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50 Greatist Superfoods
and Why They're Super
Here’s a great excuse to gorge on pumpkin pie, blueberry cobbler, apple
streusel, and chocolate-covered strawberries! Well, kind of. Yep, they're
all Greatist superfoods— just hold the sugar to get the most benefits. Here are
the reasons these fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy products have made our list
of the world's best superfoods.
Winter and weight gain are basically synonymous. If you’re one of the millions of
Americans who worry about gaining weight in the winter, well, worry not. If you
eat the right foods this holiday season, in fact, you can incinerate calories, melt
off fat, and even get the body of your dreams. And chances are, you’re more
than familiar with most of those foods—like quinoa, or pulled pork. In the interest
of keeping you as healthy as possible this winter, we’ve curated a list of 25
superfoods that are all but certain to aid in your quest of fending off winter weight
gain. And for more on healthy eating this holiday season, check out the 10
Unhealthiest Holiday Finger Foods.
1. Greek Yogurt Regular yogurt’s thicker, creamier cousin is chock-full of protein
and probiotics. It fills the belly, improves digestion, and bolsters the immune
system. Plus, it's a great healthy recipe substitute for sour cream, cream cheese,
and even mayonnaise!
2. Quinoa This teeny-tiny, grain-like seed packs some serious nutritional
prowess. With a mild, nutty flavor and a texture similar to rice or couscous,
quinoa is one of the only grains or seeds that provides all nine essential amino
acids our bodies can't produce themselves . And it's filled with protein— eight
grams per one-cup serving, to be exact!
3. Blueberries Don’t worry; these berries won't cause an oompa-loompa-like
reaction. In fact, they're nutritional superstars, filled with fiber, vitamin C, and
cancer-fighting compounds. And studies suggest blueberries may even improve
memory !
4. Kale This rough and tough green beats out all the rest in terms of nutrition,
providing more antioxidants than most other fruits and veggies! It's also a
fantastic source of fiber, calcium, and iron. Prepare it virtually any way, from
boiled or steamed to roasted (try it as a chip!) or stewed.
5. Chia Ch-ch-ch-chia! Yep, this little seed is the same as those adorable little
ceramic animal planters of the 90s! But don’t worry, the nutritious part is not the
clay pot. Chia seeds are actually loaded with the most essential fatty acids of any
known plant! Plus, one serving of the stuff is loaded with magnesium, iron,
calcium, and potassium.
6. Oatmeal High in fiber, antioxidants, and tons of other nutrients, this breakfast
staple has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, aid in digestion, and
even improve metabolism . And it's downright delicious— especially when
flavored like pumpkin pie!
7. Green Tea This ages-old health secret has been used as a natural remedy for
everything from cancer to heart disease ! The secret to this delicious drink?
Antioxidants! The main superhero here is Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, a
phytochemical that slows irregular cell growth, which could potentially help
prevent the growth of some cancers .
8. Broccoli This lean, mean, green machine is packed with vitamins, minerals,
disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. Though all
members of the cruciferous vegetable family are super-duper healthy, broccoli
stands out for its exceptionally high levels of vitamin C and folate (which
can reduce risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke) .
9. Strawberries Vitamin C is the superstar of this superfood. Just one cup of
these red beauties satisfies the daily requirement for vitamin C (74 milligrams per
day for women, 90 for men)! Studies suggest the antioxidant helps build and
repair the body's tissues, boosts immunity, and fights excess free radical
damage. And the vitamin C in strawberries could help promote healthy eye
function .
10. Salmon This heart-healthy fish is packed with protein and a healthy dose
of omega-3 fatty acids, which studies suggest may help reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease. And bonus points: Salmon may also protect skin from
the sun and the damaging effects of UV rays .
11. Watermelon Low in sugar and high in vitamins A and C, this summer treat is
the prefect fresh, low-calorie snack. Studies suggest watermelon could also
potentially lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease .
And the lycopene in watermelon could help protect the body from UV rays and
cancer .
12. Spinach Antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamins that promote vision
and bone health are what make this little ol' green so super . And those bones
will be thanking spinach, too! Just one cup of the stuff packs up to 12 percent of
the recommended daily dose of calcium and enough vitamin K to help prevent
bone loss .
