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A B D U L M A N N A N C H A T T H A M 0 9 0 2 1
C L A S S O F 2 0 1 4
V E E R L E B E R G I N K , M . D . ; P A U L F . B O U V Y , M . D . , P H . D . ;
J E R O E N S . P . V E R V O O R T , N . P . ; K A T H E L I J N E M .
K O O R E N G E V E L , M . D . , P H . D . ; E R I C A . P . S T E E G E R S , M . D . ,
P H . D . ; S T E V E N A . K U S H N E R , M . D . , P H . D .
A M J P S Y C H I A T R Y 2 0 1 2 ; 1 6 9 : 6 0 9 -
6 1 5 . 1 0 . 1 1 7 6 / A P P I . A J P . 2 0 1 2 . 1 1 0 7 1 0 4 7
Prevention of Postpartum
Psychosis and Mania in women at
high risk
 Psychotic episodes during the postpartum period are life-
threatening psychiatric emergencies, occurring after
nearly 0.1% of all deliveries.
 The strongest predictor for postpartum psychosis is a
history of bipolar disorder and/or postpartum psychosis
 previous studies in high-risk women provide strong
support for the benefits of lithium prophylaxis during
pregnancy and the postpartum period
 Viguera et al. provided clear evidence that discontinuation of
medication leads to high rates of relapse in bipolar women during
 four studies with smaller study groups have shown that prophylaxis
with lithium is protective for the occurrence of relapse postpartum.
 In all four studies, lithium was continued during pregnancy, started in
the last trimester of pregnancy, or started immediately postpartum.
 While lithium has been demonstrated to be effective in substantially
reducing the risk of peripartum relapse, the precise timing of when to
initiate lithium prophylaxis, during pregnancy or immediately
postpartum, remains unclear
Viguera AC; Whitfield T; Baldessarini RJ; Newport DJ; Stowe Z; Reminick A; Zurick A; Cohen LS: Risk of recurrence in women with bipolar disorder during pregnancy: prospective study of mood
stabilizer discontinuation. Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164:1817–1824
van Gent EM; Verhoeven WM: Bipolar illness, lithium prophylaxis, and pregnancy. Pharmacopsychiatry 1992; 25:187–191
 It is important to note that although postpartum psychosis
is widely considered as a new episode of bipolar disorder,
some studies have indicated that postpartum psychosis is
distinct from bipolar disorder.
 “postpartum psychosis” is defined as a history of any of the
following DSM-IV diagnoses: psychotic disorder not
otherwise specified, brief psychotic disorder, or mood
disorder (manic, mixed, or major depressive episode) with
psychotic features, all requiring the specifier “with
postpartum onset” (≤4 weeks after delivery)
Platz C; Kendell RE: A matched-control follow-up and family study of 'puerperal psychoses.' Br J Psychiatry 1988; 153:90–94
Winokur G: Postpartum mania. Br J Psychiatry 1988; 153:843–844
 Between January 2003 and December 2010, a total
of 618 referrals to the outpatient clinic of the
Peripartum Prevention Program at the Department
of Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam,
the Netherlands), were evaluated.
 Requests for evaluation and clinical management
during pregnancy and the postpartum period were
made by obstetricians, psychiatrists, and general
 women with bipolar I or bipolar II disorder with only
nonpuerperal episodes and those with both
puerperal and nonpuerperal episodes.
 All of these women had at least one previous
 women with a history of postpartum psychosis but
without any manic or psychotic symptoms outside
the postpartum period.
 Women with chronic psychotic disorders such as
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
Peripartum Prevention Program
 The Peripartum Prevention Program was designed to
provide standardized evidence-based clinical care for
women at high risk for peripartum relapse.
 Women enrolled in the program received their full
obstetric care through the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology and peripartum psychiatric care through the
Department of Psychiatry .
 Women already taking maintenance lithium were
prescribed doses three times a day during pregnancy to
avoid peak lithium levels. After delivery dosage was
reduced to one per day.
 Women who were initially medication free were
advised to start lithium prophylaxis immediately
 lithium was started the first evening after delivery
and given once daily according to the plasma level
(target minimum, 0.8 mmol/L).
 Plasma lithium levels were monitored twice weekly
during the first week postpartum, once per week
during weeks 2 and 3, and thereafter as clinically
 All women were advised to spend the first week
postpartum in a private room on the inpatient
obstetric ward, where nurses performed the
overnight newborn feedings to provide mothers with
the opportunity to sleep throughout the night.
Lorazepam 1mg at bedtime was the recommended
standardized treatment.
 All women received follow-up evaluations every 4–6
weeks throughout the peripartum period.
 The mean period of follow-up was 12.6 weeks
postpartum (range=4–52 weeks).
Statistical Analysis
 SAS, version 9 (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.)
 categorical data was evaluated by means of Fisher's
exact test.
 continuous variables were examined with two-
sample t tests.
 All hypotheses were tested with an alpha of 0.05
• The timing of relapse was substantially different between
the women with bipolar disorder and those with
postpartum psychosis only.
 Remarkably, despite being medication free
throughout the entire pregnancy, none of the 29
women with postpartum psychosis relapsed during
pregnancy. Postpartum, four of the 29 (13.8%)
 Of these four women with previous postpartum
psychosis, the current relapse was manifested as
mania for one woman, psychosis for one, a mixed
episode for one, and depression for one.
 Three of these four women required postpartum
inpatient admission.
 In contrast to the women with a history of
postpartum psychosis only, none of whom had a
relapse during pregnancy, 24.4% of the women with
bipolar disorder (10 of 41) relapsed during
pregnancy (p<0.01, Fisher's exact test).
 Of these 10 women, five had a manic episode, two
had a mixed episode, two had a major depressive
episode, and one developed hypomania
 Those with a manic or mixed episode all required
• Relapse postpartum occurred in 22.0% of the women
with bipolar disorder (nine of 41), the majority of
whom (six of nine) had also previously relapsed
during pregnancy.
 Three out of these six women achieved full
remission after the relapse during pregnancy but
relapsed again postpartum.
 Consequently, relapse during pregnancy was a
significant risk factor for relapse postpartum
(p<0.01, Fisher's exact test; odds ratio=14.0, 95%
 Of all nine women with bipolar disorder and
postpartum relapse, three had a manic episode, one
had a mixed episode, three had depression, and two
had hypomania.
Influence of Prophylactic Medication in
Women With Postpartum Psychosis Only
 Of the 29 patients with a history of postpartum psychosis
only, 20 began prophylactic treatment within 24 hours of
delivery. Of these 20, 17 used lithium and three used
 Notably, there were no cases of relapse among the women
with postpartum psychosis who initiated postpartum
prophylaxis upon delivery.
 The relapse rate in the women without postpartum
prophylaxis and a history of postpartum psychosis was
44.4% (four of nine).
 The difference in relapse rates between the patients with
and without prophylaxis was significant (p<0.01, Fisher's
exact test).
Influence of Prophylactic Medication in
Women With Bipolar Disorder
 Of the 41 women with bipolar disorder, 31 (75.6%)
received maintenance prophylaxis during pregnancy
 Ten (24.4%) of the 41 bipolar women did not use
prophylaxis continuously throughout pregnancy.
 The relapse rate during the pregnancies of the women
with bipolar disorder who used prophylaxis was 19.4%
(six of 31), compared to 40.0% (four of 10) in women
without prophylaxis.
 However, despite maintenance mood stabilization,
60.0% (six of 10) of the women who relapsed during
pregnancy also experienced a postpartum relapse
(p<0.01, Fisher's exact test; odds ratio=14.0, 95%
 Designed a peripartum prevention program using
the best available evidence for pregnant women with
the two strongest risk factors for postpartum
psychosis: a previous postpartum psychosis and/or a
history of bipolar disorder.
 Confirmed that lithium is highly efficacious for
peripartum prophylaxis.
 Findings suggest that postpartum prophylaxis is
highly efficacious in women at high risk for
postpartum psychosis who do not have a diagnosis of
bipolar disorder
 findings support a wide literature demonstrating
that women with bipolar disorder have a substantial
risk of relapse during pregnancy as well as in the
postpartum period
 In contrast, women with a history of only
postpartum psychosis have a vulnerability for mania
or psychosis that is restricted to the postpartum
 data contribute to the emerging consensus that
women with a history of psychosis limited to the
postpartum period might have a distinct variant of
bipolar disorder
 Missed symptoms associated with transient
instability as the study was principally designed to
detect mood episodes fulfilling DSM-IV criteria.
 Study was naturalistic, leaving open the possibility
that some of the outcomes were influenced by
patients' preferences
 primary pharmacologic treatment recommendation
for high-risk women was lithium, based on the
 In contrast, studies using other prophylactic
postpartum treatment strategies in bipolar women
either failed to show efficacy, as in the case of
estrogen administration and valproate, or were
inconclusive, as in the case of olanzapine.
 The authors recommend initiating prophylactic
treatment immediately postpartum in women with a
history of psychosis limited to the postpartum
period, to avoid in utero fetal exposure to
 Patients with bipolar disorder require continuous
prophylaxis throughout pregnancy and the
postpartum period to reduce peripartum relapse risk.
 Munk-
Olsen T; Laursen TM; Mendelson T; Pedersen CB; Mors O; Mortensen PB: Risks
and predictors of readmission for a mental disorder during the postpartum period. Arch
Gen Psychiatry 2009; 66:189–195
 Doucet S; Jones I; Letourneau N; Dennis CL; Blackmore ER: Interventions for the
prevention and treatment of postpartum psychosis: a systematic review. Arch Womens
Ment Health (Epub ahead of print, Dec 3, 2010)
 Chaudron LH; Pies RW: The relationship between postpartum psychosis and bipolar
disorder: a review. J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64:1284–1292
 Cohen LS: Treatment of bipolar disorder during pregnancy. J Clin Psychiatry 2007;
68(suppl 9):4–9
 Viguera AC; Cohen LS; Bouffard S; Whitfield TH; Baldessarini RJ: Reproductive
decisions by women with bipolar disorder after prepregnancy psychiatric
consultation. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:2102–2104
 Yonkers KA; Wisner KL; Stowe Z; Leibenluft E; Cohen L; Miller L; Manber R; Vig
uera A; Suppes T; Altshuler L: Management of bipolar disorder during pregnancy and
the postpartum period. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:608–620
 Chanen AM, Kaess M: Developmental pathways to borderline personality
disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports 2012, 14:45–53.
 Crowell SE, Beauchaine TP, Linehan MM: A biosocial developmental model of
borderline personality disorder: elaborating and extending Linehan’s theory.
Psychol Bull 2009, 135:495–510.
 Distel MA, Middeldorp CM, Trull TJ, Derom CA, Willemsen G, Boomsma DI: Life
events and borderline personality features: the influence of gene-environment
interaction and gene-environment correlation. Psychol Med 2011, 41:849–860.
 6. Gunderson JG, Zanarini MC, Choi-Kain LW, Mitchell KS, Jang KL, Hudson JI:
Family study of borderline personality disorder and its sectors of
psychopathology. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2011, 68:753–762.
 Johnson JG, Brent DA, Connolly J, Bridge J, Matta J, Constantine D, Rather C,
White T: Familial aggregation of adolescent personality disorders. J Am Acad
Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1995, 34:798–804.
 Skodol AE, Shea MT, Yen S, White CN, Gunderson JG: Personality disorders and
mood disorders: perspectiveson diagnosis and classification from studies of
longitudinal course and familial aggravations. J Pers Disord 2010, 24:83–108.
 Paris J: Personality disorders over time. Precursors, course, and outcome.
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 Agrawal HR, Gunderson J, Holmes BM, Lyons-Ruth K: Attachments studies with
borderline patients: a review. Harv Rev Psychiatry 2004, 12:94–104.
 Paris J: Treatment of borderline personality disorder. A guide to evidence-based
practice. New York, London: The Guilford Press; 2008.
 Fonagy P, Bateman A: The development of borderline personality disorder – a
mentalizing model. J Pers Disord 2008, 22:4–21.
 Kernberg OF, Yeomans FE, Clarking JF, Levy KN: transference focused
 psychotherapy: overview and update. Int J Psychoanal 2008, 89:601–620.
 Linehan MM: Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder.
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  • 1. A B D U L M A N N A N C H A T T H A M 0 9 0 2 1 C L A S S O F 2 0 1 4 JOURNAL CLUB PRESENTATION
  • 2. V E E R L E B E R G I N K , M . D . ; P A U L F . B O U V Y , M . D . , P H . D . ; J E R O E N S . P . V E R V O O R T , N . P . ; K A T H E L I J N E M . K O O R E N G E V E L , M . D . , P H . D . ; E R I C A . P . S T E E G E R S , M . D . , P H . D . ; S T E V E N A . K U S H N E R , M . D . , P H . D . A M J P S Y C H I A T R Y 2 0 1 2 ; 1 6 9 : 6 0 9 - 6 1 5 . 1 0 . 1 1 7 6 / A P P I . A J P . 2 0 1 2 . 1 1 0 7 1 0 4 7 Prevention of Postpartum Psychosis and Mania in women at high risk
  • 4. BACKGROUND  Psychotic episodes during the postpartum period are life- threatening psychiatric emergencies, occurring after nearly 0.1% of all deliveries.  The strongest predictor for postpartum psychosis is a history of bipolar disorder and/or postpartum psychosis  previous studies in high-risk women provide strong support for the benefits of lithium prophylaxis during pregnancy and the postpartum period
  • 5.  Viguera et al. provided clear evidence that discontinuation of medication leads to high rates of relapse in bipolar women during pregnancy.  four studies with smaller study groups have shown that prophylaxis with lithium is protective for the occurrence of relapse postpartum.  In all four studies, lithium was continued during pregnancy, started in the last trimester of pregnancy, or started immediately postpartum.  While lithium has been demonstrated to be effective in substantially reducing the risk of peripartum relapse, the precise timing of when to initiate lithium prophylaxis, during pregnancy or immediately postpartum, remains unclear Viguera AC; Whitfield T; Baldessarini RJ; Newport DJ; Stowe Z; Reminick A; Zurick A; Cohen LS: Risk of recurrence in women with bipolar disorder during pregnancy: prospective study of mood stabilizer discontinuation. Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164:1817–1824 van Gent EM; Verhoeven WM: Bipolar illness, lithium prophylaxis, and pregnancy. Pharmacopsychiatry 1992; 25:187–191
  • 6.  It is important to note that although postpartum psychosis is widely considered as a new episode of bipolar disorder, some studies have indicated that postpartum psychosis is distinct from bipolar disorder.  “postpartum psychosis” is defined as a history of any of the following DSM-IV diagnoses: psychotic disorder not otherwise specified, brief psychotic disorder, or mood disorder (manic, mixed, or major depressive episode) with psychotic features, all requiring the specifier “with postpartum onset” (≤4 weeks after delivery) Platz C; Kendell RE: A matched-control follow-up and family study of 'puerperal psychoses.' Br J Psychiatry 1988; 153:90–94 Winokur G: Postpartum mania. Br J Psychiatry 1988; 153:843–844
  • 7. METHODS  Between January 2003 and December 2010, a total of 618 referrals to the outpatient clinic of the Peripartum Prevention Program at the Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), were evaluated.  Requests for evaluation and clinical management during pregnancy and the postpartum period were made by obstetricians, psychiatrists, and general practitioners.
  • 8. INCLUSION CRITERIA  women with bipolar I or bipolar II disorder with only nonpuerperal episodes and those with both puerperal and nonpuerperal episodes.  All of these women had at least one previous delivery.  women with a history of postpartum psychosis but without any manic or psychotic symptoms outside the postpartum period.
  • 9. EXCLUSION CRITERIA  Women with chronic psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
  • 10.
  • 11. Peripartum Prevention Program  The Peripartum Prevention Program was designed to provide standardized evidence-based clinical care for women at high risk for peripartum relapse.  Women enrolled in the program received their full obstetric care through the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and peripartum psychiatric care through the Department of Psychiatry .  Women already taking maintenance lithium were prescribed doses three times a day during pregnancy to avoid peak lithium levels. After delivery dosage was reduced to one per day.
  • 12.  Women who were initially medication free were advised to start lithium prophylaxis immediately postpartum.  lithium was started the first evening after delivery and given once daily according to the plasma level (target minimum, 0.8 mmol/L).  Plasma lithium levels were monitored twice weekly during the first week postpartum, once per week during weeks 2 and 3, and thereafter as clinically indicated.
  • 13.  All women were advised to spend the first week postpartum in a private room on the inpatient obstetric ward, where nurses performed the overnight newborn feedings to provide mothers with the opportunity to sleep throughout the night. Lorazepam 1mg at bedtime was the recommended standardized treatment.  All women received follow-up evaluations every 4–6 weeks throughout the peripartum period.  The mean period of follow-up was 12.6 weeks postpartum (range=4–52 weeks).
  • 14. Statistical Analysis  SAS, version 9 (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.)  categorical data was evaluated by means of Fisher's exact test.  continuous variables were examined with two- sample t tests.  All hypotheses were tested with an alpha of 0.05 (two-sided).
  • 15. RESULTS • The timing of relapse was substantially different between the women with bipolar disorder and those with postpartum psychosis only.
  • 16.  Remarkably, despite being medication free throughout the entire pregnancy, none of the 29 women with postpartum psychosis relapsed during pregnancy. Postpartum, four of the 29 (13.8%) relapsed.  Of these four women with previous postpartum psychosis, the current relapse was manifested as mania for one woman, psychosis for one, a mixed episode for one, and depression for one.  Three of these four women required postpartum inpatient admission.
  • 17.  In contrast to the women with a history of postpartum psychosis only, none of whom had a relapse during pregnancy, 24.4% of the women with bipolar disorder (10 of 41) relapsed during pregnancy (p<0.01, Fisher's exact test).  Of these 10 women, five had a manic episode, two had a mixed episode, two had a major depressive episode, and one developed hypomania  Those with a manic or mixed episode all required hospitalization.
  • 18.
  • 19. • Relapse postpartum occurred in 22.0% of the women with bipolar disorder (nine of 41), the majority of whom (six of nine) had also previously relapsed during pregnancy.  Three out of these six women achieved full remission after the relapse during pregnancy but relapsed again postpartum.  Consequently, relapse during pregnancy was a significant risk factor for relapse postpartum (p<0.01, Fisher's exact test; odds ratio=14.0, 95% CI=2.5–80.0).
  • 20.  Of all nine women with bipolar disorder and postpartum relapse, three had a manic episode, one had a mixed episode, three had depression, and two had hypomania.
  • 21. Influence of Prophylactic Medication in Women With Postpartum Psychosis Only  Of the 29 patients with a history of postpartum psychosis only, 20 began prophylactic treatment within 24 hours of delivery. Of these 20, 17 used lithium and three used antipsychotics.  Notably, there were no cases of relapse among the women with postpartum psychosis who initiated postpartum prophylaxis upon delivery.  The relapse rate in the women without postpartum prophylaxis and a history of postpartum psychosis was 44.4% (four of nine).  The difference in relapse rates between the patients with and without prophylaxis was significant (p<0.01, Fisher's exact test).
  • 22. Influence of Prophylactic Medication in Women With Bipolar Disorder  Of the 41 women with bipolar disorder, 31 (75.6%) received maintenance prophylaxis during pregnancy  Ten (24.4%) of the 41 bipolar women did not use prophylaxis continuously throughout pregnancy.  The relapse rate during the pregnancies of the women with bipolar disorder who used prophylaxis was 19.4% (six of 31), compared to 40.0% (four of 10) in women without prophylaxis.  However, despite maintenance mood stabilization, 60.0% (six of 10) of the women who relapsed during pregnancy also experienced a postpartum relapse (p<0.01, Fisher's exact test; odds ratio=14.0, 95% CI=2.5–80.0).
  • 23.
  • 24. DISCUSSION  Designed a peripartum prevention program using the best available evidence for pregnant women with the two strongest risk factors for postpartum psychosis: a previous postpartum psychosis and/or a history of bipolar disorder.  Confirmed that lithium is highly efficacious for peripartum prophylaxis.  Findings suggest that postpartum prophylaxis is highly efficacious in women at high risk for postpartum psychosis who do not have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder
  • 25.  findings support a wide literature demonstrating that women with bipolar disorder have a substantial risk of relapse during pregnancy as well as in the postpartum period  In contrast, women with a history of only postpartum psychosis have a vulnerability for mania or psychosis that is restricted to the postpartum period.  data contribute to the emerging consensus that women with a history of psychosis limited to the postpartum period might have a distinct variant of bipolar disorder
  • 26. Limitations  Missed symptoms associated with transient instability as the study was principally designed to detect mood episodes fulfilling DSM-IV criteria.  Study was naturalistic, leaving open the possibility that some of the outcomes were influenced by patients' preferences
  • 27. Strengths  primary pharmacologic treatment recommendation for high-risk women was lithium, based on the literature.  In contrast, studies using other prophylactic postpartum treatment strategies in bipolar women either failed to show efficacy, as in the case of estrogen administration and valproate, or were inconclusive, as in the case of olanzapine.
  • 28. CONCLUSIONS  The authors recommend initiating prophylactic treatment immediately postpartum in women with a history of psychosis limited to the postpartum period, to avoid in utero fetal exposure to medication.  Patients with bipolar disorder require continuous prophylaxis throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period to reduce peripartum relapse risk.
  • 29. REFERENCES  Munk- Olsen T; Laursen TM; Mendelson T; Pedersen CB; Mors O; Mortensen PB: Risks and predictors of readmission for a mental disorder during the postpartum period. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009; 66:189–195  Doucet S; Jones I; Letourneau N; Dennis CL; Blackmore ER: Interventions for the prevention and treatment of postpartum psychosis: a systematic review. Arch Womens Ment Health (Epub ahead of print, Dec 3, 2010)  Chaudron LH; Pies RW: The relationship between postpartum psychosis and bipolar disorder: a review. J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64:1284–1292  Cohen LS: Treatment of bipolar disorder during pregnancy. J Clin Psychiatry 2007; 68(suppl 9):4–9  Viguera AC; Cohen LS; Bouffard S; Whitfield TH; Baldessarini RJ: Reproductive decisions by women with bipolar disorder after prepregnancy psychiatric consultation. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:2102–2104  Yonkers KA; Wisner KL; Stowe Z; Leibenluft E; Cohen L; Miller L; Manber R; Vig uera A; Suppes T; Altshuler L: Management of bipolar disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:608–620
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