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23 years since Independence:Kazakhstan 
builds up its ambitious and deserved future 
Every year, on December 16, 
the Republic of Kazakhstan and 
the Kazakhs all over the world are 
in celebration. This holiday 
marks the independence of 
Kazakhstan declared on 
December 16, 1991 through the 
adoption of the Constitutional 
Law following the collapse of the 
Soviet Union. On this day, the 
Kazakhs all over the world 
solemnly celebrate their inde-pendence, 
proudly honoring 
their historical past, the national 
values and symbols, but also 
looking faithfully to a blossoming 
Kazakhstan Independence 
Day is marked by festivities in the 
presidential palace and all over 
the country. People dress up in 
traditional clothes, yurts (tradi-tional 
tents) are set up in many 
villages where local delicacies are 
In a world with a fast chang-ing 
architecture, facing new chal-lenges 
and threats, the 23 rd 
anniversary of the Independence 
finds the country embarked on a 
very ambitious and challenging 
road drawn up two years ago by 
president Nursultan Nazarbayev 
when he has launched 
“Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy”. 
Called “Eternal Kazakhstan”, this 
milestone visionary project marks 
the beginning of a new era in the 
history of this nation, with the 
goal to shape and develop a coun-try 
able to join the group of the 
most 30 developed countries in 
the world. 
“Over the last 23 years 
Kazakhstan has accomplished a 
great deal. We have created our 
own successful model of develop-ment. 
Every citizen is immensely 
proud of their country. They have 
faith in tomorrow and believe in 
the future of Kazakhstan. 97 per-cent 
of our citizens recognize the 
stability of their social-economic 
condition and its continuous 
improvement year to year. 
Today the achievements of 
our country are the national pride 
of every citizen. Strong and pow-erful 
countries are formed on 
long-term vision and stable eco-nomic 
continued on page 12 
“Today between Kazakhstan and 
Romania there is a consistent intensifica-tion 
of political dialogue, dynamic devel-opment 
of bilateral trade-economic, cul-tural 
and humanitarian ties, as well as 
coordination of efforts between the two 
countries within the UN, OSCE and 
other international organizations. 
Bilateral relation between our coun-tries 
is evolving rapidly and continuously 
in the right direction. I will just add to 
this the fact that “KazMunayGas 
International” (former Rompetrol) invest-ment 
is the largest foreign investment of 
Kazakhstan outside our borders and we 
have the plan to continue and develop our 
investment into Romania. 
I will reiterate the fact that the 
Memorandum between the Romanian 
State and “KMG International” is creating 
a bilateral investment fund of up to one 
billion dollars that will dramatically 
increase and diversify the investments of 
Kazakhstan into Romanian economy, cre-ating 
a solid base for our ever-developing 
bilateral relations. 
If we add to this, the reality that our 
political dialogue is based on a perfect 
understanding and our recent history is 
paved with moments that are marking our 
bilateral friendship such as: the Romanian 
support for Kazakhstan Chairmanship at 
Organization for Security and 
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the high 
level presence of Romanian President and 
Prime Minister at the OSCE summit in 
Astana 2010 and we have a dynamic view 
of this relation. 
Continued on Page 11 
H.E. Mr. Bogdan AURESCU, the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs: 
“Cooperation between Romania 
and the Republic of Kazakhstan 
has been steadily growing” 
“On 16 December Kazakhstan cele-brates 
its National Day and this year - the 
anniversary of 23 years of Independence of 
the State. 
It is an auspicious moment and offers me 
a great opportunity to highlight the excellent 
relations between Romania and the 
Republic of Kazakhstan, currently defined 
by the terms of the Declaration of 
Partnership and Cooperation signed by the 
Presidents of our countries in September 
In its 22 years of bilateral diplomatic rela-tions, 
the cooperation between Romania and 
the Republic of Kazakhstan has been steadily 
growing and achieved outstanding overall 
results. The economic ties have continuously 
strengthened, on a solid basis and with prom-ising 
prospects for the future. The high-level 
political dialogue is systematic and substan-tial, 
economic exchanges are expanding while 
cultural and scientific relations are equally 
developing on an upward trend. 
Romania was, throughout these 22 years, 
a constant supporter of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan as part of its efforts to emphasize 
the importance of Central Asia region on the 
international arena. Thus, Romania has sup-ported 
and promoted initiatives and projects 
launched by Kazakhstan at the multilateral 
level, with regional impact. One such exam-ple 
is Romania’s support for Kazakhstan’s 
taking over the Chairmanship-in-Office of 
the OSCE and for hosting in Astana the 
OSCE Summit organized in 2010. The 
bilateral cooperation within the United 
Nations framework is equally rich and diver-sified. 
Continued on Page 7 
H.E. Mr. Daulet BATRASHEV, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Romania: 
“Kazakhstan-Romania bilateral relation 
is evolving rapidly and continuously 
in the right direction”
President Nursultan Nazarbayev about 
the future of Kazakhstan 
Remarks near Ulytau Mountains, Zhezkazgan city. 
First of all, I do think that this 
is a very historic moment for 
Zhezkazgan, as well as this city that 
is connected to the name of the 
famous Kazakh scientist and geolo-gist 
Kanysh Satpayev and copper 
deposits. So much copper and ore 
have been extracted for the last 50- 
60 years, and all these mineral 
resources began to run out. 
Accordingly Zhezkazgan started to 
come across with these issues, and 
the welfare of the city began to 
This is a natural issue. It was 
Soviet period time, when large 
mineral deposits and each power 
station began to appear near towns 
and villages. Therefore, first, 
Zhezkazgan always remained on 
the railway deadlock, it has always 
been a problem, secondly, during 
the Soviet period, all railway were 
built northwards towards Russia, 
while the construction of railway 
lines in the east-west direction to 
connect cities was not included in 
the plans of Russia and the Soviet 
Union. No one could even imagine 
these things. 
Nowadays, since our economy 
began to grow, we have allocated 
2,75 million dollars for the con-struction 
of these rail routes with a 
length of 1,200 km. It is very easy 
to say, but in terms of significance, 
it will be used at least in the next 50 
and 100 years. 
When I was flying in the heli-copter, 
I was looking at this 
absolutely clean land and did not 
even notice a single sparrow. There 
are no people in this clean land, 
because there are no jobs, no 
households for the people. This 
railway will give a life to the region, 
people will have an opportunity to 
find jobs, they could send and 
receive mails. To extend the life of 
the factory, there are some sort of 
pillars under the ground, which are 
rich for ore, and to extract the ore 
which has villages above it, the 
ground beneath them could col-lapse. 
Due to this, the state have 
allocated 250 million USD, and 
6,000 houses in bad condition have 
been moved to good new built 
houses, and now we will extract 
200 million tons of ore, 2 million 
of copper, which means that this 
will give a life for the factory for the 
next 20-30 years. Furthermore, if 
further exploration works will be 
carried out, then there may be new 
It is very vital to know your his-tory. 
Future of a nation who does 
not know its history is difficult. 
Nowadays, we make a lot of efforts 
to get to know our history. One of 
these histories is ULYTAU 
Mountains. When I was searching 
for a place for future capital, I came 
to Ulytau. This is truly a historic 
center of the Kazakh nation. But 
from a modern point of view, you 
can see for yourself, there is nothing 
here. No roads, no water, no air-port. 
Nothing! For construction, 
this place would require a lot of 
money and, ultimately, it is the 
inappropriate place for the capital 
of the country. But it is a sacred 
place, and so it will remain. 
Construction of railroads and high-ways 
is underway. In the future, it 
will be a place attractive for tourists, 
people will come here to honor the 
memory of our ancestors. 
Generally speaking, to tell the 
truth, we are the nation that could 
have lost its language and religion. 
During the Soviet time, there was 
strict russification process. The sta-tus 
of Kazakh language was very 
low, but in general, for our nation, 
country and people, our history, 
culture and customs we can show 
only through our language. For 
example, we cannot translate some 
poems of Abai from Kazakh into 
Russian, English or another lan-guage, 
it is impossible because it 
has its own features, therefore, if we 
lost language, we may lose these 
features. As for religion, since we 
gained our independence, we are 
getting back our religion. Now you 
can notice that Kazakhs have 
always been close to religion. Many 
people are religious, lots of 
mosques are being built, we are 
preparing people who are preach-ing 
religion. And this is right, we 
have to maintain our religion and 
traditions. We all need these. 
Nevertheless, nations which con-sider 
their religion is the only good 
faith face many challenges now. 
There are some nations that divide 
Muslim religion for Sunnis and 
Shiites which sheds bloods now. 
There are many Catholics that at 
war with each other. Therefore, it is 
very important to respect other reli-gions, 
study and know them, and 
then they will respect Islam. 
The state undertakes all meas-ures 
and provides all opportunities 
to let the people to study Kazakh 
language. It is written in the 
Constitution that the state language 
in our country is Kazakh. There is 
nobody that prohibits speaking 
Kazakh, no one interferes with the 
Kazakh language. We need to speak 
Kazakh, and have to respect this lan-guage. 
There are some intellectuals, 
writers, cultural figures complaining 
that our language has become 
orphan, cannot get up off its knees 
during the years of independence. If 
you think you are unhappy, you will 
be so. If a man says that he is happy, 
then he will be happy. We will not 
change if we constantly insist that 
we do not have it. No need to cre-ate 
a panic, we must use the Law 
“On languages” to speak Kazakh, 
we have to communicate freely in 
own language and show this exam-ple 
to others. 
Annually in Kazakhstan over 
100,000 children graduate from 
schools, 80,000 of whom study in 
Kazakh language. 
At every school, Russian or 
another, studying of the Kazakh 
language is mandatory. Any school 
kid in grades 6-7, for example, now 
can speak both Kazakh and 
Russian, and even English. This is 
our concern for the language. 
For the moment, we are trying 
to translate international universal 
words into Kazakh. For example, 
international word “piano” "was 
translated as “Kuisandiq”. It does 
not correspond to the meaning. 
Another international word “com-poser” 
was translated as “Sazger”. 
“Saz” gives a different concept. By 
thinking that we must move away 
from the Russian language, we take 
it from Turkish, from Arabic, from 
Persian, and thus spoiling the lan-guage. 
We must enrich the lan-guage 
by international terms, and 
there is nothing bad about it and 
should not be this scared. The state 
language is not in danger, the lan-guage 
grows and gets richer, and it 
has a great future. 
There are 6,000 languages in 
the world, 10 percent of which are 
dying annually. 
Seventy percent of the world’s 
population use English. Because it 
is the language of science, educa-tion, 
medicine, culture and media. 
Of course, you can live without the 
knowledge of the English language, 
but you will be deprived of the 
knowledge which allows you to get 
the language. Without this knowl-edge, 
we put an obstacle to our 
future development and growth. 
So, how can we develop to boost 
the economy, to enter the top 30 
developed countries, if our people, 
our young people do not speak 
I believe that tri-lingual policy 
is right. Among this, our national 
language is competitive. If we 
know these three languages, then 
we get a great opportunity. This is 
what we need to understand. 
The number of Kazakhs is 
growing, as well as the impact of 
our language. In the record keeping 
sphere, Kazakh language is being 
used, and no one interferes with it. 
In addition, there are many other 
ethnic groups who speak Kazakh. 
We must appreciate their own lan-guage. 
Kazakhstan is in the centre of 
the world map, and we have no 
access to ocean. 
For shipping goods by the train 
we pay for every single kilometer to 
deliver it to the Black Sea, we pay 
to ship it to China, Russia, Europe, 
therefore, our oceans are the terri-tories 
of Russia and China. If we 
consider these countries as oceans, 
then we can feel ourselves as if near 
the ocean. So it is very important to 
trade with them. 
As for the disadvantages of 
Kazakhstan’s participation in the 
Eurasian Economic Union is a 
manifestation of dilettantism. 
Thanks to creation of the 
Economic Community between 
Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, 
the cost of goods delivery on the 
territory of the member countries 
of the Union have become cheaper, 
and, therefore, the Kazakh prod-ucts 
to become more competitive 
in the global market. 
This union is only an econom-ic 
union, not a political one. All 
members have an equal voice and 
everything is decided by consensus. 
Kazakhstan is always right to secede 
from the union if it would pose a 
threat to independence. 
The union has a lot of advan-tages 
and there are no arguments 
for pessimism. In addition, the 
strengthening of trade and eco-nomic 
relations with the neighbor-ing 
countries will strengthen our 
security, as the stable political situa-tion 
is beneficial for trading part-ners’ 
The western sanctions relate to 
many sectors of the economy of the 
neighboring state. Maybe some 
Russian factories will not be able to 
work in full force. This means they 
cannot buy our raw materials to the 
extent in which bought earlier, and 
here we may have difficulties. 
Russia undertakes retaliatory 
sanctions and bans the import of 
certain foodstuffs from the West on 
its territory. In this regard, we are 
able to increase export of food 
products to Russia, including fruits 
and vegetables, meat and so on. 
In general, direct Western sanc-tions 
against the Russian 
Federation do not relate to 
Kazakhstan. This year we plan to 
solve the problem of joining the 
WTO. We plan to continue the 
development of relations with the 
EU, and to conclude new agree-ments 
on cooperation. 
Time will put everything in its 
place. Therefore, I do think that 
Kazakhstan’s future is bright, 
because we are a peaceful country, 
we are not an enemy to anybody, 
and we have no enemies, and have 
no external enemies. 
My dream is to make 
Kazakhstan the eternal state, so I 
proposed the idea of “Mangilik El” 
(Eternal Nation), and we do every-thing 
to become an Eternal Nation. 
I believe today’s younger gener-ation 
are patriots of their country 
who are able to develop of 
Kazakhstan in future. I dream of a 
bright future for Kazakhstan. I 
hope our children and grandchil-dren 
will live better. 
H.E. Mr. Petru LIFICIU, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Galati: 
“This honorific consular relationship is an opportunity 
window between Romania and Kazakhstan” 
“In august 2012 I had the 
great honor to be nominated as 
Honorary Consul of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan in 
The Republic of Kazakhstan 
has developed immensely in the 
last decades and I believe this is 
because their President, His 
Excellency Nursultan 
Nazarbayev, has devoted all of his 
time and energy in creating the 
best strategy for his country - 
complex, well-designed, covering 
all essential aspects needed for an 
economy to flourish. 
