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A Paragraph On The Space Race
Space Race
Paragraph 1: The space race was a key factor to the development of spaceflight capability. This competition between the United States and the USSR for
supremacy in spaceflight efficiency began on August 2, 1955. When the United States said that they would launch artificial satellites in the future, the
Soviet Union acted quickly by beating the U.S. with the the October 4, 1957 "Sputnik," that orbited the Earth every 98 minutes with its elliptical path.
The U.S. was impacted dramatically, science became a priority in schools and universities
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Space Race Research Paper
During the space race, both the US and the Soviet Union achieved a lot. Some say the US won the race because it landed the first human on the
Moon but no one can take anything away from the USSR. Soviet accomplished a lot and had more "firsts" then the US until the US caught up. Both
the US and the USSR won the space race.
As stated before, both sides accomplished a lot. The US say they won because of the first human on moon, but USSR accomplished way too much for
the US to easily win. Both sides look at what they accomplished first. When both sides find out what they achieved, both do not deserve to be the
loser of the space race. "The problem with assigning a winner however, is that both sides would define the terms of the Space Race by what they were
capable of achieving – and then declare themselves winners" (Hodgson). This quote shows that they have to look in to what they have achieved first.
Since both achieved so much, there can not be one single winner. It would not be fair to both sides.
During the race, the USSR had a lot more "firsts" then the US, some examples are the first satellite, first man and woman in space, and even the first
dog in space. When some see this, they would be confused as to how the US won and not the USSR. The truth is more content...
This accomplishment changed the world in terms of space development. Some can not say the USSR won too because the US has done what the
USSR could not at the time. "Such attention proved rewarding 12 years later on July 16th, 1969, as Apollo 11, the fifth manned mission of NASA's
Apollo space program, successfully ended the space race as it landed on the Moon" (Ebscohost). As the USSR accomplished a lot, so has the US.
The US made an incredible comeback into the race after being behind, and that should be respected. As shown, both sides deserve to be called winners
because of what they have
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Pros And Cons Of The Space Race
One Giant Leap For Mankind
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," said Neil Armstrong, the first man to be on the moon. Mankind has benefited so much from
the Space Race. The Space Race was a Cold War competition between NASA and the USSR to reach the moon. The Space Race took place from
1957 up until 1975. On May 26, 1961, President Kennedy laid the Soviet challenge before the American people. During the Cold War, around a hundred
space advancements were made. In the 20th century, more space breakthroughs happened after the moon landing itself. A few more moon landings
followed Apollo 11. The Space Race had a positive effect on the world. Before the Space Race, most of thespace exploration had been done by robots
( more content...
An artificial satellite is a man–made instrument that orbits another object. To counter that, a year later, the U.S. launched its own satellite, Explorer 1,
designed by the U.S. Army under the direction of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, and from that, it was known that the Space Race was underway
( Staff).
Even though the Space Race had a lot of positive things that came out of it, people believe it was not necessary. They believed too many lives were
lost in spacecraft malfunctions (Lewis). The Space Race gave birth to technology that could be used to spy on other countries giving them an advantage
in war. For example, NASA was also created to exploit the military advantages of the Space Race (Balestrier). Also, some people believe that it was a
complete waste of money. For example, NASA got around 10 billion a year then. Some people also believe that the Space Race also caused the amount
of space debris. Whenever a spacecraft is launched, parts of it are released into orbit. There are over 500,000 pieces of space debris larger than a
marble orbiting Earth right now. There are even more untrackable pieces in orbit as well. Each piece moves at a rate of around 17,500 mph, enough
for a relatively small piece to heavily damage a satellite or spacecraft (Garcia).
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The Space Race Essay
The Space Race was a competition between the Soviet Union and the United States for supremacy in space. From 1955 until 1975, both sides battled it
out to be the leader in the competition. Fueled by the Cold War and other causes of the beginning of the race, the Soviet Union and the United States
fought for authority in a very public manner through the media. There were many achievements at this time and it led the way for many great things to
come afterwards.
The origins of the Space Race can be found in Germany in the 1930s. During World War II, Nazi Germany was researching and building operational
ballistic missiles and experimenting with liquid–fueled rockets. As early as 1942 and 1943, the rocket Aggregate–4 became the first more
Here, Korolev reverse engineered the A–4 and built his own version, the R–1 in 1948. While this was going on in the Soviet Union, the United States
sent von Braun and his team to the United States Army's White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico in 1945. Here, they assembled captured V–2s
and launched them. In 1950, they were moved to the Army's Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama where the Army's first operational
medium–range ballistic missile, the Redstone Rocket, was developed. Because of the threat of the nuclear weapons and communism, the Cold War
developed after World War II between the Soviet Union and the United States. This led to the expressed conflict through military coalitions, strategic
conventional force deployments, extensive aid to the states deemed vulnerable, proxy wars, espionage, propaganda, a nuclear arms race, and
economical and technological competitions, such as the Space Race.
In 1955 both the Soviet Union and the United States were building ballistic missiles that could be used to launch objects into space. This became the
starting line for the race into space. Four days apart in unrelated announcements, both the Soviets and the Americans announced their plans to launch
artificial Earth satellite by 1957 or 1958. On 29 July 1955, James C. Hagerty, President Dwight D. Eisenhower's press secretary,
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The Space Race Essay
The years after World War II was a time of great scientific and technological advancements. With these advancements came great tension and rivalry
between the United States and the former Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR). The biggest rivalry between the two superpowers was the
advancement in space technology. In 1952, the International Geophysical Year (IGY) was established in which scientists stated that in the time
between July 1, 1957 and December 31, 1958, solar activity would be at a high point. The IGY made it so that both the US and the USSR became
determined to be the first to reach space, and so the space race was born. During the space race, the USSR made many launches that were very
advanced and superior to the more content...
This launch was extraordinary because it put the first living mammal into space. "This satellite was much heavier than Sputnik 1, having two cabins,
one for the equipment and controls and another for Laika, the dog. Laika's cabin provided her with oxygen, food, water and allowed the dog enough
room to lie down and stand"(Siddiqi). It was predicted that Laika would live for ten days, but due to thermal problems inside the satellite she only
survived for about two. At the time of Sputnik 2, there was no mention of the US even trying to send any living organism into space because they were
still having trouble with regular satellite launches. This launch not only further emphasized the Soviet Union's superiority to the United States, but it
also provided scientists with the first data of a living organism in space and foreshadowed the future in human space travel. By the anniversary of
Sputnik 1, it seemed like the United States were catching up to the Soviet Union in terms of satellites launched. The US had now launched three
Explorers and one Vanguard while the USSR had launched three Sputniks. Although the US had launched more satellite than the USSR, Sputnik 1
weighed more than all four of the US satellites combined and Sputnik 3 weighed and astonishing 2,950 pounds. The three US launches couldn't
compare to the Soviet Union's launches because the Sputnik launches were so much more technologically advanced, once
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The Space Race
The space race was an important time in history, for the U.S, USSR, and the rest of the world. Soon after World War II, the Soviet Union and United
States began a global battle, communism against democracy. Space became a huge entity in the "war." Each side spend billions on besting each other's
achievements in what later became known as the famous "Space Race."
