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Traumatic Brain Injury
Robert Lieberson, MD, FACS
Brain, Spine, and Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Your Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, you will be able
1. understand the demographics of TBI;
2. discuss the approach to the TBI patient;
3. describe the examination and the evaluation of
the TBI patient;
4. recognize many of the common injuries;
5. be familiar with some of the medical treatment
6. be aware of some of the surgical options; and,
7. appreciate the prognosis in TBI.
My Teaching Objectives
Provide a framework for understanding:
1. in an emergency start with ABCs or ABCDEs;
2. remember the GCS as top down and small
number of options to large;
3. think about the rest of your examination
from the top down;
4. think about brain injuries from the outside
in; and,
5. think about TBI treatment in terms of re-
establishing “normal.”
“Doctors are men who
prescribe medicines of
which they know little,
to cure diseases of
which they know less, in
human beings of whom
they know nothing.”
– Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire
1. Demographics of TBI 2010
> 50 K
> 280,000
~ 2,500,000 Emergency
Room Visits
? Alternate care or no care
At least 3 to 5
million TBIs per
year in the US
By cause
All ages Assault
Frequency by age
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 +
Emergency Department Visits Hospitalizations Deaths
2. Approach to the TBI Patient
Schematic behavior ("on autopilot“)
versus attentional behavior (problem-
 Failures of schematic behavior are
“slips” (lapses in concentration, distractions,
or fatigue).
 Failures of attentional behavior are
“mistakes” (lack of training or experience).
 In health care, most errors are caused by
 Checklists reduce the risk of “slips.”
2. Approach to the TBI Patient
 Advanced Trauma Life Support (ACS)
 Guidelines for the Management of
Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, 3rd
Edition, 2007
 Guidelines for the Surgical
Management of Traumatic Brain
Injury, 2006
 Guidelines for Management and
Prognosis of Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury, 2000
 Guidelines for the Acute Medical
Management of Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury in Infants, Children, and
Adolescents, 2nd Edition, 2012
Ghajar J, Hariri RJ, Narayan RK, Iacono LA, Firlik K, Patterson RH.
Survey of critical care management of comatose, head-
injured patients in the United States.
Critical Care Med. 1995 Mar;23(3):560-7.
Adherence to the TBI guidelines improves
outcomes, but in a survey of ICUs in 45 states:
 Only 28% of neurosurgeons routinely measure ICP
 83% still use hyperventilation and osmotic diuretics
 29% still maintain PaCO2 < 25 mm Hg
 44% still use corticosteroids
Start with Advanced Trauma Life Support
 Primary Survey
 Secondary Survey
 GCS from the top down (EVM)
 General examination from the top down
 Neuro examination from the top down
 Tertiary Survey
 PMH, FH, SH, Meds, Allergies, ROS
 If the patient deteriorates, return to the
primary survey and start over
3. Evaluation of the TBI Patient
ATLS primary survey
 ABCDE (different than the ABCs of CPR)
 Airway (remember the c-spine precautions)
 Breathing (exclude pneumothorax,
tamponade, etc)
 Circulation (and also control hemorrhage)
 Disability/neurological (AVPU [alert, verbal,
painful, unresponsive], pupils and spinal cord
(GCS goes with secondary survey)
 Environmental (remove clothes,
correct/prevent hypothermia)
ATLS Secondary Survey
 Complete history
 Top down examination (including GCS)
 X-rays and lab
 Focused abdominal sonogram for trauma (FAST exam)
 Evaluates pericardium, right and left upper abdomen and
pelvic region for blood
 CBC, BMP, coags, type and screen, tox, ABG, pregnancy
 Non-contrast CTs of C-spine, chest, abdomen, and pelvis
 Maintain PaO2 > 60 mm Hg and SBP ≥ 65 mm Hg
ATLS Tertiary Survey
 Careful and complete examination,
serial assessments, rate of delayed
diagnosis can be 10%
 If patient deteriorates, return and
repeat the primary survey
 Events surrounding the
 Seatbelt, helmet, position in
motor vehicle, direction of
impact, speed, damage to
windshield or steering wheel
 Assess for EtOH or illicit drugs
 Drugs may confound the
 Was there a seizure at the
time of the accident
of Injury
 Rotational most
likely to cause
 Lateral and AP cause
coup and contra-
and subdurals
 Local injury to the
temporal bone
causes epidurals
 Head
 Scalp lacerations
 May be associated with significant blood loss
 Depressed skull fracture (convexity fractures)
 Most skull fractures non-displaced
 CSF rhinorrhea or otorrhea, raccoon eyes, Battle’s sign
(basilar skull fractures)
 Significant head injuries can occur without external
 Spine
 Step-off
 Tenderness
 Passive rewarming
 Hypothermia may confound the neurological examination
Examination—Glasgow Coma Scale
 GCS 13-15 is
 GCS 9-12 is
 GCS 3-8 is
“severe” and
equates to coma
Top Down
Examination—Glasgow Coma Scale
Top down (EVM); fewest categories to most.
