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у країну англійської мови
(гра для учнів 5-6 класів)
Вчитель англійської мови
Компанієць Тетяна Миколаївна
Орлівщинський НВК
Новомосковський район
Дніпропетровська область
12 березня 2016 року
Подорож у країну англійської мови
Цілі та завдання:
створюватипозитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
повторитиі закріпити вивчений матеріал;
навчити дітей бачити результати колективної діяльності.
"Подорож"проводиться з учнями 5-6 класів. Всі учні є мандрівниками, які
відправляються в подорож по країні «Англійська мова». Коженклас займає свій вид
транспорту, що рухається на різних напрямках. Діти самі придумують свої
розпізнавальні знаки, але в кожномуз них є свій лідер групи, який веде весь клас по
зупинкам мандрівки. Щоб групи "не стикалися" у дорозі, кожномукласу видається
"travel plan", в якому написані всі назви зупинок у визначеномудля кожного класу
порядку. В екскурсійному листі також вказується час зупинки кожної групи,
кількість отриманих балів та підпис "керівника екскурсії" (вчителя англійської
Хід заходу:
Teacher:Dear friends, today you are travellers. We are going to travel around the country
which is called English. I wish you have a good time during your travelling. Good voyage!
Station 1: "Reading"
One of the students receives the text. The student has one minute to prepare for reading.
Then the teacher says “Start” and the student begins to read. In a minute the teacher counts
the number of words. The scoreis the words the student has been read correctly.
(Перевіряється техніка читання на час (1 хвилина). Одинз учнів, обраний
командою, отримуєлисток із текстом. Учневі дається одна хвилина на підготовку,
потім по команді вчителя він починаєчитати. Підраховується кількість слів,
прочитанихза одну хвилину і виставляється бал. Знімається та кількість балів,
cкільки слів було прочитаноз помилками.)
Station 2: "Playing"TIC - TAC-toe" game"
"TIC – TAC - Toe". On the blackboard there is a large square divided into 20 squares of 5
rows by 4 squares. In each square there is a picture of animal. One team is "Crosses"and
other is "Toes". Take turns with each team students come up to the board, turn the picture
and call the word. If the child names the image correctly, the teacher draws a cross ora
toe. If the subject is called incorrectly, the student returns the picture to its original
location. The winner is the team that has the largest number of noughts or crosses.
("Хрестики - нулики". На дошці намальований великий квадрат, розділений на 20
квадратів:5 рядів по 4 квадрата. У кожен квадрат магнітикомприкріплюють
картинкузвіра зображенням всередину. Одна команда - "Хрестики", а інша
"Нулики". По черзі з кожної команди діти підходять до дошки, перевертають
картинкуі називають слово. Якщо дитина назве картинкуправильно, то її знімає,
а вчитель малює хрестик або нулик. Якщо предмет названий невірно, картинка
повертається на колишнє місце. Виграєкоманда, яка набрала найбільшу кількість
хрестиків або нуликів. Максимальнийбал – 20. Кожне слово – 1 бал.)
Station 3 "ABC"
"Stand in the right order." Five students from each team go to the board and receive one
letter and the picture in which there is the image of the word . Teacher says: one, two,
three and children stand in the correct order to form words. The winner is the team that
stands the first.
("Встань в правильному порядку ". По п'ять чоловік з кожної команди виходять до дошки і
отримують по одній букві та малюнок, в якому загадане слово. По команді: one, two, three! діти
стають в правильному порядку, щоб утворити слово. Перемагає команда, що стала перша. За
кожне слово –1 бал. Максимальний бал- 4.)
Station 4 "Riddles"
The teacher reads riddles, students guess their answers and show the pictures.
(Вчитель читає загадки, учні відгадують їх і відповіді показують малюнками. Максимальний бал –
20. Кожна правильна відповідь - 1 бал.)
Station 5 "Grammatical"
Use correctly the verbs to be (am / is / are), have/has, live/lives
(Вжити правильно дієсловa to be (am / is / are), have/has, live/lives). Максимальний бал – 10)
1. We (am / is / are) Ukrainians.
2. I (live/lives) in Orlivschyna.
3. My dad (am / is / are)55.
4. My mum (am / is / are) very good.
5. This dog(have/has) got a nice plate.
6. We (have/has) got a nice capital.
7. Pete and Bob (live/lives) in England.
8. She (have/has) got blue eyes.
9. They (am / is / are) students.
10. My grandmother (live/lives) in Kyiv.
Station 6 "Lexical"
Continue the list of words (orally) on the following topic “TIMETABLE”
(Продовжіть список слів (усно) за темою Шкільні предмети. Вчитель викреслює із списку названі
шкільні предмети, щоб не було повторень. Учні по черзі з кожної команди називають по одному
предмету. Максимальний бал - 20, за кожне слово – 1 бал.)
