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                     US Federal                                        Samsung says                                      YouTube
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bengaluru ● Monday ● 2 August 2010                   15
                     Agency                                            quarterly                                         increases
                     Oracle of
                                                                       profit has
                                                                       surged by 83
                                                                                                                         video upload
                                                                                                                         limit to 15
                                                                                                                         minutes.                                        Technomics
                    A dose
                      of IT
                                                                   Bitter smartphone war pinches                                                                                                                                                    bITs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Google search,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ads blocked

 64-bit chips                                                      handset vendors’ profit margins
                                                                   TARMO VIRKI                                                                                                                            and for high-end phones
                                                                                                                                                                                                          with touchscreens in mature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in China

 are the future
                                                                   Aug. 1: An increasingly                                                                                                                  Growth in the global cell-
                                                                   heated battle in the global                                                                                                            phone market is set to slow
                                                                   smartphone market is set to                                                                                                            slightly to 12 percent in the

   KAPIL KHANDELWAL                                                weigh on handset vendors'                                                                                                              July-September quarter, but              oogle said Thursday
                                  memory. In Windows               profit margins for the rest of                                                                                                         there are no signs of a major            that    its    search
                                  operating system that            the year, analysts said on                                                                                                             slowdown, Strategy Analyt-               engine was “fully

          here is an interest-    runs the healthcare ICT          Friday.                                                                                                                                ics said.                        blocked” in China, along
          ing paradox in the      applications, that 4GB is          All top cellphone vendors                                                                                                              The researcher and CCS         with Google ads and
          ICT industry, that      split between the operat-        including Nokia, Samsung                                                                                                               Insight both estimated the       mobile search.
   has become part of the         ing system and the appli-        Electronics and Research in                                                                                                            market grew 13 percent in          This is the first time that
   digital rules from the         cations. That means the          Motion are rolling out new                                                                                                             the April-June quarter,          Google has been blocked
   1990s      till    recently,   most memory any given            smartphone models for the                                                                                                              while IDC saw the growth at      since March, when it closed
   “What Andy Giveth, Bill        application can access is        holiday sales-fueled fourth                                                                                                            14.5 percent.                    its search service in China
   Taketh Away”, meaning          2GB. This is what Bill           quarter.                                                                                                                                 Top vendor Nokia said last     and began automatically
   that every time Andy           Taketh Away! A 64-bit              “The smartphone market is                                                                                                            week the market grew 14          redirecting users to an
   Grove, then CEO of             chip, on the other hand,         becoming heavily congested                                                                                                             percent from a year ago.         uncensored search engine
   Intel, brought a new chip      can address up to 16             as a host of players seek to                                                                                                             The phone market saw a         in Hong Kong after a stand-
   to market, Bill Gates-         exabytes of memory               boost margins. The reality in                                                                                                          sharp downturn last year as      off     over      censorship.
   then CEO of Microsoft          (that's over 16 billion          the second half is set to be                                                                                                           the     recession      sapped    Although it has been fairly
   would upgrade his soft-        gigabytes). This means           very different,” said analyst                                                                                                          consumer spending on new         common since then for the
   ware and take away the         that A 64-bit processor          Geoff Blaber from British                                                                                                              gadgets.                         search engine to be partial-
   incremental power of the       will improve both the            consultancy CCS Insight.                                                                                                                 Canada’s Research in           ly blocked, which Google
   new chips. But beyond          encoding and decoding              “The market will swell in                                                                                                            Motion — which broke into        describes as between 10
   the laugh, there's deep        of video for many health-        volume but price erosion                                                                                                               the No. 4 position in the        percent and 66 percent
   truth. Moore's Law con-        care ICT applications            will inevitably result in        A pedestrian walks past advertisements of Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S smart-                        global market in the first       blocked, it has not been
   stantly enables new soft-      and in clinical areas of         casualties as value is cap-      phone, outside the company's headquarters in Seoul.                                                   quarter — held on to it, sell-   fully blocked, or 67 percent
   ware. Often the new soft-      radiology and data heavy         tured by a minority rather                                                                                                             ing        11.2       million    to 100 percent blocked.
