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CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL                                                                                   DECEMBER 2000

                                                                                                                                     CASE PROFILE

                                                                                                     3M’s Leadership
     FEATURED COMPANY                                                                         Competency Framework

                                                                          EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
                              MINNESOTA MINING AND                        ! In the face of complex competitive pressures, 3M required an
                              MANUFACTURING CO. (3M)                        up-to-date leadership model to guide targeted leadership
                                                                            development across its diverse businesses and a strong succession
                                                                            planning process to secure future corporate leadership.
     INDUSTRY:                MANUFACTURING                               ! 3M involved its senior executives and leadership talent in the
                                                                            development of a global framework of leadership competencies
     1999 EMPLOYEES:          71,000                                        specific to 3M’s business, vision and values.
                                                                          ! The model’s identified competency areas, framework and
     1999 SALES:              $15.7 BILLION                                 behavioral anchors now facilitate leadership assessment and
                                                                            development and the executive succession planning process.

CHALLENGE AT HAND                                                                 Although 3M had developed a leadership competency model in the
                                                                                  mid-1980s, a review of this model against more recent literature
In the mid-1990s, 3M faced significant structural changes to the                  showed that the identified competencies needed to be updated —
business environment in which it operated. Globalizing markets,                   particularly with respect to changes in leadership philosophy to
rapid changes in product and information technologies, and a critical             address the rapidly-changing global business environment — for the
need for organizational agility refocused attention on the nature of              company to be able to pursue its growth plans.
corporate leadership. In addition, these structural changes,
particularly globalization, have impacted the type of leadership                  Issue #2 — Facilitating Leadership Succession
capabilities required for organizational success.
                                                                                  3M faced a second challenge in relation to its leadership team. The
3M faced two challenges in particular: first, to update its model of              company has a policy of promoting from within in order to ensure
corporate leadership and cultivate the leadership talent necessary for            that individuals filling leadership positions possess the broad
growth; and second, to improve the effectiveness of its succession                understanding of 3M’s diverse businesses to provide effective
planning process to ensure capable leaders are properly deployed in               executive leadership. It was therefore critical not only that the
the organization. These challenges are described below.                           company’s leadership development process was properly targeted,
                                                                                  but that succession planning was carefully managed.
Issue #1 — Stewarding Future Growth
                                                                                  Recent research indicates that the use of competency models as a
In order to survive competitive pressures and grow the company, 3M                basis for objective talent assessment and succession planning is a
required strengthened leadership, both in the contemporary senior                 common practice in large organizations. A Leibman Associates
management cohort and in the pool of high-potential leadership                    study of the practices of over 100 Fortune 500 companies showed
talent. As advocated by the quote below, one approach to ensuring                 that approximately two-thirds had developed explicit leadership
the development of skills and behaviors that support corporate                    competencies.2
objectives is the creation of a model that describes the organization’s
desired competencies.                                                             3M had need of a company-specific, but company-wide, leadership
                                                                                  profile on which to base objective assessment of leadership potential,
    "To be effective, the development of workplace and managerial                 identification of development needs and probable career-pathing.
       skills must reflect the current and projected needs of the
    organization. It is a critical responsibility… to identify the core           Objectives of the new leadership competency profile were:
         competencies of the enterprise and to ensure that the
        competencies required by managers, specialists and the                    ! To accurately assess leadership capability
         workforce in general are adequate and appropriate."1                     ! To more effectively develop talent within the organization
                                                                                  ! To select and place leaders into key positions
          — Pickett, Les. “Competencies and Managerial Effectiveness:
                                      Putting Competencies to Work”

                                                              2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD                                                    PAGE 1
                                                              CATALOG NUMBER: CLC12NLK2
CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL                                                                                      DECEMBER 2000
                                                                                              3M’s Leadership Competency Framework

HR SOLUTION                                                                         Critically Reviewing Established Competencies