13. Pistachios These lil' nuts are hiding lots of protein and fiberbehind their
earthy flavor and nutty crunch. Plus, they're naturally cholesterol-free. A one-
ounce serving of these nuts has almost as much potassium as one small
14. Eggs A relatively inexpensive protein source loaded with nutrients, eggs
certainly earn their superfood status. A single large egg is just about 70 calories
and offers six grams of protein. Eggs are also a great source of omega-3 fatty
acids, which are essential for normal body function and heart health .
15. Almonds Surprise! Almonds are the most nutritionally dense nut, meaning
they offer the highest concentration of nutrients per calorie per ounce. For
just 191 calories, a one-ounce serving provides 3.4 grams of fiber (that's about
14 percent of the daily recommended value) and a healthy dose of potassium,
calcium, vitamin E, magnesium, and iron. Plus, you can eat them as BUTTER!
16. Ginger Slightly spicy but oh-so-enjoyable, ginger has been used for years as
a delicious flavoring and an all-natural remedy for everything from an upset
stomach to unwanted inflammation.
17. Beets This all-star veggie contains tons of vitamins, minerals, and
antioxidants that can help fight disease and strengthen vital organs. And their
purple hue may be the secret to their healthy success— some studies
suggest betalains, the purple pigments in these veggies, may help ward off
cancer and other degenerative diseases .
18. Beans High in protein and low in cholesterol, beans of any variety can add a
healthy twist to any dish (even brownies!). They're also loaded with fiber, folate,
and magnesium, and studies have shown that legumes (like beans) can actually
help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of certain cancers (at least in rats…) .
19. Pumpkin Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, these gourds aren't just for
carving (or making into pie). The star nutrient here is beta-carotene,
a provitamin that the body converts to vitamin A, which is known for its immune
boosting powers and essential role in eye health .
20. Apples Say it with us, people: "Fiber is good." And apples are a great low-
calorie source. (A medium-sized apple weighs in at under 100 calories.) Plus,
upping apple intake has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular
disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and asthma .
21. Cranberries It's time to work these fall favorites into dishes year-round.
Whether it's in the shape of a can or fresh off the stove, cranberries have a
handful of health benefits and disease-fighting powers . These bacteria-busting
berries can help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oral
health, help prevent ulcers and yeast infections, and may even inhibit the growth
of some human cancer cells .
22. Garlic Yes, it might leave breath less-than-desirable, but these cloves can do
more than flavor— they've been used for centuries as food and medicine. These
days, garlic is used to treat anything from high blood pressure and heart disease
to certain types of cancer. Plus, studies suggest garlic extract can be used to
treat yeast infections in women and prostate issues in men .
23. Cauliflower While all the vitamins and minerals are a great bonus, the real
star here is cauliflower's cancer-fighting compounds, glucosinolates. These
phytochemicals are responsible for cauliflower's sometimes-bitter flavor, but they
have also been shown to prevent damage to the lugs and stomach by
carcinogens, potentially protecting agiainst those cancers . And thanks to
interactions with estrogen, cauliflower may also help prevent hormone-driven
cancers like breast, uterine, and cervical . 24. Leeks Leeks owe many of their
anti-cancer superpowers to their organosulphur compounds. These nutrients
have been credited with everything from kicking cancer to boosting immunity .
Studies also suggest leeks could help protect the digestive system from stomach
and gastric cancers .
25. Lentils They're pretty cheap, easy to prepare, and high in protein, iron and
other essential nutrients. Need we say more? The iron may help fight
off anemia (a condition that’s especially common among vegetarians and
vegans), and they're low on the glycemic index, too. That means they cause
blood sugar to spike less quickly than other starches, so our energy lasts longer .
Grab a can (or four) on your next grocery trip. One study in the Journal of Lipid
Research showed that omega-3 fatty acids in tuna have the ability to essentially
turn off abdominal fat genes. And check out more smart dining strategies by
learning How Lean People Eat Every Holiday Season.
When life gives you lemons, you may want to take heed. A study in the Journal of
Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition showed that lemon’s polyphenols (found most
in the lemon rind) improved insulin resistance in mice and decreased body
weight and fat. So squeeze some lemon juice into your next glass of water or
onto your next piece of lean meat.
Sweet news: According a study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and
Nutrition, participants who ate honey for 8 weeks saw increased weight loss and,
for the participants with diabetes, reduced blood glucose levels. Need to get
some honey in your life? Just glaze your next piece of salmon with the stuff. (Or
just drink more tea.)