With the help of their long 
term plan “Kazakhstan 2050 
strategy”, they want to make 
Kazakhstan one of the 30 most 
developed countries in the world, 
and I’m absolutely sure that he 
will achieve this goal in the near 
By 2030 Kazakhstan will be a 
role model for all developing 
countries, it will become the 
“leopard” of Central Asia, the 
Kazakh snow leopard, gifted 
with western elegance multiplied 
by an advanced development 
level, with Eastern wisdom and 
I deeply admire President 
Nazarbayev, a strong and well 
prepared leader who can take 
control and guide the state's 
economy on the right track, a 
leader who has firm opinions on 
global issues, a man whose vision 
is involved in all areas. He knows 
he has to make investments in all 
economic departments, that a 
country needs to develop its 
transport, energy, industrial and 
social infrastructure in order to 
As the Honorary Consul of 
the Republic of Kazakhstan in 
Romania I feel that I have not 
only the honor to occupy this 
position, but also the responsibil-ity 
to help improve the bilateral 
relations, to bring investments 
from Kazakhstan to our country, 
because we have so much to offer 
and so many areas that can be 
developed. I have also tried to 
open the way for companies and 
business men from our country 
to reach the Kazakh market. Our 
Romanian furniture is extremely 
appreciated, constructions and 
installations are also important 
areas in which the two countries 
can collaborate. 
Opening the Honorary 
Consulate of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan in Galati, my home 
town, was a very proud moment 
for me. It was truly a joyous and 
exciting occasion, to see so many 
important people come together 
to celebrate this strengthening of 
economic and cultural relations. 
I was joined there by many sup-portive 
people, such as the 
Charge d'affaires of the Republic 
of Kazakhstan in Romania, the 
mayor of Galati, presidents of 
county councils, prefects and 
sub-prefects of counties, mayors 
of different villages, representa-tives 
of the Ministry of Foreign 
I was able to organize in col-laboration 
with the Embassy of 
Kazakhstan many events that 
brought together business men 
and companies from both coun-tries. 
I led a delegation of 
Romanian businessmen in 
Kazakhstan where we took part 
at the Astana Forum and at the 
World Anti-Crisis Conference 
and we had a meeting with Mr. 
Anuar Akhmmetzhanov, Deputy 
Governor of the Karaganda 
We took part at the Joint 
Commission for Economic and 
Scientific-Technical Cooperation 
and the Romania-Kazakhstan 
Economic Forum, with 25 
Romanian companies and 35 
companies from Kazakhstan. 
We also organized the semi-nar 
“Kazakhstan- the best cli-mate 
in Central Asia” and the 
Economic Mission in Astana and 
Almaty, in partnership with the 
Association of Employers in the 
Construction Field in Romania 
and with the Ministry of 
There have been numerous 
economic and cultural actions 
and I’m very proud that I can say 
that I played a part in helping 
strengthening the relations 
between the two countries. 
We have organized economic 
seminaries to inform Romanian 
businessmen about the many 
benefits and opportunities that 
the Kazakh market has to offer. 
For example, Kazakhstan is 
the second place in the world in 
regards of reserves of uranium, 
chromium, plumb, zinc, third 
place in the world in manganese; 
5th place in cooper, and in top 
10 in the world at coal, iron, 
gold and 11th place in the world 
at proven reserves of oil and nat-ural 
The Republic of Kazakhstan 
has created an economic environ-ment 
that is extremely friendly 
and welcoming for foreign 
investors, with low taxes and sub-sidies 
from the Government. 
Kazakhstan is the heart of 
Eurasia. All main routes pass 
through its territory. In the next 
few years it will become a major 
transport hub between Europe 
and Asia with a most comfortable 
environment for investors. 
Another important project 
that the Honorary Consulate has 
collaborated on with the authori-ties 
in Kazakhstan was trying to 
facilitate the exchange of students 
and teachers from the two coun-tries. 
The Karaganda State 
Medical University has signed a 
memorandum of understanding 
with several medical universities 
in Romania: “Victor Babes” in 
Timisoara, “Ovidius” in 
Constanta, “Lucian Blaga” in 
Sibiu, “Iuliu Hatieganu” in Cluj 
Napoca. the Univeristy in Oradea 
and in Targu Mures. I would be 
extremely happy and proud to see 
our students study abroad in 
Kazakhstan, but also see Kazakh 
students come here, because we 
have good academic centers and 
well prepared professors. 
I visited the Republic of 
Kazakhstan many times, and each 
time I was pleasantly surprised, 
every time I discovered some-thing 
new and interesting that I 
brought back to Romania, I met 
quality people that love their 
country and believe in their 
I’m very happy that I can say 
that I have a very good relation-ship 
with all of my friends from 
the Embassy of Kazakhstan. We 
collaborate very well, we have 
common goals - to open a way 
for further and better coopera-tion 
between our countries. 
Kazahstan is mainly known in 
our country because of the acqui-sition 
of Rompetrol by 
KazMunayGaz, but the country 
has many more other things to 
offer, economic, political and cul-tural 
aspects. Astana is a very 
beautiful city that has grown and 
developed very much in the last 
years. Occasion 
The Kazakhstan we know 
today is a state that was created 
from zero, that has known a 
development unlike any other 
modern country. I think it can 
be an example for many – if you 
have a good leader with a good 
long-term economic strategy, 
and people that love their coun-try 
and work for its future, that 
amazing things can and will 
This honorific consular rela-tionship 
is an opportunity win-dow 
between Romania and 
Kazakhstan, and we should make 
the best of it and learn from their 
“Cooperation between Romania and the Republic 
of Kazakhstan has been steadily growing” 
Continued from Page 5 
The Universal Expo Astana 
2017 and Romania’s participa-tion 
with a national stand may 
generate additional business 
opportunities that could benefit 
the freight transport potential 
between Central Asia and 
Europe which could maximize 
the shortest and most profitable 
transit over the Black Sea. 
In recent years we have wit-nessed 
a number of positive 
developments that brought our 
relations to a new qualitative 
level. Among them I would men-tion: 
KazMunaiGaz Company’s 
presence in Romania; upgrading 
the diplomatic level of represen-tation 
of Kazakhstan in Bucharest 
to Embassy; the recent appoint-ment 
of the first Kazakhstani 
Ambassador to Romania, H.E. 
Mr. Daulet Batrashev. They all 
testify to the willingness to fur-ther 
develop the bilateral rela-tions 
and to the prospects to 
make best use of the untapped 
potential for cooperation. 
Romania and Kazakhstan 
relations are close to a partner-ship 
with strategic value. 
Kazakhstan remains among 
Romania’s most important part-ners 
in Central Asia, both in 
political and economic terms. 
Even if our economies have been 
affected by the global economic 
crisis, we still maintain a healthy 
trade partnership. For Romania, 
it is an unparalleled trade rela-tionship 
in the region, with a vast 
potential to bring diversity to the 
current oil-based imports from 
With the Protocol of cooper-ation 
between the Black Sea port 
of Constanta and the Caspian 
port of Aktau signed in 2007 we 
have a solid framework for devel-oping 
cooperation between the 
two ports and overall the trans-port 
Kazakhstan remains a valu-able 
partner for the European 
Union within Central Asia. I 
want to take this opportunity to 
congratulate the Kazakhstani 
Diplomatic Service for conclud-ing 
the negotiations on a new 
legally-binding frame between 
the European Union and 
Kazakhstan, embodied in a 
Partnership and Cooperation 
In view of enhancing trade 
relations with the European 
Union, Kazakhstan’s main trad-ing 
partner, Romania has been a 
constant supporter of 
Kazakhstan in actively pursuing 
accession to the World Trade 
Organization. All these elements 
shape up an optimistic outlook 
for our bilateral relations and 
ambitious prospects of strength-ening 
the relations between 
Romania and Kazakhstan. 
On the occasion of the 
National Day of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan, it is my pleasure to 
convey, through this way, on 
behalf of the Romanian Ministry 
of Foreign Affairs and on my 
own behalf, heartfelt congratula-tions 
alongside with best wishes 
of progress, prosperity and well-being 
for the Kazakh people. 
Happy anniversary to the 
Republic of Kazakhstan!”
Azamat Zhangulov, Vice-President of KMG International: 
“We are 7 % of Romania’s foreign 
direct investment” 
There are permanent dis-cussions 
about your offer to 
buy the shares owned by the 
state – 26.69 per cent, at 
Petromidia in Navodari. 
How are things going? 
We, as buyers, expressed all 
our commitment and our firm 
decision to acquire the shares. 
The Romanian Government, 
though, has a lot of proce-dures 
to pursue. There are sev-eral 
steps to be followed by the 
Government, starting with 
approving a strategy for priva-tization, 
then approving the 
tender for consultancy, then 
approving the launch of the 
privatization procedure. And 
all of these need constant 
involvement from all the 
Government. And, due to the 
elections, all of these got 
delayed, because they had 
other priorities in the cam-paign. 
But there is progress on 
their side as well. We are now 
looking forward to the privati-zation 
decision to be pub-lished. 
How long do you predict it 
will require them to pub-lish 
that decision? 
There are many things that 
are difficult to predict. Such as 
the formal steps of the proce-dure 
or the oil prices. But 
technically, each step requires 
from a few weeks to a few 
months. After the privatisa-tion 
is published, we have 30 
days to place our bid and we 
intend to do it immediately. 
By buying Rompetrol seven 
years ago, you have become 
quite familiar with the 
Romanian market. How 
did you find this market at 
the time of the acquisition? 
If we ran an analysis of dif-ferent 
markets around the 
Black Sea region, I think that 
Romania is one of the best 
markets possible. There are a 
few arguments to support this 
statement. First of all, 
Romania has perhaps the 
biggest potential of economi-cal 
growth in Central – 
Eastern Europe. Also, 
Romania has natural 
resources, worth exploiting, 
and human resources, educat-ed, 
young and reasonably 
paid, unlike the rest of 
Europe. There is also infra-structure 
potential, as well as 
energy-producing potential. 
Therefore, Romania gives us 
plenty of opportunities, com-pared 
to other countries, as, 
despite the low rate of foreign 
investment, Romania shows 
stable growth and was not 
crushed by recession like other 
How does Kazakhstan 
relate to Romania? 
We have identified 
Romania as a important part-ner, 
not only because of these 
factors, but also because of the 
direct access to the Black Sea, 
which gains us access to sea 
ports and other facilities. We 
see that this country will grow, 
and this also means a growth 
in consumption. We identified 
the necessity to build new gas 
stations as new roads are built 
and the transportation, under-developed 
so far, has started to 
show its potential. A huge 
development opportunity is 
also represented by the build-ing 
of a road that connects 
Europe to China and that 
passes through Kazakhstan 
and Azerbaijan. Romania may 
be placed on this route and 
represent an access way to 
Europe, but it has to use its 
potential. This transportation 
potential could be a consider-able 
point of growth and 
regeneration for Romania’s 
What are the challenges of 
the Romanian market, 
from your point of view? 
The main challenge relies 
on the low rate of foreign 
investments. Awareness 
should be raised regarding 
Romania’s investment poten-tial. 
There is the need for a 
strong investment policy, clear 
and understandable for any 
investors. In Kazakhstan, by 
example, we have a Foreign 
Investment Council, chaired 
by the President of the coun-try, 
and it is working efficient-ly 
with companies all over the 
globe. They meet two times a 
year to discuss any issues that 
may have been appeared in the 
foreign investment policy. 
This is why the foreign invest-ment 
rate is quite high. 
Other issues are related to 
taxes, efficiency of different 
bodies of the Government and 
of the legal system. These can 
be improved, in my opinion, 
to immediate positive effect in 
foreign investments in 
One year ago, you 
announced the intention to 
open 100 new gas stations 
in Romania. How are 
things going on? 
Our investments depend 
on the memorandum we 
signed with the Government, 
as all these plans depend on 
the Government. Our slow-down 
depends on them. For 
this year, we will be launching 
this year four or five gas sta-tions, 
on our own. We are also 
working on two new projects, 
the cogeneration plant and the 
Midia facilities, with an 
investment of USD 130 mln. 
These projects are in the stage 
of design, not in that of 
implementation yet. 
Which are your financial 
results for this year? 
The year is not accom-plished 
and we are still wait-ing 
for the data, but I estimate 
an increase of 50 % compared 
to last year. We have reached 
the highest figures in the 
entire history of Rompetrol. 
This is the result of our heavy 
investment, made a few years 
ago. This year, despite of all 
issues, our investment was 
about USD 130 mln. If we 
consider that the total value of 
foreign investments in 
Romania is about USD 2 bln, 
we may say that we are 7 % of 
Romania’s foreign direct 
Also, we have launched a 
few performance-enhancing 
programs for our retail. We 
simplified our procedures to 
provide the best practices and 
the results are obvious. 
What is the company’s posi-tion 
regarding social 
We have one of the best 
platforms in Romania for CSR 
programs. There is an open 
and very transparent selection 
procedure for causes that need 
help. Many projects have been 
launched this way. There is a 
list of all our projects on the 
and they are all important, not 
just moneywise, but also due 
to the benefit we may offer 
simple people, by sponsoring 
programs such as OvidiuRo or 
We also assume social 
responsibility to our employ-ees, 
providing them some of 
the best social packages in 
Romania, much better than 
the national legislation 
Is the drop in the price of 
oil good news for you, or is 
it bad news? 
There is no direct link 
between the price of oil and 
the profitability of the refin-ing 
industry. It may seem so at 
first sight, but given the com-plexity 
of the processing, it is 
not. Yet, quotations for oil 
products are going sometimes 
lower than the quotations for 
oil, which is a risk. A massive 
drop in the oil price can create 
a huge fluctuation on the mar-ket, 
and this makes us very 
cautious. These periods of low 
prices give us the opportunity 
to review our portfolio and 
postpone certain projects. I 
compare it to fasting. Fasting 
is very healthy. 