In 1995, 3M convened a global conference of HR professionals to                     The project team used the identified stakeholder groups heavily in
position leadership selection, assessment and development as the                    reviewing 3M’s current set of competencies and revising them to
primary HR priorities for the company. At the conclusion of the                     reflect the company’s current business environment. These groups’
conference, two HR professionals were identified to lead a team in                  roles in critical stages of the competency model development process
creating initiatives aimed at competency-based leadership                           are outlined below.
development. The first step was the creation of a global leadership                 ! Ensuring fit of new competencies with leadership philosophy
competency framework that would describe and drive the type of                          Project leaders met individually with each member of the
leadership required by the company.                                                     Executive Resources Committee to review current competency
                                                                                        materials and discuss leadership philosophy, business complexity
Identifying Stakeholders                                                                and language.
In keeping with best practices identified in literature regarding                   ! Building consensus for the leadership model
competency-modeling,3 3M included in its leadership analysis those                      The project leaders also presented several drafts of the competency
individuals who shape the positions targeted by the model: in this                      model to the Human Resources Policy Committee. Discussion
case, the members of the executive leadership team.                                     surrounding the phrasing and interpretation of the competency
                                                                                        definitions helped clarify leadership philosophy and facilitated
In order to ensure that the model would accurately illustrate the true                  consensus-building.
leadership needs of the organization, the project leaders worked with
three groups of senior managers to create, review and edit the                      At the end of this process, the group had made several revisions to
evolving competency model development. These groups would also                      competency labels and definitions (See Figure 1 for examples) and
determine when it was appropriate to move to the next stage in                      finalized a set of 12 identified leadership competencies.
implementing the leadership development and succession processes
and tools that would be built upon the competency framework. The                    Creating a Framework for Revised Leadership Competencies
three groups were:
                                                                                    The company further refined the model by organizing the 12
! Executive Resources Committee (ERC)                                               identified competencies into a framework that described how these
  CEO, business unit Executive Vice Presidents (EVPs) and HR                        competencies might be developed over time.
  Vice President (VP). Responsible for selection and development
  of individuals in the top 500 positions at 3M.                                    A group of HR practitioners from across 3M’s global operations
! Human Resources Policy Committee                                                  distinguished ‘fundamental,’ ‘essential’ and ‘visionary’ clusters of
  Market EVPs, HR VP and several VPs of corporate service                           competencies that would help clarify the applicability of the model to
  functions. Mandates policies with human resources impacts.                        experienced, junior or potential future leaders. The twelve
                                                                                    competencies and the competency framework are described in detail
! Operations Committee                                                              in Figure 2 overleaf.
  CEO and 13 direct reports. Oversees 3Ms operations and approves
  the formation or restructuring of staff or operating units.


      Original Competency       Revised Competency
                                                                                               Rationale for Change
             Label                     Label

                                                         ! The use of ‘nurturing’ highlights the importance of proactively creating an environment in
           Innovation           Nurturing Innovation        which staff can freely exchange ideas, challenge the status quo and learn from failures
                                                         ! Emphasises leader’s role of mentoring idea originators through all stages of a product’s life

                                                         ! Stresses the importance of delivering results; avoiding the implication that growth should be
                                Business Health and         pursued at all costs
        Business Growth
                                                         ! Encourages leaders to manage all organizational subsystems to be ‘vibrant and flexible’

                                                         ! The removal of ‘systemic’ was intended to avoid the perception that the competencies were
        Systemic Change          Integrated Change          expressed with jargon
                                                         ! The term ‘integrated’ would be more clearly and widely understood
                                Capable of Handling      ! Acknowledges the existence of paradoxical leadership situations
      Effective Analysis of
                               Multiple, Complex and
      Complex Situations
                               Paradoxical Situations    ! Introduces the concept of using judgment in leadership

                                                         ! Highlights the reciprocal nature of the feedback process, to overcome the one-way, top-down
         Feedback and         Gives and Seeks Open and      implications of the original statement
         Reinforcement           Authentic Feedback
                                                         ! The term ‘authentic’ communicates the expectation of candor

                                                          2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD                                                                  PAGE 2
CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL                                                                                    DECEMBER 2000
                                                                                            3M’s Leadership Competency Framework

HR SOLUTION (CONTINUED)                                                           The expression of the competencies as outcomes allows direct
                                                                                  demonstration, observation and assessment. In addition, 3M’s work
3M’s leadership competency framework reflects several                             with senior executives in the development stages ensured that the
recommendations from literature regarding the construction of a                   model reflects a third best practice: the competencies are expressed in
useful competency model, including relating the competencies to                   language that is familiar to those people who will make use of the
realistic workplace practices and expressing them as outcomes rather              tool.
than as procedures.5


    Fundamental Leadership Competencies               Essential Leadership Competencies                  Visionary Leadership Competencies

    Fundamental competencies are those                                                                   Visionary competencies are those which 3M
    which an individual may possess at the            Essential competencies are those that              leaders must possess to assume increased
    time of hire, but which will develop further      the individual will develop as he becomes          levels of responsibility. They enable leaders
    as the individual progresses through              responsible for a functional unit or department.   to look beyond their locus of control and add
    successive management positions.                                                                     perspective to their leadership decisions.

