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Відділ освіти, молоді та спорту Хмельницької РДА
Хмельницький РМК
зошит для тематичного та семестрового оцінювання знань
учнів 6 класу
Укладач: Гончарук Галина Олександрівна, вчитель
англійської мови Бережанськоїзагальноосвітньої школи І – ІІ
«Підсумкові завдання з англійської мови (нова програма)» -
с.Бережанка, Хмельницького району, 2015, - с.56
Рецензент: Сокол Наталія Володимирівна, методист РМК відділу
освіти , молоді та спорту Хмельницької РДА
Рекомендовано до друку педагогічною радою Бережанської
загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІ ступенів
(протокол № 3 від 30.10.2015 року )
Посібник призначений для тестового контролю навчальних
досягнень учнів з англійської мови у 6 класі. Він містить завдання
чотирьох рівнів у двох варіантах. У посібнику подані завдання для
перевірки 4 видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Посібник може бути
використаний як дидактичні матеріали для вивчення англійської мови у 6
Рекомендовано для вчителів англійської мови та учнів 6 класу.
Test 1.
They are friends
Variant 1…......................................5
Variant 2..........................................7
Test 2.
An ordinary family
Variant 1..........................................9
Variant 2........................................10
Test 3.
My school days
Variant 1........................................11
Variant 2........................................13
Test 4.
My sport
Variant 1........................................15
Variant 2........................................17
(the first term)
Variant 1........................................19
Variant 2........................................21
(the first term)
Variant 1.......................................23
Variant 2.......................................25
(the first term)
Variant 1.......................................27
Variant 2.......................................29
(the first term)
Variant 1.......................................31
Variant 2.......................................32
Test 5
Variant 1........................................33
Variant 2........................................34
Test 6
Going shopping
Variant 1........................................35
Variant 2........................................36
Test 7
On the move
Variant 1........................................37
Variant 2........................................38
Test 8.
So many places
Variant 1........................................39
Variant 2........................................41
(the second term)
Variant 1........................................43
Variant 2........................................45
(the second term)
Variant 1........................................47
Variant 2........................................48
(the second term)
Variant 1........................................49
Variant 2........................................50
(the second term)
Variant 1........................................51
Variant 2........................................52
Texts for listening..........................53
Literature ………………….…….58
Тест-контроль для перевірки рівня навчальних досягнень з
англійської мови складений відповідно до чинної програми і охоплює
увесь передбачений нею граматичний і лексичний матеріал. Пропоновані
завдання спрямовані на перевірку навичок з чотирьох видів мовленнєвої
діяльності: читання, аудіювання, письма та говоріння.
Зміст завдань для перевірки лексичних навичок орієнтований на
методичну систему підручника для 6 класу (Карп'юк О. Д. Англійська
мова: Підручник для 6-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. —
Тернопіль: Астон, 2014).
Оцінюванню підлягає:
• уміння розпізнавати й аналізувати мовні одиниці;
• засвоєння орфоепічних, лексико-семантичних та граматичних
форм вживання мовних одиниць у мовленні;
• уміння застосовувати орфографічні навички;
• уміння формувати зв'язні висловлювання, ставити запитання та
складати заперечення до речень;
• уміння читати та розуміти прочитане, знаходити та аналізувати
необхідну інформацію в тексті;
• уміння розпізнавати на слух та розуміти основний зміст мовлення;
знаходити та аналізувати необхідну інформацію в усному повідомленні;
• засвоєння комунікативних навичок.
У пропонованому посібнику матеріали оцінювання мають таку
структуру: всі тематичні та семестрові роботи представлені завданнями у
двох варіантах, які подані в послідовності зростання ступеня складності.
Характер завдань узгоджується зі специфікою кожного з чотирьох рівнів
навчальної діяльності учнів— початкового (завдання 1), середнього (2),
достатнього (3), високого (4).
Кожна робота складається з 4 завдань і оцінюються по 3
бал(максимальна кількість –12 балів). Оцінюються лише повністю
виконані завдання.
Різнорівневі завдання нададуть можливість організувати
ефективний та якісний контроль умінь і навичок учнів, що забезпечить
успішне засвоєння іноземної мови у школі та привчить учнів до
виконання різних видів контрольних робіт з англійської мови.
Test 1
Variant 1
1. Match the words
1) Only a) in the neck
2) Karate b) games
3) Pain c) club
4) Free-time d) form
5) Computer e) child
6) Fifth f) activity
2 . Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous Tense.
1) We always (to clean) our house on Saturdays and
2) Jim (to want) to have a pet.
3) My parents (to work) in the garden now.
4) Nelly (not to cook) supper at the moment.
5) Eddy (not to like) sandwiches for breakfast.
6) I (to write) a letter to my penfriend now because I want to
him to my birthday party.
3. Complete the questions with the question words from the box.
Why Who Where How What When
1) — …. is your birthday?
— It’s in October.
2) — …. are you going?
— I’m going to the supermarket.
3) — …. have you got in your bag?
— I have got some books.
4) — …. do you get to school?
— I get to school by bus.
5) — …. is that boy?
— He is my brother.
6) — …. do you want to talk to your English teacher?
— Because she is a very clever and interesting person.
4 Use the information from the table and write about Den.
Name, Age :Den, 11
Address: 32 Green St., London
Hobbies: listening to music
Favourite sports: tennis, skiing
Favourite food: pizza
Friends: three boys from his class
Doesn’t like: shopping
1) My friend’s name is Den, he is eleven years old.
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________
6) __________________________________________________________
7) __________________________________________________________
Test 1
Variant 2
1. Match the words
1) Cuddly a) park
2) Best b) bed
3) Amusement c)animals
4) Bunk d) friend
5) Same e) albums
6) Full f) hobby
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous Tense.
1) Ann always (to remember) to buy bread, milk and her
favourite chocolates.
2) Sam (not to listen) to music now.
3) My little brother (to hate) porridge.
4) I (not to do) my homework now.
5) My friend’s grandparents (to read) an English text at the
6) His parents (to love) jazz music.
3. Complete the questions with the question words from the box.
What When How Which Who Why
1) — …. sports are you fond of?
— I’m fond of football and basketball.
2) — … do you usually get up?
— I usually get up at 7 o’clock.
3) — …. does your sister like eating?
— She likes eating ice cream.
4) — …. is this woman?
— She is my aunt.
5) — …. are you?
— I’m fine, thank you.
6) — ….. are you looking at that girl with a little puppy in her arms?
— I like her pet and want to ask her if the puppy was a present to her
4 .Use the information from the table and write about Alice.
Name, Age: Alice, 12
Address: 16 Tower St., London
Hobbies: dancing, cooking
Favourite sports: badminton, swimming
Favourite food: fruit salad
Friends: two girls from her school
Doesn’t like: cleaning flat
1) My friend’s name is Alice, she is twelve years old.
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________
6) __________________________________________________________
7) __________________________________________________________
Test 2
Variant 1
1. Find out the words that are not connected with the family.
granddaughter, niece, pilot, brother, monkey, aunt, frog,
wife, prince, son, father, house, cousin, octopus, grandmother, red.
2. Read and circle the correct answer.
1) He cares only about himself and not about other people. He
is really…
a) kind-hearted b) selfish c) caring
2) She’s the most … woman I know, she spend her money on
the cakes.
a) generous b) greedy c) patient
3) The person who dislikes work and physical activity is…
a) cheerful b) lazy c) hard-working
4) My elder sister is really… , everybody likes her!
a) lazy b) naughty c) charming
5) Tom is always ... because he never laugh.
a) serious b) lazy c) shy
6) Ted is so curious and ….. he ask so many questions.
a) interesting b) boring c) rude
3. Make adverbs from the adjectives in the box to complete the sentences.
happy, slow, quick, easy, good, marry.
1) He walks very…..
2) Leo sang and jumped…..
3) Meg usually rides her bike…
4) The children have a wonderful time at the party, and
they are sleeping...
5) The children did the exercises …..
6) Bob plays the violin …..
4. Complete the text about your mother
My mum is a … Her name is… She is… years old. She
has got… hair and … eyes. She can …
She is very…
Test 2
Variant 2
1. Find out the words that are not connected with the
Mother, blue, grandfather, doctor, daughter, shy, uncle, sister,
name, husband, pen, nephew, stepmother, grandson, princess.
2. Read and circle the correct answer.
1) Always try to be… — don’t forget to say «please» and «thank
a) polite b) brilliant c) curious
2) If you want to be a teacher you have to be very…
a) clever b) patient c) shy
3) If you like to talk with other people, you are…
a) sociable b) shy c) boring
4) He’s so… , I can’t remember the last time he did any work!
a) strict b) lazy c) hard-working
5) Cinderella is very .... person.
a) romantic b) lazy c) hard-working
6) This book is ... and you can read it.
a) kind b) interesting c) stupid
3. Make adverbs from the adjectives in the box to complete the sentences.
loud, bright, slow, quick, sweet, happy
1) I am speaking very ... because John is standing far from
2) The squirrels climbed the tree so ...
3) There were no clouds, and the moon shone...
4) The birds sang...
5) Sam and Angela danced ... round the room.
6) Some animals are very fast, but some move very ...
4. Complete the text about your father
My father is… His name is… He has got… hair and …
eyes. He is… years old. He can …
He is very…
Test 3
Variant 1
1. Match words with their definition
1) Ukrainian a) the Present Continuous
2) History b) A tiger can swim.
3) Maths c) World War I
4) Geography d) Ten plus seventeen is twenty
5)English e) The Dnipro is a river.
6) Science f )Write exercise number 5, find
2. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence.
1.“She ... be at home now!” mother said angrily.
a) should b) must c)mustn’t
2. His English is not good, he ... study better.
a) should b) may c)may not
3. ... I have some cookies, please?
a) might b) may c)might not
4.You ... write on book pages!
a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can
5. They ... wake up early to be at school on time.
a) have to b) may c) have hot to
6. I think she ... come to us tomorrow.
a) should b) might c) should not
3. Unscramble these sentences.
1) like/most/doing/what/do/you/Biology/at lessons of/?
2) our/in/two/playgrounds/school/there/are/.
3) lessons/usually/has/John/good/at/marks/PE/.
4) school/what/go/to/do/you/?
5)Maths/ He/ sums/ at/ do/lessons/.
6) We/ and/ pictures/ at/ draw/Art/ lessons /paint/.
4. Complete the story use the words from the box.
the worst, spelling, advised, difficult, best, imagine
Jimmy was … pupil in his form. It was very … for him to
remember the … of the words. And once he asked Lilly, the …
pupil of the class, to help him. Lilly … him to … the words on
the same rule. Jimmy liked this system very much.
Test 3
Variant 2
1. Match words with their definition
1) Religion a) Ready, steady, go!
2) PE b) Ich liebe dich.
3) Music c) Draw this vase with
4) Foreign language d) Shevchenko is a great
5) Art e) Our Father who is in
6) Literature f) My favourite composer is Mozart.
2. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence.
1. “He ... be at home now!” father said angrily.
a) should b) must c)mustn’t
2. Her Germany is not good, she ... study better.
a) should b) may c)may not
3.... I have some tea, please?
a) might b) may c)might not
4. You ... paint on book pages!
a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can
5. We ... wake up early to be at library on time.
a) have to b) may c) have hot to
6. I think he ... come to us tomorrow.
a) should b) might c) should not
3. Unsсramble these sentences.
1) at lessons/we/calculators/sometimes/use/of Mathematics/.
2) strict/your/Geography/is/teacher/?
3) to school/goes/Kellie/on Sundays/never/.
4) learning/what/things/for/there/in your school/English/are/?
5) learn/ We/past/ about/ events/ at/ lessons/ History/.
6) English/ read/ and/ English /We/ at/ write/ lessons/.
4. Complete the story use the words in the box.
pupil, words, advised, difficult, best, imagine
Rita was the worst … in her form. It was very … for her to
remember the spelling of the…. And once she asked Ben,
the … pupil of the class, to help her. Ben … her to … the
words on the same rule. Rita liked
this system very much.
Test 4
Variant 1
1. Complete the text with the words from the box.
basket, winner, ball, end, inside, team
Basketball is a game which you can play______ and outside.
There are two teams in this game.
You need a______and two baskets. You have to lead
the ball and throw it into the_______ of the opposite
team. The _____ gets the point every time when its
player throws the ball into the basket. The ______is
the team, which gets more points by the____of the
2. Fill in the words: play, go, do
1. My mother ….. swimming on Tuesday.
2. My friend ….. volleyball.
3. I …. jumping at sport ground.
4. Marry ….. aerobic twice a week.
5. He ….. basketball in summer.
6. They …. skiing in the mountains.
3. Read the definitions and write the names of the
sports. The pictures will help you.