Has the Ukrainian crisis 
affected your business in 
KMG was not directly 
affected by problems in 
Ukraine. We had no participa-tion 
in Ukrainian refineries 
either. There were no exports 
of crude oil to Ukraine, 
because Ukrainian refineries 
were not working at full 
capacity and needed small 
amounts of imported oil. 
Rompetrol exported oil prod-ucts 
to Ukraine, and these 
exports have not changed in 
amount after the crisis started. 
On the contrary, due to the 
decrease of production, the 
country will need to import 
and will consume. And we are 
confident that we will be a key 
supplier. So, I do not see the 
crisis affecting us in any way. 
How do you think your 
presence in our country 
influenced the relations of 
Kazakhstan and Romania? 
Very positively, I think. 
The level of diplomatic rela-tions 
has systematically 
improved, and also has the 
number of diplomats present 
in both countries. Second, 
there’s a constant exchange of 
visits at high level. Third, a 
Kazakh – Romanian Business 
Council was launched last 
year, actively supporting 
mutual investments. And, eco-nomically, 
a whole new world 
of investing possibilities is 
opening up right now. 
By Lorena Lupu 
Contributing editor 
Young, handsome and successful! Azamat 
Zhangulov, Vice-President of KMG 
International (formerly The Rompetrol Group), the 
company that represents Kazakhstan’s greatest 
investment in Romania is an excellent portrait of the 
businessman as a young man. Highly energetic, 
despite of the early hour, Mr. Zhangulov seems to 
look forward to each day as a new opportunity for an 
achievement and enthusiastically declares that his 
company is the best in its domain.
EXPO 2017: The World Comes to Kazakhstan 
One of the largest interna-tional 
expos of the decade is 
coming to the capital of 
Kazakhstan. On Nov. 22, 
2012, the 156 member nations 
of the International 
Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) met 
in Paris and decided by an 
overwhelming majority vote of 
103 countries that EXPO 2017 
will be held in Astana. “This is 
the greatest achievement at the 
international level of 
Kazakhstan’s independence.” 
EXPO 2017 is a recognized 
expo, also referred to as an 
international specialized expo, 
and is part of the World’s Fair 
system. Recognized expos are 
smaller versions of the 
Universal expos commonly 
referred to as World’s Fairs. 
Recognized expos center 
around a particular theme and 
are held between World’s Fairs, 
which occur every five years. 
Kazakhstan has chosen the 
theme “Future Energy” to pro-mote 
and discover sustainable, 
global energy solutions. 
Hosting recognized expos, 
like hosting universal World’s 
Fairs, World Cups or the 
Olympics is a major coup for 
any nation. The events bring 
hundreds of millions of dollars 
in revenue and immeasurable 
international exposure to the 
culture and economy of the 
host nation. Countries launch 
major multi-year lobbying 
efforts to convince the 
International Exhibitions 
Bureau that their nation cap-tures 
the zeitgeist of the 
moment and is best suited to 
represent the world and the 
chosen theme. Benjamin 
Loring, deputy director of 
Ceres, the Center for Eurasian, 
Russian and East European 
Studies at Georgetown 
University in Washington, 
D.C., sees Kazakhstan’s success 
in winning the competition to 
host EXPO 2017 as the logical 
next step in the process of inte-grating 
that nation and the rest 
of Central Asia into the global 
community and economic 
market place after long eras of 
being cut off as part of the 
Russian Empire and the Soviet 
Union. “This region of the 
world has been very poorly 
understood outside its immedi-ate 
environs in the past,” 
Loring told EdgeKz. 
“However, the last 20 years 
have seen a gradual opening of 
the region to the global econo-my 
and to the world communi-ty. 
This will be one more step 
in that process.” 
EXPO 2017 will last three 
months, include representa-tives 
from approximately 100 
countries and is expected to 
draw three to five million visi-tors, 
which would make it the 
largest international gathering 
of this kind Central Asia has 
seen. It will be held during 
Astana’s 20th anniversary as 
the nation’s capital and cele-brate 
the emergence of inde-pendent 
Kazakhstan and the 
wider region as the energy and 
communications hub of 
Europe, Asia and the Middle 
East since the collapse of com-munism. 
“Traditionally, EXPO 
exhibitions have been held in 
Northeast Asia, Europe and 
North America,” BIE Secretary 
General Vicente Gonzalez 
Loscertales said. “Holding an 
exhibition in the new (Central 
Asian) region, which is the 
bridge between East and West, 
in a young country, which has 
developed very good relations 
with European, Middle Eastern 
countries, former Soviet 
republics, as well as with all 
countries of the Central Asian 
region is an additional advan-tage, 
which also strengthens 
the position of Astana.” 
In the 222 years since the 
first international industrial 
exhibition was held in Prague 
in 1791, no World’s Fair, or 
recognized exhibition, has been 
held in Central Asia. The only 
one to be held in the territory 
of today’s 12 nations of the 
Commonwealth of 
Independent States that were 
formerly part of the old Soviet 
Union took place in Nizhny 
Novgorod in Russia in 1875. 
And never in the 84-year histo-ry 
has the host city been cho-sen 
by such a large majority of 
“EXPO would not have had 
any great significance if it were 
to be held in Liege,” British 
financial analyst Martin 
Hutchinson, a contributor to 
the New York Times, the Wall 
Street Journal and Asiaweek, 
and author of the financial 
columns, told EdgeKz. “That 
city, like the rest of Belgium, 
has been at the heart of 
Western European trade and 
communications routes for 
many centuries. However, 
Kazakhstan has spent the past 
20 years emerging on to the 
global scene after its past histo-ry 
in the Soviet Union.” 
President Nazarbayev’s own 
comments reinforce that senti-ment. 
“This will be a turning 
point for Kazakhstan: It will 
start a whole new chapter in 
economic development,” the 
president said. “I want to 
emphasize the importance of 
the fact that for the next five 
years the whole world will be 
talking about Kazakhstan,” the 
president said, adding that 
expos offer the opportunity to 
showcase and advance the lat-est 
technological, scientific and 
cultural achievements. 
EXPO 2017’s Future 
Energy theme will promote 
efforts to find sustainable ener-gy 
solutions to meet growing 
global demand. Kazakhstan’s 
choice of the topic reflects the 
recognition by the country’s 
leaders and policymakers that 
even its vast reserves of natural 
energy resources are ultimately 
finite and that eventually the 
country, and the rest of the 
world, will have to make the 
transition to alternative energy 
sources and greener economies. 
Zhanar Aitzhanova, who 
has led Kazakhstan’s negotiat-ing 
team to enter the World 
Trade Organization, sees 
EXPO 2017 and its green ener-gy 
theme as pointing the world 
into new directions of growth 
and development for the com-ing 
century. “Today, the world 
needs new, environmentally 
safe, pathways for develop-ment. 
Kazakhstan has already 
set its course towards a green 
economy. We consider that a 
discussion about future energy 
is one of the most universal 
discussions of our time, which 
is precisely why we have chosen 
it as the central theme for 
EXPO 2017,” she said. Even 
beyond energy, the expo will 
expand Kazakhstan’s global 
cooperation with industrial-ized, 
developing and less devel-oped 
countries. Government 
leaders are focusing especially 
on developing nations around 
the world south of the equator 
and looking forward to a new 
era of expanded development 
programs with them. 
The event will also be a 
boon for Astana, which has had 
a successful track record over 
the last years of hosting major 
international events, including 
the December 2010 56-nation 
summit of the Organization 
for Security and Cooperation 
in Europe and the Asian 
Winter Games in January- 
February 2011. Both were the 
first major gatherings of their 
kind in Central Asia. They also 
provided Astana’s municipal 
government, police and servic-es 
the experience and confi-dence 
to tackle hosting EXPO 
Astana Mayor believes the 
spirit and energy of his shining 
new capital will ensure the suc-cess 
of the EXPO. “Astana is 
the place where the energy of 
the youth sets the rhythm of 
the city,” he said. 
Astana’s unique location 
should also significantly boost 
the likelihood of a successful 
and well attended event. 
“A total of 2.5 billion peo-ple 
live in close proximity to 
our country. It’s only a three-hour 
flight from the capital 
city of India, a five-hour flight 
from the capital of China and a 
three-hour flight to Moscow. “ 
The EXPO will turn Astana 
into a showcase for the latest 
global developments in the 
energy sector and will trans-form 
it into a hub for develop-ing 
alternative energy solutions 
across Central Asia. 
“The recognition, income 
and interest the expo is expect-ed 
to generate will also be felt 
beyond Astana”, says President 
“For us, the EXPO has to 
become a mega-project which 
will benefit each and every 
region,” the president told a 
recent gathering in Astana of 
mayors and governors from 
around the country. “This will 
give a powerful impetus to the 
innovative development of the 
“The national pavilions 
that will be built to house the 
EXPO will be retained for 
future use, including as a labo-ratory 
science park for the 
introduction of new technolo-gies 
in Kazakhstan”, he said. 
EXPO 2017 will provide 
Kazakhstan a unique opportu-nity 
to showcase the achieve-ments 
it has made and the cul-ture 
it has developed since 
gaining independence from the 
Soviet Union. 
“EXPO 2017 will promote 
Kazakhstan all over the world. 
The exhibition defines agenda 
for the world economic devel-opment,” 
said Nazarbayev. 
And judging from its efforts 
to win the expo and its plans 
for hosting it, the country 
plans to take full advantage of 
that opportunity.
Kazakhstan 2050: Charting a nation 
to prosperity and global significance 
By Professor Dr. Anton CARAGEA 
We are living through difficult 
and boisterous time. A period of 
rapid changes in world economic 
and political system, a time of pow-erful 
crisis that is shaking the funda-ments 
of national states and of 
national economies and is putting 
under strain the social protection 
and all the values of economic neo-liberalism. 
In this chaotic period, just a few 
nations are allowed the luxury of 
economic and political long time 
forecast and predictability: China 
and United States are creating and 
proposing to their people and for-eign 
partners a long term vision of 
development and national state-hood 
In a time of peril and un-certi-tude, 
when even a short time eco-nomic 
prediction is considered haz-ardous, 
just a few nations are having 
the will to act as beacons of lights 
and direction for their region. 
In 17th of December 2012 
Kazakhstan had enter to this select 
club of nations, conscientious of 
their role and position in the conti-nental 
and world stage by present-ing 
an ambitious, realistic and well 
carved plan for future of 
Kazakhstan until 2050. 
By the voice of his President, 
Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan 
had created the prototype of a long 
term, healthy and stable construc-tion 
model for the country, the 
region and the world. 
Kazakhstan it is not at the first 
step in a managed transition 
towards a stable and democratic 
society and a powerful economy. 
In 1997 Kazakhstan had already 
carved the landmarks of his aston-ishing 
development by the presi-dential 
strategy- Kazakhstan 2030. 
Far from being just a window 
dressing, the strategy for 2030 had 
proved to be a perfect way for chart-ing 
Kazakhstan after the independ-ence 
in the incertitude of nation 
building and construction of a 
viable economy. 
The program had allowed 
Kazakhstan to tap into national 
reserves of oil and gas, to gush out 
of the enclave country status via the 
reconstructed Silk Road of energy 
and trade, to create a modern econ-omy, 
not depending only on energy 
resources, to build a huge potential 
of national intelligence and to foster 
the economy of knowledge, the 
base for a XXI century reliable 
The long string of economic 
successes was accompanied in the 
internal sphere by political stability, 
based on democratic and open soci-ety 
values, the protection of nation-al 
and religious minorities. 
In the area of external policy, 
Kazakhstan had gather the powerful 
laurels of a successful reform project 
carried out during his 
Chairmanship of Organization for 
Security and Cooperation in 
Europe. An impressive success was 
also the unprecedented two year 
Chairmanship of Organization of 
Islamic Conference that trans-formed 
Kazakhstan in a leader of 
dialogue between Islam and 
Western world. 
The latest major diplomatic 
achievement of Kazakhstan was the 
proposal of building an area of secu-rity 
and cooperation in Europe and 
Asia, launched in September 2012, 
in Astana, at CICA Conference by 
President Nursultan Nazarbayev. 
This latest proposal makes 
Kazakhstan the promoter of an all-inclusive, 
intercontinental dialogue, 
that could transform the political 
landscape of XXI century. 
In the end, Kazakhstan 2030 
had proved to be not only a success-ful 
strategy for Kazakhstan, but also 
an example for all the countries of 
the world on how a nation by the 
sole fact of building himself, can 
become a regional and world signif-icant 
In its world acclaimed book: 
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, the 
famous Lawrence of Arabia had 
mentioned that: the most impor-tant, 
but also decisive part of a plan 
is to be in line with the necessity of 
his time. 
Kazakhstan 2050 starts by out-lining 
the fundaments of the world 
in XXI century. A period of change, 
of accelerating history, of economic, 
political and ecological challenges, a 
world completely different from the 
world of XX century. 
Instead of training to force the 
reality to enter in the realm of pos-sibility, 
Kazakhstan 2050 is offering 
a realistic and practical assessment 
of the necessities of today world and 
of the available solutions. 
Fallowing his long term tradi-tion, 
Kazakhstan understands that 
creating a success story and offering 
solutions to the world is the best 
way to serve not only his interest, 
but also to add value to his place in 
the world. 
Kazakhstan had become in the 
last 20 years an abode of peace, inter-ethnic 
and inter-religious under-standing 
in a troubled world. One of 
the explanation is undoubtedly the 
economic success that made the 
Kazakhstan not only one of the 
fastest growing economy in the 
world, but also a top investor destina-tion 
in the world economy statistics. 
Kazakhstan 2050 is providing 
the basis for this healthy economy 
to continue his growth process. 
Investing in social protection and 
creating a strong internal demand 
are key factors for a stable rate of 
growth. Modernizing the economic 
potential, investing in new tech-nologies 
are policy that will insure 
the world competitiveness of 
Kazakhstan national economy and 
the creation of a knowledge based 
economy are also a profitable long 
term investment. 