Start the day with a plate full of scramblers; eggs really are all they’re cracked up
to be. Research in the International Journal of Food Sciences and
Nutrition found that, after 8 weeks of eating eggs for breakfast, weight loss is
boosted by up to 65 percent over those who didn’t eat eggs for breakfast.
Packing on the protein found in eggs is one of the 33 Ways to Stay Lean for Life.
Fermented foods are awesome for weight loss. A 2011 study in Nutrition
Research found that participants who ate kimchi for 8 weeks experienced
precipitous decreases in body weight, body mass index, and body fat
percentage. As if you needed another reason to spring for a bibimbap.
You can eat a lot of potatoes and not gain weight, according to research out of
the Journal of American College of Nutrition.In fact, in their study, people who ate
5 to 7 servings of potatoes daily actually lost weight. Just opt for healthier
options, like mashed potatoes (no cream), baked potatoes, or home fries. Sorry,
barflies: French fries are a no-go.
Coconut Milk
While typically high in saturated fats—in other words: bad fats—coconut milk has
been proven to help with weight loss, due to the substance’s abundance of
medium chain fatty acids, which have been shown to increase metabolic rates.
Just don’t overdo it and you’ll be fine. Our recommendation? Get your coconut
milk fix from another metabolism-boosting meal: Spicy green curry. (Turning up
the heat is a surefire way to amplify your metabolic function.)
Chicken Broth
Or, if chicken broth isn’t available, spring for pretty much anylow-calorie soup.
According to research out of Penn State, having a low-calorie soup before a meal
reduced calorie intake by 20 percent throughout the meal. It’s simple math: You
fill up, you eat less, you gain less weight.
Dark Chocolate
Yes, you can indulge your sweet tooth when it comes to chocolate, as long as
it’s dark—as in a 70 percent cacao rating or higher. The flavanols in cocoa are
known to prevent weight gain and obesity. Plus, springing for dark chocolate is
also a helpful craving curbing trick: In fact, it’s one of the 27 Smartest Ways to
Control Your Cravings.
Greek Yogurt
Want a smaller waist? Eat some protein-rich Greek yogurt. A study in
the International Journal of Obesity found that people who regularly ate yogurt
had lower body mass index, lower body weight, experienced less weight gain,
and boasted a smaller waist circumference and lower body fat percentage.
The leafy green is a weight-loss darling. Kale is high in fiber and has a low
glycemic index, both of which have been linked to weight loss. Plus, kale just
tastes better than its other salad-base contemporaries, like romaine and iceberg.
A 2011 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that obese mice that
were fed garlic for seven weeks reduced their body weight and dormant fat
stores. And, seeing as garlic is one of those things that goes with everything, you
have no excuse not to add a dash to your next dinner dish.
The real breakfast of champions. A 2010 study by the American Dietetic
Association found that regular oatmeal helped lower LDL cholesterol (that’s the
stuff that leads to heart disease, unwanted weight gain, and diabetes) and shrink
the waistlines of participants after 4 weeks of eating oatmeal.
Maple Syrup
Perhaps ironically, nature’s candy is great for your waistline. Maple syrup is high
in zinc, which has been found to aid in weight loss. That irony? Try imagining a
meal to eat the sweet stuff with that’s not a carb-and-sugar-loaded waffle or stack
of pancakes.
Keep a stash nearby for a healthy snack. A 2009 study in the American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition found that those who ate nuts everyday gained less weight
and that greater nut consumption resulted in a lower risk of obesity. Nuts are also
loaded with natural protein, which will help you build that enviable lean muscle.
Lean Pork
Grab a pork tenderloin for dinner tonight. In a study published in the
journal Nutrients, after three months or lean pork consumption, overweight
participants saw a significant reduction in waist size, BMI and belly fat. As such,
researchers believe that pork’s amino acids may contribute to greater fat burning.
Eat these fresh fungi in the morning for the best effect. A 2017 study published in
the journal Appetite found that those who ate a breakfast with mushrooms
resulted in greater fullness and less hunger. As a bonus, mushrooms are the only
food you can get at the supermarket that has a natural source of Vitamin D.
