SlideShare a Scribd company logo
By Libby Whitehorn
Barcodes are used so the product can be
scanned and bought in a shop. They are also
used for data capture, which helps gather the
what audiences and genders are buying this
product. This will help them understand how to
construct there advertisement for similar films in
the future.
Age Restrictions:
The age restriction of this film is 16. This means the DVD cover has
been designed to specifically target 16 years and above. This is
important information, due to only 16 years and above people are
able to purchase this item. This will also warn adults that the film
contains violence which will be too graphic for the younger audience.
The DVD cover clearly indicates who the
main character in the film is. In this film it
is: Brad Pitt. His name has been placed
just above the main images head. This
means that it clearly indicates who's
starring in the film, making the audience
appeal higher due to bringing Brad Pitt
fans to watch the movie. The font used to
present ‘Brad Pitt’ it spacious and sharp.
This font creates structure by representing
violence due to the harshness of the font.
Where as, the spacious aspect of the font
shows isolation. With these two aspects
contrasting it creates tension.
The imagery used for the DVD cover is
different. The main image has a mixture of
black and white imagery and coloured. With
this contrast, the main image of ‘Brad Pitt’
stands out more, causing him to be the
main focus. The black and white
background is a very detailed image of
scenery. Within the image you can see a
war like atmosphere. This destruction
shows the violence that’s included in the
film. With the image being black and white,
it creates a surreal atmosphere. With ’Brad
Pitt’ standing out with colour, it makes him
look like the only survivor. This isolation
shows the suspense that will be shown in
the film.
Another aspect to do with the imagery is the ‘Z’. The ‘Z’ vividly looks like a blood
stain. It is also a sharp font used, which adds to the violence. What hinders this is the
colour red which is used. The colour red connotes danger which immediately draws
the audience eye. This means the ‘Z’ will immediately be identified with this film, due
to how unique the symbol is. The sounding of the letter ‘Z’ is also harsh, due to it
sounding like a stinging noise.
The title of the film is ‘World War Z’. The colours used to
represent ‘World War’ is white. This contrasts with the film due
to it representing purity. This has been highlighted due to the
editor putting a shadow behind this font. This makes It look
more 3D, causing it to stand out. The font used is sharp and
boxy. Again, this portrays violence. The boxy aspects gives off
a powerful and masculine. This helps the imagery of ‘Brad Pitt’
look tall and superior.
The synopsis of the film explains what
happens within the film. It has been written
in a simple font which makes it clear and
easy to read. The colour used is white, this
is because the background colours are
dark, and the white contrasts and stands
out more.
Teaser Images/Special Feature:
The images used on the back contrast
highly. It shows both terrorizing periods in life
but one scenery is bright and together where
as the other is shambles. The images both
contain ’Brad Pitt’ which means he is the
main focus in the film. The colour contrast
explains two different moods, which shows
that the film contain empathy and sympathy.
The boarder on the two images show a
slice/time line effect. This shows that the film
will go to one extreme to the other. The
positioning of the image is in the middle
which is where the main focus is. This is
highlighted by the special features which has
been highlighted in red above the images.
The special features section is in red
because the audience will be interested to
see what they can benefit from buying this
DVD. This makes the audience feel like the
DVD was worth buying due to special
features which wont be posted online or
shown any where else.
Production Company:
The DVD cover will contain the production company
that have made the film. This is important because if it
Is a well known company, many people will go watch
more films they produce due to how good the film was
The DVD cover clearly indicates the actors included
in the film. The actors included in this film, are rather
well known. This means they will bring there own
target audience following to the film. This helps
widen the following of the film. The font is rather
boxy and bold. This helps indicate the film is action
due to the font showing confidence and power. The
colour gold represents wealth and also represents
culture. This is because it is widely linked to time
periods like Egyptians and Aztecs. It connotes
eternity, which helps display how trapped they are in
the film, causing a sense of distress. The cast has
been placed above the main title of the film which
helps highlight the celebrities in the film. This is
because the main title pops, due to its gradience in
The imagery included in the DVD cover clearly
indicates the action and adventure which will be
included. The image displays the cast, which again
brings in the interest of their fan bases. They have
used a jungle like background, which indicates the
movie is based in the jungle. Again, this adds to the
adventure side of the film. The background looks
dark and mysterious, which shows there will be
complications in the film. This indicates a lot of
drama and intense moments. The actors are all
showing different emotions, which clearly displays
what there personality traits are. This adds a bit of
comedy to the overall front cover, due to the
complications it will cause going on an adventure
with people are are terrified and not confident.