   ware is just an incremen-      applications such as elec-       than the majority,” Blaber       refreshing its respective         and profit growth in the sec-     unit margin fell to 9.5 per-      Blackberries in the last           The announcement came
   tal improvement.               tronic medical records           said.                            product portfolio, with           ond half after reporting tele-    cent in the second quarter        quarter, just ahead of Sony      on a Web page where
     But every few years the      containing videos.,                Research firm Strategy         greater emphasis on smart-        com unit margins slumped          and was likely to slip again      Ericsson's     11     million    Google monitors the avail-
   world gets a wild break-          Doctors and clinicians        Analytics said the ramp-up       phones during the second          to 7.2 percent as it boosted      this quarter.                     phones.                          ability of Google services
   through-graphic comput-        see a noticeable differ-         in supply will drive higher      half of this year,” said IDC      marketing spending in the           LG's phone unit made a            Both firms held roughly        in China. The Web site
   ing in the 1980s, web          ence in speed, resulting         volumes, but this will pres-     analyst Ramon Llamas.             absence of a strong smart-        loss last quarter and had a       3.6 percent of the global        notes that “service status in
   browsers in the 1990s,         in more frames per sec-          sure margins as vendors            “Still, the upward pressure     phone model.                      negative margin of 3.5 per-       market.                          China has a fluctuating
   fast     search     engines    ond and a more film-like         fight to outsmart rivals.        from vendors outside the            Samsung is making a big         cent. It has forecast another       Market shares of the top       nature.” Ms. Hazelbaker
   around the mid-2005s           playback of the pictures           The world's three largest      current top five vendors,         bet on its top model Galaxy       loss for the business in the      three changed little in the      said that it does not provide
   and now the mobile and         and videos. There is             cellphone makers — Nokia,        particularly Apple and            S, which went on sale last        current quarter.                  quarter, with Nokia holding      updates in real-time, which
   mobility computing. The        nothing much more Bill           Samsung and LG Electron-         Motorola, will provide            month, while Nokia is             Market growing again:             36      percent,     Strategy    is why the outage last night
   paradox held fine till         Taketh Away! While               ics — all saw smartphone         tough competition in the          counting on its upcoming            The cellphone market            Analytics said.                  showed up late Thursday.
   Microsoft’s       Windows      Intel, on the other hand,        rivalry hitting their profit     quarters to come,” Llamas         N8 model to win a larger          grew in April-June for the          Samsung holds 21 percent         Since July, when China
   Vista operating took           have also launched their         margins in the April-June        said.                             share of the high-end             third quarter in a row, boost-    of the market and LG 10          renewed Google’s license
   away the incremental of        64-bits versions of their        quarter.                           Samsung       on     Friday     market.                           ed by demand for low-end          percent.                         to operate there, it has oper-
   the dual core chips of         Atom D series proces-              “Each is in the midst of       warned of weaker margins            Nokia has said its phone        models in emerging markets                           — Reuters     ated its Chinese Web site,
   Intel and AMD that pow-        sors to give the benefits                                                                                                                                                                      , and some Web

                                                                   The cloud’s on notice, its being watched
   ered the desktops and          of the 64-bits versions of                                                                                                                                                                               services, and enabled users
   laptops.                       netbooks that would be                                                                                                                                                                                   to click to search the uncen-
     The paradox reversed         preferred by doctors and                                                                                                                                                                                 sored search engine in
   when Intel launched the        care givers as they are                                                                                                                                                                                  Hong                    Kong,
   Atom processor that            light and easy to carry          ASHLEE VANCE                                                                                                                           you will get the same per-
   powered the netbooks           around, Microsoft has on                             NEW YORK                                                                                                           formance as or                           — Reuters
   and made mobility com-         its part started shipping                                                                                                                                     ,” Mr. Mouline
   puting within the reach
   of common consumers.
