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Last Time: Things had become quiet for the Juniors, especially as they started college! We
found out Elijah cheats at chess, much to Puck’s annoyance and he also has no fear of
admitting his feelings out loud.
Cecelia, Tank and Oliver joined college and at the same time Elijah, Ericka and Puck joined the
Greek House with a girl called Trista LeTourneau, who had fallen in love with the youngest
Junior son.
Elijah proposed to Puck who of course said yes; Elijah also took Puck to Londoste to enjoy a
meal together.
Tank proposed to Cecelia and Oliver not only had his First Kiss with Trista, but he also became
her fiancé.
Finally Ericka, Elijah and Puck all graduated from college leaving Cecelia, Oliver, Tank and
Trista at the Greek house.
“Elijah! Welcome home, baby!” Tara cried out as she pounced on her son the moment he
was out of the taxi; Elijah laughed as he hugged her back with a content smile.
“It’s good to be back, Mum. How have you been?”
“I’ve been alright. I retired from my job and your father has been trying to beat me at chess;
in other words it’s been quiet.” Tara replied simply as she pulled back from the hug and
looked at her son properly.
“There are new clothes for both you and Puck in your new bedroom.” Tara said and Elijah
grinned cheekily even as he went to help Puck with the bags.
“What are you trying to say, mother? You trying to say I look bad?” He demanded before
running up the stairs to avoid Tara’s swipe at his head.
“So are you sure about this? Because if your not ready yet we can put it off for a little while.
We don’t have to get married right away.” Elijah pointed out and Puck laughed as he allowed
the brunet pull him close.
“’Lijah if I didn’t want to get married to you, I wouldn’t have said yes when you proposed. I
know you’re worried about your position as Heir but trust me, I am not leaving you.” Puck
reassured and smiled wider as he felt the tension leaving Elijah’s shoulders.
“So you want to test the bed out?” Elijah questioned cheekily enjoying the way Puck’s cheeks
went bright red almost instantly.
3 Hours Later
“Dad this looks wonderful but you didn’t have to go through all the trouble.” Elijah objected
as he waved his hand to where all the playground equipment used to stand.
“Rubbish. While my wedding was wonderful it wasn’t as grand as it could have been because
we were low on money; now though we’re the richest family in Belldonna Cove; you deserve
a proper weeding son.”
“But Dad, me and Puck can’t have children together and we still haven’t worked out what
we’re going to do. Maybe you should make Ericka the Heir, at least that way there would
defiantly be a child for generation 3.”
“Oh stop talking crap. Elijah you were the one who wanted to be Heir not Ericka. You
shouldn’t worry so much, we’ll work something out.” Jesse reassured with his small smile and
Elijah gladly returned it with his own grin.
“Thanks Dad.” The brunet whispered before he pulled Jesse into a tight hug; Jesse gladly
returned it before pulling back a few seconds later.
“Now come on. It’s time for you to get married!”
We were both young when I first saw you
     I close my eyes and the flashback starts
                I'm standing there
          On a Balcony in the Summer Air

                     See the lights
             See the party, the ball gowns
     I see you make your way through the crowd
              I say hello, little did I know
That you were my Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my Daddy said stay away from Juliet
    And I was crying on the staircase
      Begging you please don't go
               And I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
  I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
 You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess
                It's a Love Story
               Baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet because we're dead if they knew
              So Close your eyes
      Escape this town for a little while

'Cause you were Romeo, I was a Scarlet Letter
  And my Daddy said stay away from Juliet
        But you were everything to me
      I was begging you please don't go
                  And I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
   I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
  You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess
                 It's a Love Story
                 Baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
        This love is difficult but it's real
 Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
                It's a Love Story
                Baby just say yes

                     Oh, oh
I got tired of waiting
 Wondering if you were ever coming around
        My faith in you was fading
  When I met you on the outskirts of town
                 And I said

   Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
  I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
 He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
                   Marry me, Juliet
            You'll never have to be alone
       I love you and that's all I really know
 I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
                   It's a Love Story
                  Baby just say yes.

                     Oh, oh
                     oh, oh

'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
           Love Story- Taylor Swift
“Ellie.” Jesse greeted with an angry glare as he walked up to me in the garden; but I had
watched him since he was born and knew when he was just putting on a face for show.
“Jesse, thank you for inviting me.”
“I didn’t think you would come.” Jesse admitted and this time I laughed as I looked around at
the other guests.
“Sorry to disappoint you. Now considering there are other people you would much prefer
talking to, I assume you cornered me for a reason?”
“Yes actually there was. I wanted to say, I forgive you.” Jesse finally sighed and I couldn’t help
but blink in shock.
“What?” I whispered and the grey haired man grumbled as he placed his hands on his hips
once again.
“I said I forgive you. What you did, is similar to what I would have done to my kids. I was
angry at you for it but now I don’t see any reason to be, my kids are safe and happy; why
should I hold a grudge?”
“My my, Jesse Junior when did you get so wise?” I teased and he smirked while looking off to
the side.
“It comes with old age, something a child like you will never experience.” He retorted and I
laughed again.
“Was there something else?” I questioned as I saw the hesitant look on Jesse’s face.
“Yes...what am I going do about the Legacy? My son and Puck obviously can’t have children
so what...” He trailed off as I laughed again.
“Don’t you worry yourself, Jesse. Everything will turn out alright. Elijah and Puck will make a
brilliant Heir and Spouse for Generation 2, I promise you that.” I smiled watching as Jesse
narrowed his eyes.
“Ellie, what are you planning?” He questioned and my smile become just a bit bigger.
“Nothing that you won’t appreciate later.”
“Thank you for coming, Desh'mieve*.” Puck whispered as he pulled his mother into a hug;
feeling Titania laugh quietly.
“I wouldn’t miss something as important as this for the world, Aidan* I’m glad that you’ve
finally found someone to make you happy.”
*Desh'mieve- Mother
*Aidan- Little Flame & Puck’s Elven name. Meaning if he’s confronted by other elves, he
would be called Aidan.
“You said there was something you wanted to tell me?” Puck questioned and Titania smiled sadly as
she nodded.
“Yes, Marara*. I Saw something strange last night and as your aware I wouldn’t tell you about it unless
I think it involves you.”
“So what is it, Desh'mieve?” Puck asked in concern and Titania sighed as she looked down at the
“I don’t exactly know. I’m an Ekahua* not a Kaleanae* it’s hard for me to see things clearly but I do
know what I saw was familiar to me. It’s the same magic I found on you when you were kidnapped
with the Juniors.”
“What?” Puck whispered in shock and Titania nodded her head.
* Marara- Child
*Kaleanae- A Watcher or Observer; This is what Frantisek Lopane was.
*Ekahua- Sorceress and advisor
“You’re not the only one with enemies remember, Aiden. The Juniors have their own skeletons and,
from what I can tell, their recovering from what happened 4 years ago; I think they’re preparing their
next attack. You need to be careful Aiden because they won’t come after you this time, they’ll go after
your children.” Titania warned causing Puck to swallow hard.
“Here take this. It’s a Saeth*. You must place this on your 2nd child when he or she turns 3.” Titania
ordered as she held out a golden bangle.
“But me and Elijah can’t have children together.” Puck pointed out but none the less took the gift
without questioning it; Titania smiled mysteriously.
“The world works in mysterious ways Aiden, you of all people should know this.”
*Saeth- A Cloak of Invisibility. (Basically it hides the person from the view of those who would cause
“You know Ellie said something strange to me earlier. It was about Puck and Elijah.” Jesse
admitted as he and Tara danced slowly to the music playing around them.
“Oh? What did she say?”
“She told me not to worry about it and promised everything will turn out alright. She had this
look in her eye, I don’t know.” Jesse murmured before Tara giggled.
“You always look so serious when lost in thought.” She said and Jesse smiled as he slowly
twirled her around.
“Let’s forget about it for now and enjoy the night.” Tara suggested and Jesse nodded in
“You’re right. The night is young, the moon is still high and I plan on spending every minute of
it with you.”
The next morning Elijah was quick to jump onto the computer to try and find a job in the
Intelligence track.
He was in luck, there was an opening for a Reconnaissance Communicator and thanks to
college he got the job easily.
Puck also found his dream job in the Law track. He was actually much higher up than Elijah
when he accepted the job as a International Corporate Lawyer but he didn’t mind; it meant
that Puck would be home much more to spend time with him.
Because they had already maxed their hobby enthusiasm in college, neither Puck nor Elijah
had to wait before placing their plagues on the wall, along with their diplomas.
With only a few hours to spare, Elijah quickly got to work on getting his cleaning skill up for
his next promotion.
At the same time, Puck got to work on painting the portraits for them to hang on the wall;
Jesse’s and Tara’s had already been moved to the mausoleum in preparation for their
journey into the next life.
Being originally from Veronaville Puck knew very well of the feud going on between the
Capps and the Montys; what some people weren’t aware of was how the Summerdream
family was actually the bridge between the two families, the one who was slowly putting an
end to the fight that had lasted 3 generations.
That of course meant Puck had quite a few people angry at him.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t think I don’t recognise you Albany Capp! Just you wait until the council
hears about this, you’ll be paying for every newspaper you’ve stolen from us! I promise you
Of course when Elijah found Puck in the living room the next morning reading the newspaper
with a satisfied smirk, he carefully backed out of the room instead of questioning it.
When Puck got home from his first day at work, it was with a smile on his face. His boss had
been so impressed with his work that he offered him a job as Entertainment Attorney,
explaining that he would be perfect for the job. Puck of course was more than happy to
accept the promotion.
Some things never change. Even though much time has gone by and Elijah is now technically
the head of the house, it still falls on Jesse to make sure the fridge is stocked; seeing how he’s
the only one allowed near the stove it was understandable.
Unlike Puck who worked during the day and came back mid afternoon, Elijah went in the
morning and didn’t come back until late at night; it was all worth it though as he finally got
promoted to Rookie Field Agent.
“Huh?...’Lijah?” Puck mumbled as he felt someone slid into the bed behind him, he smiled
sleepily as he saw a familiar pair of brown eyes looking back at him.
“Sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep.” Elijah encouraged and Puck mumbled his agreement
as he turned back over.
“Vlana Sear*.” Puck whispered quietly and Elijah smiled fondly at the sound of Puck’s native
tongue before wrapping his arms around him tightly.
It didn’t take long for the two of them to fall asleep together.

*Vlana Sear- Good Night.
2 Days Later
Elijah winced as he put down the paintbrush he was holding and placed his hand on his
stomach; for the whole day he had been suffering from unexplainable stomach cramps.
“Maybe I should go to bed.” He muttered to himself but before he could take a step he felt
something in his stomach go pop and when he looked down his eyes widened in shock.
“What’s the matter, ‘Lijah? Is your stomach still- Oh my god!” Puck cried out as he finally took
a good look at his husband.
“Y-you’re pregnant!”
“Really Puck? I hadn’t noticed.” Elijah retorted back sarcastically while placing one hand on
his hip.
“But how? You haven’t been abducted have you?”
“No I haven’t! I think I would remember something like that!” Elijah shouted out hysterically
as he tried to make sense of what was going on.
Puck narrowed his eyes as he looked to the ground in thought; he was thinking about the
strange message his mother had given him at their wedding, did she have something to do
with it?
“Let’s get your parents.” Puck finally suggested and Elijah nodded in agreement.
“I don’t know why you’re freaking out like this Elijah. A baby is a wonderful thing.” Tara
pointed out as she carefully rubbed Elijah’s bump.
“It’s not the baby I’m stressing over Mum! It’s the fact that I’m pregnant when I shouldn’t
be!” Elijah huffed in frustration but it was obvious his mother wasn’t really listening to him.
“Well that doesn’t matter either! You’re finally giving me a grandchild and I must say it’s
about time.”
“Dad please talk some sense into her!”
“Well it’s not that strange son. I had 2 grandfathers who were married and they ended up
having 13 children. Then there’s my fathers who had 4 children and even my Uncle Wolfe
had 5 children with his husband; it probably has something to do with the Alien DNA in our
system, even though it’s very small.” Jesse mused as he rubbed his chin in thought.
‘I bet Ellie had something to do with it too but I’m not going to mention that to him.’ Jesse
thought to himself firmly not wanting the Simself to suffer with Elijah’s hormones.
“Elijah I don’t think your seeing the bigger picture here. It doesn’t matter how it happened
but we’ve now got a child of our own on the way; aren’t you excited?” Puck questioned as he
made faces at Elijah’s bump.
“Of course I am.” Elijah muttered but a smile was slowly forming on his lips.
“See? Stop worrying so much, everything will turn out fine.” Puck reassured and Elijah
grinned as he pulled the half-breed into his arms.
“What would I do without you?” He questioned and Puck forced himself to shiver with a
teasing smile.
“That’s something I do not wish to find out.”
With the announcement of the first child of Generation 3 finally on his or her way, Puck
finally got around to finishing the portraits making it official that the Legacy was starting to
move forward.
While he was happy about the fact he was going to have a child, Elijah was still pretty
stressed about the situation as such fires became so much of a common occurrence that
Jesse completely banned the brunet from the kitchen.
He couldn’t stop Tara cooking though without hurting her feelings. As such Jesse was the only
one at the table when Tara announced breakfast, and he was the only one who forced down
the extra crispy omelettes.
All though you wouldn’t know it, Tara had in fact maximised all her skill points meaning that
there wasn’t much for her to do. A normal day found her at the career rewards messing
around with them and generally making herself busy until nightfall, when she would return to
the telescope.
Having only 2 outgoing points, Puck finds it very hard to talk to people he doesn’t know not a
good habit to have when your a lawyer for the celebrities.
As such Puck forces himself to perform on the Law Podium he received from work to try and
boots his confidence.
It doesn’t work but at least he receives charisma points while doing it.
Of course the Junior house is never quiet with a hormonal Elijah waddling around; it seems
that while he is happy with having a child, he’s not happy with what it’s doing to his
“See? I’m still fit and handsome! Not at all pale, or saggy or or or.....FAT! I’m so fat!”
Puck’s always there to make his husband feel better though.
Puck breathed a sigh as he stepped out of the carpool after work; he had finally done it, he
had received his finale promotion and now became The Law but he was also completed his
Life Time Want.
His 2nd Life Time Want was to have 30 best friends and after a quick phone call to his sister
Vivien he achieved that one as well.
“Hey! I said I play catch with you, that doesn’t give you permission to try and bash my skull in
with the ball!” Puck grumbled in annoyance as he scooped the ball up of the ground.
Seeing as Elijah only had 1 nice point and Puck had 9, it was understandable that he was
hesitant to play catch every time Elijah asked.
“Sorry! I can’t help it.” Elijah shrugged innocently before his eyes widened and his hand went
to his stomach.
“What’s wrong?”
“The baby just kicked.” Elijah grinned as Puck ran over and placed his own hand on Elijah’s
bump; the red-head grinned widely when he felt a small tap against his hand.
“What do you think it’ll be?”
“Personally I’m hoping its a boy. Mum said that it was much easier taking care of me and Oli
than Eri’ and Cee.” Elijah admitted as Puck started rubbing his stomach carefully.
“What is it’s twins?” Puck questioned but he was only teasing; his mum had already told him
that the chances of them having twins were strangely low.
“I don’t think it will be but I don’t mind a girl.” Elijah said and Puck grinned at him as he stood
to his feet and kissed the brunet lightly.
“Whatever it is, it’ll be ours.” Puck breathed and Elijah hummed in agreement.
2 Months Later
“Elijah is due any time now.” Tara whispered quietly as she carefully ran her hand through
Jesse’s grey hair.
“I know. We’re going to be grandparents.” Jesse whispered in return before leaning up and
kissing Tara lightly on the lips.
“Let’s get some sleep. We’ll know if anything happens.” Jesse reassured and with a hum of
agreement Tara snuggled down and slowly allowed herself to relax.
“Oof.” Elijah huffed as he pulled back from the kiss and Puck laughed breathlessly beneath
“I felt that.” The half-breed admitted as he carefully rubbed his hand over Elijah’s
bump, hoping to feel the baby kick again.
“The little sod has been restless today. I couldn’t do anything without him making his
displeasure known.” Elijah grumbled as he sat up with a wince and a hiss; Puck laughed again
as he watched Elijah slowly slid off the bed.
“We don’t know if it’s going to be a boy.”
“Oh it’s a boy. No girl could kick like-OW!”
“’Lijah?” Puck questioned in concern as he saw Puck clenching his teeth tightly while placing
his hands on his stomach.
“Ow Shit! Puck the baby’s coming!” Elijah shouted as he started working on getting his
breathing under control.
“Okay ‘Lijah. Keep your breathing under control and everything will be alright. Easaahae*.”
Puck said calmly causing Elijah to narrow his pain filled eyes.
“I heard that! What was that you just did?!” He demanded but before Puck could answer
another wave of pain washed over him.
*Easaahae- Peace. Puck is using it as a calming spell to help Elijah through labour.
“Oh god. How could Mum have done this 4 times?!” Elijah shouted out in agony before he
suddenly was able to get his breathing under control.
“Okay here we go.” He whispered as the spin came upon him and he didn’t fight it.
“Oh hello there.” Elijah breathed as he looked at the blue eyed baby he now held in his
“So is it a boy?” Puck questioned as he walked closer and smiled as he took in his light blue
eyes and Elijah’s brown hair.
“Yep. I told you it would be a boy.” Elijah grinned looking himself for the first time in 9
“What are we going to name him then?” Puck questioned as Elijah adjusted his hold on baby
while thinking.
“I don’t know. You think of something.” Puck hums to himself as he starts making faces at his
new son making the baby giggle.
“How about Fabian?” Puck finally suggest and Elijah grinned happily before leaning forward
and kissing Puck lightly on the lips.
“Fabian it is. Welcome to the family Fabian Junior.” Elijah whispered as Fabian yawned in his
arms with a small gurgle.
The announcement of the newborn Junior spread across Belldonna Cove and quickly it
reached the house hidden between the government buildings and from human eyes.
“Ali the first born of Generation 3 has arrived. Why are we not doing anything yet? With their
guard down it would be the perfect time to strike!” Sebastian growled as he crossed his arms
over his chest; he was still furious over what had happened with the 2nd generation of
children, because of Shawn they had to retreat and not only that they also lost a servant. He
still hasn’t found someone who was a good replacement for his older brother.
“It’s not time yet.” Alissa replied simply as she sat beside the bubbling fountain with her eyes
closed; after her fall into the Water of Fate a strange change had overcome her, she had
become perceptive and cryptic. She no longer showed emotions and it was normal for
Sebastian to find his twin sitting near the fountain with her eyes closed looking just like a doll.
He refused to admit it out loud but he was worried, Alissa was always one who wore her
heart on her sleeve and Sebastian was the one who was cold; it was like their roles had been
“What do you mean it’s not time yet?”
“We cannot go after the first born child of our nephew, he is not the one the Fates are talking
about in such excitable whispers.” Alissa replied simply and Sebastian narrowed his eyes.
“Who are they talking about then?” He questioned and watched as his sister smiled ever
slightly in a way that if you hadn’t been watching her, you would have missed it.
“They are talking about the second child of the half-breed, a child with hair as red as fire.”
“I see. Well if your sure about this then I trust you to do the right thing, Ali.” Sebastian said
with a smile causing Alissa to nod.
“Do not worry dear twin. I will tell you when the time comes and when it does...” Alissa
trailed off as she opened her eyes for the first time since Sebastian stepped into the room.
“We will kill them all.” Alissa finished, her voice sounding all wrong coming from her throat
as her pure white eyes stared sightlessly at the wall in front of her.
“Jesse! You have full logic skill points, there is no reason for you to cheat!” Tara cried out in
exasperation as she once again caught her husband cheating; across from her Jesse shrugged
his shoulders.
“I’m a mean Sim, Tara. I’m going to cheat even if I can win.” He retorted simply causing Tara
to huff in annoyance.
Despite the constant arguments between Tara, Jesse and the chessboard the Junior
household was still surrounded by the afterbirth happiness, even though Fabian was heading
towards his 1st birthday.
Elijah and Puck made great parents despite Elijah’s stressful pregnancy.
Whenever they had the chance, they would go into the nursery to give Fabian a hug or play with the dangling toys
with him.
It wasn’t long before it was time for Fabian to go through his 1st Age Transition; Elijah sadly
had to work that night, his boss got an earful for calling him on his son’s birthday, so Puck
took charge and brought Fabian to the cake.
Surrounded by family and friends Puck leaned forward with Fabian in his arms and blew out
the candles; after all the flames were gone Puck threw Fabian lightly in the air with a grin.
When he fell down into Puck’s arms Fabian was sporting grin that clearly reeled his high
cheek bones; Puck tensed though as he spotted a pair of delicate pointed ears clearly visible
on his son.
“Oh no.” Puck whispered, his voice going unheard off with the cheering of the guests, already
knowing what was coming as his son flinched in his arms, making a sound of confusion as he
reached up to touch the skin around his eyes.
Once again Fabian flinched his face starting to show both confusion and fear as he clenched
his father’s shirt in one hand while trying to find what was causing him irritation; lucky
enough Puck had already braced himself so he was fully prepared when the irritating Fabian
was feeling turned into a full out burn that made the poor boy scream out in agony.
Ignoring the murmuring of the guests, Puck quickly walked out of the room hushing Fabian
the best he could as he went.
It was long after the party was over before the burning finally started to let up; Puck had
managed to change Fabian’s clothes and hair all the while frowning sadly at what was causing
his son pain.
When it become clear it would no longer continue, Puck pulled his son tightly and pressed his
mouth lightly to his son’s pointed ear.
“Shol ford*.” He whispered and slowly Fabian’s cries quieted as the pain disappeared; Puck
breathed as sigh of relief as Fabian only continued to release the occasional sniffle.
“There is that better?” Puck questioned rhetorically as he pulled his son back.
*Shol ford- Heal, Love (Could be used for soul mate, Best friend or Family). This is the spell
Titania used on Puck back in 1.04.
Puck was surprised to be meet with a happy smile of both happiness and relief; Fabian was
glad for the burning pain that he didn’t understand to be gone.
Puck though couldn’t help but glance sadly at the still red colourful brand that now covered
his son’s eyes.
“Better?” Puck questioned and Fabian giggled before blurting out a loud of nonsense only he
could understand.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Puck laughed in relief before biting his lip in thought; he needed to
give Fabian an Elven name. Now that he had actual markings of an Elf, it meant he needed to
be recognised as one.
“Well your markings are the colours of twilight, so how about Kusanar*?” Puck asked and he
was rewarded with a pleased squeal from the toddler.
*Kusanar- Twilight. This is Fabian’s Elven name and this is what he is called when confronted
by elves.
“Huh?” I whispered as I felt something touch my leg, I smiled though when I saw Fabian looking at me
with a happy grin; much different from earlier.
“Well aren’t you precious?” I smiled as I easily picked up the giggling toddler and held him out in front
of me.
“Let me take a look at you, yeah?” I whispered and I closed my eyes and concentrated; being a half-
breed, or ¼ if you want to get technical, of an elf and a human my magic could very well kill Fabian just
as easy as it would help a human Sim.
I was very well trained with my magic though and I easily allowed my powers to slip into the toddlers
mind who only reacted with a slight giggle; carefully I looked through what Fate held in stall for him.
I wasn’t happy with what I saw.
“Oh Fabian. You’re going to have a hard life ahead of you.” I said sadly before holding the brunet close;
Fabian was completely unaware of my thoughts as he wrapped his chubby fingers around my neck.
If he was aware, I’m sure he would have shoved me away in disgust.
It turned out his boss had a good reason for calling Elijah in on Fabian’s birthday; he had
pushed Elijah’s file forward for a promotion and it had gotten accepted. Elijah was now a
Field Agent, all though Elijah was still irritated he admitted he wasn’t anger as before.
After changing into his PJs and going through his nightly routine, Elijah entered his bedroom to find
Puck still up and waiting for him.
“Puck? What are you doing up this late, don’t you have work in the morning?” Elijah questioned as he
quickly sat down on the bed and watched as Puck nibbled his lip nervously.
“Fabian has elf ears.” Puck blurted out after a couple of minutes of silence causing Elijah to blink in
slight shock.
“Okay? Why would that be a problem?” The brunet questioned and Puck huffed as he finally looked at
his husband.
“It’s a problem because that means he’s a half-breed which also means he had to suffer through
getting his markings today. I caused our son pain.” Puck whispered sadly and Elijah quickly reached
forward and pulled the red-head into his arms.
“No you didn’t. Were you the one who cast that curse?” Elijah questioned and Puck shook his head.
The curse Elijah was speaking off was to do with the markings an elf had that looked like face paint. A
very angry elder elf cast a curse to make it so that every half-breed, a Sim with both elf and human
blood, would suffer absolute agony when their markings come through instead of them being a
pleasant experience like they would be with pure blood elf.
“Then you can’t blame yourself for it. You suffered through the same thing when you were his age
and, as much as I hate to admit it, it’s something we can’t change.” Elijah whispered as he reached up
and carefully fingered Puck’s red markings around his eyes; the half-breed shivered at not only Elijah’s
careful touches but also the memory of what he went through when he was Fabian’s age.
“I love you, you know that right?” Puck whispered uncertainly and Elijah grinned as he pushed Puck
down on the bed and leaned over him.
“Of course I do. Now I think it’s time I show you how much I love you.” Elijah whispered with an impish
grin before he leaned down and kissed Puck passionately.
With 4 capable Sims in the house, Fabian was never left along for two long.
Between the for of them Fabian quickly learned all of his skills and Puck even managed to
teach the toddler some Elven nursery rhymes that Titania use to sing to him when he was
Tara continued to find odd things to do around the house when everyone was either at work
or still sleeping.
Puck had insisted that the paper got brought in every morning, for reasons only he
understood, so Tara started doing the crossword word every morning.
Elijah and Puck also continued to show hints that their life time achievement was to make
everyone jealous of how adorable they are together.
With 2 Life Time Wants completed, Puck decided to have a go at completing his 3rd one. As
soon as he had the time, Puck went the computer and looked up a job in the Journalist carer
track as a Magazine Editor.
His plan though was put on hold as he awoke from his sleep one night to a shock.
“Oh!” Puck gasped as he stared down at his newly appeared baby bump. He knew it was
possible for certain male Elves to carry children for breeding purposes but he never expected
himself to have that ability.
“Elijah! Quickly come here!” Puck shouted out happily as he slowly rubbed his bump; he
wasn’t going to deny that he wasn’t happy about it though.
“You’re pregnant? That’s amazing Puck but I thought Dad said the only reason I got pregnant
was because of my Alien DNA?” Elijah questioned as he rubbed Puck’s bump carefully.
“Some male Elves have the ability to carry children so I guess I gained the ability from the
ones who gave birth to me.” Puck shrugged causing Elijah to grin before he leaned up and
pressed his lips against the half-breeds, loving the way Puck still blushed after many years of
being together.
“We’re going to have another baby.” Elijah whispered and Puck smiled in return.
With a new baby on the way it was no surprise that stress induced fires started appearing
more frequently.
“Right! That’s it! New rule, if your pregnant you stay out of my kitchen!” Jesse shouted as
Elijah quickly pulled Puck away from the flaming stove.
Fabian of course didn’t mind that his food was slightly burnt, if the appreciative noise he
made while he chucked it every were anything to go by.
Because of his job, Elijah found himself working himself late into the night much to his
disappointment; he was missing his son’s life and, being the son of Jesse, he channelled his
disappointment into anger that he made sure to direct at his boss.
Of course his boss had been terrified of him since day one so when an opening for a
promotion came through, he was quick to push Elijah forward for it making the 2nd
Generation Heir a Double Agent.
“See you tomorrow, Elijah!” The driver shouted and Elijah tiredly waved back before making
his way up the front steps.
Elijah was completed exhausted and all he wanted to do was to go to bed, snuggle up to Puck
and sleep for a week; Elijah had only just placed his foot on the staircase though when he
noticed a slight blue glow coming from the nursery.
It wasn’t until he walked right up to the door did he hear the familiar sound of his son’s
laughter and the slight tings of his xylophone.
“What are you doing up, Little Elf?” Elijah questioned as he turned on the main light to the
nursery causing Fabian to look up in shock.
“Dada!” Fabian giggled as he immediately recognised his father and Elijah smiled as he
pushed the small toy out of the way and sat down in front of the toddler.
His need to sleep could wait a few hours Elijah decided before he started humming a small
tune that caused Fabian to grin as he started singing along.
Upstairs Puck switched the bedside lamp on and pushed back the covers; he could hear
Fabian and Elijah easily from the nursery and he couldn’t help but smile.
When he stood to his feet though he felt something kick out in his stomach and he looked
down at his bump fondly.
“Just a little longer.” Puck whispered quietly as he rubbed his bump with both love and care.
With the baby getting closer to entering the world, it was no surprise when Fabian’s birthday
arrived just as quickly.
Once again Elijah was forced to work but Puck was more than happy to help Fabian to his
cake and kept a tight hold on the 4 year old as he blew his candles out with a display of spit
and drool.
With a familiar flash of light and confetti Fabian stood on his much longer legs with a happy
“Yes, time for cake!” Fabian laughed as he reached out for a piece but just as he was pulling
back he realised how many people were staring at him.
With a bright blush the newly aged child quickly fled to the nursery with his piece of cake.
When the party came to an end Puck managed to convince Fabian out of the nursery so he could
change his clothes and hair.
With his new appearance Fabian unhappily said down for a picture before Puck finally allowed
him to go free.
It was well known that Jesse was a moody so and so but when it came to his children, he
would fully admit his love for them in a heartbeat.
With Fabian being his only grandchild, Jesse only had him to place all his grandfatherly
attention on and Fabian accepted it all willingly.
“Desh'ketai*!” Fabian shouted out as he spotted Puck carefully climbing out of the car as he
got off the school bus; quickly he ran up to his father and carefully hugged him, being mindful
of his baby bump.
Puck had been going to work even though he was pregnant to try and top his career faster; it
worked in his favour though as he finally received his finale promotion making him a Media
Magnate and also making him complete his 3rd Life Time Want.
“I got an A+ on my report card today, Desh'ketai. My teacher was so proud of me, she said
that it’s been ages since she had a student do so well on their first day.” Fabian said as Puck
crouched down in front of him.
“Is that right? You had a good day then?”
“Yep! All though...” Fabian trailed off as he looked to the side with a slight blush on his cheeks.
“What is it, Little Elf?” Puck questioned using the nickname everyone had started calling Fabian ever
since he was a toddler.
“ was hard to get people to talk to me and it was harder for me to go up to them so I didn’t
make any new friends.” Fabian whispered sadly and Puck felt his heart clench in sympathy; because
they only had 2 outgoing points each, it was pretty hard for them to stand up for themselves like the
other Juniors.
“Oh don’t you worry, Fabian. I was the same when I was your age, you’ll see it will get much easier to
talk to people as you get older.” Puck reasured and he was rewarded with grin from his son.
“Now how about we get that homework out of the way?”
Elijah was also working his way up in the career world as he came home with another
promotion. Elijah was now an Elite Operative.
“Bobby has a bag of 26 marbles. Half of them are blue and the other half is red. Bobby’s
friend Mary comes along and asks to borrow some of his marbles, Bobby gives Mary 4 blue
ones and 3 red ones. How many red marbles are left in the bag?” Fabian read out loud to
himself as he started tapping his pen against his desk.
“Well half of 26 is...13, so there were 13 red marbles in the bag before Bobby took out 3 of
them. That leaves...10!” Fabian cried out triumphantly but before he could right down his
answer he heard a cry coming from the hallway.
“Desh'ketai*?” Fabian whispered to himself as he quickly jumped out of his chair and ran out
of his room.
“Desh'ketai, what’s wrong?!” Fabian cried out as he saw Puck clutching his baby bump with
agony clear on his face; at the sight of his son though Puck tried to hold back his cries.
“N-nothing is w-wrong, Little Elf. AH! I-It’s just i-it’s time for the b-baby to come.” Puck
gasped out before releasing a strained groan.
“I-it’s time? Daddy! Daddy Desh'ketai is having the baby!” Fabian shouted out as he watched
Puck struggle to get his breathing under control.
“Alright, I’m coming!” Elijah shouted out from downstairs as he quickly started running up
“Puck are you alright?” Elijah questioned and Puck grit his teeth before smiling with obvious
“Define alright.” He gasped out before a cry slipped past his lips before he could stop it.
“Desh'ketai!” Fabian gasped out in fear and Elijah quickly placed a hand on his son’s shoulder.
“It’s alright, Little Elf. Your father’s fine, it’s just a lot of work bring a baby into the world.”
Elijah reassured before Puck cried out once again.
“Okay. Okay here we go.” Puck breathed as he finally got his breathing control and felt the
twirl coming upon him; he easily allowed nature to take it’s course and a couple of seconds
later he was holding a newborn baby.
“It’s a little girl!” Puck smiled and the Junior family cheered happily; Puck smiled as he saw his
blue eyes staring back at him but what caught his attention was the small tuffs of hair
pocking from underneath her hat.
“She’s got red hair.” Puck laughed as Elijah and Fabian ran forward to take a look at the
“So she’s got your hair then, right Desh'ketai?” Fabian questioned and Puck nodded with a
“What are you going to name her then?” The little boy asked as Elijah started making faces at
the newborn red-head.
“Hmmm how about...Imogen?” Elijah questioned with a proud grin as the baby gurgled at
him in response to his faces.
“It’s perfect, what do you think Little Elf?” Puck called out to Fabian who was already making
his way back to his room, already bored with the newborn baby.
“I like it.” The brunet shrugged before he disappeared into his room; Elijah and Puck shared a
smile before they both looked down towards the drooling baby.
“Welcome to the family, Imogen Junior.”
Imogen was the daughter of King Cymbeline in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline. More on her at the end of the chapter.
With a newborn baby in the house things got hectic quickly. Imogen was a very demanding baby and was constantly
crying for one of her parents attention, unlike when Fabian was a baby she wouldn’t settle for her grandparents.
That meant that both Puck and Elijah were constantly tired from not only looking after Imogen but also because of their
jobs. Fabian understood though, he was smart for his age and new that it wasn’t because they didn’t love him it was
because Imogen was too young to take care of herself unlike him.
It didn’t stop him loving his baby sister any less even if she does constantly take Puck and Elijah’s attention from him.
One morning Fabian wandered into the dinning room to see Jesse trying to force down some
burnt pancakes, they obviously tasted horrible even though he had covered them with syrup
because Fabian could see his grandfather gagging with Tara wasn’t looking.
Fabian didn’t understand why his grandfather wouldn’t just tell his grandmother that her
cooking was horrible but he said it was because he didn’t want to her hurt her feelings.
Fabian of course pointed out that the cooking was hurting him, it made him feel sick but Jesse
simply laughed saying he would understand when he was older.
“Pappy?” Fabian asked as he walked up to the elder and tugged on his jacket’s sleeve; Jesse
swallowed down his mouthful with obvious effort before looking down at the brunet.
“What is it Fabian?” Jesse questioned and Fabian nervously fiddled with his fingers as he
looked to the ground.
“Can you play with me today, Pappy? It’s Saturday and I’ve got nothing to do. Please?”
Jesse, of course, was more than happy to spend the day with his grandson much to Fabian’s
As 6:00’O’Clock rolled around the family were called into the house for Imogen’s birthday.
Fabian was happy his sister was growing up, it meant he got to play with her now she was
older but some part of him couldn’t help but notice that Elijah was actually there for
Imogen’s 1st Age Transition when he had failed to attended all of Fabian’s so far.
The little half-breed pushed his thoughts to the back of his head as he cheered along with his
family as Puck blew out the candles for the little red head.
With a flash of light and a spray of confetti Imogen fell down into Puck’s arms as a laughed
toddler; unlike Fabian though she didn’t half elf ears which meant that she wouldn’t have to
go through the painful process of gaining her marks.
‘She’s different than me. She not only got Desh'ketai’s* red hair but she also avoided getting
elf ears. She’s...normal.’ Fabian thought to himself mournfully, his depressing thoughts going
unnoticed as he forced himself to cheer along with his family.
Inside the small house between the business buildings Alissa stirred from her Sight sleep and
smiled happily.
“It is time.” She whispered quietly and as the images of Imogen and Fabian flashed through
her mind she started to laugh.
“Such sadness and jealous is boiling inside the house, don’t you worry soon you won’t feel
those things.” She chuckled before she started cackling loudly.
“Don’t worry! The dead can’t feel such negative things towards their siblings!” Alissa
screeched between her laughs as the house trembled around her.
The Juniors though continued to remain unaware of the darkness that was quickly spreading
over Belladonna Cove.
“Why am I still working here?! The pay is horrible, the house is huge and Master Jesse
criticizes everything I clean! I don’t even like cleaning! What is wrong with me?!”
Yeah that would the Junior’s butler Michael who is not only a slob but he’s also made Jesse furious
with him some how.
Anyway that’s all for now guys! I must admit when I found out Imogen didn’t have elf ears I was
greatly disappointed because now I’m going to have to change my story depending on who get’s
picked for heir; I’m either going to do a pole or flip a coin.
This chapter was actually really hard for me to write, I know what I’m doing for this generation but
putting it into words is a different story.
Anyway enough of my rambling, I’ll see you next time!
Happy simming!
Fabian Junior          Imogen Junior
Stats: 10/2/10/6/7     Stats: 8/8/4/2/9
                       Star Sign: Cancer
Star Sign: Virgo       Hobby: Science
Hobby: Music & Dance
Imogen was the daughter of King Cymbeline in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline. She was described by William Hazlitt as "perhaps the most tender
and the most artless" of all Shakespeare's women.
Imogen is princess of Britain, and the virtuous wife of the exiled Posthumus, whose praise of her moral purity incites Posthumus's acquaintance
Iachimo to bet Postumus that he can seduce her. When he fails, Iachimo hides in her bedchamber and uncovers her body while she sleeps,
observing details of a mole on her breast which he then describes to Posthumus as proof that he had slept with her. Posthumus plots to kill his wife,
but the designated killer reveals the plot to Imogen and advises her to hide; she escapes to the woods dressed as a man and falls in with a family
who help her. Taking a drug, she falls into a coma and is presumed dead by the family, who cover her body and sing a song over her. When she
wakes she finds the headless body of Cloten, a brutish character who had planned to rape her while wearing Posthumus's clothes, but had been
killed in a fight with one of the men who took her in. She mistakes the headless body for that of her husband. After the battle at the climax of the
play she confronts Iachimo who confesses his lies. She is reunited with Posthumus, her father (King Cymbeline), and discovers two of the men who
took her in are actually her long lost brothers.
Quote from Wikipedia.

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A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 3.02 BA Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 3.02 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 3.02 B
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: StrangetownFilling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
Filling Up the Gap - Chapter 1: Strangetown
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy - Part 3.01 C
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy - Part 3.01 CA Struggle to Survive a Legacy - Part 3.01 C
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy - Part 3.01 C
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 BA Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 AA Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy. 3.01 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy - 2.04 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy - 2.04 BA Struggle to Survive a Legacy - 2.04 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy - 2.04 B
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 2.04 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 2.04 AA Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 2.04 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 2.04 A
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.03
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.03A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.03
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.03
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.01 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.01 (Edited)A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.01 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.01 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.04 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.04 (Edited)A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.04 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.04 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.03 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.03 (Edited)A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.03 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.03 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.02 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.02 (Edited)A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.02 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 1.02 (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- Prologue (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- Prologue (Edited)A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- Prologue (Edited)
A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- Prologue (Edited)

A Struggle to Survive a Legacy- 2.02 (Edited)

  • 1.
  • 2. Last Time: Things had become quiet for the Juniors, especially as they started college! We found out Elijah cheats at chess, much to Puck’s annoyance and he also has no fear of admitting his feelings out loud. Cecelia, Tank and Oliver joined college and at the same time Elijah, Ericka and Puck joined the Greek House with a girl called Trista LeTourneau, who had fallen in love with the youngest Junior son. Elijah proposed to Puck who of course said yes; Elijah also took Puck to Londoste to enjoy a meal together. Tank proposed to Cecelia and Oliver not only had his First Kiss with Trista, but he also became her fiancé. Finally Ericka, Elijah and Puck all graduated from college leaving Cecelia, Oliver, Tank and Trista at the Greek house.
  • 3. “Elijah! Welcome home, baby!” Tara cried out as she pounced on her son the moment he was out of the taxi; Elijah laughed as he hugged her back with a content smile. “It’s good to be back, Mum. How have you been?” “I’ve been alright. I retired from my job and your father has been trying to beat me at chess; in other words it’s been quiet.” Tara replied simply as she pulled back from the hug and looked at her son properly. “There are new clothes for both you and Puck in your new bedroom.” Tara said and Elijah grinned cheekily even as he went to help Puck with the bags. “What are you trying to say, mother? You trying to say I look bad?” He demanded before running up the stairs to avoid Tara’s swipe at his head.
  • 4. “So are you sure about this? Because if your not ready yet we can put it off for a little while. We don’t have to get married right away.” Elijah pointed out and Puck laughed as he allowed the brunet pull him close. “’Lijah if I didn’t want to get married to you, I wouldn’t have said yes when you proposed. I know you’re worried about your position as Heir but trust me, I am not leaving you.” Puck reassured and smiled wider as he felt the tension leaving Elijah’s shoulders. “So you want to test the bed out?” Elijah questioned cheekily enjoying the way Puck’s cheeks went bright red almost instantly.
  • 5. 3 Hours Later “Dad this looks wonderful but you didn’t have to go through all the trouble.” Elijah objected as he waved his hand to where all the playground equipment used to stand. “Rubbish. While my wedding was wonderful it wasn’t as grand as it could have been because we were low on money; now though we’re the richest family in Belldonna Cove; you deserve a proper weeding son.”
  • 6. “But Dad, me and Puck can’t have children together and we still haven’t worked out what we’re going to do. Maybe you should make Ericka the Heir, at least that way there would defiantly be a child for generation 3.” “Oh stop talking crap. Elijah you were the one who wanted to be Heir not Ericka. You shouldn’t worry so much, we’ll work something out.” Jesse reassured with his small smile and Elijah gladly returned it with his own grin.
  • 7. “Thanks Dad.” The brunet whispered before he pulled Jesse into a tight hug; Jesse gladly returned it before pulling back a few seconds later. “Now come on. It’s time for you to get married!”
  • 8. We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there On a Balcony in the Summer Air See the lights See the party, the ball gowns I see you make your way through the crowd I say hello, little did I know That you were my Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
  • 9. And my Daddy said stay away from Juliet And I was crying on the staircase Begging you please don't go And I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess It's a Love Story Baby just say yes
  • 10. So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet because we're dead if they knew So Close your eyes Escape this town for a little while 'Cause you were Romeo, I was a Scarlet Letter And my Daddy said stay away from Juliet But you were everything to me I was begging you please don't go And I said
  • 11. Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run You'll be the Prince and I'll be the Princess It's a Love Story Baby just say yes Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel This love is difficult but it's real Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess It's a Love Story Baby just say yes Oh, oh
  • 12. I got tired of waiting Wondering if you were ever coming around My faith in you was fading When I met you on the outskirts of town And I said Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come Is this in my head? I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
  • 13. And said Marry me, Juliet You'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress It's a Love Story Baby just say yes. Oh, oh oh, oh 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you Love Story- Taylor Swift
  • 14. “Ellie.” Jesse greeted with an angry glare as he walked up to me in the garden; but I had watched him since he was born and knew when he was just putting on a face for show. “Jesse, thank you for inviting me.” “I didn’t think you would come.” Jesse admitted and this time I laughed as I looked around at the other guests. “Sorry to disappoint you. Now considering there are other people you would much prefer talking to, I assume you cornered me for a reason?”
  • 15. “Yes actually there was. I wanted to say, I forgive you.” Jesse finally sighed and I couldn’t help but blink in shock. “What?” I whispered and the grey haired man grumbled as he placed his hands on his hips once again. “I said I forgive you. What you did, is similar to what I would have done to my kids. I was angry at you for it but now I don’t see any reason to be, my kids are safe and happy; why should I hold a grudge?” “My my, Jesse Junior when did you get so wise?” I teased and he smirked while looking off to the side. “It comes with old age, something a child like you will never experience.” He retorted and I laughed again.
  • 16. “Was there something else?” I questioned as I saw the hesitant look on Jesse’s face. “Yes...what am I going do about the Legacy? My son and Puck obviously can’t have children so what...” He trailed off as I laughed again. “Don’t you worry yourself, Jesse. Everything will turn out alright. Elijah and Puck will make a brilliant Heir and Spouse for Generation 2, I promise you that.” I smiled watching as Jesse narrowed his eyes. “Ellie, what are you planning?” He questioned and my smile become just a bit bigger. “Nothing that you won’t appreciate later.”
  • 17. “Thank you for coming, Desh'mieve*.” Puck whispered as he pulled his mother into a hug; feeling Titania laugh quietly. “I wouldn’t miss something as important as this for the world, Aidan* I’m glad that you’ve finally found someone to make you happy.” - *Desh'mieve- Mother *Aidan- Little Flame & Puck’s Elven name. Meaning if he’s confronted by other elves, he would be called Aidan.
  • 18. “You said there was something you wanted to tell me?” Puck questioned and Titania smiled sadly as she nodded. “Yes, Marara*. I Saw something strange last night and as your aware I wouldn’t tell you about it unless I think it involves you.” “So what is it, Desh'mieve?” Puck asked in concern and Titania sighed as she looked down at the ground. “I don’t exactly know. I’m an Ekahua* not a Kaleanae* it’s hard for me to see things clearly but I do know what I saw was familiar to me. It’s the same magic I found on you when you were kidnapped with the Juniors.” “What?” Puck whispered in shock and Titania nodded her head. - * Marara- Child *Kaleanae- A Watcher or Observer; This is what Frantisek Lopane was. *Ekahua- Sorceress and advisor
  • 19. “You’re not the only one with enemies remember, Aiden. The Juniors have their own skeletons and, from what I can tell, their recovering from what happened 4 years ago; I think they’re preparing their next attack. You need to be careful Aiden because they won’t come after you this time, they’ll go after your children.” Titania warned causing Puck to swallow hard. “Here take this. It’s a Saeth*. You must place this on your 2nd child when he or she turns 3.” Titania ordered as she held out a golden bangle. “But me and Elijah can’t have children together.” Puck pointed out but none the less took the gift without questioning it; Titania smiled mysteriously. “The world works in mysterious ways Aiden, you of all people should know this.” - *Saeth- A Cloak of Invisibility. (Basically it hides the person from the view of those who would cause harm)
  • 20. “You know Ellie said something strange to me earlier. It was about Puck and Elijah.” Jesse admitted as he and Tara danced slowly to the music playing around them. “Oh? What did she say?” “She told me not to worry about it and promised everything will turn out alright. She had this look in her eye, I don’t know.” Jesse murmured before Tara giggled. “You always look so serious when lost in thought.” She said and Jesse smiled as he slowly twirled her around. “Let’s forget about it for now and enjoy the night.” Tara suggested and Jesse nodded in agreement.
  • 21. “You’re right. The night is young, the moon is still high and I plan on spending every minute of it with you.”
  • 22. The next morning Elijah was quick to jump onto the computer to try and find a job in the Intelligence track. He was in luck, there was an opening for a Reconnaissance Communicator and thanks to college he got the job easily.
  • 23. Puck also found his dream job in the Law track. He was actually much higher up than Elijah when he accepted the job as a International Corporate Lawyer but he didn’t mind; it meant that Puck would be home much more to spend time with him.
  • 24. Because they had already maxed their hobby enthusiasm in college, neither Puck nor Elijah had to wait before placing their plagues on the wall, along with their diplomas.
  • 25. With only a few hours to spare, Elijah quickly got to work on getting his cleaning skill up for his next promotion.
  • 26. At the same time, Puck got to work on painting the portraits for them to hang on the wall; Jesse’s and Tara’s had already been moved to the mausoleum in preparation for their journey into the next life.
  • 27. Being originally from Veronaville Puck knew very well of the feud going on between the Capps and the Montys; what some people weren’t aware of was how the Summerdream family was actually the bridge between the two families, the one who was slowly putting an end to the fight that had lasted 3 generations. That of course meant Puck had quite a few people angry at him. “Hey! Hey! Don’t think I don’t recognise you Albany Capp! Just you wait until the council hears about this, you’ll be paying for every newspaper you’ve stolen from us! I promise you that!”
  • 28. Of course when Elijah found Puck in the living room the next morning reading the newspaper with a satisfied smirk, he carefully backed out of the room instead of questioning it.
  • 29. When Puck got home from his first day at work, it was with a smile on his face. His boss had been so impressed with his work that he offered him a job as Entertainment Attorney, explaining that he would be perfect for the job. Puck of course was more than happy to accept the promotion.
  • 30. Some things never change. Even though much time has gone by and Elijah is now technically the head of the house, it still falls on Jesse to make sure the fridge is stocked; seeing how he’s the only one allowed near the stove it was understandable.
  • 31. Unlike Puck who worked during the day and came back mid afternoon, Elijah went in the morning and didn’t come back until late at night; it was all worth it though as he finally got promoted to Rookie Field Agent.
  • 32. “Huh?...’Lijah?” Puck mumbled as he felt someone slid into the bed behind him, he smiled sleepily as he saw a familiar pair of brown eyes looking back at him. “Sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep.” Elijah encouraged and Puck mumbled his agreement as he turned back over.
  • 33. “Vlana Sear*.” Puck whispered quietly and Elijah smiled fondly at the sound of Puck’s native tongue before wrapping his arms around him tightly. It didn’t take long for the two of them to fall asleep together. - *Vlana Sear- Good Night.
  • 34. 2 Days Later Elijah winced as he put down the paintbrush he was holding and placed his hand on his stomach; for the whole day he had been suffering from unexplainable stomach cramps. “Maybe I should go to bed.” He muttered to himself but before he could take a step he felt something in his stomach go pop and when he looked down his eyes widened in shock. “Puck!”
  • 35. “What’s the matter, ‘Lijah? Is your stomach still- Oh my god!” Puck cried out as he finally took a good look at his husband. “Y-you’re pregnant!”
  • 36. “Really Puck? I hadn’t noticed.” Elijah retorted back sarcastically while placing one hand on his hip. “But how? You haven’t been abducted have you?” “No I haven’t! I think I would remember something like that!” Elijah shouted out hysterically as he tried to make sense of what was going on.
  • 37. Puck narrowed his eyes as he looked to the ground in thought; he was thinking about the strange message his mother had given him at their wedding, did she have something to do with it? “Let’s get your parents.” Puck finally suggested and Elijah nodded in agreement.
  • 38. “I don’t know why you’re freaking out like this Elijah. A baby is a wonderful thing.” Tara pointed out as she carefully rubbed Elijah’s bump. “It’s not the baby I’m stressing over Mum! It’s the fact that I’m pregnant when I shouldn’t be!” Elijah huffed in frustration but it was obvious his mother wasn’t really listening to him. “Well that doesn’t matter either! You’re finally giving me a grandchild and I must say it’s about time.” “Dad please talk some sense into her!”
  • 39. “Well it’s not that strange son. I had 2 grandfathers who were married and they ended up having 13 children. Then there’s my fathers who had 4 children and even my Uncle Wolfe had 5 children with his husband; it probably has something to do with the Alien DNA in our system, even though it’s very small.” Jesse mused as he rubbed his chin in thought. ‘I bet Ellie had something to do with it too but I’m not going to mention that to him.’ Jesse thought to himself firmly not wanting the Simself to suffer with Elijah’s hormones.
  • 40. “Elijah I don’t think your seeing the bigger picture here. It doesn’t matter how it happened but we’ve now got a child of our own on the way; aren’t you excited?” Puck questioned as he made faces at Elijah’s bump. “Of course I am.” Elijah muttered but a smile was slowly forming on his lips.
  • 41. “See? Stop worrying so much, everything will turn out fine.” Puck reassured and Elijah grinned as he pulled the half-breed into his arms. “What would I do without you?” He questioned and Puck forced himself to shiver with a teasing smile. “That’s something I do not wish to find out.”
  • 42. With the announcement of the first child of Generation 3 finally on his or her way, Puck finally got around to finishing the portraits making it official that the Legacy was starting to move forward.
  • 43. While he was happy about the fact he was going to have a child, Elijah was still pretty stressed about the situation as such fires became so much of a common occurrence that Jesse completely banned the brunet from the kitchen.
  • 44. He couldn’t stop Tara cooking though without hurting her feelings. As such Jesse was the only one at the table when Tara announced breakfast, and he was the only one who forced down the extra crispy omelettes.
  • 45. All though you wouldn’t know it, Tara had in fact maximised all her skill points meaning that there wasn’t much for her to do. A normal day found her at the career rewards messing around with them and generally making herself busy until nightfall, when she would return to the telescope.
  • 46. Having only 2 outgoing points, Puck finds it very hard to talk to people he doesn’t know not a good habit to have when your a lawyer for the celebrities. As such Puck forces himself to perform on the Law Podium he received from work to try and boots his confidence. It doesn’t work but at least he receives charisma points while doing it.
  • 47. Of course the Junior house is never quiet with a hormonal Elijah waddling around; it seems that while he is happy with having a child, he’s not happy with what it’s doing to his appearance. “See? I’m still fit and handsome! Not at all pale, or saggy or or or.....FAT! I’m so fat!”
  • 48. Puck’s always there to make his husband feel better though.
  • 49. Puck breathed a sigh as he stepped out of the carpool after work; he had finally done it, he had received his finale promotion and now became The Law but he was also completed his Life Time Want. His 2nd Life Time Want was to have 30 best friends and after a quick phone call to his sister Vivien he achieved that one as well.
  • 50. “Hey! I said I play catch with you, that doesn’t give you permission to try and bash my skull in with the ball!” Puck grumbled in annoyance as he scooped the ball up of the ground. Seeing as Elijah only had 1 nice point and Puck had 9, it was understandable that he was hesitant to play catch every time Elijah asked. “Sorry! I can’t help it.” Elijah shrugged innocently before his eyes widened and his hand went to his stomach.
  • 51. “What’s wrong?” “The baby just kicked.” Elijah grinned as Puck ran over and placed his own hand on Elijah’s bump; the red-head grinned widely when he felt a small tap against his hand. “What do you think it’ll be?”
  • 52. “Personally I’m hoping its a boy. Mum said that it was much easier taking care of me and Oli than Eri’ and Cee.” Elijah admitted as Puck started rubbing his stomach carefully. “What is it’s twins?” Puck questioned but he was only teasing; his mum had already told him that the chances of them having twins were strangely low. “I don’t think it will be but I don’t mind a girl.” Elijah said and Puck grinned at him as he stood to his feet and kissed the brunet lightly. “Whatever it is, it’ll be ours.” Puck breathed and Elijah hummed in agreement.
  • 53. 2 Months Later “Elijah is due any time now.” Tara whispered quietly as she carefully ran her hand through Jesse’s grey hair. “I know. We’re going to be grandparents.” Jesse whispered in return before leaning up and kissing Tara lightly on the lips. “Let’s get some sleep. We’ll know if anything happens.” Jesse reassured and with a hum of agreement Tara snuggled down and slowly allowed herself to relax.
  • 54. “Oof.” Elijah huffed as he pulled back from the kiss and Puck laughed breathlessly beneath him. “I felt that.” The half-breed admitted as he carefully rubbed his hand over Elijah’s bump, hoping to feel the baby kick again. “The little sod has been restless today. I couldn’t do anything without him making his displeasure known.” Elijah grumbled as he sat up with a wince and a hiss; Puck laughed again as he watched Elijah slowly slid off the bed. “We don’t know if it’s going to be a boy.” “Oh it’s a boy. No girl could kick like-OW!”
  • 55. “’Lijah?” Puck questioned in concern as he saw Puck clenching his teeth tightly while placing his hands on his stomach. “Ow Shit! Puck the baby’s coming!” Elijah shouted as he started working on getting his breathing under control. “Okay ‘Lijah. Keep your breathing under control and everything will be alright. Easaahae*.” Puck said calmly causing Elijah to narrow his pain filled eyes. “I heard that! What was that you just did?!” He demanded but before Puck could answer another wave of pain washed over him. - *Easaahae- Peace. Puck is using it as a calming spell to help Elijah through labour.
  • 56. “Oh god. How could Mum have done this 4 times?!” Elijah shouted out in agony before he suddenly was able to get his breathing under control. “Okay here we go.” He whispered as the spin came upon him and he didn’t fight it.
  • 57. “Oh hello there.” Elijah breathed as he looked at the blue eyed baby he now held in his hands. “So is it a boy?” Puck questioned as he walked closer and smiled as he took in his light blue eyes and Elijah’s brown hair. “Yep. I told you it would be a boy.” Elijah grinned looking himself for the first time in 9 months. “What are we going to name him then?” Puck questioned as Elijah adjusted his hold on baby while thinking.
  • 58. “I don’t know. You think of something.” Puck hums to himself as he starts making faces at his new son making the baby giggle. “How about Fabian?” Puck finally suggest and Elijah grinned happily before leaning forward and kissing Puck lightly on the lips. “Fabian it is. Welcome to the family Fabian Junior.” Elijah whispered as Fabian yawned in his arms with a small gurgle.
  • 59.
  • 60. The announcement of the newborn Junior spread across Belldonna Cove and quickly it reached the house hidden between the government buildings and from human eyes. “Ali the first born of Generation 3 has arrived. Why are we not doing anything yet? With their guard down it would be the perfect time to strike!” Sebastian growled as he crossed his arms over his chest; he was still furious over what had happened with the 2nd generation of children, because of Shawn they had to retreat and not only that they also lost a servant. He still hasn’t found someone who was a good replacement for his older brother.
  • 61. “It’s not time yet.” Alissa replied simply as she sat beside the bubbling fountain with her eyes closed; after her fall into the Water of Fate a strange change had overcome her, she had become perceptive and cryptic. She no longer showed emotions and it was normal for Sebastian to find his twin sitting near the fountain with her eyes closed looking just like a doll. He refused to admit it out loud but he was worried, Alissa was always one who wore her heart on her sleeve and Sebastian was the one who was cold; it was like their roles had been reversed.
  • 62. “What do you mean it’s not time yet?” “We cannot go after the first born child of our nephew, he is not the one the Fates are talking about in such excitable whispers.” Alissa replied simply and Sebastian narrowed his eyes. “Who are they talking about then?” He questioned and watched as his sister smiled ever slightly in a way that if you hadn’t been watching her, you would have missed it. “They are talking about the second child of the half-breed, a child with hair as red as fire.”
  • 63. “I see. Well if your sure about this then I trust you to do the right thing, Ali.” Sebastian said with a smile causing Alissa to nod. “Do not worry dear twin. I will tell you when the time comes and when it does...” Alissa trailed off as she opened her eyes for the first time since Sebastian stepped into the room.
  • 64. “We will kill them all.” Alissa finished, her voice sounding all wrong coming from her throat as her pure white eyes stared sightlessly at the wall in front of her.
  • 65. “Jesse! You have full logic skill points, there is no reason for you to cheat!” Tara cried out in exasperation as she once again caught her husband cheating; across from her Jesse shrugged his shoulders. “I’m a mean Sim, Tara. I’m going to cheat even if I can win.” He retorted simply causing Tara to huff in annoyance. Despite the constant arguments between Tara, Jesse and the chessboard the Junior household was still surrounded by the afterbirth happiness, even though Fabian was heading towards his 1st birthday.
  • 66. Elijah and Puck made great parents despite Elijah’s stressful pregnancy. Whenever they had the chance, they would go into the nursery to give Fabian a hug or play with the dangling toys with him.
  • 67. It wasn’t long before it was time for Fabian to go through his 1st Age Transition; Elijah sadly had to work that night, his boss got an earful for calling him on his son’s birthday, so Puck took charge and brought Fabian to the cake. Surrounded by family and friends Puck leaned forward with Fabian in his arms and blew out the candles; after all the flames were gone Puck threw Fabian lightly in the air with a grin.
  • 68. When he fell down into Puck’s arms Fabian was sporting grin that clearly reeled his high cheek bones; Puck tensed though as he spotted a pair of delicate pointed ears clearly visible on his son. “Oh no.” Puck whispered, his voice going unheard off with the cheering of the guests, already knowing what was coming as his son flinched in his arms, making a sound of confusion as he reached up to touch the skin around his eyes. Once again Fabian flinched his face starting to show both confusion and fear as he clenched his father’s shirt in one hand while trying to find what was causing him irritation; lucky enough Puck had already braced himself so he was fully prepared when the irritating Fabian was feeling turned into a full out burn that made the poor boy scream out in agony. Ignoring the murmuring of the guests, Puck quickly walked out of the room hushing Fabian the best he could as he went.
  • 69. It was long after the party was over before the burning finally started to let up; Puck had managed to change Fabian’s clothes and hair all the while frowning sadly at what was causing his son pain. When it become clear it would no longer continue, Puck pulled his son tightly and pressed his mouth lightly to his son’s pointed ear. “Shol ford*.” He whispered and slowly Fabian’s cries quieted as the pain disappeared; Puck breathed as sigh of relief as Fabian only continued to release the occasional sniffle. “There is that better?” Puck questioned rhetorically as he pulled his son back. - *Shol ford- Heal, Love (Could be used for soul mate, Best friend or Family). This is the spell Titania used on Puck back in 1.04.
  • 70. Puck was surprised to be meet with a happy smile of both happiness and relief; Fabian was glad for the burning pain that he didn’t understand to be gone. Puck though couldn’t help but glance sadly at the still red colourful brand that now covered his son’s eyes. “Better?” Puck questioned and Fabian giggled before blurting out a loud of nonsense only he could understand. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Puck laughed in relief before biting his lip in thought; he needed to give Fabian an Elven name. Now that he had actual markings of an Elf, it meant he needed to be recognised as one. “Well your markings are the colours of twilight, so how about Kusanar*?” Puck asked and he was rewarded with a pleased squeal from the toddler. - *Kusanar- Twilight. This is Fabian’s Elven name and this is what he is called when confronted by elves.
  • 71.
  • 72. “Huh?” I whispered as I felt something touch my leg, I smiled though when I saw Fabian looking at me with a happy grin; much different from earlier. “Well aren’t you precious?” I smiled as I easily picked up the giggling toddler and held him out in front of me. “Let me take a look at you, yeah?” I whispered and I closed my eyes and concentrated; being a half- breed, or ¼ if you want to get technical, of an elf and a human my magic could very well kill Fabian just as easy as it would help a human Sim. I was very well trained with my magic though and I easily allowed my powers to slip into the toddlers mind who only reacted with a slight giggle; carefully I looked through what Fate held in stall for him. I wasn’t happy with what I saw. “Oh Fabian. You’re going to have a hard life ahead of you.” I said sadly before holding the brunet close; Fabian was completely unaware of my thoughts as he wrapped his chubby fingers around my neck. If he was aware, I’m sure he would have shoved me away in disgust.
  • 73. It turned out his boss had a good reason for calling Elijah in on Fabian’s birthday; he had pushed Elijah’s file forward for a promotion and it had gotten accepted. Elijah was now a Field Agent, all though Elijah was still irritated he admitted he wasn’t anger as before.
  • 74. After changing into his PJs and going through his nightly routine, Elijah entered his bedroom to find Puck still up and waiting for him. “Puck? What are you doing up this late, don’t you have work in the morning?” Elijah questioned as he quickly sat down on the bed and watched as Puck nibbled his lip nervously. “Fabian has elf ears.” Puck blurted out after a couple of minutes of silence causing Elijah to blink in slight shock. “Okay? Why would that be a problem?” The brunet questioned and Puck huffed as he finally looked at his husband. “It’s a problem because that means he’s a half-breed which also means he had to suffer through getting his markings today. I caused our son pain.” Puck whispered sadly and Elijah quickly reached forward and pulled the red-head into his arms. “No you didn’t. Were you the one who cast that curse?” Elijah questioned and Puck shook his head.
  • 75. The curse Elijah was speaking off was to do with the markings an elf had that looked like face paint. A very angry elder elf cast a curse to make it so that every half-breed, a Sim with both elf and human blood, would suffer absolute agony when their markings come through instead of them being a pleasant experience like they would be with pure blood elf. “Then you can’t blame yourself for it. You suffered through the same thing when you were his age and, as much as I hate to admit it, it’s something we can’t change.” Elijah whispered as he reached up and carefully fingered Puck’s red markings around his eyes; the half-breed shivered at not only Elijah’s careful touches but also the memory of what he went through when he was Fabian’s age. “I love you, you know that right?” Puck whispered uncertainly and Elijah grinned as he pushed Puck down on the bed and leaned over him. “Of course I do. Now I think it’s time I show you how much I love you.” Elijah whispered with an impish grin before he leaned down and kissed Puck passionately.
  • 76. With 4 capable Sims in the house, Fabian was never left along for two long. Between the for of them Fabian quickly learned all of his skills and Puck even managed to teach the toddler some Elven nursery rhymes that Titania use to sing to him when he was little.
  • 77. Tara continued to find odd things to do around the house when everyone was either at work or still sleeping. Puck had insisted that the paper got brought in every morning, for reasons only he understood, so Tara started doing the crossword word every morning.
  • 78. Elijah and Puck also continued to show hints that their life time achievement was to make everyone jealous of how adorable they are together.
  • 79. With 2 Life Time Wants completed, Puck decided to have a go at completing his 3rd one. As soon as he had the time, Puck went the computer and looked up a job in the Journalist carer track as a Magazine Editor.
  • 80. His plan though was put on hold as he awoke from his sleep one night to a shock. “Oh!” Puck gasped as he stared down at his newly appeared baby bump. He knew it was possible for certain male Elves to carry children for breeding purposes but he never expected himself to have that ability. “Elijah! Quickly come here!” Puck shouted out happily as he slowly rubbed his bump; he wasn’t going to deny that he wasn’t happy about it though.
  • 81. “You’re pregnant? That’s amazing Puck but I thought Dad said the only reason I got pregnant was because of my Alien DNA?” Elijah questioned as he rubbed Puck’s bump carefully. “Some male Elves have the ability to carry children so I guess I gained the ability from the ones who gave birth to me.” Puck shrugged causing Elijah to grin before he leaned up and pressed his lips against the half-breeds, loving the way Puck still blushed after many years of being together. “We’re going to have another baby.” Elijah whispered and Puck smiled in return.
  • 82. With a new baby on the way it was no surprise that stress induced fires started appearing more frequently. “Right! That’s it! New rule, if your pregnant you stay out of my kitchen!” Jesse shouted as Elijah quickly pulled Puck away from the flaming stove.
  • 83. Fabian of course didn’t mind that his food was slightly burnt, if the appreciative noise he made while he chucked it every were anything to go by. “Yummy!”
  • 84. Because of his job, Elijah found himself working himself late into the night much to his disappointment; he was missing his son’s life and, being the son of Jesse, he channelled his disappointment into anger that he made sure to direct at his boss. Of course his boss had been terrified of him since day one so when an opening for a promotion came through, he was quick to push Elijah forward for it making the 2nd Generation Heir a Double Agent. “See you tomorrow, Elijah!” The driver shouted and Elijah tiredly waved back before making his way up the front steps.
  • 85. Elijah was completed exhausted and all he wanted to do was to go to bed, snuggle up to Puck and sleep for a week; Elijah had only just placed his foot on the staircase though when he noticed a slight blue glow coming from the nursery. It wasn’t until he walked right up to the door did he hear the familiar sound of his son’s laughter and the slight tings of his xylophone. “What are you doing up, Little Elf?” Elijah questioned as he turned on the main light to the nursery causing Fabian to look up in shock. “Dada!” Fabian giggled as he immediately recognised his father and Elijah smiled as he pushed the small toy out of the way and sat down in front of the toddler. His need to sleep could wait a few hours Elijah decided before he started humming a small tune that caused Fabian to grin as he started singing along.
  • 86. Upstairs Puck switched the bedside lamp on and pushed back the covers; he could hear Fabian and Elijah easily from the nursery and he couldn’t help but smile. When he stood to his feet though he felt something kick out in his stomach and he looked down at his bump fondly. “Just a little longer.” Puck whispered quietly as he rubbed his bump with both love and care.
  • 87. With the baby getting closer to entering the world, it was no surprise when Fabian’s birthday arrived just as quickly. Once again Elijah was forced to work but Puck was more than happy to help Fabian to his cake and kept a tight hold on the 4 year old as he blew his candles out with a display of spit and drool.
  • 88. With a familiar flash of light and confetti Fabian stood on his much longer legs with a happy laugh. “Yes, time for cake!” Fabian laughed as he reached out for a piece but just as he was pulling back he realised how many people were staring at him. With a bright blush the newly aged child quickly fled to the nursery with his piece of cake.
  • 89. When the party came to an end Puck managed to convince Fabian out of the nursery so he could change his clothes and hair. With his new appearance Fabian unhappily said down for a picture before Puck finally allowed him to go free.
  • 90. It was well known that Jesse was a moody so and so but when it came to his children, he would fully admit his love for them in a heartbeat. With Fabian being his only grandchild, Jesse only had him to place all his grandfatherly attention on and Fabian accepted it all willingly.
  • 91. “Desh'ketai*!” Fabian shouted out as he spotted Puck carefully climbing out of the car as he got off the school bus; quickly he ran up to his father and carefully hugged him, being mindful of his baby bump. Puck had been going to work even though he was pregnant to try and top his career faster; it worked in his favour though as he finally received his finale promotion making him a Media Magnate and also making him complete his 3rd Life Time Want. “I got an A+ on my report card today, Desh'ketai. My teacher was so proud of me, she said that it’s been ages since she had a student do so well on their first day.” Fabian said as Puck crouched down in front of him. - *Desh'ketai-Father
  • 92. “Is that right? You had a good day then?” “Yep! All though...” Fabian trailed off as he looked to the side with a slight blush on his cheeks. “What is it, Little Elf?” Puck questioned using the nickname everyone had started calling Fabian ever since he was a toddler. “ was hard to get people to talk to me and it was harder for me to go up to them so I didn’t make any new friends.” Fabian whispered sadly and Puck felt his heart clench in sympathy; because they only had 2 outgoing points each, it was pretty hard for them to stand up for themselves like the other Juniors. “Oh don’t you worry, Fabian. I was the same when I was your age, you’ll see it will get much easier to talk to people as you get older.” Puck reasured and he was rewarded with grin from his son. “Now how about we get that homework out of the way?”
  • 93. Elijah was also working his way up in the career world as he came home with another promotion. Elijah was now an Elite Operative.
  • 94. “Bobby has a bag of 26 marbles. Half of them are blue and the other half is red. Bobby’s friend Mary comes along and asks to borrow some of his marbles, Bobby gives Mary 4 blue ones and 3 red ones. How many red marbles are left in the bag?” Fabian read out loud to himself as he started tapping his pen against his desk. “Well half of 26 is...13, so there were 13 red marbles in the bag before Bobby took out 3 of them. That leaves...10!” Fabian cried out triumphantly but before he could right down his answer he heard a cry coming from the hallway. “Desh'ketai*?” Fabian whispered to himself as he quickly jumped out of his chair and ran out of his room. - *Desh'ketai-Father
  • 95. “Desh'ketai, what’s wrong?!” Fabian cried out as he saw Puck clutching his baby bump with agony clear on his face; at the sight of his son though Puck tried to hold back his cries. “N-nothing is w-wrong, Little Elf. AH! I-It’s just i-it’s time for the b-baby to come.” Puck gasped out before releasing a strained groan.
  • 96. “I-it’s time? Daddy! Daddy Desh'ketai is having the baby!” Fabian shouted out as he watched Puck struggle to get his breathing under control. “Alright, I’m coming!” Elijah shouted out from downstairs as he quickly started running up them. “Puck are you alright?” Elijah questioned and Puck grit his teeth before smiling with obvious strain. “Define alright.” He gasped out before a cry slipped past his lips before he could stop it. “Desh'ketai!” Fabian gasped out in fear and Elijah quickly placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “It’s alright, Little Elf. Your father’s fine, it’s just a lot of work bring a baby into the world.” Elijah reassured before Puck cried out once again.
  • 97. “Okay. Okay here we go.” Puck breathed as he finally got his breathing control and felt the twirl coming upon him; he easily allowed nature to take it’s course and a couple of seconds later he was holding a newborn baby.
  • 98. “It’s a little girl!” Puck smiled and the Junior family cheered happily; Puck smiled as he saw his blue eyes staring back at him but what caught his attention was the small tuffs of hair pocking from underneath her hat. “She’s got red hair.” Puck laughed as Elijah and Fabian ran forward to take a look at the newborn. “So she’s got your hair then, right Desh'ketai?” Fabian questioned and Puck nodded with a smile. “What are you going to name her then?” The little boy asked as Elijah started making faces at the newborn red-head.
  • 99. “Hmmm how about...Imogen?” Elijah questioned with a proud grin as the baby gurgled at him in response to his faces. “It’s perfect, what do you think Little Elf?” Puck called out to Fabian who was already making his way back to his room, already bored with the newborn baby. “I like it.” The brunet shrugged before he disappeared into his room; Elijah and Puck shared a smile before they both looked down towards the drooling baby. “Welcome to the family, Imogen Junior.”
  • 100. Imogen was the daughter of King Cymbeline in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline. More on her at the end of the chapter.
  • 101. With a newborn baby in the house things got hectic quickly. Imogen was a very demanding baby and was constantly crying for one of her parents attention, unlike when Fabian was a baby she wouldn’t settle for her grandparents. That meant that both Puck and Elijah were constantly tired from not only looking after Imogen but also because of their jobs. Fabian understood though, he was smart for his age and new that it wasn’t because they didn’t love him it was because Imogen was too young to take care of herself unlike him. It didn’t stop him loving his baby sister any less even if she does constantly take Puck and Elijah’s attention from him.
  • 102. One morning Fabian wandered into the dinning room to see Jesse trying to force down some burnt pancakes, they obviously tasted horrible even though he had covered them with syrup because Fabian could see his grandfather gagging with Tara wasn’t looking. Fabian didn’t understand why his grandfather wouldn’t just tell his grandmother that her cooking was horrible but he said it was because he didn’t want to her hurt her feelings. Fabian of course pointed out that the cooking was hurting him, it made him feel sick but Jesse simply laughed saying he would understand when he was older. “Pappy?” Fabian asked as he walked up to the elder and tugged on his jacket’s sleeve; Jesse swallowed down his mouthful with obvious effort before looking down at the brunet. “What is it Fabian?” Jesse questioned and Fabian nervously fiddled with his fingers as he looked to the ground. “Can you play with me today, Pappy? It’s Saturday and I’ve got nothing to do. Please?”
  • 103. Jesse, of course, was more than happy to spend the day with his grandson much to Fabian’s happiness.
  • 104. As 6:00’O’Clock rolled around the family were called into the house for Imogen’s birthday. Fabian was happy his sister was growing up, it meant he got to play with her now she was older but some part of him couldn’t help but notice that Elijah was actually there for Imogen’s 1st Age Transition when he had failed to attended all of Fabian’s so far. The little half-breed pushed his thoughts to the back of his head as he cheered along with his family as Puck blew out the candles for the little red head.
  • 105. With a flash of light and a spray of confetti Imogen fell down into Puck’s arms as a laughed toddler; unlike Fabian though she didn’t half elf ears which meant that she wouldn’t have to go through the painful process of gaining her marks. ‘She’s different than me. She not only got Desh'ketai’s* red hair but she also avoided getting elf ears. She’s...normal.’ Fabian thought to himself mournfully, his depressing thoughts going unnoticed as he forced himself to cheer along with his family. - *Desh'ketai-Father
  • 106.
  • 107. Inside the small house between the business buildings Alissa stirred from her Sight sleep and smiled happily. “It is time.” She whispered quietly and as the images of Imogen and Fabian flashed through her mind she started to laugh. “Such sadness and jealous is boiling inside the house, don’t you worry soon you won’t feel those things.” She chuckled before she started cackling loudly. “Don’t worry! The dead can’t feel such negative things towards their siblings!” Alissa screeched between her laughs as the house trembled around her. The Juniors though continued to remain unaware of the darkness that was quickly spreading over Belladonna Cove.
  • 108. “Why am I still working here?! The pay is horrible, the house is huge and Master Jesse criticizes everything I clean! I don’t even like cleaning! What is wrong with me?!” - Yeah that would the Junior’s butler Michael who is not only a slob but he’s also made Jesse furious with him some how. Anyway that’s all for now guys! I must admit when I found out Imogen didn’t have elf ears I was greatly disappointed because now I’m going to have to change my story depending on who get’s picked for heir; I’m either going to do a pole or flip a coin. This chapter was actually really hard for me to write, I know what I’m doing for this generation but putting it into words is a different story. Anyway enough of my rambling, I’ll see you next time! Happy simming!
  • 109. Fabian Junior Imogen Junior Stats: 10/2/10/6/7 Stats: 8/8/4/2/9 Star Sign: Cancer Star Sign: Virgo Hobby: Science Hobby: Music & Dance
  • 110. Imogen was the daughter of King Cymbeline in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline. She was described by William Hazlitt as "perhaps the most tender and the most artless" of all Shakespeare's women. Imogen is princess of Britain, and the virtuous wife of the exiled Posthumus, whose praise of her moral purity incites Posthumus's acquaintance Iachimo to bet Postumus that he can seduce her. When he fails, Iachimo hides in her bedchamber and uncovers her body while she sleeps, observing details of a mole on her breast which he then describes to Posthumus as proof that he had slept with her. Posthumus plots to kill his wife, but the designated killer reveals the plot to Imogen and advises her to hide; she escapes to the woods dressed as a man and falls in with a family who help her. Taking a drug, she falls into a coma and is presumed dead by the family, who cover her body and sing a song over her. When she wakes she finds the headless body of Cloten, a brutish character who had planned to rape her while wearing Posthumus's clothes, but had been killed in a fight with one of the men who took her in. She mistakes the headless body for that of her husband. After the battle at the climax of the play she confronts Iachimo who confesses his lies. She is reunited with Posthumus, her father (King Cymbeline), and discovers two of the men who took her in are actually her long lost brothers. Quote from Wikipedia.