Top Down
1 None
2 Decerebrate
3 Decorticate
4 Withdraws
5 Localizes
6 Normal
1 None
2 Sounds
3 Word Salad
4 Disoriented
5 Normal
1 None
2 To Pain
3 To Voice
4 Normal
Neurological Examination
 A complete neurological examination on every
patient (organized from top down)
 Mental status
 Cranial Nerves (including pupils)
 Motor (rate power from 0/5 to 5/5)
 Sensory (light touch and pin prick)
 Reflexes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
 Coordination/Gait
Post Traumatic Amnesia
Retrograde versus antegrade
Fixed and Dialated Pupils
 No patient with bilateral
fixed and dilated pupils
for more than 90 minutes
had a favorable
 Many surgeons will
consider surgery futile if
3 to 6 hours have
(grade IV)
(grade II)
Indications for CT
 Mild TBI (GCS ≥ 13)
 New Orleans Criteria
 No CT if GCS 15, + LOC, no neuro deficit, age > 3 years
 CT if headache, vomiting, seizure, intoxication, short term memory
deficit, age > 60, injury above the clavicle
 Canadian CT Head rule
 No CT if GCS 13-15, + LOC, no neuro deficit, no seizure, no
anticoagulation, age > 16 years
 CT if:
 High risk—GCS < 15 after 2 hours, suspected convexity or basilar skull
fracture, vomiting ≥ 2 times, or age ≥ 65; or,
 Medium risk—retrograde amnesia > 30 minutes, severe mechanism
(pedestrian vs. car, ejected from car, or fall from > 1 m or five stairs)
Indications for CT
 Moderate TBI (GCS 9-12) or Severe TBI (GCS ≤ 8)
 All get a head CT
 CT is positive in 93% of patients with a severe TBI
 A negative CT does not guarantee a “favorable” prognosis
 Obliteration of basal cisterns associated with “unfavorable”
outcomes in 97% of cases
Layers from outside to inside
Scalp Contusion
Caput succedaneum
Subgaleal hematoma
Subperiosteal hematoma or
Subgaleal versus subperiosteal hematoma
Epidural hematoma
Epidural hematoma
Subdural hematoma
Subdural hematoma
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Cerebral Contusion
Cerebral Contusion
Axonal Shearing Injuries
Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Through and Through Gunshot Wound
 Marshall Classification of CT findings
Diffuse injury I—No visible pathology on CT
Diffuse injury II—Cisterns present, midline shift <
5 mm, no high-density lesion > 2.5 cm
Diffuse injury III—Cisterns compressed or absent,
no high-density lesion > 2.5 cm
Diffuse injury IV—Midline shift > 5 mm, no high-
density lesion > 2.5 cm
Evacuated mass—Any lesion surgically evacuated
Non-evacuated mass—High-density lesion > 2.5
cm but not surgically evacuated
Traumatic dissections
Traumatic dissections
5. Medical Treatment Options
 Primary Injury
 Occurs at the moment of trauma
 Contusion, damage to blood vessels, axonal shearing, blood brain barrier
changes, fractures, and meningeal injury
 Secondary Injury
 Begins in the hospital (causes significant disability, preventable)
 Ischemia and cerebral hypoxia (due to hypotension and impaired autoregulation)
 Cerebral edema (raised intracranial pressure, brain herniation)
 Metabolic changes such as hypercapnia and acidosis
 Infection (meningitis, brain abscess)
 Release of neurotransmitters (excitotoxicity)
 Viscous Cycles (edema causes more ischemia which causes more edema)
 Systemic complications (pneumonia, DVT)
TBI Guidelines 3rd Edition, 2007
 Three classes of evidence
 Class I: Relevant screening test; credible reference standard;
reference standard independent of screening test; reliability of test
assessed; few indeterminate results; large number of patients.
 Class II: Relevant screening test; reasonable although not best
standard; standard independent of screening test; moderate number
of patients.
 Class III: Has fatal flaws; inappropriate reference standard; screening
tests improperly administered; small number of patients.
 Three levels of recommendation (based on class of evidence,
highest level with at least one recommendation given)
 15 categories, only 14 stated “level of evidence”
 Level I: 1/14 (steroid use)
 Level II: 10/14 (BP, Mannatol, Abx, ICP monitoring, ICP threshold,
CPP, anesthetics, nutrition, Sz meds, hyperventilation)
 Level III: 3/14 (hypothermia, DVT, brain O2 monitoring)
 I. Blood Pressure and Oxygenation
 B. Level II—Hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg) should be avoided.
 C. Level III--Hypoxia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg or O2 saturation < 90%)
should be avoided
 Single most important intervention is maintaining SBP and CBF
 CBF should be between 50 and 70
 Under 50, risk of ischemia
 Over 70, risk of ARDS
TBI Guidelines (I)
TBI Guidelines (II)
 II. Hyperosmolar Therapy
 B. Level II--Mannitol is effective to treat ICP. Doses of 0.25 to 1
 C. Level III--Restrict mannitol use prior to ICP monitoring to
patients with signs of herniation or progressive neurological
 Albumen, SAFE trial of 7000 patients, ↑ ICP, No Benefit
 Hypertonic Saline
 ↓ cerebral edema, ↑ flow through small vessels, ↑ MAP
 Avoids the diuresis, ↓ BP seen, and renal issues with Mannitol
 Mannitol
 Rapid decrease ICP in emergencies
 Renal damage if Osm over 320
TBI Guidelines (II)
 II. Hyperosmolar Therapy
TBI Guidelines (III)
 III. Prophylactic Hypothermia
 C. Level—Better outcomes with temperatures of 32–33°C for > 48
hours. Difficult to do.
 First studies by Temple Fay (1895-1963,
Temple U)
 ↓ metabolic rate, ↓ apoptosis
 ↓ neuroexcitatory damage, ↓ inflammatory
damage, ↓ free radicals
 ↓ Cerebral Blood Flow, ↓ ICP
 But
 ↓ Platelet Function
 Rewarming Problems (↑ K+, ↓ glucose)
TBI Guidelines (III)
 Prophylactic Hypothermia
 Tylenol, fans, ice bags, etc—not
 Intravenous heat exchangers may be
 Shivering can be controlled with
warming of the hands
 Induced Normothermia
 Preventing fever spikes may be as
advantageous as hypothermia
 Pending studies
 Eurotherm 3235 (600 patients) - UK
 POLAR-RCT (500 patients) – Australia
and NZ
TBI Guidelines (IV and V)
 IV. Infection Prophylaxis
 B. Level II--Periprocedural antibiotics for intubation should be administered. Early tracheostomy should be
performed to reduce ventilator days.
 C. Level III--Routine ventricular catheter exchange or prophylactic antibiotic use is not recommended.
 V. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis
 C. Level III--Compression stockings are recommended. Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or low dose
unfractionated heparin should be used, however, there is an increased risk of hemorrhage. There is no clear
preferred agent.
 There are NO guidelines for Lovenox or similar in patients with TBI.
 Giving Lovenox BEFORE a craniotomy is NOT safe.
 In patients with a “bleed,” starting Lovenox 24 to 48 hours AFTER the CT has stabilized and there is no more
bleeding is probably safe.
 In post-op craniotomy patients, starting Lovenox 24 or 48 hours after surgery, or when the drains stop producing
fresh blood, is probably safe.