    Ethics and Integrity                              Customer Orientation                               Global Perspective
    ! Exhibits uncompromising integrity and           ! Works constantly to provide superior value       ! Operates from an awareness of 3M’s
      commitment to 3M’s corporate values,              to the 3M customer, making each                    global markets, capabilities and
      human resource principles and business            interaction a positive one.                        resources.
      conduct policies.                                                                                  ! Exerts global leadership and works
    ! Builds trust and instills self-confidence       Developing People                                    respectfully in multicultural environments
      through mutually respectful, ongoing            ! Selects and retains an excellent workforce         to 3M’s advantage.
      communication.                                    within an environment that values diversity
                                                        and respects individuality.                      Vision and Strategy
    Intellectual Capacity                             ! Promotes continuous learning and the             ! Creates and communicates a customer-
    ! Assimilates and synthesizes information           development of self and others to achieve          focused vision, corporately aligned and
      rapidly, recognizes the complexity in issues,     maximum potential.                                 engaging all employees in pursuit of a
      challenges assumptions and faces up to          ! Gives and seeks open and authentic                 common goal.
      reality.                                          feedback.
    ! Capable of handling multiple, complex and                                                          Nurturing Innovation
      paradoxical situations. Communicates            Inspiring Others                                   ! Creates and sustains an environment that
      clearly, concisely and with appropriate
                                                      ! Positively affects the behavior of others,         supports experimentation, rewards risk-
                                                        motivating them to achieve personal                taking, reinforces curiosity and challenges
                                                        satisfaction and high performance through          the status quo through freedom and
    Maturity and Judgment                               a sense of purpose and spirit of                   openness without judgment.
    ! Demonstrates resiliency and sound                 cooperation.                                     ! Influences the future to 3M’s advantage.
      judgment in dealing with business and           ! Leads by example.
      corporate challenges.
                                                                                                         Building Alliances
    ! Recognizes when a decision must be made         Business Health / Results                          ! Builds and leverages mutually beneficial
      and acts in a considered and timely manner.
                                                      ! Identifies and successfully generates              relationships and networks, both internal
    ! Deals effectively with ambiguity and learns       product, market and geographic growth              and external, which generate multiple
      from success and failure.                         opportunities, while consistently delivering       opportunities for 3M.
                                                        positive short-term business results.
                                                      ! Continually searches for ways to add             Organizational Agility
              3M includes this fundamental              value and to position the organization for
         competency to remind leaders that the                                                           ! Knows, respects and leverages 3M’s
                                                        future success.                                    culture and assets.
         company expects sound judgment from
         those in whom it places trust, and that                                                         ! Leads integrated change within a
        this should be demonstrated to the staff.        3M intends this competency definition to          business unit to achieve sustainable
                                                       focus leaders on building an enterprise that        competitive advantage.
                                                        creates profit and generates business with       ! Utilizes teams intentionally and
                                                          the ultimate objective of delivering an          appropriately
                                                       attractive return on shareholder investment.
                                                                                                               By including this competency, 3M aims to
                                                                                                                develop leaders who can “see around
                                                                                                               corners” to anticipate changes in market
                                                                                                                conditions and proactively position the
                                                                                                              company for future competitive advantage.

                                                         2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD                                                                 PAGE 3
CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL                                                                                  DECEMBER 2000
                                                                                          3M’s Leadership Competency Framework

HR SOLUTION (CONTINUED)                                                          Linking the Leadership Competency Model to Leadership
                                                                                 Development and Succession Planning
Anchoring Leadership Competencies in Behaviors
                                                                                 The three primary applications of 3M’s new leadership competency
In order to ensure that the organization could utilize the competency            model are presented below:
model effectively for the purposes of assessment, development
planning and succession planning, it was important to ‘anchor’ the               ! Leadership Talent Review Tool
identified competencies in observable leadership behaviors. This                   In order to build the use of the competency framework into a talent
would enable current executives to pinpoint which aspects of                       review process, the project team designed a personal interview
leadership they were delivering on, what their development needs                   process that asked senior executives to rate the degree of
were, and would clarify for more junior employees the paths to                     competence of each of their direct reports (against the identified
executive roles at 3M.                                                             behavioral anchors) as “not a strength”, “sufficient” or “a
                                                                                   strength.” In a pilot program, the members of 3M’s Operations
The project team’s objective was to describe, in behavioral terms,                 Committee rated their direct reports, a total of 70 individuals. The
what is a high degree of leadership competence. In order to identify               CEO then led a review of leadership talent among this group at a
relevant behaviors at different levels of competence, the global HR                monthly meeting of the company’s Executive Resource Committee.
team conducted critical incident interviews with 70 executives across              This talent review is now an annual process at 3M.
3M’s operations.
                                                                                 ! Targeting Leadership Talent Development
Critical incident interviewing is a long-established method of                     3M’s comprehensive competency model helps executives to
identifying the characteristics of effective job performance.                      consistently communicate to the employee population the
Individuals in the position being analyzed are asked to identify                   competencies and behaviors that 3M expects its future leaders to
behaviors or activities that can be demonstrated to be critical to either          display. Current and potential leaders and their managers have a
effective or ineffective performance.7                                             clear view of those criteria against which their performance will be
                                                                                   judged and can take targeted action to gain experience and improve
The process used by 3M to identify definitive behaviors indicating                 in these areas. Employee performance is assessed against the
leadership competency is described below.8                                         competency model and individuals receive feedback on their
                                                                                   strengths and needs.
1. Members of the global HR team met in pairs with individual
   participating executives and discussed with them descriptive                  ! Long-Term Leadership Succession Planning
   examples of individuals or incidents associated with a high degree              3M examines potential appointments to leadership positions by
   of competence in two of the identified competency areas.                        considering individuals’ strengths against the competency model,
                                                                                   on the basis that high-potential employees who consistently exhibit
2. The discussion yielded a range of behaviors associated with each                effective leadership behaviors will progress to leadership career
   of the two competencies.                                                        paths. This progress is validated and closely monitored by
3. The team identified three to five of the revealed behaviors —                   observing business results and the results of objective performance
   which were observable on the job and generalizable across the                   assessments, and the company provides appropriately targeted
   world’s regions and markets — as definitive indicators of high-                 developmental opportunities to allow individuals to refine their
   level leadership competence.                                                    leadership competencies with the objective of fulfilling the profile
                                                                                   specified by the competency model.
As an illustrative example of the types of behaviors that were
identified at 3M, the anchors for the ‘global perspective’ competency
are presented in Figure 3.9                                                      LESSONS LEARNED

             FIGURE 3: BEHAVIORAL ANCHORS FOR                                    3M has not published results directly attributable to the creation of its
                                                   9                             leadership competency framework. However, the company’s
                                                                                 leadership development executives perceive that the model has been
 ! Global Information Sourcing — Respects, values and leverages                  well-received internally, and are confident that it will deliver tangible
    other customs, cultures and values. Uses a global management                 results. Because the competencies and behaviors in the framework
    team to better understand and grow the total business; able to               are articulated with reference to 3M culture and values, development
    leverage the benefits of working in multicultural environments.              executives believe the newly-developed competency model to have
 ! Global Resourcing — Optimizes and integrates resources on a                   “vitality and relevance” for those using it.10
    global basis, including manufacturing, research and businesses
    across countries, and functions to increase 3M’s growth and                      "[Although] much work remains to be done… we are well on the
    profitability.                                                                      way to deepening bench strength and developing stronger
 ! Global Customer Orientation — Satisfies global customers and                      incumbent leaders. With further development of leadership and
    markets from anywhere in the world.                                                 talent assessment and succession applications, 3M leaders
                                                                                      expect the extra time invested in customizing these solutions to
 ! Global Awareness — Actively stays current on world economies,                                 result in measurable business success."11
    trade issues, international market trends and opportunities.
                                                                                       — 3M Executive Director of Selection, Assessment and Leadership
                                                                                       Development, and Development and Measurement Center Manager

                                                              2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD                                                      PAGE 4
CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL                                                                                              DECEMBER 2000
                                                                                                        3M’s Leadership Competency Framework

  Les Pickett. “Competencies and Managerial Effectiveness: Putting Competencies to Work,” Public Personnel Management (22 March 1998). (Obtained through Lexis-Nexis).
  Cited in Faye Cope, “Current Issues in Selecting High Potentials,” Human Resource Planning (January 1998). (Obtained through Dow Jones Interactive).
  Stephanie Craig, “Using Competencies in Career Development,” in Designing and Achieving Competency, 1992, McGrw-Hill (UK).
  Margaret Alldredge and Kevin Nilan, “3M’s Leadership Competency Model: An Internally Developed Solution,” Human Resource Management Vol. 39, Nos. 1 and 2 (Summer/Fall 2000).
  Les Pickett. “Competencies and Managerial Effectiveness: Putting Competencies to Work.”
  Margaret Alldredge and Kevin Nilan, “3M’s Leadership Competency Model: An Internally Developed Solution.”
  Rajvinder Kandola and Michael Pearn, “Identifying Competencies,” in Designing and Achieving Competency, 1992, McGrw-Hill (UK).
  Margaret Alldredge and Kevin Nilan, “3M’s Leadership Competency Model: An Internally Developed Solution.”