I also like the effect they have given the characters.
This makes the cast look more animated and video
game like. This hinders the story line. They have
positioned the cast on different levels too. This helps
create a sense of superiority.
The title of the film is ‘Jumanji’. The colours used are red, orange and
yellow. These colours contrast but work in sync with each other. This
shows your stereotypical jungle themed colours. This is because these
colours symbolizes wealth and adventure. The font hinders this, by it
being tall and bold. The font also contains a few shark corners, which
helps display a sense of action. Where as, the bold font shows
confidence which links into the imagery.
The slogan clearly states ‘the game has evolved’. This is
because this film has been recreated to a more modern film.
This slogan shows the development of ‘games’ from the
original version to a modern version. The font and colours
used are the same as the main title, but its placed at the
bottom due to it not being a vital part of information.
The synopsis is there to explain the basic story
line for the film. They have used a simple font
style in gold which shows a repetitive theme.
This is placed in the middle of the screen,
which draws the audiences attention. What
helps the synopsis stand out the images on the
Teaser Images:
The images used on the back show
different scenes that are included in the
movie. All these images include all of the
cast in them, which shows they are a vital
part of the movie. With the images a few of
them show action scenes, which adds to
the action and adventure side. This shows
that the film contains intense scenes.
They have also included bamboo branches
to highlight the images. This adds to the
jungle effect they are going for. This again,
hinders the fact the film is adventure and
action based. They have included three
different photos which contain different
emotions. This is why the lighting is
different in each photo. What this does, is
creates a sense of suspense and gives the
audience a taste of what emotions to expect
in the film.
Production Company:
The DVD cover will contain the information
for the production company. This is
because if they become popular and create
more films, people are most likely going to
watch further movies. This has also been
displayed in a golden colour which is a
repetitive theme.
The DVD cover clearly states the two main characters
that will appear in this film. They have placed the actors
name at the top, due to when you look at the imagery of
the picture, your eyes will look to see who the actors are
and its clearly stated and positioned at the top. The font
used to present the celebrities names are simplistic and
spacious. The simplicity makes the names clear, but the
spacious aspect to the font helps reflect the sci-fi effect,
which links to the film. The colours used are gold, which
gives off a angelic and wealthy effect. This helps display
futuristic features. This links with the sci-fi genre.
The imagery used in the DVD cover is very futuristic
and dream like. This helps give off the effect of sci-fi,
which is the genre of this film. They have included
two of the main characters on the front both looking
like they are both in two different universes. There is
also a difference in light between them which
contrasts highly. This contrast draws the audiences
attention to the centre of the page, where it crosses
over. This contrast could also represents the good
and the bad. This means its already creating tension
because the two characters look like enemies but
also star cross lovers. The golden bubbles included
to circle a main character, looks very similar to a
thinking bubble. This helps hinder the dream like
effect you can see.
Behind each character the background is different.
Behind the male (Channing Tatum) he is set in a
dark and dingy atmosphere. This creates a sense of
mystery which causes the contrast between the
image including the female (Mila Kunis). The
scenery behind the female, is light and floaty. This
gives off the dream like effect and what hinders this
is the facial expressions the characters are making.
The title of the film is ‘Jupiter Ascending’. The colours used to present
this are gold/silver like tones. This helps connotes futuristic tone due to it
showing wealth and development. The font used is very qwerky and
unique. This is because its fancy, but bold and clear. What this does is
gives off a magically effect. They have also included a beam of light in
the title. This shows us that the film will contain positive aspects by
showing a glimmer of hope. This also links into the dream and destiny
like effect.
