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The DeLightful Legacy- Chapter 2
Welcome back to the DeLightful Legacy! Where we last left off, Alec (not pictured) just turned into a child and his birthday was pretty much ending. But here we see Aro and Rayne dancing. I love their relationship. They always autonomously dance together whenever I don’t have them busy doing something else. It’s so sweet. Plus, Aro is kind of my favorite right now, so there may be more pictures of him. But I still love Alice and Alec…just not as much as Aro!
“Hello?” “Hey, Rayne! It’s me…Gabe!” “Uh-huh…who?” “Gabe O’Mackey, from work. I helped you get the band aids for the kid that fell down at recess.” “OH! That Gabe. Right, how’s it going?” “Could you come outside for a moment?” “What?”
“Gabe, what are you doing here at ten at night?” “I was just strolling past your house—” “Gabe you live on the other side of Riv Hills!” “Err, whatever. I just needed to admire you in person!” “Gabe, this has to stop. You drool over me at work, call me at all hours of the night…Gabe I’m married! With three kids! Please, we can only be friends.” “That is alright. As soon as Troy messes up, I shall be here!” Creep.
“Morning Aro!” If that isn’t the creepiest smile I’ve ever seen on the Sims 2… Here’s the deal with Alec. I like him and all…but, truth be told, I like the twins better. Alec kind of fades in the background because he’s not interesting. He doesn’t do cute things with the parents, and the twins are pretty much best friends, so they play together all the time, while Alec here just reads or watches TV. “Aro! Did you hear me? I said good morning!”
“Yes, I heard you. Now get out of our room. I need to make my bed and think about things without you being in here.” “Sure thing, Bro!” “Kill me, Daisy.” Hey, you’re not supposed to wish to die. That’s for a different character for Generation E. We’ll get there soon enough. But isn’t that just the evilest little face!? Also, I might have put eye shadow on Aro to make him look more…vampire-y. I couldn’t resist!
Hey, Alice. What’s going on? “Daisy, I demand better outfits for my dolls. I mean, look at her dress. The green clearly clashes with the lame floral carpeting in the house. And then this blonde hair has got to go! Black hair is more chic!” Alice, you do realize they’re just dolls, correct? “Oh, yes, but if you’re going to be a doll of Alice, you need to look amazing!” I love you, Alice :D
Hey…HEY! Wait, no! The nanny’s not here yet! Hold on! Please! “I’m sorry, lady, but I have to get both adults to work at 8 on the dot!” Oh man. Stupid Sims game. There’s food in the fridge. The kids aren’t going to starve after an hour of being alone before the bus comes. If they do starve, then that would be very idiotic.
So this is what I had to do before Supernanny came in and saved the day five minutes later! I had to use kaching to buy a car so Troy could get to work. I really wanted to play this legacy without using money cheats, but this was desperate need, and I’m not really playing for points, anyway. But the cost of the car and driveway got us back down to the same amount we had before : $630! Yay! So really I didn’t cheat that much.  And I’m not going to sell the car to get the thousand simoleons back.
I hate you. Your old self almost made Troy DeLightful late for work! He may one day be mayor of this country-ass town! “Oh, I don’t want to be a burden.” That’s a lie from hell. I hope the grim reaper wakes you up in your sleep just so he can kill you slowly and painfully. And then your cats. I know you have cats, Nanny Jeffress! I spy on you. I AM CREATOR! I AM OMNIPOTENT! “Daisy, stop saying that.” Sorry, Troy. But it’s true.
Then the nanny cloned herself and gave me this stupid looking one.  Why the heck does she have custom skin!? Why does she have a wedding hairstyle? Why the freak are the nannies still in my home eating my food after the kids had left an hour ago!?
But the chaos of the morning paid off, and Troy came home with a promotion and he got a chance card that gave him 5000 simoleons! Yeah! I love you Troy.  Also, Rayne got a promotion too, so we were up to 8000 simoleons for a while! And I splurged!
Firstly, I extended that hallway and gave Aro his own little room. Then (but you can’t see from this picture) I got a new TV for the big room, and a new sofa. I also got the video game console because the kids keep rolling wants for it. That and a puppy. But we’re not getting puppies! We may get a kitten though. I don’t know. Depends on my mood. But the house is kind of lopsided now. I’m unconsciously building on the right side only, and the left side looks weird. I’ll even it out with the guest bedroom and new baby room when there’s more money rolling in.
“Alice, do you like Alec?” “He tries too much to be like me, but he’s okay.” “He’s always too happy. That’s my character! I’m the one that’s supposed to be happy for no reason! Alec is supposed to be creepy. “ “I guess he’ll learn when he’s older.” These two are always telling secrets about Alec and playing together. I thought I’d switch things up on the weekend.
“Alice, you promise not to cheat, right?” “Of course.” Alice, you know you can see the move he’s going to make. “No, actually, I can’t. Alec is taking away that power from me for the time being. I’m trying to be fair.”
Well, almost fair. “Alec! Is that the bunny from Bunny Hop on TV!?” “What!? That’s my favorite show!” “Hehheh!” Because these two have only one nice point each, that is how they played the game. They cheated back and forth, without ever really moving the pieces. It was hilarious. But they lost friendship points in the end. Alice lost, so Alec laughed at her. It was pretty cute.
Aro, you should go play with Alice and Alec. “No. They are idiots who don’t know the true gift of knowledge, or their powers! Using their powers to cheat on a game of chess! How pathetic!” So, what are you doing. “Trying to max my cooking skill since mother is a horrible cook and father is always out working.” All you could make would be a muffin. “Ah, but a good muffin.”
“Come on, kids, it’s time to go shopping with mommy.” “Yes! Mom, are we getting new clothes?” “Yes, Alice. But, please, don’t try to tell me how I should dress. I’m a woman, you’re a girl. It’s embarrassing getting fashion advice from a ten year old…or however old you are.
“Now, I want all of you to go in there and SIT DOWN. No talking to strangers, no jumping on the sofas—and Alice, no criticizing other people’s outfits.” “Yes Mom!” “Alec’s such a suck up…” Aro! Don’t be mean. You’re the nice one in this family. But Alec did hang around Rayne the whole time. Alice and Aro sat down at a table and talked, excluding poor Alec. “Mom, would this be a bad time to say that you look like you have a muffin top?” “Alec! Why would you say something like that?” “Alice told me to!”
Hey, Alice. Get any new clothes? “I didn’t. Well, not until I grow up into a teenager.” How’s your mother? “I don’t know. She keeps sighing and rubbing her forehead.”
“That is the LAST time I EVER take those kids ANYWHERE! Constantly talking to random strangers, annoying the customers, and jumping on the couches. Even after I told them to SIT DOWN. I cannot wait until their father gets home.” Well, you won’t see Troy for a few slides simply because he works all day and then comes home and goes to sleep. Exciting.
The fastest skiller is Aro, naturally. Alice is the slowest. She takes forever to get halfway through the skill bar. “Maybe if you got me new clothes, I would skill faster.” THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
“Now, kids, there’s something you all need to know. This is a Legacy. And every legacy has an heir for the generation. You all are the defining generation because you all are the first. One of you will be able to come back, live here with me and your father, and have children of your own!” “What about the other two, the spares?” “Well, Alec, they live eternity in the Sim Bin, or Daisy will put them in a home so we can call them for parties!” “Neat!” Alec, what if you’re the spare? “At least I won’t die!” I just realized how much these kids look alike. It’s scary…
“Alec, even though Aro and I are mean to you, I still love that you’re my brother. “Thanks, Alice. And if I’m the heir, I promise to call you everyday!” “And if I’m the heir, I’ll invite you over ALL the time! So cute!
“Daisy, there’s white stuff falling out of the sky!” Oh, right, this is your first time seeing snow. “Can I play in it!?” No! You have work in like…two minutes. Get dressed.
I feel REALLY bad for this cat. But it’s so cute! I don’t know which MAXIS cat this is. Sake, maybe?  I think Rayne would envy the cat though. Because all of this snow happened as soon as she left, haha!
