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Welcome back to A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.10 Safe and Sound!

Last time Rosaline got married to Ronan had twins named Cadence and Dorian who she later
discovered were in fact Ethan's kids. Zoe and Romeo had a son named Beau, and Reese grew into
a kid. Back in Strangetown Olive Spector refused to help Layla, and Layla knew she needed to get
out soon.

Also you may notice some outfit and other minor inconsistencies in this chapter as most of it was
shot after a rebuild so just be away of that.

“So where are we going again?” Layla asked trying to hide the strong annoyance that she felt. If
there was anyone in this town she could tolerate, it was Jenny, but even she was beginning to
cause her patience to grow thin. All she knew was that she was being dragged to some family
dinner much against her liking, as Jenny insisted that she come along with them.

“We are going to my brother's house to celebrate Johnny and Ophelia's marriage,” Jenny answered
smiling like always.
Apparently Johnny and Ophelia had randomly gotten married one day in the desert, which Layla
thought was completely ridiculous, though everyone else in the town seemed thrilled.
“Oh right yeah the ones with the alien kids,” Layla responded having seen them around before, as
it only took her all of two days to learn who everyone was in this town.

“Is Layla coming too?” Ophelia asked walking up with Johnny by her side.

“Yes I am!” Layla quirked a fake grin loving to annoy Ophelia, who had recently moved into the
Smith house, while she and Johnny saved up money for a house, much to Layla's disliking.

“Great!” Ophelia responded sounding forced.

“Yes, and we better get going because P.T. and Jenny are probably already there,” Jenny cried
heading toward the door.
Upon entering the Curious household, Ophelia and Johnny were immediately greeted by two alien

“Orion! Mercury! Hey guys!” Johnny grinned receiving a hug from Orion who had eagerly run over
to him the second he walked in.

“Are you and Phe really married now?” Orion asked.

Johnny laughed, “Haha yes we are!”

Layla watched their sappy family amusement annoyed realizing this was going to be a long night.
To make it even more worse, Layla soon discovered that the main meal was spaghetti, which she
loathed. She honestly wasn't sure how much longer it was going to be until she completely
cracked from the monotony of this town, but in the middle of dinner things began to get
interesting much to her surprise and interest.
“So Pascal how's work?” Jenny asked her brother interested as even though she was a family sim,
she found the scientific world her brothers were so deeply engrossed in fascinating.

Pascal's face lit up as it always did when he got to talk about work, “It's going really well. I
personally have been able to discover much more information on how the alien DNA is similar to
ours, though outside of my own work I am quite worried about a certain device being

Jenny turned to him interested, “Device? What kind of device?”

“Well before I say anything Loki Beaker is the one constructing it,” Pascal began which already
made Jenny know it was bad as Loki Beaker was never known for having any form of sanity or
kindness in his heart, “But basically it's this device called the SimVac which is a device that
enables one to suck all of the skills and talents another one possesses for themselves leaving the
other helpless.”
“So if I were to use it on Vidcund for example all of his skills would be transferred to me in edition
to the ones I already have, and he would having nothing?” Jenny asked.

Pascal nodded, “Precisely.”

“That's horrible!” Jenny cried.

“I know,” Pascal agreed, “Which is why I am quite worried about it being the hands of Loki. I have
tried to examine it more closely, but he is very secretive about it. In fact I think he took it home
suspecting my interest.”
“Wait!” Layla suddenly interjected interested, “So this machine basically sucks away all the skills
one possesses to the one using it?”

“Yes that is exactly what it does,” Pascal answered.

“So like this would apply to special powers too?” Layla questioned.

“Hmm,” Pascal pondered, “To be quite honest I am unsure, but I would assume so as it takes
away any sort of talents or skills the person has.”

“Interesting,” Layla cried, very interesting indeed.
After dinner the entire family went outside to play a giant game together, which Layla chose not to
participate in. Normally she would have watched them in complete annoyance hating every second
of their cheesy family togetherness, but not now as her mind was elsewhere. Her mind was
entirely focused on that device Pascal had mentioned, the SimVac. She curved her lips into a grin,
she may have finally found her escape route.

“OWWWWWW,” Juliet screamed so loud that it probably woke up the neighbors, “Corey why do
you always have to work late!” she clenched through pain.

“It's okay mommy we're here!” Aiden cried beside her, “Except for I don't think I can watch this!”
He tightly closed his eyes not enjoying the sight of his mom screaming at all.

“Mommy do you need ice cream or something?” Jacob asked wide eyed in front of her, “That
always makes me feel better!”

“Thanks,” Juliet managed to cry, “But I don't think that's going to help!”
Quickly enough after much screaming Juliet held a new baby under her arms with Corey's blonde
hair and hazel eyes, and just like Juliet had intended and wished for it was a girl.

“Well hello there Emma!” Juliet cooed in delight, “It's so good to finally meet you!”
“So is it a boy or a girl?” Aiden asked his mom finally having opened his eyes as the screaming
was now over.

“A girl,” Juliet answered happily, “A beautiful baby girl.”

“Oh,” Aiden responded succinctly, “Well I'm going back to bed now.”

A fews hours later, Zoe found herself in the same situation. “Romeo!” Zoe cried in the middle night

“Hmmm,” Romeo mumbled groggily getting out of bed slowly.

“The baby!” Zoe yelled, “Is coming like now!”
“In fact she's already here!” Zoe soon exclaimed holding up a new baby girl.

Romeo yawned, “What about a baby?” he asked still half sleep.

“You have one!” Zoe snapped glaring at him.

“Oh!” Romeo quickly cried running over.
“Is it over!” Weldon yelled running in with his eyes shut having heard Zoe's screams from upstairs.

Zoe kissed the baby's nose who had the exact same coloring as she did, “Yes it's over!”

“Is it a boy or a girl?” Romeo asked anxiously having come over.

“A girl,” Zoe grinned, “Melina* Loving”

* The name Melina (ma-LEEN-ah cause I originally thought it was pronounced ma-LEN-a) means

And along with many births were of course birthdays as well beginning with Cadence and Dorian
who both grew up into adorable kids.
And Cadence quickly displayed her strong love of attention. “Hey daddy!” she waved, “Daddy!”

Ronan turned to Cadence with a slight laugh, “Yes Cadence?”

“Watch what I can do!” she grinned getting into position, “Are you watching?”

Ronan nodded, “Yes I'm watching!”

Cadence then proceeded to do a cartwheel across the living room floor perfectly.

Ronan watched cheering her on, “Woo! Nice job Cadence!”
Cadence stood up proudly, “Did you see it all?”

Ronan nodded, “Yes I saw it all, and it was pretty amazing!”

Cadence beamed, “Thanks daddy!”

Dorian watched both of them from the corner not saying anything.
But Ronan didn't forget about him, “Hey Dorian can you do something cool like Cadence?”

Dorian looked up at him shyly, “Umm I don't think so,” Dorian mumbled feeling ashamed.

Ronan gave him a warm smile, “That's alright! You know what, how about I teach you how to
dance? Would you like that?”

Dorian nodded not saying anything.

“Good!” Ronan took Dorain hands and began to teach him how to step with the music.
Rosaline watched as Ronan played with both Cadence and Dorian brightly. He was so good with
them, and she knew that he loved him more than anything. How was she ever supposed to tell
him they weren't his? She could feel Lexy's eyes burning at her back, but she didn't care. There
was no way she could ever take away from Ronan what he loved and cared about most, not today

Quickly after Cadence and Dorian's birthday came Beau's who seemed to disappear the day of it.

“Hey Romeo have you seen Beau anywhere?” Zoe asked tilting her head in confusion, “I can't
seem to find him. He was just in the nursery, but now he's gone.”

“You lost him?” Romeo laughed.

“No!” Zoe cried sharply, “I just, have you seen him?”

