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                                        PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLEAN ECONOMY SUMMIT
                                                                 January 24–25, 2011
                                                                    Washington, DC

Photo courtesy of BrightSource Energy
Table of Contents

Introduction by Jeff Anderson                                                   1
Executive Director of the Clean Economy Network Education Fund

The Clean Economy Roadmap
   Introduction                                                                 1
   Transportation and Infrastructure                                            5
   Deployment, Manufacturing and Commercialization                             11
   Electricity                                                                 19
   Clean Economy Markets                                                       25

Clean Economy Network Education Foundation                                     32
board of directors and staff

Acknowledgments                                                  Inside back cover
       The Journey Begins Here
       JEFF ANDERSON, Executive Director, Clean Economy Network Education Fund

       What would happen if you put clean economy business leaders in a room with policy makers from the Hill
       and Administration, and asked them to discuss some of the burning questions facing this community with no
       media present? What if you told them there would be no PowerPoints, no speeches, and no presentations?

       What if you gave policy makers the opportunity to listen to the unfiltered experience of business leaders who
       are trying to deal with federal, state and local policies and programs? What if you gave business leaders the
       opportunity to hear directly from policy makers about the challenges of developing innovative policies to
       support the clean economy? What would happen?

       I’ll tell you what would happen—rich, thoughtful conversation, dialogue and sharing of ideas.

       All that, and much more, took place at CENEF’s inaugural Clean Economy Summit in Washington, DC on
       January 24-25, 2011.

       The conversations that took place about transportation and infrastructure, deployment, manufacturing and
       commercialization, electricity and clean economy markets have been captured and summarized here in the
       Clean Economy Roadmap.

       The Roadmap is not a set of specific policy prescriptions for the clean economy. Every journey needs
       a starting point, a point of departure. This inaugural Roadmap is just that. It sets the stage and lays the
       groundwork for further discussion and exploration of policy issues.

       I encourage you to use this Roadmap as a starting point for your own path to policy development and
       formulation. I hope you will share with us your thoughts and experiences as we move forward so that at next
       year’s Summit, we can look back at where we started and continue to chart a course—a map, if you will—to
       a clean economy future.

On January 24-25, 2011 in Washington DC, the Clean
Economy Network Education Fund (CENEF) held the
first annual Clean Economy Summit, an invitation-only
convening of the existing and emerging leadership of
the clean economy business community from across
the nation. Over the course of two days, the Summit
engaged these leaders in a structured dialogue with
top policymakers, opinion leaders and issue experts.
From their facilitated conversations on a strategic set
of issues, CENEF has begun to map some of the most
critical policy pathways for the rapid expansion of a
clean economy, which has been captured in this Clean
Economy Roadmap.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                       1

               THE CLEAN ECONOMY SUMMIT:                                      subject area in order to ensure knowledgeable facilitation
               Unleashing innovation, economic                                of each session. The participants brainstormed ideas,
               growth and job creation                                        then evaluated and prioritized the potential policy and
               The creation of a clean economy requires long-term and         program solutions that emerged.
               consistent public policy, which is essential to the creation
               of market clarity and certainty. Implementation of such
               consistent policies requires sustained engagement by           THE CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP:
               the clean economy business community in the policy             Charting a course for the growth
               development and political process. To that end, CENEF          of the clean economy
               launched the annual Clean Economy Summit in order to           The main themes, issues and topics that surfaced
               explore this intersection between business and policy          during the conversations at the Summit have been
               and the impact each has on the other.                          summarized below in the Clean Economy Roadmap.
                                                                              While by no means comprehensive, the Roadmap
               To be effective, this examination required high level          identifies four critical sets of policy issues impacting
               interaction among opinion leaders, policy-makers,              the clean economy that correspond to the four tracks
               business leaders and other thought leaders who have            at the Summit. To ensure continuity, CENEF intends to
               demonstrated the substantive expertise necessary               use these same categories of issues as the basis for
               to drive the clean economy sector forward. Business            subsequent Summits and the resulting Clean Economy
               community participants in the 2011 Summit came from            Roadmap documents. The issue areas were:
               CEN’s Leadership Council (which includes the CEOs of
               CEN’s corporate members), CEN executive members,                                Transportation and
               CEN chapter steering committee members, CEOs of                                 Infrastructure
               allied organizations, and the CEN and CENEF boards of                          The availability of cheap oil has defined
               directors. Their partners in the ensuing policy dialogue                       and shaped America’s transportation
               were key federal legislative, administration, and agency       policy. From hybrid and electric cars and trucks to
               staff.                                                         advanced fuels and efficiency technologies, new and
                                                                              underutilized technologies are already available to
               The primary goal of the Summit was to surface and              greatly reduce our dependence on oil. The global race is
               prioritize those policy proposals with the greatest            on to bring these technologies to the marketplace, and,
               potential to unleash innovation, economic growth and job       if America does not attempt to compete, we will fall even
               creation. Taking advantage of the political reset of a new     further behind. A revitalization of the declining US
               Congress, the Summit used the opportunity to evaluate          transportation industry, a major domestic employer,
               the landscape that lies ahead, both in terms of business       could come about if government would move quickly
               opportunities and policy possibilities. By integrating         to implement policies that stimulate demand for and
               business and political perspectives and drawing on the         encourage investment in cleaner forms of transportation,
               rich expertise of both communities, Summit participants        thereby creating jobs, spurring the economy, and
               identified key challenges and issues impacting the clean       reducing our dependence on oil.
               economy and began to investigate the possible pathway
               to solutions.                                                                   Deployment,
                                                                                               Manufacturing and
               On the first day of the Summit, clean economy leaders                           Commercialization
               met for a facilitated interactive dialogue aiming to surface                   The innovation cycle is a complex web
               critical policy themes and ideas. Participants were            of actors and investments that all play a critical role
               divided into four systems-based tracks that brought            in each stage of a technology’s development, from
               together business leaders, leading NGOs, key Hill and          concept through deployment and commercialization.
               agency staff, and other thought leaders with expertise in      Each step of the process comes with a set of risks
               an assigned topic area. The resulting conversations were       and challenges that public policies can influence, both
               moderated by a career professional familiar with the           positively and negatively. If correctly formulated, policy

   2                                                                          CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
can create an environment that drives innovation,                       efficient domestic markets, it is critical to determine the
encourages investment, and ultimately facilitates the                   best means by which to set the appropriate long-term
entry and expansion of clean technologies into the                      signals and find the correct mix of standards, incentives
domestic marketplace. Deploying clean technologies in                   and mandates through policy at the federal, state and
turn assists their commercialization, grows a domestic                  local levels to balance with the needs of a free market.
manufacturing base, and supports the expansion of
such technologies in domestic and foreign markets.                      The goal of the Roadmap is to shed light on some of the
                                                                        top policy issues broadly impacting the clean economy
                  Electricity                                           sector through the lens of the experiences of those
                During the majority of the 20th century, the            business leaders who are even now building the new
                United States had the most sophisticated                clean economy. Each track report below includes a full list
                energy grid and infrastructure in the                   of the participants in the conversations to demonstrate
world. However, it has failed to evolve to meet the needs               the depth and breadth of the expertise, knowledge
of a changing age, and the electricity grid remains the                 and points of view represented in the conversations.
only large-scale analog system in operation in today’s                  As you will see, what sets the Roadmap apart is that
digital world. The U.S. must begin to deal with the                     the participants are overwhelmingly from the business
numerous structural and policy deficiencies of the                      community, which helps to provide a more accurate
sector, including outdated and inefficient grids, inflexible            sense of the issues from the business point of view. We
pricing rules, lack of interconnectivity, and consumer                  have included in each section a brief profile of two of the
education. The solution requires a mix of policy changes                businesses whose executives participated in the track to
and technological innovations at the national, state, and               illustrate the innovation and cutting edge technologies
local levels.                                                           that clean economy companies are already bringing into
                                                                        the marketplace.
                  Clean Economy Markets
                 While clean economy markets have been
                 slowly developing for decades, they have               HOW TO USE THE ROADMAP
                 yet to fully hit their stride in the U.S. for          The Roadmap is designed to foster a better
a variety of reasons, including a lack of commitment by                 understanding of the complexities we face in building
government to develop the environment necessary for                     a clean economy, while simultaneously driving into the
long-term certainty in the marketplace. In order to build               policy arena those informed, innovative ideas that are

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                      3

               based upon the actual expertise and knowledge of clean       and transcripts of the contemporaneous recordings
               economy business leaders. However, the contents of           made of each session. Each of the sections was peer
               each of the sections below are not meant to serve as         reviewed by the participants themselves to ensure that
               a comprehensive analysis of every policy issue facing        the content, themes and tone of the conversations were
               the sector. Rather, the Roadmap lays the groundwork for      accurately captured and represented.
               further policy development by exploring specific topics
               within each area that are the most relevant and current      Finally, it is important to note that the sessions were
               in 2011. Future Roadmaps will undoubtedly address            closed to the media in order to facilitate a fully open and
               other topics in more detail as both business and political   honest dialogue. While the participants in each discussion
               circumstances change over time.                              session are listed, no observation, recommendation or
                                                                            opinion may be attributed to any specific participant;
               Each section provides an overview of the discussions         neither can any conclusion or idea be deemed one that
               that actually took place during the 2011 Clean Economy       is shared by all of the participants.
               Summit and presents some of the key outcomes and
               conclusions articulated by the participants. At the          CENEF is publishing this Roadmap so it can be put
               Summit, each track operated independently from the           to good use by those who read it, whether that use is
               others and the outcomes described below mirror the           learning more about the structural barriers faced by the
               unique dynamic of each discussion in both structure and      clean economy business community, formulating policy
               content.                                                     proposals to address those issues, or stimulating your
                                                                            own thinking and innovative ideas. We look forward to
               From a process standpoint, each section of the               continuing the dialogue and working together to unleash
               Roadmap was created using a combination of notes             the vast potential of the clean economy sector to create
               taken during the discussion by the moderators and staff      jobs and economic growth across the nation.

   4                                                                        CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •

                 America’s appetite for petroleum endangers our national security,
                 exposes our economy to a volatile global oil market, and threatens the
                 sustainability of our environment. The transportation sector consumes
                 72% of the country’s petroleum supply, a significant portion of which is
                 utilized in light duty vehicles.

                 While government can assist the development of advanced, cleaner
                 vehicle technologies, it is the private sector that will bring those solutions
                 to the marketplace. This section of the Clean Economy Roadmap
                 articulates the state of these technologies and investigates what kinds
                 of policies will best advance their commercial deployment.

                 The following discussion focuses specifically on displacing petroleum
                 use in light duty vehicles. The Clean Economy Network Education Fund
                 has identified vehicle efficiency, electrification, and advanced biofuels
                 as three of the most viable solutions for achieving this goal.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                             5

                                    TRACK PARTICIPANTS                                           THE PROBLEM
                                                                                                 Dependence on oil is the problem. Petroleum fuels 95%
                                    Laura Lovelace, Co-Founder, Welford Energy Advisors          of the energy consumed by the transportation sector.
                                      (Moderator)                                                Accordingly, the cost of personal mobility is closely tied
                                    Rohit Aggarwala, Advisor, Bloomberg Philanthropies           to the cost of petroleum, a price that is determined by
                                                                                                 a global market characterized by rapid, unpredictable
                                    Justin Ashton, Co-Founder & Vice President, XL Hyrbids       fluctuations. An increase in the cost of oil drives up the
                                    Carrie Atiyeh, Director—Public Affairs, ZeaChem              price of gasoline, which adversely impacts American
                                    Josh Becker, Founder, New Cycle Capital                      consumers and the economy. The price of oil also has a
                                                                                                 ripple effect on the price of other products, such as food
                                    Michael Brylawski, Executive Vice President, Bright
                                                                                                 and consumer goods, that rely upon it for production
                                                                                                 and transport. These factors pose a continuing threat to
                                    Kelly Carnes, President & CEO, TechVision21                  the health of the recovering economy.
                                    Aimée Christensen, Founding Principal, Christensen
                                      Global Strategies                                          Twelve countries control 80% of world’s proven
                                    Robbie Diamond, Founder, President & CEO, Secure             oil reserves and 40% of annual production. Those
                                      America’s Future Energy (SAFE)                             countries—Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,
                                                                                                 Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates,
                                    Honorable Suzanne Kosmas, former member of the
                                      U.S. House of Representatives                              and Venezuela—are members of the Organization of
                                                                                                 Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and together
                                    Martin Lagod, Managing Director, Firelake Capital
                                                                                                 have the ability to influence the price of oil to suit their
                                    Jim Lyons, Chief Technology Officer, Novus Energy Partners   interests. As the recent violence in Libya illustrates, some
                                    Bill Mitchell, Executive Vice President, A123 Systems        of these nations are politically unstable or do not share
                                                                                                 U.S. interests. Therefore, the federal government must
                                    Erik Olbeter, Senior Research Analyst—Government
                                                                                                 devote financial and military resources to discourage
                                      Technology, Pacific Crest Securities
                                                                                                 instability and secure the oil supply, which adds a
                                    Sunil Paul, Founding Partner, Spring Ventures                significant national security cost to our oil dependence.
                                    Graham Richard, Principal, Graham Richard & Associates
                                      LLC                                                        These     two    factors—oil’s  dominance      among
                                    Naveen Sikka, CEO, TerViva                                   transportation fuels and OPEC’s near monopoly on oil
                                                                                                 supply—give foreign nations incredible influence over
                                    Luke Tonachel, Senior Policy Analyst, Natural Resources
                                      Defense Council (NRDC)
                                                                                                 America’s economy and national security and expose
                                                                                                 the nation to unnecessary risk.
                                    Jonathan Wolfson, CEO & Co-Founder, Solazyme
                                    R. James Woolsey, Chairman, Woolsey Partners LLC &
                                      former Director of the CIA