                                                                  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NOTE
        The Corporate Leadership Council has worked to ensure the accuracy of the information it provides to its members. This project
        relies upon data obtained from many sources, however the Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or its analysis in
        all cases. Further, the Council is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. Its projects should not be
        construed as professional advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. Members requiring such services are advised to
        consult an appropriate professional. Neither the Corporate Executive Board nor its programs are responsible for any claims or losses
        that may arise from any errors or omissions in their reports, whether caused by the Corporate Executive Board or its sources. The
        views expressed herein by third-party sources do not necessarily reflect the policies of the organizations they represent.

                                                                    2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD                                                                     PAGE 5

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3 msleadershipcompetencyframework

  • 1. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL DECEMBER 2000 CASE PROFILE 3M’s Leadership FEATURED COMPANY Competency Framework EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MINNESOTA MINING AND ! In the face of complex competitive pressures, 3M required an COMPANY: MANUFACTURING CO. (3M) up-to-date leadership model to guide targeted leadership development across its diverse businesses and a strong succession HEADQUARTERS: ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA planning process to secure future corporate leadership. INDUSTRY: MANUFACTURING ! 3M involved its senior executives and leadership talent in the development of a global framework of leadership competencies 1999 EMPLOYEES: 71,000 specific to 3M’s business, vision and values. ! The model’s identified competency areas, framework and 1999 SALES: $15.7 BILLION behavioral anchors now facilitate leadership assessment and development and the executive succession planning process. CHALLENGE AT HAND Although 3M had developed a leadership competency model in the mid-1980s, a review of this model against more recent literature In the mid-1990s, 3M faced significant structural changes to the showed that the identified competencies needed to be updated — business environment in which it operated. Globalizing markets, particularly with respect to changes in leadership philosophy to rapid changes in product and information technologies, and a critical address the rapidly-changing global business environment — for the need for organizational agility refocused attention on the nature of company to be able to pursue its growth plans. corporate leadership. In addition, these structural changes, particularly globalization, have impacted the type of leadership Issue #2 — Facilitating Leadership Succession capabilities required for organizational success. 3M faced a second challenge in relation to its leadership team. The 3M faced two challenges in particular: first, to update its model of company has a policy of promoting from within in order to ensure corporate leadership and cultivate the leadership talent necessary for that individuals filling leadership positions possess the broad growth; and second, to improve the effectiveness of its succession understanding of 3M’s diverse businesses to provide effective planning process to ensure capable leaders are properly deployed in executive leadership. It was therefore critical not only that the the organization. These challenges are described below. company’s leadership development process was properly targeted, but that succession planning was carefully managed. Issue #1 — Stewarding Future Growth Recent research indicates that the use of competency models as a In order to survive competitive pressures and grow the company, 3M basis for objective talent assessment and succession planning is a required strengthened leadership, both in the contemporary senior common practice in large organizations. A Leibman Associates management cohort and in the pool of high-potential leadership study of the practices of over 100 Fortune 500 companies showed talent. As advocated by the quote below, one approach to ensuring that approximately two-thirds had developed explicit leadership the development of skills and behaviors that support corporate competencies.2 objectives is the creation of a model that describes the organization’s desired competencies. 3M had need of a company-specific, but company-wide, leadership profile on which to base objective assessment of leadership potential, "To be effective, the development of workplace and managerial identification of development needs and probable career-pathing. skills must reflect the current and projected needs of the organization. It is a critical responsibility… to identify the core Objectives of the new leadership competency profile were: competencies of the enterprise and to ensure that the competencies required by managers, specialists and the ! To accurately assess leadership capability workforce in general are adequate and appropriate."1 ! To more effectively develop talent within the organization ! To select and place leaders into key positions — Pickett, Les. “Competencies and Managerial Effectiveness: Putting Competencies to Work”  2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD PAGE 1 CATALOG NUMBER: CLC12NLK2