                                  the 64-bit versions of its
                                  Windows 7 operating
                                                                   Aug. 1: The cloud has been
                                                                   put on notice: It’s being
                                                                                                                                                                                                          said. “That’s the first idea
                                                                                                                                                                                                          we need to make sure peo-        Tool released
   This meant that Windows        system and the Office            watched.                                                                                                                               ple get away from.
   operating system had to        2010.                              A new graphical tool from                                                                                                              “The cloud is opaque,” Mr.     to attack
   down grade to meet the           What is surprising is          Compuware, CloudSleuth,                                                                                                                Mouline added. “If you’re
   computing power of
   Intel’s Atom processor.
                                  that 64-bit chip being
                                  around for a few years,
                                                                   has arrived, in beta form, to
                                                                   measure and display the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          running an application in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          cloud, you really don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Android OS
     As a result of this chip     Microsoft’s 64-bit Inter-        speeds at which cloud com-                                                                                                             know what is going on at the
   innovation,       Microsoft    net Explorer does not            puting services run. The                                                                                                               infrastructure level.”
   had to innovate and            have compatible 64-bits          CloudSleuth tool already                                                                                                                 The physical location of
   change the architecture        Adobe Flash Player               tracks,                                                                                                             data centers plays a huge
   of is operating system         which runs many web-             Microsoft, Google and a                                                                                                                roll in response times. For
   and launch Windows 7 in        based medical video              couple of other cloud                                                                                                                  example, someone in Wash-
   2009. Around the same          applications. On the             providers. And it demon-                                                                                                               ington, D.C., requesting a
   time in the late 1990s,        other hand, healthcare           strates that response times                                                                                                            file from’s
   AMD showcased the 64-          ICT      communications          do indeed vary from opera-                                                                                                             East Coast data center

   bits chips for computers       front, many high-end             tor to operator. It displays                                                                                                           should receive a response in           wo security experts
   and servers. The 64-bits       phones that are used for         these results on a map that                                                                                                            less than a second, while the          said on Friday they
   chips were based on            medical applications run-        gives people an idea for the                                                                                                           same task would take about             released a tool for
   Intel’s core technologies      ning on the Blackberry           worldwide performance of                                                                                                               11 seconds to complete if        attacking smartphones that
   and what ensued was a          and Windows Mobile 6.5           different data centers at a                                                                                                            the request came from Cali-      use Google Inc's Android
   battle of supremacy            Professional are also not        quick glance.                                                                                                                          fornia.                          operating system to per-
   between Intel and AMD          compatible         64-bits         Imad Mouline, the chief                                                                                                                Cloud providers have tend-     suade manufacturers to fix
   on cross-licensing of the      Microsoft Office 2010            technology officer at Com-       the speed it takes to com-        OpSource ranks second at          systems       are    complex      ed to offer service-level        a bug that lets hackers read
   chip           technologies    for syncing together.            puware’s Internet monitor-       plete the request.                6.61 seconds, followed by         because companies have all        agreements that focused on       a victim's email and text
   between the two comput-        Microsoft and Blackber-          ing division, Gomez, said he       In addition, Gomez per-         Google at 6.77 seconds and        types of different applica-       the overall uptime of their      messages.
   ing chip giants for perpe-     ry and many other ven-           designed the cloud tracking      forms similar operations 6.82 seconds.          tions running in the same         services. says          “It wasn’t difficult to
   tuity till they merge or       dors are now going to be         system to provide customers      from people’s PCs.                (The Amazon figure is for         data center. The interaction      it will be up 99.95 percent of   build,” said Nicholas Per-
   get acquired by another.       releasing their 64-bits          with a way of judging the          All told, it can build a pic-   its East Coast data center. Its   of all this software can pose     the time, for instance.          coco, head of Spider Labs,
     The benefits of a 64-        compatible applications          various services on the mar-     ture of how the cloud servic-     West Coast, European and          performance challenges and          But Mr. Mouline urged          who along with a col-
   bits chip is that doubling     by 2011. Looks like the          ket.                             es perform on both high-          Asian data centers had slow-      makes the cloud services          customers to begin thinking      league, released the tool at
   the amount of data a           paradox       has     now          “I thought, ‘Why don’t we      speed corporate networks          er response times.)               less responsive than the con-     about making response time       the Defcon hacker’s confer-
   CPU can process per            changed to “What Paul            put these guys to the test?’”    and slower home connec-             The rankings were the           trolled, fine-tuned data cen-     demands as well.                 ence in Las Vegas on Fri-
   clock cycle. Today's 32-       (Intel’s CEO) Innovates,         he said.                         tions.                            same for the availability of      ters that the likes of Ama-         “We have already seen          day. Percoco said it took
   bit Intel and AMD chips        Steve (Microsoft’s CEO)            Gomez has set up identical       Looking worldwide over          the cloud systems, leaving and Google run for        huge improvements in per-        about two weeks to build
   can address up to 4GB of       Loses to Catcheth Up”            servers in data centers          the     past      30     days,    Microsoft as the fastest and      their internal operations.        formance,” Mr. Mouline           the malicious software that
                                                                   around the globe that            Microsoft’s relatively new        most       reliable     cloud       “Just because you run your      said. “We know the cloud         could allow criminals to
          Kapil Khandelwal is a leading healthcare and             request the same files from      Azure platform has per-           provider.                         application on Amazon’s           guys are watching this and       steal precious information
          ICT expert.                    the various cloud computing      formed the best, responding         Mr. Mouline stressed that       EC2          or      Google’s     trying to improve their          from Android smartphones.
                                                                   systems. It then measures        to requests in 6.46 seconds.      the inner workings of cloud       AppEngine, do not think           scores.”               — NYT                       — Reuters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RIM plans a
$200 textbook vs free, you do the math                                                                                                                                                                                                     tablet launch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in November
ASHLEE VANCE                      an online hub for free text-                                                                        cialized, pricey technology.      adopted the open-source           dures that will let open-

                     NEW YORK     books and other course                                                                              And then, in what seemed          mantra of the software            source textbooks begin mak-             esearch In Motion
                                  material that he spearheaded                                                                        liked a flash, Sun’s business     world and started financing       ing their way through the               will introduce a
Aug. 1: Infuriating Scott G.      six years ago.                                                                                      came undone as a wave of          open-source books. Experts        arduous approval process.               tablet computer in
McNealy has never been              “We are spending $8 bil-                                                                          cheaper computers and free,       — often retired teachers or       Last year, Texas passed a        November to compete with
easier. Just bring up math        lion to $15 billion per year                                                                        open-source          software     groups of teachers — write        law promoting the use of         Apple        Inc's     iPad,
textbooks.                        on textbooks” in the United                                                                         proved good enough to han-        these books and allow any-        open, digital texts and is       Bloomberg News reported
  Mr. McNealy, the fiery co-      States, Mr. McNealy says.                                                                           dle many tasks once done by       one to distribute them in         reviewing material that          on Friday, citing two peo-
founder and former chief          “It seems to me we could put                                                                        Sun computers.                    digital, printed or audio for-    might be used in schools.        ple familiar with the com-
executive of Sun Microsys-        that all online for free.”                                                                            At first, Sun fought the        mats. Schools can rearrange         In California, a state board   pany's plans.The Waterloo,
tems, shuns basic math text-        The nonprofit Curriki fits                                                                        open-source set, and then it      the contents of the books to      is studying whether open         Ontario-based maker of the
books as bloated monstrosi-       into an ever-expanding list                                                                         joined the party by making        suit their needs and require-     texts meet state require-        BlackBerry       smartphone
ties: their price keeps rising    of organizations that seek to                                                                       the source code to its most       ments.                            ments. The CK-12 Founda-         will call the device the
while the core information        bring the blunt force of                                                                            valuable software available         But progress with these         tion, a nonprofit financed by    Blackpad, according to one
inside of them stays the          Internet economics to bear                                                                          to anyone.                        open-source texts has been        another Sun co-founder,          of the sources. The Black-
same.                             on the education market.                                                                              Too little, too late. Sun’s     slow.                             Vinod Khosla, has created        pad is expected to have
  “Ten plus 10 has been 20        Even the traditional text-       Scott G. McNealy, with his 12-year-old son, Dakota. Mr.            sales continued to decline,         California and Texas dom-       several texts that have met      about the same dimensions
for a long time,” Mr.             book publishers agree that       McNealy is trying to bring open-source textbooks to                making it vulnerable to a         inate the market for text-        the board’s criteria.            as the iPad and cost about
McNealy says.                     the days of tweaking a few       classrooms, from kindergarten to high school.                      takeover.                         books used in kindergarten          “In three and a half years,    as much as the $499-plus
  Early this year, Oracle, the    pages in a book just to sell a                                                                        Houghton Mifflin Har-           through high school, and          we have developed nine of        Apple tablet, the report said
database software maker,          new edition are coming to an     president of Houghton Mif-       els.”                             court and other top textbook      publishers do all they can to     the core textbooks for high       RIM is expected to unveil
acquired Sun for $7.4 bil-        end.                             flin Harcourt. “Our cus-           Mr. McNealy had his own         publishers now face their,        meet these states’ require-       school,” says Neeru Khosla,      a revamped version of the
lion, leaving Mr. McNealy           “Today, we are engaged in      tomers are asking us to look     encounter with value-based        forgive me, moment in the         ments and lock in their mil-      Mr. Khosla’s wife and the        BlackBerry, aiming to
without a job. He has since       a very different dialogue        at different ways to experi-     pricing models while run-         sun.                              lions of students for years.      head of CK-12. “If you           compete more effectively
decided to aim his energy         with our customers,” says        ment and to look at different    ning Sun. The company had           Over the last few years,          Both states have only           don’t try this, nothing will     against iPhone and other
and some money at Curriki,        Wendy Colby, a senior vice       value-based pricing mod-         thrived as a result of its spe-   groups nationwide have            recently established proce-       change.”               — NYT     smartphones.       — Reuters

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64 bit chips are the future : Kapil Khandelwal,