Station 7 "Playing"
The Game "Sit!" 6 children, moving around the chairs, follow the master: go, run, jump,
fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. When the command: "SIT!",
сhildren should sit on the chairs.
(Гра "Sit!" Діти, рухаючись навколо стільців, виконують команди вчителя: go, run, jump, fly,
swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. При команді "sit!", діти повинні сісти на стільці.
Учень, що залишився без стільця, виходить з гри. Виграє та команда, учасник якої залишається
останнім. Грає 6 учнів. По 3 з кожної команди. Максимальний бал – 6)
Station 8 "Conversation"
Make a story on the picture. Each student of the team has to say the sentence – 10 points.
How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off.
(Складіть розповідь по картинці. Коженучень повинен сказати одне речення.
Максимальнийбал – 10)
Station 9 "WORDSEARCH"
Find 10 words on a given topic. How many correctwords you find so many points you
will have.
(кожна команда повинна знайти 10 слів, що позначають частини тіла, кожен учень
– одне слово – 1 бал. Максимальнийбал - 10)
Station 10 "Musical"
Sing a song that you have learned by yourselves. How many students sing the song so
many points you will have.
(Учні співають пісню англійською мовою, яку вони вивчили самостійно.
Максимальнийбал - 10)
В кінці гри підраховуються бали і нагороджуються переможці.
Додаток № 1
Station 1: "Reading"
My favorite season and weather
There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring,
summer and autumn. Every season has its fine days.
As for me, I try to enjoy each season of the year. I like
warm and beautiful days of early autumn.
In winter the trees are covered with white snow
and look beautiful. Winter is a time of joy. Winter
holidays are always connected with presents, good
mood, parties and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the
air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers.
Summer brings warmth and new joys. My favorite
season is summer. As I am a student, I may enjoy my
summer holidays. They are always full of fun. The
weather is usually fine, it is warm and the days are the
longest in the year. I may spend a lot of time with my
friends. When it gets very hot, we usually go to the
river, sunbathe, swim and play different games.
Sometimes, the weather gets cold. Dark clouds
bring thunder and lighting and it starts raining. But I
like summer thunderstorms, they make the air fresh
and we can see a rainbow in the sky.
In summer the first fruits and vegetables appear.
My favorite fruit is a melon. But I also like peaches,
plums and cherries. Summer is a really good time for
Додаток№ 2а (station2 animals)
Додаток№ 2 б
Station 2 "Playing "TIC - TAC-toe" game"
a cat a goat a fox a hamster a hare
a cow a goose a mouse a horse a pig
a lion a tiger a giraffe an elephant a monkey
a crocodile an ant a snake a hen a bear
Додаток№ 3 а
Station 3 "ABC"
"Stand in the correct order ".
Bread – B R E A D
Salad – S A L A D
Pasta – P A S T A
Candy – C A N D Y
Juice – J U I C E
Sugar – S U G A R
Pizza – P I Z Z A
Flour – F L O U R
Додаток№ 3 б
Додаток№ 3 в
Додаток№ 4а
scarf jacket
mittens boots
socks glove
slippers hat
raincoat globe
alphabet book
timetable ruler
teacher pencil
blackboard pen
Додаток№ 4 б Station 4 "Riddles "
1. In a winter storm,
I keep your neck warm.
What am I?
(Answer: SCARF)
2. I start with the letter J,
And keep you warm on a cold day.
What am I?
(Answer: JACKET)
3. We protect your hands from snow and ice.
Fingers think we’re very nice.
What are we?
(Answer: MITTENS)
4. I start with the letter B,
And your feet go inside of me.
What am I?
(Answer: BOOTS)
5. We can’t help your nose but,
We’re very good at warming toes.
What are we?
(Answer: SOCKS)
6. If your head might freeze,
Put me on please.
What am I? (Answer: HAT)
7. Five rooms but one door.
(Answer: A GLOVE)
8. We always step together.
We are the same as brothers.
