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9 things your
corporate intranet
must do
Considering an intranet? Here's what you need to know.
When it comes to technology, we’re used to
change. We expect – and even demand –
regular updates, fresh and exciting features,
new releases.
9 things your corporate intranet must do
9 things your corporate intranet must do
When it comes to technology, we’re used to
change. We expect – and even demand –
regular updates, fresh and exciting features,
new releases.
To remain relevant, it’s vital to stay ahead of
the game: and our corporate intranet must do
the same.
9 things your corporate intranet must do
But. There’s a balancing act.
9 things your corporate intranet must do
When it comes to software, we can add as many bells
and whistles as we like: but if the tool doesn’t perform
its core job, it’s doomed to fail.
Do those ‘nice to have’ or on-trend features actually
support the core goals and requirements of a
corporate intranet?
But. There’s a balancing act.
We’ll explore the 9
things a company
intranet must do in
order to provide value
to a business – and
the features and
functionality that
support those goals.
Help get work
done NOW.
Help get work
done NOW.
We’ve discovered there
are three top reasons why
a user visits their intranet.
The common theme?
They are all user-centric,
and functional.
When we look at this more closely, we
can see that at the most basic level an
intranet is there to help solve problems.
Typically these problems tend to fall into
one of four categories…
Communication Information Collaboration Business
To receive top-down
about their team,
organization, or
particular projects,
and to communicate
with others
For example, seeking
out a HR policy,
documentation, or
perhaps policies and
procedures required
to fulfil their roles
For example,
finding a colleague
who can support on
a particular task, or
to team up with
others on a project
Such as booking
a leave of absence
or submitting
To serve its core purpose,
therefore, an intranet needs
a blend of tools that answer
each of these categories,
connecting users to the
people, information and tools
they need to solve problems
as efficiently as possible.
What intranet
features help users
to get work done?
People directory and
organizational chart
At the heart of every business is
its people.
Bringing together employees and
enabling them to find and connect with
one another is essential; a
comprehensive People Directory that
has the option to pull data from multiple
sources, and to add rich information
such as hobbies, interests, languages or
qualifications, provides the answer.
Workflow and forms
Simple-to-build digital forms.
This tool empowers organizations to
streamline critical business processes,
such as submitting expenses, with
automated workflows.
A user-focused design means even
non-technical people can create
simple, easy-to-build forms: keeping
that principle of efficiency, by
removing the need for IT or a
specialized intranet administrator.
Integration functionality
An intranet can’t do every job within a
business; nor should it try to.
There are a large range of specialized tools and
platforms available for different processes and
functions; a successful intranet must bring these
together in a centralized, streamlined way,
acting as a gateway to the digital workplace.
Integration functionality allows a corporate
intranet to become the ‘go to’ location for staff,
who can then access all their essential tools,
applications and platforms from one place,
using a single login.
Content management
An intranet is the center point for
business information.
The ability to upload, create and access
different types of content with an easy-to-use
CMS is crucial.
Interact combines a user-focused content
management system with tools such as
tagging, keywords, page findability scoring
and the ability to assign pages as a ‘Best Bet’
for particular search terms, ensuring the most
relevant content appears at the top of search
results. Review dates and version control keep
all intranet content current and up-to-date.
Enterprise search
Ensure staff find exactly what
they’re looking for
Putting the right content into the hands
of employees by providing a powerful
and comprehensive search across all
your intranet content and cloud storage
systems is key.
If your users can’t find what they’re
looking for, your intranet loses its
Get the right content, to the right
people, in the right format.
Focus on
your users
Organizations are, by nature, diverse. While your
company is the collective, it is made up of individuals –
each with unique roles, requirements, skillsets and
objectives to achieve.
So, when it comes to your intranet strategy, it is critical to focus
on user needs, rather than business needs alone.
Identifying the key stakeholders for your intranet, and their
needs, is fundamental to its success.