  • 1. cmyk cmyk DC US Federal Samsung says YouTube Bengaluru ● Monday ● 2 August 2010 15 Agency quarterly increases accuses Oracle of fraud. profit has surged by 83 percent. video upload limit to 15 minutes. Technomics A dose of IT Bitter smartphone war pinches bITs Google search, ads blocked 64-bit chips handset vendors’ profit margins TARMO VIRKI and for high-end phones with touchscreens in mature in China are the future HELSINKI regions. Aug. 1: An increasingly Growth in the global cell- heated battle in the global phone market is set to slow smartphone market is set to slightly to 12 percent in the G KAPIL KHANDELWAL weigh on handset vendors' July-September quarter, but oogle said Thursday memory. In Windows profit margins for the rest of there are no signs of a major that its search operating system that the year, analysts said on slowdown, Strategy Analyt- engine was “fully T here is an interest- runs the healthcare ICT Friday. ics said. blocked” in China, along ing paradox in the applications, that 4GB is All top cellphone vendors The researcher and CCS with Google ads and ICT industry, that split between the operat- including Nokia, Samsung Insight both estimated the mobile search. has become part of the ing system and the appli- Electronics and Research in market grew 13 percent in This is the first time that digital rules from the cations. That means the Motion are rolling out new the April-June quarter, Google has been blocked 1990s till recently, most memory any given smartphone models for the while IDC saw the growth at since March, when it closed “What Andy Giveth, Bill application can access is holiday sales-fueled fourth 14.5 percent. its search service in China Taketh Away”, meaning 2GB. This is what Bill quarter. Top vendor Nokia said last and began automatically that every time Andy Taketh Away! A 64-bit “The smartphone market is week the market grew 14 redirecting users to an Grove, then CEO of chip, on the other hand, becoming heavily congested percent from a year ago. uncensored search engine Intel, brought a new chip can address up to 16 as a host of players seek to The phone market saw a in Hong Kong after a stand- to market, Bill Gates- exabytes of memory boost margins. The reality in sharp downturn last year as off over censorship. then CEO of Microsoft (that's over 16 billion the second half is set to be the recession sapped Although it has been fairly would upgrade his soft- gigabytes). This means very different,” said analyst consumer spending on new common since then for the ware and take away the that A 64-bit processor Geoff Blaber from British gadgets. search engine to be partial- incremental power of the will improve both the consultancy CCS Insight. Canada’s Research in ly blocked, which Google new chips. But beyond encoding and decoding “The market will swell in Motion — which broke into describes as between 10 the laugh, there's deep of video for many health- volume but price erosion the No. 4 position in the percent and 66 percent truth. Moore's Law con- care ICT applications will inevitably result in A pedestrian walks past advertisements of Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S smart- global market in the first blocked, it has not been stantly enables new soft- and in clinical areas of casualties as value is cap- phone, outside the company's headquarters in Seoul. quarter — held on to it, sell- fully blocked, or 67 percent ware. Often the new soft- radiology and data heavy tured by a minority rather ing 11.2 million to 100 percent blocked. ware is just an incremen- applications such as elec- than the majority,” Blaber refreshing its respective and profit growth in the sec- unit margin fell to 9.5 per- Blackberries in the last The announcement came tal improvement. tronic medical records said. product portfolio, with ond half after reporting tele- cent in the second quarter quarter, just ahead of Sony on a Web page where But every few years the containing videos., Research firm Strategy greater emphasis on smart- com unit margins slumped and was likely to slip again Ericsson's 11 million Google monitors the avail- world gets a wild break- Doctors and clinicians Analytics said the ramp-up phones during the second to 7.2 percent as it boosted this quarter. phones. ability of Google services through-graphic comput- see a noticeable differ- in supply will drive higher half of this year,” said IDC marketing spending in the LG's phone unit made a Both firms held roughly in China. The Web site ing in the 1980s, web ence in speed, resulting volumes, but this will pres- analyst Ramon Llamas. absence of a strong smart- loss last quarter and had a 3.6 percent of the global notes that “service status in browsers in the 1990s, in more frames per sec- sure margins as vendors “Still, the upward pressure phone model. negative margin of 3.5 per- market. China has a fluctuating fast search engines ond and a more film-like fight to outsmart rivals. from vendors outside the Samsung is making a big cent. It has forecast another Market shares of the top nature.” Ms. Hazelbaker around the mid-2005s playback of the pictures The world's three largest current top five vendors, bet on its top model Galaxy loss for the business in the three changed little in the said that it does not provide and now the mobile and and videos. There is cellphone makers — Nokia, particularly Apple and S, which went on sale last current quarter. quarter, with Nokia holding updates in real-time, which mobility computing. The nothing much more Bill Samsung and LG Electron- Motorola, will provide month, while Nokia is Market growing again: 36 percent, Strategy is why the outage last night paradox held fine till Taketh Away! While ics — all saw smartphone tough competition in the counting on its upcoming The cellphone market Analytics said. showed up late Thursday. Microsoft’s Windows Intel, on the