The modern economy is based 
on technological transfer and 
Kazakhstan is becoming a champi-on 
in modernizing the basis of his 
economy via technology transfer 
and more important, Kazakhstan 
educational system mixed with the 
accent on entrepreneurship in eco-nomic 
development is creating the 
base for a managerial revolution, 
that will put Kazakhstan among the 
top economy`s of the world in term 
of creativity and intelligence incor-porated 
in economic production. 
Extremely interesting it is also 
the concept of a Kazakhstan patri-otism. 
Instead of playing the card of 
nationalism or chauvinism, 
President Nursultan Nazarbayev is 
calling for the tradition, language 
and equality to blend into a new 
and successful Kazakh: a person 
well educated, wealthy , healthy 
enjoying the benefits of a modern 
state and administration and a state 
of the art medical system. 
Kazakhstan is promising to put 
at the core of his foundation plan 
for 2050 the individual and his 
chances to prevail in a complex XXI 
One of the keys of Kazakhstan 
national and international success 
was understanding that Kazakhstan 
could not evolve alone in the world, 
but always must stay in touch and 
be an intricate part of the world 
evolutions. There are many exam-ples 
that support this conjecture in 
Kazakhstan two decades of inde-pendence 
Kazakhstan economic miracle 
was built on partnership with west-ern 
companies and oil extraction 
technology, but also on political 
negotiation with Russia on Caspian 
Sea exploration. 
The Astana Expo 2017 will also 
be a proof of the lesson of mutual 
profit that Kazakhstan is offering to 
the world. Kazakhstan manage-ment 
of energy, the lessons of ecol-ogy 
and energy for a future, of envi-ronment 
protection, are going to be 
beneficial for the world economy 
and for the generations to come. 
This is just a new illustration of the 
Kazakhstan concept of successful 
quest for global significance. 
Kazakhstan economic develop-ment 
had transformed the country 
in a major player in the develop-ment 
of Asia and Europe. 
Kazakhstan 2050 promises to con-tinue 
this wise policy: from 
Kazakhstan to the world, from 
world to Kazakhstan, creating a 
synergy that could only beneficial 
for all the world nations. 
Now the lessons of Kazakhstan 
2050 are available for everybody: an 
example of a society of free people 
building a country for the future, 
not in isolation or competition, but 
in harmony with the world nations. 
In the concert of nations 
Kazakhstan is ushering in a new 
tone: a tone of hope. 
(Source: antoncaragea.word-press. 
com. Professor Anton Caragea 
is expert in international relation, 
diplomat , historian and the 
Director at the Institute for 
International Relations and 
Economic Cooperation of Romania.) 
Astana plans to be the smartest city worldwide 
Astana plans to rank first in the 
world’s “smart cities” ranking, 
Akim (Mayor) of Astana Adilbek 
Zhaksybekov said at the “Smart 
Astana-2014” Conference Nov. 19. 
“President Nazarbayev set a 
task to build and improve Astana 
as a smart city, which meets all 
international standards,” he said. 
“Toronto ranks first in the rank-ing. 
Astana ranks 21st now. So 
our task is to share the first place 
with Toronto. I hope we will 
achieve this.” 
The mayor expressed confi-dence 
that Astana will be an 
advanced, intelligent, innovative 
city in the world. 
“All resources will be used for 
this,” he said. “The processes will 
be innovative, while technologies 
– available to all layers of the 
“The measures and real proj-ects 
will testify to the growth 
potential and provide people 
with an opportunity to use better 
services,” he said. 
Did you know that...? 
Kazakhastan is located in the centre of the Eurasian continent. 
Total Area: 2 million 724,9 thousand square kilometers 
Comparative Area: 
Ninth largest in the world, equivalent to the size of Western 
Four times the size of Texas 
Five times the size of France 
l The total length of overland borders - 13,200 km. The 
Republic of Kazakhstan shares its longest borders with Russia, 
7,591 km and China, 1,783 km. 
l Kazahstan is the 9th largest country by size in the world 
and the largest country that doesn’t have access to the ocean. 
l The country is a melting pot of ethnic diversity, in part 
because Stalin deported many different ethnicities here during 
his rule. There are more than 131 different ethnic groups living 
in Kazakhstan. Kazakhs are about 65% of the population, up 
from 40% in 1991. 
l The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana, in the central 
Northern region of the country. It’s a relatively new city with a 
fancy, over-the-top skyline! Astana – the name of the capital of 
Kazakhstan – means “capital city”. 
lThe primary city of Kazakhstan is Almaty, in the SE. It’s 
a scenic city with snow-capped mountains on the horizon, 
beautiful buildings and modern conveniences. 
“Kazakhstan-Romania bilateral relation is evolving rapidly 
Continued from Page 5 
We in Kazakhstan noted the 
enthused support of Romania 
towards His Excellency President 
Nursultan Nazarbayev’s initiative 
for creating a platform of security 
and cooperation in Europe and 
Asia, based on the models of 
OSCE and Shanghai 
Organization that could be bene-ficial 
to Romania, Kazakhstan 
and the world. 
Concluding, I will underline 
the fact that Romania and 
Kazakhstan are starting their jour-ney 
on the road for a strategic 
friendship based on our common 
political vision, economic inter-ests 
and common foreign policy 
Kazakhstan of today envisages 
becoming the main economic 
hub on the new Silk Road 
between Europe and Asia, 
between the emerging markets of 
China and the developed Europe. 
The new Silk Road will boost 
trade, commerce and will better 
and faster connect the land mass-es 
of Europe and Asia and will 
become not only a viable eco-nomic 
initiative, but will also gen-erate 
work places, will help people 
rip benefits and have a better stan-dard 
of life and by this we will 
enjoy in our regions political sta-bility 
and prosperity. 
I would like to emphasize a 
new concept launched by 
Kazakhstan under the name of 
«Silk Wind» project, by launching 
container train “China – 
Kazakhstan – Caspian Sea – 
Caucasus – Turkey – Europe. This 
economic concept build by our 
country within the framework of 
the diversification of transport 
and transit routes, was discussed 
at the conference “TransEurasia 
2014”, during the past VII Astana 
Economic Forum in May 2014, 
when we have started building an 
international investors consensus 
in bringing to light this “Silk 
Wind” transnational project. 
This commercial and eco-nomic 
initiative was completed in 
the political arena by President 
Nazarbayev’s appeal for a better 
dialogue and a common dialogue 
between Europe and Asia known 
as the Conference on Interaction 
and Confidence-Building 
Measures in Asia. 
This is clearly marking the 
fact that Kazakhstan foreign poli-cy 
strives not only for economic 
development and facilitating cre-ation 
of trading corridors between 
Europe and Asia, but also strives 
for political dialogue, for creating 
a climate of understanding, dia-logue, 
avoiding tensions and con-flicts 
and creating a platform for 
dialogue between the countries of 
Asia and Europe. 
Our country’s initiative is 
based on our successful 
Chairmanship of Organization 
for Security and Cooperation in 
Europe for 2010 and on our 
prominent track records as mem-bers 
of the Shanghai Cooperation 
Organization and the Eurasian 
Economic Union. 
We are proposing our experi-ence 
in dialogue and fostering 
international organization in the 
service of world peace and devel-opment, 
and we hope that the 
world is noting this Kazakhstan’s 
I would like also to observe 
our efforts in promoting religious 
dialogue and better understand-ing. 
Necessary to note our suc-cessful 
two-year presidency of 
Organization of Islamic 
Cooperation, in difficult times, 
when we helped the Islamic world 
to concentrate on culture, educa-tion 
and Islamic heritage as unify-ing 
factors, as bricks of a better 
understanding of Islam in the 
However, Kazakhstan was not 
only satisfied to preserve its reli-gious 
legacy but was actively 
involved in the research for an 
open and continuing dialogue of 
religions and traditional religious 
leaders. At the initiative of 
President Nursultan Nazarbayev, 
the Astana Religious Conference 
become with the support and 
presence of all world religious 
leaders, the most impressive and 
efficient world conference that 
established rules and points for 
inter-religious dialogue. President 
Nazarbayev brought together rep-resentatives 
of religious denomi-nation 
from all continents and all 
corners of the world, in an open 
and long-standing dialogue. The 
fact that this series of meetings 
continues to be held continuously 
from 2003 is self-expressing. 
Our basic ideas where to use 
this rostrum is to make a state-ment 
of peace, concord and toler-ance 
as stable principles of human 
existence, to obtain the achieve-ment 
of mutual respect and toler-ance 
between religions, confes-sions, 
nations etc. and to oppose 
to the use of religious believes of 
people for fostering conflicts. 
I hope that our ideals develop 
further and CONGRESS OF 
continues to be a solid landmark 
in the world of religions. 
Besides, I want to remind that 
Kazakhstan was the first country 
in the world to voluntarily relin-quish 
our atomic arsenal, left after 
the dissolution of Soviet Union, 
according the Decree from 1991 
of H.E. President Nursultan 
We have, by our own accord, 
accepted the dismantling of 
nuclear warheads, the evacuation 
of material that could be used for 
nuclear armament and we have 
stopped nuclear experience in the 
Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. 
These are valuable contribu-tions 
of Kazakhstan to a secure 
and safer world, a world without 
nuclear weapons and in 2012 at 
Seoul Summit, we have offered to 
share our experience to help other 
nations to embrace the concept of 
a nuclear weapons free world. 
In our bilateral relations, we 
have to foster our political dia-logue, 
to develop the economical 
presence of Kazakhstan in 
Romanian economy on the tem-plate 
of the success that is 
Rompetrol experience. 
We are determined also to 
help Romania balance the bilater-al 
trade with Kazakhstan and we 
hope that Romanian products 
find their way to Kazakhstan mar-ket. 
World renowned Romanian 
products like Romanian wine, 
agricultural products, high quality 
industrial products, furniture that 
is having a long tradition of pres-ence 
on our market are just a few 
of the Romanian manufactured 
products that we will be happy to 
see on our internal market. 
Moreover, I tell the future busi-ness 
partners of Kazakhstan not to 
forget that our country is the cen-ter 
of a free-tax zone in all Eurasia 
through the Customs Union so 
their products find their way not 
solely to Kazakhstan, but to 
Russia and Belarus as well. 
We are speaking often about 
the fact that Romania must 
become the hub for Kazakh prod-ucts 
to be spread across Europe 
and this is equally true for 
Romanian goods and services that 
can take advantage of our relaxed 
laws and regulation and tax free 
zones and make Kazakhstan the 
bridge head in conquering, with 
their products, all of Asia. 
I would like to conclude by 
saying to the Romanian people 
that you will always have in 
Kazakhstan a proven friend, and 
all that we have built in our bilat-eral 
relation from economic 
cooperation, to foreign policy 
and to diplomacy, must be com-plemented 
by people to people 
Kazakhstan is much more 
than just a normal developed 
country, it is also a country of 
wonderful people, of breathtaking 
scenery and scenic spots, it is a 
wonderful place to visit and to 
emerge in it.” 
and continuously in the right direction”
Kazakhstan at a glance 
l The chimney of Ekibastuz 
GRES-2 is the highest in the 
world (420 meters) 
l Kazakhstan is home to the 
Baikonur Cosmodrome, the 
world’s first and largest space 
launch facility. The first artifi-cial 
satellite (Sputnik 1) and the 
first man (Yuri Gagarin) were 
sent into space from Baikonur 
l Almaty has a brand-new 
Metro System that opened in 
2011. There are currently seven 
stations and they are all individ-ually 
decorated and designed. 
Very fancy for a subway! It was 
about 50 cents per ride for 
adults (all destinations are the 
same price). 
l Apples are reputedly to 
originate from Kazakhstan and 
there are still wild apple forests in 
the country. 
l Horses were first domesti-cated 
on the territory of the 
present Kazakhstan 
l Half of Lake Balkhash, 
one of the largest lakes in the 
world, consists of fresh water, 
the other half of the salt water. 
l Medeo is the highest 
mountain skating ring in the 
world. Highlands and pure 
mountain water to make the ice 
contribute to achieving high 
performance in speed skating, 
170 world records were set here. 
l In 2009, Kazakhstan took 
the first place in the world in the 
production of uranium (14020 
tons); in 2011, the country pro-duced 
19450 tons of uranium 
(35% of world production). 
Kazakhstan has the second 
largest uranium reserves in the 
l Russian word for money 
(“dengi”) comes from the Turkic 
word “tenge” – the name of 
national currency of Kazakhstan 
l Kazakh means “wanderer” 
or “independent.” 
23 years since Independence: Kazakhstan builds up its 
Continued from Page 5 
Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050” 
is a modernization path for all 
areas to provide sustainable 
growth. It is a big challenge, 
which will test and strengthen our 
country, our unity, our courage 
and our efforts. Our common 
duty and responsibility is to 
implement the strategy flawlessly 
and overcome this test without 
failures,” underlines the address to 
the nation of the President of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan, 
Nursultan Nazarbayev, from 
January 17, 2014 . 
The same presidential address 
emphasizes that Kazakhstan of 
the 21st century is a country cre-ated 
from scratch in just two 
decades by talented, hardworking 
and tolerant people! “This is our 
creation in which we take huge 
pride! It is our great creation that 
we wholeheartedly love! 
We’ve adopted Strategy-2050 
so that Kazakhstan’s people can 
hold firmly in their hands the 
helm of the country's future. 
Today, many successful countries 
– China, Malaysia and Turkey – 
follow their long-term strategies. 
Strategic planning is a ‘number 
one’ rule in the 21st century, 
because no wind will be favorable 
unless a country does not know 
its route and destination harbor. 
Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050”, as a 
guiding beacon, allows us to solve 
our people’s everyday issues, while 
also keeping our priority aims in 
mind. This means that we should 
improve the life of our nation not 
in 30 or 50 years’ time, but do so 
every year. The Strategy is a pro-gram 
of concrete practical actions, 
which on a daily basis will 
improve our country and the life 
of every citizen of Kazakhstan. 
However, everyone must under-stand 
that, in market conditions, 
we must work effectively, rather 
than wait for “manna from heav-en”. 
The government’s task is to 
provide all conditions for this. 
I am convinced that the pros-perous 
future of our homeland 
lies among developed countries. 