The slogan they have included is ‘From the creators of
the Matrix Trilogy. This has been included because
Matrix was such a huge film, thats if the creator can
make a film to that standard, people are going to want
to see another film prodcued by the same company.
This also brings In the same target audience which
widens the appeal of the film.
Production Company:
The production company is included so they
can expand there target audience and
appeal on everyone. This wlll lead to people
watching movies from this company in the
future, causing the company to take in more
Teaser Images/Special Features:
The images used on the back show a variety
of different characters included in the movie.
The photos have been included in a bubble
with a golden colour. The gold represents
futuristic aspects, which creates a sense of
sci-fi. They’ve also included a photo of the
two main characters on the front cover. What
this does is highlight that they both play
important roles in the film. The imagery used
is rather dark and dingy which indicates
there will be negative aspects of the film.
This helps build tension. They have also
included the special features section in gold
because it completely contrasts with the
background due to it being black. They have
included this feature because it encourages
the audience to purchase the DVD due to
having extra scenes included when you do.
The barcode has been placed at the top because it
makes it clear to find. Barcodes are also there so
you can purchase the item. The barcode also helps
with data capture, which will help determined the
target market for future researching purposes.
The review that has been included, is a persuasive
technique to bring the audience in. This is because it
helps give a overview of the film which informs
people on facts and statistics, which we relate to
more due to them being true and not just for
advertising purposes.
The slogan has been highlighted at the top of the poster. This positioning draws the audience
there immediately, due to the contrast in colours. This is because the font is white and has been
placed on a dark background. The slogan has also been placed just above the casts heads, which
hinders the rebellion side to the slogan. This is because the cast are looking fierce and serious.
The font chosen in the slogan is bold and sharp. This sharpness shows a sense of violence. With
the text being bold, it make its look tall. This tall effect shows power which links into the ‘rebellion’
side of the slogan.
The imagery used here is very effective. They have angled the shot from a low angle. What this
does is makes the cast look more fierce and superior. This gives them power over the audience,
which creates tensions and curiosity. What adds to this, is the colours used. The image has been
made dark and dungy, which creates a sense of death and mystery. This mystery is definitely
hindered by the light which is shown in the distance. This makes the atmosphere look foggy and
destructive. The positioning of the cast on the poster, also adds a creepy but intriguing side to it.
They have placed the main character in the middle, but distanced him. Where as, everyone else is
surrounding him. This looks like they are protecting him and following him as the leader in the
They’ve placed two well known characters from the story at the front, because you can easily
identify which film it is, without knowing the title.
The title of the film is ‘Harry Potter’. This is a well known film across the Uk and internationally. The
colour used for the title is silver, which gives off the connotes of modernisation and high tech. This
links with the film due to magic and other resources used in the film hat clearly indicate the films
harry potter. The fonts sharp and spiky. There is a thunder bolt included in the ‘Potter’. This is
because its a iconic symbol for Harry Potter, due to the main character having a scar on his
forehead. The rest of the font looks very industrial, which again gives a modern and high tech feel
about the film.
Production Information/Cinema Release Dates:
They have included information about the film at the bottom. This information isn't important to what
they want to advertise, but they have to inform the viewer on aspects of the film like release cast,
production company and age restriction. The most important information in this section is the release
date of the film in cinemas. This is highlighted more boldly, which gives off a higher importance from
the rest of the text.
With this poster they have included the cast information at the top. This positioning does
make the cast names stand out, but they are easily identified with the image. This is because
they are all well known, marvel actors. The font used to display there names is bold and tall.
This helps display the films genre as being action. This is because this font shows
confidence and power.
