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I would like to introduce you guys to Luna Lake! This is the new location for the Sparrow
Legacy, now that I’ve finished downloading my geneticized skin and eyes. The main family is
living in Luna Hillside, which is the Downtown of Luna Lake, while Generation 2 is attending
Luna Lake University.
This neighbourhood is made just for the Sparrows, there are a few Simselfs running around
but that is it. No one else is living here and no one ever will, it will forever be the just for the
Sparrows which is why it isn’t very big. This is why it took so long to get the next chapter up, I
was building this beauty. I must admit I’m very proud with how this turned out.
There’s only so much I can actually do with SimPe, sorting out relationships isn’t one of them.
So during the recreation of the Sparrows we have lost both Seamus and Shane, and Silver
here lost all his dream date counts.
So its time to start again! Seeing as the remaining Sparrow kids were all created as teenagers,
except for Areika she’s still a child, none of them have had their first kiss.
So let’s go through this again! Yes I did save Camryn too, I didn’t have the heart to separate
these two all though I’m disappointed that blond hair might take over another generation.
They all have the same LTW though so don’t worry about that.
One thing you should be aware of is that I can’t stand college in the Sims 2. I love nearly
everything that came in University, except for the fact I have to actually go through college
with them. It’s very hard to keep track of 6 Sims while also trying to keep their grades up.
So I just get them as high as I can from the start and then leave them alone, it’s seemed to
work so far.
Areika is a common caller to the Dorm seeing as the family hasn’t got the same friend count
as they did back in Jaggers Way.
Siana: “Hey Areika. What’s the new house look like? Hopefully I’ll be moving back in soon.”
Not the way the poll is looking your not.
Study sessions were a common occurrence in the dorm, as I said I like to get my Sims grade
up as quickly as possible so they can do other things.
Siana: “Silver I don’t understand this at all.”
Silver: “Well let me see and I’ll try and help you.”
Both Siana and Silver declared Political Science for their courses, so when Siana gets stuck on
something she can guarantee Silver will be there to help her.
Camryn: “I know, I’m amazing.”
Another common sight is the Sparrow boys surrounding Camryn begging for her attention.
Sydney is actually standing just out of the cameras sight waiting to tell her a joke.
Silver: “You can spend as much time as you want with her but remember, she’s already
dating someone.”
Green isn’t a good look for you Silver.
Just to prove to you I’m not kidding about the stalking. Silver and the twins have 3-bolts for
Camryn, while Shadow only has 2.
I’m pretty sure that if Camryn was Bi then Siana would have some bolts for her as well.
I hate it when Sims try and follow the camera.
Waitress: “I’m part owl. There is nothing that I can’t see.”
Well that explain a lot. The diner I’ve using here is called Red’s Diner and it was created
by Queen of France on Mod the Sims. It’s small but perfect for a college sub-hood.
It’s actually getting kind of irritating how attractive Camryn is. Everyone in Luna Lake seems
to be attracted to her
Silver: “Oh for crying out loud.”
Camryn: “Just ignore it Silver. You’re my boyfriend and no matter what anyone else says
nothing is going to change that.”
Silver: “I love you, Cam.”
Camryn: “I know.”
These two are adorable. I’m never retracting that statement.
Dream Date Count: 2/50
(I forgot to take pictures of the 1st one.)
What a brilliant name! She’s got green skin and her hair is bright red, I have to get her into
my legacy at some point.
Shadow: “Hey there little starfish. How are you today?”
Shadow you are too cute for words.
Sylvester actually rolled Bisexual as his gender preference, so I used the Crystal Ball to see
the top 5 Sims who are better matched to him.
Sly: “Hi there. I’m Sylvester Sparrow but you can call me Sly.”
Green Skinned Blonde: “Well it’s nice to meet you Sly. I’m Drake Rudd.”
Starting to hate that hair colour though. It’s seriously starting to look like the entire
generation 3 is going to be blonde.
It turns out that Drake and Sly have two bolts for each other, one of the reasons it seems
though is because Sly is in college and unemployed.
Silver: “I know.”
How long has he been following you?”
Silver: “Since this morning. Don’t worry though, Nigel will be back from class soon and then
he’ll leave me alone.”