Achieving this ambition will unite 
the people of Kazakhstan forever,” 
also says President Nazarbayev’s 
address to the nation dedicated to 
the steps to be followed by the 
country to achieve the goals of the 
“Kazakhstan 2050” Strategy shap-ing 
the ambitious future of the 
“We are united by our nation-al 
idea – Mangilik El (Eternal 
Nation), making its way to the 
independent development of 
“Nurly Zhol”. To follow this path 
we need to work hard, and to 
unite our efforts on the way to a 
brighter future. The Eternal 
Nation is a unifying force and an 
inexhaustible source of energy. It 
is the basis for not only the 
“Kazakhstan 2050” Strategy, but 
also the strong ideological foun-dation 
of Kazakhstan’s Statehood 
in the 21st century! The Eternal 
Nation is itself the source of a new 
Kazakhstan Patriotism. It is a 
great principle for the entire soci-ety 
of Kazakhstan,” President of 
the Republic of Kazakhstan, 
Nursultan Nazarbayev, told in his 
recent address to the nation on 
November 11, 2014. 
“Today, as we respond to the 
challenges we face, I proclaim 
Kazakhstan’s New Economic 
Policy “Nurly Zhol” (The Bright 
Road). This is what I devote my 
state-of-the-nation address for 
2015. The policy will have a 
counter-cyclical character and will 
be aimed at continuing structural 
reforms in our economy,” added 
Mr. Nazarbayev. 
As a leader in the Central Asia, 
the Republic of Kazakhstan 
makes a considerable contribu-tion 
to strengthening of the 
region’s stability. The country has 
achieved big successes on the 
international scene and has con-stantly 
increased its visibility, 
image, credibility and prestige in 
this respect. The evidence of this 
is Kazakhstan’s OSCE 
Chairmanship in 2010 conducted 
with great success and big 
Due to its geo-strategic loca-tion, 
the Republic of Kazakhstan 
is an outstanding political actor 
and respected voice in the region 
but also at international level, 
with core priorities in its foreign 
policy directions oriented towards 
developing and strengthening 
strategic and comprehensive part-nerships 
with its big and impor-tant 
neighbours Russia and 
China, with the other neighbours 
from Central Asia, with the 
United States and with the 
European Union. 
One of the won bets of 
Kazakhstan in terms of increasing 
more its international prestige, 
image and fame in the world will 
be the hosting of Expo 2017 in 
Astana, a revolutionary project for 
which huge financial resources 
have already been allotted by the 
Kazakh authorities to successfully 
achieve it. 
The Republic of Kazakhstan is 
an industrial country with mining 
operations being one of the main 
sources of its economic growth. 
The country’s mineral raw materi-al 
base consists of more than 5000 
deposits which expected value is 
estimated at tens of trillion US 
dollars. The country holds first 
place in the world with regard to 
explored reserves of zinc, tungsten 
and barite, second - silver, lead 
and chromites, third - copper and 
fluorite, fourth - molybdenum, 
sixth - gold. 
Kazakhstan also has consider-able 
reserves of oil and gas, which 
are concentrated in its western 
areas. Nowadays the country 
belongs to the group of the 
world’s leading oil-producing 
states with volumes amounting to 
more than 80 million tons of oil 
and gas condensate a year. 
According to plans the annual 
extraction will be increased to 120 
million tons by 2020. At present 
Kazakhstan is in 9th place in the 
world with regard to confirmed 
reserves of oil. Besides that, the 
country is in 8th place by the 
reserves of coal and 2nd place by 
the reserves of uranium. 
“Kazakhstan owns a territory 
so vast it would tire the wings of a 
bird to fly over it. Thus, this plan 
requires huge funds and hard 
work. There is a saying: “If you 
want to know a nation’s prosperi-ty 
look at its paths.” Road con-nections 
are of high importance, 
not only for travel, but also for the 
transportation of goods,” under-lined 
President Nazarbayev in his 
message to the nation, recalling 
the focus put by the Government 
on building modern highways 
and railroads aimed at strengthen 
trade and economic ties between 
the regions. 
“Over the past 22 years of our 
sovereignty and development we 
have formed our core values, they 
are the foundation of our coun-try’s 
future and unite all the peo-ple 
of Kazakhstan. They are not 
taken from mystical stories or the-ories. 
These values are the embod-iment 
of Kazakhstan’s Way, which 
has withstood the test of time,” 
President Nazarbayev pointed out 
in his message addressed to the 
nation on January 2014. 
The stable growth of all 
branches of the Kazakh economy, 
the international recognition, the 
political stability serve as a basis 
for prosperity of the Kazakhstani 
society that looks with optimism 
to a great future ahead. 
Summing up: A glorious past 
and a rich cultural heritage and 
patrimony behind, valuable 
human potential, huge natural 
resources, vision of its leaders and 
a lot of ambition and effort of a 
very talented and hard-working 
people with incommensurable 
creative potential. This is the 
today’s Kazakhstan, a country that 
follows its challenging path 
towards a well deserved future in 
the modern highly-competitive 
and fast changing world. 
ambitious and deserved future

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Nine o'clock supplement about Kazakhstan and its business and political relationship with Romania

  • 1. NINE ’CLOCK SUPPLEMENTS 23 years since Independence:Kazakhstan builds up its ambitious and deserved future Every year, on December 16, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhs all over the world are in celebration. This holiday marks the independence of Kazakhstan declared on December 16, 1991 through the adoption of the Constitutional Law following the collapse of the Soviet Union. On this day, the Kazakhs all over the world solemnly celebrate their inde-pendence, proudly honoring their historical past, the national values and symbols, but also looking faithfully to a blossoming future. Kazakhstan Independence Day is marked by festivities in the presidential palace and all over the country. People dress up in traditional clothes, yurts (tradi-tional tents) are set up in many villages where local delicacies are served. In a world with a fast chang-ing architecture, facing new chal-lenges and threats, the 23 rd anniversary of the Independence finds the country embarked on a very ambitious and challenging road drawn up two years ago by president Nursultan Nazarbayev when he has launched “Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy”. Called “Eternal Kazakhstan”, this milestone visionary project marks the beginning of a new era in the history of this nation, with the goal to shape and develop a coun-try able to join the group of the most 30 developed countries in the world. “Over the last 23 years Kazakhstan has accomplished a great deal. We have created our own successful model of develop-ment. Every citizen is immensely proud of their country. They have faith in tomorrow and believe in the future of Kazakhstan. 97 per-cent of our citizens recognize the stability of their social-economic condition and its continuous improvement year to year. Today the achievements of our country are the national pride of every citizen. Strong and pow-erful countries are formed on long-term vision and stable eco-nomic development. continued on page 12 “Today between Kazakhstan and Romania there is a consistent intensifica-tion of political dialogue, dynamic devel-opment of bilateral trade-economic, cul-tural and humanitarian ties, as well as coordination of efforts between the two countries within the UN, OSCE and other international organizations. Bilateral relation between our coun-tries is evolving rapidly and continuously in the right direction. I will just add to this the fact that “KazMunayGas International” (former Rompetrol) invest-ment is the largest foreign investment of Kazakhstan outside our borders and we have the plan to continue and develop our investment into Romania. I will reiterate the fact that the Memorandum between the Romanian State and “KMG International” is creating a bilateral investment fund of up to one billion dollars that will dramatically increase and diversify the investments of Kazakhstan into Romanian economy, cre-ating a solid base for our ever-developing bilateral relations. If we add to this, the reality that our political dialogue is based on a perfect understanding and our recent history is paved with moments that are marking our bilateral friendship such as: the Romanian support for Kazakhstan Chairmanship at Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the high level presence of Romanian President and Prime Minister at the OSCE summit in Astana 2010 and we have a dynamic view of this relation. Continued on Page 11 H.E. Mr. Bogdan AURESCU, the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs: “Cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Kazakhstan has been steadily growing” “On 16 December Kazakhstan cele-brates its National Day and this year - the anniversary of 23 years of Independence of the State. It is an auspicious moment and offers me a great opportunity to highlight the excellent relations between Romania and the Republic of Kazakhstan, currently defined by the terms of the Declaration of Partnership and Cooperation signed by the Presidents of our countries in September 2003. In its 22 years of bilateral diplomatic rela-tions, the cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Kazakhstan has been steadily growing and achieved outstanding overall results. The economic ties have continuously strengthened, on a solid basis and with prom-ising prospects for the future. The high-level political dialogue is systematic and substan-tial, economic exchanges are expanding while cultural and scientific relations are equally developing on an upward trend. Romania was, throughout these 22 years, a constant supporter of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of its efforts to emphasize the importance of Central Asia region on the international arena. Thus, Romania has sup-ported and promoted initiatives and projects launched by Kazakhstan at the multilateral level, with regional impact. One such exam-ple is Romania’s support for Kazakhstan’s taking over the Chairmanship-in-Office of the OSCE and for hosting in Astana the OSCE Summit organized in 2010. The bilateral cooperation within the United Nations framework is equally rich and diver-sified. Continued on Page 7 H.E. Mr. Daulet BATRASHEV, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Romania: “Kazakhstan-Romania bilateral relation is evolving rapidly and continuously in the right direction”
  • 2. S P E C I A L PAGE 6 NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 President Nursultan Nazarbayev about the future of Kazakhstan Remarks near Ulytau Mountains, Zhezkazgan city. First of all, I do think that this is a very historic moment for Zhezkazgan, as well as this city that is connected to the name of the famous Kazakh scientist and geolo-gist Kanysh Satpayev and copper deposits. So much copper and ore have been extracted for the last 50- 60 years, and all these mineral resources began to run out. Accordingly Zhezkazgan started to come across with these issues, and the welfare of the city began to deteriorate. This is a natural issue. It was Soviet period time, when large mineral deposits and each power station began to appear near towns and villages. Therefore, first, Zhezkazgan always remained on the railway deadlock, it has always been a problem, secondly, during the Soviet period, all railway were built northwards towards Russia, while the construction of railway lines in the east-west direction to connect cities was not included in the plans of Russia and the Soviet Union. No one could even imagine these things. Nowadays, since our economy began to grow, we have allocated 2,75 million dollars for the con-struction of these rail routes with a length of 1,200 km. It is very easy to say, but in terms of significance, it will be used at least in the next 50 and 100 years. When I was flying in the heli-copter, I was looking at this absolutely clean land and did not even notice a single sparrow. There are no people in this clean land, because there are no jobs, no households for the people. This railway will give a life to the region, people will have an opportunity to find jobs, they could send and receive mails. To extend the life of the factory, there are some sort of pillars under the ground, which are rich for ore, and to extract the ore which has villages above it, the ground beneath them could col-lapse. Due to this, the state have allocated 250 million USD, and 6,000 houses in bad condition have been moved to good new built houses, and now we will extract 200 million tons of ore, 2 million of copper, which means that this will give a life for the factory for the next 20-30 years. Furthermore, if further exploration works will be carried out, then there may be new deposits. It is very vital to know your his-tory. Future of a nation who does not know its history is difficult. Nowadays, we make a lot of efforts to get to know our history. One of these histories is ULYTAU Mountains. When I was searching for a place for future capital, I came to Ulytau. This is truly a historic center of the Kazakh nation. But from a modern point of view, you can see for yourself, there is nothing here. No roads, no water, no air-port. Nothing! For construction, this place would require a lot of money and, ultimately, it is the inappropriate place for the capital of the country. But it is a sacred place, and so it will remain. Construction of railroads and high-ways is underway. In the future, it will be a place attractive for tourists, people will come here to honor the memory of our ancestors. Generally speaking, to tell the truth, we are the nation that could have lost its language and religion. During the Soviet time, there was strict russification process. The sta-tus of Kazakh language was very low, but in general, for our nation, country and people, our history, culture and customs we can show only through our language. For example, we cannot translate some poems of Abai from Kazakh into Russian, English or another lan-guage, it is impossible because it has its own features, therefore, if we lost language, we may lose these features. As for religion, since we gained our independence, we are getting back our religion. Now you can notice that Kazakhs have always been close to religion. Many people are religious, lots of mosques are being built, we are preparing people who are preach-ing religion. And this is right, we have to maintain our religion and traditions. We all need these. Nevertheless, nations which con-sider their religion is the only good faith face many challenges now. There are some nations that divide Muslim religion for Sunnis and Shiites which sheds bloods now. There are many Catholics that at war with each other. Therefore, it is very important to respect other reli-gions, study and know them, and then they will respect Islam. The state undertakes all meas-ures and provides all opportunities to let the people to study Kazakh language. It is written in the Constitution that the state language in our country is Kazakh. There is nobody that prohibits speaking Kazakh, no one interferes with the Kazakh language. We need to speak Kazakh, and have to respect this lan-guage. There are some intellectuals, writers, cultural figures complaining that our language has become orphan, cannot get up off its knees during the years of independence. If you think you are unhappy, you will be so. If a man says that he is happy, then he will be happy. We will not change if we constantly insist that we do not have it. No need to cre-ate a panic, we must use the Law “On languages” to speak Kazakh, we have to communicate freely in own language and show this exam-ple to others. Annually in Kazakhstan over 100,000 children graduate from schools, 80,000 of whom study in Kazakh language. At every school, Russian or another, studying of the Kazakh language is mandatory. Any school kid in grades 6-7, for example, now can speak both Kazakh and Russian, and even English. This is our concern for the language. For the moment, we are trying to translate international universal words into Kazakh. For example, international word “piano” "was translated as “Kuisandiq”. It does not correspond to the meaning. Another international word “com-poser” was translated as “Sazger”. “Saz” gives a different concept. By thinking that we must move away from the Russian language, we take it from Turkish, from Arabic, from Persian, and thus spoiling the lan-guage. We must enrich the lan-guage by international terms, and there is nothing bad about it and should not be this scared. The state language is not in danger, the lan-guage grows and gets richer, and it has a great future. There are 6,000 languages in the world, 10 percent of which are dying annually. Seventy percent of the world’s population use English. Because it is the language of science, educa-tion, medicine, culture and media. Of course, you can live without the knowledge of the English language, but you will be deprived of the knowledge which allows you to get the language. Without this knowl-edge, we put an obstacle to our future development and growth. So, how can we develop to boost the economy, to enter the top 30 developed countries, if our people, our young people do not speak English? I believe that tri-lingual policy is right. Among this, our national language is competitive. If we know these three languages, then we get a great opportunity. This is what we need to understand. The number of Kazakhs is growing, as well as the impact of our language. In the record keeping sphere, Kazakh language is being used, and no one interferes with it. In addition, there are many other ethnic groups who speak Kazakh. We must appreciate their own lan-guage. Kazakhstan is in the centre of the world map, and we have no access to ocean. For shipping goods by the train we pay for every single kilometer to deliver it to the Black Sea, we pay to ship it to China, Russia, Europe, therefore, our oceans are the terri-tories of Russia and China. If we consider these countries as oceans, then we can feel ourselves as if near the ocean. So it is very important to trade with them. As for the disadvantages of Kazakhstan’s participation in the Eurasian Economic Union is a manifestation of dilettantism. Thanks to creation of the Economic Community between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, the cost of goods delivery on the territory of the member countries of the Union have become cheaper, and, therefore, the Kazakh prod-ucts to become more competitive in the global market. This union is only an econom-ic union, not a political one. All members have an equal voice and everything is decided by consensus. Kazakhstan is always right to secede from the union if it would pose a threat to independence. The union has a lot of advan-tages and there are no arguments for pessimism. In addition, the strengthening of trade and eco-nomic relations with the neighbor-ing countries will strengthen our security, as the stable political situa-tion is beneficial for trading part-ners’ territories. The western sanctions relate to many sectors of the economy of the neighboring state. Maybe some Russian factories will not be able to work in full force. This means they cannot buy our raw materials to the extent in which bought earlier, and here we may have difficulties. Russia undertakes retaliatory sanctions and bans the import of certain foodstuffs from the West on its territory. In this regard, we are able to increase export of food products to Russia, including fruits and vegetables, meat and so on. In general, direct Western sanc-tions against the Russian Federation do not relate to Kazakhstan. This year we plan to solve the problem of joining the WTO. We plan to continue the development of relations with the EU, and to conclude new agree-ments on cooperation. Time will put everything in its place. Therefore, I do think that Kazakhstan’s future is bright, because we are a peaceful country, we are not an enemy to anybody, and we have no enemies, and have no external enemies. My dream is to make Kazakhstan the eternal state, so I proposed the idea of “Mangilik El” (Eternal Nation), and we do every-thing to become an Eternal Nation. I believe today’s younger gener-ation are patriots of their country who are able to develop of Kazakhstan in future. I dream of a bright future for Kazakhstan. I hope our children and grandchil-dren will live better. PHOTO: WWW.AKORDA.KZ/EN/MAINPAGE