The Cold War was the United States capitalists, versus the Soviet communists. It wasn't an actual war, but more of a grudge, because there wasn't any
real fighting going on. It began in the late 1950's, after World War II. The "war" ended after the Berlin Wall was torn down, and the USSR fell in 1991.
Although they hated each other, both powers had a mutual enemy, NAZI more content...
In 1961, John F. Kennedy made a public claim to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Sputnik was credited for instigating President
Kennedy's declaration. (Moskowitz) It was big deal, it was also the most popular thing at the time, and something everybody was talking about. Many
U.S. citizens became worried when Sputnik I's launch was announced. None of them were willing to lose to the Soviets (The Space Race Lifts Off). In
1959, the Soviets launched Luna II, which hits the moon. It took thirty three and a half hours to land. The mission confirmed that the Moon had no
magnetic field, and did not find any evidence of radiation belts their either (Bell).
Nasa was established on July 29, 1958. It was created to counter the Soviet's Sputnik (NASA created). The goal was "To reach new heights and reveal
the unknown so that what we do will benefit all humankind" (Daines). NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Agency. With the competition
rising, and all the growing support, the amount of employees quickly grew from 34,000 to 375,000. The budget also increased almost five hundred
percent (Dunbar) going from eighty nine million to 5.9 billion (Space Race: Cold War Front).
The first manned mission was Apollo 8, and the first to land on the moon was Apollo 11. Apollo 11 landed July 1969, and six more followed till
roughly 1972 (Williams). The spaceship itself have the astronauts about as much room as a
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Essay On The Space Race
The Space Race
Imagine you're running in a race, all you have to do to win is run fast and go past the finish line first. Now, imagine you're in another race, but to win
you must walk on the moon! The United States and the Soviets had that kind of race during the Cold War, called the Space Race. According to the
Merriam–Webster dictionary, aCold War is "a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures
short of open warfare, in particular." This Cold War was "a state of geopolitical tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc and
powers in the Western Bloc." ( staff, 2010) and lasted from 1945–1990. In this essay, I will be writing about one event of more
President Kennedy's goal had been achieved." (Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History, 2009) On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong was a changed man.
Neil Armstrong was a very significant person. He was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5th, 1930. In 1949–1952 he was a naval aviator, then in
1955 he joined NASA. For 17 years he was a test pilot, engineer, astronaut, and administrator for NACA and NASA. "NASA stands for National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA was started in 1958 as a part of theUnited States government. NASA is in charge of U.S. science and
technology that has to do with airplanes or space." ( staff, 2009) Armstrong began his NASA career in Ohio. At age 32, he officially
transferred to astronaut status. As spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, Neil gained the distinction of being the first man to land a craft on the moon
and first to step on its surface. ( staff, 2012) After that, he received a bachelor of science degree in Aeronautical engineering from Purdue
University and a master of science in Aerospace Engineering from the university of Southern California. Sadly, Neil Armstrong died from
cardiovascular procedures complications on August 5th, but died a legend.
The space race was a major part of the Cold War. There were many important events and people involved such as the first person in space, the first
person on the moon, and Neil Armstrong. According to the
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Economic Impact Of The Space Race
Economic Impacts of the Space Race By: Kimia
The space race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that occurred during the Cold War. They competed for dominance in
space technology and spaceflight, which spurred many significant inventions and events. Some of these inventions and events include the first–ever
landing on the moon, the first artificial satellite to be launched into the Earth's orbit, the establishment of NASA, the invention of the microprocessor
computer, the invention of satellite communication technology, and other direct and indirect impacts. Each of the different events and inventions that
spawned from the space race have had significant impacts on the United States economy.
After the end of World War II on September 2, 1945, a new era called theCold War began. The Cold War was a non–violent state of political and
military tension between the democratic and capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union: two of the biggest powers of the world at the
time. However, they were drastically different in both economy and politics, allowing rivalry to build up. They both wanted to become the most
powerful nation of the world, and both feared that the other nation would rise up to become the most powerful nation of the world.
Throughout the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union, the USSR, tried to outspend and outdo each other. They looked for any advantage they could
get to achieve more attainments than the
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Effects Of The Space Race
The Space Race exacerbated the tense relationship between the USA and USSR to a greater extent. From 1957 to 1969 (the accepted duration of the
Race), it created tension because the advancements made in Space technology translated directly into ideological superiority and military power.
However, from 1970 to 1979, after the Race had ended and Cold War tensions were easing, collaborations in Space encouraged co–operation between
the two countries.
The Space Race was characterised by a series of new developments and technological advancements made in Space by the USA and USSR from the
late 1950s to the late 1960s (see appendix ii). The Race spawned from the Cold War between the USA and USSR during this time, and was among
other conflicts, such as the Arms Race and Nuclear Armament, a source of tension between the two superpowers.
The Space Race exacerbated the tense relationship between the USA and USSR from 1957 to 1969 because the advancements made in Space
technology were used as a means to indicate political and ideological superiority. (Garcia & Lusigan, 2005). The yet–to–be–discovered Space became
the perfect arena in which each ideological system, namely more content...
(Anonymous, 2017). The USSR leader, Nikita Khruschev, stated that the "economy, science, culture and the creative genius of people in all areas of
life develop better and faster under communism" after the Soviets' initial achievements in the Race (see Appendix ii). (Trustees of the Royal Air
Force Museum, 2013). Sergey Korolyov, head of the USSR Space efforts, stated the USSR's mission would be "to ensure that the Soviet rockets fly
higher and farther than has been accomplished anywhere else up until now ..., to ensure that a Soviet man be the first to fly in a rocket ... and ... to
ensure that it is Soviet rockets and Soviet spaceships that are the first to master the limitless space of the cosmos." (Garcia & Lusigan,
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Space Race History
On october 4, 1957, in the midst of the cold war, the soviet union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to be sent into orbit sparking the
space race, as well as marking the beginning of the space age(Gaber).The space race was a competition between the two biggest rivals in the world,
the United States and the Soviet Union. During the space race, the United States and the Soviet Union competed to conquer space exploration. The
soviet union ran two main mission Sputnik and Luna and the United State had three, Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.The space race brought on many
scientific discoveries. From 1947 to 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union fought in a war of ideas know as the Cold War. The cold war started
after more content...
