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Dr Avnesh Ratnanesan CEO @energesse
The ‘6 E’ Framework
“A step-by-step guide to improving
patient experience for PX champions”
By the end of this course, participants will be able to (at an introductory level):
E1-2: Experience, Emotions
1. Define what is the patient experience (by providers, and by patients)
2. Understand methods for measuring patient experience, including:
• Knowing where to start on how to focus on the patient
• survey processes and logistics of surveying – multichannel, internal & external surveys
• obtaining appropriate breadth of consumer input/feedback (including marginalized
populations e.g. rural, regional, indigenous and ethnic minority patients
• How to get clinicians and staff buy-in to measure
3. Help clinicians, staff, partners, health department policies and the ‘system’ become more
responsive to patient expectations
E3-4: Energy, Execution
1. Have a clear change process to lead a transformation of patient experience – high level strategies and
practical tactics
2. Get buy-in to use the data to change actions and results
3. Make a difference to patients with limited resources (time, budgets and staffing)
4. Understand how to change attitudes, behaviours and value empathy and compassion
5. Identify how PX management helps improve the safety, quality and integrated care
6. Recognise the need for transparency, and how to achieve more transparency internally
7. Learn specific, innovative communication techniques engaging patients and family members (e.g. extracting
medical information or communicating technical details such as why they are having tests, procedures)
E5-6: Excellence, Evolution
1. Learn how to redefine success, obtain it and maintain results
2. Case studies of how other organisations have achieved better experience and health outcomes or other
3. Identify resources for patient experience research and practical tools and techniques that can be used
4. Identify where healthcare information is publically available for consumers
1. Learn how to help patients engage and invest in their own health
2. How to improve specific healthcare processes e.g. appointment setting, discharge
planning, etc.
3. How to implement a statewide strategy for improving the patient experience
1. Don Berwick et al Health Affairs 2008 Triple Aim
The sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization's culture,
that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care.”
-Beryl Institute
Net Promoter
Feedback &
“The Patient Experience is an experience unique to that individual.
We do not have to judge the experience.
But we can be instrumental in shaping it”
Ref: Ian Worden, MMD, MHI, Better patient engagement
1. Patient Surveys paper based or via telephone
2. Use multiple disparate survey databases, tools, etc.
3. Insights patchy, uncoordinated and lack strategic intelligence
4. State survey results take from 3 to 18 months to be received
5. Cumbersome reports or none from Ward to Board
6. Minimal engagement from ethnic minorities
7. Front line staff disengaged in the survey – outsourced research
8. Quantitative data shows where problem is, but not WHY – difficult fixing issues
Everything else described in the Learning Objectives!
From Patient Experience to Healthcare Evolution
Patient Organisation
Patient Experience/Outcome Goal
E6. Evolution
E5. Excellence
E4. Execution
E3. Energy
E2. Emotions
E1. Experiences
Hospital Emergency Surgery Hospital InpatientHome
1. Identify the specific patient population(s), ward (s), healthcare facility or
community where you need or want to improve the experience
2. Define and Map their patient journey
Hospital Emergency Surgery Hospital Inpatient
General Practice
& Allied HealthRehabilitation Medication
Outpatient careHome
Workplace Wellness
Health Insurance Claim
Queen Eleanor Hospital has a new PX Leader!
1. Methods for collecting data on the experience customers need and want across
the journey.
• Patient and Consumer Surveys e.g. NPS verbatim comments
• Focus groups
• 1-on-1 conversations with front line employees and management
• Call Centre Voice Recordings
• Customer E-mails – Complaints, Compliments and Comments
• Online conversations and ratings e.g. BHI, Patient Opinion, NIB Whitecoat
2. Understand the why from your qualitative data – get the real reason specific
expectations were unmet
• Who to survey - patients, patient’s family, nurses, doctors, front-line staff,
• How to design a PX survey:
• start with the outcomes you want from the survey,
• base questions on patient journey touchpoints,
• use HCHAPS/Picker Institute as a guide,
• engage an expert/consultant to review survey design, methodology, questions, results
• What tools can I use to deliver the survey:
• Resources as per above,
• Survey Monkey,
• Multi-channel survey platforms /mediums e.g. MES Experience
• What questions should you ask?
• Determine the outcomes you want from the survey outputs
• Don’t just ask patients to rate on a few domains, ask about feelings,
• Ask about what actually happened to them during their care,
• Ensure open questions for qual info (can be far more useful than quant) e.g. what mattered
most to you during this experience
• How frequent should it be done?