At dinner we are under the table.
At night we are under the bed.
9. When the sun is shining bright,
You wear them to protect your eyes.
What are they? (Answer: SUNGLASSES)
10. I start with the letter R,
And keep you dry on a rainy day.
What am I? (Answer: RAINCOAT)
1. This word has three syllables, but contains twenty-six letters?
2. It is not a tree, but has leaves;
It is not a dress, but is sewn together;
It has no tongue, but can tell you a story. (A book)
3. It looks like a ball,
It stands on its leg and does not fall.
You like to turn it round,
Countries, mountains, lakes are found. (A globe)
4. This table has no legs, but has many subjects. (A time-table)
5. The teacher writes on me with a chalk
I have black face, I cannot talk. (A blackboard)
6. I am used to draw lines with,
I am long and very thin.
On my face black figures shine.
Try, you can my name define. (A ruler)
7. This little traveler is very strong.
He can run a thousand miles.
Before he starts, he takes off his hat.
When he rests, he puts it on. (A pen)
8. Our little John
Has a wooden jacket on
And a long sharp nose.
He leaves his mark
Wherever he goes. (A pencil)
9. You keep it in your schoolbag.
It can show how you learn your lessons. (a day-book)
10. Who is standing at the blackboard? (Teacher)
Station 5 "Grammatical"
Underline the correct word.
1. We (am / is / are) Ukrainians.
2. I (live/lives) in Orlivschyna.
3. My dad (am / is / are) 55.
4. My mum (am / is / are) very
5. This dog (have/has) got a nice
6. We (have/has) got a nice
7. Pete and Bob (live/lives) in
8. She (have/has) got blue eyes.
9. They (am / is / are) students.
10. My grandmother (live/lives)
in Kyiv.
Додаток№ 5
Додаток№ 6
Station 6 "Lexical"
Continue the list of words (orally) on the following topic
1. Математика Maths Mathematics
2. Історія України History of Ukraine
3. Англ.мова English
4. Укр.мова Ukrainian
5. Укр.літ Ukrainian Literature
6. Природа Science
7. Основи здоров’я Health
8. Етика Ethic
9. Фізкультура PE Physical
10. Музика Music
11. Заруб. література Foreign Literature
12. Інформатика IT Information
Computer Sciences
13. Образотв. Мистецтво Art
14. Рос.мова Russian
15. Труд. Craft
16. Етика христ.віри Religion
17. Хімія Chemistry
18. Географія Geography
19. Біологія Biology
20. Правознавство Law
Додаток№ 7
Station 7 "Playing a moving game"
The Game "Sit!" 6 children, moving around the chairs, follow the
master: go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read,
draw, etc. When the command: "SIT!", сhildren should sit on the
1. fly, swim, go, run, jump - "SIT!"
2. go, run, jump, fly, swim, count,
sing, dance, write, read, draw "SIT!"
3. swim, count, sing, run, jump -
4. dance, write, read, go, run, jump,
fly, swim - "SIT!"
5. go, run - "SIT!"
Додаток№ 8
Station 8 "Conversation"
Make a story on the picture. Each student of the team has to say the sentence –
10 points. How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off.
My room
Додаток№ 9
Station 9 "WORDSEARCH"
Find 10 words on a given topic. How many correct words you find so many
points you will have.
1. Body
2. Back
3. Neck
4. Skin
5. Face
6. Hair
7. Nose
8. Ear
9. Eye
10. Mouth
11. Hand
12. Leg
13. Foot
14. Tongue
15. Tooth
16. Lips
17. Beard
18. Moustache
19. Chin
20. Cheek
Додаток№ 10
Station 10 "Musical"
Sing a song that you have learned by yourselves. How many students sing the
song so many points you will have.
Додаток№ 11 TRAIN TABLE
Station 1: "Reading"
Read the text in 1 minute. How many words you read so many points you will have. How
many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off.
Station2. "Playing "TIC - TAC-toe" game"
"TIC - TAC-toe". On the blackboard there is a large square divided into 20 squares: 4
rows of 5 squares. In each square there is a picture with the image inside. One team is
"Noughts - O" and another is "Crosses - X ". Take turns from each team of children come
up to the blackboard, flip the picture and name the word. If the child names the picture
correctly, he will take a point, and the teacher draws a cross ornought. If the item is
named incorrectly, the picture returns to its original place. The winner is the team which
scored the greatest number of X's or O's.
