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O Sister, Where Art Thou?
Women in the
Ancient Church
Jesus and Pandora’s Box
Women in Ancient Context
1. To recognize the cultural influences on the early Christians.
2. Jesus was revolutionary !
An Analogy
For the early Christians...
Mom and Dad were Jewish,
Their neighborhood was Roman,
The education system was Greek.
Ancient Hebrew Culture
Ancient Hebrew Culture
Patriarchal Society
Patriarchy literally means "the rule of the father”.
Historically, the term patriarchy
was used to refer to autocratic rule
by the male head of a family.
In modern times, it generally refers
to social systems in which power is
primarily held by adult men.
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes
First Centuries AD & BC
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes
Women were generally limited to their father’s or husband’s home.
They were considered inferior to men, and under the authority of
men (father or husband).
Parents (fathers) arranged marriages for their children.
Rabbinic law held that the testimony of 100 women is not equal to
that of one man.
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: Do not Educate your Daughter
Mishnah Sotah 3:4
Rabbi Eli'ezer says: Whoever teaches his daughter Torah is
considered as if he taught her foolishness.
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: Do not Educate your Daughter
Mishnah Sotah 3:4
Rabbi Eli'ezer says: Whoever teaches his daughter Torah is
considered as if he taught her foolishness.
Deuteronomy 3: 12
“Assemble the people—men, women and children, and the
foreigners residing in your towns—so they can listen and learn to
fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: Do Not Talk to Women
“He who talks much with womankind brings evil upon himself and
neglects the study of the Law and at the last will inherit Gehenna.”
Yose ben Yochanan, man of Jerusalem, says, "May your home be
open wide, may the poor be members of your household and do not
increase conversation with the woman."
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: On Divorce
The Tomb of Shammari
(50 BC – 30 AD)
Hillel the Elder
(110 BC – 10 AD)
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: On Divorce
The Tomb of Shammari
(50 BC – 30 AD)
Hillel the Elder
(110 BC – 10 AD)
Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They
asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife
for any and every reason?”
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: On Marriage
Marriages were arranged.
Husband (father) was the legal and religious authority.
Divorce was easy (for men).
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Ancient Hebrew Culture
General Attitudes: On Marriage
“May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe, a graceful deer—
may her breasts satisfy you always,
may you ever be intoxicated with her love.”
(Proverbs 5)
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
“Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, ‘I'll work for you seven years in
return for your younger daughter Rachel.’” (Genesis 29)
Song of Solomon
Ancient Hebrew Culture
The Veil The Old Testament assumes that a
woman's hair will be put up.
Full facial veiling of women was
Veiling by a shawl may have been a
matter of either indifference or
Loose hair was a sign of distress
and not a style.
Philo interpreted the veil as a sign of humility.
Ancient Hebrew Culture
1. Women were not directly involved in temple worship.
2. In the synagogue their participation was limited.
3. Women were excluded/exempted from many practices.
Ancient Hebrew Culture
Impressive Women: Tenakh
Ancient Hebrew Culture
Impressive Women: Tulmud
The Talmud itself mentions very few learned women.
“There were two (unnamed) scholarly women who came before
Rabbi Akiva with a question...” (early second century AD).
“Another (unnamed) woman came to R. Eliezer with a question
concerning a Biblical interpretation...”
Ancient Hebrew Culture
Impressive Women: Tulmud
Bruriah (2nd Century) is one of the few
women quoted as a sage in the Talmud.
When Rabbi Meir (her husband) once prayed that God rid him of his drunken
neighbors. Hearing him, Beruriah gently said to him: "The Psalmist says: 'May
the sins disappear from the earth.' You see, the word is sins, not sinners. One
should pray that evil disappear, then there will be no evildoers."
Ancient Greek Culture
Ancient Greek Culture
Unity and Diversity among Greek communities.
Ancient Greek Culture
Mythology: Gods and Goddesses
Forces of Nature
Ideal beings
Stories with Allegories
Ancient Greek Culture
Mythology: Gods and Goddesses
Ancient Greek Culture
Mythology: Gods and Goddesses
Reflecting Male Dominance
Ancient Greek Culture
Mythology: Pandora’s Box
Ancient Greek Culture
Mythology: Amazons
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: Socrates
Diotima of Martine
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: Plato
"Women and men have the same nature
in respect to the guardianship of the
state, save insofar as the one is weaker
and the other is stronger." (Republic)
An idealist that speculated in
egalitarianism in The Republic.