“No,” Romeo answered, “But I'm sure he's around here somewhere.”
And that somewhere turned out to be right in Leroy's bed where Beau was sleeping peacefully as
if it were his own bed.

“I think Beau really wants to be the dog,” Zoe laughed seeing him as first it was him eating the
dog food and now this.

“I think he looks quite comfortable actually,” Romeo laughed.
Though Romeo ended up waking him up so he could grow up, which Beau was happy to do.
Beau swiftly grew up into an adorable kid still displaying a strong resemblance of Zoe, with the
exception of his eyes that were Romeo's.
Reese was quick to find his newly transitioned brother after he changed. “You're a kid now!” Reese
cried excitedly.

Beau nodded.

“This means we can do so much awesome stuff together! I was thinking we could put food
coloring in our milk so when mommy or someone else uses it tomorrow morning they will freak
out!” Reese grinned.

Beau gave Reese a sideways glance, “Why would we do that? Wouldn't we get in trouble?”

“Yeah probably, but it's funny!”

“I don't want to get in trouble,” Beau told him.

Reese scrunched his nose, “Well I guess we will not be having too much fun then!”
After Beau's birthday it seemed the neighborhood was flocked with kids at every household
causing there to be many games and messes to be cleaned up by their parents.
There were also many other kids running around along with the main circle of the Loving family.
Alexandra and Jimmy's daughter Fantasia was now a kid taking much after her mother in terms of
interests, along with Renaud and Victoria's daughter Pear who was much different from her
mother. Lexy and Vicki's adopted son Edwin was a kid as well, proving to be quite the lady's man.
With so many kids, their were many headmaster dinners to be had, which Aimee had been highly
skeptical about considering her experience with them, but Zoe and Romeo had convinced her it
was best for the kid's education.
There were also many skills to be learned, which Dorian in particular had developed a strong liking
and talent for the piano.

“Dorian you're awesome at this!” Cadence exclaimed to her twin wiggling back and forth to the
music beside him.
And there were even more new babies in Rosendale. Alexandra and Jimmy recently had twin boys,
who they named Fred and George making them be the third set of twins for generation 4.
And even Victoria had another kid ,who was also a boy, which she named Lime as he was born in
the lime green bathroom. Pear was extremely excited to have a sibling.
And it wasn't long at all that there was yet another birthday, this time belonging to the youngest in
the main house Melina.
She grew up into a sweet little girl taking after both Zoe and Romeo unlike her brothers who took
primarily after one parent. She also displayed to be very nice and playful, though quite lazy and
shy with a personality of 6/3/0/10/8.
Emma, who was the same age as Melina, also turned into a toddler manifesting a strong
resemblance of her father. Emma grew up to have an awesome personality of 5/8/7/9/8. Juliet
quickly tied her long blonde hair into pig tails and changed her into a pretty pink dress much like
Though not long after doing this Emma let out a loud piercing scream, wailing in Juliet's arms.
Juliet clenched her teeth trying not to drop the fussing toddler.
Once Emma calmed down a bit, Juliet looked sadly at the fussing toddler's face. “Why are you so
sad Emmy? You look so pretty.”

Corey just watched carefully, “I think I may know what the problem is.”

“And what would that be?” Juliet frowned.

“Here hand her to me,” Corey held his arms out to grab the toddler, which Juliet reluctantly
allowed him to do.
He quickly brought Emma over to the changing table to dress her in something much more
comfortable than the dress Juliet had put her in. After doing this, Emma immediately giggled.

Juliet looked at her sadly, “But she looked so pretty in the dress.”

“I know she did, but not everyone loves wearing dresses Juliet,” Corey told her placing the toddler
on the ground who went to go play happily.

Juliet just frowned not saying anything else.

With there now being so many kids, it was decided that they should all get to meet each other as
one day they would all be living together. It also allowed for two sets of parents to get a break
which was always much needed.

“Thanks so much for doing this!” Romeo cried happily.

“It's really nice of you,” Juliet agreed.
Rosaline looked at both of her siblings skeptically, “Ummm neither of you gave me a choice!”

“Yeah well that's because you don't have a toddler in edition to two kids,” Juliet told her.

“Yeah, and it should be fine!” Romeo nodded.

“As long as you give them something to do,” Juliet added.

Rosaline just sighed, “Yeah I guess it should be fine. I mean really how bad can they be?”
Though as Rosaline said this, she glanced into the living room to see 6 kids crazily running around.
“On the other hand,” Rosaline began, “We will certainly not be staying here!”
Instead she took them to the roller where all the kids could easily let out their energy, though in a
confined environment where Rosaline could easily keep an eye on all of them.
The kids immediately took a liking to the activity.

“Hey Jacob!” Aiden called behind his twin, “I'm going to beat you!”

Jacob glanced back at his brother, “Since when are we racing?”

“Since now!” Aiden quickly yelled jetting passed Jacob quickly with a grin.

Jacob frowned, “Aww man you didn't even give me a heads up!”
All of the kids seemed to really get the hang out skating quickly all skating around the rink with

“Reese come on!” Aiden called, “Don't be slow!”
Well with the exception of Beau that is who seemed to have a hard time grasping the concept,
falling continuously.

Reese glanced back at his brother who was beginning to fall yet again. He didn't understand how
he was having such a hard time with something he found so easy. “I'm coming Aiden!” he yelled
quickly catching up with them.
Beau landed on the ground forcefully feeling his bottom begin to ache in pain. He looked down
defeated almost wanting to cry at the fact that he was the only one who couldn't seem to skate.

“Are you okay?” Dorian asked skating up to him.

“Yeah,” Beau mumbled blinking back tears, “I'm fine!” He slowly got up more determined to be
Cadence by far was the best of all of them, quickly discovering how to do a twirl.

“Cadence! Will you move?” Reese asked not paying much attention to her twirl, “You're in my
“Did you guys all see that?” she cried happily once she finished.

Jacob watched amazed, “Yeah, it was awesome!”

Cadence smiled, “Thanks!”
Aiden on the other hand was not happy that someone was better than him, especially a girl none
the less, but he quickly discovered a way to prove otherwise. “Hey guys watch me!” he demanded,
“I'm going to do something awesome!”
He then proceeded to jump up in the air with a wide grin, “Hey Cadence! Do you see this? Way
cooler than your twirl huh?”

Cadence slightly ignored him casually glancing over for a second, “Uh yeah cool, though I still like
my twirl better.”

Aiden glared at her not satisfied with her response.
Meanwhile Beau still wasn't getting the hang of skating finding that it seemed like the more he
tried, the more he fell.

“Jacob how do you do that?” Beau whined sadly, “I don't get it!”

Jacob glanced down at him thinking, “Umm I don't know. I just do it! You should go eat chocolate
or something! I bet that will make you better!”

Beau looked at him confused, “What?”

“Chocolate is yummy! I'm sure it can make you skate better too!” Jacob cried happily skating away
leaving Beau just more confused.
Though it turned out, there were other people at the rink who seemed to be having trouble just
like Beau.

“See Beau!” Reese cried watching the man fall in front of him, “You're not the only one falling!”

Beau just looked forward completely fed up with skating just wanting to give up, “I get it Reese
okay! I suck at this!”

Reese gave his brother an annoyed sideways glance, “Umm that''s not what I was saying, but
“Here Beau I'll help you!” Cadence called skating over to Beau and grabbing his hands, “It's not so
hard, you just need to get the hang of it!”

“Thanks Cay, but I can't do this!” Beau frowned.

“Yes you can!” Cadence insisted, “You just need some help.” She began to skate around in a circle
with Beau who followed her.
“See Beau!” Cadence smiled, “You're getting the hang of it!”

Beau looked at her surprised at the fact that he hadn't fallen within a whole minute, “You're right!”
he grinned, “I am!”
“What are you guys doing?” Reese asked looking at them in confusion.

Cadence glanced over, “I'm teaching Beau how to skate!”