“Rawr! I’m a vicious vampire! I’m gonna suck your blood!” Okay, one, you’re too cute to be a vampire…well, actually if we’re going with the Stephenie Meyer Vampires, then you’re pretty enough to be one. And two, your character is a good vampire. So go eat that cat outside.
“Aro, look! Isn’t this cool or what!?” “Yes, it’s dreadfully amazing. Now get up and protect me from danger. You’re part of my Volturi Guard.” “Since when?” “Since now. Alice won’t join, though her powers are very amazing, but yours are better! You can incapacitate anyone!” “I know. But I don’t want to do it for evil.” “Do you wanna be a part of my Volturi Guard or not?” “Okay.”
“So, Alice, do you by any chance see in the future me becoming the heir? Not that it changes things. Just curious.” “Alec, I already asked Alice that. She said no.” “Did not! Aro, you’re lying! Alice?”
“Alec, I said to Aro that that future is uncertain to me. It all depends on what the community on decide. And Daisy hasn’t put up the poll, so they can’t decide. And we haven’t gone to university yet. It’s a whole slew of things that hasn’t happened. Also, because we’re young, our future is even more uncertain because it can go so many ways.” Wow. Alice is pretty smart. Too bad she can’t skill fast!
Yay! Birthday time! Can’t wait to see what these two look like as teenagers!
I love Alice so much! She grew up in a dress again! But because my simself is not around, I cannot hug her. Darn. Alice rolled Fortune and has the LTW to earn $100,000.  I don’t know how easy that will be. But if she becomes heir, I’m buying a business for her!
And here’s Aro in all his beautiful glory. Look at that smile! He rolled Knowledge, which is so fitting I almost squealed with delight when I rolled.  His LTW is to become Chief of Staff. Yay, career related want!  His aspiration fits him because in Twilight (New Moon, actually) Aro and the rest of the Volturi are described as having respect for art and knowledge. They’re called the Nighttime Patrons of the Arts.
“Mr. Bear, what if Aro decides to be less nice to me now that he’s a teenager? What if he doesn’t want me to be a part of his guard because I’m younger?” *silence* “Mr. Bear? Answer me!” Alec then proceeded to smash “Mr. Bear” to the floor while yelling at him. Oh, no! Alec’s character is taking a dark turn! Gee, I wonder why?
What are you doing? “Finding a job in the Law Career Track.” Why? “Because I want to make money…” Don’t become a stereotypical Fortune sim, Alice. It’s not becoming. “I’ll try. Too bad I don’t see myself completing my LTW. I’d go into detail about why, but it’ll take too long.” Thank you, Stephenie Meyer for making Alice’s visions so confusing. I can barely write up her character because I still don’t understand Alice’s power.
Two girls, Aro!? You’re a knowledge sim, not a Romance sim!
“Hey, I am a Nighttime Patron of the Arts. Women are included in that category. Mona Lisa…The Birth of Venus, Primavera…Jupiter and Io.*” Please, Aro, do not make that title of yours dirty. *Daisy is not studying old paintings of Italian Painters in Art Class…of course not!
Ack! You! “Me…?” Stop following Rayne home from work! And how could you get promoted? You’re a playable sim, Gabe. “Er, ask Maxis?” I will! *Storms off to write angry letter*
“Daisy! I got an A! Look! I got an A! And my teacher really likes me. She was expecting me to be like Alice and Aro, all mean and playing jokes, but she was surprised that I turned out good.” That’s great, Alec!  Now do the funny child dance! Do it! Wow, that sounded perverted.
Promotion? “Yes! Now, I need to gain a new friend and a cleaning skill point! Money, money, money!” Hey! What did I say about becoming stereotypical. “I’m sorry, but it’s all I can think about. You see my thought bubbles!”
“Hello, Pet Adoption Center? Hi, I’d like to adopt a cat. My children have been so good lately. My youngest boy, Alec, received an A at school. My daughter Alice got a promotion in her teen job, and my son Aro got three scholarships! I thought that because they all want a little kitten, it’d be the right gift for—” “Alright, lady. Stop telling me your life story. We’ll be right over.”  “Thanks!”
Here’s Volterra. He’s named after the real city in Italy where the Volturi (who aren’t real, obviously) reside in some underground (or it may be above ground…I’m not sure) castle like dungeon thing within the city.  If I feel generous and get him a girl, I might name their kitten(s) after the Palazzo dei Priori. It’s a clock tower, and it’s significant in New Moon.
Why did you tell Alice to not play with you? “Because she cheats too much! I’m trying to max my logic while I’m still young. Her cheating slows that down.” True.
Alice got the want to get a makeover chair thing, which made me so happy because that’s just like Alice in Twilight. Alice Cullen is always trying to makeover Bella Swan and the rest of the Cullens.
“Alice, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” “Positive, Mother! Trust me.” “Well, you are a fashionista, after all…”
“Oh, dear…” “Oh, dear, what?” “Er…Mom, I’m sorry!” “What did you do to my face, Alice!?” “I thought red was your color…obviously not that much red…” “Now I have to go to work like this!”
“Volterra, you’re so cool! You’re the best cat in the world. I’ll love you forever!” --Yes, because you forgot to feed me twice. Oh, I really feel the love.— “You’re awesome!” Sorry, but kittens are boring after a while.
This isn’t Volterra grown up. This is Moonshine. And I really like that name, it fits the Twilight theme. So I made Troy become best friends or whatever with it. And as soon as I was about to adopt him, he left. He was unselectable. Darn! “Daisy, thanks for showing me in this chapter so much!” The sarcasm isn’t needed. Besides…you’re not interesting. You don’t do anything cute with your wife at all.
I don’t remember her name, but she’s the Riv Hills equivalent to Pleasantview’s Esther, I think. This is one of the stalkers of Aro.  I guess they like all the smarts that he’s got.
“Hey, ladies’ man! I saw all those girls you bring home from school. Nice!” “Dad, I barely have time for them. I’m too busy trying to max out my logic. They end up talking to Alice for about an hour and then she leaves them to go to work.” “Still, you must be a true stud to round up all those ladies.” *Alice from a distance*: “They just want to be a part of this legacy!” “Oh. Well, still.”
“Thanks, Troy. I’m decent again!” “No, you’re wrong. You’re absolutely gorgeous. It’s almost criminal to be this beautiful.” “Aww, thanks Troy. I love that you’re genuinely complimenting me and not trying to be cute so Daisy will give you more screen time.” “Of course not, Dear. Now, leap into my arms! And then let me hold hands with you and serenade you! All while Daisy takes pictures of us doing so!” Too bad I didn’t.
“Boo!” Wow, it’s my simself! Hello, Simself! I did this face in the mirror and the resemblance was scary. I didn’t make my simself, my best friend did because she’s good at stuff like that. The only thing we had trouble with was the hair. My real hair hasn’t looked like that in ages (three months). So I might change it somehow to fit what it looks like now. Or not. I don’t know. Generation D, watch out!
This is my cat, Crystal. So, I don’t really have a cat named Crystal, but I do have a stuffed animal cat that I named Crystal when I was four. I always thought she was real…in fact I would pretend to walk her outside and the older kids on our block would make fun of me. True story, sad story. Anywho, if Volterra is alive still by Generation D (most likely not…so I’m using the pet equivalent of elixir on him) he’ll reproduce with her. Yay! Now back to the DeLightfuls!
Yay, another promotion! Go Rayne! “I know, I’m the business!” Damn straight! Or Damn curvy…whichever you like best.
*whispers*” Birthday Fairies, I wish that Aro will still want me a part of his Volturi Guard when I’m older.” Well, you shall soon find out…
Though he doesn’t look it, he’s a Pleasure Sim. He has the LTW of becoming a Celebrity Chef.  I like pleasure sims. They’re so easy to keep in Gold. They find the smallest things fulfilling. He looks no different from Aro and Alice, apart from the hair. His aspiration sort of fits his character. Alec from the Volturi gain pleasure in hurting others, much like his twin Jane. So…I guess it fits. I don’t know. We’ll see.
Hello, overachiever! You just made your parents platinum! “And I got money for doing so!” Right. Whatever.