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
 VI. Indications for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
 B. Level II--Monitor Intracranial pressure (ICP) in all salvageable patients with a
severe TBI (GCS 3–8) and an abnormal CT scan.
 C. Level III--ICP monitoring is indicated in patients with severe TBI with a normal
CT scan if two or more of the following: age over 40 years, unilateral or bilateral
motor posturing, or SBP < 90 mm Hg.
 VII. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Technology
 A ventricular catheter and an external strain gauge is the most accurate, low-cost,
and reliable method. It can be recalibrated. Strain gauge devices provide similar
benefits, but cost more and cannot be recalibrated.
 VIII. Intracranial Pressure Thresholds
 B. Level II—Treat ICPs above 20 mm Hg.
 C. Level III—Use a combination of ICP values, clinical findings, and CT findings to
guide treatment (common sense).
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
(Monro-Kellie doctrine)
Alexander Monro (1733-
1817), Scottish a famous-
anatomist, surgeon, and
George Kellie (1720-
1779), Scottish anatomist
and surgeon who studied
under Monro
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
Arterial Blood
Venous Blood
140 to 270 cc
of CSF (25 in
the ventricles)
1050 to 1150
cc of brain
200 cc of ECF
100 cc of
venous blood
50 cc of
arterial blood
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
Arterial Blood
Venous Blood
Arterial Blood
Venous Blood
Subdural Hematoma
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
Arterial Blood
Venous Blood
Subdural Hematoma
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
Arterial Blood
Venous Blood
Subdural Hematoma
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
TBI Guidelines (IX and X)
 Cerebral Perfusion Pressure is MAP minus ICP.
 If MAP is 90 and ICP is 20, CPP is 70.
 CPP should be 50 to 70 mmHg.
 CPP over 70—ARDS more likely.
 CPP less than 50—No brain perfusion!
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
Failure of
Secondary Injury
Vicious Cycle
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
ICP Monitoring Technology
 A ventricular catheter and external strain gauge are the
most accurate, reliable, and method of monitoring.
 Ventriculostomies allow CSF Drainage.
 Convenient, fast,
 Cannot be
recalibrated after
insertion, and are
expensive ($6,000
to $10,000).
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
ICP Monitoring Technology
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
ICP Monitoring Technology
Objectives of ICP Monitoring
Maintain cerebral perfusion (and
therefore oxygenation)
Remove CSF (if possible)
Avoid secondary injury
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
(Posterior Fossa)
6.Through a
cranial defect
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
Basal Cisterns
TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
TBI Guidelines (IX and X)
 IX. Cerebral Perfusion Thresholds
 B. Level II—Ovrly aggressive attempts to keep CPP > 70 mm Hg with fluids and
pressors should be avoided because of the risk of adult respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS).
 C. Level III--CPP of < 50 mm Hg should be avoided. The CPP value to target lies
within the range of 50–70 mm Hg.
 X. Brain Oxygen Monitoring and Thresholds
 C. Level III—Maintain jugular venous saturation > 50% or brain tissue oxygen tension
>15 mm Hg.
 The technology exists but is limited.
TBI Guidelines (XI to XV)
 XI. Anesthetics, Analgesics, and Sedatives
 B. Level II--Prophylactic barbiturates not recommended. Barbiturates for ICP refractory
to all other treatment helpful but cause significant morbidity.
 XII. Nutrition
 B. Level II--Full caloric replacement by day 7.
 XIII. Anti-seizure Prophylaxis
 B. Level II—Prophylactic, long-term anti-epileptics not recommended. Anticonvulsants
decrease early seizures but early seizures not associated with worse outcomes.
 XIV. Hyperventilation
 B. Level II--Prophylactic hyperventilation (PaCO2 < 25 mm Hg) is dangerous.
 C. Level III--Temporizing measure only. Most harmful early when CBF most reduced.
 XV. Steroids
 A. Level I—Steroids are not recommended—cause increased mortality.
 This is the only level II recommendation.
TBI Guidelines Summary
 Intubate if:
 Poor airway protection
or GCS ≤ 8
 Extubate early
 PaO2 > 60 mmHG or O2
Sat > 90%
 PaCO2 = 35 to 40 mm
 Keep SBP > 90 and CPP
 A single episode of
hypotension doubles
 Avoid hypotonic
solutions (LR or ½ NSS)
 Avoid hyperglycemia
 Mannitol
 Signs of herniation or
deterioration not due
to extracranial causes
 Dose 0.25 to 1 g/Kg
 Avoid before ICP
 Avoid if hypotensive
 Hypothermia QUESTIONABLE.
 Steroids NOT helpful.
 Anticonvulsants NOT for
 Antibiotics NOT for prophylaxis.
 Hyperventilation NOT advised.
 Full caloric replacement early.
 DVT prophylaxis (SCDs, +/-
 Avoid high dose Propofol.
 Barbiturates only in
TBI Guidelines Summary
TBI Guidelines Summary
Monitor ICP in all “severe” head injury
patients (GCS ≤ 8) with an abnormal CT.
Monitor ICP in all “severe” head injury and a
normal CT if two or more of the following:
Age ≥ 40 years;
Systolic blood pressure ≤ 90 mm Hg; and,
Unilateral or bilateral posturing.
Not in the TBI Guidelines
Decompressive Craniectomy
 Has waxed and waned in popularity over the last 30 years
 Indications now not entirely clear.
 May be helpful for hemispheric or MCA strokes.
 For TBI, probably to be done in desperation only.
 A very large craniectomy is required.
 May occasionally cause worse problems (strangulation of the
brain under the new defect).
 May convert deaths into vegetative survivors.