“Well good luck with that!” Aiden snorted.
“Okay Beau now I'm going to take my hands away,” Cadence pulled her hands away from Beau,
“Just follow me okay? You can put your hands up for better balance!”

Beau followed her terrified, “Cadence! No! I can already feel myself beginning to fall! Cadence!”

“Beau relax, you're fine!” Cadence told him calmly.
Though he was in fact not fine at all, as Beau could already feel himself falling backwards,
“Cadence!” he cried quickly grabbing her sweater without thinking trying to balance himself.

“Beau!” Cadence yelled, “No! Don't grab me!”
But it was too late for Cadence was falling with him, flying right into the air right as Beau fell
loudly onto the wooden floor harder than he had any other time. Cadence screamed as she saw
her face heading straight for the floor quickly.
*Bam!* Cadence slammed straight into the floor head first while, Beau sat in front of her, his
bottom aching in pain.

Aiden looked at both of them, “I knew that was going to happen!”

“Are you guys okay?” Dorian called too quietly for either of them to hear.

Cadence let of a moan being unable to feel any of her body as it throbbed in pain, but within a
few minutes she slowly began to get feeling back.
Soon enough she found enough strength to slowly get up, but her body was till pounding in pain
from the fall.

Beau looked at her worriedly as he began to get up as well, “Cadence are you okay? I'm so sorry!
I didn't realize that was going to happen.”

Cadence didn't say anything trying to stand up.

Beau continued to watch her feeling absolutely horrible as the fall was completely his fault,
“Cadence! I'm so sorry! I really am! I didn't mean to!”

Once Cadence finally stood up, she looked at him, “It's okay Beau, let's just not skate anymore.
So instead of skating all the kids found other things to do the roller rink beginning with the photo
booth that Reese and Jacob had discovered gleefully.

Reese glanced at the pictures once they were done, “These pictures are awesome!”

“Yeah, except I still don't get how you managed to get upside down in one of them!” Jacob called.

“By hanging from the bars at the top of the booth!” Reese answered, “Duh!”
The kids also found other ways to entertain themselves like by doing the smustle for example.
Even though none of them were in sync, they were still having fun and that was all that mattered.
And it wasn't long at all that it was time for all of them to go home. They all said their goodbyes,
but soon discovered they would be seeing each other very soon.
In fact that night because it came the time for Aiden and Jacob to grow up into teenagers. Juliet
threw them a large party, and everyone cheered them on.
And after they blew out their candles, Jacob and Aiden both grew up in very handsome teenagers.

“Hey check out my muscles!” Aiden flexed his arm grinning. He soon glanced over at his brother,
“Ha! Nice leotard!” he snorted.

“It's actually kind of comfortable,” Jacob commented not seeing much of an issue with his attire.

“Right okay, we are both changing!” Aiden cried heading upstairs.
They both soon quickly headed back down in much better attire. Jacob had rolled the pleasure
aspiration which seemed to suit his constant care free manner, while Aiden rolled popularity as he
had always loved competition and making friends was part of that.
Reese headed over to his new teened cousins enthusiastically, “Wow! You're so much taller! Do
you still feel the same, or do you feel super different?”

“Wow!” Aiden interjected, “Cool it with the childish questions kid!”
“Aiden I'm not that much younger than you!” Reese cried annoyed.

“Yeah well you are right now kid, so if you excuse Jacob and I we have some teenage things to
do!” Aiden told Reese arrogantly.

Jacob shot Aiden a confused glance, “Um Aiden we were just going to play video games, Reese
could totally join us!”

“Yeah well he probably has to go to bed soon.”
Aiden walked away from Reese amused.

“You know Aiden just because you're a teenager does not give you an excuse to be a jerk!” Reese
cried after him.

“Yeah, yeah kid,” Aiden called back.

“And then he was all like whatever kid, like I didn't even matter!” Reese told Beau later that night,
“He was being such a jerk!”

Beau listened to Reese wide eyed, “You're not going to be like that when you turn into a teen,
right Reese? You'll still be nice to me?”

“Well yeah,” Reese responded, “But I mean it will be different cause you will still be a kid and all.”

“Hey guys what story do you want to hear?” Romeo asked interrupting their conversation.

“Umm Cinderella,” Beau answered.

“Eww Beau that's so girly!” Reese cried, “I want something with dragons or something else scary!”

“I like Cinderella,” Beau mumbled looking down.
Romeo grabbed a book and walked over to them, “Well you know what I found a book that
contains a big scary dragon, but also a pretty princess. I think you both will like it!”

“Okay daddy!” Reese called intently.
Romeo read them the story with both of them listening attentively enjoying the voices that Romeo
included while doing so. Reese enjoyed the parts with the big scary dragon, while Beau enjoyed
the parts with the pretty princess.
“Okay guys,” Romeo said eventually putting the book away, “It's time to go bed.”

“Aww really?” Reese whined, “Jacob and Aiden said they don't have a bedtime anymore!”

“Yeah well Aiden and Jacob are teenagers now,” Romeo responded, “While you are still a kid with
a bedtime.”

“That's not fair!” Reese demanded.

“Yeah well life isn't always fair, so why don't you go wait in your room, while I put Beau to bed.”

“Fine!” Reese yelled over dramatically stomping back to his room, while Romeo tried not to laugh.
Romeo walked over watching Beau climb into bed, “Night Beau, don't let the bed bugs bite okay?”

“I won't daddy,” Beau said sleepily.

“Good!” Romeo grinned, “I love you buddy.”

Beau climbed under the covers, “Love you too daddy, night!”
Romeo then headed to Reese's room where he was standing by his bed. “Do you need me to tuck
you in?” Romeo asked.

“No!” Reese quickly declared, “I'm way too old for that!”

Romeo quirked a smile, “Alright then buddy, well don't let the bed bugs bite okay?”

“Psssh, they know not to get anywhere near me!”

Romeo laughed, “Of course they don't, well good night buddy.” He began to walk out.

“Wait!” Reese called, “Just because I'm too old to be tucked in doesn't mean I'm too old for a kiss
good night.”
Romeo smiled turning around to give Reese a kiss, “I love you buddy.”

“I love you too daddy!” Reese grinned climbing into bed.
“So did you manage to get both of them to bed?” Zoe asked once Romeo had come downstairs
and changed into his pajamas.

Romeo nodded, “Yep!”

Zoe raised an eyebrow, “Even Reese?”

“Even Reese!”

“Well aren't you amazing!” Zoe grinned.

“I know right? We should celebrate!”
Zoe suddenly grew seldom, “Well actually Romeo I wanted to talk about something.”

Romeo furrowed his brow, “Which would be?”

Zoe paused swallowing until taking a deep breath, “Layla.” It was weird hearing her name out loud
as neither Zoe nor Romeo had said it since college.
“What about her?” Romeo questioned feeling uncomfortable as he had convinced himself that she
was gone for good.

“I just,” Zoe bit her lip realizing how terrible this conversation was, “I've been thinking recently,
and do we really know what happened to her?”

“Alexandra got rid of her,” Romeo answered abruptly, “She's gone.”
“Yeah but where?” Zoe shrugged her shoulders, “What if she is just around the corner planning
something new?”

“Well maybe,” Romeo considered, “Or maybe she just gave up, I never understood what she
wanted out of me anyway.”

“Romeo! She's an evil witch! I don't think she ever gives up!”
“Wow Zoe, where are these ideas coming from?” Romeo asked confused, “You've never mentioned
her before now.”

Zoe frowned, “I know I haven't. It's just I've been thinking lately, and I'm worried Romeo. I mean
none of us really know what happened to her, not even Alexandra, and who knows where she
could be. She just seemed so determined to get something from you, and I just worry about
everyone's safety.”
“Zoe,” Romeo wrapped his arms around her, “Look I would be lying if I said I have never thought
about this before either, but the best and only thing we can do is try to stay positive about it. If
she ever does come back, she has to go through all of us first okay?”