Early in 1959, Luna I made a trip past the moon, and on September 14,1959, Luna II crashed on the moon. Luna II was truly the first actual visit by
spacecraft to another object in space (McArthur, 29–30). The United States started the Apollo mission with the goals of reaching the moon and sending
people to land on the moon safely. The Apollo missions go off to a rough start when on January 27, 1967, Apollo I caught on fire during the preflight
test. Apollo II–VI where unmanned moon orbiter space crafts. Apollo VII was launched on October 11, 1968, and had three peope on board.It was
in spaced for a little bit less than 11 days and in that time it orbted the moon colecting data. Apollo VIII was launched on December 21, 1968 and
was in space over christmas and on christma eve they made a telecast were the astronauts red verses from the bible. On Apollo VII they also made
five other telecasts. Apollo IX was launched on March 3, 1969, and collected more data on the moon and experimented with photography. Apollo X
was launched May 18, 1969 and while in orbit tracked the moon's main landmarks. On July 16,1969, Apollo 11 blasted into space with Neil
Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins (Loff). When it came time to attempt to and on the moon mission control tried to guide Apollo 11
somewhere Armstrong fet was too risky so he took over and went to land somewhere
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The Space Race Essay
The Space Race; a period in time, more than a two decades of space exploration. Its competitors, USA vs USSR. Its length consisting of no more than
12 years yet giving increased knowledge of flight and the sky and space above it. It consisted of more than thirty overall successful launches and
through each abysmal failure brought new success. The launches increased the overall knowledge of space and brought new ideas and questions into
peoples minds. Sci–Fi sprung up from the ideas that the events brought. It gave humans new ideas, new thoughts. The purpose of this paper is to
increase the remembrance of that period of space exploration.
My paper will consist of some amount of sections; each explaining certain event(s). The first more content...
Sputnik 2's success was amazing it launched the first living being into space. The animal was a Part Husky– Part Terrier stray off the streets of
Moscow. Sputnik 2 had a cone like top connected to a large spherical cockpit. The cockpit had a small bed as well as a feeding tube and a water
tube. Laika was strapped down in the small bed for the journey with seven days supply of food. Computers monitored Laika's heart rate and oxygen
purifiers kept the dog alive. Sadly the mission had no return launch. Meaning Laika is now floating lost in space.
Laika was Sputnik 2's passenger the dog was a Part Husky–Terrier mix. Laika was the first animal in space. Explorer 1 was the first American Launch.
It was a man–sized cylinder shaped satellite with four antennas for broadcasting information. It held inside many scientific tools which helped this US
rocket make the first space discovery; The Van Allen Radiation Belt. The Van Allen Radiation belt had two layers of energetic particles caught in the
Earths gravitational pull. The belt is located in the exosphere layer of the atmosphere.Explorer 2 bore a striking resemblance to Explorer 1 yet it
contained different Scientific equipment to further explorer the atmosphere and space around earth. However it was destroyed when the launch
containing the satellite failed to liftoff. The failed liftoff consisted of the shuttle splitting in two and exploding thereby destroying the probe. This probe
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What Are The Causes Of The Space Race
The space race was caused by the cold war, the cold war was a war that was between the Soviet Union and the USA, it wasn't so much like a war
because almost no one sent any army or any bombs, but there was still people that died. The USA in the world war 2 invented this new nuclear
weapon, America thought that they could lead the cold war but suddenly the Soviet union started to make nuclear weapons, so each time the Soviet
union made one america did 2 then the Soviet union did 5. Both countries knew that if one launched a nuclear bomb, there wouldn't be winners so
nobody actually sent any thing.
The space race started in 1957 when the Soviet Union sent Sputnik. 1t was the first artificial satellite. After some time the russians sent sputnik 2, it
had the first living thing to go to space: the first dog called Laika. The USA after some weeks they sent the Explorer 1 1n to space, the first american
what happened?
The first man in orbit was Yuri Gagarin he was sent by the soviet union more content...
Apollo 10 was meant to orbit the moon and study for possible landing for Apollo 11. In 1969 they finally sent the rocket, that changed history the rocket
with Neil Armstrong and his crew on the moon, neil armstrong was the first to step on the moon surface, he brought victory to all Americans and the
world pretty much. After Apollo 11 all the project were based on finding information on the moon, and how was the moon's surface and all that
scientific things. Apollo 17 was one of the most important because it was the project that ended Apollo and went on the moon and stayed there 8
hours, and got all the rocks and the kind of soil and materials from the
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Cold War: The Space Race
After the end of the second World War in 1945, there remained only two superpower countries: the United States and the Soviet Union. The vast
differences between the two countries sparked hostility and distrust between the nations that had lasted since the Russian Revolution. This period,
known as the Cold War, lasted for around 45 years. Although there was not much physical fighting going on, the conflict continued for many years
because of a series of misunderstandings regarding the Space Race, the rule of Eastern Europe, and the nuclear arms race.
The Space Race caused misunderstandings and distrust between the United States and the Soviet Union that contributed to the Cold War. The webpage
at states that when the Soviets more content...
This began as the United States secretly built atomic bombs. Initially, the United States believed that they were the only country with nuclear
weapons. Because of this, United States President Harry Truman told secrets about the nuclear weapons to all it's World War II allies, except
Russia. According to the New York Times article "The Rosenberg Trial" by Sam Roberts, in 1949 a United States spy plane cruiser flying off
Siberia detected abnormally high levels of radioactivity. This showed that the Soviets were now a part of the nuclear arms race. Later that month, it
was found out that Soviets had infiltrated the secret American atomic bomb program. Both countries proceeded to build up their supply of nuclear
weapons to intimidate the other. This escalated into the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. The New York Times article "The Cuban Missile Crisis" by
Anthony DePalma states that this clash began when it was found out that Soviet leader, Nikita Kruschev, was secretly shipping nuclear missiles into
communist Cuba and pointing them at American cities. This was done in retaliation to the missiles that the United States had stationed in Turkey,
which were pointed at Soviet cities. This feud almost led to physical combat in the war. However, both President Kennedy and Kruschev were able to
avoid physical fighting. The nuclear arms race led to increased hostility between the two superpowers, which led to the cycle of the two countries
trying to provoke fear in the other, which was based upon fear that the other had instilled in
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Argumentative Essay: The Space Race
"Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here."