Organizations are, by nature, diverse. While your
company is the collective, it is made up of individuals –
each with unique roles, requirements, skillsets and
objectives to achieve.
There are four common
types of community in an
Each requires different tools to
achieve their objective. An
intranet should cater for each
unique group and their needs.
Content on an intranet found also
find people, creating a tailored,
personalized digital employee
experience for your employees.
What intranet
features focus on
delivering a tailored
user experience?
Persona grouping
Segregate your audience and
tailor communications
Create dynamic, multi-criteria
groups of users to deliver truly
targeted communication – for
example, to send a training event
alert to all staff who manage 2
employees or more, but haven’t
completed Manager Training.
Display relevant information, widgets
and content for specific groups to
ensure those users have a personalized
user experience from their intranet.
For example, have new starters log
into a purpose-built homepage for the
initial weeks of employment to ensure
they receive vital information relevant
to them, and deliver greater value
from the intranet.
Personalization focuses on
the individual end-user.
Using algorithms and machine learning,
it sets out to understand real-time intent
and respond by pushing content
Interact can learn and analyze user
behaviors and interactions with the
intranet, using those insights to promote
relevant content through Suggestions,
search, and recommendations.
Serve a strategic purpose within
your organization.
Align with your
business objectives
If it doesn’t deliver value, it will soon slip off the
management priority list – and at best become redundant,
or at worst, removed from the business altogether.
Without strategic direction and alignment
to the wider objectives of your business,
your intranet won’t deliver value.
Ask yourself these simple questions. If you can’t answer them,
it’s likely your intranet won’t benefit your company:
What are your long-term, strategic
objectives as a business, and what role
could – or does – your intranet play in
achieving those?
Is your intranet aligned to the objectives
of each individual business unit?
How do you measure the success of
your intranet? Do you have benchmarks
in place to gauge ongoing performance?
Do you have the buy-in of senior
management for your intranet?
Do you regularly review your objectives?
Empower all staff to work: no matter where they are.
Cater for mobile,
frontline, and remote
of the global workforce, which is
approximately 3 billion people, already
performs physical or deskless work.
People need to be able
to work on whatever
device they are on,
wherever they are.
Think about the needs
of your company.
What will people want to do on
their mobile? How can we support
them with working on-the-go?
Will they be able to access vital
information or applications
without restriction?
How can an
intranet support
the frontline?
Mobile App
Meet the demands of all
employees, regardless of location
or device.
Native mobile apps for iOS and
Android ensure critical tools,
contacts and information are
available without any compromise on
functionality or user experience.
From San Diego to South Sudan, we've heard terrific
feedback from colleagues about the capabilities we
gained in our intranet. It's rare to find a platform
that satisfies the requirements of every department,
but leaders across the organization agree Interact
has been a smart choice.
Rachael Stewart
Reach staff when it matters most.
When staff are dispersed and
hard-to-reach, reaching them during
times of need or crisis is critical.
Interact’s Broadcasts feature
functions as an employee alert
system to distribute urgent, point-
in-time information across multiple
channels including SMS, push
notification, email and the intranet,
ensuring critical messages are seen.
Provide value to your employees: the consumer,
the customer of your intranet.
Deliver a great
user experience
This can cover everything from usability and
accessibility to performance, ergonomics and the
information architecture.
A well-designed intranet combines a visually
appealing interface with a deep understanding of
employee experience. It puts users first and
serves a defined purpose in the business.
One of the key defining factors of
well-designed software is the user
experience, or UX: how your users
feel when interacting with it.
Ultimately, an
intranet supports
employees to do
their jobs.
Failing to pay
attention to the user
experience when
selecting and building
your corporate
intranet can result in
poor adoption.
How can an intranet
deliver an outstanding
user experience?
Social features
Utilize tools and functionality your
employees are already confident with
Social media now dominates the
consumer software market. Tapping into
functionality your staff already use daily
in their personal lives can make for easier
adoption and a more intuitive experience.