The image used in the photo is effective due to it making the genre clear of the film. They
have included a lot of blues and dark shades with the colours. This is because blue
represents freedom which links into the superhero being saviours. The dark colours helps
indicate that there is danger, which shows the action side to the movie. The cast have been
placed all in action poses, which again helps represent the action side to the film. It also
shows all the casts weapons which the audience can easily identify them with. For example:
Thor is represented by his hammer. The angle of the superhero have been photographed at
a low shot which makes them look powerful and superior. Where as the scenery is a long
distance shot. This helps display the destruction which the cast have to solve.
The title of the film, which is displayed on the poster is: ‘Avengers’. The colours used in the
font is silver. Silver connotes futuristic aspects which link into an industrial effect. This helps
modernise the poster, due to the advancement in technology. The font used is very boxy and
tall. This helps make the title bold but also greats a power aspect. The letter ‘A’ has been
made to look like a shield, which reflects that the cast are there to protect. This gives off a
sense of security and hope.
Production company/other important information:
The poster has included the production company in a bold red box. This is because it completely
contrasts the other colours making it stand out more. This is important to include, because
‘Marvel’ is a well known company. This means they will bring in marvel fans, which means the
movie will make more money in the long run. They have included important information is small
fonts which are rather sci-fi looking. They have made sure the date of the release stands out so
the audience knows when to see the film at the cinema. The font used with ‘MAY 4’ is very
similar to the main titles font. This again, gives the effect of a shield which helps display a sense
of security and hope.
The slogan included in this poster is ‘Welcome to a world without rules’. This slogan is daring and
instantly excites the audience. The font has different boldnesses for each letter. What this does is
adds a unique twist onto the font making the film poster different and qwerky. The colour used is a
dark blue. This doesn't stand out, but it blends into the sky which adds mystery to the overall film
The imagery used is different but it makes clear that there is a
lot of destruction in the film. The colours used are all dark which
adds a sense of danger and mystery. This makes the audience
question the casts role, whether he is a good guy or a bad guy.
This is because how he is displayed, from a low angle, shows a
aggressive and superior figure. What adds to this aggression is
the logo which has been branded into the building behind him.
This is clearly his logo, due to the character being known as
By Libby Whitehorn
Interview 1:
1) Why is digital advertising important?
I believe that digital advertising is important because it reachers a wider and younger audience as
social media has a wider younger audience from a wider geographical location.
2) What’s the biggest mistake you see in advertising posts?
The biggest mistake I've seen in an adverting post is probably the spelling when it comes to
localising the advert in their local language.
3) What merchandise do you see most frequently?
The merchandise I see most frequently are keychains, plush toys and posters.
4) What’s the most important aspect of a DVD cover? Why?
The most important aspect of a dvd cover I would say would be the image on the front, for
example iconic covers like jaws, a clockwork orange and silence of the lambs.
5) What attracts you to social media pages?
Nothing attracts me to social media pages, I just stumble upon them.
Interview 1 Analysis:
Interview 2:
1) Why is digital advertising important?
Digital advertising is important because almost everyone has access to media and therefore digital
advertising has a far larger reach than a local poster or an article in you local newspaper.
2) What’s the biggest mistake you see in advertising posts?
I personally think advertisements that try to be traditional by showing you the product and trying to sell you
the product doesn't work nowadays as people have much shorter attention spans.
3) What merchandise do you see most frequently?
Probably boyband merchandise.
4) What’s the most important aspect of a DVD cover? Why?
I think the most important aspects of a DVD cover are that all the characters are displayed well across the
cover so you can see all the characters and the cast.
5) What attracts you to social media pages?
Either being able to see a variety of different lifestyles and ideas or just general entertainment.
Interview 2 Analysis:
Interview 3:
1)Why is digital advertising important?
Because it can be more creative and it can reach more people over the internet.
2)What’s the biggest mistake you see in advertising posts?
Companies trying to make adverts around current trends on the internet as they always make me dislike the
company and make me not want to purchase whatever is being advertised.
3)What merchandise do you see most frequently?
I often see merchandise that relates to television programs and films. I also see a lot of music merchandise
that relates to an artist or a band.
4)What’s the most important aspect of a DVD cover? Why?