• Depends on setting
• Measure what you can manage
• E.g. busy hospital wards - Daily gathering of feedback (realtime ideal)
• E.g. Community - Focus groups once or twice a year
Text Message (SMS)
Kiosk and Tablet
Automated Telephone Surveys
Postcards and Drop-boxes
Research on challenges and future
opportunities to manage patient experience in
NHS Hospitals (UK)
Free Download:
Experience < Expectation = Frustration/Anger = Satisfaction Deficit
Experience > Expectation = Excitement/Delight = Satisfaction Profit
Detractors Promoters
e.g. Family & Friends Test (FFT)/ Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Frustration & Anger Delight & Excitement
Employee Engagement & Culture
Attitude & Motivation
Empathy & Compassion
Meaning & Purpose
Love & Joy
Ref: Covey SR & Link G Smart Trust, 2012 Free Press. Sisodia R et al, Firms of Endearment, Sisodia et al 2007 Prentice Hall.
1. Don Berwick et al Health Affairs 2008 Triple Aim and
2. Bodenheimer et al Annals of Family Medicine 2014
IKIGAI = Purpose
Reconnect Clinicians, Staff and
Managers with their Purpose
Where work and life is most fulfilled and performance improves
Answer 4 questions and find the intersection:
1. What do you love doing?
2. What does the world need? (problem to solve for patients, consumers,
3. What can you get paid for? (Is it financially sustainable so you can maximise
your impact)
4. What are you good at? (True Strengths)
Download Purpose Toolkit – FREE RESOURCE
 Strategy for Organisational Change – Kotter’s 8 Step Model
 PX Capability Audit
 Prioritising which problems to focus on?
 How to generate solutions for them? (Ideation)
General solutions to improve patient experience
Specific solutions to improve patient experience
 Methods to implement solutions – Lean, Six Sigma, PDSA
 Technique for communicating with Patients – G.R.E.A.T.
Ref: Edward Elmshurst Health, Chicago.
The survey results are in – what now?
Methods to get engagement (buy-in) from clinicians and staff to take action
 Clearly communicate ‘What’s In It For Me’ (WIIFM) from their perspective, not
yours .e.g. Save time, save money, improve care, job satisfaction, fulfilment and
higher purpose (ikigai)
 Get buy in from the start, even before you start the surveys and implement
improvements. Bring them on the journey
 Appoint a PX leader for every team
 Ensure they get outcomes daily or weekly at their unit meetings
 Disseminate the right reports to the right stakeholders at the right time
 Get staff to brainstorm solutions to their challenges
 Celebrate small wins regularly, not just big ones
Actionable immediately by front line
staff and ward-specific updates
E5. EXCELLENCE - How do you monitor excellent results?
• Pick specific questions e.g. FFT or NPS as a overall benchmark
• But excellence starts at smallest unit level or by specific issue or by specific
disease state or patient population
• Measure the most important score for your target patient population – ASK
THEM what this is
e.g. Pain Scores for Chronic Pain or Cancer patients
e.g. Waiting Times for Emergency Departments
e.g. Bed Occupancy rate for private health facilities/hospitals
Partnership University
NHS Foundation Trust
Service Question
Action Taken
Albany Lodge
If you came here from another
service, were you kept informed
throughout the process
At all staff meetings the team now
discuss how the Trust can improve the
transfer process so patients are better
54% + 32%
Astley Court
Do the activities you do help
towards your recovery?
More activities were organised including
external trips
88% + 19%
Aston Ward Do you feel listened to? 57%
1:1 time was put aside for service users
to express all their thoughts and feelings
100% + 43%
Hampden House
Has your mental health
medication and any side effects
been explained to you?
Staff time was put aside to explain and
provide more information on medication
in 1:1 and group sessions
83% + 10%
RAID (Lister)
Do you know how to mental
health support out of hours?
Service Users provided with mental
health helpline cards with relevant
contact details
100% + 10%
Holly Lodge
Has your mental health
medication and any side effects
been explained to you?
Staff time was put aside to explain and
provide more information on medication
in 1:1 and group sessions
73% + 23%
Holly Lodge
Do you know how to get advice
and support out of hours?
Detailed information is now routinely
given out on how to access support and
advice services
87% + 19%
Owl Ward
Has your mental health
medication and any side effects
been explained to you?
Doctors are asked to explain medication
and side effects during their ward rounds
67% + 19%
Owl Ward Do you feel listened to? 44%
Named nurses are now allocated to
speak with service users twice a week
63% + 19%
Robin Ward
Have you been offered regular
physical activities?