Not in the TBI Guidelines
Transfusion thresholds
Historical: 30% or 10 g/dL
Reassessed 1980s—infection risk and cost
 AABB Guidelines (2012)
 Hgb <6 g/dL – Transfusion recommended
 Hgb 6 to 7 g/dL – Transfusion generally indicated
 Hgb 7 to 8 g/dL – Transfusion should be considered in postoperative
surgical patients
 Hgb 8 to 10 g/dL – Transfusion generally not indicated, but should be
considered for: symptomatic anemia; ongoing bleeding; acute
coronary syndrome (cardiac surgery literature supports 30%)
 Transfusion thresholds for TBI undefined
 Some including Carlson, 2006, suggest that the same guidelines apply
 Many neurosurgeons believe that because of the brain’s higher O2
consumption, a hematocrit near 30% reduces risk and improves
6. Surgical Management of TBI 2006
 Addresses Four Classes of
 Epidural Hematomas
 Subdural Hematomas
 Contusions (Parenchymal
 Posterior Fossa Mass Lesions
Surgical Management of Epidurals
 Indications for Surgery
 An epidural over 30 cm3 should be removed regardless of the GCS score.
 An epidural less than 30 cm3 and with less than a 15-mm thickness and
with less than a 5-mm midline shift and with a GCS score greater than 8
without focal deficit can be managed nonoperatively but need serial
scans and close follow-up.
 Timing
 Patients with an acute epidural in coma with anisocoria need surgery
 Methods
 Craniotomy.
 Exceptions
 Venous epidurals.
How do you determine volume on CT
 Kothari, et al, 1996.
 Find largest diameter (call it A)
 Find diameter at 90 degrees to A (call it B)
 Count the CT slices where the clot is seen and multiply
by slice thickness to find the depth (call that C)
 Lesion volume =
𝑨 ∗𝑩 ∗𝑪
 In a 30 cc lesion, the average value of A, B, and C is
about 4 cm or 1½ inches
How do you measure shift on CT?
15 mm
How do you remove skull
Surgical Management of Epidurals
Surgical Management of Epidurals
Surgical Management of Epidurals
Surgical Management of Epidurals
Surgical Management of Subdurals
 Indications for Surgery
 An acute subdural 10 mm thick or a midline shift over 5 mm should be
removed regardless of the GCS.
 • All patients with an acute SDH in coma (GCS score less than 9) should
undergo intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring.
 • A comatose patient with a SDH < 10-mm thick and a shift < 5 mm needs
surgery if the GCS decreased between injury and admission or if pupillary
changes or if the ICP exceeds 20 mmHg.
 Timing
 Patients with an acute subdural in coma with anisocoria need surgery
 Methods
 Craniotomy
Surgery—subdural hematoma
Surgery—subdural hematoma
Surgery—subdural hematoma
Surgery—subdural hematoma
Surgery—subdural hematoma
Surgery—subdural hematoma
Surgical Management of Contusions
 Indications
 Patients with parenchymal lesions and
neurological deterioration, medically
refractory ↑ ICP, or mass effect on CT
needs surgery.
 Patients with GCS of 6 to 8, with
frontal or temporal contusions greater
than 20 cm3 in volume with shift > 5
mm or loss of basal cisterns, and
patients with lesions over 50 cm3
need surgery.
 Patients with mass lesions who do not
show evidence of neurological
compromise, have low ICP, and no
signs of mass effect on CT may be
observed with serial CTs.
Surgical Management of Contusions
 Timing and Methods
 Bifrontal decompressive
craniectomy, within 48 hours
of injury, should be
considered for diffuse
cerebral edema.
 Decompressive procedures
(subtemporal decompression,
temporal lobectomy, and
hemispheric decompressive
craniectomy) are options for
patients with ↑ ICP.
Surgical Management of Posterior Fossa
 Indications
 Patients with mass effect on CT or with neurological dysfunction or
deterioration need surgery. Mass effect is distortion of the fourth
ventricle, compression of the basal cisterns, or hydrocephalus.
 Patients with lesions but no mass effect on CT or neurological deficit
may be observed and imaged serially.
 Timing
 Patients can deteriorate rapidly. Surgery should be done immediately.
 Methods
 Suboccipital craniectomy is used to evacuate posterior fossa lesions.
Surgery—posterior fossa lesions
Surgery—depressed skull fracture
 Indications
 In driven fragments increase seizure risk
 Open fractures increase infection risk
Surgery—depressed skull fracture
Surgery—depressed skull fracture
Surgery—decompressive craniectomy
7. Prognosis (2000)
 Relatively few features have
been found to contain most of
the prognostic information.
 Patient Age
 Severity of Injury
 Difficult to quantify
 Intracranial pressure
 Not always measured
 Computed tomography (CT)
Prognosis (2000)
 Glasgow Coma Score (severity of
 Works well for very low and very high
initial GCS scores.
 Age
 Younger patients do better and those
over 60 worse
 Pupillary reactivity (severity of injury
and ICP)
 Hypotension
 Strongly predicts a poor outcome
 The only factor that can be changed
 CT abnormalities predict a poor
outcome (severity of injury and ICP)
Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS)
1 GR Good recovery—resumption of normal life despite minor
2 MD Moderate disability (disabled but independant)—travel
by public transportation, can work in sheltered setting
(exceeds mere ability to perform “ADLs”).
3 SD Severe disability (conscious but disabled)—dependent
for daily support (may be institutionalized, but this is not a
4 PVS Persistent vegetative state—unresponsive and
speechless; after 2-3 weeks may open eyes and have
sleep/wake cycles.
5 D Death—most deaths from primary head injury occur
within 48 hours.
1—Death (D)
State (VS)
Disability (SD-)
Disability (SD+)
Disability (MD-)
Disability (MD+)
7—Lower Good
Recovery (GR-)
8—Upper Good
Recovery (GR+)
Glasgow Outcome Score-Extended (GOS-E)
 Reversed the numbers
 Added “lower” and “upper” to the three intermediate categories
75% “mild”
memory and reasoning
vision, smell, and taste
communication, understanding
anxiety, depression, personality,
inappropriate behavior
25% “Moderate” or “Severe”
Parkinson’s Disease
Spectrum of Effects of TBI
(numerous independent variables)
More Pearls
Mortality from epidural hematoma
about 10%.
Mortality from subdural hematoma 40
to 60%.
Hypoxia increases mortality.
Hypotension doubles mortality.
Recovery may continue for a year or
 With a TBI start with ABCDEs.
 Remember the GCS as top down and small
number of options to large.
 Think about the rest of your examination
from the top down.
 Think about brain injuries from the outside
 Think about TBI treatment in terms of
keeping all the numbers normal.
2015, Trauma, Brain
2015, Trauma, Brain
2015, Trauma, Brain

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2015, Trauma, Brain

  • 1. Traumatic Brain Injury Robert Lieberson, MD, FACS Brain, Spine, and Peripheral Nerve Surgery
  • 2. Your Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this session, you will be able to: 1. understand the demographics of TBI; 2. discuss the approach to the TBI patient; 3. describe the examination and the evaluation of the TBI patient; 4. recognize many of the common injuries; 5. be familiar with some of the medical treatment options; 6. be aware of some of the surgical options; and, 7. appreciate the prognosis in TBI.
  • 3. My Teaching Objectives Provide a framework for understanding: 1. in an emergency start with ABCs or ABCDEs; 2. remember the GCS as top down and small number of options to large; 3. think about the rest of your examination from the top down; 4. think about brain injuries from the outside in; and, 5. think about TBI treatment in terms of re- establishing “normal.”
  • 4. “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.” – Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694-1778)
  • 5. 1. Demographics of TBI 2010 > 50 K Deaths > 280,000 Hospitalizations ~ 2,500,000 Emergency Room Visits ? Alternate care or no care 789,925 Men 574,870 Women At least 3 to 5 million TBIs per year in the US
  • 6. By cause All ages Assault 11% Struck By/Against 15% Unknown/ Other 19% Motor Vehicle- Traffic 14% Falls 41%
  • 7. Frequency by age 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 + PER100,000 Emergency Department Visits Hospitalizations Deaths
  • 8. 2. Approach to the TBI Patient
  • 9. Schematic behavior ("on autopilot“) versus attentional behavior (problem- solving)  Failures of schematic behavior are “slips” (lapses in concentration, distractions, or fatigue).  Failures of attentional behavior are “mistakes” (lack of training or experience).  In health care, most errors are caused by “slips.”  Checklists reduce the risk of “slips.”
  • 10. 2. Approach to the TBI Patient
  • 11.  Advanced Trauma Life Support (ACS)   Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, 3rd Edition, 2007  Guidelines for the Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury, 2006  Guidelines for Management and Prognosis of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, 2000  Guidelines for the Acute Medical Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 2nd Edition, 2012
  • 12. Ghajar J, Hariri RJ, Narayan RK, Iacono LA, Firlik K, Patterson RH. Survey of critical care management of comatose, head- injured patients in the United States. Critical Care Med. 1995 Mar;23(3):560-7. Adherence to the TBI guidelines improves outcomes, but in a survey of ICUs in 45 states:  Only 28% of neurosurgeons routinely measure ICP  83% still use hyperventilation and osmotic diuretics  29% still maintain PaCO2 < 25 mm Hg  44% still use corticosteroids
  • 13. Start with Advanced Trauma Life Support  Primary Survey  ABCDEs  Secondary Survey  GCS from the top down (EVM)  General examination from the top down  Neuro examination from the top down  Tertiary Survey  PMH, FH, SH, Meds, Allergies, ROS  If the patient deteriorates, return to the primary survey and start over 3. Evaluation of the TBI Patient
  • 14. ATLS primary survey  ABCDE (different than the ABCs of CPR)  Airway (remember the c-spine precautions)  Breathing (exclude pneumothorax, tamponade, etc)  Circulation (and also control hemorrhage)  Disability/neurological (AVPU [alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive], pupils and spinal cord (GCS goes with secondary survey)  Environmental (remove clothes, correct/prevent hypothermia)
  • 15. ATLS Secondary Survey  Complete history  Top down examination (including GCS)  X-rays and lab  Focused abdominal sonogram for trauma (FAST exam)  Evaluates pericardium, right and left upper abdomen and pelvic region for blood  CBC, BMP, coags, type and screen, tox, ABG, pregnancy  Non-contrast CTs of C-spine, chest, abdomen, and pelvis  Maintain PaO2 > 60 mm Hg and SBP ≥ 65 mm Hg
  • 16. ATLS Tertiary Survey  Careful and complete examination, serial assessments, rate of delayed diagnosis can be 10%  If patient deteriorates, return and repeat the primary survey
  • 17. History  Events surrounding the accident  Seatbelt, helmet, position in motor vehicle, direction of impact, speed, damage to windshield or steering wheel  Assess for EtOH or illicit drugs  Drugs may confound the examination  Was there a seizure at the time of the accident
  • 18. History Mechanism of Injury  Rotational most likely to cause shearing  Lateral and AP cause coup and contra- coup and subdurals  Local injury to the temporal bone causes epidurals
  • 19. Examination—General  Head  Scalp lacerations  May be associated with significant blood loss  Depressed skull fracture (convexity fractures)  Most skull fractures non-displaced  CSF rhinorrhea or otorrhea, raccoon eyes, Battle’s sign (basilar skull fractures)  Significant head injuries can occur without external stigmata  Spine  Step-off  Tenderness  Passive rewarming  Hypothermia may confound the neurological examination
  • 20. Examination—Glasgow Coma Scale  GCS 13-15 is “mild”  GCS 9-12 is “moderate”  GCS 3-8 is “severe” and equates to coma Motor Top Down 4 5 6
  • 21. Examination—Glasgow Coma Scale Top down (EVM); fewest categories to most. Motor Top Down 4 5 6 1 None 2 Decerebrate 3 Decorticate 4 Withdraws 5 Localizes 6 Normal Motor 1 None 2 Sounds 3 Word Salad 4 Disoriented 5 Normal Verbal 1 None 2 To Pain 3 To Voice 4 Normal Eyes
  • 22. Neurological Examination  A complete neurological examination on every patient (organized from top down)  Mental status  Cranial Nerves (including pupils)  Motor (rate power from 0/5 to 5/5)  Sensory (light touch and pin prick)  Reflexes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)  Coordination/Gait
  • 24. Fixed and Dialated Pupils  No patient with bilateral fixed and dilated pupils for more than 90 minutes had a favorable outcome.  Many surgeons will consider surgery futile if 3 to 6 hours have elapsed.
  • 26. Indications for CT  Mild TBI (GCS ≥ 13)  New Orleans Criteria  No CT if GCS 15, + LOC, no neuro deficit, age > 3 years  CT if headache, vomiting, seizure, intoxication, short term memory deficit, age > 60, injury above the clavicle  Canadian CT Head rule  No CT if GCS 13-15, + LOC, no neuro deficit, no seizure, no anticoagulation, age > 16 years  CT if:  High risk—GCS < 15 after 2 hours, suspected convexity or basilar skull fracture, vomiting ≥ 2 times, or age ≥ 65; or,  Medium risk—retrograde amnesia > 30 minutes, severe mechanism (pedestrian vs. car, ejected from car, or fall from > 1 m or five stairs)
  • 27. Indications for CT  Moderate TBI (GCS 9-12) or Severe TBI (GCS ≤ 8)  All get a head CT  CT is positive in 93% of patients with a severe TBI  A negative CT does not guarantee a “favorable” prognosis  Obliteration of basal cisterns associated with “unfavorable” outcomes in 97% of cases
  • 29. Layers from outside to inside
  • 44. Through and Through Gunshot Wound
  • 45.  Marshall Classification of CT findings Diffuse injury I—No visible pathology on CT Diffuse injury II—Cisterns present, midline shift < 5 mm, no high-density lesion > 2.5 cm Diffuse injury III—Cisterns compressed or absent, no high-density lesion > 2.5 cm Diffuse injury IV—Midline shift > 5 mm, no high- density lesion > 2.5 cm Evacuated mass—Any lesion surgically evacuated Non-evacuated mass—High-density lesion > 2.5 cm but not surgically evacuated
  • 48. 5. Medical Treatment Options  Primary Injury  Occurs at the moment of trauma  Contusion, damage to blood vessels, axonal shearing, blood brain barrier changes, fractures, and meningeal injury  Secondary Injury  Begins in the hospital (causes significant disability, preventable)  Ischemia and cerebral hypoxia (due to hypotension and impaired autoregulation)  Cerebral edema (raised intracranial pressure, brain herniation)  Metabolic changes such as hypercapnia and acidosis  Infection (meningitis, brain abscess)  Release of neurotransmitters (excitotoxicity)  Viscous Cycles (edema causes more ischemia which causes more edema)  Systemic complications (pneumonia, DVT)
  • 49. TBI Guidelines 3rd Edition, 2007  Three classes of evidence  Class I: Relevant screening test; credible reference standard; reference standard independent of screening test; reliability of test assessed; few indeterminate results; large number of patients.  Class II: Relevant screening test; reasonable although not best standard; standard independent of screening test; moderate number of patients.  Class III: Has fatal flaws; inappropriate reference standard; screening tests improperly administered; small number of patients.  Three levels of recommendation (based on class of evidence, highest level with at least one recommendation given)  15 categories, only 14 stated “level of evidence”  Level I: 1/14 (steroid use)  Level II: 10/14 (BP, Mannatol, Abx, ICP monitoring, ICP threshold, CPP, anesthetics, nutrition, Sz meds, hyperventilation)  Level III: 3/14 (hypothermia, DVT, brain O2 monitoring)
  • 50.  I. Blood Pressure and Oxygenation  B. Level II—Hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg) should be avoided.  C. Level III--Hypoxia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg or O2 saturation < 90%) should be avoided  Single most important intervention is maintaining SBP and CBF  CBF should be between 50 and 70  Under 50, risk of ischemia  Over 70, risk of ARDS TBI Guidelines (I)
  • 51. TBI Guidelines (II)  II. Hyperosmolar Therapy  B. Level II--Mannitol is effective to treat ICP. Doses of 0.25 to 1 g/kg.  C. Level III--Restrict mannitol use prior to ICP monitoring to patients with signs of herniation or progressive neurological deterioration.  Albumen, SAFE trial of 7000 patients, ↑ ICP, No Benefit  Hypertonic Saline  ↓ cerebral edema, ↑ flow through small vessels, ↑ MAP  Avoids the diuresis, ↓ BP seen, and renal issues with Mannitol  Mannitol  Rapid decrease ICP in emergencies  Renal damage if Osm over 320
  • 52. TBI Guidelines (II)  II. Hyperosmolar Therapy
  • 53. TBI Guidelines (III)  III. Prophylactic Hypothermia  C. Level—Better outcomes with temperatures of 32–33°C for > 48 hours. Difficult to do.  First studies by Temple Fay (1895-1963, Temple U)  ↓ metabolic rate, ↓ apoptosis  ↓ neuroexcitatory damage, ↓ inflammatory damage, ↓ free radicals  ↓ Cerebral Blood Flow, ↓ ICP  But  ↓ Platelet Function  Rewarming Problems (↑ K+, ↓ glucose)
  • 54. TBI Guidelines (III)  Prophylactic Hypothermia  Tylenol, fans, ice bags, etc—not adequate  Intravenous heat exchangers may be effective  Shivering can be controlled with warming of the hands  Induced Normothermia  Preventing fever spikes may be as advantageous as hypothermia  Pending studies  Eurotherm 3235 (600 patients) - UK  POLAR-RCT (500 patients) – Australia and NZ
  • 55. TBI Guidelines (IV and V)  IV. Infection Prophylaxis  B. Level II--Periprocedural antibiotics for intubation should be administered. Early tracheostomy should be performed to reduce ventilator days.  C. Level III--Routine ventricular catheter exchange or prophylactic antibiotic use is not recommended.  V. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis  C. Level III--Compression stockings are recommended. Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or low dose unfractionated heparin should be used, however, there is an increased risk of hemorrhage. There is no clear preferred agent.  There are NO guidelines for Lovenox or similar in patients with TBI.  Giving Lovenox BEFORE a craniotomy is NOT safe.  In patients with a “bleed,” starting Lovenox 24 to 48 hours AFTER the CT has stabilized and there is no more bleeding is probably safe.  In post-op craniotomy patients, starting Lovenox 24 or 48 hours after surgery, or when the drains stop producing fresh blood, is probably safe.