Back to Sly and Drake, Sly is finally rolling Pleasure Sim wants. I swear he’s more of a
Knowledge Sim with the ammount of skill wants this kid rolls.
Sly: “ about this? Do you want to go on a date with me?”
Drake: “Of course I do. Want to stick to your dorm or go out?”
Sly: “Stick to the dorm for now.”
You’re so romantic Sly.
It was then that Sydney caught my attention in the next room, apparently twins will always
be twins. Just as Sly is seducing someone Sydney follows his example with fellow dormie,
Sherri Goddard.
Sydney: “I couldn’t help but notice you in the study area, Sherri. You’re really pretty.”
Sydney: “Oh you’re sweet Sydney but you don’t have to hide your face from me. I think
you’re cute too.”
In the Sim world having even just 1 outgoing point makes a huge difference, Sly proved this
by jumping in and having his First Kiss long before Sydney was even thinking about it.
Sly: “Ow.”
Drake: “Oh sorry. You’re eyes distracted me.”
Sly: “My eyes? Why? What’s wrong with them?”
Drake: “Nothing’s wrong with them. Their just so beautiful, they remind me of icicles.”
Sly: “That was so cheesy but sweet at the same time.”
Drake: “Sweet enough that I get another kiss?”
Sly: “Mmmm-”
Sly: “-I think that can be arranged.”
Sydney: “Can’t help but notice that I can see straight through you, Sherri.”
Oh yeah my college Sims are still turning invisible every now and then.
Sherri: “You trying to say that I’m unnoticeable?”
Sydney: “No! No. You’re far from being unnoticeable. In fact you’re the most noticeable
person in this entire dorm.”
The only time when Sydney’s lack of outgoing points shows is when he’s around girls, or just
Sherri in general. It’s very hard to get him to interact with her and it took me ages to get
them to like each other enough to even be able to select this.
She didn’t reject him though, so the slow relationship counter was just on Sydney’s side.
I noticed that while Sly was the one who would move fast but then slow down when he was
secured with someone, Sydney was someone who would move slow and then go jump head
first into the big things.
Like here for example, even though Sly got his First Kiss first Sydney is the one who properly
snoggs his lover first.
He’s also the first one of the twins to his loose his virginity. On the couch in the community
room of their dorm. What a lovely place.
Bit better than Silver I must admit, he did it in the Photo booth downtown.
It was while I scrolling past that this caught my attention. Coral Muscat, the girl, was the one
who asked Shadow to dance. Now I’m not shocked that Shadow accepted that, he would
accept a dance from a stranger, it’s how close these two have gotten behind my back.
Shadow: “We’ve been found out.”
Coral: “We have. I guess I owe you that tenner.”
These two were very close to being Best Friends before Shadow suddenly went and did this.
Shadow: “Well now that she’s found us, I have no regrets in saying that you have the most
beautiful green eyes I have ever seen.”
Coral: “Oh Shadow!”
++Best Friends and ++Crush. I’m kind of glad that the two waited for me to actually find them
before doing something romantic.
Coral: “Hey Sherri. Since that it’s more than likely that we’ll be sisters-in-law soon I think I can
help you with your hair and also your glitchy clothing.”
Sherri: “Okay, 1 we’re not sisters-in-law yet in fact I don’t even know if Sid is the one who I
want to settle down with. 2 leave my clothes alone, just because you got a good roll of
clothing that actually match doesn’t mean you can diss mine. And 3 you have no room to
talk about hair, seeing as your hairstyle hasn’t changed since you were 8 years old. Now let
me finish my omelette in peace.”
Coral: “Shadow! I can’t get to the computer for some reason!”
Shadow: “That’s because I’m on it, Coral. Why not use a different one? There are 7 more of
Coral: “But I like this one.”
Shadow: “Then how about I distract you then?”
I must admit Coral has grown on me quite a bit. She’s adorable, got a gorges face and her
eyes are beautiful.
Coral: “Hey little fishys! I hope you don’t end up being cooked tonight, Mrs Yako says she
making us all Fish and Chips.”
She’s a bit of an idiot though.
My game decided to prove to me though that ACR isn’t just for my playable Sims.