The ward ordered a table tennis table
and a Wii games console to promote
physical exercise on the ward
83% + 36%
Robin Ward Do you feel listened to? 53%
Nurses now ensure they have 1:1
sessions with each patient throughout
the day
100% + 47%
• The MOST important benchmark is to benchmark against your own patient
population over time and show improvement
• Incorporate PX scores into overall quality and safety reporting
• Report from Ward to Board – note different report formats often required
because different stakeholders group needs different insights to make
• Tell a clear story
• Combine data with patient and staff stories or testimonials to illustrate your point
• Remember to use the positive data to motivate as well, don’t just focus on the negative!
 Deloitte researched Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
(HCAHPS) scores and performance measures
such as net and operating margins and return on
assets (ROA)
 Hospitals with higher Patient satisfaction scores also
demonstrated higher profitability - Becker Hospital
Review Report. Investment in Patient Experience
improves Finances, Marketing and Clinical
“When our Patient Experience measures improved,
so did our Quality and Safety measures ”
- Sir Robert Naylor, former CEO, UCLH NHS Trust, Sustainable Health
Transformation 2014
 The Cleveland Clinic has long had a reputation for medical excellence and for holding down costs. But in 2009, the CEO,
examined its performance relative to that of other hospitals and admitted to himself that inpatients did not think much of
their experience at its flagship medical center or its eight community hospitals—and decided something had to be done.
Over the next three years the Clinic transformed itself.
 Made improving the patient experience a strategic priority. got everyone in the enterprise—including physicians who
thought that only medical outcomes mattered—to recognize that patient dissatisfaction was a significant issue and that all
employees, even administrators and janitors, were “caregivers” who should play a role in fixing it.
 By conducting surveys and studies and soliciting patients’ input, the Clinic developed a deep understanding of patients’
 They had to change mind-sets, develop and implement processes, create metrics, and monitor performance so that the
organization could continually improve.
 Staff communicated intensively with prospective patients to set realistic expectations for what their time in the hospital
would be like.
 These steps were not rocket science, but they changed the organization very quickly. fears expressed by some physicians
that the initiative might conflict with efforts to maintain high quality and safety standards and to further reduce costs turned
out to be unfounded. During the transformation the Clinic rose dramatically in the University Health System Consortium’s
rankings of 97 academic medical centers on quality and safety. Its efficiency in delivering care improved as well.
 Defined as sustained improvement in 3 repeat measures:
• Individual level,
• Ward level,
• Department level,
• Hospital/health facility level
• Community/population level e.g. Australia’s Health 2016
Ref: Australia’s Health 2016. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
• Western Masuchusettes, 400 physicians, 10000 employees
• Baystate Breast and Wellness Center embarked on Patient Experience Redesign – ‘no one was
excited so we changed the conversation’
• Leadership held 2 day retreat with reps from each patient touchpoint – HR, PI, Mktg. Shared
input. They planned improvements in people,comms, process and physical settings
• Asked patients – ‘When you consider this experience, what mattered most to you?’
• Allowed them to ‘identify their graffiti’
• Psat went from 60-70% to 84 -100%, MD referrals – 15%to 70%, Consumer confidence – 50% to
70%, Revenues went up by 35%
• Ongoing marketing –physician partnership: Planned, facilitated mandatory PX retreats, planned
strategy, weekly update meetings
1. Design, develop or execute your survey
2. Conduct a PX Capability Audit of your organisation – identify gaps, capability strengths and
opportunities for improvement
3. Design your PX Strategy and help you implement your plan
4. Raise internal awareness, engagement and motivation – Keynote Speaking
5. Educate your management and front line staff – Training Workshops
6. Generate and implement solutions to improve patient experience e.g. process or system
improvements - Workshops
7. Coach physicians – reduce burnout
8. Train and Coach PX Leaders: 1-on-1 or groups
9. Provide real-time Patient Surveys and feedback platform – MES Experience
Patient Experience Solutions . Research & Surveys . Keynote Speaker .
Consulting. Training. Coaching .
02 8091 0918
1. Berwick at al 2008 Healthcare Triple Aims Health Aff May 2008 vol. 27 no. 3759-769
2. Making Sense and Making Use of Patient Experience Data
3. Patient Experience Channel – Brief Educational Videos
4. Real-time feedback Patient Survey Platform – MES Experience
1. Emotional Analysis with PanSensic technology
1. Covey SR & Link G Smart Trust, 2012 Free Press.
2. Sisodia R et al, Firms of Endearment, Sisodia et al 2007 Prentice Hall.
3. Bodenheimer at al 2014. From Triple to Quadruple Aim. Annals of Family Medicine
4. Purpose Toolkit for clinicians and staff – free download
1. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail:
