially availablc parts, stays          subdegree precision sun trackcr. This novel concentration
operative for wind speeds which account for at least 95%       concept is to he rcleased with the appearance and
ofthe available direct solar radiation.                        dimensions of a convcntional flat PV panel, but housing
      Thc electronic tracking control unit relies on a         instead a parquet of IOOOX and i1.5"acceptance angle
strategy which resorts to high accuracy solar ephemeris,       non-imaging lenses, which focuses on an array of Imm'
parameter fitting for a model of installation and              Ill-V cells with expected module cfficicncies in the 23%
manufacturing crrors, an adaptive algorithm for absorbing      to 26% range.
unforeseen or time varying errors, and automatic                    At the onset stagc we reckoned thc importance, in
calibration of cheap sun pointing sensors against array        order to fulfil the posed cost targets, of constraining our
power output.                                                  tracker design, both drives and structure, within the
                                                               possibilities of commercially available parts, both in the
                                                               construction and automation industrics, thus avoiding
1. INTRODUCTION                                                premiums       imposed by specially manufactured
                                                               components. In the other hand bcing the manufacturing
      Since in the late sevcnties, concentration systems       cost of the structure mostly driven by its overall weight,
first captivated the interest of the solar community, when     emphasis was placcd in lightening and additionally
it went on stage as a clear track towards strong PV cost       devising efficient wind managemcnt strategies.
reduction, a reasonable amount of field cxperience has              Regarding the tracking control we set off from our
been acquired which clearly keeps on pointing out its          previous experience in the design and production of the
underlying tracking systems as onc of its most error pronc     EPS-TENERIFETh' tracking control units for BP Solar's
components [1][2], and probably one of the overloads           EUCLIDESTM       concentration technology [8], based on an
which is delaying this technology's definitive industrial      hybrid strategy powered by high accuracy solar ephemeris
take ofE                                                       cornplemcnted by an adaptive alignment routine.
      But thc low reliability of tracking systems is not at
all unjustificd; what past PV concentration episodes have
shown is that it is really no small Sent to design tracking     2. COST ANALYSIS
structures and drives highly precise in aiming heavy loads
~   and even more with recent rising trends in the                   A" initial cost targct of io~€/rn'of aperture was set
concentration factors - and stiff enough to withstand           for the trackcr, target which includes the tracking structure
additional wind loads. Neither is it an easy task to            and drives and the tracking control unit, hut lcaves aside
develop reliable sun tracking control systems immune            the cost of land, land preparation, foundation, in-field
enough to factors such as overcast and hazy skies,              assembly and DC wiring.
softwarc failures, extreme weather conditions, or low cost            Under this assumption and in order to perform an
low qualification installation crews. All of which is to he     electricity cost comparison between present commercial
attained bound by strong cost constraints and with little       flat plate technology and microconcentrator modules. we
option, in principle, to learning curvc discounts.              follow the method proposed by Foetzberger and Stahl 191
      Being this the situation, serious R&D effort in           for the cost of cnergy estimation for tracking and non-
concentration tracking systems, will be required in order       tracking PV systems, now updated with cost figures
to breed a safe mount not only for the promising very           foresecn by Luque and Yamaguchi [IO] for future IOOOX
high concentration concepts now under progress in               microconcentrator modules, and convcntional PV cost
different countries [3][4][5][6], hut also to ease the          estimates used in recent concentration cost assessments
introduction and implementation of those aery high             [Ill,(see Table I). The estimation has been made for a
efficiency 3". generation leapfrogging PV dcvelapments          short term scenario. in which microconccntrator

                                                                                                             Poster     857
3rd World Confireme on Photovolruic Enrrgv Converriun     Moy 11-18,2003 030ko. Japon

 technology cnters the market based on GaAs one junction                   Being the weight of the structure highly influenced
cells, with a 265 Urn2 module, cost which is almost                  by the desired capability to withstand wind loads, this has
present prototype cost estimate, and a 19% module                    to be reasonably well set. The highest the Wind Speed
efficiency, while 550 € h z , 15% modules represent present          Operative Threshold (WSOT) - the wind speed below
flat plate PV. Note that in the long term the use of W O             which the tracker, whichever its position, is able to
junction cells and consideration of learning cost reduction          maintain accurate tracking and over which stowing is
rates could drive to a microconcentrator module cost in the          ordered the higher the direct solar radiation intake but