“Alice, could you do something else? I’m trying to do my homework!” “Hell no! I’m already on level ten!” “Alice, there’s only three levels! Easy, Medium, and Hard…” “Hush! Oh! I’m killing these slopes!” I love Alice. I love her so much!
“Hey! Daisy!” What…? “I just had a vision of you dressing me in the Gypsy Matchmaker’s outfit when I’m older. No you did not download that to have a good laugh!” I have no idea what you’re talking about, Alice. Hehe.
“Okay, guys, listen to this. It says here in the Legacy Rulebook that most creators don’t even play their spares. They end up being used for aspiration fodder for generations, not caring how incestuous it seems.” “Alice, that’s stupid. Some teenage girl wrote that book.” “Yeah, Aro’s right. Daisy loves us way too much. Of course she’ll play the spares.” “I don’t see her playing any spares, Alec.” “That’s because you don’t know who’s going to be spare or not. Now leave us alone and let us play this game. I actually don’t cheat.” “Liar!”
“Daisy, you’re showing me again!” Yes, because you got promoted and got a chance card worth $5000! Possibly because you got demoted off screen for some other chance card, thus giving you the same chance card that got you $5000 again! And then you got promoted! Yay! “So, all I have to do is earn money and get promotions and you’ll love me!?” I already love you, Troy. But you’re boring. I dread to think of how you’ll act when you’re an elder…*shudder*
Alice, who did you just call and why don’t you ever wear day-clothes? “The headmaster and because I like pink.” The headmaster? Why!? “Because I have a really valuable want to get into Private School.” Alice, the house is horrible! “We have money, Daisy! Get us a new one, then. Plus, this house is lagging and it’s glitching up a storm!”
“Alice, don’t try to fool me. There is not an immortal child behind me. Those are outlawed by the Volturi.” “Okay. Don’t come crying to me when the Vampire secret is out.” “Why did you want to play chess with me?” “Oh, right! Daisy’s making us a new home!” “Really? Excellent!”
They were so excited that they started dancing to the salsa music, which I like as well. I like the matching stripes of the twins. It’s so cute! And it wasn’t planned either. I just wanted dark colors for them, and they ended up having stripes! Yay! “We’re getting a new house! We’re getting a new house!” Then the music started skipping, so I quickly saved the game. Just in case it crashed.
And this is the new house! It’s not that big, but when I moved the DeLightfuls out their net worth was like $70,000 or something. I don’t know how that happened…I was expecting $50,000 or something. But I spent it all! So they have around $2000 now. Yay! And you can kind of see Alice giving Alec a noogie. Aww, so mean. This is the only way I know how to make houses. Thanks Lucy from the Obsession Legacy!
Volterra grew up. He sits on the counters all the time and scratches up the furniture. I hate him already.
I came around and was greeted by Alice. But I forgot to take pictures…oops.  And Now I’m friends with Rayne. Which is kind of funny, considering I don’t really like Rayne. Because she was so evil when she was pregnant…gosh, that was a while ago (not really…)
Hahaha! I’d show you his nose on a profile view, but you might die of laughter. So this is the Headmaster, Blazej Philippine or  something to that extent. First off, that’s the weirdest name in the history of weird names. Secondly, why do you have a fohawk!? And finally, your eyebrows are perfectly arched, you have custom skin that’s suited for a female, and you look like a bird! This is the funniest sim I’ve ever seen. Apart from that university Professor at SSU that has the huge nose and lips.
Okay. Here’s what happened. So, Alec has the highest cooking skill in the family (in fact, he’s almost maxed out on it), so he made Baked Alaska for the Headmaster prior to him arriving. I didn’t allow Alec to serve it, and I forgot that with Baked Alaska you have to light it on fire. So I made him put it in the fridge as leftovers. Alec was busy with something else when the Headmaster came, so I made Troy serve the Baked Alaska.  Mistake. Troy only has like…five cooking points. And me, being an idiot, forgot about the fire thing. So I saw him light a match, then scream and start dancing around. Troy almost died! I was about to cry when I was playing because the stupid firefighter was taking forever and Troy’s needs were dropping like flies!
But despite all of that, Alice, Aro, and Alec all got into Private School. Thanks, Birdman! “My pleasure! I always like to see a legacy sim almost dying!” Right. He gave us three food points for the Salmon Alec made. THREE! So Alice schmoozed about school and that got us to 93 points total with only thirty seconds left! Good job, Alice. She must have really wanted private school.
This is me trying to be artistic to some extent. Aro finally maxed out his logic skill. Now he wants to max cooking. “Look, at this, Daisy! There could be other life forms out there!” Actually, there are. But let’s hope you don’t get abducted just yet. He’s so cute when he stargazes! It’s like he’s a little kid all over again. MY BABY!! “Daisy, get it together.” Right, sorry. *tear*
“I heard those Aliens are pretty touchy-feely up there in outer space.” “Troy, who did you hear that from?” “Gabe’s brother, Jason.” “Oh, the one that’s married to the plantsim?” “Yeah. Gabe called earlier, wishing to speak to you. But I told him you were in the shower. He was all silent for a moment, breathing heavily. That guy’s a little weird.” “Humph. You’re telling me. He’s a complete stalker.
Weekend! Too bad these idiots don’t skill like they’re supposed to. “Alec, I have to tell you something! Please, put the game controller down!” “Hold…YEAH! WOOT! What do you want—OH YEAH! BOOM BABY!” “Alec, I had a strange vision! Listen to me!” “Oh, fine. What is it?” “I keep seeing Aro and you in dark cloaks with blood red eyes in some ancient room. Did Aro say anything about a Volturi Guard to you?” “Yeah, when we were little and joked around. You probably mistook your dream as a vision. I’m sure it means nothing.”
“Daisy, I don’t need a crystal ball, you know…” What? I couldn’t resist! What’s a fortune teller without a crystal ball? “Um, awesome? Because I can still see without the crystal ball.” You completely ruined this slide. I was going to make you say ‘Oh, ominous beings, help me see my brothers’ future!’ “But that’s lame.” So is your mom. Yes. I said it. Rayne is LAME.
“…So if I can get the underground tunnel working properly, install the elevator, pretty soon my castle will be finished. And then I can start looking for my Volturi Guard! Ha, ha*!” *That’s how Stephenie Meyer makes Aro laugh in New Moon. I’d prefer a Muahahaha! But, Stephenie didn’t want her books to be too horrific. So Aro has a stupid evil laugh. But in the movie, his laugh is hilarious!
Not important. I just like that little half smile :D
“DeLightful residence, Alec speak—” “Yes, is Rayne there!?” “Mr. O’Mackey? I’m afraid she’s at work…like you should be…” “*heavy breathing* Aww, man!” “You can call her at work, I’m sure.” “*car door slamming, tires squealing* Err, that won’t be necessary *click*” “Creep.” O’Mackey does sound like a perverted name…
“So, Alec, have you been using your powers lately?” “No, I don’t find them necessary. I don’t need to incapacitate people as often…I like people!” “Here’s the thing, Alec. If you want to be a part of my Volturi Guard, you’re going to have to practice your powers more. Mine are getting better. If I touched you right now, I would see every thought you had in my head! Do you know how smart a person has to be to have my power! Very! And you, your power is so lethal, well, I wouldn’t want it to go to waste. It’s a very precious gift you have.”
“Aro, you’re joking about this Volturi Guard thing, right? We only pretended to play Volturi when we were little. Time to grow up, bro.” “Bro? Alec, your character doesn’t talk like that! He’s reformed and menacingly polite!” “Dude, my character doesn’t even have a last name. Sorry I’m not taking this whole character thing as seriously as you are.” “But that’s who we are! We are Aro and Alec of the Volturi! We are the rulers of the Vampire world!” “Yeah, in the Twilight world. It’s daytime…you don’t see me sparkling. Geez, loosen up.”
“Daddy, I’ve been having strange visions. I tried talking to Alec about them, but he’s such a pleasure sim! He just laughed!” “Well, Alec’s a dimwit. But Alice, I wouldn’t be too upset about all of this. Things don’t get feisty until college anyway. Daisy wouldn’t make a whole dramatic chapter while you guys are still home! That’s stupid.” Troy, does the name Rodney have any significance to you? “Hush, Daisy, I’m trying to have a Full House inspired Daughter-Dad talk. Alice, you can’t live your life based on your visions. There’s not always correct, you know?” “Okay…”
“How’s Alice, doing, Troy?” “I think she works too hard. That’s probably why her visions are acting all funny. Plus, she’s still young. Her visions are more subjective now than they will be when she’s older.” “If she gets older. We still don’t know the heir, Troy. But does Alice know?” “If she does, she’s lying about it.” Once, again, thanks Stephenie Meyer for making Alice’s visions the most confusing power any of the vampires have in the series!
The guys invited some girls around. I really don’t know there names. Like, I said I’d remember them, and then I forgot. So we could call them Thing One and Thing Two. Or Alec’s girl and Aro’s Girl. I feel really bade that Alice has to work on weekdays so she doesn’t really have much of a social life. These two idiots need to get jobs too. No one is a slacker in this legacy!
“Look, Daisy, I’m not being a slacker!” You were pretty much a slacker when Alice, Aro, and Alec were kids. Taking off days when you barely had to work at all. “That’s because we couldn’t afford a nanny!” While your husband, my creation, slaved over a hot copy machine just so you could afford formula! You could have breast fed! “What? That doesn’t exist in my universe!” Stop yelling and get into the house. You stink. Oh, and Gabe called! “*shiver* No!”
Are you writing a song for me, Alec? “No…I’m playing this because you made me because you’re obsessed with us getting scholarships.” Alec, please. It’s okay if you’re embarrassed that I caught you writing a song for me. Well, keep playing. Go on. “*sigh* You are insane…”
How was your sleep? “I keep having visions and dreams at the same time, so I don’t know which is which. It’s the same thing, though. Alec and Aro in dark robes with red eyes in a weird room. Daisy, are they going to become the Volturi?” No! Of course not. I’m far too lazy to make that happen. :D
I don’t know what’s more annoying. Rayne in general or the fact that everything in this picture matches too perfectly! We need color in this house.
HEY! What are you doing, Aro!? “I want to get struck by lightning. I hear it’s invigorating!” You’re crazy! Get out of the rain! “Make me!” *clicks empty spot in house and presses Go Here*  “Aw, man!” I AM OMNIPOTENT! “DAISY!” Sorry, Troy.
I’ve never had this happen to me in the game before. I was kind of excited but I thought that you had to call the Fire Department, so I almost made that happen, but then the fire went out. Rain. Water puts out fire…yeah.  NEXT SLIDE.
Rayne finally got that Career Reward that is the bookshelf with all the skills on there. And they all skill faster on it I think. So Aro’s pretty close to maxing out body and cooking. I love that kid.
:D This slide serves no purpose. Please kindly move on.
“Julie, do you want to go on a date with a shy guy like me? It’s the reason I invited you over.” Shy? You were just jumping on the couch yelling out the lyrics to Low. “Hush, Daisy! So, what do you say, Julie?” “Of course! I’ve always wanted to go out with you.” You have no bolts for each other!
Aww, they were each other’s first kisses. Too bad I don’t like her face and eyes. Otherwise I would make her go to University with them. “Alec, this is the best date ever!” “It’s about to get better…”
They both had wants to make out with each other, so I decided why not. What could be the worse that could happen?
Oh. That. “I think I’m in love with Alec! So much so that I feel the need to collect money from playing jazz piano badly!” Yes, too bad the feelings are not mutual. Alec had a spectacular date with Julie and he didn’t even fall in love with her. He got a crush on her though. But after like two days, those hearts went away. Poor Julie. She just learned what it feels like to be aspiration fodder.
I had an Alice moment! I was thinking while the house was sleeping and the time was fast forwarding that we hadn’t been robbed at all. Then I was like, ‘I bet we’re going to get robbed tonight.’ And what do you know, Miss Boyle or something comes along and tries to rob us! I think when sims get robbed, it’s funny.
But she kicked the cop’s ass!  “That’s what you get Officer Brian Ng for having an unpronounceable last name!” Oh the horror of it! Hey, Robber Girl, you match the lights outside! “Really? Neat! Can I steal them?” No, get out of here!
Alec: “Stupid robber! Stupid cop! Seriously, man, get some muscles, why don’t you?!” Aro: “Ha! So, Alice, did you by any chance see that we were going to get robbed?” Alice: “Grr…”
“Ouch! Alice, okay, I was joking! Ouch! I was joking!” “Call me papa, Aro!” “Papa! Alec, help me out here!” “No way, man. I’m in line to noogie you too. Plus, I’m frightened of Alice…” “AGH! This hurts! Papa, Papa, Papa!” Officer Brian: I can’t believe she kicked my ass…
“I’m dreadfully sorry, Mrs. DeLightful. It won’t happen again, I promise.” “Yeah, because I’m calling your job to get you better trained. What’s wrong with you!? She could have stolen my precious Volterra!” “The city? Wait, you own Volterra, Italy?” “No! My cat.” “…Right. I’m sorry.”
“GAHH!” Alec, what’s wrong? “I…have some sudden pain in my head! It’s like my power to incapacitate people is growing…GAHH!” Go ask Alice* what’s wrong! *Ever read that book? I had to mention it in here. There shall be a few of those, little titles with Alice’s name sprinkled in this legacy. :D
“I have this sudden urge to take away the senses of everyone! What’s wrong with me? I’m a pleasure sim, this shouldn’t be happening!”
“Alice, did you see anything different in my future lately?” “Not anything different. Just you and—err, you in that room with the red eyes.” “It’s just that I had this strange feeling of evilness earlier this morning.” “Alec, just decide against being in that room, and maybe that future will not happen.” *Aro’s fist tightens* “What about me, Alice?” “Oh, yeah, Alice, didn’t you see—” “No. No, Aro there’s nothing of consequence in your future.”
The next day was an exciting day! “Hello, Sim State University? The DeLightfuls are on their way!” “Oh…excellent!” (aside) “The DeLightfuls are coming! Everybody, take cover!”
So Alice, Aro, and Alec all packed up their bags and sped off to SSU for their awaiting doom! Okay, maybe not their doom, but some pretty fun college experiences!
And here are the potential heirs! Alec DeLightful, named after Alec from the Volturi Guard in The Twilight Saga.  He’s a Pleasure Seeker with the LTW of becoming a Celebrity Chef. His personality is 5/5/9/5/1. He has the power to take away the senses of people, thus incapacitating them.  He’s essentially good, right now, but Alice keeps seeing him in a dark future.
Here’s Aro DeLightful. He’s a Knowledge sim with the LTW of becoming Chief of Staff. His personality is 5/5/10/5/10. He’s named after Aro, one of the leaders of the Volturi in The Twilight Saga. Right now, he’s a bit of a mystery because he seems good and only into learning, but how will he use that knowledge he’s gaining? Aro has the power to read every thought a person has had by simply touching them.
And here we have Alice DeLightful, named after Alice Cullen in the Twilight Saga. She’s a Fortune sim with the LTW to Earn $100,000. Her personality is 5/5/9/5/1 (hers and Alec’s are alike). She has the power to see into the future, though her visions are only based on what the person she’s seeing decides. Things like the weather are more absolute. Alice constantly looks out for her brothers because she’s worried they may have an evilness in them. Okay! Remember to vote on Please read the chapter before voting. Vote on anything you’d like, looks, LTW, personality, aspiration, and/or character. Sorry this took a while to make. The Eclipse Trailer came out not too long ago and I’ve been sort of obsessed with watching it rather than doing this. Bye :D

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The DeLightful Legacy- Chapter 2

  • 2. Welcome back to the DeLightful Legacy! Where we last left off, Alec (not pictured) just turned into a child and his birthday was pretty much ending. But here we see Aro and Rayne dancing. I love their relationship. They always autonomously dance together whenever I don’t have them busy doing something else. It’s so sweet. Plus, Aro is kind of my favorite right now, so there may be more pictures of him. But I still love Alice and Alec…just not as much as Aro!
  • 3. “Hello?” “Hey, Rayne! It’s me…Gabe!” “Uh-huh…who?” “Gabe O’Mackey, from work. I helped you get the band aids for the kid that fell down at recess.” “OH! That Gabe. Right, how’s it going?” “Could you come outside for a moment?” “What?”