Have you ever wanted to soar? Fly? Glide through the skies of the earth or even the great unknown called the universe? Well thanks to todays'
technology and the company founded on July 29 1958, NASA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), we can now undertake that dream; you
can finally take to the air.
Many people believe that the money we "waste" on space exploration should be spent on something else such as hospitals, schools etc. Some agree and
say that we haven't yet discovered all the creations of the earth so why use money venturing into a pointless void. Nevertheless, what innumerable
people don't realise is that the cost for us to progress into the universe isn't actually that much, more content...
Space exploration is an inherently worldwide endeavour that attracts broad international interest and affects people all across the globe producing
knowledge, capabilities, and relationships that help society deal with some of the most pressing long–term global challenges. Another popular benefit
of space travel is the jobs it creates. The fact that a space agency and its network of contractors and universities help people stay employed is amazing.
More than 18000 people currently work for NASA and many more people work for the company as government contractors. They are hired by
companies that NASA pays to do work for them. Now we've been told by recent study that there is 11,800 jobs to be created per year by space
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The US Involvement In The Space Race
The space race, a competition to show superiority of technology and military firepower. The United States should have entered the space race. If the
United States would not have entered the space race Russian communism would have had a big achievement over democracy America. Russia's early
success in the space race was used to show that communism was superior. The early success was also used to show that the economy, science, and
culture developed faster under communist rule(Space Race). The launch of Sputnik I set the space race in motion(Wall). Sputnik I was the first
satellite launched into orbit. Sputnik I was no larger than a beach ball that sent meaningless signals back to earth(The Space Race). Russia had a second
big achievement when
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Essay On The Space Race
There is only so much you can explore on Earth, Space is infinite. The Space Race was a historical competition between the Soviet Union and the
United States for the first humans to reach the moon. Taking place during 1957–1975, the Space Race showcased the determination between the two
nations to display who had the superior science and technology knowledge. After the Russians created the first satellite, the United States felt threatened
that the Soviet Union would have military control over space and began to race against their rivals. The money spent on the space race was a
legitimate use of government funds because it showed the world which country had the best technology and science, shown the significance of rocket
science for more content...
The thought that the other nation would have complete military control over the space surrounding Earth was threatening motivating them to get there
first. The same rockets that were used to get to the moon were able to be changed into a very powerful, explosive–tip rockets. "Von Braun's V–2s
caused around 2,750 civilian deaths; one single V–2 rocket that landed on a Woolworth's store killed 160 Londoners."(The Space Race) With the
advancement of rocket technology from the Space Race, the U.S and Soviets military were able to make weapons of destruction that could kill
thousands of people and could not be shot down due to how new they were and the little knowledge from around the world about them. Although
military advancements were a very important reason why the Space Race was worth funding, space exploration was also very important.
Lastly, space exploration. The Space Race kickstarted the exploration of space. While rushing to get an American on the Moon, we learned much about
the technicalities of space. While working on the competition, Eisenhower created NASA, which is still around and alive today "That same year,
President Dwight Eisenhower signed a public order creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a federal agency dedicated to
space exploration."(
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The Space Race, A Space Technology Race
"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are
hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to
accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." This quote was made by John F. Kennedy on
September 12, 1962, and it encompasses the dedication the US had to winning the Space Race, a space technology race between the United States and
Soviet Russia. The Space Race would soon become a huge competition led by many big factors and decisions. Overall, The Space Race started with the
USSR's launch of Sputnik, an event which fueled nationalism in both countries, and ended with the United States landing a man on the moon.
Subtopic 1
Curator's Note 1
(picture and caption on weebly)
This picture depicts a Soviet scientist putting the finishing touches on Sputnik, a satellite that would soon be launched into orbit around earth. The
news of the launch came as a big, unpleasant surprise to the US (The Start of the Space Race). They feared the military capabilities of satellites in
orbit as well as the advancement of Soviet technology. The US immediately reacted by launching Vanguard into orbit, but it failed miserably when it
was launched (Space Race.). Although the US managed to successfully put Vanguard 1 into orbit later that year,
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An Outline Of The Space Race In The Cold War
A.Attention grabber a.Cold war information (time, reason,how) b.Competition between 2 largest countries c.Space race in the cold war
(why,what,goal) B. Background (60's) C.Thesis statement (What,3 reasons/areas, impact) a.Exciting,but scary time (atmosphere) b.Cold war/space
race (reason and impact on countries) C.3 reasons why it's important
The space race was a very exciting and scary time in the cold war where the U.S. and the USSR were competing with each other over who had the
better technology and the impact it had on the U.S., the USSR, and even some other countries was huge due to 3 main reasons.
II.Body paragraph 1 A.Topic sentence a.U.S. Contributions
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The Space Race Essay
Thesis: The race into space changed the course of history; the scientific exploration united nations and captivated the world. "Vergeltungswaffe zwei"
was the designation given to Adolf Hitler's principal long–range warhead. Long before the Americans and Soviets initiated their pursuit of space, the
Germans had ambitions of their own. The "German Army Ordnance," in fact, toiled tirelessly constructing rocket–like missiles before the Second
World War. Hitler and the Nazis believed that the capability to attack strategic foreign objectives in a concise period of time would cripple their
counterparts and ordain the Germans unstoppable ("Space Race Exhibition" 1). The mastermind behind the V–2 missile technology was a young
German more content...
Army purposes. The initial test run in the later months of 1945 sent the 700 pound machine a vertical distance of nearly forty–five miles.
Enhancements to the original model provided an approximate fifteen mile increase to the maximum height ("Space Race Exhibition" 2).