There are several important aspects of a DVD cover since if only one is good then it won't grab the attention
of a person walking past.
5) What attracts you to social media pages?
It depends on the page as the reasons vary. I will look at a social media page if I like the thing it is about or
if it is a meme page.
Interview 3 Analysis:
Survey Results
By Libby Whitehorn

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2. Research For FMP

  • 2. Barcode: Barcodes are used so the product can be scanned and bought in a shop. They are also used for data capture, which helps gather the what audiences and genders are buying this product. This will help them understand how to construct there advertisement for similar films in the future. Age Restrictions: The age restriction of this film is 16. This means the DVD cover has been designed to specifically target 16 years and above. This is important information, due to only 16 years and above people are able to purchase this item. This will also warn adults that the film contains violence which will be too graphic for the younger audience. Cast: The DVD cover clearly indicates who the main character in the film is. In this film it is: Brad Pitt. His name has been placed just above the main images head. This means that it clearly indicates who's starring in the film, making the audience appeal higher due to bringing Brad Pitt fans to watch the movie. The font used to present ‘Brad Pitt’ it spacious and sharp. This font creates structure by representing violence due to the harshness of the font. Where as, the spacious aspect of the font shows isolation. With these two aspects contrasting it creates tension. Imagery: The imagery used for the DVD cover is different. The main image has a mixture of black and white imagery and coloured. With this contrast, the main image of ‘Brad Pitt’ stands out more, causing him to be the main focus. The black and white background is a very detailed image of scenery. Within the image you can see a war like atmosphere. This destruction shows the violence that’s included in the film. With the image being black and white, it creates a surreal atmosphere. With ’Brad Pitt’ standing out with colour, it makes him look like the only survivor. This isolation shows the suspense that will be shown in the film. Another aspect to do with the imagery is the ‘Z’. The ‘Z’ vividly looks like a blood stain. It is also a sharp font used, which adds to the violence. What hinders this is the colour red which is used. The colour red connotes danger which immediately draws the audience eye. This means the ‘Z’ will immediately be identified with this film, due to how unique the symbol is. The sounding of the letter ‘Z’ is also harsh, due to it sounding like a stinging noise. Title: The title of the film is ‘World War Z’. The colours used to represent ‘World War’ is white. This contrasts with the film due to it representing purity. This has been highlighted due to the editor putting a shadow behind this font. This makes It look more 3D, causing it to stand out. The font used is sharp and boxy. Again, this portrays violence. The boxy aspects gives off a powerful and masculine. This helps the imagery of ‘Brad Pitt’ look tall and superior. Synopsis: The synopsis of the film explains what happens within the film. It has been written in a simple font which makes it clear and easy to read. The colour used is white, this is because the background colours are dark, and the white contrasts and stands out more. Teaser Images/Special Feature: The images used on the back contrast highly. It shows both terrorizing periods in life but one scenery is bright and together where as the other is shambles. The images both contain ’Brad Pitt’ which means he is the main focus in the film. The colour contrast explains two different moods, which shows that the film contain empathy and sympathy. The boarder on the two images show a slice/time line effect. This shows that the film will go to one extreme to the other. The positioning of the image is in the middle which is where the main focus is. This is highlighted by the special features which has been highlighted in red above the images. The special features section is in red because the audience will be interested to see what they can benefit from buying this DVD. This makes the audience feel like the DVD was worth buying due to special features which wont be posted online or shown any where else. Production Company: The DVD cover will contain the production company that have made the film. This is important because if it Is a well known company, many people will go watch more films they produce due to how good the film was previously.