This can include @mentioning,
#hashtags, newsfeeds, commenting,
liking, emojis, sharing and more.
Easy-to-use CMS
Contributing content to your
intranet shouldn’t require an
IT degree.
Your employees should be able to
‘pick up and play’ with your intranet,
and not need to go via IT every time
they want to add content.
An intuitive rich text editor that
enables them to build beautiful pages
quickly and easily is an idea solution.
A user-focused information
architecture (IA)
Ensure users can find what they need efficiently.
Taking time to understand the journeys your users
take to find what they’re looking for is crucial.
A well-designed information architecture utilizes
user research to determine what content should be
on your intranet, where it should live, how it will be
navigated to, how it will be tagged or marked up to
ensure it is found, and what governance needs to
be in place to prevent your intranet from becoming
a ‘document dumping ground’.
Communicate who you are and unite staff
behind your mission.
Help create and
embed your
organizational culture
Organizational culture, although an
almost intangible concept, is now
recognized as one of the most important
aspects of a successful business.
However, in a digital age where many of our staff are
dispersed across different locations and connected almost
exclusively by their devices, creating and communicating a
common culture is a huge challenge.
Organizational culture, although an
almost intangible concept, is now
recognized as one of the most important
aspects of a successful business.
of CEOs/CFOs believe culture is one of
the top five value drivers for a business;
91% believe improving corporate culture
will increase an organization’s value.
What role can a
corporate intranet play
in embedding your
organizational culture?
Brand and purpose
Who are you, and what do you
stand for?
Giving your intranet its own internal
brand provides a sense of identity
and instils pride and ownership
among staff.
Use it to promote and embed your
mission and values, to communicate
CSR efforts and give insight into the
different areas of your organization.
Create a lasting first impression
The first few weeks can be make or
break, and heavily influence a new
recruit’s perception of their company
and colleagues.
Facilitate training, streamline the
mandatory admin processes, connect
recruits to their peers and give insight
into the culture with tailored new
starter intranet homepages.
Rewards and
Celebrate success and make
staff feel valued
Create a positive culture by showing
appreciation for your staff through
your intranet. Peer-to-peer recognition
tools and blogs or news for top-down
recognition help shine a light on those
people making a difference, showing
how they’re contributing to the overall
success of the organization.
Share business
news and direction
Feel every individual feel part of
the collective
A successful culture is dependent on
each individual contributing to
shared goals and objectives.
Help connect staff to the bigger
picture with regular company
updates, publishing of performance,
and by communicating change.
Since the launch of our new intranet, there has
been a significant increase in the number of
employees who agree or strongly agree that they
receive adequate communication about changes
happening at Piedmont and the company’s
future plans and directions.
Kelli Newman
Provide a platform
for leaders
The biggest influencers on corporate
culture are those at the top
If your staff are dispersed, work
remotely, never visit HQ – how do you
give visibility of your leaders? Intranet
blogs, vlogs or news areas put your
leaders in the same digital space as your
staff; having them engage with staff –
by liking, commenting, replying –
embeds that connection even further. South East Water Customer Services Director, Steve George, uses
the power of the selfie in his weekly diary on the intranet to share
updates, give recognition, and connect with staff.
Hearing from the boss makes a difference
to how staff define purpose in their work
– one of the increasingly important
components of employee engagement.
Source: Gallup
Give staff a voice
Empower staff to contribute
and be heard
An intranet isn’t a one-way, top-down
tool. It’s a powerful platform for two-
way communication and ensures staff
can add their voice to the decision-
making of a business, no matter who
or where they are.
Use tools such as discussion forums,
pulse surveys, commenting and user-
generated content to get staff ideas,
feedback, and issues heard.
Break down siloes
Reduce isolation and connect
staff to one another
Staff often default to their own
departmental siloes, which can cause
a sense of disconnect from the
Utilize intranet communities to bring
staff together: by purpose, shared
interest, project, event and more,
outside of their departmental lines.