Notwithstanding the fabrication of the WAC Corporal, the progression of airborne weapons was not a prime goal of the United States. However, at
the turn of the next decade, a competition broke out to see which branch of the Armed Services would create the next great rocket. The 1950s brought
about rapid production of new rockets by the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Manufacturing bigger rockets and anti
–aircraft weaponry was the main focus
of the Army, while the Navy was concerned with smaller ship–launched projectiles and the Air Force with other forms of ballistic missiles. The rivalry
was designed to harness the creative genius of each individual branch in hopes of yielding rocket brilliance, but misunderstandings generated frequent
unintended consequences ("Space Race Exhibition" 3). A great portion of the space race is in direct correlation with military advantages rockets
provided during the Cold War. The United States Military was in need of an astute plan that would provide them with the capability to quickly attack
the Soviets without the trouble of manned flight. Existing technology from the Second World War lacked the speed and deception
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A Paragraph On The Space Race

  • 1. A Paragraph On The Space Race Space Race Paragraph 1: The space race was a key factor to the development of spaceflight capability. This competition between the United States and the USSR for supremacy in spaceflight efficiency began on August 2, 1955. When the United States said that they would launch artificial satellites in the future, the Soviet Union acted quickly by beating the U.S. with the the October 4, 1957 "Sputnik," that orbited the Earth every 98 minutes with its elliptical path. The U.S. was impacted dramatically, science became a priority in schools and universities Get more content on
  • 2. Space Race Research Paper During the space race, both the US and the Soviet Union achieved a lot. Some say the US won the race because it landed the first human on the Moon but no one can take anything away from the USSR. Soviet accomplished a lot and had more "firsts" then the US until the US caught up. Both the US and the USSR won the space race. As stated before, both sides accomplished a lot. The US say they won because of the first human on moon, but USSR accomplished way too much for the US to easily win. Both sides look at what they accomplished first. When both sides find out what they achieved, both do not deserve to be the loser of the space race. "The problem with assigning a winner however, is that both sides would define the terms of the Space Race by what they were capable of achieving – and then declare themselves winners" (Hodgson). This quote shows that they have to look in to what they have achieved first. Since both achieved so much, there can not be one single winner. It would not be fair to both sides. During the race, the USSR had a lot more "firsts" then the US, some examples are the first satellite, first man and woman in space, and even the first dog in space. When some see this, they would be confused as to how the US won and not the USSR. The truth is more content... This accomplishment changed the world in terms of space development. Some can not say the USSR won too because the US has done what the USSR could not at the time. "Such attention proved rewarding 12 years later on July 16th, 1969, as Apollo 11, the fifth manned mission of NASA's Apollo space program, successfully ended the space race as it landed on the Moon" (Ebscohost). As the USSR accomplished a lot, so has the US. The US made an incredible comeback into the race after being behind, and that should be respected. As shown, both sides deserve to be called winners because of what they have Get more content on
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of The Space Race One Giant Leap For Mankind "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," said Neil Armstrong, the first man to be on the moon. Mankind has benefited so much from the Space Race. The Space Race was a Cold War competition between NASA and the USSR to reach the moon. The Space Race took place from 1957 up until 1975. On May 26, 1961, President Kennedy laid the Soviet challenge before the American people. During the Cold War, around a hundred space advancements were made. In the 20th century, more space breakthroughs happened after the moon landing itself. A few more moon landings followed Apollo 11. The Space Race had a positive effect on the world. Before the Space Race, most of thespace exploration had been done by robots ( more content... An artificial satellite is a man–made instrument that orbits another object. To counter that, a year later, the U.S. launched its own satellite, Explorer 1, designed by the U.S. Army under the direction of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, and from that, it was known that the Space Race was underway ( Staff). Even though the Space Race had a lot of positive things that came out of it, people believe it was not necessary. They believed too many lives were lost in spacecraft malfunctions (Lewis). The Space Race gave birth to technology that could be used to spy on other countries giving them an advantage in war. For example, NASA was also created to exploit the military advantages of the Space Race (Balestrier). Also, some people believe that it was a complete waste of money. For example, NASA got around 10 billion a year then. Some people also believe that the Space Race also caused the amount of space debris. Whenever a spacecraft is launched, parts of it are released into orbit. There are over 500,000 pieces of space debris larger than a marble orbiting Earth right now. There are even more untrackable pieces in orbit as well. Each piece moves at a rate of around 17,500 mph, enough for a relatively small piece to heavily damage a satellite or spacecraft (Garcia). More Get more content on
  • 4. The Space Race Essay The Space Race was a competition between the Soviet Union and the United States for supremacy in space. From 1955 until 1975, both sides battled it out to be the leader in the competition. Fueled by the Cold War and other causes of the beginning of the race, the Soviet Union and the United States fought for authority in a very public manner through the media. There were many achievements at this time and it led the way for many great things to come afterwards. The origins of the Space Race can be found in Germany in the 1930s. During World War II, Nazi Germany was researching and building operational ballistic missiles and experimenting with liquid–fueled rockets. As early as 1942 and 1943, the rocket Aggregate–4 became the first more content... Here, Korolev reverse engineered the A–4 and built his own version, the R–1 in 1948. While this was going on in the Soviet Union, the United States sent von Braun and his team to the United States Army's White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico in 1945. Here, they assembled captured V–2s and launched them. In 1950, they were moved to the Army's Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama where the Army's first operational medium–range ballistic missile, the Redstone Rocket, was developed. Because of the threat of the nuclear weapons and communism, the Cold War developed after World War II between the Soviet Union and the United States. This led to the expressed conflict through military coalitions, strategic conventional force deployments, extensive aid to the states deemed vulnerable, proxy wars, espionage, propaganda, a nuclear arms race, and economical and technological competitions, such as the Space Race. In 1955 both the Soviet Union and the United States were building ballistic missiles that could be used to launch objects into space. This became the starting line for the race into space. Four days apart in unrelated announcements, both the Soviets and the Americans announced their plans to launch artificial Earth satellite by 1957 or 1958. On 29 July 1955, James C. Hagerty, President Dwight D. Eisenhower's press secretary, Get more content on