other hand, rivalry hitting their profit quarters to come,” Llamas N8 model to win a larger grew in April-June for the Samsung holds 21 percent Since July, when China Vista operating took have also launched their margins in the April-June said. share of the high-end third quarter in a row, boost- of the market and LG 10 renewed Google’s license away the incremental of 64-bits versions of their quarter. Samsung on Friday market. ed by demand for low-end percent. to operate there, it has oper- the dual core chips of Atom D series proces- “Each is in the midst of warned of weaker margins Nokia has said its phone models in emerging markets — Reuters ated its Chinese Web site, Intel and AMD that pow- sors to give the benefits, and some Web The cloud’s on notice, its being watched ered the desktops and of the 64-bits versions of services, and enabled users laptops. netbooks that would be to click to search the uncen- The paradox reversed preferred by doctors and sored search engine in when Intel launched the care givers as they are Hong Kong, Atom processor that light and easy to carry ASHLEE VANCE you will get the same per- powered the netbooks around, Microsoft has on NEW YORK formance as or — Reuters and made mobility com- its part started shipping,” Mr. Mouline puting within the reach of common consumers. the 64-bit versions of its Windows 7 operating Aug. 1: The cloud has been put on notice: It’s being said. “That’s the first idea we need to make sure peo- Tool released This meant that Windows system and the Office watched. ple get away from. operating system had to 2010. A new graphical tool from “The cloud is opaque,” Mr. to attack down grade to meet the What is surprising is Compuware, CloudSleuth, Mouline added. “If you’re computing power of Intel’s Atom processor. that 64-bit chip being around for a few years, has arrived, in beta form, to measure and display the running an application in the cloud, you really don’t Android OS As a result of this chip Microsoft’s 64-bit Inter- speeds at which cloud com- know what is going on at the innovation, Microsoft net Explorer does not puting services run. The infrastructure level.” had to innovate and have compatible 64-bits CloudSleuth tool already The physical location of change the architecture Adobe Flash Player tracks, data centers plays a huge of is operating system which runs many web- Microsoft, Google and a roll in response times. For and launch Windows 7 in based medical video couple of other cloud example, someone in Wash- 2009. Around the same applications. On the providers. And it demon- ington, D.C., requesting a time in the late 1990s, other hand, healthcare strates that response times file from’s AMD showcased the 64- ICT communications do indeed vary from opera- East Coast data center T bits chips for computers front, many high-end tor to operator. It displays should receive a response in wo security experts and servers. The 64-bits phones that are used for these results on a map that less than a second, while the said on Friday they chips were based on medical applications run- gives people an idea for the same task would take about released a tool for Intel’s core technologies ning on the Blackberry worldwide performance of 11 seconds to complete if attacking smartphones that and what ensued was a and Windows Mobile 6.5 different data centers at a the request came from Cali- use Google Inc's Android battle of supremacy Professional are also not quick glance. fornia. operating system to per- between Intel and AMD compatible 64-bits Imad Mouline, the chief Cloud providers have tend- suade manufacturers to fix on cross-licensing of the Microsoft Office 2010 technology officer at Com- the speed it takes to com- OpSource ranks second at systems are complex ed to offer service-level a bug that lets hackers read chip technologies for syncing together. puware’s Internet monitor- plete the request. 6.61 seconds, followed by because companies have all agreements that focused on a victim's email and text between the two comput- Microsoft and Blackber- ing division, Gomez, said he In addition, Gomez per- Google at 6.77 seconds and types of different applica- the overall uptime of their messages. ing chip giants for perpe- ry and many other ven- designed the cloud tracking forms similar operations 6.82 seconds. tions running in the same services. says “It wasn’t difficult to tuity till they merge or dors are now going to be system to provide customers from people’s PCs. (The Amazon figure is for data center. The interaction it will be up 99.95 percent of build,” said Nicholas Per- get acquired by another. releasing their 64-bits with a way of judging the All told, it can build a pic- its East Coast data center. Its of all this software can pose the time, for instance. coco, head of Spider Labs, The benefits of a 64- compatible applications various services on the mar- ture of how the cloud servic- West Coast, European and performance challenges and But Mr. Mouline urged who along with a col- bits chip is that doubling by 2011. Looks like the ket. es perform on both high- Asian data centers had slow- makes the cloud services customers to begin thinking league, released the tool at the amount of data a paradox has now “I thought, ‘Why don’t we speed corporate networks er response times.) less responsive than the con- about making response time the Defcon hacker’s confer- CPU can process per changed to “What Paul put these guys to the test?’” and slower home connec- The rankings were the trolled, fine-tuned data cen- demands as