An intranet is ultimately for, and about, your employees.
Enable them to make it their own.
Allow staff to self-
serve: decentralize your
A platform that requires IT support to add any piece of
content or make simple changes will quickly fall into disuse.
Give your intranet TO your employees and empower them to
build their own areas to collaborate and post content.
Adoption is the number one
indication of success for any intranet.
of organizations are “somewhat satisfied” with
their intranet system. Fewer than 5 percent of
respondents reported being “very satisfied” with
their company’s intranet.
Source: IntraTeam
Today’s organizations
are also more agile
and interlinked than
ever before.
Today’s organizations are also
more agile and interlinked than
ever before.
This shift away from ‘hierarchal’ structures to more
collaborative networks where roles, interests and skills can
be moved to where they’re needed calls for a multitude of
different spaces that can be tailored to the needs of the
individuals who use them.
What features must
your intranet have
to enable staff to
Enable staff to create their
own project spaces, with no
IT involvement.
Collaborative communities exist
outside department boundaries.
Enable staff to build and personalize
their own working spaces on your
intranet, with the tools and features
they need to achieve their goals.
Simplified workflow
and common processes
Reduce internal tickets and empower
staff to complete common tasks via
your intranet
Automate business-critical and repetitive
processes through your intranet, giving
power to employees while reducing the
burden on internal resource. Whether
submitting expenses or booking a leave of
absence, staff should be able to complete
daily tasks without help.
Get staff contributing to and
owning your intranet
Tools including blogs, polls,
forums, social features: these all
empower staff to self-serve in
creating and sharing content that
will help them perform their jobs,
share their experiences, and
provide support to their peers.
Today’s digital landscape is a complex ecosystem
with an ever-growing choice of apps. Improve the
digital employee experience with your intranet.
Serve as the heart of
your digital workplace
We can now work from anywhere, at any time. We
can choose our own apps and tools to suit our needs.
We can connect with colleagues across the
boundaries of timezone or location.
Today, we can work without boundaries.
The explosion in our technical ecosystem is creating a
disjointed digital experience. What app do I use for what?
Where is information stored? Why am I duplicating
content across different platforms?
We need to relieve the technology fatigue facing our
The average enterprise is clocking over
500 applications as part of its technology
stack and projections are putting the
value of the enterprise app market at an
eye-watering $287.7 billion by 2024.
How can an intranet
support a better employee
digital experience (DEX)?
The intranet
should serve as the
center of your
digital workplace.
Provide a gateway to
your digital workplace
Simplify the employee journey through
your digital workplace
With Single Sign-On, staff can use just one
set of credentials to access multiple
applications in your business.
Integration with your document management
tools or even simple ‘quicklinks’ to
frequently-used apps or content areas all
serve to bring together your people, tools
and information, from one place.
Nothing in your business stays still for long.
Neither should your intranet.
Keep evolving and
growing with your
In the fast-paced technological world we live and operate in
today, your intranet can’t afford to be complacent. It must
continue to grow with your business.
Technology is continuing to
develop and innovate at a rapid pace.
Your intranet should be no different.
Choose a
provider at the
front of their field
An intranet provider who can demonstrate
both stability and innovation in terms of
their product roadmap is crucial.
If they continually invest in improving,
developing and evolving their product,
you can be confident your intranet is
ahead of the curve.
Revisit your
objectives and
Regularly evaluating how your intranet is
delivering against your original objectives and
against your overall goals will ensure it continues
to serve its purpose.
An intranet isn’t something we push the ‘go live’
button on and abandon. It should improve, adapt
and evolve, just like the rest of your organization.
There are a huge variety of tools and applications
available to facilitate communication and
The perfect intranet?
There are a huge variety of tools and applications
available to facilitate communication and
The intranet is a collective, a facilitator, a portal
that brings together all these different tools,
features and applications. In today’s marketplace,
it is more relevant and valuable than ever before.
The perfect intranet?
For questions or more information about Interact….