  • 2. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL DECEMBER 2000 3M’s Leadership Competency Framework HR SOLUTION Critically Reviewing Established Competencies In 1995, 3M convened a global conference of HR professionals to The project team used the identified stakeholder groups heavily in position leadership selection, assessment and development as the reviewing 3M’s current set of competencies and revising them to primary HR priorities for the company. At the conclusion of the reflect the company’s current business environment. These groups’ conference, two HR professionals were identified to lead a team in roles in critical stages of the competency model development process creating initiatives aimed at competency-based leadership are outlined below. development. The first step was the creation of a global leadership ! Ensuring fit of new competencies with leadership philosophy competency framework that would describe and drive the type of Project leaders met individually with each member of the leadership required by the company. Executive Resources Committee to review current competency materials and discuss leadership philosophy, business complexity Identifying Stakeholders and language. In keeping with best practices identified in literature regarding ! Building consensus for the leadership model competency-modeling,3 3M included in its leadership analysis those The project leaders also presented several drafts of the competency individuals who shape the positions targeted by the model: in this model to the Human Resources Policy Committee. Discussion case, the members of the executive leadership team. surrounding the phrasing and interpretation of the competency definitions helped clarify leadership philosophy and facilitated In order to ensure that the model would accurately illustrate the true consensus-building. leadership needs of the organization, the project leaders worked with three groups of senior managers to create, review and edit the At the end of this process, the group had made several revisions to evolving competency model development. These groups would also competency labels and definitions (See Figure 1 for examples) and determine when it was appropriate to move to the next stage in finalized a set of 12 identified leadership competencies. 4 implementing the leadership development and succession processes and tools that would be built upon the competency framework. The Creating a Framework for Revised Leadership Competencies three groups were: The company further refined the model by organizing the 12 ! Executive Resources Committee (ERC) identified competencies into a framework that described how these CEO, business unit Executive Vice Presidents (EVPs) and HR competencies might be developed over time. Vice President (VP). Responsible for selection and development of individuals in the top 500 positions at 3M. A group of HR practitioners from across 3M’s global operations ! Human Resources Policy Committee distinguished ‘fundamental,’ ‘essential’ and ‘visionary’ clusters of Market EVPs, HR VP and several VPs of corporate service competencies that would help clarify the applicability of the model to functions. Mandates policies with human resources impacts. experienced, junior or potential future leaders. The twelve competencies and the competency framework are described in detail ! Operations Committee in Figure 2 overleaf. CEO and 13 direct reports. Oversees 3Ms operations and approves the formation or restructuring of staff or operating units. 4 FIGURE 1: REVISIONS TO LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES AT 3M Original Competency Revised Competency Rationale for Change Label Label ! The use of ‘nurturing’ highlights the importance of proactively creating an environment in Innovation Nurturing Innovation which staff can freely exchange ideas, challenge the status quo and learn from failures ! Emphasises leader’s role of mentoring idea originators through all stages of a product’s life ! Stresses the importance of delivering results; avoiding the implication that growth should be Business Health and pursued at all costs Business Growth Results ! Encourages leaders to manage all organizational subsystems to be ‘vibrant and flexible’ ! The removal of ‘systemic’ was intended to avoid the perception that the competencies were Systemic Change Integrated Change expressed with jargon ! The term ‘integrated’ would be more clearly and widely understood Capable of Handling ! Acknowledges the existence of paradoxical leadership situations Effective Analysis of Multiple, Complex and Complex Situations Paradoxical Situations ! Introduces the concept of using judgment in leadership ! Highlights the reciprocal nature of the feedback process, to overcome the one-way, top-down Feedback and Gives and Seeks Open and implications of the original statement Reinforcement Authentic Feedback ! The term ‘authentic’ communicates the expectation of candor  2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD PAGE 2
  • 3. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL DECEMBER 2000 3M’s Leadership Competency Framework HR SOLUTION (CONTINUED) The expression of the competencies as outcomes allows direct demonstration, observation and assessment. In addition, 3M’s work 3M’s leadership competency framework reflects several with senior executives in the development stages ensured that the recommendations from literature regarding the construction of a model reflects a third best practice: the competencies are expressed in useful competency model, including relating the competencies to language that is familiar to those people who will make use of the realistic workplace practices and expressing them as outcomes rather tool. 6 than as procedures.5 FIGURE 2: 3M’S LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK6 Fundamental Leadership Competencies Essential Leadership Competencies Visionary Leadership Competencies Fundamental competencies are those Visionary competencies are those which 3M which an individual may possess at the Essential competencies are those that leaders must possess to assume increased time of hire, but which will develop