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Psychological Remedies
Available to Abused
Women and Children
April 22, 2015
Clinical Psychology – Neuroscience– Criminology
April 22, 2016
UPWILOCI2589 SantaClaraStreet, 888 SantaAna, Manila, 1009 Metro Manila
Liquid ecstacy
Child Bride - YEMEN
Classification by motive and degree rather than by type of injury.
Four categories are proposed:
A, abuse: premeditated ill treatment undertaken for gain by disturbed,
dangerous, and manipulative individuals;
B, active ill treatment: impulsively undertaken because of
socioeconomic pressures, lack of education, resources, and support, or
mental illnesses;
C, universal mild ill treatment: behaviour undertaken by all normal
caring parents in all societies; and
D, neglect: defined here as anunintentional failure to supply the child’s
Classification by type of injury.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse means that child’s physical body suffers harm.
It includes beating, spanking, slapping, kicking, dragging, burning, yanking on any
body part, unwanted tickling, and so on. Basically, any kind of touch the child doesn’t
want and that is harmful to them. It also includes physical neglect through denial of
food or medication, and inappropriate personal or medical care.
Mental abuse
Mental abuse (i.e., psychological or emotional abuse) means that child’s mind suffers
Mental abuse includes yelling, manipulating, fear mongering, shaming, creating false
guilt,forbidding to feel certain feelings (like anger), convincing that you have to feel
certain feelings and act accordingly, name calling, isolation, threatening, imposing
false and irrational beliefs, etc. Furthermore, all forms of abuse (e.g., physical or
sexual) are mentally harmful, too.
Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse is the physical and/or mental harm that is related to sex and sexuality.
Sexual abuse includes physical and/or mental components related to child’s
sexuality: rape, inappropriate touching, forced nudity, spanking on the buttocks,
caregiver’s language and behavior that’s age inappropriate for the child,
sexualization of the child, seduction by the caregivers, imposing shame and guilt in
relation to sex, any kind of physical, emotional, psychological, or verbal
Based on how it is enacted, child abuse can be classified into active,
passive, and vicariousabuse.
Active abuse means that child’s personal boundaries are actively
violated (i.e., the caregiver is too involved and over-controlling).
Some examples of that can be spanking, yelling, name calling,
molestation, shaming, etc.
Passive abuse means that the caregiver-child bond is not stable or
broken (i.e., the caregiver is physically or emotionally too distant or
completely unavailable). It includes neglect and abandonment. Some
examples are emotional unavailability, not being there for the child,
withdrawal of affection, lack of mirroring and validation, and so on.
Vicarious abuse means that the caregiver fails to protect the child
or puts them in an environment where the child suffers some form of
abuse from others.
Abuse can take many forms. It can include:
Physical abuse such as hitting, pushing, pinching, shaking,
misusing medication, ; withholding food or drink; force-feeding
,scalding, restraint and hair pulling, ; failing to provide physical care
and aids to living.
Sexual abuse such as rape, sexual assault, or sexual acts to which
the person has not or could not have consented, or pressurising
someone into sexual acts they don’t understand or feel powerless to
Psychological or emotional abuse such as threats of harm or
abandonment, being deprived of social or any other form of contact,
humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment,
verbal abuse and being prevented from receiving services or
Financial or material abuse such as theft, fraud or exploitation,
pressure in connection with wills, property, or inheritance, misuse of
property, possessions or benefits.
Neglect such as ignoring medical or physical care needs and
preventing access to health, social care or educational services or
withholding the necessities of life such as food, drink and heating , or
failing to ensure adequate supervision or exposing a person to
unacceptable risk.
Discriminatory abuse such as that based on race or sexuality or ,
harassment, /slurs / maltreatment because of someone’s race,
gender, disability, age, faith, culture, or sexual orientation
Institutional abuse can sometimes happen in residential homes,
nursing homes or hospitals when people are mistreated because of
poor or inadequate care, neglect and poor practice that affects the
whole of that service
rape trauma syndrome
domestic stockholm syndrome
post traumatic stress syndrome
false memory syndrome
child sexual abuse accomodation
(RTS or rape trauma syndrome)
is the psychological trauma experienced by a rape
victim that includes disruptions to normal
physical, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal
behavior. The theory was first described by
psychiatrist Ann Wolbert Burgess and sociologist
Lynda Lytle Holmstrom in 1974
is a cluster of psychological and physical signs,
symptoms and reactions common to most rape
victims immediately following and for months or
years after a rape
This phenomenon appears in the bizarre attachment of some
hostages to their captors known as the "Stockholm Syndrome. " It
explains why some victims love their abusers.