The soul is sexless and thus men
and women are potentially equal in
nature, though men are stronger
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: Plato
“Of the men who came into the world,
those who were cowards or led
unrighteous lives may with reason be
supposed to have changed into the
nature of women in the second
(From the Tamaeus)
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: Aristotle
“The relation of male to female is by nature a relation of superior to
inferior and ruler to ruled." (Politics)
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: The Great Chain of Being
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: The Great Chain of Being
The idea of the Great Chain is derived from Plato and Aristotle,
and comes to its most influential form in Plotinus’s Neo-
Three Characteristics
Plenitude: The universe is full.
Continuity: Everything is connected
Gradation: There is a top to bottom hierarchy.
Everything in the world has its position fixed by God.
Ancient Greek Culture
Philosophers: The Great Chain of Being
Note on the Great Chain
1. Everything is connected to the divine, so everything can be a
window to the divine.
2. This view is often used to defend hierarchical relationships.
3. Ruling Metaphor; the Great Chain or the Circle of Life?
Ancient Greek Culture
Ancient Greek Culture
Society: Women
Women in the ancient Greek world had few rights in comparison to
male citizens.
Unable to vote,
Unable to own land, or inherit,
A woman’s place was in the home,
And her purpose in life was raising children.
The ultimate goal of a girl’s education was to prepare her for her role
in rearing a family and not directly to stimulate intellectual
Ancient Greek Culture
Society: Marriage
Young women were expected to marry as a virgin, and marriage was
usually arranged. Typical age of girl was 13 or 14.
All women were expected to marry; there was no role in Greek
society for single mature females.
Ancient Greek Culture
Society: Marriage
But, what about romance?
Yes, there was romance
and love, but...
Ancient Greek Culture
Society: Marriage
Married women were under the complete authority of their husbands.
Women could not attend public assemblies, vote, or hold public office.
Even a woman’s name was not to be mentioned in public.
Ancient Greek Culture
Society: Religion
There were special privileges and
responsibilities for priestesses
and others serving in temples.
Example: Pythoness at Delphi.
Ancient Greek Culture
Exceptional Women
Sappho of Lesbos
(630-580 BC)
Plato called her the “Tenth Muse”.
Tatian wrote, “This Sappho is a lewd and
love-sick female, and sings her own
wantonness.” (Tatian)
Ancient Greek Culture
Exceptional Women
Sappho of Lesbos
(630-580 BC)
Arete of Cyrene
(400 BC)
Clement of Alexandria
mentions Arete as one of a
long line of women who
cultivated their souls.
Ancient Greek Culture
Exceptional Women
Sappho of Lesbos
(630-580 BC)
Arete of Cyrene
(400 BC)
Gorgo, Queen of Sparta
(d. around 480 BC)
Ancient Roman Culture
Ancient Roman Culture
Pater familias
Father of the House
1. Legally responsible for all.
2. Owned all property, made all decisions.
3. Could punish, adopt, sell, or kill his own
children (also slaves).
4. Retained this power till death.
Ancient Roman Culture
Mater familias
Mother of the House
1. Responsible for running the house.
2. Had few rights.
3. Remained under husband rule.
4. Dowry provided, if divorced dowry
is returned.
Ancient Roman Culture
1. Marriages were normally arranged.
2. If a wife did not bear a son the husband could divorce her.
3. If divorced, children would stay with the father.
4. Roman girls were often married in their early teenage years, while
men waited until they were in their mid-twenties.
Ancient Roman Culture
5. The Father decided whether to keep newborn babies.
6. Female slaves were at the mercy of their masters.
7. If a child born of a slave by her master it was considered a slave.
Ancient Roman Culture
Augustan Marriage Laws:
Men between the ages of twenty-five and sixty, and women between
twenty and fifty had to be married.
Ancient Roman Culture
Politics and trade was the domain of men.
Ancient Roman Culture
Politics and trade was the domain of men.
Priestess Eumachia
Vestial Virgins
Vestial Virgins
Vestial Virgins
Influential Women
Influential Women
Too Pushy?
Fulvia (83 BC – 40 BC)
Influential Women
Rome’s Ideal Woman?
Livia Drusilla (58 BC – 29 AD)
Too Pushy?
