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Top 10 risks in
About this report

As the challenges and opportunities facing telecoms operators around the world
continue to evolve, the sector’s risk universe is changing rapidly. And as companies
formulate and execute their strategies to sustain and grow value in today’s fast-
moving environment, they have to ensure that their understanding and management
of risk keeps pace.
Today, navigating through the sheer speed and scale of change presents challenges
for all operators. We have produced Top 10 Risks in Telecommunications 2012 to help
them map out the right path. This is the latest in our ongoing series of studies
designed to pinpoint the most critical risk issues, analyze the sector’s evolving
responses and highlight elements of emerging best practice.
As in previous reports, we do not claim that the list of risks we present here is
comprehensive. Also, by its nature, it can only provide a generalized snapshot of the
risks that we — and the sector as a whole — see at this time. Given this, we would
encourage you to read this report with an open mind and inquisitive attitude. Are
these really the risks you face in your own business? If not, how and why are your
organization’s risks different? And how do those particular risks impact you?
The answers inevitably vary from company to company. But in every case, we believe
that leaders should take the following steps:
•	 Undertake a thorough risk assessment at least annually, to define your key risks
   and weigh their impact on business drivers. The risks in this report can provide a
   useful starting point.
•	 Extend this risk assessment beyond the usual financial and regulatory risks to
   consider the wider environment in which the organization operates and the full
   extent of its operations, now and into the future.
•	 Conduct scenario planning for the major risks that you identify, and develop a
   range of operational responses, possibly as an integrated part of the planning
•	 Evaluate your organization’s ability to manage its risks — ensuring that the risk
   management processes are linked to the actual risks that the business faces,
   especially those that are new and emerging.
•	 Ensure that effective monitoring and controls processes are in place to provide
   both earlier warning and an improved ability to respond.
•	 Keep an open mind about where new risks may come from.
Despite — or, in some cases, because of — the continuing uncertainty and volatility in
the global economy, there are major opportunities for operators. Each company’s
ability to identify and seize these opportunities depends critically on its ability to
understand and manage risk. Unless your growth strategy has a solid underpinning of
risk management, it will never be truly sustainable. This publication aims to help you
build and reinforce that sound platform.

Introduction		                                                     02
The Ernst & Young risk radar 2012	                                 03
Editorial committee		                                              04
Sector context		                                                   06
Executive summary		                                                08
The top 10 business risks:	
  1.	 Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes	   10
  2.	 Disengagement from the changing customer mindset		11
  3.	 Lack of confidence in return on investment 	                 1
  4.	 Insufficient information to turn demand into value	          1
  5.	 Lack of regulatory certainty on new market structures		14
  6.	 Failure to capitalize on new types of connectivity 	         15
  7.	 Poorly formulated M&A and partnership strategy	              16
  8.	 Failure to define new business metrics 	                     18
  9.	 Privacy, security and resilience		19
  10.  Lack of organizational flexibility	                         20
What’s below the radar?		                                          22
Contacts			25

                            Amid the recent global economic uncertainty, the telecommunications
                            sector has performed relatively well, with operators once again
                            emphasizing their strong defensive qualities and well-developed capex
                            management capabilities. However, in a sector where new over-the-top
                            entrants are competing fiercely for revenues from emerging service
                            areas, the question is: Is now the time to shift from a defensive to
                            offensive posture? For many telecoms executives, the answer today is a
                            resounding “Yes.”

                            As in previous years, we in Ernst & Young’s global telecommunications network seek to
                            help operators maximize value and tap into new sources of growth through our ongoing
Jonathan Dharmapalan —      series of reports identifying the key risks to their businesses. By addressing the top 10
Global Telecommunications   risks highlighted in this study, we believe that telecoms providers will position
Leader                      themselves to take their businesses forward more effectively and make the most of the
                            growth opportunities that emerge.
                            This report was produced by collecting and synthesizing the insights of our practitioners
                            and sector professionals, supplemented by research and analysis by the Ernst & Young
                            Global Telecommunications Center. During the research process, we asked our sector
                            professionals to evaluate the most important strategic challenges for telecoms
                            businesses globally and to rate the severity of these risks for the sector.
                            As in previous years, our 2012 study indicates that operators face a wide array of risks,
                            and that the relative positioning and scale of these risks have continued to change. An
                            understanding of how to respond to these shifts will help operators manage risk more
                            effectively, optimize performance and increase operational efficiency. It will also
                            empower them to capitalize on the profound changes under way in the telecoms
                            ecosystem, ranging from rapid advances in technology to new customer behaviors and
                            The most fundamental of these changes is encapsulated in the risk that tops our list:
                            the migration of sector value from minutes of usage to bytes of traffic  a change that
                            must be mirrored in operators’ business models. Many of the other risks in our top 10
                            spring directly or indirectly from that seismic shift. To help companies formulate and
                            execute the right responses, we provide an analysis of each of the top 10 risks. We also
                            report on risks currently “below the radar” that our panelists believe may move up the
                            risk tables in future years.
                            I would like to thank all our contributors for their time, insight and cooperation in the
                            preparation of this report. This is a valuable dialogue that we hope to continue for many
                            years to come.

                            Jonathan Dharmapalan
                            Global Telecommunications Leader

                                   2       Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
The Ernst & Young
                              risk radar 2012

                              The Ernst & Young risk radar presents a snapshot of the top 10
Top 10 business risks         business risks in an industry sector, by dividing risks into four quadrants
for telecoms operators        that correspond to Ernst & Young’s Risk Universe™ model. These
                              quadrants are:

                              •	 Compliance threats — originating in politics, law, regulation or corporate governance
1.		 Failure to shift the
                              •	 Operational threats — impacting the processes, systems, people and overall value
     business model from         chain of a business
     minutes to bytes         •	 Strategic threats — related to customers, competitors and investors

2.		   Disengagement from     •	 Financial threats — stemming from volatility in the markets and in the real economy

       the changing           The radar below plots the top 10 risks for telecoms operators on the risk radar, and lists
                              the risks that are currently just “below the radar.”
       customer mindset
3.	 Lack of confidence in
  	                           Top 10 business risks for telecommunications in 2012
    return on investment
4.	 Insufficient
  	                                             ial                                                       Co
    information to turn                      anc                                                             pl
                                                                                     Lack of regulatory

                                                                                     certainty on new

    demand into value

                                                                                     market structures

5.		 Lack of regulatory                                    Lack of                                         Privacy,
                                                           confidence in return
     certainty on new                   Failure to define
                                        new business       on investment
                                                                                                           security and
     market structures                  metrics                                  Failure to shift the
                                                                                 business model
                                                                                 from minutes to bytes
6.		 Failure to capitalize
     on new types of                            from the changing
                                                                                            Insufficient information to
                                                                                            turn demand into value
                                                customer mindset
7.		   Poorly formulated                                    Failure to
                                                                                                      formulated M&A
                                                                                                      and strategic
                                                            capitalize on new
       M&A and partnership                                  types of connectivity


                                                                                  Lack of

                                           eg                                                                   r


8.	 Failure to define new
  	                                          ic                                                               pe

    business metrics
9.		 Privacy, security and
     resilience                    Below the radar
10.	 Lack of organizational                Evolving service cannibalization                 A more pressing green
                                           scenarios                                        agenda
                                           Concentration of equipment                       Difficulties in managing debt
                                           vendors                                          and cash

                               3       Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Editorial committee

                      Jonathan                                           Holger                                             Prashant
                      Dharmapalan                                        Forst                                              Singhal
                      Global                                             Global                                             Global
                      Telecommunications                                 Telecommunications                                 Telecommunications
                      Sector Leader                                      Markets Leader                                     Markets Leader

Jonathan Dharmapalan is Ernst & Young’s            With 20 years of experience, Holger Forst has       Prashant has extensive experience of over
Global Telecommunications Leader, leading          been the Global Client Service Partner for          15 years in Assurance and Advisory Business
a team of over 2,000 telecoms professionals        Deutsche Telekom AG since 2007. In 2011             Services, servicing Indian and multinational
across the world in their work with the world’s    Holger was appointed the joint Ernst & Young        telecom clients. In 2011 Prashant was
leading operators. With 25 years of experience,    Global Telecommunications Markets Leader.           appointed the joint Ernst & Young Global
Jonathan has served some of the largest                                                                Telecommunications Markets Leader.
companies in the telecommunications sector.
He has significant experience in both mobile
and terrestrial communications.

                      Olivier                                            Luis                                               David
                      Lemaire                                            Monti                                              McGregor
                      EMEIA                                              Americas                                           Asia Pacific
                      Telecommunications                                 Telecommunications                                 Telecommunications
                      Leader                                             Leader                                             Leader

Olivier has 15 years of experience working in      Luis has 19 years experience in the telecoms        David has been with Ernst & Young for over
the telecommunication industry. As an Audit        industry, and has worked with several large         twenty six years and has worked in a number of
and Business Advisory Partner and chartered        telecom groups. Luis is the leader of               countries including the UK, USA and Australia.
accountant, he has been rendering audit,           Ernst & Young’s telecommunications                  He is the coordinating core assurance partner
transaction support and advisory services to       practice for the Americas region.                   on Telstra and the telecommunications and
many international telecom operators across                                                            media & entertainment leader for Asia Pacific.
Europe, Africa and Middle East. Olivier has been
leading the Global Telecom Revenue Assurance
team for 6 years and led several revenue
assurance global studies. He is also experienced
in group reporting under IFRS. Since September
2011 he is the leader of Ernst & Young’s
telecommunications practice for the Europe,
Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA).

                      Rohit                                              Bala                                               Adrian
                      Puri                                               Balakrishnan                                       Baschnonga
                      Director, Global                                   Telecommunications                                 Senior Analyst, Global
                      Telecommunications                                 Partner — United States                            Telecommunications
                      Center                                                                                                Center

Rohit is a Director within Ernst & Young’s         Bala has over 20 years of consulting and            Adrian Baschnonga helps produce and
Global Telecommunications Center, and              industry experience within telecoms and other       deliver thought leadership for the Global
currently leads the development and                industries. Bala has assisted several cable         Telecommunications Center. He advises clients
implementation of the Center’s strategy. He        and telecommunication companies with the            on strategic issues in the telecommunications
brings over 12 years of professional services      definition and implementation of strategic          sector and is a regular speaker at industry
experience focusing on telecoms finance and        initiatives, including channel strategy, sales      events.
business strategy.                                 effectiveness, marketing effectiveness and
                                                   analytics, CRM strategy and implementation,
                                                   product profitability, and operations
                                                   effectiveness initiatives.

                                                    4        Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Vincent de La                                    Dennis                                              Mark
                      Bachelerie                                       Deutmeyer                                           Gregory
                      Telecommunications                               Global Telecommunications                            Telecommunications
                      Partner — France                                 IFRS Leader                                          Partner — United Kingdom

Vincent de La Bachelerie has been involved in     Dennis has over 24 years experience                 Mark has over 25 years experience in more
the telecommunications sector for 20 years.       providing auditing and advisory services            than 40 countries as an advisor to the
Vincent has extensive experience working          to of our largest U.S. telecommunications           telecommunications industry, working in
as lead partner on large telecom groups.          clients. Dennis is the Global IFRS Leader           strategy, regulation, cost and pricing analysis
He has also participated in other projects        for the Telecom Sector.                             and market analyses. In his career he has
for telecommunications operators including                                                            undertaken engagements for several large
consulting and advisory work, merger and                                                              telecom groups.
acquisition projects and valuations.

                      Manesh                                           Michael G.                                           Jeremy
                      Patel                                            Stoltz                                               Thurbin
                      Telecommunications                               Telecommunications                                   Telecommunications
                      Partner — India                                  Partner — United States                              Partner — France

With over 19 years of experience working          With 35 years of experience serving global          Jeremy is a partner in the Paris Assurance
with Indian and multinational companies in        clients, Mike has extensive experience              practice experienced in telecoms and media.
the telecommunications sector, Manesh Patel       working as lead partner on large telecom            His experience covers the audit of the
currently leads the telecommunications risk       groups. He has also participated in other           €30b French fixed line, internet and mobile
advisory services group in India.                 projects for telecommunications operators,          operations, the internal control 404 audit, and
                                                  including risk reviews, regulatory,                 the international operations. He has extensive
                                                  operational assurance and improvement               experience of internal audit, fraud, internal
                                                  and valuations.                                     control and risk management issues within the
                                                                                                      telecommunications industry.

                      Partner — Netherlands

With over 15 years of experience, Pieter
Verhees is currently working with leading fixed
and mobile telecom operators, in and outside
Europe, delivering and implementing complex
projects, including price squeeze methods and
models, costing models, cash-flow forecasting
capabilities, performance management and

                                                   5        Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Sector context
“Safe haven” positioning threatened by
questions over future growth

Telecommunications has weathered the downturn                                         Figure 1. Europe — GDP and telecoms revenue development1
and subsequent economic uncertainty and volatility                                    % change y/y
relatively well compared to many other sectors. As a                                    6.0
result, the sector is quite solidly positioned as a                                     4.0
defensive “safe bet” in the eyes of investors (though                                   2.0
the mobile segment is slightly more exposed).                                           0.0
Looking ahead to future structural trends in the
sector, players in Europe and other developed
markets are likely to benefit from some easing of the                                          Q4     Q1    Q2   Q3   Q4    Q1   Q2     Q3   Q4    Q1   Q2
regulations on mobile termination rates, while                                                 08     09    09   09   09    01   10     10   10    11   11
landline is set to see the pace of its structural decline                                  European telecoms revenue growth          Euro area real GDP growth
slow down. More generally, the outlook is positive as
smartphone growth opens doors to new                                                  However, challenges remain. Experience shows that operators’
                                                                                      revenue performance tends to be linked to employment rates 
opportunities in the sector.
                                                                                      which are trending downward and under threat of an
But this silver lining comes with a cloud: investors                                  accelerating decline. And of the sector’s segments, the still-
are taking an increasingly ambivalent view of the                                     growing mobile segment is the most economically sensitive,
                                                                                      having seen its voice volumes fall significantly during 2009 in
sector, asking questions about the levels of capital                                  the wake of the recession.
expenditure that will be needed to support future
growth. They are also questioning whether operators                                   Improving performance — supported by structural
will take their fair share of future expansion in                                     trends
service revenues, or whether the over-the-top                                         Operators can look forward to improving performance, helped by
players will once again seize the initiative in                                       positive structural trends. For example, rates of landline loss are
                                                                                      slowing in the European fixed-line. And operators worldwide
monetizing new offerings.                                                             have proved themselves strong on cost control in recent years,
Reaping the rewards of a defensive status                                             with strategies such as network sharing helping to ease the
                                                                                      pressure on infrastructure upgrades.
Through its history, the telecommunications sector has often
demonstrated its robustness in downturns and periods of market                        Figure 2. Telecoms companies’ Operating Cash Flow margin
uncertainty. The recent past has been no exception. The sector is                     percentage by region, 2011F–2013F
riding out the economic storms relatively well. For example, as
Figure 1 shows, the fluctuations in telecoms revenue growth in                        Operating cash flow margin (%)
Europe have been far smaller than the volatility in European GDP                      25
over last three years.
This picture is being replicated in other regions across the world,                   20
with operators’ robust defensive positioning generally regarded
as being reinforced by strong cash flow and rising dividend                           15
yields. In Asia, the high valuation multiples currently being
applied to mobile players signal continued confidence in the                          10
outlook for the sector. And in North America, investors remain
optimistic about the ongoing impacts of increasing smartphone                          5
penetration and investment in 4G networks.
                                                                                             Global   Americas Asia ex        Japan       Europe    Africa

                                                                                                           FY 2011         FY 2012        FY 2013
1Eurostat; Deutsche Bank, “European Telcos: The best way to play,” 5 September 2011
(reports were sourced from author website unless otherwise noted).
2Macquarie, “Global Telecoms,” 15 September 2011.

                                                                6        Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Driven by such cost control measures, operating cash flow                                             At the same time, global smartphone shipments continue to
metrics are forecast to improve for global operators. Investors                                       escalate at impressive rates, with wireless data growth set to
are positive on North American telcos due to early investment in                                      remain strong across all regions — although minutes of use (MoU)
4G and high smartphone penetration, while high valuation                                              are flattening in mature markets such as the US.
multiples in Asia reflect confidence in continued revenue growth.
This improving picture, highlighted in Figure 2, both reflects and                                    … but clouds are gathering
reinforces the current assessment by investors and analysts that                                      Against this generally improving outlook, there are conflicting
the global telecommunications sector can weather any financial                                        perspectives on how the sector will evolve. As Figure 4 shows,
storms that may be ahead.                                                                             data is projected to rise from 20% of global mobile revenues in
A bright growth outlook …                                                                             2008 to 36% in 2015, threatening major disruption to revenue
                                                                                                      models. Investors are also concerned about the massive capex
As these trends play out, the sector is already outpacing recent                                      that will be needed to support this growth, and about whether
assumptions of its growth rate (see Figure 3). Mobile connections                                     over-the-top players might once again beat the operators in
are forecast to surpass the overall human population in 2014, as                                      the race to secure new revenue streams, as they did with
the “long tail” of users in emerging markets get connected, and                                       mobile apps.
as trends escalate such as multiple SIMs and devices per person,
embedded SIMs and machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity.                                              As a result, investors’ view of the telecoms sector remains
                                                                                                      fundamentally ambivalent, reflecting the difficulty reconciling its
Figure 3. Global mobile device and subscriber penetration3                                            structural weaknesses — such as heavy regulation of higher-
                                                                                                      margin activities — with specific opportunities for rapid growth,
Global population and mobile connections (m)
                                                                                                      such as mobile data. There is also concern over the trade-off
8,000,000                                                                                             between the cost and value of new growth areas, given the
                                                                                                      uncertain capex commitments as mobile traffic growth and
                                                                                                      mobile data revenue growth diverge.
                                                                                                      Against this background, focusing on dividend yields tends to
4,000,000                                                                                             encourage a short-term view of the sector’s performance. Yet
                                                                                                      this is a sector where the models for long-term value creation
2,000,000                                                                                             need to be addressed — and soon.
                                                                                                      Figure 4. Global mobile voice and data revenues
                   2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015                                             Revenue (US$m)
               Population                           Mobile connections                                 1,200,000
 Annual smartphone shipments (m)
 600                                                                                                     400,000
 500                                                                                                     200,000
 400                                                                                                                  2009      2010   2011      2012   2013    2014    2015
 300                                                                                                                      Mobile voice revenue          Mobile data revenue
         FY 2006

                      FY 2007

                                FY 2008

                                          FY 2009

                                                      FY 2010

                                                                FY 2011E

                                                                           FY 2012E

 3Ovum, UNFPA, 2008 Population Revision Database, Ernst & Young analysis; Deutsche Bank,
“Global Telecommunications,” 25 July 2011.
4Ovum Mobile Voice and Data Forecast 2011-2016, January 2012; Cisco Visual Networking Index.

                                                                       7              Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Executive summary
The top 10 business risks for telecoms

The top 10                                   Aggregating our interview responses worldwide, here is a summary of
                                             each of the top 10 business risks for telecoms operators.

    1 	 Failure to shift the business 		
	       model from minutes to bytes           1     Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes

  2 	 Disengagement from the 		              As value shifts from minutes of usage to volumes of data, operators need to move away
	     changing customer mindset              from their legacy strategies focused on customer retention, which have had the effect
                                             of commoditizing the value of minutes and bandwidth in customers’ eyes. Instead of
3 	 Lack of confidence in return on 	        concentrating on fighting churn, operators need to target revenues from new services
	investment                                  that tap into rising demand and master a wider array of charging models to monetize
                                             these services.
    4 	 Insufficient information to turn 	
	       demand into value
                                              2     Disengagement from the changing customer mindset
  5 	 Lack of regulatory certainty on 	
	     new market structures                  With global technology brands now top of mind for consumers, and technology cycles
                                             quickening, operators need to understand and respond to fast-changing customer
    6 	 Failure to capitalize on new 		
                                             expectations and behaviors if they are to fight off the competitive threat from over-the-
	       types of connectivity                top providers. This will require operators to communicate clearly the underlying value
                                             of the network and the sources of added value that differentiate their offerings in new
    7 	 Poorly formulated M&A and 		         service areas. Innovation in the service model could also be used to build brand loyalty
	       partnership strategy                 in the same way technology players have done.
8 	 Failure to define new business 		
	metrics                                      3     Lack of confidence in return on investment
    9 	 Privacy, security and resilience
                                             While operators have proved adept at managing capital investment and balancing it
 10 	 Lack of organizational flexibility     flexibly with free cash flow and dividends, it is increasingly clear that tight capex control
                                             can limit their ability to grow new services quickly. So they need to maintain their
                                             commitment to investing in growth opportunities, while tracking technology and
                                             consumer developments closely to ensure they target their financial investments
                                             at the right areas at the right time.

                                              4     Insufficient information to turn demand into value

                                             To drive profitable customer propositions and improve their time-to-market for new
                                             services, operators need accurate, timely and comprehensive business intelligence and
                                             customer analytics, underpinned by aligned and integrated operational support and
                                             billing systems. These elements pave the way for efficient growth by enabling operators
                                             to produce better business intelligence for decision-making, helping them understand
                                             customer changes before their competitors, and allowing them to reuse network data in
                                             collaborative partnerships. Better information can also help operators reduce
                                             operational costs and ensure regulatory compliance.

                                                    8       Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
5     Lack of regulatory certainty on new                                8      Failure to define new business metrics
       market structures
Uncertainty over regulators’ approaches to new market                   The metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that
structures is undermining operators’ willingness to invest. It is       operators use to manage their operations internally and
increasingly crucial for governments and regulators to adopt            communicate their performance and prospects externally have
pro-investment policies to sustain the sector’s momentum and            not kept pace with the shift in business models from minutes to
for operators to form workable stances on a range of issues,            bytes. Many internal metrics are still service- and network-
including the increasing relationship between fixed and mobile          oriented, and do not provide enough granularity to improve the
policies. At the same time, all these groups must work together         customer experience. Also, commonly used external metrics
to achieve greater clarity over regulatory approaches.                  such as average revenue per user (ARPU) fail to give investors a
                                                                        full picture. Operators urgently need to define a new and
                                                                        different set of metrics that puts the customer first and leads to

 6     Failure to capitalize on new types of                            improved financial performance.
New types of connectivity such as machine-to-machine (M2M)                       Privacy, security and resilience
are redefining the concept of connectivity, requiring operators to
adopt new strategies. Instead of continuing to think of
connections in human terms, operators need to develop new               Customers place more trust in operators than in social networks,
understandings of connectivity and target new growth areas.             regarding operators as security guarantors across a range of
This will mean identifying core competencies for use in                 services. Yet they still hold operators responsible for threats
composite value chains and delineating clearly between the need         from third parties  even for mobile malware attacks and rogue
to build capability and the need to partner or outsource.               apps. Operators should work closely with governments to clarify
                                                                        their responsibilities in areas such as anti-terrorism and content
                                                                        for children, and collaborate with suppliers and partners to
 7     Poorly formulated M&A and partnership                            tackle privacy and security issues in new service areas such as
       strategy                                                         cloud security and mobile apps.

Though M&A activity has accelerated recently, its nature and
risks have changed. Footprint control increasingly takes
                                                                         10 Lack of organizational flexibility
precedence over footprint growth, and political, macroeconomic
and regulatory risks are increasing. But acquisitions and
partnerships are essential for success in emerging market               With their organizational structures subject to forces such as the
segments such as mobile advertising and cloud computing.                shift to data services, the rise of partnering and the rising
Operators need to clearly discriminate between when they                imperative for speed-to-market, operators have already made
should acquire and when they should partner. The ability to             significant changes to their organizations. But more are needed.
sustain partnerships will emerge as a strategic differentiator.         Operators now need to align their business units to maximize the
Effective management and implementation of M&A and                      economies of scale and scope in their geographic footprints
partnerships offers significant operational upside to telecom           while reconciling the competing forces of geographic sensitivity
players.                                                                and global strength.

                                                9       Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
The top 10 business risks

                                                                          Figure 5. Global mobile data revenue and traffic growth5
  1      Failure to shift the business model from
         minutes to bytes                                                   Revenue
                                                                                                                                                     (PB per
                                                                             (US$m)                                                                   month)
“Losing ownership of the client” was ranked as the telecoms
                                                                           450,000                                                                   6,000
sector’s top business risk in 2008 and 2010. Our analysis shows            400,000
that this risk has now been overtaken by the urgent need to                350,000
develop and deliver new data-enabled services that will generate           300,000                                                                   4,000
fresh revenues from users. And the customer-focused risk of                200,000
“disengagement from the changing customer mindset” has                     150,000                                                                   2,000
slipped to number two, as the ongoing fragmentation of the                 100,000
sector value chain makes it increasingly clear that no single               50,000
                                                                                 0                                                                   0
participant can ever truly “own” the customer.                                           2010        2011    2012       2013    2014       2015

The risk of failing to shift from minutes to bytes reflects the new                             Mobile data revenue       Mobile data traffic

challenges now facing operators around the world, as a result of
                                                                          Adapting to a wider ecosystem …
aggressive moves by competitors entering from other sectors
and rapid change in telecoms’ established value chains. Pivotal to        In response, operators need to adapt their business models to a
these changes is the migration of value from charging for                 wider ecosystem and make firm decisions about which revenue
minutes of usage to carrying rising volumes of data across                sources they are going to target within that broader
networks.                                                                 environment. As Figure 6 shows, the current split of revenues is
                                                                          roughly 50% in the consumer segment, with the rest divided
Focusing on retention stifles value                                       between business and wholesale.
As operators respond to this seismic shift, they need to move             Depending on the chosen strategy, this split could evolve by
away from legacy strategies that have focused on retaining                2020 into a “smart” operator with revenues dominated by
customers’ loyalty rather than monetizing demand. The focus on            customers or a “lean” model rebalanced toward wholesale
preventing and minimizing customer churn has had the effect of            service provision. In general, telecoms revenue mix forecasts
commoditizing the value of minutes and bandwidth in customers’            point to an increasing shift toward wholesale. Operators face the
eyes.                                                                     challenge of identifying new types of wholesale customers in the
The direct impacts of this commoditization are clear in offerings         context of a shifting value chain.
such as free upgrades for fixed broadband, flat-rate mobile data          Figure 6. Operator revenue mixes — 2020 scenarios6
services and discounted multi-play packages. These underline
the fact that user-loyalty considerations are now actually stifling
value creation.                                                                       Current               50%                30%             20%

Pursuing new service areas                                                 Smart operator
                                                                                                             60%                   25%         15%
Instead of concentrating on fighting churn, we believe that                         2020
operators should now raise their sights to target revenues from
new services that tap into rising demand. As Figure 5 shows,                Lean operator
                                                                                                     20%          30%                50%
data traffic is expected to grow exponentially in future years.
As demand increases, new consumer service areas are being                                       0%      20%    40%     60%             80%     100%
exploited by players with new business models, such as                                                 Consumer    Business             Wholesale
“freemium” music and data hosting/file transfer services, and
advertising-supported apps. Even operator-provided products              … while seizing the enterprise opportunity
such as SMS  that were previously insulated from new offerings
are under growing pressure from new free services, such as                In light of developments such as the rapidly intensifying
mobile instant messaging.                                                 competition for consumers’ spending, the revenue growth
                                                                          potential in the enterprise segment remains high in comparison
                                                                          to the consumer market. To exploit this potential, business
                                                                          models for enterprise customers have to embrace new
                                                                          approaches to provisioning — such as cloud computing —
                                                                          alongside collaborative approaches to service development
5Ovum Mobile Voice and Data Forecast 2011-2016, January 2012;             and delivery.
Cisco Visual Networking Index.
6Ovum, “Telecoms in 2020: Executive Summary,” December 2009.

                                                            10   Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Operators are embracing this message, as demonstrated by a                       Quickening technology cycles reshape brand
raft of announcements in late 2011 of cloud-based unified                        affinities
communications and collaborations services for businesses,
often supported by new data center investments. Small and                        This dominance by the technology players reflects the extent to
medium-sized businesses are expected to act as early adopters                    which quickening technology cycles across both the consumer
for these cloud-based services, an area where operators are                      and enterprise segments are impacting consumers’ everyday
continuing to make good headway.                                                 working habits and lifestyles, and reshaping their brand affinities.
                                                                                 As Figure 8 indicates, multiple devices per user is increasingly
In parallel with these initiatives, operators should seek to master              the norm. And the time taken for new technologies to reach 50%
a wider array of charging models, ranging from flat-rate to                      penetration is shortening rapidly  down from 15 years for mobile
per-event and ad-supported. And cross-sector growth strategies                   phones to 4—5 years for smartphones and tablets.
will require vertical market business models, tailored to the
particular sectors — a need well served by the low costs and high                Figure 8. Take-up of consumer electronics devices8
scalability and configurability of cloud services. All of these
changes, in turn, require changes to IT and charging systems.                     UK device penetration
                                                                                  Q1 2011 (%)

  2       Disengagement from the changing                                         100 98          93             85
          customer mindset                                                         80                                             60
                                                                                                                                               55        54
As we previously noted, there is now very little prospect of any                   60                                                                                     33
individual participant in the value chain fully owning — rather                    40                                                                                                    27
than sharing — the customer. So, as well as slipping to second                     20                                                                                                                   4         4        2       2
place behind the need to migrate from minutes to bytes, our                         0
number one risk in 2010 of losing customer ownership has
                                                                                                                Landline phone
                                                                                                 Mobile phone

                                                                                                                                                        Games console

                                                                                                                                                                        HDTV receiver
                                                                                        TV set

                                                                                                                                 HD-ready TV





evolved into the risk of becoming disengaged from the
customer’s changing mindset.
This risk is underlined by the extent to which technology brands
are now top of mind with customers. As Figure 7 shows, today’s
top four global brands are all technology players, with the                      One of the reasons for this acceleration is that operators’ fixed
top-ranked operator brand coming in at number six.                               and mobile networks are now a platform for access to a wide
Figure 7. Top 10 global brands 20117                                             number of sectors and services, such as television, retail and
                                                                                 banking. As this explosion in online/mobile applications gathers
  Rank       Rank        Rank     Brand            Industry group
                                                                                 pace, disruptive players are leveraging their rising brand values
  2011       2010        2009
                                                                                 to extend their service propositions. At the same time, devices
      1         2          5      Google           Technology
                                                                                 are playing a pivotal role in shaping the mobile customer
      2        20         27      Apple            Technology                    experience.
      3         5          4      Microsoft        Technology
      4         4          3      IBM              Technology
      5         1          1      Walmart          Retail
      6         7          8      Vodafone         Telecoms
      7         6          6      GE               Diversified
      8        10         10      Toyota           Automotive
      9        11         14      AT&T             Telecoms
    10          8          7      HSBC             Financial services

7Brand Finance, “Global 100,” September 2011.
8Ofcom, “Communications market report: UK,” 4 August 2011.

                                                      11         Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Adapting to the new customer mindset                                  Ambivalent outcomes
As these changes in customers’ mindset — and behavior continue        However, tight capex control has ambivalent outcomes — and
 and seemingly accelerate — operators have an absolute need to       increasingly risks sidelining operators from future growth.
 adapt their service offerings and customer experience to reflect     External forces such as regulation and customer demand mean
 these shifts in order to sustain and build customer engagement.      operators remain cautious about investing in infrastructure.
 These responses should be supported by clear communication           These same considerations — together with uncertainty over new
 with customers on the value of the network and on the effort and     market structures — are also contributing to persistent doubts
 investment required to provide high-quality services.                over the revenue potential of new services.
Network quality is often taken as a given, but it shouldn’t be.       As Figure 9 shows, levels of capital intensity remain largely
Service quality is not just about the device or application; it is    stable worldwide and are now relatively consistent in all regions.
also about the network infrastructure without which these             Growth-driven capex in emerging markets is falling back from its
elements would never work. If operators worldwide can get this        previous highs, and the release of new spectrum is lagging in
message across to customers, then they will be able to improve        some developed markets. Nevertheless, there is a risk that tight
perceptions of added value — including price, quality and             capex control can undermine service quality, competitiveness
convenience — and to work the proven levers of brand strength in      and the growth prospects of new services.
telecommunications, including high trust and credibility.             Figure 9. Telecoms capital intensity by region 2008–Q2 20119
The scalability, flexibility and low costs of cloud computing not
                                                                       Fixed and mobile
only help operators address the number one risk of failing to          capex/sales (%)
shift the business model from minutes to bytes — they can also          30
help operators better engage with the customer mindset. As a            25
host of players from the technology and telecoms sectors seek to        20
deliver new services — either individually or via partnerships —        15
the need to differentiate is paramount. With this imperative in         10
mind, operators should clearly define and communicate their
core added value in areas of new service provision — such as
their security credentials in network-based enterprise services;               2008            2009        2010      Q1 2011    Q2 2011
their ability to deliver new types of bundle packages for
                                                                               North America           Europe     Asia Pacific    MEA
consumers; and their role as a trusted provider of new and
emerging services, such as m-payments.
                                                                      The importance of timing
  3    Lack of confidence in return on                                With the number of high-speed mobile connections globally
       investment                                                     continuing to grow rapidly (see Figure 10), getting the timing of
                                                                      new investments right is critical for achieving the targeted
In our 2010 report, the risk of ineffective infrastructure            returns. To do this, operators need to understand clearly how
investment was ranked in fourth place. This year, the risks           infrastructure upgrades relate to customer demand, competitor
around investment have risen to third, while also evolving into a     actions and government industrial policies. This can be
lack of confidence about the level of returns.                        supported through better leveraging and optimization of legacy
In the past two years, operators have been quite successful in        networks to complement network/service availability.
tackling the challenge of the data deluge on their networks,
thanks to a combination of smart investment and growing use of
alternatives such as WiFi and offloading to backhaul. These
factors, together with operators’ readiness to flex capex to
maintain free cash flows and dividends, have underlined their
strong capex control and reinforced their defensive status. There
is also a trend toward moving capex spend into opex through
outsourcing, in order to smooth capex spend over time.

9Ovum, “Network infrastructure report,” 19 September 2011.

                                                      12     Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Figure 10. Global high-speed mobile connections10                                Not having all these elements in place threatens operators’
                                                                                 efforts to increase time-to-market and build customer-centricity.
Connections split by technology (000)                                            It can also undermine the potential returns on their ongoing
4,500,000                                                                        investments. This risk relates to the “inappropriate systems and
4,000,000                                                                        processes” that ranked eighth on our list in 2010. However, the
3,500,000                                                                        issue now is both more holistic and more pressing.
3,000,000                                                                        Added urgency
                                                                                 The requirement to ensure the right systems and processes are
                                                                                 in place is being given added urgency by a widening gap between
1,500,000                                                                        what operators know they need to do and what they are
1,000,000                                                                        achieving. As Figure 11 shows, they agree that time-to-market is
  500,000                                                                        increasingly important. Yet operators’ time-to-market for new
          0                                                                      services has not improved in the last two years, and the
          2009     2010    2011     2012     2013    2014     2015     2016      percentage of operators that can bring products to market
                                                                                 quickly has actually fallen since 2008.
              WCDMA        TD-SCDMA (incl. TD-HSPA)
                                                                                 As technology and product life cycles shorten, this represents a
              HSPA        LTE      CDMA 1XEV-DO                                  growing risk — especially since disruptive market entrants are
                                                                                 repurposing customer data dynamically for new services. In
This is a complex task. It requires confronting challenges such as               contrast, operators are struggling to repurpose their information
uncertainties in supply and demand amid factors such as                          assets, due largely to patchworks of legacy systems that hold
spectrum releases, soaring usage of high-bandwidth applications                  fragmented customer and network information, and a lack of
and shifting market structures as network sharing and                            real-time analytics to build a single view of the customer across
consolidation continue to gain ground. Also, many operators                      multiple devices and territories.
have multi-technology strategies and fail to fully understand the
complementarities and optimization factors between them.                         Figure 11. Time-to-market — telco perceptions and performance11

Operators need to tackle all these challenges while continuing to                % service providers that say time-to-market is very important to
                                                                                 remaining competitive
invest in network infrastructure. All too often, their capex
planning is driven by a focus on protecting cash flow or by
pressure to build out greater bandwidth capacity even though
                                                                                         2011                                70
the business case remains ambiguous, thus limiting the future
revenue and margin potential of new services.
These drivers for capex planning should change, for several
reasons. For example, industrial policies in many markets will                           2008               59
require substantial increases in super-fast broadband coverage
over the years to 2020. Also, customers in all segments and
markets are increasingly concerned about network quality.                                       50    55   60    65     70        75

  4      Insufficient information to turn demand                                 % service providers that can bring a product to market within
                                                                                 6 months
         into value
As operators undertake the shift from minutes to bytes and seek
                                                                                         2011                      65
to justify continued investment in new infrastructure and
services, information becomes increasingly vital to their ability to
create value. To drive profitable customer propositions,
companies need accurate, timely and comprehensive business
intelligence and customer analytics, underpinned by the right                            2008                           67
operational support and billing systems.
                                                                                                50    55   60    65     70        75

10Ovum, “Mobile Regional and Country Forecast: 2011–16,” July 2011.
11Amdocs, “Amdocs survey: time to market grows in importance,” 14 April 2011
(125 senior sector executives).

                                                        13       Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Realizing the power and value of information                                         Lack of regulatory certainty on new
Operators are collecting more information about the customer                         market structures
than ever before. Those who overcome the barriers we’ve                     As new market structures emerge, the regulatory approach to
highlighted and leverage their information assets as successfully           these evolving sector ecosystems remains unclear. Consequently,
as the over-the-top providers stand to reap significant benefits            policy challenges are undermining operators’ willingness to
(see Figure 12). Repurposing customer data in new ways can                  invest. This means that 2010’s third-placed risk of “rising
enable operators to improve their market positioning, through               regulatory pressure” has now narrowed into this year’s more
advantages such as better business intelligence — for example,              specific risk factor — and that it is increasingly crucial for
anticipating market and customer changes before competitors                 governments and regulators to adopt pro-investment policies to
— and reusing network data for collaborative partners and sector            sustain the sector’s momentum.
                                                                            Shifting standpoints
Operators that upgrade their capabilities in understanding and
applying customer data also open up opportunities to reduce                 The challenges and uncertainties around the policy approaches
operational costs, while simultaneously improving the speed of              to new market structures include shifting regulatory standpoints
delivery of new data services and making it easier and cheaper              on wholesale broadband access pricing, and the trend toward
to ensure regulatory compliance. Furthermore, the value of                  imposing network separation as a pro-competition tool in
customer and network data extends beyond the organization                   super-fast broadband. Going forward, new spectrum releases will
itself and will continue to rise as the sector becomes increasingly         shape 4G market structures — and the rules vary from market to
partnership- and data-centric.                                              market in areas such as spectrum caps and trading. In new and
                                                                            emerging areas such as mobile money, regulatory jurisdictions
Figure 12. Advantages of repurposing data inside the business               and policies continue to lag behind the technology — a challenge
                                                                            compounded by the “broadband as a human right” lobby.
 Dynamic charging              Improved             Better distribution     On top of these uncertainties, there is continued regulatory
    capability              time-to-market           of network load        pressure on legacy parts of the business, such as MTRs and
                                                                            roaming. In combination, these issues have pushed regulatory
                                          Deeper relationships with         frameworks to the top of the list of challenges facing ISPs (see
   Better targeted marketing                                                Figure 13). And in tough fiscal conditions, operators know that
                                          third parties and partner
            initiatives                                                     telecoms can be a rich source of government taxation as well as
                                                                            a focus for government investment.
                                                                            Figure 13. Survey: challenges facing ISPs12
        Improved monetization of new customer demands
                                                                              Q. What is the key issue facing ISPs over the next five years?

                                                                             Regulatory frameworks                               41

                                                                               Return on investment                   24

                                                                             Launching new services                  20

                                                                                     Access to capital          15

                                                                                                         0       20         40             60

12Ernst & Young/ITU Telecom World poll, November 2011
(85 online respondents).

                                                           14      Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Seeking certainty                                                                           Failure to capitalize on new forms of
These factors are creating an urgent need for greater regulatory                            connectivity
certainty — and, alongside greater clarity and consistency from                    This new risk, which has come straight into our top 10, springs
regulators, achieving this will require operators to engage with a                 from the fact that new types of connectivity — notably M2M links
wider set of stakeholders. Consolidation in markets worldwide                      — require new types of strategies. As M2M takes off in various
will continue to impact pricing and investment, and the need to                    vertical markets (see Figure 15), the very concept of
fund next generation access and spectrum releases (see Figure
                                                                                   connectivity is rapidly being fundamentally redefined.
14 for European examples) will require broad market consensus
on the regulatory position. And overarching questions remain                       From human- to machine-based
about the impact of the net neutrality agenda across the whole
of the technology, media and telecoms ecosystem.                                   While operators continue to think of connections in primarily
                                                                                   human terms, sector growth increasingly relies on new
To engage effectively on these areas of uncertainty, operators                     understandings of connectivity. There is clear value in the
need to form workable sector stances on a range of issues.                         “interconnectedness” of devices, through technologies and links
These include the increasing relationship between fixed and                        including not just M2M but also NFC and multi-screen content.
mobile policies — for example, in the regulatory approaches in                     The business models for monetizing connectivity are also
adjacent markets (e.g., financial services) — traffic management                   proliferating, spreading across the spectrum of B2B, B2C and
of data services and the drive to increase broadband coverage in                   B2B2C.
rural areas.
                                                                                   The new connectivity-based services now emerging promise
Figure 14. European 800 MHz spectrum auctions13                                    increased efficiency, higher customer centricity and value-
                                                                                   enhancing repurposing of existing infrastructure. But operators’
 Date      Country MHz Total            Price/ Notes                               moves into emerging market segments such as mobile money
                       price            MHz/                                       are often defensive and piecemeal  they also raise various
                       (€m)             pop
                                                                                   challenges that include high upfront costs, lower ARPU per SIM
 Sep 11    Italy       60      2,962 0.82        Spectrum won by two of            card in the M2M environment, and exposure to new regulatory
                                                 three existing network
                                                                                   and reputational risks.
                                                 owners; simultaneous
                                                 1800MHz and 2600MHz                                                                        14
                                                                                   Figure 15. Global M2M connections in 2020 by vertical
 Jul 11    Spain       60      1,205 0.47        900/1800/2600MHz                           M2M connections (billions)
                                                 auctions also took place in
                                                                                              0.07, 3% 0.03, 1%                 Utilities
                                                 mid-2011; further 900MHz
                                                 spectrum to be released in           0.28, 13%
                                                 Q4 2012E                                                                       Security
 Mar 11    Sweden      60      228      0.42     All three network owners
                                                 won spectrum; 1800MHz                                                          Automotive and transport
                                                 auction took place in Oct                           Global M2M
                                                 11 — two of three network                           connections:               Health care
                                                 owners won spectrum in                               2.1 billion
                                                 first round
                                                                                                                                Government, retail and
 May 10 Germany 60             3,600 0.73        Three of four network
                                                                                    0.45, 21%                                   financial services
                                                 owners won spectrum;
                                                 1800/2600MHz spectrum                                              1.32, 62%
                                                 awarded at same time to all
                                                 network owners (total price

13Ernst & Young research.
14Analysys Mason, “Imagine an M2M world with 2.1 billion connected things,”
January 2011.

                                                         15        Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
Unlocking incremental revenues                                                               Poorly formulated M&A and partnership
As companies seek to tackle these challenges, new strategies                                 strategy
can unlock incremental revenues. To realize these, operators
                                                                                    Across the global telecoms sector, the rationale for consolidation
need to work out how best to align themselves to new growth
                                                                                    remains strong  and partnership structures are gaining ground
areas. This will generally mean deciding on their core
                                                                                    by offering new routes to growth. At the same time, the role and
competencies for use in increasingly composite value chains, and
                                                                                    dynamics of M&A are changing, and operators are adapting their
delineating clearly between the need to build capability and the
                                                                                    strategies to reflect these shifts. These developments have seen
need to partner or outsource, in light of their existing network
and customer footprints.                                                            this risk rise two places from ninth in 2010.

By way of example, Figure 16 shows various operators’                               Joining forces in an uncertain world
approaches to the M2M opportunity. Experience shows that                            There was actually a pickup in M&A deal activity in 2010–11
majoring on specific industries can help to differentiate                           compared to 2008–09 (see Figure 17). However, plenty of risks
propositions and that the current stage of service maturity                         remain, including high levels of political risk in the Middle East/
varies widely between different vertical markets. So, to avoid                      North Africa, acute macroeconomic risks in Southern Europe
placing the wrong bets, operators should take great care in                         and uncertainty over shifting regulatory attitudes toward
evaluating emerging use cases.                                                      competition. With operators eager to tap into the growth
Local and market-specific factors such as regulation, the vertical                  potential in emerging Asia, competition and ownership issues
industry landscape and existing network coverage will play                          have emerged as hot topics in the region, notably Vietnam and
a pivotal role in emerging service areas. Issues around                             Indonesia.
technological complexity must be assessed on a continual basis
                                                                                    Figure 17. Quarterly global telecoms M&A 2008–1016
if multi-operator and cross-sector partnerships are to succeed in
overcoming the current technological fragmentation.
                                                                                           US$m                                                                               # of deals
Figure 16. Selected operator approaches to M2M15                                     14,000                                                                                          80
Operator M2M organization            Service delivery         Target                 12,000                                                                                          70
                                     platform                 segments               10,000                                                                                          60
AT&T         Emerging Devices        Jasper-powered Control   Utilities, fleet                                                                                                       50
             Org as dedicated BU.    Center — provides        management,              8,000
             B2B M2M is part of      analytics reports,       security, health                                                                                                       40
             Advanced Mobility       automated provisioning   care, consumer                                                                                                         30
             Solutions Group                                  electronics              4,000                                                                                         20
Deutsche     International M2M       M2M service portal       Home security,
                                                                                       2,000                                                                                         10
Telekom      competence center       since 2010 — can         resource
             in Bonn; US M2M         be integrated into       management,                   0                                                                                        0
             outsourced to RACO      customer environment     smart metering












             Wireless                via API                  and grid,
                                                              logistics, retail
                                                                                                                     Deal value                          # of deals
Vodafone     Dedicated M2M           Automated SIM            Environmental
             organization launched   pre- and post-paid       monitoring,
             in 2010                 provisioning; policy     remote
                                     management; API          maintenance
                                     integration with         and control,
                                     customer systems         tracking, health
                                                              care, metering,
                                                              and fleet

15Ernst & Young research.
16Ovum, 14 November 2011.

                                                               16          Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
The changing risk landscape creates increasing uncertainty over                     Partnering abilities come to the fore
deal valuations and prompts greater board scrutiny and
stakeholder caution (see Figure 18). Meanwhile, the changing                        To capitalize on such opportunities, operators need to
nature of M&A deals reflects the fact that footprint control is                     discriminate clearly between situations that call for
now more important than footprint growth for some players.                          acquisitions and those more suited to partnering. Going
Also, shifts in the value chain are heralding new M&A trends,                       forward, the ability to create and sustain partnerships will
such as the creation of joint tower management entities.                            emerge as a strategic differentiator, as their scope and
                                                                                    usage widen due to a number of factors. These factors
Under these circumstances, acquisitions and partnerships in                         include a continued focus on realizing cost efficiencies
emerging market segments remain important. In the cloud                             through approaches such as network and procurement
space, 2011 saw the launch of a raft of new services supported                      joint ventures, and a growing reliance on cross-sector
and enabled by a diverse range of acquisitions, partnerships and                    collaboration for new product development.
                                                                                    In combination, these trends make it important that
Figure 18. Deal factors in telecoms17                                               operators build the ability to work with new types of
                                                                                    partner — application developers, power utilities,
 Q. Which of the following factors have increased/decreased over
 the last six months?
                                                                                    technology companies and more — and continually
                                                                                    reassess their relationships with partners outside the
 Price expectation gaps                -7%          39%                             sector. However, issues over revenue shares within
                                                                                    partnerships remain a stumbling block.
 Valuation uncertainty/complexity -3%                      69%
 Regulatory pressures                    -4%         46%
 Board/audit committee scrutiny          -4%              61%
 Competition for assets                -7%          45%
 Stakeholder caution                   -7%           46%

                      Decreased         Increased

17Ernst & Young Capital Confidence Barometer survey, November 2011
(interviews with 31 senior telecoms executives).

                                                          17     Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
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2012 telecoms businessreport_13feb2012_low res

  • 1. Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 2. About this report As the challenges and opportunities facing telecoms operators around the world continue to evolve, the sector’s risk universe is changing rapidly. And as companies formulate and execute their strategies to sustain and grow value in today’s fast- moving environment, they have to ensure that their understanding and management of risk keeps pace. Today, navigating through the sheer speed and scale of change presents challenges for all operators. We have produced Top 10 Risks in Telecommunications 2012 to help them map out the right path. This is the latest in our ongoing series of studies designed to pinpoint the most critical risk issues, analyze the sector’s evolving responses and highlight elements of emerging best practice. As in previous reports, we do not claim that the list of risks we present here is comprehensive. Also, by its nature, it can only provide a generalized snapshot of the risks that we — and the sector as a whole — see at this time. Given this, we would encourage you to read this report with an open mind and inquisitive attitude. Are these really the risks you face in your own business? If not, how and why are your organization’s risks different? And how do those particular risks impact you? The answers inevitably vary from company to company. But in every case, we believe that leaders should take the following steps: • Undertake a thorough risk assessment at least annually, to define your key risks and weigh their impact on business drivers. The risks in this report can provide a useful starting point. • Extend this risk assessment beyond the usual financial and regulatory risks to consider the wider environment in which the organization operates and the full extent of its operations, now and into the future. • Conduct scenario planning for the major risks that you identify, and develop a range of operational responses, possibly as an integrated part of the planning cycle. • Evaluate your organization’s ability to manage its risks — ensuring that the risk management processes are linked to the actual risks that the business faces, especially those that are new and emerging. • Ensure that effective monitoring and controls processes are in place to provide both earlier warning and an improved ability to respond. • Keep an open mind about where new risks may come from. Despite — or, in some cases, because of — the continuing uncertainty and volatility in the global economy, there are major opportunities for operators. Each company’s ability to identify and seize these opportunities depends critically on its ability to understand and manage risk. Unless your growth strategy has a solid underpinning of risk management, it will never be truly sustainable. This publication aims to help you build and reinforce that sound platform.
  • 3. Contents Introduction 02 The Ernst & Young risk radar 2012 03 Editorial committee 04 Sector context 06 Executive summary 08 The top 10 business risks: 1. Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes 10 2. Disengagement from the changing customer mindset 11 3. Lack of confidence in return on investment 1 2 4. Insufficient information to turn demand into value 1 3 5. Lack of regulatory certainty on new market structures 14 6. Failure to capitalize on new types of connectivity 15 7. Poorly formulated M&A and partnership strategy 16 8. Failure to define new business metrics 18 9. Privacy, security and resilience 19 10. Lack of organizational flexibility 20 What’s below the radar? 22 Contacts 25
  • 4. Introduction Amid the recent global economic uncertainty, the telecommunications sector has performed relatively well, with operators once again emphasizing their strong defensive qualities and well-developed capex management capabilities. However, in a sector where new over-the-top entrants are competing fiercely for revenues from emerging service areas, the question is: Is now the time to shift from a defensive to offensive posture? For many telecoms executives, the answer today is a resounding “Yes.” As in previous years, we in Ernst & Young’s global telecommunications network seek to help operators maximize value and tap into new sources of growth through our ongoing Jonathan Dharmapalan — series of reports identifying the key risks to their businesses. By addressing the top 10 Global Telecommunications risks highlighted in this study, we believe that telecoms providers will position Leader themselves to take their businesses forward more effectively and make the most of the growth opportunities that emerge. This report was produced by collecting and synthesizing the insights of our practitioners and sector professionals, supplemented by research and analysis by the Ernst & Young Global Telecommunications Center. During the research process, we asked our sector professionals to evaluate the most important strategic challenges for telecoms businesses globally and to rate the severity of these risks for the sector. As in previous years, our 2012 study indicates that operators face a wide array of risks, and that the relative positioning and scale of these risks have continued to change. An understanding of how to respond to these shifts will help operators manage risk more effectively, optimize performance and increase operational efficiency. It will also empower them to capitalize on the profound changes under way in the telecoms ecosystem, ranging from rapid advances in technology to new customer behaviors and expectations. The most fundamental of these changes is encapsulated in the risk that tops our list: the migration of sector value from minutes of usage to bytes of traffic  a change that must be mirrored in operators’ business models. Many of the other risks in our top 10 spring directly or indirectly from that seismic shift. To help companies formulate and execute the right responses, we provide an analysis of each of the top 10 risks. We also report on risks currently “below the radar” that our panelists believe may move up the risk tables in future years. I would like to thank all our contributors for their time, insight and cooperation in the preparation of this report. This is a valuable dialogue that we hope to continue for many years to come. Jonathan Dharmapalan Global Telecommunications Leader 2 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 5. The Ernst & Young risk radar 2012 Telecommunications The Ernst & Young risk radar presents a snapshot of the top 10 Top 10 business risks business risks in an industry sector, by dividing risks into four quadrants for telecoms operators that correspond to Ernst & Young’s Risk Universe™ model. These quadrants are: • Compliance threats — originating in politics, law, regulation or corporate governance 1. Failure to shift the • Operational threats — impacting the processes, systems, people and overall value business model from chain of a business minutes to bytes • Strategic threats — related to customers, competitors and investors 2. Disengagement from • Financial threats — stemming from volatility in the markets and in the real economy the changing The radar below plots the top 10 risks for telecoms operators on the risk radar, and lists the risks that are currently just “below the radar.” customer mindset 3. Lack of confidence in Top 10 business risks for telecommunications in 2012 return on investment 4. Insufficient ial Co m information to turn anc pl Lack of regulatory n ia certainty on new Fi demand into value nc market structures e 5. Lack of regulatory Lack of Privacy, confidence in return certainty on new Failure to define new business on investment security and resilience market structures metrics Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes 6. Failure to capitalize Disengagement on new types of from the changing Insufficient information to turn demand into value customer mindset connectivity Poorly 7. Poorly formulated Failure to formulated M&A and strategic capitalize on new M&A and partnership types of connectivity partnerships s strategy n St Lack of io eg r ra organizational at 8. Failure to define new ic pe t flexibility O business metrics 9. Privacy, security and resilience Below the radar 10. Lack of organizational Evolving service cannibalization A more pressing green scenarios agenda flexibility Concentration of equipment Difficulties in managing debt vendors and cash 3 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 6. Editorial committee Jonathan Holger Prashant Dharmapalan Forst Singhal Global Global Global Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Sector Leader Markets Leader Markets Leader Jonathan Dharmapalan is Ernst & Young’s With 20 years of experience, Holger Forst has Prashant has extensive experience of over Global Telecommunications Leader, leading been the Global Client Service Partner for 15 years in Assurance and Advisory Business a team of over 2,000 telecoms professionals Deutsche Telekom AG since 2007. In 2011 Services, servicing Indian and multinational across the world in their work with the world’s Holger was appointed the joint Ernst & Young telecom clients. In 2011 Prashant was leading operators. With 25 years of experience, Global Telecommunications Markets Leader. appointed the joint Ernst & Young Global Jonathan has served some of the largest Telecommunications Markets Leader. companies in the telecommunications sector. He has significant experience in both mobile and terrestrial communications. Olivier Luis David Lemaire Monti McGregor EMEIA Americas Asia Pacific Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Leader Leader Leader Olivier has 15 years of experience working in Luis has 19 years experience in the telecoms David has been with Ernst & Young for over the telecommunication industry. As an Audit industry, and has worked with several large twenty six years and has worked in a number of and Business Advisory Partner and chartered telecom groups. Luis is the leader of countries including the UK, USA and Australia. accountant, he has been rendering audit, Ernst & Young’s telecommunications He is the coordinating core assurance partner transaction support and advisory services to practice for the Americas region. on Telstra and the telecommunications and many international telecom operators across media & entertainment leader for Asia Pacific. Europe, Africa and Middle East. Olivier has been leading the Global Telecom Revenue Assurance team for 6 years and led several revenue assurance global studies. He is also experienced in group reporting under IFRS. Since September 2011 he is the leader of Ernst & Young’s telecommunications practice for the Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA). Rohit Bala Adrian Puri Balakrishnan Baschnonga Director, Global Telecommunications Senior Analyst, Global Telecommunications Partner — United States Telecommunications Center Center Rohit is a Director within Ernst & Young’s Bala has over 20 years of consulting and Adrian Baschnonga helps produce and Global Telecommunications Center, and industry experience within telecoms and other deliver thought leadership for the Global currently leads the development and industries. Bala has assisted several cable Telecommunications Center. He advises clients implementation of the Center’s strategy. He and telecommunication companies with the on strategic issues in the telecommunications brings over 12 years of professional services definition and implementation of strategic sector and is a regular speaker at industry experience focusing on telecoms finance and initiatives, including channel strategy, sales events. business strategy. effectiveness, marketing effectiveness and analytics, CRM strategy and implementation, product profitability, and operations effectiveness initiatives. 4 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 7. Vincent de La Dennis Mark Bachelerie Deutmeyer Gregory Telecommunications Global Telecommunications Telecommunications Partner — France IFRS Leader Partner — United Kingdom Vincent de La Bachelerie has been involved in Dennis has over 24 years experience Mark has over 25 years experience in more the telecommunications sector for 20 years. providing auditing and advisory services than 40 countries as an advisor to the Vincent has extensive experience working to of our largest U.S. telecommunications telecommunications industry, working in as lead partner on large telecom groups. clients. Dennis is the Global IFRS Leader strategy, regulation, cost and pricing analysis He has also participated in other projects for the Telecom Sector. and market analyses. In his career he has for telecommunications operators including undertaken engagements for several large consulting and advisory work, merger and telecom groups. acquisition projects and valuations. Manesh Michael G. Jeremy Patel Stoltz Thurbin Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Partner — India Partner — United States Partner — France With over 19 years of experience working With 35 years of experience serving global Jeremy is a partner in the Paris Assurance with Indian and multinational companies in clients, Mike has extensive experience practice experienced in telecoms and media. the telecommunications sector, Manesh Patel working as lead partner on large telecom His experience covers the audit of the currently leads the telecommunications risk groups. He has also participated in other €30b French fixed line, internet and mobile advisory services group in India. projects for telecommunications operators, operations, the internal control 404 audit, and including risk reviews, regulatory, the international operations. He has extensive operational assurance and improvement experience of internal audit, fraud, internal and valuations. control and risk management issues within the telecommunications industry. Pieter Verhees Telecommunications Partner — Netherlands With over 15 years of experience, Pieter Verhees is currently working with leading fixed and mobile telecom operators, in and outside Europe, delivering and implementing complex projects, including price squeeze methods and models, costing models, cash-flow forecasting capabilities, performance management and regulation. 5 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 8. Sector context “Safe haven” positioning threatened by questions over future growth Telecommunications has weathered the downturn Figure 1. Europe — GDP and telecoms revenue development1 and subsequent economic uncertainty and volatility % change y/y relatively well compared to many other sectors. As a 6.0 result, the sector is quite solidly positioned as a 4.0 defensive “safe bet” in the eyes of investors (though 2.0 the mobile segment is slightly more exposed). 0.0 -2.0 Looking ahead to future structural trends in the -4.0 sector, players in Europe and other developed -6.0 markets are likely to benefit from some easing of the Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 regulations on mobile termination rates, while 08 09 09 09 09 01 10 10 10 11 11 landline is set to see the pace of its structural decline European telecoms revenue growth Euro area real GDP growth slow down. More generally, the outlook is positive as smartphone growth opens doors to new However, challenges remain. Experience shows that operators’ revenue performance tends to be linked to employment rates  opportunities in the sector. which are trending downward and under threat of an But this silver lining comes with a cloud: investors accelerating decline. And of the sector’s segments, the still- are taking an increasingly ambivalent view of the growing mobile segment is the most economically sensitive, having seen its voice volumes fall significantly during 2009 in sector, asking questions about the levels of capital the wake of the recession. expenditure that will be needed to support future growth. They are also questioning whether operators Improving performance — supported by structural will take their fair share of future expansion in trends service revenues, or whether the over-the-top Operators can look forward to improving performance, helped by players will once again seize the initiative in positive structural trends. For example, rates of landline loss are slowing in the European fixed-line. And operators worldwide monetizing new offerings. have proved themselves strong on cost control in recent years, Reaping the rewards of a defensive status with strategies such as network sharing helping to ease the pressure on infrastructure upgrades. Through its history, the telecommunications sector has often demonstrated its robustness in downturns and periods of market Figure 2. Telecoms companies’ Operating Cash Flow margin 2 uncertainty. The recent past has been no exception. The sector is percentage by region, 2011F–2013F riding out the economic storms relatively well. For example, as Figure 1 shows, the fluctuations in telecoms revenue growth in Operating cash flow margin (%) Europe have been far smaller than the volatility in European GDP 25 over last three years. This picture is being replicated in other regions across the world, 20 with operators’ robust defensive positioning generally regarded as being reinforced by strong cash flow and rising dividend 15 yields. In Asia, the high valuation multiples currently being applied to mobile players signal continued confidence in the 10 outlook for the sector. And in North America, investors remain optimistic about the ongoing impacts of increasing smartphone 5 penetration and investment in 4G networks. 0 Global Americas Asia ex Japan Europe Africa Japan FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 1Eurostat; Deutsche Bank, “European Telcos: The best way to play,” 5 September 2011 (reports were sourced from author website unless otherwise noted). 2Macquarie, “Global Telecoms,” 15 September 2011. 6 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 9. Driven by such cost control measures, operating cash flow At the same time, global smartphone shipments continue to metrics are forecast to improve for global operators. Investors escalate at impressive rates, with wireless data growth set to are positive on North American telcos due to early investment in remain strong across all regions — although minutes of use (MoU) 4G and high smartphone penetration, while high valuation are flattening in mature markets such as the US. multiples in Asia reflect confidence in continued revenue growth. This improving picture, highlighted in Figure 2, both reflects and … but clouds are gathering reinforces the current assessment by investors and analysts that Against this generally improving outlook, there are conflicting the global telecommunications sector can weather any financial perspectives on how the sector will evolve. As Figure 4 shows, storms that may be ahead. data is projected to rise from 20% of global mobile revenues in A bright growth outlook … 2008 to 36% in 2015, threatening major disruption to revenue models. Investors are also concerned about the massive capex As these trends play out, the sector is already outpacing recent that will be needed to support this growth, and about whether assumptions of its growth rate (see Figure 3). Mobile connections over-the-top players might once again beat the operators in are forecast to surpass the overall human population in 2014, as the race to secure new revenue streams, as they did with the “long tail” of users in emerging markets get connected, and mobile apps. as trends escalate such as multiple SIMs and devices per person, embedded SIMs and machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity. As a result, investors’ view of the telecoms sector remains fundamentally ambivalent, reflecting the difficulty reconciling its Figure 3. Global mobile device and subscriber penetration3 structural weaknesses — such as heavy regulation of higher- margin activities — with specific opportunities for rapid growth, Global population and mobile connections (m) such as mobile data. There is also concern over the trade-off 8,000,000 between the cost and value of new growth areas, given the uncertain capex commitments as mobile traffic growth and 6,000,000 mobile data revenue growth diverge. Against this background, focusing on dividend yields tends to 4,000,000 encourage a short-term view of the sector’s performance. Yet this is a sector where the models for long-term value creation 2,000,000 need to be addressed — and soon. 4 Figure 4. Global mobile voice and data revenues 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Revenue (US$m) Population Mobile connections 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 Annual smartphone shipments (m) 600,000 600 400,000 500 200,000 0 400 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 300 Mobile voice revenue Mobile data revenue 200 100 0 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011E FY 2012E 3Ovum, UNFPA, 2008 Population Revision Database, Ernst & Young analysis; Deutsche Bank, “Global Telecommunications,” 25 July 2011. 4Ovum Mobile Voice and Data Forecast 2011-2016, January 2012; Cisco Visual Networking Index. 7 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 10. Executive summary The top 10 business risks for telecoms operators The top 10 Aggregating our interview responses worldwide, here is a summary of each of the top 10 business risks for telecoms operators. 1 Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes 1 Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes 2 Disengagement from the As value shifts from minutes of usage to volumes of data, operators need to move away changing customer mindset from their legacy strategies focused on customer retention, which have had the effect of commoditizing the value of minutes and bandwidth in customers’ eyes. Instead of 3 Lack of confidence in return on concentrating on fighting churn, operators need to target revenues from new services investment that tap into rising demand and master a wider array of charging models to monetize these services. 4 Insufficient information to turn demand into value 2 Disengagement from the changing customer mindset 5 Lack of regulatory certainty on new market structures With global technology brands now top of mind for consumers, and technology cycles quickening, operators need to understand and respond to fast-changing customer 6 Failure to capitalize on new expectations and behaviors if they are to fight off the competitive threat from over-the- types of connectivity top providers. This will require operators to communicate clearly the underlying value of the network and the sources of added value that differentiate their offerings in new 7 Poorly formulated M&A and service areas. Innovation in the service model could also be used to build brand loyalty partnership strategy in the same way technology players have done. 8 Failure to define new business metrics 3 Lack of confidence in return on investment 9 Privacy, security and resilience While operators have proved adept at managing capital investment and balancing it 10 Lack of organizational flexibility flexibly with free cash flow and dividends, it is increasingly clear that tight capex control can limit their ability to grow new services quickly. So they need to maintain their commitment to investing in growth opportunities, while tracking technology and consumer developments closely to ensure they target their financial investments at the right areas at the right time. 4 Insufficient information to turn demand into value To drive profitable customer propositions and improve their time-to-market for new services, operators need accurate, timely and comprehensive business intelligence and customer analytics, underpinned by aligned and integrated operational support and billing systems. These elements pave the way for efficient growth by enabling operators to produce better business intelligence for decision-making, helping them understand customer changes before their competitors, and allowing them to reuse network data in collaborative partnerships. Better information can also help operators reduce operational costs and ensure regulatory compliance. 8 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 11. 5 Lack of regulatory certainty on new 8 Failure to define new business metrics market structures Uncertainty over regulators’ approaches to new market The metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that structures is undermining operators’ willingness to invest. It is operators use to manage their operations internally and increasingly crucial for governments and regulators to adopt communicate their performance and prospects externally have pro-investment policies to sustain the sector’s momentum and not kept pace with the shift in business models from minutes to for operators to form workable stances on a range of issues, bytes. Many internal metrics are still service- and network- including the increasing relationship between fixed and mobile oriented, and do not provide enough granularity to improve the policies. At the same time, all these groups must work together customer experience. Also, commonly used external metrics to achieve greater clarity over regulatory approaches. such as average revenue per user (ARPU) fail to give investors a full picture. Operators urgently need to define a new and different set of metrics that puts the customer first and leads to 6 Failure to capitalize on new types of improved financial performance. connectivity New types of connectivity such as machine-to-machine (M2M) Privacy, security and resilience 9 are redefining the concept of connectivity, requiring operators to adopt new strategies. Instead of continuing to think of connections in human terms, operators need to develop new Customers place more trust in operators than in social networks, understandings of connectivity and target new growth areas. regarding operators as security guarantors across a range of This will mean identifying core competencies for use in services. Yet they still hold operators responsible for threats composite value chains and delineating clearly between the need from third parties  even for mobile malware attacks and rogue to build capability and the need to partner or outsource. apps. Operators should work closely with governments to clarify their responsibilities in areas such as anti-terrorism and content for children, and collaborate with suppliers and partners to 7 Poorly formulated M&A and partnership tackle privacy and security issues in new service areas such as strategy cloud security and mobile apps. Though M&A activity has accelerated recently, its nature and risks have changed. Footprint control increasingly takes 10 Lack of organizational flexibility precedence over footprint growth, and political, macroeconomic and regulatory risks are increasing. But acquisitions and partnerships are essential for success in emerging market With their organizational structures subject to forces such as the segments such as mobile advertising and cloud computing. shift to data services, the rise of partnering and the rising Operators need to clearly discriminate between when they imperative for speed-to-market, operators have already made should acquire and when they should partner. The ability to significant changes to their organizations. But more are needed. sustain partnerships will emerge as a strategic differentiator. Operators now need to align their business units to maximize the Effective management and implementation of M&A and economies of scale and scope in their geographic footprints partnerships offers significant operational upside to telecom while reconciling the competing forces of geographic sensitivity players. and global strength. 9 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 12. The top 10 business risks Figure 5. Global mobile data revenue and traffic growth5 1 Failure to shift the business model from minutes to bytes Revenue Traffic (PB per (US$m) month) “Losing ownership of the client” was ranked as the telecoms 450,000 6,000 sector’s top business risk in 2008 and 2010. Our analysis shows 400,000 5,000 that this risk has now been overtaken by the urgent need to 350,000 develop and deliver new data-enabled services that will generate 300,000 4,000 250,000 fresh revenues from users. And the customer-focused risk of 200,000 3,000 “disengagement from the changing customer mindset” has 150,000 2,000 slipped to number two, as the ongoing fragmentation of the 100,000 1,000 sector value chain makes it increasingly clear that no single 50,000 0 0 participant can ever truly “own” the customer. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The risk of failing to shift from minutes to bytes reflects the new Mobile data revenue Mobile data traffic challenges now facing operators around the world, as a result of Adapting to a wider ecosystem … aggressive moves by competitors entering from other sectors and rapid change in telecoms’ established value chains. Pivotal to In response, operators need to adapt their business models to a these changes is the migration of value from charging for wider ecosystem and make firm decisions about which revenue minutes of usage to carrying rising volumes of data across sources they are going to target within that broader networks. environment. As Figure 6 shows, the current split of revenues is roughly 50% in the consumer segment, with the rest divided Focusing on retention stifles value between business and wholesale. As operators respond to this seismic shift, they need to move Depending on the chosen strategy, this split could evolve by away from legacy strategies that have focused on retaining 2020 into a “smart” operator with revenues dominated by customers’ loyalty rather than monetizing demand. The focus on customers or a “lean” model rebalanced toward wholesale preventing and minimizing customer churn has had the effect of service provision. In general, telecoms revenue mix forecasts commoditizing the value of minutes and bandwidth in customers’ point to an increasing shift toward wholesale. Operators face the eyes. challenge of identifying new types of wholesale customers in the The direct impacts of this commoditization are clear in offerings context of a shifting value chain. such as free upgrades for fixed broadband, flat-rate mobile data Figure 6. Operator revenue mixes — 2020 scenarios6 services and discounted multi-play packages. These underline the fact that user-loyalty considerations are now actually stifling value creation. Current 50% 30% 20% Pursuing new service areas Smart operator 60% 25% 15% Instead of concentrating on fighting churn, we believe that 2020 operators should now raise their sights to target revenues from new services that tap into rising demand. As Figure 5 shows, Lean operator 20% 30% 50% 2020 data traffic is expected to grow exponentially in future years. As demand increases, new consumer service areas are being 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% exploited by players with new business models, such as Consumer Business Wholesale “freemium” music and data hosting/file transfer services, and advertising-supported apps. Even operator-provided products  … while seizing the enterprise opportunity such as SMS  that were previously insulated from new offerings are under growing pressure from new free services, such as In light of developments such as the rapidly intensifying mobile instant messaging. competition for consumers’ spending, the revenue growth potential in the enterprise segment remains high in comparison to the consumer market. To exploit this potential, business models for enterprise customers have to embrace new approaches to provisioning — such as cloud computing — alongside collaborative approaches to service development 5Ovum Mobile Voice and Data Forecast 2011-2016, January 2012; and delivery. Cisco Visual Networking Index. 6Ovum, “Telecoms in 2020: Executive Summary,” December 2009. 10 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 13. Operators are embracing this message, as demonstrated by a Quickening technology cycles reshape brand raft of announcements in late 2011 of cloud-based unified affinities communications and collaborations services for businesses, often supported by new data center investments. Small and This dominance by the technology players reflects the extent to medium-sized businesses are expected to act as early adopters which quickening technology cycles across both the consumer for these cloud-based services, an area where operators are and enterprise segments are impacting consumers’ everyday continuing to make good headway. working habits and lifestyles, and reshaping their brand affinities. As Figure 8 indicates, multiple devices per user is increasingly In parallel with these initiatives, operators should seek to master the norm. And the time taken for new technologies to reach 50% a wider array of charging models, ranging from flat-rate to penetration is shortening rapidly  down from 15 years for mobile per-event and ad-supported. And cross-sector growth strategies phones to 4—5 years for smartphones and tablets. will require vertical market business models, tailored to the particular sectors — a need well served by the low costs and high Figure 8. Take-up of consumer electronics devices8 scalability and configurability of cloud services. All of these changes, in turn, require changes to IT and charging systems. UK device penetration Q1 2011 (%) 2 Disengagement from the changing 100 98 93 85 customer mindset 80 60 55 54 As we previously noted, there is now very little prospect of any 60 33 individual participant in the value chain fully owning — rather 40 27 than sharing — the customer. So, as well as slipping to second 20 4 4 2 2 place behind the need to migrate from minutes to bytes, our 0 number one risk in 2010 of losing customer ownership has Landline phone Mobile phone Games console HDTV receiver TV set HD-ready TV Smartphone Laptop e-Reader Netbook 3DTV Tablet evolved into the risk of becoming disengaged from the customer’s changing mindset. This risk is underlined by the extent to which technology brands are now top of mind with customers. As Figure 7 shows, today’s top four global brands are all technology players, with the One of the reasons for this acceleration is that operators’ fixed top-ranked operator brand coming in at number six. and mobile networks are now a platform for access to a wide Figure 7. Top 10 global brands 20117 number of sectors and services, such as television, retail and banking. As this explosion in online/mobile applications gathers Rank Rank Rank Brand Industry group pace, disruptive players are leveraging their rising brand values 2011 2010 2009 to extend their service propositions. At the same time, devices 1 2 5 Google Technology are playing a pivotal role in shaping the mobile customer 2 20 27 Apple Technology experience. 3 5 4 Microsoft Technology 4 4 3 IBM Technology 5 1 1 Walmart Retail 6 7 8 Vodafone Telecoms 7 6 6 GE Diversified 8 10 10 Toyota Automotive 9 11 14 AT&T Telecoms 10 8 7 HSBC Financial services 7Brand Finance, “Global 100,” September 2011. 8Ofcom, “Communications market report: UK,” 4 August 2011. 11 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 14. Adapting to the new customer mindset Ambivalent outcomes As these changes in customers’ mindset — and behavior continue However, tight capex control has ambivalent outcomes — and  and seemingly accelerate — operators have an absolute need to increasingly risks sidelining operators from future growth. adapt their service offerings and customer experience to reflect External forces such as regulation and customer demand mean these shifts in order to sustain and build customer engagement. operators remain cautious about investing in infrastructure. These responses should be supported by clear communication These same considerations — together with uncertainty over new with customers on the value of the network and on the effort and market structures — are also contributing to persistent doubts investment required to provide high-quality services. over the revenue potential of new services. Network quality is often taken as a given, but it shouldn’t be. As Figure 9 shows, levels of capital intensity remain largely Service quality is not just about the device or application; it is stable worldwide and are now relatively consistent in all regions. also about the network infrastructure without which these Growth-driven capex in emerging markets is falling back from its elements would never work. If operators worldwide can get this previous highs, and the release of new spectrum is lagging in message across to customers, then they will be able to improve some developed markets. Nevertheless, there is a risk that tight perceptions of added value — including price, quality and capex control can undermine service quality, competitiveness convenience — and to work the proven levers of brand strength in and the growth prospects of new services. telecommunications, including high trust and credibility. Figure 9. Telecoms capital intensity by region 2008–Q2 20119 The scalability, flexibility and low costs of cloud computing not Fixed and mobile only help operators address the number one risk of failing to capex/sales (%) shift the business model from minutes to bytes — they can also 30 help operators better engage with the customer mindset. As a 25 host of players from the technology and telecoms sectors seek to 20 deliver new services — either individually or via partnerships — 15 the need to differentiate is paramount. With this imperative in 10 mind, operators should clearly define and communicate their 5 core added value in areas of new service provision — such as 0 their security credentials in network-based enterprise services; 2008 2009 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 their ability to deliver new types of bundle packages for North America Europe Asia Pacific MEA consumers; and their role as a trusted provider of new and emerging services, such as m-payments. The importance of timing 3 Lack of confidence in return on With the number of high-speed mobile connections globally investment continuing to grow rapidly (see Figure 10), getting the timing of new investments right is critical for achieving the targeted In our 2010 report, the risk of ineffective infrastructure returns. To do this, operators need to understand clearly how investment was ranked in fourth place. This year, the risks infrastructure upgrades relate to customer demand, competitor around investment have risen to third, while also evolving into a actions and government industrial policies. This can be lack of confidence about the level of returns. supported through better leveraging and optimization of legacy In the past two years, operators have been quite successful in networks to complement network/service availability. tackling the challenge of the data deluge on their networks, thanks to a combination of smart investment and growing use of alternatives such as WiFi and offloading to backhaul. These factors, together with operators’ readiness to flex capex to maintain free cash flows and dividends, have underlined their strong capex control and reinforced their defensive status. There is also a trend toward moving capex spend into opex through outsourcing, in order to smooth capex spend over time. 9Ovum, “Network infrastructure report,” 19 September 2011. 12 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 15. Figure 10. Global high-speed mobile connections10 Not having all these elements in place threatens operators’ efforts to increase time-to-market and build customer-centricity. Connections split by technology (000) It can also undermine the potential returns on their ongoing 4,500,000 investments. This risk relates to the “inappropriate systems and 4,000,000 processes” that ranked eighth on our list in 2010. However, the 3,500,000 issue now is both more holistic and more pressing. 3,000,000 Added urgency 2,500,000 The requirement to ensure the right systems and processes are 2,000,000 in place is being given added urgency by a widening gap between 1,500,000 what operators know they need to do and what they are 1,000,000 achieving. As Figure 11 shows, they agree that time-to-market is 500,000 increasingly important. Yet operators’ time-to-market for new 0 services has not improved in the last two years, and the 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 percentage of operators that can bring products to market quickly has actually fallen since 2008. WCDMA TD-SCDMA (incl. TD-HSPA) As technology and product life cycles shorten, this represents a HSPA LTE CDMA 1XEV-DO growing risk — especially since disruptive market entrants are repurposing customer data dynamically for new services. In This is a complex task. It requires confronting challenges such as contrast, operators are struggling to repurpose their information uncertainties in supply and demand amid factors such as assets, due largely to patchworks of legacy systems that hold spectrum releases, soaring usage of high-bandwidth applications fragmented customer and network information, and a lack of and shifting market structures as network sharing and real-time analytics to build a single view of the customer across consolidation continue to gain ground. Also, many operators multiple devices and territories. have multi-technology strategies and fail to fully understand the complementarities and optimization factors between them. Figure 11. Time-to-market — telco perceptions and performance11 Operators need to tackle all these challenges while continuing to % service providers that say time-to-market is very important to remaining competitive invest in network infrastructure. All too often, their capex planning is driven by a focus on protecting cash flow or by pressure to build out greater bandwidth capacity even though 2011 70 the business case remains ambiguous, thus limiting the future revenue and margin potential of new services. These drivers for capex planning should change, for several reasons. For example, industrial policies in many markets will 2008 59 require substantial increases in super-fast broadband coverage over the years to 2020. Also, customers in all segments and markets are increasingly concerned about network quality. 50 55 60 65 70 75 4 Insufficient information to turn demand % service providers that can bring a product to market within 6 months into value As operators undertake the shift from minutes to bytes and seek 2011 65 to justify continued investment in new infrastructure and services, information becomes increasingly vital to their ability to create value. To drive profitable customer propositions, companies need accurate, timely and comprehensive business intelligence and customer analytics, underpinned by the right 2008 67 operational support and billing systems. 50 55 60 65 70 75 10Ovum, “Mobile Regional and Country Forecast: 2011–16,” July 2011. 11Amdocs, “Amdocs survey: time to market grows in importance,” 14 April 2011 (125 senior sector executives). 13 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 16. Realizing the power and value of information Lack of regulatory certainty on new 5 Operators are collecting more information about the customer market structures than ever before. Those who overcome the barriers we’ve As new market structures emerge, the regulatory approach to highlighted and leverage their information assets as successfully these evolving sector ecosystems remains unclear. Consequently, as the over-the-top providers stand to reap significant benefits policy challenges are undermining operators’ willingness to (see Figure 12). Repurposing customer data in new ways can invest. This means that 2010’s third-placed risk of “rising enable operators to improve their market positioning, through regulatory pressure” has now narrowed into this year’s more advantages such as better business intelligence — for example, specific risk factor — and that it is increasingly crucial for anticipating market and customer changes before competitors governments and regulators to adopt pro-investment policies to — and reusing network data for collaborative partners and sector sustain the sector’s momentum. verticals. Shifting standpoints Operators that upgrade their capabilities in understanding and applying customer data also open up opportunities to reduce The challenges and uncertainties around the policy approaches operational costs, while simultaneously improving the speed of to new market structures include shifting regulatory standpoints delivery of new data services and making it easier and cheaper on wholesale broadband access pricing, and the trend toward to ensure regulatory compliance. Furthermore, the value of imposing network separation as a pro-competition tool in customer and network data extends beyond the organization super-fast broadband. Going forward, new spectrum releases will itself and will continue to rise as the sector becomes increasingly shape 4G market structures — and the rules vary from market to partnership- and data-centric. market in areas such as spectrum caps and trading. In new and emerging areas such as mobile money, regulatory jurisdictions Figure 12. Advantages of repurposing data inside the business and policies continue to lag behind the technology — a challenge compounded by the “broadband as a human right” lobby. Dynamic charging Improved Better distribution On top of these uncertainties, there is continued regulatory capability time-to-market of network load pressure on legacy parts of the business, such as MTRs and roaming. In combination, these issues have pushed regulatory Deeper relationships with frameworks to the top of the list of challenges facing ISPs (see Better targeted marketing Figure 13). And in tough fiscal conditions, operators know that third parties and partner initiatives telecoms can be a rich source of government taxation as well as ecosystems a focus for government investment. Figure 13. Survey: challenges facing ISPs12 Improved monetization of new customer demands Q. What is the key issue facing ISPs over the next five years? Regulatory frameworks 41 Return on investment 24 Launching new services 20 Access to capital 15 0 20 40 60 % respondents 12Ernst & Young/ITU Telecom World poll, November 2011 (85 online respondents). 14 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 17. Seeking certainty Failure to capitalize on new forms of 6 These factors are creating an urgent need for greater regulatory connectivity certainty — and, alongside greater clarity and consistency from This new risk, which has come straight into our top 10, springs regulators, achieving this will require operators to engage with a from the fact that new types of connectivity — notably M2M links wider set of stakeholders. Consolidation in markets worldwide — require new types of strategies. As M2M takes off in various will continue to impact pricing and investment, and the need to vertical markets (see Figure 15), the very concept of fund next generation access and spectrum releases (see Figure connectivity is rapidly being fundamentally redefined. 14 for European examples) will require broad market consensus on the regulatory position. And overarching questions remain From human- to machine-based about the impact of the net neutrality agenda across the whole of the technology, media and telecoms ecosystem. While operators continue to think of connections in primarily human terms, sector growth increasingly relies on new To engage effectively on these areas of uncertainty, operators understandings of connectivity. There is clear value in the need to form workable sector stances on a range of issues. “interconnectedness” of devices, through technologies and links These include the increasing relationship between fixed and including not just M2M but also NFC and multi-screen content. mobile policies — for example, in the regulatory approaches in The business models for monetizing connectivity are also adjacent markets (e.g., financial services) — traffic management proliferating, spreading across the spectrum of B2B, B2C and of data services and the drive to increase broadband coverage in B2B2C. rural areas. The new connectivity-based services now emerging promise Figure 14. European 800 MHz spectrum auctions13 increased efficiency, higher customer centricity and value- enhancing repurposing of existing infrastructure. But operators’ Date Country MHz Total Price/ Notes moves into emerging market segments such as mobile money price MHz/ are often defensive and piecemeal  they also raise various (€m) pop challenges that include high upfront costs, lower ARPU per SIM Sep 11 Italy 60 2,962 0.82 Spectrum won by two of card in the M2M environment, and exposure to new regulatory three existing network and reputational risks. owners; simultaneous 1800MHz and 2600MHz 14 Figure 15. Global M2M connections in 2020 by vertical auction Jul 11 Spain 60 1,205 0.47 900/1800/2600MHz M2M connections (billions) auctions also took place in 0.07, 3% 0.03, 1% Utilities mid-2011; further 900MHz spectrum to be released in 0.28, 13% Q4 2012E Security Mar 11 Sweden 60 228 0.42 All three network owners won spectrum; 1800MHz Automotive and transport auction took place in Oct Global M2M 11 — two of three network connections: Health care owners won spectrum in 2.1 billion first round Government, retail and May 10 Germany 60 3,600 0.73 Three of four network 0.45, 21% financial services owners won spectrum; 1800/2600MHz spectrum 1.32, 62% awarded at same time to all network owners (total price €445m) 13Ernst & Young research. 14Analysys Mason, “Imagine an M2M world with 2.1 billion connected things,” January 2011. 15 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 18. Unlocking incremental revenues Poorly formulated M&A and partnership 7 As companies seek to tackle these challenges, new strategies strategy can unlock incremental revenues. To realize these, operators Across the global telecoms sector, the rationale for consolidation need to work out how best to align themselves to new growth remains strong  and partnership structures are gaining ground areas. This will generally mean deciding on their core by offering new routes to growth. At the same time, the role and competencies for use in increasingly composite value chains, and dynamics of M&A are changing, and operators are adapting their delineating clearly between the need to build capability and the strategies to reflect these shifts. These developments have seen need to partner or outsource, in light of their existing network and customer footprints. this risk rise two places from ninth in 2010. By way of example, Figure 16 shows various operators’ Joining forces in an uncertain world approaches to the M2M opportunity. Experience shows that There was actually a pickup in M&A deal activity in 2010–11 majoring on specific industries can help to differentiate compared to 2008–09 (see Figure 17). However, plenty of risks propositions and that the current stage of service maturity remain, including high levels of political risk in the Middle East/ varies widely between different vertical markets. So, to avoid North Africa, acute macroeconomic risks in Southern Europe placing the wrong bets, operators should take great care in and uncertainty over shifting regulatory attitudes toward evaluating emerging use cases. competition. With operators eager to tap into the growth Local and market-specific factors such as regulation, the vertical potential in emerging Asia, competition and ownership issues industry landscape and existing network coverage will play have emerged as hot topics in the region, notably Vietnam and a pivotal role in emerging service areas. Issues around Indonesia. technological complexity must be assessed on a continual basis Figure 17. Quarterly global telecoms M&A 2008–1016 if multi-operator and cross-sector partnerships are to succeed in overcoming the current technological fragmentation. US$m # of deals Figure 16. Selected operator approaches to M2M15 14,000 80 Operator M2M organization Service delivery Target 12,000 70 platform segments 10,000 60 AT&T Emerging Devices Jasper-powered Control Utilities, fleet 50 Org as dedicated BU. Center — provides management, 8,000 B2B M2M is part of analytics reports, security, health 40 6,000 Advanced Mobility automated provisioning care, consumer 30 Solutions Group electronics 4,000 20 Deutsche International M2M M2M service portal Home security, 2,000 10 Telekom competence center since 2010 — can resource in Bonn; US M2M be integrated into management, 0 0 outsourced to RACO customer environment smart metering 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 Wireless via API and grid, telematics, logistics, retail Deal value # of deals Vodafone Dedicated M2M Automated SIM Environmental organization launched pre- and post-paid monitoring, in 2010 provisioning; policy remote management; API maintenance integration with and control, customer systems tracking, health care, metering, automotive telematics and fleet management 15Ernst & Young research. 16Ovum, 14 November 2011. 16 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012
  • 19. The changing risk landscape creates increasing uncertainty over Partnering abilities come to the fore deal valuations and prompts greater board scrutiny and stakeholder caution (see Figure 18). Meanwhile, the changing To capitalize on such opportunities, operators need to nature of M&A deals reflects the fact that footprint control is discriminate clearly between situations that call for now more important than footprint growth for some players. acquisitions and those more suited to partnering. Going Also, shifts in the value chain are heralding new M&A trends, forward, the ability to create and sustain partnerships will such as the creation of joint tower management entities. emerge as a strategic differentiator, as their scope and usage widen due to a number of factors. These factors Under these circumstances, acquisitions and partnerships in include a continued focus on realizing cost efficiencies emerging market segments remain important. In the cloud through approaches such as network and procurement space, 2011 saw the launch of a raft of new services supported joint ventures, and a growing reliance on cross-sector and enabled by a diverse range of acquisitions, partnerships and collaboration for new product development. investments. In combination, these trends make it important that Figure 18. Deal factors in telecoms17 operators build the ability to work with new types of partner — application developers, power utilities, Q. Which of the following factors have increased/decreased over the last six months? technology companies and more — and continually reassess their relationships with partners outside the Price expectation gaps -7% 39% sector. However, issues over revenue shares within partnerships remain a stumbling block. Valuation uncertainty/complexity -3% 69% Regulatory pressures -4% 46% Board/audit committee scrutiny -4% 61% Competition for assets -7% 45% Stakeholder caution -7% 46% Decreased Increased 17Ernst & Young Capital Confidence Barometer survey, November 2011 (interviews with 31 senior telecoms executives). 17 Top 10 risks in telecommunications 2012