In a bank vault in Stockholm, Sweden twenty-seven years ago,
Kristin, the hostage was held by Olafson, the armed assailant. She
could not speak, she could not eat, she could not use a toilet without
his permission. She was not only terrified, she was infantilized
Kristin denied that Olafson, her captor, was the source of her pain.
Many hostages deny or repress or forget that fact. They do realize,
consciously and deep inside, that someone with the power to take
their life is not killing them. On the contrary, this powerful person
gives them food and blankets and permission to speak and the right
to use a toilet. The hostage feels grateful and attached
Patty Hearst felt it toward Cujo, one of her Symbionese
Liberation Army captors
a battered wife might love her spouse because she was
trained from infancy to love an abusive parent --that is, to
equate love with the intimate enduring dependence on
one who provides life's necessities and who also hits and
the battered wife might love her spouse because relief
from punishment is so rewarding that she has learned to
savor this feeling while denying the pain of physical
Or, she might love qualities that are lovable and suppress
any outrage in response to behaviors that are cruel. Love
is notoriously irrational, complex and paradoxical.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may
develop after a person is exposed to one or
more traumatic events, such as major stress
, sexual assault, terrorism, or other threats
on a person's life.
The diagnosis may be given when a group of
symptoms, such as disturbing recurring
flashbacks, avoidance or numbing of
memories of the event, and hyperarousal,
continue for more than a month after the
occurrence of a traumatic event.
Child sexual abuse
syndrome (CSAAS) is a syndrome
developed by Roland C. Summit in 1983 to describe how he
believed sexually abused children responded to ongoing
sexual abuse.
Roland Summit described how children try to resolve the
experience of sexual abuse in relation to the effects of
disclosure in real life. Summit posited five stages:[
Entrapment and accommodation
Delayed disclosure
The False Memory Syndrome
came about in 1992 . A foundation was formed by Pamela
and Peter Freyd, after their adult daughter Jennifer
Freyd accused Peter Freyd of sexual abuse when she was a
The FMSF describes its purpose as the examination of the
concept of false memory syndrome and recovered memory
therapy and advocacy on behalf of individuals believed to
befalsely accused of child sexual abuse[3]
with a focus on
preventing future incidents, helping individuals and
reconciling families affected by FMS, publicizing information
about FMS, sponsoring research on it and attempting to
discover methods to distinguish a true or false allegation of
DSM- 5 code: V61.1 0 (ICD-10 code, Z63.0)
[Problematic] quality of the intimate (spouse or partner) relationship or
[Problematic] relationship quality is affecting the course, prognosis, or treatment of a
mental or other medical disorder
● Impaired functioning in behavioral, cognitive, or affective domains. Examples:
•Behavioral problems
●Conflict resolution difficulty
•Cognitive problems
●Chronic negative attributions of the partner’s intentions
●Chronic dismissals of the partner’s positive behaviors
•Affective problems
●Chronic sadness, apathy, and/or anger about the partner.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Fear of Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Sexual and Physical Adequacy
Scarring and Permanent Damage
Encopresis and Enuresis
Psychosomatic Complaints
Interpersonal Issues
Identification With the
Victimizing Behaviors
Intrapersonal Issues
Lack of Expression of Feelings
Guilt, Blame, and Responsibility
Loss and Grief
Self-Worth, Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy
Stigmatization/Damaged Goods
Learned Helplessness
Behavioral Issues
Avoidant Behavior
Dependent Behavior
Aggressive Behavior
Hypersexual Behavior
Suggestive Sexual Behavior
How to Deal with After Effects of Rape
How to Cope with Rape Related Post traumatic
Stress Disorder
How to Heal from Rape and Sexual Assault
(Rape Trauma Syndrome)
Rape- Trauma-Syndrome)
What Qualifies as Rape
Rape is sex while someone is unconscious
Rape is sex while someone is impaired
Rape is women having sex with men against their will
Rape is forced oral sex
Rape is forced sex with no weapon present
Rape is unwanted sex without physical resistanc
Rape is unwanted sex between a husband and wife
Rape is unwanted or forced sex from someone you used to
or are currently dating
Rape is a teacher sleeping with a student