January is peak season for pomegranates, magical fruits that are high in fiber
and low-calorie (each half cup comes with only 72 calories). As a bonus, they’re
high in potassium, an essential electrolyte for a pre- or post-workout
session, according to Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N.
Add a sprig to your roast chicken to stop weight gain. A 2010 study in Planta
Medica found that mice fed on a high-fat diet paired with rosemary extract did not
gain weight because of rosemary extract’s ability to inhibit lipase—an enzyme
used to break down fats—activity. The stuff may also make you feel fuller by
delaying the digestion of fats.
Beans are the boss when it comes to weight loss. The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition revealed that a daily serving of beans and other pulses can
contribute to a modest weight loss and reduced cholesterol levels. Beans are
also a healthy source of protein—which, again, grants you energy and helps
build muscle.
Chia Seeds
Sprinkle some on your oatmeal or into a protein shake. According to the Journal
of Food Science and Technology, chia seeds are one of the finest sources of
protein you can get. At 20 percent protein per serving, they’ll help keep you full
longer and will work wonders on building essential lean muscle.
A University of Michigan study found that cinnamon wreaks havoc on fat cells.
The study found that the oil cinnamaldehyde boosts metabolic health by prodding
fat cells to start burning energy in a process called thermogenesis. A quick way
to slate cinnamon into your diet? Sprinkle it into your coffee. It’s one of the 15
Easiest Health Hacks of All Time.
The cold-weather fruit is in season during the winter. A 2003 study published
in Nutrition found that those who ate apples and pears everyday lost weight. Just
be sure to eat, you know, the pear itself, and not a fatty, sugar-filled pear
crumble, or other similar holiday-season treats.
Brussels Sprouts
Thankfully, Brussels sprouts have cemented their place on the fine dining menus
of American cuisine: The veggie is full of fiber and detoxifying glucosinates. Just
try to get an option that’s glazed in something healthy, like sesame oil, as
opposed to springing for the en vogue dish of Brussels sprouts and bacon bits.
The inherent fat in bacon will nullify any benefits you get from this choice
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people
who ate whole grains lost more belly fat than those who ate refined grains.
Maintain a sense of being on top of your diet, and not the other way around, by
checking out the 40 Unhealthiest Foods if You’re Over 40.

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50 greatist superfoods and why they Jacob Jason Demedici

  • 1. 50 Greatist Superfoods and Why They're Super Here’s a great excuse to gorge on pumpkin pie, blueberry cobbler, apple streusel, and chocolate-covered strawberries! Well, kind of. Yep, they're all Greatist superfoods— just hold the sugar to get the most benefits. Here are the reasons these fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy products have made our list of the world's best superfoods. Winter and weight gain are basically synonymous. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who worry about gaining weight in the winter, well, worry not. If you eat the right foods this holiday season, in fact, you can incinerate calories, melt off fat, and even get the body of your dreams. And chances are, you’re more than familiar with most of those foods—like quinoa, or pulled pork. In the interest of keeping you as healthy as possible this winter, we’ve curated a list of 25 superfoods that are all but certain to aid in your quest of fending off winter weight gain. And for more on healthy eating this holiday season, check out the 10 Unhealthiest Holiday Finger Foods. 1. Greek Yogurt Regular yogurt’s thicker, creamier cousin is chock-full of protein and probiotics. It fills the belly, improves digestion, and bolsters the immune system. Plus, it's a great healthy recipe substitute for sour cream, cream cheese, and even mayonnaise! 2. Quinoa This teeny-tiny, grain-like seed packs some serious nutritional prowess. With a mild, nutty flavor and a texture similar to rice or couscous, quinoa is one of the only grains or seeds that provides all nine essential amino acids our bodies can't produce themselves . And it's filled with protein— eight grams per one-cup serving, to be exact! 3. Blueberries Don’t worry; these berries won't cause an oompa-loompa-like reaction. In fact, they're nutritional superstars, filled with fiber, vitamin C, and cancer-fighting compounds. And studies suggest blueberries may even improve memory ! 4. Kale This rough and tough green beats out all the rest in terms of nutrition, providing more antioxidants than most other fruits and veggies! It's also a