Thank you!

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9 things your corporate intranet MUST do

  • 1.
  • 2. 9 things your corporate intranet must do Considering an intranet? Here's what you need to know.
  • 3. When it comes to technology, we’re used to change. We expect – and even demand – regular updates, fresh and exciting features, new releases. 9 things your corporate intranet must do
  • 4. 9 things your corporate intranet must do When it comes to technology, we’re used to change. We expect – and even demand – regular updates, fresh and exciting features, new releases. To remain relevant, it’s vital to stay ahead of the game: and our corporate intranet must do the same.
  • 5. 9 things your corporate intranet must do But. There’s a balancing act.
  • 6. 9 things your corporate intranet must do When it comes to software, we can add as many bells and whistles as we like: but if the tool doesn’t perform its core job, it’s doomed to fail. Do those ‘nice to have’ or on-trend features actually support the core goals and requirements of a corporate intranet? But. There’s a balancing act.
  • 7. We’ll explore the 9 things a company intranet must do in order to provide value to a business – and the features and functionality that support those goals.
  • 10. We’ve discovered there are three top reasons why a user visits their intranet. The common theme? They are all user-centric, and functional.
  • 11. When we look at this more closely, we can see that at the most basic level an intranet is there to help solve problems. Typically these problems tend to fall into one of four categories…
  • 13. Communication To receive top-down communications about their team, organization, or particular projects, and to communicate with others Information For example, seeking out a HR policy, company documentation, or perhaps policies and procedures required to fulfil their roles Collaboration For example, finding a colleague who can support on a particular task, or to team up with others on a project Business processes Such as booking a leave of absence or submitting expenses
  • 14. To serve its core purpose, therefore, an intranet needs a blend of tools that answer each of these categories, connecting users to the people, information and tools they need to solve problems as efficiently as possible.
  • 15. What intranet features help users to get work done?
  • 16. People directory and organizational chart At the heart of every business is its people. Bringing together employees and enabling them to find and connect with one another is essential; a comprehensive People Directory that has the option to pull data from multiple sources, and to add rich information such as hobbies, interests, languages or qualifications, provides the answer.
  • 17. Workflow and forms Simple-to-build digital forms. This tool empowers organizations to streamline critical business processes, such as submitting expenses, with automated workflows. A user-focused design means even non-technical people can create simple, easy-to-build forms: keeping that principle of efficiency, by removing the need for IT or a specialized intranet administrator.
  • 18. Integration functionality An intranet can’t do every job within a business; nor should it try to. There are a large range of specialized tools and platforms available for different processes and functions; a successful intranet must bring these together in a centralized, streamlined way, acting as a gateway to the digital workplace. Integration functionality allows a corporate intranet to become the ‘go to’ location for staff, who can then access all their essential tools, applications and platforms from one place, using a single login.
  • 19. Content management An intranet is the center point for business information. The ability to upload, create and access different types of content with an easy-to-use CMS is crucial. Interact combines a user-focused content management system with tools such as tagging, keywords, page findability scoring and the ability to assign pages as a ‘Best Bet’ for particular search terms, ensuring the most relevant content appears at the top of search results. Review dates and version control keep all intranet content current and up-to-date.
  • 20. Enterprise search Ensure staff find exactly what they’re looking for Putting the right content into the hands of employees by providing a powerful and comprehensive search across all your intranet content and cloud storage systems is key. If your users can’t find what they’re looking for, your intranet loses its relevance.
  • 21. Get the right content, to the right people, in the right format. 02 Focus on your users
  • 22. Organizations are, by nature, diverse. While your company is the collective, it is made up of individuals – each with unique roles, requirements, skillsets and objectives to achieve.
  • 23. So, when it comes to your intranet strategy, it is critical to focus on user needs, rather than business needs alone. Identifying the key stakeholders for your intranet, and their needs, is fundamental to its success. Organizations are, by nature, diverse. While your company is the collective, it is made up of individuals – each with unique roles, requirements, skillsets and objectives to achieve.