Rape is any sex that you don't want
TREATMENT modalities
cognitive vs behavioral
individual vs family
group vs. family
play therapy
Treatment phases and structuring the healing process
The early phase of therapy with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse 
focuses on building up trust between the counsellor and the survivor and 
preparing the survivor for the healing process. During this phase of 
therapy the survivor is encouraged to tell their story which allows the 
counsellor to assess which therapeutic techniques may be the most 
Telling their story is difficult for some survivors. Their memories are 
fragmented and all jumbled up making it hard for them to relate what 
happened when. There is often a feeling of being overwhelmed by the 
abuse and just not knowing how to start. Many survivors just can't 
differentiate between episodes of abuse and their whole sense of 
childhood was taken over by it. At this stage there are tools which can be 
used to help the survivor put their childhood back together into a 
recognisable whole by focusing on specific incidents or episodes of their 
lives to structure their stories.
The middle phase of therapy is where the brunt of the work is 
done which includes re-processing the trauma. Simply stated, 
processing the trauma of childhood sexual assault involves:
Acknowledging the fact of the abuse and its impacts.
Experiencing and releasing some of the feelings associated with 
the trauma that typically has remained unexpressed.
Exploring a range of feelings towards the abuser/s and non-
protective parents, siblings or caretakers; and
Making cognitive reassessments of the abuse (i.e. why it 
happened, who was responsible etc).
If these avenues are explored, the traumatic events are faced and 
processed by necessity. The abuse can no longer remain frozen in 
time and continue to maintain the survivors status quo: The status 
quo that includes beliefs about vulnerability, helplessness, 
mistrust, stigmatisation, with a negative view of self and others.
During this phase the abused child is integrated with the adult 
self so that they work together as a unified whole rather than 
being split and working against each other. Emphasis is also 
placed on cognitive restructuring, educating the survivor and the 
formulation of new coping strategies. 
Through this sort of trauma processing a clear line is drawn 
between the past and the present leaving the individual feeling 
more in control and determined to deal with the impacts the 
abuse has had on their lives.
It is at this stage that a stronger sense of self and changes in
world view evolve and new coping skills can be incorporated
into their behavioural repertoire. At this stage the survivor 
actively engages in healing making decisions about the options 
open to them. This is also a stage of exploration of possibilities 
which can lead the survivor further along the path to integration. 
This is a good time for group work, self-esteem and assertiveness 
training, stress management and/or self-defence classes.
The last phase of the healing process is
the termination phase. This involves empowering
the survivor to make their own choices and
decisions without relying on the counsellor. It
includes the survivor's separation from the
counselling process while establishing support
networks. These might include self-help support
groups as well as supportive friends, partners, or
family member
Treatment approaches
Treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual assault
incorporates a number of therapeutic approaches which reflect
major the theoretical schools of therapy, emotional, cognitive
and behavioural.
Experiential or exploratory techniques focus on accessing
emotions, re-experiencing the trauma and integrating these
with the adult self.
Cognitive therapy aims to identify the survivor's distorted
cognitions of themselves, others and the world and attempts
to replace these with more accurate and realistic cognitions.
Behavioural therapies focus on enhancing the survivor's
behavioural repertoire through the acquisition of more
adaptive behavioural responses, coping strategies and learning
new skills.
Play therapy seemed to be the most effective treatment
for social functioning
Cognitive-behavioral, abuse-specific, and supportive
therapy in either group or individual formats was most
effective for behavior problems
Cognitive-behavioral, family, and individual therapy
seemed to be the most effective for psychological
Abuse-specific, cognitive-behavioral, and group therapy
appeared to be the most effective for low self-concept.
Cognitive therapy (CT) is a type
of psychotherapy developed by
American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck. CT is one of the
therapeutic approaches within the larger group
of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) and was first
expounded by Beck in the 1960s. Cognitive therapy is
based on the cognitive model, which states that
thoughts, feelings and behavior are all connected, and
that individuals can move toward overcoming difficulties
and meeting their goals by identifying and changing
unhelpful or inaccurate thinking, problematic behavior,
and distressing emotional responses. This involves the
individual working collaboratively with the therapist to
develop skills for testing and modifying beliefs,
identifying distorted thinking, relating to others in
different ways, and changing behaviors
Behavioral therapy is
a treatment that helps change
potentially self-destructing behaviors.
It is also
called behavioral modification or
cognitive behavioral therapy. Medical
professionals use this type
oftherapy to replace bad habits with
good ones
Individual vs. Group psychotherapy
The therapeutic alliance in group psychotherapy is with the group itself
(comprised of the group psychotherapist and the group members) and
not just with the psychotherapist.
Different therapeutic factors are at work in group psychotherapy. In
group psychotherapy, interpersonal feedback from peers is considered
the most powerful therapeutic factor.
The attachment process is different in group psychotherapy. The
attachment is to the group itself and attachment issues are analyzed and
worked through within this context.
In group psychotherapy, a client participates in a plethora of roles and
relationships and learns about the many complex roles and relationships
that make up the fabric of life
Individual vs Family Therapy
individual therapy is one-to-one work between client and therapist.
Some people simply want the supportive environment of an
unbiased third party, some people want help in pursuing meaningful
life direction. Within the framework of individual therapy,
psychotherapist can use techniques from one or a variety of
theoretical orientations.
Family therapy involves two or more members of a family (couples
therapy is technically a subset of family therapy). Family therapy is
best used when there is a need to address problems or issues that
affect family functioning when one or more family members are
affected. While family therapists employ a variety of treatment
approaches, family therapy is consistent in emphasizing the entire
family as a unit. This approach to therapy focuses more on inter-
relational issues than on an individual's internal concerns.

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  • 1. Psychological Remedies Available to Abused Women and Children MANILA, PHILIPPINES April 22, 2015 MILEN SANTIAGO RAMOS MA. MSc PhD Clinical Psychology – Neuroscience– Criminology April 22, 2016 UPWILOCI2589 SantaClaraStreet, 888 SantaAna, Manila, 1009 Metro Manila
  • 9. Classification by motive and degree rather than by type of injury. Four categories are proposed: A, abuse: premeditated ill treatment undertaken for gain by disturbed, dangerous, and manipulative individuals; B, active ill treatment: impulsively undertaken because of socioeconomic pressures, lack of education, resources, and support, or mental illnesses; C, universal mild ill treatment: behaviour undertaken by all normal caring parents in all societies; and D, neglect: defined here as anunintentional failure to supply the child’s needs.
  • 10. Classification by type of injury. Physical abuse Physical abuse means that child’s physical body suffers harm. It includes beating, spanking, slapping, kicking, dragging, burning, yanking on any body part, unwanted tickling, and so on. Basically, any kind of touch the child doesn’t want and that is harmful to them. It also includes physical neglect through denial of food or medication, and inappropriate personal or medical care. Mental abuse Mental abuse (i.e., psychological or emotional abuse) means that child’s mind suffers harm. Mental abuse includes yelling, manipulating, fear mongering, shaming, creating false guilt,forbidding to feel certain feelings (like anger), convincing that you have to feel certain feelings and act accordingly, name calling, isolation, threatening, imposing false and irrational beliefs, etc. Furthermore, all forms of abuse (e.g., physical or sexual) are mentally harmful, too. Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is the physical and/or mental harm that is related to sex and sexuality. Sexual abuse includes physical and/or mental components related to child’s sexuality: rape, inappropriate touching, forced nudity, spanking on the buttocks, caregiver’s language and behavior that’s age inappropriate for the child, sexualization of the child, seduction by the caregivers, imposing shame and guilt in relation to sex, any kind of physical, emotional, psychological, or verbal incest/molestation.