  • 5. The Space Race Essay The years after World War II was a time of great scientific and technological advancements. With these advancements came great tension and rivalry between the United States and the former Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR). The biggest rivalry between the two superpowers was the advancement in space technology. In 1952, the International Geophysical Year (IGY) was established in which scientists stated that in the time between July 1, 1957 and December 31, 1958, solar activity would be at a high point. The IGY made it so that both the US and the USSR became determined to be the first to reach space, and so the space race was born. During the space race, the USSR made many launches that were very advanced and superior to the more content... This launch was extraordinary because it put the first living mammal into space. "This satellite was much heavier than Sputnik 1, having two cabins, one for the equipment and controls and another for Laika, the dog. Laika's cabin provided her with oxygen, food, water and allowed the dog enough room to lie down and stand"(Siddiqi). It was predicted that Laika would live for ten days, but due to thermal problems inside the satellite she only survived for about two. At the time of Sputnik 2, there was no mention of the US even trying to send any living organism into space because they were still having trouble with regular satellite launches. This launch not only further emphasized the Soviet Union's superiority to the United States, but it also provided scientists with the first data of a living organism in space and foreshadowed the future in human space travel. By the anniversary of Sputnik 1, it seemed like the United States were catching up to the Soviet Union in terms of satellites launched. The US had now launched three Explorers and one Vanguard while the USSR had launched three Sputniks. Although the US had launched more satellite than the USSR, Sputnik 1 weighed more than all four of the US satellites combined and Sputnik 3 weighed and astonishing 2,950 pounds. The three US launches couldn't compare to the Soviet Union's launches because the Sputnik launches were so much more technologically advanced, once Get more content on
  • 6. The Space Race The space race was an important time in history, for the U.S, USSR, and the rest of the world. Soon after World War II, the Soviet Union and United States began a global battle, communism against democracy. Space became a huge entity in the "war." Each side spend billions on besting each other's achievements in what later became known as the famous "Space Race." The Cold War was the United States capitalists, versus the Soviet communists. It wasn't an actual war, but more of a grudge, because there wasn't any real fighting going on. It began in the late 1950's, after World War II. The "war" ended after the Berlin Wall was torn down, and the USSR fell in 1991. Although they hated each other, both powers had a mutual enemy, NAZI more content... In 1961, John F. Kennedy made a public claim to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Sputnik was credited for instigating President Kennedy's declaration. (Moskowitz) It was big deal, it was also the most popular thing at the time, and something everybody was talking about. Many U.S. citizens became worried when Sputnik I's launch was announced. None of them were willing to lose to the Soviets (The Space Race Lifts Off). In 1959, the Soviets launched Luna II, which hits the moon. It took thirty three and a half hours to land. The mission confirmed that the Moon had no magnetic field, and did not find any evidence of radiation belts their either (Bell). Nasa was established on July 29, 1958. It was created to counter the Soviet's Sputnik (NASA created). The goal was "To reach new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do will benefit all humankind" (Daines). NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Agency. With the competition rising, and all the growing support, the amount of employees quickly grew from 34,000 to 375,000. The budget also increased almost five hundred percent (Dunbar) going from eighty nine million to 5.9 billion (Space Race: Cold War Front). The first manned mission was Apollo 8, and the first to land on the moon was Apollo 11. Apollo 11 landed July 1969, and six more followed till roughly 1972 (Williams). The spaceship itself have the astronauts about as much room as a Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On The Space Race The Space Race Imagine you're running in a race, all you have to do to win is run fast and go past the finish line first. Now, imagine you're in another race, but to win you must walk on the moon! The United States and the Soviets had that kind of race during the Cold War, called the Space Race. According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, aCold War is "a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular." This Cold War was "a state of geopolitical tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc and powers in the Western Bloc." ( staff, 2010) and lasted from 1945–1990. In this essay, I will be writing about one event of more content... President Kennedy's goal had been achieved." (Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History, 2009) On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong was a changed man. Neil Armstrong was a very significant person. He was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5th, 1930. In 1949–1952 he was a naval aviator, then in 1955 he joined NASA. For 17 years he was a test pilot, engineer, astronaut, and administrator for NACA and NASA. "NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA was started in 1958 as a part of theUnited States government. NASA is in charge of U.S. science and technology that has to do with airplanes or space." ( staff, 2009) Armstrong began his NASA career in Ohio. At age 32, he officially transferred to astronaut status. As spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, Neil gained the distinction of being the first man to land a craft on the moon and first to step on its surface. ( staff, 2012) After that, he received a bachelor of science degree in Aeronautical engineering from Purdue University and a master of science in Aerospace Engineering from the university of Southern California. Sadly, Neil Armstrong died from cardiovascular procedures complications on August 5th, but died a legend. The space race was a major part of the Cold War. There were many important events and people involved such as the first person in space, the first person on the moon, and Neil Armstrong. According to the Get more content on
  • 8. Economic Impact Of The Space Race Economic Impacts of the Space Race By: Kimia The space race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that occurred during the Cold War. They competed for dominance in space technology and spaceflight, which spurred many significant inventions and events. Some of these inventions and events include the first–ever landing on the moon, the first artificial satellite to be launched into the Earth's orbit, the establishment of NASA, the invention of the microprocessor computer, the invention of satellite communication technology, and other direct and indirect impacts. Each of the different events and inventions that spawned from the space race have had significant impacts on the United States economy. After the end of World War II on September 2, 1945, a new era called theCold War began. The Cold War was a non–violent state of political and military tension between the democratic and capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union: two of the biggest powers of the world at the time. However, they were drastically different in both economy and politics, allowing rivalry to build up. They both wanted to become the most powerful nation of the world, and both feared that the other nation would rise up to become the most powerful nation of the world. Throughout the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union, the USSR, tried to outspend and outdo each other. They looked for any advantage they could get to achieve more attainments than the Get more content on
  • 9. Effects Of The Space Race The Space Race exacerbated the tense relationship between the USA and USSR to a greater extent. From 1957 to 1969 (the accepted duration of the Race), it created tension because the advancements made in Space technology translated directly into ideological superiority and military power. However, from 1970 to 1979, after the Race had ended and Cold War tensions were easing, collaborations in Space encouraged co–operation between the two countries. The Space Race was characterised by a series of new developments and technological advancements made in Space by the USA and USSR from the late 1950s to the late 1960s (see appendix ii). The Race spawned from the Cold War between the USA and USSR during this time, and was among other conflicts, such as the Arms Race and Nuclear Armament, a source of tension between the two superpowers. The Space Race exacerbated the tense relationship between the USA and USSR from 1957 to 1969 because the advancements made in Space technology were used as a means to indicate political and ideological superiority. (Garcia & Lusigan, 2005). The yet–to–be–discovered Space became the perfect arena in which each ideological system, namely more content... (Anonymous, 2017). The USSR leader, Nikita Khruschev, stated that the "economy, science, culture and the creative genius of people in all areas of life develop better and faster under communism" after the Soviets' initial achievements in the Race (see Appendix ii). (Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum, 2013). Sergey Korolyov, head of the USSR Space efforts, stated the USSR's mission would be "to ensure that the Soviet rockets fly higher and farther than has been accomplished anywhere else up until now ..., to ensure that a Soviet man be the first to fly in a rocket ... and ... to ensure that it is Soviet rockets and Soviet spaceships that are the first to master the limitless space of the cosmos." (Garcia & Lusigan, Get more content on