 100 Wm2range and 37% module efficiencies.                           also the sturdier and therefore more expensive the
                                                                     tracking structure results. The optimum which brings into
Table I. Data used for the cost of electricity comparison            line these two opposing trends, will be the WSOT which
between IOOOX microconcentrator module technology and                results in the cheapest cost of solar energy due to
conventional flat plate PV.                                          tracking, i.e. the cumulated direct solar energy input
                                                                     allowed divided by the tracker's overall cost.
Concentrarion cells ( ~ r n ~ ) .                     134.000              Afler the basic structural design concept of the
Concentrarionfactor                                     1.000        pedestal tracker design was accomplished, a simplified
Optics, heat sink & assemblv (€/mz)                       131        model was analysed to determine how the increase in its
Microconcentrotor module efficiency (%)                    19        WSOT affectcd the overall tracking cost due to its
Tracking srructure, driws & control (€/mz)                100        progressive stiffening. WSOT was here defined as the
Cunventionai module (€/m')                                550        threshold over which 0.1" or higher tracking error is
Conventional module efficiency P )A                        15        causcd by wind load bending of the tracking structure,
Land, land preparation, foundation, in-field                         both pedestal and aperture. Three different aperture
assembly and DC wirinp                                        20     surfaces (9, 16, 25rn') were analyzcd (see Fig. 2), where
                                                                     growing reinforcement was attained by escalating
      Thus, "1st. generation" microconcentrator panels,              structural components in a discrete manner imposed by
could result between 35% and 68% cheaper, when                       the constraint of only using standard commercial sizes.
compared to present flat panel photovoltaics, for which              Costs estimation was performed for a preliminary low to
polar mounting is assumed, for all latitudes 60" above or            medium volume industrial scenario. Linear intelpolation
below equator, and direct radiation ratios ranging from              of the cost curves offer aperture cost vs. WSOT increase
50% to 80% (see Fig. I), being highest the cost premium -            ratios of 0.78, 0.95 and 1.2 €/m' per kmm, respectively
the concentration to flat panel cost ratio - the highest the         for 25, 16 and 9m2apertures, showing also that within this
latitudc and the sky's direct radiation ratio.                       range the biggest the mounted aperture the lowest the
                                                                     impact of WSOT increase.
        0.70 -
                      4 80%
                       -                   -G       70%                     250      3
                                           &SO%           ~
                                                                                                        9 m2
                                                                                                        16 m2
                                                                                             -25          m2
                                                                            200 4
                                                                                                                      IR = 1.20

        0.35 . ~ . .- . .-. .. .
                 ~    .          ~         ~   ~

                                                                                 O       L     -
                                                                                     0             20     40     60    80         100
             0       IO    20        30        40    50       60                                        WSOT (kmlb)
                                Latitude (")
                                                                     Fig. 2 Overall tracking cost as a function of its WSOT,
Fig. 1 Cost Premium of microconcentrator technology vs.              for three different aperture sizes. Linear intclpolation is
conventional flat panel as a function of latitude, for               also shown giving the value of the Aperture Cost vs.
different direct solar radiation ratios.                             WSOT increase ratio IR.

                                                                          These curves permit the deduction of the tracker's
                                                                     optimum WSOT for a certain location, provided
                                                                     cumulative direct solar radiation vs. wind speed plots can
                                                                     be obtained. This type of analysis could be of use when
      Steel is the cost driving factor of tracking structures,
                                                                     tracker design is tailored to the specific climate of a
in such a way that when ordered in volume cost is mainly
determined by weight. In order to converge towards the               certain location, which could be justified in case of
                                                                     medium to big size plants.
referred cost target, weight optimization was sought for
                                                                          In this direction a case study was performed for
the tracking structure.
                                                                     Granada (Sp.) in order to determine the optimum WSOT