  • 24. There are four common types of community in an organization. Each requires different tools to achieve their objective. An intranet should cater for each unique group and their needs. Content on an intranet found also find people, creating a tailored, personalized digital employee experience for your employees.
  • 25. What intranet features focus on delivering a tailored user experience?
  • 26. Persona grouping Segregate your audience and tailor communications Create dynamic, multi-criteria groups of users to deliver truly targeted communication – for example, to send a training event alert to all staff who manage 2 employees or more, but haven’t completed Manager Training.
  • 27. Tailored homepages Display relevant information, widgets and content for specific groups to ensure those users have a personalized user experience from their intranet. For example, have new starters log into a purpose-built homepage for the initial weeks of employment to ensure they receive vital information relevant to them, and deliver greater value from the intranet.
  • 28. Personalization Personalization focuses on the individual end-user. Using algorithms and machine learning, it sets out to understand real-time intent and respond by pushing content accordingly. Interact can learn and analyze user behaviors and interactions with the intranet, using those insights to promote relevant content through Suggestions, search, and recommendations.
  • 29. Serve a strategic purpose within your organization. 03 Align with your business objectives
  • 30. If it doesn’t deliver value, it will soon slip off the management priority list – and at best become redundant, or at worst, removed from the business altogether. Without strategic direction and alignment to the wider objectives of your business, your intranet won’t deliver value.
  • 31. Ask yourself these simple questions. If you can’t answer them, it’s likely your intranet won’t benefit your company: What are your long-term, strategic objectives as a business, and what role could – or does – your intranet play in achieving those? Is your intranet aligned to the objectives of each individual business unit? How do you measure the success of your intranet? Do you have benchmarks in place to gauge ongoing performance? Do you have the buy-in of senior management for your intranet? Do you regularly review your objectives?
  • 32. Empower all staff to work: no matter where they are. 04 Cater for mobile, frontline, and remote workers
  • 33. of the global workforce, which is approximately 3 billion people, already performs physical or deskless work.
  • 34. People need to be able to work on whatever device they are on, wherever they are.
  • 35. Think about the needs of your company. What will people want to do on their mobile? How can we support them with working on-the-go? Will they be able to access vital information or applications without restriction?
  • 36. How can an intranet support the frontline?
  • 37. Mobile App Meet the demands of all employees, regardless of location or device. Native mobile apps for iOS and Android ensure critical tools, contacts and information are available without any compromise on functionality or user experience.
  • 38. From San Diego to South Sudan, we've heard terrific feedback from colleagues about the capabilities we gained in our intranet. It's rare to find a platform that satisfies the requirements of every department, but leaders across the organization agree Interact has been a smart choice. Rachael Stewart “
  • 39. Broadcasts Reach staff when it matters most. When staff are dispersed and hard-to-reach, reaching them during times of need or crisis is critical. Interact’s Broadcasts feature functions as an employee alert system to distribute urgent, point- in-time information across multiple channels including SMS, push notification, email and the intranet, ensuring critical messages are seen.
  • 40. Provide value to your employees: the consumer, the customer of your intranet. 05 Deliver a great user experience
  • 41. This can cover everything from usability and accessibility to performance, ergonomics and the information architecture. A well-designed intranet combines a visually appealing interface with a deep understanding of employee experience. It puts users first and serves a defined purpose in the business. One of the key defining factors of well-designed software is the user experience, or UX: how your users feel when interacting with it.
  • 43. Failing to pay attention to the user experience when selecting and building your corporate intranet can result in poor adoption.
  • 44. How can an intranet deliver an outstanding user experience?
  • 45. Social features Utilize tools and functionality your employees are already confident with Social media now dominates the consumer software market. Tapping into functionality your staff already use daily in their personal lives can make for easier adoption and a more intuitive experience. This can include @mentioning, #hashtags, newsfeeds, commenting, liking, emojis, sharing and more.