  • 2. fantastic source of fiber, calcium, and iron. Prepare it virtually any way, from boiled or steamed to roasted (try it as a chip!) or stewed. 5. Chia Ch-ch-ch-chia! Yep, this little seed is the same as those adorable little ceramic animal planters of the 90s! But don’t worry, the nutritious part is not the clay pot. Chia seeds are actually loaded with the most essential fatty acids of any known plant! Plus, one serving of the stuff is loaded with magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium. 6. Oatmeal High in fiber, antioxidants, and tons of other nutrients, this breakfast staple has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, aid in digestion, and even improve metabolism . And it's downright delicious— especially when flavored like pumpkin pie! 7. Green Tea This ages-old health secret has been used as a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease ! The secret to this delicious drink? Antioxidants! The main superhero here is Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, a phytochemical that slows irregular cell growth, which could potentially help prevent the growth of some cancers . 8. Broccoli This lean, mean, green machine is packed with vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. Though all members of the cruciferous vegetable family are super-duper healthy, broccoli stands out for its exceptionally high levels of vitamin C and folate (which can reduce risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke) . 9. Strawberries Vitamin C is the superstar of this superfood. Just one cup of these red beauties satisfies the daily requirement for vitamin C (74 milligrams per day for women, 90 for men)! Studies suggest the antioxidant helps build and repair the body's tissues, boosts immunity, and fights excess free radical damage. And the vitamin C in strawberries could help promote healthy eye function . 10. Salmon This heart-healthy fish is packed with protein and a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which studies suggest may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And bonus points: Salmon may also protect skin from the sun and the damaging effects of UV rays . 11. Watermelon Low in sugar and high in vitamins A and C, this summer treat is the prefect fresh, low-calorie snack. Studies suggest watermelon could also potentially lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease . And the lycopene in watermelon could help protect the body from UV rays and cancer .
  • 3. 12. Spinach Antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamins that promote vision and bone health are what make this little ol' green so super . And those bones will be thanking spinach, too! Just one cup of the stuff packs up to 12 percent of the recommended daily dose of calcium and enough vitamin K to help prevent bone loss . 13. Pistachios These lil' nuts are hiding lots of protein and fiberbehind their earthy flavor and nutty crunch. Plus, they're naturally cholesterol-free. A one- ounce serving of these nuts has almost as much potassium as one small banana. 14. Eggs A relatively inexpensive protein source loaded with nutrients, eggs certainly earn their superfood status. A single large egg is just about 70 calories and offers six grams of protein. Eggs are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for normal body function and heart health . 15. Almonds Surprise! Almonds are the most nutritionally dense nut, meaning they offer the highest concentration of nutrients per calorie per ounce. For just 191 calories, a one-ounce serving provides 3.4 grams of fiber (that's about 14 percent of the daily recommended value) and a healthy dose of potassium, calcium, vitamin E, magnesium, and iron. Plus, you can eat them as BUTTER! 16. Ginger Slightly spicy but oh-so-enjoyable, ginger has been used for years as a delicious flavoring and an all-natural remedy for everything from an upset stomach to unwanted inflammation. 17. Beets This all-star veggie contains tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help fight disease and strengthen vital organs. And their purple hue may be the secret to their healthy success— some studies suggest betalains, the purple pigments in these veggies, may help ward off cancer and other degenerative diseases . 18. Beans High in protein and low in cholesterol, beans of any variety can add a healthy twist to any dish (even brownies!). They're also loaded with fiber, folate, and magnesium, and studies have shown that legumes (like beans) can actually help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of certain cancers (at least in rats…) . 19. Pumpkin Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, these gourds aren't just for carving (or making into pie). The star nutrient here is beta-carotene, a provitamin that the body converts to vitamin A, which is known for its immune boosting powers and essential role in eye health .