Station3. "ABC"
"Stand in the correctorder". Five students from each team go to the Board and receive
one letter and a picture, in which the hidden word. On the count of one, two, three children
must stand in the correctorder to form a word. The winner is a team that stands in a right
order the first. (Five students from each team go to the Board twice).
Station4. "Riddles"
Students read the riddles they have learned during the quarter. (one student from each
team- one riddle). How many correct answers you say so many points you will have.
Station5. "Grammatical"
1) Use correctly the verb to be (am / is / are), have/has, live/lives. (10 students – 10 points;
each sentence for each student). How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken
Station 6. "Lexical"
Continue the list of words (orally) on the following topics. (10 students – 10 words)
How many correct words you say so many points you will have.
Station 7. "Playing a moving game"
The Game "Sit!" Children, moving around the chairs, follow the master: go, run, jump,
fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. When the command: "SIT!",
Children should sit on the chairs. The student left without a chair leaves the game. The
winner is the team, the participant which remains the last – 10 points.
Station 8. "Conversation"
Make a story on the picture. Each student of the team has to say the sentence – 10 points.
How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off.
Station 9. "WORDSEARCH"
Find 10 words on a given topic. How many correctwords you find so many points you
will have.
Station 10:"Musical"
Sing a song. How many students sing the song so many points you will have.
Додаток№ 12
"Travel plan"
the maximum
Station 1 "Reading" - 220
Station 2 "TIC - TAC-toe" game" - 20
Station 3 "ABC" - 4
Station 4 "Riddles" - 20
Station 5 "Grammatical" - 10
Station 6 "Lexical" - 20
Station 7 "Playing" - 6
Station 8 "Conversation" - 10
Station 9 "WORDSEARCH" - 10
Station 10 "Musical" - 10
Total score: 330
"Travel plan"
Station 1 "Reading" -
Station 2 "TIC - TAC-toe" game" -
Station 3 "ABC" -
Station 4 "Riddles" -
Station 5 "Grammatical" -
Station 6 "Lexical" -
Station 7 "Playing" -
Station 8 "Conversation" -
Station 9 "WORDSEARCH" -
Station 10 "Musical" -
Total score:

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Розробка гри для учнів 5-6 класів "Подорож у країну англійської мови"

  • 1. Подорож у країну англійської мови (гра для учнів 5-6 класів) Вчитель англійської мови Компанієць Тетяна Миколаївна Орлівщинський НВК Новомосковський район Дніпропетровська область 12 березня 2016 року
  • 2. Подорож у країну англійської мови Цілі та завдання: створюватипозитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови; повторитиі закріпити вивчений матеріал; навчити дітей бачити результати колективної діяльності. "Подорож"проводиться з учнями 5-6 класів. Всі учні є мандрівниками, які відправляються в подорож по країні «Англійська мова». Коженклас займає свій вид транспорту, що рухається на різних напрямках. Діти самі придумують свої розпізнавальні знаки, але в кожномуз них є свій лідер групи, який веде весь клас по зупинкам мандрівки. Щоб групи "не стикалися" у дорозі, кожномукласу видається "travel plan", в якому написані всі назви зупинок у визначеномудля кожного класу порядку. В екскурсійному листі також вказується час зупинки кожної групи, кількість отриманих балів та підпис "керівника екскурсії" (вчителя англійської мови). Хід заходу: Teacher:Dear friends, today you are travellers. We are going to travel around the country which is called English. I wish you have a good time during your travelling. Good voyage! Station 1: "Reading" One of the students receives the text. The student has one minute to prepare for reading. Then the teacher says “Start” and the student begins to read. In a minute the teacher counts the number of words. The scoreis the words the student has been read correctly. (Перевіряється техніка читання на час (1 хвилина). Одинз учнів, обраний командою, отримуєлисток із текстом. Учневі дається одна хвилина на підготовку, потім по команді вчителя він починаєчитати. Підраховується кількість слів, прочитанихза одну хвилину і виставляється бал. Знімається та кількість балів, cкільки слів було прочитаноз помилками.) Station 2: "Playing"TIC - TAC-toe" game" "TIC – TAC - Toe". On the blackboard there is a large square divided into 20 squares of 5 rows by 4 squares. In each square there is a picture of animal. One team is "Crosses"and other is "Toes". Take turns with each team students come up to the board, turn the picture and call the word. If the child names the image correctly, the teacher draws a cross ora toe. If the subject is called incorrectly, the student returns the picture to its original location. The winner is the team that has the largest number of noughts or crosses. ("Хрестики - нулики". На дошці намальований великий квадрат, розділений на 20 квадратів:5 рядів по 4 квадрата. У кожен квадрат магнітикомприкріплюють картинкузвіра зображенням всередину. Одна команда - "Хрестики", а інша "Нулики". По черзі з кожної команди діти підходять до дошки, перевертають картинкуі називають слово. Якщо дитина назве картинкуправильно, то її знімає, а вчитель малює хрестик або нулик. Якщо предмет названий невірно, картинка повертається на колишнє місце. Виграєкоманда, яка набрала найбільшу кількість хрестиків або нуликів. Максимальнийбал – 20. Кожне слово – 1 бал.)