  • 3. Cast: The DVD cover clearly indicates the actors included in the film. The actors included in this film, are rather well known. This means they will bring there own target audience following to the film. This helps widen the following of the film. The font is rather boxy and bold. This helps indicate the film is action due to the font showing confidence and power. The colour gold represents wealth and also represents culture. This is because it is widely linked to time periods like Egyptians and Aztecs. It connotes eternity, which helps display how trapped they are in the film, causing a sense of distress. The cast has been placed above the main title of the film which helps highlight the celebrities in the film. This is because the main title pops, due to its gradience in colour. Imagery: The imagery included in the DVD cover clearly indicates the action and adventure which will be included. The image displays the cast, which again brings in the interest of their fan bases. They have used a jungle like background, which indicates the movie is based in the jungle. Again, this adds to the adventure side of the film. The background looks dark and mysterious, which shows there will be complications in the film. This indicates a lot of drama and intense moments. The actors are all showing different emotions, which clearly displays what there personality traits are. This adds a bit of comedy to the overall front cover, due to the complications it will cause going on an adventure with people are are terrified and not confident. I also like the effect they have given the characters. This makes the cast look more animated and video game like. This hinders the story line. They have positioned the cast on different levels too. This helps create a sense of superiority. Title: The title of the film is ‘Jumanji’. The colours used are red, orange and yellow. These colours contrast but work in sync with each other. This shows your stereotypical jungle themed colours. This is because these colours symbolizes wealth and adventure. The font hinders this, by it being tall and bold. The font also contains a few shark corners, which helps display a sense of action. Where as, the bold font shows confidence which links into the imagery. Slogan: The slogan clearly states ‘the game has evolved’. This is because this film has been recreated to a more modern film. This slogan shows the development of ‘games’ from the original version to a modern version. The font and colours used are the same as the main title, but its placed at the bottom due to it not being a vital part of information. Synopsis: The synopsis is there to explain the basic story line for the film. They have used a simple font style in gold which shows a repetitive theme. This is placed in the middle of the screen, which draws the audiences attention. What helps the synopsis stand out the images on the back. Teaser Images: The images used on the back show different scenes that are included in the movie. All these images include all of the cast in them, which shows they are a vital part of the movie. With the images a few of them show action scenes, which adds to the action and adventure side. This shows that the film contains intense scenes. They have also included bamboo branches to highlight the images. This adds to the jungle effect they are going for. This again, hinders the fact the film is adventure and action based. They have included three different photos which contain different emotions. This is why the lighting is different in each photo. What this does, is creates a sense of suspense and gives the audience a taste of what emotions to expect in the film. Production Company: The DVD cover will contain the information for the production company. This is because if they become popular and create more films, people are most likely going to watch further movies. This has also been displayed in a golden colour which is a repetitive theme.
  • 4. Cast: The DVD cover clearly states the two main characters that will appear in this film. They have placed the actors name at the top, due to when you look at the imagery of the picture, your eyes will look to see who the actors are and its clearly stated and positioned at the top. The font used to present the celebrities names are simplistic and spacious. The simplicity makes the names clear, but the spacious aspect to the font helps reflect the sci-fi effect, which links to the film. The colours used are gold, which gives off a angelic and wealthy effect. This helps display futuristic features. This links with the sci-fi genre. Imagery: The imagery used in the DVD cover is very futuristic and dream like. This helps give off the effect of sci-fi, which is the genre of this film. They have included two of the main characters on the front both looking like they are both in two different universes. There is also a difference in light between them which contrasts highly. This contrast draws the audiences attention to the centre of the page, where it crosses over. This contrast could also represents the good and the bad. This means its already creating tension because the two characters look like enemies but also star cross lovers. The golden bubbles included to circle a main character, looks very similar to a thinking bubble. This helps hinder the dream like effect you can see. Behind each character the background is different. Behind the male (Channing