Tanselle Nirwana: “I always loved the way your skin glows in the light of the moon.”
Kayla Russell: “W-what? Ah no wait! Tanselle stop!”
Kayla: “Look Tanselle you’re really pretty, I’m not going to deny that but I don’t see you that
way. In fact I don’t see any girl like that, I like guys. I’m sorry.”
Drama between the dormies it seems. Don’t understand why Tanselle went straight for the
Make-Out option though. That was kind of a big step there.
Camryn: “Then my Professor said that-? Silver? Are you alright?”
Silver: “No really.”
Camryn: “What’s the matter then? Aren’t you enjoying yourself?”
Silver: “It’s not that Cam. It’s just-”
Silver: “-My mother has just walked through the door.”
Hi Sally!
Sally: “Hello Comet. It’s nice to hear from you again after so long.”
I’ll be back with you soon Sally, I just want to see your kids through college first.
Sally: “That’s nice of you. Thanks Comet.”
Actually it seemed like everyone in Luna Hillside was against this date turning out alright.
Sally turned up and kept wanting to interact with Silver and then a Grand Vampire, I didn’t
write down her name, started picking on Toro here.
Countess: “Haha! Made you look!”
Toro Torieto (Yes that is his name): “Why would you do that? You’re so mean!”
That’s the most pathetic glare I’ve ever seen.
Wow it’s really not Toro’s day is it? First it was the countess and now Silver is kicking his ass.
Silver if you ruin this date because of your jealousy.
Silver: “Shut up! I’m going to kill him!”
Toro: “I said I was sorry! I didn’t realise she was dating someone!”
Silver: “It should have been obvious!””
Silver: “You stay away from my girlfriend you pervert.”
Toro: *Whimper*
To be fair Silver you do have 10 body points, it’s not a surprise that you won.
Dream Date Count: 3/50
Silver: “I can’t wait anymore, Cam. I love you with all my heart and I want everyone to see
that your mine.”
Camryn: “Silver...”
Silver: “I know, I know but please believe me when I say I truly love you. Camryn will you
make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?”
Camryn: “Oh Silver! Yes! Yes I will!”
Silver: “Did you hear that Come? She said yes! I’m getting married!”
I’m very happy for you Silver.
Sally: “I just watched my eldest get engaged! This day couldn’t get any better!”
Sally has a beautiful singing voice, and I must say that none of her children inherited that.
Camryn: “A rose I give to thee, for being the most beautiful thing I see.”
I forgot that Camryn was a Romance Sim, haven’t seem this interaction in use for a while.
Sydney: “I get to hug her? Great!”
Sherri: “I love him so much.”
Isn’t this picture perfect? These 2 are good together.
Shadow: “You’re doing it wrong! You’ve got to hit the ball more.”
Sylvester: “Shut up! I know what I’m doing. I am a Pleasure Sim!”
Silver: “Give it up,. Siana. You’ll never beat me at this game.”
Siana: “Shut your mouth Silver. I don’t want you to mess up the pile.”
Sly: “So I have a question for both of you.”
Silver: “What is it?”
Sly: “Are you two planning to get dressed any time soon?”
Silver: “Sylvester Sparrow! As a Pleasure Sim you should understand to love and joy of
wearing your Pyjamas until the sun goes down.”
Sly: “I much prefer studying in my clothes.”
Shadow: “You shouldn’t let the Knowledge half of you take over just because you’re in
college! You’re a Pleasure Sim, Sly. Let it show.”
Sly: “Okay then what’s Shadow’s excuse? He’s a Fortune and PopularitySim.”
Shadow: “Me and Cam got a bet going on. She said that she would be able to walk around in
her underwear longer than I could wear my Pyjamas.”
Silver: “What?! I thought we talked about this little brother! I would stop babying you and
you would stop making bets with my fiancé!”
Sly: “What a lovely shade of green you have there Silver.”
Silver: “Shut up Sly.”
Siana ended up rolling gay as her prefrence so I decided to use the Crystal Ball to see her top
5 options. I picked the one who stood out most seeing as that would be who Siana would go
Siana: “I’m Siana Sparrow and I must say you have the most beautiful eyes in the world.”