  • 3. Station 3 "ABC" "Stand in the right order." Five students from each team go to the board and receive one letter and the picture in which there is the image of the word . Teacher says: one, two, three and children stand in the correct order to form words. The winner is the team that stands the first. ("Встань в правильному порядку ". По п'ять чоловік з кожної команди виходять до дошки і отримують по одній букві та малюнок, в якому загадане слово. По команді: one, two, three! діти стають в правильному порядку, щоб утворити слово. Перемагає команда, що стала перша. За кожне слово –1 бал. Максимальний бал- 4.) Station 4 "Riddles" The teacher reads riddles, students guess their answers and show the pictures. (Вчитель читає загадки, учні відгадують їх і відповіді показують малюнками. Максимальний бал – 20. Кожна правильна відповідь - 1 бал.) Station 5 "Grammatical" Use correctly the verbs to be (am / is / are), have/has, live/lives (Вжити правильно дієсловa to be (am / is / are), have/has, live/lives). Максимальний бал – 10) 1. We (am / is / are) Ukrainians. 2. I (live/lives) in Orlivschyna. 3. My dad (am / is / are)55. 4. My mum (am / is / are) very good. 5. This dog(have/has) got a nice plate. 6. We (have/has) got a nice capital. 7. Pete and Bob (live/lives) in England. 8. She (have/has) got blue eyes. 9. They (am / is / are) students. 10. My grandmother (live/lives) in Kyiv. Station 6 "Lexical" Continue the list of words (orally) on the following topic “TIMETABLE” (Продовжіть список слів (усно) за темою Шкільні предмети. Вчитель викреслює із списку названі шкільні предмети, щоб не було повторень. Учні по черзі з кожної команди називають по одному предмету. Максимальний бал - 20, за кожне слово – 1 бал.) Station 7 "Playing" The Game "Sit!" 6 children, moving around the chairs, follow the master: go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. When the command: "SIT!", сhildren should sit on the chairs. (Гра "Sit!" Діти, рухаючись навколо стільців, виконують команди вчителя: go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. При команді "sit!", діти повинні сісти на стільці. Учень, що залишився без стільця, виходить з гри. Виграє та команда, учасник якої залишається останнім. Грає 6 учнів. По 3 з кожної команди. Максимальний бал – 6)
  • 4. Station 8 "Conversation" Make a story on the picture. Each student of the team has to say the sentence – 10 points. How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off. (Складіть розповідь по картинці. Коженучень повинен сказати одне речення. Максимальнийбал – 10) Station 9 "WORDSEARCH" Find 10 words on a given topic. How many correctwords you find so many points you will have. (кожна команда повинна знайти 10 слів, що позначають частини тіла, кожен учень – одне слово – 1 бал. Максимальнийбал - 10) Station 10 "Musical" Sing a song that you have learned by yourselves. How many students sing the song so many points you will have. (Учні співають пісню англійською мовою, яку вони вивчили самостійно. Максимальнийбал - 10) В кінці гри підраховуються бали і нагороджуються переможці.