Zoe managed to crack a small smile, “Well okay it's just I worry.”

“I know you do, but it's going to fine okay?”
“Okay,” Zoe agreed leaning into him.

“Momma! Dadda!” a little voice suddenly called from below tugging on her father's pant leg.
“Well hello there,” Romeo grinned pulling away from Zoe and leaning down toward Melina, “How
long have you been in here?”

“Uppie!” Melina demanded.

Romeo laughed, “Can you say please?”

“Peeese,” the little voice cried.

“Okay then! Uppie it is!”
Romeo hugged Melina causing the toddler to smile, “I think it may be someone's birthday

“Birthday!” Melina repeated excitedly.

“Oh yeah it is,” Zoe said remembering.

Romeo turned his attention, “Last toddler Zoe unless..”

“No!” Zoe interjected, “No way! You can give up that dream!”

“Alright,” Romeo turned back to Melina, “You will just always be the baby then!”

“Baby!” Melina reiterated giggling.

Though before it was time for Melina grow up, it was Emma's turn who was growing up earlier
that morning. Juliet decided not to throw a party, since Melina would be having one that night
rather just having a small family party instead.
Emma grew up to be an adorable kid, “Why am I wearing all red?”

“I have clothes for you in the dresser upstairs sweetie!” Juliet told her immediately

“Okay mommy!” Emma called running quickly inside.
Emma quickly rushed upstairs and opened her dresser to see what Juliet had bought for her. She
glanced down to see a frilly pink dress. She scrunched nose trying to find something else. Lucky
for her she found something tucked away at the back, “This is so much better!”
She quickly headed back downstairs, wanting to play, to immediately run into her mom.

Juliet looked down at Emma unpleased, “Emma you're not wearing the dress I picked out for you.”

“Sorry mommy I didn't like it,” Emma apologized.

“And what did you do with your hair?” Juliet asked.

“I put it up, so it wouldn't get in my way when I play!”

“Well alright, but I bought you a new doll house if you wanted to play with it? I could play with

Emma gave her mom an odd glance, “Um actually mom I was going to go play outside!”

“Outside?” Juliet questioned confused.
“Yeah I was hoping either Aiden or Jacob would teach me how to play basketball!” Emma cried
excitedly. She began to walk out, “Catch you later mom!”

“Basketball?” Juliet repeated unable to understand why she would want to do that.
Emma walked out back to find Aiden already playing on the newly installed basketball court. He
had recently made the team at school, so Corey had gotten him a basketball hoop to practice on
at home.

“Hey Aiden!” Emma greeted walking over, “Can I play?”

Aiden shot Emma a look of disgust, “No Em you're too little, plus a girl, you wouldn't be good at

Emma narrowed her eyes, “Um actually I beg to differ!”

Aiden turned away from her shooting the ball into the net, “Well too bad cause you're not playing,
maybe when you're older!”

Emma just glared at him not taking no for an answer.
She quickly ran inside to change her clothes and ran back out to snatch the ball right of Aiden's
hands effortlessly.

“Hey!” Aiden snapped, “Give that back Emma! I don't have time for games!”

“No!” Emma declared, “Now watch this!”
She proceeded to shoot the ball perfectly in the net without it even hitting the rim. “See Aiden
you're not the only one who can play this!”

Aiden looked at the ball incredulously unable to believe how she had made that shot, “You just got
lucky Em!”

“Psssh right okay! If I'm so lucky again you should have no probably having a little competition
with me! Whoever gets the most shots out of 15.”

Aiden glanced at her shaking his head, “No Emma we aren't doing that, because I don't want you
to be running inside crying to mom!”

Emma shot Aiden a look of aversion, “Oh please like I would go crying to mom, if anyone's going
to be crying to mom it's you!”

Aiden glared at his little sister strongly disking her attitude, “Fine! It's on!”
The competition turned out to be a little more than Aiden had bargained though, for as much as
he hated to admit it, Emma was pretty good a basketball making almost every shot with ease.
Aiden on the other hand was having some difficulty missing way more shots than he wanted to.

“Dammit ball!” Aiden yelled as it bounced of the rim.

Emma laughed, “Right blame the ball! How mature of you!”
When it came time for the last shot Aiden looked at Emma nervously, as he knew if she made it
that she would win it all.

“Don't choke,” he told her.

Emma rolled her eyes before taking the shot, “I won't thanks!”
And sure enough the shot headed straight into the basket just as perfectly as her first shot had.
Emma jumped up and down in excitement, “Woo that's it! I won! In your face Aiden!”

Aiden looked at the basket in disbelief, there was no way his little sister had just beaten him at his
“Well that was fun huh Aiden!” Emma cried arrogantly afterward completely satisfied with the

Aiden rolled his eyes, “Yeah well I went easy on you Em seeming as you are so young an all, so
don't get too excited.”

Emma raised an eyebrow, “You are so full of it Aiden! Just admit it your little awesome sister beat

Aiden shoot his head, “No thanks, because it doesn't mean anything.”
“Right yeah whatever,” Emma began to walk away, “We both know the real truth! You just won't
admit it.”

Aiden watched her go, “Yeah okay Em, I think you're the one full of it not me!”

“Whatever Aiden, whatever.”

Later that night it came time for Melina's birthday. Since it was finally warm outside, it was able to
take place outside on the back porch. Every single member of the family whether close or
extended was there.
Melina transitioned into a child happily grinning widely from ear to ear.

“I'm finally a kid!” she called out excitedly, happy about not being the smallest anymore.
She soon went to change into something more to her liking and even changed her hair. She was
an adorable kid having Zoe's eyes and cheek bones, but Romeo's nose and mouth.
Once the hype of Melina's transition had calmed down, Romeo went to find Alexandra who was
standing by the fence. “Hey Alexandra can I talk to you for a second?”

Alexandra nodded, “Yeah sure Romeo what's going on?”

“It's just well I hate bring this up, but Zoe was talking about it yesterday, and it got me thinking
about it and uh..” He paused not knowing how to start this conversation.

“..Layla” Alexandra completed knowing exactly what he meant.

“Right yeah,” Romeo piped up glad he didn't have to say it himself, “I just do you know what
happened to her?”
“Um no,” Alexandra began, “Unfortunately I don't. I could have sent her anywhere, but I do know
one thing she's still out there somewhere. Now if she's coming back or not who knows, but I didn't
completely get rid of her.”

“Oh,” was all Romeo said in response.

“Look Romeo I know it's scary and everyday I worry that she's going to come back and try to get
revenge one me, but she hasn't, and I worry about the safety of my family and yours, but there is
really nothing we can do but be ready for when or if she ever does come back.”

“Yeah,” Romeo glanced down for a second, “I had a feeling you were going to say that., and hey

“Thanks,” Romeo leaned in to hug her, “I don't think I've ever said thanks, but I can't even begin
to tell you how much I appreciate everything you did for me, because if it wasn't for you, I would
probably still be stuck with her now.”

Alexandra grinned returning the hug, “No problem Romeo. I will always be there.”

“Thanks Alexandra that makes me feel so much better, it really does.”
And that's all for now, have a picture a picture of Jacob being scared of the diving board, crazy
kid. Next chapter is one I have been planning for like a year, so I'm really excited to get out.
Hopefully it should be soon! I promise it won't be as long as a gap as I just had. Until then thanks
for reading see you later :).