1) A sport of fighting with the fists.
2) A sport in which athletes perform acrobatic exercises on
special equipment to demonstrate strength, balance and body
3) A game in which players try to score a goal by hitting a puck
with a special stick.
4) A popular game played with an orange black-striped ball.
There are five
players in each team and each team tries to get the ball in each other’s basket.
5) This is outdoor game played with a ball. There are eleven players. They can
kick or roll the ball.
6) You need a big field with holes in it. And you need to kick the ball in the
hole with special sticks.
4. Write a composition about your favorite sport.
1)What is your name?
2)What is your favorite sport?
3)Is it team or individual sport?
4)Which things do you need?
5)What is your favorite activity?
6)Why do you like it?
Test 4
Variant 2
1. Complete the text with the words from the box.
winner, court, game, ball, outdoors, net
Tennis is a game for two players. You can play it indoors
and _____for this _____ you need a court,_______, a
racket and a special ball. You have to beat with the tennis
racket and send the ball to the opposite part. If your
partner can't beat the ball back, you____________ is the
person, who gets more a low the of the get a point. The
______ points by the end of the game.
2.Fill in the words: play, go, do
1. My sister ….. fencing every weekend.
2. My father ….. football on Wednesday.
3. Tom …. karate at the school club.
4. I ….. running at sport ground.
5. Olga ….. chess at class.
6. The boys …. volleyball in summer.
1. Read the definitions and write the names of the
sports. The pictures will help you.
1)A sport or contest in which two unarmed individuals
hand-to-hand trying to unbalance each other.
2) One of the most popular individual sports in the world
in which the player uses
a racket to hit a ball over the net into the opponent’s court.
3) A kind of sport where people use narrow boats as
4) A competitive sport where bicycles are used.
5) A popular game played with a ball. There are six players in each team
and the winner is the first team to get 15 points.
6) You need ice field, music and dancing program. You dance on ice.
4. Write a composition about your favorite sport.
1)What is your name?
2)What is your favorite sport?
3)Is it team or individual sport?
4)Which things do you need?
5)What is your favorite activity?
6)Why do you like it?
Variant 1
1. Choose the right verbs
1. I ______ at the camp last summer.
a) were b) was c)are
2. Linda ______ a blouse every day.
a) wear b) wears c) is wearing
3. _____ you see John last week?
a) Did b) Is c) Was
4. He _____ like to watch Indian films.
a) do not b) does not c) is not.
5. I always ______ my homework in the evening.
a)have b)do c)make
6. His sister ______ puzzles yesterday.
a) didn’t play b) doesn’t play c) won’t play
2. Write the questions to the answers.
He likes to read books about space.
2) How much_______________________________________________?
We have found a lot of information in the library.
3) When______________________________________________________?
The lessons in our school begin at 8.30.
4) Where______________________________________________________?
I meet you in the gym.
5) What_______________________________________________________?
She is keen on skiing.
6) Where______________________________________________________?
My mum works at the library.
3. Unsсramble these sentenсes.
1)is/person / friend / and / an / helpful /his/honest.
2)like/younger / my / looks / me /brother.
3)friend/has/ mу / got / curlу / hair / long.
4)is/man/mу / and/strong /a/ sporty/father.
5)read/weekend/usuallу / we / the / at/.
6) have / usually / six/day /lessons /a/we.
4. Write a letter introducing yourself and your family to your penfriend
(6—8 sentences), using the plan below.
— your full name, age, what you look like, where you live;
Main body
— your family: names, ages, jobs, what they look like;
— ask your friend to write back.
Dear ________________
Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________
Best wishes,__________________
1. Choose the right verbs
1. I _______ in the Carpathian Mountains last year.
a) were b) was c)is
2. He ______ working at school now.
a) is b) am c)are
3. My favorite subject ______ English.
a) are b) am c) is
4. Where ______ she go last week?
a) is b) did c) are.
5. I ______ ice cream now.
a) are eating b) am eating c) am eat
6. She always ____ book in the evening.
a) reads b) read c) reading
2. Write the questions to the answers.
1) Where______________________________________________________?
He looks for the information in the library.
2) Why_______________________________________________________?
I have bought the ball because I want to join the football club.
3) How many___________________________________________________?
We got a lot of presents on Christmas.
4) What_______________________________________________________?
She will make a new costume for the party.
They are interested in karate.
My favorite subject is English.
3. Unsсramble these sentenсes.
1)mother/kind/is/my / and / nice.
2)live/a/big/rмe/house / in.
4)is/what/name/your/f amily?
5)sister/ got/long / a/have / mу / I / with / hair.
6) is /favorite / my /sport /football.
4. Write a letter describing your school (6—8 sentences) using the plan
— general information about your school;
Main body
— school subjects and activities (subjects you are good at; subjects you
don’t like; what you do at different subjects);
— ask your friend to write back about his/her school.
Dear ________________
Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________
Best wishes,__________________
Variant 1ADING
1. Complete the text with the words. There are two choices you don’t need
to use.
a) football
b) race
c) game
d) goalkeeper
e) training
f) field
Julia began her job as a teacher in a secondary school and she was keen to help
the pupils.
One day during the break she noticed a girl standing all by herself on one side
of the (1) while the rest of the children were enjoying a _____(2)of football at
the other end of the field. Julia came to the girl and asked, «Are you OK?»
«Yes,» said the girl.
Some time later Julia noticed that the girl was in exactly the same place, still
standing by herself.
Going up to her again, she asked, «Would you like me to be your friend?»
The girl seemed confused, but then said, «Alright.» Feeling she was making
progress, Julia then asked, «Why are you standing here all alone and not
playing ______(3) with your friends?» «But I am!» the girl said with a large
sigh, «I’m the _______(4)!»
2. Read the text and put the sentences into the connect order..
My name is Jane and my hobby is painting. I like to paint animals and flowers,
but I'm not good at painting people. Most of all I enjoy painting the places I
visit. My parents and I often go for excursions to other towns and visit
different famous places. My parents use a camera to take photos but I think
that to have a picture which you have painted yourself is more interesting.
When I come home after each excursion, I bring my pictures to school to show
them to the classmates and the teachers. Everybody likes them and they say I'll
become a famous artist in the future. Last year I took part in the competition of
young painters of our town and won it. My parents were proud of me and my
teacher of Art presented me wonderful paints.
a) When Jane returns home, she brings her pictures to school.
b) Jane's hobby is painting.
c) Last year Jane won the Art competition.
d) She likes to paint the places she visits.
3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.
1) Jane can't paint ... very well.
a) animals
b) flowers
c) people
d) different places
2) Jane and her parents often visit ....
a) the countryside
b) other towns
c) other countries
d) other people
3) Teachers and classmates like Jane's ....
a) photos
b) places of interests
c) paints
d) paintings
4) When Jane won the competition, she got a present from ....
a) her classmates
b) her parents
c) her teacher
d) her friends
Variant 2
1. Complete the text with the words. There are two choices you don’t need
to use.
a) selfish
b) dishonest
c) boring
d) reliable
e) envious
f) hard-working
What does being a good friend mean?
First of all, be honest and reliable. A ___(1) person has no chance of having
true friends. Keep your promises; do what you say you are going to do, and
most importantly — don’t lie! Lying is when you say «Okay,
I will...», but you never do. Be___ (2). If your friend tells you something in
confidence, don’t talk about it to anyone else. Don’t discuss your friend behind
back. Don’t let others say bad things about your friend. Don’t be___ (3). Be
attentive to your friend. Always find
time to listen to him/her and do not speak only about your problems. Never
be____ (4) or jealous of your friend. Live by the golden rule: always treat a
friend as you want to be treated.
2. Read the text and put the sentences into the correct order.
I like Christmas, Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day but my favourite
holiday is the New Year. Usually my parents and I celebrate the New Year at
home or at the cottage of my parents' friend. But this New Year we celebrated
at my grandparents' house in the village. We had a lot of fun! We didn't want
to decorate the New Year tree in the house because we saw a nice fir-tree in
the yard! My father and I decorated it with my old toys and garlands. At night
my aunt, uncle and cousins came and we sang songs and danced around the
New Year tree. Most of all everybody enjoyed playing snowballs. Then we
gave presents to each other. My cousins got new bikes and I got a new mobile
a) My father and I decorated the New Year tree in the yard.
b) As a present I got a mobile phone.
c) This New Year we celebrated in the village.
d) My favourite holiday is the New Year.
3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences
1) The holiday I like most of all is ... .
a) the New Year
b) Christmas
c) St Valentine's Day
d) Mother's Day
2) This New Year we celebrated ...
a) at home
b) in the village
c) at our friend's place
d) at my aunt's place
3) Most of all we liked ....
a) singing songs
b) dancing
c) decorating the New Year tree
d) playing snowballs
4) My cousins got ... as presents.
a) bikes
b) mobile phones
c) toys
d) garlands
Variant 1
1. Listen and chose the right answer
Picture 1.
Picture 2.
Picture 3.
Picture 4.
2. Listen and match. There are two choices you don’t need to
1) Hanna
2) Tobby
3) Dave
4) Ella
a) They like to cook pizza together in his/her family.
b) His/Her family tradition started at Christmas.
c) His/Her family tradition started when he/she was very young.
d) He/She has no family tradition.
e) His/Her parents leave birthday presents in the room at night.
f) He/She likes listening to the grandfather’s stories.
3. Listen and mark the following statements as «True» or «False».
1) Ellie’s day starts at 7.00.
2) Ellie’s lessons are usually at the same time each day of the
3) Ellie has Geography four times a week.
4) Students at Ellie’s school can choose a sport to do.
Variant 2
1. Listen and chose the right answer
Picture 1.
Picture 2.
Picture 3.
Picture 4.
2. Listen and match. There are two choices you don’t need to
1) Hanna
2) Tobby
3) Dave
4) Ella
a) He/She likes camping together with his/her relatives.
b) His/Her parents can write simple birthday poems.
c) Everyone makes personal pizza in his/her family.
d) He/She likes visiting his/her grandmother.
e) His/Her family tradition was fishing.
f) He/She often cooks together with his/her mum.
3. Listen and mark the following statements as «True» or
1) Ellie usually has quick breakfast.
2) The first lesson starts at 8.25.
3) Ellie has Biology four times a week.
4) Students at Ellie’s school don’t have time for individual studies.
Variant 1
1.Speak about your school. Answer the questions.
— How is your school look like? (General information about your
— Do you like to study in your school?
— What subjects do you study at school?
— What is your favorite subject? (Subjects you are good at; subjects
you like/ don’t like ;)
— What are you usually do at this lesson?
- Do you like to go to school?
2. Speak about your attitude to sport. Answer the questions.
1) Do you prefer playing or watching sports?
2) What sport or game do you like most and why?
3) Do you like Physical Training lessons at school? Why?
4) Do you want to become a professional sportsman?
5) Are you a fan of any modern sportsman? Why?
3. Look at the picture and tell about the traditions of celebrating
this holiday
Variant 2
1. Speak about your family and friends. Answer the questions.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Have you got a big family?(name members of your family)
- Do you have friends? What is his/her name?
- How old is he/she?
- What does he/ she like?
2. Speak about your timetable. Answer the questions.
- What form are you?
- How many lessons a day do you have?
- What is your favorite subject?
-What are you usually do at this lesson?
- When you have this subject?
- Do you like your timetable?
3. Look at the picture and tell about the traditions of celebrating
this holiday
The second semester
Test 5
Variant 1
1. Read and circle the odd word.
1) Hamburger, sausage, ham, chicken, oil.
2) Ice cream, honey, biscuits, pancakes, spaghetti.
3) Cucumber, tomato, carrot, rice, cabbage.
4) Mashed, boiled, fried, sweet, roasted.
5) Apple, banana, strawberry, potato, cherry
6) Water, juice, milk, cake, lemonade.
2. Read and circle the correct answer.
1) Breakfast / Lunch is a meal eaten in the morning.
2) The dessert / main course is a sweet course eaten at the
end of a meal.
3) Lunch / Supper is a meal eaten in the middle of the day,
typically one that
is lighter or less formal than an evening meal.
4) Cocoa beans have a bitter / sweet flavour.
5) That yoghurt is too sweetly / sweet.
6) The milk has turned sour / spicy.
3. Fill in How much or How many
1) ____ bananas are there?
2) _____ butter is there on the plate?
3) ______ sandwiches do you want?
4) ______ tomatoes are there in the bag?
5) ______ juice is there in the bottle?
6) ______ apples are there in the basket?