  • 5. Додаток № 1 Station 1: "Reading" My favorite season and weather There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Every season has its fine days. As for me, I try to enjoy each season of the year. I like warm and beautiful days of early autumn. In winter the trees are covered with white snow and look beautiful. Winter is a time of joy. Winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. Summer brings warmth and new joys. My favorite season is summer. As I am a student, I may enjoy my summer holidays. They are always full of fun. The weather is usually fine, it is warm and the days are the longest in the year. I may spend a lot of time with my friends. When it gets very hot, we usually go to the river, sunbathe, swim and play different games. Sometimes, the weather gets cold. Dark clouds bring thunder and lighting and it starts raining. But I like summer thunderstorms, they make the air fresh and we can see a rainbow in the sky. In summer the first fruits and vegetables appear. My favorite fruit is a melon. But I also like peaches, plums and cherries. Summer is a really good time for me.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
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  • 16. Додаток№ 2 б Station 2 "Playing "TIC - TAC-toe" game" Animals a cat a goat a fox a hamster a hare a cow a goose a mouse a horse a pig a lion a tiger a giraffe an elephant a monkey a crocodile an ant a snake a hen a bear
  • 17. Додаток№ 3 а Station 3 "ABC" "Stand in the correct order ". Bread – B R E A D Salad – S A L A D Pasta – P A S T A Candy – C A N D Y Juice – J U I C E Sugar – S U G A R Pizza – P I Z Z A Flour – F L O U R
  • 18. Додаток№ 3 б B RE AD SA LA D P A S T A C A N D Y J U I C E S U G A R P I Z Z A F L O U R
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 24.
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  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. scarf jacket mittens boots socks glove slippers hat
  • 33. sunglasses raincoat globe alphabet book timetable ruler teacher pencil blackboard pen daybook
  • 34. Додаток№ 4 б Station 4 "Riddles " CLOTHES 1. In a winter storm, I keep your neck warm. What am I? (Answer: SCARF) 2. I start with the letter J, And keep you warm on a cold day. What am I? (Answer: JACKET) 3. We protect your hands from snow and ice. Fingers think we’re very nice. What are we? (Answer: MITTENS) 4. I start with the letter B, And your feet go inside of me. What am I? (Answer: BOOTS) 5. We can’t help your nose but, We’re very good at warming toes. What are we? (Answer: SOCKS) 6. If your head might freeze, Put me on please. What am I? (Answer: HAT) 7. Five rooms but one door. (Answer: A GLOVE) 8. We always step together. We are the same as brothers. At dinner we are under the table. At night we are under the bed. (Answer: HOME SLIPPERS) 9. When the sun is shining bright, You wear them to protect your eyes. What are they? (Answer: SUNGLASSES) 10. I start with the letter R, And keep you dry on a rainy day. What am I? (Answer: RAINCOAT)
  • 35. SCHOOL 1. This word has three syllables, but contains twenty-six letters? (Alphabet) 2. It is not a tree, but has leaves; It is not a dress, but is sewn together; It has no tongue, but can tell you a story. (A book) 3. It looks like a ball, It stands on its leg and does not fall. You like to turn it round, Countries, mountains, lakes are found. (A globe) 4. This table has no legs, but has many subjects. (A time-table) 5. The teacher writes on me with a chalk I have black face, I cannot talk. (A blackboard) 6. I am used to draw lines with, I am long and very thin. On my face black figures shine. Try, you can my name define. (A ruler) 7. This little traveler is very strong. He can run a thousand miles. Before he starts, he takes off his hat. When he rests, he puts it on. (A pen) 8. Our little John Has a wooden jacket on And a long sharp nose. He leaves his mark Wherever he goes. (A pencil) 9. You keep it in your schoolbag. It can show how you learn your lessons. (a day-book) 10. Who is standing at the blackboard? (Teacher)
  • 36. Station 5 "Grammatical" Underline the correct word. 1. We (am / is / are) Ukrainians. 2. I (live/lives) in Orlivschyna. 3. My dad (am / is / are) 55. 4. My mum (am / is / are) very good. 5. This dog (have/has) got a nice plate. 6. We (have/has) got a nice capital. 7. Pete and Bob (live/lives) in England. 8. She (have/has) got blue eyes. 9. They (am / is / are) students. 10. My grandmother (live/lives) in Kyiv. Додаток№ 5
  • 37. Додаток№ 6 Station 6 "Lexical" Continue the list of words (orally) on the following topic “TIMETABLE”: 1. Математика Maths Mathematics 2. Історія України History of Ukraine 3. Англ.мова English 4. Укр.мова Ukrainian 5. Укр.літ Ukrainian Literature 6. Природа Science 7. Основи здоров’я Health 8. Етика Ethic 9. Фізкультура PE Physical Education,Sports 10. Музика Music 11. Заруб. література Foreign Literature 12. Інформатика IT Information Technology Computer Sciences 13. Образотв. Мистецтво Art 14. Рос.мова Russian 15. Труд. Craft 16. Етика христ.віри Religion 17. Хімія Chemistry 18. Географія Geography 19. Біологія Biology 20. Правознавство Law
  • 38. Додаток№ 7 Station 7 "Playing a moving game" The Game "Sit!" 6 children, moving around the chairs, follow the master: go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. When the command: "SIT!", сhildren should sit on the chairs. 1. fly, swim, go, run, jump - "SIT!" 2. go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw "SIT!" 3. swim, count, sing, run, jump - "SIT!" 4. dance, write, read, go, run, jump, fly, swim - "SIT!" 5. go, run - "SIT!"