  • 46. Easy-to-use CMS Contributing content to your intranet shouldn’t require an IT degree. Your employees should be able to ‘pick up and play’ with your intranet, and not need to go via IT every time they want to add content. An intuitive rich text editor that enables them to build beautiful pages quickly and easily is an idea solution.
  • 47. A user-focused information architecture (IA) Ensure users can find what they need efficiently. Taking time to understand the journeys your users take to find what they’re looking for is crucial. A well-designed information architecture utilizes user research to determine what content should be on your intranet, where it should live, how it will be navigated to, how it will be tagged or marked up to ensure it is found, and what governance needs to be in place to prevent your intranet from becoming a ‘document dumping ground’.
  • 48. Communicate who you are and unite staff behind your mission. 06 Help create and embed your organizational culture
  • 49. Organizational culture, although an almost intangible concept, is now recognized as one of the most important aspects of a successful business.
  • 50. However, in a digital age where many of our staff are dispersed across different locations and connected almost exclusively by their devices, creating and communicating a common culture is a huge challenge. Organizational culture, although an almost intangible concept, is now recognized as one of the most important aspects of a successful business.
  • 51. of CEOs/CFOs believe culture is one of the top five value drivers for a business; 91% believe improving corporate culture will increase an organization’s value.
  • 52. What role can a corporate intranet play in embedding your organizational culture?
  • 53. Brand and purpose Who are you, and what do you stand for? Giving your intranet its own internal brand provides a sense of identity and instils pride and ownership among staff. Use it to promote and embed your mission and values, to communicate CSR efforts and give insight into the different areas of your organization.
  • 54. Onboarding Create a lasting first impression The first few weeks can be make or break, and heavily influence a new recruit’s perception of their company and colleagues. Facilitate training, streamline the mandatory admin processes, connect recruits to their peers and give insight into the culture with tailored new starter intranet homepages.
  • 55. Rewards and recognition Celebrate success and make staff feel valued Create a positive culture by showing appreciation for your staff through your intranet. Peer-to-peer recognition tools and blogs or news for top-down recognition help shine a light on those people making a difference, showing how they’re contributing to the overall success of the organization.
  • 56. Share business news and direction Feel every individual feel part of the collective A successful culture is dependent on each individual contributing to shared goals and objectives. Help connect staff to the bigger picture with regular company updates, publishing of performance, and by communicating change.
  • 57. Since the launch of our new intranet, there has been a significant increase in the number of employees who agree or strongly agree that they receive adequate communication about changes happening at Piedmont and the company’s future plans and directions. Kelli Newman “
  • 58. Provide a platform for leaders The biggest influencers on corporate culture are those at the top If your staff are dispersed, work remotely, never visit HQ – how do you give visibility of your leaders? Intranet blogs, vlogs or news areas put your leaders in the same digital space as your staff; having them engage with staff – by liking, commenting, replying – embeds that connection even further. South East Water Customer Services Director, Steve George, uses the power of the selfie in his weekly diary on the intranet to share updates, give recognition, and connect with staff.
  • 59. Hearing from the boss makes a difference to how staff define purpose in their work – one of the increasingly important components of employee engagement. Source: Gallup “
  • 60. Give staff a voice Empower staff to contribute and be heard An intranet isn’t a one-way, top-down tool. It’s a powerful platform for two- way communication and ensures staff can add their voice to the decision- making of a business, no matter who or where they are. Use tools such as discussion forums, pulse surveys, commenting and user- generated content to get staff ideas, feedback, and issues heard.
  • 61. Break down siloes Reduce isolation and connect staff to one another Staff often default to their own departmental siloes, which can cause a sense of disconnect from the organization. Utilize intranet communities to bring staff together: by purpose, shared interest, project, event and more, outside of their departmental lines.