Vampire: “Thank you. I’m Countess Whisper Daniel but you can just call me Whisper. It’s
been a while since a human has approached me without any fear, you are a strange one,
little Sparrow.”
Siana: “My brothers tell me that all the time.”
Apparently spending her toddler year on the kiddie table was a blessing after all, Whisper
here loves Sims with high mechanical points and Siana has 10.
Whisper: “I love a woman who knows how to make an engine roar.”
Siana: “I can make your engine roar anytime.”
Ands that’s the last one! That’s all of the Sparrow kids have had their First Kiss, now there’s
only Areika left but she’s still a child.
Siana: “You dance like an angel, Whisper.”
Whisper: “The perks of a being a vampire. You on the other hand are a natural dancer, no
supernatural abilities helping you at all.”
Siana: “Whisper, I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Whisper: “I could say the same for you, Siana.”
Siana: “Ana. You can call me Ana if you like.”
Whisper: “Ana it is then.”
We’ve finally come to an end to Freshman year! Gods this took forever. First we have Silver
and Camryn, who are the older ones thanks to their constant dates.
As I’ve said before Silver is majored in Political Science, Camryn on the other hand is majored
in Art.
Next up is the twins Sydney and Sylvester. Sylvester is also majoring in Art while Sydney is
majoring in Physics.
Finally we come to Siana and Shadow, who are actually the youngest due to the fact they
haven’t left the dorm yet.
Shadow is majoring in Physics while Siana is majoring in Political Science.
“Huh? What is this wet stuff falling from the sky?”
And that’s where I’m going to end it. Sorry it took so long guys but I really haven’t felt well
this month so I didn’t really feel like playing the sims and I couldn’t work on the Sparrows
until I finished with this chapter.
Anyway I would like to thank everyone for voting on the heir poll and you should all ready
know the results of the poll, and they will be probably be shown next chapter.
Happy Simming guys! I’ll see you next time!

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A Sparrow Legacy! Chapter 1.08

  • 1.
  • 2. I would like to introduce you guys to Luna Lake! This is the new location for the Sparrow Legacy, now that I’ve finished downloading my geneticized skin and eyes. The main family is living in Luna Hillside, which is the Downtown of Luna Lake, while Generation 2 is attending Luna Lake University. This neighbourhood is made just for the Sparrows, there are a few Simselfs running around but that is it. No one else is living here and no one ever will, it will forever be the just for the Sparrows which is why it isn’t very big. This is why it took so long to get the next chapter up, I was building this beauty. I must admit I’m very proud with how this turned out.
  • 3. There’s only so much I can actually do with SimPe, sorting out relationships isn’t one of them. So during the recreation of the Sparrows we have lost both Seamus and Shane, and Silver here lost all his dream date counts. So its time to start again! Seeing as the remaining Sparrow kids were all created as teenagers, except for Areika she’s still a child, none of them have had their first kiss. So let’s go through this again! Yes I did save Camryn too, I didn’t have the heart to separate these two all though I’m disappointed that blond hair might take over another generation. They all have the same LTW though so don’t worry about that.
  • 4. One thing you should be aware of is that I can’t stand college in the Sims 2. I love nearly everything that came in University, except for the fact I have to actually go through college with them. It’s very hard to keep track of 6 Sims while also trying to keep their grades up. So I just get them as high as I can from the start and then leave them alone, it’s seemed to work so far.
  • 5. Areika is a common caller to the Dorm seeing as the family hasn’t got the same friend count as they did back in Jaggers Way. Siana: “Hey Areika. What’s the new house look like? Hopefully I’ll be moving back in soon.” Not the way the poll is looking your not.
  • 6. Study sessions were a common occurrence in the dorm, as I said I like to get my Sims grade up as quickly as possible so they can do other things. Siana: “Silver I don’t understand this at all.” Silver: “Well let me see and I’ll try and help you.” Both Siana and Silver declared Political Science for their courses, so when Siana gets stuck on something she can guarantee Silver will be there to help her.
  • 7. Camryn: “I know, I’m amazing.” Another common sight is the Sparrow boys surrounding Camryn begging for her attention. Sydney is actually standing just out of the cameras sight waiting to tell her a joke. Silver: “You can spend as much time as you want with her but remember, she’s already dating someone.” Green isn’t a good look for you Silver.