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A loving legacy! chapter 3.10

  • 1. Welcome back to A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.10 Safe and Sound! Last time Rosaline got married to Ronan had twins named Cadence and Dorian who she later discovered were in fact Ethan's kids. Zoe and Romeo had a son named Beau, and Reese grew into a kid. Back in Strangetown Olive Spector refused to help Layla, and Layla knew she needed to get out soon. Also you may notice some outfit and other minor inconsistencies in this chapter as most of it was shot after a rebuild so just be away of that. Present...
  • 2. “So where are we going again?” Layla asked trying to hide the strong annoyance that she felt. If there was anyone in this town she could tolerate, it was Jenny, but even she was beginning to cause her patience to grow thin. All she knew was that she was being dragged to some family dinner much against her liking, as Jenny insisted that she come along with them. “We are going to my brother's house to celebrate Johnny and Ophelia's marriage,” Jenny answered smiling like always.
  • 3. Apparently Johnny and Ophelia had randomly gotten married one day in the desert, which Layla thought was completely ridiculous, though everyone else in the town seemed thrilled.
  • 4. “Oh right yeah the ones with the alien kids,” Layla responded having seen them around before, as it only took her all of two days to learn who everyone was in this town. “Is Layla coming too?” Ophelia asked walking up with Johnny by her side. “Yes I am!” Layla quirked a fake grin loving to annoy Ophelia, who had recently moved into the Smith house, while she and Johnny saved up money for a house, much to Layla's disliking. “Great!” Ophelia responded sounding forced. “Yes, and we better get going because P.T. and Jenny are probably already there,” Jenny cried heading toward the door.
  • 5. Upon entering the Curious household, Ophelia and Johnny were immediately greeted by two alien kids. “Orion! Mercury! Hey guys!” Johnny grinned receiving a hug from Orion who had eagerly run over to him the second he walked in. “Are you and Phe really married now?” Orion asked. Johnny laughed, “Haha yes we are!” Layla watched their sappy family amusement annoyed realizing this was going to be a long night.
  • 6. To make it even more worse, Layla soon discovered that the main meal was spaghetti, which she loathed. She honestly wasn't sure how much longer it was going to be until she completely cracked from the monotony of this town, but in the middle of dinner things began to get interesting much to her surprise and interest.
  • 7. “So Pascal how's work?” Jenny asked her brother interested as even though she was a family sim, she found the scientific world her brothers were so deeply engrossed in fascinating. Pascal's face lit up as it always did when he got to talk about work, “It's going really well. I personally have been able to discover much more information on how the alien DNA is similar to ours, though outside of my own work I am quite worried about a certain device being constructed.” Jenny turned to him interested, “Device? What kind of device?” “Well before I say anything Loki Beaker is the one constructing it,” Pascal began which already made Jenny know it was bad as Loki Beaker was never known for having any form of sanity or kindness in his heart, “But basically it's this device called the SimVac which is a device that enables one to suck all of the skills and talents another one possesses for themselves leaving the other helpless.”
  • 8. “So if I were to use it on Vidcund for example all of his skills would be transferred to me in edition to the ones I already have, and he would having nothing?” Jenny asked. Pascal nodded, “Precisely.” “That's horrible!” Jenny cried. “I know,” Pascal agreed, “Which is why I am quite worried about it being the hands of Loki. I have tried to examine it more closely, but he is very secretive about it. In fact I think he took it home suspecting my interest.”
  • 9. “Wait!” Layla suddenly interjected interested, “So this machine basically sucks away all the skills one possesses to the one using it?” “Yes that is exactly what it does,” Pascal answered. “So like this would apply to special powers too?” Layla questioned. “Hmm,” Pascal pondered, “To be quite honest I am unsure, but I would assume so as it takes away any sort of talents or skills the person has.” “Interesting,” Layla cried, very interesting indeed.
  • 10. After dinner the entire family went outside to play a giant game together, which Layla chose not to participate in. Normally she would have watched them in complete annoyance hating every second of their cheesy family togetherness, but not now as her mind was elsewhere. Her mind was entirely focused on that device Pascal had mentioned, the SimVac. She curved her lips into a grin, she may have finally found her escape route. *~*~*~*
  • 11. “OWWWWWW,” Juliet screamed so loud that it probably woke up the neighbors, “Corey why do you always have to work late!” she clenched through pain. “It's okay mommy we're here!” Aiden cried beside her, “Except for I don't think I can watch this!” He tightly closed his eyes not enjoying the sight of his mom screaming at all. “Mommy do you need ice cream or something?” Jacob asked wide eyed in front of her, “That always makes me feel better!” “Thanks,” Juliet managed to cry, “But I don't think that's going to help!”
  • 12. Quickly enough after much screaming Juliet held a new baby under her arms with Corey's blonde hair and hazel eyes, and just like Juliet had intended and wished for it was a girl. “Well hello there Emma!” Juliet cooed in delight, “It's so good to finally meet you!”
  • 13. “So is it a boy or a girl?” Aiden asked his mom finally having opened his eyes as the screaming was now over. “A girl,” Juliet answered happily, “A beautiful baby girl.” “Oh,” Aiden responded succinctly, “Well I'm going back to bed now.” *~*~*~*
  • 14. A fews hours later, Zoe found herself in the same situation. “Romeo!” Zoe cried in the middle night sharply. “Hmmm,” Romeo mumbled groggily getting out of bed slowly. “The baby!” Zoe yelled, “Is coming like now!”
  • 15. “In fact she's already here!” Zoe soon exclaimed holding up a new baby girl. Romeo yawned, “What about a baby?” he asked still half sleep. “You have one!” Zoe snapped glaring at him. “Oh!” Romeo quickly cried running over.
  • 16. “Is it over!” Weldon yelled running in with his eyes shut having heard Zoe's screams from upstairs. Zoe kissed the baby's nose who had the exact same coloring as she did, “Yes it's over!” “Is it a boy or a girl?” Romeo asked anxiously having come over. “A girl,” Zoe grinned, “Melina* Loving” * The name Melina (ma-LEEN-ah cause I originally thought it was pronounced ma-LEN-a) means “honey.” *~*~*~*
  • 17. And along with many births were of course birthdays as well beginning with Cadence and Dorian who both grew up into adorable kids.
  • 18. And Cadence quickly displayed her strong love of attention. “Hey daddy!” she waved, “Daddy!” Ronan turned to Cadence with a slight laugh, “Yes Cadence?” “Watch what I can do!” she grinned getting into position, “Are you watching?” Ronan nodded, “Yes I'm watching!” “Good!”
  • 19. Cadence then proceeded to do a cartwheel across the living room floor perfectly. Ronan watched cheering her on, “Woo! Nice job Cadence!”
  • 20. Cadence stood up proudly, “Did you see it all?” Ronan nodded, “Yes I saw it all, and it was pretty amazing!” Cadence beamed, “Thanks daddy!” Dorian watched both of them from the corner not saying anything.
  • 21. But Ronan didn't forget about him, “Hey Dorian can you do something cool like Cadence?” Dorian looked up at him shyly, “Umm I don't think so,” Dorian mumbled feeling ashamed. Ronan gave him a warm smile, “That's alright! You know what, how about I teach you how to dance? Would you like that?” Dorian nodded not saying anything. “Good!” Ronan took Dorain hands and began to teach him how to step with the music.
  • 22. Rosaline watched as Ronan played with both Cadence and Dorian brightly. He was so good with them, and she knew that he loved him more than anything. How was she ever supposed to tell him they weren't his? She could feel Lexy's eyes burning at her back, but she didn't care. There was no way she could ever take away from Ronan what he loved and cared about most, not today anyway. *~*~*~*