          6                                                                                      CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
This dependence derives from the lack of readily                        warrant further discussion in other forums. Furthermore,
available, viable fuel alternatives. A number of factors                adoption of alternative transportation and communication
have prevented the emergence of such technologies.                      behavior—public transportation, telecommunications,
First, the federal government spends significant                        vehicle sharing—could also drastically decrease the
amounts of taxpayer dollars on tax breaks and subsidies                 need for petroleum.
for oil companies. While oil companies argue that these
programs are necessary to keep the price of oil down, the
result of these interventions is that oil alternatives must             STATE OF THE TECHNOLOGIES
compete on an uneven playing field because the price of                 No “silver bullet” technology will solve our reliance
their established competitor is kept artificially low.                  upon oil. Even with the possibility of as-yet unknown
                                                                        technological breakthroughs, it is more likely that
Furthermore, fuel prices don’t reflect the full cost of oil             a combination of technologies will reduce U.S. oil
dependence and consumers lack perfect information                       consumption. In the current landscape, advances
about future prices. Market barriers inhibit technology                 in three areas of technology have great potential to
adoption, including consumer acceptance, time                           displace petroleum use: fuel efficiency, electrification,
necessary for technology development, and time                          and advanced biofuels.
required for new technologies to enter the marketplace.
                                                                        Fuel Efficiency
1. Consumer acceptance: While “early adopters”                          While alternative fuel technologies mature, improving
   have taken to advanced vehicle technologies, such                    the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine (ICE)
   as hybrids (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), many                  vehicles will play a crucial role in reducing petroleum
   consumers lack familiarity with new technologies and                 consumption. Recent advances include more efficient
   assume that such vehicles will not provide a satisfying              internal combustion engines that use high pressure fuel
   driving experience. Furthermore, consumers lack the                  injection, downsizing and turbocharging, hybrid-electric
   information necessary to calculate the full payback                  drivetrains and lighter, stronger structural materials, such
   over the lifecycle of the vehicle.                                   as lightweight high-strength steels, magnesium alloy
                                                                        and carbon fiber composites. An additional benefit of
2. Technology development: New clean technologies                       these technologies is that they can carry over to other
   require significant time to reach the market. While many             vehicle applications. ICE improvements can be applied
   Internet technology companies can commercialize                      to a vehicle burning non-petroleum fuel, while advanced
   very quickly, clean economy technologies generally                   materials can be used for any light duty vehicle.
   require more time for testing, capital investment, and
   scaling. Even if the technologies exist now, it may                  There are tremendous potential gains from efficiency—
   take years for them to deploy to the marketplace.                    some estimate that conventional non-hybrid vehicle
                                                                        technologies can nearly double efficiency and cut fuel
3. Technology penetration: Deployment is also further                   consumption by 45% from 2008 levels. Further, these
   inhibited by the slow turnover of the American                       technologies result in fuel savings that far exceed their
   automobile fleet. It takes the national fleet as many                cost. And perhaps most importantly, the automobile
   as 15 years to cycle in new vehicles, which slows the                industry is already capitalized and could be ready to
   adoption of petroleum displacing technologies.                       make these improvements within a short timeframe,
                                                                        which is not the case with electrification and advanced
While not discussed in the Roadmap. there are three                     biofuels.
additional possibilities for achieving significant reductions
in petroleum use: use of liquid natural gas (LNG) as an                 It should also be noted that advanced diesel engines are
alternative fuel; the development of new, unpredictable                 inherently more fuel-efficient than gasoline vehicles and
vehicle technologies; and changes in consumer                           are cost-competitive today. The total cost of ownership
behavior. LNG and other disruptive technologies have                    (TCO) for advanced diesel vehicles is currently lower
significant potential to displace petroleum and certainly               than advanced gasoline vehicles at all oil prices.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                                  7

                                                          Improvements can also be made          petroleum fuels. Lignocellulosic biofuels, in particular,
                                                          in the 240 million vehicles already    have experienced cost declines, and algae-based oil and
                                                          on the road. New lubricant and         syngas have made significant technological advances.
                                                          tire technologies can greatly
                                                          increase the fuel efficiency of        As a direct substitute for petroleum-based fuels, advanced
                                                          existing vehicles. Given that many     biofuels must be cost competitive with oil. Technological
                                                          of these vehicles will continue to     barriers to competitiveness include the cost of enzymes,
                                                          be on the road for the near future,    feedstock yield and quality, and scalability. Should
                                                          these efficiency gains will be         these technological issues be addressed, there are still
                                                          crucial to petroleum displacement      concerns regarding fueling infrastructure, storage, and
                                                          and consumer savings in the short      combustion engine conversion.

                                    Electrification                                              THE POLICY LANDSCAPE
                                    Decades after they were first proposed for the               The federal government has enacted a multitude
                                    modern fleet, electrific vehicles (EVs) are entering the     of policies to address oil dependence. The U.S.
                                    marketplace. In 2010, Chevrolet and Nissan introduced        Department of Energy invests in electric vehicle
                                    a plug-in hybrid electric and battery electric vehicle       technology development, the Department of Agriculture
                                    to the American marketplace, and other automobile            encourages biofuels from farm-based resources, and
                                    manufacturers are poised to do the same.                     the Environmental Protection Agency and National
                                                                                                 Highway Transportation Safety Administration oversee
                                    The price of batteries remains the single largest obstacle   fuel economy standards. This Roadmap seeks to work
                                    to the deployment of electric vehicles. While the cost       within the Federal government’s policy framework to
                                    of batteries for electric vehicles continues to decline,     articulate a path forward.
                                    significant investment in research and development is
                                    still needed to produce smaller, safer, cheaper batteries    Above all, the Clean Economy Network Education Fund
                                    for electric vehicles.                                       identified three characteristics of a sound petroleum
                                                                                                 displacement policy:
                                    Studies have shown that 60-70% of vehicles on the road
                                    today could be electric before new power plants are          1. Long-term in duration
                                    required. This is a distinct advantage of electrification—   2. Technology agnostic
                                    the energy infrastructure already exists. That being         3. Outcome-driven
                                    said, access to the grid remains a point of concern, and
                                    significant charging station infrastructure needs to be      These requirements are crucial to ensuring efficient
                                    installed to give consumers confidence about having          outcomes and investment in innovative technologies.
                                    adequate access to vehicle charging opportunities.
                                                                                                 Long-term Duration
                                    At this point in time, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles      Policy certainty encourages investment. As shown by the
                                    (PHEVs) are technologically promising and stand              experience of E.U. countries, long-term fuel economy
                                    to benefit from many vehicle technology advances,            standards and oil taxes can unlock significant financing
                                    including electrification (batteries), fuel efficiency       for advanced vehicle technologies. American auto
                                    (advanced structural materials), and advanced biofuels       manufacturers are now taking similar actions, mainly
                                    (burned in the ICE).                                         due to increasingly higher U.S. fuel efficiency standards
                                                                                                 they must meet. Fuel economy standards in Europe
                                    Advanced Biofuels                                            and the U.S. have long time horizons, providing auto
                                    2010 saw the opening of the first commercial advanced        manufacturers and investors sufficient time to invest in
                                    biofuels plant, and other advanced biofuels are steadily     innovative technologies that will enable them to meet
                                    moving down the cost curve to be competitive with            those standards.

          8                                                                                      CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
Technology Agnostic                                                     SOLAZYME, INC.

                                                                                                                                         COMPANY PROFILE • SOLAZYME
Government is frequently criticized for picking technology    
winners. The Synthetic Fuels Corporation, established
by Congress in response to the 1970s oil crises, ended                  Founded in 2003 and headquartered in South San
in bankruptcy. Corn ethanol and hydrogen fuel were                      Francisco, Solazyme is a privately held industrial
politically popular at different points during the last                 biotechnology company producing renewable oils and
decade but have not yielded anticipated results despite                 bioproducts using microalgae.
relatively large subsidies in the case of corn ethanol.
Most recently, the Federal government has provided                      Solazyme’s renewable oil production technology allows
significant tax incentives to promote the purchase of                   them to do in a matter of days what it took nature millions
electric vehicles.                                                      of years to do. The company renewably fabricates a wide
                                                                        range of products quickly, cleanly, cost effectively, and at
The most technologically agnostic approach is to                        large scale standard fermentation facilities. It offers fuels,
address the price of oil. All clean vehicle technologies                including microbial-derived jet fuels, bio-diesels, and
compete with it, and the higher the price of oil, the more              renewable diesels. They also offer marine and microaquatic
viable investments in those technologies become. While                  compounds for health and wellness products.
no one policy alone can resolve the problem, there are a
variety of policies that undertaken together can address                Its products are used for biofuel production, replacements
price volatility and increase investor confidence. These                for fossil petroleum, and plant oils in various products
policies include lowering subsidies and tax breaks for                  ranging from green household cleaning supplies to
the petroleum industry, setting a price floor on the cost               cosmetics and foods. The company serves renewable
of oil, and taxing oil consumption. While Congress has                  energy and industrial chemicals markets, as well as
spurned such polices in the past, these policies are                    specialty ingredients markets in cosmetic, nutritional, and
technology-neutral and allow the market to determine                    pharmaceutical products.
which technologies to pursue.
                                                                        Solazyme’s oils and fuels provide compelling solutions to
Furthermore, government incentives should encourage                     increasingly complex issues of fuel scarcity, energy security
                                                                        and environmental impact while fitting cleanly into the pre-
the development, deployment, and consumer purchase
                                                                        existing multi-trillion dollar fuel infrastructure.
of the most fuel-efficient transportation solutions,
regardless of their technology platform. For example,
                                                                        Co-founders Jonathan Wolfson and Dr. Harrison Dillon
instead of providing a tax credit only to newly-purchased
                                                                        started Solazyme in Palo Alto at a time when few in Silicon
electric vehicles, the credit could be applied to all
                                                                        Valley had heard of the concept of biofuels. Mr. Wolfson
advanced technology vehicles that dramatically increase
                                                                        is the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and
fuel efficiency and pro-rated so that the most efficient
                                                                        Director, where he oversees the management and strategic
vehicles receive the greatest credit.
                                                                        direction of the company. Dr. Dillon serves as the President,
                                                                        Chief Technology Officer and Director.
Legislation that tells the private sector how to innovate—
in other words, means-driven policy—will not be as
successful as policy that is ends-driven and focused on
outcomes. Currently, there are a multitude of laws that
aim to displace petroleum but do so by encouraging
different, and often competitive, technologies. While
ends-driven, technology neutral policy will motivate
private sector innovation, the Federal government should
not skew markets with carve-outs and quotas to satisfy
special interests or with incentives that favor a particular
technology solution.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                                     9
A123 SYSTEMS, INC.                                               A better, more market friendly means by which to achieve

                                                                           that end is to set a performance standard, such as one
                                                                                                        based on efficiency and/or greenhouse gas emissions
                                       A123 Systems (NASDAQ: AONE) develops and manufactures            reductions, and require the private sector to meet it.
                                       advanced Nanophosphate® lithium ion batteries and                A long-term, performance-based vehicle standard
                                       energy storage systems for the transportation, electric          that does not pick technology winners will unleash the
                                       grid and commercial market. The company was founded              greatest innovation and achieve the greatest reductions
                                       in 2001 based on novel nanoscale technology initially            in petroleum use.
                                       developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                       and currently employs more than 2,200 people globally.
                                       A123’s high-performance Nanophosphate lithium ion                Leadership from policy makers is necessary to implement
                                       battery technology delivers high power and energy density        these recommendations. It is crucial that the President,
                                       combined with excellent safety performance and extensive         Members of Congress, and other thought leaders use
                                       life cycling in a lighter-weight, compact package. The           their bully pulpit to advance petroleum displacement. Not
                                       company’s solutions have low capacity loss and impedance         only is this essential for improving policy, it is necessary
                                       growth over time, allowing customer applications to meet         for cultivating support among the American public for
                                       end-of-life power and energy requirements with minimal           new technologies, which is crucial to their adoption.
                                       pack oversizing.
                                                                                                        The economic and national security threats of continued
                                       A123’s growing list of blue-chip customers in the                reliance upon petroleum should compel the US
                                       automotive market includes leading passenger car makers          government to incorporate these principles into existing
                                       (including Fisker Automotive, BMW, GM and SAIC, the              and new policies. As gas prices rise and instability in oil-
                                       largest automaker in China) as well as companies focused         producing regions persists, it is important—now more
                                       on the truck/bus market (including Eaton, Navistar and           than ever—to achieve petroleum displacement.
                                       BAE Systems).