  • 3. NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 S P E C I A L PAGE 7 H.E. Mr. Petru LIFICIU, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Galati: “This honorific consular relationship is an opportunity window between Romania and Kazakhstan” “In august 2012 I had the great honor to be nominated as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Romania. The Republic of Kazakhstan has developed immensely in the last decades and I believe this is because their President, His Excellency Nursultan Nazarbayev, has devoted all of his time and energy in creating the best strategy for his country - complex, well-designed, covering all essential aspects needed for an economy to flourish. With the help of their long term plan “Kazakhstan 2050 strategy”, they want to make Kazakhstan one of the 30 most developed countries in the world, and I’m absolutely sure that he will achieve this goal in the near future. By 2030 Kazakhstan will be a role model for all developing countries, it will become the “leopard” of Central Asia, the Kazakh snow leopard, gifted with western elegance multiplied by an advanced development level, with Eastern wisdom and tenacity. I deeply admire President Nazarbayev, a strong and well prepared leader who can take control and guide the state's economy on the right track, a leader who has firm opinions on global issues, a man whose vision is involved in all areas. He knows he has to make investments in all economic departments, that a country needs to develop its transport, energy, industrial and social infrastructure in order to grow. As the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Romania I feel that I have not only the honor to occupy this position, but also the responsibil-ity to help improve the bilateral relations, to bring investments from Kazakhstan to our country, because we have so much to offer and so many areas that can be developed. I have also tried to open the way for companies and business men from our country to reach the Kazakh market. Our Romanian furniture is extremely appreciated, constructions and installations are also important areas in which the two countries can collaborate. Opening the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Galati, my home town, was a very proud moment for me. It was truly a joyous and exciting occasion, to see so many important people come together to celebrate this strengthening of economic and cultural relations. I was joined there by many sup-portive people, such as the Charge d'affaires of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Romania, the mayor of Galati, presidents of county councils, prefects and sub-prefects of counties, mayors of different villages, representa-tives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I was able to organize in col-laboration with the Embassy of Kazakhstan many events that brought together business men and companies from both coun-tries. I led a delegation of Romanian businessmen in Kazakhstan where we took part at the Astana Forum and at the World Anti-Crisis Conference and we had a meeting with Mr. Anuar Akhmmetzhanov, Deputy Governor of the Karaganda Region. We took part at the Joint Commission for Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation and the Romania-Kazakhstan Economic Forum, with 25 Romanian companies and 35 companies from Kazakhstan. We also organized the semi-nar “Kazakhstan- the best cli-mate in Central Asia” and the Economic Mission in Astana and Almaty, in partnership with the Association of Employers in the Construction Field in Romania and with the Ministry of Economy. There have been numerous economic and cultural actions and I’m very proud that I can say that I played a part in helping strengthening the relations between the two countries. We have organized economic seminaries to inform Romanian businessmen about the many benefits and opportunities that the Kazakh market has to offer. For example, Kazakhstan is the second place in the world in regards of reserves of uranium, chromium, plumb, zinc, third place in the world in manganese; 5th place in cooper, and in top 10 in the world at coal, iron, gold and 11th place in the world at proven reserves of oil and nat-ural gases. The Republic of Kazakhstan has created an economic environ-ment that is extremely friendly and welcoming for foreign investors, with low taxes and sub-sidies from the Government. Kazakhstan is the heart of Eurasia. All main routes pass through its territory. In the next few years it will become a major transport hub between Europe and Asia with a most comfortable environment for investors. Another important project that the Honorary Consulate has collaborated on with the authori-ties in Kazakhstan was trying to facilitate the exchange of students and teachers from the two coun-tries. The Karaganda State Medical University has signed a memorandum of understanding with several medical universities in Romania: “Victor Babes” in Timisoara, “Ovidius” in Constanta, “Lucian Blaga” in Sibiu, “Iuliu Hatieganu” in Cluj Napoca. the Univeristy in Oradea and in Targu Mures. I would be extremely happy and proud to see our students study abroad in Kazakhstan, but also see Kazakh students come here, because we have good academic centers and well prepared professors. I visited the Republic of Kazakhstan many times, and each time I was pleasantly surprised, every time I discovered some-thing new and interesting that I brought back to Romania, I met quality people that love their country and believe in their future. I’m very happy that I can say that I have a very good relation-ship with all of my friends from the Embassy of Kazakhstan. We collaborate very well, we have common goals - to open a way for further and better coopera-tion between our countries. Kazahstan is mainly known in our country because of the acqui-sition of Rompetrol by KazMunayGaz, but the country has many more other things to offer, economic, political and cul-tural aspects. Astana is a very beautiful city that has grown and developed very much in the last years. Occasion The Kazakhstan we know today is a state that was created from zero, that has known a development unlike any other modern country. I think it can be an example for many – if you have a good leader with a good long-term economic strategy, and people that love their coun-try and work for its future, that amazing things can and will happen. This honorific consular rela-tionship is an opportunity win-dow between Romania and Kazakhstan, and we should make the best of it and learn from their wisdom.” “Cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Kazakhstan has been steadily growing” Continued from Page 5 The Universal Expo Astana 2017 and Romania’s participa-tion with a national stand may generate additional business opportunities that could benefit the freight transport potential between Central Asia and Europe which could maximize the shortest and most profitable transit over the Black Sea. In recent years we have wit-nessed a number of positive developments that brought our relations to a new qualitative level. Among them I would men-tion: KazMunaiGaz Company’s presence in Romania; upgrading the diplomatic level of represen-tation of Kazakhstan in Bucharest to Embassy; the recent appoint-ment of the first Kazakhstani Ambassador to Romania, H.E. Mr. Daulet Batrashev. They all testify to the willingness to fur-ther develop the bilateral rela-tions and to the prospects to make best use of the untapped potential for cooperation. Romania and Kazakhstan relations are close to a partner-ship with strategic value. Kazakhstan remains among Romania’s most important part-ners in Central Asia, both in political and economic terms. Even if our economies have been affected by the global economic crisis, we still maintain a healthy trade partnership. For Romania, it is an unparalleled trade rela-tionship in the region, with a vast potential to bring diversity to the current oil-based imports from Kazakhstan. With the Protocol of cooper-ation between the Black Sea port of Constanta and the Caspian port of Aktau signed in 2007 we have a solid framework for devel-oping cooperation between the two ports and overall the trans-port cooperation. Kazakhstan remains a valu-able partner for the European Union within Central Asia. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Kazakhstani Diplomatic Service for conclud-ing the negotiations on a new legally-binding frame between the European Union and Kazakhstan, embodied in a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. In view of enhancing trade relations with the European Union, Kazakhstan’s main trad-ing partner, Romania has been a constant supporter of Kazakhstan in actively pursuing accession to the World Trade Organization. All these elements shape up an optimistic outlook for our bilateral relations and ambitious prospects of strength-ening the relations between Romania and Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is my pleasure to convey, through this way, on behalf of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on my own behalf, heartfelt congratula-tions alongside with best wishes of progress, prosperity and well-being for the Kazakh people. Happy anniversary to the Republic of Kazakhstan!”
  • 4. S P E C I A L PAGE 8 NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 Azamat Zhangulov, Vice-President of KMG International: “We are 7 % of Romania’s foreign direct investment” There are permanent dis-cussions about your offer to buy the shares owned by the state – 26.69 per cent, at Petromidia in Navodari. How are things going? We, as buyers, expressed all our commitment and our firm decision to acquire the shares. The Romanian Government, though, has a lot of proce-dures to pursue. There are sev-eral steps to be followed by the Government, starting with approving a strategy for priva-tization, then approving the tender for consultancy, then approving the launch of the privatization procedure. And all of these need constant involvement from all the Government. And, due to the elections, all of these got delayed, because they had other priorities in the cam-paign. But there is progress on their side as well. We are now looking forward to the privati-zation decision to be pub-lished. How long do you predict it will require them to pub-lish that decision? There are many things that are difficult to predict. Such as the formal steps of the proce-dure or the oil prices. But technically, each step requires from a few weeks to a few months. After the privatisa-tion is published, we have 30 days to place our bid and we intend to do it immediately. By buying Rompetrol seven years ago, you have become quite familiar with the Romanian market. How did you find this market at the time of the acquisition? If we ran an analysis of dif-ferent markets around the Black Sea region, I think that Romania is one of the best markets possible. There are a few arguments to support this statement. First of all, Romania has perhaps the biggest potential of economi-cal growth in Central – Eastern Europe. Also, Romania has natural resources, worth exploiting, and human resources, educat-ed, young and reasonably paid, unlike the rest of Europe. There is also infra-structure potential, as well as energy-producing potential. Therefore, Romania gives us plenty of opportunities, com-pared to other countries, as, despite the low rate of foreign investment, Romania shows stable growth and was not crushed by recession like other countries. How does Kazakhstan relate to Romania? We have identified Romania as a important part-ner, not only because of these factors, but also because of the direct access to the Black Sea, which gains us access to sea ports and other facilities. We see that this country will grow, and this also means a growth in consumption. We identified the necessity to build new gas stations as new roads are built and the transportation, under-developed so far, has started to show its potential. A huge development opportunity is also represented by the build-ing of a road that connects Europe to China and that passes through Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Romania may be placed on this route and represent an access way to Europe, but it has to use its potential. This transportation potential could be a consider-able point of growth and regeneration for Romania’s economy. What are the challenges of the Romanian market, from your point of view? The main challenge relies on the low rate of foreign investments. Awareness should be raised regarding Romania’s investment poten-tial. There is the need for a strong investment policy, clear and understandable for any investors. In Kazakhstan, by example, we have a Foreign Investment Council, chaired by the President of the coun-try, and it is working efficient-ly with companies all over the globe. They meet two times a year to discuss any issues that may have been appeared in the foreign investment policy. This is why the foreign invest-ment rate is quite high. Other issues are related to taxes, efficiency of different bodies of the Government and of the legal system. These can be improved, in my opinion, to immediate positive effect in foreign investments in Romania. One year ago, you announced the intention to open 100 new gas stations in Romania. How are things going on? Our investments depend on the memorandum we signed with the Government, as all these plans depend on the Government. Our slow-down depends on them. For this year, we will be launching this year four or five gas sta-tions, on our own. We are also working on two new projects, the cogeneration plant and the Midia facilities, with an investment of USD 130 mln. These projects are in the stage of design, not in that of implementation yet. Which are your financial results for this year? The year is not accom-plished and we are still wait-ing for the data, but I estimate an increase of 50 % compared to last year. We have reached the highest figures in the entire history of Rompetrol. This is the result of our heavy investment, made a few years ago. This year, despite of all issues, our investment was about USD 130 mln. If we consider that the total value of foreign investments in Romania is about USD 2 bln, we may say that we are 7 % of Romania’s foreign direct investment. Also, we have launched a few performance-enhancing programs for our retail. We simplified our procedures to provide the best practices and the results are obvious. What is the company’s posi-tion regarding social responsibility? We have one of the best platforms in Romania for CSR programs. There is an open and very transparent selection procedure for causes that need help. Many projects have been launched this way. There is a list of all our projects on the site, and they are all important, not just moneywise, but also due to the benefit we may offer simple people, by sponsoring programs such as OvidiuRo or SMURD. We also assume social responsibility to our employ-ees, providing them some of the best social packages in Romania, much better than the national legislation requires. Is the drop in the price of oil good news for you, or is it bad news? There is no direct link between the price of oil and the profitability of the refin-ing industry. It may seem so at first sight, but given the com-plexity of the processing, it is not. Yet, quotations for oil products are going sometimes lower than the quotations for oil, which is a risk. A massive drop in the oil price can create a huge fluctuation on the mar-ket, and this makes us very cautious. These periods of low prices give us the opportunity to review our portfolio and postpone certain projects. I compare it to fasting. Fasting is very healthy. Has the Ukrainian crisis affected your business in Romania? KMG was not directly affected by problems in Ukraine. We had no participa-tion in Ukrainian refineries either. There were no exports of crude oil to Ukraine, because Ukrainian refineries were not working at full capacity and needed small amounts of imported oil. Rompetrol exported oil prod-ucts to Ukraine, and these exports have not changed in amount after the crisis started. On the contrary, due to the decrease of production, the country will need to import and will consume. And we are confident that we will be a key supplier. So, I do not see the crisis affecting us in any way. How do you think your presence in our country influenced the relations of Kazakhstan and Romania? Very positively, I think. The level of diplomatic rela-tions has systematically improved, and also has the number of diplomats present in both countries. Second, there’s a constant exchange of visits at high level. Third, a Kazakh – Romanian Business Council was launched last year, actively supporting mutual investments. And, eco-nomically, a whole new world of investing possibilities is opening up right now. By Lorena Lupu Contributing editor Young, handsome and successful! Azamat Zhangulov, Vice-President of KMG International (formerly The Rompetrol Group), the company that represents Kazakhstan’s greatest investment in Romania is an excellent portrait of the businessman as a young man. Highly energetic, despite of the early hour, Mr. Zhangulov seems to look forward to each day as a new opportunity for an achievement and enthusiastically declares that his company is the best in its domain.