858     Poster
3rd World Conference on Phoruvoltnic Energv Conversion   May /I-18, 2003 Osaka. Jnpon

for a 9m2 aperture model from its cost point of view. One           aperture, have been built up to know in which other
year ofcontinuous hourly direct radiation, and wind speed           driving and structural variations have been tested (see Fig.
and direction measurements were used for this analysis              3).
which revealed that almost 95% of the yearly direct solar                Load simulation, both due to extreme winds and
energy could be captured with a WSOT of 15 kmih and                 concentrating modules, in the form of distributed sand
that the cheapest WSOT was 25 kmih which would allow                bags have been applied to these prototypes in order to
capture of up to 99% of the yearly direct radiation.                validate design targets and calibrate CAD Finite Element
      Taking a less location sensitive and more general             tools. Monitoring of the tracking stmchre elastic
approach, a 43 kmPn WSOT was chosen for our design,                 behaviour under real wind conditions, is at present being
which permits a worst case 95% direct radiation                     performed in a LabviewT" environment gathering data
availability, within the big climatic variability inside the        from an on-site meteorological station, the systems wind
US limits, as can be derived from the data tapes generated          sensors, and high precision inclinometers placed on the
by the US National Climatic Center SOLMET stations                  shucture.
[121.                                                                    The extra-costs due to its subdegree accuracy
      A system of low cost wind speed sensors have been             requirements were analysed, to get a cost comparison to
developed in order to stow the tracker whenever wind                conventional flat pancl sun trackers. The analysis was
speed grows over the tracker's WSOT. Reliability is                 done for the three referred aperture sizes, defining the 43
granted to the system through redundancy in the                     k d h WSOT for three different conditions: 0.1". I" and
measurements. This system is also capable of                        breakage bending. This analysis shows that 0.1" stiffness
simultaneously providing global radiation measurements              means an extra cost of 20-30 €lm2 over I" or breakage
in the aperture plane, which are used by the tracking               conditions which are scarcely I Urn2 apart wherever
control strategy.                                                   breakage overcomes in the 3" range.

 4. TRACKING STRUCTURE AND DRIVES                                   5. THE TRACKING CONTROL UNIT

       A pedestal configuration was chosen due to its                    In order to avoid the detected flaws of outright open
 relative low cost single point foundation, whcn compared           or closed loop strategies employed in the past 1131, a
 to other options such as tilt-roll. The pedestal option also       hybrid improved method has been developed which resorts
 permits reductions of on-site assembly work, which                 to an assortment of algorithms of proven efficiency.
 usually dominate installation costs.

 Fig. 3 9m' aperture prototype of the pedestal tracker
 Dummy panels with centred hanging sand bags simulate
 its real operative load.
                                                                    Fig. 4 Two examples of the error transform applied to a
      Standard I-beams, channels, and structural tubing,
 commercially available in the construction industry                rectangular grid in the azimuth-elcvation plane
                                                                    determined by the four angle vector (upper figure
 compose the structure, avoiding the cost surcharge
                                                                                lower graph (0'. 15°,00,Z50))
 required by specifically manufactured parts.
      Non back-driving drives arc chosen for both axes; a
                                                                         Taxonomy of errors for ephemeris based open loop
 screw jack is used for the elevation axis, while the azimuth
 movement is provided by a worm and worm gear set                   sun tracking was first done. An specific error model which
 which makes the tube holding up the aperture, to turn              accounts for all characterization errors, bath stcmming
 around an inner concentric post to which it is kept coupled        from manufacturing and in-field installation, but leaving
 by rolling contact hearings. Three prototypes, 9 m' in             aside those which derive from the drive & positioner

                                                                                                                  Poster    859
3rd World Con/rrence on Fhotovolraic EnergV Conversion   Mu.v 11-18,2003 Osaka Jamn