  • 4. 20. Apples Say it with us, people: "Fiber is good." And apples are a great low- calorie source. (A medium-sized apple weighs in at under 100 calories.) Plus, upping apple intake has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and asthma . 21. Cranberries It's time to work these fall favorites into dishes year-round. Whether it's in the shape of a can or fresh off the stove, cranberries have a handful of health benefits and disease-fighting powers . These bacteria-busting berries can help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oral health, help prevent ulcers and yeast infections, and may even inhibit the growth of some human cancer cells . 22. Garlic Yes, it might leave breath less-than-desirable, but these cloves can do more than flavor— they've been used for centuries as food and medicine. These days, garlic is used to treat anything from high blood pressure and heart disease to certain types of cancer. Plus, studies suggest garlic extract can be used to treat yeast infections in women and prostate issues in men . 23. Cauliflower While all the vitamins and minerals are a great bonus, the real star here is cauliflower's cancer-fighting compounds, glucosinolates. These phytochemicals are responsible for cauliflower's sometimes-bitter flavor, but they have also been shown to prevent damage to the lugs and stomach by carcinogens, potentially protecting agiainst those cancers . And thanks to interactions with estrogen, cauliflower may also help prevent hormone-driven cancers like breast, uterine, and cervical . 24. Leeks Leeks owe many of their anti-cancer superpowers to their organosulphur compounds. These nutrients have been credited with everything from kicking cancer to boosting immunity . Studies also suggest leeks could help protect the digestive system from stomach and gastric cancers . 25. Lentils They're pretty cheap, easy to prepare, and high in protein, iron and other essential nutrients. Need we say more? The iron may help fight off anemia (a condition that’s especially common among vegetarians and vegans), and they're low on the glycemic index, too. That means they cause blood sugar to spike less quickly than other starches, so our energy lasts longer . 26. Tuna Grab a can (or four) on your next grocery trip. One study in the Journal of Lipid Research showed that omega-3 fatty acids in tuna have the ability to essentially
  • 5. turn off abdominal fat genes. And check out more smart dining strategies by learning How Lean People Eat Every Holiday Season. 27. Lemons When life gives you lemons, you may want to take heed. A study in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition showed that lemon’s polyphenols (found most in the lemon rind) improved insulin resistance in mice and decreased body weight and fat. So squeeze some lemon juice into your next glass of water or onto your next piece of lean meat.
  • 6. 28. Honey Sweet news: According a study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, participants who ate honey for 8 weeks saw increased weight loss and, for the participants with diabetes, reduced blood glucose levels. Need to get some honey in your life? Just glaze your next piece of salmon with the stuff. (Or just drink more tea.)
  • 7. 29. Eggs Start the day with a plate full of scramblers; eggs really are all they’re cracked up to be. Research in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that, after 8 weeks of eating eggs for breakfast, weight loss is boosted by up to 65 percent over those who didn’t eat eggs for breakfast. Packing on the protein found in eggs is one of the 33 Ways to Stay Lean for Life.
  • 8. 30. Kimchi Fermented foods are awesome for weight loss. A 2011 study in Nutrition Research found that participants who ate kimchi for 8 weeks experienced precipitous decreases in body weight, body mass index, and body fat percentage. As if you needed another reason to spring for a bibimbap.
  • 9. 31. Potatoes You can eat a lot of potatoes and not gain weight, according to research out of the Journal of American College of Nutrition.In fact, in their study, people who ate 5 to 7 servings of potatoes daily actually lost weight. Just opt for healthier options, like mashed potatoes (no cream), baked potatoes, or home fries. Sorry, barflies: French fries are a no-go.
  • 10. 32. Coconut Milk While typically high in saturated fats—in other words: bad fats—coconut milk has been proven to help with weight loss, due to the substance’s abundance of medium chain fatty acids, which have been shown to increase metabolic rates. Just don’t overdo it and you’ll be fine. Our recommendation? Get your coconut milk fix from another metabolism-boosting meal: Spicy green curry. (Turning up the heat is a surefire way to amplify your metabolic function.)
  • 11. 33. Chicken Broth Or, if chicken broth isn’t available, spring for pretty much anylow-calorie soup. According to research out of Penn State, having a low-calorie soup before a meal reduced calorie intake by 20 percent throughout the meal. It’s simple math: You fill up, you eat less, you gain less weight.
  • 12. 34. Dark Chocolate Yes, you can indulge your sweet tooth when it comes to chocolate, as long as it’s dark—as in a 70 percent cacao rating or higher. The flavanols in cocoa are known to prevent weight gain and obesity. Plus, springing for dark chocolate is also a helpful craving curbing trick: In fact, it’s one of the 27 Smartest Ways to Control Your Cravings.
  • 13. 35. Greek Yogurt Want a smaller waist? Eat some protein-rich Greek yogurt. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that people who regularly ate yogurt had lower body mass index, lower body weight, experienced less weight gain, and boasted a smaller waist circumference and lower body fat percentage.