  • 62. An intranet is ultimately for, and about, your employees. Enable them to make it their own. 07 Allow staff to self- serve: decentralize your intranet
  • 63. A platform that requires IT support to add any piece of content or make simple changes will quickly fall into disuse. Give your intranet TO your employees and empower them to build their own areas to collaborate and post content. Adoption is the number one indication of success for any intranet.
  • 64. of organizations are “somewhat satisfied” with their intranet system. Fewer than 5 percent of respondents reported being “very satisfied” with their company’s intranet. Source: IntraTeam
  • 65. Today’s organizations are also more agile and interlinked than ever before.
  • 66. Today’s organizations are also more agile and interlinked than ever before. This shift away from ‘hierarchal’ structures to more collaborative networks where roles, interests and skills can be moved to where they’re needed calls for a multitude of different spaces that can be tailored to the needs of the individuals who use them.
  • 67. What features must your intranet have to enable staff to self-serve?
  • 68. Easy-to-build communities Enable staff to create their own project spaces, with no IT involvement. Collaborative communities exist outside department boundaries. Enable staff to build and personalize their own working spaces on your intranet, with the tools and features they need to achieve their goals.
  • 69. Simplified workflow and common processes Reduce internal tickets and empower staff to complete common tasks via your intranet Automate business-critical and repetitive processes through your intranet, giving power to employees while reducing the burden on internal resource. Whether submitting expenses or booking a leave of absence, staff should be able to complete daily tasks without help.
  • 70. User-generated content Get staff contributing to and owning your intranet Tools including blogs, polls, forums, social features: these all empower staff to self-serve in creating and sharing content that will help them perform their jobs, share their experiences, and provide support to their peers.
  • 71. Today’s digital landscape is a complex ecosystem with an ever-growing choice of apps. Improve the digital employee experience with your intranet. 08 Serve as the heart of your digital workplace
  • 72. We can now work from anywhere, at any time. We can choose our own apps and tools to suit our needs. We can connect with colleagues across the boundaries of timezone or location. Today, we can work without boundaries.
  • 73. The explosion in our technical ecosystem is creating a disjointed digital experience. What app do I use for what? Where is information stored? Why am I duplicating content across different platforms? We need to relieve the technology fatigue facing our employees. However…
  • 74. The average enterprise is clocking over 500 applications as part of its technology stack and projections are putting the value of the enterprise app market at an eye-watering $287.7 billion by 2024. “
  • 75. How can an intranet support a better employee digital experience (DEX)?
  • 76. The intranet should serve as the center of your digital workplace.
  • 77. Provide a gateway to your digital workplace Simplify the employee journey through your digital workplace With Single Sign-On, staff can use just one set of credentials to access multiple applications in your business. Integration with your document management tools or even simple ‘quicklinks’ to frequently-used apps or content areas all serve to bring together your people, tools and information, from one place.
  • 78. Nothing in your business stays still for long. Neither should your intranet. 09 Keep evolving and growing with your business
  • 79. In the fast-paced technological world we live and operate in today, your intranet can’t afford to be complacent. It must continue to grow with your business. Technology is continuing to develop and innovate at a rapid pace. Your intranet should be no different.
  • 80. Choose a provider at the front of their field An intranet provider who can demonstrate both stability and innovation in terms of their product roadmap is crucial. If they continually invest in improving, developing and evolving their product, you can be confident your intranet is ahead of the curve.
  • 81. Revisit your objectives and performance Regularly evaluating how your intranet is delivering against your original objectives and against your overall goals will ensure it continues to serve its purpose. An intranet isn’t something we push the ‘go live’ button on and abandon. It should improve, adapt and evolve, just like the rest of your organization.
  • 82. There are a huge variety of tools and applications available to facilitate communication and collaboration. The perfect intranet?
  • 83. There are a huge variety of tools and applications available to facilitate communication and collaboration. The intranet is a collective, a facilitator, a portal that brings together all these different tools, features and applications. In today’s marketplace, it is more relevant and valuable than ever before. The perfect intranet?
  • 84. For questions or more information about Interact…. Thank you!