which can he partly suppressed with primary axis position          6. ACKNOLEDGEMENTS
feedback, is derived based on four angles, whose
transforms over the azimuth elevation-plane have been                  This work has partly been funded by the Direccion
studied (see Fig. 4).                                              General de Investigacion of the Consejeria de Educacibn
     AAer a tracking error measurement session, the four           de la Comunidad de Madrid under contract no
parameters of the error model are fitted using a nonlinear         09/0105/2000.
least-squares routine. Two error measurement strategies
can be selected depending on the feedback signal used:
array‘s maximum peak power or maximum short circuit                REFERENCES
current, which will he chosen after considering factors
such as module interconnection scheme or MMPT                              M. Schmela “Concentration Please!”, Photon
strategies used. In any case maximum location is done                     International. Dec. 1999-Jan.2000
using the slopes of the angular response function, and not                 T.Lepley, B Hammond and A. Harris “Evaluation of
within the flat and noise sensitive plateau of good wide                   Tracking Flat Plate and Concentrator PV Systems”
acceptance angle non-imaging concentrating optics                          Proc. o rhe 26IhIEEE PVSC, (Anaheim, 1997)
designs, which will be even enhanced in the case of shalt                  C. Algora, G. Smekens, V. Andreev, H. Nather, S.
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     A low cost conventional sun pointing sensor has been                  photovoltaic concentrator’’ Proc. ofrhe 16Ih European
developed and its stability characterized (see Fig. 5). The                PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000)
methodology for its periodical auto-calibration against the                W.P. Mulligau, R. Swanson, P. Benitez, J.C. MiAano
feedback signals referrcd above has been developed,                        et a1 “A flat-plate Concentrator ; Microconcentrator
which profits from non-differcntial maximum search                         Design Overview” Proc. o rhe 28’” IEEE PVSC,
algorithms in multivariate functions. Using this sensor                    (Anchorage, 2000)
greatly eases tracking error measurement acquisition.                      V.D. Rumyantesev, V. Andreev, M. Hein, A.W. Bett,
                                                                           et al. “Concentrator Array Based on GaAs Cells and
                                                                           Fresnel Lens Concentrators” Proc. of the 16‘”
                                                                           European PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000)
                                                                           G. Sala, 1. Antbn, A.W. Bett. 1. Luque-Heredia, T.
                                                                           Trebst, “The PV-Fibre Project: A PV Concentrator
                                                                           for Indoor Operation of lOO0X MJ Solar Cells by
                                                                           Fibre Transmission” Proc. ?f the 3‘d WCPEC3,
                                                                           (Osaka 2003)
                                                                           J.Alonso, C.Algora, R.Heyer, W. Preuss. J.C.
                                                                           Gonzalez er a/. “Industrialization of Ultrdflat
                                                                           Concentrator Module of High Efficiency”. Proc. of
                                                                           the PV in Europe Conefeermce, (Rome, 2002 )
                                                                           G. Sala, E. Camblor, M. Cendagorta. 1. Luque-
                                                                           Heredia er a/. “The 480 kWp EUCLIDES“-Thermie
                                                                           Power Plant: Installation, Set-Up and First Results”
                                                                           Proc. ofrhe 16Ih European PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000)
Fig. 5 Details of the low cost sun pointing sensor to aid                  A. Goetzberger and W. Stahl “Global Estimation of
the sun tracking strategy (above) and indoor                               Available Solar Radiation and Cost of Energy for
characterization works Mjith a source equivalent to the sun                Tracking and Non Tracking PV-Systems” Proc. of
in its angular diameter whose position can he finely                       the ISthIEEE PYSC, (Las Vegas, 1985)
regulated (below).                                                  [IO] M. Yamaguchi and A. Luqud “High Efficiency and
                                                                           High Concentration in Photovoltaics” IEEE
      Everything is implemented through a ruggedized                       Transactions on Electron Devices. 46, IO, 2139,
electronic system, comprising tracker positioning sensors,                 (1999)
V&l sensors, and a control unit based on a 280 family               [I I ] R. Swanson “The Promise of Concentrators”.
microprocessor, which integrates features such as                          Progress in Photovoltaics, 8 , 9 3 , (2000)
positioner accuracy enhancement through interpolation,              [I21 D.E. Randall, and N.R. Grandjean Correlations of
compensation of timing drifts, and TCPilP SMTP and                         Insolation and Wind Data for SOLMET Starions,
POP3 protocols for e-mail remote monitoring and control.                   Sandia National Labs (Alhurquerque. 1982)
     The issue of neutralising remaining unmodelled or              [I31 A.B. Maish “A Self-Aligning Photovoltaic Array
time varying errors, once these comply with validation                     Tracking Controller”, Pror. o the 201h IEEE PVSC,
criteria, is at present being studied and several candidate                (Las Vegas, 1988)
strategies are being analysed. Among the best performers            [I41 I. AntOn, and J. Monedero e al. “Effect of the
up to now a PI (proportional-integral) based controller                    Optical Performance on the Output power of the
concept, and a two axis version of the self-learning                        EUCLIDESTM Array” Proc. of the 16Ih European
EUCLIDES tracking strategy [IS].                                           PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000)
      The corrcct assortment of routines which are to               [I51 Arboiro, J.C. & Sala, G. “Self-learning tracking: a
compose the final strategy will he the best fit resulting                  new control strategy for PV concentrators”, Progress
from a series of match games, in which two different                        in Photovoltaics, 5, 213, (1997)
competing versions will he implemented in two identical
tracker prototrpes subject to identical irradiation

860      Poster

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A subdegree precision sun tracker for 1000 x microconcentrator modules

  • 1. A SUBDEGREE PRECISION SUN TRACKER FOR lOOOX MICROCONCENTRATOR MODULES lgnacio Luque-Heredia', Carlos Martin', hlaria T. Madanes', Jose M. Moreno', Josd L. Auger', Vincent Bodin', Jeslis Alonso', Vicente Diaz', and Gabriel Sala' 1. INSPIRA, SL C/Chile, IO. 28290 Las Matas, Madrid - Spain PhiFax: +34 91630 45 34/4087,e-mail: 2. ISOFOTON, SA, Pol. Ind. Sta. Crur, C/La Gitanilla, 26,29006 Malaga- Spain 3. Instituto de Energia Solar, E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci6n, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid - Spain ABSTRACT to come, which in many cases could profit from sunlight concentration means when secking, at least in its first In this paper we present a subdegree precision stages, for cost effcctiveness. pedestal sun tracker developed for IOOOX Oriented towards one of the referred very high microconcentrator modules. Setting a cost target of concentration attempts already on its pre-industrial stage lOO€/m', a lightweight structure has been designed that, [7], we present here thc first prototypes of a pedestal fully made out of commercially availablc parts, stays subdegree precision sun trackcr. This novel concentration operative for wind speeds which account for at least 95% concept is to he rcleased with the appearance and ofthe available direct solar radiation. dimensions of a convcntional flat PV panel, but housing Thc electronic tracking control unit relies on a instead a parquet of IOOOX and i1.5"acceptance angle strategy which resorts to high accuracy solar ephemeris, non-imaging lenses, which focuses on an array of Imm' parameter fitting for a model of installation and Ill-V cells with expected module cfficicncies in the 23% manufacturing crrors, an adaptive algorithm for absorbing to 26% range. unforeseen or time varying errors, and automatic At the onset stagc we reckoned thc importance, in calibration of cheap sun pointing sensors against array order to fulfil the posed cost targets, of constraining our power output. tracker design, both drives and structure, within the possibilities of commercially available parts, both in the construction and automation industrics, thus avoiding 1. INTRODUCTION premiums imposed by specially manufactured components. In the other hand bcing the manufacturing Since in the late sevcnties, concentration systems cost of the structure mostly driven by its overall weight, first captivated the interest of the solar community, when emphasis was placcd in lightening and additionally it went on stage as a clear track towards strong PV cost devising efficient wind managemcnt strategies. reduction, a reasonable amount of field cxperience has Regarding the tracking control we set off from our been acquired which clearly keeps on pointing out its previous experience in the design and production of the underlying tracking systems as onc of its most error pronc EPS-TENERIFETh' tracking control units for BP Solar's components [1][2], and probably one of the overloads EUCLIDESTM concentration technology [8], based on an which is delaying this technology's definitive industrial hybrid strategy powered by high accuracy solar ephemeris take ofE cornplemcnted by an adaptive alignment routine. But thc low reliability of tracking systems is not at all unjustificd; what past PV concentration episodes have shown is that it is really no small Sent to design tracking 2. COST ANALYSIS structures and drives highly precise in aiming heavy loads ~ and even more with recent rising trends in the A" initial cost targct of io~€/rn'of aperture was set concentration factors - and stiff enough to withstand for the trackcr, target which includes the tracking structure additional wind loads. Neither is it an easy task to and drives and the tracking control unit, hut lcaves aside develop reliable sun tracking control systems immune the cost of land, land preparation, foundation, in-field enough to factors such as overcast and hazy skies, assembly and DC wiring. softwarc failures, extreme weather conditions, or low cost Under this assumption and in order to perform an low qualification installation crews. All of which is to he electricity cost comparison between present commercial attained bound by strong cost constraints and with little flat plate technology and microconcentrator modules. we option, in principle, to learning curvc discounts. follow the method proposed by Foetzberger and Stahl 191 Being this the situation, serious R&D effort in for the cost of cnergy estimation for tracking and non- concentration tracking systems, will be required in order tracking PV systems, now updated with cost figures to breed a safe mount not only for the promising very foresecn by Luque and Yamaguchi [IO] for future IOOOX high concentration concepts now under progress in microconcentrator modules, and convcntional PV cost different countries [3][4][5][6], hut also to ease the estimates used in recent concentration cost assessments introduction and implementation of those aery high [Ill,(see Table I). The estimation has been made for a efficiency 3". generation leapfrogging PV dcvelapments short term scenario. in which microconccntrator Poster 857
  • 2. 3rd World Confireme on Photovolruic Enrrgv Converriun Moy 11-18,2003 030ko. Japon technology cnters the market based on GaAs one junction Being the weight of the structure highly influenced cells, with a 265 Urn2 module, cost which is almost by the desired capability to withstand wind loads, this has present prototype cost estimate, and a 19% module to be reasonably well set. The highest the Wind Speed efficiency, while 550 € h z , 15% modules represent present Operative Threshold (WSOT) - the wind speed below flat plate PV. Note that in the long term the use of W O which the tracker, whichever its position, is able to junction cells and consideration of learning cost reduction maintain accurate tracking and over which stowing is rates could drive to a microconcentrator module cost in the ordered the higher the direct solar radiation intake but ~ 100 Wm2range and 37% module efficiencies. also the sturdier and therefore more expensive the tracking structure results. The optimum which brings into Table I. Data used for the cost of electricity comparison line these two opposing trends, will be the WSOT which between IOOOX microconcentrator module technology and results in the cheapest cost of solar energy due to conventional flat plate PV. tracking, i.e. the cumulated direct solar energy input allowed divided by the tracker's overall cost. Concentrarion cells ( ~ r n ~ ) . 134.000 Afler the basic structural design concept of the Concentrarionfactor 1.000 pedestal tracker design was accomplished, a simplified Optics, heat sink & assemblv (€/mz) 131 model was analysed to determine how the increase in its Microconcentrotor module efficiency (%) 19 WSOT affectcd the overall tracking cost due to its Tracking srructure, driws & control (€/mz) 100 progressive stiffening. WSOT was here defined as the Cunventionai module (€/m') 550 threshold over which 0.1" or higher tracking error is Conventional module efficiency P )A 15 causcd by wind load bending of the tracking structure, Land, land preparation, foundation, in-field both pedestal and aperture. Three different aperture assembly and DC wirinp 20 surfaces (9, 16, 25rn') were analyzcd (see Fig. 2), where growing reinforcement was attained by escalating Thus, "1st. generation" microconcentrator panels, structural components in a discrete manner imposed by could result between 35% and 68% cheaper, when the constraint of only using standard commercial sizes. compared to present flat panel photovoltaics, for which Costs estimation was performed for a preliminary low to polar mounting is assumed, for all latitudes 60" above or medium volume industrial scenario. Linear intelpolation below equator, and direct radiation ratios ranging from of the cost curves offer aperture cost vs. WSOT increase 50% to 80% (see Fig. I), being highest the cost premium - ratios of 0.78, 0.95 and 1.2 €/m' per kmm, respectively the concentration to flat panel cost ratio - the highest the for 25, 16 and 9m2apertures, showing also that within this latitudc and the sky's direct radiation ratio. range the biggest the mounted aperture the lowest the impact of WSOT increase. 0.70 - 4 80% - -G 70% 250 3 &SO% ~ 9 m2 16 m2 -25 m2 200 4 IR = 1.20 0.35 . ~ . .- . .-. .. . ~ . ~ ~ ~ O L - 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 WSOT (kmlb) Latitude (") Fig. 2 Overall tracking cost as a function of its WSOT, Fig. 1 Cost Premium of microconcentrator technology vs. for three different aperture sizes. Linear intclpolation is conventional flat panel as a function of latitude, for also shown giving the value of the Aperture Cost vs. different direct solar radiation ratios. WSOT increase ratio IR. These curves permit the deduction of the tracker's optimum WSOT for a certain location, provided 3. WIND LOAD ASPECTS O F T H E DESIGN cumulative direct solar radiation vs. wind speed plots can be obtained. This type of analysis could be of use when Steel is the cost driving factor of tracking structures, tracker design is tailored to the specific climate of a in such a way that when ordered in volume cost is mainly determined by weight. In order to converge towards the certain location, which could be justified in case of medium to big size plants. referred cost target, weight optimization was sought for In this direction a case study was performed for the tracking structure. Granada (Sp.) in order to determine the optimum WSOT 858 Poster
  • 3. 3rd World Conference on Phoruvoltnic Energv Conversion May /I-18, 2003 Osaka. Jnpon for a 9m2 aperture model from its cost point of view. One aperture, have been built up to know in which other year ofcontinuous hourly direct radiation, and wind speed driving and structural variations have been tested (see Fig. and direction measurements were used for this analysis 3). which revealed that almost 95% of the yearly direct solar Load simulation, both due to extreme winds and energy could be captured with a WSOT of 15 kmih and concentrating modules, in the form of distributed sand that the cheapest WSOT was 25 kmih which would allow bags have been applied to these prototypes in order to capture of up to 99% of the yearly direct radiation. validate design targets and calibrate CAD Finite Element Taking a less location sensitive and more general tools. Monitoring of the tracking stmchre elastic approach, a 43 kmPn WSOT was chosen for our design, behaviour under real wind conditions, is at present being which permits a worst case 95% direct radiation performed in a LabviewT" environment gathering data availability, within the big climatic variability inside the from an on-site meteorological station, the systems wind US limits, as can be derived from the data tapes generated sensors, and high precision inclinometers placed on the by the US National Climatic Center SOLMET stations shucture. [121. The extra-costs due to its subdegree accuracy A system of low cost wind speed sensors have been requirements were analysed, to get a cost comparison to developed in order to stow the tracker whenever wind conventional flat pancl sun trackers. The analysis was speed grows over the tracker's WSOT. Reliability is done for the three referred aperture sizes, defining the 43 granted to the system through redundancy in the k d h WSOT for three different conditions: 0.1". I" and measurements. This system is also capable of breakage bending. This analysis shows that 0.1" stiffness simultaneously providing global radiation measurements means an extra cost of 20-30 €lm2 over I" or breakage in the aperture plane, which are used by the tracking conditions which are scarcely I Urn2 apart wherever control strategy. breakage overcomes in the 3" range. 4. TRACKING STRUCTURE AND DRIVES 5. THE TRACKING CONTROL UNIT A pedestal configuration was chosen due to its In order to avoid the detected flaws of outright open relative low cost single point foundation, whcn compared or closed loop strategies employed in the past 1131, a to other options such as tilt-roll. The pedestal option also hybrid improved method has been developed which resorts permits reductions of on-site assembly work, which to an assortment of algorithms of proven efficiency. usually dominate installation costs. Fig. 3 9m' aperture prototype of the pedestal tracker Dummy panels with centred hanging sand bags simulate its real operative load. Fig. 4 Two examples of the error transform applied to a Standard I-beams, channels, and structural tubing, commercially available in the construction industry rectangular grid in the azimuth-elcvation plane determined by the four angle vector (upper figure compose the structure, avoiding the cost surcharge lower graph (0'. 15°,00,Z50)) (O~So,0~,Oo), required by specifically manufactured parts. Non back-driving drives arc chosen for both axes; a Taxonomy of errors for ephemeris based open loop screw jack is used for the elevation axis, while the azimuth movement is provided by a worm and worm gear set sun tracking was first done. An specific error model which which makes the tube holding up the aperture, to turn accounts for all characterization errors, bath stcmming around an inner concentric post to which it is kept coupled from manufacturing and in-field installation, but leaving by rolling contact hearings. Three prototypes, 9 m' in aside those which derive from the drive & positioner Poster 859