2. G.R.E.A.T. Patient Communication Method Edward Elmshurst Health, Chicago.
1. Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2015 Survey of US Healthcare Consumers
2. Comparator sites – Transparency theme
• Bureau of Health Information
• Whitecoat
• Patient Opinion
3. Cleveland Clinic Case Study Ref:
1. Australia’s Health Report Ref: Australia’s Health 2016. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
2. Baystate Health Case Study Ref:
3. Patient Experience Australia Linkedin Group

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6E framework workshop Patient Experience & Choice Conference 2016

  • 1. Dr Avnesh Ratnanesan CEO @energesse The ‘6 E’ Framework “A step-by-step guide to improving patient experience for PX champions”
  • 3. 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this course, participants will be able to (at an introductory level): E1-2: Experience, Emotions 1. Define what is the patient experience (by providers, and by patients) 2. Understand methods for measuring patient experience, including: • Knowing where to start on how to focus on the patient • survey processes and logistics of surveying – multichannel, internal & external surveys • obtaining appropriate breadth of consumer input/feedback (including marginalized populations e.g. rural, regional, indigenous and ethnic minority patients • How to get clinicians and staff buy-in to measure 3. Help clinicians, staff, partners, health department policies and the ‘system’ become more responsive to patient expectations
  • 4. 4 LEARNING OBJECTIVES E3-4: Energy, Execution 1. Have a clear change process to lead a transformation of patient experience – high level strategies and practical tactics 2. Get buy-in to use the data to change actions and results 3. Make a difference to patients with limited resources (time, budgets and staffing) 4. Understand how to change attitudes, behaviours and value empathy and compassion 5. Identify how PX management helps improve the safety, quality and integrated care 6. Recognise the need for transparency, and how to achieve more transparency internally 7. Learn specific, innovative communication techniques engaging patients and family members (e.g. extracting medical information or communicating technical details such as why they are having tests, procedures) E5-6: Excellence, Evolution 1. Learn how to redefine success, obtain it and maintain results 2. Case studies of how other organisations have achieved better experience and health outcomes or other benefits 3. Identify resources for patient experience research and practical tools and techniques that can be used immediately 4. Identify where healthcare information is publically available for consumers
  • 5. 5 WHAT WE WILL NOT COVER TODAY: 1. Learn how to help patients engage and invest in their own health 2. How to improve specific healthcare processes e.g. appointment setting, discharge planning, etc. 3. How to implement a statewide strategy for improving the patient experience
  • 6. 6 THERE IS A PRIZE!
  • 7. 7 EVOLUTION OF HEALTHCARE - THE TRIPLE AIMS 1. Don Berwick et al Health Affairs 2008 Triple Aim
  • 8. 8 WHAT IS PX ? The sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization's culture, that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care.” -Beryl Institute
  • 11. 11 PX AS DEFINED BY PATIENTS? “The Patient Experience is an experience unique to that individual. We do not have to judge the experience. But we can be instrumental in shaping it”
  • 12. 12 CONSUMER HEALTH PREFERENCES: WHAT DO THEY WANT (IN GENERAL TERMS)? Ref: Ian Worden, MMD, MHI, Better patient engagement
  • 13. 13 AUSTRALIAN CHALLENGES WITH PX SURVEYS & CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT 1. Patient Surveys paper based or via telephone 2. Use multiple disparate survey databases, tools, etc. 3. Insights patchy, uncoordinated and lack strategic intelligence 4. State survey results take from 3 to 18 months to be received 5. Cumbersome reports or none from Ward to Board 6. Minimal engagement from ethnic minorities 7. Front line staff disengaged in the survey – outsourced research 8. Quantitative data shows where problem is, but not WHY – difficult fixing issues
  • 14. 14 AUSTRALIAN CHALLENGES WITH PX & CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT Everything else described in the Learning Objectives!