  • 39. Додаток№ 8 Station 8 "Conversation" Make a story on the picture. Each student of the team has to say the sentence – 10 points. How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off. My room
  • 40. Додаток№ 9 Station 9 "WORDSEARCH" Find 10 words on a given topic. How many correct words you find so many points you will have. HUMAN BODY 1. Body 2. Back 3. Neck 4. Skin 5. Face 6. Hair 7. Nose 8. Ear 9. Eye 10. Mouth 11. Hand 12. Leg 13. Foot 14. Tongue 15. Tooth 16. Lips 17. Beard 18. Moustache 19. Chin 20. Cheek Додаток№ 10 Station 10 "Musical" Sing a song that you have learned by yourselves. How many students sing the song so many points you will have.
  • 41. Додаток№ 11 TRAIN TABLE Station 1: "Reading" Read the text in 1 minute. How many words you read so many points you will have. How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off. Station2. "Playing "TIC - TAC-toe" game" "TIC - TAC-toe". On the blackboard there is a large square divided into 20 squares: 4 rows of 5 squares. In each square there is a picture with the image inside. One team is "Noughts - O" and another is "Crosses - X ". Take turns from each team of children come up to the blackboard, flip the picture and name the word. If the child names the picture correctly, he will take a point, and the teacher draws a cross ornought. If the item is named incorrectly, the picture returns to its original place. The winner is the team which scored the greatest number of X's or O's. Station3. "ABC" "Stand in the correctorder". Five students from each team go to the Board and receive one letter and a picture, in which the hidden word. On the count of one, two, three children must stand in the correctorder to form a word. The winner is a team that stands in a right order the first. (Five students from each team go to the Board twice). Station4. "Riddles" Students read the riddles they have learned during the quarter. (one student from each team- one riddle). How many correct answers you say so many points you will have. Station5. "Grammatical" 1) Use correctly the verb to be (am / is / are), have/has, live/lives. (10 students – 10 points; each sentence for each student). How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off. Station 6. "Lexical" Continue the list of words (orally) on the following topics. (10 students – 10 words) How many correct words you say so many points you will have. Station 7. "Playing a moving game" The Game "Sit!" Children, moving around the chairs, follow the master: go, run, jump, fly, swim, count, sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc. When the command: "SIT!", Children should sit on the chairs. The student left without a chair leaves the game. The winner is the team, the participant which remains the last – 10 points. Station 8. "Conversation" Make a story on the picture. Each student of the team has to say the sentence – 10 points. How many mistakes you do so many points will be taken off. Station 9. "WORDSEARCH" Find 10 words on a given topic. How many correctwords you find so many points you will have. Station 10:"Musical" Sing a song. How many students sing the song so many points you will have.
  • 42. Додаток№ 12 "Travel plan" the maximum score Station 1 "Reading" - 220 Station 2 "TIC - TAC-toe" game" - 20 Station 3 "ABC" - 4 Station 4 "Riddles" - 20 Station 5 "Grammatical" - 10 Station 6 "Lexical" - 20 Station 7 "Playing" - 6 Station 8 "Conversation" - 10 Station 9 "WORDSEARCH" - 10 Station 10 "Musical" - 10 __________ Total score: 330
  • 43. "Travel plan" Station 1 "Reading" - Station 2 "TIC - TAC-toe" game" - Station 3 "ABC" - Station 4 "Riddles" - Station 5 "Grammatical" - Station 6 "Lexical" - Station 7 "Playing" - Station 8 "Conversation" - Station 9 "WORDSEARCH" - Station 10 "Musical" - __________ Total score: