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978-1-4673-2605-6/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
Hybrid Honeypot Framework for Malware Collection
and Analysis
Sanjeev Kumar Rakesh Sehgal J.S.Bhatia
Cyber Security Division Cyber Security Division Cyber Security Division
CDAC, Mohali CDAC, Mohali CDAC,Mohali
India India India
Abstract— the popularity of the Internet is rising day by day,
hence the security is becoming the main focused point with the
advent and rising popularity of the Internet. In this paper we are
proposing an integrated framework of malware collection and
analysis using both of the technologies called server honeypots
and client honeypots. As the server honeypots enable us to
provide the deep understanding of the server side attacks
whereas client honeypots enable us to provide the deep
understandings of client side attacks. During our research on
honeypot technologies, our main goal was to do the analysis of
collected malwares from honeypots and for this we need the
malwares samples from both the honeypots known as client and
server honeypots. By using this integrated framework we are
able to collect both types of attacks vectors. Here we are
presenting malware collection and detection using both of the
honeypot technologies known as client and server Honeypots. We
introduce the design and implement of this system and give the
Keywords—Computer Security, Network Security, Server
Honeyot, Client Honeypot.
As the size of the internet is growing, it is becoming very
difficult to maintain the security of the Internet. A number of
malware such as virus, Trojan horse exist in the Internet [1]. It
behaves in these ways: stealing personal information, user
names and passwords. There are two kinds of attacks: server-
side attacks and client-side attacks. Server-side attacks, such
as attacks using Windows RPC service vulnerabilities, aim at
the servers that provide services clients can interact with.
Client-side attacks are those attacks that target vulnerabilities
of client applications, such as web browsers, email client and
office software. These client applications interact with a
server or file. More and more malicious attacks aim at client
application software. Nowadays, the spread of malware using
0 day vulnerabilities has brought an enormous threat to
network security. However, antivirus software is mostly based
on virus signatures, so it is useful to detect known malware
but it can not effectively detect metamorphic or unknown
malware [2]. The appearance of honeypot can detect and
obtain metamorphic and unknown malware. There are two
kinds of honeypot, server-side honeypot and client-side
honeypot. Server-side honeypot is the traditional honeypot.
This kind of honeypot must have some vulnerable service, and
attacker can detect them, so they are passive honeypots. The
concept of client-side honeypot [3] was brought forward by
Lance Spitzner. Client-side honeypot [4] aims at
vulnerabilities of client applications. It needs a data source,
and visits the data source actively, and detects all activities to
judge if it is safe. Client-side honeypot actively "requests" to
accept attack. This kind of honeypot actively acquires
malware spreading through client application software which
traditional honeypot can’t get [5].
In this paper, we are proposing the integrated framework
which include both of the honeypot technologies called client
honeypots and server honeypots. And further automated
malware analysis of the collected malwares has been done.
The format of the remaining paper is: section 2, defines and
explains the technology that has been employed and discusses
the evolution of Honeynet in brief. Section 3 deliberates the
problem statement and discusses our proposed approach and
details of implementation. Section 4 measures the
effectiveness by some experimental results Section 5
describes the ideas for future road and technology.
A honeypot is a resource whose is being attacked by the
attackers, who gives the complete freedom to attacker to
attack on the honeypot machine. As compare to traditional
security mechanisms, honeypots are very different than them,
as such they are not providing the security to the network but
they collect the attacks and threats present in the network.
They are security resources that have no production value; no
person or resource should be communicating with them. Any
interactions with the honeypot placed in the network are
suspected by default. Any traffic sent to the honeypot is most
likely a probe, scan, or attack. Any traffic initiated by the
honeypot means the system has most likely been
compromised and the attacker is making outbound
connections [6].
Classification of Honeypots can be as server honeypots and
client honeypots. Server Honeypots which provide us the deep
knowledge of server side attacks, which are a kind of passive
honeypots. In contrast to server honeypots, client honeypots
provide us the deep knowledge of client side attacks; therefore
they are also called as active Honeypots or Honeyclient. Both
of the Honeypot Technology has emerged as a widely
research areas in the field of cyber security. Below diagram
depicts the classifications of honeypots.
Fig 1. Classification of Honeypots
There are some aspects differentiate client honeypot from
Traditional server honeypot: [7][8].
• Client-side: it simulates/drives client-side software
and does not expose server based services to be
• Active: it cannot entice attacks to itself, but rather it
must actively initiate interaction with remote servers
to be attacked.
• Identifying: whereas all accesses to the traditional
honeypot are malicious by default, client-side
honeypot must discern which server is malicious and
which is benign.
In this section, first we discuss the proposed integrated System
including client honeypot and server honeypots. The complete
system is automated one including the analysis of the
collected malwares. As client honeypots are very useful for
the collection of malwares which target the client side
applications like browser (Mozilla browser, IE etc), pdf etc. In
our proposed approach both the client honeypots and server
honeypots are being controlled by single centralized server
known as active controller. All the honeypots are running in
virtualized environment using open source Virtual Box [9].
Server honeypots are combinations of low and high
interaction honeypots; for low interaction we have chosen
nepenthes honeypot because it is easy to install and monitor.
Similarly for high interaction server honeypots , we are using
various operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 2003
etc. Configurations to the server honeypots and URL lists to
the client honeypots are provided by the server called active
honeypot controller. In proposed system, there are basically
five functional components: client honeypots, server
honeypots, honeypot controller, and management and analysis
servers. There are three modules in client honeypots known as
queuer, visitor and analysis engine. For queuer, we are
inserting the URLs list into database which is being executed
by the visitor component of the honeyclient. At present as a
visitor module, we are browsing the URLs using Internet
Explore. Further as analysis modules, we are doing state based
detection based Real time file system monitoring, we are
cleaning the honeypot image after 2 minutes and any activity
which takes place on honeypots will be kind of malicious
URL data
Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client n
Active Honeypot
Central Database
Integrated framework Architecture
Fig 2. Integrated Framework Architecture
As depicted in the integrated framework for malware
collections and analysis, there are 5 components:
1. URL data source
2. Honeypot controller
3. Central Database
4. Analysis Server
5. Management Server
URL Data source:
We are collecting the URL by using traditional web crawler
and submitting those URLs as inputs to static analyzer
developed by us. By using static analyzer, we are able to
collect likely malicious URLs which are further submitted to
honeyclient. Initially we are collecting URLs from different
sources such as Internet, user-agency which are further
submitted to crawler to extract the number of URLs. After
extraction, there is a list of URLs which we are feeding to
honeyclient solution. By using different applications and
various environments, we are visiting the extracted URLs in
honeyclient using real browser applications.
Honeypot Controller:
Honeypots Classifications
Server Honeypot Client Honeypot
Low Interaction High Interaction
Honeypot controller is a program by which we are controlling
both kind of honeypots aka server honeypots and client
honeypots. The basic functionality of the honeypot controller
• Send the configuration to the Server Honeypots.
• Collect the Captured PCAP Data and Binary files
from the Server Honeypots.
• Store the Binary Files and captured details in
• Send the Configuration and URL’s to the Client
• Collect the Captured Data (Binary) and details
regarding the Executed URL’s.
• Stores the Captured Binary and details regarding the
Executed URL’s.
Below is the generic algorithmic steps used in our algorithm
which is running at Honeypot Controller:
1. Server retrieves the URLs from database
If Current_URL! =Previous_URL
a. Send URLs to Active Honeypots and make
the virtual machine up.
b. Active Honeypot start the AHP scripts
c. AHP scripts receive the URLs and start the
analyser module.
d. Analyser excludes the exclusion list which
not being monitored.
e. Analyser starts the monitoring module.
f. Start the visitor module for visitation of
g. Client sends back the result to Honeypot
h. Clean the machine.
Retrieve next URL from database.
2. Repeat step 1.
Central Database:
We have developed central database schema for storage of
extracted URLs and execution results of all URLs such as
network dumps, malware collected after execution. . All
collected malware as well as logs are being stored at our
central database server. All the executables which are
potentially malwares are stored in the database. We are storing
malware binaries which are unique according to their MD5
value and stored as binary fields in central database. For the
database implementations, we are using the MySQL.
Analysis Server:
Now we come across our analysis server on which we are
running our code for further analysis of malware binaries. On
this server, we are executing the malware executables and
monitor the behavior of the executions. Malware analysis can
be performed in two ways as static analysis and dynamic
analysis. Here we are performing dynamic execution based
malware analysis. We are using deep packet based (DPI)
algorithm for analysis of PCAP dump file for signature based
analysis. We are also performing dynamic analysis for
collected unknown malwares. We have developed the java
based payload parser which is a application and it will
automatically extract the signatures corresponding to bot and
botnet malwares.
Firstly, we are scanning all the collected malwares by popular
anti-viruses for labeling and for classifications of malwares.
Also for unknown class of malwares as said , we are
performing dynamic analysis by monitoring the execution
Management Server:
Lastly there is a Management Server on which developed
graphical user interface (GUI) is running. Collected malware
sample, PCAP data as well as other logs we are directly
displaying on GUI.
The complete flow of the integrated framework has been
depicted below in figure 3. For the client honeypots, data
source can be taken from web space or some other sources.
Honeypot Controller
Honeypot 1
Honeypot 2
Monitor Execution
Honeypot n
High Interaction
Client Honeypot
Malicious Page
Low Interaction
Client Honeypot
Data Source
Flow Diagram
Suspicious URL
Fig 3. Flow Diagram of Integrated Framework
For the collection of web page URLs, we use a crawler and
store them in a database. We are only submitting the likely
suspicious URLs to client honeypots in which we are
browsing the URLs. For this, we have developed our own
machine learning based static analyzer which classifies the
URLs into expected malicious URLs and benign URLs. Then
we are submitting those potential suspicious URLs to Virtual
We are also developed the malicious page repository to store
the malicious pages and corresponding binaries if downloaded
on the system. Further those URLs which are declared as
benign URLs by the high interaction honeyclient, we are
submitting them to low interaction honeyclient to detect shell
codes present in the URLs.
Below table signify some results which signify the detection
of malicious URLs by honeyclient as well as collected
malwares samples. Column 1 represents the number of URLs
executed, column 2 represents the source of URLs taken,
column 3 signify the application used in browsing of URLs,
column 4,5 and 6 represents the detected malicious URLs,
benign URLs and others URL which are neither malicious nor
benign URLs. Others types of URLs are either giving errors in
execution or page is not displayed.
URL Source
1474 User-
98 1021 355
14 Botnet
1 9 4
391 Spyeye
- 71 320
551 Zeus
- 107 444
1327 Internet IE
152 190 985
737 User
IE 12 578 147
955 Internet IE 152 190 613
445 User
IE 11 332 102
3592 Malwar
IE 27 1158 2407
Table 1: URL execution results
Further we have executed millions of URLs on our developed
framework to detect malicious websites. Below table depicts
few malicious URLs extracted from list of submitted URLs.
Table 2. Few Malicious URLs
As we are also submitting the MD5 of collected malwares
sample to popular anti-viruses for labeling and scanning
purposes. Below table signify some of malwares which are not
detected by popular anti-viruese. As last column depict the
malwares samples which are not detected by anti-viruses and
these are the good examples of unknown class of malwares.
Unclassified Malwares by AV
URLs Source Application
by AV
3592 Internet IE 6.0 121 15 17
2656 User-
IE 6.0 33 41 12
807 Internet IE 6.0 4 4
Table 3. Few unclassified malwares by popular Anti-Viruses.
Further we have deployed traditional honeypots sensors of
high interaction honeypots and nepenthes [12], [13] sensors
using Virtualization Technology. We used high interaction
honeypots like Windows 2000, Windows XP, unpatched with
default configurations. During the operation, we have
detected more than 16000 samples (about 1400, unique
Below figure 4 depicts the screenshot of our developed GUI
which is a portal to see the results of collected malwares. We
are displaying the collected executable binaries with some
unique ID, their MD5 values, collection time, on which
honeypot we have collected them and Anti-Virus labeling
[10]. Below are the fields which we have displayed on GUI:
<Binary-ID, MD5, Collection_time, Node, Honeypot,
Fig 4. Graphical User Snapshot
In this paper we have presented the hybrid framework of
malware collection and analysis using both of the servers and
client honeypots based technologies. Collecting extensive data
on attacks vectors has always been the primary objective of
honeypots. Conventional server honeypots suffer from lack of
exposure, risk of detection, demand high resources and
administrative supervision. Client honeypots on the other hand
risk generating false positive alerts, false negative and slow
performance speed. As we were already working on
traditional honeypots, our main goal was to collect the large
attack vectors. Our solution is completely automated but lack
of automated correlation of attacker source IP address to
Sebek Keystrokes remains a major problem. Our database
schema is presently only for centralized botnets; no support
for P2P botnets and encrypted botnets. We plan to add some
basic support for these kinds of botnets also.