  • 4. “Gabe, what are you doing here at ten at night?” “I was just strolling past your house—” “Gabe you live on the other side of Riv Hills!” “Err, whatever. I just needed to admire you in person!” “Gabe, this has to stop. You drool over me at work, call me at all hours of the night…Gabe I’m married! With three kids! Please, we can only be friends.” “That is alright. As soon as Troy messes up, I shall be here!” Creep.
  • 5. “Morning Aro!” If that isn’t the creepiest smile I’ve ever seen on the Sims 2… Here’s the deal with Alec. I like him and all…but, truth be told, I like the twins better. Alec kind of fades in the background because he’s not interesting. He doesn’t do cute things with the parents, and the twins are pretty much best friends, so they play together all the time, while Alec here just reads or watches TV. “Aro! Did you hear me? I said good morning!”
  • 6. “Yes, I heard you. Now get out of our room. I need to make my bed and think about things without you being in here.” “Sure thing, Bro!” “Kill me, Daisy.” Hey, you’re not supposed to wish to die. That’s for a different character for Generation E. We’ll get there soon enough. But isn’t that just the evilest little face!? Also, I might have put eye shadow on Aro to make him look more…vampire-y. I couldn’t resist!
  • 7. Hey, Alice. What’s going on? “Daisy, I demand better outfits for my dolls. I mean, look at her dress. The green clearly clashes with the lame floral carpeting in the house. And then this blonde hair has got to go! Black hair is more chic!” Alice, you do realize they’re just dolls, correct? “Oh, yes, but if you’re going to be a doll of Alice, you need to look amazing!” I love you, Alice :D
  • 8. Hey…HEY! Wait, no! The nanny’s not here yet! Hold on! Please! “I’m sorry, lady, but I have to get both adults to work at 8 on the dot!” Oh man. Stupid Sims game. There’s food in the fridge. The kids aren’t going to starve after an hour of being alone before the bus comes. If they do starve, then that would be very idiotic.
  • 9. So this is what I had to do before Supernanny came in and saved the day five minutes later! I had to use kaching to buy a car so Troy could get to work. I really wanted to play this legacy without using money cheats, but this was desperate need, and I’m not really playing for points, anyway. But the cost of the car and driveway got us back down to the same amount we had before : $630! Yay! So really I didn’t cheat that much. And I’m not going to sell the car to get the thousand simoleons back.
  • 10. I hate you. Your old self almost made Troy DeLightful late for work! He may one day be mayor of this country-ass town! “Oh, I don’t want to be a burden.” That’s a lie from hell. I hope the grim reaper wakes you up in your sleep just so he can kill you slowly and painfully. And then your cats. I know you have cats, Nanny Jeffress! I spy on you. I AM CREATOR! I AM OMNIPOTENT! “Daisy, stop saying that.” Sorry, Troy. But it’s true.
  • 11. Then the nanny cloned herself and gave me this stupid looking one. Why the heck does she have custom skin!? Why does she have a wedding hairstyle? Why the freak are the nannies still in my home eating my food after the kids had left an hour ago!?
  • 12. But the chaos of the morning paid off, and Troy came home with a promotion and he got a chance card that gave him 5000 simoleons! Yeah! I love you Troy. Also, Rayne got a promotion too, so we were up to 8000 simoleons for a while! And I splurged!
  • 13. Firstly, I extended that hallway and gave Aro his own little room. Then (but you can’t see from this picture) I got a new TV for the big room, and a new sofa. I also got the video game console because the kids keep rolling wants for it. That and a puppy. But we’re not getting puppies! We may get a kitten though. I don’t know. Depends on my mood. But the house is kind of lopsided now. I’m unconsciously building on the right side only, and the left side looks weird. I’ll even it out with the guest bedroom and new baby room when there’s more money rolling in.
  • 14. “Alice, do you like Alec?” “He tries too much to be like me, but he’s okay.” “He’s always too happy. That’s my character! I’m the one that’s supposed to be happy for no reason! Alec is supposed to be creepy. “ “I guess he’ll learn when he’s older.” These two are always telling secrets about Alec and playing together. I thought I’d switch things up on the weekend.
  • 15. “Alice, you promise not to cheat, right?” “Of course.” Alice, you know you can see the move he’s going to make. “No, actually, I can’t. Alec is taking away that power from me for the time being. I’m trying to be fair.”
  • 16. Well, almost fair. “Alec! Is that the bunny from Bunny Hop on TV!?” “What!? That’s my favorite show!” “Hehheh!” Because these two have only one nice point each, that is how they played the game. They cheated back and forth, without ever really moving the pieces. It was hilarious. But they lost friendship points in the end. Alice lost, so Alec laughed at her. It was pretty cute.
  • 17. Aro, you should go play with Alice and Alec. “No. They are idiots who don’t know the true gift of knowledge, or their powers! Using their powers to cheat on a game of chess! How pathetic!” So, what are you doing. “Trying to max my cooking skill since mother is a horrible cook and father is always out working.” All you could make would be a muffin. “Ah, but a good muffin.”
  • 18. “Come on, kids, it’s time to go shopping with mommy.” “Yes! Mom, are we getting new clothes?” “Yes, Alice. But, please, don’t try to tell me how I should dress. I’m a woman, you’re a girl. It’s embarrassing getting fashion advice from a ten year old…or however old you are.
  • 19. “Now, I want all of you to go in there and SIT DOWN. No talking to strangers, no jumping on the sofas—and Alice, no criticizing other people’s outfits.” “Yes Mom!” “Alec’s such a suck up…” Aro! Don’t be mean. You’re the nice one in this family. But Alec did hang around Rayne the whole time. Alice and Aro sat down at a table and talked, excluding poor Alec. “Mom, would this be a bad time to say that you look like you have a muffin top?” “Alec! Why would you say something like that?” “Alice told me to!”
  • 20. Hey, Alice. Get any new clothes? “I didn’t. Well, not until I grow up into a teenager.” How’s your mother? “I don’t know. She keeps sighing and rubbing her forehead.”
  • 21. “That is the LAST time I EVER take those kids ANYWHERE! Constantly talking to random strangers, annoying the customers, and jumping on the couches. Even after I told them to SIT DOWN. I cannot wait until their father gets home.” Well, you won’t see Troy for a few slides simply because he works all day and then comes home and goes to sleep. Exciting.
  • 22. The fastest skiller is Aro, naturally. Alice is the slowest. She takes forever to get halfway through the skill bar. “Maybe if you got me new clothes, I would skill faster.” THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
  • 23. “Now, kids, there’s something you all need to know. This is a Legacy. And every legacy has an heir for the generation. You all are the defining generation because you all are the first. One of you will be able to come back, live here with me and your father, and have children of your own!” “What about the other two, the spares?” “Well, Alec, they live eternity in the Sim Bin, or Daisy will put them in a home so we can call them for parties!” “Neat!” Alec, what if you’re the spare? “At least I won’t die!” I just realized how much these kids look alike. It’s scary…
  • 24. “Alec, even though Aro and I are mean to you, I still love that you’re my brother. “Thanks, Alice. And if I’m the heir, I promise to call you everyday!” “And if I’m the heir, I’ll invite you over ALL the time! So cute!
  • 25. “Daisy, there’s white stuff falling out of the sky!” Oh, right, this is your first time seeing snow. “Can I play in it!?” No! You have work in like…two minutes. Get dressed.
  • 26. I feel REALLY bad for this cat. But it’s so cute! I don’t know which MAXIS cat this is. Sake, maybe? I think Rayne would envy the cat though. Because all of this snow happened as soon as she left, haha!
  • 27. “Rawr! I’m a vicious vampire! I’m gonna suck your blood!” Okay, one, you’re too cute to be a vampire…well, actually if we’re going with the Stephenie Meyer Vampires, then you’re pretty enough to be one. And two, your character is a good vampire. So go eat that cat outside.
  • 28. “Aro, look! Isn’t this cool or what!?” “Yes, it’s dreadfully amazing. Now get up and protect me from danger. You’re part of my Volturi Guard.” “Since when?” “Since now. Alice won’t join, though her powers are very amazing, but yours are better! You can incapacitate anyone!” “I know. But I don’t want to do it for evil.” “Do you wanna be a part of my Volturi Guard or not?” “Okay.”
  • 29. “So, Alice, do you by any chance see in the future me becoming the heir? Not that it changes things. Just curious.” “Alec, I already asked Alice that. She said no.” “Did not! Aro, you’re lying! Alice?”
  • 30. “Alec, I said to Aro that that future is uncertain to me. It all depends on what the community on decide. And Daisy hasn’t put up the poll, so they can’t decide. And we haven’t gone to university yet. It’s a whole slew of things that hasn’t happened. Also, because we’re young, our future is even more uncertain because it can go so many ways.” Wow. Alice is pretty smart. Too bad she can’t skill fast!
  • 31. Yay! Birthday time! Can’t wait to see what these two look like as teenagers!
  • 32. I love Alice so much! She grew up in a dress again! But because my simself is not around, I cannot hug her. Darn. Alice rolled Fortune and has the LTW to earn $100,000. I don’t know how easy that will be. But if she becomes heir, I’m buying a business for her!
  • 33. And here’s Aro in all his beautiful glory. Look at that smile! He rolled Knowledge, which is so fitting I almost squealed with delight when I rolled. His LTW is to become Chief of Staff. Yay, career related want! His aspiration fits him because in Twilight (New Moon, actually) Aro and the rest of the Volturi are described as having respect for art and knowledge. They’re called the Nighttime Patrons of the Arts.
  • 34. “Mr. Bear, what if Aro decides to be less nice to me now that he’s a teenager? What if he doesn’t want me to be a part of his guard because I’m younger?” *silence* “Mr. Bear? Answer me!” Alec then proceeded to smash “Mr. Bear” to the floor while yelling at him. Oh, no! Alec’s character is taking a dark turn! Gee, I wonder why?
  • 35. What are you doing? “Finding a job in the Law Career Track.” Why? “Because I want to make money…” Don’t become a stereotypical Fortune sim, Alice. It’s not becoming. “I’ll try. Too bad I don’t see myself completing my LTW. I’d go into detail about why, but it’ll take too long.” Thank you, Stephenie Meyer for making Alice’s visions so confusing. I can barely write up her character because I still don’t understand Alice’s power.
  • 36. Two girls, Aro!? You’re a knowledge sim, not a Romance sim!
  • 37. “Hey, I am a Nighttime Patron of the Arts. Women are included in that category. Mona Lisa…The Birth of Venus, Primavera…Jupiter and Io.*” Please, Aro, do not make that title of yours dirty. *Daisy is not studying old paintings of Italian Painters in Art Class…of course not!
  • 38. Ack! You! “Me…?” Stop following Rayne home from work! And how could you get promoted? You’re a playable sim, Gabe. “Er, ask Maxis?” I will! *Storms off to write angry letter*
  • 39. “Daisy! I got an A! Look! I got an A! And my teacher really likes me. She was expecting me to be like Alice and Aro, all mean and playing jokes, but she was surprised that I turned out good.” That’s great, Alec! Now do the funny child dance! Do it! Wow, that sounded perverted.
  • 40. Promotion? “Yes! Now, I need to gain a new friend and a cleaning skill point! Money, money, money!” Hey! What did I say about becoming stereotypical. “I’m sorry, but it’s all I can think about. You see my thought bubbles!”
  • 41. “Hello, Pet Adoption Center? Hi, I’d like to adopt a cat. My children have been so good lately. My youngest boy, Alec, received an A at school. My daughter Alice got a promotion in her teen job, and my son Aro got three scholarships! I thought that because they all want a little kitten, it’d be the right gift for—” “Alright, lady. Stop telling me your life story. We’ll be right over.” “Thanks!”
  • 42. Here’s Volterra. He’s named after the real city in Italy where the Volturi (who aren’t real, obviously) reside in some underground (or it may be above ground…I’m not sure) castle like dungeon thing within the city. If I feel generous and get him a girl, I might name their kitten(s) after the Palazzo dei Priori. It’s a clock tower, and it’s significant in New Moon.
  • 43. Why did you tell Alice to not play with you? “Because she cheats too much! I’m trying to max my logic while I’m still young. Her cheating slows that down.” True.
  • 44. Alice got the want to get a makeover chair thing, which made me so happy because that’s just like Alice in Twilight. Alice Cullen is always trying to makeover Bella Swan and the rest of the Cullens.
  • 45. “Alice, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” “Positive, Mother! Trust me.” “Well, you are a fashionista, after all…”
  • 46. “Oh, dear…” “Oh, dear, what?” “Er…Mom, I’m sorry!” “What did you do to my face, Alice!?” “I thought red was your color…obviously not that much red…” “Now I have to go to work like this!”
  • 47. “Volterra, you’re so cool! You’re the best cat in the world. I’ll love you forever!” --Yes, because you forgot to feed me twice. Oh, I really feel the love.— “You’re awesome!” Sorry, but kittens are boring after a while.
  • 48. This isn’t Volterra grown up. This is Moonshine. And I really like that name, it fits the Twilight theme. So I made Troy become best friends or whatever with it. And as soon as I was about to adopt him, he left. He was unselectable. Darn! “Daisy, thanks for showing me in this chapter so much!” The sarcasm isn’t needed. Besides…you’re not interesting. You don’t do anything cute with your wife at all.
  • 49. I don’t remember her name, but she’s the Riv Hills equivalent to Pleasantview’s Esther, I think. This is one of the stalkers of Aro. I guess they like all the smarts that he’s got.
  • 50. “Hey, ladies’ man! I saw all those girls you bring home from school. Nice!” “Dad, I barely have time for them. I’m too busy trying to max out my logic. They end up talking to Alice for about an hour and then she leaves them to go to work.” “Still, you must be a true stud to round up all those ladies.” *Alice from a distance*: “They just want to be a part of this legacy!” “Oh. Well, still.”
  • 51. “Thanks, Troy. I’m decent again!” “No, you’re wrong. You’re absolutely gorgeous. It’s almost criminal to be this beautiful.” “Aww, thanks Troy. I love that you’re genuinely complimenting me and not trying to be cute so Daisy will give you more screen time.” “Of course not, Dear. Now, leap into my arms! And then let me hold hands with you and serenade you! All while Daisy takes pictures of us doing so!” Too bad I didn’t.
  • 52. “Boo!” Wow, it’s my simself! Hello, Simself! I did this face in the mirror and the resemblance was scary. I didn’t make my simself, my best friend did because she’s good at stuff like that. The only thing we had trouble with was the hair. My real hair hasn’t looked like that in ages (three months). So I might change it somehow to fit what it looks like now. Or not. I don’t know. Generation D, watch out!
  • 53. This is my cat, Crystal. So, I don’t really have a cat named Crystal, but I do have a stuffed animal cat that I named Crystal when I was four. I always thought she was real…in fact I would pretend to walk her outside and the older kids on our block would make fun of me. True story, sad story. Anywho, if Volterra is alive still by Generation D (most likely not…so I’m using the pet equivalent of elixir on him) he’ll reproduce with her. Yay! Now back to the DeLightfuls!
  • 54. Yay, another promotion! Go Rayne! “I know, I’m the business!” Damn straight! Or Damn curvy…whichever you like best.
  • 55. *whispers*” Birthday Fairies, I wish that Aro will still want me a part of his Volturi Guard when I’m older.” Well, you shall soon find out…
  • 56. Though he doesn’t look it, he’s a Pleasure Sim. He has the LTW of becoming a Celebrity Chef. I like pleasure sims. They’re so easy to keep in Gold. They find the smallest things fulfilling. He looks no different from Aro and Alice, apart from the hair. His aspiration sort of fits his character. Alec from the Volturi gain pleasure in hurting others, much like his twin Jane. So…I guess it fits. I don’t know. We’ll see.
  • 57. Hello, overachiever! You just made your parents platinum! “And I got money for doing so!” Right. Whatever.
  • 58. “Alice, could you do something else? I’m trying to do my homework!” “Hell no! I’m already on level ten!” “Alice, there’s only three levels! Easy, Medium, and Hard…” “Hush! Oh! I’m killing these slopes!” I love Alice. I love her so much!
  • 59. “Hey! Daisy!” What…? “I just had a vision of you dressing me in the Gypsy Matchmaker’s outfit when I’m older. No you did not download that to have a good laugh!” I have no idea what you’re talking about, Alice. Hehe.
  • 60. “Okay, guys, listen to this. It says here in the Legacy Rulebook that most creators don’t even play their spares. They end up being used for aspiration fodder for generations, not caring how incestuous it seems.” “Alice, that’s stupid. Some teenage girl wrote that book.” “Yeah, Aro’s right. Daisy loves us way too much. Of course she’ll play the spares.” “I don’t see her playing any spares, Alec.” “That’s because you don’t know who’s going to be spare or not. Now leave us alone and let us play this game. I actually don’t cheat.” “Liar!”
  • 61. “Daisy, you’re showing me again!” Yes, because you got promoted and got a chance card worth $5000! Possibly because you got demoted off screen for some other chance card, thus giving you the same chance card that got you $5000 again! And then you got promoted! Yay! “So, all I have to do is earn money and get promotions and you’ll love me!?” I already love you, Troy. But you’re boring. I dread to think of how you’ll act when you’re an elder…*shudder*
  • 62. Alice, who did you just call and why don’t you ever wear day-clothes? “The headmaster and because I like pink.” The headmaster? Why!? “Because I have a really valuable want to get into Private School.” Alice, the house is horrible! “We have money, Daisy! Get us a new one, then. Plus, this house is lagging and it’s glitching up a storm!”
  • 63. “Alice, don’t try to fool me. There is not an immortal child behind me. Those are outlawed by the Volturi.” “Okay. Don’t come crying to me when the Vampire secret is out.” “Why did you want to play chess with me?” “Oh, right! Daisy’s making us a new home!” “Really? Excellent!”
  • 64. They were so excited that they started dancing to the salsa music, which I like as well. I like the matching stripes of the twins. It’s so cute! And it wasn’t planned either. I just wanted dark colors for them, and they ended up having stripes! Yay! “We’re getting a new house! We’re getting a new house!” Then the music started skipping, so I quickly saved the game. Just in case it crashed.
  • 65. And this is the new house! It’s not that big, but when I moved the DeLightfuls out their net worth was like $70,000 or something. I don’t know how that happened…I was expecting $50,000 or something. But I spent it all! So they have around $2000 now. Yay! And you can kind of see Alice giving Alec a noogie. Aww, so mean. This is the only way I know how to make houses. Thanks Lucy from the Obsession Legacy!
  • 66. Volterra grew up. He sits on the counters all the time and scratches up the furniture. I hate him already.
  • 67. I came around and was greeted by Alice. But I forgot to take pictures…oops. And Now I’m friends with Rayne. Which is kind of funny, considering I don’t really like Rayne. Because she was so evil when she was pregnant…gosh, that was a while ago (not really…)
  • 68. Hahaha! I’d show you his nose on a profile view, but you might die of laughter. So this is the Headmaster, Blazej Philippine or something to that extent. First off, that’s the weirdest name in the history of weird names. Secondly, why do you have a fohawk!? And finally, your eyebrows are perfectly arched, you have custom skin that’s suited for a female, and you look like a bird! This is the funniest sim I’ve ever seen. Apart from that university Professor at SSU that has the huge nose and lips.
  • 69. Okay. Here’s what happened. So, Alec has the highest cooking skill in the family (in fact, he’s almost maxed out on it), so he made Baked Alaska for the Headmaster prior to him arriving. I didn’t allow Alec to serve it, and I forgot that with Baked Alaska you have to light it on fire. So I made him put it in the fridge as leftovers. Alec was busy with something else when the Headmaster came, so I made Troy serve the Baked Alaska. Mistake. Troy only has like…five cooking points. And me, being an idiot, forgot about the fire thing. So I saw him light a match, then scream and start dancing around. Troy almost died! I was about to cry when I was playing because the stupid firefighter was taking forever and Troy’s needs were dropping like flies!
  • 70. But despite all of that, Alice, Aro, and Alec all got into Private School. Thanks, Birdman! “My pleasure! I always like to see a legacy sim almost dying!” Right. He gave us three food points for the Salmon Alec made. THREE! So Alice schmoozed about school and that got us to 93 points total with only thirty seconds left! Good job, Alice. She must have really wanted private school.
  • 71. This is me trying to be artistic to some extent. Aro finally maxed out his logic skill. Now he wants to max cooking. “Look, at this, Daisy! There could be other life forms out there!” Actually, there are. But let’s hope you don’t get abducted just yet. He’s so cute when he stargazes! It’s like he’s a little kid all over again. MY BABY!! “Daisy, get it together.” Right, sorry. *tear*
  • 72. “I heard those Aliens are pretty touchy-feely up there in outer space.” “Troy, who did you hear that from?” “Gabe’s brother, Jason.” “Oh, the one that’s married to the plantsim?” “Yeah. Gabe called earlier, wishing to speak to you. But I told him you were in the shower. He was all silent for a moment, breathing heavily. That guy’s a little weird.” “Humph. You’re telling me. He’s a complete stalker.
  • 73. Weekend! Too bad these idiots don’t skill like they’re supposed to. “Alec, I have to tell you something! Please, put the game controller down!” “Hold…YEAH! WOOT! What do you want—OH YEAH! BOOM BABY!” “Alec, I had a strange vision! Listen to me!” “Oh, fine. What is it?” “I keep seeing Aro and you in dark cloaks with blood red eyes in some ancient room. Did Aro say anything about a Volturi Guard to you?” “Yeah, when we were little and joked around. You probably mistook your dream as a vision. I’m sure it means nothing.”
  • 74. “Daisy, I don’t need a crystal ball, you know…” What? I couldn’t resist! What’s a fortune teller without a crystal ball? “Um, awesome? Because I can still see without the crystal ball.” You completely ruined this slide. I was going to make you say ‘Oh, ominous beings, help me see my brothers’ future!’ “But that’s lame.” So is your mom. Yes. I said it. Rayne is LAME.
  • 75. “…So if I can get the underground tunnel working properly, install the elevator, pretty soon my castle will be finished. And then I can start looking for my Volturi Guard! Ha, ha*!” *That’s how Stephenie Meyer makes Aro laugh in New Moon. I’d prefer a Muahahaha! But, Stephenie didn’t want her books to be too horrific. So Aro has a stupid evil laugh. But in the movie, his laugh is hilarious!
  • 76. Not important. I just like that little half smile :D
  • 77. “DeLightful residence, Alec speak—” “Yes, is Rayne there!?” “Mr. O’Mackey? I’m afraid she’s at work…like you should be…” “*heavy breathing* Aww, man!” “You can call her at work, I’m sure.” “*car door slamming, tires squealing* Err, that won’t be necessary *click*” “Creep.” O’Mackey does sound like a perverted name…
  • 78. “So, Alec, have you been using your powers lately?” “No, I don’t find them necessary. I don’t need to incapacitate people as often…I like people!” “Here’s the thing, Alec. If you want to be a part of my Volturi Guard, you’re going to have to practice your powers more. Mine are getting better. If I touched you right now, I would see every thought you had in my head! Do you know how smart a person has to be to have my power! Very! And you, your power is so lethal, well, I wouldn’t want it to go to waste. It’s a very precious gift you have.”
  • 79. “Aro, you’re joking about this Volturi Guard thing, right? We only pretended to play Volturi when we were little. Time to grow up, bro.” “Bro? Alec, your character doesn’t talk like that! He’s reformed and menacingly polite!” “Dude, my character doesn’t even have a last name. Sorry I’m not taking this whole character thing as seriously as you are.” “But that’s who we are! We are Aro and Alec of the Volturi! We are the rulers of the Vampire world!” “Yeah, in the Twilight world. It’s daytime…you don’t see me sparkling. Geez, loosen up.”