                                       A123 is also the leading producer of lithium ion battery
                                       energy storage solutions for the electric power grid,
                                       where its technology is helping to make ancillary services
                                       more efficient and cost-effective while also addressing
                                       enabling the increased penetration of renewable energy
                                       by addressing the variability of wind and solar power.
                                       Customers include AES, Southern California Edison, DTE
                                       Energy and Vestas.

                                       Led by President and CEO David Vieau, A123 Systems is
                                       headquartered in Waltham, MA and operates manufacturing
                                       facilities in Massachusetts, Michigan, China and Korea,
                                       as well as offices in St. Louis, Germany and Japan. In
                                       September 2010, A123 opened the largest lithium-ion
                                       battery manufacturing plant in North America in Livonia,
                                       Michigan, which has the potential to supply systems to the
                                       equivalent of 30,000 battery electric vehicles when the plant
                                       is fully operational. With this facility and A123’s additional
                                       planned expansion, the company expects to have 760MWh
                                       of global manufacturing capacity in place by early 2012 to
                                       meet increasing demand for its Nanophosphate lithium ion
                                       battery technology across its target markets.

10                                                                                                      CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •

                 Deploying innovative clean technologies at commercial scale in
                 the United States faces numerous barriers that slow job creation,
                 investment, and innovation.

                 The global economic downturn has reduced capital investment across
                 the board, hitting young companies and new technologies hardest.
                 Failure to pass any form of comprehensive climate and energy legislation
                 has increased uncertainty in energy markets, and fostered confusion for
                 investors about the longevity and stability of clean economy markets.
                 Capital availability for project finance has been hurt by the collapse of
                 tax equity markets that accompanied the banking crisis and mortgage
                 industry meltdown. Stronger policy support for clean energy products
                 and services in Europe and Asia attract the limited dollars available for
                 manufacturing of advanced technologies. At the same time, a host of
                 information failures, misaligned incentives, and structural barriers in U.S.
                 markets for both electricity and real estate have continued unabated,
                 slowing commercial adoption of otherwise economically viable clean

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                           11

                                                                                                                   Overcoming these barriers to deployment, manufacturing,
                                                   TRACK PARTICIPANTS                                              and commercialization of clean technology in the United
                                                                                                                   States will require a coordinated strategy by technology
                                                   Bracken Hendricks, Senior Fellow, Center for American
                                                     Progress (Moderator)
                                                                                                                   companies, financial investors, and policy makers. Such
                                                                                                                   a shared blueprint for a sustained national commitment
                                                   Benjamin Abram, Lorax Capital                                   will drive new investment and strengthen American
                                                   Jason Anderson, CleanTECH San Diego                             competitiveness, job creation, and long-term prosperity.
                                                   Carter Bales, Chairman and Founding Partner, New World
                                                     Capital; Chair, CEN Leadership Council                        The Deployment, Manufacturing, and Commercialization
                                                                                                                   (DMC) track focused specifically on addressing these
                                                   Chris Chafe, Executive Director, Clean Economy Development
                                                     Center                                                        cross-cutting challenges, which are fundamental to the
                                                                                                                   mass adoption of innovative business models and clean
                                                   Will Coleman, Partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures                    technologies at a large scale across the entire economy.
                                                   Marc Cummings, Director of Policy and External Affairs,         For purposes of the roundtable discussions, each term
                                                     Battelle/PNNL                                                 was defined as follows:
                                                   Luka Erceg, President and CEO, Simbol Materials
                                                                                                                   • Deployment describes the task of moving beyond
                                                   Mark Fulton, Climate Change Strategist, Deustsche Bank
                                                                                                                     basic science and early phase research to building
                                                   Ashok Gupta, Natural Resources Defense Council                    markets and promoting the widespread adoption of
                                                   Monty Humble, Cavallo Energy                                      proven tools.
                                                   Reed Hundt, CEO, Coalition for Green Capital
                                                                                                                   • Manufacturing is central to extending the innovation
                                                   Danny Kennedy, CEO, Sungevity                                     process beyond the lab. It includes the development
                                                   Erich Klawuhn, Vice President of Business Development,            of intellectual property and engineering practices
                                                     Soladigm                                                        that increase the efficiency of production, drive down
                                                   Steve Miles, Partner and Energy Sector Chair, Baker Botts LLP     costs, and sustain market growth.
                                                   John Mizroch, Of Counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati
                                                                                                                   • Commercialization describes the process of building
                                                   Marc Porat, Chairman and CEO, GreenCube                           strong profitable companies, scaled production of
                                                   Brian Sager, Co-founder and Vice President of Corporate           new products, and commercially viable business
                                                     Development, Nanosolar                                          models, to serve both emerging U.S. and growing
                                                   Joel Serface, Founder, Clean Range Ventures                       global demand.

                                                   Shannon Smith, Founder and President, Abundant Power
                                                   Silda Wall Spitzer, Managing Director,
                                                     Metropolitan Capital Advisors

               12                                                                                                  CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
The discussion within this track strongly emphasized
the connection between clean technology and jobs,
American competitiveness, and economic recovery. It
identified commercial scale deployment of a domestic
industry as the key challenge for broadening markets,
developing new products, and fostering the growth of
productive new companies.

The goals of the DMC session were:

1. To identify key policy needs for building a strong
   domestic clean economy industry and increasing
   penetration of clean technologies in energy markets,

2. To begin the development of a shared blueprint and                   technology industry faces significant market barriers to
   common priorities for unlocking greater flows of both                achieving broad deployment, including:
   public and private capital investment to scale the
   industry, and                                                        • Insufficient capitalization of early stage companies as
                                                                          they try to cross the ‘valley of death’ combined with
3. To bring together clean economy business leaders,                      frozen debt markets have slowed capital investment
   relevant thought leaders, and key Congressional,                       in projects
   Administration and Agency staff to explore strategies
   for more effective public outreach and deeper                        • Artificially high perception of policy, technology, and
   alliances.                                                             lack of operating history risks have increased the cost
                                                                          of capital and created a barrier to investment
Participants in the DMC discussion stressed the close
connection between overcoming market barriers and                       • Transparency, longevity and certainty in both
strong economic performance for the industry. They                        economic incentives and market rules is needed
identified a range of strategies for overcoming these                     to demonstrate sustained demand for projects and
barriers, seeking to find opportunities both for direct                   attract needed investments
action by companies and investors requiring no new
policy, as well as for opportunities to use new policy at               • Lack of sustained demand for clean energy due to
the federal, state and local level.                                       the absence of market-creating policies such as
                                                                          a national renewable or clean energy standard or
                                                                          stronger incentives in utility policy
DEPLOYMENT OF                                                           • The sun-setting of effective ARRA (American
CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES                                                        Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funding programs
The commercial adoption of clean technologies—                            and threats to other public investment programs
emerging from laboratories, breaking into existing
markets, and competing with traditional energy sources                  • The failure of the clean technology industries to
at scale—has been slower in recent years than is                          create a unified and strong policy and political voice
warranted on a technical or economic basis. While this is                 that rivals that of existing energy producers
not the case for every technology or company, the clean

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                             13

                                                                                                                   d. Federally backed warranty insurance products that
                                                                                                                      could increase developer investment by reducing
                                                                                                                      perceived risk, including the lack of operating history
                                                                                                                      of clean technologies.

                                                                                                                   e. Promoting standard offer contracts or CLEAN
                                                                                                                      Contracts that address the cost of capital by
                                                                                                                      increasing transparency, longevity, and certainty.

                                                                                                                   2. Regulatory Tools
                                                                                                                   Can help send market signals, drive demand, and
                                                                                                                   enhance predictability. Participants suggested:

                                                                                                                   a. Passing a national Renewable Energy Standard (RES).
                                                                                                                      Many but not all participants supported expanding
                                                   RECOMMENDATIONS FOR                                                the concept of a renewable energy standard to
                                                   OVERCOMING MARKET BARRIERS                                         include nuclear and other forms of low carbon energy,
                                                   AND SCALING INDUSTRY                                               potentially through a broader Clean Energy Standard
                                                   Participants discussed various solutions to the above              (CES).
                                                   barriers. Their recommendations clustered around six
                                                   areas. These included three specific federal policy issues:     b. Raising national energy efficiency building codes and
                                                   1) finance policies, 2) regulatory tools, and 3) tax reform,       establishing a national energy efficiency resource
                                                   as well as three major cross-cutting themes, including: 4)         standard.
                                                   communications and messaging to shape public opinion
                                                   and build public will, 5) re-engaging the issue of industrial   c. Adopting stronger national appliance standards for
                                                   policy, and 6) regionally based economic development               energy efficiency that would also drive markets for
                                                   strategies. Their suggestions were as follows:                     advanced manufactured products.

                                                   1. Finance Policies                                             d. Pursuing utility reform measures that would better
                                                   Can lower the cost of capital, reduce perceived risk,              align incentives for utilities to act as partners and
                                                   encourage investments in clean technologies, and create            better reward shareholders for reducing load and
                                                   market demand for new projects and new technologies.               deploying renewable energy sources.
                                                   Specific policies could include:
                                                                                                                   e. Continuing the implementation of stricter emission
                                                   a. A federally chartered financial mechanism, such as              standards to encourage decommissioning of the
                                                      a Clean Energy Deployment Administration (CEDA),                most inefficient plants and to promote greater energy
                                                      that can address commercialization challenges faced             diversity.
                                                      by early phase technologies as they begin to scale.
                                                                                                                   3. Tax reforms
                                                   b. An Energy Independence Trust that can offer low              Can encourage private capital investment in clean
                                                      cost capital for deployment at low or zero cost to the       technologies while leveling the playing field with existing
                                                      Treasury. Such federal backing can also be offered to        energy interests.
                                                      encourage the development of state green banks.
                                                                                                                   a. Extend the availability of Master Limited Partnerships
                                                   c. Aligning capital market structures to match project             (MLP) to renewable energy and efficiency projects to
                                                      finance mechanisms needed by clean technology                   greatly increase the pool of potential investors that
                                                      industries.                                                     will finance the growth of clean technologies.