  • 4. 3rd World Con/rrence on Fhotovolraic EnergV Conversion Mu.v 11-18,2003 Osaka Jamn which can he partly suppressed with primary axis position 6. ACKNOLEDGEMENTS feedback, is derived based on four angles, whose transforms over the azimuth elevation-plane have been This work has partly been funded by the Direccion studied (see Fig. 4). General de Investigacion of the Consejeria de Educacibn AAer a tracking error measurement session, the four de la Comunidad de Madrid under contract no parameters of the error model are fitted using a nonlinear 09/0105/2000. least-squares routine. Two error measurement strategies can be selected depending on the feedback signal used: array‘s maximum peak power or maximum short circuit REFERENCES current, which will he chosen after considering factors such as module interconnection scheme or MMPT M. Schmela “Concentration Please!”, Photon strategies used. In any case maximum location is done International. Dec. 1999-Jan.2000 using the slopes of the angular response function, and not T.Lepley, B Hammond and A. Harris “Evaluation of within the flat and noise sensitive plateau of good wide Tracking Flat Plate and Concentrator PV Systems” acceptance angle non-imaging concentrating optics Proc. o rhe 26IhIEEE PVSC, (Anaheim, 1997) f designs, which will be even enhanced in the case of shalt C. Algora, G. Smekens, V. Andreev, H. Nather, S. circuit current feedback [ 141. Saveliev et a/. “Ultra-compact high flux GaAs cell A low cost conventional sun pointing sensor has been photovoltaic concentrator’’ Proc. ofrhe 16Ih European developed and its stability characterized (see Fig. 5). The PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000) methodology for its periodical auto-calibration against the W.P. Mulligau, R. Swanson, P. Benitez, J.C. MiAano feedback signals referrcd above has been developed, et a1 “A flat-plate Concentrator ; Microconcentrator which profits from non-differcntial maximum search Design Overview” Proc. o rhe 28’” IEEE PVSC, f algorithms in multivariate functions. Using this sensor (Anchorage, 2000) greatly eases tracking error measurement acquisition. V.D. Rumyantesev, V. Andreev, M. Hein, A.W. Bett, et al. “Concentrator Array Based on GaAs Cells and Fresnel Lens Concentrators” Proc. of the 16‘” European PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000) G. Sala, 1. Antbn, A.W. Bett. 1. Luque-Heredia, T. Trebst, “The PV-Fibre Project: A PV Concentrator for Indoor Operation of lOO0X MJ Solar Cells by Fibre Transmission” Proc. ?f the 3‘d WCPEC3, (Osaka 2003) J.Alonso, C.Algora, R.Heyer, W. Preuss. J.C. Gonzalez er a/. “Industrialization of Ultrdflat Concentrator Module of High Efficiency”. Proc. of the PV in Europe Conefeermce, (Rome, 2002 ) G. Sala, E. Camblor, M. Cendagorta. 1. Luque- Heredia er a/. “The 480 kWp EUCLIDES“-Thermie Power Plant: Installation, Set-Up and First Results” Proc. ofrhe 16Ih European PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000) Fig. 5 Details of the low cost sun pointing sensor to aid A. Goetzberger and W. Stahl “Global Estimation of the sun tracking strategy (above) and indoor Available Solar Radiation and Cost of Energy for characterization works Mjith a source equivalent to the sun Tracking and Non Tracking PV-Systems” Proc. of in its angular diameter whose position can he finely the ISthIEEE PYSC, (Las Vegas, 1985) regulated (below). [IO] M. Yamaguchi and A. Luqud “High Efficiency and High Concentration in Photovoltaics” IEEE Everything is implemented through a ruggedized Transactions on Electron Devices. 46, IO, 2139, electronic system, comprising tracker positioning sensors, (1999) V&l sensors, and a control unit based on a 280 family [I I ] R. Swanson “The Promise of Concentrators”. microprocessor, which integrates features such as Progress in Photovoltaics, 8 , 9 3 , (2000) positioner accuracy enhancement through interpolation, [I21 D.E. Randall, and N.R. Grandjean Correlations of compensation of timing drifts, and TCPilP SMTP and Insolation and Wind Data for SOLMET Starions, POP3 protocols for e-mail remote monitoring and control. Sandia National Labs (Alhurquerque. 1982) The issue of neutralising remaining unmodelled or [I31 A.B. Maish “A Self-Aligning Photovoltaic Array time varying errors, once these comply with validation Tracking Controller”, Pror. o the 201h IEEE PVSC, f criteria, is at present being studied and several candidate (Las Vegas, 1988) strategies are being analysed. Among the best performers [I41 I. AntOn, and J. Monedero e al. “Effect of the r up to now a PI (proportional-integral) based controller Optical Performance on the Output power of the concept, and a two axis version of the self-learning EUCLIDESTM Array” Proc. of the 16Ih European EUCLIDES tracking strategy [IS]. PVSEC, (Glasgow, 2000) The corrcct assortment of routines which are to [I51 Arboiro, J.C. & Sala, G. “Self-learning tracking: a compose the final strategy will he the best fit resulting new control strategy for PV concentrators”, Progress from a series of match games, in which two different in Photovoltaics, 5, 213, (1997) competing versions will he implemented in two identical tracker prototrpes subject to identical irradiation conditions. 860 Poster