further the individual will develop as he becomes levels of responsibility. They enable leaders as the individual progresses through responsible for a functional unit or department. to look beyond their locus of control and add successive management positions. perspective to their leadership decisions. Ethics and Integrity Customer Orientation Global Perspective ! Exhibits uncompromising integrity and ! Works constantly to provide superior value ! Operates from an awareness of 3M’s commitment to 3M’s corporate values, to the 3M customer, making each global markets, capabilities and human resource principles and business interaction a positive one. resources. conduct policies. ! Exerts global leadership and works ! Builds trust and instills self-confidence Developing People respectfully in multicultural environments through mutually respectful, ongoing ! Selects and retains an excellent workforce to 3M’s advantage. communication. within an environment that values diversity and respects individuality. Vision and Strategy Intellectual Capacity ! Promotes continuous learning and the ! Creates and communicates a customer- ! Assimilates and synthesizes information development of self and others to achieve focused vision, corporately aligned and rapidly, recognizes the complexity in issues, maximum potential. engaging all employees in pursuit of a challenges assumptions and faces up to ! Gives and seeks open and authentic common goal. reality. feedback. ! Capable of handling multiple, complex and Nurturing Innovation paradoxical situations. Communicates Inspiring Others ! Creates and sustains an environment that clearly, concisely and with appropriate ! Positively affects the behavior of others, supports experimentation, rewards risk- simplicity. motivating them to achieve personal taking, reinforces curiosity and challenges satisfaction and high performance through the status quo through freedom and Maturity and Judgment a sense of purpose and spirit of openness without judgment. ! Demonstrates resiliency and sound cooperation. ! Influences the future to 3M’s advantage. judgment in dealing with business and ! Leads by example. corporate challenges. Building Alliances ! Recognizes when a decision must be made Business Health / Results ! Builds and leverages mutually beneficial and acts in a considered and timely manner. ! Identifies and successfully generates relationships and networks, both internal ! Deals effectively with ambiguity and learns product, market and geographic growth and external, which generate multiple from success and failure. opportunities, while consistently delivering opportunities for 3M. positive short-term business results. ! Continually searches for ways to add Organizational Agility 3M includes this fundamental value and to position the organization for competency to remind leaders that the ! Knows, respects and leverages 3M’s future success. culture and assets. company expects sound judgment from those in whom it places trust, and that ! Leads integrated change within a this should be demonstrated to the staff. 3M intends this competency definition to business unit to achieve sustainable focus leaders on building an enterprise that competitive advantage. creates profit and generates business with ! Utilizes teams intentionally and the ultimate objective of delivering an appropriately attractive return on shareholder investment. By including this competency, 3M aims to develop leaders who can “see around corners” to anticipate changes in market conditions and proactively position the company for future competitive advantage.  2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD PAGE 3
  • 4. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL DECEMBER 2000 3M’s Leadership Competency Framework HR SOLUTION (CONTINUED) Linking the Leadership Competency Model to Leadership Development and Succession Planning Anchoring Leadership Competencies in Behaviors The three primary applications of 3M’s new leadership competency In order to ensure that the organization could utilize the competency model are presented below: model effectively for the purposes of assessment, development planning and succession planning, it was important to ‘anchor’ the ! Leadership Talent Review Tool identified competencies in observable leadership behaviors. This In order to build the use of the competency framework into a talent would enable current executives to pinpoint which aspects of review process, the project team designed a personal interview leadership they were delivering on, what their development needs process that asked senior executives to rate the degree of were, and would clarify for more junior employees the paths to competence of each of their direct reports (against the identified executive roles at 3M. behavioral anchors) as “not a strength”, “sufficient” or “a strength.” In a pilot program, the members of 3M’s Operations The project team’s objective was to describe, in behavioral terms, Committee rated their direct reports, a total of 70 individuals. The what is a high degree of leadership competence. In order to identify CEO then led a review of leadership talent among this group at a relevant behaviors at different levels of competence, the global HR monthly meeting of the company’s Executive Resource Committee. team conducted critical incident interviews with 70 executives across This talent review is now an annual process at 3M. 3M’s operations. ! Targeting Leadership Talent Development Critical incident interviewing is a long-established method of 3M’s comprehensive competency model helps executives to identifying the characteristics of effective job performance. consistently communicate to the employee population the Individuals in the position being analyzed are asked to identify competencies and behaviors that 3M expects its future leaders to behaviors or activities that can be demonstrated to be critical to either display. Current and potential leaders and their managers have a effective or ineffective performance.7 clear view of those criteria against which their performance will be judged and can take targeted action to gain experience and improve The process used by 3M to identify definitive behaviors indicating in these areas. Employee performance is assessed against the leadership competency is described below.8 competency model and individuals receive feedback on their strengths and needs. 