  • 23. Quickly after Cadence and Dorian's birthday came Beau's who seemed to disappear the day of it. “Hey Romeo have you seen Beau anywhere?” Zoe asked tilting her head in confusion, “I can't seem to find him. He was just in the nursery, but now he's gone.” “You lost him?” Romeo laughed. “No!” Zoe cried sharply, “I just, have you seen him?” “No,” Romeo answered, “But I'm sure he's around here somewhere.”
  • 24. And that somewhere turned out to be right in Leroy's bed where Beau was sleeping peacefully as if it were his own bed. “I think Beau really wants to be the dog,” Zoe laughed seeing him as first it was him eating the dog food and now this. “I think he looks quite comfortable actually,” Romeo laughed.
  • 25. Though Romeo ended up waking him up so he could grow up, which Beau was happy to do.
  • 26. Beau swiftly grew up into an adorable kid still displaying a strong resemblance of Zoe, with the exception of his eyes that were Romeo's.
  • 27. Reese was quick to find his newly transitioned brother after he changed. “You're a kid now!” Reese cried excitedly. Beau nodded. “This means we can do so much awesome stuff together! I was thinking we could put food coloring in our milk so when mommy or someone else uses it tomorrow morning they will freak out!” Reese grinned. Beau gave Reese a sideways glance, “Why would we do that? Wouldn't we get in trouble?” “Yeah probably, but it's funny!” “I don't want to get in trouble,” Beau told him. Reese scrunched his nose, “Well I guess we will not be having too much fun then!” *~*~*~*
  • 28. After Beau's birthday it seemed the neighborhood was flocked with kids at every household causing there to be many games and messes to be cleaned up by their parents.
  • 29. There were also many other kids running around along with the main circle of the Loving family. Alexandra and Jimmy's daughter Fantasia was now a kid taking much after her mother in terms of interests, along with Renaud and Victoria's daughter Pear who was much different from her mother. Lexy and Vicki's adopted son Edwin was a kid as well, proving to be quite the lady's man.
  • 30. With so many kids, their were many headmaster dinners to be had, which Aimee had been highly skeptical about considering her experience with them, but Zoe and Romeo had convinced her it was best for the kid's education.
  • 31. There were also many skills to be learned, which Dorian in particular had developed a strong liking and talent for the piano. “Dorian you're awesome at this!” Cadence exclaimed to her twin wiggling back and forth to the music beside him.
  • 32. And there were even more new babies in Rosendale. Alexandra and Jimmy recently had twin boys, who they named Fred and George making them be the third set of twins for generation 4.
  • 33. And even Victoria had another kid ,who was also a boy, which she named Lime as he was born in the lime green bathroom. Pear was extremely excited to have a sibling.
  • 34. And it wasn't long at all that there was yet another birthday, this time belonging to the youngest in the main house Melina.
  • 35. She grew up into a sweet little girl taking after both Zoe and Romeo unlike her brothers who took primarily after one parent. She also displayed to be very nice and playful, though quite lazy and shy with a personality of 6/3/0/10/8.
  • 36. Emma, who was the same age as Melina, also turned into a toddler manifesting a strong resemblance of her father. Emma grew up to have an awesome personality of 5/8/7/9/8. Juliet quickly tied her long blonde hair into pig tails and changed her into a pretty pink dress much like Juliet's.
  • 37. Though not long after doing this Emma let out a loud piercing scream, wailing in Juliet's arms. Juliet clenched her teeth trying not to drop the fussing toddler.
  • 38. Once Emma calmed down a bit, Juliet looked sadly at the fussing toddler's face. “Why are you so sad Emmy? You look so pretty.” Corey just watched carefully, “I think I may know what the problem is.” “And what would that be?” Juliet frowned. “Here hand her to me,” Corey held his arms out to grab the toddler, which Juliet reluctantly allowed him to do.
  • 39. He quickly brought Emma over to the changing table to dress her in something much more comfortable than the dress Juliet had put her in. After doing this, Emma immediately giggled. Juliet looked at her sadly, “But she looked so pretty in the dress.” “I know she did, but not everyone loves wearing dresses Juliet,” Corey told her placing the toddler on the ground who went to go play happily. Juliet just frowned not saying anything else. *~*~*~*
  • 40. With there now being so many kids, it was decided that they should all get to meet each other as one day they would all be living together. It also allowed for two sets of parents to get a break which was always much needed. “Thanks so much for doing this!” Romeo cried happily. “It's really nice of you,” Juliet agreed.
  • 41. Rosaline looked at both of her siblings skeptically, “Ummm neither of you gave me a choice!” “Yeah well that's because you don't have a toddler in edition to two kids,” Juliet told her. “Yeah, and it should be fine!” Romeo nodded. “As long as you give them something to do,” Juliet added. Rosaline just sighed, “Yeah I guess it should be fine. I mean really how bad can they be?”
  • 42. Though as Rosaline said this, she glanced into the living room to see 6 kids crazily running around. “On the other hand,” Rosaline began, “We will certainly not be staying here!”
  • 43. Instead she took them to the roller where all the kids could easily let out their energy, though in a confined environment where Rosaline could easily keep an eye on all of them.
  • 44. The kids immediately took a liking to the activity. “Hey Jacob!” Aiden called behind his twin, “I'm going to beat you!” Jacob glanced back at his brother, “Since when are we racing?” “Since now!” Aiden quickly yelled jetting passed Jacob quickly with a grin. Jacob frowned, “Aww man you didn't even give me a heads up!”
  • 45. All of the kids seemed to really get the hang out skating quickly all skating around the rink with ease. “Reese come on!” Aiden called, “Don't be slow!”
  • 46. Well with the exception of Beau that is who seemed to have a hard time grasping the concept, falling continuously. Reese glanced back at his brother who was beginning to fall yet again. He didn't understand how he was having such a hard time with something he found so easy. “I'm coming Aiden!” he yelled quickly catching up with them.
  • 47. Beau landed on the ground forcefully feeling his bottom begin to ache in pain. He looked down defeated almost wanting to cry at the fact that he was the only one who couldn't seem to skate. “Are you okay?” Dorian asked skating up to him. “Yeah,” Beau mumbled blinking back tears, “I'm fine!” He slowly got up more determined to be better.
  • 48. Cadence by far was the best of all of them, quickly discovering how to do a twirl. “Cadence! Will you move?” Reese asked not paying much attention to her twirl, “You're in my way!”
  • 49. “Did you guys all see that?” she cried happily once she finished. Jacob watched amazed, “Yeah, it was awesome!” Cadence smiled, “Thanks!”
  • 50. Aiden on the other hand was not happy that someone was better than him, especially a girl none the less, but he quickly discovered a way to prove otherwise. “Hey guys watch me!” he demanded, “I'm going to do something awesome!”
  • 51. He then proceeded to jump up in the air with a wide grin, “Hey Cadence! Do you see this? Way cooler than your twirl huh?” Cadence slightly ignored him casually glancing over for a second, “Uh yeah cool, though I still like my twirl better.” Aiden glared at her not satisfied with her response.
  • 52. Meanwhile Beau still wasn't getting the hang of skating finding that it seemed like the more he tried, the more he fell. “Jacob how do you do that?” Beau whined sadly, “I don't get it!” Jacob glanced down at him thinking, “Umm I don't know. I just do it! You should go eat chocolate or something! I bet that will make you better!” Beau looked at him confused, “What?” “Chocolate is yummy! I'm sure it can make you skate better too!” Jacob cried happily skating away leaving Beau just more confused.
  • 53. Though it turned out, there were other people at the rink who seemed to be having trouble just like Beau. “See Beau!” Reese cried watching the man fall in front of him, “You're not the only one falling!” Beau just looked forward completely fed up with skating just wanting to give up, “I get it Reese okay! I suck at this!” Reese gave his brother an annoyed sideways glance, “Umm that''s not what I was saying, but whatever.”