Fulvia (83 BC – 40 BC)
Influential Women
Hortensia (42 BC)
Influential Women
Hortensia (42 BC)
“Why should we pay taxes when we
have no part in pubic office or honors or
commands or government in general, an
evil you have fought over with such
disastrous results? Because, you say, this
is a time of war? And when have there
not been wars? and when have women
paid taxes? By nature of their sex women
are absolved from paying taxes among
all mankind...
...But we will never pay taxes for civil
wars, and we will not cooperate with you
against each another.”
It was a Man’s World.
Males were held to be superior to females.
There were no Individual Human Rights.
Hierarchical – Undeveloped idea of equality.
Women had limited legal status or power.
No Rabbi Would
Have Done That!
No Negative Words
“In all of Jesus’ teaching, as well as his behavior, one can find
nothing which reflects the discrimination against women prevalent
in his day.” (John Paul II)
The gospel stories place women as faithful and men as jealous,
hypocritical, and doubting.
Obeying His (manipulating) Mother (John 12: 1-12)
“When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no
more wine.”
“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not
yet come.”
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
...What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs
through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in
Who is My Mother? (Matthew 12: 47-50)
Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside,
wanting to speak to you.”
He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”
Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my
brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my
brother and sister and mother.”
Female Friends
Mary and Martha
John 11
“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister
(Mary) and Lazarus.”
Luke 10
Mary takes the position of a student (education).
Martha has the freedom to complain (she speaks and interrupts).
The Woman at the Well
John 4
She is a Samaritan!
She is a Woman!
She has a Past!
A Social Outcast!
The Woman at the Well
The Woman Caught in Adultery
John 8
Cultural Hypocrisy
Mercy, not Justice
The Woman at the Well
The Woman Caught in Adultery
The Woman that Touched Him
Mark 5
Jesus ignored ritual impurity laws.
He talked to a woman in public.
The Woman at the Well
The Woman Caught in Adultery
The Woman that Touched Him
Washing Jesus’ Feet
The Pharisee said, “If Jesus were a prophet, he would know that the
woman touching him is a sinner!”
Female Disciples
Luke 10, he taught Mary, sister of Martha.
Luke 8 describes the inner circle of Jesus' followers:
“The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil
spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had
come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna;
and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own
Mostly women were present at Jesus' execution.
Resurrection Appearance
Matthew 28
“After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of
the week, Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary went to look at the tomb...
Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him,
clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not
be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see
He called her a “dog”?
Matthew 15
A Canaanite woman... came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy
on me!
...He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
“Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their
master’s table.”
Only Male Disciples. What’s with that?
Only Male Disciples. What’s with that?
1. Jesus Recognized Male Leadership.
2. Jesus Recognized Cultural Limitations
Jews and Gentiles did not take women seriously as witnesses.
Female Apostles would have been, at best, ignored by the people of that day.
No Rabbi Would Have Done That!
1. Respect & Dignity
2. Mercy & Compassion
3. Entrusted with his Message
4. Friendship
No Rabbi Would Have Done That!
1. Respect & Dignity
2. Mercy & Compassion
3. Entrusted with his Message
4. Friends
Read Paul with Jesus.

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2 pandora's box

  • 1. O Sister, Where Art Thou? Women in the Ancient Church PART TWO
  • 2. Jesus and Pandora’s Box Women in Ancient Context
  • 3. Goals 1. To recognize the cultural influences on the early Christians. 2. Jesus was revolutionary !
  • 4. An Analogy For the early Christians... Mom and Dad were Jewish, Their neighborhood was Roman, The education system was Greek.
  • 6. Ancient Hebrew Culture Patriarchal Society Patriarchy literally means "the rule of the father”. Historically, the term patriarchy was used to refer to autocratic rule by the male head of a family. In modern times, it generally refers to social systems in which power is primarily held by adult men.
  • 7. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes First Centuries AD & BC
  • 8. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes Women were generally limited to their father’s or husband’s home. They were considered inferior to men, and under the authority of men (father or husband). Parents (fathers) arranged marriages for their children. Rabbinic law held that the testimony of 100 women is not equal to that of one man.
  • 9. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: Do not Educate your Daughter Mishnah Sotah 3:4 Rabbi Eli'ezer says: Whoever teaches his daughter Torah is considered as if he taught her foolishness.
  • 10. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: Do not Educate your Daughter Mishnah Sotah 3:4 Rabbi Eli'ezer says: Whoever teaches his daughter Torah is considered as if he taught her foolishness. Deuteronomy 3: 12 “Assemble the people—men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns—so they can listen and learn to fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this law.”