1. Members of the global HR team met in pairs with individual participating executives and discussed with them descriptive ! Long-Term Leadership Succession Planning examples of individuals or incidents associated with a high degree 3M examines potential appointments to leadership positions by of competence in two of the identified competency areas. considering individuals’ strengths against the competency model, on the basis that high-potential employees who consistently exhibit 2. The discussion yielded a range of behaviors associated with each effective leadership behaviors will progress to leadership career of the two competencies. paths. This progress is validated and closely monitored by 3. The team identified three to five of the revealed behaviors — observing business results and the results of objective performance which were observable on the job and generalizable across the assessments, and the company provides appropriately targeted world’s regions and markets — as definitive indicators of high- developmental opportunities to allow individuals to refine their level leadership competence. leadership competencies with the objective of fulfilling the profile specified by the competency model. As an illustrative example of the types of behaviors that were identified at 3M, the anchors for the ‘global perspective’ competency are presented in Figure 3.9 LESSONS LEARNED FIGURE 3: BEHAVIORAL ANCHORS FOR 3M has not published results directly attributable to the creation of its ‘GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE’ LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY 9 leadership competency framework. However, the company’s leadership development executives perceive that the model has been ! Global Information Sourcing — Respects, values and leverages well-received internally, and are confident that it will deliver tangible other customs, cultures and values. Uses a global management results. Because the competencies and behaviors in the framework team to better understand and grow the total business; able to are articulated with reference to 3M culture and values, development leverage the benefits of working in multicultural environments. executives believe the newly-developed competency model to have ! Global Resourcing — Optimizes and integrates resources on a “vitality and relevance” for those using it.10 global basis, including manufacturing, research and businesses across countries, and functions to increase 3M’s growth and "[Although] much work remains to be done… we are well on the profitability. way to deepening bench strength and developing stronger ! Global Customer Orientation — Satisfies global customers and incumbent leaders. With further development of leadership and markets from anywhere in the world. talent assessment and succession applications, 3M leaders expect the extra time invested in customizing these solutions to ! Global Awareness — Actively stays current on world economies, result in measurable business success."11 trade issues, international market trends and opportunities. — 3M Executive Director of Selection, Assessment and Leadership Development, and Development and Measurement Center Manager  2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD PAGE 4
  • 5. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL DECEMBER 2000 3M’s Leadership Competency Framework 1 Les Pickett. “Competencies and Managerial Effectiveness: Putting Competencies to Work,” Public Personnel Management (22 March 1998). (Obtained through Lexis-Nexis). 2 Cited in Faye Cope, “Current Issues in Selecting High Potentials,” Human Resource Planning (January 1998). (Obtained through Dow Jones Interactive). 3 Stephanie Craig, “Using Competencies in Career Development,” in Designing and Achieving Competency, 1992, McGrw-Hill (UK). 4 Margaret Alldredge and Kevin Nilan, “3M’s Leadership Competency Model: An Internally Developed Solution,” Human Resource Management Vol. 39, Nos. 1 and 2 (Summer/Fall 2000). 5 Les Pickett. “Competencies and Managerial Effectiveness: Putting Competencies to Work.” 6 Margaret Alldredge and Kevin Nilan, “3M’s Leadership Competency Model: An Internally Developed Solution.” 7 Rajvinder Kandola and Michael Pearn, “Identifying Competencies,” in Designing and Achieving Competency, 1992, McGrw-Hill (UK). 8 Margaret Alldredge and Kevin Nilan, “3M’s Leadership Competency Model: An Internally Developed Solution.” 9 ibid. 10 ibid. 11 ibid. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NOTE The Corporate Leadership Council has worked to ensure the accuracy of the information it provides to its members. This project relies upon data obtained from many sources, however the Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or its analysis in all cases. Further, the Council is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. Its projects should not be construed as professional advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. Members requiring such services are advised to consult an appropriate professional. Neither the Corporate Executive Board nor its programs are responsible for any claims or losses that may arise from any errors or omissions in their reports, whether caused by the Corporate Executive Board or its sources. The views expressed herein by third-party sources do not necessarily reflect the policies of the organizations they represent.  2000 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BOARD PAGE 5