  • 11. Based on how it is enacted, child abuse can be classified into active, passive, and vicariousabuse. Active abuse means that child’s personal boundaries are actively violated (i.e., the caregiver is too involved and over-controlling). Some examples of that can be spanking, yelling, name calling, molestation, shaming, etc. Passive abuse means that the caregiver-child bond is not stable or broken (i.e., the caregiver is physically or emotionally too distant or completely unavailable). It includes neglect and abandonment. Some examples are emotional unavailability, not being there for the child, withdrawal of affection, lack of mirroring and validation, and so on. Vicarious abuse means that the caregiver fails to protect the child or puts them in an environment where the child suffers some form of abuse from others.
  • 12. FORMS OF ABUSE IN ADULTS Abuse can take many forms. It can include: Physical abuse such as hitting, pushing, pinching, shaking, misusing medication, ; withholding food or drink; force-feeding ,scalding, restraint and hair pulling, ; failing to provide physical care and aids to living. Sexual abuse such as rape, sexual assault, or sexual acts to which the person has not or could not have consented, or pressurising someone into sexual acts they don’t understand or feel powerless to refuse. Psychological or emotional abuse such as threats of harm or abandonment, being deprived of social or any other form of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse and being prevented from receiving services or support.
  • 13. Financial or material abuse such as theft, fraud or exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property, or inheritance, misuse of property, possessions or benefits. Neglect such as ignoring medical or physical care needs and preventing access to health, social care or educational services or withholding the necessities of life such as food, drink and heating , or failing to ensure adequate supervision or exposing a person to unacceptable risk. Discriminatory abuse such as that based on race or sexuality or , harassment, /slurs / maltreatment because of someone’s race, gender, disability, age, faith, culture, or sexual orientation Institutional abuse can sometimes happen in residential homes, nursing homes or hospitals when people are mistreated because of poor or inadequate care, neglect and poor practice that affects the whole of that service
  • 14. rape trauma syndrome domestic stockholm syndrome post traumatic stress syndrome false memory syndrome child sexual abuse accomodation syndrome FORMAL DIAGNOSTIC FORMULATION
  • 15. (RTS or rape trauma syndrome) is the psychological trauma experienced by a rape victim that includes disruptions to normal physical, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal behavior. The theory was first described by psychiatrist Ann Wolbert Burgess and sociologist Lynda Lytle Holmstrom in 1974 is a cluster of psychological and physical signs, symptoms and reactions common to most rape victims immediately following and for months or years after a rape
  • 16. DOMESTIC STOCKHOLM SYNDROME This phenomenon appears in the bizarre attachment of some hostages to their captors known as the "Stockholm Syndrome. " It explains why some victims love their abusers. In a bank vault in Stockholm, Sweden twenty-seven years ago, Kristin, the hostage was held by Olafson, the armed assailant. She could not speak, she could not eat, she could not use a toilet without his permission. She was not only terrified, she was infantilized Kristin denied that Olafson, her captor, was the source of her pain. Many hostages deny or repress or forget that fact. They do realize, consciously and deep inside, that someone with the power to take their life is not killing them. On the contrary, this powerful person gives them food and blankets and permission to speak and the right to use a toilet. The hostage feels grateful and attached
  • 17. Patty Hearst felt it toward Cujo, one of her Symbionese Liberation Army captors a battered wife might love her spouse because she was trained from infancy to love an abusive parent --that is, to equate love with the intimate enduring dependence on one who provides life's necessities and who also hits and hurts. the battered wife might love her spouse because relief from punishment is so rewarding that she has learned to savor this feeling while denying the pain of physical abuse. Or, she might love qualities that are lovable and suppress any outrage in response to behaviors that are cruel. Love is notoriously irrational, complex and paradoxical.
  • 18. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as major stress , sexual assault, terrorism, or other threats on a person's life. The diagnosis may be given when a group of symptoms, such as disturbing recurring flashbacks, avoidance or numbing of memories of the event, and hyperarousal, continue for more than a month after the occurrence of a traumatic event.
  • 19. Child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) is a syndrome developed by Roland C. Summit in 1983 to describe how he believed sexually abused children responded to ongoing sexual abuse. Roland Summit described how children try to resolve the experience of sexual abuse in relation to the effects of disclosure in real life. Summit posited five stages:[ Secrecy Helplessness Entrapment and accommodation Delayed disclosure Retraction
  • 20. The False Memory Syndrome came about in 1992 . A foundation was formed by Pamela and Peter Freyd, after their adult daughter Jennifer Freyd accused Peter Freyd of sexual abuse when she was a child. The FMSF describes its purpose as the examination of the concept of false memory syndrome and recovered memory therapy and advocacy on behalf of individuals believed to befalsely accused of child sexual abuse[3] with a focus on preventing future incidents, helping individuals and reconciling families affected by FMS, publicizing information about FMS, sponsoring research on it and attempting to discover methods to distinguish a true or false allegation of abuse
  • 21. INTIMATE PARTNER RELATIONSHIP DISTRESS –DSM V DSM- 5 code: V61.1 0 (ICD-10 code, Z63.0) [Problematic] quality of the intimate (spouse or partner) relationship or [Problematic] relationship quality is affecting the course, prognosis, or treatment of a mental or other medical disorder ● Impaired functioning in behavioral, cognitive, or affective domains. Examples: •Behavioral problems ●Conflict resolution difficulty ●Withdrawal ●Overinvolvement •Cognitive problems ●Chronic negative attributions of the partner’s intentions ●Chronic dismissals of the partner’s positive behaviors •Affective problems ●Chronic sadness, apathy, and/or anger about the partner.
  • 22. ISSUES PHYSICAL HEALTH CONCERNS Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Fear of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Sexual and Physical Adequacy Pregnancy Scarring and Permanent Damage Encopresis and Enuresis Psychosomatic Complaints
  • 23. Interpersonal Issues Identification With the Aggressor Victimizing Behaviors Intimacy Betrayal
  • 24. Intrapersonal Issues Fear Trauma Anxiety Depression Lack of Expression of Feelings Guilt, Blame, and Responsibility Loss and Grief Self-Worth, Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy Stigmatization/Damaged Goods Learned Helplessness
  • 25. Behavioral Issues Avoidant Behavior Dependent Behavior Aggressive Behavior Hypersexual Behavior Suggestive Sexual Behavior Masturbation
  • 27. Prevention HOW TO PREVENT POTENTIAL RAPE Potential-Rape HOW TO AVOID BECOMING A RAPE VICTIM Becoming-a-Rape-Victim
  • 28. MANAGEMENT How to Deal with After Effects of Rape How to Cope with Rape Related Post traumatic Stress Disorder Stress-Disorder How to Heal from Rape and Sexual Assault (Rape Trauma Syndrome) Rape- Trauma-Syndrome)
  • 29. What Qualifies as Rape Rape is sex while someone is unconscious Rape is sex while someone is impaired Rape is women having sex with men against their will Rape is forced oral sex Rape is forced sex with no weapon present Rape is unwanted sex without physical resistanc Rape is unwanted sex between a husband and wife Rape is unwanted or forced sex from someone you used to or are currently dating Rape is a teacher sleeping with a student Rape is any sex that you don't want
  • 30. TREATMENT modalities cognitive vs behavioral individual vs family group vs. family play therapy
  • 31. Treatment phases and structuring the healing process The early phase of therapy with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse  focuses on building up trust between the counsellor and the survivor and  preparing the survivor for the healing process. During this phase of  therapy the survivor is encouraged to tell their story which allows the  counsellor to assess which therapeutic techniques may be the most  beneficial. Telling their story is difficult for some survivors. Their memories are  fragmented and all jumbled up making it hard for them to relate what  happened when. There is often a feeling of being overwhelmed by the  abuse and just not knowing how to start. Many survivors just can't  differentiate between episodes of abuse and their whole sense of  childhood was taken over by it. At this stage there are tools which can be  used to help the survivor put their childhood back together into a  recognisable whole by focusing on specific incidents or episodes of their  lives to structure their stories.
  • 32. The middle phase of therapy is where the brunt of the work is  done which includes re-processing the trauma. Simply stated,  processing the trauma of childhood sexual assault involves: Acknowledging the fact of the abuse and its impacts. Experiencing and releasing some of the feelings associated with  the trauma that typically has remained unexpressed. Exploring a range of feelings towards the abuser/s and non- protective parents, siblings or caretakers; and Making cognitive reassessments of the abuse (i.e. why it  happened, who was responsible etc). If these avenues are explored, the traumatic events are faced and  processed by necessity. The abuse can no longer remain frozen in  time and continue to maintain the survivors status quo: The status  quo that includes beliefs about vulnerability, helplessness,  mistrust, stigmatisation, with a negative view of self and others.  