               14                                                                                                  CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
b. Connect energy saving behaviors to personal                          SIMBOL MATERIALS

                                                                                                                                          COMPANY PROFILE • SIMBOL MATERIALS
   economic incentives. (For example, linking certain         
   financial instruments related to the clean energy
   economy to IRAs and 529 plans.)                                      Simbol Materials (formerly Simbol Mining) is a US-based
                                                                        company focused on producing critical materials, such as
c. Eliminate wait time on tax credits and other                         lithium and manganese, for the next generation of energy
   enhancements to allow small companies to sell                        storage technologies, by co-producing from the brines
   credits and drive tax benefits more deeply into the                  of geothermal power plants. Their co-founder, President,
   economy.                                                             and CEO, Luka Erceg has 12 years of experience in the
                                                                        energy space. Prior to founding Simbol Materials, he was
d. Investigate a partial tax holiday targeted to clean                  largely involved in private transactions related to power
   economy investment that would allow large                            development and generation, natural gas gathering and
   corporations to repatriate billions of dollars                       distribution, and oil and gas field telemetry.
   domestically in profits from overseas operations.
                                                                        Simbol Materials will produce lithium, manganese, zinc and
e. Expand the accelerated depreciation schedule for                     other key compounds using clean, zero waste production
   clean energy.                                                        processes in the United States. As geothermal power
                                                                        plants pump geothermal brines and effluent streams from
4. Communications and Messaging                                         10,000 feet below the earth’s surface, Simbol Materials
Can shape public opinion and build political will. There                uses proprietary processes to extract the valuable
was general consensus that the industry needs a forceful,               minerals and metals from the water for use in EV batteries,
expansive, and well-funded messaging campaign to                        consumer electronics, agriculture and other industrial clean
educate opinion leaders, policy makers and the general                  technology applications.
public. Specific recommendations included:
                                                                        Lithium has become an increasingly valuable commodity
a. Develop a central vision and accompanying narrative                  due to the increased market for rechargeable batteries
   that focuses on the many advantages of the clean                     in consumer electronics, tools, and electric vehicles.
   economy, including job creation, competitiveness,                    Most electric vehicles and electricity storage devices are
   innovation, entrepreneurship, nationalism and                        designed to use batteries built with lithium and manganese.
   national security.                                                   Simbol Materials seeks to create a supply chain that
                                                                        sustainably supports the entire electronics industry and
                                                                                                   is on track to be a leading supplier
                                                                                                   of lithium carbonate, lithium
                                                                                                   hydroxide, and manganese
                                                                                                   compounds. The process Simbol
                                                                                                   Materials employs will ensure
                                                                                                   the company is the lowest-cost
                                                                                                   producer of lithium in the world,
                                                                                                   bringing a vital part of the EV
                                                                                                   battery supply chain to the U.S.

                                                                                                    Simbol Materials is a late
                                                                                                    stage venture capital funded
                                                                                                    company. Their funders include
                                                                                                    Mohr-Davidow Ventures, Itochu
                                                                                                    Corporation,   and    Firelake
                                                                                                    Capital Management.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                               15
b. Produce concrete empirical data to document the

                              SUNGEVITY                                                           successes already achieved within the sector, and
                                                                       outline the potential growth of the sector that would
                                                                                                  result from the implementation of specific policy
                              Founded in 2007 by Danny Kennedy, a former activist,
                              Andrew Birch, a photovoltaic economics expert, and Alec
                              Guttel, a serial entrepreneur, Sungevity uses an internet-
                                                                                               c. Create broader alliances based on common interests
                              based approach to make the transition to solar power
                                                                                                  with other industries and sectors, including nuclear
                              as simple as possible. At its inception, Sungevity’s team
                                                                                                  energy, natural gas, utilities, and energy intensive
                              concluded the high initial cost of solar panel sales and
                                                                                                  manufacturing industries.
                              installation is the major deterrent to homeowners.

                              Using the power of the Internet—satellite-powered maps
                                                                                               5. Industrial Policy
                                                                                               There was a strong consensus in the DMC session
                              and algorithms to determine household energy output—the
                                                                                               that America needs to clean up its tangle of existing
                              Remote Solar Design Team at Sungevity can put together
                                                                                               contradictory industrial policies and formulate a
                              an iQuote at no cost to the customer. Customers receive
                                                                                               comprehensive industrial and manufacturing strategy
                              designs of fully realized virtual arrays and can choose
                              whatever system best fits their needs. The company               that focuses on performance metrics such as emission
                              explains it as being the Netflix of home solar, tapping into     reductions and efficiency. Key features of such a strategy
                              the convenience of the Internet to serve up solar savings.       should include the following:

                              Although Sungevity is located in the Bay Area of California      a. U.S. industrial policies should not operate in a
                              and its market has been mostly in the Southwestern                  vacuum, but should take into account the market
                              United States (CA, AZ, CO), the company is focused on               conditions created by the policies of other countries,
                              expansion. In December 2010, Sungevity announced a $15              such as the recent Chinese five-year plan for clean
                              million round of financing that has allowed the company to          energy, as well as industrial policies in Germany,
                              expand to five north eastern states—MA, NY, NJ, MD, DE.             Japan, and South Korea.

                              In their first year, 2008, the company sold 164 systems and      b. A comprehensive strategy should be designed
                              in October 2010 did the same number with 1 megawatt of              to create long-term stability, include domestic
                              solar deals. In May 2010, Sungevity partnered with US Bank          content requirements, and address cars, fuels,
                              to offer a 10 year Solar Lease, which allows homeowners             electricity generation, and building efficiency as key
                              to install solar arrays for no money down. Sungevity more           manufacturing and industrial sectors.
                              than tripled its staff in 2010 and is expecting to grow to 175
                              full-time employees by late 2011.

                              Sungevity also ran a campaign to install solar panels on the
                              White House. At a White House Earth Day event, Danny
                              Kennedy made the offer in person to President Obama. The
                              White House recently announced that they would indeed
                              install solar panels in 2011. In the meantime, Sungevity
                              has expanded its offer to include other world leaders. In
                              October 2011, the team installed a solar array on the home
                              of President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives.

                              Despite its incredible growth, Sungevity is an early stage

16                                                                                             CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
c. It should include the finance, tax, and regulatory                      of clean energy deployment in order to align existing
   policies outlined above. For example, a CES can                         incentives and financial resources at the federal, state
   determine incentives for developing domestic supply                     and local levels.
                                                                        b. Track participants expressed concern about
d. Industrial strategy should not be based on specific                     fragmented electricity markets, and supported the
   technologies, but on the various stages of the                          development of regionally based strategies for market
   commercialization process. In particular, industry                      and regulatory reform.
   and government should target policies to address
   the special challenges in moving from innovation to                  c. Productive partnerships could be established
   deployment.                                                             through working directly with state regulators, as well
                                                                           as by identifying and working with state and local
e. Many existing policy tools, like manufacturing                          governments with similar or complementary plans.
   extensions, small business lending, workforce
   investment, and other forms of economic                              d. A federal CES should incorporate regional differences
   development, should be included and systematically                      in clean energy targets and credit regionally
   expanded to cover the clean economy sector.                             appropriate clean energy resources in order to build
                                                                           interest and support for its enactment at the federal
6. Regional Innovation                                                     level.
Strategies can help promote clean technology
deployment on a regional, state and local basis.                        e. Strategies should encourage regional competition on
                                                                           tax and land policy, and through existing economic
a. “Race to the top” approaches that have worked in the                    development subsidy programs, to encourage more
   area of education should be applied to the challenge                    domestic clean tech manufacturing.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                               17

                                                   The DMC track successfully engaged a diverse group          The specific recommendations offer an initial pathway
                                                   of decision-makers from across the clean technology         and framework for the clean economy sector in shaping
                                                   industries. The discussion identified critical challenges   a shared agenda with clearly articulated priorities.
                                                   that the industry must overcome to scale production         The barriers to deployment, commercialization, and
                                                   and penetrate mainstream energy markets, through a          manufacturing remain significant. As evidenced in the
                                                   combination of private sector action and public policy      discussion, the ideas already emerging from within the
                                                   measures. While there was not unanimous agreement           clean economy community offer a strong starting point
                                                   on these specific suggestions, a general consensus          for developing a detailed roadmap for market-based
                                                   did emerge from this diverse group, emphasizing the         mechanisms for the rapid adoption of clean technologies
                                                   need for a comprehensive messaging campaign, and            and the transition of the entire economy to run on clean
                                                   a renewed focus on promoting innovative policies to         and efficient energy.
                                                   reduce regulatory barriers and the cost of capital.

               18                                                                                              CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
                                    REGULATORY INNOVATION

                 One of the greatest barriers the clean economy sector faces in
                 achieving higher levels of market penetration is an outdated electricity
                 infrastructure and regulatory framework. While virtually every other
                 sector of the American economy has evolved to meet the needs of
                 the 21st century, the electricity grid remains the world’s largest analog
                 system. In a world of rapid change, the electricity system has stood
                 virtually still.

                 Much stands in the way of clean energy increasing its share of
                 America’s power. For example, current regulatory rules do not require
                 the incorporation of public policy concerns when planning transmission
                 lines, nor do they mandate cost allocation formulae to decide how such
                 projects will be financed. Additionally, the scheduling of power is not
                 rapid enough to effectively include intermittent resources like solar or
                 wind. While the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has
                 proposed rules to address these problems, the existing system harms
                 our global competitiveness and hobbles a potential engine of job and
                 wealth creation.

                 As the clean economy grows and business and consumer energy needs
                 become more complex, the country needs a new approach to energy
                 generation, use, and distribution. The U.S. must address the structural
                 and policy deficiencies of our electricity sector—including an outdated
                 grid, overly complex rules, and lack of incentives for utilities to adopt
                 more stringent efficiency standards
                 or diversify their energy portfolio.
                 Doing so requires a robust mix
                 of new technologies, business
                 models and policy innovation at
                 the federal, state and local levels.