  • 10. Space Race History On october 4, 1957, in the midst of the cold war, the soviet union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to be sent into orbit sparking the space race, as well as marking the beginning of the space age(Gaber).The space race was a competition between the two biggest rivals in the world, the United States and the Soviet Union. During the space race, the United States and the Soviet Union competed to conquer space exploration. The soviet union ran two main mission Sputnik and Luna and the United State had three, Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.The space race brought on many scientific discoveries. From 1947 to 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union fought in a war of ideas know as the Cold War. The cold war started after more content... Early in 1959, Luna I made a trip past the moon, and on September 14,1959, Luna II crashed on the moon. Luna II was truly the first actual visit by spacecraft to another object in space (McArthur, 29–30). The United States started the Apollo mission with the goals of reaching the moon and sending people to land on the moon safely. The Apollo missions go off to a rough start when on January 27, 1967, Apollo I caught on fire during the preflight test. Apollo II–VI where unmanned moon orbiter space crafts. Apollo VII was launched on October 11, 1968, and had three peope on board.It was in spaced for a little bit less than 11 days and in that time it orbted the moon colecting data. Apollo VIII was launched on December 21, 1968 and was in space over christmas and on christma eve they made a telecast were the astronauts red verses from the bible. On Apollo VII they also made five other telecasts. Apollo IX was launched on March 3, 1969, and collected more data on the moon and experimented with photography. Apollo X was launched May 18, 1969 and while in orbit tracked the moon's main landmarks. On July 16,1969, Apollo 11 blasted into space with Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins (Loff). When it came time to attempt to and on the moon mission control tried to guide Apollo 11 somewhere Armstrong fet was too risky so he took over and went to land somewhere Get more content on
  • 11. The Space Race Essay The Space Race; a period in time, more than a two decades of space exploration. Its competitors, USA vs USSR. Its length consisting of no more than 12 years yet giving increased knowledge of flight and the sky and space above it. It consisted of more than thirty overall successful launches and through each abysmal failure brought new success. The launches increased the overall knowledge of space and brought new ideas and questions into peoples minds. Sci–Fi sprung up from the ideas that the events brought. It gave humans new ideas, new thoughts. The purpose of this paper is to increase the remembrance of that period of space exploration. My paper will consist of some amount of sections; each explaining certain event(s). The first more content... Sputnik 2's success was amazing it launched the first living being into space. The animal was a Part Husky– Part Terrier stray off the streets of Moscow. Sputnik 2 had a cone like top connected to a large spherical cockpit. The cockpit had a small bed as well as a feeding tube and a water tube. Laika was strapped down in the small bed for the journey with seven days supply of food. Computers monitored Laika's heart rate and oxygen purifiers kept the dog alive. Sadly the mission had no return launch. Meaning Laika is now floating lost in space. Laika was Sputnik 2's passenger the dog was a Part Husky–Terrier mix. Laika was the first animal in space. Explorer 1 was the first American Launch. It was a man–sized cylinder shaped satellite with four antennas for broadcasting information. It held inside many scientific tools which helped this US rocket make the first space discovery; The Van Allen Radiation Belt. The Van Allen Radiation belt had two layers of energetic particles caught in the Earths gravitational pull. The belt is located in the exosphere layer of the atmosphere.Explorer 2 bore a striking resemblance to Explorer 1 yet it contained different Scientific equipment to further explorer the atmosphere and space around earth. However it was destroyed when the launch containing the satellite failed to liftoff. The failed liftoff consisted of the shuttle splitting in two and exploding thereby destroying the probe. This probe Get more content on
  • 12. What Are The Causes Of The Space Race The space race was caused by the cold war, the cold war was a war that was between the Soviet Union and the USA, it wasn't so much like a war because almost no one sent any army or any bombs, but there was still people that died. The USA in the world war 2 invented this new nuclear weapon, America thought that they could lead the cold war but suddenly the Soviet union started to make nuclear weapons, so each time the Soviet union made one america did 2 then the Soviet union did 5. Both countries knew that if one launched a nuclear bomb, there wouldn't be winners so nobody actually sent any thing. THE START The space race started in 1957 when the Soviet Union sent Sputnik. 1t was the first artificial satellite. After some time the russians sent sputnik 2, it had the first living thing to go to space: the first dog called Laika. The USA after some weeks they sent the Explorer 1 1n to space, the first american rocket. SPUTNIK 1 FIRST SATELLITE what happened? The first man in orbit was Yuri Gagarin he was sent by the soviet union more content... Apollo 10 was meant to orbit the moon and study for possible landing for Apollo 11. In 1969 they finally sent the rocket, that changed history the rocket with Neil Armstrong and his crew on the moon, neil armstrong was the first to step on the moon surface, he brought victory to all Americans and the world pretty much. After Apollo 11 all the project were based on finding information on the moon, and how was the moon's surface and all that scientific things. Apollo 17 was one of the most important because it was the project that ended Apollo and went on the moon and stayed there 8 hours, and got all the rocks and the kind of soil and materials from the Get more content on
  • 13. Cold War: The Space Race After the end of the second World War in 1945, there remained only two superpower countries: the United States and the Soviet Union. The vast differences between the two countries sparked hostility and distrust between the nations that had lasted since the Russian Revolution. This period, known as the Cold War, lasted for around 45 years. Although there was not much physical fighting going on, the conflict continued for many years because of a series of misunderstandings regarding the Space Race, the rule of Eastern Europe, and the nuclear arms race. The Space Race caused misunderstandings and distrust between the United States and the Soviet Union that contributed to the Cold War. The webpage at states that when the Soviets more content... This began as the United States secretly built atomic bombs. Initially, the United States believed that they were the only country with nuclear weapons. Because of this, United States President Harry Truman told secrets about the nuclear weapons to all it's World War II allies, except Russia. According to the New York Times article "The Rosenberg Trial" by Sam Roberts, in 1949 a United States spy plane cruiser flying off Siberia detected abnormally high levels of radioactivity. This showed that the Soviets were now a part of the nuclear arms race. Later that month, it was found out that Soviets had infiltrated the secret American atomic bomb program. Both countries proceeded to build up their supply of nuclear weapons to intimidate the other. This escalated into the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. The New York Times article "The Cuban Missile Crisis" by Anthony DePalma states that this clash began when it was found out that Soviet leader, Nikita Kruschev, was secretly shipping nuclear missiles into communist Cuba and pointing them at American cities. This was done in retaliation to the missiles that the United States had stationed in Turkey, which were pointed at Soviet cities. This feud almost led to physical combat in the war. However, both President Kennedy and Kruschev were able to avoid physical fighting. The nuclear arms race led to increased hostility between the two superpowers, which led to the cycle of the two countries trying to provoke fear in the other, which was based upon fear that the other had instilled in Get more content on