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16 THE ‘6 E’ FRAMEWORK From Patient Experience to Healthcare Evolution Patient Organisation Patient Experience/Outcome Goal E6. Evolution E5. Excellence E4. Execution E3. Energy E2. Emotions E1. Experiences
  • 18. 18 WHERE DO YOU START? Hospital Emergency Surgery Hospital InpatientHome 1. Identify the specific patient population(s), ward (s), healthcare facility or community where you need or want to improve the experience 2. Define and Map their patient journey
  • 19. 19 MAP THE WHOLE JOURNEY FOR BETTER SOLUTIONS Hospital Emergency Surgery Hospital Inpatient General Practice & Allied HealthRehabilitation Medication Outpatient careHome Workplace Wellness Supplements Health Insurance Claim
  • 20. 20 Queen Eleanor Hospital has a new PX Leader! INTERACTIVE EXERCISE
  • 21. 21 1. Methods for collecting data on the experience customers need and want across the journey. • Patient and Consumer Surveys e.g. NPS verbatim comments • Focus groups • 1-on-1 conversations with front line employees and management • Call Centre Voice Recordings • Customer E-mails – Complaints, Compliments and Comments • Online conversations and ratings e.g. BHI, Patient Opinion, NIB Whitecoat 2. Understand the why from your qualitative data – get the real reason specific expectations were unmet CAPTURE DATA ON THE EXPERIENCE(S)
  • 22. 22 PATIENT EXPERIENCE SURVEYS • Who to survey - patients, patient’s family, nurses, doctors, front-line staff, management • How to design a PX survey: • start with the outcomes you want from the survey, • base questions on patient journey touchpoints, • use HCHAPS/Picker Institute as a guide, • engage an expert/consultant to review survey design, methodology, questions, results • What tools can I use to deliver the survey: • Resources as per above, • Survey Monkey, • Multi-channel survey platforms /mediums e.g. MES Experience
  • 23. 23 PATIENT EXPERIENCE SURVEYS • What questions should you ask? • Determine the outcomes you want from the survey outputs • Don’t just ask patients to rate on a few domains, ask about feelings, • Ask about what actually happened to them during their care, • Ensure open questions for qual info (can be far more useful than quant) e.g. what mattered most to you during this experience • How frequent should it be done? • Depends on setting • Measure what you can manage • E.g. busy hospital wards - Daily gathering of feedback (realtime ideal) • E.g. Community - Focus groups once or twice a year
  • 24. 24 CAPTURE FEEDBACK VIA MULTI-CHANNEL APPROACH Online Text Message (SMS) Email Kiosk and Tablet Automated Telephone Surveys Postcards and Drop-boxes
  • 29. 29 PATIENT EXPERIENCE RESEARCH – FREE RESOURCE Research on challenges and future opportunities to manage patient experience in NHS Hospitals (UK) Free Download:
  • 32. 32 E2. EMOTIONS Experience < Expectation = Frustration/Anger = Satisfaction Deficit Experience > Expectation = Excitement/Delight = Satisfaction Profit
  • 33. 33 Detractors Promoters PX : IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THEM, IT’S HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT YOU e.g. Family & Friends Test (FFT)/ Net Promoter Score (NPS) Frustration & Anger Delight & Excitement
  • 37. 37 ENERGY = Leadership Employee Engagement & Culture Attitude & Motivation Wellbeing Empathy & Compassion Meaning & Purpose Love & Joy Authenticity Ref: Covey SR & Link G Smart Trust, 2012 Free Press. Sisodia R et al, Firms of Endearment, Sisodia et al 2007 Prentice Hall.
  • 38. 38 E3. ENERGY - IMPROVING STAFF EXPERIENCE & CULTURE 1. Don Berwick et al Health Affairs 2008 Triple Aim and 2. Bodenheimer et al Annals of Family Medicine 2014
  • 39. 39 IKIGAI = Purpose IMPROVING STAFF CULTURE and MINIMISE BURNOUT Reconnect Clinicians, Staff and Managers with their Purpose
  • 40. 40 DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE (IKIGAI) Where work and life is most fulfilled and performance improves Answer 4 questions and find the intersection: 1. What do you love doing? 2. What does the world need? (problem to solve for patients, consumers, stakeholders) 3. What can you get paid for? (Is it financially sustainable so you can maximise your impact) 4. What are you good at? (True Strengths)
  • 41. 41 Download Purpose Toolkit – FREE RESOURCE
  • 42. 42  Strategy for Organisational Change – Kotter’s 8 Step Model  PX Capability Audit  Prioritising which problems to focus on?  How to generate solutions for them? (Ideation) General solutions to improve patient experience Specific solutions to improve patient experience  Methods to implement solutions – Lean, Six Sigma, PDSA  Technique for communicating with Patients – G.R.E.A.T. E4. EXECUTION
  • 43. 43 Ref: Edward Elmshurst Health, Chicago. PATIENT COMMUNICATION – G.R.E.A.T.
  • 44. 44 E4. EXECUTION INTERACTIVE EXERCISE The survey results are in – what now?