  • 11. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: Do Not Talk to Women “He who talks much with womankind brings evil upon himself and neglects the study of the Law and at the last will inherit Gehenna.” Yose ben Yochanan, man of Jerusalem, says, "May your home be open wide, may the poor be members of your household and do not increase conversation with the woman."
  • 12. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: On Divorce The Tomb of Shammari (50 BC – 30 AD) Hillel the Elder (110 BC – 10 AD)
  • 13. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: On Divorce The Tomb of Shammari (50 BC – 30 AD) Hillel the Elder (110 BC – 10 AD) Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”
  • 14. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: On Marriage Marriages were arranged. Husband (father) was the legal and religious authority. Divorce was easy (for men). What’s Love Got to Do with It?
  • 15. Ancient Hebrew Culture General Attitudes: On Marriage “May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.” (Proverbs 5) What’s Love Got to Do with It? “Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, ‘I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.’” (Genesis 29) Song of Solomon
  • 16. Ancient Hebrew Culture The Veil The Old Testament assumes that a woman's hair will be put up. Full facial veiling of women was unlikely. Veiling by a shawl may have been a matter of either indifference or neglect. Loose hair was a sign of distress and not a style. Philo interpreted the veil as a sign of humility.
  • 17. Ancient Hebrew Culture Religion Monotheism 1. Women were not directly involved in temple worship. 2. In the synagogue their participation was limited. 3. Women were excluded/exempted from many practices.
  • 18. Ancient Hebrew Culture Impressive Women: Tenakh Sarah Miriam Deborah Esther
  • 19. Ancient Hebrew Culture Impressive Women: Tulmud The Talmud itself mentions very few learned women. “There were two (unnamed) scholarly women who came before Rabbi Akiva with a question...” (early second century AD). “Another (unnamed) woman came to R. Eliezer with a question concerning a Biblical interpretation...”
  • 20. Ancient Hebrew Culture Impressive Women: Tulmud Bruriah (2nd Century) is one of the few women quoted as a sage in the Talmud. When Rabbi Meir (her husband) once prayed that God rid him of his drunken neighbors. Hearing him, Beruriah gently said to him: "The Psalmist says: 'May the sins disappear from the earth.' You see, the word is sins, not sinners. One should pray that evil disappear, then there will be no evildoers."
  • 22. Ancient Greek Culture Unity and Diversity among Greek communities.
  • 23. Ancient Greek Culture Mythology: Gods and Goddesses Forces of Nature Ideal beings Stories with Allegories Superheroes Unknowable
  • 24. Ancient Greek Culture Mythology: Gods and Goddesses
  • 25. Ancient Greek Culture Mythology: Gods and Goddesses Reflecting Male Dominance
  • 28. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: Socrates Diotima of Martine
  • 29. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: Plato "Women and men have the same nature in respect to the guardianship of the state, save insofar as the one is weaker and the other is stronger." (Republic) An idealist that speculated in egalitarianism in The Republic. The soul is sexless and thus men and women are potentially equal in nature, though men are stronger physically.
  • 30. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: Plato “Of the men who came into the world, those who were cowards or led unrighteous lives may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of women in the second generation.” (From the Tamaeus)
  • 31. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: Aristotle “The relation of male to female is by nature a relation of superior to inferior and ruler to ruled." (Politics)
  • 32. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: The Great Chain of Being
  • 33. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: The Great Chain of Being The idea of the Great Chain is derived from Plato and Aristotle, and comes to its most influential form in Plotinus’s Neo- Platonism. Three Characteristics Plenitude: The universe is full. Continuity: Everything is connected Gradation: There is a top to bottom hierarchy. Everything in the world has its position fixed by God.
  • 34.
  • 35. Ancient Greek Culture Philosophers: The Great Chain of Being Note on the Great Chain 1. Everything is connected to the divine, so everything can be a window to the divine. 2. This view is often used to defend hierarchical relationships. 3. Ruling Metaphor; the Great Chain or the Circle of Life?
  • 37. Ancient Greek Culture Society: Women Women in the ancient Greek world had few rights in comparison to male citizens. Unable to vote, Unable to own land, or inherit, A woman’s place was in the home, And her purpose in life was raising children. The ultimate goal of a girl’s education was to prepare her for her role in rearing a family and not directly to stimulate intellectual development.