  • 14. 36. Kale The leafy green is a weight-loss darling. Kale is high in fiber and has a low glycemic index, both of which have been linked to weight loss. Plus, kale just tastes better than its other salad-base contemporaries, like romaine and iceberg.
  • 15. 37. Garlic A 2011 study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that obese mice that were fed garlic for seven weeks reduced their body weight and dormant fat stores. And, seeing as garlic is one of those things that goes with everything, you have no excuse not to add a dash to your next dinner dish.
  • 16. 38. Oatmeal The real breakfast of champions. A 2010 study by the American Dietetic Association found that regular oatmeal helped lower LDL cholesterol (that’s the stuff that leads to heart disease, unwanted weight gain, and diabetes) and shrink the waistlines of participants after 4 weeks of eating oatmeal.
  • 17. 39. Maple Syrup Perhaps ironically, nature’s candy is great for your waistline. Maple syrup is high in zinc, which has been found to aid in weight loss. That irony? Try imagining a meal to eat the sweet stuff with that’s not a carb-and-sugar-loaded waffle or stack of pancakes.
  • 18. 40. Nuts Keep a stash nearby for a healthy snack. A 2009 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those who ate nuts everyday gained less weight and that greater nut consumption resulted in a lower risk of obesity. Nuts are also loaded with natural protein, which will help you build that enviable lean muscle.
  • 19. 41. Lean Pork Grab a pork tenderloin for dinner tonight. In a study published in the journal Nutrients, after three months or lean pork consumption, overweight participants saw a significant reduction in waist size, BMI and belly fat. As such, researchers believe that pork’s amino acids may contribute to greater fat burning.
  • 20. 42. Mushrooms Eat these fresh fungi in the morning for the best effect. A 2017 study published in the journal Appetite found that those who ate a breakfast with mushrooms resulted in greater fullness and less hunger. As a bonus, mushrooms are the only food you can get at the supermarket that has a natural source of Vitamin D.
  • 21. 43. Pomegranates January is peak season for pomegranates, magical fruits that are high in fiber and low-calorie (each half cup comes with only 72 calories). As a bonus, they’re high in potassium, an essential electrolyte for a pre- or post-workout session, according to Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N.
  • 22. 44. Rosemary Add a sprig to your roast chicken to stop weight gain. A 2010 study in Planta Medica found that mice fed on a high-fat diet paired with rosemary extract did not gain weight because of rosemary extract’s ability to inhibit lipase—an enzyme used to break down fats—activity. The stuff may also make you feel fuller by delaying the digestion of fats.
  • 23. 45. Beans Beans are the boss when it comes to weight loss. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that a daily serving of beans and other pulses can contribute to a modest weight loss and reduced cholesterol levels. Beans are also a healthy source of protein—which, again, grants you energy and helps build muscle.
  • 24. 46. Chia Seeds Sprinkle some on your oatmeal or into a protein shake. According to the Journal of Food Science and Technology, chia seeds are one of the finest sources of protein you can get. At 20 percent protein per serving, they’ll help keep you full longer and will work wonders on building essential lean muscle.
  • 25. 47. Cinnamon A University of Michigan study found that cinnamon wreaks havoc on fat cells. The study found that the oil cinnamaldehyde boosts metabolic health by prodding fat cells to start burning energy in a process called thermogenesis. A quick way to slate cinnamon into your diet? Sprinkle it into your coffee. It’s one of the 15 Easiest Health Hacks of All Time.
  • 26. 48. Pears The cold-weather fruit is in season during the winter. A 2003 study published in Nutrition found that those who ate apples and pears everyday lost weight. Just be sure to eat, you know, the pear itself, and not a fatty, sugar-filled pear crumble, or other similar holiday-season treats.
  • 27. 49. Brussels Sprouts Thankfully, Brussels sprouts have cemented their place on the fine dining menus of American cuisine: The veggie is full of fiber and detoxifying glucosinates. Just try to get an option that’s glazed in something healthy, like sesame oil, as opposed to springing for the en vogue dish of Brussels sprouts and bacon bits. The inherent fat in bacon will nullify any benefits you get from this choice vegetable.
  • 28. 50. Quinoa A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate whole grains lost more belly fat than those who ate refined grains. Maintain a sense of being on top of your diet, and not the other way around, by checking out the 40 Unhealthiest Foods if You’re Over 40.