4. Write the conversations in the correct order
A: 6 pounds, please.
B: Thank you.
A: A glass of Coke, please.
B: Yes, please. Anything else?
A: Good morning.
B: Thanks.
A: Good morning. Can I have two pieces of pizza, please?
Test 5
Variant 2
1. Read and circle the odd word.
1) Sour cream, milk, cereal, yoghurt, butter.
2) Nuts, cola, juice, lemonade, coffee.
3) Sweets, chocolate, sugar, tuna, apple pie.
4) Bitter, sour, boiled, salty, spicy.
5) Apple, carrot, cucumber, potato, tomato.
6) Hamburger, hot-dog, sandwich, juice, bread.
2. Read and circle the correct answer.
1)Dinner / Lunch is the main meal of the day, taken in the
2) The dessert / main course is the most substantial dish of a
3) A dish / plate is a specific food that is already cooked and
ready to eat.
4) A breakfast dish typically eaten with milk is called beefsteak / cereal.
5) This soup smells delicious / deliciously.
6) She likes her coffee sweetly / sweet.
3. Fill in How much or How many
1) _____ biscuits are there on the table?
2) _____ porridge is there in the plate?
3) _____ honey is there in the jar?
4) _____sugar is there in the bowl?
5) _____ oranges have you got?
6) _____ tomatoes are there in the fridge?
4. Write the conversations in the correct order
B: A cup of tea, please.
A: Yes, please. Anything else?
A: Good day.
B: Thanks.
A: 5 pounds, please.
A: Thank you.
B: Good morning. Can I have two pieces of banana cake, please?
Test 6
Variant 1
1. Read and circle.
1) We can buy bread at the…
a) butcher’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s
2) We can buy milk at…
a) the chemist’s b) a confectionary c) a dairy store
3) We can buy jeans at a…
a) toy shop b) sports shop c) clothes shop
4) We can buy bacon at…
a) the butcher’s b) a dairy store c) a confectionary
5) We can buy tomatoes at the…
a) butcher’s b) the greengrocer’s c) baker’s
6) We can buy newspapers at the…
a) newsagent’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s
2. Fill in the gaps with ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘is’ or ‘are’.
1.How ... sugar do you need for you cake?
2.There ... chocolate in this ice cream.
3.How .... bottles of water are there in the fridge?
4.How .... loaves of bread have you got?
5.There ... cans of tuna fish on the table.
6.There …. much water.
3. Open the brackets, using right degrees of adjective
The market is (close)…to the McBrights house than supermarket.
Mrs. McBrights things the market is (good)…. than the supermarket.
Fruit and vegetables there are (fresh)……. than vegetables and fruit
in the supermarket, and they are also (cheap)…… than the ones in
the shops. Mrs. McBrights things the market is (exiting)….. place in
London. It’s (colourful)…… than the shops in the high street. She
thinks the market is good place to shop in London.
4. Read and complete the text with the given words.
pay, supermarket, customers, checkouts, managers, stores
A supermarket giant Tesco is a major ___(1) in the UK.
Its ___(2) say that from the end of this year, there will be
no sweets or chocolates next to customers waiting to
___(3) for their food. This is because they want their
___(4) to be healthier. Tesco did a lot of research on the
best place to put things in its ___(5). It said it was a good
idea to remove candies and chocolates from the ___(6).
Test 6
Variant 2
1. Read and circle.
1) We can buy meat at the…
a) butcher’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s
2) We can buy sweets at…
a) the chemist’s b) a confectionary c) a dairy store
3) We can buy a doll at a…
a) toy shop b) sports shop c) clothes shop
4) We can buy oranges at…
a) the greengrocer’s b) the grocer’s c) a department store
5) We can buy magazines at the…
a) newsagent’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s
6) We can buy medicines at the …
a) the chemist’s b) a confectionary c) a dairy store
2. Fill in the gaps with ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘is’ or ‘are’.
1. How.... salt do you need?
2. There..... fish in the freezer.
3. How ... packets of salt are you going to buy?
4. There ... bars of chocolate in my bag.
5. How …. is this newspaper?
6. How much … these shoes?
3. Open the brackets, using right degrees of adjective
The supermarket is (close)… to the Roberts’ house than market.
Mrs. Roberts’ things the supermarket is (good)…. than the market.
Meat and milk there are (fresh)……. than milk and meat in the
market, and they are also (cheap)…… than the ones in the shops.
Mrs. Roberts’ things the supermarket is (exiting)….. place in
Cambridge. It’s (colourful)…… than the shops in the down street.
She thinks the supermarket is good place to shop in Cambridge.
4. Read and complete the text with the given words.
shop, buy, Oxford, shopping, stores, founded
Whatever you want to ___(1) — bags, shoes, cosmetics,
furniture, books or food — you’ll find it in Selfridges. It was___
(2) by Harry Gordon Selfridge and opened in 1909. At present
Selfridges is one of the world’s best department ___(3). It is
also the second largest (4) in the UK. It is situated in the west
end of ____(5) Street. The shop has six floors offering large _____(6) areas,
eleven places to eat, two exhibition halls and countless services.
by plane
Test 7
Variant 1
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1) I’m_______ alone. 2) Where is ____________number 3?
3) Where is the bus_________ ? 4) If you buy a
_________ticket, you are going to come back to the point where
you started from. 5) A journey by plane is called a
____________.6) How much is a one-way _______to London?
2. Choose the right form of the verb.
1. We … museum 2 years ago.
a) have visit b) visited c) visit
2. Richard is sad because he ….. won the prize.
a) not b) hasn’t c) has
3. What did you ... last weekend?
a) do b) did c) have done
4. They ... for Lviv by plane yesterday.
a) have left b) leave c) left
5. It often ….. last autumn.
a) rain b) rained c) has rained
6. Do you know Australia? — No, I never ... there.
a) be b) was c) been
3. Make up a dialogue.
What’s the difference in price between the two?
Yes, sure.
First-class tickets are £47 and second-class tickets are £35.
Hello. I’d like a ticket to Liverpool, please, for the 5.00 p.m. train.
First- or second-class?
I’ll take a second-class ticket. Can I also buy a return ticket now?
4. Use the word map below and explain what are advantages and
disadvantages of travelling by plane? Write 6-8 sentences
ticket travelling station flight return platform
by train
Test 7
Variant 2
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1) I’m _______with my family. 2) Where’s the______
desk? 3) Flight 25 to Paris is now________ at gate 4. 4)
Show me your ____, please! 5) A representative from the
travel agency will meet you at the information_______ . 6)
What time will the __________to Boston leave?
2. Choose the right form of the verb.
1. I … to the seaside 3 years ago.
a) have gone b) went c) go
2 .We decide ... at the hotel.
a) stay b) stayed c) to stay
3. Where did you ... last weekend?
a) go b) went c) have gone
4. They ... for Kyiv by plane yesterday.
a) have left b) leave c) left
5.It often ….. last winter.
a) snow b) snowed c) has snowed
6. Tom is happy because he …. flown to Paris with his Dad.
a) have b) has c) –
3. Make up a dialogue.
Hi, I’m flying to Rome, Italy.
Can I see your ticket and your passport, please?
No, I’d like an aisle seat, please.
Hello. Where are you flying today?
Sure. Here’s my passport. And here’s my ticket.
Thank you. Would you like a window seat?
4. Use the word map below and explain what are advantages and
disadvantages of travelling by train? Write 6-8 sentences
boarding, travelling, train, passport, desk, check-in
Test 8
Variant 1
1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about places of
interest in London.
1) _____has been the official London home place of Britain’s kings
and queens since 1837.
2)_______ is the world’s highest observation wheel.
3) ________isthe main bell on the tower.
4)__________ isthe oldest building in London.
5) In _______there are wax figures of famous people.
6) ________was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the
Great Fire of London.
2. Read the recommendations for travelers. Fill in should or
should not.
1) You __make a photocopy of your flight tickets.
2) You ___find out as much as possible about the
place you plan to visit.
3) You___ be careless or inattentive.
4) You___ be late for your train.
5) You ___buy a ticket when you travel by bus.
6) You ____give your documents to strangers nor leave them
3. Fill in the sentences with the article ‘a’ or ‘the’.
1. I saw ... Moon last night.
2 ... British Isles are washed by ... English Channel on
3 ... Nile is ... river.
4 ... parrot is ... bird.
5 Which ocean is bigger — ... Pacific or ... Atlantic?
6 ... film we saw yesterday was ... comedy.
4. Write an e-mail letter to a friend who is going to visit you.
Tell about interesting places in Ukraine. Write 6-8 sentences.
Dear ________________
Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________
Best wishes,__________________
1 7
2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12
Test 8
Variant 2
1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about places of
interest in London.
1) _____ is one of the bridges that cross the Thames. It is close to the
Tower of London from which it takes its name.
2) In the past,________ served as a royal palace, a
fortress and a prison; now it’s a museum.
3) _________isthe place where the royal family lives
in London.
4)____________ is the royal church situated opposite
the Houses of Parliament.
5) __________isa theatre in London associated with William
6) We can see the Nelson Column in_____________ .
2. Read the recommendations for travelers. Fill in should or
should not.
1) You ___make a photocopy of your documents.
2) You ____respect the traditions of the country that
you are visiting.
3) You_____ leave your things unattended.
4) You _____be late for your plane.
5) You ____buy a token at the airport.
6) You ____check the weather forecast.
3. Fill in the sentences with the article ‘a’ or ‘the’.
1. ... Robinsons live in ... small flat.
2. I saw ... star last night.
3. ... Atlantic is ... ocean.
4. ... New York is ... city.
5. ... longest street in the town is called ... Kingsway.
6. ... Rome is ... biggest city in ... Italy.
4. Write an e-mail letter to a friend who is going to
visit London.
Tell about interesting places in London. Write 6-8 sentences.
Dear ________________
Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________
Best wishes,__________________
1 7
2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12
Variant 1
1. Match the word combinations and translate them.
1. to go
2. all over
3. to take
4. to go
5. to make
6. only
a)care of
b)on foot
d)a choice
f)the world
2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1) Last summer we__________ (to go) scuba diving.
2) My friend__________ (not to make) a decision yet.
3) When I came home my brother_____(to speak) on the phone.
4) He_______(to make) a campfire in some minutes.
5) My father always_____(to put) the tent when we go camping.
6) They________(to leave) the hotel ten minutes ago.
3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1) travelled /people /by /the /sea /past/In .
2) the /larges/ world /country /in /C a n a d a /the /is/second .
3) like /churches/to/Tourists/Ukraine /visit/in.
4) The Englishmen usually have four meals a day.
5) eat /Most / lunch /of /people/ their / at /cafes/.
6) The/ are/ English/ tea/fond/ of/.
4. Write about the shops in your town/city (6—8 sentences) using the plan
— name of your town/city, types of shops there are;
Main body
— names, locations of the shops you recommend;
— goods to buy;
— when to visit;
— your opinion about shopping facilities in your town/city.
Variant 2
1. Match the word combinations and translate them.
1. karate
2. all over
3. amusement
4. to go
5. computer
b)in the neck
e)the world
2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1) The tourists___ (to visit) the exhibition already.
2) This sightseeing tour ____(to be) very interesting last year.
3) He ______(to read) the timetable of the trains at the moment.
4) When my friend phoned I____(to make) tea for my brother.
5) My parents always ____(to bring) a lot of souvenirs from the
6) My friend____(to prefer) to spend the holidays at the seaside.
3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1) seas /dangerous/Water/in /for/oceans /fish /and /is /the .
2) largest/Canada /the /city/Toronto /is /in .
3) its/for/nature/Ukraine/beautiful/famous/is.
4) meat/main/ is/ The/fish/ or/ with/ course/vegetables/.
5) British/ Halloween/ The/ 31st/ October/ every/ celebrate/.
6) cities/is/ of/ Lviv/the/ oldest/ of/ one/Ukraine/.
4. Write a letter telling about Ukraine’s capital. Write where it is situated,
how large it is, what the population is, what river it stands on, what places
of interest there are; tell about your attitude to it (6—8 sentences).
Dear _____________
I’m looking forward to your visit to Ukraine. Let me tell you about the capital
city of our
Best wishes,_______________
Variant 1READING
1. Read and complete the text.There are two choices you don’t need to
a) from time to time
b) know this language
c) on the train
d) will think that
e) who was living
f) if I spoke
A few years ago I decided to visit my sister _____(1) France. I was
sure that most French could speak English. But as it turned out many people spoke
only their own language and this included the ticket inspector______ (2). He took
my ticket, chatted a bit, making several gestures. I did not understand a word but as
a polite person I simply nodded______ (3) to show him that I was interested.