  • 8. Just to prove to you I’m not kidding about the stalking. Silver and the twins have 3-bolts for Camryn, while Shadow only has 2. I’m pretty sure that if Camryn was Bi then Siana would have some bolts for her as well.
  • 9. I hate it when Sims try and follow the camera. Waitress: “I’m part owl. There is nothing that I can’t see.” Well that explain a lot. The diner I’ve using here is called Red’s Diner and it was created by Queen of France on Mod the Sims. It’s small but perfect for a college sub-hood.
  • 10. It’s actually getting kind of irritating how attractive Camryn is. Everyone in Luna Lake seems to be attracted to her
  • 11. Silver: “Oh for crying out loud.” Camryn: “Just ignore it Silver. You’re my boyfriend and no matter what anyone else says nothing is going to change that.” Silver: “I love you, Cam.” Camryn: “I know.” These two are adorable. I’m never retracting that statement.
  • 12. Dream Date Count: 2/50 (I forgot to take pictures of the 1st one.)
  • 13. What a brilliant name! She’s got green skin and her hair is bright red, I have to get her into my legacy at some point.
  • 14. Shadow: “Hey there little starfish. How are you today?” Shadow you are too cute for words.
  • 15. Sylvester actually rolled Bisexual as his gender preference, so I used the Crystal Ball to see the top 5 Sims who are better matched to him. Sly: “Hi there. I’m Sylvester Sparrow but you can call me Sly.” Green Skinned Blonde: “Well it’s nice to meet you Sly. I’m Drake Rudd.” Starting to hate that hair colour though. It’s seriously starting to look like the entire generation 3 is going to be blonde.
  • 16. It turns out that Drake and Sly have two bolts for each other, one of the reasons it seems though is because Sly is in college and unemployed.
  • 17. Uh...Silver? Silver: “I know.” How long has he been following you?” Silver: “Since this morning. Don’t worry though, Nigel will be back from class soon and then he’ll leave me alone.”
  • 18. Back to Sly and Drake, Sly is finally rolling Pleasure Sim wants. I swear he’s more of a Knowledge Sim with the ammount of skill wants this kid rolls. Sly: “ about this? Do you want to go on a date with me?” Drake: “Of course I do. Want to stick to your dorm or go out?” Sly: “Stick to the dorm for now.” You’re so romantic Sly.
  • 19. It was then that Sydney caught my attention in the next room, apparently twins will always be twins. Just as Sly is seducing someone Sydney follows his example with fellow dormie, Sherri Goddard. Sydney: “I couldn’t help but notice you in the study area, Sherri. You’re really pretty.” Sydney: “Oh you’re sweet Sydney but you don’t have to hide your face from me. I think you’re cute too.”
  • 20. In the Sim world having even just 1 outgoing point makes a huge difference, Sly proved this by jumping in and having his First Kiss long before Sydney was even thinking about it.
  • 21. Sly: “Ow.” Drake: “Oh sorry. You’re eyes distracted me.” Sly: “My eyes? Why? What’s wrong with them?”
  • 22. Drake: “Nothing’s wrong with them. Their just so beautiful, they remind me of icicles.” Sly: “That was so cheesy but sweet at the same time.” Drake: “Sweet enough that I get another kiss?” Sly: “Mmmm-”
  • 23. Sly: “-I think that can be arranged.”
  • 24. Sydney: “Can’t help but notice that I can see straight through you, Sherri.” Oh yeah my college Sims are still turning invisible every now and then. Sherri: “You trying to say that I’m unnoticeable?” Sydney: “No! No. You’re far from being unnoticeable. In fact you’re the most noticeable person in this entire dorm.”
  • 25. The only time when Sydney’s lack of outgoing points shows is when he’s around girls, or just Sherri in general. It’s very hard to get him to interact with her and it took me ages to get them to like each other enough to even be able to select this. She didn’t reject him though, so the slow relationship counter was just on Sydney’s side.
  • 26. I noticed that while Sly was the one who would move fast but then slow down when he was secured with someone, Sydney was someone who would move slow and then go jump head first into the big things. Like here for example, even though Sly got his First Kiss first Sydney is the one who properly snoggs his lover first.