  • 14. Argumentative Essay: The Space Race "Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here." Have you ever wanted to soar? Fly? Glide through the skies of the earth or even the great unknown called the universe? Well thanks to todays' technology and the company founded on July 29 1958, NASA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), we can now undertake that dream; you can finally take to the air. Many people believe that the money we "waste" on space exploration should be spent on something else such as hospitals, schools etc. Some agree and say that we haven't yet discovered all the creations of the earth so why use money venturing into a pointless void. Nevertheless, what innumerable people don't realise is that the cost for us to progress into the universe isn't actually that much, more content... Space exploration is an inherently worldwide endeavour that attracts broad international interest and affects people all across the globe producing knowledge, capabilities, and relationships that help society deal with some of the most pressing long–term global challenges. Another popular benefit of space travel is the jobs it creates. The fact that a space agency and its network of contractors and universities help people stay employed is amazing. More than 18000 people currently work for NASA and many more people work for the company as government contractors. They are hired by companies that NASA pays to do work for them. Now we've been told by recent study that there is 11,800 jobs to be created per year by space Get more content on
  • 15. The US Involvement In The Space Race The space race, a competition to show superiority of technology and military firepower. The United States should have entered the space race. If the United States would not have entered the space race Russian communism would have had a big achievement over democracy America. Russia's early success in the space race was used to show that communism was superior. The early success was also used to show that the economy, science, and culture developed faster under communist rule(Space Race). The launch of Sputnik I set the space race in motion(Wall). Sputnik I was the first satellite launched into orbit. Sputnik I was no larger than a beach ball that sent meaningless signals back to earth(The Space Race). Russia had a second big achievement when Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On The Space Race There is only so much you can explore on Earth, Space is infinite. The Space Race was a historical competition between the Soviet Union and the United States for the first humans to reach the moon. Taking place during 1957–1975, the Space Race showcased the determination between the two nations to display who had the superior science and technology knowledge. After the Russians created the first satellite, the United States felt threatened that the Soviet Union would have military control over space and began to race against their rivals. The money spent on the space race was a legitimate use of government funds because it showed the world which country had the best technology and science, shown the significance of rocket science for more content... The thought that the other nation would have complete military control over the space surrounding Earth was threatening motivating them to get there first. The same rockets that were used to get to the moon were able to be changed into a very powerful, explosive–tip rockets. "Von Braun's V–2s caused around 2,750 civilian deaths; one single V–2 rocket that landed on a Woolworth's store killed 160 Londoners."(The Space Race) With the advancement of rocket technology from the Space Race, the U.S and Soviets military were able to make weapons of destruction that could kill thousands of people and could not be shot down due to how new they were and the little knowledge from around the world about them. Although military advancements were a very important reason why the Space Race was worth funding, space exploration was also very important. Lastly, space exploration. The Space Race kickstarted the exploration of space. While rushing to get an American on the Moon, we learned much about the technicalities of space. While working on the competition, Eisenhower created NASA, which is still around and alive today "That same year, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a public order creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a federal agency dedicated to space exploration."( Get more content on
  • 17. The Space Race, A Space Technology Race Introduction "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." This quote was made by John F. Kennedy on September 12, 1962, and it encompasses the dedication the US had to winning the Space Race, a space technology race between the United States and Soviet Russia. The Space Race would soon become a huge competition led by many big factors and decisions. Overall, The Space Race started with the USSR's launch of Sputnik, an event which fueled nationalism in both countries, and ended with the United States landing a man on the moon. Subtopic 1 Curator's Note 1 (picture and caption on weebly) This picture depicts a Soviet scientist putting the finishing touches on Sputnik, a satellite that would soon be launched into orbit around earth. The news of the launch came as a big, unpleasant surprise to the US (The Start of the Space Race). They feared the military capabilities of satellites in orbit as well as the advancement of Soviet technology. The US immediately reacted by launching Vanguard into orbit, but it failed miserably when it was launched (Space Race.). Although the US managed to successfully put Vanguard 1 into orbit later that year, Get more content on
  • 18. An Outline Of The Space Race In The Cold War Outline I.Introduction A.Attention grabber a.Cold war information (time, reason,how) b.Competition between 2 largest countries c.Space race in the cold war (why,what,goal) B. Background (60's) C.Thesis statement (What,3 reasons/areas, impact) a.Exciting,but scary time (atmosphere) b.Cold war/space race (reason and impact on countries) C.3 reasons why it's important The space race was a very exciting and scary time in the cold war where the U.S. and the USSR were competing with each other over who had the better technology and the impact it had on the U.S., the USSR, and even some other countries was huge due to 3 main reasons. II.Body paragraph 1 A.Topic sentence a.U.S. Contributions Get more content on
  • 19. The Space Race Essay Thesis: The race into space changed the course of history; the scientific exploration united nations and captivated the world. "Vergeltungswaffe zwei" was the designation given to Adolf Hitler's principal long–range warhead. Long before the Americans and Soviets initiated their pursuit of space, the Germans had ambitions of their own. The "German Army Ordnance," in fact, toiled tirelessly constructing rocket–like missiles before the Second World War. Hitler and the Nazis believed that the capability to attack strategic foreign objectives in a concise period of time would cripple their counterparts and ordain the Germans unstoppable ("Space Race Exhibition" 1). The mastermind behind the V–2 missile technology was a young German more content... Army purposes. The initial test run in the later months of 1945 sent the 700 pound machine a vertical distance of nearly forty–five miles. Enhancements to the original model provided an approximate fifteen mile increase to the maximum height ("Space Race Exhibition" 2). Notwithstanding the fabrication of the WAC Corporal, the progression of airborne weapons was not a prime goal of the United States. However, at the turn of the next decade, a competition broke out to see which branch of the Armed Services would create the next great rocket. The 1950s brought about rapid production of new rockets by the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Manufacturing bigger rockets and anti –aircraft weaponry was the main focus of the Army, while the Navy was concerned with smaller ship–launched projectiles and the Air Force with other forms of ballistic missiles. The rivalry was designed to harness the creative genius of each individual branch in hopes of yielding rocket brilliance, but misunderstandings generated frequent unintended consequences ("Space Race Exhibition" 3). A great portion of the space race is in direct correlation with military advantages rockets provided during the Cold War. The United States Military was in need of an astute plan that would provide them with the capability to quickly attack the Soviets without the trouble of manned flight. Existing technology from the Second World War lacked the speed and deception Get more content on