  • 38. Ancient Greek Culture Society: Marriage Young women were expected to marry as a virgin, and marriage was usually arranged. Typical age of girl was 13 or 14. All women were expected to marry; there was no role in Greek society for single mature females.
  • 39. Ancient Greek Culture Society: Marriage But, what about romance? Yes, there was romance and love, but...
  • 40. Ancient Greek Culture Society: Marriage Married women were under the complete authority of their husbands. Women could not attend public assemblies, vote, or hold public office. Even a woman’s name was not to be mentioned in public.
  • 41. Ancient Greek Culture Society: Religion There were special privileges and responsibilities for priestesses and others serving in temples. Example: Pythoness at Delphi.
  • 42. Ancient Greek Culture Exceptional Women Poet Sappho of Lesbos (630-580 BC) Plato called her the “Tenth Muse”. Tatian wrote, “This Sappho is a lewd and love-sick female, and sings her own wantonness.” (Tatian)
  • 43. Ancient Greek Culture Exceptional Women Poet Sappho of Lesbos (630-580 BC) Philosopher Arete of Cyrene (400 BC) Clement of Alexandria mentions Arete as one of a long line of women who cultivated their souls.
  • 44. Ancient Greek Culture Exceptional Women Poet Sappho of Lesbos (630-580 BC) Philosopher Arete of Cyrene (400 BC) Gorgo, Queen of Sparta (d. around 480 BC)
  • 46. Ancient Roman Culture Pater familias Father of the House 1. Legally responsible for all. 2. Owned all property, made all decisions. 3. Could punish, adopt, sell, or kill his own children (also slaves). 4. Retained this power till death.
  • 47. Ancient Roman Culture Mater familias Mother of the House 1. Responsible for running the house. 2. Had few rights. 3. Remained under husband rule. 4. Dowry provided, if divorced dowry is returned.
  • 48. Ancient Roman Culture Marriage 1. Marriages were normally arranged. 2. If a wife did not bear a son the husband could divorce her. 3. If divorced, children would stay with the father. 4. Roman girls were often married in their early teenage years, while men waited until they were in their mid-twenties.
  • 49. Ancient Roman Culture Marriage 5. The Father decided whether to keep newborn babies. 6. Female slaves were at the mercy of their masters. 7. If a child born of a slave by her master it was considered a slave.
  • 50. Ancient Roman Culture Marriage Augustan Marriage Laws: Men between the ages of twenty-five and sixty, and women between twenty and fifty had to be married.
  • 51. Ancient Roman Culture Politics Politics and trade was the domain of men.
  • 52. Ancient Roman Culture Politics Politics and trade was the domain of men.
  • 59. Influential Women Rome’s Ideal Woman? Livia Drusilla (58 BC – 29 AD) Too Pushy? Fulvia (83 BC – 40 BC)
  • 61. Influential Women Outspoken Hortensia (42 BC) “Why should we pay taxes when we have no part in pubic office or honors or commands or government in general, an evil you have fought over with such disastrous results? Because, you say, this is a time of war? And when have there not been wars? and when have women paid taxes? By nature of their sex women are absolved from paying taxes among all mankind... ...But we will never pay taxes for civil wars, and we will not cooperate with you against each another.”
  • 62. SUMMARY It was a Man’s World. Males were held to be superior to females. There were no Individual Human Rights. Hierarchical – Undeveloped idea of equality. Women had limited legal status or power.
  • 64. Jesus No Negative Words “In all of Jesus’ teaching, as well as his behavior, one can find nothing which reflects the discrimination against women prevalent in his day.” (John Paul II) The gospel stories place women as faithful and men as jealous, hypocritical, and doubting.
  • 65. Jesus Obeying His (manipulating) Mother (John 12: 1-12) “When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” ...What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
  • 66. Jesus Who is My Mother? (Matthew 12: 47-50) Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
  • 67. Jesus Female Friends Mary and Martha John 11 “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister (Mary) and Lazarus.” Luke 10 Mary takes the position of a student (education). Martha has the freedom to complain (she speaks and interrupts).
  • 68. Jesus Outcasts The Woman at the Well John 4 She is a Samaritan! She is a Woman! She has a Past! A Social Outcast!