When he had gone, an American tourist, who happened to be on that train, asked
me__________ (4). «No,» I answered. «Then that explains,» she said, «why you
were so calm when he told you that you were on the wrong train.»
2. Read the text and mark the following statements as «True» or «False».
Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencer is a well-known British department store selling clothes, food and
other products. The first shops were started by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer
in the late 19th century, and there are now shops in most British towns. Marks &
Spencer is famous for its high-quality goods, and is traditionally the place where
many people go to buy items such as underwear and socks rather than clothes of the
latest fashion. The company is also informally known as Marks and Sparks or
simply Marks.
1) Marks & Spencer is the name for a famous British market.—
2) Marks & Spencer was founded by two people.—
3) From the text we don’t know when the first shops of Marks &
Spencer were started.—
4) Marks & Spencer is known to sell excellent goods.—
3. Complete the text with the words from the box.
travel, underground, plane, transport, relatives, school
The Americans enjoy travelling by car. Families often have two cars
and many high school students drive themselves to_________ . In
large cities as New York or Boston public ___________is very
good. There are buses and the______. In the countryside Americans
use their cars to get around because they often have to drive long
distances to get to school or to work. When visiting their friends
or______in another state, Americans usually travel by ____. This is because the
USA is so large, that it can take many days to____by car or by train.
Variant 2
1 Read and complete the text. There are two choices you don’t need to
a) it becomes more difficult to learn new languages
b) the sounds ofanother language
c) learning a second language
d) when they speak it
e) you have to memorize
f) as well as their native language
Young children can learn a new language very easily. If they are surrounded by
people speaking a different language, they soon learn to speak it ____(1). Children
who mastered two languages in this way are called simultaneous bilinguals though
even in this case one language can be considered as the main one dominating over
the other. But as people grow older, ____(2). People gradually lose the ability to
learn the grammar and pronounce______ (3). People who learn a new language as
adults often have a «foreign accent» _____(4).
2 Read the text and mark the following statements as «True» or «False».
A boy was looking at large ripe watermelons growing in the gardener’s
watermelon patch. «I’ll give you my twenty-five cents for that watermelon,»
said the boy pointing to a beautiful, large, ripe fruit in the middle of the patch.
«No,» said the gardener, «I get $2 for a watermelon like that one.» The
little boy pointed at a tiny watermelon just beginning to grow nearby, «Will
you take twenty-five cents for that one?»
«Sure,» replied the gardener, «I’ll give you that one for twenty-five cents».
«OK,» said the little kid, sealing the deal by putting the coin in the gardener’s hand, «I’ll
pick it up in about two weeks.
1) The boy paid 25 cents, took the unripe watermelon and went
2) The boy decided to come in two weeks with $2.—
3) The gardener let the boy buy the big watermelon for 25 cents.—
4) The boy paid for the unripe watermelon at the moment but was going to
pick it up in two weeks.—
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box
buses, countryside, trains, fastest, work, place
In Britain the most popular form of transport is the car. People use it
to get to________, to go to the supermarket or to take children to
and from school. But in
busy centres where there is no much_______for parking people use
public transport such as taxis,buses and________. In London the
underground is the________way of travelling around the city. In
the_____things are different. People travel by car because ________and trains are
not often.
Variant 1
1. Listen to the text and write the correct item.
1. You can travel by plane if you______
a) have time b) have no time c) like travelling
2. The planes are_____.
a) not slow b) not fast c) not comfortable
3. To travel by plane you must have______.
a) a ticket b) a passport c) a ticket and a passport
4. You have to arrive at the airport______.
a) one hour earlier b) two hours earlier c) two hours later
5. Travelling by plane depends on____.
a) the ticket b) the passport c) the weather
2. Listen to the dialogue and complete the form.
Country to travel to: __________________
Means of transport: ____________________
For how long the tour: ____________________
The date of travel: ___________________
3. Match the members of the family and the kinds of sport.
Variant 2
1. Listen to the text and write the correct item.
1) You can travel by train if you___________.
a) have no time b) are not in a hurry c) don't like comfort
2) The trains are_______.
a) expensive b) not expensive c) not comfortable
3) While travelling you can___________.
a) see the train b) see your friends c) see the country
4) To travel by train you have to arrive at the__________
a) bus station b) railway station c) airport
5) You must__________.
a) be late for your train b) miss your train c) be early for your train
2. Listen to the dialogue and complete the form.
Country to travel to: ____________________
Means of transport: ____________________
For how long the tour: ____________________
The date of travel:________________________
3. Match the members of the family and the kinds of sport.
Variant 1
1. Answer your friend’s questions. Ask him/her:
— how he/she usually gets to school;
— what means of transport he/she prefers when he/she goes on
— what his/her favourite means of transport is;
— what means of transport he/she considers to be...
• the most comfortable;
• the fastest;
• the most tiring;
• the cheapest.
2. After your trip to England you have some postcards with the
major places of interest of London. Speak about these sights of
3. Look at the pictures. Describe what lessons you can see and
what the children are doing. What do you usually do at these
Variant 2
1. Answer your friend’s questions. Ask him/her:
— if he/she likes to study;
— what subjects he/she studies at school;
— what his/her favourite subject is;
— what students usually do at this lesson.
2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1) Which of the means of transport in the pictures above can we...
— travel by? — drive?
— fly? - ride?
2) Which of them have you ever used? Describe the situations.
3) Which of them have you never used?
4) Which means of transport do you use most?
5) Which is your favourite means of transport?
3. Look at the pictures and describe the major places of interest of
our capital.
Task 1
Variant 1
1 Picture 1. The whole family is together in the living room. We can see
a father, a mother and three children. There are two girls and a boy.
Picture 2. We can see an old woman reading a book to her grandson and
Picture 3. We can see a baby with the parents, and the baby is sleeping.
Picture 4. We can see a big family. There is a granddad, a grandmother,
a mother and a father, a son and а daughter. They are going to have a
family portrait with their dog.
Variant 2
1 Picture 1. We can see a father with his son. They are playing football.
Picture 2. We can see a mother who is helping her son with his
Picture 3. We can see the whole family together. There is a father, a
mother and their daughter and son. They are somewhere in the country,
having a picnic.
Picture 4. We can see brother and sisters in the kitchen. The children are
cooking breakfast for their parents.
Task 2
Some children were asked about their family traditions.
Hanna: My parents like to come into our rooms while my sister and I are
asleep at night before our birthday and fill the space with balloons, toys
and candies. Then they write nice little poems and leave them here and
there. It is such a great thing to wake up every birthday morning and see
all those balloons and then run around the house reading the poems.
Tobby: My family has a great tradition of making home-made pizza and
everyone makes their own toppings for a personal pizza.
Dave: I remember going fishing with my dad and grandfather almost
every weekend from the time I could walk until I left for college. It was
real fun! I have lots of great memories from those trips.
Ella: My favourite family tradition is going to my grandmother’s house
and having delicious salad, steak and home-made French fries! I usually
sit next to my grandfather who tells us stories about his life.
Task 3
Ellie Richards (about her typical school day): I usually wake up at
7.30 a.m. Quickly get ready (have a shower, get dressed, have quick
breakfast) and leave for school.
I arrive at school between 8.00 and 8.25, so I have some time to chat
with my friends. Then, at 8.40, the bell goes for the first lesson. Each
lesson lasts an hour and 10 minutes. I have the same subjects 4 days a
week, but at a different time each day. They are Maths, Biology,
English, Geography and Art. Like I said, we have them 4 times a week.
During the week we also have time for individual study, but sometimes
we work in groups. We also have a sport programme one afternoon,
where we pick different sports and games to do, like tennis, badminton,
aerobics etc. School finishes at 3.30 every day, but on Friday we have a
shorter day — until 2 p.m. A break is at 11.00, and it’s time for a short
rest or a sandwich; and lunch is at 12.30. At the end of the day, I walk
home or if it’s Tuesday or Friday I attend a drama club.
Task 1
Travelling is very popular nowadays. You can visit different countries
and cities and see a lot of interesting places. If you are in a hurry and
you like com fort, you can travel by plane. The planes are fast, but they
are expensive. To travel by plane you must have a ticket and a passport.
You arrive at the airport two hours earlier and prepare the documents for
the flight. Then you take your place in the plane and enjoy the flight. But
travelling by plane depends on the weather. If it is cloudy, rainy or
snowy you can spend many hours in the airport waiting for better
Task 2
— Good morning. This is the Travel Agency. Can I help you?
— Good morning. Can I get the information about the tours to
France, please.
— We have tours to France by plane, by train and by bus. What
means of transport would you like to choose?
— I'd like to go by train.
— How long would you like to stay in France?
— For a week, I think.
— We have tours in June, July and September. What month would
you like to choose?
— I think July will be good.
— We have tours starting on the 10th and 21st of July. Which tour
is better for you?
— The 21st of July will be wonderful.
Task 3
— Danny, are you going to play football?
— No, I'm not. You see, Tom, I'm not interested in football.
— Really? But all your family is fond of sports!
— You are right, Tom. But I'm keen on tennis, and my brother plays
football. He is a member of our school football team.
— And what about your father, Danny? Is he fond of football or tennis?
— Well, he plays tennis very well, he also likes football, but he is really
crazy about riding a bike. He travels by bike every weekend.
— Does you r m other ride a bike?
— Oh, no, my mother is fond of horse riding. She visits the club twice a
Task 1
Travelling is very popular nowadays. You can visit different
countries and different cities and see a lot of interesting places. If you
have time and you like com fort you can travel by train. The trains are
not very fast, but they are not expensive. You can travel in the sleeping
car comfortably and you can see the country. To travel by train you must
have a ticket and a passport. You have to arrive at the railway station a
little earlier. The trains usually arrive in time, so you mustn't miss your
While travelling by train you can see the country and meet new
friends. And your travelling doesn't depend on the weather.
Task 2
— Good afternoon. This is the Travel Agency. How can I help
— Good afternoon. I would like to make a tour around Spain.
— We can suggest you tours by plane, by train, by bus. What
means of transport would you like to choose?
— I don't like trains. Plane will be good.
— How long would you like to stay in Spain?
— For two weeks.
— We have tours in M ay, June and August. What month will you
— I think May will be all right.
— We have tours starting on the 5th, 10th and 15th of May.
— The 5th of May will be the best.
Task 3
— Are you going to the swimming pool, Liz?
— Oh, no Pam. I like swimming, but I don 't have time to g o to the
swimming pool so often .
— Why not, Liz? I know that your family goes in for sports.
— It's true, Pam, but I go in for skating and I have trainings four times a
week. That's why I can’t go to the swimming pool. But my younger
sister is fond of swimming.
— Are your parents good at swimming or skating?
— Well, my mother can skate well and my father is good at swimming.
But they are fond of other sports, too. My father is fond of fencing and
he goes to the fencing club three times a week.
— And your mother, Liz?
— My mother does karate.
— Karate? Liz, is it true?
— Yes, Pam. My mother says karate helps her to keep fit and active.
Список використаних джерел
1. Англійська мова. 6 клас: Зошит для контролю знань (до
підручника О. Д. Карп'юк). — 4-е вид., випр. і доп. — X.: Веста,
2010. — 64 с.
2. Англійська мова. 6 клас: Зошит для контролю рівня знань (до
підручника А. М. Несвіт) ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок».
4. Карп’юк Оксана. Підручник для 6 класу загальноосвітніх
навчальних закладів.- Тернопіль:« Видавництво Астон», 2014
5.Панова Л.С, Андрієнко У.Ф. Методика навчання іноземних мов у
загальноосвітніх закладах.-К.:В.Ц. Академія, 2010.-328с.
6. Програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Іноземні
мови. 5-7 класи, Видавничий дім «Освіта», 2013 р.

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  • 2. Укладач: Гончарук Галина Олександрівна, вчитель англійської мови Бережанськоїзагальноосвітньої школи І – ІІ ступенів «Підсумкові завдання з англійської мови (нова програма)» - с.Бережанка, Хмельницького району, 2015, - с.56 Рецензент: Сокол Наталія Володимирівна, методист РМК відділу освіти , молоді та спорту Хмельницької РДА Рекомендовано до друку педагогічною радою Бережанської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІ ступенів (протокол № 3 від 30.10.2015 року ) Посібник призначений для тестового контролю навчальних досягнень учнів з англійської мови у 6 класі. Він містить завдання чотирьох рівнів у двох варіантах. У посібнику подані завдання для перевірки 4 видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Посібник може бути використаний як дидактичні матеріали для вивчення англійської мови у 6 класі. Рекомендовано для вчителів англійської мови та учнів 6 класу.