We would like to thank all our colleagues working in Cyber
Security Technology team at CDAC, Mohali to provide the
useful help in collecting the malwares to make them available
for further analysis. We also very thankful to Executive
Director of CDAC, Mohali to provide us full support.
[1] Ren Liu. China virus status & Internet Security Report in 2006.2007-02-
[2].Description of the Blaster worm,
[3] Thorsten Holz, Markus Koetter. The German Honeyclient
[4] Yaser Alosefer and Omer Rana, “Honeyware: a web-based low interaction
client honeypot”, Third IEEE International Conference on Software Testing,
Verification, and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), pp. 410 – 417, 2010.
[5] Xiaoyan Sun, Yang Wang, Jie Ren, Yuefei Zhu and Shengli Liu,
“Collecting Internet Malware Based on Client-side Honeypot”, 9th
International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICVCS 2008), pp.
1493 – 1498, 2008.
[6] L. Spitzner, Honeypots: Tracking Hackers. Addison Wesley, 2002.
[7]. C. Seifert, R. Steenson, T. Holz, Y. Bing, and M. A. Davis, “Know your
enemy: Malicious web servers.” The Honeynet Project, 2007.
[8]. Spitzner, L. (2002). Honeypots: Tracking Hackers.US: Addison Wesley.
Pp 1-430.
[9]. VirtualBox. (2004). Sun VirtualBox® User Manual. Available: Last accessed 20 July
[10] Virus Total, free service for scanning binaries with multiple antivirus
[11].The Honeynet Project. Know Your Enemy: Tracking Botnets, Internet
(March 2005)
[12]. Baecher, P., Koetter, M., Holz, T., Dornseif, M., Freiling, F.: The
Nepenthes Platform: An Efficient Approach to Collect Malware. In: Zamboni,
D., Krügel, C. (eds.) RAID 2006.LNCS, vol. 4219, pp. 165–184. Springer,
Heidelberg (2006) Conference on Internet Measurement, pp. 41–52. ACM
Press, New York (2006)
[13] Nepenthes homepage,

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  • 1. 978-1-4673-2605-6/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE Hybrid Honeypot Framework for Malware Collection and Analysis Sanjeev Kumar Rakesh Sehgal J.S.Bhatia Cyber Security Division Cyber Security Division Cyber Security Division CDAC, Mohali CDAC, Mohali CDAC,Mohali India India India Abstract— the popularity of the Internet is rising day by day, hence the security is becoming the main focused point with the advent and rising popularity of the Internet. In this paper we are proposing an integrated framework of malware collection and analysis using both of the technologies called server honeypots and client honeypots. As the server honeypots enable us to provide the deep understanding of the server side attacks whereas client honeypots enable us to provide the deep understandings of client side attacks. During our research on honeypot technologies, our main goal was to do the analysis of collected malwares from honeypots and for this we need the malwares samples from both the honeypots known as client and server honeypots. By using this integrated framework we are able to collect both types of attacks vectors. Here we are presenting malware collection and detection using both of the honeypot technologies known as client and server Honeypots. We introduce the design and implement of this system and give the results. Keywords—Computer Security, Network Security, Server Honeyot, Client Honeypot. 1. INTRODUCTION As the size of the internet is growing, it is becoming very difficult to maintain the security of the Internet. A number of malware such as virus, Trojan horse exist in the Internet [1]. It behaves in these ways: stealing personal information, user names and passwords. There are two kinds of attacks: server- side attacks and client-side attacks. Server-side attacks, such as attacks using Windows RPC service vulnerabilities, aim at the servers that provide services clients can interact with. Client-side attacks are those attacks that target vulnerabilities of client applications, such as web browsers, email client and office software. These client applications interact with a server or file. More and more malicious attacks aim at client application software. Nowadays, the spread of malware using 0 day vulnerabilities has brought an enormous threat to network security. However, antivirus software is mostly based on virus signatures, so it is useful to detect known malware but it can not effectively detect metamorphic or unknown malware [2]. The appearance of honeypot can detect and obtain metamorphic and unknown malware. There are two kinds of honeypot, server-side honeypot and client-side honeypot. Server-side honeypot is the traditional honeypot. This kind of honeypot must have some vulnerable service, and attacker can detect them, so they are passive honeypots. The concept of client-side honeypot [3] was brought forward by Lance Spitzner. Client-side honeypot [4] aims at vulnerabilities of client applications. It needs a data source, and visits the data source actively, and detects all activities to judge if it is safe. Client-side honeypot actively "requests" to accept attack. This kind of honeypot actively acquires malware spreading through client application software which traditional honeypot can’t get [5]. In this paper, we are proposing the integrated framework which include both of the honeypot technologies called client honeypots and server honeypots. And further automated malware analysis of the collected malwares has been done. The format of the remaining paper is: section 2, defines and explains the technology that has been employed and discusses the evolution of Honeynet in brief. Section 3 deliberates the problem statement and discusses our proposed approach and details of implementation. Section 4 measures the effectiveness by some experimental results Section 5 describes the ideas for future road and technology. 2. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION A honeypot is a resource whose is being attacked by the attackers, who gives the complete freedom to attacker to attack on the honeypot machine. As compare to traditional security mechanisms, honeypots are very different than them, as such they are not providing the security to the network but they collect the attacks and threats present in the network. They are security resources that have no production value; no person or resource should be communicating with them. Any interactions with the honeypot placed in the network are suspected by default. Any traffic sent to the honeypot is most likely a probe, scan, or attack. Any traffic initiated by the honeypot means the system has most likely been compromised and the attacker is making outbound connections [6]. Classification of Honeypots can be as server honeypots and client honeypots. Server Honeypots which provide us the deep knowledge of server side attacks, which are a kind of passive honeypots. In contrast to server honeypots, client honeypots provide us the deep knowledge of client side attacks; therefore
  • 2. they are also called as active Honeypots or Honeyclient. Both of the Honeypot Technology has emerged as a widely research areas in the field of cyber security. Below diagram depicts the classifications of honeypots. Fig 1. Classification of Honeypots There are some aspects differentiate client honeypot from Traditional server honeypot: [7][8]. • Client-side: it simulates/drives client-side software and does not expose server based services to be attacked. • Active: it cannot entice attacks to itself, but rather it must actively initiate interaction with remote servers to be attacked. • Identifying: whereas all accesses to the traditional honeypot are malicious by default, client-side honeypot must discern which server is malicious and which is benign. 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM DESIGN In this section, first we discuss the proposed integrated System including client honeypot and server honeypots. The complete system is automated one including the analysis of the collected malwares. As client honeypots are very useful for the collection of malwares which target the client side applications like browser (Mozilla browser, IE etc), pdf etc. In our proposed approach both the client honeypots and server honeypots are being controlled by single centralized server known as active controller. All the honeypots are running in virtualized environment using open source Virtual Box [9]. Server honeypots are combinations of low and high interaction honeypots; for low interaction we have chosen nepenthes honeypot because it is easy to install and monitor. Similarly for high interaction server honeypots , we are using various operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 2003 etc. Configurations to the server honeypots and URL lists to the client honeypots are provided by the server called active honeypot controller. In proposed system, there are basically five functional components: client honeypots, server honeypots, honeypot controller, and management and analysis servers. There are three modules in client honeypots known as queuer, visitor and analysis engine. For queuer, we are inserting the URLs list into database which is being executed by the visitor component of the honeyclient. At present as a visitor module, we are browsing the URLs using Internet Explore. Further as analysis modules, we are doing state based detection based Real time file system monitoring, we are cleaning the honeypot image after 2 minutes and any activity which takes place on honeypots will be kind of malicious activity. Honeywall Gateway Management server URL data Store Active Honeypot Client 1 Active Honeypot Client 2 Active Honeypot Client 3 Active Honeypot Client n Active Honeypot Controller Server Honeypot 1 Server Honeypot 2 Server Honeypot 3 Central Database Server Configuration Sender Controller Analysis server Integrated framework Architecture Server Honeypot n Fig 2. Integrated Framework Architecture As depicted in the integrated framework for malware collections and analysis, there are 5 components: 1. URL data source 2. Honeypot controller 3. Central Database 4. Analysis Server 5. Management Server URL Data source: We are collecting the URL by using traditional web crawler and submitting those URLs as inputs to static analyzer developed by us. By using static analyzer, we are able to collect likely malicious URLs which are further submitted to honeyclient. Initially we are collecting URLs from different sources such as Internet, user-agency which are further submitted to crawler to extract the number of URLs. After extraction, there is a list of URLs which we are feeding to honeyclient solution. By using different applications and various environments, we are visiting the extracted URLs in honeyclient using real browser applications. Honeypot Controller: Honeypots Classifications Server Honeypot Client Honeypot Low Interaction High Interaction