  • 54. “Here Beau I'll help you!” Cadence called skating over to Beau and grabbing his hands, “It's not so hard, you just need to get the hang of it!” “Thanks Cay, but I can't do this!” Beau frowned. “Yes you can!” Cadence insisted, “You just need some help.” She began to skate around in a circle with Beau who followed her.
  • 55. “See Beau!” Cadence smiled, “You're getting the hang of it!” Beau looked at her surprised at the fact that he hadn't fallen within a whole minute, “You're right!” he grinned, “I am!”
  • 56. “What are you guys doing?” Reese asked looking at them in confusion. Cadence glanced over, “I'm teaching Beau how to skate!” “Well good luck with that!” Aiden snorted.
  • 57. “Okay Beau now I'm going to take my hands away,” Cadence pulled her hands away from Beau, “Just follow me okay? You can put your hands up for better balance!” Beau followed her terrified, “Cadence! No! I can already feel myself beginning to fall! Cadence!” “Beau relax, you're fine!” Cadence told him calmly.
  • 58. Though he was in fact not fine at all, as Beau could already feel himself falling backwards, “Cadence!” he cried quickly grabbing her sweater without thinking trying to balance himself. “Beau!” Cadence yelled, “No! Don't grab me!”
  • 59. But it was too late for Cadence was falling with him, flying right into the air right as Beau fell loudly onto the wooden floor harder than he had any other time. Cadence screamed as she saw her face heading straight for the floor quickly.
  • 60. *Bam!* Cadence slammed straight into the floor head first while, Beau sat in front of her, his bottom aching in pain. Aiden looked at both of them, “I knew that was going to happen!” “Are you guys okay?” Dorian called too quietly for either of them to hear. Cadence let of a moan being unable to feel any of her body as it throbbed in pain, but within a few minutes she slowly began to get feeling back.
  • 61. Soon enough she found enough strength to slowly get up, but her body was till pounding in pain from the fall. Beau looked at her worriedly as he began to get up as well, “Cadence are you okay? I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that was going to happen.” Cadence didn't say anything trying to stand up. Beau continued to watch her feeling absolutely horrible as the fall was completely his fault, “Cadence! I'm so sorry! I really am! I didn't mean to!” Once Cadence finally stood up, she looked at him, “It's okay Beau, let's just not skate anymore. Okay?”
  • 62. So instead of skating all the kids found other things to do the roller rink beginning with the photo booth that Reese and Jacob had discovered gleefully. Reese glanced at the pictures once they were done, “These pictures are awesome!” “Yeah, except I still don't get how you managed to get upside down in one of them!” Jacob called. “By hanging from the bars at the top of the booth!” Reese answered, “Duh!”
  • 63. The kids also found other ways to entertain themselves like by doing the smustle for example. Even though none of them were in sync, they were still having fun and that was all that mattered.
  • 64. And it wasn't long at all that it was time for all of them to go home. They all said their goodbyes, but soon discovered they would be seeing each other very soon.
  • 65. In fact that night because it came the time for Aiden and Jacob to grow up into teenagers. Juliet threw them a large party, and everyone cheered them on.
  • 66. And after they blew out their candles, Jacob and Aiden both grew up in very handsome teenagers. “Hey check out my muscles!” Aiden flexed his arm grinning. He soon glanced over at his brother, “Ha! Nice leotard!” he snorted. “It's actually kind of comfortable,” Jacob commented not seeing much of an issue with his attire. “Right okay, we are both changing!” Aiden cried heading upstairs.
  • 67. They both soon quickly headed back down in much better attire. Jacob had rolled the pleasure aspiration which seemed to suit his constant care free manner, while Aiden rolled popularity as he had always loved competition and making friends was part of that.
  • 68. Reese headed over to his new teened cousins enthusiastically, “Wow! You're so much taller! Do you still feel the same, or do you feel super different?” “Wow!” Aiden interjected, “Cool it with the childish questions kid!”
  • 69. “Aiden I'm not that much younger than you!” Reese cried annoyed. “Yeah well you are right now kid, so if you excuse Jacob and I we have some teenage things to do!” Aiden told Reese arrogantly. Jacob shot Aiden a confused glance, “Um Aiden we were just going to play video games, Reese could totally join us!” “Yeah well he probably has to go to bed soon.”
  • 70. Aiden walked away from Reese amused. “You know Aiden just because you're a teenager does not give you an excuse to be a jerk!” Reese cried after him. “Yeah, yeah kid,” Aiden called back. *~*~*~*
  • 71. “And then he was all like whatever kid, like I didn't even matter!” Reese told Beau later that night, “He was being such a jerk!” Beau listened to Reese wide eyed, “You're not going to be like that when you turn into a teen, right Reese? You'll still be nice to me?” “Well yeah,” Reese responded, “But I mean it will be different cause you will still be a kid and all.” “Hey guys what story do you want to hear?” Romeo asked interrupting their conversation. “Umm Cinderella,” Beau answered. “Eww Beau that's so girly!” Reese cried, “I want something with dragons or something else scary!” “I like Cinderella,” Beau mumbled looking down.
  • 72. Romeo grabbed a book and walked over to them, “Well you know what I found a book that contains a big scary dragon, but also a pretty princess. I think you both will like it!” “Okay daddy!” Reese called intently.
  • 73. Romeo read them the story with both of them listening attentively enjoying the voices that Romeo included while doing so. Reese enjoyed the parts with the big scary dragon, while Beau enjoyed the parts with the pretty princess.
  • 74. “Okay guys,” Romeo said eventually putting the book away, “It's time to go bed.” “Aww really?” Reese whined, “Jacob and Aiden said they don't have a bedtime anymore!” “Yeah well Aiden and Jacob are teenagers now,” Romeo responded, “While you are still a kid with a bedtime.” “That's not fair!” Reese demanded. “Yeah well life isn't always fair, so why don't you go wait in your room, while I put Beau to bed.” “Fine!” Reese yelled over dramatically stomping back to his room, while Romeo tried not to laugh.
  • 75. Romeo walked over watching Beau climb into bed, “Night Beau, don't let the bed bugs bite okay?” “I won't daddy,” Beau said sleepily. “Good!” Romeo grinned, “I love you buddy.” Beau climbed under the covers, “Love you too daddy, night!”
  • 76. Romeo then headed to Reese's room where he was standing by his bed. “Do you need me to tuck you in?” Romeo asked. “No!” Reese quickly declared, “I'm way too old for that!” Romeo quirked a smile, “Alright then buddy, well don't let the bed bugs bite okay?” “Psssh, they know not to get anywhere near me!” Romeo laughed, “Of course they don't, well good night buddy.” He began to walk out. “Wait!” Reese called, “Just because I'm too old to be tucked in doesn't mean I'm too old for a kiss good night.”
  • 77. Romeo smiled turning around to give Reese a kiss, “I love you buddy.” “I love you too daddy!” Reese grinned climbing into bed.
  • 78. “So did you manage to get both of them to bed?” Zoe asked once Romeo had come downstairs and changed into his pajamas. Romeo nodded, “Yep!” Zoe raised an eyebrow, “Even Reese?” “Even Reese!” “Well aren't you amazing!” Zoe grinned. “I know right? We should celebrate!”
  • 79. Zoe suddenly grew seldom, “Well actually Romeo I wanted to talk about something.” Romeo furrowed his brow, “Which would be?” Zoe paused swallowing until taking a deep breath, “Layla.” It was weird hearing her name out loud as neither Zoe nor Romeo had said it since college.
  • 80. “What about her?” Romeo questioned feeling uncomfortable as he had convinced himself that she was gone for good. “I just,” Zoe bit her lip realizing how terrible this conversation was, “I've been thinking recently, and do we really know what happened to her?” “Alexandra got rid of her,” Romeo answered abruptly, “She's gone.”
  • 81. “Yeah but where?” Zoe shrugged her shoulders, “What if she is just around the corner planning something new?” “Well maybe,” Romeo considered, “Or maybe she just gave up, I never understood what she wanted out of me anyway.” “Romeo! She's an evil witch! I don't think she ever gives up!”