  • 69. Jesus Outcasts The Woman at the Well The Woman Caught in Adultery John 8 Cultural Hypocrisy Mercy, not Justice
  • 70. Jesus Outcasts The Woman at the Well The Woman Caught in Adultery The Woman that Touched Him Mark 5 Jesus ignored ritual impurity laws. He talked to a woman in public.
  • 71. Jesus Outcasts The Woman at the Well The Woman Caught in Adultery The Woman that Touched Him Washing Jesus’ Feet The Pharisee said, “If Jesus were a prophet, he would know that the woman touching him is a sinner!”
  • 72. Jesus Female Disciples Luke 10, he taught Mary, sister of Martha. Luke 8 describes the inner circle of Jesus' followers: “The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means.”
  • 73. Jesus Crucifixion Mostly women were present at Jesus' execution.
  • 74. Jesus Resurrection Appearance Matthew 28 “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb... Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
  • 75. Jesus He called her a “dog”? Matthew 15 A Canaanite woman... came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! ...He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
  • 76. Jesus Only Male Disciples. What’s with that?
  • 77. Jesus Only Male Disciples. What’s with that? 1. Jesus Recognized Male Leadership. 0r 2. Jesus Recognized Cultural Limitations Jews and Gentiles did not take women seriously as witnesses. Female Apostles would have been, at best, ignored by the people of that day.
  • 78. Jesus Summary No Rabbi Would Have Done That! 1. Respect & Dignity 2. Mercy & Compassion 3. Entrusted with his Message 4. Friendship
  • 79. Jesus Summary No Rabbi Would Have Done That! 1. Respect & Dignity 2. Mercy & Compassion 3. Entrusted with his Message 4. Friends Read Paul with Jesus.

Editor's Notes

  1. 2. Jesus sets the stage for Paul.
  2. Menorah floor design, 1st to 6th century. First 10 years Christianity was a Jewish faith. After that, Gentile, retaining the Jewish Scriptures. Jewish culture is looked down on.
  3. It comes from the Greek πατριάρχης. Patriarkhēs, "father of a race" or "chief of a race, patriarch”. Hebrew, Greek, and Roman societies were dominated by men. Every family was a “kingdom unto itself”.
  4. Jews have been influenced by… Greek and Roman culture, Both positively (accommodation) and negatively (reactionary). Jerusalem or Alexandria
  5. How Jesus Discipled Women, Alice Mathews Is this why Mary Magdalene was not taken seriously by the disciples? In Roman Law women could testify.
  6. Mishnah: Collection of oral tradition. Eliezer: First century Rabbi. Foolishness (lewdness, sexual license). Many Rabbis did educate their own daughters Tell a child they are stupid and they will believe it.
  7. Eliezer: First century Rabbi. Foolishness (lewdness, sexual license) Many Rabbis did educate their own daughters
  8. Jose ben Johanan of Jerusalem m. Avot 1:15 Synagogue: Women generally were quiet, sat in the back. Respectable Jews did not converse with women in public. Unbalanced thinking.
  9. 2 Competing Schools of Thought: Hillel teaching a youth the entire Torah while standing on one foot. The Tomb of Shammar, Maron River in Israel. H. “What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary.”
  10. H. A man may divorce his wife for burning his dinner. S. Limited divorce to large issues, such as adultery. Divorced woman is disgraced, and w/o support (homeless).
  11. Where was the romance? Marriage is not based on love.
  12. Where was the romance? Judges 14, Samson sees a girl and his parents to arrange marriage. Marital love in 1st century would be viewed as a blessing. Fiddler on the Roof, “Do you love me?” Seneca (or is it Cicero?)
  13. Lack of descriptive evidence and artwork. From ancient synagogue (date unknown) No evidence that Philo’s interpretation was accepted by many.
  14. Monotheism: God reveals himself in male terms, or, the culture understands leadership in male terms. 1. Not allowed in the Inner Court. Purity Laws. 2. Though there were no laws there was general practice. Lack of information, there may have been more involvement. 3. Pilgrimages, Mary did not have to travel to Jerusalem, but did.
  15. Where are they? B. Hagigah 20a Learned Women in Traditional Jewish Society, by Cheryl Tallan and Emily Taitz (Jewish Women’s Archive web site) There were “scholarly” women, but unnamed. Philo mentions female Jewish philosophers (scholars) in Alexandria, but gives no names. Alexandria was liberal.