Tatum) he is set in a dark and dingy atmosphere. This creates a sense of mystery which causes the contrast between the image including the female (Mila Kunis). The scenery behind the female, is light and floaty. This gives off the dream like effect and what hinders this is the facial expressions the characters are making. Title: The title of the film is ‘Jupiter Ascending’. The colours used to present this are gold/silver like tones. This helps connotes futuristic tone due to it showing wealth and development. The font used is very qwerky and unique. This is because its fancy, but bold and clear. What this does is gives off a magically effect. They have also included a beam of light in the title. This shows us that the film will contain positive aspects by showing a glimmer of hope. This also links into the dream and destiny like effect. Slogan: The slogan they have included is ‘From the creators of the Matrix Trilogy. This has been included because Matrix was such a huge film, thats if the creator can make a film to that standard, people are going to want to see another film prodcued by the same company. This also brings In the same target audience which widens the appeal of the film. Production Company: The production company is included so they can expand there target audience and appeal on everyone. This wlll lead to people watching movies from this company in the future, causing the company to take in more money. Teaser Images/Special Features: The images used on the back show a variety of different characters included in the movie. The photos have been included in a bubble with a golden colour. The gold represents futuristic aspects, which creates a sense of sci-fi. They’ve also included a photo of the two main characters on the front cover. What this does is highlight that they both play important roles in the film. The imagery used is rather dark and dingy which indicates there will be negative aspects of the film. This helps build tension. They have also included the special features section in gold because it completely contrasts with the background due to it being black. They have included this feature because it encourages the audience to purchase the DVD due to having extra scenes included when you do. Barcode: The barcode has been placed at the top because it makes it clear to find. Barcodes are also there so you can purchase the item. The barcode also helps with data capture, which will help determined the target market for future researching purposes. Reviews: The review that has been included, is a persuasive technique to bring the audience in. This is because it helps give a overview of the film which informs people on facts and statistics, which we relate to more due to them being true and not just for advertising purposes.
  • 5. Slogan: The slogan has been highlighted at the top of the poster. This positioning draws the audience there immediately, due to the contrast in colours. This is because the font is white and has been placed on a dark background. The slogan has also been placed just above the casts heads, which hinders the rebellion side to the slogan. This is because the cast are looking fierce and serious. The font chosen in the slogan is bold and sharp. This sharpness shows a sense of violence. With the text being bold, it make its look tall. This tall effect shows power which links into the ‘rebellion’ side of the slogan. Imagery: The imagery used here is very effective. They have angled the shot from a low angle. What this does is makes the cast look more fierce and superior. This gives them power over the audience, which creates tensions and curiosity. What adds to this, is the colours used. The image has been made dark and dungy, which creates a sense of death and mystery. This mystery is definitely hindered by the light which is shown in the distance. This makes the atmosphere look foggy and destructive. The positioning of the cast on the poster, also adds a creepy but intriguing side to it. They have placed the main character in the middle, but distanced him. Where as, everyone else is surrounding him. This looks like they are protecting him and following him as the leader in the rebellion. They’ve placed two well known characters from the story at the front, because you can easily identify which film it is, without knowing the title. Title: The title of the film is ‘Harry Potter’. This is a well known film across the Uk and internationally. The colour used for the title is silver, which gives off the connotes of modernisation and high tech. This links with the film due to magic and other resources used in the film hat clearly indicate the films harry potter. The fonts sharp and spiky. There is a thunder bolt included in the ‘Potter’. This is because its a iconic symbol for Harry Potter, due to the main character having a scar on his forehead. The rest of the font looks very industrial, which again gives a modern and high tech feel about the film. Production Information/Cinema Release Dates: They have included information about the film at the bottom. This information isn't important to what they want to advertise, but they have to inform the viewer on aspects of the film like release cast, production company and age restriction. The most important information in this section is the release date of the film in cinemas. This is highlighted more boldly, which gives off a higher importance from the rest of the text.