  • 82. “Wow Zoe, where are these ideas coming from?” Romeo asked confused, “You've never mentioned her before now.” Zoe frowned, “I know I haven't. It's just I've been thinking lately, and I'm worried Romeo. I mean none of us really know what happened to her, not even Alexandra, and who knows where she could be. She just seemed so determined to get something from you, and I just worry about everyone's safety.”
  • 83. “Zoe,” Romeo wrapped his arms around her, “Look I would be lying if I said I have never thought about this before either, but the best and only thing we can do is try to stay positive about it. If she ever does come back, she has to go through all of us first okay?” Zoe managed to crack a small smile, “Well okay it's just I worry.” “I know you do, but it's going to fine okay?”
  • 84. “Okay,” Zoe agreed leaning into him. “Momma! Dadda!” a little voice suddenly called from below tugging on her father's pant leg.
  • 85. “Well hello there,” Romeo grinned pulling away from Zoe and leaning down toward Melina, “How long have you been in here?” “Uppie!” Melina demanded. Romeo laughed, “Can you say please?” “Peeese,” the little voice cried. “Okay then! Uppie it is!”
  • 86. Romeo hugged Melina causing the toddler to smile, “I think it may be someone's birthday tomorrow.” “Birthday!” Melina repeated excitedly. “Oh yeah it is,” Zoe said remembering. Romeo turned his attention, “Last toddler Zoe unless..” “No!” Zoe interjected, “No way! You can give up that dream!” “Alright,” Romeo turned back to Melina, “You will just always be the baby then!” “Baby!” Melina reiterated giggling. *~*~*~*
  • 87. Though before it was time for Melina grow up, it was Emma's turn who was growing up earlier that morning. Juliet decided not to throw a party, since Melina would be having one that night rather just having a small family party instead.
  • 88. Emma grew up to be an adorable kid, “Why am I wearing all red?” “I have clothes for you in the dresser upstairs sweetie!” Juliet told her immediately “Okay mommy!” Emma called running quickly inside.
  • 89. Emma quickly rushed upstairs and opened her dresser to see what Juliet had bought for her. She glanced down to see a frilly pink dress. She scrunched nose trying to find something else. Lucky for her she found something tucked away at the back, “This is so much better!”
  • 90. She quickly headed back downstairs, wanting to play, to immediately run into her mom. Juliet looked down at Emma unpleased, “Emma you're not wearing the dress I picked out for you.” “Sorry mommy I didn't like it,” Emma apologized. “And what did you do with your hair?” Juliet asked. “I put it up, so it wouldn't get in my way when I play!” “Well alright, but I bought you a new doll house if you wanted to play with it? I could play with you.” Emma gave her mom an odd glance, “Um actually mom I was going to go play outside!” “Outside?” Juliet questioned confused.
  • 91. “Yeah I was hoping either Aiden or Jacob would teach me how to play basketball!” Emma cried excitedly. She began to walk out, “Catch you later mom!” “Basketball?” Juliet repeated unable to understand why she would want to do that.
  • 92. Emma walked out back to find Aiden already playing on the newly installed basketball court. He had recently made the team at school, so Corey had gotten him a basketball hoop to practice on at home. “Hey Aiden!” Emma greeted walking over, “Can I play?” Aiden shot Emma a look of disgust, “No Em you're too little, plus a girl, you wouldn't be good at this!” Emma narrowed her eyes, “Um actually I beg to differ!” Aiden turned away from her shooting the ball into the net, “Well too bad cause you're not playing, maybe when you're older!” Emma just glared at him not taking no for an answer.
  • 93. She quickly ran inside to change her clothes and ran back out to snatch the ball right of Aiden's hands effortlessly. “Hey!” Aiden snapped, “Give that back Emma! I don't have time for games!” “No!” Emma declared, “Now watch this!”
  • 94. She proceeded to shoot the ball perfectly in the net without it even hitting the rim. “See Aiden you're not the only one who can play this!” Aiden looked at the ball incredulously unable to believe how she had made that shot, “You just got lucky Em!” “Psssh right okay! If I'm so lucky again you should have no probably having a little competition with me! Whoever gets the most shots out of 15.” Aiden glanced at her shaking his head, “No Emma we aren't doing that, because I don't want you to be running inside crying to mom!” Emma shot Aiden a look of aversion, “Oh please like I would go crying to mom, if anyone's going to be crying to mom it's you!” Aiden glared at his little sister strongly disking her attitude, “Fine! It's on!”
  • 95. The competition turned out to be a little more than Aiden had bargained though, for as much as he hated to admit it, Emma was pretty good a basketball making almost every shot with ease.
  • 96. Aiden on the other hand was having some difficulty missing way more shots than he wanted to. “Dammit ball!” Aiden yelled as it bounced of the rim. Emma laughed, “Right blame the ball! How mature of you!”
  • 97. When it came time for the last shot Aiden looked at Emma nervously, as he knew if she made it that she would win it all. “Don't choke,” he told her. Emma rolled her eyes before taking the shot, “I won't thanks!”
  • 98. And sure enough the shot headed straight into the basket just as perfectly as her first shot had.
  • 99. Emma jumped up and down in excitement, “Woo that's it! I won! In your face Aiden!” Aiden looked at the basket in disbelief, there was no way his little sister had just beaten him at his game.
  • 100. “Well that was fun huh Aiden!” Emma cried arrogantly afterward completely satisfied with the results. Aiden rolled his eyes, “Yeah well I went easy on you Em seeming as you are so young an all, so don't get too excited.” Emma raised an eyebrow, “You are so full of it Aiden! Just admit it your little awesome sister beat you!” Aiden shoot his head, “No thanks, because it doesn't mean anything.”
  • 101. “Right yeah whatever,” Emma began to walk away, “We both know the real truth! You just won't admit it.” Aiden watched her go, “Yeah okay Em, I think you're the one full of it not me!” “Whatever Aiden, whatever.” *~*~*~*
  • 102. Later that night it came time for Melina's birthday. Since it was finally warm outside, it was able to take place outside on the back porch. Every single member of the family whether close or extended was there.
  • 103.
  • 104. Melina transitioned into a child happily grinning widely from ear to ear. “I'm finally a kid!” she called out excitedly, happy about not being the smallest anymore.
  • 105. She soon went to change into something more to her liking and even changed her hair. She was an adorable kid having Zoe's eyes and cheek bones, but Romeo's nose and mouth.
  • 106. Once the hype of Melina's transition had calmed down, Romeo went to find Alexandra who was standing by the fence. “Hey Alexandra can I talk to you for a second?” Alexandra nodded, “Yeah sure Romeo what's going on?” “It's just well I hate bring this up, but Zoe was talking about it yesterday, and it got me thinking about it and uh..” He paused not knowing how to start this conversation. “..Layla” Alexandra completed knowing exactly what he meant. “Right yeah,” Romeo piped up glad he didn't have to say it himself, “I just do you know what happened to her?”
  • 107. “Um no,” Alexandra began, “Unfortunately I don't. I could have sent her anywhere, but I do know one thing she's still out there somewhere. Now if she's coming back or not who knows, but I didn't completely get rid of her.” “Oh,” was all Romeo said in response. “Look Romeo I know it's scary and everyday I worry that she's going to come back and try to get revenge one me, but she hasn't, and I worry about the safety of my family and yours, but there is really nothing we can do but be ready for when or if she ever does come back.” “Yeah,” Romeo glanced down for a second, “I had a feeling you were going to say that., and hey Alexandra?” “Yeah?”
  • 108. “Thanks,” Romeo leaned in to hug her, “I don't think I've ever said thanks, but I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you did for me, because if it wasn't for you, I would probably still be stuck with her now.” Alexandra grinned returning the hug, “No problem Romeo. I will always be there.” “Thanks Alexandra that makes me feel so much better, it really does.”
  • 109. And that's all for now, have a picture a picture of Jacob being scared of the diving board, crazy kid. Next chapter is one I have been planning for like a year, so I'm really excited to get out. Hopefully it should be soon! I promise it won't be as long as a gap as I just had. Until then thanks for reading see you later :).