  • 5. NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 S P E C I A L PAGE 9 EXPO 2017: The World Comes to Kazakhstan One of the largest interna-tional expos of the decade is coming to the capital of Kazakhstan. On Nov. 22, 2012, the 156 member nations of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) met in Paris and decided by an overwhelming majority vote of 103 countries that EXPO 2017 will be held in Astana. “This is the greatest achievement at the international level of Kazakhstan’s independence.” EXPO 2017 is a recognized expo, also referred to as an international specialized expo, and is part of the World’s Fair system. Recognized expos are smaller versions of the Universal expos commonly referred to as World’s Fairs. Recognized expos center around a particular theme and are held between World’s Fairs, which occur every five years. Kazakhstan has chosen the theme “Future Energy” to pro-mote and discover sustainable, global energy solutions. Hosting recognized expos, like hosting universal World’s Fairs, World Cups or the Olympics is a major coup for any nation. The events bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and immeasurable international exposure to the culture and economy of the host nation. Countries launch major multi-year lobbying efforts to convince the International Exhibitions Bureau that their nation cap-tures the zeitgeist of the moment and is best suited to represent the world and the chosen theme. Benjamin Loring, deputy director of Ceres, the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., sees Kazakhstan’s success in winning the competition to host EXPO 2017 as the logical next step in the process of inte-grating that nation and the rest of Central Asia into the global community and economic market place after long eras of being cut off as part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. “This region of the world has been very poorly understood outside its immedi-ate environs in the past,” Loring told EdgeKz. “However, the last 20 years have seen a gradual opening of the region to the global econo-my and to the world communi-ty. This will be one more step in that process.” EXPO 2017 will last three months, include representa-tives from approximately 100 countries and is expected to draw three to five million visi-tors, which would make it the largest international gathering of this kind Central Asia has seen. It will be held during Astana’s 20th anniversary as the nation’s capital and cele-brate the emergence of inde-pendent Kazakhstan and the wider region as the energy and communications hub of Europe, Asia and the Middle East since the collapse of com-munism. “Traditionally, EXPO exhibitions have been held in Northeast Asia, Europe and North America,” BIE Secretary General Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales said. “Holding an exhibition in the new (Central Asian) region, which is the bridge between East and West, in a young country, which has developed very good relations with European, Middle Eastern countries, former Soviet republics, as well as with all countries of the Central Asian region is an additional advan-tage, which also strengthens the position of Astana.” In the 222 years since the first international industrial exhibition was held in Prague in 1791, no World’s Fair, or recognized exhibition, has been held in Central Asia. The only one to be held in the territory of today’s 12 nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States that were formerly part of the old Soviet Union took place in Nizhny Novgorod in Russia in 1875. And never in the 84-year histo-ry has the host city been cho-sen by such a large majority of votes. “EXPO would not have had any great significance if it were to be held in Liege,” British financial analyst Martin Hutchinson, a contributor to the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Asiaweek, and author of the financial columns, told EdgeKz. “That city, like the rest of Belgium, has been at the heart of Western European trade and communications routes for many centuries. However, Kazakhstan has spent the past 20 years emerging on to the global scene after its past histo-ry in the Soviet Union.” President Nazarbayev’s own comments reinforce that senti-ment. “This will be a turning point for Kazakhstan: It will start a whole new chapter in economic development,” the president said. “I want to emphasize the importance of the fact that for the next five years the whole world will be talking about Kazakhstan,” the president said, adding that expos offer the opportunity to showcase and advance the lat-est technological, scientific and cultural achievements. EXPO 2017’s Future Energy theme will promote efforts to find sustainable ener-gy solutions to meet growing global demand. Kazakhstan’s choice of the topic reflects the recognition by the country’s leaders and policymakers that even its vast reserves of natural energy resources are ultimately finite and that eventually the country, and the rest of the world, will have to make the transition to alternative energy sources and greener economies. Zhanar Aitzhanova, who has led Kazakhstan’s negotiat-ing team to enter the World Trade Organization, sees EXPO 2017 and its green ener-gy theme as pointing the world into new directions of growth and development for the com-ing century. “Today, the world needs new, environmentally safe, pathways for develop-ment. Kazakhstan has already set its course towards a green economy. We consider that a discussion about future energy is one of the most universal discussions of our time, which is precisely why we have chosen it as the central theme for EXPO 2017,” she said. Even beyond energy, the expo will expand Kazakhstan’s global cooperation with industrial-ized, developing and less devel-oped countries. Government leaders are focusing especially on developing nations around the world south of the equator and looking forward to a new era of expanded development programs with them. The event will also be a boon for Astana, which has had a successful track record over the last years of hosting major international events, including the December 2010 56-nation summit of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Asian Winter Games in January- February 2011. Both were the first major gatherings of their kind in Central Asia. They also provided Astana’s municipal government, police and servic-es the experience and confi-dence to tackle hosting EXPO 2017. Astana Mayor believes the spirit and energy of his shining new capital will ensure the suc-cess of the EXPO. “Astana is the place where the energy of the youth sets the rhythm of the city,” he said. Astana’s unique location should also significantly boost the likelihood of a successful and well attended event. “A total of 2.5 billion peo-ple live in close proximity to our country. It’s only a three-hour flight from the capital city of India, a five-hour flight from the capital of China and a three-hour flight to Moscow. “ The EXPO will turn Astana into a showcase for the latest global developments in the energy sector and will trans-form it into a hub for develop-ing alternative energy solutions across Central Asia. “The recognition, income and interest the expo is expect-ed to generate will also be felt beyond Astana”, says President Nazarbayev. “For us, the EXPO has to become a mega-project which will benefit each and every region,” the president told a recent gathering in Astana of mayors and governors from around the country. “This will give a powerful impetus to the innovative development of the country.” “The national pavilions that will be built to house the EXPO will be retained for future use, including as a labo-ratory science park for the introduction of new technolo-gies in Kazakhstan”, he said. EXPO 2017 will provide Kazakhstan a unique opportu-nity to showcase the achieve-ments it has made and the cul-ture it has developed since gaining independence from the Soviet Union. “EXPO 2017 will promote Kazakhstan all over the world. The exhibition defines agenda for the world economic devel-opment,” said Nazarbayev. And judging from its efforts to win the expo and its plans for hosting it, the country plans to take full advantage of that opportunity.
  • 6. S P E C I A L PAGE 10 NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 Kazakhstan 2050: Charting a nation to prosperity and global significance By Professor Dr. Anton CARAGEA We are living through difficult and boisterous time. A period of rapid changes in world economic and political system, a time of pow-erful crisis that is shaking the funda-ments of national states and of national economies and is putting under strain the social protection and all the values of economic neo-liberalism. In this chaotic period, just a few nations are allowed the luxury of economic and political long time forecast and predictability: China and United States are creating and proposing to their people and for-eign partners a long term vision of development and national state-hood construction. In a time of peril and un-certi-tude, when even a short time eco-nomic prediction is considered haz-ardous, just a few nations are having the will to act as beacons of lights and direction for their region. In 17th of December 2012 Kazakhstan had enter to this select club of nations, conscientious of their role and position in the conti-nental and world stage by present-ing an ambitious, realistic and well carved plan for future of Kazakhstan until 2050. By the voice of his President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan had created the prototype of a long term, healthy and stable construc-tion model for the country, the region and the world. KAZAKHSTAN 2030: WEATHERING THE STORM AND CREATING A NATION. Kazakhstan it is not at the first step in a managed transition towards a stable and democratic society and a powerful economy. In 1997 Kazakhstan had already carved the landmarks of his aston-ishing development by the presi-dential strategy- Kazakhstan 2030. Far from being just a window dressing, the strategy for 2030 had proved to be a perfect way for chart-ing Kazakhstan after the independ-ence in the incertitude of nation building and construction of a viable economy. The program had allowed Kazakhstan to tap into national reserves of oil and gas, to gush out of the enclave country status via the reconstructed Silk Road of energy and trade, to create a modern econ-omy, not depending only on energy resources, to build a huge potential of national intelligence and to foster the economy of knowledge, the base for a XXI century reliable economy. The long string of economic successes was accompanied in the internal sphere by political stability, based on democratic and open soci-ety values, the protection of nation-al and religious minorities. In the area of external policy, Kazakhstan had gather the powerful laurels of a successful reform project carried out during his Chairmanship of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. An impressive success was also the unprecedented two year Chairmanship of Organization of Islamic Conference that trans-formed Kazakhstan in a leader of dialogue between Islam and Western world. The latest major diplomatic achievement of Kazakhstan was the proposal of building an area of secu-rity and cooperation in Europe and Asia, launched in September 2012, in Astana, at CICA Conference by President Nursultan Nazarbayev. This latest proposal makes Kazakhstan the promoter of an all-inclusive, intercontinental dialogue, that could transform the political landscape of XXI century. In the end, Kazakhstan 2030 had proved to be not only a success-ful strategy for Kazakhstan, but also an example for all the countries of the world on how a nation by the sole fact of building himself, can become a regional and world signif-icant player. THE MAIN PILLAR OF KAZAKHSTAN 2050: UNDERSTANDING OF XXI CENTURY. In its world acclaimed book: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, the famous Lawrence of Arabia had mentioned that: the most impor-tant, but also decisive part of a plan is to be in line with the necessity of his time. Kazakhstan 2050 starts by out-lining the fundaments of the world in XXI century. A period of change, of accelerating history, of economic, political and ecological challenges, a world completely different from the world of XX century. Instead of training to force the reality to enter in the realm of pos-sibility, Kazakhstan 2050 is offering a realistic and practical assessment of the necessities of today world and of the available solutions. Fallowing his long term tradi-tion, Kazakhstan understands that creating a success story and offering solutions to the world is the best way to serve not only his interest, but also to add value to his place in the world. KAZAKHSTAN 2050: GOOD NEWS FOR PEOPLE OF KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakhstan had become in the last 20 years an abode of peace, inter-ethnic and inter-religious under-standing in a troubled world. One of the explanation is undoubtedly the economic success that made the Kazakhstan not only one of the fastest growing economy in the world, but also a top investor destina-tion in the world economy statistics. Kazakhstan 2050 is providing the basis for this healthy economy to continue his growth process. Investing in social protection and creating a strong internal demand are key factors for a stable rate of growth. Modernizing the economic potential, investing in new tech-nologies are policy that will insure the world competitiveness of Kazakhstan national economy and the creation of a knowledge based economy are also a profitable long term investment. The modern economy is based on technological transfer and Kazakhstan is becoming a champi-on in modernizing the basis of his economy via technology transfer and more important, Kazakhstan educational system mixed with the accent on entrepreneurship in eco-nomic development is creating the base for a managerial revolution, that will put Kazakhstan among the top economy`s of the world in term of creativity and intelligence incor-porated in economic production. Extremely interesting it is also the concept of a Kazakhstan patri-otism. Instead of playing the card of nationalism or chauvinism, President Nursultan Nazarbayev is calling for the tradition, language and equality to blend into a new and successful Kazakh: a person well educated, wealthy , healthy enjoying the benefits of a modern state and administration and a state of the art medical system. Kazakhstan is promising to put at the core of his foundation plan for 2050 the individual and his chances to prevail in a complex XXI century. FROM KAZAKHSTANTOTHE WORLD. FROM WORLD TO KAZAKHSTAN One of the keys of Kazakhstan national and international success was understanding that Kazakhstan could not evolve alone in the world, but always must stay in touch and be an intricate part of the world evolutions. There are many exam-ples that support this conjecture in Kazakhstan two decades of inde-pendence story. Kazakhstan economic miracle was built on partnership with west-ern companies and oil extraction technology, but also on political negotiation with Russia on Caspian Sea exploration. The Astana Expo 2017 will also be a proof of the lesson of mutual profit that Kazakhstan is offering to the world. Kazakhstan manage-ment of energy, the lessons of ecol-ogy and energy for a future, of envi-ronment protection, are going to be beneficial for the world economy and for the generations to come. This is just a new illustration of the Kazakhstan concept of successful quest for global significance. Kazakhstan economic develop-ment had transformed the country in a major player in the develop-ment of Asia and Europe. Kazakhstan 2050 promises to con-tinue this wise policy: from Kazakhstan to the world, from world to Kazakhstan, creating a synergy that could only beneficial for all the world nations. Now the lessons of Kazakhstan 2050 are available for everybody: an example of a society of free people building a country for the future, not in isolation or competition, but in harmony with the world nations. In the concert of nations Kazakhstan is ushering in a new tone: a tone of hope. (Source: antoncaragea.word-press. com. Professor Anton Caragea is expert in international relation, diplomat , historian and the Director at the Institute for International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania.) Astana plans to be the smartest city worldwide By Alex MANNHEIMER Astana plans to rank first in the world’s “smart cities” ranking, Akim (Mayor) of Astana Adilbek Zhaksybekov said at the “Smart Astana-2014” Conference Nov. 19. “President Nazarbayev set a task to build and improve Astana as a smart city, which meets all international standards,” he said. “Toronto ranks first in the rank-ing. Astana ranks 21st now. So our task is to share the first place with Toronto. I hope we will achieve this.” The mayor expressed confi-dence that Astana will be an advanced, intelligent, innovative city in the world. “All resources will be used for this,” he said. “The processes will be innovative, while technologies – available to all layers of the population. “The measures and real proj-ects will testify to the growth potential and provide people with an opportunity to use better services,” he said. (Source: PHOTO: HTTP://VK.COM/ARCHASTANA