  • 3. Зміст Передмова......................................4 Test 1. They are friends Variant 1…......................................5 Variant 2..........................................7 Test 2. An ordinary family Variant 1..........................................9 Variant 2........................................10 Test 3. My school days Variant 1........................................11 Variant 2........................................13 Test 4. My sport Variant 1........................................15 Variant 2........................................17 Writing (the first term) Variant 1........................................19 Variant 2........................................21 Reading (the first term) Variant 1.......................................23 Variant 2.......................................25 Listening (the first term) Variant 1.......................................27 Variant 2.......................................29 Speaking (the first term) Variant 1.......................................31 Variant 2.......................................32 Test 5 Yummy Variant 1........................................33 Variant 2........................................34 Test 6 Going shopping Variant 1........................................35 Variant 2........................................36 Test 7 On the move Variant 1........................................37 Variant 2........................................38 Test 8. So many places Variant 1........................................39 Variant 2........................................41 Writing (the second term) Variant 1........................................43 Variant 2........................................45 Reading (the second term) Variant 1........................................47 Variant 2........................................48 Listening (the second term) Variant 1........................................49 Variant 2........................................50 Speaking (the second term) Variant 1........................................51 Variant 2........................................52 Texts for listening..........................53 Literature ………………….…….58
  • 4. 4 Передмова Тест-контроль для перевірки рівня навчальних досягнень з англійської мови складений відповідно до чинної програми і охоплює увесь передбачений нею граматичний і лексичний матеріал. Пропоновані завдання спрямовані на перевірку навичок з чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності: читання, аудіювання, письма та говоріння. Зміст завдань для перевірки лексичних навичок орієнтований на методичну систему підручника для 6 класу (Карп'юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 6-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. — Тернопіль: Астон, 2014). Оцінюванню підлягає: • уміння розпізнавати й аналізувати мовні одиниці; • засвоєння орфоепічних, лексико-семантичних та граматичних форм вживання мовних одиниць у мовленні; • уміння застосовувати орфографічні навички; • уміння формувати зв'язні висловлювання, ставити запитання та складати заперечення до речень; • уміння читати та розуміти прочитане, знаходити та аналізувати необхідну інформацію в тексті; • уміння розпізнавати на слух та розуміти основний зміст мовлення; знаходити та аналізувати необхідну інформацію в усному повідомленні; • засвоєння комунікативних навичок. У пропонованому посібнику матеріали оцінювання мають таку структуру: всі тематичні та семестрові роботи представлені завданнями у двох варіантах, які подані в послідовності зростання ступеня складності. Характер завдань узгоджується зі специфікою кожного з чотирьох рівнів навчальної діяльності учнів— початкового (завдання 1), середнього (2), достатнього (3), високого (4). Кожна робота складається з 4 завдань і оцінюються по 3 бал(максимальна кількість –12 балів). Оцінюються лише повністю виконані завдання. Різнорівневі завдання нададуть можливість організувати ефективний та якісний контроль умінь і навичок учнів, що забезпечить успішне засвоєння іноземної мови у школі та привчить учнів до виконання різних видів контрольних робіт з англійської мови.
  • 5. 5 Test 1 THEY ARE FRIENDS Variant 1 1. Match the words 1) Only a) in the neck 2) Karate b) games 3) Pain c) club 4) Free-time d) form 5) Computer e) child 6) Fifth f) activity 2 . Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense. 1) We always (to clean) our house on Saturdays and Wednesdays. 2) Jim (to want) to have a pet. 3) My parents (to work) in the garden now. 4) Nelly (not to cook) supper at the moment. 5) Eddy (not to like) sandwiches for breakfast. 6) I (to write) a letter to my penfriend now because I want to invite him to my birthday party. 3. Complete the questions with the question words from the box. Why Who Where How What When 1) — …. is your birthday? — It’s in October. 2) — …. are you going? — I’m going to the supermarket. 3) — …. have you got in your bag? — I have got some books. 4) — …. do you get to school? — I get to school by bus. 5) — …. is that boy? — He is my brother. 6) — …. do you want to talk to your English teacher? — Because she is a very clever and interesting person. 4 Use the information from the table and write about Den. Name, Age :Den, 11 Address: 32 Green St., London Hobbies: listening to music 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 6. 6 Favourite sports: tennis, skiing Favourite food: pizza Friends: three boys from his class Doesn’t like: shopping 1) My friend’s name is Den, he is eleven years old. 2) __________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________________________ 5) __________________________________________________________ 6) __________________________________________________________ 7) __________________________________________________________
  • 7. 7 Test 1 THEY ARE FRIENDS Variant 2 1. Match the words 1) Cuddly a) park 2) Best b) bed 3) Amusement c)animals 4) Bunk d) friend 5) Same e) albums 6) Full f) hobby 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense. 1) Ann always (to remember) to buy bread, milk and her favourite chocolates. 2) Sam (not to listen) to music now. 3) My little brother (to hate) porridge. 4) I (not to do) my homework now. 5) My friend’s grandparents (to read) an English text at the moment. 6) His parents (to love) jazz music. 3. Complete the questions with the question words from the box. What When How Which Who Why 1) — …. sports are you fond of? — I’m fond of football and basketball. 2) — … do you usually get up? — I usually get up at 7 o’clock. 3) — …. does your sister like eating? — She likes eating ice cream. 4) — …. is this woman? — She is my aunt. 5) — …. are you? — I’m fine, thank you. 6) — ….. are you looking at that girl with a little puppy in her arms? — I like her pet and want to ask her if the puppy was a present to her birthday. 4 .Use the information from the table and write about Alice. Name, Age: Alice, 12 Address: 16 Tower St., London Hobbies: dancing, cooking Favourite sports: badminton, swimming 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 8. 8 Favourite food: fruit salad Friends: two girls from her school Doesn’t like: cleaning flat 1) My friend’s name is Alice, she is twelve years old. 2) __________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________________________ 5) __________________________________________________________ 6) __________________________________________________________ 7) __________________________________________________________
  • 9. 9 Test 2 AN ORDINARY FAMILY Variant 1 1. Find out the words that are not connected with the family. granddaughter, niece, pilot, brother, monkey, aunt, frog, wife, prince, son, father, house, cousin, octopus, grandmother, red. 2. Read and circle the correct answer. 1) He cares only about himself and not about other people. He is really… a) kind-hearted b) selfish c) caring 2) She’s the most … woman I know, she spend her money on the cakes. a) generous b) greedy c) patient 3) The person who dislikes work and physical activity is… a) cheerful b) lazy c) hard-working 4) My elder sister is really… , everybody likes her! a) lazy b) naughty c) charming 5) Tom is always ... because he never laugh. a) serious b) lazy c) shy 6) Ted is so curious and ….. he ask so many questions. a) interesting b) boring c) rude 3. Make adverbs from the adjectives in the box to complete the sentences. happy, slow, quick, easy, good, marry. 1) He walks very….. 2) Leo sang and jumped….. 3) Meg usually rides her bike… 4) The children have a wonderful time at the party, and they are sleeping... 5) The children did the exercises ….. 6) Bob plays the violin ….. 4. Complete the text about your mother My mum is a … Her name is… She is… years old. She has got… hair and … eyes. She can … She is very… 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 10. 10 Test 2 AN ORDINARY FAMILY Variant 2 1. Find out the words that are not connected with the family. Mother, blue, grandfather, doctor, daughter, shy, uncle, sister, name, husband, pen, nephew, stepmother, grandson, princess. 2. Read and circle the correct answer. 1) Always try to be… — don’t forget to say «please» and «thank you». a) polite b) brilliant c) curious 2) If you want to be a teacher you have to be very… a) clever b) patient c) shy 3) If you like to talk with other people, you are… a) sociable b) shy c) boring 4) He’s so… , I can’t remember the last time he did any work! a) strict b) lazy c) hard-working 5) Cinderella is very .... person. a) romantic b) lazy c) hard-working 6) This book is ... and you can read it. a) kind b) interesting c) stupid 3. Make adverbs from the adjectives in the box to complete the sentences. loud, bright, slow, quick, sweet, happy 1) I am speaking very ... because John is standing far from me. 2) The squirrels climbed the tree so ... 3) There were no clouds, and the moon shone... 4) The birds sang... 5) Sam and Angela danced ... round the room. 6) Some animals are very fast, but some move very ... 4. Complete the text about your father My father is… His name is… He has got… hair and … eyes. He is… years old. He can … He is very… 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • 11. 11 Test 3 MY SCHOOL DAYS Variant 1 1. Match words with their definition 1) Ukrainian a) the Present Continuous 2) History b) A tiger can swim. 3) Maths c) World War I 4) Geography d) Ten plus seventeen is twenty 5)English e) The Dnipro is a river. 6) Science f )Write exercise number 5, find verbs 2. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence. 1.“She ... be at home now!” mother said angrily. a) should b) must c)mustn’t 2. His English is not good, he ... study better. a) should b) may c)may not 3. ... I have some cookies, please? a) might b) may c)might not 4.You ... write on book pages! a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can 5. They ... wake up early to be at school on time. a) have to b) may c) have hot to 6. I think she ... come to us tomorrow. a) should b) might c) should not 3. Unscramble these sentences. 1) like/most/doing/what/do/you/Biology/at lessons of/? __________________________________________________________ 2) our/in/two/playgrounds/school/there/are/. __________________________________________________________ 3) lessons/usually/has/John/good/at/marks/PE/. __________________________________________________________ 4) school/what/go/to/do/you/? __________________________________________________________ 5)Maths/ He/ sums/ at/ do/lessons/. __________________________________________________________ 6) We/ and/ pictures/ at/ draw/Art/ lessons /paint/. __________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 12. 12 4. Complete the story use the words from the box. the worst, spelling, advised, difficult, best, imagine Jimmy was … pupil in his form. It was very … for him to remember the … of the words. And once he asked Lilly, the … pupil of the class, to help him. Lilly … him to … the words on the same rule. Jimmy liked this system very much. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 13. 13 Test 3 MY SCHOOL DAYS Variant 2 1. Match words with their definition 1) Religion a) Ready, steady, go! 2) PE b) Ich liebe dich. 3) Music c) Draw this vase with flowers. 4) Foreign language d) Shevchenko is a great poet. 5) Art e) Our Father who is in heaven... 6) Literature f) My favourite composer is Mozart. 2. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence. 1. “He ... be at home now!” father said angrily. a) should b) must c)mustn’t 2. Her Germany is not good, she ... study better. a) should b) may c)may not 3.... I have some tea, please? a) might b) may c)might not 4. You ... paint on book pages! a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can 5. We ... wake up early to be at library on time. a) have to b) may c) have hot to 6. I think he ... come to us tomorrow. a) should b) might c) should not 3. Unsсramble these sentences. 1) at lessons/we/calculators/sometimes/use/of Mathematics/. ________________________________________________________ 2) strict/your/Geography/is/teacher/? ___________________________________________________________ 3) to school/goes/Kellie/on Sundays/never/. ___________________________________________________________ 4) learning/what/things/for/there/in your school/English/are/? ___________________________________________________________ 5) learn/ We/past/ about/ events/ at/ lessons/ History/. ___________________________________________________________ 6) English/ read/ and/ English /We/ at/ write/ lessons/. ___________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 14. 14 4. Complete the story use the words in the box. pupil, words, advised, difficult, best, imagine Rita was the worst … in her form. It was very … for her to remember the spelling of the…. And once she asked Ben, the … pupil of the class, to help her. Ben … her to … the words on the same rule. Rita liked this system very much. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 15. 15 Test 4 MY SPORT Variant 1 1. Complete the text with the words from the box. basket, winner, ball, end, inside, team Basketball is a game which you can play______ and outside. There are two teams in this game. You need a______and two baskets. You have to lead the ball and throw it into the_______ of the opposite team. The _____ gets the point every time when its player throws the ball into the basket. The ______is the team, which gets more points by the____of the game. 2. Fill in the words: play, go, do 1. My mother ….. swimming on Tuesday. 2. My friend ….. volleyball. 3. I …. jumping at sport ground. 4. Marry ….. aerobic twice a week. 5. He ….. basketball in summer. 6. They …. skiing in the mountains. 3. Read the definitions and write the names of the sports. The pictures will help you. A B C D E F 1) A sport of fighting with the fists. 2) A sport in which athletes perform acrobatic exercises on special equipment to demonstrate strength, balance and body control. 3) A game in which players try to score a goal by hitting a puck with a special stick. 4) A popular game played with an orange black-striped ball. There are five players in each team and each team tries to get the ball in each other’s basket. 