  16. Scholar, wife and daughter of Rabbis. Rabbi Meir was her husband. Highly intelligent, participated in religious discussions. Famous first century Jewish women: Look in the gospels. Death of her 2 sons, "Tell me, my husband, what shall I do? Some time ago something was left with me for safe-keeping. Now the owner has returned to claim it. Must I return it?"
  17. The Educational System
  18. City-state There was diversity among the differing groups of Greeks. Similar culture and language, differing in government and society. Athens and Sparta were very different, and fought but could unite to fight Persians.
  19. Pic, Zeus located in Athens. Diverse interpretations of their nature. There were thousands of deities. Plutarch, priest of Apollo, was a Neo-Platonist. Christian interpretations: Demons, angels…
  20. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Dionysios, Pan. Hera, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hestia, Demeter. 3 are chaste virgins. Female deities are above & greater than human men. Like humans are better than horses, and horses are greater than rats.
  21. Gaya and Rhea (pic) though before Zeus, they are subordinated to Zeus. Zeus defeated his father and rules over his mother. The gods were male creations. Even though Rhea is Mom & Gaya the earth, Zeus is in control.
  22. Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to men. Both P and men were to be punished. Men are punished by the creation of women, Pandora. Pandora opened the box and let out all miseries, but closed it before hope escaped. Similar to Eve?
  23. Forget Wonder Woman, they butchered Greek mythology. The Amazons were daughters of Ares and the enemies of men.
  24. Socrates, in the Symposium, attributes his teaching of Platonic Love to Diotima of Martine.
  25. Note: Both male and female guard dogs can serve equally well. In the Timaeus Plato appears to down grade women as inferior. He wrote dialogues, he not overly systematic. Note: The soul is sexless.
  26. Did he change his views? Or just throwing out ideas?
  27. He disagreed with his teacher often. Women are by nature inferior!
  28. Based on Aristotle (and Plato), adopted by Christian theologians. Females are normally placed below males. According to medieval theologians the order is “fixed” by God.
  29. Continuity: Each shares something with its neighbor. Strong influence on early Christians: Augustine, Origen… This is the worldview of the Medieval theologians. Nothing changes, static view of the world.
  30. The Circle of Life: We’re all in this together. This is not just about men and women, its about our worldview. Nature: Everything is connected, but not above and below.
  31. 1. But in diminishing capacity 2. In society, in home, in everything. It is fixed. 3. Which ruling metaphor should we use? There are two problems: society & ecosystems. The general is not superior by nature, but by agreement.
  32. Here on is a foot note, because the Greek influence is primarily in education (philosophy).
  33. Women in USA granted that right in 1920 AD
  34. Scene fro the Odyssey, Odysseus returning to Penelope. Marriage was not based on romance. Outside relationships (both male and female) were common for men. Pederasty was common for both boys and girls. A Ephesian Tale
  35. Remember, commoners probably lived differently. Athens retreat before the Persians leaving their wives behind.
  36. True for Romans and Christians during Middle Ages.
  37. Tatian 2.79
  38. She was a philosopher from Libya, N. Africa who studied and taught in Athens. Socrates taught her father. Clement of Alexandria mentions Arete of Cyrene (in the Stromata) Moderate Hedonist, taught in Athens.
  39. Gorgo was a political leader and wife of King Leonidas (Movie 300) Image is of a Spartan woman. She is remembered for her wisdom. Note worthy is her advice to uncover a hidden message (written on a tablet which was then covered with wax) before the Persian invasion. There is a limited supply of exceptional women
  40. From The Baker’s House, Pompeii. Neo and wife Note: She is holding a pen, she is educated. The Neighborhood
  41. Everything is under his authority. 4. Upon death power went to eldest son.
  42. 2. She cold inherit, but upon remarriage husband would own all. 3. Father could recall his daughter and marry her to another.
  43. This is the norm, not without exceptions. 1. She was owned by her father until she is owned by her husband. 2. Father could recall his married daughter to give her to another. 4. This is why there were so many wealthy widows.
  44. 5. After birth, the midwife placed babies on the ground: only if the paterfamilias picked it up was the baby formally accepted into the family. 6. Wives expected to remain faithful, not husbands.
  45. The punishment was usually in taxation.
  46. Women stay out! This does not mean that they did not have influence. They did, behind the scenes.
  47. Lisa Murkowski is out.
  48. Pompeii Wealthy woman, priestess & very influential. Became popular by rebuilding projects.
  49. A woman, if lucky, could escape the normal life through religion.
  50. Vesta, (Greek Hestia) Goddess of the hearth (kitchen fire). The eternal fire burned inside Vesta’s temple, kept by the virgins. This flame was the heart and soul of Rome.