  • 45. 45 Methods to get engagement (buy-in) from clinicians and staff to take action  Clearly communicate ‘What’s In It For Me’ (WIIFM) from their perspective, not yours .e.g. Save time, save money, improve care, job satisfaction, fulfilment and higher purpose (ikigai)  Get buy in from the start, even before you start the surveys and implement improvements. Bring them on the journey  Appoint a PX leader for every team  Ensure they get outcomes daily or weekly at their unit meetings  Disseminate the right reports to the right stakeholders at the right time  Get staff to brainstorm solutions to their challenges  Celebrate small wins regularly, not just big ones E4. EXECUTION
  • 46. 46 REAL-TIME FEEDBACK: TRANSPARENCY to FRONT LINE ACTION Actionable immediately by front line staff and ward-specific updates
  • 47. 47 E5. EXCELLENCE - How do you monitor excellent results? • Pick specific questions e.g. FFT or NPS as a overall benchmark • But excellence starts at smallest unit level or by specific issue or by specific disease state or patient population • Measure the most important score for your target patient population – ASK THEM what this is e.g. Pain Scores for Chronic Pain or Cancer patients e.g. Waiting Times for Emergency Departments e.g. Bed Occupancy rate for private health facilities/hospitals
  • 48. 48 E5. EXCELLENCE CASE STUDY EVIDENCE OF OUTCOMES Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Service Question July- Sept 2015 Action Taken Oct-Dec 2015 Change Albany Lodge If you came here from another service, were you kept informed throughout the process 22% At all staff meetings the team now discuss how the Trust can improve the transfer process so patients are better informed 54% + 32% Astley Court Do the activities you do help towards your recovery? 69% More activities were organised including external trips 88% + 19% Aston Ward Do you feel listened to? 57% 1:1 time was put aside for service users to express all their thoughts and feelings 100% + 43% Hampden House Has your mental health medication and any side effects been explained to you? 73% Staff time was put aside to explain and provide more information on medication in 1:1 and group sessions 83% + 10% RAID (Lister) Do you know how to mental health support out of hours? 90% Service Users provided with mental health helpline cards with relevant contact details 100% + 10% Holly Lodge Has your mental health medication and any side effects been explained to you? 50% Staff time was put aside to explain and provide more information on medication in 1:1 and group sessions 73% + 23% Holly Lodge Do you know how to get advice and support out of hours? 68% Detailed information is now routinely given out on how to access support and advice services 87% + 19% Owl Ward Has your mental health medication and any side effects been explained to you? 48% Doctors are asked to explain medication and side effects during their ward rounds 67% + 19% Owl Ward Do you feel listened to? 44% Named nurses are now allocated to speak with service users twice a week 63% + 19% Robin Ward Have you been offered regular physical activities? 47% The ward ordered a table tennis table and a Wii games console to promote physical exercise on the ward 83% + 36% Robin Ward Do you feel listened to? 53% Nurses now ensure they have 1:1 sessions with each patient throughout the day 100% + 47%
  • 49. 49 E5. EXCELLENCE – REPORTING • The MOST important benchmark is to benchmark against your own patient population over time and show improvement • Incorporate PX scores into overall quality and safety reporting • Report from Ward to Board – note different report formats often required because different stakeholders group needs different insights to make decisions. • Tell a clear story • Combine data with patient and staff stories or testimonials to illustrate your point • Remember to use the positive data to motivate as well, don’t just focus on the negative!
  • 50. 50  Deloitte researched Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) scores and performance measures such as net and operating margins and return on assets (ROA)  Hospitals with higher Patient satisfaction scores also demonstrated higher profitability - Becker Hospital Review Report. Investment in Patient Experience improves Finances, Marketing and Clinical Measures FINANCIAL EXCELLENCE
  • 51. 51 “When our Patient Experience measures improved, so did our Quality and Safety measures ” - Sir Robert Naylor, former CEO, UCLH NHS Trust, Sustainable Health Transformation 2014 E5. EXCELLENCE – QUALITY AND SAFETY
  • 52. 52 CASE STUDY – CLEVELAND CLINIC  The Cleveland Clinic has long had a reputation for medical excellence and for holding down costs. But in 2009, the CEO, examined its performance relative to that of other hospitals and admitted to himself that inpatients did not think much of their experience at its flagship medical center or its eight community hospitals—and decided something had to be done. Over the next three years the Clinic transformed itself.  Made improving the patient experience a strategic priority. got everyone in the enterprise—including physicians who thought that only medical outcomes mattered—to recognize that patient dissatisfaction was a significant issue and that all employees, even administrators and janitors, were “caregivers” who should play a role in fixing it.  By conducting surveys and studies and soliciting patients’ input, the Clinic developed a deep understanding of patients’ needs.  They had to change mind-sets, develop and implement processes, create metrics, and monitor performance so that the organization could continually improve.  Staff communicated intensively with prospective patients to set realistic expectations for what their time in the hospital would be like.  These steps were not rocket science, but they changed the organization very quickly. fears expressed by some physicians that the initiative might conflict with efforts to maintain high quality and safety standards and to further reduce costs turned out to be unfounded. During the transformation the Clinic rose dramatically in the University Health System Consortium’s rankings of 97 academic medical centers on quality and safety. Its efficiency in delivering care improved as well. Ref:
  • 54. 54 E.6 = EVOLUTION  Defined as sustained improvement in 3 repeat measures: • Individual level, • Ward level, • Department level, • Hospital/health facility level • Community/population level e.g. Australia’s Health 2016 Ref: Australia’s Health 2016. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
  • 55. 55 CASE STUDY – BAYSTATE HEALTH • Western Masuchusettes, 400 physicians, 10000 employees • Baystate Breast and Wellness Center embarked on Patient Experience Redesign – ‘no one was excited so we changed the conversation’ • Leadership held 2 day retreat with reps from each patient touchpoint – HR, PI, Mktg. Shared input. They planned improvements in people,comms, process and physical settings • Asked patients – ‘When you consider this experience, what mattered most to you?’ • Allowed them to ‘identify their graffiti’ • Psat went from 60-70% to 84 -100%, MD referrals – 15%to 70%, Consumer confidence – 50% to 70%, Revenues went up by 35% • Ongoing marketing –physician partnership: Planned, facilitated mandatory PX retreats, planned strategy, weekly update meetings Ref:
  • 56. 56 NEXT STEPS – HOW CAN ENERGESSE HELP YOU? 1. Design, develop or execute your survey 2. Conduct a PX Capability Audit of your organisation – identify gaps, capability strengths and opportunities for improvement 3. Design your PX Strategy and help you implement your plan 4. Raise internal awareness, engagement and motivation – Keynote Speaking 5. Educate your management and front line staff – Training Workshops 6. Generate and implement solutions to improve patient experience e.g. process or system improvements - Workshops 7. Coach physicians – reduce burnout 8. Train and Coach PX Leaders: 1-on-1 or groups 9. Provide real-time Patient Surveys and feedback platform – MES Experience
  • 58. Patient Experience Solutions . Research & Surveys . Keynote Speaker . Consulting. Training. Coaching . Contact: 02 8091 0918
  • 59. 59 RESOURCES Experience 1. Berwick at al 2008 Healthcare Triple Aims Health Aff May 2008 vol. 27 no. 3759-769 2. Making Sense and Making Use of Patient Experience Data 3. Patient Experience Channel – Brief Educational Videos 4. Real-time feedback Patient Survey Platform – MES Experience Emotions 1. Emotional Analysis with PanSensic technology Energy 1. Covey SR & Link G Smart Trust, 2012 Free Press. 2. Sisodia R et al, Firms of Endearment, Sisodia et al 2007 Prentice Hall. 3. Bodenheimer at al 2014. From Triple to Quadruple Aim. Annals of Family Medicine 4. Purpose Toolkit for clinicians and staff – free download Execution 1. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail: 2. G.R.E.A.T. Patient Communication Method Edward Elmshurst Health, Chicago.
  • 60. 60 RESOURCES Excellence 1. Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2015 Survey of US Healthcare Consumers experience.pdf 2. Comparator sites – Transparency theme • Bureau of Health Information • Whitecoat • Patient Opinion 3. Cleveland Clinic Case Study Ref: Evolution 1. Australia’s Health Report Ref: Australia’s Health 2016. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2. Baystate Health Case Study Ref: management-baystate-breast-wellness-center 3. Patient Experience Australia Linkedin Group

Editor's Notes

  1. Over the last 4 years, I’ve been the CEO of Energesse, which is a specialist firm that focuses on improving patient experience and customer experience in the health and care sector. We are a team of 15 people now and we work with clients and partners in the US, UK, Australia and Asia. Largely with work health insurers, hospitals, service providers with technology solutions, research and surveys, consultancy and leadership coaching.
  2. I love it when Gartner recognises something is important. Customer experience is a very individual phenomena, what one person may find good in a service, another person may find unacceptable.
  3. I love it when Gartner recognises something is important. Customer experience is a very individual phenomena, what one person may find good in a service, another person may find unacceptable.
  4. I love it when Gartner recognises something is important. Customer experience is a very individual phenomena, what one person may find good in a service, another person may find unacceptable.
  5. I love it when Gartner recognises something is important. Customer experience is a very individual phenomena, what one person may find good in a service, another person may find unacceptable.
  6. I want to talk about Excellence, and excellence can come in the most unlikely of scenarios. And this one, is a very personal scenario, so please bear with me because I feel this lesson is an important one to share. My father passed away and was admitted as an emergency to a private hospital. Discuss Experience Emotions Energy Even though we got a bill shock, we were able to rationalise the cost, mainly because we were at peace and because of the care and compassion shown by the nurse, our customer experience was superior and that jusitfied the premium. So the lesson here is that even in the most difficult of situations, a period of greiving immediately followed by a big financial shock, the experience was a good one.