5) This is outdoor game played with a ball. There are eleven players. They can kick or roll the ball. 6) You need a big field with holes in it. And you need to kick the ball in the hole with special sticks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 16. 16 4. Write a composition about your favorite sport. 1)What is your name? 2)What is your favorite sport? 3)Is it team or individual sport? 4)Which things do you need? 5)What is your favorite activity? 6)Why do you like it? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  • 17. 17 Test 4 MY SPORT Variant 2 1. Complete the text with the words from the box. winner, court, game, ball, outdoors, net Tennis is a game for two players. You can play it indoors and _____for this _____ you need a court,_______, a racket and a special ball. You have to beat with the tennis racket and send the ball to the opposite part. If your partner can't beat the ball back, you____________ is the person, who gets more a low the of the get a point. The ______ points by the end of the game. 2.Fill in the words: play, go, do 1. My sister ….. fencing every weekend. 2. My father ….. football on Wednesday. 3. Tom …. karate at the school club. 4. I ….. running at sport ground. 5. Olga ….. chess at class. 6. The boys …. volleyball in summer. 1. Read the definitions and write the names of the sports. The pictures will help you. A B C D E F 1)A sport or contest in which two unarmed individuals fight hand-to-hand trying to unbalance each other. 2) One of the most popular individual sports in the world in which the player uses a racket to hit a ball over the net into the opponent’s court. 3) A kind of sport where people use narrow boats as equipment. 4) A competitive sport where bicycles are used. 5) A popular game played with a ball. There are six players in each team and the winner is the first team to get 15 points. 6) You need ice field, music and dancing program. You dance on ice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 18. 18 4. Write a composition about your favorite sport. 1)What is your name? 2)What is your favorite sport? 3)Is it team or individual sport? 4)Which things do you need? 5)What is your favorite activity? 6)Why do you like it? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  • 19. 19 WRITING Variant 1 1. Choose the right verbs 1. I ______ at the camp last summer. a) were b) was c)are 2. Linda ______ a blouse every day. a) wear b) wears c) is wearing 3. _____ you see John last week? a) Did b) Is c) Was 4. He _____ like to watch Indian films. a) do not b) does not c) is not. 5. I always ______ my homework in the evening. a)have b)do c)make 6. His sister ______ puzzles yesterday. a) didn’t play b) doesn’t play c) won’t play 2. Write the questions to the answers. 1)What_______________________________________________________? He likes to read books about space. 2) How much_______________________________________________? We have found a lot of information in the library. 3) When______________________________________________________? The lessons in our school begin at 8.30. 4) Where______________________________________________________? I meet you in the gym. 5) What_______________________________________________________? She is keen on skiing. 6) Where______________________________________________________? My mum works at the library. 3. Unsсramble these sentenсes. 1)is/person / friend / and / an / helpful /his/honest. _____________________________________________________________ 2)like/younger / my / looks / me /brother. _____________________________________________________________ 3)friend/has/ mу / got / curlу / hair / long. _____________________________________________________________ 4)is/man/mу / and/strong /a/ sporty/father. _____________________________________________________________ 5)read/weekend/usuallу / we / the / at/. _____________________________________________________________ 6) have / usually / six/day /lessons /a/we. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 20. 20 _____________________________________________________________ 4. Write a letter introducing yourself and your family to your penfriend (6—8 sentences), using the plan below. PLAN Introduction — your full name, age, what you look like, where you live; Main body — your family: names, ages, jobs, what they look like; Conclusion — ask your friend to write back. Dear ________________ Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Best wishes,__________________
  • 21. 21 WRITING Variant2 1. Choose the right verbs 1. I _______ in the Carpathian Mountains last year. a) were b) was c)is 2. He ______ working at school now. a) is b) am c)are 3. My favorite subject ______ English. a) are b) am c) is 4. Where ______ she go last week? a) is b) did c) are. 5. I ______ ice cream now. a) are eating b) am eating c) am eat 6. She always ____ book in the evening. a) reads b) read c) reading 2. Write the questions to the answers. 1) Where______________________________________________________? He looks for the information in the library. 2) Why_______________________________________________________? I have bought the ball because I want to join the football club. 3) How many___________________________________________________? We got a lot of presents on Christmas. 4) What_______________________________________________________? She will make a new costume for the party. 5)What________________________________________________________? They are interested in karate. 6)What________________________________________________________? My favorite subject is English. 3. Unsсramble these sentenсes. 1)mother/kind/is/my / and / nice. ____________________________________________________________ 2)live/a/big/rмe/house / in. ____________________________________________________________ 3)is/Ukraine/motherland/my. ____________________________________________________________ 4)is/what/name/your/f amily? ____________________________________________________________ 5)sister/ got/long / a/have / mу / I / with / hair. ____________________________________________________________ 6) is /favorite / my /sport /football. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 22. 22 4. Write a letter describing your school (6—8 sentences) using the plan below. PLAN Introduction — general information about your school; Main body — school subjects and activities (subjects you are good at; subjects you like/ don’t like; what you do at different subjects); Conclusion — ask your friend to write back about his/her school. Dear ________________ Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Best wishes,__________________
  • 23. 23 READING Variant 1ADING 1. Complete the text with the words. There are two choices you don’t need to use. a) football b) race c) game d) goalkeeper e) training f) field Julia began her job as a teacher in a secondary school and she was keen to help the pupils. One day during the break she noticed a girl standing all by herself on one side of the (1) while the rest of the children were enjoying a _____(2)of football at the other end of the field. Julia came to the girl and asked, «Are you OK?» «Yes,» said the girl. Some time later Julia noticed that the girl was in exactly the same place, still standing by herself. Going up to her again, she asked, «Would you like me to be your friend?» The girl seemed confused, but then said, «Alright.» Feeling she was making progress, Julia then asked, «Why are you standing here all alone and not playing ______(3) with your friends?» «But I am!» the girl said with a large sigh, «I’m the _______(4)!» 2. Read the text and put the sentences into the connect order.. My name is Jane and my hobby is painting. I like to paint animals and flowers, but I'm not good at painting people. Most of all I enjoy painting the places I visit. My parents and I often go for excursions to other towns and visit different famous places. My parents use a camera to take photos but I think that to have a picture which you have painted yourself is more interesting. When I come home after each excursion, I bring my pictures to school to show them to the classmates and the teachers. Everybody likes them and they say I'll become a famous artist in the future. Last year I took part in the competition of young painters of our town and won it. My parents were proud of me and my teacher of Art presented me wonderful paints. a) When Jane returns home, she brings her pictures to school. b) Jane's hobby is painting. c) Last year Jane won the Art competition. d) She likes to paint the places she visits. 3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. 1) Jane can't paint ... very well. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
  • 24. 24 a) animals b) flowers c) people d) different places 2) Jane and her parents often visit .... a) the countryside b) other towns c) other countries d) other people 3) Teachers and classmates like Jane's .... a) photos b) places of interests c) paints d) paintings 4) When Jane won the competition, she got a present from .... a) her classmates b) her parents c) her teacher d) her friends 1 2 3 4
  • 25. 25 READING Variant 2 1. Complete the text with the words. There are two choices you don’t need to use. a) selfish b) dishonest c) boring d) reliable e) envious f) hard-working What does being a good friend mean? First of all, be honest and reliable. A ___(1) person has no chance of having true friends. Keep your promises; do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly — don’t lie! Lying is when you say «Okay, I will...», but you never do. Be___ (2). If your friend tells you something in confidence, don’t talk about it to anyone else. Don’t discuss your friend behind his/her back. Don’t let others say bad things about your friend. Don’t be___ (3). Be attentive to your friend. Always find time to listen to him/her and do not speak only about your problems. Never be____ (4) or jealous of your friend. Live by the golden rule: always treat a friend as you want to be treated. 2. Read the text and put the sentences into the correct order. I like Christmas, Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day but my favourite holiday is the New Year. Usually my parents and I celebrate the New Year at home or at the cottage of my parents' friend. But this New Year we celebrated at my grandparents' house in the village. We had a lot of fun! We didn't want to decorate the New Year tree in the house because we saw a nice fir-tree in the yard! My father and I decorated it with my old toys and garlands. At night my aunt, uncle and cousins came and we sang songs and danced around the New Year tree. Most of all everybody enjoyed playing snowballs. Then we gave presents to each other. My cousins got new bikes and I got a new mobile phone! a) My father and I decorated the New Year tree in the yard. b) As a present I got a mobile phone. c) This New Year we celebrated in the village. d) My favourite holiday is the New Year. 3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences 1) The holiday I like most of all is ... . 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
  • 26. 26 a) the New Year b) Christmas c) St Valentine's Day d) Mother's Day 2) This New Year we celebrated ... a) at home b) in the village c) at our friend's place d) at my aunt's place 3) Most of all we liked .... a) singing songs b) dancing c) decorating the New Year tree d) playing snowballs 4) My cousins got ... as presents. a) bikes b) mobile phones c) toys d) garlands 1 2 3 4
  • 27. 27 LISTENING Variant 1 1. Listen and chose the right answer Picture 1. A B C Picture 2. A B C Picture 3. A B C Picture 4. A B C 2. Listen and match. There are two choices you don’t need to use. 1) Hanna 2) Tobby 3) Dave 4) Ella a) They like to cook pizza together in his/her family. b) His/Her family tradition started at Christmas. c) His/Her family tradition started when he/she was very young. d) He/She has no family tradition. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
  • 28. 28 e) His/Her parents leave birthday presents in the room at night. f) He/She likes listening to the grandfather’s stories. 3. Listen and mark the following statements as «True» or «False». 1) Ellie’s day starts at 7.00. 2) Ellie’s lessons are usually at the same time each day of the week. 3) Ellie has Geography four times a week. 4) Students at Ellie’s school can choose a sport to do. 1 2 3 4
  • 29. 29 LISTENING Variant 2 1. Listen and chose the right answer Picture 1. A B C Picture 2. A B C Picture 3. A B C Picture 4. A B C 2. Listen and match. There are two choices you don’t need to use. 1) Hanna 2) Tobby 3) Dave 4) Ella a) He/She likes camping together with his/her relatives. b) His/Her parents can write simple birthday poems. c) Everyone makes personal pizza in his/her family. d) He/She likes visiting his/her grandmother. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
  • 30. 30 e) His/Her family tradition was fishing. f) He/She often cooks together with his/her mum. 3. Listen and mark the following statements as «True» or «False». 1) Ellie usually has quick breakfast. 2) The first lesson starts at 8.25. 3) Ellie has Biology four times a week. 4) Students at Ellie’s school don’t have time for individual studies. 1 2 3 4
  • 31. 31 SPEAKING Variant 1 1.Speak about your school. Answer the questions. — How is your school look like? (General information about your school) — Do you like to study in your school? — What subjects do you study at school? — What is your favorite subject? (Subjects you are good at; subjects you like/ don’t like ;) — What are you usually do at this lesson? - Do you like to go to school? 2. Speak about your attitude to sport. Answer the questions. 1) Do you prefer playing or watching sports? 2) What sport or game do you like most and why? 3) Do you like Physical Training lessons at school? Why? 4) Do you want to become a professional sportsman? 5) Are you a fan of any modern sportsman? Why? 3. Look at the picture and tell about the traditions of celebrating this holiday
  • 32. 32 SPEAKING Variant 2 1. Speak about your family and friends. Answer the questions. - What is your name? - How old are you? - Have you got a big family?(name members of your family) - Do you have friends? What is his/her name? - How old is he/she? - What does he/ she like? 2. Speak about your timetable. Answer the questions. - What form are you? - How many lessons a day do you have? - What is your favorite subject? -What are you usually do at this lesson? - When you have this subject? - Do you like your timetable? 3. Look at the picture and tell about the traditions of celebrating this holiday
  • 33. 33 The second semester Test 5 YUMMY Variant 1 1. Read and circle the odd word. 1) Hamburger, sausage, ham, chicken, oil. 2) Ice cream, honey, biscuits, pancakes, spaghetti. 3) Cucumber, tomato, carrot, rice, cabbage. 4) Mashed, boiled, fried, sweet, roasted. 5) Apple, banana, strawberry, potato, cherry 6) Water, juice, milk, cake, lemonade. 2. Read and circle the correct answer. 1) Breakfast / Lunch is a meal eaten in the morning. 2) The dessert / main course is a sweet course eaten at the end of a meal. 3) Lunch / Supper is a meal eaten in the middle of the day, typically one that is lighter or less formal than an evening meal. 4) Cocoa beans have a bitter / sweet flavour. 5) That yoghurt is too sweetly / sweet. 6) The milk has turned sour / spicy. 3. Fill in How much or How many 1) ____ bananas are there? 2) _____ butter is there on the plate? 3) ______ sandwiches do you want? 4) ______ tomatoes are there in the bag? 5) ______ juice is there in the bottle? 6) ______ apples are there in the basket? 4. Write the conversations in the correct order A: 6 pounds, please. B: Thank you. A: A glass of Coke, please. B: Yes, please. Anything else? A: Good morning. B: Thanks. A: Good morning. Can I have two pieces of pizza, please? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 34. 34 Test 5 YUMMY Variant 2 1. Read and circle the odd word. 1) Sour cream, milk, cereal, yoghurt, butter. 2) Nuts, cola, juice, lemonade, coffee. 3) Sweets, chocolate, sugar, tuna, apple pie. 4) Bitter, sour, boiled, salty, spicy. 5) Apple, carrot, cucumber, potato, tomato. 6) Hamburger, hot-dog, sandwich, juice, bread. 2. Read and circle the correct answer. 1)Dinner / Lunch is the main meal of the day, taken in the evening. 2) The dessert / main course is the most substantial dish of a meal. 3) A dish / plate is a specific food that is already cooked and ready to eat. 4) A breakfast dish typically eaten with milk is called beefsteak / cereal. 5) This soup smells delicious / deliciously. 6) She likes her coffee sweetly / sweet. 3. Fill in How much or How many 1) _____ biscuits are there on the table? 2) _____ porridge is there in the plate? 3) _____ honey is there in the jar? 4) _____sugar is there in the bowl? 5) _____ oranges have you got? 6) _____ tomatoes are there in the fridge? 4. Write the conversations in the correct order B: A cup of tea, please. A: Yes, please. Anything else? A: Good day. B: Thanks. A: 5 pounds, please. A: Thank you. B: Good morning. Can I have two pieces of banana cake, please? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 35. 35 Test 6 GOING SHOPING Variant 1 1. Read and circle. 1) We can buy bread at the… a) butcher’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s 2) We can buy milk at… a) the chemist’s b) a confectionary c) a dairy store 3) We can buy jeans at a… a) toy shop b) sports shop c) clothes shop 4) We can buy bacon at… a) the butcher’s b) a dairy store c) a confectionary 5) We can buy tomatoes at the… a) butcher’s b) the greengrocer’s c) baker’s 6) We can buy newspapers at the… a) newsagent’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s 2. Fill in the gaps with ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘is’ or ‘are’. 1.How ... sugar do you need for you cake? 2.There ... chocolate in this ice cream. 3.How .... bottles of water are there in the fridge? 4.How .... loaves of bread have you got? 5.There ... cans of tuna fish on the table. 6.There …. much water. 3. Open the brackets, using right degrees of adjective The market is (close)…to the McBrights house than supermarket. Mrs. McBrights things the market is (good)…. than the supermarket. Fruit and vegetables there are (fresh)……. than vegetables and fruit in the supermarket, and they are also (cheap)…… than the ones in the shops. Mrs. McBrights things the market is (exiting)….. place in London. It’s (colourful)…… than the shops in the high street. She thinks the market is good place to shop in London. 4. Read and complete the text with the given words. pay, supermarket, customers, checkouts, managers, stores A supermarket giant Tesco is a major ___(1) in the UK. Its ___(2) say that from the end of this year, there will be no sweets or chocolates next to customers waiting to ___(3) for their food. This is because they want their ___(4) to be healthier. Tesco did a lot of research on the best place to put things in its ___(5). It said it was a good idea to remove candies and chocolates from the ___(6). 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 36. 36 Test 6 GOING SHOPING Variant 2 1. Read and circle. 1) We can buy meat at the… a) butcher’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s 2) We can buy sweets at… a) the chemist’s b) a confectionary c) a dairy store 3) We can buy a doll at a… a) toy shop b) sports shop c) clothes shop 4) We can buy oranges at… a) the greengrocer’s b) the grocer’s c) a department store 5) We can buy magazines at the… a) newsagent’s b) grocer’s c) baker’s 6) We can buy medicines at the … a) the chemist’s b) a confectionary c) a dairy store 2. Fill in the gaps with ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘is’ or ‘are’. 1. How.... salt do you need? 2. There..... fish in the freezer. 3. How ... packets of salt are you going to buy? 4. There ... bars of chocolate in my bag. 5. How …. is this newspaper? 6. How much … these shoes? 3. Open the brackets, using right degrees of adjective The supermarket is (close)… to the Roberts’ house than market. Mrs. Roberts’ things the supermarket is (good)…. than the market. Meat and milk there are (fresh)……. than milk and meat in the market, and they are also (cheap)…… than the ones in the shops. Mrs. Roberts’ things the supermarket is (exiting)….. place in Cambridge. It’s (colourful)…… than the shops in the down street. She thinks the supermarket is good place to shop in Cambridge. 4. Read and complete the text with the given words. shop, buy, Oxford, shopping, stores, founded Whatever you want to ___(1) — bags, shoes, cosmetics, furniture, books or food — you’ll find it in Selfridges. It was___ (2) by Harry Gordon Selfridge and opened in 1909. At present Selfridges is one of the world’s best department ___(3). It is also the second largest (4) in the UK. It is situated in the west end of ____(5) Street. The shop has six floors offering large _____(6) areas, eleven places to eat, two exhibition halls and countless services. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 37. 37 Traveling by plane interesting expensive safedangerous comfortable Test 7 ON THE MOVE Variant 1 1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1) I’m_______ alone. 2) Where is ____________number 3? 3) Where is the bus_________ ? 4) If you buy a _________ticket, you are going to come back to the point where you started from. 5) A journey by plane is called a ____________.6) How much is a one-way _______to London? 2. Choose the right form of the verb. 1. We … museum 2 years ago. a) have visit b) visited c) visit 2. Richard is sad because he ….. won the prize. a) not b) hasn’t c) has 3. What did you ... last weekend? a) do b) did c) have done 4. They ... for Lviv by plane yesterday. a) have left b) leave c) left 5. It often ….. last autumn. a) rain b) rained c) has rained 6. Do you know Australia? — No, I never ... there. a) be b) was c) been 3. Make up a dialogue. What’s the difference in price between the two? Yes, sure. First-class tickets are £47 and second-class tickets are £35. Hello. I’d like a ticket to Liverpool, please, for the 5.00 p.m. train. First- or second-class? I’ll take a second-class ticket. Can I also buy a return ticket now? 4. Use the word map below and explain what are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane? Write 6-8 sentences _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ticket travelling station flight return platform 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 38. 38 Traveling by train interesting boring safedangerous comfortable Test 7 ON THE MOVE Variant 2 1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1) I’m _______with my family. 2) Where’s the______ desk? 3) Flight 25 to Paris is now________ at gate 4. 4) Show me your ____, please! 5) A representative from the travel agency will meet you at the information_______ . 6) What time will the __________to Boston leave? 2. Choose the right form of the verb. 1. I … to the seaside 3 years ago. a) have gone b) went c) go 2 .We decide ... at the hotel. a) stay b) stayed c) to stay 3. Where did you ... last weekend? a) go b) went c) have gone 4. They ... for Kyiv by plane yesterday. a) have left b) leave c) left 5.It often ….. last winter. a) snow b) snowed c) has snowed 6. Tom is happy because he …. flown to Paris with his Dad. a) have b) has c) – 3. Make up a dialogue. Hi, I’m flying to Rome, Italy. Can I see your ticket and your passport, please? No, I’d like an aisle seat, please. Hello. Where are you flying today? Sure. Here’s my passport. And here’s my ticket. Thank you. Would you like a window seat? 4. Use the word map below and explain what are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train? Write 6-8 sentences _______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ boarding, travelling, train, passport, desk, check-in 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 39. 39 Test 8 SO MANY PLACES Variant 1 1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about places of interest in London. 1) _____has been the official London home place of Britain’s kings and queens since 1837. 2)_______ is the world’s highest observation wheel. 3) ________isthe main bell on the tower. 4)__________ isthe oldest building in London. 5) In _______there are wax figures of famous people. 6) ________was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London. 2. Read the recommendations for travelers. Fill in should or should not. 1) You __make a photocopy of your flight tickets. 2) You ___find out as much as possible about the place you plan to visit. 3) You___ be careless or inattentive. 4) You___ be late for your train. 5) You ___buy a ticket when you travel by bus. 6) You ____give your documents to strangers nor leave them unattended. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 40. 40 3. Fill in the sentences with the article ‘a’ or ‘the’. 1. I saw ... Moon last night. 2 ... British Isles are washed by ... English Channel on ...south-east. 3 ... Nile is ... river. 4 ... parrot is ... bird. 5 Which ocean is bigger — ... Pacific or ... Atlantic? 6 ... film we saw yesterday was ... comedy. 4. Write an e-mail letter to a friend who is going to visit you. Tell about interesting places in Ukraine. Write 6-8 sentences. Dear ________________ Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Best wishes,__________________ 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12
  • 41. 41 Test 8 SO MANY PLACES Variant 2 1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about places of interest in London. 1) _____ is one of the bridges that cross the Thames. It is close to the Tower of London from which it takes its name. 2) In the past,________ served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison; now it’s a museum. 3) _________isthe place where the royal family lives in London. 4)____________ is the royal church situated opposite the Houses of Parliament. 5) __________isa theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare. 6) We can see the Nelson Column in_____________ . 2. Read the recommendations for travelers. Fill in should or should not. 1) You ___make a photocopy of your documents. 2) You ____respect the traditions of the country that you are visiting. 3) You_____ leave your things unattended. 4) You _____be late for your plane. 5) You ____buy a token at the airport. 6) You ____check the weather forecast. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 42. 42 3. Fill in the sentences with the article ‘a’ or ‘the’. 1. ... Robinsons live in ... small flat. 2. I saw ... star last night. 3. ... Atlantic is ... ocean. 4. ... New York is ... city. 5. ... longest street in the town is called ... Kingsway. 6. ... Rome is ... biggest city in ... Italy. 4. Write an e-mail letter to a friend who is going to visit London. Tell about interesting places in London. Write 6-8 sentences. Dear ________________ Hi! How are you?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Best wishes,__________________ 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12
  • 43. 43 WRITING Variant 1 1. Match the word combinations and translate them. 1. to go 2. all over 3. to take 4. to go 5. to make 6. only a)care of b)on foot c)camping d)a choice e)child f)the world 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1) Last summer we__________ (to go) scuba diving. 2) My friend__________ (not to make) a decision yet. 3) When I came home my brother_____(to speak) on the phone. 4) He_______(to make) a campfire in some minutes. 5) My father always_____(to put) the tent when we go camping. 6) They________(to leave) the hotel ten minutes ago. 3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1) travelled /people /by /the /sea /past/In . _____________________________________________________________ 2) the /larges/ world /country /in /C a n a d a /the /is/second . _____________________________________________________________ 3) like /churches/to/Tourists/Ukraine /visit/in. _____________________________________________________________ 4) The Englishmen usually have four meals a day. ____________________________________________________________ 5) eat /Most / lunch /of /people/ their / at /cafes/. ____________________________________________________________ 6) The/ are/ English/ tea/fond/ of/. _____________________________________________________________ 4. Write about the shops in your town/city (6—8 sentences) using the plan below. PLAN Introduction — name of your town/city, types of shops there are; Main body — names, locations of the shops you recommend; — goods to buy; — when to visit; Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 44. 44 — your opinion about shopping facilities in your town/city. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  • 45. 45 WRITING Variant 2 1. Match the word combinations and translate them. 1. karate 2. all over 3. amusement 4. to go 5. computer 6.pain a)park b)in the neck c)dancing d)games e)the world f)club 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1) The tourists___ (to visit) the exhibition already. 2) This sightseeing tour ____(to be) very interesting last year. 3) He ______(to read) the timetable of the trains at the moment. 4) When my friend phoned I____(to make) tea for my brother. 5) My parents always ____(to bring) a lot of souvenirs from the vacation. 6) My friend____(to prefer) to spend the holidays at the seaside. 3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1) seas /dangerous/Water/in /for/oceans /fish /and /is /the . _____________________________________________________________ 2) largest/Canada /the /city/Toronto /is /in . ______________________________________________________________ 3) its/for/nature/Ukraine/beautiful/famous/is. _______________________________________________________________ 4) meat/main/ is/ The/fish/ or/ with/ course/vegetables/. _______________________________________________________________ 5) British/ Halloween/ The/ 31st/ October/ every/ celebrate/. _______________________________________________________________ 6) cities/is/ of/ Lviv/the/ oldest/ of/ one/Ukraine/. _______________________________________________________________ 4. Write a letter telling about Ukraine’s capital. Write where it is situated, how large it is, what the population is, what river it stands on, what places of interest there are; tell about your attitude to it (6—8 sentences). Dear _____________ I’m looking forward to your visit to Ukraine. Let me tell you about the capital city of our country.