  • 3. Honeypot controller is a program by which we are controlling both kind of honeypots aka server honeypots and client honeypots. The basic functionality of the honeypot controller is: • Send the configuration to the Server Honeypots. • Collect the Captured PCAP Data and Binary files from the Server Honeypots. • Store the Binary Files and captured details in Database. • Send the Configuration and URL’s to the Client Honeypots • Collect the Captured Data (Binary) and details regarding the Executed URL’s. • Stores the Captured Binary and details regarding the Executed URL’s. Below is the generic algorithmic steps used in our algorithm which is running at Honeypot Controller: 1. Server retrieves the URLs from database If Current_URL! =Previous_URL { a. Send URLs to Active Honeypots and make the virtual machine up. b. Active Honeypot start the AHP scripts c. AHP scripts receive the URLs and start the analyser module. d. Analyser excludes the exclusion list which not being monitored. e. Analyser starts the monitoring module. f. Start the visitor module for visitation of Current_URL. g. Client sends back the result to Honeypot controller h. Clean the machine. } Else { Retrieve next URL from database. Current_URL=Next_URL } 2. Repeat step 1. Central Database: We have developed central database schema for storage of extracted URLs and execution results of all URLs such as network dumps, malware collected after execution. . All collected malware as well as logs are being stored at our central database server. All the executables which are potentially malwares are stored in the database. We are storing malware binaries which are unique according to their MD5 value and stored as binary fields in central database. For the database implementations, we are using the MySQL. Analysis Server: Now we come across our analysis server on which we are running our code for further analysis of malware binaries. On this server, we are executing the malware executables and monitor the behavior of the executions. Malware analysis can be performed in two ways as static analysis and dynamic analysis. Here we are performing dynamic execution based malware analysis. We are using deep packet based (DPI) algorithm for analysis of PCAP dump file for signature based analysis. We are also performing dynamic analysis for collected unknown malwares. We have developed the java based payload parser which is a application and it will automatically extract the signatures corresponding to bot and botnet malwares. Firstly, we are scanning all the collected malwares by popular anti-viruses for labeling and for classifications of malwares. Also for unknown class of malwares as said , we are performing dynamic analysis by monitoring the execution traces. Management Server: Lastly there is a Management Server on which developed graphical user interface (GUI) is running. Collected malware sample, PCAP data as well as other logs we are directly displaying on GUI. The complete flow of the integrated framework has been depicted below in figure 3. For the client honeypots, data source can be taken from web space or some other sources. Static Analyser Honeypot Controller DB Presentation GUI Server Honeypot 1 Server Honeypot 2 Crawler Monitor Execution Analysis Server Honeypot n High Interaction Client Honeypot Malicious Page Repository Low Interaction Client Honeypot Malware Binary Data Source Flow Diagram Suspicious URL Fig 3. Flow Diagram of Integrated Framework
  • 4. For the collection of web page URLs, we use a crawler and store them in a database. We are only submitting the likely suspicious URLs to client honeypots in which we are browsing the URLs. For this, we have developed our own machine learning based static analyzer which classifies the URLs into expected malicious URLs and benign URLs. Then we are submitting those potential suspicious URLs to Virtual Honeypots. We are also developed the malicious page repository to store the malicious pages and corresponding binaries if downloaded on the system. Further those URLs which are declared as benign URLs by the high interaction honeyclient, we are submitting them to low interaction honeyclient to detect shell codes present in the URLs. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Below table signify some results which signify the detection of malicious URLs by honeyclient as well as collected malwares samples. Column 1 represents the number of URLs executed, column 2 represents the source of URLs taken, column 3 signify the application used in browsing of URLs, column 4,5 and 6 represents the detected malicious URLs, benign URLs and others URL which are neither malicious nor benign URLs. Others types of URLs are either giving errors in execution or page is not displayed. URL Source of URLs Application Used Detected Malicious URLs Benign URLs Other 1474 User- Agency IE 6.0,Adobe Reader8 98 1021 355 14 Botnet [11] URLs IE 6.0,Adobe Reader8 1 9 4 391 Spyeye Blacklis t Domain IE 6.0,Adobe Reader8 - 71 320 551 Zeus Blacklis t Domain IE 6.0,Adobe Reader8 - 107 444 1327 Internet IE 6.0,Adobe Reader8 152 190 985 737 User Agency IE 12 578 147 955 Internet IE 152 190 613 445 User Agency IE 11 332 102 3592 Malwar r IE 27 1158 2407 Table 1: URL execution results Further we have executed millions of URLs on our developed framework to detect malicious websites. Below table depicts few malicious URLs extracted from list of submitted URLs. url http://x.x.x.x///im/tt/1.exe http://204.3.x.x///image/view/videos_plug- visualizar=0000Jan2012_.exe http://203.95.x.x///im/tt/cool.exe http://xyz///1.exe Table 2. Few Malicious URLs As we are also submitting the MD5 of collected malwares sample to popular anti-viruses for labeling and scanning purposes. Below table signify some of malwares which are not detected by popular anti-viruese. As last column depict the malwares samples which are not detected by anti-viruses and these are the good examples of unknown class of malwares. Unclassified Malwares by AV URLs Source Application Used Malicious URLs Malware dropped Not detected by AV 3592 Internet IE 6.0 121 15 17 2656 User- Agency IE 6.0 33 41 12 807 Internet IE 6.0 4 4 Table 3. Few unclassified malwares by popular Anti-Viruses. Further we have deployed traditional honeypots sensors of high interaction honeypots and nepenthes [12], [13] sensors using Virtualization Technology. We used high interaction honeypots like Windows 2000, Windows XP, unpatched with default configurations. During the operation, we have detected more than 16000 samples (about 1400, unique samples).