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                        19

              TRACK PARTICIPANTS                                                   This track discussion explored the issues with current
                                                                                   regulatory policies that hinder clean energy growth,
              Michael Moynihan, Director, Green Project, NDN (Moderator)           identified the problems, proposed some solutions and
              Clare Giesen, Director, Electricity 2.0 Initiative, NDN              began to develop strategies to effect change.
              Warren Belmar, Capitol Counsel Group
                                                                                   FRAMING THE CONVERSATION
              Cameron Brooks, Senior Director of Market Development                The United States’ fragmented regulatory structure
                and Policy Strategy, Tendril                                       is the central challenge to modernizing the electricity
              Dan Carol, Senior Fellow, New Policy Institute, NDN                  grid. Building an electricity infrastructure that can drive
              Shelley Cohen, Senior Project Developer, Ameresco                    21st century economic prosperity is no easy task, and
                                                                                   it is further complicated by a regulatory system that
              Chris Cook, Keyes & Fox, LLP
                                                                                   distorts rather than clarifies information, incentives, and
              Stephen Cowell, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Conservation                implementation strategies for a diverse spectrum of
                Services Group                                                     stakeholders. These stakeholders include but are not
              Cynthia Curtis, VP & Chief Sustainability Officer, CA Technologies   limited to: regulatory bodies at the federal, state, and
                                                                                   local levels; political actors; power generators; public
              Bob Dolin, System Architect, Echelon
                                                                                   power, investor-owned, cooperative, and federal utilities;
              Andrew Friendly, Principal, Advanced Technology Ventures             non-utility businesses; and consumers. Each of these
              Donald Gilligan, President, National Association of Energy           groups has different and often even competing priorities
                Service Companies (NAESCO)                                         when it comes to designing and developing a modern
              Katherine Hamilton, Director of Clean Energy & Environment,          electricity grid.
                Quinn Gillespie & Associates
              Arno Harris, CEO, Recurrent Energy                                   There is no “silver bullet” solution to these problems.
                                                                                   Indeed, it was difficult for the participants in this
              Steve Hauser, VP, Grid Integration Program, National                 discussion to even agree on how to begin the long-term
                Renewable Energy Laboratory
                                                                                   process of modernization. Much of the frustration is
              Paul Hudson, Founder & Principal, Stratus Energy Group, LLC          rooted in the fact that the electricity grid is unequipped to
              John King, Executive VP, LS Power Development, LLC                   incorporate renewable energy sources, and the relevant
                                                                                   actors are largely unmotivated and lack the incentive to
              Maria Kingery, Co-Founder & Director of Cultural Development,
                Southern Energy Management                                         make necessary changes. These dynamics are hindering
                                                                                   the growth of a robust clean energy market here at home.
              Jennifer Layke, Director, Institute for Building Efficiency,
                Johnson Controls
                                                                                   In addressing these challenges, participants agreed on
              Craig Lewis, Executive Director, CLEAN Coalition                     one central goal: fostering innovation. It is clear that the
              Steve Melink, Founder, Owner & President, Melink Corporation         clean economy business community must capitalize on
              Lesa Mitchell, Vice President, Kauffman Foundation
              Commissioner John Norris, Federal Energy Regulatory
                Commission (FERC)
              Tom Osdoba, Managing Director, Center for Sustainable
                Business Practices, University of Oregon
              Doug Payne, Co-Founder & Executive Director, SolarTech
              Jeff Ross, Executive VP of Business Development, GridPoint
              Michael Sachse, VP, Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel,
              Richard Stuebi, Founder, NextWave Energy, Inc.
              Michael Terrell, Policy Counsel, Google
              Kathrin Winkler, VP, Corporate Sustainability, EMC2 Corp.
   20                                                                              CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
the market opportunities these technologies represent,                  By enabling real-time, two-way communication between
and utilities have demonstrated that they are unwilling,                utilities and consumers, there is hope that changes in
and in some cases, unable to lead the way. While there                  both generation and end-use behavior will occur, as
was not consensus on how best to address the issues                     consumers will be more empowered to make smarter
that currently impede innovation, the discussion focused                choices. Additionally, this information will create more
on the problem of limited access to information and to                  opportunities for non-utility businesses to provide energy
the grid, which makes it difficult to identify ways to drive            management services.
innovation forward. Not every participant agreed with
this focus, and their concerns are noted in the following               While lack of information access is a sizable problem,
sections.                                                               it is disingenuous to suggest that merely making
                                                                        information available to consumers and businesses
Fostering large, open platforms—both within and                         will solve the challenges at hand. Many proponents of
outside of the utility structure—is a way to support viable             smart grid platforms have treated information as the
entry points to the energy market without necessitating                 end goal. In doing so, they fail to recognize that making
a complete overhaul of the United States’ regulatory                    information available is necessary but not sufficient to
structure. Such platforms include smart grid technologies,              meet greater long-term goals like energy efficiency,
home energy networks, enterprise networks, microgrids,                  bringing more renewable energy online, or fostering
and distributed generation/storage. While platforms                     new market development. The challenge is far more
like smart grid will complement existing infrastructure,                complex: first, how to standardize mechanisms that
others—like distributed generation—represent a marked                   make this information readily accessible, and second,
departure from the current system. The characteristic                   how to encourage structural and behavioral changes
that connects them is an emphasis on innovation: how                    that effectively utilize this information. In this frame,
best to provide information and the corresponding                       information is an intermediate goal, but ultimately only
structural incentives to relevant actors so they can                    a means to an end. Ideas about what precisely that end
implement changes to our electricity system.                            goal entails, and how valuable smart grid-generated
                                                                        information is in achieving that goal, vary considerably
The benefits of open platforms can be examined through                  among stakeholders.
the lens of the information, incentive, and implementation
problems presented by the current regulatory system.                    The potential for smart grid technologies to change the
While these issues are certainly interconnected,                        electricity grid has been demonstrated in pilot programs
addressing them separately allows for more concrete                     across the country. However, realizing the promise of
recommendations, tailored to acknowledge and                            smart grid is dependent on the clean economy community
incorporate specific stakeholder priorities.                            clearly articulating the goals of these technologies at
                                                                        each stage of energy generation, distribution, and use.
                                                                        Important questions remain unanswered, including:
One of the electricity system’s shortcomings is the almost              For consumers:
total control regulators and utilities have on information              • What policies are needed to guarantee consumers’
related to energy generation, distribution, and use. Open                 right to access smart grid data?
platforms, specifically smart grid technologies, are                    • What policies are required to protect consumer privacy?
heralded as the future of modern electricity infrastructure             • Under what circumstances will consumers be
because they fundamentally change which actors have                       interested in changing their behavior based on this
access to such information. Furthermore, smart grid                       information?
devices improve the quality of information, allowing
for quicker response time by generators and utilities in                For utilities:
maintaining load/demand balance, addressing power                       • What policies are required to incentivize utilities to
outages, and keeping the grid secure. Smart grid also                     invest their capital (not ratepayers’ capital) to become
introduces the possibility for real-time pricing.                         more efficient in their distribution of energy?

CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP •                                                                   21
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
2011 clean economy roadmap
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2011 clean economy roadmap