________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 47. 47 READING Variant 1READING 1. Read and complete the text.There are two choices you don’t need to use. a) from time to time b) know this language c) on the train d) will think that e) who was living in f) if I spoke French A few years ago I decided to visit my sister _____(1) France. I was sure that most French could speak English. But as it turned out many people spoke only their own language and this included the ticket inspector______ (2). He took my ticket, chatted a bit, making several gestures. I did not understand a word but as a polite person I simply nodded______ (3) to show him that I was interested. When he had gone, an American tourist, who happened to be on that train, asked me__________ (4). «No,» I answered. «Then that explains,» she said, «why you were so calm when he told you that you were on the wrong train.» 2. Read the text and mark the following statements as «True» or «False». Marks & Spencer Marks & Spencer is a well-known British department store selling clothes, food and other products. The first shops were started by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in the late 19th century, and there are now shops in most British towns. Marks & Spencer is famous for its high-quality goods, and is traditionally the place where many people go to buy items such as underwear and socks rather than clothes of the latest fashion. The company is also informally known as Marks and Sparks or simply Marks. 1) Marks & Spencer is the name for a famous British market.— 2) Marks & Spencer was founded by two people.— 3) From the text we don’t know when the first shops of Marks & Spencer were started.— 4) Marks & Spencer is known to sell excellent goods.— 3. Complete the text with the words from the box. travel, underground, plane, transport, relatives, school The Americans enjoy travelling by car. Families often have two cars and many high school students drive themselves to_________ . In large cities as New York or Boston public ___________is very good. There are buses and the______. In the countryside Americans use their cars to get around because they often have to drive long distances to get to school or to work. When visiting their friends or______in another state, Americans usually travel by ____. This is because the USA is so large, that it can take many days to____by car or by train. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 48. 48 READING Variant 2 1 Read and complete the text. There are two choices you don’t need to use. a) it becomes more difficult to learn new languages b) the sounds ofanother language c) learning a second language d) when they speak it e) you have to memorize f) as well as their native language Young children can learn a new language very easily. If they are surrounded by people speaking a different language, they soon learn to speak it ____(1). Children who mastered two languages in this way are called simultaneous bilinguals though even in this case one language can be considered as the main one dominating over the other. But as people grow older, ____(2). People gradually lose the ability to learn the grammar and pronounce______ (3). People who learn a new language as adults often have a «foreign accent» _____(4). 2 Read the text and mark the following statements as «True» or «False». A boy was looking at large ripe watermelons growing in the gardener’s watermelon patch. «I’ll give you my twenty-five cents for that watermelon,» said the boy pointing to a beautiful, large, ripe fruit in the middle of the patch. «No,» said the gardener, «I get $2 for a watermelon like that one.» The little boy pointed at a tiny watermelon just beginning to grow nearby, «Will you take twenty-five cents for that one?» «Sure,» replied the gardener, «I’ll give you that one for twenty-five cents». «OK,» said the little kid, sealing the deal by putting the coin in the gardener’s hand, «I’ll pick it up in about two weeks. 1) The boy paid 25 cents, took the unripe watermelon and went away.— 2) The boy decided to come in two weeks with $2.— 3) The gardener let the boy buy the big watermelon for 25 cents.— 4) The boy paid for the unripe watermelon at the moment but was going to pick it up in two weeks.— 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box buses, countryside, trains, fastest, work, place In Britain the most popular form of transport is the car. People use it to get to________, to go to the supermarket or to take children to and from school. But in busy centres where there is no much_______for parking people use public transport such as taxis,buses and________. In London the underground is the________way of travelling around the city. In the_____things are different. People travel by car because ________and trains are not often. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 49. 49 LISTENING Variant 1 1. Listen to the text and write the correct item. 1. You can travel by plane if you______ a) have time b) have no time c) like travelling 2. The planes are_____. a) not slow b) not fast c) not comfortable 3. To travel by plane you must have______. a) a ticket b) a passport c) a ticket and a passport 4. You have to arrive at the airport______. a) one hour earlier b) two hours earlier c) two hours later 5. Travelling by plane depends on____. a) the ticket b) the passport c) the weather 2. Listen to the dialogue and complete the form. Country to travel to: __________________ Means of transport: ____________________ For how long the tour: ____________________ The date of travel: ___________________ 3. Match the members of the family and the kinds of sport. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 50. 50 LISTENING Variant 2 1. Listen to the text and write the correct item. 1) You can travel by train if you___________. a) have no time b) are not in a hurry c) don't like comfort 2) The trains are_______. a) expensive b) not expensive c) not comfortable 3) While travelling you can___________. a) see the train b) see your friends c) see the country 4) To travel by train you have to arrive at the__________ a) bus station b) railway station c) airport 5) You must__________. a) be late for your train b) miss your train c) be early for your train 2. Listen to the dialogue and complete the form. Country to travel to: ____________________ Means of transport: ____________________ For how long the tour: ____________________ The date of travel:________________________ 3. Match the members of the family and the kinds of sport. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 51. 51 SPEAKING Variant 1 1. Answer your friend’s questions. Ask him/her: — how he/she usually gets to school; — what means of transport he/she prefers when he/she goes on holiday; — what his/her favourite means of transport is; — what means of transport he/she considers to be... • the most comfortable; • the fastest; • the most tiring; • the cheapest. 2. After your trip to England you have some postcards with the major places of interest of London. Speak about these sights of London. 3. Look at the pictures. Describe what lessons you can see and what the children are doing. What do you usually do at these lessons?
  • 52. 52 SPEAKING Variant 2 1. Answer your friend’s questions. Ask him/her: — if he/she likes to study; — what subjects he/she studies at school; — what his/her favourite subject is; — what students usually do at this lesson. 2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1) Which of the means of transport in the pictures above can we... — travel by? — drive? — fly? - ride? 2) Which of them have you ever used? Describe the situations. 3) Which of them have you never used? 4) Which means of transport do you use most? 5) Which is your favourite means of transport? 3. Look at the pictures and describe the major places of interest of our capital.
  • 53. 53 TEXT FOR LISTENING THE FIRST TERM Task 1 Variant 1 1 Picture 1. The whole family is together in the living room. We can see a father, a mother and three children. There are two girls and a boy. Picture 2. We can see an old woman reading a book to her grandson and granddaughter. Picture 3. We can see a baby with the parents, and the baby is sleeping. Picture 4. We can see a big family. There is a granddad, a grandmother, a mother and a father, a son and а daughter. They are going to have a family portrait with their dog. Variant 2 1 Picture 1. We can see a father with his son. They are playing football. Picture 2. We can see a mother who is helping her son with his homework. Picture 3. We can see the whole family together. There is a father, a mother and their daughter and son. They are somewhere in the country, having a picnic. Picture 4. We can see brother and sisters in the kitchen. The children are cooking breakfast for their parents. VARIANTS 1,2 Task 2 Some children were asked about their family traditions. Hanna: My parents like to come into our rooms while my sister and I are asleep at night before our birthday and fill the space with balloons, toys and candies. Then they write nice little poems and leave them here and there. It is such a great thing to wake up every birthday morning and see all those balloons and then run around the house reading the poems. Tobby: My family has a great tradition of making home-made pizza and everyone makes their own toppings for a personal pizza. Dave: I remember going fishing with my dad and grandfather almost every weekend from the time I could walk until I left for college. It was real fun! I have lots of great memories from those trips. Ella: My favourite family tradition is going to my grandmother’s house and having delicious salad, steak and home-made French fries! I usually sit next to my grandfather who tells us stories about his life. VARIANTS 1,2 Task 3
  • 54. 54 Ellie Richards (about her typical school day): I usually wake up at 7.30 a.m. Quickly get ready (have a shower, get dressed, have quick breakfast) and leave for school. I arrive at school between 8.00 and 8.25, so I have some time to chat with my friends. Then, at 8.40, the bell goes for the first lesson. Each lesson lasts an hour and 10 minutes. I have the same subjects 4 days a week, but at a different time each day. They are Maths, Biology, English, Geography and Art. Like I said, we have them 4 times a week. During the week we also have time for individual study, but sometimes we work in groups. We also have a sport programme one afternoon, where we pick different sports and games to do, like tennis, badminton, aerobics etc. School finishes at 3.30 every day, but on Friday we have a shorter day — until 2 p.m. A break is at 11.00, and it’s time for a short rest or a sandwich; and lunch is at 12.30. At the end of the day, I walk home or if it’s Tuesday or Friday I attend a drama club.
  • 55. 55 LISTENING COMPREHENSION (THE SECOND TERM) VARIANT 1 Task 1 Travelling is very popular nowadays. You can visit different countries and cities and see a lot of interesting places. If you are in a hurry and you like com fort, you can travel by plane. The planes are fast, but they are expensive. To travel by plane you must have a ticket and a passport. You arrive at the airport two hours earlier and prepare the documents for the flight. Then you take your place in the plane and enjoy the flight. But travelling by plane depends on the weather. If it is cloudy, rainy or snowy you can spend many hours in the airport waiting for better weather. Task 2 — Good morning. This is the Travel Agency. Can I help you? — Good morning. Can I get the information about the tours to France, please. — We have tours to France by plane, by train and by bus. What means of transport would you like to choose? — I'd like to go by train. — How long would you like to stay in France? — For a week, I think. — We have tours in June, July and September. What month would you like to choose? — I think July will be good. — We have tours starting on the 10th and 21st of July. Which tour is better for you? — The 21st of July will be wonderful. Task 3 — Danny, are you going to play football? — No, I'm not. You see, Tom, I'm not interested in football. — Really? But all your family is fond of sports! — You are right, Tom. But I'm keen on tennis, and my brother plays football. He is a member of our school football team. — And what about your father, Danny? Is he fond of football or tennis? — Well, he plays tennis very well, he also likes football, but he is really crazy about riding a bike. He travels by bike every weekend. — Does you r m other ride a bike?
  • 56. 56 — Oh, no, my mother is fond of horse riding. She visits the club twice a week. VARIANT 2 Task 1 Travelling is very popular nowadays. You can visit different countries and different cities and see a lot of interesting places. If you have time and you like com fort you can travel by train. The trains are not very fast, but they are not expensive. You can travel in the sleeping car comfortably and you can see the country. To travel by train you must have a ticket and a passport. You have to arrive at the railway station a little earlier. The trains usually arrive in time, so you mustn't miss your train. While travelling by train you can see the country and meet new friends. And your travelling doesn't depend on the weather. Task 2 — Good afternoon. This is the Travel Agency. How can I help you? — Good afternoon. I would like to make a tour around Spain. — We can suggest you tours by plane, by train, by bus. What means of transport would you like to choose? — I don't like trains. Plane will be good. — How long would you like to stay in Spain? — For two weeks. — We have tours in M ay, June and August. What month will you choose? — I think May will be all right. — We have tours starting on the 5th, 10th and 15th of May. — The 5th of May will be the best. Task 3 — Are you going to the swimming pool, Liz? — Oh, no Pam. I like swimming, but I don 't have time to g o to the swimming pool so often . — Why not, Liz? I know that your family goes in for sports. — It's true, Pam, but I go in for skating and I have trainings four times a week. That's why I can’t go to the swimming pool. But my younger sister is fond of swimming. — Are your parents good at swimming or skating? — Well, my mother can skate well and my father is good at swimming.
  • 57. 57 But they are fond of other sports, too. My father is fond of fencing and he goes to the fencing club three times a week. — And your mother, Liz? — My mother does karate. — Karate? Liz, is it true? — Yes, Pam. My mother says karate helps her to keep fit and active. Список використаних джерел
  • 58. 58 1. Англійська мова. 6 клас: Зошит для контролю знань (до підручника О. Д. Карп'юк). — 4-е вид., випр. і доп. — X.: Веста, 2010. — 64 с. 2. Англійська мова. 6 клас: Зошит для контролю рівня знань (до підручника А. М. Несвіт) ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок». 4. Карп’юк Оксана. Підручник для 6 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.- Тернопіль:« Видавництво Астон», 2014 5.Панова Л.С, Андрієнко У.Ф. Методика навчання іноземних мов у загальноосвітніх закладах.-К.:В.Ц. Академія, 2010.-328с. 6. Програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Іноземні мови. 5-7 класи, Видавничий дім «Освіта», 2013 р.