  • 56. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)  VI. Indications for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring  B. Level II--Monitor Intracranial pressure (ICP) in all salvageable patients with a severe TBI (GCS 3–8) and an abnormal CT scan.  C. Level III--ICP monitoring is indicated in patients with severe TBI with a normal CT scan if two or more of the following: age over 40 years, unilateral or bilateral motor posturing, or SBP < 90 mm Hg.  VII. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Technology  A ventricular catheter and an external strain gauge is the most accurate, low-cost, and reliable method. It can be recalibrated. Strain gauge devices provide similar benefits, but cost more and cannot be recalibrated.  VIII. Intracranial Pressure Thresholds  B. Level II—Treat ICPs above 20 mm Hg.  C. Level III—Use a combination of ICP values, clinical findings, and CT findings to guide treatment (common sense).
  • 57. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) (Monro-Kellie doctrine) Alexander Monro (1733- 1817), Scottish a famous- anatomist, surgeon, and lecturer George Kellie (1720- 1779), Scottish anatomist and surgeon who studied under Monro
  • 58. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) Brain Arterial Blood Venous Blood CSF ECF 140 to 270 cc of CSF (25 in the ventricles) 1050 to 1150 cc of brain 200 cc of ECF 100 cc of venous blood 50 cc of arterial blood Mannitol Ventricular DrainageHyper- ventilation
  • 59. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) Brain Arterial Blood Venous Blood CSF ECF
  • 60. Brain Arterial Blood Venous Blood CSF ECF Subdural Hematoma TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
  • 61. Brain Arterial Blood Venous Blood CSF ECF Subdural Hematoma TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
  • 62. Brain Arterial Blood Venous Blood CSF ECF Subdural Hematoma TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII)
  • 63. TBI Guidelines (IX and X)  Cerebral Perfusion Pressure is MAP minus ICP.  If MAP is 90 and ICP is 20, CPP is 70.  CPP should be 50 to 70 mmHg.  CPP over 70—ARDS more likely.  CPP less than 50—No brain perfusion!
  • 64. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) ↓ CBF Failure of Oxydative Metabolism Na2+/K+ Pump Failure ↑ Cellular Edema ↑ ICP Secondary Injury Vicious Cycle
  • 65. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) ICP Monitoring Technology  A ventricular catheter and external strain gauge are the most accurate, reliable, and method of monitoring.  Ventriculostomies allow CSF Drainage.
  • 66.  Convenient, fast, accurate.  Cannot be recalibrated after insertion, and are expensive ($6,000 to $10,000). TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) ICP Monitoring Technology
  • 67. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) ICP Monitoring Technology
  • 68. Objectives of ICP Monitoring Maintain cerebral perfusion (and therefore oxygenation) Remove CSF (if possible) Avoid secondary injury
  • 69. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) Herniation 1.Subfalcine 2.Transtentorial 3.Uncal 4.Transforaminal 5.Upward (Posterior Fossa) 6.Through a cranial defect
  • 70. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) Basal Cisterns
  • 71. TBI Guidelines (VI through VIII) Herniation
  • 72. TBI Guidelines (IX and X)  IX. Cerebral Perfusion Thresholds  B. Level II—Ovrly aggressive attempts to keep CPP > 70 mm Hg with fluids and pressors should be avoided because of the risk of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).  C. Level III--CPP of < 50 mm Hg should be avoided. The CPP value to target lies within the range of 50–70 mm Hg.  X. Brain Oxygen Monitoring and Thresholds  C. Level III—Maintain jugular venous saturation > 50% or brain tissue oxygen tension >15 mm Hg.  The technology exists but is limited.
  • 73. TBI Guidelines (XI to XV)  XI. Anesthetics, Analgesics, and Sedatives  B. Level II--Prophylactic barbiturates not recommended. Barbiturates for ICP refractory to all other treatment helpful but cause significant morbidity.  XII. Nutrition  B. Level II--Full caloric replacement by day 7.  XIII. Anti-seizure Prophylaxis  B. Level II—Prophylactic, long-term anti-epileptics not recommended. Anticonvulsants decrease early seizures but early seizures not associated with worse outcomes.  XIV. Hyperventilation  B. Level II--Prophylactic hyperventilation (PaCO2 < 25 mm Hg) is dangerous.  C. Level III--Temporizing measure only. Most harmful early when CBF most reduced.  XV. Steroids  A. Level I—Steroids are not recommended—cause increased mortality.  This is the only level II recommendation.
  • 74. TBI Guidelines Summary  Intubate if:  Poor airway protection or GCS ≤ 8  Extubate early  PaO2 > 60 mmHG or O2 Sat > 90%  PaCO2 = 35 to 40 mm HG  Keep SBP > 90 and CPP 50-70  A single episode of hypotension doubles mortality  Avoid hypotonic solutions (LR or ½ NSS)  Avoid hyperglycemia
  • 75.  Mannitol  Signs of herniation or progressive deterioration not due to extracranial causes  Dose 0.25 to 1 g/Kg  Avoid before ICP monitoring  Avoid if hypotensive  Hypothermia QUESTIONABLE.  Steroids NOT helpful.  Anticonvulsants NOT for prophylaxis.  Antibiotics NOT for prophylaxis.  Hyperventilation NOT advised.  Full caloric replacement early.  DVT prophylaxis (SCDs, +/- anticoagulation).  Avoid high dose Propofol.  Barbiturates only in desperation. TBI Guidelines Summary
  • 76. TBI Guidelines Summary Monitor ICP in all “severe” head injury patients (GCS ≤ 8) with an abnormal CT. Monitor ICP in all “severe” head injury and a normal CT if two or more of the following: Age ≥ 40 years; Systolic blood pressure ≤ 90 mm Hg; and, Unilateral or bilateral posturing.
  • 77. Not in the TBI Guidelines Decompressive Craniectomy  Has waxed and waned in popularity over the last 30 years  Indications now not entirely clear.  May be helpful for hemispheric or MCA strokes.  For TBI, probably to be done in desperation only.  A very large craniectomy is required.  May occasionally cause worse problems (strangulation of the brain under the new defect).  May convert deaths into vegetative survivors.