  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction by Jeff Anderson 1 Executive Director of the Clean Economy Network Education Fund The Clean Economy Roadmap Introduction 1 Transportation and Infrastructure 5 Deployment, Manufacturing and Commercialization 11 Electricity 19 Clean Economy Markets 25 Clean Economy Network Education Foundation 32 board of directors and staff Acknowledgments Inside back cover
  • 3. INTRODUCTION CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP The Journey Begins Here JEFF ANDERSON, Executive Director, Clean Economy Network Education Fund What would happen if you put clean economy business leaders in a room with policy makers from the Hill and Administration, and asked them to discuss some of the burning questions facing this community with no media present? What if you told them there would be no PowerPoints, no speeches, and no presentations? What if you gave policy makers the opportunity to listen to the unfiltered experience of business leaders who are trying to deal with federal, state and local policies and programs? What if you gave business leaders the opportunity to hear directly from policy makers about the challenges of developing innovative policies to support the clean economy? What would happen? I’ll tell you what would happen—rich, thoughtful conversation, dialogue and sharing of ideas. All that, and much more, took place at CENEF’s inaugural Clean Economy Summit in Washington, DC on January 24-25, 2011. The conversations that took place about transportation and infrastructure, deployment, manufacturing and commercialization, electricity and clean economy markets have been captured and summarized here in the Clean Economy Roadmap. The Roadmap is not a set of specific policy prescriptions for the clean economy. Every journey needs a starting point, a point of departure. This inaugural Roadmap is just that. It sets the stage and lays the groundwork for further discussion and exploration of policy issues. I encourage you to use this Roadmap as a starting point for your own path to policy development and formulation. I hope you will share with us your thoughts and experiences as we move forward so that at next year’s Summit, we can look back at where we started and continue to chart a course—a map, if you will—to a clean economy future. INTRODUCTION On January 24-25, 2011 in Washington DC, the Clean Economy Network Education Fund (CENEF) held the first annual Clean Economy Summit, an invitation-only convening of the existing and emerging leadership of the clean economy business community from across the nation. Over the course of two days, the Summit engaged these leaders in a structured dialogue with top policymakers, opinion leaders and issue experts. From their facilitated conversations on a strategic set of issues, CENEF has begun to map some of the most critical policy pathways for the rapid expansion of a clean economy, which has been captured in this Clean Economy Roadmap. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 1
  • 4. INTRODUCTION THE CLEAN ECONOMY SUMMIT: subject area in order to ensure knowledgeable facilitation Unleashing innovation, economic of each session. The participants brainstormed ideas, growth and job creation then evaluated and prioritized the potential policy and The creation of a clean economy requires long-term and program solutions that emerged. consistent public policy, which is essential to the creation of market clarity and certainty. Implementation of such consistent policies requires sustained engagement by THE CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP: the clean economy business community in the policy Charting a course for the growth development and political process. To that end, CENEF of the clean economy launched the annual Clean Economy Summit in order to The main themes, issues and topics that surfaced explore this intersection between business and policy during the conversations at the Summit have been and the impact each has on the other. summarized below in the Clean Economy Roadmap. While by no means comprehensive, the Roadmap To be effective, this examination required high level identifies four critical sets of policy issues impacting interaction among opinion leaders, policy-makers, the clean economy that correspond to the four tracks business leaders and other thought leaders who have at the Summit. To ensure continuity, CENEF intends to demonstrated the substantive expertise necessary use these same categories of issues as the basis for to drive the clean economy sector forward. Business subsequent Summits and the resulting Clean Economy community participants in the 2011 Summit came from Roadmap documents. The issue areas were: CEN’s Leadership Council (which includes the CEOs of CEN’s corporate members), CEN executive members, Transportation and CEN chapter steering committee members, CEOs of Infrastructure allied organizations, and the CEN and CENEF boards of The availability of cheap oil has defined directors. Their partners in the ensuing policy dialogue and shaped America’s transportation were key federal legislative, administration, and agency policy. From hybrid and electric cars and trucks to staff. advanced fuels and efficiency technologies, new and underutilized technologies are already available to The primary goal of the Summit was to surface and greatly reduce our dependence on oil. The global race is prioritize those policy proposals with the greatest on to bring these technologies to the marketplace, and, potential to unleash innovation, economic growth and job if America does not attempt to compete, we will fall even creation. Taking advantage of the political reset of a new further behind. A revitalization of the declining US Congress, the Summit used the opportunity to evaluate transportation industry, a major domestic employer, the landscape that lies ahead, both in terms of business could come about if government would move quickly opportunities and policy possibilities. By integrating to implement policies that stimulate demand for and business and political perspectives and drawing on the encourage investment in cleaner forms of transportation, rich expertise of both communities, Summit participants thereby creating jobs, spurring the economy, and identified key challenges and issues impacting the clean reducing our dependence on oil. economy and began to investigate the possible pathway to solutions. Deployment, Manufacturing and On the first day of the Summit, clean economy leaders Commercialization met for a facilitated interactive dialogue aiming to surface The innovation cycle is a complex web critical policy themes and ideas. Participants were of actors and investments that all play a critical role divided into four systems-based tracks that brought in each stage of a technology’s development, from together business leaders, leading NGOs, key Hill and concept through deployment and commercialization. agency staff, and other thought leaders with expertise in Each step of the process comes with a set of risks an assigned topic area. The resulting conversations were and challenges that public policies can influence, both moderated by a career professional familiar with the positively and negatively. If correctly formulated, policy 2 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 5. INTRODUCTION can create an environment that drives innovation, efficient domestic markets, it is critical to determine the encourages investment, and ultimately facilitates the best means by which to set the appropriate long-term entry and expansion of clean technologies into the signals and find the correct mix of standards, incentives domestic marketplace. Deploying clean technologies in and mandates through policy at the federal, state and turn assists their commercialization, grows a domestic local levels to balance with the needs of a free market. manufacturing base, and supports the expansion of such technologies in domestic and foreign markets. The goal of the Roadmap is to shed light on some of the top policy issues broadly impacting the clean economy Electricity sector through the lens of the experiences of those During the majority of the 20th century, the business leaders who are even now building the new United States had the most sophisticated clean economy. Each track report below includes a full list energy grid and infrastructure in the of the participants in the conversations to demonstrate world. However, it has failed to evolve to meet the needs the depth and breadth of the expertise, knowledge of a changing age, and the electricity grid remains the and points of view represented in the conversations. only large-scale analog system in operation in today’s As you will see, what sets the Roadmap apart is that digital world. The U.S. must begin to deal with the the participants are overwhelmingly from the business numerous structural and policy deficiencies of the community, which helps to provide a more accurate sector, including outdated and inefficient grids, inflexible sense of the issues from the business point of view. We pricing rules, lack of interconnectivity, and consumer have included in each section a brief profile of two of the education. The solution requires a mix of policy changes businesses whose executives participated in the track to and technological innovations at the national, state, and illustrate the innovation and cutting edge technologies local levels. that clean economy companies are already bringing into the marketplace. Clean Economy Markets While clean economy markets have been slowly developing for decades, they have HOW TO USE THE ROADMAP yet to fully hit their stride in the U.S. for The Roadmap is designed to foster a better a variety of reasons, including a lack of commitment by understanding of the complexities we face in building government to develop the environment necessary for a clean economy, while simultaneously driving into the long-term certainty in the marketplace. In order to build policy arena those informed, innovative ideas that are CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 3
  • 6. INTRODUCTION based upon the actual expertise and knowledge of clean and transcripts of the contemporaneous recordings economy business leaders. However, the contents of made of each session. Each of the sections was peer each of the sections below are not meant to serve as reviewed by the participants themselves to ensure that a comprehensive analysis of every policy issue facing the content, themes and tone of the conversations were the sector. Rather, the Roadmap lays the groundwork for accurately captured and represented. further policy development by exploring specific topics within each area that are the most relevant and current Finally, it is important to note that the sessions were in 2011. Future Roadmaps will undoubtedly address closed to the media in order to facilitate a fully open and other topics in more detail as both business and political honest dialogue. While the participants in each discussion circumstances change over time. session are listed, no observation, recommendation or opinion may be attributed to any specific participant; Each section provides an overview of the discussions neither can any conclusion or idea be deemed one that that actually took place during the 2011 Clean Economy is shared by all of the participants. Summit and presents some of the key outcomes and conclusions articulated by the participants. At the CENEF is publishing this Roadmap so it can be put Summit, each track operated independently from the to good use by those who read it, whether that use is others and the outcomes described below mirror the learning more about the structural barriers faced by the unique dynamic of each discussion in both structure and clean economy business community, formulating policy content. proposals to address those issues, or stimulating your own thinking and innovative ideas. We look forward to From a process standpoint, each section of the continuing the dialogue and working together to unleash Roadmap was created using a combination of notes the vast potential of the clean economy sector to create taken during the discussion by the moderators and staff jobs and economic growth across the nation. 4 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 7. TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: PETROLEUM DISPLACEMENT IN LIGHT DUTY VEHICLES INTRODUCTION America’s appetite for petroleum endangers our national security, exposes our economy to a volatile global oil market, and threatens the sustainability of our environment. The transportation sector consumes 72% of the country’s petroleum supply, a significant portion of which is utilized in light duty vehicles. While government can assist the development of advanced, cleaner vehicle technologies, it is the private sector that will bring those solutions to the marketplace. This section of the Clean Economy Roadmap articulates the state of these technologies and investigates what kinds of policies will best advance their commercial deployment. The following discussion focuses specifically on displacing petroleum use in light duty vehicles. The Clean Economy Network Education Fund has identified vehicle efficiency, electrification, and advanced biofuels as three of the most viable solutions for achieving this goal. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 5
  • 8. TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE TRACK PARTICIPANTS THE PROBLEM Dependence on oil is the problem. Petroleum fuels 95% Laura Lovelace, Co-Founder, Welford Energy Advisors of the energy consumed by the transportation sector. (Moderator) Accordingly, the cost of personal mobility is closely tied Rohit Aggarwala, Advisor, Bloomberg Philanthropies to the cost of petroleum, a price that is determined by a global market characterized by rapid, unpredictable Justin Ashton, Co-Founder & Vice President, XL Hyrbids fluctuations. An increase in the cost of oil drives up the Carrie Atiyeh, Director—Public Affairs, ZeaChem price of gasoline, which adversely impacts American Josh Becker, Founder, New Cycle Capital consumers and the economy. The price of oil also has a ripple effect on the price of other products, such as food Michael Brylawski, Executive Vice President, Bright and consumer goods, that rely upon it for production Automotive and transport. These factors pose a continuing threat to Kelly Carnes, President & CEO, TechVision21 the health of the recovering economy. Aimée Christensen, Founding Principal, Christensen Global Strategies Twelve countries control 80% of world’s proven Robbie Diamond, Founder, President & CEO, Secure oil reserves and 40% of annual production. Those America’s Future Energy (SAFE) countries—Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Honorable Suzanne Kosmas, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Venezuela—are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and together Martin Lagod, Managing Director, Firelake Capital have the ability to influence the price of oil to suit their Jim Lyons, Chief Technology Officer, Novus Energy Partners interests. As the recent violence in Libya illustrates, some Bill Mitchell, Executive Vice President, A123 Systems of these nations are politically unstable or do not share U.S. interests. Therefore, the federal government must Erik Olbeter, Senior Research Analyst—Government devote financial and military resources to discourage Technology, Pacific Crest Securities instability and secure the oil supply, which adds a Sunil Paul, Founding Partner, Spring Ventures significant national security cost to our oil dependence. Graham Richard, Principal, Graham Richard & Associates LLC These two factors—oil’s dominance among Naveen Sikka, CEO, TerViva transportation fuels and OPEC’s near monopoly on oil supply—give foreign nations incredible influence over Luke Tonachel, Senior Policy Analyst, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) America’s economy and national security and expose the nation to unnecessary risk. Jonathan Wolfson, CEO & Co-Founder, Solazyme R. James Woolsey, Chairman, Woolsey Partners LLC & former Director of the CIA 6 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 9. TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE This dependence derives from the lack of readily warrant further discussion in other forums. Furthermore, available, viable fuel alternatives. A number of factors adoption of alternative transportation and communication have prevented the emergence of such technologies. behavior—public transportation, telecommunications, First, the federal government spends significant vehicle sharing—could also drastically decrease the amounts of taxpayer dollars on tax breaks and subsidies need for petroleum. for oil companies. While oil companies argue that these programs are necessary to keep the price of oil down, the result of these interventions is that oil alternatives must STATE OF THE TECHNOLOGIES compete on an uneven playing field because the price of No “silver bullet” technology will solve our reliance their established competitor is kept artificially low. upon oil. Even with the possibility of as-yet unknown technological breakthroughs, it is more likely that Furthermore, fuel prices don’t reflect the full cost of oil a combination of technologies will reduce U.S. oil dependence and consumers lack perfect information consumption. In the current landscape, advances about future prices. Market barriers inhibit technology in three areas of technology have great potential to adoption, including consumer acceptance, time displace petroleum use: fuel efficiency, electrification, necessary for technology development, and time and advanced biofuels. required for new technologies to enter the marketplace. Fuel Efficiency 1. Consumer acceptance: While “early adopters” While alternative fuel technologies mature, improving have taken to advanced vehicle technologies, such the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine (ICE) as hybrids (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), many vehicles will play a crucial role in reducing petroleum consumers lack familiarity with new technologies and consumption. Recent advances include more efficient assume that such vehicles will not provide a satisfying internal combustion engines that use high pressure fuel driving experience. Furthermore, consumers lack the injection, downsizing and turbocharging, hybrid-electric information necessary to calculate the full payback drivetrains and lighter, stronger structural materials, such over the lifecycle of the vehicle. as lightweight high-strength steels, magnesium alloy and carbon fiber composites. An additional benefit of 2. Technology development: New clean technologies these technologies is that they can carry over to other require significant time to reach the market. While many vehicle applications. ICE improvements can be applied Internet technology companies can commercialize to a vehicle burning non-petroleum fuel, while advanced very quickly, clean economy technologies generally materials can be used for any light duty vehicle. require more time for testing, capital investment, and scaling. Even if the technologies exist now, it may There are tremendous potential gains from efficiency— take years for them to deploy to the marketplace. some estimate that conventional non-hybrid vehicle technologies can nearly double efficiency and cut fuel 3. Technology penetration: Deployment is also further consumption by 45% from 2008 levels. Further, these inhibited by the slow turnover of the American technologies result in fuel savings that far exceed their automobile fleet. It takes the national fleet as many cost. And perhaps most importantly, the automobile as 15 years to cycle in new vehicles, which slows the industry is already capitalized and could be ready to adoption of petroleum displacing technologies. make these improvements within a short timeframe, which is not the case with electrification and advanced While not discussed in the Roadmap. there are three biofuels. additional possibilities for achieving significant reductions in petroleum use: use of liquid natural gas (LNG) as an It should also be noted that advanced diesel engines are alternative fuel; the development of new, unpredictable inherently more fuel-efficient than gasoline vehicles and vehicle technologies; and changes in consumer are cost-competitive today. The total cost of ownership behavior. LNG and other disruptive technologies have (TCO) for advanced diesel vehicles is currently lower significant potential to displace petroleum and certainly than advanced gasoline vehicles at all oil prices. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 7