  • 7. NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 S P E C I A L PAGE 11 Did you know that...? LOCATION: Kazakhastan is located in the centre of the Eurasian continent. Total Area: 2 million 724,9 thousand square kilometers Comparative Area: Ninth largest in the world, equivalent to the size of Western Europe Four times the size of Texas Five times the size of France BOUNDARIES: l The total length of overland borders - 13,200 km. The Republic of Kazakhstan shares its longest borders with Russia, 7,591 km and China, 1,783 km. l Kazahstan is the 9th largest country by size in the world and the largest country that doesn’t have access to the ocean. l The country is a melting pot of ethnic diversity, in part because Stalin deported many different ethnicities here during his rule. There are more than 131 different ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. Kazakhs are about 65% of the population, up from 40% in 1991. l The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana, in the central Northern region of the country. It’s a relatively new city with a fancy, over-the-top skyline! Astana – the name of the capital of Kazakhstan – means “capital city”. lThe primary city of Kazakhstan is Almaty, in the SE. It’s a scenic city with snow-capped mountains on the horizon, beautiful buildings and modern conveniences. “Kazakhstan-Romania bilateral relation is evolving rapidly Continued from Page 5 We in Kazakhstan noted the enthused support of Romania towards His Excellency President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s initiative for creating a platform of security and cooperation in Europe and Asia, based on the models of OSCE and Shanghai Organization that could be bene-ficial to Romania, Kazakhstan and the world. Concluding, I will underline the fact that Romania and Kazakhstan are starting their jour-ney on the road for a strategic friendship based on our common political vision, economic inter-ests and common foreign policy principles. Kazakhstan of today envisages becoming the main economic hub on the new Silk Road between Europe and Asia, between the emerging markets of China and the developed Europe. The new Silk Road will boost trade, commerce and will better and faster connect the land mass-es of Europe and Asia and will become not only a viable eco-nomic initiative, but will also gen-erate work places, will help people rip benefits and have a better stan-dard of life and by this we will enjoy in our regions political sta-bility and prosperity. I would like to emphasize a new concept launched by Kazakhstan under the name of «Silk Wind» project, by launching container train “China – Kazakhstan – Caspian Sea – Caucasus – Turkey – Europe. This economic concept build by our country within the framework of the diversification of transport and transit routes, was discussed at the conference “TransEurasia 2014”, during the past VII Astana Economic Forum in May 2014, when we have started building an international investors consensus in bringing to light this “Silk Wind” transnational project. This commercial and eco-nomic initiative was completed in the political arena by President Nazarbayev’s appeal for a better dialogue and a common dialogue between Europe and Asia known as the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia. This is clearly marking the fact that Kazakhstan foreign poli-cy strives not only for economic development and facilitating cre-ation of trading corridors between Europe and Asia, but also strives for political dialogue, for creating a climate of understanding, dia-logue, avoiding tensions and con-flicts and creating a platform for dialogue between the countries of Asia and Europe. Our country’s initiative is based on our successful Chairmanship of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for 2010 and on our prominent track records as mem-bers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union. We are proposing our experi-ence in dialogue and fostering international organization in the service of world peace and devel-opment, and we hope that the world is noting this Kazakhstan’s effort. I would like also to observe our efforts in promoting religious dialogue and better understand-ing. Necessary to note our suc-cessful two-year presidency of Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in difficult times, when we helped the Islamic world to concentrate on culture, educa-tion and Islamic heritage as unify-ing factors, as bricks of a better understanding of Islam in the world. However, Kazakhstan was not only satisfied to preserve its reli-gious legacy but was actively involved in the research for an open and continuing dialogue of religions and traditional religious leaders. At the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Astana Religious Conference – CONGRESS OF LEADERS OF WORLD AND TRADI-TIONAL RELIGIONS – has become with the support and presence of all world religious leaders, the most impressive and efficient world conference that established rules and points for inter-religious dialogue. President Nazarbayev brought together rep-resentatives of religious denomi-nation from all continents and all corners of the world, in an open and long-standing dialogue. The fact that this series of meetings continues to be held continuously from 2003 is self-expressing. Our basic ideas where to use this rostrum is to make a state-ment of peace, concord and toler-ance as stable principles of human existence, to obtain the achieve-ment of mutual respect and toler-ance between religions, confes-sions, nations etc. and to oppose to the use of religious believes of people for fostering conflicts. I hope that our ideals develop further and CONGRESS OF LEADERS OF WORLD AND TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS continues to be a solid landmark in the world of religions. Besides, I want to remind that Kazakhstan was the first country in the world to voluntarily relin-quish our atomic arsenal, left after the dissolution of Soviet Union, according the Decree from 1991 of H.E. President Nursultan Nazarbayev. We have, by our own accord, accepted the dismantling of nuclear warheads, the evacuation of material that could be used for nuclear armament and we have stopped nuclear experience in the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. These are valuable contribu-tions of Kazakhstan to a secure and safer world, a world without nuclear weapons and in 2012 at Seoul Summit, we have offered to share our experience to help other nations to embrace the concept of a nuclear weapons free world. In our bilateral relations, we have to foster our political dia-logue, to develop the economical presence of Kazakhstan in Romanian economy on the tem-plate of the success that is Rompetrol experience. We are determined also to help Romania balance the bilater-al trade with Kazakhstan and we hope that Romanian products find their way to Kazakhstan mar-ket. World renowned Romanian products like Romanian wine, agricultural products, high quality industrial products, furniture that is having a long tradition of pres-ence on our market are just a few of the Romanian manufactured products that we will be happy to see on our internal market. Moreover, I tell the future busi-ness partners of Kazakhstan not to forget that our country is the cen-ter of a free-tax zone in all Eurasia through the Customs Union so their products find their way not solely to Kazakhstan, but to Russia and Belarus as well. We are speaking often about the fact that Romania must become the hub for Kazakh prod-ucts to be spread across Europe and this is equally true for Romanian goods and services that can take advantage of our relaxed laws and regulation and tax free zones and make Kazakhstan the bridge head in conquering, with their products, all of Asia. I would like to conclude by saying to the Romanian people that you will always have in Kazakhstan a proven friend, and all that we have built in our bilat-eral relation from economic cooperation, to foreign policy and to diplomacy, must be com-plemented by people to people interaction. Kazakhstan is much more than just a normal developed country, it is also a country of wonderful people, of breathtaking scenery and scenic spots, it is a wonderful place to visit and to emerge in it.” and continuously in the right direction”
  • 8. S P E C I A L PAGE 12 NINE O’CLOCK • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 Kazakhstan at a glance l The chimney of Ekibastuz GRES-2 is the highest in the world (420 meters) l Kazakhstan is home to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the world’s first and largest space launch facility. The first artifi-cial satellite (Sputnik 1) and the first man (Yuri Gagarin) were sent into space from Baikonur cosmodrome l Almaty has a brand-new Metro System that opened in 2011. There are currently seven stations and they are all individ-ually decorated and designed. Very fancy for a subway! It was about 50 cents per ride for adults (all destinations are the same price). l Apples are reputedly to originate from Kazakhstan and there are still wild apple forests in the country. l Horses were first domesti-cated on the territory of the present Kazakhstan l Half of Lake Balkhash, one of the largest lakes in the world, consists of fresh water, the other half of the salt water. l Medeo is the highest mountain skating ring in the world. Highlands and pure mountain water to make the ice contribute to achieving high performance in speed skating, 170 world records were set here. l In 2009, Kazakhstan took the first place in the world in the production of uranium (14020 tons); in 2011, the country pro-duced 19450 tons of uranium (35% of world production). Kazakhstan has the second largest uranium reserves in the world. l Russian word for money (“dengi”) comes from the Turkic word “tenge” – the name of national currency of Kazakhstan l Kazakh means “wanderer” or “independent.” 23 years since Independence: Kazakhstan builds up its Continued from Page 5 Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050” is a modernization path for all areas to provide sustainable growth. It is a big challenge, which will test and strengthen our country, our unity, our courage and our efforts. Our common duty and responsibility is to implement the strategy flawlessly and overcome this test without failures,” underlines the address to the nation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, from January 17, 2014 . The same presidential address emphasizes that Kazakhstan of the 21st century is a country cre-ated from scratch in just two decades by talented, hardworking and tolerant people! “This is our creation in which we take huge pride! It is our great creation that we wholeheartedly love! We’ve adopted Strategy-2050 so that Kazakhstan’s people can hold firmly in their hands the helm of the country's future. Today, many successful countries – China, Malaysia and Turkey – follow their long-term strategies. Strategic planning is a ‘number one’ rule in the 21st century, because no wind will be favorable unless a country does not know its route and destination harbor. Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050”, as a guiding beacon, allows us to solve our people’s everyday issues, while also keeping our priority aims in mind. This means that we should improve the life of our nation not in 30 or 50 years’ time, but do so every year. The Strategy is a pro-gram of concrete practical actions, which on a daily basis will improve our country and the life of every citizen of Kazakhstan. However, everyone must under-stand that, in market conditions, we must work effectively, rather than wait for “manna from heav-en”. The government’s task is to provide all conditions for this. I am convinced that the pros-perous future of our homeland lies among developed countries. Achieving this ambition will unite the people of Kazakhstan forever,” also says President Nazarbayev’s address to the nation dedicated to the steps to be followed by the country to achieve the goals of the “Kazakhstan 2050” Strategy shap-ing the ambitious future of the country. “We are united by our nation-al idea – Mangilik El (Eternal Nation), making its way to the independent development of “Nurly Zhol”. To follow this path we need to work hard, and to unite our efforts on the way to a brighter future. The Eternal Nation is a unifying force and an inexhaustible source of energy. It is the basis for not only the “Kazakhstan 2050” Strategy, but also the strong ideological foun-dation of Kazakhstan’s Statehood in the 21st century! The Eternal Nation is itself the source of a new Kazakhstan Patriotism. It is a great principle for the entire soci-ety of Kazakhstan,” President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, told in his recent address to the nation on November 11, 2014. “Today, as we respond to the challenges we face, I proclaim Kazakhstan’s New Economic Policy “Nurly Zhol” (The Bright Road). This is what I devote my state-of-the-nation address for 2015. The policy will have a counter-cyclical character and will be aimed at continuing structural reforms in our economy,” added Mr. Nazarbayev. As a leader in the Central Asia, the Republic of Kazakhstan makes a considerable contribu-tion to strengthening of the region’s stability. The country has achieved big successes on the international scene and has con-stantly increased its visibility, image, credibility and prestige in this respect. The evidence of this is Kazakhstan’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2010 conducted with great success and big achievements. Due to its geo-strategic loca-tion, the Republic of Kazakhstan is an outstanding political actor and respected voice in the region but also at international level, with core priorities in its foreign policy directions oriented towards developing and strengthening strategic and comprehensive part-nerships with its big and impor-tant neighbours Russia and China, with the other neighbours from Central Asia, with the United States and with the European Union. One of the won bets of Kazakhstan in terms of increasing more its international prestige, image and fame in the world will be the hosting of Expo 2017 in Astana, a revolutionary project for which huge financial resources have already been allotted by the Kazakh authorities to successfully achieve it. The Republic of Kazakhstan is an industrial country with mining operations being one of the main sources of its economic growth. The country’s mineral raw materi-al base consists of more than 5000 deposits which expected value is estimated at tens of trillion US dollars. The country holds first place in the world with regard to explored reserves of zinc, tungsten and barite, second - silver, lead and chromites, third - copper and fluorite, fourth - molybdenum, sixth - gold. Kazakhstan also has consider-able reserves of oil and gas, which are concentrated in its western areas. Nowadays the country belongs to the group of the world’s leading oil-producing states with volumes amounting to more than 80 million tons of oil and gas condensate a year. According to plans the annual extraction will be increased to 120 million tons by 2020. At present Kazakhstan is in 9th place in the world with regard to confirmed reserves of oil. Besides that, the country is in 8th place by the reserves of coal and 2nd place by the reserves of uranium. “Kazakhstan owns a territory so vast it would tire the wings of a bird to fly over it. Thus, this plan requires huge funds and hard work. There is a saying: “If you want to know a nation’s prosperi-ty look at its paths.” Road con-nections are of high importance, not only for travel, but also for the transportation of goods,” under-lined President Nazarbayev in his message to the nation, recalling the focus put by the Government on building modern highways and railroads aimed at strengthen trade and economic ties between the regions. “Over the past 22 years of our sovereignty and development we have formed our core values, they are the foundation of our coun-try’s future and unite all the peo-ple of Kazakhstan. They are not taken from mystical stories or the-ories. These values are the embod-iment of Kazakhstan’s Way, which has withstood the test of time,” President Nazarbayev pointed out in his message addressed to the nation on January 2014. The stable growth of all branches of the Kazakh economy, the international recognition, the political stability serve as a basis for prosperity of the Kazakhstani society that looks with optimism to a great future ahead. Summing up: A glorious past and a rich cultural heritage and patrimony behind, valuable human potential, huge natural resources, vision of its leaders and a lot of ambition and effort of a very talented and hard-working people with incommensurable creative potential. This is the today’s Kazakhstan, a country that follows its challenging path towards a well deserved future in the modern highly-competitive and fast changing world. ambitious and deserved future