  • 78. Not in the TBI Guidelines Transfusion thresholds Historical: 30% or 10 g/dL Reassessed 1980s—infection risk and cost  AABB Guidelines (2012)  Hgb <6 g/dL – Transfusion recommended  Hgb 6 to 7 g/dL – Transfusion generally indicated  Hgb 7 to 8 g/dL – Transfusion should be considered in postoperative surgical patients  Hgb 8 to 10 g/dL – Transfusion generally not indicated, but should be considered for: symptomatic anemia; ongoing bleeding; acute coronary syndrome (cardiac surgery literature supports 30%)  Transfusion thresholds for TBI undefined  Some including Carlson, 2006, suggest that the same guidelines apply  Many neurosurgeons believe that because of the brain’s higher O2 consumption, a hematocrit near 30% reduces risk and improves outcome.
  • 79. 6. Surgical Management of TBI 2006  Addresses Four Classes of Lesion  Epidural Hematomas  Subdural Hematomas  Contusions (Parenchymal Lesions)  Posterior Fossa Mass Lesions
  • 80. Surgical Management of Epidurals  Indications for Surgery  An epidural over 30 cm3 should be removed regardless of the GCS score.  An epidural less than 30 cm3 and with less than a 15-mm thickness and with less than a 5-mm midline shift and with a GCS score greater than 8 without focal deficit can be managed nonoperatively but need serial scans and close follow-up.  Timing  Patients with an acute epidural in coma with anisocoria need surgery immediately.  Methods  Craniotomy.  Exceptions  Venous epidurals.
  • 81. How do you determine volume on CT  Kothari, et al, 1996.  Find largest diameter (call it A)  Find diameter at 90 degrees to A (call it B)  Count the CT slices where the clot is seen and multiply by slice thickness to find the depth (call that C)  Lesion volume = 𝑨 ∗𝑩 ∗𝑪 2  In a 30 cc lesion, the average value of A, B, and C is about 4 cm or 1½ inches
  • 82. How do you measure shift on CT? 15 mm
  • 83. How do you remove skull
  • 88. Surgical Management of Subdurals  Indications for Surgery  An acute subdural 10 mm thick or a midline shift over 5 mm should be removed regardless of the GCS.  • All patients with an acute SDH in coma (GCS score less than 9) should undergo intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring.  • A comatose patient with a SDH < 10-mm thick and a shift < 5 mm needs surgery if the GCS decreased between injury and admission or if pupillary changes or if the ICP exceeds 20 mmHg.  Timing  Patients with an acute subdural in coma with anisocoria need surgery immediately.  Methods  Craniotomy
  • 95. Surgical Management of Contusions  Indications  Patients with parenchymal lesions and neurological deterioration, medically refractory ↑ ICP, or mass effect on CT needs surgery.  Patients with GCS of 6 to 8, with frontal or temporal contusions greater than 20 cm3 in volume with shift > 5 mm or loss of basal cisterns, and patients with lesions over 50 cm3 need surgery.  Patients with mass lesions who do not show evidence of neurological compromise, have low ICP, and no signs of mass effect on CT may be observed with serial CTs.
  • 96. Surgical Management of Contusions  Timing and Methods  Bifrontal decompressive craniectomy, within 48 hours of injury, should be considered for diffuse cerebral edema.  Decompressive procedures (subtemporal decompression, temporal lobectomy, and hemispheric decompressive craniectomy) are options for patients with ↑ ICP.
  • 97. Surgical Management of Posterior Fossa Lesions  Indications  Patients with mass effect on CT or with neurological dysfunction or deterioration need surgery. Mass effect is distortion of the fourth ventricle, compression of the basal cisterns, or hydrocephalus.  Patients with lesions but no mass effect on CT or neurological deficit may be observed and imaged serially.  Timing  Patients can deteriorate rapidly. Surgery should be done immediately.  Methods  Suboccipital craniectomy is used to evacuate posterior fossa lesions.
  • 99. Surgery—depressed skull fracture  Indications  In driven fragments increase seizure risk  Open fractures increase infection risk
  • 103. 7. Prognosis (2000)  Relatively few features have been found to contain most of the prognostic information.  Patient Age  Severity of Injury  Difficult to quantify  Intracranial pressure  Not always measured  Computed tomography (CT)
  • 104. Prognosis (2000)  Glasgow Coma Score (severity of injury)  Works well for very low and very high initial GCS scores.  Age  Younger patients do better and those over 60 worse  Pupillary reactivity (severity of injury and ICP)  Hypotension  Strongly predicts a poor outcome  The only factor that can be changed  CT abnormalities predict a poor outcome (severity of injury and ICP)
  • 105. Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) 1 GR Good recovery—resumption of normal life despite minor deficits. 2 MD Moderate disability (disabled but independant)—travel by public transportation, can work in sheltered setting (exceeds mere ability to perform “ADLs”). 3 SD Severe disability (conscious but disabled)—dependent for daily support (may be institutionalized, but this is not a criteria). 4 PVS Persistent vegetative state—unresponsive and speechless; after 2-3 weeks may open eyes and have sleep/wake cycles. 5 D Death—most deaths from primary head injury occur within 48 hours.
  • 106. 1—Death (D) 2—Vegitative State (VS) 3—Lower Severe Disability (SD-) 4—Upper Severe Disability (SD+) 5—Lower Moderate Disability (MD-) 6—Upper Moderate Disability (MD+) 7—Lower Good Recovery (GR-) 8—Upper Good Recovery (GR+) Glasgow Outcome Score-Extended (GOS-E)  Reversed the numbers  Added “lower” and “upper” to the three intermediate categories
  • 107. 75% “mild” Thinking memory and reasoning Sensation vision, smell, and taste Language communication, understanding Emotion anxiety, depression, personality, inappropriate behavior 25% “Moderate” or “Severe” Seizures Parkinson’s Disease Dementia Paralysis PVS Spectrum of Effects of TBI (numerous independent variables)
  • 108. More Pearls Mortality from epidural hematoma about 10%. Mortality from subdural hematoma 40 to 60%. Hypoxia increases mortality. Hypotension doubles mortality. Recovery may continue for a year or more.
  • 109.
  • 110. Organize  With a TBI start with ABCDEs.  Remember the GCS as top down and small number of options to large.  Think about the rest of your examination from the top down.  Think about brain injuries from the outside in.  Think about TBI treatment in terms of keeping all the numbers normal.