  • 10. TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE Improvements can also be made petroleum fuels. Lignocellulosic biofuels, in particular, in the 240 million vehicles already have experienced cost declines, and algae-based oil and on the road. New lubricant and syngas have made significant technological advances. tire technologies can greatly increase the fuel efficiency of As a direct substitute for petroleum-based fuels, advanced existing vehicles. Given that many biofuels must be cost competitive with oil. Technological of these vehicles will continue to barriers to competitiveness include the cost of enzymes, be on the road for the near future, feedstock yield and quality, and scalability. Should these efficiency gains will be these technological issues be addressed, there are still crucial to petroleum displacement concerns regarding fueling infrastructure, storage, and and consumer savings in the short combustion engine conversion. term. Electrification THE POLICY LANDSCAPE Decades after they were first proposed for the The federal government has enacted a multitude modern fleet, electrific vehicles (EVs) are entering the of policies to address oil dependence. The U.S. marketplace. In 2010, Chevrolet and Nissan introduced Department of Energy invests in electric vehicle a plug-in hybrid electric and battery electric vehicle technology development, the Department of Agriculture to the American marketplace, and other automobile encourages biofuels from farm-based resources, and manufacturers are poised to do the same. the Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Transportation Safety Administration oversee The price of batteries remains the single largest obstacle fuel economy standards. This Roadmap seeks to work to the deployment of electric vehicles. While the cost within the Federal government’s policy framework to of batteries for electric vehicles continues to decline, articulate a path forward. significant investment in research and development is still needed to produce smaller, safer, cheaper batteries Above all, the Clean Economy Network Education Fund for electric vehicles. identified three characteristics of a sound petroleum displacement policy: Studies have shown that 60-70% of vehicles on the road today could be electric before new power plants are 1. Long-term in duration required. This is a distinct advantage of electrification— 2. Technology agnostic the energy infrastructure already exists. That being 3. Outcome-driven said, access to the grid remains a point of concern, and significant charging station infrastructure needs to be These requirements are crucial to ensuring efficient installed to give consumers confidence about having outcomes and investment in innovative technologies. adequate access to vehicle charging opportunities. Long-term Duration At this point in time, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles Policy certainty encourages investment. As shown by the (PHEVs) are technologically promising and stand experience of E.U. countries, long-term fuel economy to benefit from many vehicle technology advances, standards and oil taxes can unlock significant financing including electrification (batteries), fuel efficiency for advanced vehicle technologies. American auto (advanced structural materials), and advanced biofuels manufacturers are now taking similar actions, mainly (burned in the ICE). due to increasingly higher U.S. fuel efficiency standards they must meet. Fuel economy standards in Europe Advanced Biofuels and the U.S. have long time horizons, providing auto 2010 saw the opening of the first commercial advanced manufacturers and investors sufficient time to invest in biofuels plant, and other advanced biofuels are steadily innovative technologies that will enable them to meet moving down the cost curve to be competitive with those standards. 8 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 11. Technology Agnostic SOLAZYME, INC. COMPANY PROFILE • SOLAZYME Government is frequently criticized for picking technology winners. The Synthetic Fuels Corporation, established by Congress in response to the 1970s oil crises, ended Founded in 2003 and headquartered in South San in bankruptcy. Corn ethanol and hydrogen fuel were Francisco, Solazyme is a privately held industrial politically popular at different points during the last biotechnology company producing renewable oils and decade but have not yielded anticipated results despite bioproducts using microalgae. relatively large subsidies in the case of corn ethanol. Most recently, the Federal government has provided Solazyme’s renewable oil production technology allows significant tax incentives to promote the purchase of them to do in a matter of days what it took nature millions electric vehicles. of years to do. The company renewably fabricates a wide range of products quickly, cleanly, cost effectively, and at The most technologically agnostic approach is to large scale standard fermentation facilities. It offers fuels, address the price of oil. All clean vehicle technologies including microbial-derived jet fuels, bio-diesels, and compete with it, and the higher the price of oil, the more renewable diesels. They also offer marine and microaquatic viable investments in those technologies become. While compounds for health and wellness products. no one policy alone can resolve the problem, there are a variety of policies that undertaken together can address Its products are used for biofuel production, replacements price volatility and increase investor confidence. These for fossil petroleum, and plant oils in various products policies include lowering subsidies and tax breaks for ranging from green household cleaning supplies to the petroleum industry, setting a price floor on the cost cosmetics and foods. The company serves renewable of oil, and taxing oil consumption. While Congress has energy and industrial chemicals markets, as well as spurned such polices in the past, these policies are specialty ingredients markets in cosmetic, nutritional, and technology-neutral and allow the market to determine pharmaceutical products. which technologies to pursue. Solazyme’s oils and fuels provide compelling solutions to Furthermore, government incentives should encourage increasingly complex issues of fuel scarcity, energy security and environmental impact while fitting cleanly into the pre- the development, deployment, and consumer purchase existing multi-trillion dollar fuel infrastructure. of the most fuel-efficient transportation solutions, regardless of their technology platform. For example, Co-founders Jonathan Wolfson and Dr. Harrison Dillon instead of providing a tax credit only to newly-purchased started Solazyme in Palo Alto at a time when few in Silicon electric vehicles, the credit could be applied to all Valley had heard of the concept of biofuels. Mr. Wolfson advanced technology vehicles that dramatically increase is the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and fuel efficiency and pro-rated so that the most efficient Director, where he oversees the management and strategic vehicles receive the greatest credit. direction of the company. Dr. Dillon serves as the President, Chief Technology Officer and Director. Outcome-driven Legislation that tells the private sector how to innovate— in other words, means-driven policy—will not be as successful as policy that is ends-driven and focused on outcomes. Currently, there are a multitude of laws that aim to displace petroleum but do so by encouraging different, and often competitive, technologies. While ends-driven, technology neutral policy will motivate private sector innovation, the Federal government should not skew markets with carve-outs and quotas to satisfy special interests or with incentives that favor a particular technology solution. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 9
  • 12. A123 SYSTEMS, INC. A better, more market friendly means by which to achieve COMPANY PROFILE • A123 SYSTEMS, INC. that end is to set a performance standard, such as one based on efficiency and/or greenhouse gas emissions A123 Systems (NASDAQ: AONE) develops and manufactures reductions, and require the private sector to meet it. advanced Nanophosphate® lithium ion batteries and A long-term, performance-based vehicle standard energy storage systems for the transportation, electric that does not pick technology winners will unleash the grid and commercial market. The company was founded greatest innovation and achieve the greatest reductions in 2001 based on novel nanoscale technology initially in petroleum use. developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and currently employs more than 2,200 people globally. CONCLUSION A123’s high-performance Nanophosphate lithium ion Leadership from policy makers is necessary to implement battery technology delivers high power and energy density these recommendations. It is crucial that the President, combined with excellent safety performance and extensive Members of Congress, and other thought leaders use life cycling in a lighter-weight, compact package. The their bully pulpit to advance petroleum displacement. Not company’s solutions have low capacity loss and impedance only is this essential for improving policy, it is necessary growth over time, allowing customer applications to meet for cultivating support among the American public for end-of-life power and energy requirements with minimal new technologies, which is crucial to their adoption. pack oversizing. The economic and national security threats of continued A123’s growing list of blue-chip customers in the reliance upon petroleum should compel the US automotive market includes leading passenger car makers government to incorporate these principles into existing (including Fisker Automotive, BMW, GM and SAIC, the and new policies. As gas prices rise and instability in oil- largest automaker in China) as well as companies focused producing regions persists, it is important—now more on the truck/bus market (including Eaton, Navistar and than ever—to achieve petroleum displacement. BAE Systems). A123 is also the leading producer of lithium ion battery energy storage solutions for the electric power grid, where its technology is helping to make ancillary services more efficient and cost-effective while also addressing enabling the increased penetration of renewable energy by addressing the variability of wind and solar power. Customers include AES, Southern California Edison, DTE Energy and Vestas. Led by President and CEO David Vieau, A123 Systems is headquartered in Waltham, MA and operates manufacturing facilities in Massachusetts, Michigan, China and Korea, as well as offices in St. Louis, Germany and Japan. In September 2010, A123 opened the largest lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in North America in Livonia, Michigan, which has the potential to supply systems to the equivalent of 30,000 battery electric vehicles when the plant is fully operational. With this facility and A123’s additional planned expansion, the company expects to have 760MWh of global manufacturing capacity in place by early 2012 to meet increasing demand for its Nanophosphate lithium ion battery technology across its target markets. 10 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 13. DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING, AND COMMERCIALIZATION: FINANCING THE COMMERCIALIZATION GAP INTRODUCTION Deploying innovative clean technologies at commercial scale in the United States faces numerous barriers that slow job creation, investment, and innovation. The global economic downturn has reduced capital investment across the board, hitting young companies and new technologies hardest. Failure to pass any form of comprehensive climate and energy legislation has increased uncertainty in energy markets, and fostered confusion for investors about the longevity and stability of clean economy markets. Capital availability for project finance has been hurt by the collapse of tax equity markets that accompanied the banking crisis and mortgage industry meltdown. Stronger policy support for clean energy products and services in Europe and Asia attract the limited dollars available for manufacturing of advanced technologies. At the same time, a host of information failures, misaligned incentives, and structural barriers in U.S. markets for both electricity and real estate have continued unabated, slowing commercial adoption of otherwise economically viable clean technologies. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 11
  • 14. DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING, AND COMMERCIALIZATION Overcoming these barriers to deployment, manufacturing, TRACK PARTICIPANTS and commercialization of clean technology in the United States will require a coordinated strategy by technology Bracken Hendricks, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress (Moderator) companies, financial investors, and policy makers. Such a shared blueprint for a sustained national commitment Benjamin Abram, Lorax Capital will drive new investment and strengthen American Jason Anderson, CleanTECH San Diego competitiveness, job creation, and long-term prosperity. Carter Bales, Chairman and Founding Partner, New World Capital; Chair, CEN Leadership Council The Deployment, Manufacturing, and Commercialization (DMC) track focused specifically on addressing these Chris Chafe, Executive Director, Clean Economy Development Center cross-cutting challenges, which are fundamental to the mass adoption of innovative business models and clean Will Coleman, Partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures technologies at a large scale across the entire economy. Marc Cummings, Director of Policy and External Affairs, For purposes of the roundtable discussions, each term Battelle/PNNL was defined as follows: Luka Erceg, President and CEO, Simbol Materials • Deployment describes the task of moving beyond Mark Fulton, Climate Change Strategist, Deustsche Bank basic science and early phase research to building Ashok Gupta, Natural Resources Defense Council markets and promoting the widespread adoption of Monty Humble, Cavallo Energy proven tools. Reed Hundt, CEO, Coalition for Green Capital • Manufacturing is central to extending the innovation Danny Kennedy, CEO, Sungevity process beyond the lab. It includes the development Erich Klawuhn, Vice President of Business Development, of intellectual property and engineering practices Soladigm that increase the efficiency of production, drive down Steve Miles, Partner and Energy Sector Chair, Baker Botts LLP costs, and sustain market growth. John Mizroch, Of Counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati • Commercialization describes the process of building Marc Porat, Chairman and CEO, GreenCube strong profitable companies, scaled production of Brian Sager, Co-founder and Vice President of Corporate new products, and commercially viable business Development, Nanosolar models, to serve both emerging U.S. and growing Joel Serface, Founder, Clean Range Ventures global demand. Shannon Smith, Founder and President, Abundant Power Group Silda Wall Spitzer, Managing Director, Metropolitan Capital Advisors 12 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 15. DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING, AND COMMERCIALIZATION DEVELOPING A ROADMAP FOR CLEAN ENERGY DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIALIZATION The discussion within this track strongly emphasized the connection between clean technology and jobs, American competitiveness, and economic recovery. It identified commercial scale deployment of a domestic industry as the key challenge for broadening markets, developing new products, and fostering the growth of productive new companies. The goals of the DMC session were: 1. To identify key policy needs for building a strong domestic clean economy industry and increasing penetration of clean technologies in energy markets, 2. To begin the development of a shared blueprint and technology industry faces significant market barriers to common priorities for unlocking greater flows of both achieving broad deployment, including: public and private capital investment to scale the industry, and • Insufficient capitalization of early stage companies as they try to cross the ‘valley of death’ combined with 3. To bring together clean economy business leaders, frozen debt markets have slowed capital investment relevant thought leaders, and key Congressional, in projects Administration and Agency staff to explore strategies for more effective public outreach and deeper • Artificially high perception of policy, technology, and alliances. lack of operating history risks have increased the cost of capital and created a barrier to investment Participants in the DMC discussion stressed the close connection between overcoming market barriers and • Transparency, longevity and certainty in both strong economic performance for the industry. They economic incentives and market rules is needed identified a range of strategies for overcoming these to demonstrate sustained demand for projects and barriers, seeking to find opportunities both for direct attract needed investments action by companies and investors requiring no new policy, as well as for opportunities to use new policy at • Lack of sustained demand for clean energy due to the federal, state and local level. the absence of market-creating policies such as a national renewable or clean energy standard or stronger incentives in utility policy SPECIFIC BARRIERS TO DEPLOYMENT OF • The sun-setting of effective ARRA (American CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funding programs The commercial adoption of clean technologies— and threats to other public investment programs emerging from laboratories, breaking into existing markets, and competing with traditional energy sources • The failure of the clean technology industries to at scale—has been slower in recent years than is create a unified and strong policy and political voice warranted on a technical or economic basis. While this is that rivals that of existing energy producers not the case for every technology or company, the clean CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 13