  • 80. “Daddy, I’ve been having strange visions. I tried talking to Alec about them, but he’s such a pleasure sim! He just laughed!” “Well, Alec’s a dimwit. But Alice, I wouldn’t be too upset about all of this. Things don’t get feisty until college anyway. Daisy wouldn’t make a whole dramatic chapter while you guys are still home! That’s stupid.” Troy, does the name Rodney have any significance to you? “Hush, Daisy, I’m trying to have a Full House inspired Daughter-Dad talk. Alice, you can’t live your life based on your visions. There’s not always correct, you know?” “Okay…”
  • 81. “How’s Alice, doing, Troy?” “I think she works too hard. That’s probably why her visions are acting all funny. Plus, she’s still young. Her visions are more subjective now than they will be when she’s older.” “If she gets older. We still don’t know the heir, Troy. But does Alice know?” “If she does, she’s lying about it.” Once, again, thanks Stephenie Meyer for making Alice’s visions the most confusing power any of the vampires have in the series!
  • 82. The guys invited some girls around. I really don’t know there names. Like, I said I’d remember them, and then I forgot. So we could call them Thing One and Thing Two. Or Alec’s girl and Aro’s Girl. I feel really bade that Alice has to work on weekdays so she doesn’t really have much of a social life. These two idiots need to get jobs too. No one is a slacker in this legacy!
  • 83. “Look, Daisy, I’m not being a slacker!” You were pretty much a slacker when Alice, Aro, and Alec were kids. Taking off days when you barely had to work at all. “That’s because we couldn’t afford a nanny!” While your husband, my creation, slaved over a hot copy machine just so you could afford formula! You could have breast fed! “What? That doesn’t exist in my universe!” Stop yelling and get into the house. You stink. Oh, and Gabe called! “*shiver* No!”
  • 84. Are you writing a song for me, Alec? “No…I’m playing this because you made me because you’re obsessed with us getting scholarships.” Alec, please. It’s okay if you’re embarrassed that I caught you writing a song for me. Well, keep playing. Go on. “*sigh* You are insane…”
  • 85. How was your sleep? “I keep having visions and dreams at the same time, so I don’t know which is which. It’s the same thing, though. Alec and Aro in dark robes with red eyes in a weird room. Daisy, are they going to become the Volturi?” No! Of course not. I’m far too lazy to make that happen. :D
  • 86. I don’t know what’s more annoying. Rayne in general or the fact that everything in this picture matches too perfectly! We need color in this house.
  • 87. HEY! What are you doing, Aro!? “I want to get struck by lightning. I hear it’s invigorating!” You’re crazy! Get out of the rain! “Make me!” *clicks empty spot in house and presses Go Here* “Aw, man!” I AM OMNIPOTENT! “DAISY!” Sorry, Troy.
  • 88. I’ve never had this happen to me in the game before. I was kind of excited but I thought that you had to call the Fire Department, so I almost made that happen, but then the fire went out. Rain. Water puts out fire…yeah. NEXT SLIDE.
  • 89. Rayne finally got that Career Reward that is the bookshelf with all the skills on there. And they all skill faster on it I think. So Aro’s pretty close to maxing out body and cooking. I love that kid.
  • 90. :D This slide serves no purpose. Please kindly move on.
  • 91. “Julie, do you want to go on a date with a shy guy like me? It’s the reason I invited you over.” Shy? You were just jumping on the couch yelling out the lyrics to Low. “Hush, Daisy! So, what do you say, Julie?” “Of course! I’ve always wanted to go out with you.” You have no bolts for each other!
  • 92. Aww, they were each other’s first kisses. Too bad I don’t like her face and eyes. Otherwise I would make her go to University with them. “Alec, this is the best date ever!” “It’s about to get better…”
  • 93. They both had wants to make out with each other, so I decided why not. What could be the worse that could happen?
  • 94. Oh. That. “I think I’m in love with Alec! So much so that I feel the need to collect money from playing jazz piano badly!” Yes, too bad the feelings are not mutual. Alec had a spectacular date with Julie and he didn’t even fall in love with her. He got a crush on her though. But after like two days, those hearts went away. Poor Julie. She just learned what it feels like to be aspiration fodder.
  • 95. I had an Alice moment! I was thinking while the house was sleeping and the time was fast forwarding that we hadn’t been robbed at all. Then I was like, ‘I bet we’re going to get robbed tonight.’ And what do you know, Miss Boyle or something comes along and tries to rob us! I think when sims get robbed, it’s funny.
  • 96. But she kicked the cop’s ass! “That’s what you get Officer Brian Ng for having an unpronounceable last name!” Oh the horror of it! Hey, Robber Girl, you match the lights outside! “Really? Neat! Can I steal them?” No, get out of here!
  • 97. Alec: “Stupid robber! Stupid cop! Seriously, man, get some muscles, why don’t you?!” Aro: “Ha! So, Alice, did you by any chance see that we were going to get robbed?” Alice: “Grr…”
  • 98. “Ouch! Alice, okay, I was joking! Ouch! I was joking!” “Call me papa, Aro!” “Papa! Alec, help me out here!” “No way, man. I’m in line to noogie you too. Plus, I’m frightened of Alice…” “AGH! This hurts! Papa, Papa, Papa!” Officer Brian: I can’t believe she kicked my ass…
  • 99. “I’m dreadfully sorry, Mrs. DeLightful. It won’t happen again, I promise.” “Yeah, because I’m calling your job to get you better trained. What’s wrong with you!? She could have stolen my precious Volterra!” “The city? Wait, you own Volterra, Italy?” “No! My cat.” “…Right. I’m sorry.”
  • 100. “GAHH!” Alec, what’s wrong? “I…have some sudden pain in my head! It’s like my power to incapacitate people is growing…GAHH!” Go ask Alice* what’s wrong! *Ever read that book? I had to mention it in here. There shall be a few of those, little titles with Alice’s name sprinkled in this legacy. :D
  • 101. “I have this sudden urge to take away the senses of everyone! What’s wrong with me? I’m a pleasure sim, this shouldn’t be happening!”
  • 102. “Alice, did you see anything different in my future lately?” “Not anything different. Just you and—err, you in that room with the red eyes.” “It’s just that I had this strange feeling of evilness earlier this morning.” “Alec, just decide against being in that room, and maybe that future will not happen.” *Aro’s fist tightens* “What about me, Alice?” “Oh, yeah, Alice, didn’t you see—” “No. No, Aro there’s nothing of consequence in your future.”
  • 103. The next day was an exciting day! “Hello, Sim State University? The DeLightfuls are on their way!” “Oh…excellent!” (aside) “The DeLightfuls are coming! Everybody, take cover!”
  • 104. So Alice, Aro, and Alec all packed up their bags and sped off to SSU for their awaiting doom! Okay, maybe not their doom, but some pretty fun college experiences!
  • 105. And here are the potential heirs! Alec DeLightful, named after Alec from the Volturi Guard in The Twilight Saga. He’s a Pleasure Seeker with the LTW of becoming a Celebrity Chef. His personality is 5/5/9/5/1. He has the power to take away the senses of people, thus incapacitating them. He’s essentially good, right now, but Alice keeps seeing him in a dark future.
  • 106. Here’s Aro DeLightful. He’s a Knowledge sim with the LTW of becoming Chief of Staff. His personality is 5/5/10/5/10. He’s named after Aro, one of the leaders of the Volturi in The Twilight Saga. Right now, he’s a bit of a mystery because he seems good and only into learning, but how will he use that knowledge he’s gaining? Aro has the power to read every thought a person has had by simply touching them.
  • 107. And here we have Alice DeLightful, named after Alice Cullen in the Twilight Saga. She’s a Fortune sim with the LTW to Earn $100,000. Her personality is 5/5/9/5/1 (hers and Alec’s are alike). She has the power to see into the future, though her visions are only based on what the person she’s seeing decides. Things like the weather are more absolute. Alice constantly looks out for her brothers because she’s worried they may have an evilness in them. Okay! Remember to vote on Please read the chapter before voting. Vote on anything you’d like, looks, LTW, personality, aspiration, and/or character. Sorry this took a while to make. The Eclipse Trailer came out not too long ago and I’ve been sort of obsessed with watching it rather than doing this. Bye :D