  • 33. During this phase the abused child is integrated with the adult  self so that they work together as a unified whole rather than  being split and working against each other. Emphasis is also  placed on cognitive restructuring, educating the survivor and the  formulation of new coping strategies.  Through this sort of trauma processing a clear line is drawn  between the past and the present leaving the individual feeling  more in control and determined to deal with the impacts the  abuse has had on their lives. It is at this stage that a stronger sense of self and changes in world view evolve and new coping skills can be incorporated into their behavioural repertoire. At this stage the survivor  actively engages in healing making decisions about the options  open to them. This is also a stage of exploration of possibilities  which can lead the survivor further along the path to integration.  This is a good time for group work, self-esteem and assertiveness  training, stress management and/or self-defence classes.
  • 34. The last phase of the healing process is the termination phase. This involves empowering the survivor to make their own choices and decisions without relying on the counsellor. It includes the survivor's separation from the counselling process while establishing support networks. These might include self-help support groups as well as supportive friends, partners, or family member
  • 35. Treatment approaches Treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual assault incorporates a number of therapeutic approaches which reflect major the theoretical schools of therapy, emotional, cognitive and behavioural. Experiential or exploratory techniques focus on accessing emotions, re-experiencing the trauma and integrating these with the adult self. Cognitive therapy aims to identify the survivor's distorted cognitions of themselves, others and the world and attempts to replace these with more accurate and realistic cognitions. Behavioural therapies focus on enhancing the survivor's behavioural repertoire through the acquisition of more adaptive behavioural responses, coping strategies and learning new skills.
  • 36. TREATMENT MODALITIES (metaanalysis) Play therapy seemed to be the most effective treatment for social functioning Cognitive-behavioral, abuse-specific, and supportive therapy in either group or individual formats was most effective for behavior problems Cognitive-behavioral, family, and individual therapy seemed to be the most effective for psychological distress Abuse-specific, cognitive-behavioral, and group therapy appeared to be the most effective for low self-concept.
  • 37. Cognitive therapy (CT) is a type of psychotherapy developed by American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck. CT is one of the therapeutic approaches within the larger group of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) and was first expounded by Beck in the 1960s. Cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model, which states that thoughts, feelings and behavior are all connected, and that individuals can move toward overcoming difficulties and meeting their goals by identifying and changing unhelpful or inaccurate thinking, problematic behavior, and distressing emotional responses. This involves the individual working collaboratively with the therapist to develop skills for testing and modifying beliefs, identifying distorted thinking, relating to others in different ways, and changing behaviors
  • 38. Behavioral therapy is a treatment that helps change potentially self-destructing behaviors. It is also called behavioral modification or cognitive behavioral therapy. Medical professionals use this type oftherapy to replace bad habits with good ones
  • 39. Individual vs. Group psychotherapy The therapeutic alliance in group psychotherapy is with the group itself (comprised of the group psychotherapist and the group members) and not just with the psychotherapist. Different therapeutic factors are at work in group psychotherapy. In group psychotherapy, interpersonal feedback from peers is considered the most powerful therapeutic factor. The attachment process is different in group psychotherapy. The attachment is to the group itself and attachment issues are analyzed and worked through within this context. In group psychotherapy, a client participates in a plethora of roles and relationships and learns about the many complex roles and relationships that make up the fabric of life
  • 40. Individual vs Family Therapy individual therapy is one-to-one work between client and therapist. Some people simply want the supportive environment of an unbiased third party, some people want help in pursuing meaningful life direction. Within the framework of individual therapy, psychotherapist can use techniques from one or a variety of theoretical orientations. Family therapy involves two or more members of a family (couples therapy is technically a subset of family therapy). Family therapy is best used when there is a need to address problems or issues that affect family functioning when one or more family members are affected. While family therapists employ a variety of treatment approaches, family therapy is consistent in emphasizing the entire family as a unit. This approach to therapy focuses more on inter- relational issues than on an individual's internal concerns.