  • 16. DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING, AND COMMERCIALIZATION d. Federally backed warranty insurance products that could increase developer investment by reducing perceived risk, including the lack of operating history of clean technologies. e. Promoting standard offer contracts or CLEAN Contracts that address the cost of capital by increasing transparency, longevity, and certainty. 2. Regulatory Tools Can help send market signals, drive demand, and enhance predictability. Participants suggested: a. Passing a national Renewable Energy Standard (RES). Many but not all participants supported expanding RECOMMENDATIONS FOR the concept of a renewable energy standard to OVERCOMING MARKET BARRIERS include nuclear and other forms of low carbon energy, AND SCALING INDUSTRY potentially through a broader Clean Energy Standard Participants discussed various solutions to the above (CES). barriers. Their recommendations clustered around six areas. These included three specific federal policy issues: b. Raising national energy efficiency building codes and 1) finance policies, 2) regulatory tools, and 3) tax reform, establishing a national energy efficiency resource as well as three major cross-cutting themes, including: 4) standard. communications and messaging to shape public opinion and build public will, 5) re-engaging the issue of industrial c. Adopting stronger national appliance standards for policy, and 6) regionally based economic development energy efficiency that would also drive markets for strategies. Their suggestions were as follows: advanced manufactured products. 1. Finance Policies d. Pursuing utility reform measures that would better Can lower the cost of capital, reduce perceived risk, align incentives for utilities to act as partners and encourage investments in clean technologies, and create better reward shareholders for reducing load and market demand for new projects and new technologies. deploying renewable energy sources. Specific policies could include: e. Continuing the implementation of stricter emission a. A federally chartered financial mechanism, such as standards to encourage decommissioning of the a Clean Energy Deployment Administration (CEDA), most inefficient plants and to promote greater energy that can address commercialization challenges faced diversity. by early phase technologies as they begin to scale. 3. Tax reforms b. An Energy Independence Trust that can offer low Can encourage private capital investment in clean cost capital for deployment at low or zero cost to the technologies while leveling the playing field with existing Treasury. Such federal backing can also be offered to energy interests. encourage the development of state green banks. a. Extend the availability of Master Limited Partnerships c. Aligning capital market structures to match project (MLP) to renewable energy and efficiency projects to finance mechanisms needed by clean technology greatly increase the pool of potential investors that industries. will finance the growth of clean technologies. 14 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 17. b. Connect energy saving behaviors to personal SIMBOL MATERIALS COMPANY PROFILE • SIMBOL MATERIALS economic incentives. (For example, linking certain financial instruments related to the clean energy economy to IRAs and 529 plans.) Simbol Materials (formerly Simbol Mining) is a US-based company focused on producing critical materials, such as c. Eliminate wait time on tax credits and other lithium and manganese, for the next generation of energy enhancements to allow small companies to sell storage technologies, by co-producing from the brines credits and drive tax benefits more deeply into the of geothermal power plants. Their co-founder, President, economy. and CEO, Luka Erceg has 12 years of experience in the energy space. Prior to founding Simbol Materials, he was d. Investigate a partial tax holiday targeted to clean largely involved in private transactions related to power economy investment that would allow large development and generation, natural gas gathering and corporations to repatriate billions of dollars distribution, and oil and gas field telemetry. domestically in profits from overseas operations. Simbol Materials will produce lithium, manganese, zinc and e. Expand the accelerated depreciation schedule for other key compounds using clean, zero waste production clean energy. processes in the United States. As geothermal power plants pump geothermal brines and effluent streams from 4. Communications and Messaging 10,000 feet below the earth’s surface, Simbol Materials Can shape public opinion and build political will. There uses proprietary processes to extract the valuable was general consensus that the industry needs a forceful, minerals and metals from the water for use in EV batteries, expansive, and well-funded messaging campaign to consumer electronics, agriculture and other industrial clean educate opinion leaders, policy makers and the general technology applications. public. Specific recommendations included: Lithium has become an increasingly valuable commodity a. Develop a central vision and accompanying narrative due to the increased market for rechargeable batteries that focuses on the many advantages of the clean in consumer electronics, tools, and electric vehicles. economy, including job creation, competitiveness, Most electric vehicles and electricity storage devices are innovation, entrepreneurship, nationalism and designed to use batteries built with lithium and manganese. national security. Simbol Materials seeks to create a supply chain that sustainably supports the entire electronics industry and is on track to be a leading supplier of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, and manganese compounds. The process Simbol Materials employs will ensure the company is the lowest-cost producer of lithium in the world, bringing a vital part of the EV battery supply chain to the U.S. Simbol Materials is a late stage venture capital funded company. Their funders include Mohr-Davidow Ventures, Itochu Corporation, and Firelake Capital Management. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 15
  • 18. b. Produce concrete empirical data to document the COMPANY PROFILE • SUNGEVITY SUNGEVITY successes already achieved within the sector, and outline the potential growth of the sector that would result from the implementation of specific policy Founded in 2007 by Danny Kennedy, a former activist, recommendations. Andrew Birch, a photovoltaic economics expert, and Alec Guttel, a serial entrepreneur, Sungevity uses an internet- c. Create broader alliances based on common interests based approach to make the transition to solar power with other industries and sectors, including nuclear as simple as possible. At its inception, Sungevity’s team energy, natural gas, utilities, and energy intensive concluded the high initial cost of solar panel sales and manufacturing industries. installation is the major deterrent to homeowners. Using the power of the Internet—satellite-powered maps 5. Industrial Policy There was a strong consensus in the DMC session and algorithms to determine household energy output—the that America needs to clean up its tangle of existing Remote Solar Design Team at Sungevity can put together contradictory industrial policies and formulate a an iQuote at no cost to the customer. Customers receive comprehensive industrial and manufacturing strategy designs of fully realized virtual arrays and can choose whatever system best fits their needs. The company that focuses on performance metrics such as emission explains it as being the Netflix of home solar, tapping into reductions and efficiency. Key features of such a strategy the convenience of the Internet to serve up solar savings. should include the following: Although Sungevity is located in the Bay Area of California a. U.S. industrial policies should not operate in a and its market has been mostly in the Southwestern vacuum, but should take into account the market United States (CA, AZ, CO), the company is focused on conditions created by the policies of other countries, expansion. In December 2010, Sungevity announced a $15 such as the recent Chinese five-year plan for clean million round of financing that has allowed the company to energy, as well as industrial policies in Germany, expand to five north eastern states—MA, NY, NJ, MD, DE. Japan, and South Korea. In their first year, 2008, the company sold 164 systems and b. A comprehensive strategy should be designed in October 2010 did the same number with 1 megawatt of to create long-term stability, include domestic solar deals. In May 2010, Sungevity partnered with US Bank content requirements, and address cars, fuels, to offer a 10 year Solar Lease, which allows homeowners electricity generation, and building efficiency as key to install solar arrays for no money down. Sungevity more manufacturing and industrial sectors. than tripled its staff in 2010 and is expecting to grow to 175 full-time employees by late 2011. Sungevity also ran a campaign to install solar panels on the White House. At a White House Earth Day event, Danny Kennedy made the offer in person to President Obama. The White House recently announced that they would indeed install solar panels in 2011. In the meantime, Sungevity has expanded its offer to include other world leaders. In October 2011, the team installed a solar array on the home of President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives. Despite its incredible growth, Sungevity is an early stage company. 16 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 19. DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING, AND COMMERCIALIZATION c. It should include the finance, tax, and regulatory of clean energy deployment in order to align existing policies outlined above. For example, a CES can incentives and financial resources at the federal, state determine incentives for developing domestic supply and local levels. chains. b. Track participants expressed concern about d. Industrial strategy should not be based on specific fragmented electricity markets, and supported the technologies, but on the various stages of the development of regionally based strategies for market commercialization process. In particular, industry and regulatory reform. and government should target policies to address the special challenges in moving from innovation to c. Productive partnerships could be established deployment. through working directly with state regulators, as well as by identifying and working with state and local e. Many existing policy tools, like manufacturing governments with similar or complementary plans. extensions, small business lending, workforce investment, and other forms of economic d. A federal CES should incorporate regional differences development, should be included and systematically in clean energy targets and credit regionally expanded to cover the clean economy sector. appropriate clean energy resources in order to build interest and support for its enactment at the federal 6. Regional Innovation level. Strategies can help promote clean technology deployment on a regional, state and local basis. e. Strategies should encourage regional competition on tax and land policy, and through existing economic a. “Race to the top” approaches that have worked in the development subsidy programs, to encourage more area of education should be applied to the challenge domestic clean tech manufacturing. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 17
  • 20. DEPLOYMENT, MANUFACTURING, AND COMMERCIALIZATION CONCLUSION The DMC track successfully engaged a diverse group The specific recommendations offer an initial pathway of decision-makers from across the clean technology and framework for the clean economy sector in shaping industries. The discussion identified critical challenges a shared agenda with clearly articulated priorities. that the industry must overcome to scale production The barriers to deployment, commercialization, and and penetrate mainstream energy markets, through a manufacturing remain significant. As evidenced in the combination of private sector action and public policy discussion, the ideas already emerging from within the measures. While there was not unanimous agreement clean economy community offer a strong starting point on these specific suggestions, a general consensus for developing a detailed roadmap for market-based did emerge from this diverse group, emphasizing the mechanisms for the rapid adoption of clean technologies need for a comprehensive messaging campaign, and and the transition of the entire economy to run on clean a renewed focus on promoting innovative policies to and efficient energy. reduce regulatory barriers and the cost of capital. 18 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 21. ELECTRICITY: REGULATORY INNOVATION INTRODUCTION One of the greatest barriers the clean economy sector faces in achieving higher levels of market penetration is an outdated electricity infrastructure and regulatory framework. While virtually every other sector of the American economy has evolved to meet the needs of the 21st century, the electricity grid remains the world’s largest analog system. In a world of rapid change, the electricity system has stood virtually still. Much stands in the way of clean energy increasing its share of America’s power. For example, current regulatory rules do not require the incorporation of public policy concerns when planning transmission lines, nor do they mandate cost allocation formulae to decide how such projects will be financed. Additionally, the scheduling of power is not rapid enough to effectively include intermittent resources like solar or wind. While the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has proposed rules to address these problems, the existing system harms our global competitiveness and hobbles a potential engine of job and wealth creation. As the clean economy grows and business and consumer energy needs become more complex, the country needs a new approach to energy generation, use, and distribution. The U.S. must address the structural and policy deficiencies of our electricity sector—including an outdated grid, overly complex rules, and lack of incentives for utilities to adopt more stringent efficiency standards or diversify their energy portfolio. Doing so requires a robust mix of new technologies, business models and policy innovation at the federal, state and local levels. CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 19
  • 22. ELECTRICITY TRACK PARTICIPANTS This track discussion explored the issues with current regulatory policies that hinder clean energy growth, Michael Moynihan, Director, Green Project, NDN (Moderator) identified the problems, proposed some solutions and Clare Giesen, Director, Electricity 2.0 Initiative, NDN began to develop strategies to effect change. (Moderator) Warren Belmar, Capitol Counsel Group FRAMING THE CONVERSATION Cameron Brooks, Senior Director of Market Development The United States’ fragmented regulatory structure and Policy Strategy, Tendril is the central challenge to modernizing the electricity Dan Carol, Senior Fellow, New Policy Institute, NDN grid. Building an electricity infrastructure that can drive Shelley Cohen, Senior Project Developer, Ameresco 21st century economic prosperity is no easy task, and it is further complicated by a regulatory system that Chris Cook, Keyes & Fox, LLP distorts rather than clarifies information, incentives, and Stephen Cowell, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Conservation implementation strategies for a diverse spectrum of Services Group stakeholders. These stakeholders include but are not Cynthia Curtis, VP & Chief Sustainability Officer, CA Technologies limited to: regulatory bodies at the federal, state, and local levels; political actors; power generators; public Bob Dolin, System Architect, Echelon power, investor-owned, cooperative, and federal utilities; Andrew Friendly, Principal, Advanced Technology Ventures non-utility businesses; and consumers. Each of these Donald Gilligan, President, National Association of Energy groups has different and often even competing priorities Service Companies (NAESCO) when it comes to designing and developing a modern Katherine Hamilton, Director of Clean Energy & Environment, electricity grid. Quinn Gillespie & Associates Arno Harris, CEO, Recurrent Energy There is no “silver bullet” solution to these problems. Indeed, it was difficult for the participants in this Steve Hauser, VP, Grid Integration Program, National discussion to even agree on how to begin the long-term Renewable Energy Laboratory process of modernization. Much of the frustration is Paul Hudson, Founder & Principal, Stratus Energy Group, LLC rooted in the fact that the electricity grid is unequipped to John King, Executive VP, LS Power Development, LLC incorporate renewable energy sources, and the relevant actors are largely unmotivated and lack the incentive to Maria Kingery, Co-Founder & Director of Cultural Development, Southern Energy Management make necessary changes. These dynamics are hindering the growth of a robust clean energy market here at home. Jennifer Layke, Director, Institute for Building Efficiency, Johnson Controls In addressing these challenges, participants agreed on Craig Lewis, Executive Director, CLEAN Coalition one central goal: fostering innovation. It is clear that the Steve Melink, Founder, Owner & President, Melink Corporation clean economy business community must capitalize on Lesa Mitchell, Vice President, Kauffman Foundation Commissioner John Norris, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Tom Osdoba, Managing Director, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, University of Oregon Doug Payne, Co-Founder & Executive Director, SolarTech Jeff Ross, Executive VP of Business Development, GridPoint Michael Sachse, VP, Regulatory Affairs & General Counsel, OPOWER Richard Stuebi, Founder, NextWave Energy, Inc. Michael Terrell, Policy Counsel, Google Kathrin Winkler, VP, Corporate Sustainability, EMC2 Corp. 20 CLEAN ECONOMY NETWORK EDUCATION FUND •
  • 23. ELECTRICITY the market opportunities these technologies represent, By enabling real-time, two-way communication between and utilities have demonstrated that they are unwilling, utilities and consumers, there is hope that changes in and in some cases, unable to lead the way. While there both generation and end-use behavior will occur, as was not consensus on how best to address the issues consumers will be more empowered to make smarter that currently impede innovation, the discussion focused choices. Additionally, this information will create more on the problem of limited access to information and to opportunities for non-utility businesses to provide energy the grid, which makes it difficult to identify ways to drive management services. innovation forward. Not every participant agreed with this focus, and their concerns are noted in the following While lack of information access is a sizable problem, sections. it is disingenuous to suggest that merely making information available to consumers and businesses Fostering large, open platforms—both within and will solve the challenges at hand. Many proponents of outside of the utility structure—is a way to support viable smart grid platforms have treated information as the entry points to the energy market without necessitating end goal. In doing so, they fail to recognize that making a complete overhaul of the United States’ regulatory information available is necessary but not sufficient to structure. Such platforms include smart grid technologies, meet greater long-term goals like energy efficiency, home energy networks, enterprise networks, microgrids, bringing more renewable energy online, or fostering and distributed generation/storage. While platforms new market development. The challenge is far more like smart grid will complement existing infrastructure, complex: first, how to standardize mechanisms that others—like distributed generation—represent a marked make this information readily accessible, and second, departure from the current system. The characteristic how to encourage structural and behavioral changes that connects them is an emphasis on innovation: how that effectively utilize this information. In this frame, best to provide information and the corresponding information is an intermediate goal, but ultimately only structural incentives to relevant actors so they can a means to an end. Ideas about what precisely that end implement changes to our electricity system. goal entails, and how valuable smart grid-generated information is in achieving that goal, vary considerably The benefits of open platforms can be examined through among stakeholders. the lens of the information, incentive, and implementation problems presented by the current regulatory system. The potential for smart grid technologies to change the While these issues are certainly interconnected, electricity grid has been demonstrated in pilot programs addressing them separately allows for more concrete across the country. However, realizing the promise of recommendations, tailored to acknowledge and smart grid is dependent on the clean economy community incorporate specific stakeholder priorities. clearly articulating the goals of these technologies at each stage of energy generation, distribution, and use. Important questions remain unanswered, including: INFORMATION One of the electricity system’s shortcomings is the almost For consumers: total control regulators and utilities have on information • What policies are needed to guarantee consumers’ related to energy generation, distribution, and use. Open right to access smart grid data? platforms, specifically smart grid technologies, are • What policies are required to protect consumer privacy? heralded as the future of modern electricity infrastructure • Under what circumstances will consumers be because they fundamentally change which actors have interested in changing their behavior based on this access to such information. Furthermore, smart grid information? devices improve the quality of information, allowing for quicker response time by generators and utilities in For utilities: maintaining load/demand balance, addressing power • What policies are required to incentivize utilities to outages, and keeping the grid secure. Smart grid also invest their capital (not ratepayers’ capital) to become introduces the possibility for real-time pricing. more efficient in their distribution of energy? CLEAN ECONOMY ROADMAP • 21