  • 5. Below figure 4 depicts the screenshot of our developed GUI which is a portal to see the results of collected malwares. We are displaying the collected executable binaries with some unique ID, their MD5 values, collection time, on which honeypot we have collected them and Anti-Virus labeling [10]. Below are the fields which we have displayed on GUI: <Binary-ID, MD5, Collection_time, Node, Honeypot, Antivirus-label> Fig 4. Graphical User Snapshot CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper we have presented the hybrid framework of malware collection and analysis using both of the servers and client honeypots based technologies. Collecting extensive data on attacks vectors has always been the primary objective of honeypots. Conventional server honeypots suffer from lack of exposure, risk of detection, demand high resources and administrative supervision. Client honeypots on the other hand risk generating false positive alerts, false negative and slow performance speed. As we were already working on traditional honeypots, our main goal was to collect the large attack vectors. Our solution is completely automated but lack of automated correlation of attacker source IP address to Sebek Keystrokes remains a major problem. Our database schema is presently only for centralized botnets; no support for P2P botnets and encrypted botnets. We plan to add some basic support for these kinds of botnets also. Acknowledgment We would like to thank all our colleagues working in Cyber Security Technology team at CDAC, Mohali to provide the useful help in collecting the malwares to make them available for further analysis. We also very thankful to Executive Director of CDAC, Mohali to provide us full support. References [1] Ren Liu. China virus status & Internet Security Report in 2006.2007-02- 01. a1868.shtm. [2].Description of the Blaster worm, 99. [3] Thorsten Holz, Markus Koetter. The German Honeyclient Project.2006. [4] Yaser Alosefer and Omer Rana, “Honeyware: a web-based low interaction client honeypot”, Third IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), pp. 410 – 417, 2010. [5] Xiaoyan Sun, Yang Wang, Jie Ren, Yuefei Zhu and Shengli Liu, “Collecting Internet Malware Based on Client-side Honeypot”, 9th IEEE International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICVCS 2008), pp. 1493 – 1498, 2008. [6] L. Spitzner, Honeypots: Tracking Hackers. Addison Wesley, 2002. [7]. C. Seifert, R. Steenson, T. Holz, Y. Bing, and M. A. Davis, “Know your enemy: Malicious web servers.” The Honeynet Project, 2007. [8]. Spitzner, L. (2002). Honeypots: Tracking Hackers.US: Addison Wesley. Pp 1-430. [9]. VirtualBox. (2004). Sun VirtualBox® User Manual. Available: Last accessed 20 July 2008. [10] Virus Total, free service for scanning binaries with multiple antivirus products, [11].The Honeynet Project. Know Your Enemy: Tracking Botnets, Internet (March 2005) [12]. Baecher, P., Koetter, M., Holz, T., Dornseif, M., Freiling, F.: The Nepenthes Platform: An Efficient Approach to Collect Malware. In: Zamboni, D., Krügel, C. (eds.) RAID 2006.LNCS, vol. 4219, pp. 165–184. Springer, Heidelberg (2006) Conference on Internet Measurement, pp. 41–52. ACM Press, New York (2006) [13] Nepenthes homepage, .