  • 6. Cast: With this poster they have included the cast information at the top. This positioning does make the cast names stand out, but they are easily identified with the image. This is because they are all well known, marvel actors. The font used to display there names is bold and tall. This helps display the films genre as being action. This is because this font shows confidence and power. Imagery: The image used in the photo is effective due to it making the genre clear of the film. They have included a lot of blues and dark shades with the colours. This is because blue represents freedom which links into the superhero being saviours. The dark colours helps indicate that there is danger, which shows the action side to the movie. The cast have been placed all in action poses, which again helps represent the action side to the film. It also shows all the casts weapons which the audience can easily identify them with. For example: Thor is represented by his hammer. The angle of the superhero have been photographed at a low shot which makes them look powerful and superior. Where as the scenery is a long distance shot. This helps display the destruction which the cast have to solve. Title: The title of the film, which is displayed on the poster is: ‘Avengers’. The colours used in the font is silver. Silver connotes futuristic aspects which link into an industrial effect. This helps modernise the poster, due to the advancement in technology. The font used is very boxy and tall. This helps make the title bold but also greats a power aspect. The letter ‘A’ has been made to look like a shield, which reflects that the cast are there to protect. This gives off a sense of security and hope. Production company/other important information: The poster has included the production company in a bold red box. This is because it completely contrasts the other colours making it stand out more. This is important to include, because ‘Marvel’ is a well known company. This means they will bring in marvel fans, which means the movie will make more money in the long run. They have included important information is small fonts which are rather sci-fi looking. They have made sure the date of the release stands out so the audience knows when to see the film at the cinema. The font used with ‘MAY 4’ is very similar to the main titles font. This again, gives the effect of a shield which helps display a sense of security and hope.
  • 7. Slogan: The slogan included in this poster is ‘Welcome to a world without rules’. This slogan is daring and instantly excites the audience. The font has different boldnesses for each letter. What this does is adds a unique twist onto the font making the film poster different and qwerky. The colour used is a dark blue. This doesn't stand out, but it blends into the sky which adds mystery to the overall film poster. Imagery: The imagery used is different but it makes clear that there is a lot of destruction in the film. The colours used are all dark which adds a sense of danger and mystery. This makes the audience question the casts role, whether he is a good guy or a bad guy. This is because how he is displayed, from a low angle, shows a aggressive and superior figure. What adds to this aggression is the logo which has been branded into the building behind him. This is clearly his logo, due to the character being known as ‘Batman’.
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  • 12. Interview 1: 1) Why is digital advertising important? I believe that digital advertising is important because it reachers a wider and younger audience as social media has a wider younger audience from a wider geographical location. 2) What’s the biggest mistake you see in advertising posts? The biggest mistake I've seen in an adverting post is probably the spelling when it comes to localising the advert in their local language. 3) What merchandise do you see most frequently? The merchandise I see most frequently are keychains, plush toys and posters. 4) What’s the most important aspect of a DVD cover? Why? The most important aspect of a dvd cover I would say would be the image on the front, for example iconic covers like jaws, a clockwork orange and silence of the lambs. 5) What attracts you to social media pages? Nothing attracts me to social media pages, I just stumble upon them.
  • 14. Interview 2: 1) Why is digital advertising important? Digital advertising is important because almost everyone has access to media and therefore digital advertising has a far larger reach than a local poster or an article in you local newspaper. 2) What’s the biggest mistake you see in advertising posts? I personally think advertisements that try to be traditional by showing you the product and trying to sell you the product doesn't work nowadays as people have much shorter attention spans. 3) What merchandise do you see most frequently? Probably boyband merchandise. 4) What’s the most important aspect of a DVD cover? Why? I think the most important aspects of a DVD cover are that all the characters are displayed well across the cover so you can see all the characters and the cast. 5) What attracts you to social media pages? Either being able to see a variety of different lifestyles and ideas or just general entertainment.
  • 16. Interview 3: 1)Why is digital advertising important? Because it can be more creative and it can reach more people over the internet. 2)What’s the biggest mistake you see in advertising posts? Companies trying to make adverts around current trends on the internet as they always make me dislike the company and make me not want to purchase whatever is being advertised. 3)What merchandise do you see most frequently? I often see merchandise that relates to television programs and films. I also see a lot of music merchandise that relates to an artist or a band. 4)What’s the most important aspect of a DVD cover? Why? There are several important aspects of a DVD cover since if only one is good then it won't grab the attention of a person walking past. 5) What attracts you to social media pages? It depends on the page as the reasons vary. I will look at a social media page if I like the thing it is about or if it is a meme page.