  7. I love it when Gartner recognises something is important. Customer experience is a very individual phenomena, what one person may find good in a service, another person may find unacceptable.
  8. I love it when Gartner recognises something is important. Customer experience is a very individual phenomena, what one person may find good in a service, another person may find unacceptable.
  9. Because consumers today want more than the just the drug. They want to experience health and just the drug can provide – they want information that they can understand, in a way that is easy for them in a place that is accessible to them. And most importantly, they want to know that you really care. Yet the pharmaceutical industry is largely still stuck producing and delivering medicines in the way they have always done for decades. And change has been an incredibly slow process.
  10. Feedback from last 4 years of customer research, consulting and improving customer experience - we’ve developed the 6 E Framework, which we are unveiling for the first time. Feedback from the executives that we’ve worked with, largely said “don’t just tell me what to do, tell me how to do it” This framework is part of a book that is in development and we are in talks with a publisher and aim to release later this year. So why is this model different to everything else out there? Well, I strongly believe that this is a more authentic and sustainable model for success in managing customers and along the way I’ll show you data on that. Its also a versatile model that can be used in the context of businesses and their customers, as well as healthcare organisations and patients – the model applies equally well.
  11. Very often the focus in on the silo, on a small part of the journey, but to get the best improvement, map the whole journey.
  12. Very often the focus in on the silo, on a small part of the journey, but to get the best improvement, map the whole journey.
  13. Pros and Cons of Internal vs External survey channels – Pros and Cons (what do you mean by internal and external survey channels?)
  14. The reality of the 21st century is that customers are not just interested in the services that you are delivering, the interaction is more about the emotions they are feeling.
  15. And so what are the consequences to business of these behavioural changes due to technology adoption and generational change? As customer expectations rise, but business continue to approach their product development and business approach in the same way, the actual performance of the brand actually declines in the minds of consumers. For example, in the case of medicines, where I used to be in charge of strategy and innovation at Pfizer pharmaceuticals many years ago when it was the largest pharmaceutical company in Australia, it was becoming more and more difficult to produce medicines and get an acceptable price for them from the Australian government.
  16. In the Net Promoter Score philosophy, Only delighted and excited customers become promoters, for you to grow your business and customer base, particularly by word-of-mouth. This is even more importantly now that customers are becoming less loyal to brands, unless they feel an authentic connection.
  17. How do we do that with all the ‘noise’ in the digital world PanSensic has algorightms that can analyse keywords and phrases
  18. How many people have heard of Stephen Covey, put your hands up? Wrong Stephen Covey, put your hand down.
  19. Traditional Management literature, describes an organisation’s energy or vibe. Which is a set of behaviours that encapsulate a grouping of management terms. In Stephen Covey’s book, Smart Trust, he described and energy as not just physical and emotional wellbeing, but also the creativity and joy that exists within an engaged team. Patient Experience correlated with Staff Experience
  20. The Japanese call meaning and purpose – your ikigai. Their philosophy is that when employees work to a purpose that is fulfilling, they will perform at their highest level. Your Ikigai , where you perform the best, when you have greatest meaning and fulfilment, is when you are aligned with your purpose. To find your purpose, ask yourself these 4 questions
  21. Feedback from last 4 years of customer research, consulting and improving customer experience - we’ve developed the 6 E Framework, which we are unveiling for the first time. Feedback from the executives that we’ve worked with, largely said “don’t just tell me what to do, tell me how to do it” This framework is part of a book that is in development and we are in talks with a publisher and aim to release later this year. So why is this model different to everything else out there? Well, I strongly believe that this is a more authentic and sustainable model for success in managing customers and along the way I’ll show you data on that. Its also a versatile model that can be used in the context of businesses and their customers, as well as healthcare organisations and patients – the model applies equally well.
  22. The Japanese call meaning and purpose – your ikigai. Their philosophy is that when employees work to a purpose that is fulfilling, they will perform at their highest level. Your Ikigai , where you perform the best, when you have greatest meaning and fulfilment, is when you are aligned with your purpose. To find your purpose, ask yourself these 4 questions
  23. We all have a purpose, to serve our customers they way they want us to. But the real secret is that to doing that, is to live in your purpose and love your work and your life. This keynote is my way of living my purpose of making a positive difference and helping leaders and executives like you live yours. Because it is only when you live your purpose, that you truly deliver the kind of experience that both you and your customers deserve. The only question is you have to ask is, will you take the next step to really make the difference that your customers really want from you? Thank you