well. ence in Las Vegas on Fri- clock cycle. Today's 32- (Intel’s CEO) Innovates, he said. tions. same for the availability of ters that the likes of Ama- “We have already seen day. Percoco said it took bit Intel and AMD chips Steve (Microsoft’s CEO) Gomez has set up identical Looking worldwide over the cloud systems, leaving and Google run for huge improvements in per- about two weeks to build can address up to 4GB of Loses to Catcheth Up” servers in data centers the past 30 days, Microsoft as the fastest and their internal operations. formance,” Mr. Mouline the malicious software that around the globe that Microsoft’s relatively new most reliable cloud “Just because you run your said. “We know the cloud could allow criminals to Kapil Khandelwal is a leading healthcare and request the same files from Azure platform has per- provider. application on Amazon’s guys are watching this and steal precious information ICT expert. the various cloud computing formed the best, responding Mr. Mouline stressed that EC2 or Google’s trying to improve their from Android smartphones. systems. It then measures to requests in 6.46 seconds. the inner workings of cloud AppEngine, do not think scores.” — NYT — Reuters RIM plans a $200 textbook vs free, you do the math tablet launch in November ASHLEE VANCE an online hub for free text- cialized, pricey technology. adopted the open-source dures that will let open- R NEW YORK books and other course And then, in what seemed mantra of the software source textbooks begin mak- esearch In Motion material that he spearheaded liked a flash, Sun’s business world and started financing ing their way through the will introduce a Aug. 1: Infuriating Scott G. six years ago. came undone as a wave of open-source books. Experts arduous approval process. tablet computer in McNealy has never been “We are spending $8 bil- cheaper computers and free, — often retired teachers or Last year, Texas passed a November to compete with easier. Just bring up math lion to $15 billion per year open-source software groups of teachers — write law promoting the use of Apple Inc's iPad, textbooks. on textbooks” in the United proved good enough to han- these books and allow any- open, digital texts and is Bloomberg News reported Mr. McNealy, the fiery co- States, Mr. McNealy says. dle many tasks once done by one to distribute them in reviewing material that on Friday, citing two peo- founder and former chief “It seems to me we could put Sun computers. digital, printed or audio for- might be used in schools. ple familiar with the com- executive of Sun Microsys- that all online for free.” At first, Sun fought the mats. Schools can rearrange In California, a state board pany's plans.The Waterloo, tems, shuns basic math text- The nonprofit Curriki fits open-source set, and then it the contents of the books to is studying whether open Ontario-based maker of the books as bloated monstrosi- into an ever-expanding list joined the party by making suit their needs and require- texts meet state require- BlackBerry smartphone ties: their price keeps rising of organizations that seek to the source code to its most ments. ments. The CK-12 Founda- will call the device the while the core information bring the blunt force of valuable software available But progress with these tion, a nonprofit financed by Blackpad, according to one inside of them stays the Internet economics to bear to anyone. open-source texts has been another Sun co-founder, of the sources. The Black- same. on the education market. Too little, too late. Sun’s slow. Vinod Khosla, has created pad is expected to have “Ten plus 10 has been 20 Even the traditional text- Scott G. McNealy, with his 12-year-old son, Dakota. Mr. sales continued to decline, California and Texas dom- several texts that have met about the same dimensions for a long time,” Mr. book publishers agree that McNealy is trying to bring open-source textbooks to making it vulnerable to a inate the market for text- the board’s criteria. as the iPad and cost about McNealy says. the days of tweaking a few classrooms, from kindergarten to high school. takeover. books used in kindergarten “In three and a half years, as much as the $499-plus Early this year, Oracle, the pages in a book just to sell a Houghton Mifflin Har- through high school, and we have developed nine of Apple tablet, the report said database software maker, new edition are coming to an president of Houghton Mif- els.” court and other top textbook publishers do all they can to the core textbooks for high RIM is expected to unveil acquired Sun for $7.4 bil- end. flin Harcourt. “Our cus- Mr. McNealy had his own publishers now face their, meet these states’ require- school,” says Neeru Khosla, a revamped version of the lion, leaving Mr. McNealy “Today, we are engaged in tomers are asking us to look encounter with value-based forgive me, moment in the ments and lock in their mil- Mr. Khosla’s wife and the BlackBerry, aiming to without a job. He has since a very different dialogue at different ways to experi- pricing models while run- sun. lions of students for years. head of CK-12. “If you compete more effectively decided to aim his energy with our customers,” says ment and to look at different ning Sun. The company had Over the last few years, Both states have only don’t try this, nothing will against iPhone and other and some money at Curriki, Wendy Colby, a senior vice value-based pricing mod- thrived as a result of its spe- groups nationwide have recently established proce- change.” — NYT smartphones. — Reuters