  • 27. He’s also the first one of the twins to his loose his virginity. On the couch in the community room of their dorm. What a lovely place. Bit better than Silver I must admit, he did it in the Photo booth downtown.
  • 28. It was while I scrolling past that this caught my attention. Coral Muscat, the girl, was the one who asked Shadow to dance. Now I’m not shocked that Shadow accepted that, he would accept a dance from a stranger, it’s how close these two have gotten behind my back. Shadow: “We’ve been found out.” Coral: “We have. I guess I owe you that tenner.”
  • 29. These two were very close to being Best Friends before Shadow suddenly went and did this. Shadow: “Well now that she’s found us, I have no regrets in saying that you have the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen.” Coral: “Oh Shadow!” ++Best Friends and ++Crush. I’m kind of glad that the two waited for me to actually find them before doing something romantic.
  • 30. Coral: “Hey Sherri. Since that it’s more than likely that we’ll be sisters-in-law soon I think I can help you with your hair and also your glitchy clothing.”
  • 31. Sherri: “Okay, 1 we’re not sisters-in-law yet in fact I don’t even know if Sid is the one who I want to settle down with. 2 leave my clothes alone, just because you got a good roll of clothing that actually match doesn’t mean you can diss mine. And 3 you have no room to talk about hair, seeing as your hairstyle hasn’t changed since you were 8 years old. Now let me finish my omelette in peace.”
  • 32. Coral: “Shadow! I can’t get to the computer for some reason!” Shadow: “That’s because I’m on it, Coral. Why not use a different one? There are 7 more of them.” Coral: “But I like this one.”
  • 33. Shadow: “Then how about I distract you then?”
  • 34. I must admit Coral has grown on me quite a bit. She’s adorable, got a gorges face and her eyes are beautiful. Coral: “Hey little fishys! I hope you don’t end up being cooked tonight, Mrs Yako says she making us all Fish and Chips.” She’s a bit of an idiot though.
  • 35. My game decided to prove to me though that ACR isn’t just for my playable Sims. Tanselle Nirwana: “I always loved the way your skin glows in the light of the moon.” Kayla Russell: “W-what? Ah no wait! Tanselle stop!”
  • 36. Kayla: “Look Tanselle you’re really pretty, I’m not going to deny that but I don’t see you that way. In fact I don’t see any girl like that, I like guys. I’m sorry.” Drama between the dormies it seems. Don’t understand why Tanselle went straight for the Make-Out option though. That was kind of a big step there.
  • 37. Camryn: “Then my Professor said that-? Silver? Are you alright?” Silver: “No really.” Camryn: “What’s the matter then? Aren’t you enjoying yourself?” Silver: “It’s not that Cam. It’s just-”
  • 38. Silver: “-My mother has just walked through the door.” Hi Sally! Sally: “Hello Comet. It’s nice to hear from you again after so long.” I’ll be back with you soon Sally, I just want to see your kids through college first. Sally: “That’s nice of you. Thanks Comet.”
  • 39. Actually it seemed like everyone in Luna Hillside was against this date turning out alright. Sally turned up and kept wanting to interact with Silver and then a Grand Vampire, I didn’t write down her name, started picking on Toro here. Countess: “Haha! Made you look!” Toro Torieto (Yes that is his name): “Why would you do that? You’re so mean!” That’s the most pathetic glare I’ve ever seen.
  • 40. Wow it’s really not Toro’s day is it? First it was the countess and now Silver is kicking his ass. Silver if you ruin this date because of your jealousy. Silver: “Shut up! I’m going to kill him!” Toro: “I said I was sorry! I didn’t realise she was dating someone!” Silver: “It should have been obvious!””
  • 41. Silver: “You stay away from my girlfriend you pervert.” Toro: *Whimper* To be fair Silver you do have 10 body points, it’s not a surprise that you won.
  • 43. Silver: “I can’t wait anymore, Cam. I love you with all my heart and I want everyone to see that your mine.” Camryn: “Silver...” Silver: “I know, I know but please believe me when I say I truly love you. Camryn will you make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?”
  • 44. Camryn: “Oh Silver! Yes! Yes I will!”
  • 45. Silver: “Did you hear that Come? She said yes! I’m getting married!” I’m very happy for you Silver.
  • 46. Sally: “I just watched my eldest get engaged! This day couldn’t get any better!” Sally has a beautiful singing voice, and I must say that none of her children inherited that.
  • 47. Camryn: “A rose I give to thee, for being the most beautiful thing I see.” I forgot that Camryn was a Romance Sim, haven’t seem this interaction in use for a while.
  • 48. Sydney: “I get to hug her? Great!” Sherri: “I love him so much.” Isn’t this picture perfect? These 2 are good together.
  • 49. Shadow: “You’re doing it wrong! You’ve got to hit the ball more.” Sylvester: “Shut up! I know what I’m doing. I am a Pleasure Sim!”
  • 50. Silver: “Give it up,. Siana. You’ll never beat me at this game.” Siana: “Shut your mouth Silver. I don’t want you to mess up the pile.”
  • 51. Sly: “So I have a question for both of you.” Silver: “What is it?” Sly: “Are you two planning to get dressed any time soon?”
  • 52. Silver: “Sylvester Sparrow! As a Pleasure Sim you should understand to love and joy of wearing your Pyjamas until the sun goes down.” Sly: “I much prefer studying in my clothes.” Shadow: “You shouldn’t let the Knowledge half of you take over just because you’re in college! You’re a Pleasure Sim, Sly. Let it show.” Sly: “Okay then what’s Shadow’s excuse? He’s a Fortune and PopularitySim.”
  • 53. Shadow: “Me and Cam got a bet going on. She said that she would be able to walk around in her underwear longer than I could wear my Pyjamas.” Silver: “What?! I thought we talked about this little brother! I would stop babying you and you would stop making bets with my fiancé!” Sly: “What a lovely shade of green you have there Silver.” Silver: “Shut up Sly.”
  • 54. Siana ended up rolling gay as her prefrence so I decided to use the Crystal Ball to see her top 5 options. I picked the one who stood out most seeing as that would be who Siana would go for. Siana: “I’m Siana Sparrow and I must say you have the most beautiful eyes in the world.” Vampire: “Thank you. I’m Countess Whisper Daniel but you can just call me Whisper. It’s been a while since a human has approached me without any fear, you are a strange one, little Sparrow.” Siana: “My brothers tell me that all the time.”
  • 55. Apparently spending her toddler year on the kiddie table was a blessing after all, Whisper here loves Sims with high mechanical points and Siana has 10. Whisper: “I love a woman who knows how to make an engine roar.” Siana: “I can make your engine roar anytime.”
  • 56. Ands that’s the last one! That’s all of the Sparrow kids have had their First Kiss, now there’s only Areika left but she’s still a child.
  • 57. Siana: “You dance like an angel, Whisper.” Whisper: “The perks of a being a vampire. You on the other hand are a natural dancer, no supernatural abilities helping you at all.”
  • 58. Siana: “Whisper, I think I’m falling in love with you.” Whisper: “I could say the same for you, Siana.” Siana: “Ana. You can call me Ana if you like.” Whisper: “Ana it is then.”
  • 59. We’ve finally come to an end to Freshman year! Gods this took forever. First we have Silver and Camryn, who are the older ones thanks to their constant dates. As I’ve said before Silver is majored in Political Science, Camryn on the other hand is majored in Art.
  • 60. Next up is the twins Sydney and Sylvester. Sylvester is also majoring in Art while Sydney is majoring in Physics.
  • 61. Finally we come to Siana and Shadow, who are actually the youngest due to the fact they haven’t left the dorm yet. Shadow is majoring in Physics while Siana is majoring in Political Science.
  • 62. “Huh? What is this wet stuff falling from the sky?” - And that’s where I’m going to end it. Sorry it took so long guys but I really haven’t felt well this month so I didn’t really feel like playing the sims and I couldn’t work on the Sparrows until I finished with this chapter. Anyway I would like to thank everyone for voting on the heir poll and you should all ready know the results of the poll, and they will be probably be shown next chapter. Happy Simming guys! I’ll see you next time!