  51. 30 year service: 10 as student, 10 in service, & 10 as teacher. Had to remain virgin, if not then death. They were trusted with wealth and secrets. Lived privileged life, even through retirement. They were free from male dominion.
  52. Most famous women were famous because of their husband. For Rome a great woman was a great mother supporting her husband.
  53. First non-mythical Roman woman on a coin. She put on a sword when Mark Anthony was away and encouraged his troops to attack Pompey’s men. They lost, she lost. Most remembered for sticking pins in the tongue of Cicero’s head.
  54. Wife of emperor Augustus of Rome, mother of emperor Tiberius, and grandmother of emperor Claudius. She achieved prominence living in the shadow of a strong leader, serving silently as his advisor and confidant. Supportive of her husband’s reform policies, as well as turning a blind eye to his infidelities, she served the empire as a symbol of the loyal Roman wife.
  55. First woman in Rome to address the senate with a political complaint. She stands on her own, with a crowd outside (not in husband’s shadow).
  56. She got them to lower the number to be taxed. Partly due to her supporters outside preparing to riot, otherwise senate would have ignored her. earned notoriety during the late Roman Republic as a skilled orator. She is best known for giving a speech in front of the members of the Second Triumvirate in 42 B.C. that resulted in the partial repeal of a tax on wealthy Roman women.
  57. Men lead; women heed.
  58. No Rabbi would have Done That! From the catacombs of Rome. Note, Jesus w/o beard.
  59. (John Paul II, Mulieris Dignitatem, 13, 1988. Quoted in Malone v 1, p. 17; also Mathews)
  60. The word translated as “woman” is a term of respect. Mary manipulated God and thus changed history. She adapted history to meet her own wishes.
  61. He is encompassing all women into Mary’s role. God is everyone’s “father”. No one on earth had authority over him.
  62. The sisters are mentioned before the brother. Don’t forget Mary Magdalene. 1 Cor 14  Women[f] should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak,
  63. Jesus acted completely contrary to social expectations. This did not stop Jesus from (what appears to be) going out of his way, getting rid of his disciples for a while, so that he could deal with her one on one. Like Mary Magdalene, she is the first to announce the gospel to her people. Culture say, Stay away. Jesus sent the disciples away so he could deal with her.
  64. He stood up for a woman that was clearly guilty. He showed compassion, not judgment. Note the cultural hypocrisy of blame the woman, not the man.
  65. According to the Bible, a woman is impure for seven days from the beginning of her menstrual flow (Lev. 12:2; 15:19). Anyone who touches a menstruous woman becomes unclean until evening (Lev. 15:19).
  66. We actually have a protesting Pharisee. A teacher shocked at Jesus’ acceptance of a sinful woman.
  67. Rabbi Eliezer wrote in the 1st century CE: "Rather should the words of the Torah be burned than entrusted to a woman... Whoever teaches his daughter the Torah is like one who teaches her obscenity." It would appear that about half of his closest followers were women. The ladies “helped” to pay. The disciples appear to have pooled their resources. Female followers would have been viewed as scandalous.
  68. The men had fled from the scene. (John 19 describes John as being present with the women.) Women stayed, men fled.
  69. The First to Announce the Resurrection The Samaritans believed the “woman at the well”, the disciples didn’t regard Mary’s message.
  70. A couple of issues that come up. “Dog” was a common Hebrew slang for Gentile. Because of her race or her culture of origin, not because of her gender. Another possibility is that he responded to her in a tongue-in-cheek fashion rather out of anger or callousness.
  71. The answer can only be speculation.
  72. Both are speculation! Remember 1 Corinthians 15. Mary Magdalene was ignored by the Apostles. Jewish law did not recognize women’s testimonies.
  73. 1. He spoke and answered them. Did not silence them. 2. Did not condemn the woman without the man. Didn’t blame Eve. 3. Mary Magdalene & Samaritan women. 4. He had female friends; Mary and Martha of Bethany.
  74. 1. He spoke and answered them. Did not silence them. 2. Did not condemn the woman without the man. Didn’t blame Eve. 3. Mary Magdalene & Samaritan women. 4. He had female friends; Mary and Martha of Bethany.